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<b>Date of preparing: 05/10/2017</b>
<b>WEEK 6 - Period 20</b>

<b>LESSON 1: PART 3, 4, 5</b>

<b>I. Objectives</b>
<b>1. Knowledge:</b>

- By the end of the lesson Ss can ask and answer questions about date.
<i>Sentence pattems: Review.</i>

<i>Vocabulary: Review.</i>
<b>2. Skill:</b>

- Practice listening, speaking and reading skills.
<b>3. Attitude:</b>

- Encourage Ss to use the structure more regulary.
<b>II. Teaching- aids</b>

- Student’s book, recording, fresh cards, posters.
<b>III. Methods:</b>

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work, group work
- Some techniques can be used: music chairs

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>1 . Organization:( 1’)</b>

- Greeting: Good morning!/ Good afternoon!
- Who’s absent today?

<b>Class</b> <b>Date of teaching</b> <b>Absent Ss</b>

4A Tuesday, October 10th 2017
4B Tuesday, October 10th 2017
4C Monday, October 9th 2017
4D Tuesday, October 10th 2017
<b>2. Warm up and Review (5’)</b>

<i><b>* Activity: Conversation lines.</b></i>

- T asks Ss to make two lines and greeting.
- Ss make two lines and greeting.

<i>S1:What is the date today?</i>

- T lets Ss ask and answer.

- T monitors and correct their mistake.
<b>3. New lesson:</b>

<i><b>Teacher and Ss’s activities</b></i> <i><b>Contents</b></i>
<i><b>* Activity 1: Listen and tick(9’)</b></i>

Set the scence: Ask Ss to open their book on page
25 and tells them that they are going to listen to the
recording and tick the correct picture.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

- T plays the recording for Ss to listen 1st<sub> time</sub>
- T plays the recording again for Ss to listen and
tick the correct answer.

- Asks Ss to exchange their answer with partners
before reporting them to the class.

- T asks Ss to read out the answer.

- T plays the recording again for Ss to check their

<b>Further practice:Snatch the words</b>
<i><b>*Activity2: Look and write(9’)</b></i>

- T sets the scene by drawing a picture of date and

? What is the date?
? What is the month?

- Ask Ss to look at the sentences.
? Are they complete?

? how many sentences?
- Ask Ss to run through.
- Ask Ss to tell the task.

- Ask Ss to look at the picture and complete

individually( 3minutes)

- Ask some ss to tell the answer.
- T- Ss check together.

<i> - T checks Ss’s understanding </i>
<i>What do you do on Monday?</i>
<i>What do you do on Sunday?</i>
<i><b>* Activity 3: Let’s sing (9’)</b></i>

- T shows the picture on the board.
- T asks Ss the content of the picture.
? What is the month?

- Ss:It’s October.
- T opens the song.
- Ss: Listen to the song.
- T read the lyrics.

- Ss repeat after the teacher.
- T teach them some new words.
- T opens the song again.

- Ss repeat line by line.

<i>Answer key: </i>

<i>1.b 2. c 3.a </i>

<b>5. Look and write</b>

<i><b>Answer Key:</b></i>

<i>1. the twelfth of October.</i>
<i>2. the fourteenth of October.</i>
<i>3. the thirty - first of October.</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

- Ask ss to sing along with the music.
- T devides Ss into 2 groups.

- Ask Ss to sing and do actions in groups.
- Ss sing and do actions together.

- T calls somes groups perform before the class.
- T listen and give feedback.

<b>4. Homework(1’)</b>
<b>V. Summary(1’)</b>

-What skills have you practiced?
<b>VI. Homework( 1’)</b>

- T asks Ss to sing the What is the date today? on page 25
<b>VII. Evaluation:</b>



<b>WEEK 6 – Period 21</b>

<b>LESSON 2: PART 1, 2, 3</b>

<b>I. Objectives</b>
<b>1. Knowledge:</b>

- At the end of the lesson Ss will be able to ask and answer questions about
someone’s birthday.

Sentences parttems: When’s your birthday?
<i> It’s on the……</i>

Vocabulary: January, February, March, April, May, June.
<b>2. Skill:</b>

- Practice listening, speaking skills.
<b>3. Attitude:</b>

- Encourage Ss to use the structure more regulary.
<b>II. Teaching - aids</b>

- Student’s book, recording, fresh cards, posters.
<b>III. Methods:</b>

- Model – Talk - Practice, individual work, pair work, group work.
- P. P. P

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>
<b>1. Organization( 1’)</b>

- Greeting: Good morning!/ Good afternoon!
- Who’s absent today?

<b>Class</b> <b>Date of teaching</b> <b>Absent Ss</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

4B Wednesday, October 11th <sub>2017</sub>
4C Wednesday, October 11th <sub>2017</sub>
4D Thursday, October 12th <sub>2017</sub>
<b>2. Warm up (5’)</b>

<i><b>* Activity: Chain drill</b></i>

- T divides Ss into group of 5.

- T asks Ss to call name of the date of month that they’ve learnt.
<i>S1:The first of October.</i>

<i>S2:The second…</i>

<i>- T monitors and corect their mistakes.</i>
<b>3. New lesson: </b>

<i><b>Teacher and Ss’s activities</b></i> <i><b>Contents</b></i>
<b>*Activity 1: Look, listen and repeat (9’)</b>

- T ask Ss to look at the pictures.

T: How many people are there?
Ss: Answer

T: What are their names?
Ss: Mai and Linda.

T: What are they doing?

Ss: They’re ask and answer questions about

- T asks Ss to open their books to page 26.
- Ss: Open their books to page 26.

- T opens the cassette.
- Ss: listen and point.

- T opens the cassette again.

- Ss: listen and read in chorus( 2 times).
- T - Ss role play.

- T- Ss, Ss - T, half - half, open pairs.

- T checks Ss’s understanding about the dialogue.
- T: What does Linda ask when she want to know
Mai’s birthday?

- Ss: When’s your birthday?
- T: What does Mai answer?

- Ss: It’s on the fifth of March.
<b>*Activity2 : Point and say (9’)</b>
<b>a. Vocabulary.</b>

- T introduce some words by eliciting


<b>1. Look, listen and repeat</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

<i>June(explanation) </i>
- T models

- Ss: listen and repeat (chorally then individually).
- T writes down on the board.

- Ss: copy.

- T: Vocabulary checking: What and where
<i><b>b. Model sentences</b></i>

Set the sence: T asks to look at their book on page

T: What does Linda ask when she want to know
Mai’s birthday?

- Ss: When’s your birthday?
- T: What does Mai answer?
- Ss: It’s on the fifth of March.
- T model: When’s your birthday?
<i> It’s on the fifth of March.</i>
- Ss repeat chorally then individually.
- T writes down on the board.

- T checks: form, use, intonation.
*Picture cues (CNTT)

- T lets Ss run through the pictures.
- T models.

- Ss repeat chorally.

- T- Ss, Ss - T, half - half, open pairs, close pairs.
<b>*Activity 3: Let’s talk(9’)</b>

- Ask ss to practice further by asking and
answering questions about date and birthday using
the giving sentences in their books.

- Ask Ss work in group of 26.
- Give 5 minutes to practice.

- Ask some Ss to asking and answering questions
about date and birthday to the class.

- T give feedback.

<i><b>b. Model sentences.</b></i>
<i>When’s your birthday?</i>
<i>It’s on the fifth of March.</i>

<b>3. Let’s talk</b>

<b>V. Summary (1)</b>

- Ask and answer questions about someone’s birthday.
<b>VI. Homework( 1’)</b>

- Learn new words and structure by your heart.
<b>VII. Evaluation:</b>


<b>WEEK 6 - Period 22</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=6>

<b>LESSON 2: PART 4, 5, 6</b>
<b>I. Objectives</b>

<b>1. Knowledge:</b>

- At the end of the lesson Ss will be able to ask and answer questions about
someone’s birthday.

Sentences parttems: Review
Vocabulary: Review

<b>2. Skill:</b>

- Practice listening, speaking ,reading, writing skills.
<b>3. Attitude:</b>

- Encourage Ss to use the structure more regulary.
<b>II. Teaching- aids</b>

- Student’s book, recording, fresh cards, posters.
<b>III. Methods:</b>

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work, group work
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>1. Organization( 1’)</b>

- Greeting: Good morning!/ Good afternoon!
- Who’s absent today?

<b>Class</b> <b>Date of teaching</b> <b>Absent Ss</b>

4A Friday, October 22nd <sub>2017</sub>
4B Friday, October 22nd <sub>2017</sub>
4C Thursday, October 21st <sub>2017</sub>
4D Friday, October 22nd <sub>2017</sub>
<b>2. Warm up(5’) </b>

<i><b>* Activity: Bean bag cicle</b></i>
- T asks Ss to make a cicle.

- T explains how to play this game.
- T lets Ss do together.

- T monitors.
<b>3. New lesson:</b>

<i><b>Teacher and Ss’s activities</b></i> <i><b>Contents</b></i>
<b>*Activity1: Listen and number(10’)</b>

- T ask Ss to read the title.
- Ss: read.

- T: what does it mean?
- Ss: nghe và đánh số thứ tự.
-T: How many pictures?
- Ss: 4.

- T lets SS run through.
- T asksSs to tell the task.

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- Ask Ss to open the books on page 27
- Ask Ss to listen1st<sub> time.</sub>

- Ss listen.

- Ask ss to listen 2nd<sub> time.</sub>
- Ss listen.

- Ask Ss to tell the answers.

- Ask Ss to compare with their partners

- Ask Ss to listen the 3rd <sub>time(Listen and</sub>

<b>* Further practice: Who is faster</b>
- T devides Ss in to 2 groups.
- T explain how to play this game.
- T- Ss play together.

- T minitors and give feedback.
<i><b> *Activity 2. Look and write (10’)</b></i>

- T asks Ss to open their book on page 27.
? How many sentences are there?

- Ss: 3

- T lets Ss run through.

- T check Ss’s understanding.
- T give Ss 2 minutes to write.
- Ask Ss to swap their writing.

- T calls some Ss to read aloud their writing
- T monitor give feedback.

<i><b>* Activity 3: Let’s chant (9’)</b></i>
T: ask Ss to look at the board
- How many months are there ?
- T teachs vocab

<i>July( explaination)</i>
<i>August( explaination)</i>
<i>September( explaination)</i>
<i>October( explaination)</i>
<i>November( explaination)</i>
<i>December( explaination)</i>
Ss: answer

- T opens the chant.
- Ss : listen to the chant.
- T read the lyrics.

- Ss repeat after the teacher.
- T teach them some new words.
- T opens the chant again.
- Ss repeat line by line

<i>Answer key:</i>

<i>a. 3 b. 1 c. 4 d. 2 </i>

<b>5. Look and write </b>

Answer key:

<i>1. On the fourth of February.</i>
<i>2. On the fifth of March.</i>

<i>3. On the twenty- third of June.</i>
<b>6. Let’s chant</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>

- Ask ss to sing along with the music
- T devides Ss into 2 groups

- Ask Ss to sing and do actions in groups
- Ss sing and do actions together.

- T calls somes groups perform before the

- T listen and give feedback.
<b>V. Summary (1)</b>

- What skills have you learned ?
<b>VI. Homework ( 1’)</b>

<b>VII. Evaluation:</b>



<b>WEEK 6 – PERIOD 23</b>

<b>LESSON 3: PART 1, 2, 3</b>

<b>I. Objectives</b>
<b>1. Knowledge: </b>

<b>- At the end of the lesson Ss will be able to pronunce the sounds of the letter: th and </b>
<i><b>ch in the words fourth and March.</b></i>

Sound: th and ch in the words fourth and March.
Sentences parttems: Review

<b>2. Skill:</b>

- Practice listening, speaking ,reading, writing skills.
<b>3. Attitude:</b>

- Encourage Ss to use the structure more regulary.
<b>II. Teaching- aids</b>

- Student’s book, recording, fresh cards, posters.
<b>III. Methods:</b>

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work, group work
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>1 .Organization( 1’)</b>

- Greeting: Good morning!/ Good afternoon!
- Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>

4D Monday, October 16th<sub> 2017 (Week 7)</sub>
<b>2. Warm up(5’) </b>

<b>Slap the board</b>

-T asks Ss to play in two teams
- Ss plays game.

- T monitors and pride the winer.
<b>3. New lesson:</b>

<i><b>Teacher's and Student’s activities</b></i> <i><b>Contents</b></i>
<b>*Activity1: Listen and repeat.(10’)</b>

- T ask Ss to read the title.
- Ss: read.

- T: What does it mean?
- Ss: Nghe và nhắc lại

- T: Ask ss to listen the tape or video.
- Ss: Listen and repeat to the tape.

- T: model letters th and ch in the words fourth
and March.

- Ss: repeat inchrorus, invidualy (4ss)

- T: Give the sentence.

<i>It’s the fourth of June.</i>

<i>My birthday is on the fifth of March.</i>
- Ss: repeat chrorus, invidually.

- T: ask ss to find the word that they have

- Ss anwer.

- T do the same with fourth.

- T ask ss to read words and sentences.
- T: ask ss to read all two times.
- T: How many word sound ?
- Ss: there are 2.

<b>* Furthe practice: </b>

- T: ask Ss to find out the word that start with th
and ch sound.

- T ask to work in four groups.

<b>1. Listen and repeat</b>

<i>It’s the fourth of June.</i>

<i>My birthday is on the fifth of </i>

<i>Key: sixteenth, seventeenth…</i>


June August September


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- Ss; Say bingo when they finish.
- T minitor and give feedback.

<i> Activity2: Listen and circle. Then write and </i>
<b>say aloud (10’)</b>

- T ask Ss to read the title
- Ss: read

- T: What does it mean?

- Ss: nghe và khoanh trịn sau đó đọc to.
- T: How many numbers?

- Ss: 4

- T lets SS run through

- T asksSs to tell the task

- Ask Ss to open the books on page 27
-Ask ss to listen1st<sub> time</sub>

- Ss listen.

- Ask Ss to listen 2nd<sub> time.</sub>
- Ss listen.

- Ask ss to tell the answers.

- Ask Ss to compare with their partners.

- Ask ss to listen the 3rd <sub>time( Listen and check)</sub>
<b>* Further practice: Chinese whisper</b>

- T devides Ss in to 2 groups.

-Ss: make aline and one of them take one

-T: Read aloud.

- Ss: stick it on board and read aloud.
- T minitors and give feedback.

<i><b> * Activity 3: Let’s chant (9’)</b></i>
T: ask Ss to look at the board
- How many people are there ?

Ss: four

- T opens the chant.
- Ss : listen to the chant.
- T read the lyrics.

- Ss repeat after the teacher.
- T teach them some new words.
- T opens the chant again.
- Ss repeat line by line

- Ask ss to sing along with the music

<b>2. Listen and circle. Then </b>
<b>write and say aloud.</b>

<b> Key : 1. B 2. A 3.A </b>
<i>4. A </i>

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- T devides Ss into 2 groups

- Ask Ss to sing and do actions in groups
- Ss sing and do actions together.

- T calls somes groups perform before the class
and T listen and give feedback.
<b>V. Summary(1’)</b>

- Ask ss to repeat the word stress.
<b>VI. Homework ( 1’)</b>

<b>VII. Evaluation:</b>




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