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Unit 9. Preserving the Environment. Lesson 3. Reading

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Preparing date: March 13th<sub>, 2018 Teaching date: March 16 </sub>th<sub>, 2018 </sub>
Class: 10C8 Period:

Student Teacher: Vu Thi My Hanh
Teacher: Phạm Thi Lan Oanh

<b> </b>

<b>Lesson 3: Reading</b>

<b>I/ Objectives: </b>

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

<b>1. Knowledge: ( 3 basic levels: recognition, comprehension, </b>

- Vocabulary: read, write, and understand key words or phrases related
to preserving the environment.

- Language: use structure, vocabulary to do Activity required.
<b>2. Skills: </b>

<b>-</b> Read for general ideas and for specific information about threats to
natural environment and do activities.

- Skimming and scanning reading
<b>3. Attitude and competencies:</b>

- Have a positive attitude towards what they have learnt.

- Understand and actively respond to relevant matters or situations.
<b>II/ Preparations:</b>

- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers and laptop.
<b>-</b> Students: Textbook.

<b>III/ Anticipated problems and solutions:</b>

- Students may not be used to the way of reading and doing the

- So prepare and explain carefully before asking them to do.
<b>IV/ Procedures:</b>



<b>1. Warm-up( 5 minutes work in groups)</b>
-T gives Ss a game, the name of the game is: “
Puzzle” and then Ss talk about their type of
pollution from picture

<b>Suggested answers:</b>
a. greenhouse effect
b. pollution

c. deforestation

<b>Suggested answers:</b>
a. greenhouse effect
b. pollution

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d. polar ice melting
e. fossil fuels

d. polar ice melting
e. fossil fuels

<b>2. New lesson</b>

<b>Activity 1: (7 minutes- individual)</b>

- Let Ss look at the photos and the instructions.
T asks:

+ What can you see in the photos?

+ What is the environmental impact in each

- Ss elicit the answers and put them on the board.
- T gives feedback.

<b>Activity 2: (7 minutes- individual)</b>

- T asks Ss to read the instruction and the options

carefully, and underline any key words that may
help them predict the content of the text.

- T allows enough time for Ss to skim the

paragraphs quickly. Encourage Ss to share their
ideas with their partners.

- T checks the answer.

<b>Activity 3: (7 minutes- work in groups )</b>

- T focuses Ss attention on the instruction. Write
all the highlighted words from the reading text on
the board.

- T goes over the definitions with the whole class.
- T checks comprehension and has Ss match the

- Alternatively, T asks Ss to work in groups.
<b>Activity 4 ( 7 minutes- group work)</b>

- T asks Ss to read the instructions carefully, and
underline the key words in the sentences provided.
- T encourages Ss to underline the parts of the
reading text relevant to the statements.

- T devides class into 4 groups.

- T checks answer as a class, and encourages Ss to
justify their choices by referring to the relevant
information in the reading text.


<b>Lesson 3:Reading</b>
<b>Activity 1: </b>


a. noise pollution
b. water pollution

c. air pollution
d. soil pollution

<b>Activity 2:</b>
<b>* Answer: </b>

<b>Activity 3:</b>

1. ecosystem
2. pesticides
3. inorganic
4. vegetation
5. fertilizer

6. pollutants
<b>Activity 4:</b>
<b>* Key:</b>
1. F
2. F
3. T
4. T
5. T
6. T

1. Environmental pollution is one of
the impacts of human activities.

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<b>Activity 5 ( 7 minutes- groups work)</b>

- T asks Ss some guiding questions before their

1. <i>What type of pollution is there in your </i>

<i>neighbourhood? </i>

<i>2.What are the causes and effects? </i>

<i>3.How can you help reduce this type of pollution?</i>

- T arranges Ss into group of 4 and let them
discuss the question.

<b>Suggested answers:</b>

There is soil pollution in my neighbourhood.
People throw much garbage on the ground. This
makes the soil contaminated. This also

creates/causes the decrease of soil fertility.

<b>Activity 5:</b>

Guiding questions before their

<i>1.What type of pollution is there in </i>

<i>your neighbourhood? </i>

<i>2. What are the causes and effects? </i>
<i>3. How can you help reduce this type of</i>

<b>Suggested answers:</b>

There is soil pollution in my

neighbourhood. People throw much
garbage on the ground. This makes the
soil contaminated. This also

creates/causes the decrease of soil

<b>3.Consolidation: (2 minutes- whole class) </b>
- T asks Ss: What have you learnt today? What
can you do now?

- Summarize the main points of the lesson
<b>4. Homework: (1 minute- whole class)</b>

- T asks students to make the sentence with the
new words.

- Prepare for the next lesson.
<b>Feedback: </b>


<i>Tiên Lãng, ngày tháng năm 2018</i>

<b>Phê duyệt của giáo viên hướng dẫn Người lập kế hoạch</b>


