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<b>Date: 4 / 4/ 2011</b>


<b> A / Aims : Ss can summarize the basic knowledge they have learnt and apply for doing the </b>
test well .

B / Teaching aids : Paper and chalk
C / Test :

<b>I. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D (2ps).</b>

1. You should have a ……….. check the cracks on the pipes.
A. mechanic B. plumber C. worker D. teacher

2. Neil Armstrong, ……… firs walked on the Moon, was an American.

A. whose B. that C. whom D. who

3. I suggest ……… as much paper as possible to save trees.

A. recycle B. to recycle C. should recycle D. recycling
4. Tet is a difficult time ……… people without families.

A. to B. with C. for D. by

<b>II. Give the correct form of the words in the brackets (2ps).</b>

1. Plastic bags are very hard to dissolve, so they will cause (pollute).
2. What can we do to prevent (litter)?

3. I would suggest that local authorities should prohibit and fine (heavy) anyone catching
fish by using electricity.

4. There are many (tradition) festivals in this country.
<b>III. Combine the sentences, using the words given (2ps).</b>

1. Ba stayed up late watching TV last night. He is very tired now. (Since……..)
2. Mai asked me to give you this novel. I met Mai yesterday. (…….whom……….)
3. This is Mrs Hoa. Her daughter won the championship last month.

4. Lan has an exam tomorrow. She is watching TV now. (Even though………)
<b>IV. Fill has each blank with one suitable word given below (2ps).</b>

<b> after, for, so, however, as</b>

1. Ha missed the bus, ……….. she was late for school.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

<b>V. Read the passage, then answer the questions (2ps).</b>

Although there are many celebrations throughout the year, Tet or Lunar New Year
Holiday is the most important celebration for Vietnamese people. Tet is a festival which
occurs in late January or early February. It is a time for families to clean and redecorate their
homes and enjoy special food such as sticky rice cakes. Family members who live apart to be
together at Tet. Before Tet, people are very busy with preparing for Tet: doing shopping,
making cakes, food and jams, cleaning and redecorating their homes and offices. During Tet
holidays, they visit their friends and relatives, wishing one another.


1. Which celebration is the most important in Vietnam?
2. When does Tet occur?

3. What do Vietnamese people usually do before Tet?

4. Do Vietnamese people visit their friends and relatives during Tet holidays?


<b>Date: 5 / 4/ 2011</b>


Test correction

<b> A. Objectives:</b>

<b> * Help ss to find out the reason for their mistakes and correct them . </b>

<b> * . Find out the ss’ strength and the weakness to have a suitable method of teaching.</b>
<b> B. Keys. </b>

<b>I. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D (2ps).</b>

1. B 2. D 3. D 4. C

<b>II. Give the correct form of the words in the brackets (2ps).</b>

1. pollution 2. littering 3. heavily 4. traditional
<b>III. Combine the sentences, using the words given (2ps).</b>

1. Since Ba stayed up late watching TV last night, he is very tired now.
2. Mai, whom I met yesterday, asked me to give you this novel.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

<b>IV. Fill has each blank with one suitable word given below (2ps).</b>
<b> after, for, so, however, as</b>

1, so 2. for 3. after 4. however

<b>V. Read the passage, then answer the questions (2ps).</b>

1. Tet/ Lunar New Year Holiday is the most important celebration in Vietnam.
- It's Tet or Lunar New Year Holiday.

2. Tet/ It occurs in late January or early February.

3. They often do/ go shopping, making cakes, food and jams, cleaning and redecorating
their homes and offices.

4. Yes, they do

<b>Date : 7 / 4/ 2011</b>
<b>Period: 61 </b>


<b> </b>


<b> </b>


<i><b>I.Knowledge :</b></i> By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to know more about UFOs and
other information about them

<i><b>II.Skill practice reading</b></i>

<i><b>I.Settlement: -Greeting</b></i>

-Check attendance
<i><b>II.Checking: </b></i><b> Warm up</b>:

+Guessing game:

T asks ss to guess 3 words: Give ss the number of the letters of each word and give the
definition so that ss can guess the words


This word has 12 letters. It is the opposite of identified

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>


This word has 7 letters. It is in form . It means a things that can be seen or touched
*Answer keys:

2.Flying => UFOs

III. New lesson:


<i><b>1.Prereading: T sets the scene:</b></i>

T shows the pictures on p.83 to ss and ask ss
some question about UFOs

-What can you see in the pictures?
-What do we call them in Vietnamese?

-Do you know another word for UFOs? (flying

-Do you think they really exist?
<i><b>* Vocabulary:</b></i>

T elicits some new words and helps ss practice
speaking them in chorus and individually

T helps ss know the meaning of new words

<i><b>Check vocabulary: RO R</b></i>


Meteor Evidence Alien

Capture Claim

*Guessing the meaning of the words:

Ss listen and answer the questions:

( Ss answer themselves)

Ss listen and repeat in chorus and

Spacecraft:(n) (picture)
Meteor(n) (picture)

Evidence: (n) ( explanation)
Alien :(n) (picture)

Capture(v): (example)
Device :(n) (translation)
Claim :(v) (translation)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

T asks ss to read the text and find the words in
the text that have meanings given in 2a on p.84
<i><b>2. While reading:</b></i>

T helps ss read the text and correct the words in
the text

Complete the notes:

T asks ss to do exercise 2b on p.84

T asks ss to read the text again and complete
the note

<i><b>3.Post reading:</b></i>

T asks ss to discuss the topic UFOs
T chooses a good ss to be the leader

T gets the leader to make a summary of the
evidence of the existence of UFOs and then
discuss with his/ her friend

Ss read the text and find the words in the
text that have meanings given in 2a on

Ss work in pairs
Answer key:

1.Proof, support= evidence

2.Falling star or shooting star= Meteor
3.Unknown/strange people= Alien
4.Bringing together= Collecting
5.Caught as prisoner- Captured
+Complete the notes:

have ss to do exercise 2b on p.84

work individually then compare with their

Ss work in pairs and discuss and go to the
board to summary

<i><b>IV. Consolidation: T asks ss to read the text last time and try to understand the content of the </b></i>

<i><b>V. Homework: T asks ss to write the note on p.84 in their notebooks.</b></i>

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<b> </b>

<b>Lesson 2: SPEAK AND LANGUAGE FOCUS 1- 2</b>

<b> </b>


<i><b>I.Knowledge :</b></i> By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to one another about what they
think there might be on Mars, on the moon and on other planets and be able to write and use
a conditional sentences .

II.Skill practice speaking

<i><b>I.Settlement: -Greeting</b></i>

-Check attendance
<i><b>II.Checking: </b></i><b> Warm up</b>:

+Word square:







Earth/ moon
Sun/ Mars

T asks ss some questions about the solar system
-Which planet is the nearest to the sun?

-Which is the biggest?
-Which is the hottest?
III.New lesson:


<i><b>1. Pre speaking:</b></i>

T Sets the scene: T introduces some planets
to ss and helps ss have some information
Eg: MARS….

<i><b>* Vocabulary:</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>

T elicits some new words and helps ss
practise speaking them in chorus and

T helps ss know the meaning of new words
Check vocabulary: What and where

Microorganisim Gemstone
Sparkling Creature Trace

<i><b>Revision of model verbs: May/ might:</b></i>
T review:

*Use: We may use , might to talk about
present or future possibility

Might is normally a little sure than may

T sets a scene: A space tourist traveled to
mars, he saw many things there and noted
them down. These are drawings of things .
T asks to guess and match the drawings with
their names

<i><b>2.While speaking:</b></i>

T asks ss listen and draw

+Drill: Use the drawing to drill:
Exchange: What is this?

It may be water on the Mars/
+Practice the dialogue:

Have ss practice the dialogue between Nam
and Hung on P.85

Call on some pairs to do

Ss listen and repeat in chorus and individually
Microorganism:(n) (translation)

Gemstone:(n) (realia)
Sparkling:(adj) (realia)
Creature:(n) (translation)
Trace:(n) (visual)

Mineral:(n) (Example)

Ss go to the board and rewrite the words in
the circle

Ss write the form in their note books
*Form: May/ might + infinitive
Ss do the example:

There might be ……….
There may be ……….
Ss listen and do the exercise
*Answer key:

1.Mineral 2.Water
3.Moutains 4.Plants
5.Little creatures 6.Gas

Ss listen ad repeat the dialogues in chorus and

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>

<i><b>3. Post speaking:</b></i>
*Making dialogue:

T asks ss to make up similar dialogue about
the drawing, using the cues in 3a

<i><b>Language focus 1</b></i>

+Drill: T asks ss to look at the pictures on
p.89-90 to do the exercise in language

T gets ss to work in pairs to practice asking
and answering the questions

<b>Language focus 2</b>

1.Revision of conditional sentences type 1:
-form: If clause : simple present tense
main clause: simple future .

-Use: we use this structure when there is a
possibility that the situation in the if clause
will happen in the future or is true in the

T asks ss to work in pairs to do the exercise
in language 2 on p.90


You: What do these drawing say?

Your friend: There may be mountain on the

Ss listen and copy down

Ss look at the pictures on p.89-90 to do the
exercise in language focus 1

work in pairs to practice asking and
answering the questions

Ss listen and copy down

work in pairs to do the exercise in language 2

on p.90

Ss work in pairs and finish the sentences in
the text books

<i><b>IV.Consolidation: T asks ss practice the dialogues the last time</b></i>

<i><b>V. Homework:T gives ss the topic: What may there be on mercury/ on the moon/ on Mars?</b></i>
and ask ss ro write the dialogue in their notebook.

<b>Date : 11 / 4 /2011</b>
<b>Period: 63 </b>

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<b> </b>

<b>Lesson 3: LISTEN AND LANGUAGE FOCUS 3- 4</b>

<b> </b>


<i><b>I.Knowledge :</b></i> Helps students know some vocabulary about life on other planets.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen to a rather long talk about the
moon and be more confident in True or False listening comprehension exercise.

- write and use a conditional sentences .
<i><b>II.Skill practice listening</b></i>


<i><b>I.Settlement: -Greeting</b></i>

-Check attendance
<i><b>II.Checking: </b></i><b> Warm up</b>:<b> </b>+Jumbled words:

1.isrh = rich 2.lockc = clock
3.tivis= visit 4.alrma = alarm
5.aienl= alien 6.spcea = space
III.New lesson:



I) Vocabulary:

- expert ['ekspə:t] (n): chuyen gia.
- crater ['kreitə](n): hè, mieng nói lưa.
- one – sixth: một phần sau.

- two – fifth: hai phần năm

- science for Fun program: chương trinh khoa
học vui.

- Olympic Champion: V« địch Olympic.
+ Checking vocabulary: Rubout and

II) Listen:

- Asks student to look at the poster and read
the sentences and choose which one is True
and which one is False.

- Asks students to listen to the tape 3 times
and check their prediction.

- Listen.

- Listen and read in choral, individually.
- Copy down.

- Work in pairs.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=10>

- Asks students to listen again the tape and
answer the questions:

1. What is the temperature on the moon at

2. What is the temperature on the moon
during the day?

3. What is the height of the highest mountains
on the moon?

4. Why won’t you sleep well on the moon?
<b>Language focus 3.</b>

Conditional sentences type 2:
T set a scene:

<i>Ba is not rich so he can’t travel around the</i>
<i>world </i>

Ask ss to complete the sentences:
If Ba.... rich, he... ... around ... ....

*Form : <b>Main clause: would , could , might</b>
<b>+ verb</b>

<b> If clause: Past simple sentence/ past</b>

*Use: we use this structure to talk about
unreal or unlikely present or future situations.
We often use “If I were you” to give advice.

T asks ss to do languages focus 3 on p. 90

Give the topic and ask ss to discus in groups

a, c, d, f, i, j.
- Work in pairs.

<b>* Answers: </b>

1. About 151C below zero.
2. About 100 C above zero.

3. About 26,000 feet or 8,000 meters high.
4. Because one day on the moon lasts two


Ss listen and take note:

Ss copy down

They have to work in with a partner and make
conditional sentences type 2

Ss discus in groups before writing
Work individually to write their ideas

<i><b>IV. Consolidation: T asks ss to check and read the using of the condition type2</b></i>

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<b>Date : 15 / 4/ 2011</b>
<b>Period: 64 </b>


<b> </b>

<b>Lesson 4: READ</b>

<b> </b>


<i><b>I.Knowledge :</b></i> By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to understand the text about a space
strip .

II.Skill practice reading

<i><b>I.Settlement: -Greeting</b></i>

-Check attendance
<i><b>II.Checking: </b></i><b> Warm up</b>: +Chatting:

T prepares some pictures of a spaceship or of the first travel of man to the moon.
T asks ss some questions to involve ss in the topic of lesson

-Do you want to travel?

Have you ever traveled in our country or aboard?
-Have you ever dreamed of a trip to space?

-Do you want to be an astronaut?

-Do you think traveling into space take a lots of money?
<i><b>III.New lesson:</b></i>


<i><b>1.Pre reading:</b></i>
T asks :

If you want to have a trip to space, what
would you do ?

<i><b>* Vocabulary:</b></i>

T elicits some new words and helps ss

Ss listen and answer:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=12>

practice speaking them in chorus and

T helps ss know the meaning of new words

<i><b>Check vocabulary:</b></i>

push up Orbit Totally
Marvelous Physical condition
<i><b>+Ordering statements:</b></i>

_T asks ss to work in pairs to put the

statements in order to show what they need
and get in joining a trip in to space:

<i><b>2.While reading:</b></i>

T gives feedback- T asks ss to read the text
and check their guess.

+Comprehension questions:

T asks ss to read the text again and work in
pairs to answer the questions in the exercise b
on p.87

T calls on some ss answer the questions

T gives feed back
<i><b>3.Post reading:</b></i>

Ss listen and repeat in chorus and individually
push up: (v) (Mine)

Orbit :(n) (Translation)

Totally: (adv) (synnonym: Completely)
Marvelous : (adj) (synonym)

Physical condition : (n) (Translation)

Ss go to the board and rewrite the words in
the circles

Ss work in pairs to put the statements in order
1.get a letter from a doctor to show you are in
perfect health.

2.See pictures of the earth, its interesting
places and the stars from very far.

3.Feel free and enjoy wonderful feeling.
4.Get ready and be in an excellent physical

5.Get on a trip.

Ss read the text and check their guess.
Answer key:

a.4, b.1, c.5, d.2, e.3

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T gives ss the topic of the discussion

<i>“If you were able to take a space trip, what </i>
<i>would you do to prepare for a trip . What </i>
<i>would you like to bring a long?”</i>

-Divide the class in to 4 groups and discuss in

Ss work in four groups and discuss the topic

<i><b>IV.Consolidation: T asks ss to read a text again and imagine they have a trip to space</b></i>
<i><b>V.Home work: Write it up : T asks ss to write a paragraph about a trip to space</b></i>

<b>Date : 20/ 4/ 2011</b>
<b>Period: 65 </b>


<b> </b>

<b>Lesson 5: WRITE</b>

<b> </b>


<i><b>I.Knowledge :</b></i> By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to write an exposition about the

existence of UFOs .

.II.Skill practice writing

<i><b>I.Settlement: -Greeting</b></i>

-Check attendance
<i><b>II.Checking: </b></i><b> Warm up</b>: <b>1.Warm up</b>:

+Jumble words:

write the words whose letters are in the random order on the board
Divide the class into two teams.

1.ucinionttrod = introduction
2.oybd = body

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=14>

5.caret = Trace
6.peapaceran = appearance
<i><b>III.New lesson:</b></i>


<i><b>1.Pre writing:</b></i>

T sets the scene: T gives ss a picture about
UFOs and introduce to ss

<i><b>* Vocabulary:</b></i>

T elicits some new words and helps ss
practice speaking them in chorus and

T helps ss know the meaning of new words

Check vocabulary: ROR


T gets ss to do exercise 6a on p.88

T asks ss to read the outline of an exposition
in column A an put the paragraph in column
b in order to match the sections in A

Ss listen and take note

Ss listen and repeat in chorus and individually

Imagination:(n) (translation)
Trick: (n) ( explanation)

Man like creature: (n) (translation)
Mysterious :(adj) ( example)

Flying saucer:(n) (synonym: UFOs)

Ss go to the board and rewrite the words on

the board

work in pairs to match column A an put the
paragraph in column b in order to match the
sections in A

*Answer key:

1.Introduction: I don’t believe there exist
UFOs even though many newspaper talk a lot
about them.

2.Body: Firstly, flying saucers might be
aircrafts, balloons, ...

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<i><b>2.While writing:</b></i>

+Comprehention question:

T asks ss to read the dialogue between An
and Ba about the existence of UFOs

Answer the questions

T gets ss to use Ba’s opinion to write an
exposition about the existence of UFOs
Let ss write the exposition individually then
share with their partners and correct their

<i><b>3.Post writing:</b></i>

T collects some writing to correct the
mistakes in front of the class

T call on some ss read aloud their writing

Ss read the dialogue between An and Ba
about the existence of UFOs and

Answer the questions

Ss work in individually

Ss listen and correct their mistakes and go to
the board read loudly

<i><b>IV. Consolidation: T asks ss to read their writing last time and retell the main ideas</b></i>
<i><b>V. Homework:</b></i>



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