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E9 U2 (8,9,11) EXERCISES
I. Turn the following sentences into the passive voice:
1. Waitresses and waiters serve customers.
2. Maria is preparing that report.
3. The teacher is going to explain the lesson.
4. Bill invite Ann to the party.
5. Shakepear wrote that play.
6. Two horses were pulling the farmer’s wagon.
7. Ken has suggested a new idea.
8. Mrs Green hasn’t signed those papers yet.
9. Has Mr Brown typed these reports?
10. I didn’t write that note.
II. Make questions for the underlined words:
1. They often wear shorts in Summer.
2. She usually wear jeans at weekends.
3. He always wear a sweater in winter because the water is cold.
4. This blouse belongs to Maria.

5. Daisy’s skirt is red.
6. Mary is wearing a short-sleeved blouse.
7. Tom met his teacher at the meeting.
8. That is Mr Green’s suit.
9. Mrs Brown bought those clothes at the supermarket.
10. The children usually go to school by bus.
III. Put the verbs into correct tenses (Past simple or Present Perfect)
1. We (finish)……………….our meal half an hour ago.
2. She (not see) ……………….him for four months.
3. I (not play) ……………….the violin since I was a little boy.
4. They (visit) ……………….the History Museum a few days ago.
5. My brother (not write) ……………….to me for months.
6. My youngest brother (get) ……………….a new job a week ago.
7. We (not pay) ……………….the butcher for over three weeks.
8.How many times (you be) ………………..….to England?
9. This is the first time he (drive) ……………….a car.
10. He (buy) ……………….one like it a month ago.
11. I (know) ……………….her since I (be) ……………….a student.
12. Up to now, I (never, see) ……………….such a big fire.
IV. Make complete sentences from these sets of words:
1. I / wish / have / a trip / world.
2. Last Sunday / form teacher / take us / zoo.

3. Jean cloth / make / completely / cotton / the 18
4. What / the main language / instruction/ secondary school?
5. My father / used / a professor / he / live / France.
V. Complete the sentences with the words in the box:
1. Poets are normally inspired with beauty. They write a lot beautiful poems
thanks to this …………………..
2. We attended the fashion show of a leading New York …………………..
3. What will you …………………..at Mary birthday’s party?
4. It’s becoming …………………..to wear short skirts and fade jeans again.
5. These clothes are fashionable and ……………….
6. Vietnamese women usually wear the Ao dai, ………on special occasions.
7. In the 18
century, jean cloth was made completely from………………
8.Young …………………..is fond of wearing Jeans.
Fashionable – especially – cotton – inspiration – unique
wear – designer - generation
I. Choose A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences:
1.(What, How, Which, Where)clothes do you prefer, T shirt or pullover?
2. My uncle was a (music, musical, musically, musician). He had a large
collection of musical instrument.
3. Vietnamese women prefer to wear modern clothing (at, and, to with) work.
4. Peter got (dress, dressed, dresses, dressing) quickly and went to school.

5. It’s (convenient, convenience, inconvenient, inconvenience) to call anyone at
6. The Ao Dai is the (beautiful, traditional, casual, baggy) dress of Vietnamese
7. (How, What, Why, Where) have fashion designers done to modernize the ao
8. The world Jeans comes (in, at, from, on) a kind of material that was made in
9. The national dress of Japanese women is (Kimono, Ao dai, Sari, Jeans).
10. Nguyen Du is considered a famous Vietnamese (poetry, poem, poet,poetic)
11. Mary (uses, used, is used, was used) to write to me last year.
12. She describes herself (by, as in, from) a fashion designer.
13. He (living, has lived, lived, live) with friends in an apartment in HCMC since
last week
14. I wish you (come, came, will come, would come) here tomorrow.
15. I (teach, taught, have taught, am teaching) English here since I graduated
from university.
16. Wearing uniform helps students (fall, feel, fell, felt) equal in many ways.
17. It’s dangerous (swim, to swim, swimming, swam) in this river.
18. Millions of Christmas cards (were sent, sent, send, are sent) last month.
19. Marie Curie (award, awarded, was awarded, has awarded) the Nobel Prize
for Physics in 1903.
20. He hates being (look, looking, to look, looked) at.
II. Read the dialogue and fill in the gap with suitable sentences:
a. that color suits you.
b. The fitting is behind here…
c. If you want anything
d. You couldn’t pass me the green colored one
e. Can I help you?
f. I’ll take this cream one

g. Have you got this in a large one
h. Yes, it fits perfectly, actually…
Shop assistant: (1) ………………………….
Customer: No, I’m just looking, thanks
Shop assistant: Well, (2) ………………………….just give me a call.
Customer: Err….this jumper (3) ………………………….?
Shop assistant: No, we’ve only got the small and the medium but the sizes
are quite big. Try it on. (4) ………………………….There you are
Customer: Thanks.
Shop assistant: Does it fit OK?
Customer: (5) ………………………….
Shop assistant: Yes, it does. It looks really good on you. (6) …………….
Customer: Hmm, I don’t know about the color my self. This cream’s going
to be very dirty (7) ………………………….
Shop assistant: I’m afraid I’ve only got that in the small. The brown one
looks very nice on you. We’ve got that in the medium.
Customer: hmm. No. (8) ………………………….
I like it….How much was it? $11.99?
Shop assistant: That one’s ….$13.99 actually.
Customer: Oh, well. Can you wrap it up for me?
Shop assistant: Sure. I’ll wrap it up for you.
III. Read the dialogue and answer the following questions:
Tom: Hello, John. Have you been here long?
John: No, I have just arrived.
Tom: Did you have a good flight?
John: Yes, it was fine. Thanks.
Tom: Here, let me take your case.
John: Thank you.
Tom: Have you ever been to London before?
John: No, this is my first visit.

Tom: Well, what would you like to see?
John: I don’t mind. I haven’t really thought about it.
Tom: Well, let’s go to the Tower of London.
John: That sounds fine.
Tom: OK, well. I’ll pick you up at about three o’clock.
1. Has John just arrived there?
2. How was the flight?
3. How long has John been in London?
4. Where do they intend to go?
5. When will Tom pick John up?
I. Multiple choice:
1. The word Jeans comes from a kind of material that (made, has made, was
made, making) in Europe.
2. A man called Jacob Davis had the idea of (used, using, use, to use) metal
rivets to hold the pockets and the jeans together.
3. The Ao dai is the (fashionable, modern, traditional, special) dress of
Vietnamese women.
4. The design and material used for women are (similar, different, like look)
from those used for men.
5.This cotton mill will ( recycle, spend, preserve, produce) the best silk in our
6. They have visited villages and studied designs such as suns, stars, crosses and
(polka-dot, jeans, stripes, pajamas).

II. Write questions for these answers:
1. The students have known that famous teacher for ten years.
How long………………………………………………………………………
2. Phong is very kind and friendly.
3. Ba and Phong came to the meeting last night.
4. That car is my teacher’s.
5.The students should talk to their teacher about their project.
6. They are talking about their summer vacation.
7. This coat costs 100.000 dong.
8. It’s about 320 kilometers from HCMC to Nha Trang.
9.You can find some colored pencil in that drawer.
10. Thirty students will attend this English course.
III. Change into Passive voice:
1. People should stop experiments on animals.
2. Mr Pike designed this bridge in 1954.
3. The teacher has just explained her lesson in class.
4. My sister wrote this letter last night.

5. She always does her homework carefully.
6. They didn’t tell you the truth of the situation.
7. We clean the garages every day.
8. They made jean cloth from cotton in the 18
9. They have just introduced a new style of jeans in the U.S.A.
10 They raised a lot questions at the meeting.
IV. Supply the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets:
1. He used to (go) ………………….swimming when he was young.
2. Are you used to (study) ………………….your lesson in the morning?
3. I wish I (see) ………………….the manager.
4. His bicycle (paint) ………………….last year.
5. I (not see) ………………….him at the party last night.
6. Those children (play ) ………………….football since 8:00.
7. Those shocking news (read) …………………on TV several times so far.
8. Did you get used to (get) ………………….everything ready before going
to school.
9. I wish he (come) ………………….to see me next week
10.The manager (be) ………………….in his office for twenty minutes.
V. Write correct sentences to make a complete letter:
Dear Mary,
Thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party.
1. I / be afraid / not be able / come.

2. I / many things to do / this week
3. I wish / can go / party.
4. I / offer / embroider / jeans / as a gift.
5. I hope / like it. ………………………………………..
I wish you many happy returns.
Yours, Peter.
I. Turn into Passive:
1. He finished his exercises on time.
2. People plant rice in those fields.
3. They use cars and trucks to carry food to market.
4. This boy broke my windows yesterday.
5. They have known him well.
6. We will meet him at the station.
7. Did you do your test perfectly?
8. Why didn’t you learn this lesson?
9. How long have they done their work?

10. No one could help him.
II. Choose the best answers for these sentences:
1. They have been pen pals and (speak, stay, take, correspond) at least once
every week.
2. What do you do to (proud, encourage, embroider, convenient) your friends
when they fail?
3. Nguyen Du is considered a famous Vietnamese (poem, poetry, poetic. poet).
4. Rubber tyres and floors recoverings are the (produce, products, production,
producing) of the factory.
5. I find this problem extremely hard to (solve, think, do, label). What do you
6. (What, Where, How, Which) do you prefer, country life or city life?
7. What do you (put, bear, wear, wear out) on the weekend to go to Mary’s
birthday party?
8. The clothes are fashionable and (only, merely, unique uniquely). Do you
agree with me?
9. What is your daughter named (after, on, in, from)? – A kind of flower.
10. My grandfather was a musician. He had a large collection of (musician,
musical, music, musics) instruments.
11. These clothes need (washed, be washed, to wash, washing) immediately
otherwise they will smell.
12. I wish my children (loved, love, did love, do love) me and would never
leave me alone.
13. She didn’t know how to solve her problem. She had to ask her friends (on,
in, for, to) a solution.
14. Are you proud (about, on, of, for) your country and its traditions?
15. Henry is a poet. He (written, has written, writes, is writing) a lot of
beautiful poems so far.

III. Read the passage and choose the best answers for the questions:
Between the months of November and May a wind blows from the
west in most part of Indonesia. It comes from the ocean and carries rain.
Clouds build up around the mountains, and every afternoon rain falls. The
rain is always heavy, and rivers can be walked across the dry season now
become dangerous. When it rains the whole day, they suddenly overflow and
cause great damage to the land.
Most farmers are glad when the wet season begins. There is water for
their fields and they can again start growing rice. But people in town are not
so glad for the streets soon get muddy and dirty. They prefer the dry seasons
when they can sit outside and enjoy the cool evenings.
1. When is the wet season?
a. in May b. in November
c. from November to May d. from May to November
2. What causes the rain fall?
a. The ocean b. Clouds building up around the mountains
c. The mountains d. The afternoon
3. Why are many rivers dangerous in the wet season?
a. People try to across them b. They are very big rivers
c. They dry up and can’t provide enough water.
d. Long periods of heavy rain make them full.
4. What damages the land?
a. The sudden rain b. The overflow of the rivers.
c.The wet season d. The dry season.
5. What can farmers start growing rice again?
a. The dry season has begun b. The land has been damaged.
c. There is water again. d. The rivers overflow.
6. Why are people in town not so happy?
a. They can sit outside b. They are muddy and dirty.
c. The evenings are cool. d. The street care full of mud.

E9 U2 (16, 1) EXERCISES
I. Multiple choice:
1. (Have they, Did they, Were they having, Have they had) a car when they
were living in London?
2. I ( not have seen, do not see, have not seen, was not seeing) Tom today.
3. Mark was listening to music while his sister (read, reads, is reading, was
reading) a book.
4. You (shall, won’t, will, are going to) be here for my party, won’t you?
5. My brother (hasn’t phoned, didn’t phone, isn’t phoning, doesn’t phone) me
for weeks.
6. When I was young, I (want,was wanting,wanted,had wanted)to be a singer.
7. I (have learnt, am learning, had learnt, learnt) lots about the job so far.
8. They (was telling, told, had told, would tell) me about it last week.
9. The Olympic Games (take, takes, took, is taking) every four years.
10. It’s a nice day. I (suggested, suggest, is suggesting, are suggesting) we go
out for a walk.
11. When I last (see, saw, have seen, seeing) Jane, she (was trying, was trying,
tried, try) to find a job.
12. It (is getting, get, got, has got) dark. Shall I turn on the light?
13. I (look, looked, am looking, looks) for Christine. Do you know where she is?
14. “Are you ready, Ann?” –“Yes, I (am coming, come, came, have came).”
15. I usually (have gone, goes, am going, go) away at weekends.
16. There are no more apples. We (had eaten, ate, eat, have eaten) them all.
17. How (already, for, since, long) have you known each other?
18. We are good friends. We (know, knew, have known, have been, known)
each other for a long time.
19. Have you (ever, for, just, already) gone skiing?
20. In the 18

century jean cloth (made, has made, was made, was making)
completely from cotton.
21. Ben writes very quickly. He’s (already, been, for, yet) finished his essay
22. Wearing casual clothes makes students (feel, to feel, felt, feeling) self –
23. In the 1970s jeans became cheaper, (however, but, because, so) many people
began wearing jeans.
II. Turn into Passive:
1. The director signed the letter.
2. The students clean the classrooms every day.
3. The committee is considering that proposal right now.
4. The workers will complete that bridge next year.
5. My father’s boss has transferred him to another department.
6. An artist wrote that interesting article about Ha Noi.
7. Today a large number of people speak English.
8. Didn’t they return those books to the library?
9. Bad weather has delayed the flight from Ha Noi.
10. Will the school distribute the textbooks?
III. Match the two halves of these sentences:

1. My little brother started school a. all day.
2. The prime Minister hasn’t been abroad b. when he was six.
3. I caught a cold c. in the 19
4. John has been asleep in bed d. since January.
5. The Red Cross started e. several minutes ago.
6. The receptionist has asked us to wait f. when we went out in the rain.
7. The last bus left g. for a few minutes.
1………… 2………… 3………… 4…………
5………… 6………… 7………… 8…………
IV. Circle the correct sentences:
1. a. I’m looking for Mike. Have you seen him?
b. I’m looking for Mike. Did you see him?
2. a. The last we have met her was in August.
b. The last we met her was in August.
3. a. Clark has worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up.
b. Clark worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up.
4. a. Janet has been very ill three years ago.
b. Janet was very ill three years ago.
5. a. We live in London. We have lived therefore seven years.
b. We live in London. We lived therefore seven years.
6. a. I hasn’t played golf when I have been on holiday last summer.
b. I didn’t play golf when I was on holiday last summer.
7. a. Have you ever had an accident? – No, never.
b. Did you have an accident? – No, never.

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