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Son Trung Secondary School School year 2010-2011
Monday, October 4
Comparation sentences
A. Aim
By the end of the leson students will be able to use the comparasion
sentences and do some exeicises
B. Contents
I. Grammar
1. So sanhs bằng
a. Form : S1 + be + as + adj + as + S2
b. Ex : Lan is as tall as Mai
She is as old as her brother
2. So sánh hơn
a. Short adj/adv
Tính từ , trạng từ ngắn là những tính từ, trạng từ có một âm tiết và
những tính từ, trạng từ có hai âm tiết tận cùng bằng y, ow, er
ADJ/ ADV + Er + THAN = hơn
Ex : Mr Brown is older than my father
You are happier than than she
b. Long adj/adv
Tính từ , trạng từ daif là những tính từ, trạng từ có hai âm tiết trở lên trừ
những tính từ, trạng từ có hai âm tiết tận cùng bằng y, ow, er
Ex : happy, funny, noisy, clever, narrow
More + Adj/Adv + than = hơn
Ex: A car is more expensive than a bike
3. So sánh hơn nhất
a. Short adj
The most + Adj = nhất
Ex : Grandmother is the oldest in my family

b. Long Adj
The most + Adj = nhất
Ex: This is the most difficult lesson in the book.
There are some exceptions you need to remember when adding er or est to an
adjective to form its comparative or superlative form
1. An adjective ends with:
A vowel ( V ) + a consonant ( C ) -> V + C + C + er/est
Ex: hot -> hotter wet- > wetter thin - > thinner
hot - > hottest wet - > wettest thin - > thinnest
Lesson plan for the afternoon lesson 1
Son Trung Secondary School School year 2010-2011
2. Some adjectives don’t follow the rules above such as:
good/well --- > better; the best
bad/badly --- > worse ; the worst
much, many --- > more ; the most
little --- > less ; the least
far --- > farther ; the farthest
So s¸nh h¬n
Ba is taller than Nam
Hung is shorter than Ba
old older He is older than I
Easy Easier This ex is easier than the one
Thin Thinner This book is thinner than that book

Hot Hotter The summer is hooter than the spring
Wet Wetter The streets are wetter in the rainy season
Big Bigger HCM city is bigger than HN
Handsome More handsome He handsome than his brother
Interesting More interesting The film is more interesting the story
So s¸nh h¬n nhÊt
Strong The strongest He is the strongest in my group
Fat The fattest Nam is the fattest in my class
Large The largest HCM city is the largest city of VN
Warm The warmest Today is the warmest
Funny The funniest This story is the funniest of all
Pleasant The most pleasant Holidays arethe most pleasant
Precious The most precious
expensive The most expensive
studious The most studious
II. Exercises
1. §Æt tÝnh tõ trong ngoÆc ë d¹ng so s¸nh ®óng
a. Gold is ( precious ) than iron.
b. My bike is ( expensive ) than yours.
c. The weather today is ( warm ) than the weather yesterday.
d. This film is not ( good ) as the one we saw last week.
e. Holidays are ( pleasant ) than school day.
f. Which is ( high ) mountain in your country.
g. A hose is ( strong ) than a dog .

h. Robert is ( fat ) than his brother.
Lesson plan for the afternoon lesson 2
Son Trung Secondary School School year 2010-2011
i. The Pacific is ( large ) ocean in the world.
j. Is he ( studious ) as his sister ?
Answer keys
a. more precious f. the higest
b. more exerpensive g. stronger
c. warmer h. fatter
d. as good i. the largest
e. more pleasant j . as studious
III. KiÓm tra 15’
Dïng tõ gîi ý viÕt thµnh c©u hoµn chØnh
1. Hung/ strong/ Nam
2. Mai/ as/ beautiful/ her sister.
3. Mekong river/ long river/ Vietnam.
4. Nobody/ happy/ than/ Maria
5. He/ clever/ my family.
Answer keys
1. Hung is stronger than Nam
2. Mai is as beautifal as her sister.
3. Mekong river is the longest river in Vietnam.
4. Nobody is as happy as Maria.
5. He is the cleverest in my family.
VI . Home work
- Learn by heart gramma of comparation sentences.
- Redo exercise of part II
Friday, October 22, 2010
The simple present tense

A. Aim
By the end of the lesson students will be able to use the simple
present tense to do some exercises
B. Contents
I. Gramma
Lesson plan for the afternoon lesson 3
Son Trung Secondary School School year 2010-2011
1. Affirmative sentences ( Statements )
Subject Verb Subject Verb
plural nouns
( students )
Sleep, study, go
Do, have, see…
Sigular nouns
( a student )
Sleeps. Studies,
Goes, does, has
Usage : The presents simple is used to
a. talk about things in general.
b. Say that some thing happens repeatedly.
c. Say something is true in general.
Ex: It is hot in summer.
He usually goes to work by bus.
We live in a town.
Watter freezes at zero degree.
Note : The way to add s or es
Nh÷ng ®éng tõ tËn cïng b»ng s, ss, sh, x, z, o ta thªm es

Ex : go, do, watch, wash, pass ..…
C¸c ®éng tõ tËn cïng b»ng y tríc y lµ mét phô ©m ta ®æi y= i råi thªm es
Ex : study, fly, .…
C¸c ®éng tõ cßn l¹i ta thªm s
2. Questions
Auxiary Subject Verbs
Plural nouns
go ?…
study .?…
work ?…
Singular nouns
Ex : Does he go to school at 6.30 ?
Do you study English ?
Does the sun set in the west ?
Answer sentences
Yes, S + do/ does
No, S + don’t/ doesn’t
3. Negative sentences
Lesson plan for the afternoon lesson 4
Son Trung Secondary School School year 2010-2011
Subject Auiliary + not verb
Plural nouns
do not= don’t go…

do .…
Singular nouns
does not=

Ex: I don’t go to school on Sunday.
He doesn’t like soccer.
They don’t often go camping.
Lan doesn’t go jogging.
II. To be verb
Affirmative Negative Question
Subjects Tobe Subjects Tobe Tobe Subjects
I am I am not Am I
Plural nouns
are We/you/they
Plural nouns
are not Are We/you/they
Plural nouns
is He/she/it
is not Is He/she/it

- He is a student.
- They are classmate.
- Lan isn’t my friend.
- Are you hungry ?
III. Exercise
1. Put the verbs in the simple present tense.
a. He ( like ) HCM city ? Yes, He……
b. How many language Mai ( speak ) ?……
c. These books ( belong ) to me.
Lesson plan for the afternoon lesson 5

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