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Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 5 - Tuần 14

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<b>Date of preparing: 7. 12. 2018 WEEK 14 - PERIOD 53</b>

<b>Lesson 3: Part 4, 5, 6, 7</b>
<b>I. Objectives</b>

<b>1. Knowledge: </b>

- At the end of the lesson Ss will be able to pronounce two syllable sentences with
the stress.

Sentences parttems: Review.
Vocabulary: Review.

<b>2. Skill:</b>

- Practice listening, speaking ,reading, writng skills.
<b>3. Attitude:</b>

- Educate ss to love the story.
<b>II. Teaching- aids</b>

- Student’s book, Sachmem, projecter, computer.
<b>III. Methods:</b>

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work, group work.
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>1. Organization: (1’)</b>


<i><b>Date of teaching</b></i> <i><b>Absent Ss</b></i>

5A Wednesday, December 12th 2018
5B Monday, December 10th 2018
<b>2. Warm up and Review (5’) </b>

<i><b>*Activity: Kim game </b></i>

- T give the lines of some words and tell them that the words are about toys and

<i>Eg: comic books, robots, a teddy bear, cakes, sweets, fruit ,ice </i>

- T divide the class in to two teams and ask them to remember the words in 3

- T ask Ss to write the words.
- T monitors and pride the winer.
<b>3. New lesson:</b>

<i><b>Teacher's and Student’s activitives</b></i> <i><b>Contents</b></i>
<i><b>*Activity 1: Read and tick Yes or No (8’)</b></i>


- T asks Ss to open their book on page 57 asks
them that they are going to read and tick.

- Asks Ss to read the text and tick b Yes or No.
- Ss read the text.

- T: How many sentences are there?
- Ss answer.

<i><b>4. Read and tick Yes or No </b></i>
<i>Key: </i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

- Ss discuss and answer the questions.
- Compare with your partner.

- Ss read their answer to the class.
- T monitors and correct their mistake.
<i><b>*Further practice: Read aloud </b></i>

- T ask three ss to read aloud
- Ss read the text

- T monitors and correct their mistakes
<i><b>Activity 2. Write about your favourite </b></i>
<i><b>book(8’) (CNTT)</b></i>

<i>Set the sence</i>

- Asks Ss to open their book on page 58 to
write about your favourite book.

- T: How many sentences are there?

- Ss answer.

- T: Are they completed?
- Ss: No.

- T ask Ss to circle the favourite book that you

<i>The Fox and the Crow An Tiem </i>
<i>Tam and Cam kind gentle </i>
<i>hard working fary taile </i>

- Ss circle.

- T ask Ss to fill in the sentences.
- Ask Ss to work in invidually.
- T gives Ss 2 minutes to do the task.
- Ss compare with your partner.
- T corrects and give mark.
<i><b>*Further practice: Read aloud </b></i>
<i><b>Activity 3: Project Interview (8’)</b></i>

- T asks Ss to interview two Ss classmates
about their birthday party.

- T asks ss to do in vidually.
- Ss work invidually.

- T gives Ss 1 minute to do the task.
- T asks some Ss to present their

interview to the class and talk about

- Ss perform in front of class.
- T monitors and correct their mistakes.
<i><b>Activity 4: Colour the stars (3’)</b></i>

- T asks Ss to read the statements and check
their comprehension.

- T gives the time for Ss to colour the stars.
- Ask some Ss to read the statement.

<i>Brave: dũng cảm </i>

<i><b>5. Write about your </b></i>
<i><b>favourite book</b></i>

<i>I like reading ……….. in </i>
<i>my free time.</i>

<i>My favourite book is </i>
<i>The main character is </i>

<i>I like him/her very </i>
<i>much because </i>


<i><b>6. Project </b></i>

Name Name



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- T gives further support to pupils who
find it diffilty to achieve certain

<b>V. Summary (1')</b>

- Ask ss to practice questions about favourite book.
<b>VI. Homework (1’)</b>

- Finding the favourite book/ story.
<b>VII. Evaluation:</b>


<b>Date of preparing: 7. 12. 2018 WEEK 14 – PERIOD 54 </b>

<b>Lesson 1: Part 1, 2, 3</b>
<b>I. Objectives</b>

<b>1. Knowledge: </b>

- After the lesson, the student will be able to ask and answer questions about
animals in a zoo.

Sentence patterns: What did you see at the zoo? I saw …….
Vocabulary: pythons,crocodiles, peacocks, gorillas.

<b>2. Skill:</b>

- Practice listening, speaking skill.
<b>3. Attitude:</b>

- Encourage Ss to love the wild animal.
<b>II. Teaching- aids</b>

- Student’s book, recording, computer, projector, Sachmem, posters.
<b>III. Methods:</b>

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work, group work.
- Some techniques can be used: network.

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>
<b>1. Organization (1’)</b>


<i><b>Date of teaching</b></i> <i><b>Absent Ss</b></i>

5A Wednesday, December 12th 2018
5B Monday, December 10th 2018
<b>2. Warm up (5’)</b>

<i><b>* Activity: Slap the board</b></i>

- T devides Ss into 2 teams.

- T explains how to play this game.
- T lets 2 teams play together.
- T monitors and praise the winner.


dog Tiger

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<b>3. New lesson: </b>

<i><b>Teacher and Ss’s activitives</b></i> <i><b>Contents</b></i>

<i><b>*Activity 1: Look, listen and repeat (10’)</b></i>
- T ask Ss to look at the pictures.

- T: How many people are there?

- Ss: There are 4.

- T: What are their names?
- Ss: Linda and Tom.
- T: What are they doing?

- Ss: They’re talking about the animal.
- T asks Ss to open their books to page 58.
- Ss open their books to page 58.

- T opens the cassette.
- Ss listen and point.

- T opens the cassette again.

- Ss listen and read in chorus (2 times)
- T - Ss role play.

- T- Ss, Ss- T, half - half, open pairs.

- T checks Ss’s understanding about the dialogue.
- T: Where did Linda do?

- Ss: She went to the zoo.

- T: Did she see any monkeys?
- Ss: Yes, she did.

- T: Did she see any tigers?
- Ss: Yes, she did.

<b> *Activity 2: Point and say (10’)</b>
- T introduce some words by eliciting.

<i>pythons (picture)</i>
<i>crocodiles (picture)</i>
<i>peacocks (picture)</i>
<i>gorillas (picture)</i>

<i>*Check vocb: What and where</i>
<i><b>b. Model sentences.</b></i>

- T introduce stucture:

Set the sence: T asks to look at their book on page

- T: When Tom want to know what Mai see at the
zoo. How does Tom ask?

- Ss: What did you see at the zoo?
- T: How does Mai say?

- Ss: I saw a baby elephant.
- T model.

- Ss repeat chorally then individually.

<i><b>1. Look, listen and repeat</b></i>

<i><b>2. Point and say</b></i>
<i>pythons: con rắn </i>
<i>crocodiles: con cá sấu </i>
<i>peacocks: con công </i>
<i>gorillas: con đười ươi</i>
<i><b>b. Model sentences.</b></i>

<i>What did you see at </i>
<i>the zoo?</i>

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- T wirtes down on the board.
- T checks: form, use, intonation.
<i>*Picture cues (CNTT)</i>

- T lets Ss run through the pictures.
- T: How many pictures are there?
- Ss answer.

- T: What are they?
- T models.

- Ss repeat chorally

- T- Ss, Ss - T, half - half, open pairs, close pairs.
<i><b>Further practice: Bean bag circle </b></i>

- T asks Ss to make a cicle.

- T ask Ss to listen music and ask and answer the
questions What did you see at the zoo?
- Ss ask and answer when stop the music.
- T monitors and correct their mistakes
<i><b>*Activity 3: Let’s talk (7’)</b></i>

- Ask Ss to practice further by asking and ansering
questions about animal using the questions and
answers in their books.

- Ask Ss work in pairs.
- Give 5 minutes to practice.

- Ask some pairs to act out their conversation
in front of the class.

- T give feedback.
<b>V. Summary (1)</b>

- Ask and answer about the animal.
<b>VI. Homework (1’)</b>

- Learn new words and structure by your heart.
<b>VII. Evaluation:</b>


<b>Date of preparing: 9. 12. 2018 WEEK 14 – PERIOD 55 </b>

<b>Lesson 1: Part 4, 5, 6</b>
<b>I. Objectives</b>

<b>1. Knowledge: </b>

- After the lesson, the student will be able to ask and answer questions about
animals in a zoo.

Sentence patterns: What did you see at the zoo? I saw …….
Vocabulary: python, crocodiles, peacocks, gorillas.

<b>2. Skill:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=6>

<b>3. Attitude:</b>

- Encourage Ss to love the wild animal.
<b>II. Teaching- aids</b>

- Student’s book, recording, Sachmem, computer, projector, posters.
<b>III. Methods:</b>

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work, group work.
- Some techniques can be used: network.

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>
<b>1. Organization: (1’)</b>


<i><b>Date of teaching</b></i> <i><b>Absent Ss</b></i>

5A Thursday, December 13th 2018
5B Wednesday, December 12th 2018
<b>2. Warm up and Review (5’)</b>

<i><b>*Activity: Chatting</b></i>

S1: What animal do you like?
S2: I like monkey.

S1: What do you see at the zoo?
S2: I see tiger.

S1: Do you like tiger?
S2: No, I don’t.

- Ask Ss some questions dealing with animals.
<b>3. New lesson:</b>

<i><b>Teacher and Ss’s activitives</b></i> <i><b>Contents</b></i>

<i><b>* Activity 1: Listen and tick (9’)</b></i>

<i>Set the scence: Ask Ss to open their book on page </i>
59 and tells them that they are going to listen to the
recording and tick the correct pictures.

- T: How many numbers are there?

- S answer.

- T: How many pictures are there?
- S answer.

- T plays the recording for Ss to listen 1st<sub> time.</sub>

- T plays CD again for Ss to listen and complete
the correct answer.

- Asks Ss to exchange their answer with partners
before reporting them to the class.

- T asks Ss to read out the answer.

- T plays the recording again for Ss to check their

<i><b>Further practice: Chinese whisper</b></i>
- T devides Ss in to 2 groups.

- Ss make aline and one of them take one sentence.
- T read aloud.

<i><b>4. Listen and tick </b></i>

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- Ss stick it on board and read aloud.
- T minitor and give feedback.

<i><b>*Activity 2: Read and complete (9’)</b></i>

- T asks Ss to look at the book on page 59.
- T asks Ss to look the text and fill in the blank.
- T: How many words?

- Ss answer.

- T: Is this text completed?
- Ss: No.

- T ask Ss to read sloud the words and fill in.
- Ss read aloud.

- T ask Ss to work in invidually.
- T gives the time.

- Ss compare with your partner.
- T ask some ss to tell the answer.
- Task some ss to read aloud.
- T- Ss check together.

<i>*Further practice: Read aloud </i>
- T ask Ss to work in groups.
- Ss work in groups.

- T ask some groups read the text.
<i><b>* Activity 3: Let’s sing (9’)</b></i>

- T ask Ss to look at the board.

- T ask Ss to sing

What did you see at the



T opens the song, Ss listen to the song.
- T read the lyrics.

- Ss repeat after the teacher.
- T teach them some new words.
- T opens the song again.

- Ss repeat line by line.

- Ask Ss to sing along with the music.
- T devides Ss into 2 groups.

- Ask Ss to sing and do actions in groups.
- Ss sing and do actions together.

- T calls somes groups perform before the class.

<i><b>5. Read and complete </b></i>
<i>Key: </i>

<i>1. like </i>
<i>2. gorillas </i>
<i>3. intelligent </i>
<i>4. do </i>

<i>5. elephants</i>

<i><b>6. Let’s sing </b></i>

<b>V. Summary (1’)</b>

- What skills have you practiced?
<b>VI. Homework (1’)</b>

- T asks Ss to practice the sentence patterns.
<b>VII. Evaluation:</b>


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<b>Lesson 2: Part 1, 2, 3</b>

<b>I. Objectives</b>
<b>1. Knowledge:</b>

- At the end of the lesson Ss will be able to say ask and answer questions about
what animals did in the zoo.

Sentence patterns:What did the ………do when you were there ? They ……
<b>2. Skill: </b>

- Practice listening, speaking skill.
<b>3. Attitude:</b>

- Help ss to have good consciousness in order to love and protect animals.
<b>II. Teaching- aids</b>

- Student’s book, recording, computer, projector, Sachmem.
<b>III. Methods:</b>

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work, group work.

- Some techniques can be used: Board race, Lucky number, Slap the board.
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>1. Organization: (1’)</b>


<i><b>Date of teaching</b></i> <i><b>Absent Ss</b></i>

5A Friday, December 14th 2018
5B Thursday, December 13th 2018
<b>2. Warm up (5')</b>

<i><b>* Activity: Brainstorm </b></i>


- Ask Ss to think about the wide animal they have learnt in 30 seconds.
- Divide the class into 2 groups.

- Ss each group take it in turns go to the board and write the wide animal.
3. New lesson:

<i><b>Teacher and Ss’s activitives</b></i> <i><b>Contents</b></i>

<i><b>*Activity 1: Look, listen and repeat (10’)</b></i>
- T ask Ss to look at the pictures.

- T: How many people are there?
- Ss: There are 4.

- T: What are their names?
- Ss: Phong and Nam.

- T: What are they talking about?
- Ss: They are talking the animal.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>

- T asks Ss to open their books to page 60.
- Ss open their books to page 60.

- T opens the cassette.
- Ss listen and point.

- T opens the cassette again.

- Ss listen and read in chorus (2 times)
- T - Ss role play.

- T- Ss, Ss- T, half - half, open pairs.

- T checks Ss’s understanding about the dialogue:
When did Phong go to the zoo?

- Ss: Last week.

- T: What did Phong see at the zoo?
- Ss: He saw a python and two pandas.
<i><b>*Activity 2: Point and say (10’)</b></i>

- T introduce some words by eliciting.

<i>roar loudly (mine)</i>
<i> move (mine )</i>

<i> beautifully (example )</i>
<i> quietly (picture)</i>
<i> slowly (example )</i>
<i>panda (picture)</i>
- T models.

- Ss listen and repeat (chorally then individually).
- T writes down on the board.

- Ss copy.

<i>*Check Vocab* Rub out remember. </i>
<i><b>b. Model sentences.</b></i>

- T introduce stucture:

Set the sence: T asks to look at their book on page 60.
- T: When Nam want to know what the lion do. How

does Nam ask?

- Ss: What did the lions dowhen you were

- T: How does Phong say?
- Ss: They roared loudly.
- T model.

- Ss repeat chorally then individually.
- T wirtes down on the board.

- T checks: form, use, intonation.

<i><b>2. Point and say</b></i>
<i>roar loudly: gầm to </i>
<i>move:di chuyển </i>
<i>beautifully: đẹp </i>

<i>quietly lặng lẽ, nhẹ nhàng </i>
<i>slowly: ăn chậm </i>

<i>panda: gấu trúc </i>

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<i><b>*Picture cues (CNTT)</b></i>

- T lets Ss run through the pictures.
- T models.

- Ss repeat chorally.

- T- Ss, Ss - T, half - half, open pairs, close pairs.
<i><b>*Further practice: Bean bag circle </b></i>

- Divide the class into 2 groups.

- Use the comprehension questions and add 2 more

- T lets Ss play together.

<i>- T monitors and correct their mistakes.</i>
<i><b>*Activity 3: Let’s talk (7’)</b></i>

- Ask ss to practice further by asking and ansering
questions about the animals using the questions and
answers in their books.

- Ask Ss work in pairs.

- Give 5 minutes to practice.

- Ask some pairs to perform in front of the class.
- T give feedback.

<b>V. Summary (1')</b>

- Ask and answer about the what animals do at the zoo.
<b>VI. Homework (1’)</b>

- Learn new words and structure by your heart.
<b>VII. Evaluation:</b>


