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Tải file đính kèm: 4-dap_an_anh-k11_133201910

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<b>Answer (Lớp 11)</b>

<b>I. Stress and Sound: (1m)</b>

<b>A. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest: (0,5 m)</b>

1. A. dirty <b>B. supply</b> C. energy D. happy

<b>2. A. equipped</b> B. delivered C. transferred D. received

<b>B. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others: (0,5 m)</b>

3. A. hungry B. excellent <b>C. destructive</b> D. national

4. A. protect B. prohibit C. pollute <b>D. cultivate</b>

<b>II. Error identification: (1m)</b>

5. Do you get on with the person whom lives next door?

A B <b>C</b> D

6. I have three brothers, all of whom are businessman.

A B C <b>D</b>

7. People are destroying the air by adding pollutants in it.

A B C <b>D</b>

8. The environment in where these animals are living is badly destroyed.

<b>A</b> B C D

<b>III. Synonym or antonym: (1m)</b>

<b>A. Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit: (0,5m)</b>

9. People in this region cultivate mainly rice and vegetables.

a. destroy <b>b. grow</b> c. develop d. support

10. Oil spills are having a devastating effect on coral reefs in the ocean.
a. powerful b. significant <b>c. disastrous d. detectable</b>

<b>B. Select the antonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit: (0,5m)</b>

<b>11. Due to the increase in population and the use of nearby land for farming, there are toxic levels of chemicals</b>
in the water.

A. drop <b>B. decrease</b> C. shortage D. illness
<b>12. If I had been you, I would have gone home immediately.</b>

<b>A. late</b> B. lately C. short D. shortly

<b>IV. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate prepositions: (1m)</b>

<b>13. Fossil fuels will be exhausted _______within_________ a relatively short time.</b>
<b>14. Water power gives energy _____without___________ pollution.</b>

<b>15. Human beings have a great influence_on_____ the rest of the world.</b>

<b>16. The number of rare animals is decreasing so rapidly that they are______in________ danger of becoming extinct.</b>
<b>V.Supply the correct form of the word in brackets:(1m)</b>

<b>17. The giant panda is an _____endangered________ species. (danger)</b>

<b>18. We are in favor of the _____prohibition_________ of smoking in public areas. (prohibit)</b>

<b>19. How to make full use of these sources of energy is a question for ______researchers__________ all over</b>
the world. (research)

<b>20. Dinosaurs became ______extinct__________millions of years ago. (extinction)</b>
<b>VI. Fill in the blanks with the correct verb forms: (1 m)</b>

<b>21. I saw her _____lock___________ (lock) the door.</b>
<b>22. The movie is worth ____seeing____________ (see).</b>

<b>23. You’d better ______consult__________ (consult) your lawyer before you decide to buy the property.</b>
<b>24. He decided ______to disguise__________ (disguise) himself by dressing as a woman.</b>

<b>VII. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate verb tenses: (1 m)</b>

<b>25. Up to the present, we______have done__________ (do) most exercises in the book.</b>
<b>26. John ______was watching__________ (watch) TV at 6 p.m last evening.</b>

<b>27. After she (take) _____took / had taken__________ her bath, he went to bed.</b>
<b>28. Listen! Someone (walk) _____is walking___________up the stairs.</b>

<b>VIII. Cloze text: (1m)</b>

In order to make _______________ (29) that these rare animals do not disappear, efforts have been

__________________ (30) to protect the environments in which they live. Scientists have made lists of

endangered species and suggested ways to save them. Many organizations have been set up and funds have been
raised. Thousands of national parks all over the world have been established to protect ____________________
(31) animals. Laws have been ____________(32) to prohibit the killing of endangered animals.

<b>29. A. sure</b> B. place C. decision D. all

30. A. introduced B. destroyed <b>C. made</b> D. endangered

31. A. dangerous <b>B. endangered</b> C. small D. tiny

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<b>IX. Read the passage carefully, then answer the questions: (1m)</b>

The search for alternative sources of energy has led in various directions. Many communities are burning
garbage and other biological waste products to produce electricity- Converting waste products to gases or oil is
also an efficient way to dispose of wastes. Experimental work is being done to derive synthetic fuels from coal, oil
shale, and coal tars. But to date, that process has proven expensive. Other experiments are underway to harness
power with giant windmills. Geothermal power is also being tested. Some experts expect utility companies to
revive hydroelectric power derived from streams and rivers. Fifty years ago hydroelectric power provided one third
of the electricity used in the United States, but today it supplies only 4 percent. The oceans are another potential
source of energy. Scientists are studying ways to convert the energy of ocean currents, tides, and waves to
electricity. Experiments are also underway to make use of temperature differences in ocean water to produce

33. What provided one third of the electricity in the United States fifty years ago?

A. wind B. waste products

<b>C. water</b> D. oil

34. What could Rest replace the phrase 'geothermal power' in the passage?

<b>A. heat from the earth</b> B. gases in the earth's atmosphere
C. steam that shot up out of the earth D. water in the ocean, lake, or river

35. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage as an alternative source of energy?
A. Burning of garbage B. Geothermal power

C. Synthetic fuels <b>D. Electricity</b>

36. According to the author, what is the impracticability of using coal, oil shale and coal tars' as sources of energy
due to?

A. They take a lot of time <b>B. They are expensive</b>
C. They are very easy to find D. They can be found all the world

<b>X. Rewrite the sentence or join the pairs of sentences beginning with the words given:( 1m)</b>
37. Mr. Johnson is our new teacher. Your father is talking to him. (Using relative clause)

<b><sub>Mr. Johnson, whom your father is talking to, is our new teacher.</sub></b>
38. He gave seven reasons. Two of them were valid. (Using relative clause)
<b>→ He gave seven reasons, two of which were valid.</b>

39. “Me? No, I didn’t take Sue’s calculator,” said Bob.
<b>→ Bob denied taking Sue’s calculator.</b>

40. We came home from our holiday early because we ran out of money.


