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Unit 4: Things I can do

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Date of preparing: Sep 11th<sub>, 2016</sub>
Date of teaching: Sep 13th<sub>, 2016</sub>
Duration : 40 minutes



<b>Lesson 1: Activities 1 & 2</b>

<b>I. Objectives: </b> By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
<b>-</b> Ask and answer questions about dates.

- Skills: Speaking, listening.
<b>II. Language contents:</b>

<b>-</b> Vocabulary: Ordinal numbers (the dates of months), the twelve months of a year.
<b>-</b> Sentence patterns: <i>What is the date today? - It’s ....</i>.

<b>III. Teaching aids:</b>

<i>1. Teacher’s</i>: Student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette...

<i>2. Students’</i>: Students’ books, notebooks, workbooks...
<b>IV. Procedures: </b>Time: 40 minutes

<i><b>Teacher’s activities</b></i> <i><b>Students’ activities</b></i>

<b>I. Warm up (4’):</b>

<i>1. Greeting: </i>

T: Good morning class. How are you today?

<i>2. Answer the question:</i> “What day is it today”?
Key: It’s Monday.

<i>3. Guess: “What day is it today”?</i>

T gives a hint and asks students to guess, “What day is
it today”?, invite two students to come to the board to
write the answer.

<b>II. Presentation (12’): </b>
- Ask Ss to open their books on P.24

- Show the picture on the board; let sts talk about the
picture, ask questions:

+ Who are they?
+ Where are they?

- Answer.

- Look at screen and answer.

<b>1. Look, listen and repeat.</b>
- Answer the question

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- Have ss listen to the tape first.

- Tell Ss: they are talking about dates, using <i><b>What is </b></i>

<i><b>the date today? It’s…</b></i>

- Review month of the year ( show a pictures of 12

- Teach the words “What is the date today” and “the
first/ second of October”,

- Play tape again and ask Ss to repeat each line of the

- Have Ss practice (Role-play): A student shall be a
teacher, a student shall be Mai, one shall be Nam, and
the other students shall be students.

<b>III. Practice (14’):</b>

- Have Ss listen to the tape first.
- Present some new phrases.

<i>the first of October the fifth of October </i>
<i>the second of October the twenty-second of </i>
<i>October </i>

<i>the third of October the thirty-first of October </i>
<i>the fourth of October the fourteenth of October </i>

- Have Ss read all phrases.

- Ask some Ss to repeat the words

- Play tape again and ask Ss to repeat each line of the

- Divide the class into two groups to play roles.
- Have Ss practice in pairs. One student asks and one
student answers.

<b>IV. Production (8’):</b>

-Ask and answer about the date. Show the picture with
the question: “What is the date today”. Ss look at the
pictures and answer.

<b>V. Home-work (2’):</b>
Require Ss:

- Learn by heart the dates, months.
- Ask & answer about date & months.

- Do exercises in workbook and prepare the new lesson.

- Listen.
- Listen.

- Listen and guess the meaning.
- Listen and repeat.

- Read in groups.

- Read in groups.

- Play the role and read the

<i><b>2. Point and say</b></i>

- Listen.

- Listen and note down.

- Read aloud.
- Read aloud.
- Read in groups.
- Read in groups.
- Read in pairs.

- Answer



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