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Period 37
Lesson 3 : Read
A. The aims and objectives
1.The Aims : Reading Comprehension the passage about the Boy Scout
of America.
2 .Objectives:
a. Language focus: By the end of the lesson SS will be able to know
more about youth organization – Ho Chi Minh communist Youth Union
b. Skill: reading
B. Preparation : 1. Teacher: posters.
2. Students: textbooks, workbooks, other tools.
C. Procedures :
I. Organization: Greeting + checking member.
II. Checking the old lesson + warm up.
1.Racchtaer 2. Iojn 3. Mai 4.
5. Nessmsibuan 6. Thauolgh
* Answer key : 1. Character 2. Join 3. Aim 4. Explain
5. Businessman 6. Although
III. New lesson:
Teacher’s activities Time Ss’ activities
1. Vocabulary
- Communist Youth Union: doan tncs
- Personal fitness:
- to encourage : give the verb which means
to give Sb support
- Citizenship (n) = quyen cong dan
- coeducational (a) ( translation )

- Voluntary (a) = tu y , tu nguyen .
- to establish = to start / to create an
* Checking : Slap the board
2. pre-reading
- asks ss to guess information than fill in the
missing gaps.
a. The Youth Union was founded in…….
- Copy down new
Repeat chorally ,
individually .
Play game
b.In….. The Youth Union was officially
named as it is today.
c. The Youth Union’s activities aim to help
the young develop…..
d.Its aims and principles have been…..for the
young Vietnamese people of today and
3. while-reading
-asks ss to read the text then check their
a. 1931
b. December 1976
c. their public awareness and form
their personality.
d. the guidelines

* Asks ss to read again then answer
A. any Vietnamese youth from 15 to
30 years of age can join the youth
B. The Youth Union was founded on
March 26 1931.
C. The complete name of the Youth
Union is Ho Chi Minh communist
Youth Union.
D. Some social activities of the youth
Union are Helping the handicapped,
cleaning the environment, Green
Summer volunteers campaign…
E. These activities aim to help the
youth develop their public awareness
and form their personality.
4. Post- reading.
Asks ss to do read loudly the text.
Listen to them and checks their
Guess and fill
Check and copy down.
- work in groups and
Copy down.
- read
IV. Consolidation (2’) retell the main points.

V. Homework (1’)
1. Learn by heart new words and write the summary of the Youth Union.
2. Prepare the next lesson
Period 38 Lesson 4 : Writing
A / The aims and Objectives:
1. The aims : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to write a letter about a
future plan using be going to .
2. Objectives:
a. Language focus: be going to
b. Skill: write
B. Preparation :
1. Teacher: Text book , chalk , board, lesson plan.
2. students: Textbooks, workbooks, and other tools.
C. Procedures:
I. Organization: Greeting and checking attendance.
II. Checking up(5’) Revision of the structure Be going to
- Ask Ss the usage of “ be going to “ – to express a future plan . Get Ss to make
the sentence :
“ I am going to + Verb “ ( The verbs have to begin with a letter from A to Z :
Ex: T : I am going to accept their invitation .
S1 : I am going to buy a new bicycle
S2 : I am going to clean the floor .
S3 : I am going to dust the furniture ..
=> Teacher corrects and give them marks.
III. New lesson:
Teacher’s activities Time Students’ activities
I. Pre – teach vocabulary :
- to raise fund ( translation )
- a bank ( visual )
- natural resources : coal oil , iron .. under the

ground or the sea .
1. Reading the notice
- Ask Ss to read the notice “ To : All Y and Y
members of the school “
- Ask some questions to check their
a. What do members of the Y and Y have to
do in the recycling program ?
b. What is the purpose of the recycling
program ?
c. What other programs can members of the
Listen and copy
Listen and repeat
chorally and individually
Copy down
Read the notice and
answer the questions
Practice asking and
Y and Y participate in ?
- Get Ss to work in pairs to answer the
questions .
- Give feedback and ask them to practice in
open pairs .
2. Complete the letter
- Ask some questions to set the scene :
- Who writes the letter ? ( Nga )
- To whom does Nga write ? ( Linh )
- Is Nga a member of Y and Y ? ( Yes )

- What does Nga write to Linh about ? ( She
writes about the programs of her school Y
and Y that she is going to participate )
- Get Ss to work in pairs to fill in the gaps in
the letter .
- Give feedback :1. community 2.recycling
4. send 5. recycling 6. save 7. raise / earn
8. participating 9. planting 10 .
- Call on some Ss to read the complete letter
and correct mistakes if any .
3. Reading the dialogue :Set the scene“Hoa
talks to her aunt about the Y and Y Green
Group, about the activities that she is going
to do .”
- Ask Ss to read the dialogue between Hoa
and her aunt .
* Checking : Some questions :
a. Why does Hoa look happy ?
b. What is she going to do in the environment
month ?
c.What are they doing to earn money for their
Y & Y ?
- Call on some Ss to demonstrate their
answers in front of the class .
II.While - writing :
- Ask Ss to help Hoa to write a letter to her
parents .

- Get Ss to work in group of 4 or 5 to write a
letter on poster . Move around the class and
help then if they are necessary .
answering the questions
in pairs
Listen and answer
( the whole )
Work in pairs to
complete the letter .
Read the complete
letter .
Listen and copy .
Practice asking and
answering the questions .
Work in groups to write
the letter
Stick their letters on the
board and correct its
III. Post - writing :
- Choose four letters from 4 group and stick
them on the board. Get the whole class to
read the 4 letters and correct them .
- Give feedback : * Suggested letter
Dear Mom and Dad ,
I am very happy to tell you that I am able to
join in the Y & Y Green Group of my

school .
The green Group is holding an environment
month plan . We are going to clean the
banks on weekends . We are also going
to plant trees and flowers in the parks and
water them every afternoon after class . We
are planting young trees and plants to sell to
other schools . I hope that we can bring more
green to the city and earn some money for the
school Y&Y . The program is very
interesting and useful , is not it ?
I am still in a very good health . I will tell
you more about the group activities later .
With love ,
Hoa .
5’ Read the suggested letter
Listen and copy .
IV. consolidation (2’) retell main points
V. Homeworks (1’)
Ask each student to help Hoa write a letter to her parents in their notebooks .

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