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unit 15 computers tiếng anh 8 sách cũ phan ly hiep thư viện giáo án điện tử

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Unit <b>15</b> - Period : <b>97 </b>


<b> 2. SPEAK </b>

<b> 3. LISTEN</b>
<b> 4. READ</b>
<b> 5. WRITE</b>


<b>I. Aim</b>:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to express their opinions about a problem
<b>II. Language contents:</b>

<b>1. Grammar: </b>present perfect with yet & already

<b>2. Vocabulary</b>: printer, manual, connect, plug, under guarantee, socket
<b>III. Techniques:</b>

 Brainstorm
 What and where
 Bingo…

 Rub out and Remember
<b>V. Teaching aids:</b>

- Pictures and sub - board

- Tape and cassette

<b>V. Procedures:</b>

<b>Teacher’s and Students’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

Teacher writes the topic on the

Teacher asks students to think of the
topic on the board and express their

Teacher collects Ss’ opinions and
write them on the board.

Elicit words from students
Have students copy down

<b> Checking: </b>Rub out and Remember:
T. picks out the main grammar and
explains how to use them.

- Nam and his father Mr. Nat are
talking about the problem of the

<b>1. Warm up</b>: (8’) mark

Brainstorm : What can we do with a computer:
<b>-</b> listen to music.

<b>-</b> Save time
<b>2. Presentation: </b>: (15’)

<b>New words:</b>
-printer (n) :máy in

-manual (n) : sách hướng dẫn sử dụng, sổ tay
-connect (v) : kết nối

- be under guarantee : trong thời gian bảo hành
-plug (n) : phích cắm

-socket (n) : ổ cắm

 <b>Vocabulary</b> : <b>ROR</b>

 <b>Model sentences</b>:
- Have you turned it on yet?
- Yes, I have already done it.
 <b>True - false prediction (1 – 6)</b>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

computer they’re just bought. What
happens to the computer?

- Teacher puts the chart on the board
and have students guess which
statements are true and which are

-Teacher asks students to open their
books, read the dialogue on the page
138 and listen to the tape

- Teacher has students to work in
pairs again to check if their guesses
are right or not

- Students give feedback and correct
- Teacher explains the words:” fact
and opinion”

-Teacher asks students to read the
passage the sentences and to decide
check(<sub></sub>) the suitable boxes

- Students give feedback
- Teacher corrects if necessary
- Students copy

-Teacher divide the class into 3
groups and assign each group about
3 – 4 sentences

- Teacher has them write their report
on a poster and put it on a poster and
put it on the board for public check

1. The printer isn’t working

2. Nam has already turned the computer on

3. Nam knows how to connect a printer but he has
not connected it properly

4. The manual helped them to find out the problem
5. Mr Nhat bought the computer in HCM City and
it’s still under guarantee.

6. Mr Nhat thinks the company wouldn’t do
anything with his computer because it’s too far
from his place

<b>3 </b>.<b> Practice : </b>(15’ )
<b>Answer :</b>

<b>True : 1, 2, 5 </b>
<b>False: 3 , 4, 6 </b>

 <b>Making comprehension</b>

<b>- Fact</b>: a thing that is known to be true , especially
when it can be proved

- <b>Opinion</b> : Your feelings or thoughts about
someone or something, rather than a fact.
<b>Answer (2 / 139)</b>

Fact Opinion

A <sub></sub>

<b>B </b><sub></sub>
C <sub></sub>
D <sub></sub>

E <sub></sub>

F <sub></sub>
<b>4. Production:</b> (5’)

Write it up

Use reported speech to rewrite the dialogue
<b>5. Homework</b>: (2’)

- Learn by heart : new words & grammar
- Prepare : Unit 15 (cont.) Lesson 2: SPEAK

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<b>I. Aim</b>:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to ask for favor and respond to favors.
<b>II. </b>

<b> Language contents :</b>
<b> 1. Grammar: </b>

<b>o</b> Can/Could you..? / May I help you? -> Certainly / Of course / Sure.
<b> 2. Vocabulary: </b>do mefavor, assistance, flat tire

<b>III. Techniques:</b>

<b>o</b> Brainstorming

<b>o</b> Discussion

<b>o</b> Practice speaking

<b>o</b> Make the dialogues ; Complete the open dialogue
<b>IV. Teaching aids:</b>

<b>o</b> Sub-board
<b>V. Procedures:</b>

<b>Teacher’s and Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

S Ss. play the game

T. gives some questions
Ss. discuss and find out the

T. presents and explains the
words / phrase.

<b>1. Warm up: </b>(5’)
 <b>Brainstorming </b>

<b>2. Pre-Speaking</b>: (10’)
 <b>Questions</b>

1. What do you say to ask for a favor?
2. When do you ask for favor?

3. How do you say to respond to favor?
<b>-</b> <b>Favor (n): sự giúp đỡ, chiếu cố, ân huệ</b>
<b>-</b> flat tire <b>(n):</b>

 <b>Answer cues</b>:

1. Can / could you help me?
Could you do me a favor?
Can / Could you …..?
2. Need some help ….

3. Certainly / of course / sure
No problem.

<b>Asking for favors</b>
<b>(đề nghị được giúp </b>

<b>Responding to favors</b>
<b>(đáp lời đề nghị)</b>

Helping elderly people


<b>Activities that</b>
<b>participate in</b>


part in

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Ss. practice the dialogue (a +b)
in pairs

T. explains how to do task.
Ss. work in pair use the

expression in the box (to ask a
favor) to make dialogue on
page 56.

Ss. use the structures to make
up the dialogues in pairs
T. can help them

T. gives the homework

- Can / Could you help
me, please.

- Could you do me a

- I need a favor

- Can / Could you...?

- Certainly / Of course /

- No problem.

- What can I do for you?
- How can I help you?
- I’m sorry. I’m really

<b>Offering assistance</b> <b>Responding to assistance</b>
- May I help you?

- Do you need any

- Let me help you

- Yes/No. Thank you.
- Yes. That’s very kind of

- No. Thank you. I’m fine.
<b>3. While - Speaking: </b>(20’)

 <b>Practice the dialogues a + b / P 55 ,56</b>

 <b>Use the phrase to make the dialogues about </b>
<b>some situations.</b>

 <b>Model dialogue</b>

<b>Neighbor</b>: Could you help me please?
<b>You</b> Of course. How can I help you?
<b>Neighbor</b>: Can you help me to tidy the yard?

I’ve broken my leg.
<b>You</b> Certainly. I’ll help you.
<b>Neighbor</b>: Thank you very much.

That’s very kind of you.

<b>You</b> : Never mind. You are welcome
<b>4. Post- Speaking: </b>(7’)

 <b>Make up dialogues for these following </b>
<b>situation: </b>(marks – 10ms)

……….. open the door
……….. use your dictionary
……….. show me the way.
……….. borrow your money.

<b>5. Homework: </b>(3’)

- Practice asking and answering the questions
- Prepare: Unit 16 – Lesson 3 : Listen

Unit <b>16</b> - Period : <b>99</b>
<b>I. Aim</b>:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

Students can fill in the gaps and order sentences from listening
<b>II. Language contents:</b>

<b> 1. Grammar</b>: Review:<b> </b>Passive form

<b> 2. Vocabulary: </b> procedure , pulp , vat , drain , roller, roll
<b>III. Techniques:</b>

Guessing game
<b>IV. Teaching aids:</b>

<b>o</b> Sub-board

<b>o</b> Cassette and tape
<b>V. Procedures</b>

<b>Teacher’s and Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

-Ask Ss each think of an invention
or write it down on a piece of

-Call on 1 student to the front of
the class or ask the rest of the Ss
ask him / her yes / no question
- The chosen student can only
answer yes or no

T presents new words

-T uses the realia, translation to
introduce new words

-Ss copy

T. uses “Rub out and remember”
to make sure Ss. to remember the
new words well.

- T plays the tape 2 or 3 times and
ask to fill in the gaps with the
words they catch

- Ask Ss to compare their answers
with their partners

- Call on Ss to give their answers
-Give feedback & correct

-Ask Ss to read the sentences (a->
g) carefully and guess the order
-Write the Ss’ predictions on the


-Play the tape again & ask Ss to

<b>1. Warm up: </b>(5’)
<i><b>Guessing Game</b></i>
What invention ?

EX: Are you thinking of …?

<b>2. Pre -listening</b>: (10’)
 <b>New words</b>
- procedure (n)
- pulp ( n)

- What is the used to make paper?
- Vat (n)

- Drain (explanation)

- (to make something empty or dry by
removing all the liquid from it)
- roll (n)

<b>Checking vocabulary</b> : <b>ROR</b>
<b>3. While - listening: </b>(20’)

 <b>Key </b>

<b>Gap fill: (listen 1)</b>

Listen and fill in the gaps in these sentences

<i><b>1.</b></i> same

<i><b>2.</b></i> two hundred
<i><b>3.</b></i> left


<b>4. Post- listening: </b>(8’)

<b>Ordering prediction (listen 2)</b>

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-Call on Ss to give their correction
-Give feedback & correct

- T calls on some Ss to go to the
board and write their sentences
- Ss give feedbacks and give

T. gives the homework

A/ The water was drained

E/ The pulp fibers were poured out

G/ The pulp was conveyed under the rollers

<b>5. Homework: </b>(2’)
Learn new words by heart
Do exercises: 2/p132+ 3/p133

Prepare: Unit 15 – Lesson 4 : READ

Unit <b>15</b> - Period : <b>100</b>

<b>I. Aim</b>:

Ss can know more about how computers work in a university

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<b>II. Language contents:</b>

<b> </b>1. Grammar: The present / past simple tense.

<b> 2. Vocabulary: </b>freshman (n) bulletion board (n) impact (n)

jack(n) skeptical (a)

<b>III. Techniques</b>

o Jumbled words
o Open prediction
<b>IV. Teaching aids:</b>

o Cassette and tape, sub- board
<b>V. Procedures:</b>

<i><b>Teacher’s and students’ activities</b></i> <i><b>Contents</b></i>

Put the cardboards on the board
Ss work in 2 teams

Elicit words from Ss

Ss repeat and say the meaning

T asks Ss to guess what they’ve
going to read

T writes Ss’ guesses on the board
Get Ss to read the text again then
choose true or false

T asks Ss to answer questions
Ss write on the board

T corrects


<b> Warm up</b>(5’<b> </b>)

*** <i>Jumbled words:</i> words relating to a computer
1. terpirn

2. seumo
3. recsnc
4. nimorot

5. bdoaryke
6. moseu dap
<i>Answer key</i>

1. Printer

2. mouse 3. screen4. monitor 5. key board6. mouse pad

<b> Presentation (10’)</b>
freshman (n)

jack (a)

bulletion board = notice board
skeptical (a)

impact (n)
<i>What and Where</i>
* <b>Open prediction</b>

1. Where in the library do we get/ find information ?
2. How can we store the information ?

3. If we want to discuss something, how can we do ?
<b>3. While-_reading (15’)</b>

a) T
b) T
c) T
d) F
e) F
f) T

<b> Post- reading (13’) </b>

a) It has no library. All the information normally
found in a library is now stored in the university’s

b) All the information normally found in a library or
messages normally found on a bulletin board

c) A computer and a telephone

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number of people can get access to bulletin and
exchange informatin quickly

<b>5. Homework (2’)</b>

- Learn new words by heart.
- Prepare: Unit 15 (cont.)WRITE

Unit <b>15</b> Period :<b>101</b>

<b>I. Aim</b>:

Ss will be able to write a set of instructions on how to use the printer and complete
a flow chart

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

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<b> 1</b>. <b>Grammar </b>: - Review : Present Perfect
<b> 2</b>. <b>Vocabulary</b>: paper input tray (n)

power button (n)
icon (n)

output path (n)
remove (v)
<b>III. Techniques</b>

M Matching
M Gap- fill

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<b>Teacher’s and Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>
Ss. play a game

T. corrects

T. presents some new words,

Ss. listen and repeat (chorally,
then individually)

T. checks Ss’ vocabulary.

Ask Ss to look at exercise 1
and do the matching

Get some Ss to give their
answers and correct

Ask Ss to look at the pictures
on page 143 and read the cues
Have Ss work in pairs to
outline the instructions

Call on some Ss to say out the
instructions first (1 or 2 Ss for
each sentence)

Ask Ss to write the instructions
in their notebooks

Give feedback and correct
Pronunciation correction
T. corrects some Ss’ writing

<b>1.Warm up: (5’) </b>


Monitor power Computer
Tray Printer Freshman
Notice board Bulletin board Paper
<b>2. Pre- writing: (10’)</b>

 <b>Newwords:</b>
Paper input tray (n)
Power button (n)
Icon (n)

Output path (n)
Remove (v)

 <b>Checking vocabulary : MATCHING</b>
<b>WORD _______________ MEANING</b>

<i>Answer key</i>

a)3 b)1 c)6 d)2 e)4 f)5
<b>3. While -writing: ( 20’)</b>

<i>Answer key</i>

Remove the old paper and load the new
paper in the paper input tray

Wait for the power button to flash

Have the pages appear on the computer

Click the printer icon on the screen and
wait for a few seconds

The printed paper will come out of the
output path in a minute

<b>4. Post-writing: (8’) (10 MARKS) </b>
 <b>Correction</b>

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Unit <b>15</b>

Period : <b>102</b> <b> </b>

<b>I. </b>

<b> Aim</b>:

<i> Ss can use “yet” and “already” to express the present perfect</i>
<b>II. Language contents:</b>

<b>1</b>. <b>Grammar</b>: Review : - Present perfect
<b> 2</b>. <b>Vocabulary</b> : Review

<b>III. Techniques</b>

o Lucky number,
o Gap- fill dialogue
o Practice the dialogues.
<b>IV. Teaching aids:</b>

o Sub - board
o Pictures
<b>V. Procedures:</b>

<b> Teacher’s and Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

T divides the class into 2

<b>1. Warm up:</b>(5’) (10 MARKS)
<i>Lucky number</i>

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T sets the scene

T shows the chart (Ba’s diary)
on the board

T presents the present perfect
with “yet” and “already”

Have Ss copy

Ss complete the dialogue
using Yet and already

Call on some pairs to
demonstrate the dialogue for
the class

Give feedback and correct

T corrects

T explains

1/ What does your father / mother do ?
2/ What did you do last night ?

3/ Lucky number

4/ How often is Hue festival held ?
(It is held every 2 years )

5/ Lucky number

6/ What were you doing at 8 o’clock
last night ?

7/ Guess what your parents are doing at the
moment ?

8/ Who often cooks in your family ?

9/ Which grade will you be in next school

year ?

10/ Lucky number
<b>2. Presentation: </b>(14’)

<b>Present perfect with “Yet” and “Already”</b>

Yet: used in questions and negative

Already: used in positive statements

Yet: at the end of the sentence

Already: between auxiliary have and past

<b>3. Practice: </b>(15’)
<i>*Language focus 1</i>

_ Do homework √  (already)
_ Tidy the room X  (not yet)

_ Turn off the washing machine √  (already)
_ Call and tell aunt Le to have lunch √  (already)
<b>Answer key</b>

- I have finished it already

- I haven’t cleaned and tidied it yet
- I have already turned it off

- I’ve already called and told her to have lunch
with us

<i>Focus 2</i>

<b>Questions and answers</b>

T: Has the flight to Vientiane departed yet ?
S: Yes, it has already departed

T: Has the flight from Los Angeles arrived yet ?
S: No, it hasn’t arrived yet

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Ask Ss to look at the table on
page 146, read the sentences
and check

Ss give their answers
T corrects

<i>Present Perfect tense</i>

<i>Use: finished actions  indefinite time</i>
incompleted actions  for, since, recently

<i>Form: have/ has + past participle</i>
Write it up

<b>5. Homework: </b>(3’)
- Learn the new words by heart
- Review main grammar points
- Review from unit 9 to unit 15
- Prepare: revision

<b> </b>REVISION 1

Period : <b>103</b> <b> </b>
I. Aim:

This lesson helps Ss to review the knowledge which they have learn in the second

II<b>. Language contents</b>
1/ Grammar :


2/Vocabulary :

III. <b>Techniques</b>

Asks & answer the qs, pair work, ….
IV<b>. Teaching aids</b> : sub- boards

V<b>. Procedures</b> :

Teacher’s and SS’ activities Contents

T asks Ss to choose the words
which has different


Ss choose the words which has
different pronunciations

( work in pairs)

<b>1.Warm up</b>
<i><b>+ phonetics:</b></i>

1. a. sound b. could c. pound d. about
2. a. age b. any c. decade d. space
3. a. asked b. helped c. kissed d. wanted

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T corrects and gives marks

T review Ss how to use the
structures with the exercises
Ss choose the correct words to
complete the sentences

Then T asks them to complete

the sentences

Work in pairs

T explains ss some grammars in
the sentences

Ss listen and take note

T corrects Ss mistakes

T asks Ss to use the words to

2. a. statue b. valley c. include d. lava
3. a. believe b. happy c.custom d.member
2.Language contents

<i><b>1. Choose the correct words to complete the</b></i>

1. They have built this school……. 2001
a. for b. since c. in d. on
2. Do you mind if I ………… the door?
a.opening b.opens c. open d. opened

3. One christmas Eve in the early 1500s, some
people….. a tree in the Latvian city of Riga

a. decorated b.cut c. chopped d. took

4. The poem was …. by Clement Clarke Moore, an
American professor

a. thought b. written c. read d. sung
5. He used to …. Up late last year.

a. get b. to get c. got d. getting

6. Mount Rushmore can ………. From a faraway

a. see b. be seen c.look at d.be looked at
7. would you mind if I…………. here?
a. smoked b.smokingc.to smoked. d. smoked

8. Tourists coming to Sapa usually visit …. Where the
ethnic minorities live.

a. tribes b.hamlets c. districts d. villages

9. The boy ………. Soccer with Nam is my

a. playing b. to play c. play d. plays

10. In the factories, the glass is………….. into
smamm pieces

a. chopped up b. cut up c. broken d. chewed up
11. It is difficult ………… the exercises

a. do b. does c. doing d. to do

12. This statue was carved out of ………
a. sand b.water c.store d. liquid

13. She has learnt English …………..10 years
a. since b.for c. in d. to

14. They have a business meeting ………

a. in b. at c. on d. to

15. Sapa, a faraway northern town, is a famous

a. seaside b. mountainous
c. village d. countryside

<b> </b><i><b>. Write a story with the words give</b></i>
<i><b>Writing 1</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=15>

write the sentences
Ss write the sentences

T corrects Ss’mistakes

T asks Ss to write a letter to

your friend using the the outline
Ss write a letter


2. He/ realize/ his larm clock/ not go off.


3. As she/ leaving/ it/ start/ rain/ heavily


4. Nam/ try/ run/ fast/ she could


5. Strangely/ rain/ stop/ as she/ get/ his classroom

6. Luckily/ Nam/ enough time/ finish.
Writing 2

Place: Da lat..

The people: friendly, helpful and kind….
The weather: warm, cold, windy…..
Who you meet: old friends…

What you see: museums, parks, libraries..
What you buy: souvenirs, books, photos…..
3. Homework

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Period: 104

<b>REVISION 2</b>
I. Aim:

This lesson helps Ss to review the knowledge which they have learn in the second

II<b>. Language contents</b>
1/ Grammar :


2/Vocabulary :

III. <b>Techniques</b>

Asks & answer the qs, pair work, ….
IV<b>. Teaching aids</b> : sub- boards
V<b>. Procedures</b> :

Teacher’s and SS’ activities Contents
T asks Ss to choose the words

which has different

Ss choose the words which has
different pronunciations

( work in pairs)

T corrects and gives marks

<b>1.Warm up</b>
<i><b>+ phonetics:</b></i>

4. a. sally b. wash c. mass d.

5. a. asked b. needed c. added d.

6. a. age b.decade c.any d.


1. a.expensive b. important c. dangerous d.

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T review Ss how to use the
structures with the exercises
Ss choose the correct words to
complete the sentences

Then T asks them to complete
the sentences

Work in pairs

T explains ss some grammars in
the sentences

Ss listen and take note

T corrects Ss mistakes

T asks Ss to rewrite the

sentences with the words given
Ss write the sentences

T corrects Ss’mistakes

d. collect

3.a. enjoy b. happy c. lazy

2. .Language contents

<i><b>1. Choose the correct words to complete</b></i>
<i><b>the sentences</b></i>

1. Would you mind……….. open the

a. opening b. open c. to open d.

2. the school ……… in the street is

a. build b. building c. built d. to

3. Chicago is often………”the windy city”
a. said b. told c. called

d. spoken

4. When he ………….. I ……….dinner.
a. come/have b. came/ have c. came/ was
having d.comes/ has

5. We went ………. Aty Waikiki beach.
a. climbing b. hiking c. skating d.

6. The book …………. At the bookstore by

Lan yesterday

a. bought b. is bought c. was bought
d. buy

7. It is happy………..you at the party

a. meet b.meeting c. met d. to

8. Would you mind………… the door?
a. open b. opens c. opening d.to

9. She said she ……….. a nurse.

a. is b. am c. are d.


10. He likes…………sports.

a.watch b. to watch c. watching d.

12. Nam ……. 14 on his next birthday.
a.shall be b. is c. am d.will

13.I ……. breakfast in the kitchen every


a. eat b. ate c.will eat d. to

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T corrects Ss’ mistakes

T asks Ss to read the passage
carefully an choose the
sentences true/ false

T asks ss to write the answers
on the board

Ss write the answers on the

T corrects and gives marks

a. to tell b. tell c.telling d.

15. Santa claus is based on this…………..
a. poem b. poet c. Song d.


<b> </b><i><b>. Write . Write the sentences with</b></i>
<i><b>the words given. </b></i>

1. People play football all over the world

2. They planted the trees in the garden

> The trees


3. He plays tennis in the morning

4. He watched TV last night


5. He painted the school gate yesterday

The school



6. “ I live in the countryside.”

> He

7. “ The books are expensive”

> He

8. “ I love watching TV”


9. “This pen is good”

Mr Nam


10. “I can play soccer”

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=19>


3. Read the passage carefully and choose
true/ false

The rice- cooking festival was held in the
communal house yard about one kilometer
away from the river. There were three
competitions: water- fetching, fire- making
and rice- cooking. The festival took one

In the water- fetching contest one person
from each team had to run to the river to
get the water bottles.

In the fire- making contest two team
members had to make a fire in the
traditional way. They tried to rub pieces of
bamboo together to make the fire.

Six people from each team took part in the
rice- cooking contest. They had to separate
the rice from the husk and then cook the

After the three contests, all the points were
added and the Thon Trieu won the grand
prize. The festival was wonderful.

+ Choose true or false.

1. The rice- cooking festival was held in
the communal house yard about two
kilometer away from the river.

2. There were three competitions:
water-fetching, fire- making and rice- cooking.
3. In the water- fetching contest two
members from each team had to run to the
river to get the water bottles.

4. In the fire- making contest two team
member had to make a fire in the
traditional way

5. They tried to rub pieces of wood
together to make the fire.

6. Sixteen people from each team took part
in the rice- cooking contest.

3. Homework

Do the exercises at home

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=20>

<b>Period: 40</b>

<b>Week: 14 </b>

<b>I. AIM</b>:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to review the main grammar points and
vocabulary from unit 4 to unit 6, realize their mistakes that they’ll avoid in the next


<b>I. LISTENING</b>: <b>(1mark)</b>

<b>Listening script</b>: Listen to a dialogue between Nam and Lan
Lan: Can you do me a favor?

Nam: I am sorry. I am very tired now.
Lan: Really? What did you do yesterday?
Nam: I went camping with my friends.
Lan: Oh, wonderful. What did you do there?

Nam: We play soccer in the afternoon and we cooked meals by ourselves in
the evening.

Lan: How many of you went there?
Nam: Most of my classmates, 33 people.
Lan: Very interesting.

Nam: Yes, but very tired because we came back home at 12 p.m.
Lan: Oh.

1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F
<b> II. READING : (2.5 marks)</b>

M Choose the best answer

1.B 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.A

<b> III. GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY: (3.5 marks)</b>
M Multiple choice:

1.b 2.c 3.d 4.b 5.a 6.d 7.b

8.c 9.a 10.b 11.b 12.d 13.d 14.b
<b> IV. WRITING (3 marks)</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=21>

<b>1.</b> The teacher asked me <b>to wait for him / her outside the classroom.</b>
<b>2.</b> Tam speaks English <b>very well.</b>

<b>3.</b> After <b>doing</b> her homework, Lan usually listens to the plays on the radio.
<b>4. Sure / Certainly / Of course / No problem / I’m sorry. I’m really busy.</b>
<b>5. I am proud of my sister because she always studies well. </b>

<b>6. I …. ………….. last night</b> (students’ answer)

<b>1. Statistics :</b>

<b>Class</b> <b>Total students</b> <b>> 5</b> <b>< 5</b>

8A2 3840 3328 125


- Most of students understand the requests.

- Most of students can understand and do “Multiple choice, choose the best answer for
reading well.

- Some of students use the verb forms and answer the question well.
<i><b> 3. Disadvantages:</b></i>

- Some students can’t turn the sentence into reported speech.

- Many students can’t choose the word whosebold part is pronounceddifferently from
the others correctly.


<b> Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Contents</b>
Teacher gives Ss. some exercises

T. asks Ss. to choose the correct
answer to complete the sentences
Ss. write into their notebooks
T. corrects

To develop Ss’ writing, T asks Ss.
to rewrite the sentences

Ss work in pairs

I . Supply the correct verbs

1. I don’t like (run)………

2. He (use)……to go everywhere by bike last year.
3. Can you (empty)……… the waste basket?
4. They (make)………a lot of furniture next week.
5. (Cook)………… is the subject Hoa likes best.


1. running 2.used 3.empty
4. will 5. Make cooking

II. Choose the best answer

1. Can I participate…… this program?

a) on b) in c) at
2. Lan did very……….in your study.
a) good b) excellent c) well

3. Nam hates……….video games.

a) playing b) to play c) play

4. My friend…… the answers to the questions
a) know b) is known c) knows

5. When I was a child, ………… the violin

a) I was playing b) I used to play ) I played

Key: 1b, 2c, 3a, 4c, 5b

III. Change these sentences into reported speech.
<b>1.</b> “ Can you show me how to work this out?"
-> Ba……Khanh………

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=22>

T corrects

T can give marks if possible <b>3.</b> Mr. Tuan said to Ba: “You should change theway learn English”
-> Mr.Tuan………Ba………
<b>4.</b> My mom said to Lan “ You should go home


-> My mom………Lan………

1. Ba asked Khanh to show him how to work
that out.

2. Lan told Tan to help her with that exercise.
3. Mr. Tuan said Ba should change the way
learn English.

4. My mom said Lan should go home early.

<b>V. HOMEWORK</b>

- Do exercises: 9,10 /p 58, 59 in the textbook again.

- Prepare: unit 7: lesson 1 : GETTING STARTED + LISTEN AND READ.

<b>: </b>REVISION 1
I. Aim:

This lesson helps Ss to review the knowledge which they have learn in the second

II<b>. Language contents</b>
1/ Grammar :


2/Vocabulary :

III. <b>Techniques</b>

Asks & answer the qs, pair work, ….
IV<b>. Teaching aids</b> : sub- boards
V<b>. Procedures</b> :

Teacher’s and SS’ activities Contents

T asks Ss to choose the words
which has different


Ss choose the words which has
different pronunciations

( work in pairs)

T corrects and gives marks

T review Ss how to use the
structures with the exercises

<b>1.Warm up</b>
<i><b>+ phonetics:</b></i>

1. a. sound b. could c. pound d. about
2. a. age b. any c. decade d. space
3. a. asked b. helped c. kissed d. wanted

1.a. humid b. departc. empire d. minus
2. a. statue b. valley c. include d. lava
3. a. believe b. happy c.custom d.member
2.Language contents

<i><b>1. Choose the correct words to complete the</b></i>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=23>

Ss choose the correct words to
complete the sentences

Then T asks them to complete
the sentences

Work in pairs

T explains ss some grammars in
the sentences

Ss listen and take note

T corrects Ss mistakes

T asks Ss to use the words to
write the sentences

Ss write the sentences

2. Do you mind if I ………… the door?
a.opening b.opens c. open d. opened

3. One christmas Eve in the early 1500s, some
people….. a tree in the Latvian city of Riga
a. decorated b.cut c. chopped d. took

4. The poem was …. by Clement Clarke

Moore, an American professor

a. thought b. written c. read d. sung
5. He used to …. Up late last year.

a. get b. to get c. got d. getting

6. Mount Rushmore can ………. From a
faraway distance.

a. see b. be seen c.look at d.be looked at
7. would you mind if I…………. here?
a. smoked b.smokingc.to smoked. d. smoked
8. Tourists coming to Sapa usually visit ….
Where the ethnic minorities live.

a. tribes b.hamletsc. districts d. villages
9. The boy ………. Soccer with Nam is
my broyher.

a. playing b. to play c. play d. plays

10. In the factories, the glass is………….. into
smamm pieces

a. chopped up b. cut up c. broken d.
chewed up

11. It is difficult ………… the exercises
a. do b. does c. doing d. to do

12. This statue was carved out of ………
a. sand b.water c.store d. liquid

13. She has learnt English …………..10 years
a. since b.for c. in d. to
14. They have a business meeting
……… Saturday

a. in b. at c. on d. to

15. Sapa, a faraway northern town, is a famous

a. seaside b. mountainous
c. village d. countryside

<b> </b><i><b>. Write a story with the words give</b></i>
<i><b>Writing 1</b></i>

1. Nam/ English exam/ Friday/ and/ he/ get up/


2. He/ realize/ his larm clock/ not go off.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=24>

T corrects Ss’mistakes

T asks Ss to write a letter to
your friend using the the outline
Ss write a letter


3. As she/ leaving/ it/ start/ rain/ heavily


4. Nam/ try/ run/ fast/ she could


5. Strangely/ rain/ stop/ as she/ get/ his


6. Luckily/ Nam/ enough time/ finish.
Writing 2

Place: Da lat..

The people: friendly, helpful and kind….
The weather: warm, cold, windy…..
Who you meet: old friends…

What you see: museums, parks, libraries..
What you buy: souvenirs, books, photos…..
3. Homework

Do the exercises at home
Prepare the revision (cont)

<b> Comments :...</b>
Week:36 Period: 104

<b>Teaching day: </b>REVISION 2
I. Aim:

This lesson helps Ss to review the knowledge which they have learn in the second

II<b>. Language contents</b>
1/ Grammar :


<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=25>

III. <b>Techniques</b>

Asks & answer the qs, pair work, ….
IV<b>. Teaching aids</b> : sub- boards
V<b>. Procedures</b> :

Teacher’s and SS’ activities Contents
T asks Ss to choose the words

which has different

Ss choose the words which has
different pronunciations

( work in pairs)

T corrects and gives marks

T review Ss how to use the
structures with the exercises
Ss choose the correct words to
complete the sentences

Then T asks them to complete

the sentences

Work in pairs

T explains ss some grammars in
the sentences

Ss listen and take note

<b>1.Warm up</b>
<i><b>+ phonetics:</b></i>

4. a. sally b. wash c. mass d.

5. a. asked b. needed c. added d.

6. a. age b.decade c.any d.


1. a.expensive b. important c. dangerous d.

2. a. statue b. valley d. happy
d. collect

3.a. enjoy b. happy c. lazy


2. .Language contents

<i><b>1. Choose the correct words to complete</b></i>
<i><b>the sentences</b></i>

1. Would you mind……….. open the

a. opening b. open c. to open d.

2. the school ……… in the street is

a. build b. building c. built d. to

3. Chicago is often………”the windy city”
a. said b. told c. called

d. spoken

4. When he ………….. I ……….dinner.
a. come/have b. came/ have c. came/ was
having d.comes/ has

5. We went ………. Aty Waikiki beach.
a. climbing b. hiking c. skating d.


6. The book …………. At the bookstore by
Lan yesterday

a. bought b. is bought c. was bought
d. buy

7. It is happy………..you at the party

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=26>

T corrects Ss mistakes

T asks Ss to rewrite the

sentences with the words given
Ss write the sentences

T corrects Ss’mistakes

T corrects Ss’ mistakes

T asks Ss to read the passage
carefully an choose the
sentences true/ false


8. Would you mind………… the door?
a. open b. opens c. opening d.to

9. She said she ……….. a nurse.

a. is b. am c. are d.


10. He likes…………sports.

a.watch b. to watch c. watching d.

12. Nam ……. 14 on his next birthday.
a.shall be b. is c. am d.will

13.I ……. breakfast in the kitchen every

a. eat b. ate c.will eat d. to

14. They enjoy ….. ….. joles.

a. to tell b. tell c.telling d.

15. Santa claus is based on this…………..
a. poem b. poet c. Song d.


<b> </b><i><b>. Write . Write the sentences with</b></i>
<i><b>the words given. </b></i>

1. People play football all over the world

2. They planted the trees in the garden

> The trees


3. He plays tennis in the morning

4. He watched TV last night


5. He painted the school gate yesterday

The school


<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=27>

T asks ss to write the answers
on the board

Ss write the answers on the

T corrects and gives marks

> He

7. “ The books are expensive”

> He

8. “ I love watching TV”



9. “This pen is good”

Mr Nam


10. “I can play soccer”


3. Read the passage carefully and choose
true/ false

The rice- cooking festival was held in the
communal house yard about one kilometer
away from the river. There were three
competitions: water- fetching, fire- making
and rice- cooking. The festival took one

In the water- fetching contest one person
from each team had to run to the river to
get the water bottles.

In the fire- making contest two team

members had to make a fire in the
traditional way. They tried to rub pieces of
bamboo together to make the fire.

Six people from each team took part in the
rice- cooking contest. They had to separate
the rice from the husk and then cook the

After the three contests, all the points were
added and the Thon Trieu won the grand
prize. The festival was wonderful.

+ Choose true or false.

1. The rice- cooking festival was held in
the communal house yard about two
kilometer away from the river.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=28>

water-fetching, fire- making and rice- cooking.
3. In the water- fetching contest two
members from each team had to run to the
river to get the water bottles.

4. In the fire- making contest two team
member had to make a fire in the
traditional way

5. They tried to rub pieces of wood
together to make the fire.

6. Sixteen people from each team took part
in the rice- cooking contest.

3. Homework

Do the exercises at home

Prepare the second examination

<b> Comments :</b>

<i>Period 49,50</i>

<b>I. Objectives</b>

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review the grammar points and
vocabulary from Unit 9 to Unit 14

<b>II. Language contents</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=29>

<b> 2. Grammar</b>:

Progressive tense, Passive forms, Compound words, Indirect questions with “if”
and “whether”, Reported speech, Verb form

<b>III. Techniques</b>:
Gap fill

<b>IV. Teaching aids</b>:

textbook, extra board
<b>V. </b>Procedures:

<b>Teacher’s & Students’</b>

<b>activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

Ask sts to retell the grammar

Sts say

- Ask Ss to tell:

+ The use and form of the
tenses/ grammar

+ Give examples using
those tenses and adverbs.

T reviews the structures
and gives examples.
Sts listen and takenote.

<b>1.Warm up: (5’)</b>

- Retell the main grammar of unit 9 ,10, 11, 12, 13, 14
<b>2. Presentation: (35’))</b>

<i><b>a. Progressive tense</b></i>
<i>Past progressive tense : </i>
S + was/ were (+not) + V-ing

To describe an action at a point of time in the past
<i>Past progressive with “when” and “while”:</i>
Past simple + while + past progressive
Past progressive + when + past simple
<i>Progressive tenses with always</i>

S + be + always + V-ing : To express complaint
<i><b>b. Passive forms</b></i>

Form : be + V3/ V-ed

 Passive in present simple tense :
S + am/ is/ are (+not) + V3/ Ved

Ex: This letter is written by Lan

- I want to buy a new shirt.
- He decided to go home.
- They started to run.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=30>

S + was/ were (+not) + V3/ Ved

Ex: This house was painted 3 years ago ( by people)
 Passive in future simple tense :

S + will (+not) + be + V3/ Ved

Ex:A new car will be bought next week by Hoa
 Passive with modal verbs :

S + can/ could/ should/ must… (+not) + be+ V3/ Ved
Ex: Ex:He can mend this bike

This bike can be mended by him.
<i><b>c. Compound words</b></i>

N- V-ing

Example : rice-cooking, fire-making

<i><b>d. Indirect questions with “if” and “whether”</b></i>
Example : She asked me, “Do you have any pens?”
-> She asked me if/ whether if I had any pens

<i><b>e. Reported speech</b></i>

Eg: He said: “I’m a plumber.”
-He said he was a plumber.

(trực tiếp)


(gián tiếp)


- present
- can
- will
- must

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=31>

Ask sts to do some exercises
Sts practice.

<i><b>* To help Ss practice and</b></i>
<i><b>apply their knowledge into</b></i>
<i><b>some exercises</b></i>

Adverbs - now - then
<i><b>f. Verb form</b></i>

+ Question words + to V

Ex: She told me where to get ticket
+ Verb + to-infinitive

Ex: - I want to buy a new shirt.
- He decided to go home.
- They started to run.
+ Verb + bare infinitive

Ex: You should study hard.

She must go to school on time.
<b>3. Practice: (40’)</b>

<b>Exercise 1</b> : <b>Supply the correct tense or form of </b>
<b>verbs in the brackets</b>

a. She showed me how (get)………….drinks from
this machine

b. Nam (do)……… his homework at 5pm

c. My sister (play)……….. table tennis when I
(arrive)………….. home

d. While Ba (take)…………..a shower, the phone

e. We decide (go)………...to Da Lat this
summer vacation

f. My mother said that I (have)………..to stay at

g. This house (build)………….five years ago
<i><b>Key :</b></i>

a. to get
b. was doing

c. was playing/ arrived
d. was taking/ rang
e. to go

f. had

<b>Exercise 2</b> : <b>Change into passive voice</b>

a. They will build a bridge in this area next month.
b. He has not cleaned the house yet

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=32>


d. Alexander G. Bell invented the telephone in 1876
<i><b>Key :</b></i>

a. A bridge will be built in this area next month
b. The house has not been cleaned yet

c. Household and garden waste is used to make
compost by farmers.

d. The telephone was invented by Alexander G. Bell
<b>Exercise 3</b> : <b>Reported Speech</b>

a. He said, “I am a student”

b. My mother said, “You must stay home and do your

c. They asked me, “Are you working in a hospital?”
d. He asked us, “Do you want to join us?”

<i><b>Key :</b></i>

a. He said that he was a student

b. My mother said that I had to stay home and do my

c. They asked me if I was working in a hospital
d. He asked us if we wanted to join them

<b>Exercise 4</b>. Give the correct tense for verbs in bracket
a. Na (watch) ………….. TV last night.

b. Ba and Lan (read) ………. books at 8 last

c. Le family (sleep)……… when the telephone

d. Nga (visit)………. her grandmother tomorrow
e. They (live)……….. since last week.

f. Hoa …….. always (forget) ……….. her


a. watched b. were reading
c. was sleeping/ rang d. will visit
e. have lived f. is/ forgetting

<b>Exercise 5</b>. Write sentences with the word cues and the
correct tense above

a. He/ write/ poem/ 1823.

b. My father/ talk/ friends/ 8 last night

c. Mrs Thanh/ be/ San Francisco/ next week.
d. I/ not see/ her/ since yesterday.

e. Nam/ always/ go out/ evening.

a. He wrote this poem in 1823

b. My father was talking with his friends at 8 o’clock last

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=33>

Ask sts to do the exercise
Sts complete

T corrects if they make

T gives the homework

Sts takenote

d. I haven’t seen her since yesterday.
e. Nam is always going out in the evening.

Give the correct verb form

a. Would you mind if I (open) opened the windows?
b. The boy (talk) talking to Miss Lien is Ba.

c. Nga showed me where (buy)to buy some souvenirs.
d. The lamp (make) made in China is 3 dollars.

e. It is easy (answer)to answer this question.
<b>5. Homework (5’)</b>

- Review all the grammar points and vocabulary from
Unit 9 to Unit 14


