Administrators, 13
Agile programming, 11–13, 25
and Micromax tool, 87
test first precept, 166
Ant utility, 167
Axis, 95
Jmeter, 129
license, 145
SOAP, 141t, 235
Tomcat, 95
XML-RPC, 143
Availability, 389
Back end systems services, 7, 9f
application, 7–8
authentication authority, 7
instant message server (IM), 8
network operating system (NOS), 8
BEA WebLogic, 233, 422
and “flapjacks architecture,” 59
Beck, Kent, 167
BigDecimal data type, 236
Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), testing in
flapjacks environment, 94
Borland JBuilder, 127
BPEL4WS, 10, 130
Browsers, 4
Business logic, 4
Business management styles, 99t–100t
and effective testing design, 80, 99
case example, 100–101
Cape Clear CapeStudio, 233
Click-stream measurement tests, 45
Client-side system-level tests, 16
Client/server architecture, 4, 124–126
test automation, 126–127
CLR (Common Language Runtime), 293
Coincident, 111
Common Gateway Interface (CGI), 26
CommuniGate Pro, 449
Compuware OptimalJ, 127
Object Management Group (OMG)
Model Driven Architecture
(MDA), 129
Concomitant, 111
Concurrent, 110, 385, 389
Connected software applications see Web-
enabled applications
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480 Index
Cookies, 194
Cooper, Alan, 109
Desktop automation phase, 122–124
Desktop Software Development Lifecycle,
DHCP (Dynamic Host Control Protocol),
Disco (Web Services Discovery Tool), 305
and flapjacks architecture, 59
load pattern case example, 44
ECMA (European Computer Manufactur-
ers Association), and CLR standards,
e-Load, 129
e-Test, 127
Enterprise infrastructure, 5, 7f
see also Back-end systems services; Web
infrastructure services
ethereal, 255
Excite, 26
Extensible Markup Language (XML), 173,
217, 420
integration opportunities, 217–218
and .NET, 295
Extreme programming see Agile programming
“Flapjacks architecture,” 57–58, 58f
benefits of, 59, 93–94
and security issues, 329
strategies for implementation, 59–60, 60t
targeting developers, 60–62, 62f
targeting IT managers, 63–64
targeting QA managers, 62–63
and testing modules for functionality and
scalability, 92–93
see also Test agents
“Follow me home” software testing method
(Intuit), 36
Functionality and scalability testing case
example, 87–88, 88f
and flapjack architecture, 92–93
advantages, 93–94
functional testing, 90–91, 90f
and intelligent test agents, 91, 91f
scalability testing, 91–92, 92f
testing challenges, 90
user view, 88
Functional testing, 90
Go-Mono, 317
Government regulation and software appli-
cation requirements, 9
Grid computing, 104, 421
see also Self-healing systems
“Grid” generation, 43–45
The Grinder, 129
Heath Insurance Portability and Account-
ability Act (HIPAA), 9
HMux (Caucho), 406
function, 191, 200
HotMail, and flapjacks architecture, 59
HP OpenView, 384
HTTP test agents, 182, 182f
object overview, 183,
183f, 192–193
Agent example, 182
forms and cookie managed
sessions, 194–202
and TestMaker, 182–183
Validator agent example, 182
and JDOM commands, 213–214
methods, 210–211
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Index 481
and scripting language commands,
server response data searched/parsed/
validated, 203–214
TOOL commands for parsing,
Wanderer agent example, 182, 184
Python and Tool interaction, 184–193
HTTP/1.1 protocol, 405
HTTPS connection, 6
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), 173
content-checking tests, 45
see also The Web
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), 19,
basic authentication, 332–333
see also The Web
Rational Rose, 127, 129
WebSphere and “flapjacks architecture,”
IL (Intermediate Language), 293
Inclusion Technologies, archetypal users for
testing, 36–38
Infrastructure, 26
maintenance tips, 16
Integrated development environment
(IDE), 9–10, 21
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP),
Internet Engineering Task Force, 177
Internet Relay Chat (IRC) service, 6, 8
Internet Software Development Lifecycle,
Interoperability programmers, 14
Interoperating software applications see
Web-enabled applications
Intuit, “Follow me home” software testing
method, 36
ISO-8859-1 encoding, 224
J2EE objects, 7
JAR (Java Archive Resource) file, and driv-
ers, 283
and Jython integration, 165
Mail API, 143t
omission of scripting model, 66
Page Flow, 130
Server Faces, 130
servlets (HTTP communication protocol
handling), 7
see also Jython
Java Community Process (JCP), 166
Java Secure Sockets Extension (JSSE), 336
and TestMaker, 339–341
Java Server Pages (JSP), 173
Java Specification Request (JSR) 223, 166
Java Web Services Developer Package, 233
jCookie, 142t
JDBC (Java DataBase Connectivity), and
TestMaker, 280–286
JDOM, 142t, 182, 213–214
Jini see Sun Microsystems
JNumeric, 142t
JOpenChart, 142t
JUnit, 166
case example, 168–169
and repeatable tests, 166–167
goals of unit test framework, 167
, 167–168
and TestMaker, 169
case example, 169–172
JXTA see Sun Microsystems
Jython, 66, 67, 142t, 162–163
Bean property introspection, 165–166
built in data structures and list itera-
tion, 163–164
dynamic variables and automatic typ-
ing, 164, 189
first-class objects, 164–165, 188
Java expansion (scripting), 166
Java integration, 165, 166
quickness, 163
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482 Index
formatting, 74
import command, 188–189
and Java objects case example, 68–71
test agents creations case example,
and TestMaker, 144, 188
KeyNote Systems Internet weather report,
Lane, Geoff, 144
Latency, 389
Liberty Alliance, 10, 335
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
(LDAP), 8
in bookstore case example, 89, 89f
Mainframe Software Development Lifecy-
cle, 22–23
Management styles see Business manage-
ment styles
MaxQ, 142t
MDA (Model Driven Architecture), 129
Mercury Interactive LoadRunner, 127, 129
Mercury Interactive WinRunner, 124
Micromax Lifecycle, 83
categorizing problems, 83–85, 83t
prioritizing problems, 85–86, 85t
reporting problems, 86
evaluation criteria, 86–87
criticism of, 105, 219
Direct Internet Message Exchange
(DIME), 421–422
DNA (Distributed iNternet Architec-
ture), 293
IL (Intermediate Language), 293
.NET Framework, 220, 293–294
case example of mixed languages run
by CLR, 294–295
CLR (Common Language Runtime),
current issues for design and testing,
and Disco (Web Services Discovery
Tool), 305
document-style SOAP encoding case
example, 298–300
and “flapjacks architecture,” 59
integration issues (case example),
interoperability issues, 295
Passport authentication, 331–332
and SOAP header values, 303–304
test agent case example, 307–315
and WSDL, 304–307
and WSML (Web Services Meta Lan-
guage), 305
Network Monitor utility, 255
VB.NET, 316
Visual Studio, 124
and Web-enabled application protocols,
106, 302
Multiprotocol testing/email environment
case example
project scope, 448–449, 449t–450t
result analysis, 476–477
test design, 451–452
resources, 451f
test environment installation and config-
uration, 455–456
Recorder activation (coding exam-
ples), 462–476
script creation for archetypes (coding
examples), 456–462
Test Agent Files, 455t
test methodology, 452t–453t
university requirements, 447–448
user archetypes, 453–454
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Index 483
N-Tier architecture see “Flapjacks architec-
NetMechanic monitoring service, 26
NetWatch, 255
Network Address Translation (NAT), 321
Network Associates, DOS and Windows
fixes, 105
Object-oriented programming, 128
Object programmers, 14
Open source development and distribution,
25, 145–146
Orchestration programmers, 14
Peer-to-peer (P2P) technologies, 5
Performance, 389
Performance testing, 30, 33–35
criteria definition, 44
click-stream measurement tests, 45
content-checking tests, 45
load pattern focus, 44
ping tests, 45
key questions, 45
acceptable performance, 46
basic features, 46
failure rate, 46
and test matrix template, 64–65
tools, 52–53
tool kit, 429–431
see also SPC (Scalability and Perfor-
mance Criteria); Web-enabled
application measurement tools;
Web Services Performance Kit
Personal digital assistant (PDA), 19
Ping tests, 45
Platform dependency reductions, 10
Presentation code, 4
“Price/performance” ratio, 110
Procedural programmers, 13–14
Programming, 13
Programming techniques
agile, 11–12
“inspired wave,” 12
problem solving styles, 13–15, 13f, 15f
Public key infrastructure (PKI), testing in
flapjacks environment, 94
PushToTest, 129, 145, 172
online support services, 46
and test scripts, 74–75
TestNetwork test node appliance, 392
use of WAPS, 55–56
see also Web Services Performance Kit
Python programming language, 67, 162
case example (TOOL and Python inter-
action), 184–193
loops, 192
spaces to denote functions/groups of
commands, 190
Quality of Service (QoS) testing, 30
Web FT, 127
WebLoad, 129
security issues, 341
SOAP and WSDL standards, 256
Scalability, 9
impact of tools, 428–429
test results analysis
actionable knowledge, 380t
log file, 379
pitfalls of quick overview, 377, 380
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