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Hoang Hop secondary school Teaching plan English 8
Planning date: 8/10 /2010
Teaching date: 11/10/2010
Period 25: WRITE
I. AIM: Writing a short imaginary story.
II. Objective:
By the end of the lesson , students will be able to use simple past tense to write
a folk tale.
III.Teaching aids: Text book , eleven cards.
Stage Teacher’s activities SS’ activities

A. Checking old
B. New lesson.

Pre -writing
While writing
SS write new words and read them
SS retell the story
*pre - teach new words:
- wisdom(n) (translation)
- a tripe (n) ( realia )
- a traw (n) (realia )
- servant (n) (translation)
-to escape (translation)
- to graze (picture)
- to light - lit - lighted (mime)
* Checking : matching

-Write the new words on the lelf hand
side of the blackboard .
Write the translations on the right of
the blackboard.
Ask ss to match items on the lelf with
those on the right by drawing a line
connecting them.
* Reading: read and complete the
-Have them work in pairs using
suitable verbs to fill in the blanks.
- Give feedback
* Answers:
1. appear 6. tied
2. as 7. lit
3. said 8. burned
4. lelf 9.escape
5. went
*Write the story:
- Get ss to do exercise2. They have
to imagine to be a man in order to
write the story.
-Get ss to change.
T -whole class
Write the answers
in your note book
Open pairs
closed pairs
Post writing

Home work
The man - I His -My
-Get ss to write individually then share
with their partners and correct
*suggested answers:
one day, as I was in a field and my
buffalo grazed nearby, a tiger cam . It
asked why the trong buffalo was my
servant and I was its master .I told
the tiger that I had somthing called
wisdom. The tiger wanted to see it but
I said thatI lelf the wisdom at home
that day . Then I tied the tiger to a
tree with a rope because I didn’t want
it to it my buffalo. I went to get some
straw and I burned the tiger .
the tiger ascaped , but today it still
has black stripes from the burn.
* Tell the story.
-Divide the class into teams.
Ask ss to work in teams.
Write the story again, imagine you
*The tiger
* The buffalo

write them in your
note book

Group work
ss write the home
Ajustment: .......................................................................................................................
Planning date: 8/10/2010
Teaching date:13/10/2010

Period 26: - Getting started
- Listen and read
I. Aim: Reading the dialogue for details.
II. Objectives: By the end of the lesson , ss will be able to understand the dialogue
between Jim and his Mom about his study.
III. Teaching aids: Text book
IV. Procedure:
Stage Teacher’s activities SS’ activities
A. Checking
old lesson
B. New lesson.
While- reading
SS retell the story: the tiger and the
*. Chatting: Ask ss some questions:
- What subjects are you good at?

- bad at?
- What subjects do you like best? Why?
- How often do you have math?
- literature?
- english?
1. Pre- new words:
-a report card (realia)
- to improve(situation)
-to be proud of (translation)
- to try one’s best (translation)
*Checking: Rub and remember:
2. T/F statements prediction
- Ask ss to read the statements (on
poster) and predict they are true or
- Ask them to share with their
* T/F statements:
- get ss to read the dialogue and check
their prediction.
- Give feedback
a.F - Tim in the living room/ at home.
b. F- His report is excellent.
c.F - He needs to improve his Spanish
* Comprehension questions.
- Ask students to work in pairs ,
answering the questions on page 47

* The key:
SS answer
T- whole class
individual work
Write the answers in
your notebook
pair work

Post - reading
Home work
a. She is Tim’s teacher.
b. She gave Tim’s mother his report
c. He worked really hard.
d. She sais Tim should work harder on
his spanish pronunciation.
e. She gave him a dictionary.
* Servey:
- Ask ss to work in group.
- Ask and answer question “what
subject do you need to improve?
- Learn new words by heart and write
the way how to improve the subject that
you are not good at.

Group work
Write the home work

Ajustment: .............................................................................................................................

Planning date: 8/10/2010
Teaching date:16/10/2010

Period27: Speak -Listen
I.Aim: Practicing speaking and listening .
II.Objectives: By the end of the lesson , ss will be able to talk about their study habits and to
listen for specific information to fill in the report card .
III. Teaching aids: Text book , poster.
IV. Procedure:
Stage Teacher’s activities SS’ activities
Warm up *Brainstorming:
-Ask ss to write the ideas on the black
I. Pre - teach vocabulary
-behavior (n) (translation)
- a participant (n) (explanation)
- satisfactory > < unsatisfactory
- cooperation (n) (translation)
- attendance (n) (translation)
-to appreciate (translation)
II. Prediction

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