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1. Close friends
Write a paragraph about your close friends.
Of all my friends, Mai and Ha are my best friend. We are the same class at
the primary school and secondary school. We are also neighbors, so we
spend most of our time studying and talking together. Mai is a beautiful girl
with black eyes and an oval face. She is an intelligent student who is always
at the top of the class. She likes reading and going to the library whenever
she has free time. Ha isn’t as beautiful as Mai, but she has a lovely smile and
a good appearance. Ha is very sporty. She spends most of her free time
playing sports. Ha is a volleyball star of our school. She is also very sociable
and has a good sense of humor. Her jokes always make us laugh. I love both
of my friends and i always hope our friendship will last forever.

Best friend (n)
Same (adj)
Primary school (n)
Secondary school (n)
Neighbor (n)
Beautiful (adj)
Oval face
Intelligent (adj)
Library (n)
Volleyball (n)
Sociable (adj)
Good sense of humor
2. Animals rights

Bạn thân
Cùng, giống, tương tự

Trường tiểu học, trường cấp 1
Trường THCS, trường cấp 2
Hàng xóm
Xinh đẹp, đẹp
Mặt tròn
Thông minh
Thư viện
Môn thể thao bóng chuyền
Thân thiện
Hài hước

In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the measureas of protecting
endangered animals.
There are a number of measures that should be taken to protect endangered
animals. Firstly, we should learn about endangered species in our world to
know how interesting and important they are. Teaching our friends and
family to know about theo wonderful wildlife plays an important part in
protecting animal that are in danger. Secondly, the governments all over the
world should open as many national parks and wild-life preserve as possible.
Therefore, animals will have a suitable habitat to survive and good condition
to grow when they can be kept in a natural and safe environment. Moreover,
each nation should impose more serious punishment to prevent people from
poaching rare and valuable animals. Besides, we should make our
environment friendly by recycling and buying sustainable products instead
of purchasing products made from endangered species. In conclusion, if we
take actions to protect endangered animals, our lives will become better.
Measure (n)
Endangered (adj)

Wildlife (n)
Play an important part/role in
To be in danger
Substainable (adj)
National park
Habitat (n)
Survive (v)
Condition (n)
Environment (n)
Impose (v)
Punishment (n)
Poach (v)

Biện pháp
Có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng
Giới hữu sinh, động vật hoang dã
Đóng vai trò quan trọng
Đang gặp nguy hiểm
Bền vững
Vườn quốc gia
Môi trường sống
Sống sót, tồn tại
Điều kiện, tình trạng
Môi trường
Áp dụng
Hình phạt
Săn/câu trộm

Rare animals (n)

Động vật quý hiếm

3. Benefits of zoos
In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the benefits of zoos.
It is true that a wide variety of zoos are being builts to keep animals, which
can have some advantages. To begin with, zoos play an important part in
wildlife conservation because they can help to protect endangered species
such as pandas from being killed. Secondly, zoological gardens provide
employmennt opportunities for many local people. In fact, there are a large
number of people who are employed to feed, take care of and protect
animals. Lastly, zoos can help to educate and entertain children. They can
have the opportunity to learn about animals not only from books and TV
programs but from observing them directly, which can help them broaden
their knowledge. Besides, it is interesting when they can see animals, touch
them and even feed them. In conclusion, zoos can be important because of
their considerable benefits.
Conservation (n)
Endangered species (n)
Panda (n)
Zoological (n)
Employ (v)
Take care of ~ look after
Educate (v)
Entertain (v)
Observe (v)
Broaden knowledge
Opportuinity (n)

Sự bảo tồn
Loài có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng
Gấu trúc
Vườn bách thú
Thuê (ai) làm gì
Chăm sóc
Giáo dục
Giải trí, tiêu khiển
Quan sát
Mở rộng kiến thức
Cơ hội

4. “Do you like living in the city or in the country? Why?”
In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the following topic: “Do you
like living in the city or in the country? Why?”
Personaly, I prefer life in the country to that in the city because of several
reasons. Firstly, rural areas bring me the peace and comfort, which is
beneficial to my health. Living here helps me avoid noise and pollution
coming from vehicles such as motorbikes or cars and traffic congestion at
the rush hour, which can make me feel uncomfortable. If you live in urban
areas, you cannot even know your neighbors. This make you bored and
lonely. Thirdly, the cost of living in the city is higher than that in the country.
We can find it difficult to live here permanently because property prices are
much higher than even before, and even the prices of good have increased
dramatically. Finally, life in cities can be extremely stressful for us. Today,
there are a lot of problems such an employment, crime and poverty that we
have to face. Because of the disavantaged of living in the city, I want to live
and work in the country.

Peace (n)
 peaceful (adj)
Comfort (n)
Avoid (v)
Pollution (n)
Vehicle (n)
Hospitable (adj)
Urban area (n)
Permanently (adv)
The cost of living
Stressful (adj)
Propery price (n)

Sự thanh bình, yên bình
Hào bình, thanh bình
Sự thoải mái
Sự ô nhiễm
Xe cộ, phương tiện đi lại
Hiếu khách, mến khách
Vùng đô thị, thành thị
Mãi mãi, vĩnh viễn
Chi phí sinh hoạt
Căng thẳng
Giá nhà đất, bất động sản

Unemployment (n)
Crime (n)
Poverty (n)

Nạn thất nghiệp
Tội, tội ác
Sự nghèo đói

5. In many coutries, young people leave rural areas for studying and

working in cities. What are the cause of this trend?
In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the following topic: “In many
coutries, young people leave rural areas for studying and working in cities.
What are the cause of this trend?”
Nowadays, many people tent to move from the country to cities because of
several reasons. The primary cause of this phenomenon is better educaional
opportunities. It is said that young people migrating to the urban areas have
more chances to get access to good universities or colleges which offer
better facilities for studying. As a result, after graduating from prestigious
schools, they can boraden their knowledge and gain higher qualifications
which play an essential role in finding a lucrative job in the future.
Moreover, there will be more employment opportunities for young people.
Indees, graduates can easily find a suitable job in cities if they are lowskilled and inexperienced workers. Highly~ skilled workers can have more
chance to build a sucecssful career in big cities. In conclusion, cities can
provide young generation with more educational opportunities and career
prospects, so they are willing to migrate from rural areas to cities in search
of a better life.
Move (v)
Rural areas = agricultural areas
Migrate (v)
Have/get access to sth
Prestigious (adj)

Di chuyển, chuyển
Vùng nông thôn
Di cư
Tiếp cận, truy cập vào cái gì
Danh tiếng, uy tin

Gain higher qualifications
Lucrative (adj)
Graduate (n)
Low-skilled (adj)
Build a career
Career prospect
In search of ~ look for

Có được bằng cấp cao hơn
Có lợi nhuận, kiếm được nhiều tiền
Người tốt nghiệp đại học
Kỹ năng/trình độ thấp kém
Lập nghiệp
Triển vọng nghề nghiệp
Tìm kiếm

6. When choosing a job, the salary is the most important consideration.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Write a paragraph about the following topic: “When choosing a job, the
salary is the most important consideration. To what extent do you agree or
Many people nowadays tent to consider money as a priority when choosing

their job. Personally, I agree that the salary plays an important role in
deciding on a career, but it is not the key consideration because there are
other factors that are equally important. On the one hand, it is undeniable
that people need money to meet their basic needs. For instance, without
money we cannot pay for food, electricity, education and housing. Moreover,
a high salary not only helps us cover our needs but also brings us a better
quality of life. On the other hand, there are a variety of aspects that are as
important as money. Firstly, many people’s feelings of job satisfaction come
from various factors such as their professional achievements, rather than
their salary. A second motivator when choosing a job could be the
atmosphere in a workplace and relationships. Working with friendly
colleagues or a good boss make us feel comfortable and happy. Finally,
some people choose a job because they want to make a great contribution to
their society. In conclusion, while I agree that the salary has an effect on

people’s choices of profession, other non-financial factors are equally
Priority (n)
Decide on sth/sb

Sự ưu tiên
Chọn cái gì/ai đó sau khi suy nghĩ

Decide on doing sth
Play an important role in
Consideration (n)
Factor (n)
Salary (n)

High salary
Meet basic needs
Cover needs
A better quality of life
Job satisfaction
A feeling
Achievement (n)
Workplace (n)
Relationship (n)
Motivator (n)

cẩn thận
Quyết định làm gì
Đóng vai trò quan trọng
Sự cân nhắc, sự xem xét, lý do
Yếu tố
Lương hàng tháng
Lương cao
Đáp ứng được như nhu cầu cơ bản
Trang trải, đáp ứng các nhu cầu
Chất lượng cuộc sống tốt hơn
Sự hài lòng trong công việc
Cảm giác hài lòng
Thành quả, thành tích
Nơi làm việc
Mối quan hệ
Động cơ thúc đẩy

7. Should high school students wear uniform? Why?
In about 140 words, write a paragraph to answer the following question:

Should high school students wear uniform? Why?
In my opinion, high school students should wear school uniform for a wide
range of reasons. Firstly, wearing uniform encourages students to be proud
of being of their school because they are wearing uniform with their school’s
name. Secondly, wearing uniform helps students feel equal in many ways
whether they are rich or not. Thirdly, wearing uniform makes leaners focus
on their studies instead of their clothes. When all students are wearing the
same outfit, they are less concerned about how they look and what they

should wear. Thus, concentrating on their schoolwork can help them
improve their academic performance. Finally, school uniform can help to
save parents money. Without school uniform policies, parents might be
under pressure to purchase fashionable clothes for their children. In short, I
think that it is very necessary for student to wear uniform when they go to
Encourage (v)
 encourage sb to do sth
Proud (adj)
 proud of sb/sth
Equal (adj)
Outfit (n)
Concerned (adj)
 Concernd about/ for sth
Concentrate (v)
 concentrate on sth ~ focus on sth
Schoolwork (n)
Academic perfomance

Save money
Save sb sth
Under pressure
Policy (n)
Fashionable (adj)

Đồng phục
Khuyến khích, động viên
Khuyến khích ai làm gì
Tự hào
Tự hào về ai/ cái gì
Bình đẳng, công bằng
Bộ trang phục
Quan tâm, lo lắng
Quan tâm về cái gì
Tập trung
Tập trung vào cái gì
Việc học
Kết quả học tập
Tiết kiệm tiền
Để dành, tiết kiệm cho ai cái gì
Bị ép buộc làm gì
Chính sách
Hợp thời trang, đúng mốt

8. Why should students study abroad?
Write a paragraph about the following topic:” Why should students study

There are several reasons why children should go abroad to study. Firstly,
they can gain higher academic qualifications when studying overseas
because a large number of prestigious universities such as Cambride or
Oxford in the UK provide professional teachers who are experts in their fiels
and better courses. Therefore, students could have more opportunities to find
a well – paid job in their home country or get promoted in their career path
after graduation. Secondly, living and studying in orther countries may help
children learn a foreign language such as English or French, which not only
allows them to communicate with natives effectively but also helps them
understand the cultures of other countries. Finally, if students are sent to
foreign countries for their studies, they will be likely to become more mature
and independent. Experiencing new things including cultures and customs
would be beneficial to their later live because they learn many useful
things. In short, it seems that studying abroad is a good opportunity to help
young leaners better prepare for their future.
Academic qualification (n)
Overseas (adj, adv)
Prestigious (adj)
Course (n)
Professional (adj)
Expert (n)
 expert at/in/ on sth/doing sth
Field (n)
Well – paid (adj)
Get promoted
Career path (n)
Graduation (n)
Allow sb to do sth
Communicate (v)

Native (n)

Bằng cấp học thuật
ở nước ngoài
Danh tiếng, uy tín
Khóa học
Chuyên nghiệp
Chuyên gia
Chuyên gia về việc gì/ làm việc gì
Lĩnh vực
Được trả lương cao
Thăng tiến, thăng chức
Con đường sự nghiệp
Sự tốt nghiệp
Cho phép ai đó làm gì đó
Giao tiếp, liên lạc
Người bản xứ, bản địa

Effectively (adv)
Culture (n)
Foreign (adj)
Mature (adj)
Independent (adj)

Hiệu quả
Nền văn hóa
Nước ngoài
Trưởng thành, chín chắn
Độc lập

9. Nowadays, more and more people decide to have children later in
their life. What are the effects on society and family life?
In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the following topic:
“Nowadays, more and more people decide to have children later in their
life. What are the effects on society and family life?”
It is true that many yound couples decide to have babies later in their life,
which can have negative impacts on society as well as family life. Firstly, a
gap between two generations can widen when young people give birth later.
They find it difficult to understand and communicate with their children
evev though they have a successful career and a good quality of life.
Secondly, having pregnancy at the old age usually entails potential health
risk of having a miscarriage. As a consequence, the quality of the future
labour force can be shortage of workforce, which can have an adverse effect
on the development of the national economy. In conclusion, delaying having
babies could produce nagtive influences on both society and family life.

Gap (n)
Generation (n)
Communicate (v)
Quality of life
Entail (v)
Have pregnancy
Potential (adj)

Lỗ trống, khoảng cách
Thế hệ
Giao tiếp, liên lạc
Chất lượng cuộc sống

Kéo theo, đưa đến, gây ra
Có thai, mang thai
Tiềm năng, có khả năng

Risk (n)
Risk of sth/of doing sth
Miscarriage (n)
Labour force ~ workforce
Reduction (n)
Shortage (n)
Development (n)
Economy (n)

Nguy cơ, rủi ro, sự mạo hiểm
Rủi ro của việc gì/ làm việc gì
Sự sẩy thai
Lực lượng lao động
Sự giảm
Sự thiếu
Sự phát triển
Nền kinh tế
