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English 8 test 1

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Phßng Gi¸o Dôc Thanh liªm
Trêng thcs a thanh nghÞ
KiÓm tra 45’
Class : 8 ….
Name : ………………………………….
I. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences(2.5marks)
1.Minh is a ..................... student
A. hardwork B. work hard C. working hard D. hard-working
2. Ba is sociable but his brother is quite ...................
A. out going B. shy C. generous D. kind
3. A person who can’t speak or hear is called a....................
A. character B. deaf C.blind D. deaf- mute
4. Our grandfather often tells us ......................
A. books B. jokes C. films D. libraries
5. I’m living on the 2
floor. Peter is living ................. on the 3
A. downstairs B. up stairs C. outside D. inside
6. Nam is not tall .......................to reach the lamp
A. enough B. so that C. for D. that
7.Graham Bell ..........................telephone
A. invented B. made C. did D. had
8. I’m sorry . I can’t ........................... chess tonight
A. to play B. play C. playing D. played
9.I’m going to....................... the garden
A. clean B. cleaning C. cleans D. cleaned
10. Let’s ...................... go to the movies
A. us B. him C. them D.Φ
II. Supply the correct tense or form of the verbs (2,5 marks )

1. Who (help) ..................(1)................you yesterday?
2. There are a lot of black clouds . It ( rain )...............(2)...............
3. We ( live ) ................(3).............in Hue two years ago
4. Would you like me ( book ) .................(4)..............you a ticket?
5. Where is Nam ?
He ( read ) ................(5)...............upstairs
Lêi phª cña gi¸o viªn
III. Write the completed sentences , using the following sets(1.5 marks)
1. Ba / playing / hide / seek / cousin
2. Would / you / go / movies / me / tonight?
3. Shall / we / go / see / movies Dream City / 6.45 / this evening?
IV. Read and complete the paragraph with one suitable word in the gap (2 marks)
( opposite, are, a, desk, there, the, of, room )
This is Hoa’s bedroom. There is a ……(1)….. on the left …(2)….the room. On the desk there
…(3)…. Many folders. ….(4)…. is a bed near the desk. On the right of the…(5).…, there is …
(6)…. window. There is a wardrobe beside ….(7)…. window. The wardrobe is …(8)…. the

V. Read the paragraph and answer the questions (1.5marks)
Alexander Graham Bell was born in Edinburgh, Scotland. But later he emigrated to the USA in
1870s . In America, he worked with deaf- mutes at Boston University. Soon Bell stated
experimenting with way of transmitting speech over a long distance. This led to the invention of
the telephone which the first introduced in 1876 and was in commercial use by 1877.
1. Where was he born?
2. When did he move to the USA?
3. Did he work at Boston University?
The end

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