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<b>Look at the pictures and write the names of things</b>












<b>plane</b> <b>ship</b>




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<b>Unit 7: Traffic</b>

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<b>1. Vocabulary</b>

<b>-(to) ride a bike = (to) cycle </b>

<b>-(to) drive a car:</b>

<b>-(to) take: </b>

<b>-(to) wait: </b>

<b>- by (pre):</b>

<b>- with (pre):</b>

<b>- how far: </b>

<b>- how long</b>

<b>đạp xe</b>

<b>lái xe ô tô</b>




<b>với, cùng</b>

<b>bao xa</b>

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<b>2. a. Read the conversation again and choose the correct answer.</b>

<b>1. What did Mai do yesterday afternoon?</b>
<b>A. She stayed at home with her brother.</b>
<b>B. She rode her bike around the lake.</b>
<b>C. She walked around the lake.</b>

<b>2. Oanh says that it’s healthy to ………..</b>

<b>A. cycle</b> <b>B. walk</b> <b>C. stay home</b>

<b>3. Mai used to go to school ……….</b>

<b>A. by car</b> <b>B. on foot</b> <b>C. by bicycle</b>

<b>4. Mai and Oanh agree to go cycling ………</b>

<b>A. tomorrow</b> <b>B. every day</b> <b>C. at the weekend</b>


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<b>2. b. Answer the following questions.</b>

<b>1.</b> <b>What did Mai do on Sunday morning?</b>

<b>2.</b> <b>How far is it from Mai’s house to school?</b>

<b>3.</b> <b>Who does Mai usually go to school with?</b>

<b>4.</b> <b>Why does it sometimes take Mai longer to get to school?</b>

<b>5.</b> <b>How does she get to school when her dad is busy?</b>
<b>It’s about two kilometres.</b>

<b>She stayed at home and played with her brother.</b>

<b>She usually goes to school with her dad.</b>

<b>Because sometimes there are traffic jams.</b>

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<b>2. c. Can you find the following expressions in the conversation?</b>
<b>Do you know what they mean?</b>

<b>1. Hey </b>

<b>2. Great idea</b>

<b>1. Can’t wait</b>

<b>: này – to get someone’s attention</b>

<b>: ý kiến hay</b>

<b>when you strongly support or agree with s.t</b>

<b>: không thể chờ được</b>

<b> very excited and keen to do s.t</b>

<b>Example:</b> <b>Nick: Hey, Phong. </b>

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<b>3. Match a verb on the left with a means of transport on the right.</b>
<b> There may be more than one correct answer. </b>

<b> Add a preposition when necessary.</b>

<b>1. ride</b>

<b>2. drive</b>

<b>3. fly</b>

<b>4. sail</b>

<b>5. get on</b>

<b>6. get off</b>

<b>a. a train</b>

<b>b. a boat</b>

<b>c. a bus</b>

<b>d. a bike</b>

<b>e. a car</b>

<b>f. a plane</b>
<b>1-d. ride a bike</b>

<b>2-e. drive a car</b>

<b>3-f. fly by plane</b>

<b>4-b. sail on/in a boat</b>

<b>5. get on a bus/ a train/ a bike/a car</b>

<b>6. get off a bus/ a train/ a bike/ a car</b>

<b>Then make your own sentences with these phrases.</b>

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<b>4. Find someone in your class who never ………….</b>

<b>1. walks to school</b>

<b>2. goes to school by bus</b>
<b>3. cycles for exercise</b>
<b>4. takes a train</b>

<b>5. sail on/in a boat</b>
<b>6. flies by plane</b>

<b>A: How often do you walk to school?</b>

<b>B: I (sometime/ never/ …) walk to school.</b>

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<b>- </b>

<b>Learn by heart new words.</b>

<b>- Read again the conversation.</b>



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