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NĂM HỌC 2019-2020
I. LISTENING : (2 ms)
A. These people are calling friends about the weekend. Listen and choose the best answer :
1. When does Bob want to go to the movies?
A. on the weekend
B. on Friday morning
C. on Friday night
2. When is the party ?
A. on Saturday night
B. the weekend after next
C. on Sunday night
3. When does Ken want to go out with Nancy ?
A. on Friday morning
B. on Friday night
C. on the weekend
4. When is the games?
A. on Sunday night
B. on Sunday afternoon
C. on Saturday afternoon
5. When is the movie on TV?
A. Tuesday night
B. Thursday night
C. tonight
B. Listen again and choose the best answer :
6. His family had a .................in the 1930s.
A. TV set
B. computer
C. radio
7. He left school when he was.......................

A. 14
B. 15
C. 16
8. He played football with his friends every.................
A. Friday
B. Saturday
C. Sunday
II. Vocabulary and Grammar (2ms)
* Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest:
9. A. habit
B. magic
C. arrange
D. rag
* Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern:
10. A. interest
B. position
C. recycle
D. assistance
* Choose the underlined part in each sentence that needs correcting
11. Lan likes cooking meals, but she dislikes to gather broken glasses.
* Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete each sentence.
12. The doctor aksed him ........................a rest
A. to take
B. take
C. takes
D. taking

13. You should buy the blue sweater. It suits you ………..than the red one.
A. good
B. well
C. better
D. the best
14. His parents are proud………… him
A. on
B. in
C. with
D. of
15. TV brings not only information..........................entertainment.
A. but for
B. but also
C. and also
D. and for
16. “May I help you ?” - “.................................”.
A. Yes, that’s very kind of you.
B. What can I do for you ?
C. I’m afraid I’m busy now.
D. How can I help ypu ?
III. Reading (2ms)
A. Read the fairy tale Cinderella and do the tasks below.
Once upon a time there was a young girl called Cinderella. Cinderella was living happily with her
family when her mother died. Her father married an evil widow with two daughters. Cinderella’s

stepmother and two stepsisters mistreated her. She had to wear old clothes and work hard while the
sisters wore fancy clothes and had fun. A good witch helped Cinderella. She turned Cinderella’s
old dress into a beautiful gown. Cinderella went to a party and a handsome prince politely invited

her to dance with him. He fell in love with her and wanted to find out who she was. Cinderella left
the party in a hurry and didn’t tell the prince her name. But she left a glass slipper, and the prince
used that to find her. They got married and lived happily ever after.
17. Who did Cinderella’s father marry ?
A. a kind widow
B. a sociable widow
C. an evil widow D.
18. Were her step mother and two two stepsisters very kind to her ?
A. Yes, they were
B. Yes, she was
C. No, they weren’t
D. No, they didn’t
19. Who invited her to dance ?
A. an evil widow
B. her stepmother
C. her stepsisters D. a handsome prince
20. What did Cinderella leave when she left the party in a hurry ?
A. a shoe
B. a glass slipper
C. old clothes
D. beautiful gown
B. Complete the following passage with the words given in the box.
In the first year of lower secondary school, I had some difficult in learning English. My (21)
…………of English words was really bad and my English grammar was worse. I did not
know how to (22)…………them. One afternoon after the lesson, my teacher of English told
me to wait for her outside the classroom. She (23)………me to the school library and showed

me cassettes of pronunciation drills kept in glass bookcase. She told me (24)..........to use an
English – English dictionary to improve my English grammar “Now I think you know what
you should do”, she said. I did not know that only one year later I would win the first prize in
the English speaking contest held for secondary school students in my school.
21. A. pronunciation
B. speaking
C. reading
D. writing
22. A. invent
B. speak
C. improve
D. write
23. A. take
B. took
C. taken
D. taking
24. A. what
B. where
C. when
D. how
V. Writing (2ms)
A. Complete the sentences with the words given:
25. Hoang / used / write / friends / but now / he / telephone
→ ……………..………………………………………………………………
26.He / work / bank / since / he / leave / college
→ ……………..………………………………………………………………
B. Complete each sentence so that it means the same as the sentence above:
27. “Turn off all the lights when you go out”, Jane said to Tim
→ Jane asked Tim………………………………………………………………
28. This hotel is more comfortable than all the others.

→ This hotel ................ ………………………………………………………..
29.The last time I saw him was in 1985.
→ I haven’t............................................................................................................
30. Peter is too young to see the horror film.
→ Peter is not........................................................................................................
--- THE END ---


A. LISTENING (2.0 pts)
Part 1. Listen to the passage and choose the best answer (A,B or C) (1.0pt)
1. How many rooms are there in the author’s house?
A. three
B. four
C. five
2. The house is . . . . . . . . . . the garden.
A. in front of
B. beside
C. behind
3. Which of the following is not true?
A. The author’s house is old
B. The author lives in the city
C. The author’s house has a lovely view.
4. According to the passage, the writer is . . . . . . . . . .
A. friendly
B. unfriendly
C. reserved
Part 2. Listen to the passage and choose the best option (A or B). (1.0pt)

5. Cindy had to work very hard all day.
A. True
B. False
6. Cindy was very sad because she had to be at home.
A. True
B. False
7. Cindy's sister changed her rags into beautiful clothes.
A. True
B. False
8. Cindy and the Prince were married and lived happily ever after.
A. True
B. False
B. USE OF ENGLISH ( 2.0pts)
Choose the best option ( A,B,C or D)
9. My grandma ______ us when my parents were away from home.
A. looked for
B. looked after
C. looked at
D. looked up
10. A: May I help you ? B -____________________
A. What can I do for you?
B. I’m afraid I’m busy now
C. Yes. That’s very kind of you
D. Sure
11. That girl has …………………….eyes.
A. big blue nice B. nice blue big

C. big nice blue

D. nice big blue

12.His parents are always proud …………him.
A. about
B. of
C. on
D. with
13. He is …………………………………… a car.
A. enough old to drive
B. old enough driving
C. old enough driving
D. old enough to drive
14. Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting
Hoa always washes vegetables careful before cooking them .
15.* Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others 11.
A. talked
B. stopped
C. laughed
D. planted
16.* Choose the word that has the different stress from the others
A. enroll
B. summer
C. hobby
D. favor
C. READING (2.0pts)
Part 1. Read the passage and choose the best option (A,B,C or D). (1.0pt)
Learning a language is, in some ways, (17) _______ learning how to fly or play the piano.

There some differences, but there is a very important similarity. It is this: learning how to do such
things needs lots of practice. It is (18) _________ enough simply to “know “something. You must
be able to “do” things with what to know. For example, it is not enough simply to (19) _____ a
book on how to fly an aero plane. A book can give you lots of information about how to fly but if
you only read a book and then try to fly without a great deal of practice first, you will crash and

kill (20) ________. The same is true of learning the piano or learning a foreign language. Can you
read English well without having lots of practice? “Practice makes perfect” is what every learner
of a foreign language should know.
17. A. like
B. love
C. hate
D. hope
18. A. always
B. never
C. often
D. sometimes
19. A. study
B. listen
C. read
D. speak
20. A. myself
B. yourself
C. herself
D. themselves
Part 2. Read the following passage and choose the best answer (A,B,C or D). (1.0pt)
Children’s education is changing rapidly today. In the past, teachers made children sit still for
hours . They made them memorize all sorts of things. In other words, children had to go on

repeating things until they knew them by heart .Moreover teachers gave students too much
homework but most teachers did not properly plan the homework tasks they gave to students. The
result was that students had to repeat tasks which they had already done at school . Today, many
teacher wonder if it is possible to make children learn at all. They say you can only help them
learn. They say you must let children learn and discover things for themselves.
21. How is children’s education changing today?
A. slowly
B. small
C. quickly
D. large
22. What does the word “them” in line 2 refer to ?
A. children
B. teachers
C. hours
D. education
23. Nowadays, many teachers say that they only ________
A. teach children at home
B. make children learn
C. give children more homework
D. help children learn
24 Which of the following is NOT TRUE?
A. In the past, teacher made children sit still for hours.
B. Children had to memorize all sort of things.
C. In the past, teachers helped children learn.
D. Today, the modern learning method is letting children learn and discover things for
D. WRITING (2.0pts)
Part 1. Complete the sentences with the words given. (1.0pt)
25. Children / ought / spend / their free time / play / sports.

26. My brother / very good / repairing / household appliances.
Part 2. Rewrite the sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first. (1.0pt)
27.She enjoys reading books.
She is……………………………………………………………………
28. Mary went to school on foot before she had a bike.
Mary used ………………………………………………………………
29. I intend to come over to pick you up
 I am……………………………………………………………………….
30. “Try your best to improve your pronunciation, Tim” Miss Jackson said
 Miss Jackson asked…………………………………………………………..
---THE END --4

A. LISTENING (2.0 pts)
Part 1. Listen to the passage and choose the best option (A or B). (1.0pt)
1. Peter is sixteen years old.
A. True
B. False
2. He always works hard at school and gets good marks.
A. True
B. False
3. Sometimes he helps me to write letters in Vietnamese.
A. True
B. False
4. He is going to visit Ho Chi Minh with his family next summer.
A. True
B. False
Part 2. Listen to the description of Tim’s kitchen and choose the best answer (A,B or C).

5. Tim’s kitchen isn’t_________________.
A. very big
B. very small C. very dirty
6. ___________is in the right corner of the room.
A. A stove
B. A refrigerator
C. A steamer
7. There is ____________on the counter.
A. a rice-cooker
B. a jar
C. a table
8. It is really____________.
A. beautiful
B. comfortable
C. tidy
B. USE OF ENGLISH ( 2.0pts)
* Choose the best option ( A,B,C or D)
9. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others
A. returned
B. decided
C. burned
D. grazed
10. Choose the word that has the different stress from the others
A. discuss
B. resident
C. parcel
D. comfort
11. Choose the underlined word or phrase that is incorrect
I don’t enjoy to go on vacation as much as I used to.

12. You should ___________your speaking skills by listening first.
A. improve
B. make
C. decide
D. do
13. We have __________ways of learning a foreign language.
A. differently
B. difference
C. different
D. differ
14. My sister is old enough______a car
B. driving
C. to driving
D. to drive
15. They __________________ here since 1994.
A. live
B. have lived
C. lived
D. are living
16. “ How often do you have English?”  “______________________”
A. Three times a week
B. I’m afraid I’m busy now
C. On December 25
D. At 6 o’clock outside the school gate
C. READING (2.0pts)

Part 1. Read the passage and choose the best option (A,B,C or D). (1.0pt)
On March 3, 1847, Alexander Graham Bell was born in Edinburgh. He was a Scotsman
although he later (17)_______first to Canada and then to the USA in 1870s. (18)______America,
he worked with deaf-mutes at Boston University. Soon, Bell started experementing with ways of
(19)_____ speech over a long distance. This led to the (20)_________of the telephone.
17. A. started

18. A. On
B. In
C. At
D. For
19. A. transmitting
B. transmit
C. transmission
D. transmited
20. A. invent
B. inventor
C. invention
D. invented
Part 2. Read the passage and choose the best answer (A,B,C or D). (1.0pt)
“Activation” is a charity. Its main is to provide activity breaks for teenagers from poor
families in London. We choose children who would never have a holiday unless we helped. Every
year we organize charity events to raise money and we bring small groups of children here to the
seaside, where they can learn to swim and to sail. Host families provide accommodation and look
after the teenagers during their stay.

21. What is “Activation”?
A. a holiday
B. a charity
C. a volunteer
D. a family
22. How can they raise money?
A. By organizing charity events
B. By bringing small groups of children to the seaside
C. By teaching children to swim
D. By looking after the teenagers
23. What does the word “they” in line 4 refer to?
A. families
B. Events
C. Children
D. activities
24. Which of the following is true?
A. Teenagers from rich families in London can join the program
B. The children must learn to swim and to sail
C. “ Activation” provides accommodation for the children
D. Host families take care of the children during their way.
D. WRITING (2.0pts)
Part 1. Rewrite the sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first. (1.0pt)
25. “ Can you wait for me outside classroom?”
 He asked me..........................................................................................................
26. We last met him 5 years ago
 We haven’t…………………………………………………………………………
27. My brother usually went swimming a lot when he was young.
 My brother used........................................................................................................
28. Why don’t we travel to Nha Trang by train?
 Let’s…………………………………………………………………………………..

Part 2. Complete the sentences with the words given. (1.0pt)
29. Mai / live / 28 Nguyen Du street / her parents
30. We / going / call you / Friday afternoon
--- THE END ---


I. LISTENING: (2,0ms)
A. Listen carefully then choose True or False: (1.0m)
1. Yesterday, Mrs Green and Mary went shopping.
A. T
B. F
2. They travelled by bus to the commercial district of the city.
A. T
B. F
3. There were traffic lights on busy streets.
A. T
B. F
4. Life in a big city is always busy.
A. T
B. F
B. Listen carefully then fill one word in each blank: (1.0m )
5. They live on …………………………..
A. house
B. flat
C. houseboat

6. The boat looks …………………….., but it’s quite big inside.
A. small
B. big
C. old
7. We usually ………………… our houseboat at Little Venice in London.
A. do
B. keep
C. make
8. We’re almost in the center of the ……………. there.
A. city
B. country
C. town
9. Find the word which has a different sound in part underlined.
A. proud
B. should
C. sound
D. count
10. Choose the word that has the stressed syllable different from the others.
A. effect
B. notice
C. contract
D. surface
11. Choose the words that are not correct.
My mother used to living on the farm when she was young
Find the one choice that best completes:

12. Lan makes some cakes………………………
A. myself
B. himself
C. herself
D. itself
13. They are not the same. They are………….from each other
C. different
D. differently
14. I came to live in London in 1990. I………………there for 17 years
A. live
B. have lived
C. lived
D. living
15. I went to school today and your teacher gave me your report ....…………
A. book
B. paper
C. result
D. card
16. “May I help you”  “…………………………………”
A. What can I do for you?
B. I’m afraid I’m busy now
C. Yes, That’s very kind of you
D. How can I help you?
III. READING: (2,0ms)
A. Choose the word A,B or C that fits the blank space in the following passage: (1m)
Hoa is excited about the (17)……………..activities she is going to do. The Y& Y is having a
plan to help the community. She’ll (18)………....in its recycling program. In joining this program,
she’ll collect used paper, glass and empty cans. Then she will send them for (19)………………….

She hopes that she could (20)………………natural resources and earn some money for her
school Y&Y in these activities. She also thinks about participating in either planting trees and
flowers or helping the street children.
17. A. interesting
B. interested
C. boring
D. bored
18. A. take
B. participate
C. fill
D. take care of
19. A. recycle
B. recycled
C. recycling
D. recyclable
20. A. take
B. give
C. use
D. save

B. Read the passage and choose the best answer (A, B or C) to each statement: (1.0m)
Living in a big city today is very different from living in a small town long ago. Today if you
want to go to the city center, it takes you a long time by bus or by car. If you ride motorbike, you
breathe all the exhaust fumes and feel sick. However, if you become ill, there are hospitals close
by. Also if you like music and dancing, the discos and pubs offer a wide variety.
Long ago life was different. If people traveled, they used horses and carts. If they went a
long distance, the journey took days, not hours. If they were ill, they didn’t go to the hospital, there
were none. If there is a wedding or holiday, they sang and danced.

21. Is the life in the city today different from the life in a small town long ago?
A. Yes, it is
B. Yes, it does
C. No, it isn’t
D. No, it doesn’t
22. How can you go to the city center?
A. By motorbike B. By bus or by car C. By horse and cart
D. By airplane
23. What will happen if you ride a motorbike?
A. You will be comfortable
B. You will be convenient
C. You will breathe all the exhaust fumes and feel sick
D. You will breathe fresh air
24. Which of the following is not true?
A. There weren’t any hospitals in the past.
B. There weren’t any discos and pubs in the past.
C. In the past, the long journey could take days, not hours.
D. It’s very convenient to travel in the past
IV. WRITING: (2,0ms)
A. Complete the sentences using the provided words: (1.0m)
25. Nga and Hoa / enjoy / cook / very much.
26. Mr Thanh / learn / French / three years .
B. Complete each sentence so that it means the same as the sentence above: (1.0m)
27. I played soccer very often when I was young.
 I used to…………………………………………………………………
28. I have studied English since 2005.
 I studied…………………………………………………
29. She is a good English speaker.

 She speaks ……. ………………………………………………………
30. Tom said to Jane: “Can you help me with my pronunciation? “
 Tom asked me……………………………………………………………


I. LISTENING: (2pts)
Question 1: Read the text and then choose the best answer:(1pt)
1. Cindy had to work very hard all day.
A. True
B. False
2. Cindy was very sad because she had to be at home.
A. True
3. Cindy's sister changed her rags into beautiful clothes.
A. True
B. False
4. Cindy and the Prince were married and lived happily ever after. A. True
B. False
Question 2: Listen again and answer the questions. (1pt)
5. Why was Cindy very sad?
A. She had to work hard all day B. She had a lazy sister
C. She had to be at home
6. Who changed Cindy's rags into beautiful clothes?
A. mother
B. father
C. fairy
7. What did she leave on the dance floor?

A. shoe
B. hat
C. clothes
8. Did the Prince want to see her again?
A. No, he didn’t
B. Yes, he did
C. No, he doesn’t
Choose the words which has underlined parts pronounced differently
9.A. wet market
C. plentiful
D. get
Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others.
10. A. migrant
B. destroy
C. supply
D. remote
Choose the best answer A, B, C or D
11. He is strong enough ............ this box.
A. lift
B. lifts
C. to lift
D. lifting
12. May I help you? - .................................................
A. No, I don't need
C. Thank you, I don't need
B. Yes. That's very kind of you
D. Yes, I'm fine
13. The heavy rain has caused……………………… in many parts of the country.

A. storms
B. droughts
C. typhoons
D. floods
14. The man ………………………..in the factory since he left school.
C. is working
D.has worked
15. Ba has a large……………of foreign stamps.
B. collect
D. collecting
* Choose the words or phrases that are not correct in standard English:
16. I don’t enjoy to goon vacation as much as I used to.
A. Read the passage and choose the most suitable answer A, B, C or D. (1pt)
Nam is in grade 8A. He (17)..........his report card for the last school year. He got good grade
(18)............Literature and Math, but his English was poor. His English teacher said, "Nam, you
must work harder on your English". He'll try his best to study well next year. He loves (19)............,
and he likes sports, too. He enjoys (20).......... soccer a lot. This summer vacation, he is enrolling
for the summer activities in his home town. They'll plant trees, clean the streets and participate in
the city's sport programs.
17. A.has received
B. have received
C. received

D. receive
18. A. in
B. During
C. for
D. since
19. A. study
B. Studies
C. studied
D. studying
20. A. play
B. plays
C. will play
D. playing

B. Read the following passage and choose the best answer:(1pt)
According to Dr. Lee, here are the most important things a student should do to be a good
language learner. First, you should always go to class and get to it early. Second, you should sit
straight and pay attention. And you ought to ask and answer questions in class. Third, you should
do all homework and try to use your new language outside of class at least once every week.
Finally, you mustn’t give up!
21. The author was trying to ______ .
A. show how important the language is
B. introduce a new way of language learning
C. give the reader advice on language learning
D. persuade the readers to join their new language class
22. The author wrote the passage to ______ .
A. students
B. language learners

C. doctors
D. engineers
23. Which of the following could be the best title of the passage?
A. How To Be a Good Language Learner
B. How To Be a Good Teacher
C. A New Way of Language Learning
D. Dr. Lee’s Ideas
24. We could replace ‘ought to’ in line 4 with _____ .
A. should
B. have to
C. need
D. can
IV. WRITING:(2pts)
Question 1: (1pt) Rewrite the following sentences, begin with the words given
25. "Don't talk in class, students", the teacher asked.
-> The teacher asked ............................................................................................
26. The doctor said to Nga, "You should stay in bed."
->The doctor said…………………………………………………
27. I often played football when I was young.
 I used …………………………………………………………………………
28. She is clever. She can answer all these questions
->She is clever enough…… .......................................................................................
Question 2:(1pt) Complete the sentences:
29. We/ not see/ each other/ 10 years.
30. Mai Anh / enjoy / cook / very much.

---- THE END ----


Part 1. Tape script
I live in a house near the sea. It’s an old house, about 100 years old, and it’s very small. There
are two bedrooms upstairs but no bathroom. The bathroom is downstairs next to the kitchen and
there’s a living room where there is a lovely old fireplace. There’s a garden in front of the house.
The garden goes down to the beach and in spring and summer there are flowers everywhere. So, I
have a lot of visitors. My city friends often stay with me. I love my house for many reasons: the
garden, the flowers in summer, the fire in winter, but the best thing is the view from my bedroom
Part 2. Tape script
Once upon a time there was a girl called Cindy. She had to work very hard all day while her lazy
sister did nothing. One night her sister went to a party at the palace. Cindy was very sad because
she had to be at home. Suddenly, a fairy appeared and told her that she could go to the party.She
also changed Cindy's rags into beautiful clothes. Then she went to the party and danced with the
Prince. At midnight she ran back home, leaving one of her shoes on the dance floor. The prince
wanted to see her again and went to every house in the capital until he found that the shoe was the
right size for Cindy. She and the Prince were married and lived happily ever after.
* Tapescript:
Part 1.
Peter is my pen pal. He is fifteen years old. He lives in a house in London. He is an excellent
student. He always works hard at school and gets good marks. He loves learning Vietnamese in his
free time. He often practices writing letters in Vietnamese. Sometimes he helps me to correct my
writing and I help him to correct his spelling mistakes. Next summer, he is going to visit Ho Chi
Minh City with his family. I’m expecting to see him.
Part 2.
This is Tim’s kitchen. It isn’t very big. There is a refrigerator in the right corner of the room.

Next to the refrigerator there is a stove and steamer. On the counter there is a rice-cooker and a lot
of jars with sugar, flour and tea. In the middle of the kitchen there is a table with four chairs.
Above the table there is a lighting fixture. Besides there is also a clock on the wall. It is really tidy.
Tapescript 1: Yesterday, Mrs Green and Mary went shoping. They travelled by bus to the
commercial district of the city. There were stores on busy streets. Many people were waiting at the
bus stop. Life in the big city is always busy.
Tapescript 2: We don’t live in a house or a flat. We live on houseboat. The boat looks small, but
it’s quite big inside . Apart from the bathroom, it has only one room, so we have to do everything
there- eat, cook, sleep and watch TV. We usually keep our houseboat at Little Venice in London.
We’re almost in the center of the city there. That’s great for clubs, pubs, the theatre, and so on.
Once upon a time there was a girl called Cindy. She had to work very hard all day while her lazy
sister did nothing. One night her sister went to a party at the palace. Cindy was very sad because
she had to be at home. Suddenly, a fairy appeared and told her that she could go to the party.She
also changed Cindy's rags into beautiful clothes. Then she went to the party and danced with the
Prince. At midnight she ran back home, leaving one of her shoes on the dance floor. The prince
wanted to see her again and went to every house in the capital until he found that the shoe was the
right size for Cindy. She and the Prince were married and lived happily ever after.




2.A 3.B 4.B






10.A 11C 12.A 13.C 14.D 15.B 16.A
18.A 19.D 20.B 21.A 22.C 23.B 24.D
III. Writing
25. Hoang used to write to friends but now he uses telephone.
26.He has worked in a bank since he left college
27. → Jane asked Tim to turn off all the lights when he go out
28.→ This hotel is the most comfortable one.
29. →I haven’t seen him since 1985
30. Peter is not old enough to see the horror film.
Part 1. Tape script
I live in a house near the sea. It’s an old house, about 100 years old, and it’s very small. There

are two bedrooms upstairs but no bathroom. The bathroom is downstairs next to the kitchen and
there’s a living room where there is a lovely old fireplace. There’s a garden in front of the house.
The garden goes down to the beach and in spring and summer there are flowers everywhere. So, I
have a lot of visitors. My city friends often stay with me. I love my house for many reasons: the
garden, the flowers in summer, the fire in winter, but the best thing is the view from my bedroom
* Answer key:
Part 2. Tape script
Once upon a time there was a girl called Cindy. She had to work very hard all day while her lazy
sister did nothing. One night her sister went to a party at the palace. Cindy was very sad because
she had to be at home. Suddenly, a fairy appeared and told her that she could go to the party.She
also changed Cindy's rags into beautiful clothes. Then she went to the party and danced with the
Prince. At midnight she ran back home, leaving one of her shoes on the dance floor. The prince
wanted to see her again and went to every house in the capital until he found that the shoe was the
right size for Cindy. She and the Prince were married and lived happily ever after.
* Answer key:










Part 1








Part 2

Part 1

25. Children ought to spend their free time playing sport
26. My brother is very good at repairing household appliances.
Part 2
27.She is interested in reading books
28. Mary used to go to school on foot
29. I am going to come over to pick you up
30. Miss Jackson asked Tim to try his best to improve his pronunciation
Mỗi câu đúng 0,25 điểm (0,25 x 24 = 6 điểm)








* Tapescript:
Part 1.
Peter is my pen pal. He is fifteen years old. He lives in a house in London. He is an excellent
student. He always works hard at school and gets good marks. He loves learning Vietnamese in his
free time. He often practices writing letters in Vietnamese. Sometimes he helps me to correct my
writing and I help him to correct his spelling mistakes. Next summer, he is going to visit Ho Chi
Minh City with his family. I’m expecting to see him.
Part 2.
This is Tim’s kitchen. It isn’t very big. There is a refrigerator in the right corner of the room.
Next to the refrigerator there is a stove and steamer. On the counter there is a rice-cooker and a lot
of jars with sugar, flour and tea. In the middle of the kitchen there is a table with four chairs.
Above the table there is a lighting fixture. Besides there is also a clock on the wall. It is really tidy.
Part 1:
Mỗi câu viết đúng 0,25 điểm (0,25 x 4 = 1 điểm)
25. He asked me to wait for him outside classroom.
26. We haven’t met him for 5 years.
27. My brother used to go swimming a lot when he was young

28. Let’s travel to Nha Trang by train.
Part 2:
Mỗi câu viết đúng 0,5 điểm (0,5 x 2 = 1 điểm)
29. Mai lives at 28 Nguyen Du street with her parents
30. We are going to call you on Friday afternoon


A. Mỗi câu nghe và viết đúng 0,25 điềm (0,25đ x4 = 1điểm)
1. A 2. A 3. B 4. A
Tapescript: Yesterday, Mrs Green and Mary went shoping. They travelled by bus to the
commercial district of the city. There were stores on busy streets. Many people were waiting at the
bus stop. Life in the big city is always busy.
B. Mỗi câu nghe và chọn đúng 0,25 điềm (0,25đ x4 = 1điểm)
5. C 6. A 7. B 8. A
Tapescript: We don’t live in a house or a flat. We live on houseboat. The boat looks small, but it’s
quite big inside . Apart from the bathroom, it has only one room, so we have to do everything
there- eat, cook, sleep and watch TV. We usually keep our houseboat at Little Venice in London.
We’re almost in the center of the city there. That’s great for clubs, pubs, the theatre, and so on.
9. B
10. A
11. B
12. C
13. C
14. B
15. D 16. C

Mỗi câu đúng 0,25 điểm (0,25đ x 8 = 2 điểm)
17. A 18. B 19. C 20. D 21. A 22. B 23. C 24. D
A. Mỗi câu đúng 0,5 điểm (0,5đ x 2= 1 điểm)
25. Nga and Hoa enjoy cooking very much.
26. Mr Thanh has learned French for three years.
B. Mỗi câu đúng 0,5 điểm (0,25đ x 4= 1 điểm)
27. I used to play soccer when I was young.
28. I studied English in 2005.
29. She speaks English well.
30. Tom asked me to help him with his pronunciation.
I. LISTENING: (2pts)
Question 1: 1A 2A 3B 4A
Question 2: 5C 6C 7A 8B
Once upon a time there was a girl called Cindy. She had to work very hard all day while her lazy
sister did nothing. One night her sister went to a party at the palace. Cindy was very sad because
she had to be at home. Suddenly, a fairy appeared and told her that she could go to the party.She
also changed Cindy's rags into beautiful clothes. Then she went to the party and danced with the
Prince. At midnight she ran back home, leaving one of her shoes on the dance floor. The prince
wanted to see her again and went to every house in the capital until he found that the shoe was the
right size for Cindy. She and the Prince were married and lived happily ever after.
II. LANGUAGE FOCUS: (2pts)( mỗi câu đúng 0.25 điểm)
9B 10A 11C 12B 13D 14D 15A
A. 17A 18C 19D
20D( mỗi câu đúng 0.25 điểm)

B. 21C 22B 23A
24A( mỗi câu đúng 0.25 điểm)
IV. WRITING:(2pts)
25. The teacher asked the/ his students not to talk in class.
26. The doctor said (that) Nga should stay in bed.
27. I used play football when I was young.
28. She is clever enough to answer all these questions.
29.We haven’t seen each other for 10 years.
30.Mai Anh enjoys cooking very much.

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