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HÀ NỘI - 2019




Chuyên ngành: Quản trị kinh doanh
Mã số: 60 34 01 02


HÀ NỘI - 2019


I pledge that this is my own research. The content referenced and used
the documents, information posted on the works, journals and reports are fully
annotated in the catalog reference of thesis.



A completed study would not be done without any assistance. Therefore, the
author who conducted this research gratefully gives acknowledgement to their
support and motivation during the time of doing this research as a requirement of
completing my Thesis of Management Business Administration
First of all, I would like to express my endless thanks and gratefulness to my
supervisor Assoc.Prof.Doc.Hồng Đình Phi. His kindly support and continuous
advices went through the process of completion of my thesis. His encouragement
and comments had significantly enriched and improved my work. Without his
motivation and instructions, the thesis would have been impossible to be done

So far, I would like to thanks all Lectures in Hanoi School of Business and
Management (HSB) where supported me all the time and help to complete my
thesis. My special thanks approve to my parents for their endless love, care and
have most assistances and motivation me for the whole of my life. As last, my
deeply thanks come to all my friends in MBA13 during time I study in HSB. Their
kindly help, care, motivation gave me strength and lift me up all the trouble for the
rest of my life.
Best Regards


Hoàng Tạ Quang


LIST OF SHORT-CUT ................................................................................................i
LIST OF FIGURES.................................................................................................... ii
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................1
1.1. Belief in Organization ........................................................................................12
1.1.1. Defination of Belief .....................................................................................12
1.1.2. Classify of Belief: ........................................................................................13
1.1.3. Role of belief in organization ......................................................................14
1.2. Cognitive similarity ............................................................................................15
1.2.1. Defination of Cognitive Similarity ..............................................................15
1.2.2. Role of Cognitive Similarity .......................................................................15
1.3. Knowledge sharing.............................................................................................17
1.3.1. Defination of knowledge sharing ...............................................................17

1.3.2. Classify of knowledge sharing ...................................................................18
1.3.3. Role of knowledge sharing .........................................................................19
1.4. Innovation ..........................................................................................................20
1.4.1. Define of Innovation ...................................................................................20
1.4.2. Classify of Innovation .................................................................................22
1.4.3. Capacity of Innovation: ...............................................................................25
1.5. Basic theory and models of innovation capacity in enterprises .........................26
1.5.1. Jantunen (2005) ...........................................................................................26
1.5.2. Tseng và cộng sự (2011) .............................................................................27
1.6. Method Research and Model Research of Thesis: .............................................29
STOCK COMPANY .................................................................................................34
2.1. General information ...........................................................................................34

2.2. The importance of innovation in telecommunications business and the
operation of Hanoi Telecom joint stock company: ...................................................35
2.2.1. The importance of innovation in telecommunications business activities: .35
2.2.2. Problems in innovation process at Hanoi Telecom joint stock company: ..36
CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHOD ....................................................................41
3.1. Reresearch process: ............................................................................................41
3.2. Questionaire and Builing Scale ..........................................................................42
3.2.1. Questionaire in Qualiative Method .............................................................42
3.2.2. Building scale ..............................................................................................43
3.3. Samples Research: .............................................................................................46
3.3.1. Design Samples: ..........................................................................................46
3.3.2. Collecting imformation: ..............................................................................46
3.3.3. Analyse documents: ....................................................................................46
CHAPTER 4: RESEARCH RESULT AND SUGGESTIONS ................................50
4.1. Reasearh result: ..................................................................................................50

4.1.1. Descriptive statistics: ...................................................................................50
4.1.2. Evaluate the reliability of the scale: ............................................................52
4.1.3. Describe factor EFA: ...................................................................................53
4.1.4. Describe factor CFA:.................................................................................55
4.1.5. Checking by SEM method: .........................................................................56
4.2. Define the target in business: .............................................................................57
4.3. Suggestions: .......................................................................................................59
4.3.1. Building criteria for evaluating innovation activities: .................................59
4.3.2. Inceating quality of recruitment process: ....................................................60
4.3.3. Increate for knowledge sharing in organization: .........................................61
CONCLUSION .........................................................................................................64
REFERENCES ..........................................................................................................66





Name of sorfware


Business Co-Operation Contract




Confirmatory Factor Analysis


Cogitive Similaty


Exploratory Factor Analysis


FPT Telecom Company


Hanoi Telecom Joint Stock Company




Knowledge Management


Knowledge Sharing


Multi Variate Regression


Principal Axis Factoring


Name of sorfware


Small and Medium Enterprise


Name of sorfware


Vietel Telecom Company


Viet nam đồng


Vietnam Posts and Telecommunications Group



Figure 1.1: Research Model of Jantunen (2005) .......................................................27
Figure 1.2 : Research Model of Tseng and partners .................................................28
Figure 1.3: Research Method of Author ...................................................................29
Figure 1.4 : Scale structure of variables in the research model ................................30
Figure 3.1 : Research Process ...................................................................................41
Figure 3.2: Research Method of thesis ......................................................................42
Figure 3.3 : Structure of Questionaire and Scale ......................................................43
Figure 3.4 : Questions of Belief ................................................................................44
Figure 3.5 : Questions of Cognitive Similarity .........................................................44
Figure 3.6 : Questions of knowledge sharing ...........................................................45
Figure 3.7 : Questions of Innovation ........................................................................45
Figure 3.8: (Objective of Survey) .............................................................................46
Figure 3.9: (EFA Table) ............................................................................................48
Figure 4.1: ( Ratio follow gender and Position ).......................................................50
Figure 4.2: ( Ratio follow number of working year ..................................................50
Figure 4.3: (The average value of the observed variable).........................................51
Figure 4.4: The result of the research concepts ........................................................52
Figure 4.5: Result of checking factor EFA ...............................................................53

Figure 4.6: Matrix rotating elements ........................................................................54
Figure 4.7: Describe factor CFA ...............................................................................55
Figure 4.8: The model of the relationship between beliefs, cognitive similarities,
knowledge sharing and innovation ...........................................................................56
Figure 4.9: Final result ..............................................................................................57
Figure 4.10 : Evaluate Innovation Activities ............................................................60


1. Urgentcy of subject:
In an international economic integration and the new industrial revolution, in
order to survive and develop sustainably, the enterprises must bring the highest
quality products or services at the most competitive price; whilst keep low cost as
much as possible and find the way to eliminate their competitors. To make it
happend, the enterprises in general and SMEs in particular should make innovation
performance efficiently and continously.
Innovation in business is the process of implement the new ideas, inventions
or knowledge and handling it, so that a new commercial product or service will be
launched. The main characteristics of innovation are new, fresh, necessary and
succesful result. Innovation can be global, but rare and normally carry on in the
local. In practice, innovation creates the profit, but there are also many risks of
failure because innovation is not only just changing products or services but also the
whole or part of commercialization process.
Innovation helps organization to move faster, stronger, further in the market,
prevail their competitors, and stand firmly on the path of development by creating
new ideas of products, services, or customer interaction. Creativity is an important
component of innovation; and will be gained through teamwork in the organisation.
However, to make innovation efficiently and continuously is not the easy task for

each company. It can only be succeed when each member of the organization works
together in an effort to make the innovation happened in the company.
Hanoi Telecom Joint Stock Corporation (HTC) is a tele-communications
enterprise which provide several businesses including: mobile services (through the
operator named Vietnamobile), fiber optic line services; value added servies and
others . Telecommuication is a large investment field, fierce competition compared
to other business. Therefore, the main objective of the company is creating a
friendly working environment, promoting the strength of solidarity, and equivalence
of each member in the organization to achieve the succees.


The company knows that, each member will impact to innovation process and
helps company change from inside. This thesis focus on factors in each member
which effecting to innovation process. Therefore, the author selected the topic
"Impact of belief and cognitive similarity in the innovation process at Hanoi
Telecom Joint Stock Company".
2. Research Objectives:
* General objectives:
 To determine the impact of belief factors, cognitive similarities
affecting knownedge sharing, and effectiveness of innovation activities
at Hanoi Telecom Joint Stock Company.
 To survey and evaluate the role of factors, based on which proposals
and measures to promote the process of innovation in the company.
* Main objective of sudy:
 To complete the measurement scale of belief factors, similarities,
knowledge sharing, efficiency of innovation activities of high technology in
general and Hanoi Telecommunications Joint Stock Company.
 To explore the role of belief factors, similarities of awareness, impact

on knowledge sharing and effectiveness of innovation activities at
Hanoi Telecom Joint Stock Company.
 To determine the relationship between the factors in the innovation
process at Hanoi Telecommunications Joint Stock Company.
 To propose some solutions to improve the factors affecting the
innovation process at Hanoi Telecom Joint Stock Company.
 What is the factor of fairy, cognitive similarity affects knowledge sharing?
 What is the factor of sharing knowledge affect the efficiency of
innovation activities?
 What is the role of each factor in forming the innovation process at
Hanoi Telecom Joint Stock Company?


 How are the factors affecting the innovation process at Hanoi Telecom
Joint Stock Company?
 What are effective solutions to promote innovation at Hanoi Telecom
Joint Stock Company.
3. Research subject:
The number of factors affecting the knowledge sharing process is very large,
the effectiveness of innovation activities in enterprises is aslo big, so that in the
framework of the thesis, the author will not be able to study all this number.
Therefore, the study of economic, non-economic and geopolitical factors are
difficult to measure and assess, so they are not mentioned much in this study. Thus,
the research object of the thesis is ‘’ Researching factors (beliefs, cognitive
similarities) impacting on knowledge sharing and operational efficiency of the
innovation process at Hanoi Telecom Joint Stock Company’’.
4. Scope of Research:

Subjects of the survey are all members working at Hanoi Telecom Joint Stock
Company and its partners, assessing belief factors, cognitive similarities affecting
knowledge sharing, and innovation performance actions at the company.
Refer to situations and solutions to improve belief factors, cognitive
similarities that affect knownedge sharing, and innovation performance actions at
similar conditional companies, such as Viettel, FPT, VNPT...
Research data: Focus and collect data, information which relates to belief factors,
cognitive similarities affecting information sharing, and effectiveness of innovation
activities at Hanoi Telecom Joint Stock Company during the period (2016 - 2018).
5. Method Research:
In terms of methodology, the factors which affecting knowledge sharing and
innovation capacity in enterprises will be diversed, however there are three main types:
Qualitative, Quantiative and Mixing, based on using forms of data analysis and
evaluation, such as synthesis, statistics, description, comparison and forecast. There are

some qualitative researches such as Furman and Hayes (2004), Chen and Taylor ( 2009),
using interview techniques to find out the factor relationship. However, in this thesis, the
author chooses the qualitative method combined with quantification.
(i). Qualitative research: Base on 02 techniques: Face to Face interviews and
group discussions, to adjust the observed variable content to match the
characteristics of Telecom company, at the same time, find out new components for
concept. Besides, through qualitative research, affirmed the role and direction of
impact of the concept in quality management in this study.
(ii). Quantitative research: Carry on through 2 (two) stages: preliminary
research with 30 samples (employees working in the company with different
positions) to assess the scale of factors and formal research 133 templates for testing

models and research hypotheses. Subjects of the survey are leaders, managers and
employees in company (enterprises operating in basic areas: information technology
and tele-communications; and high-tech services).
Data were cleaned and processed on software SPP20 and Amos20 with
Cronbach's alpha reliability factor analysis technique, exploratory factor analysis
(EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural model Linear (SEM). In
addition, a multi-group analysis method is also used to verify the difference caused
by the state of business ownership. Besides, the research is also integrated using the
method of synthesis, analysis, statistics, description, comparison, forecast ...
6. Structure of thesis:
There are 04 chapter in the thesis, as follows:
Chapter 1: Theoretical basis for the impact of beliefs, cognitive similarities in
the innovation process.
Chapter 2: Background of research at Hanoi Telecom Joint Stock Company
Chapter 3: Research method
Chapter 4: Research results and Suggestions
7. The meaning of research:
Base on research results, the author has some suggestions in terms of theory
and business administration, specifically:

(i) Develop a theoretical framework for belief and similarity affecting
knowledge sharing and innovation in high-tech enterprises. This is not a novel topic
for empirical research in the world, but is a difficult problem when conducting tests
in Vietnam.
(ii). The thesis builds and reviews the model of factors affecting the
innovation process in enterprises.
(iii) Research, improve and develop to figure out scales for variables (beliefs,

similarities, knowledge sharing and innovation activities in enterprises)
(iv) Find out the factors and the role of each factor in the innovation process
in enterprises.
Research results are useful for managers of Hanoi Telecom Joint Stock
Company by helping them create better working environment, encourage all
members of the organization to innovate due to sustainable development of Hanoi
Telecom joint stock company.
In general, the thesis also suggest a new research directions to figure out
important factors of innovation activities in the organiztion and Hanoi Telecom
Joint Stock Company in particular.
8. Summary research:
8.1. In foreign :
(a). Belief with co-woking organization:
The cooperative network performs many functions (Novkovic & Holm, 2012)
supporting economic and social sustainability (Crona & Hubacek, 2010). Such
activity is often controlled and governed by an autonomous association dependent
on a network of individuals in organizations that provide different contributions.
Economic activity in small businesses has relatively less resources (eg employees,
revenue or financial assets) compared to larger organizations in the same sector.


Therefore, the opportunity to overcome limited resources motivates small
businesses to develop cooperation agreements (Felzenztein, Gimmon, & Carter,
2010; Jussila, Goel, & Tuominen, 2012a; Mazzarol, Limnios, & Reboud, 2013).
Although cooperation agreements may provide advantages, there is evidence
that many people perform poorly and estimates suggest that more than half of the
final failures (Dacin, Hitt, & Levitas, 1997; Huggins, 2000). Similarly, the related

approach of joint ventures also has a high failure rate because partners often show
different motivations (Park & Russo, 1996). Commitment is a feature related to
sustainable relationships (Morgan & Hunt, 1994) and is often considered a
successful proxy in relationships. However, relationships are not maintained by
precise relations contracts but vary depending on the situation, thus explaining the
high failure rate (Dacin et al., 1997).
Many collaborative efforts involve performing short-term functions such as
general marketing, general sales, reputation building and infrastructure maintenance
for members or facilitating further relationships. (Hingley, 2010). Sometimes, shortterm sharing projects overshadow long-term cooperation and neglect the
maintenance of relationships. But support activities that are willing to invest a lot of
time and / or resources to develop common interests must be pursued. Such
standard-based reciprocity is not necessarily a direct one-on-one, but a situation in
which a responded activity can stimulate others to help a third person (that is,
common interests). ).
Therefore, continuous investment is necessary in the factors that lead to interenterprise commitment. For example, mutually beneficial relationships must create
tangible benefits, but they do not necessarily have to be accumulated in the short
term. In fact, the partner's commitment to cooperatives is reflected in the ongoing
effort to build inter-personal and inter-organizational relationships to maintain
cooperation and ensure their success, thus ensuring that Long-term benefits are
accumulated through collaborative intervention.
From this point of view, trust, reciprocity and commitment to building
relationships can be the fulcrum of any successful cooperative, and especially an

organization that is a business organization. small lack of resources and
interdependence. Therefore, the development of mutual trust must be the goal of the
constituent members of any strategic alliance, and more in the case of a joint
venture relationship in a business cooperative environment small.
The greater emphasis on mutual commitment and building joint venture

relationships is most evident in the context of small businesses operating in a
collaborative environment in markets characterized by uncertainty and high risk.
Examples from game theory about authentic situations prove that cooperative
partners under formal cooperation agreements often expect too early results, leading
to these deals being dissolved soon before benefits. tangible accumulation for
partner members (Pesaămaa, Hair, & Eriksson, 2008).
Therefore, taking the prospect of building relationships, cooperation
agreements are an ongoing concern that can help overcome these challenges and
allow partners to survive typical early-stage issues. (Pesaămaa & Eriksson, 2010).
Balancing short-term goals, namely short-term profits against long-term value
creation, is difficult in strategic alliances as well as for cooperation agreements. In
regulating short-term and long-term goals, companies in cooperatives often have
conflicting assumptions about partners' attitudes - individualism, self-interest and
competition over collectiveism. physical, altruistic oppositions and cooperation
(Pesaămaa et al., 2008).
Adjusting the need to produce clear results quickly to respond to each partner
Instant benefits with a longer-term relationship perspective, requires commitment
based on mutual trust and reciprocity a difficult task. If the parties realize their
purpose in cooperating is to create tangible profits immediately, there is a serious
risk that the partners in the cooperative will lose focus and simply decide to give up.
it is in uncertainty and risk. When cooperatives are starting, it is important to have a
reciprocating atmosphere, with giving and receiving reconcilable efforts to
maximize the long-term value of each fish multiply.
However, this is not enough, and to ensure the viability of cooperation
agreements between companies regarding the future, cooperative members must be

patient and admit that short-term sacrifices Profit potential is proven by the promise
of long-term results. Furthermore, partners must be confident that cooperative

members will remain committed and continue to invest in cooperatives (Dickson,
1996; Novkovic & Holm, 2012). Therefore, cooperative members must build
relationships and show signals that lead to trust and reciprocity, as well as a longterm commitment to building relationships to maintain the status of Small
businesses participate in cooperation agreements.
A commitment to building relationships allows cooperative members to
benefit from common resources and capacities, and in this way help strengthen their
combined market and economic potential. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to
examine interpersonal and inter-organizational commitments in the context of small
business cooperatives, emphasizing the role of trust and reciprocity as a precursor to
commitment. , as well as the last sponsor of a joint venture in a small business
cooperative environment.
(b). Belief affect to knowledge sharing:
Knowledge and learning are becoming the main determinants of supply chains
Competitive advantages (Crone and Roper, 2001; Spekman et al., 2002). The main
objective of research and practice of knowledge management is to facilitate
effective knowledge sharing among organizational members (Davenport and
Prusak, 1998; Desouza, 2003). To improve organizational coordination and product
quality, manufacturing companies often require their supply chain partners such as
subcontractors or suppliers to implement common processes, often requiring share
knowledge about the process.
Therefore, sharing organizational knowledge in the supply chain has become a
practice, because it enhances the competitive advantage of the entire supply chain
(Holland, 1995). In order to gain the advantages of knowledge sharing, it is
important for manufacturing companies to understand the factors that influence the
knowledge sharing behavior of their partners.
Current research on this important issue has focused on modeling all the
factors being investigated as precursors or independent variables that directly affect

knowledge-sharing behaviors. These models do not consider indirect effects and do
not pay special attention to the coexistence of cooperation and competition





supply chain,



(Brandenburger and Nalebuff, 1996). In a collaborative business environment,
despite the advantage of sharing organizational knowledge, manufacturing
companies can hinder knowledge sharing, if they consider partners as potential
competitors and try to tell protecting their core knowledge from partner's
opportunistic behavior (Spekman et al., 2002).
This is mainly because sharing key knowledge or confidential information can
increase their partners' competitive advantage, which may conflict with their own
interests in a highly competitive market. .1995). To solve the issue of collaborative
synergies in the supply chain to investigate factors affecting organizational
knowledge sharing, we developed a new research model that considers trust as an
intermediary structure.
The trust structure is used to reflect the level of cooperation and competition

between supply chain members. In this context, belief is considered to be firm firm
belief that its supply chain partners will take actions that bring positive results and
will not take unexpected actions that result. negative for the company (Anderson
and Narus, 1990).
Therefore, the power of this belief can make the company believe in the
reliability and integrity of its partners (Morgan and Hunt, 1994). With faith as an
intermediary structure, we can examine the level of trust, when interacting with
other influencing factors, that can have an impact on the sharing of organizational
knowledge in the supply chain. To test the new research model, we conducted an
empirical study of green manufacturing companies and their partners in the Taiwan
green supply chain. The green supply chain has recently emerged to comply with
regulations on environmental protection. Green manufacturing companies and their
supply chain partners are very enthusiastic in developing environmentally friendly
activities to maintain and promote their competitiveness.


Due to the continuous development of green technologies and regulations,
green experience sharing and updated knowledge between manufacturing
companies and their supply chain partners has become necessary. With the new
research model, we will examine the role of trust in sharing organizational
knowledge in order to provide an understanding of how effective green knowledge
sharing can be facilitated in the green supply chain. .
In the following sections, we first give an overview of organizational
knowledge sharing in the green supply chain. Next we discuss the factors that
influence belief and knowledge sharing, and present new research models with 13
hypotheses. Then we describe the survey tool developed and data collected from
Taiwan's large green manufacturing companies, followed by model testing by
structural equation model. Finally, we discuss their results, practical implications

and limitations, and suggestions for future research.
8.2. In domestic :
For domestic research, there have been many articles on innovation capacity,
but mainly scientific reports, articles in seminars, seminars.
In order to analyze the situation and propose solutions ... Featured article of
Dieu Minh (2010); Nguyen Bich Thuy (2011) ... upholding the renovation policy to
emphasize the role business of creating a learning environment and increasing
knowledge, knowledge is higher and higher to promote innovation. Or Dang Thu
Giang's article (2010) published in the journal Research on science and technology
policies is very useful when analyzing the innovation experience of Asian countries
and Vietnamese enterprises What to do to change now.
According to Nguyen Viet Hoa (2010, page 43), ―Innovation capacity is a
process of pursuing profits based on efforts made new products or services ...
accepted by the market. This is a total process can include many complex social
activities and interact with each other like research, deploy technology, design,
manufacturing, marketing, commercialization, education, training ... conducted by
many related organizations such as businesses, universities, and institutions State
management ... ".

Meanwhile, a survey of 583 enterprises of Phung Xuan Nha and Le Quan
(2013) shows that the situation is worrying when there are Very few businesses see
innovation as the driving force for growth, while we is entering a period of global
economic integration. 72% of businesses are not standardized suffer from human
resource policies for innovation activities; 78% do not have a first policy financial
investment for new product / process development; nearly 80% have no policy
cooperation and development for innovation, only 12 businesses have departments
R&D. (Phung Xuan Nha, Le Quan, 2013). Or find out about the World Bank report
and OECD (2016) on the assessment of Science, technology and innovation in

Vietnam Male experts say we should invest early in development capacity modern
technology and enhance the role of innovation.
In summary, through the situation of world research and the situation of
domestic research has helped the author have an overall view of the situation of
researching beliefs, similarities of cognitive awareness of knowledge-sharing
impacts, bright innovation created in the enterprise, in order to support the author to
have objective evaluation and not be misleading research orientation.



1.1. Belief in Organization
In a reliable work environment, employees feel safe. They are not afraid of
negative consequences for themselves or their lives. They are not afraid of
emotional and psychological harm. Employees can express their true selves without
caring about the consequences that threaten their image or their future. Employees
believe that the company will consider each employee, find ways to meet employee
needs, and treat employees fairly. Employees have confidence in organizations and
colleages, they will be comfortable, free, developing their capacity, developing
individuals and organizations. Recognizing this, leaders strive to build their trust by
putting their people on top so they can feel safe.
1.1.1. Defination of Belief
Nowaday, many concepts of belief are presented by scholars on a number of
points of view, such as:
Belief has been defined in many ways. Some psychologists define belief as a
personality trait (Rotter, 1971) or a credible act that makes this person vulnerable to

the other person (Kee and Knox, 1970; Zand, 1972) .
Trust is a belief that involves knowing that the other party will act in a way
that benefits the trustee, or that the other party has ethical, effective or favorable
In this study, in order to reflect the co-operative relationship between the
members of the organization, and between the working member and the working
organization, the belief is about trust in the reliability and integrity of Partners lead
to positive results. Trust plays an important role in facilitating deeper exchange
relationships such as knowledge sharing (Moller and Svahn, 2004). There is no
confidence in the co-operation process, the information exchanged or the
knowledge shared among the partners can have low accuracy (Currall, 1995).

1.1.2. Classify of Belief:
In the definitions of belief, two types of beliefs are proposed, knowledgebased beliefs and identity-based beliefs. In knowledge-based trust, long-term
interaction is the main source of trust because it is easy to predict the behavior of
partners based on long-term relationships. Trust is based on identity that arises from
emotional connection between those who are involved, who understand partners,
who want, desire and need
Trust relates to personal relationships and involves honesty and trust, and
encourages companies to rely on others in exchange relationships. Many studies
have shown that trust leads to commitment. Belief can be strengthened through
interpersonal commitment and ultimately strengthening links within the
organization. Researchers often acknowledge that trust stimulates cooperative
behavior among individuals, groups and organizations.
Trust is set to be a part of personal relationships that regulate exchange
relationships and further reduce fear and opportunistic behavior. Therefore,
individuals who trust each other also find that they reduce uncertainty and risks,
conflicts between individuals and individuals, and between individuals and

organizations, which increases mutual commitment. (Morgan & Hunt, 1994) and
encourage long-term cooperation (Ganesan, 1994). Therefore, awareness of belief is
very important to further develop relationships.
There are three types of beliefs can be distinguished, depending on how trust
is developed:

Characteristic based,


Process-based and



Belief is based on characteristics related to an individual or a group and
refers to the identification of characteristics such as ethnic background or family.
Trust is formed and developed from past exchanges or beliefs in future exchanges.
Institutional trust is based on institutionalized formal mechanisms.


For the purpose of this study, we focus on character-based trust because the
context of businesses is dominated by entrepreneurs that affect businesses and its
relationships in many respects. . When considering the consequences of trust and
the meaning of commitment, we adopt a conceptual approach of belief that is a
psychological structure, the result of interaction between values, attitudes, and

moods and people's feelings.
1.1.3. Role of belief in organization
(i). Belief is an important premise in managing and sharing information: is a
prerequisite for employees to trust each other and trust in the organization. Cause of
trust between colleages leading to knowledge sharing in organization. In particular, if
the knowledge sharing process involves sharing important and confidential
information, this process not only helps build trust but also develops with the presence
of faith (Sahay, 2003). . Without trust, members of the organization will not share
confidential information, as it poses a risk of visual and future risk of the share. With
trust, partners can participate in sharing more open and effective knowledge.
(ii). Trust is a fundamental element to developing co-operation: Mutual trust
among partners is a common element in many successful cooperation agreements.
First, trust before the deal starts, if a company has previous experience with partners,
the two partners will have mutual trust. Secondly, trust in the process of developing
the agreement, when the agreement is developing, trust will increase between
companies if all parties implement expectations (Ring & Van de Ven, 1994). The
main benefits that trust creates in cooperation agreements are: Reduce transaction
costs, minimize the risk of investing in specific assets and facilitate decision making.
The high level of trust allows partners to share knowledge, resources and capabilities,
which have a positive impact on agreement results because partners feel safe from
behavior, opportunities from each other (Stuart, 2000). Furthermore, the appropriate
level of confidence helps predict partner behavior in the initial stages of the
agreement and promotes the desired behavior when the agreement develops.
Therefore, a high level of reliability allows companies to meet their collaborative
goals and improve their satisfaction with their partners.

Building trust is essential to developing competitive advantage. Some studies
confirm that, trust is also so important in employee empowerment and customer

satisfaction (Papadopoulou et al., 2001; Richards, 1995). In order to get efficiency in
logistics, trust must be built in long-term relationships between suppliers and buyers.
1.2. Cognitive similarity
1.2.1. Defination of Cognitive Similarity
The term "cognitive similarity - Cognitive proximity" is mentioned by Bart
Nooteboom (1992), the cognitive distance between people is the result of
differences in knowledge base and after the difference in absorption capacity
receptor or ability to understand and apply knowledge (Cohen and Levinthal, 1990).
Conceive is the acquisition, interpretation and classification of knowledge; In other
words, Conceive is a mental map, organizing knowledge into mental models. Spirit
models are representatives of the world used to control the world by making sense
and predicting events (Johnson-Laird, 1983; Kelly, 1955). These models form the
knowledge base, the source of expertise, action and cooperation of individuals in
groups. When the cognitive similarity between all adults, there will be new
opportunities for co-operation, but there is a risk of failing to create a common
The cognitive similarity get a achieved when everyone's knowledge has the
same elements which can create common understanding, combined with various
factors that allow association and learning.
1.2.2. Role of Cognitive Similarity
(a). From an individual perspective in the organization:
The deference conceive can obstruct the processes of mutual learning,
collaborative communication and cooperation to innovate (Skippari et al., 2017).
Scholars have studied the effect of cognitive intimacy on the formation of cooperation and they show that, it has a negative impact on creating linkages in the
formation phase of a term relations despite the fact that, cognitive intimacy
represents the ability to communicate with other actors.


However, some scholars point out the positive aspects of the relationship
between conceive and results of co-operation, such as innovation, knowledge
creation and general programs. Perception of conceive is a relevant factor in
explaining the flow of inter-organizational knowledge. Moreover, at the
organizational level, cognitive intimacy seems very important in facilitating mutual
learning, knowledge creation and long-term co-operation.
In a long-term relationship, cognitive intimacy among companies can facilitate
knowledge transfer and transfer (Knoben and Oerlemans, 2006). Moreover,
economic entities with the same knowledge base and specialized structure can
exchange information more effectively.
(b). From the perspective of relations between organizations:
Organizations with a sense of closeness to common goals and culture can
develop long-term relationships and easily facilitate common activities such as joint
planning, decision making and awarding problem solving. The high level of
conceive among companies can facilitate common decision making on new
products and market development (Heringa et al., 2014).
However, a high perceived gap can be a barrier for companies to make common
decisions because managers of different perceptions of supply chain operations can
create conflicts and disagreements while decide operational issues (Skippari et al., 2017).
These arguments show that, cognitive intimacy can be a factor that promotes decision
synchronization. Therefore, we propose the following hypothesis.
Cognitive similarity can lead to mutual trust between partners thus create
integration (Czernek and Czakon, 2016), when a company seeks co-operation,
similarity co-objectives and culture can place partners with higher cognitive attitudes
than others (Myhr and Spekman, 2005). The literature also shows that, mutual trust
among partners refers to the accumulation of benefits and costs and the willingness to
take risks (Lewicki and Bunker, 1996). Therefore, cognitive similarity intimacy
facilitates a company to be willing to share benefits, costs and risks with their partners
when they are in a cooperative relationship (Heringa et al., 2014). .


Moreover, Callois (2008) also asserts that cognitive similarity can lead to
fixed cost sharing and risk aggregation, encouraging product innovation. According
to these arguments, cognitive similarity among companies can be expected to
facilitate incentive links.
1.3. Knowledge sharing
1.3.1. Defination of knowledge sharing
According to Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995, 2000), knowledge is divided into
two categories: clear and implicit knowledge. Implicit knowledge is understood and
exists in the human mind, expressed by behavior and difficult to share and spread
throughout the organization. It is very difficult to write down because the policy or
decision-making process depends on work experience and personal characteristics;
instead, it should be shared through face-to-face interpersonal interactions.
However, the transfer of implicit knowledge between people is slow, costly and
uncertain if it cannot be encrypted and can be obtained by practice (Grant, 1996).
Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995, 2000) also stated that, knowledge is the process of
interpersonal interaction and the interaction between clear and implicit knowledge.
Knowledge creation is the result of the interaction between clear and implicit knowledge.
There are four models of knowledge creation: socialization, foreignization,
integration and internalization. The sender of knowledge transforms his knowledge
into explicit knowledge and clear knowledge through processes of socialization and
foreignization, respectively.
Moreover, the knowledge sender turns his clear knowledge into clear
knowledge and implicit knowledge through processes called coherence and
internalization. It is necessary to call two different roles in this case of the sender
and receiver in interpersonal interaction. Sharing efficiency depends on the level of
interaction and conceive between the sender and the receiver.
Hendricks (1999) has a simplified knowledge-sharing model, based on the

concept of communication between knowledge senders and knowledge recipients.
Knowledge senders provide knowledge or information to recipients of knowledge
through the externalization processes of coding, demonstration, description, etc.
