January 23, 2019
Aussie Girl in Alaska
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with Kylie Campbell
Get your kit and skoot up that hill
The Kat to Koot
winter alpine
race challenges
Yukoners and
Alaskans to
summit and ski
tour Mt. Ripinski
on February 23
PHOTOS: David Gonda
Lindsay Johnson going over the rules and requirements of the race, with Mt. Ripinski in the background
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aines’ third annual Kat
to Koot winter alpine adventure race begins at
the Southeast Alaska State Fairgrounds and ends around six mile
Lutak Road by way of Mt. Ripinski
summit of 1097 metres.
Lindsay Johnson and members
of the Haines Alpine Touring Society (HATS) started the race in 2017
as a way to build human-powered
backcountry community. “We’d
been talking about a competition
of some kind and this race idea fit
in with the larger Haines Winterfest,” said Johnson, “Anyone who
likes having human-powered fun
in the mountains. All ages and
modes [of transport such as skis,
boards, snowshoes] welcome.”
The first competition was held
on March 5th, 2017 and only one
Yukoner competed, Guillaume
Levesque. In 2018, HATS moved
the race date to February 22,
during Yukon’s Rendezvous long
weekend. The change allowed the
vast majority of avid Yukon skitouring and splitboarding enthusiasts to come and compete in the
enduring race, to allow for driving to Haines.
“[I was attracted to] being
with friends, spending a weekend
in Haines and supporting a ‘local’
event from a neighbour community,” said Levesque. “It also happened when snow conditions were
relatively bad in the Haines and
White Pass the last 2 years, so it
was fun to do something different.”
The number of participants
from the territory who ventured
through the white out conditions
of the mountain skyrocketed,
from one Yukoner in 2017, to 22
Yukoners out of a total 43 competitors in 2018. The fastest team
took three hours and two minutes
and the slowest seven hours and
43 minutes. Most racers compete
with skis and snowboards, but
there is also an alternate option
for snowshoeing part of the mountain.
Graham Kraft, owner and
craftsman of Fairweather Ski
Works, has been a champion of the
event both years, and a member
of the fastest team in 2018 with
team members Bartosz Pieciul &
Ray Reeves. However, with larger
numbers of Yukoners present, they
were closely followed by runnersup Petr Polivka and Miriam Lukszova from Whitehorse three hours
and nine minutes.
When asked if Haines residents
will always dominate the race,
Johnson replied, “Not necessarily,
especially if we keep the course
the same. The second-place team
last year hailed from Whitehorse
and were close on the heels of the
winning team.”
“We definitely have strong
people who could put in a competitive time at the event,”
said Levesque, “It won’t be me
though! The Haines locals are
used to doing that stuff as a quick
after work adventure, so I guess it
all depends who shows up.”
What will this year bring; will
the Haines skiers and snowboarders be beaten by a Yukon team?
The Experience
I heard about this ski-touring
race and I thought this was my opportunity to really push my limits
and grow my skills. I had managed
to convince Erik Stevens, fore-
caster and director at the Haines
Avalanche Center, to be my skitouring partner for the race. I’m
sure to this day he still regrets the
The group of Haines and Yukon
skiers congregated around Fairweather Ski Works shop in the
Alaska State Fairgrounds. Most
seemed rather intensely focused
while some wore unicorn costumes ready to have some fun during the race. As users signed up,
it was made clear that you must
have avalanche safety equipment,
a partner and run over the course
details beforehand, to ensure
everyone was able to complete
the race safely.
The mountain conditions were
white out. But the day before the
race, in preparation for such a
predicated day, Haines locals flagged the entire route.
The race started, some had ski
boots on, some had hiking boots
on, but everyone was carrying
their skis and snowboards as they
walked and ran down the roads to
Piedad Road, to start the ascent
up Mt. Ripinski.
Immediately, I noticed that
crampons and spikes were required, as the paths were covered
in ice. It was my first time in ski
boots and crampons and to summarise politely, it was not a pleasant experience.
As we trudged slowly up, I continued to slip and we lost a lot of
ground in the race, so much so
that the sweepers caught up to us.
“Oh Erik, what are you doing here?” the sweeper asked,
shocked to see a Haines resident
cont’d on page 3 ...
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January 23, 2019
Get your kit and skoot up that hill ... cont’d
The start of the hike from the fairgrounds with the white
out view of Mt. Ripinski ahead
wards up the mountain. We got to the
north summit and I
was exhausted. I felt
that the mountain had
beaten me, but it was
time to ski down.
amazing, but once you
are past the point of
pushing your limits,
it’s hard to enjoy it.
We got to the treeline and had to transition back to crampons
On the Cover
Gordie Tentrees is hosting an
eight-part songwriter workshop series
PHOTO: courtesy of Gordie Tentrees
What’s Inside
Aussie Girl .......................... 2
Yukon See It Here ................. 4
Eye on the Outdoors .............. 5
Living With Wildlife ............... 7
Teams slowly making their way down from the summit
were credited with
so far behind. I was
“hot laps”, which were
more ski-touring and
frustrated, but we
skiing before finishing
persevered on.
the race.)
Finally, we could
transition from the
Every part of my
crampons to skis,
body ached, I had run
and up the mounout of tears to cry, and
tain we went. First,
I was utterly exhaustfollowing
ed. But most of all, I
the trees, then into
was so embarrassed.
more open alpine
I may have had one
terrain. I was unable
of my most horrible
to see anything. I
experiences after such
was following tracks
a terrible backcountry
from other racers
A team running to the finish line
and entrusting my
partner who has skied
to hike down the
this mountain multiple times.
By this point, my mental atti- ice. I continued
tude was not in the right place. I to slip upside
felt upset about how terrible I was down and I got
doing at the race and how embar- stuck under my
rassing it was. As we climbed up skis which were
to the north summit, I looked out wedged between
to an abyss and a drop off in the my pack. Evenwhite out, and my fear of heights tually, we made
got the better of me. I collapsed it down and I
on the ground, regressing to the vowed I would
first time I ever went up a moun- never ski again.
tain. I was filled with sheer terror The slowest time
Snowshoers also participate
other than ours
and erratic fear.
was four hours 46 minutes. We had ski winter and I may have utterly
“Are you ok?” Erik asked.
come in dead last at seven hours failed, like many endeavours in
“No, I’m not ok, I wailed.
I gathered myself, and my and 34 minutes. (A Yukon group 2018. It took me a month to build
breathing, and we continued on- were technically slower, but they my self confidence again to go ski-
ing. But that’s part of the challenge, even if you don’t see it
straight away.
But now in 2019, I will go do
this race again. I’m almost certain to be in last place, but I will
complete the race with new skills
learned and more confidence.
(And not crying. And, hopefully,
under seven hours and 34 minutes.
Certainly, the bar hasn’t been set
too high, right?)
The entry fee gets you an original map and entry to the film
festival, while supporting the
Haines Alpine Touring Society’s
hut fund and the Southeast Alaska
State Fair.
The Haines’ Alpine Adventure
Ski-Touring Race (aka Kat to Koot)
will be held Saturday February
23, 2019. It is a part of Southeast
Alaska State Fair Winterfest activities, visit www.SeakFair.org/
Kylie Campbell is an Aussie who
learned to ski 7 years ago at
the ripe age of 25, conquering
being an absolute chicken when
it comes to anything “fun”.
She loves skiing and is still a
perpetual optimist she will be
good at it one of these days.
A professional clean...
Is a different kind of clean
Inspire Song - North for 90 .... 10
Seasonal Recipes ................ 12
Jazz on the Wing:
Jodi Proznik - Triology ......... 15
Violence 101 Pt. 3 .............. 21
Grey Matters ..................... 22
Whitehorse Listings ................ 8
Highlights .......................... 17
Active Interests................... 18
Community Listings .............. 20
205-105 Titanium Way,
Whitehorse Yukon Y1A 0E7
Ph: 667-2910
What’s Up Yukon Team
Editorial Danny Macdonald
Client Care Tammy Beese
Mauretia Holloway
Monica Garcia
Design Lesley Ord
Team Paulette Comeau
Didier Delahaye
What would you rather be doing?
Admin Penny Bielopotocky
Keira Howard
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January 23, 2019
January 23, 2019
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Whitehorse EVENTS
Until Sat. Jan. 26 What We Become in the
Shadows, Arts Underground. Explores the
literal, metaphysical, and psychological realms
of shadow using ceramics, wood and stone
sculpture, natural objects, poetry, mirrors, fabric,
lights and video projection.
Until Feb. 23 James Quong Photographer,
Arts Underground. Friends of the Yukon Archives
Society presents “James Quong Photographer”
Until Wed. Mar. 6 Art Exhibit - To Talk
With Others, Yukon Arts Centre. Through a
diverse range of media, the artists reactivate
the document and ultimately continue the
conversation surrounding self-determination.
Free and welcoming to all.
Wed. Jan. 23 Whitewater Wednesday 7:00 PM
Epic Pizza goes till we are done!
Thu. Jan. 24 Klondike Karaoke 2019 6:00 PM
The Old Fire Hall Great prizes to be won, and
whole lot of fun to be had! Sign up to participate!
All Ages FREE
Thu. Jan. 24 Gold Rush Jam 7:30 PM Best
Western Gold Rush Inn
Thu. Jan. 24 LIVE: Steve Slade 8:00 PM
Whiskey Jacks Pub & Grill
Thu. Jan. 24 Ginger Jam 8:00 PM Epic Pizza
Fully electric jam session with PA system, drum
kit and guitars provided to musicians. Featuring
guest co-hosts and performers.
Fri. Jan. 25 The Midnight Sons 7:30 PM Best
Western Gold Rush Inn
Tickets are available in advance at the museum
front desk.
Wed. Jan. 23 Whitehorse United Church Choir
Practice 7:30 PM Whitehorse United Church
Wed. Jan. 23 Vanya and Sonia and Masha and
Spike 8:00 PM The Guild Hall The story revolves
around the relationships of three middle-aged
single siblings, two of whom live together, and
takes place during a visit by the third, Masha.
Tickets online or at the door.
Wed. Jan. 23 Hump Day Trivia 8:00 PM Yukon
Inn in the Boiler Room
Thu. Jan. 24 New Horizons Workshops for
Seniors - Relief Printmaking on Painted
Surfaces 1:00 PM Yukon Artists at Work Gallery
All supplies provided. Call Patrick at 456-7629 to
register. Ages 55+
Thu. Jan. 24 Selma 6:00 PM The Edge on Main
Academy Award winning and Golden Globe
Nominated “Selma” in honour of the 61st Martin
Luther King day. Food will be provided and there
is a discussion to follow.
Thu. Jan. 24 Pastry 101 - Old Fashioned Pie
Dough 6:00 PM Well Bread Culinary Centre Inc.
Learn to make traditional dough using lard and
shortening and talk about common problems
with pastry dough and how to avoid or correct
issues. Call or email to register or for more info.
Thu. Jan. 24 Chess Corner 6:30 PM Yukon
College Chess played in room A2101, beginners
welcome, welcome to bring your own ‘lucky’
board. Everyone welcome to sit in on this game
of strategy.
Thu. Jan. 24 Christ Church Cathedral Choir
Practice 7:30 PM Christ Church Cathedral
Fri. Jan. 25 Karaoke 9:00 PM Yukon Inn in the
Boiler Room
Thu. Jan. 24 Vanya and Sonia and Masha and
Spike 8:00 PM The Guild Hall The story revolves
around the relationships of three middle-aged
single siblings, two of whom live together, and
takes place during a visit by the third, Masha.
Tickets online or at the door.
Sat. Jan. 26 Junk & Stretch9 7:00 PM Town &
Mountain Hotel Tickets available at the front desk
of The Town and Mountain Hotel
Fri. Jan. 25 Cedar Hat Workshop 9:00 AM The
Old Fire Hall To register call 634-3309 or e-mail
Sat. Jan. 26 Jennihouse 7:30 PM Best Western
Gold Rush Inn
Fri. Jan. 25 Dusk’a Friday Language Lunches
12:00 PM Duska Head Start and Family
Learning Center Bring a bag lunch and come
learn Southern Tutchone with our special guest
speakers. Call Erin Pauls for more information
633-7816. All Kwanlin citizens and staff are
Fri. Jan. 25 LIVE: Rick Sward 9:00 PM Whiskey
Jacks Pub & Grill
Sat. Jan. 26 The Honey Badgers 7:30 PM Best
Western Gold Rush Inn
Sat. Jan. 26 LIVE: Kim Rogers & Hal Jordan
9:00 PM Whiskey Jacks Pub & Grill
Sat. Jan. 26 Karaoke 9:00 PM Yukon Inn in the
Boiler Room
Sun. Jan. 27 Open Mic Jam Hosted By Rixx &
Roxx 6:00 PM Whiskey Jacks Pub & Grill
Sun. Jan. 27 Jam Session 6:00 PM 98 Hotel
Bring your instrument and have fun!
Sun. Jan. 27 Jazz on the Wing - Featuring
Triology 7:30 PM Yukon Arts Centre Triology
features three of Canada’s most sought after jazz
musicians. Tickets online or at the door. 3342789
Sun. Jan. 27 Mackenzie Brown 7:30 PM Best
Western Gold Rush Inn
Mon. Jan. 28 LIVE: Maddie B-Traplin & Jamie
Pickard 6:00 PM Whiskey Jacks Pub & Grill
Wed. Jan. 30 Whitewater Wednesday 7:00 PM
Epic Pizza goes till we are done!
Wed. Jan. 23 Spanish Conversation Group
12:00 PM Yukon Government Administration
Building Join us inside the Bridges Café 6336081 Terry or Michèle
Wed. Jan. 23 New Horizons Workshops for
Seniors - Make a Coaster with Rug Hooking
Method 1:00 PM Lorne Mountain Community
Centre You need to attend the two workshops
to finish your coaster. For details and to reserve
your space, call Patrick Royle, 456-7629.
Wed. Jan. 23 Beer & Paint Night: Put Another
Raven On It! 6:00 PM Winterlong Brewing Co.
A festive holiday paint night at the Tasting Room
run by Ammanda of Partridge with a Paintbrush.
Call 393-2223 for more info, or sign up at
Elements Hair Studio and Day Spa
Wed. Jan. 23 Drop Spindle Yarn Spinning
Class 6:30 PM Itsy-Bitsy Yarn Store Learn how
to spin your own yarn using a drop spindle, cost
includes one drop spindle but not fibre. Please
register at Itsy-Bitsy by phone 335-9276 or email
Wed. Jan. 23 Beer Series 7:00 PM MacBride
Museum Beer and Storytelling! Each evening
will pair a historical Yukon topic with a local
brewery,so pull up a chair and learn about
the Yukon’s history and the brewers behind it.
Fri. Jan. 25 New Horizons Workshops for
Seniors - Relief Printmaking on Painted
Surfaces 1:00 PM Yukon Artists at Work Gallery
All supplies provided. Call Patrick at 456-7629 to
register. Ages 55+
Fri. Jan. 25 L’Homme De Hus 7:00 PM The Old
Fire Hall The one-hour, one-man show follows
a philosopher clown as he moves through a
world of pitfalls, dealing with unpredictable
consequences he can’t escape.Tickets online.
Fri. Jan. 25 Vanya and Sonia and Masha and
Spike 8:00 PM The Guild Hall The story revolves
around the relationships of three middle-aged
single siblings, two of whom live together, and
takes place during a visit by the third, Masha.
Tickets online or at the door.
Sat. Jan. 26 L’Homme De Hus 4:00 PM The
Old Fire Hall The one-hour, one-man show
follows a philosopher clown as he moves through
a world of pitfalls, dealing with unpredictable
consequences he can’t escape.Tickets online.
Sat. Jan. 26 Mixology Class - Classic
Cocktails with a Yukon Twist 6:00 PM Well
Bread Culinary Centre Inc. Learn some cocktail
making basics; how to use bitters and make
simple syrup infusions, mix cocktails and make
garnishes. Email or call/text
335-4133 to register.
Sat. Jan. 26 Crib Tournament 6:15 PM Royal
Canadian Legion - Branch 254 Crib tournaments
every Saturday - Member and non-members
Sat. Jan. 26 Vanya and Sonia and Masha and
Spike 8:00 PM The Guild Hall The story revolves
around the relationships of three middle-aged
single siblings, two of whom live together, and
takes place during a visit by the third, Masha.
Tickets online or at the door.
Sun. Jan. 27 Create Your Life in 2019 - Vision
Board Workshop 9:00 AM Whitehorse, Yukon
This full day immersion experience includes all
supplies, the time and space to really focus on
your dreams and some personalized coaching
during the day.
Sun. Jan. 27 Adult RPG Drop-in - Dungeons
& Dragons, Pathfinder and More 12:00 PM
Whitehorse Public Library Monthly Role-Playing
January 23, 2019
It’s Free. It’s Fast. It’s Easy.
Or email them to:
Game (RPG) Free! No experience necessary.
All supplies provided. Must be 18 years of age
or older.
Sun. Jan. 27 Whitehorse Scrabble Club 1:00
PM Best Western Gold Rush Inn Are you a
wordy person, put your words to the test and join
the Scrabble Club. Must be 19+
Sun. Jan. 27 Ceramics Open Studio 2:30 PM
Arts Underground Non-instructed open studio.
Participants are welcome to use the studio’s
tools and equipment; clay and some tools are
available for purchase. Every Sunday except
long weekends. $5/hour.
Sun. Jan. 27 Vanya and Sonia and Masha and
Spike 8:00 PM The Guild Hall The story revolves
around the relationships of three middle-aged
single siblings, two of whom live together, and
takes place during a visit by the third, Masha.
Tickets online or at the door.
Mon. Jan. 28 Free drop-in computer labs 10:00
AM Yukon Learn Free Drop-In Computer Lab for
Self Directed Studies A tutor/Instructor will be
available on site to assist you. 867-668-6280 or
toll free: 888-668-6280 Fax: 867-633-4576
Mon. Jan. 28 Community Dialogue Community & Culture 5:30 PM Westmark
Whitehorse Local co-facilitators and note takers
will be present and on-site counselling and
mental health supports will be available. Email
for more information.
Mon. Jan. 28 GO The Surrounding Game 6:00
PM Starbucks Chilkoot Centre Simple Game
Deep Strategy. Beginners & Visitors Welcome.
For more information email:
Mon. Jan. 28 Euchre Night 6:00 PM Royal
Canadian Legion - Branch 254 667-2802
Mon. Jan. 28 Women in the Woodshop - Drop
in Space 6:30 PM Yukonstruct Innovation Hub
You must be an active makerspace member to
attend, and you must have previously taken the
woodshop safety orientation class.
Tue. Jan. 29 FASD Informed Support Yukon
College Course training aims answer the
questions of caregivers, multidisciplinary frontline service providers, professionals, community
members and others who care about and work
with individuals with FASD. Call or email for more
information. 456.8589
Tue. Jan. 29 Second-hand Clothing Bazaar
5:30 PM Whitehorse Seventh-day Adventist
Church Donations of clean clothing in good
condition welcome. All proceeds go to charitable
causes. For more info. call 633-3463.
Tue. Jan. 29 Medieval Life Drawing 6:00 PM
Arts Underground Members from the Medieval
fighting group, Company of the White Wolf,
will be posing in costume for this life drawing
session. Bring your own drawing tools and paper.
To register, call 667-4080.
Tue. Jan. 29 Abandoned Mines in the Yukon
- The Financial Picture 6:30 PM Whitehorse
Public Library Mining analyst Lewis Rifkind for
an informative presentation about the financial
impacts of abandoned mines in the Yukon.
Tue. Jan. 29 JCAY Taiko Practice 7:00 PM
Christ the King Elementary To register by email
, please mark “Taiko
registration” in the subject line.
Tue. Jan. 29 Drop-in Dart League 7:00 PM The
Local Bar Mixed dart league. Drop in for some
Wed. Jan. 30 Aging in Place Public Forum
8:30 AM Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre A look
at the results of the Government of Yukon’s
public engagement on Aging in Place, as well as
further discussion on this important topic. A light
breakfast and lunch will be provided.
Wed. Jan. 30 Spanish Conversation Group
12:00 PM Yukon Government Administration
Building Join us inside the Bridges Café 6336081 Terry or Michèle
Wed. Jan. 30 Free Photography Sessions for
Yukon Permanent Art Collection Submissions
2:00 PM Arts Underground Free photography
sessions to assist artists in preparing their work
for submission. 667-5858
Wed. Jan. 30 Cartoonist - Sophie Labelle 5:00
PM Mac’s Fireweed Books Sophie Labelle, the
trans cartoonist of Assigned Male from Montreal,
is on a Canadian tour, come and meet her for
this intimate book signing.
Wed. Jan. 30 Learn to Brioche Class 6:30 PM
Itsy-Bitsy Yarn Store Learn the basic brioche
stitch as well as increasing and decreasing using
two colours to create a cozy and reversible neck
warmer/cowl. Please register in advance at
Itsy-Bitsy by phone 335-9276 or email contact@
itsy-bitsy.ca or in person.
Wed. Jan. 30 Community Build Night 7:00 PM
Yukonstruct Innovation Hub If you are interested
in woodwork, metal work, or would like to just
hang out with other members and have a fun
social build night, Snacks and beverages will be
Wed. Jan. 30 Whitehorse United Church Choir
Practice 7:30 PM Whitehorse United Church
Wed. Jan. 30 Vanya and Sonia and Masha and
Spike 8:00 PM The Guild Hall The story revolves
around the relationships of three middle-aged
single siblings, two of whom live together, and
takes place during a visit by the third, Masha.
Tickets online or at the door.
Wed. Jan. 30 Hump Day Trivia 8:00 PM Yukon
Inn in the Boiler Room
Monday & Fridays Preschool Drop-in
Gymnastics 10:00 AM Polarette’s Gymnastic
Club Silly songs and preschool free play, call
668-4794 for more information.
Monday – Friday Learning Together 9:00 AM
Elijah Smith Elementary School Ages 3+, play
time, games, songs, snacks included. Drop in
anytime, call 667-5992 for more info.
Wednesdays Hooked on Stories 10:30 AM
Family Literacy Centre All ages - Explore
storytelling using hands-on, interactive play. Call
668-8698 for more details.
Wednesdays Prenatal Luncheon 12:00 PM
Skookum Jim Friendship Centre A healthy
lunch and an activity for all prenatal mothers
and for those with babies up to 12 months old.
Welcomes all pregnant moms-to-be, nursing
moms, new dads, expectant dads, wee babes,
and family supports.
Wednesdays Toddler Story Time 10:30 AM
Whitehorse Public Library Appropriate for 2 - 4
yrs. of age & caregiver, Free drop-in. Contact
667-5239 for more information.
Thu. Jan. 24 Youth Drop In Gymnastics 7:30
PM Polarette’s Gymnastic Club Whether you’re
perfecting your skills, looking for a new work out
idea, or trying your first cartwheel, Call 668-4794
for more information.
Fri. Jan. 25 Girls Club 7:30 PM Bethany Church
Call 668-4877 for more information.
Fri. Jan. 25 Northern Tales 10:30 AM Family
Literacy Centre All ages - Enjoy stories, crafts
and activities about life in Northern cultures. Call
668-8698 for more details.
Fri. Jan. 25 Safe Party Fridays 5:00 PM Boys
and Girls Club Music, snacks, dinner, games &
activities. Ages 11-18 Welcome
Sat. Jan. 26 Family Drop In Gymnastics 3:00
PM Polarette’s Gymnastic Club Call 668-4794 for
more information.
Sat. Jan. 26 Kids & Parents Yoga 4:00 PM
Grace Space 335-6216 Work with breathing,
holding poses for longer time, rapidity and
coordination with sun salutations, relaxation and
meditation. Call or email for more info.
Sat. Jan. 26 Kids Create - Healing a Loss
through Creativity 1:30 PM Hospice Yukon An
afternoon for kids (aged 7-12) and their parent
or caregiver to remember a beloved person
or pet who has died. Email administrator@
hospiceyukon.net or call 667-7429 to register.
Sat. Jan. 26 Skookum Jim Friendship Centre
Family Day 1:00 PM Skookum Jim Friendship
Centre Traditional Games, Storytelling, Elders
Present. Meals provided with refreshments. All
ages welcome. Location changes call 633-7688
for details.
Sat. Jan. 26 Young Explorers’ Preschool
Program 10:30 AM MacBride Museum 667-2709
Designed for parents and children to explore the
animal gallery together. Call or email for more
Sat. Jan. 26 Youth Hip Hop Series 12:00 PM
Skookum Jim Friendship Centre Free hip hop
music video workshop series featuring local
and national Hip Hop artists. Come work with
local professionals to create music videos from
beginning to end.
Sun. Jan. 27 Draft Day: Ravnica Allegiance
1:00 PM Titan Gaming Cafe Your first chance to
draft the new Magic set! 3 pack draft
Sun. Jan. 27 Family Literacy Day 11:00 AM
Shipyards Park 668-6535 Entertainment,
activities, mushing rides, and much more! This
event is free and everyone welcome. Free
Mon. Jan. 28 After School Sports + Activities
3:15 PM Nakwataku Potlatch House Whitehorse
Outdoor and indoor activities, skills and snacks,
call 334-8728 or email
for more information.
Mon. Jan. 28 Baby Sign and Sing 10:30 AM
Family Literacy Centre Up to 18 mths. Through
fun songs, rhymes and activities you and your
baby can learn and practice basic baby sign
language. Call 668-8698 for more details.
Mon. Jan. 28 Baby Story Time 10:30 AM
Whitehorse Public Library Appropriate for ages
6 - 36 months & caregiver, Free drop-in. Call
667-5239 for more information.
Tue. Jan. 29 Dungeon Draw Artist Night 6:00
PM Titan Gaming Cafe 668-5750 Food and drink
specials, watch for special event theme nights.
Tue. Jan. 29 Little Chefs 10:30 AM Family
Literacy Centre For ages 2+ A blend of story,
food, cooking, activities and crafts. Call 668-8698
for more details.
Tue. Jan. 29 Youth Drop In Gymnastics 7:45
PM Polarette’s Gymnastic Club Whether you’re
perfecting your skills, looking for a new work out
idea, or trying your first cartwheel, Call 668-4794
for more information.
Wed. Jan. 30 Meet the Mushers 6:30 PM Mount
McIntyre Recreation Centre Free event, the
public can meet the mushers and talk to them
about the race. Bring something to have signed
by your favorite musher, or purchase a race
poster from our merchandise table.
Wednesday Northern Voices Toastmasters
7:00 am Sport Yukon Supportive members
will help you develop your public speaking,
communication and leadership skills. Drop-ins
welcome. 867-689-6363 toastmastersyukon@
Wed. Jan. 23 Cannabis - Business Open
House 2:00 PM Yukon Liquor Corporation Learn
more about the new cannabis retail licensing
rules. Call 667-5245 or email Cannabis@gov.
yk.ca for more information or to register.
Wed. Jan. 23 Whitehorse 2040 Drop-In
Meeting 4:00 PM Mount MacIntyre Recreation
Centre Tell us your ideas, priorities, and
aspirations on how you want your city to grow
and change over the next 20 years!
Thu. Jan. 24 Sundogs Toastmasters Club
12:00 PM Sport Yukon A lunch time session to
learn the skills, practice the speaking, receive
the feedback to improve your public speaking,
communication and leadership skills. Drop-ins
welcome. 867-689-6363 toastmastersyukon@
Thu. Jan. 24 Midnight Sun Toastmasters Club
5:30 PM Yukon College Room A2714. An after
work meeting to help you gain confidence in
public speaking, improve communication and
add to your leadership skills. Drop-ins welcome.
Thu. Jan. 24 Legion General Meetings 6:00 PM
Royal Canadian Legion - Branch 254 667-2802
Thu. Jan. 24 CMBC 2019 Event Planning
Meeting 7:00 PM Whitehorse Public Library We
will be deciding which events to run for the year,
select dates and find volunteers to run them.
Thu. Jan. 24 Wildlife Workshop - Community
Lands Plan 7:00 PM Nàkwät’à Kų̀ An
opportunity for Kwanlin Dün citizens to share
their traditional knowledge and help identify
those KDFN settlement lands in the City of
Whitehorse that should be set aside for wildlife.
All Kwanlin Dün citizens are invited to attend this
interactive workshop.
Sat. Jan. 26 Yukon Amateur Radio
Association: Coffee Discussion Group 9:00
AM A&W Restaurant Casual event. Hams from
outside the Yukon and those are interested are
Mon. Jan. 28 Paradise Electronic Music
Festival AGM 6:00 PM Paradise Electronic
Music Festival Club House Open to the public
and we welcome all to come, We will be voting in
members for the board and be talking about last
year’s event; the highs and lows.
Tue. Jan. 29 Spring Workshop - Human
Resources 101 8:00 AM Edgewater Hotel Held
in the Windsor Boardroom and facilitated by:
Visionary Seeds Inc., 6 classes, register online.
Tue. Jan. 29 Technopreneur Series - Be Your
Own Boss 4:00 PM (co)space coworking space`
Learn how to help foster entrepreneurial thinking.
Register online.
Tue. Jan. 29 For the Sake of the Children 5:30
PM Yukon Inn Learn about family law, the effects
of separation or divorce on adults and children,
To register call 667-3066 or email FLIC@gov.
Wed. Jan. 30 Yukon Orienteering Association
AGM 7:00 PM Sport Yukon
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January 23, 2019
Buttermilk scones ... cont’d
Butter the size of peas
Serve hot with salted butter and jam
Don’t press the dough too thin, you’re
looking for mile high scones
Set oven at 375o F. Cut stick of butter into slices and place in the freezer for
15 minutes while oven is preheating.
. In a large bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder, sugar and salt. Remove
butter from freezer and using your fingers break butter into the flour mixture
until the butter is the size of small peas. Pour the butter milk mixture over the
flour and butter and bring the dough together with your hands. Turn it out onto
a floured surface and press into a rectangle, cut into 8 even pieces.
. Place scones on lined baking sheet and brush with cream (if using) then bake
until golden brown, about 20-22 minutes.
Brushed with milk for extra shine
Have a flair
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loves different,
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And Delivery
FREE DELIVERY in Downtown & Riverdale on orders above $55, rest of Whitehorse on orders above $75.
January 24-27
January 23, 2019
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Open Daily 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM
January 23, 2019
Music is a birthright
Bassist Jodi Proznick and Triology will perform in Haines
Junction on January 26, and in Whitehorse on January 27
by Ken Bolton
y her own admission, Jodi
Proznick, an award-winning
bassist and member of Triology, has enjoyed an “incredible
performing career, and had opportunities really beyond anything
I could have imagined for myself
at the beginning of this journey.”
Yet when asked which way
she’d go if forced to choose between performing and teaching for the rest of her life, her
pause to consider lasts just eight
“I think I’d be a teacher,” she
“Some of the greatest, most
purposeful work I do is in trying
to offer opportunities for others
to find out how brilliant they are,
how capable they are. I’d be sad
to give up the mentoring and the
teaching. That would be too hard.
I couldn’t do it.”
As a member of the music department of Kwantlen Polytechnic University in Surrey, B.C.,
Proznick compares the teacher’s
role to that of a gardener faced
with plants of different species
that still require individual attention and encouragement.
She applies the same metaphor
to her role as a mother.
“When you become a parent,
your identity blooms. The gardening analogy is kind of perfect.
You’re not just gardening your own
child; you feel a sense of wanting
to help garden the whole world, in
a way, because your child lives in
that world.”
Proznick attributes her approach to pedagogy to two key
lessons from her own father, who
was the band director at Semiahmoo Secondary School in South
Surrey, where she and her two siblings went to school. One of those
lessons was inclusivity.
“He didn’t turn anyone away.
There were never any auditions.
The band would just be as big as
it needed to be to accommodate
everybody who wanted to participate. That was a very big part of
who he was, and how I work, too,”
Proznick said.
“I am not interested in the
notion that there are talented
people and not talented people.
I think it’s a spectrum, and that
everyone has that birthright.
Music is a birthright.”
The other lesson was about
“I also watched him provide a
safe place for a lot of marginalized youth, giving them a place to
belong, and not only belong, but
to succeed.”
Besides the musical skills he
imparted to his ensembles, her
father’s strength as an educator
came from “a sense of community - an imperfect community of
people of all shapes and sizes and
backgrounds,” Proznick said.
“We were all in there together,
and he would just absolutely insist
that we were all capable of what
we didn’t even know we were. To
this day, I’m still connected to a
lot of those people that I went
through that program with.”
In a sense, the senior Proznick
was also indirectly responsible for
his daughter’s choice of instrument.
“A lot of my life choices have
been kind of happenstance, and
choosing the bass is definitely a
part of that. I originally picked the
oboe when I was heading into my
Dad’s band program.”
Like “a good eldest daughter,”
she had offered to take up whatever instrument her father needed
her to play. He picked the oboe.
“But it was not a good fit for
me. It was an old oboe that probably needed repair, and so it
wasn’t playing particularly easily
or well, and it was a very frustrating year.”
When Proznick finally slipped a
note onto her father’s
desk asking for another
he said he needed an
electric bass player for
the Grade 9 big band.
With a background
in both classical piano
and dance, she found
it easy to read the bass
clef. She was also attracted by the idea
that not many girls, or
women, played bass.
“It was a relationship that was pretty
symbiotic pretty quickly, but feeling that I
had a life career in it
was never really part
of the plan. It just sort
of happened. I was just
trying to help the band
out and do a good job
in the back there.”
Happenstance intervened again when she
was 16, happenstance
intervened again, in
the form of the acoustic upright bass.
“The guys I was
PHOTO: courtesy of Jodi Proznick
heavily into jazz, and
that’s the sound on all
the famous records. Vancouver bassist and educator Jodi Proznick is an award-winning bassist and member of Triology
There was an upright in
the corner of the band
room, so I just picked it
two concerts in the Yukon at the trust. I call it a co-creative experiup and started trying to
ment,” Proznick said.
end of January.
make sense of it.”
“What (people) will witness is
On Saturday, January 26, they
She began studying the instrument formally at McGill Univer- will perform at St. Elias Conven- truly in-the-moment conversation
sity, where she earned her under- tion Centre in Haines Junction. between three people who really
graduate degree in music. From The next night, they will be at love each other, and also love the
there, she went on to a master’s the Yukon Arts Centre for a Jazz space and the people who have
program in education at Simon on the Wing concert. Both shows chosen to come and join us.”
begin at 7:30 p.m.
Fraser University.
“We do a set we call ‘close your
In 2008, when she was pregnant
with her son, Tristan, she joined eyes’ music. We don’t ever plan
forces with guitarist Bill Coon and what we’re going to play; we just
Ken Bolton is a freelance writer
pianist Miles Black to form the play. The idea with Triology is that
and former co-editor of What’s
group, Triology, which will give there’s this incredible amount of
Up Yukon.
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January 23, 2019
Photo Credit: Star Flower Photography
OUR TITLE SPONSOR: Whitehorse Home Hardware
OUR IN-KIND SUPPORTERS: Coast High Country Inn, Spitfire Hot
Tub Services, Whitehorse Fire Department, CKRW, General Waste
Management/Sunset Septic Services, High Calibre Contracting, Unitech
Sound and Lighting, Seba Trade Group Inc.
OUR VOLUNTEERS: Bobby Ferris, Shannon, Tom and Jenna Wyers, Teneil
Caron, Keith MacKinnon, Angela Sale, Megan Roche, Richard Johnson,
Mike and Matt Pare, Leo Chasse, Shawn Roulston, Grant MacDonald,
Eban Basnett, Joergen “Yogi” Ponsioen, Paul Harach and Jeremy Beebe,
Meghan Coyne and to any one we missed on this list…THANK YOU!
January 23, 2019
Klondike Institute of Art and Culture
Dawson City, YT
January 25th –
February 28th
305 Main Street, Whitehorse
To register for any of the
following workshops,
visit Arts Underground or
call 867-667-4080.
Members receive a 10%
Medieval Life Drawing
Jan. 29
Intro to Acrylics
Maya Rosenberg
Feb. 21 - Mar. 28
Level 3 Ceramics
Astrid Kruse
Feb. 16, 17, 23 & 24
“…Only in Dawson”
Members’ show
January 22
New Member Orientation
Laser Cutting Workshop for Beginners
Woodshop Orientation Sponsored by
Home Hardware
January 23
Mentor Night: Sewing, Woodworking,
Painting and Illustration, Wood Lathe
January 24
Induction Forge Orientation
6 - 7pm and 7-8pm
January 29
Metal Shop – Safety orientation
6- 8pm
Wood Lathe 101
6 - 9pm
January 30
Yukon Transportation Museum Community Build Night
All Mentor Nights: 6-9pm
Open Hours:
Wed-Sun 1pm-9pm
Painting in Pairs
Rebekah Senko
Feb. 23
Dirty Pours
Kathy Piwowar
Mar. 30
January 24
NorthLight Beer O’Clock
4 - 6pm
January 30
MEET THE EXPERTS – Davy Joly dropin consultation services
January 31
Open Hours Mon- Fri
For a complete list of our
winter workshops visit,
February 3rd,
Yukon Permanent Art
Photography Sessions
with youn
ilding a p
ab ut bu
ce wit
ing every
not finish tart.
you s
In the ODD Gallery
Tel: (867) 993-5005
Fax: (867) 993-5838
Website: www.kiac.ca
The Best Things in Life are…
Love dogs?
Need some happiness?
Boys and Girls Club
of Yukon
Maya Rosenberg
Feb. 14
Creative Screen Printing
Friday, January 25th,
Visit the
Upstairs in the
CLOSED for lunch 12-12:30pm
OPEN SATURDAYS 10am-2pm for
Family Drop-In
Programs are FREE
Free Teen Drop In
Ages 11 to 18
Free snack and meal
Tuesdays to Saturdays
3 PM to 9 PM
306A Alexander Street
Look for the big green door!
Contact Khoi Truong,
or 867-393-2824 ext. 202
Send your
Events to
Yukon Events GURU
Web: bgcyukon.com
Facebook: bgcyukon
Twitter: @bgcyukon
Innovation Building
2180 2nd Ave
Ph. (867) 393-2824
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Send us a high resolution picture
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TATTOO noted in the subject line
January 23, 2019
Active Interest LISTINGS
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Inside Yukon Inn Mall on Fourth
(Beside Dollar Store)
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays & Sundays,
COBRA Self Defense Age 5 - 12 5:00 pm
N60 Combative Arts
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays & Sundays,
Kickboxing Age 13+ 7:00 pm N60
Combative Arts
Mondays & Wednesdays, Judo Age 13+
6:00 pm N60 Combative Arts
Mondays & Wednesdays Ladies COBRA SD
8:00 PM N60 Combative Arts
Mondays & Wednesdays Juniors Tennis
(ages 11-15) Mon 6:00 pm/Wed 4:30 pm
Yukon College Register online or email
for more info.
Wednesdays Juniors Tennis (ages 6-11)
5:00 pm Yukon College Register online or
email for more info
Mondays, Fridays, Sundays Insanity®Live
Drop-in Classes Mon/Fri 12:15 PM,
Sun. 10:45 AM Peak Fitness Tailored to
ALL fitness levels. No matter what your
fitness level is, Coach Brittany will help you
challenge yourself so you truly transform
your body.
Tuesdays & Thursdays Winter Sprint Team
Training 4:30 pm Canada Games Centre
Call 334-8121 or email info@flatwaternorth.
ca for more information. Open to anyone
aged 12+
Tuesday & Thursdays Grappling 6:00 PM
N60 Combative Arts
Tuesday & Thursdays Ladies Kickboxing
5:00 PM N60 Combative Arts
Tuesday & Thursdays Muay Thai 7:00 PM
N60 Combative Arts
Wednesdays Adult Drop In Gymnastics
7:30 PM Polarette’s Gymnastic Club
Whether you’re perfecting your skills,
looking for a new work out idea, or trying
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your first cartwheel, Call 668-4794 for more
Wednesdays Dancefit 12:00 PM Better
Bodies Crosstraining Centre Workout dance
rooted in jazz, hip hop and Latin styles
will take you away from your stresses.
Wednesdays with an extra class on
Saturdays at 11:00 a.m Call 633-5245 for
more info.
Wednesdays & Sundays Velocity & Pursuit
4:30 PM Wed./10 AM Sun. Biathlon Range
Wednesdays & Saturdays Daley DanceFit
12:00 pm Avalanche Athletics Daley Dancefit:Funky, jazzy and a little bit sassy - Drop In.
Fridays & Sundays COBRA FS 8:00 PM N60
Combative Arts
Fridays & Sundays Ladies Grappling 6:00
PM N60 Combative Arts
Sundays to Fridays, Kickboxing Age 5 - 12
4:00 pm N60 Combative Arts
Fri. Jan. 25 Golden Horn Judo 3:30 PM
Golden Horn Elementary
Fri. Jan. 25 Strong by Zumba with Lynda
6:00 AM Better Bodies Crosstraining Centre
Combines high intensity interval training with
the science of Synced Music Motivation. Call
633-5245 for more info.
Sat. Jan. 26 Adult Race Series 11:00 AM
Biathlon Range
Sat. Jan. 26 zFit with Jennifer 10:00 AM
Better Bodies Crosstraining Centre Call 6335245 for more info.
Sun. Jan. 27 BEARS 1:30 PM Biathlon
Wed. Jan. 23 The Counselling Drop-In
Clinic 10:00 AM Many Rivers Counselling
and Support Services Free Drop-In
counselling is offered every Wednesday from
10am - 4pm.
Wed. Jan. 23 Women & Children Lunch
Date 11:30 AM Victoria Faulkner Women’s
Centre Delicious Free Lunch for Women &
Wed. Jan. 23 Lunchtime Meditation Group
12:00 PM Whitehorse Wellness Center Call
668-6429 or email
to register.
Wed. Jan. 23 Prenatal Luncheon 12:00 PM
Skookum Jim Friendship Centre A healthy
lunch and an activity for all prenatal mothers
and for those with babies up to 12 months
old. Welcomes all pregnant moms-to-be,
nursing moms, new dads, expectant dads,
wee babes, and family supports.
Wed. Jan. 23 Drop-in Recovery Group
Meetings 2:30 PM Mental Wellness and
Substance Use Services Health & Social
Services Just come. We ask that you be
alcohol and drug free during the group
meeting. Call for more information. 456-3838
Wed. Jan. 23 Beginners with Experience Yoga 5:30 PM Alpine Bakery An introduction
to the fundamentals of yoga including the
principles of internal form, breath, and
core, To register call or email 393-4440
Wed. Jan. 23 Beginner Meditation 5:30 PM
Mental Health Association Yukon 6 week
Beginner Meditation course is appropriate
for people with no experience meditating or
some experience meditating. To register call
668-6429 or email
Wed. Jan. 23 Better Backs, Hips and
Hams 7:30 PM Alpine Bakery Beginner/
experienced beginner – stretch, standing
poses, back healing work. To register call
or email. Drop Ins Welcome. 393-4440
Thu. Jan. 24 Heated Yoga 7:15 PM
Breath of Life Collective 75 minute hatha
yoga series creates a healthy foundation
in yoga to help stretch, strengthen and
tone muscles. Open to all levels, email
thebreathofl to register.
Thu. Jan. 24 Broga - Beginner Series 7:15
PM Breath of Life Collective This course
will begin with basics and move towards
more challenging poses (yoga asana). Call
or email for more information 336-3569
Fri. Jan. 25 Sally & Sisters Lunch 12:00 PM
Whitehorse Food Bank Free Hot Lunch for
Women & Children 334-9317
Fri. Jan. 25 Slow, Flow + Resto 5:30 PM
Alpine Bakery Combination of restorative,
moving into accessible Level 1 flow, then
toning back down to stretch and restorative.
To register call or email, drop ins welcome
Sun. Jan. 27 Carcross Kickboxing 12:30
PM N60 Combative Arts
Sun. Jan. 27 Carcross Kids Kickboxing
11:30 AM N60 Combative Arts
Sun. Jan. 27 Pre School Martial Arts 3:30
PM N60 Combative Arts
Tue. Jan. 29 Adult Biathlon 6:30 PM
Biathlon Range
Tue. Jan. 29 Junior Shooting Program
7:00 PM Whitehorse Rifle Pistol Club Youth
aged 10-20, parent permission required,
Registration fee applies. Participants will
learn about gun safety and marksmanship.
It’s Free. It’s Fast. It’s Easy.
Sat. Jan. 26 Red Tara Practice 12:30 PM
VajraNorth Everyone welcome. For more info
contact 667-6951 (Cheryl Buchan) 633-3715
Sun. Jan. 27 Create Your Life in 2019
- Vision Board Workshop 9:00 AM
Whitehorse, Yukon This full day immersion
experience includes all supplies, the time
and space to really focus on your dreams
and some personalized coaching during the
Sun. Jan. 27 Restorative Yoga 10:30 AM
Alpine Bakery To register call or email 3934440
Sun. Jan. 27 Gentle Yoga 12:30 PM Rooted
Tree Massage & Yoga For the all ages,
the stiff and the recovering bodies of life.
Everyone welcome - Beginners encouraged!
Call or email to register. 334-8599
Mon. Jan. 28 Sally & Sisters Lunch 12:00
PM Whitehorse Food Bank Free Hot Lunch
for Women & Children 334-9317
Mon. Jan. 28 Shamata Meditation 5:15 PM
White Swan Sanctuary Group meditation all
levels welcome
Mon. Jan. 28 Buddhist Meditation Society
5:15 PM White Swan Sanctuary All are
Mon. Jan. 28 Absolute Beginners 5:30
PM Alpine Bakery An introduction to the
fundamentals of yoga including the principles
of internal form, breath, and core, To register
call or email 393-4440
Mon. Jan. 28 SomaYoga 5:30 PM Breath of
Life Collective Great for those with chronic
pain, stress, muscle soreness, busy mind or
difficulty sleeping. This is an all levels class.
Call or email for more information. 332-3569
Mon. Jan. 28 Evening Meditation Group
5:30 PM Whitehorse Wellness Center Call
668-6429 or email
to register.
Mon. Jan. 28 Hospice Walking Group 6:30
PM S.S.Klondike An opportunity to share
your grief experience, or simply enjoy nature
and the companionship of others who are
grieving. Call or email for more details. 6677429
Mon. Jan. 28 Hips Hams Core 7:30 PM
Alpine Bakery Find out exactly what and
where your core is, learn how to breath into
and from it, engage it, work from it To register
call or email, drop ins welcome 393-4440
Tue. Jan. 29 Rise + Shine 7:00 AM Alpine
Bakery To register call or email 393-4440
Tue. Jan. 29 Diabetes Update for Health
Care Providers 8:30 AM Whistle Bend Place
Everything you have always wanted to know
about diabetes--and then some! Register
Tue. Jan. 29 Weight Watchers 5:00 PM
Yukon College Please arrive 30-minutes
prior to the listed meeting time for weigh-in
and registration, room A2202. 403-473-0645
Tue. Jan. 29 Intermediate Yoga 5:30 PM
Alpine Bakery To register call or email 3934440
Tue. Jan. 29 Golden Horn Yoga 6:00 PM
Golden Horn Elementary Terice 668-6631
Tue. Jan. 29 Heated Yoga 7:15 PM Breath of
Life Collective 75 minute hatha yoga series
creates a healthy foundation in yoga to help
stretch, strengthen and tone muscles. Open
to all levels, email thebreathoflifestudio@
gmail.com to register. 332-3569
Tue. Jan. 29 Office Pain Workshop 7:30
PM Whitehorse Physiotherapy Learn
common causes of workstation pain.,
admission by donation, call 667-2138 for
more info.
Tue. Jan. 29 Foot Pain Workshop 7:30 PM
Whitehorse Physiotherapy Discover 3 simple
interventions to eliminate pain, admission by
donation, call 667-2138 for more info.
Wed. Jan. 30 The Counselling Drop-In
Clinic 10:00 AM Many Rivers Counselling
and Support Services Free Drop-In
counselling is offered every Wednesday from
10am - 4pm.
Wed. Jan. 30 Women & Children Lunch
Date 11:30 AM Victoria Faulkner Women’s
Centre Delicious Free Lunch for Women &
Wed. Jan. 30 Lunchtime Meditation Group
12:00 PM Whitehorse Wellness Center Call
668-6429 or email
to register.
Wed. Jan. 30 Prenatal Luncheon 12:00 PM
Skookum Jim Friendship Centre A healthy
lunch and an activity for all prenatal mothers
and for those with babies up to 12 months
old. Welcomes all pregnant moms-to-be,
nursing moms, new dads, expectant dads,
wee babes, and family supports.
Wed. Jan. 30 Drop-in Recovery Group
Meetings 2:30 PM Mental Wellness and
Substance Use Services Health & Social
Services Just come. We ask that you be
alcohol and drug free during the group
meeting. Call for more information. 456-3838
Wed. Jan. 30 Beginners with Experience Yoga 5:30 PM Alpine Bakery An introduction
to the fundamentals of yoga including the
principles of internal form, breath, and
core, To register call or email 393-4440
Wed. Jan. 30 Beginner Meditation 5:30 PM
Mental Health Association Yukon 6 week
Beginner Meditation course is appropriate
for people with no experience meditating or
some experience meditating. To register call
668-6429 or email
Wed. Jan. 30 Better Backs, Hips and
Hams 7:30 PM Alpine Bakery Beginner/
experienced beginner – stretch, standing
poses, back healing work. To register call
or email. Drop Ins Welcome. 393-4440
50/50/50 Contest
$50 every Friday
for 50 Fridays to
celebrate 50 years
It’s Free. It’s Fast. It’s Easy.
Community EVENTS
Wednesdays Ladies’ Lunch & Carpet
Bowling 7:00 pm Atlin Rec Centre
Sundays St. Martins Anglican Church
Service 10:00 AM St. Martins Anglican
Sundays Atlin Christian Centre 10:30
AM Atlin Christian Centre
Fri. Jan. 25 Gold Nugget Mixed
Bonspiel Atlin Rec Centre Contact Lynn
at 250-651-7663 to enter a team or for
more information.
Sat. Jan. 26 Winter Bazaar & Flea
Market 11:00 AM Atlin Rec Centre
To book a table call 250-651-7663,
concession will be open.
Sun. Jan. 27 Annie 6:30 PM The Globe
Theatre Starring Aileen Quinn, Albert
Finney, & Carol Burnett, directed by
John Huston
Mondays and Fridays Tot Time 9:30 am
Nelnah Bessie John School
Tuesdays and Saturdays Volleyball
8:00 pm Beaver Creek Community Club
Until Fri. May. 3 Art Exhibit - A Closer
Look Carcross/Tagish First Nation
Building An exhibition showcasing five
new works by Yukon artists, recently
acquired for the Yukon Permanent Art
Tuesdays and Thursdays Pottery with
Claudia MacPhee 3:30 pm Ghùch
Tlâ Community School Every Tuesday
and Thursday, please enter by side
door. Everyone welcome! no fee for
community members 867-399-3321
Tuesdays and Wednesdays Tlingit
Language Game Nights 5:30 pm
Carcross/Tagish First Nation Building
Wednesdays Healthy Choices &
Nutrition Activities 9:00 am Carcross/
Tagish First Nation Building
Wednesdays and Fridays AA Carcross
Wed. 6:30 pm, Fri. 1:30 pm, Carcross/
Tagish First Nation Building
Wednesdays Hiroshikai Judo 6:00 pm
Ghùch Tlâ Community School 332-1031
Wed. Jan. 23 Canada Prenatal
Nutrition Program Lunch 12:00 PM
Ghùch Tlâ Community School For more
info:kathleen.cranfi 8214251
Thu. Jan. 24 Executive Council
Carcross/Tagish First Nation Building
Thu. Jan. 24 CPNP Lunch 12:00 PM
Carcross/Tagish First Nation Building
Thu. Jan. 24 Sewing Nights 6:30 PM
Carcross/Tagish First Nation Building
Thu. Jan. 24 Prenatal Classes for
Mothers and Fathers to be 7:00 PM
Ghùch Tlâ Community School With
Kathleen Cranfield, Registered Midwife
and CPNP coordinator
Sat. Jan. 26 Traditional Handgames
1:00 PM Carcross/Tagish First Nation
Sun. Jan. 27 Sewing Sessions 12:00
PM Carcross/Tagish First Nation
Mon. Jan. 28 Art at the Carving Shed
5:00 PM Carcross/Tagish First Nation
Mon. Jan. 28 AA - Tagish 7:30 PM
Carcross/Tagish First Nation Building
Tue. Jan. 29 Elders Breakfast 10:00
AM Carcross/Tagish First Nation
Tue. Jan. 29 Excellence Group 5:00
PM Carcross/Tagish First Nation
Tue. Jan. 29 Sports Night 6:00 PM
Ghùch Tlâ Community School
Tue. Jan. 29 Women’s Group 7:00 PM
Carcross Community Campus 821-4251
Wed. Jan. 30 Canada Prenatal
Nutrition Program Lunch 12:00 PM
Ghùch Tlâ Community School For more
info:kathleen.cranfi 8214251
Until Feb 22 Only in Dawson... KIAC
Members’ Exhibition KIAC Klondike
Institute of Art & Culture We invite you to
share what you have been inspired, or
perhaps driven, to do …only in Dawson.
Until Jan 25 Only in Dawson... KIAC
Members’ Exhibition - Reception 7:00
PM KIAC Klondike Institute of Art &
Culture We invite you to share what you
have been inspired, or perhaps driven,
to do …only in Dawson.
Friday & Saturday Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in
Youth Centre 3:00 PM Tr’ondek
Hwech’in Youth Centre
Friday & Monday Women & Weights
(Ladies Only) 12:00 PM Dawson City
Fitness Centre
Fri. Feb. 22 Only in Dawson... KIAC
Members’ Exhibition KIAC Klondike
Institute of Art & Culture We invite you to
share what you have been inspired, or
perhaps driven, to do …only in Dawson.
Fri. Jan. 25 Super Seniors Weights
55+ 11:00 AM Dawson City Fitness
Fri. Jan. 25 Jesse Smith in the Tavern
6:00 PM Westminster Hotel
Or email them to:
Tue. Jan. 29 Faro Kids Club 3:30 PM
Faro Recreation Centre
Tue. Jan. 29 Parent & Tot Storytime
10:00 AM Faro Community Library For
babies to age 4. Stories & crafts will be
Wed. Jan. 30 Faro Fire Department
Meeting 7:00 PM Faro Fire Hall Faro
Fire Department Wednesday Meeting.
Wed. Jan. 30 Public Skate 4:00
PM Faro Recreation Centre Email
or call 9942575 for more details.
Wed. Jan. 30 Snowshoeing 3:30 PM
Faro All skill levels welcome, talk to Kelli
at the Rec Centre
Fri. Jan. 25 Only in Dawson... KIAC
Members’ Exhibition - Reception 7:00
PM KIAC Klondike Institute of Art &
Culture We invite you to share what you
have been inspired, or perhaps driven,
to do …only in Dawson.
Sat. Jan. 26 Roberts & Klein in the
Lounge 11:00 PM Westminster Hotel
Mondays and Wednesdays Kids
Jujutsu 5:00 pm Chilkat Center For
The Arts
Sat. Jan. 26 The Executives in the
Lounge 11:00 PM Westminster Hotel
Sat. Jan. 26 Painting 1:00 PM KIAC
Klondike Institute of Art & Culture Inspire
and be inspired by other artists. Bring
your own ideas and painting surfaces.
Paints, brushes and easels are supplied,
no instruction offered.
Sun. Jan. 27 Victor Henry Cup Art &
Margaret Fry Recreation Centre Kick off
the year with the hockey tournament that
puts the rest to shame! Great hockey,
good food and beer, in the best party
town in the North! 867-993-5575 kva@
Sun. Jan. 27 St. Paul’s Church Service
10:30 AM St Paul’s Church 867-9935381
Mon. Jan. 28 Super Seniors Weights
55+ 11:00 AM Dawson City Fitness
Tue. Jan. 29 Youth Hip Hop Workshop
W/ Snotty Nose Rez Kids & DJ
Kookum 3:30 PM KIAC Klondike
Institute of Art & Culture For ages 12-25.
A hip-hop duo from the Haisla Nation of
the Haislakala speaking people.
Tue. Jan. 29 Step n Strong 7:00
PM Robert Service School For more
information email: getrealfit(at)me.com
Wed. Jan. 30 Youth Hip Hop
Workshop W/ Snotty Nose Rez Kids
& DJ Kookum 3:30 PM KIAC Klondike
Institute of Art & Culture For ages 12-25.
A hip-hop duo from the Haisla Nation of
the Haislakala speaking people.
January 23, 2019
Daily Haines Public Library Open
Hours: Mon-Wed 11-8 | Fri 10-6 | Sat/
Sun 1:30-4:30| Thurs/Fri Closed #907766-2545
Monday, Wednesday & Fridays Aqua
Aerobics 8:00 AM Haines Borough
Swimming Pool
Monday, Wednesday & Fridays
Homework Help 5:30 PM Haines
Borough Public Library
Monday & Fridays Yoga with Mandy
1:00 PM Chilkat Center For The Arts
Tuesday & Thursday Ashtanga Yoga
with Melina 9:30 AM Chilkat Center For
The Arts
Tuesday & Thursday Fun Science 4:30
PM Haines Borough Public Library
Wednesdays Open Mic Nite 10:00 PM
Pioneer Bar
Wednesdays Rock Band for Teens and
Pre-teens 4:30 PM Haines Borough
Public Library
Wednesdays Sword Class 6:30 PM
Chilkat Center For The Arts
Fri. Jan. 25 American Legion Burger
Night 6:00 PM American Legion
Fri. Jan. 25 Story Time 12:00 PM
Haines Borough Public Library fohbpl@
Fri. Jan. 25 Tai Chi - Advanced 10:15
AM Chilkat Center For The Arts
Fri. Jan. 25 Touch Base -- Pam,
Tracey, Laura 11:00 AM Haines
Chamber Of Commerce
Sun. Jan. 27 Bible Club - Sunday
School 12:30 PM Haines Presbyterian
Sun. Jan. 27 Sunday Worship 11:00
AM Haines Presbyterian Church
Mon. Jan. 28 Adults Jujutsu 6:30 PM
Chilkat Center For The Arts
Tue. Jan. 29 Southern Tutchone
Classes 12:00 PM Da Ku Cultural
Tue. Jan. 29 Takhini Family Game
Night 7:00 PM Takhini Hall
Sat. Jan. 26 Movie Night - Percy
Jackson & the Olympians 5:00 PM
Lorne Mountain Community Centre Just
drop in-free event. Dressing up as a God
or Goddess is optional. A blue dinner will
be provided.
Mon. Jan. 28 Yoga with Jess Sellers
7:00 PM Lorne Mountain Community
Centre For more info call 667-7083 or
Tue. Jan. 29 Creative Dance Classes
5:00 PM Lorne Mountain Community
Centre For ages 4-7, Drop in - Free
Wednesdays Pump Fitness 6:30 pm
Marsh Lake Community Centre
Wed. Jan. 23 Open Hours 5:00 PM
Marsh Lake Community Centre
Thu. Jan. 24 Choir 6:30 PM Marsh Lake
Community Centre
Fri. Jan. 25 Friday Night Dinner &
Drinks 6:00 PM Marsh Lake Community
Sat. Jan. 26 Bridge club 12:00 PM
Marsh Lake Community Centre
Sat. Jan. 26 Knitting Circle 1:00 PM
Marsh Lake Community Centre 6604999
Tue. Jan. 29 North of 60 Seniors Cafe.
We heat the beverages, you heat the
air. 2:00 PM Marsh Lake Community
Tue. Jan. 29 Yoga with Richard 5:30
PM Marsh Lake Community Centre
Wed. Jan. 30 Open Hours 5:00 PM
Marsh Lake Community Centre
Wed. Jan. 30 Marsh Lake Community
Society Meeting 7:30 PM Marsh Lake
Community Centre All Welcome to
Fri. Jan. 25 Dinner and Movie Night
5:00 PM Mayo Community Hall And
Recreation Centre
Sun. Jan. 27 St. Mary’s Church
Service 11:00 AM St Mary’s Church
Mon. Jan. 28 Minor hockey 5:30 PM
Mayo Hockey Arena For ages 6 and up.
Please have ur kids ready to go on the
ice at 6 pm sharp. They will need full
gear to able to participate on the ice.
Mon. Jan. 28 Mother Goose Stories
and Songs 11:00 AM Haines Borough
Public Library
Mon. Jan. 28 Yoga Classes 7:00 PM
Mayo Curling Arena Bring your own
Yoga mat or borrow ours. Classes
are free of charge and drop-ins are
welcome. 8979962043
Tue. Jan. 29 Women’s Fellowship 3:00
PM Haines Senior Center
Tue. Jan. 29 Mayo Sewing Nights 7:00
PM Yukon College Mayo Campus
Thu. Jan. 24 Adult Night at the Youth
Centre 7:00 PM Old Crow Community
Thu. Jan. 24 Environment Club 3:45
PM Del Van Gorder School
Wednesdays Seniors - Drop-In and
Activities 1:30 PM Haines Junction
Seniors Apartments Arts, craft, fitness,
pool tournaments, shuffleboard, carpet
bowling, and card and board games.
Thu. Jan. 24 Faro Carpet Bowling 1:00
PM Faro Recreation Centre All welcome.
Wednesdays Adult Volleyball 6:30 PM
St. Elias Community School
Thu. Jan. 24 Faro Kids Club 3:30 PM
Faro Recreation Centre
Wed. Jan. 23 Village of Haines
Junction Council Meeting 7:00 PM St
Elias Convention Centre
Tue. Jan. 29 Gym Night 7:00 PM Old
Crow Community Center
Wed. Jan. 23 Faro Fire Department
Meeting 7:00 PM Faro Fire Hall Faro
Fire Department Wednesday Meeting.
Wed. Jan. 23 Public Skate 4:00
PM Faro Recreation Centre Email
or call 9942575 for more details.
Wed. Jan. 23 Snowshoeing 3:30 PM
Faro All skill levels welcome, talk to Kelli
at the Rec Centre
Thu. Jan. 24 Adult Hockey 7:00 PM
Faro Recreation Centre
Thu. Jan. 24 Parent & Tot Storytime
10:00 AM Faro Community Library For
babies to age 4. Stories & crafts will be
Thu. Jan. 24 Seniors - Carpet Bowling
1:30 PM St Elias Convention Centre All
Seniors and Elders welcome!
Fri. Jan. 25 Snowshoeing 3:30 PM
Faro All skill levels welcome, talk to Kelli
at the Rec Centre
Thu. Jan. 24 Chair Yoga For Seniors
3:00 PM Haines Junction Seniors
Fri. Jan. 25 Teen Drop in Gym 7:00 PM
Del Van Gorder School
Thu. Jan. 24 Women’s Circle 5:30 PM
Mun Ku Email
for more information.
Sat. Jan. 26 Public Skate 2:00 PM Faro
Recreation Centre Email recreation@
faroyukon.ca or call 994-2575 for more
Sat. Jan. 26 Sticks and Pucks 4:00 PM
Faro Recreation Centre Call 994-2728
for more information.
Sun. Jan. 27 Faro Bible Chapel
Sunday Service 10:30 AM Faro Bible
Chapel with Pastor Ted Baker 994-2442
Sun. Jan. 27 Faro Church of Apostles
Mass 10:00 AM Church of Apostles
Mon. Jan. 28 Adult Hockey 7:00 PM
Faro Recreation Centre
Tue. Jan. 29 Faro Carpet Bowling 1:00
PM Faro Recreation Centre All welcome.
Thu. Jan. 24 Adult Soccer 7:30 PM St.
Elias Community School
Fri. Jan. 25 Story Hour 10:00 AM
Haines Junction Community Library
Sat. Jan. 26 Public Skate 12:00 PM Bill
Brewster Arena Tues/Wed 3:15 - 4:45
pm - Fri 3-6 pm - Sat 12-4 pm and Sun
5-7:30 pm
Sat. Jan. 26 Triology, An Intimate
Evening of Jazz 7:00 PM St Elias
Convention Centre An evening with
three of Canada’s most sought after jazz
musicians – Jodi Proznick, Bill Coon and
Miles Black. Tickets at the door.
Sat. Jan. 26 Jodi Proznick Trio 7:00
PM St Elias Convention Centre
Sun. Jan. 27 St. Luke’s Church
Service 11:00 AM St. Luke’s Church
Daily, Mondays to Fridays, Mom, Dad
& Me Toddler Time 9:00 am Skagway
Alaska Appropriate for 2 - 4 yrs. of age
& caregiver, Free drop-in. Call 907-9832679 for more info.
Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays
Group Cycling 12:00 PM Skagway
Recreation Centre
Monday, Wednesday & Fridays Group
Cycling 12:00 PM Skagway Recreation
Monday & Wednesdays SpinFlex w/
Katherine 7:30 PM Skagway Recreation
Monday- Friday Mom, Dad & Me
Toddler Time 9:00 AM Skagway
Recreation Centre Appropriate for 2 - 4
yrs. of age & caregiver, Free drop-in.
Call 907-983-2679 for more info.
Tuesday & Thursdays Senior Weights
10:30 AM Skagway Recreation Centre
Chair based resistance training program
that’s not just for seniors.
Wednesdays Acro Jam 6:30 PM
Skagway Recreation Centre Playful
practice that combines acrobatics and
yoga. This is an unstructured class to
work on things you would like to improve
on or trade
Wednesdays Back & Hip Yoga 10:00
AM Skagway Recreation Centre
Saturday & Sunday Undo and Renew
Gentle Yoga 3:00 PM Skagway
Recreation Centre
Fri. Jan. 25 SpinYOGA 9:00 AM
Skagway Recreation Centre
Sat. Jan. 26 Bouncy House Fun Time!
1:00 PM Skagway Recreation Centre
A parent or guardian must accompany
children 12 and under.
Sun. Jan. 27 Undo and Renew Gentle
Yoga 3:00 PM Skagway Recreation
Mon. Jan. 28 Restorative - Yin Yoga
ALL Levels 10:00 AM Skagway
Recreation Centre
Mon. Jan. 28 Hatha Yoga w/SherryALL Levels 5:45 PM Skagway
Recreation Centre
Tue. Jan. 29 Let it Roll - Hatha Flow
with Foam Roller 5:45 PM Skagway
Recreation Centre Hatha Flow practice
followed by foam roller and pinky balls.
Wednesdays and Saturdays, Tagish
Library 12:00 pm Tagish Community
Centre 399-3407
Tuesday & Thursday Carpet Bowling
11:15 AM Tagish Community Centre
Everyone is invited to come and learn
the technical game of Carpet Bowling.
Wednesdays Coffee and Chat: Tagish
Community Centre 2:00 PM Tagish
Community Centre Fresh baked goods
every Wednesday.
Thu. Jan. 24 OsteoFit 10:00 AM Tagish
Community Centre
Thu. Jan. 24 Catch Kids Club 4:30
PM Tagish Community Centre Snacks,
crafts, field trips and lots of fun games.
Email for
more information.
Fri. Jan. 25 Pickleball 11:00 AM Tagish
Community Centre Come try Pickleball,
a new sport offered which combines
table tennis and regular tennis.
Mon. Jan. 28 Nordic Walking 1:30 PM
Tagish Community Centre Call 399-3407
for more info.
Tue. Jan. 29 Get and Stay Fit 6:00 PM
Tagish Community Centre Call 399-3407
for more info
Thu. Jan. 24 Badminton Nights 7:00
PM Teslin Rec Center Every Thursday,
bring your racket or just bring your self
for some swift fun! 335-4250 teslinrec@
Fri. Jan. 25 Girls Club 6:00 PM Teslin
Rec Center For grades 7-12, come hang
out, games, activities and snacks! Call
Kelsey 335-4250 for more information.
Fri. Jan. 25 Youth Club 8:00 PM Teslin
Rec Center For grades 7-12, come hang
out, games, activities and snacks! Call
Kelsey 335-4250 for more information.
Tue. Jan. 29 Yoga in the Mezzanine
5:30 PM Teslin Rec Center Every
Tuesday, mats provided just bring your
zen. 335-4250
Tue. Jan. 29 Teslin Dance Group
Practice 7:00 PM Teslin Healing Centre
Every Tuesday evening, for more info
contact Melaina at 867.390.2532 ext.
333 or
Mondays-Fridays Youth Activity Club
3:15 pm Watson Lake Recreation Centre
For grades 5-11, come hang out, games,
activities and snacks! Call Meaghen
536-8023 for more info. Closed Dec. 24,
25, 31st & Jan 1st
Monday & Thursdays Help and Hope
Drop in for Moms and Kids 1:00 PM
Watson Lake Recreation Centre Crafts
and Activities together!
Tuesday & Thursdays Basketball For
Adults 7:00 PM Skagway Recreation
Tuesday & Thursdays Body Fit 7:00 PM
Watson Lake Recreation Centre Contact
Meaghan for more information 536-8023
Tuesday & Thursdays Mat Pilates
7:30 AM Skagway Recreation Centre
Intermediate core based class using
classical mat exercises to create long,
lean muscles.
Sun. Jan. 27 St. John’s Church
Service 10:00 AM St. John’s Church
Service (867) 536-2932
Sat. Jan. 26 Public Skate 2:00 PM
Watson Lake Recreation Centre
January 23, 2019
Grey Matters
with Deborah McNevin
Bridge too far
t began innocently enough.
At a gathering shortly after I
stopped working, I overheard
a friend mentioning that another
friend had said she was going
to learn bridge in order to have
something to do in the nursing
When I got home, I pondered
the wisdom of this idea. My only
experience with bridge was as
a child listening to the horrific
arguments of my parents after an
evening of alleged play. It seemed
to me to be a game full of mystery
that would bring out the worst
competitive side of a person. Not
only that, but you had to play it
with a partner!
Anyway, in a blind leap of faith,
I signed up for classes offered
through the Whitehorse Bridge
Club. I did this solo
solo, as I was not
about to risk any of the
peace we are p
privileged to enjoy in my
continued through
throughout the odyssey off
the lessons. F
several months, I
attended classe
in the basemen
of Whitehorse Ele
Elementary School
The teacher wa
engaging and my cl
class- m
seemed to be m
l at my
ind d complil
The game is indeed
cated. You have to llearn h
how to
evaluate your ha
d you h
to count, and yo
you have
to remember the cou
count. You h
to count your ha
d again, d
depending on what your partner
does - and rememb
h new
remember that
total, too.
Bidding is like a new language, with stra
strange protocols
based on the cou
d the
counting and
suits in your hand. There are multiple levels and weird conventions, which you should try to remember and apply.
Then the play itself is full of
strategy. And counting. And remembering what has been played.
And trying to figure out what remains. And where the key cards
might be. And. And. And…. My
head often felt like it was exploding, even though it was great
exercise for the brain. At least,
that’s what I understand. It definitely isn’t much exercise for the
rest of the body, other than the
part that does the sitting and the
hands that do the shuffling, dealing, and playing the cards.
Overall, I had a great time
learning this new game - I also
met new people
mad at least
and I made
g d friend.
fi d
one new good
g d i
d atAfter graduation,
I started
th Tuesday
d night
i h “back“b k
tending the
room sessions” at the Golden Age
Society. The serious duplicate
bridge club games were too far
advanced for me, and I liked the
camaraderie and informality of
the small group of beginners that
would meet at the same time and end an hour earlier.
It was so much fun, in fact,
that a number of us decided to
set up Friday afternoon sessions.
A small group of us gather to play
The bridge hand laid out
to help with the count
Call our sales team at 867 667 2910 ext 2,
or email
PHOTOS: Deborah McNevin
Deborah McNevin has her hand full with spades, hearts,
clubs, and diamonds as she delves into the world of bridge
in the Yukon Government Main Administration Building (MAB) cafeteria. We have maintained our informality and fun throughout, and
treat the sessions as learning opportunities. We engage in heated
discussions about what could have
been done differently, but with
respect and cordiality - unless we
are arguing with ourselves. For
example, I have had to call myself
an idiot many times - and myself
will always like to argue with that
kind of statement.
So that is Friday afternoon.
And Tuesday night.
Then a friend and I decided to
sign up as spares for the contract
bridge sessions that now take over
the MAB cafeteria on Wednesday
A close friend set up a bridge
session on Sundays, with just a
few friends and lots of time to
play and talk.
That meant Friday afternoons,
Tuesday nights, Wednesday afternoons and Sunday afternoons were
booked, plus the occasional fun
learning weekend tournament. I
even ventured into the “big persons” room to try my hand at the
aforementioned duplicate bridge.
It is really humbling to realize
how much more there is to learn
and to apply.
It took me a while, but eventually I realized I had reached the
point of a “bridge too far”. I was
playing more days of the week
than not! As much as I enjoyed it,
I needed to make room for other
things— like time with my husband, who was rapidly becoming
a bridge widower.
So for now, I have settled on
Friday afternoons, and serving as
a spare when I can. As with any
other language, I will not get very
good this way, but I like leaving
my competitive side dormant - or
reserved for my hockey pool.
And at the very least I can now
play bridge at the nursing home,
should/when the need arise.
Deborah McNevin is a relatively
long-time Yukoner and a
relatively new senior, part of
the writers’ collective for this
...not a copy camel!
DO something different in
January 23, 2019
Violence 101
The escalation of violence
by Serge Harvey-Gauthier
“Surviving in Yukon”
n the last two articles of this
series, I described the four
phases of the Cycle of Violence
(accumulation, explosion, honeymoon, justification). The definition of violence highlights the
central role of control over the
victim(s). Violent behaviour has
easily identifiable characteristics:
the aggressor ignores the destructive impact and negative emotions
felt by the victim(s).
Eventually, violent episodes
become endless, increasingly
frequent and intense, eventually
causing the honeymoon phase to
disappear. It is essential that victims of violence protect themselves by asking for help from a
local support resource (list enclosed).
As we have already seen, who
the victim is and where the violence develops determines whether it is affective, organizational/
professional or social violence.
This article discusses the four
forms of violence and the Yukon’s
support resources. This column
will describe the five principles of
violence; but for now, let us return to its four forms:
violence Psychological violence is
the most widespread and painful
form of aggression (Yllö & Bograd, 1988), however it is difficult
to detect by someone unfamiliar
with its definition or its stated
premises. The primary elements
of psychological violence are control, blame, sulking, denigration
and humiliation, harassment, intimidation, manipulation, threats
and blackmail, negation, intentional deprivation, simulated indifference, and repeated over/
unaccountability that seeks to
cause emotional damage (Ouellet,
Lindsay, Clément and Beaudoin,
Importantly, this research has
established that so-called verbal violence is not a component
or sign of psychological violence,
The first pages of your Yukon and
Northern British Columbia phone
Whitehorse: 911
first 3 numbers and 5555
Yukon and Northern B.C.:
PHOTO: courtesy of Serge Harvey-Gauthier
“but a means by which one threatens, denigrates, or manipulates,
that is to say the means by which
psychological violence is likely to
appear” (p. 137) [translated].
Clinical experience also shows
us that radio, television and the
computer are other means, like
verbal dialogue, by which an aggressor can commit violent acts.
2. Physical violence A second
form, always connected to psychological violence, is also the most
visible—this is physical violence,
which is a simple act of aggression
(phase two of the Cycle of Violence). The violent person channels their aggression towards the
body of the victim, whether with
or without objects, in a direct or
indirect way. This hostility could
include undesirable touching,
pushing, pulling objects or hair,
slapping or biting—escalating to
extremes such as an acid attack
to the victim’s face. While imposing, physical aggression is merely
the tip of the iceberg, which is
chiefly composed of psychological
3. Sexual violence
Sexual violence occurs when
undesired and sexually charged
words, actions, or gestures, repeated or not, undermine the dignity or the physical or psychological integrity of a person. This form
of aggression is still very hidden,
firstly due to the double taboo of
“violence/sexuality” and secondly
due to its intimate attack of the
victim—especially when it occurs
in a workplace.
4. Financial violence Financial
violence is “action taken with the
goal of harming the victim … to
create a situation with financial
consequences (Damant, Dompierre and Jauvin, 1997, p. 18)
[translated]. This form of aggression is not especially visible since
it takes place in a clearly established power dynamic between
the aggressor and their victim,
such as:
• A married couple
• Between immediate or extended family members
• Supervisor or manager/employee/or between work colleagues,
workers sharing a career, workers in the same trade
• Organized crime/a predetermined territory
iis always on your mind...
We’re looking for people who are
Share your stories with our readers:
• Dictator/the people
• Weapon producers/a country
Since the start of this series
of articles, the four phases of
the Cycle of Violence have been
a common recurrence, much like
the concepts of control and the
characteristics of violent behaviour. Readers are now familiar
with the resources available in
the Yukon, much like the categories of this social whirlpool. There
are four forms of violence: psychological, physical, sexual and financial.
In my next article, I will discuss
the five principles that “build”
violence as decried. This knowledge will allow you to be a lifelong witness, from near or from
afar, to all sorts of violent phenomena, whether at home, at
school, at work, while driving your
car, in the media or around us in
Serge Harvey-Gauthier is a
social worker and passionate
about helping people.
To contact him email
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