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- Week: 1
- Period: 2
- Teaching date: - Lesson 1: - Listen & Read
- Language focus 1
* Aim: - Reading the dialogue for details and revision of simple present and simple past
* Objective: - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know more about Hoa-
Lan-Nien and to review simple present and simple past tense.
* Teaching aids: - Text book, cards.
* Procedure:
Content Teacher's activities Sts' activities
* Warm-up: (Pelmanism).
meet come live think send thought
receive met lived received came sent
* Pre-reading:
1. Pre-teach vocabulary:
- to seem (translation).
- a next door neighbor.
(explanation: a person who lives next to your house).
- to look like (translation).
2. Pre-questions:
a. Is Nien Lan's friend or Hoa's friend?
b. How old is Nien?
c. Where does Nien live?
d. Is she a beautiful girl?
* While-reading:
 Read the dialogue (p.10).
 Check the answers
 Read the dialogue again
 Answer the questions in exercise 2 on page 11.
* Answers:

a. Nien lives in Hue.
b. No, she doesn't.
c. The sentence is "She wasn't old enough to be in my
d. At Christmas.
* Post-reading:
 Gap-filling: (live-sent-be-come)
"Hoa (1) in Hue last year, but now she (2) in
Hanoi. Yesterday, Hoa's friend Nien (3) Hoa a
- Guide Ss how to
play the game.
- Present new words
on the board.
- Guide Ss to read
new words.
- Check Ss' memory
by using technique
"Rub out and
- Give Ss some
questions and ask
them to answer
- Ask Ss to read the
- Give the correct
- Ask Ss to read the
dialogue again and
answer the

- Call on some
students to ask and
answer the
- Correct their
mistakes or
- Ask Ss to use the
- Matching
- Listen and
- Copy down.
- Read new
words in
- Read the
questions and
answer them in
- Give feed
- Read the
dialogue and
check their pre
- Read the
dialogue again
and answer the

- Ask and
answer the
- Read the
Unit 1: My friends
letter. Nien (4) Hoa's friend neighbor when Hoa
lived in Hue. She (5) yourger than Hoa. She (6)
to Hanoi in December.
* Homework:
Ask students to do exercise 1(a) ; 1(b) (page 16) on
their notebooks.
simple present and
simple past tense to
complete paragraph
1a (p.16)
- Provide some
verbs so that Ss can
use them to fill in
the gaps.
paragraph and
fill in the gaps
with the
suitable words
- Week: 1
- Period: 3
- Teaching date: - Lesson 2: + Speak (page 11).
+ Listen (page 12, 13).
* Aim: - Listening for details to complete the dialogue and speak to describe someone.

* Objective: - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to describe someone and
complete the dialogue by listening.
* Teaching aids: - Text book.
* Procedure:
Content Teacher's activities Sts' activities
* Warm-up: (Brainstorming).
thin curly
body build hair

* Presentation:
 Ex: - She has long blond hair.
- She is short and thin.
----> Form:
* Practice:
1. Word one drill:
a. He / tall / thin.
b. She / short / shin.
c. He / short / fat.
d. long / black.
e. curly / blond.
f. straight / brown.
2. Practice speaking:
* Example:
: This person is short and thin. She has long blond
: Is this Mary?

: Yes.
- Ask Ss to think of
the adjectives used
to describe body
build and hair.
- Show Ss a picture
of Mary and ask
them to describe her
hair, her body build.
- Explain the
- Supply the word
cues and ask Ss to
complete the
- Ask Ss to look at
six people on page
11-12-Call on a
student to describe
one person, the
others have to guess
who he/she is
- Give Ss some
- Give the
adjectives to
describe body
build and hair.
- Describe

- Listen and
copy down.
- Complete the
sentences based
on cues.
- Look at six
people and
describe them
S + have / has + adjectives + hair
S + be + adjectives
* Pre-listening:
 Present the expressions in the box (p.12).
 Explain and read the expression
 Gap fill prediction.
(Dialogues p.12-13)
 Give feedback.
* While listening:
 Listen to the tape twice.
 Compare with their prediction.
* Post-listening:
 Practise the dialogues.
expressions and
make sure they
know their mean
- Get Ss to guess
and to complete four
dialogues on page

- Let students (to)
listen to the tape
- Listen and correct
their (prediction)
- Listen and
read the
- Read the open
(p.12-13) and
fill in the
blanks with the
- Listen to the
tape and then
check their
- Pratise the
- Week: 2
- Period: 4
- Teaching date: - Lesson 3: - Getting started (p.10).
- Read (p.13 - 14).
* Aim: - Reading for specific information.
* Objective: - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know more about Ba's

* Teaching aids: - Text books.
* Procedure:
Content Teacher's activities Sts' activities
* Warm-up: (Chatting).
 Look at the pictures (p.10) and answer the
a. What are these students doing?
b. Do you like soccer / reading books...?
c. Whom do you like playing with?
* Pre-reading:
 Pre-teach vocabulary:
- character (translation).
- an orphanage: a place where children without
parents live.
- reserved (adj)
- sociable translation
- (to) tell jokes: tell a story which makes people laugh.
- sense of humor (translation).
- Ask Ss to look at
four pictures on
page 10 and talk
about the activities
they want to do after
school or in their
free time.
- Present and give
the meaning of new
- Guide Ss to read
them in chorus.

- Check Ss' memory
by using technique
"What and where".
- Look at the
pictures and
talk about the
activities they
do after school
or in their free
- Listen and
- Copy down.
- Listen and
read new words
in chorus.
- Read and then
write the words
again in the
correct circles.
- Read the
 T / F statements prediction:
a. Ba only has three friends - Bao, Song, Khai.
b. Ba and his friends have the same characters.
c. Bao-Song-Khai are quite reserved in public.
d. They all enjoy school and study hard.
 Give feedback:
* While reading:
 Read the text (p.13).

 Check their prediction.
 Correction:
a. Ba has a lot of friends but he spends most of his
time with Bao, Song and Khai.
b. They have different characters.
c. Only Song and Khai are quite reserved.
 Multiple choice:
(do exercise 1 on page 14).
* Post-reading:
 Read the text again and answer the questions
(exercise 2 p.14)
* Homework:
- Learn vocabulary by heart.
- Read the text fluently.
- Present the
statements on the
- Set the scene:
These statements are
about Ba and his
friends, read them
and guess which
statements are True /
- Ask Ss to open
their books and read
the text on page 13.
- Correct their
- Guide Ss how to

do exercise 1 (p.14)
and give the correct
- Let Ss read the text
again and answer
the questions.
- Read the answers
and correct the
given and guess
statements are
True, which are
- Read the text
and check their
- Correct false
- Read the text
again and
choose the best
answers on
page 14.
- Read the text
and answer the
questions in
- Write the

answer on the
- Week: 2
- Period: 5
- Teaching date: - Lesson 4: - Write (p.15)
- Language focus 3 (p.17)
* Aim: - Writing about oneself and about other people.
* Objective: - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a paragraph about
their close friends.
* Teaching aids: - Text books.
* Procedure:
Content Teacher's activities Sts' activities
* Warm-up: (Kim's game).
 Look at the pictures and describe the people in
the picture (p.17)
a. How many people are there in the picture?
b. What is each person weaning?
* Pre-writing:
 Read the information about Fam.
 Answer the questions (exercise 2 p.15).
* While-writing:
- Ask Ss to look at
the picture (p.17)
quickly. Then let Ss
keep their books
- Divide the class in
to 4 groups. The
group which
answers come city

- Look at the
picture and
answer the
questions in
 Write a paragraph about Tam based on the
 Sample:
His / Her name is.......She is.......years old. He / She
lives at.......in.......with his.......He / She is tall,..........
He / She has short.......hair
He / She has a lot of friends
 Write some information about one of their
friends, then write a paragraph about him or
* Post-writing:
 Speak in front of the class about himself /
* Homework:
- Ask students to write another paragraph about one of
their family members.
the fastest wins the
- Ask Ss to read the
information about
Tam then answer the
- Let Ss write a
paragraph about

Tam, using the
information they
have just got.
- Ask Ss to compare
with the paragraph
in their books on
page 15.
- Let Ss write a
paragraph about one
of their friends.
- Get Ss to share
with their partners
and correct if
- Read the
information and
then answer the
- Write a
paragraph about
Tam, using the
- Compare with
the paragraph
in their books
on page 15.
- Write a
paragraph about
one of their

- Correct the
mistakes if
- Week: 2
- Period: 6
- Teaching date: - Lesson 5: Language 2 - 4 (p.16 - 17)
* Aim: - Farther practice in simple present tense and the structure (not) + adjectives
enough + to-infinitive.
* Objective: - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use simple present tense to
talk about general truths and write some sentences using the structure (not) + adjective
enough + to-infinitive.
* Teaching aids: - Text book - cards - pictures.
* Procedure:
Content Teacher's activities Sts' activities
* Warm-up: (Categories).
 Find but the adjectives beginning with the
letters given.
- Example
+ T writes: a b c d
- Divide the class in
to two groups.
- Ask Ss to find out
the adjectives
beginning with the
- Find out the
beginning with
the letters given
in groups.

+ S writes: awful big clever disty.
* Presentation:
 Pre – teach vocabulary.
- A planet: (ex: the sun, the moon, the earth,…)
What are they?
- Mars
- Mercury
- Silly (adj) translation.
 Revision of simple Present tense.
* The sunple present tense is used to express an
action which is always true.
1. stes 2. goes 3. moves
4. is 5. is 6. is
* Presentation:
 Set the scene to introduce the structure.
* Practice: (word cue Drill)
a. Read English books/v good
b. Drive a car/ x old
c. Carry this bag/ v strong
d. Solve this problem/ x clever
* Further practice:
 Exercise 4 (page 17).
* Homework:
- Ask students to write 5 sentences about
themselves using the structure: “(not) adjective
enough + to infinitive”.
letters given.

- Present and give
the meaming of new
- Gwide Ss to read
new words in chorus.
- Review the simple
present tense
- Let Ss do exer cise
2 on page 16.
- Listen and correct
their pronunciation.
- Set the scene to
introduce the
- Analyse the
structure and guide
Ss to read.
- Model two cues,
the whole class
- Let all students,
work in pairs, one
asks, the other
- Ask Ss to do
exercise 4 on page
17 in pairs.
- Listen and
- Coppy down.

- Read in chorus
- Listen to their
- do exercise 2.
- Read the
dialogue loudly.
- Listen and
- Practise the
structure in pairs.
- Give feed back.
- Practise the

- Can you hang this picture over there?
 No, I am not tall enough to hang the
picture over there
- Week: 3
- Period: 7
- Teaching date: - Lesson 1: - Getting started (p.18)
- Listen & Read (p.19)
* Aim: - Reading for details about a conversation on the phone
* Objective: - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use the telephone to make
and confirm arrangements.
* Teaching aids: - Text book.
* Procedure:
Content Teacher's activities Sts' activities
* Warm-up: (Matching).

Match each object (pictures on page 18) with its
* Pre-reading:
 Set the scene.
 Open prediction.
a. Who made the call?
b. Who introduced herself?
c. Who invited the other to the movies?
d. Who arranged a meeting places?
e. Who arrange the time?
f. Who agreed to the time?
* While-reading:
 Read the conversation.
 Check their prediction.
 Matching the phrases with their meanings.
a. Hold on.
b. Is six thirty all right?
c. Where’s it on?
d. A bit far from…..
1. Nó được chiếu ở đâu?
2. Khá xa…
3. Sáu giờ 30 được chứ?
4. Chờ nhé.
 Comprehension question:
a. What is Hoa’s telephone number?
b. Which movies are they going to see? Where?
c. How is Hoa going to see the movies?
d. Where are they going to meet?
What time?
- Ask Ss to match

each object with its
- Show the picture
and ask “What are
they doing?
Introduced: They are
talking about going
to see a movie.
- Ask Ss to guess.
- Let Ss to read the
conversation. Give
the correct answers.
- Let Ss match the
phrases with their
- Ask Ss to read the
conversation again
and answer the
- Do exercises
(p. 18).
- Look at the
picture and
answer the
- Read the
question and
- Give feetback
- Read the

and check their
-Do exercises.
- Read the
and answer the
Unit 2: Making Arrangements
* Post-reading:
 Practice the conversation, using the frame:
1: …
Can I speak ….? This …
1: …
I’m going to see … Would you…?
Of course. But I have to ask…Hold
on….OK….says I can go, Where’s it on?
At… Movie threatre.

Let’s go by…
OK. Let’s meet outside the threatre.
Is … OK?
All right. See you at…Bye.
- Let Ss practice the
conversation using
the frame given.
- Move around the
class and help the
- Practice the
- Week: 3
- Period: 8
- Teaching date: - Lesson 2: + Speak .
+ Language focus 1.2.
* Aim: - Practice talking on the phone
* Objective: - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk on the phone about
intensions with “going to”.
* Teaching aids: - Text books, cards.

* Procedure:
Content Teacher's activities Sts' activities
• Warm-up: (Chatting).
- Do you have a telephone at home?
- How often do you make a phone call?
- What would you say when you pick up the phone to
answer it?
- What would you say if you are the caller?
* Presentation:
 Do exercise 1 on page 20.
 Question:
- Are they talking on the phone?
- What do they intend to do?
- What time are they meeting? Where?
- What form of the verbs do you use to talk about
 Form: S + be + going to + infinitive.
 Use: Express an intension.
- Ask Ss some
- Ask Ss to do
exercise 1 on page
- Ask some question
to check Ss’
understanding and
focus on the
- Listen and
answer the


- Put the
sentences in the
correct order to
make a
- Listen and
answer the
* Practice:
 Word cue drill.
 Model sentences:
- Are you going to see a movie?
- Yes, I am / no, I’m not.
a. See a movie.
b. B. Play sport.
c. C. Meet your friends.
d. D. Help your mother.
e. E. Do your homeworks.
f. F. Watch TV.
* Further Practice:
 Do exercise language focus 1 on phage 25.
T: Nga has a movie ticket. What is she going to do?
S: She going to see a movie.
a. They are going fishing.
b. She’s going to read a new novel.
c. She’s going to do her homework.

d. He’s going to watch an action movie on TV
e. She’s going to give him a birthday present.
* Production:
 Exercise 2 on page 20.
 Practice the dialogue.
- Model two cues
then ask Ss to repeat
chorally 
- Let Ss practice
asking and
- Ask the whole
class to work in
- Give an example
- Let Ss work in
- Ask Ss to work
with their partners to
complete the
- Listen and
repeat chorally
 individually.
- Practice
asking and

- Practice in
- Give feetback.
- Give feetback.
- Week: 3 - Period: 9
- Teaching date: Lesson 3: Read. (p. 21 - 22)
  
 Aim: Reading the paragraph for details about Alexander Graham
 Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know more
about Alexander Graham Bell.
 Teaching aids: Textbook.
 Procedure:
Content T’s activities Ss’ activities
 Warm – up: (Brainstorming).
To chat with friend. To

 Pre - reading:
- Let Ss answer
the question by
coming to the
board and write
- Present and
given the
-Answer the
- Listen and

What is the
telephone used for?
 Pre – teach vocabulary:
- (to) emigrate : go to another country to
- (to) transmit : (translation) truyền đi
- (to) conduct : điều khiển
- (to) demonstrate : chứng minh
- a device : thiết bị
- a deaf – mute . a person who is unable
to hear and speak
-to come up with : tìm thấy
 T/F statements prediction
a. Alexander G. Bell was born in the
b. He worked with deaf- mute patients
in a hospital in Boston
c. Thomas Watson was Bell’s
d. Bell and Watson introduced the
telephone in 1877
e. Bell experimented with way of
transmitting speech between deaf-
mute over a long distance.
f. Bell demonstrated his invention at a
lot of exhibition
 While – reading:
 Read the text on page 21-22
 Check their prediction.
 Correct the false Statements.

 Put the events in the correct order
(p.22. Exercise 2)
 Alexander Graham Bell:
1. Was born in Scotland
2. Went to live in Canada.
3. Went to live in the United States.
4. Worked with people who could neither
speak nor hear.
5. Worked with Thomas Watson.
6. Success fully demonstrated his invent.
7. Invented the telephone.
 Post- reading: (write- it- up)
 Write a paragraph about Bell’s life,
using the information in the text
meanings of new
- Let Ss repeat the
words in chorus
then rub out word
by word but leave
the circles.
- Get Ss to write
the words again in
the correct circle
-Present T/F
statements on the
board and ask Ss
guess which
statements are true
and which are

- Read the text.
- Have Ss correct
false statements.
- Ask Ss to look at
the book page 22
- Get Ss to read
the event of Bell’s
life and put them
in the correct
- correct the
- copy down
- Listen and
repeat. the words
in chorus
- Rewrite the
words in the
correct circles.
Read and predict
which statements
are true and
which are false
- Give feedback.
- Listen to their
- Read the text
again and check
their prediction.

- Read and put
the sentences in
the correct order.
- Give feedback.
- write a
paragraph about
Bell’s life
- Week: 4 - Period: 10
- Teaching date: Lesson 4: Write. (p. 23 - 24)
  
 Aim: Writing a message
 Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a
telephone message
 Teaching aids: Textbook.
 Procedure:
Content T’s activities Ss’ activities
 Warm- up: (Jumbled words)
1. mcuestor = customer
2. ayddmi = midday
3. essgmea = message
4. nifuretu = furniture
5. rvseice = service
 Pre- writing:
 Chatting:
Have you ever taken a telephone
message? When you take a message,
what should be mentioned in the
message? (Date, time, who sent, to
whom, content)

 Pre-teach vocabulary:
- a customer: a person who comes to
buy sth at a shop
- a delivery: sự giao hàng
- stationery (n): papers, pens, rulers,
- to pick so up: đón ai
 While- writing:
 Reading and gap filling
(1) phoned (2) May 12
(3) speak (4) took
(5) name (6) delivery
(7) Mr. Ha (8) at
 Answers
Thanh Cong Delivery Service
Date: June 16
Time: After midday
For: Mr. Van
Message: Mr. Nam called about his
stationery order. He wanted you call
him at 8634082.
Taken by: Mr. Toan
 Post- writing:
 Set the scene: “Tom phoned Nancy,
- write the words
whose letters are
in a random order
on the board
- Divide the class
into 2 teams

- Talk to Ss about
a telephone
- Ask some
- Present and give
the meaning of
new words
- Guide Ss to read
new words in
- check memory
by technique “Rub
out and
- Ask Ss to read
the message and
fill in the gaps in
the passage on
page 23
- Ask Ss to read
passage 2 on page
23 to get
information and
write the message
- Correct their
- Go to the board
and write the
correct words

- The team
which writes
more correct
words first wins
the game
- Listen and
answer the
- Listen and
- Copy down
- Listen and
repeat in chorus
- Read and fill in
the gaps in the
- Read the
passage to get
information and
write the
- give feedback
but she was out Lisa, Nancy’s sister
took a message for Nancy. Help Lisa
to write the message ”
 Answer:
For: Nancy

Message: Tom called about playing
tennis this afternoon. He will come
over to pick you up at 1.30
Taken by: Lisa
- Guide Ss how to
do exercise 3 on
page 24
- Correct their
 Homework:
Write the
message on their
- write a
message for
Nancy, using the
information from
the dialogue
- Give feedback
- Week: 4 - Period: 11
- Teaching date: Lesson 5: Listen.
Language focus.
  
 Aim: Listening for details and further practice in adverbs of place
 Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to complete
telephone message by listening and further practice in adverbs of
 Teaching aids: Textbook.
 Procedure:
Content T’s activities Ss’ activities

 Pre- listening:
 Set the scene
 Guess the message
Date: Time:
For : The Principal
Message :
Telephone number:
 While- listening:
 Listen to the tape
 Compare with their guess
 Presentation: (Jumbled words )
1. tdeousi 4. erhe
2. siiden 5. stupairs
3. hetre 6.wonstairds
- Ask Ss to look at
the form of the
telephone message
on page 21 and set
the scene “a
woman phoned the
principal of
Kingston junior
high school but
hoe was out ”
- Get Ss listen to
the tape twice and
fill in the message
- Give the correct

- Present the
words with this
ordered letters on
the board and tell
Ss that they are
- guess the
- give feedback
- listen to the
tape and
compare with
their guess
- Go to the board
and write the
 Answer:
1. outside 4. here
2. inside 5. upstairs
3. there 6. downstairs
 Practice:
 Do exercise 3 on page 26
 Set the scene: “Ba is playing hide
and seek with his cousin, Mr. Tuan.
Use the adverbs of place to complete
the speech bubbles”
 Answer:
a. Where is Tuan? I think he is
b. No, he isn’t here

c. He isn’t downstairs and he isn’t
d. Perhaps he’s outside
e. No, he isn’t there
f. I’m not outside. I’m inside, Ba.
 Homework:
 Write 6 sentences about your house,
using adverbs of place.
Eg: My room is upstairs
adverbs of place
- Let them work
individually, one
student one word
- Make sure Ss
know the meaning
of these adverbs
- Let Ss do
- Give the correct
- Complete the
speech bubbles,
using each
adverbs in the
box once
- Give feedback
Unit 3: At home

- Week: 4 - Period: 12
- Teaching date: Lesson 1: Listen and read. (p. 27-28)
Language focus 1. (p.34)
  
 Aim: Helping Ss to read the dialogue for details and practise the
modal verbs: must have to, ought to .
 Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the
dialogue and use modal verbs to talk about the housework
 Teaching aids: Textbook.
 Procedure:
Content T’s activities Ss’ activities
 Warm- up: (Kim’s game)
 Look at the pictures on page 27 and
write the chores she often does at
a. washes dishes b. Make the
c. cook d. sweep the
e. tidy up f. feed the
 Pre- teach vocabulary:
- a steamer (n): nồi hấp
- a cupboard (n): tủ ly
- a sauce pan (n): cái chảo
- chore (n): việc vặt
- a sink (n): bồn rửa chén
 Presentation:
 Set the scene at the dialogue
 Student listen to the dialoguewhile

looking at their books
 Complete the list of the thing Nam
has to do
Nam has to - cook dinner
- go to the market to buy fish
and vegetables
- Ask Ss to look at
the pictures and
write the chores
she does at home
- listen and correct
their mistakes.
- Present new
words on the
- Guide Ss to read
new words
- Check their
memory by using
technique “what
and where”
- Set the scene to
introduce the
- Get Ss to listen
the dialogue
- Let Ss do
- Read sentence by
sentence and give

the correct
- Elicit to show the
form of the
- Model the
- Skim the
pictures and
write the verbs
- give feedback
- Listen and
- copy down
- Listen and read
in chorus
- Fill in the
circles with the
correct words
- Look at their
books and listen
to the dialogue
- Complete the
list of the things
Nam has to do
- Give feedback
- Listen and
copy down
- Form:

Has/ Have to + infinitive
= must + infinitive
- Meaning: phải (làm gì)
 Exchange: what do you have to do?
- I must wash dishes
 Practice: (Use the picture cues drill )
a. Make the bed
b. Sweep the floor
c. Cook dinner
d. Tidy my room
e. Feed the chicken
 Further practice:
Do exercise language focus 1 on page 34
 Homework:
Write things you have to do on Sundays
Ex: On Sunday, I have tidy my room…
I have to help my parents….
- Let Ss practice
the structure,
using the picture
cues drill

- Practice the
- Week: 5 - Period: 13
- Teaching date: Lesson 2: Speak (p. 28- 29)
  
 Aim: Practising speaking
 Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use the
prepositions of place to talk about the positions of furniture in the

 Teaching aids: picture on page 28- 29
 Procedure:
Content T’s activities Ss’ activities
 Warm- up: (Kim’s game)
- Look at the picture (p. 28) and write the
position of each item
 Presentation:
- Where is the clock? It’s above the fridge
- The fruit? in the bowl
- The flowers? on the table
 Practice:
Talk about the position of each item
 Further- Practice:
 Set the scene:
Mrs. Vui bought new furniture for her
living room, but she can not decide where
to put it. You should help her to arrange
the furniture
Ex: - Let’s put the clock on the wall,
between the shelf and the picture
- OK I think we ought to put the TV
and the stereo on the shelf
- Show the picture
of the kitchen to Ss
- Take away the
picture and ask Ss to
write the things
- Ask Ss the
positions of the

items in the pictures
- Give instruction
- Ask Ss to look at
the picture and talk
about their ideas.
- Listen and correct
their mistakes.
- Skim the picture
and write down as
many things as
they can remember
- Answer the
- Practise talking
about the position
of each item
Talk about the
position of the
- Give feedback.
- I think the coffee table should be
between the couch and the arm chair
- Let’s put the telephone next to the
- I think we should put the magazines
above the books on the shelves
 Homework: (write it up)
Describe your living room / bedroom
- Move around the

class and help the
- Practise talking
about the position
of each item in
- Week: 5 - Period: 14
- Teaching date: Lesson 3: Read.
Language focus 4.
  
 Aim: Reading for details safety precautions in the house and further
practice in why – questions and answers - Because
 Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to
understand the safety precautions in the house and use why - because
 Teaching aids: Text book - picture
Content T’s activities Ss’ activities
 Warm up: (Brain storming).
Drug electricity


five gas
 Pre – reading:
 Dre – teach vocabulary:
- Precaution (n) : (translation)
- A socket : ổ cắm điện
- A match : que diêm
- An object :

- Safety (a)
- (to) destroy
- (to) injure
 T / F statements prediction:
a. It is safe to leave medicine
around the house
b. Drugs can look like candy
c. A kitchen is a suitable place to
d. Playing with one match can not
- Eliciting.
- Presents new
words on the
- Guides Ss to read
new words.
- Check Ss’
memory by using
technique “Slap
the board”.
- Present the
statements on the
- Answering.
- Copy down on
their notebooks.
- Listen and
repeat in chorus.
- Two students
run forward and

slap the word on
the blackboard.
The one who
first slaps the
correct words is
the winner.
- Read the
statement given
and guess which
Danger in the home
for children
start a fire
e. Putting a knife into an electrical
socket is dangerous
f. Young children do not understand
that many household objects are
 While – reading:
 Read the text and check their
 Correct the false statements
 Answer the question
a. Why must we put all chemicals and
drugs in locked cupboard
b. Why mustn’t we let children play
in the kitchen?
c. Why mustn’t children play with
d. Why must we cover electrical

e. Why do we have to put all
dangerous objects out of children’s
 Post – reading:
Practice in why question with because
answer by doing the exercise language
focus 4.
- Ask Ss to read
the statements and
guess which in
true, which is false
- Read the text
- Give instruction
- Listen and
guides Ss how to
correct the false
- Move around the
class and help Ssl
is true, which is
- Give feedback
- Listen to their
- Read the text in
silent and check
their prediction
- give feedback

- Correct the
false statements
- Practise asking
and answering
the questions in
- Week: 5 - Period: 15
- Teaching date: Language focus 3. (p. 36)
  
 Aim: Further practice in reflexive pronouns
 Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use the
reflexive pronouns
 Teaching aids: Text book
 Procedure:
Content T’s activities Ss’ activities
 Warm-up: (Brains storming)
tidy up do our
clean the floor
repair the machine
fix the TV
 Presentation:
 Set the scene: “you do your home
work and no one help you what do
you say? ”
 Form: we use I with myself
You yourself

He himself
She herself
We ourselves
It itself
 Practice:
 Word cue drill:
a. You / do / homework
Did you do your homework?
Yes. I did it myself
b. He / fix / washing machine
c. Mary / cook / dinner
d. These student / paint / the picture
e. You / do / your chores
 Further practice:
Complete the dialogues, using the
- Eliciting
- Set the scene to
introduce the
- Explain the
reflexive pronouns
- run through the
- Model and then
ask Ss to repeat in
- give instruction

- Guide Ss how to
do exercise
- Write thing do
they at home
- Listen and
copy down
- Listen and
repeat chorally
- Practise the
question and
then the answers
- read the open
dialogue and fill
in the blank with
suitable reflexive
Things you
can do
Things you
can not do
I do my homework myself
reflexive pronouns:
a. Miss Lien: Did S.O help Ba draw
that picture?
Bao: No, he did it himself
b. Nga the repairman can’t fix the
washing machine until tomorrow
Mrs Linh: Come on. We’ll have to

try and do it (1)
c. Aunt Thanh: What’s the matter?
Hoa: I cut (2) …..
d. e. page 36
 Homework:
Write 3 sentences with reflexive
pronouns and 3 sentences with emphasis
- Listen and give
the correct answer
- give feedback
- Practice
speaking in pairs
- Week: 6 - Period: 16
- Teaching date: Lesson 3: Listen.
Language focus 2.
  
 Aim: Listening and further practice in modal verb: ought to
 Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify
the right item by listening further practice in modal verb: ought to
 Teaching aids: Text book
 Procedure:
Content T’s activities Ss’ activities
 Warm-up: (Bingo)
 Suggested list of food: chicken, beef,
cake, candy, garlic, noodles, bread,
rice, ham, peas, ……
 Prelistening:
 Prediction:
Look at page 30 things they use to cook

the ” Special Chinese Fried Kice”
 While- listening:
 Listen to tape and check their
 Presentation:
Set the scene :”Hoa is very sad because
she failed her English test . What do you
- Call out it word
in a loud voice
- Get Ss to look at
page 30 and guess
4 things they use
to cook
- give instruction
- Correct their
- Set the scene to
introduce the
- Write down on
their notebook 5
things they eat
- Listen to the
teacher carefully.
The first person
crossing out on
find things
shouts ”Bingo”
and urns the

- Prediction
- give feedback
- Listen to the
tape and check
their prediction
- give feedback
say to advise her?”
You should study harder
- use: “should” is used to give advice to
some one
- Meaning: nên
 Practice:
 Give advice to people in the picture
(p. 35)
a. I failed my English test .
you should study harder
b. I’m late.
You should get up early
c. I’m fat
You should eat more fruit and…
d. My tooth aches
You should see a dentist
 Production:
Noughts and crosses:
His tooth /
Hoa / late My room /
The floor /

Bao /
She / thin
English /
Her grades /
The washing
machine not
 Homework:
Write some advice when your friends
feels sick
- Explain the
structure and its
- Ask Ss to do
exercise (p. 35)
Move around the
class and help
- Guide Ss how to
play game
- Listen to their
teacher and copy
- Look at the
pictures. Use

“should “to give
advice to the
Play game
”Noughts and
- Week: 6 - Period: 17
- Teaching date: Lesson 6: Write.
  
 Aim: Writing a description of a room
 Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a
description of a room in their house
 Teaching aids:
 Procedure:
Content T’s activities Ss’ activities
 Warm-up: (chatting)
Ask something about the room on page
- Which room is this?
- What’s this? Where is it?
 Pre- writing:
 Pre- teach vocab:
- Ask the
- Present new
words and guide
- Listen and
answer the
- Copy down

listen and
reading chorus
- folder
- beneath
- towel rack
- dish rack
- lighting fixture
 Reading:
1. What is there on left of the room?
2. Where is the bookshelf?
3. What is there on the right of the
4. Where is the wardrobe?
 While- writing:
 Describe Ha’s kitchen, using the give
cues.(p. 33)
 Answer:
- This is Hoa’s kitchen
- There is a refrigerator in the right
corner of the room
- Next to the refrigerator are the stove
and the oven
- On the order side of the oven, there is a
sink and next to the sink is a towel rack
- The dish rack stands on the counter on
the right of the window and beneath the
- On the selve and on the counterbeneath
the window, there are jars in sugar, flour

and tea
- In the middle if the kitchen, there are a
table and floor chairs
 Post writing:
- Correction
- Talk to their partners about their room
 Homework:
Write a description of their bedroom /
living room
Ss to read them
- Check Ss’
memory by
technique ”Rub
out and
- Let Ss read the
passage on page
- Ask some
- Correct Ss’s
- Read the
description of
Hoa’s room
- Listen and
answer the
- Describe Hoa’s
kitchen, using

the give cues
- write their
sentence on the
Unit 4: Our past
- Week: 6 - Period: 18
- Teaching date: Lesson 1: Listen and read.
  
 Aim: Reading the dialogue about the life of many year ago
 Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to tell the
activities people use to do in the past
 Teaching aids: Text book
Content T’s activities Ss’ activities
 Warm-up: (getting started)
Look at the picture on page 38 and write
the names of the things that do not
belong to the past
 Pre- reading:
 Pre – teach vocab:
- (to) look after
- Equipment
- folk tale
- Traditional
- great grandma
 Checking: what and where
 True / false statement prediction
a. Nga is used to live on a farm
b. Nga’s grandma didn’t go to school
c. She has an easy and happy life

when she was young
d. There wasn’t any modern
equipment at her time
e. “The lost shoe” is a short story
 While- reading:
 Read the story
 Check their prediction
 Correct the false statement
 Answer the question
a. Where did Nga’s grandmother use
to live?
b. Why didn’t she go to school?
c. What did Nga great grandma?
d. What did Nga’s great; do?
Grandmother and great grandfather
do after dinner?
e. What did Nga’s ask her grandma to
do at the end of the conversation?
 Post- reading:
 Fact or opinion
- give instruction
- Present new
words and guide
Ss to read them
- Check Ss’
memory by
technique “what
and where”
- Present the
sentences on the

- Ask Ss to do
- Read the story
- Ask Ss to correct
the false
- Ask Ss to answer
the questions
- Look at the
picture and write
the names of the
- give feedback
- Listen and
- Copy down
- write the words
in the correct
- read the
sentences given
and predict
which is true and
which is false
- give feedback
- listen to the
- Read the story

again and check
their prediction
- give feedback
- Practise asking
and answering
the questions
- Listen to
a. I used to live on a farm
b. There wasn’t any electricity
c. Mom have to do every thing
without the help of modern
d. My father used to tell stories
e. The best one was The Lost Shoe
f. Traditional stories are great
 Homework:
- Learning vocabulary
- Read the dialogue again
- Help Ss
distinguish fact
and opinion
- Ask Ss to do
- Choose fact
and opinion
- Week: 7 - Period: 19
- Teaching date: Lesson 2: Speak.

Language focus 4.
  
 Aim: Speaking about the way things used to be and the way they are
 Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use
“used to” to talk about the things they used to do
 Teaching aids: Text book
Content T’s activities Ss’ activities
 Warm-up: (Jumbled words)
- Electricity - rieletcicty
- Entertainment - menttaenterin
- Market - rkmaret
- Supermarket - permasuekt
 Presentation:
 Structure:
She used to live in a farm
 Form:
 Use: used to express a past habit, or
an action usually happened in the
 Meaning: đã thường hay làm gì
 Practice: (word cue drill)
a. Live / Hue / Hanoi
- Did you use to live in hue?
- No, I used to live in Hanoi
b. Have / long hairs / short hairs
c. Get up / late / early
d. Walk to school / bicycle
e. Study / evening / early morning
- Present the

words whose
letters are on
- Recall the
conversation, the
ask: “Where did
Nga’s grandma
use to live? “
And show the
- Correct Ss’
- Rewrite the
words in the
correct forms
- Answer the
- copy down
- Practise asking
and answering
the questions,
using the given
S + used to + infinitive
S + didn’t used to + infinitive
 Production:
a. Where did they live in the past? And
b. How / they / travel?

c. What’s about the electricity?
d. What’s about their life / work?
e. Did children use to go to school?
f. What’s about their entertainment?
 Answer:
a. People used to live in small houses.
Now they live in big houses and
b. People used to walk. Now they can
go by cars or motorbikes

 Homework:
Write about the things you used to do last
“Last year, I used to get up late. Now, I get
up early”
- Guides Ss
practice speaking
- Elicit some ideas
so that student can
talk about them
- Compare 2
picture on page
40, using “used
to” to talk about
the actions in the
- Week: 7 - Period: 20
- Teaching date: Lesson 3: Read. (p. 41- 42)
  

 Aim: Reading the story “the lost shoe for details”
 Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to
understand and retell the story “the lost shoe”
 Teaching aids: Text book , word cards for drilling
 Procedure:
Content T’s activities Ss’ activities
 Warm-up: (Brains storming)
Name some folk tales that you have read
One hundred- section
seven- mile shoes
 Pre- reading:
 Pre- teach vocabulary
- cruel (a) (translation)
- upset (a) (synonym)
- fairy (n) (translation)
- magical (a)
- rag
- (to) fall in love with
- immediately (adv)
- listen and repeat
on the board
- Present new
words and guide
Ss to read them in
- Present the
statements on the
- Tell the names
of the folk tales

that they have
- Listen and
- copy down
- listen and
repeat in chorus
- Read the
statements gives
The folk tales
 T / F statements prediction
a. Little Pea’s father is a poor farmer
b. Her father got married again after
his wife died
c. Her new mother was beautiful and
nice to her
d. She worked hard all day
e. She didn’t have new clothes to tale
part in the festival
 While - reading:
 Read the story “The lost shoe” on
page 41 and check their prediction –
correct the false statements
 Answer the questions
a. Who was Little Pea?
b. What did Stout Nut’s mother make
Little Pea get her new clothes?
c. Whom did the Prince decide to

d. Is it a true story?
How do you know?
 Post - reading:
 Gap – filling:
Complete the sentences with words from
the story ( p. 42)
 Homework: rewrite the story
- let Ss guess
- Read the story
- Ask Ss to answer
the questions
- Ask Ss to
complete the
- Correct mistakes
and guess they
are true or false
- listen and read
the dialogue
again and check
their prediction
- Answer the
questions and
practice them on
- Fill in the
blanks with

suitable words
from the story
- give feedback
- Week: 7 - Period: 21
- Teaching date: Lesson 3: - Listen.
- Language focus 1-2.
  
 Aim: Listening and further practice in past simple tense
 Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to
understand the main idea of a story by listening and further practice in
past simple tense.
 Teaching aids: Text books.
 Procedures:
Content T’s activities Ss’ activities
 Warm-up: ( Pelmanism ).
Run ran fly flew ride came rode eat ate
sit sat come.
 Pre- teach vocabulary:
- Foolish
- Greedy
- Gold
- give instructions
- Present new
words on the
- play game
- Listen and
- copy down
- read new words


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