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Date of preparing:3/11/2017 Week 10 - Period 19

<b>REVISION 1 (P2)</b>
<b>I. AIMS</b>

1. Knowledge

- To consolidate the sound of the letters Nn, Oo, Pp and Qq and the
corresponding words.

- Vocabulary Revision: nut, net, nest, nose

olive, orange, octopus, omelette
pen, panda, parrot, pony

question, queen, quilt, quiz
2. Skills: Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing

3. Attitude: Educate Sts to love their lesson and work hard

<i>1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, phonics cards, cassette.</i>
<i>2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.</i>


- Work in pairs , individual, in groups ….

1. Class organization: (1’)

- Greeting: Good morning/ Good afternoon. How are you?
- Checking for the students’ attendence:

Class Date of teaching Absent students

2A ……….... ………

2. Warm up : (5’)

- Put up some phonics cards from Unit 1-4 on the board.
- Write the initial letter of the word below each phonics card.

- Ask the students to copy and complete the words in their notebooks.
3. New lesson: (30’)

<b>Teacher’s and students’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>
<b>* Activity 1: </b>

<b>1.Look and circle the right pictures (6 </b>

- Explain the activity

- Ask the students to say the letters.
- Ask the students to name the items.
- Ask them to circle the right pictures that
correspond to each letter.

- Go around the classroom to provide any

necessary help, ask individual students to say
out the letter, the sound and the item.

<b>1.Look and circle the right </b>

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<b>2.Circle the beginning sound (8 mins)</b>
- Explain the activity.

- Ask the students to name the items, the
letters and the sounds.

- Ask them to circle the correct letters that
correspond to each picture.

- Go around the classroom to provide any
necessary help, ask individual students to say
out the sound or the item.

<b>2.Circle the beginning sound</b>

<b>* Activity 3: </b>

<b>3.Write the beginning letter (5 mins)</b>
- Explain the activity.

- Ask the students to name the items, the
letters and the sounds.

- Ask them to write the beginning letter that

corresponds to each picture.

- Go around the classroom to provide any
necessary help, ask individual students to say
out the letter, the sound and the item.

<b>3.Write the beginning letter</b>

<b>* Activity 4: </b>

<b>4.Colour. Use the key (5 mins)</b>
- Explain the activity

- Ask the students to name the items in the

- The students use the code to colour each
item that corresponds to the beginning sound.
- Go around the classroom to provide any
necessary help, ask individual students to say
out the letter, the sound and the item.

<i>Answer key: </i>

<i>orange_green panda_red </i>
<i>quilt_yellow nest_blue</i>

<b>Activity: Form a Line Game (7 mins) </b>
- Put up the phonics cards on the board.
- Write the respective words on separate

pieces of paper.

- Hand out the pieces of paper to the students.
- Ask the students to form a line at the front
of the board in the same order as the phonics

- Repeat the procedure with another group of

Give feedback


orange_green panda_red
quilt_yellow nest_blue

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

? What’s the content of the lesson?
5. Home-link:

- Review the units


Date of preparing: 3/11/2017 Week 10 - Period 20

<b>I. AIMS</b>

<b>1. Knowledge</b>

- To consolidate the sound of the letters Nn, Oo, Pp and Qq and the
corresponding words.

- Vocabulary Revision: nut, net, nest, nose

olive, orange, octopus, omelette
pen, panda, parrot, pony

question, queen, quilt, quiz
2. Skills: Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing

3. Attitude: Educate Sts to love their lesson. Work hard

<i>1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, recordings. Colored chalks/ </i>
markers , Scissors . UDCNTT

<i>2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.</i>

- Work in pairs , individual, in groups ….

1. Class organization: (1’)

- Greeting: Good morning/ Good afternoon. How are you?
- Checking for the students’ attendence:

Class Date of teaching Absent students

2A .……… ………

2. Warm up : (5’) Guess

- Divide the class into two teams, A and B

- Ask a student from one team to come to the board

- Whisper one of the vocabulary words (from unit 1-4) to the student.
- Without speaking, the student draw a picture of the word on the board
- The first team to guess the word correctly wins a point.

- Repeat the activity with a student from the other team.

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<b>Teacher’s and students’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>
<b>* Activity 1: </b>

<b>1.Trace letter Nn and colour the pictures. – </b>
<b>Activity book- page 37 (6 mins)</b>

- Elicit the letters and their sounds
<i>E.g. letter N says //</i>

- Point to each picture and elicit the letter, the

sound and the name of the item

<i>E.g. N- //- nut</i>

- Ask the students to trace the letters and colour
in the pictures

- Tell the students that they can draw a heart
next to the picture they like most.

- Go around the classroom to provide any
necessary help, ask individual students to say
out the sound or the items then give out some
comments or compliments.

<b>1.Trace letter Nn and </b>
<b>colour the pictures.</b>
E.g. letter N says //

E.g. N- //- nut

<b>* Activity 2: </b>

<b>2.Trace letter Oo and colour the pictures. – </b>
<b>Activity book- page 39 (6 mins)</b>

- Elicit the letters and their sounds
<i>E.g. letter O says //</i>

- Point to each picture and elicit the letter, the

sound and the name of the item

<i>E.g. O- //- orange</i>

- Ask the students to trace the letters and colour
in the pictures

- Tell the students that they can draw a heart
next to the picture they like most.

- Go around the classroom to provide any
necessary help, ask individual students to say
out the sound or the items then give out some
comments or compliments.

<b>Activity: Letter Writing Race (6 mins) </b>
- Ask the students to open their Activity books
page 37- letter Nn

- In 30 seconds, the students try to write the
name of the four items.

- Ask them raise their hands when they finish

- The winner is the student who has finish
writing first.

- Do the same with page 39, 41, 43- letter Oo,
Pp, Qq

<b>2.Trace letter Oo and </b>
<b>colour the pictures.</b>

E.g. letter O says //

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<b>* Activity 3: </b>

<b>3.Trace letter Pp and colour the pictures. – </b>
<b>Activity book- page 41 (6 mins)</b>

- Elicit the letters and their sounds
<i>E.g. letter P says //</i>

- Point to each picture and elicit the letter, the
sound and the name of the item

<i>E.g. P- //- Pen</i>

- Ask the students to trace the letters and colour
in the pictures

- Tell the students that they can draw a heart
next to the picture they like most.

- Go around the classroom to provide any
necessary help, ask individual students to say
out the sound or the items then give out some
comments or compliments

<b>3.Trace letter Pp and </b>
<b>colour the pictures.</b>
<i>E.g. letter P says //</i>

<i>E.g. P- //- Pen</i>

<b>* Activity 4: </b>

<b>4.Trace letter Qq and colour the pictures. – </b>
<b>Activity book- page 43 (6 mins)</b>

- Elicit the letters and their sounds
<i>E.g. letter Q says //</i>

- Point to each picture and elicit the letter, the
sound and the name of the item

<i>E.g. Q- //- queen</i>

- Ask the students to trace the letters and colour
in the pictures

- Tell the students that they can draw a heart
next to the picture they like most.

- Go around the classroom to provide any
necessary help, ask individual students to say
out the sound or the items then give out some
comments or compliments

Tell the students that they can draw a star next
to the picture they think the best of all.

<b>4.Trace letter Qq and </b>
<b>colour the pictures</b>
<i> E.g. letter Q says //</i>

<i>E.g. Q- //- queen</i>

4. Consolidation: (4’)

? What’s the content of the lesson?
5. Home-link:

- Do exercises in the workbook.



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