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unit 1 friendship tiếng anh 11 đặng văn bang thư viện giáo án điện tử

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<b>Period: 1</b>


<i><b>Chương trình, phương pháp và yêu cầu đối với sách tiếng Anh 11</b></i>
<b> I. AIMS:</b>

Thông qua tiết học này học sinh hiểu khái quát về cấu trúc chương trình
tiếng Anh 11 , nắm được phương pháp học và những yêu cầu phải đạt được sau khi
học xong chương trình này.


<b>A. Giới thiệu chơng trình Tiếng anh 11:</b>

- Gồm 16 đơn vị bài học (Unit) và 4 bài ôn tập (Consolidation).

- Mỗi bài học đợc biên soạn theo 1 chủ đề nhất định đợc chia làm 5 phần , mỗi
phần là 1 kỹ năng ( c, nghe, núi, vit v language focus).

<b>- Mỗi bài ôn tËp gåm: </b>

Pronunciation; Listening comprehension; Vocabulary; Grammar and structure;
Reading and writing.

<b>B. Yêu cầu môn học:</b>

Mi h/s phi cú SGK (English 11) sách mới do NXB Giáo dục phát hành.
Mỗi h/s phải có 02 quyển vở ( ghi chép và chuẩn bị bài ở nhà )

Trớc khi đến lớp h/s phải chuẩn bị bài ở nhà theo yêu cầu từng phần (Tasks) và làm
bài tập theo y/c của giáo viên

Trong lớp h/s phải tích cực tham gia các hoạt động theo cặp, theo nhóm dới sự hớng
dẫn của giáo viên. Nêu câu hỏi thắc mắc yêu cầu giáo viên giải đáp (nếu có).

<b>Tóm lại :</b> Để học tập có kết quả mỗi h/s sinh cần phát huy tính tích cực, tính
chủ động, tự giác trong hoạt động học tập , không trông chờ ỷ nại. Giáo viên chỉ
đóng vai trị là ngời tổ chức hoạt động, hớng dẫn, giảI đáp thắc mắc, giúp đỡ khi h/s
gặp khó khăn.

<b>3. Remind:</b>

+ Prepare for Unit 1: Reading part.

The end

<b> Period 2</b>

<b> Unit1: Friendship</b>

<b>Part A: Reading</b>

<b>I. Objectives: </b>By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- Develop such reading skill as scanning for details, specific ideas, skimming for
general information, and guessing meaning in context.

- Use the information they have learnt to discuss the topic.

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- Textbook, handouts, pictures concerning to the topic,...

<b>III. Anticipated problems:</b>

- Ss may need help with discussion task so T should be ready to help them

- Ss may have difficulty in reading some difficult words such as: Sympathy, loyalty,
suspicion, enthusiasm ,..

- T may not have enough time to teach

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Teacher s activities</b>’ <b>Students activities</b>’

<b>1. Check the attendance </b>
<b>2. Warm up </b>


T repairs a hand out with network of the word

T divides the class into 8 groups and gives each
group a hand out. T asks Ss to complete the net work.
The winner will be the group completing the network
in the shortest period of time.

<b>A. Before you read </b>

- Discussing the picture and poem.

- T asks the whole class to look at the picture on page
12 and asks them some questions:

1. What are girls and boys doing in the picture?
2. How do they feel?

3. What does the picture tell you?

- T ask Ss to work in pairs to read the short poem on
the page13 and answer the question:

 What do you think of the friend in the poem?
- T calls on some Ss to answer the questions. T may
give some comments and the suggestions:

The friend in the poem is very dedicated and
thoughtful. He/She is willing to help his/her friend in
any circumstances.

<b>Pre- teaching vocabulary</b>

- Lasting (a) = lifelong
- Be concerned with sb/st
- Constancy (n) constant (a)
- Rumour (n) ['ru:mə]

- Gossip (n): information talk or stories about other
people’s private lives that may be unkind or not true.
- Incapable of / in'keipəbl/

- Suspicion (n) / sə'spi∫n/ suspicious (a)
- Pursuit (n)

- Group work.

- Discuss about the qualities which
friendship must have to complete
the network.

- Suggested answers:

Honest, unselfish, constant, loyal,
mutual trust, sympathetic,

- Pair work

- Suggested answers

1. One boy is playing guitar, and
the other girls and boys are singing
2. They seem very happy because
we can see their smile

3. The picture tells us that friends

can happily do many things
together or friendship is a beautiful
thing that brings happiness to us.
Dedicated (a) tận tâm, tận lực
Thoughtful (a) chu đáo, quan tâm
Circumstance (n) hoàn cảnh, tình

lâu dài, bền vững
quan tâm tới ai, cái gì
tính kiên định

tin đồn chuyện ngồi lê đôi mách,
chuyện tầm phào

không đủ khả năng
sự nghi ngờ

sù nghiệp, sự theo đuổi, đam mê
sự thông cảm

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- Sympathy (n) ['simpəθi], sympathetic (a)

- Sorrow (n) / 'sɔrou/= sadness

- T asks Ss to make some Ss to make sentences with
above words to check their understanding.

- Have Ss practice reading the vocabulary

<b>B. While you read</b>

Setting the scence.

You are going to read a passage about the qualities of
a long lasting friendship. While you reading, do the
task in the textbook.

<b>Task1 </b>

- T asks the Ss to read the words in the box then fill
each blank with one of them.

- Ask Ss to read the passage quickly and stop the
lines that contain these words to guess their meaning.
- T asks Ss to work individually to do the task.

- T goes around to help them when necessary.

- T asks Ss to exchange their answers with the other

- T asks Ss for their answers and tell then to explain
their choices.

<b>Task 2 </b>

- T asks Ss to read the passage again and decide
which of the choices A, B, C, or D most adequately

sum up the ideas of the whole passage.

- T gets Ss do the task individually.

- T might also want to give Ss some strategies to find
the main idea of the passage.

- T calls on some Ss to give the answer and asks other
Ss to say whether they agree or disagree.

<b>Task 3 </b>

- Ask Ss to answers the questions in task3.

- T asks Ss to do the task individually to do the task,
then discuss their answers with their partne.r

- T calls some Ss to write their answers on the board
and ask them to explain their choices.

Correct answers:

1. The first quality for true friendship is
unselfishness. It tells us that a person who is
concerned only with his/her own interest and feelings
can’t be a true friend.

2. Because they take up and interest with enthusiasm,
but they are soon tired of it and they feel the
attraction of some new object.

3. The third quality for true friendship is loyalty. It
tells us that the two friends must be loyal to each
other, and they must know each other so well that
there can be no suspicions between them.

4. Because if not people cant feel safe when telling

nỗi buồn

- Do as Ts requests

- Whole class

- Individual work & pair work.
- Ss guess the meaning of the word
base on the context in the

1. mutual
2. incapable of
3. unselfish

4. acquaintance / friend
5. give -and - take
6. loyal to

7. suspicious

- Whole class read the text


- Individual work
Answer: B

- Individual work and pair work

- Pay attention then give remark
- Correct themselves their mistakes

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the other their secret

5. Because they cannot keep a secret, either of their
own or of others’ .

6. The last quality is sympathy. It tells us that to be a
true friend one must sympathise with his/her friend.
Where there is no mutual sympathy between friends,
there is no true friendship.

<b>C. After you read </b>

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to discuss the question in
the text book.

- T goes around to help the Ss when necessary

- When all pairs have finished, T asks every two pairs
to share ideas.

- T calls on some Ss to report their ideas to the class

<b>4. Homework </b>

- Learn by heart all of new words and structures and
give examples.

- Summarise the main points of the text.

The friendship is very important to
our life. A true friend can helps us
when we are sorrow and when we
have difficulty. We can share
ideas, feeling, likes, joys,
pleasures, aims to each other.
Sometimes only true friends can
understand, sympathise us so we
feel safe to tell him/her our secrets.
Friendship brings us happiness. We
happily do many things together.
So we can’t live without friendship.
- Whole class.


<b> Period 3</b>
<b>Unit1: Friendship</b>

<b>Part B: Speaking</b>
<b>I. Objectives: </b>By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to

- Describe the physical characteristics and personalities of their friends, using
appropriate adjectives

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

Textbook, handouts, pictures about some famous people,...

<b>III. Anticipated problems:</b>

Ss may not have enough vocabulary to talk about the topic, so T should be ready to
provide help.

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Teacher s activities</b>’ <b>Students activities</b>’

<b>1. Check the attendance </b>
<b>2. Warm up </b>

- Ask Ss to describe one of their friend or their

<b>3. New lesson</b>
<b>A. Presentation </b>
<b>Task 1</b>

- Ask 1 S to read aloud the title and explain.

Instruction: You are going to look at the picture of 4
people on page 15 and describe them in pairs.

- Before letting Ss do the task, T asks them to read
useful language on page 16.

- Do as teacher’s request

- Pair work

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- T may explains some word if Ss don’t know the
meaning of the adjectives provided.

Forehead (n) / 'fɔ:hed/: T points at his/her forehead
Crooked (a) / 'krukid/

- T may ask Ss to provide some adjective/expressions
used to describe people’Ss appearance. She may also
give Ss handout of these adjectives and expressions:

<b>Height : </b>tall, short, medium

<b>Build : </b>slim (mảnh khảnh), plump (bụ bẫm, đầy
đặn), overweight, thin. Muscular / 'mʌskjulə/ (vạm
vỡ), stocky (thấp và chắc), well-built (lực lỡng).

<b>Hair: </b>

-length: long, short, shoulder- length

- style: straight , wavy, curly, crew-cut (đầu cua)
- color: black, grey, red, brown

Others: a fringe (m¸i), a bun (bói tãc), plait(s) / plổt/
đuôi sam.

<b>Face:</b> oval, round, large, square, skinny/ ['skini](gầy
nhom, gầy trơ xơng), chubby (phóng phÝnh), long,
with high cheekbones (gò má cao)

<b>Eyes: </b>small, big, black, brown, blue

<b>Nose: </b>straight, crooked, turned-up, big, small, flat

<b>Chin: </b>pointed chin (c»m nhän), double chin

<b>Lips</b>: thin, full, narrow, heart-shaped

<b>Forehead: </b>broad, high

<b>Skin</b>: white, pale /peil/ (t¸i, xanh x¸m), suntanned
(rám nắng), dark, brown, black.

<b>General appearance: </b>beautiful, handsome, pretty,
good looking, plain (b×nh thêng).

T asks to work in pairs to describe the people in the
picture, and then calls on some Ss to present their


T gives feedback

<b>B. Practice </b>
<b>Task 2</b>

- Ask Ss to discuss and number the personalities in
order of importance in friendship and then report the

- Before Ss do the task, T asks them to look at the list
of adjectives provided in book. T asks if Ss
understand these adjectives or not.

- T can elicit [i'lisit] (ln ra, gỵi ra) or explain some
adjectives quickly.


Sincere, understanding

- T divides the class into group of 6 with a group
leader. They discuss and the leader will take notes of


Mịi kho»m

- Whole class use hangouts to

1. The boy is about 16. He is
short-sighted because he’s wearing apair
of glasses. He has short black hair,
a round face with a broad forehead,
a small nose, thin lips and small
chin. He quite good - looking.
2. The girl is about 14. She’s also
wearing a pair of glasses. She has
shoulder-length black hair, and
she’s wearing a ribbon (bêm tãc).
She has an oval face with a straight
nose, full lips and a pointed chin.
She quite pretty.

3. The man is in his forties. He’s
tall and well-buit. He has short
brown hair and a square face with a
broad head, small eyes, a crooked
nose and thin lips. He quite good

4. The woman is her twenties.
She’s quite tall and slim. She has
long curly brown hair and an oval
face with a broad forehead, big
eyes, a straight nose heart-shaped

lips and a small chin. She’s very

- Whole class and group work

Chu đáo
Hiếu khách
Khiêm tốn
Chân thành

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the ideas, and then one representative will report the
result to the whole class. T reminds Ss that they have
to explain their choice as well.

- T goes round to offer help when Ss discuss

- T call on some Ss to report the result of their

- T elicits feedback from the class and gives final

<b>C. Production </b>
<b>Task 3</b>

<b>Instruction: </b>Imagine that you have a friend who has
just won the first prize in Mathematics. A journalist is
going to interview you about your friend. Act out the
interview in pairs.

- T asks Ss to look at their role on page 16 anf the
suggestions on page 17.

- T may elicit the questions they may ask.

- his /her hobbies: What does he/she like doing in
his/her freetime? what are his/her hobbies?

- his/her physical characteristics: what does he/ she
look like?

His/her personalities: How is he/she?Is she/he

- T may also make clear the meaning of some

Quick - witted
Good - natured

- T asks Ss to work in pairs to perform the interview
in 7 minutes and goes around to offer help.

- T calls on some pairs to perform the interview.
- T elicits feedback from the class and gives final

<b>4. Home work </b>

- Write down a paragraph to describe your best friend

- Prepare the next period ”listening”.

- Group work

1st<sub> group: My group thinks that</sub>

being caring is the most important
in friendship because when friends
care about each other, they will
know when to share happiness or
difficulty with their friend.

- Pay attention

Nhanh trÝ
Tèt bông
- Pair work
Whole class

<b>Period 4</b> <b>Unit1: Friendship</b>
<b>Part C: Listening</b>
<b>I. Objectives: </b>By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to

- Develop such listening micro-skills as intensive listening for specific information
and taking notes while listening.

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

- Textbook, handouts, cassette tapes,….

<b>III. Anticipated problems:</b>

- Ss may not be familiar with the note - taking task, so T should provide them some
tips to deal with the task.

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Teacher s activities</b>’ <b>Students activities</b>’

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<b>2. Warm up </b>


The aim of this activities is to help Ss revise the
vocabulary items Ss learnt in the previous lesson.
- T divides the class into small groups of 3-4

- Then T distributes the following crossword hand out
for Ss to do in their own groups. Which group
finishes first and has all the correct answers will be
the winner.

<b>A </b> <b> B</b>

1. good - natured a, Nhanh trí
2. friendly b, Hào phóng
3. quick - witted c, Hiếu khách
4. hospitable d, Hay giúp đỡ
5. patient e, Khiêm tốn

6. honest f, Ham học
7. generous g, Kiên nhẫn
8. helpful h, Thật thà
9. modest i, Thân thiện
10. studious j, Tốt bụng

<b>3. New lesson</b>

<b>A. Before you listen </b>

Talking about your best friend.

- T asks Ss to discuss the questions on page 17 in

- T calls on some Ss to give their answer and
comments on the answer.

- T gets Ss what they are going to listen about
Vocabulary pre – teaching.

- Before teaching the new words, T helps Ss to
pronounce the words given in the book. T may read
aloud first or play the tape and ask Ss to repeat in
chorus and individually

- elicits / teaches some of these word and those taken
from the listening passage.

Apartment building:

Sense of humour:

Give sb a ring: phone sb
Go though a rough time:

- T may get Ss to make sentences with the words and
give corrective feedback.

<b>B. While you listen</b>
<b>Task 1 </b>

Instruction: You are going to listen to Lan and Long
talk about their best friends. Listen and decide
whether the statements are True or False. Put a tick
() in the appropriate box.

- Before Ss listen and do the task, T instructs them to
use some strategies

- Whole class

- Group work

1. j
2. i
3. a
4. c
5. g
6. h
7. b

8. d
9. e
10. f

- Pair work

- Whole class

Toà nhà có nhiều căn hộ
Khiếu hài hớc

Gọi điện cho ai

Trải qua thời kỳ khó khăn

Pay attention

- Individual work & Group work

<b>Lan s talk</b>’

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+ First, read through the statements to understand
them and underline key words. For example, the key
words in the first statement are: shared, Nguyen
Cong Tru, Residential Area, Hanoi,...

+ Listen to the tape and pay attention to the key

+ Decide whether statements are true or false based

on what they can hear.

<b>-</b> T plays the tape once for Ss to do the task.

<b>-</b> T asks for Ss’answers and writes them on the

<b>-</b> T plays the tape the second time for Ss to check
their answers.

<b>-</b> T asks Ss to work in group 4 to compare their

<b>-</b> T checks Ss’ answers by calling some Ss and asks
them to explain their answers.

<b>Task 2 </b>

Instruction: You are going to listen to the tape again
and fill the table in the book with notes.

- T plays the tape again for Ss to complete their notes.
- after playing the tape, T gets Ss to work in pair and
check their answers.

- T calls on some Ss to give the answers. T provides
correct answers if necessary. If Ss cannot comple the
task, T might let Ss listen one more time and pause at
the answers for them to catch.

Suggested answers:

How and where

did they meet? What do they like abouttheir friends?
Lan - They used to

live in the same

building in HN
- Lan went on a
holiday in Do Son
and Ha went
there to help her

<b>- </b>Ha’s very friendly and

- Ha’s sociable. She’s
got many friends in Do
Son and she introduced
Lan around.


g - They met incollege
- Minh played the
guitar, and Long
was a singer

- They worked

- Minh has a sense of

- Minh likes to go to
plays and movies

- Minh is a good

- Minh is friendly and

<b>C. After you listen </b>

- T asks Ss to work in pairs to talk about how Ha has
been Lan’s best friend and how Minh has been
Long’s best friend.

2. F (It is what people think)
3. T

4. (Lan went to Do Son first and
then called Ha, so Ha rode on her
mortorbike to Do Son to meet Lan)
5. T

6. F (They have been best friends

since Lan’s trip to Do Son)

<b>Long s talk</b>’

1. F (They met in college)
2. F (Minh was a guitarist)
3. T 4. T 5. T
- Whole class

- Individual work and then pair

Listen to the tape carefully and fill
the table in the book with note

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- T goes around to offer help and correct Ss’

- T calls on some pairs to present their answers.

- T elicits feedback from the class and give final

<b>4. Home work </b>

- Ask Ss to learn by heart all new words and prepare
the next lesson “ writing”.


<b>Lan s talk</b>’

My best friend is Ha. We’ve been friends for a long time. We used to lived in
Nguyen Cong Tru Residential Area in HN. Her family moved to Hai Phong in1985.
It is said that HP people are cold but Ha is really, really friendly. I first started to
get to know her when I was going on a two-day trip to Do Son last year and didn’t
know anybody there. I gave Ha a ring and she was so friendly, she said. “ Oh, I’ll
come to visit you”. So she rode on her motorbike to Do Son and twenty minutes
later she was there. She stayed with me for two days. She happened to know a lot of
people there, so she introduced me around and we’ve been best friends ever since.

<b>Long s talk</b>’

My best friend is Minh. We met in college. And I was there singing and Minh was
a guitarist. So we worked together a lot, but we also became friends. Minh has a
great sense of humour, he’s very,very funny, and that’s of my favourite things about
him. And over the years, we have been through good times and bad times with
each other, and that’s one of the things I like best about him. And we have a lot of
the same interests. We like to go to plays and movies together. But when we’re
going through a rough time, he’s really a good friend, and he’s a very good listener,
and he always helped me though.

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<b>Unit1: Friendship</b>
<b>Part D: Writing</b>

<b>I. Objectives: </b>By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:

- Write about a friend, real or imaginary, using the words and expressions that they
have learnt in previous lesson.

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

- Textbook, handouts, …

<b>III. Anticipated problems:</b>

- Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to write about the topic, so T should be
ready to help them

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Teacher s activities</b>’ <b>Students activities</b>’

<b>1. Check the attendance </b>
<b>2. Warm up </b>

<b>Guessing game</b>

T introduces the game: 1 student goes to the board
and T gives him or her a piece of paper with the name
of a student in the class. Other Ss have to ask Yes/No
question to find out who students is. Ss should ask
about the appearance, personalities, or clothes.

- The game can continue until the time is up.

<b>A. Before writing </b>

- T sets the scene: You are going to write about a
friend, real or imaginary, using the provided


- T gets Ss to read the task and the guidelines silently
and work out what they are required to write about.
In general, Ss’ writing should include 3 parts:

+ general information about about their friend.
+ his/her physical characteristics and personalities.
+ and what Ss like about the friend.

- T elicits the verb tenses that may be useful when Ss
want to write about when and where they met their
friend. In this case, Ss may use the simple past tense
and past continuous in their writing.

- T revises the use of the past tense and past
continuous tense.

- T may also elicit the adjectives and expressions Ss
can use to describe their friend’s appearance and

- T gets Ss prepare an outline for their writing and
exchange it with their peer(partner).

- T goes around to offer help and gives corrective

<b>B. While writing </b>

- T gets Ss to write about their friend in 15minutes
- T goes around to observe and offer help

<b>C. Post writing </b>

- T asks Ss to exchange their writing with another Ss

- Group work

Ss may ask questions such as:
Is the person a girl?

Is she tall?

Is she short- sighted?
Is she friendly?

- Whole class

- Pay attention

- Individual work

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for correction

- T goes around and collects mistakes and errors
- T collects some writings for quick feedback

- T writes Ss’ typical errors on the board and elicits

self and peer correction. T provides correction only
when Ss are not able to correct the errors.

- Finally, T provides general comments on the

<b>4. Home work </b>

- Ask Ss to improve their writing, taking into
consideration their best friends’ and T’s suggestions
and corrections.

- Ask them to prepare the next period: “language

- Whole class

Period 6

<b>Unit1: Friendship</b>
<b>Part E: Language focus</b>
<b>I. Objectives: </b>By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:
- Distinguish the sound /dʒ/ and /t∫/.

- Pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly.

- Use some structures containing infinitives with and without to appropriately.

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

- Textbook, handouts, …

<b>III. Anticipated problems:</b>

- Ss may find it difficult to pronounce the two sounds, so T should prepare a lot of

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Teacher s activities</b>’ <b>Students activities</b>’

<b>1. Warm up </b>

<b>Noughts and Crosses</b>

Hospitable Honest Around face

Caring Sense of

humour Friendly

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=12>

Large Good-natured Pleasant

<b>2. New lesson</b>
<b>A. Pronunciation </b>

- Pronouncing the two sounds separately

- T models the two sound /<b>dʒ</b>/ and /<b>t∫</b>/ for few times
and explains the differences in producing them.

- /<b>dʒ</b>/: <b>is a voiced palatal</b>

Voiced = vocal cords vibrate while making this

Palatal = put your tongue behind your top teeth, push
air as you drop your tongue away from the roof of
your mouth.

-<b> /t∫/ is an unvoiced fricative palatal</b>

Unvoiced - vocal cords do not vibrate while making
this sound.

Fricative palatal = touch your tongue to the back of
your upper teeth and pull your tongue away as your
push air out of your mouth.

- T plays the tape once for Ss to hear the works
containing these two sounds. Then T plays the tape
again and this time asks Ss to repeat after the tape.

<b>Pronouncing words containing the sounds</b>

- T reads the words in each column all at once.

- /<b>dʒ</b>/: jam, joke, January, dangerous, passenger,

- /<b>t∫</b>/:children, changeable, cheese, mutual, church ,

- T reads the words once again, each time with a
word in each column to help Ss distinguish the
differences between the sounds in the words.

- T reads the words and asks Ss to repeat them.

- T asks Ss to practice pronouncing the words in

- T goes around providing help.

- T asks some Ss to pronounce the words and give
correction if necessary.

<b>Practicing sentences containing the target sounds</b>

- T reads the sentences and asks Ss underline the
words with the sound and write /dʒ/ and /t∫/ under

- T asks Ss to provide the sentences in pairs.
- T goes around providing help.

- T asks some Ss to read the sentences and gives

<b>B. Grammar and Vocabulary</b>

<b>1. To infinitive </b>

- T writes some sentences on the board and underline
the to+ infinitive

- Listen attentively
- Tell the difference
âm vòm miệng hữu thanh

Dây thanh âm rung lên khi phát âm
- Listen and take note

âm vô thanh: dây thanh âm không
rung lên khi phát âm

âm vòm miệng phụ âm xát

- Repeat after the tape

-/dổm/, /

dʒouk/, /


/deindʒrəs/, /'pæsindʒə/, /vilidʒ/
- /'t∫ildrən/, /'t∫eindʒəbl/,
/t∫i:z/, /'mju:tjuəl/, /t∫ə:t∫/, /wit∫/

- Practice reading

- Practice reading the sentences
which contain 2 sounds.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=13>

+ I have letters to write to my friends
+ I have some homework to do

+ Does he get anything to eat?
+ Have you got anything to say?

- T asks Ss to comment on the use of to + infinitives
in these examples. T reviews the form and use of to
–infinities in the example

<b>-</b> The infinitive can be placed after nouns/pronouns to
show how they can be used or what is to be done
with them

+ I have letters to write = I have letters that I must

+ I have some homework to do = I have some
homework that I must do

+ Does he get anything to eat?= Does he get anything
that he can eat?

<b>N/pro+to - infinitives </b>

Ex: I need someone to take care of my children

<b>to - infinitives + prepsitions</b>

ex: I need someone to talk to my mother

Can I borrow your case to keep my records in?

<b>Adj+</b> <b>to -infinitive </b>

<b>Too/ enough +to </b>–<b>infinitive</b>

<b>Exercise 1</b>

- Ask Ss to do exercise1 individually and then
compare their answers with another student.

- T calls on some Ss to read aloud their answers.
- T gives the correct answers.

<b>2. Infinitive without to </b>

- after “<b>make, let</b>”<b>+object +bare infinitive </b>

- after verbs of perception such as: <b>feel, hear,</b>
<b>watch</b>, <b>see, notice, observe, smell+object +bare</b>

- Ask Ss to give some examples.

- Listen and ask the other to comment.

<b>Practice </b>
<b>Exercise 2</b>

- T asks Ss to do exercise 2 in pairs. Ss have to
rewrite the sentences by using the words given.

- T asks them to compare answers with another pairs.
- T calls on some Ss to go to the board to write their

- T asks other Ss to feedback and gives correct

- Give their opinions

- In the examples above <b>the</b>
<b>infinitives are used to replace</b>
<b>relative clauses</b>

- Give more examles
- Take notes

I pleased to see you.

Ex: The water is too hot to drink.
He’s old enoughto go to

Individual work

1. Who wants somethings to eat.
2. I have some letters to write.
3. I am delighted to hear the news.
4. My mother has some shopping
to do

5. You always have too much to
talk about.

6. It’s lovely to see you again.
7. It’s too cold to go out.

8. I’m happy to know that you have
passed the exams.

Ex: Nothing can make him cry
I see her cook dinner
(completed action)

<b>Notice</b>:I see her cooking dinner (I
see she’s cooking dinner)

- Pair work and then individual

1. The police watched them get out
of the car.

2. They let him write a letter to his

3. I heard them talk in the next

4. The customs officer made him
open the briefcase.

5. The boy saw the cat jump
though the window.

6. Do you think the company will
make him pay some extra money?
7. I felt the animal move towards

8. Do you think her parents will let
her go on a picnic?

- Whole class

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<b>Production </b>

Extra exercise

Join these pairs of sentences
1. she crossed the road. I saw her
2. They sang a song. I heard them
3. He looked the door. I observed him

4. She drove off. I saw her

5. He was foolish. He left the firm

6. A pavement artist drew a portrait in crayons. I
watch him

7. We can’t refuse their invitation. It would look rude
8. I met you again. I was happy

9. The film was boring. I didn’t watch it
10. The woman is old. She can’t drive a car

<b>3. Homework </b>

- Learn by heart all the knowledge they’ve learnt and
practice them again at home.

- Prepare the next lesson:unit 2 : reading.

5. He was foolish to leave the firm.
6. I watched a pavement artist draw
a portrait in crayons.

7. It would look rude to refuse their

8. I was happy to meet you again.
9. The film was not interesting
enough for me to watch.

10. The woman is too old to drive a

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Period 7

<b> Unit 2:</b> <b>Personal experiences</b>
<b>Part A: Reading</b>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:

- Develop such reading skills as scanning for details, specific ideas, skimming for
general information, and guessing meaning in context, identifying the sequence of

- Use the information they have learnt to discuss the story.

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

- Textbook, handouts, cassette,…

<b>III. Anticipated problems:</b>

- Ss may need help with discussion task, so T should be ready to help them.

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Teacher s activities</b>’ <b>Students activities</b>’

<b>1. Check the attendance </b>
<b>2. Warm up </b>

Ask Ss some questions and ask Ss to answer
<b>-</b> When was your last birthday?

<b>-</b> What did you do on that day?
<b>-</b> How did you feel on that day?
<b>-</b> What did your parents offer you?

<b>3. New lesson</b>

<b>A. Before you read </b>

- T introduce the pictures:

The six pictures describe the events in a story.
They’re not in chronological order. Can you describe
what’s happening in each of the picture

- T suggests for the Ss by asking some questions:
+ What do you see in the 1st<sub> picture?</sub>

+ What do you think might be relationship between
the girl and the man?

+ What do you see on the table?

Floppy cotton hat
Wad of dollar notes

<b>B. While you read</b>

<b>Set the scene:</b> you are going to read a story in which
a girl’s telling about her most embarrassing situation.

<b>Task 1 </b>

- T asks Ss to reads the passage silently and do the

- T writes the given words and phrases on the board:
To make a fuss

Sneaky (a)
Glanced (a)
Embarassing (a)
Idol (n)

- T asks Ss to go back to the passage to locate and
read around these words.

- Whole class

- Answer the questions

Whole class

A man and a young girl

May be they are family members
It’s money

Mò v¶i mỊm
TËp tiỊn

- Pay attention

- Read the passage in silently
- Guess the meaning of the words
gây ồn ào, ầm ĩ

lén lót

to look quickly at st/sb

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=16>

- T checks that Ss understand all these words
correctly by calling on some Ss to tell the meaning of
the word in Vietnameses.

- Then T asks Ss to go back to the task and study the
given sentences.

- T asks them to fill the blank with the words/ phrases
in the box.

- T checks the answer with whole class.

<b>Task 3 </b>

- T checks if Ss can answer the comprehesions in
task3 without having to read the passage again. If Ss
can not, T gets them to read the questions carefully
and gives them some tips to do the task

- T gets Ss to check their answer with a peer

- T calls on some Ss to write their answers on the
board and asks them to explain their choices

<b>C. After you read </b>

- Ask Ss to look at the last picture(c) and give

+ How did the girl in the picture feel?
+ Why did she feel that way?

+ What did she do after that?

- T calls on the group to tell and explain their choice

- Then T asks Ss to summarise the main points of the

<b>4. Homework </b>

- Summarises the main points of the lesson again

- Learn by heart the new words and make sentences
with them

someone you admire and adore

1. glanced

2. making a fuss
3. ambarassing
4. idols

5. sneaky

- Individual work then pair work
1. A floppy cotton hat

2. to buy the hat for herself

3. A wad of dollar notes that
looked like the ones her father had

4. Because she didn’t like to make
a fuss.

5. She bought the hat with it.
- Group work

1. She felt surprised/ ambarassed.
Because the money she took from

the boy’s bag was not hers.

2. Perhaps the girl might want to
tell her father the truth and ask him
for help. Perhaps the girl could
come to the police station, tell the
police the truth and ask them for

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Period 8

<b>Unit 2:Personal experiences</b>
<b>Part B: Speaking</b>
<b>I. Objectives:</b>

By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:

- Identify structures that are used to talk about past experiences and their
influences on one’s life.

- Practice the present perfect and past simple, structures with “Make”.

- Use these structures to talk about a past experience and how it affects their life.

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

- Textbook, handouts, …

<b>III. Anticipated problems:</b>

- Ss may have problem using present perfect and past simple when talking about
the past.

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Teacher s activities</b>’ <b>Students activities</b>’

<b>1. Check the attendance </b>
<b>2. Warm up </b>

Ask Ss some questions about their experiences
<b>-</b> Have you ever sung in the public?

- Whole class

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+ When did you sing in the public?
+ How did you feel ?

+ How did the experience affect you?
<b>-</b> Have you ever failed the exam ?
<b>-</b> Have you ever got a bad mark?

<b>3. New lesson</b>
<b>Task 1 </b>

- T introduces the task and gets Ss to do it
individually then compare the answer with a partner.
- Calls on some Ss to read out his/her answers.

- T checks with the class and gives feedback.

- T introduces the structures:

<b>Make sb do smt/make sb + Adj</b>

Ex: The flu makes me stay at home/ The flu makes
me tired

<b>Task 2 </b>

- T introduces the task and ask Ss to work
individually then compare the answer with a partner
- Notice Ss some about how to use past simple and
present perfect simple

+ Present perfect: used with “ever” to ask about past
experience:Have you ever been to England?

+ Past simple: used when one keeps asking about that
experience: When did you go there?Who did you go

- After finishing T gets Ss to read the sample
conversation in pairs.

- <b>0pen dialogue:</b>

A – Have you ever ….?
B – Yes,…..English girl….
A – How…….meet………..?

B –……walking along…asked the way….started

A – What………talk…….?

B – Everythging……….name, ……..turtles……….
A – How……affect………?

B – Well,………more interested……….

- Calls some pair Ss to practice the D then give

<b>Task 3 </b>

- T introduces the task: using suggested questions on
page 26 to ask and answer the questions about their
past experiences.

- T calls on some pairs to perform their conversations
in front of the class.

<b>4. Home work </b>

- Learn by heart the dialogue

On Teacher’s Day

I was all in a tremble (run)

Since then I haven’t been afaid of
singing in the pubic

- Individual work and pair work
1. d 2. c 3. a 4.b 5.e

Appreciate (v): Coi trọng, đánh giá

To change your attitude to sb/st
(Thay đổi tháI độ của bạn đối với
ai hoặc điều gì đó)

-Give more examples

- Whole class

- Take notes

1.b 2.d. 3.h 4.a 5.e 6.g 7.c
- Pair work

- Close the book and practice the
open dialogue.

- Pair work

Ex: “ be seriously ill”

- What (what disease did you get)

- When (when did you fall)

- How (How did you get ill)

- go to hospital (Did you have to
goto ..)

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<b>Period 9</b>

<b>Unit 2:Personal experiences</b>
<b>Part C: Listening</b>
<b>I. Objectives:</b>

By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:

-Develop such listening skills as listening for specific information and taking notes
while listening.

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

- Textbook, handouts,cassette tape ….

<b>III. Anticipated problems:</b>

- Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to talk about the topic, so T should
be ready to assit them. Ss may not also be familiar with the note-taking task so T
should provide them some tips to deal with the task.

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Teacher s activities</b>’ <b>Students activities</b>’

<b>1. Check the attendance </b>
<b>2. Warm up </b>

<b>Hangouts : Matching </b>

<b>Column A</b> <b> Column B</b>

<b>1.</b> Fire fighter

<b>2</b>. Fire alarm

<b>3</b>. Fire door

<b>4</b>. Fire escape

<b>5</b>. Fire hydrant

<b>6</b>. Fire


<b>7</b>. Smoke

<b>8</b>. Fire struck

<b>a</b>. A metal stair way outside to
help people get out of a building
on fire

<b>b</b>. A pipe that draws water for
putting out a fire

<b>c</b>. A person who fights fires

<b>d</b>. What comes out of a fire

<b>e</b>. A fire-resistant door that can
be closed to stop the spread of a

<b>f.</b> A large truck that carries
firefghters and equipment to the
side of a fire

<b>g</b>. A tube that contains special
chemicals for putting out fire

<b>h. </b>A bell that tells you a fire has

- Whole class

- Group work
- Answer
1. c

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<b>3. New lesson</b>

<b>A. Before you listen </b>

- Asks Ss to describe what is happening in the picture
on page 27.

+ What can you see in the picture?
+ What is happening?

+ Who are these people?
+ What is this woman doing?


<b>Vocabulary </b>

1. Memorable (a) 5. Gas stove (n)
2. Terrified (a) 6. Embrace (v)
3. Scream (v) 7. Escape (v)
4. Replace (v) 8. Protect (v)

- Ask Ss to practice the vocabulary in chorus. T helps
Ss to pronounce them correctly

<b>B. While you listen</b>
<b>Task 1 </b>

- Asks Ss to read the statements to understand them
- T plays the tapes once for Ss to listen and do the


- Checks the answer with the whole class.

- T can play the tape again and pauses at the answers
for them to catch.

<b>Task 2 </b>

- Asks Ss to study the text carefully for the missing
information they need to fill and guess the answers.
- After playing the tape, T gets Ss to work in pairs
and check their answers.

- Calls on some Ss to give the answers

<b>C.</b> <b>After you listen</b>

- Before getting Ss to discuss, T teaches them some
useful expression of asking for and giving opinions:

<b>-Asking for opinions:</b>

+ What do you think about…?
+ What’s your opinion about…?
+ What’s your feeling about………?
+ What’s your point of view about…….?
+ How do you feel about…?

+ Do you have any opinion about…?




I think…


I agree

I think so,

Well, may be,

- Whole class
- A fire

- A house is burning and
fire-fighters are trying to put out fire.
- They are fire-fighters

- She is carring her daughter out of
the fire.

1. đáng nhớ 5. bếp ga
2. sợ hãI 6. ôm

3. thÐt, gµo 7. trèn thoát
4. thay thế 8. bảo vÖ
- Practice reading

- Whole class
- Individual work
1. T

2. F (13 years ago)
3. F (in the kitchen)
4. F (she was sleeping)
5. T

- Individual work and pair work
1. small 3. family 5. took
2. everything 4..replaced 6.

- Group work
- Take notes

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I believe…….
I feel…

In my


From my

point of view..

That’s true

That’s right,

That might be true,

Well, my feeling is

Well, I don’t think
so. I think.

- Give some suggestions by asking some questions:
+ Why does Christina think family is more important
than things?

+ Where do you get love/care from, Your family or

+ Can we buy new clothes?

+ Can you get new parents or brothers or sisters?

<b>4. Homework </b>

- Do the exercises in unit 2 in the workbook.
- Prepare for writing lesson.

Because she has realized that she
needs her family. Things can be
replaced, but family can’t

From family
Yes, we can
No, we can’t
- Whole class


<b>Interviewer</b>: This is Radio 3. In our “Unforgettable Experiences” programme
tonight we talk to Christina, a successful businesswoman. Hello Christina, welcome
to our program

<b>Christina:</b> Hello and thank you! It’s nice being with you tonight

<b>Interviewer:</b> Christina, could you tell our audience about the most memorable
experience in your life?

<b>Christina:</b> Well, my most unforgettable experience happened thirteen years

ago, when my house burned down

<b>Christina:</b> The fire started in the kitchen where I forgot to turn off the gas stove

<b>Interviewer: </b>What were you doing at that time?

<b>Christina:</b> I was sleeping when I was suddenly woken up by terrible heat. I
opened my eyes to find out myself surrounded by walls of fire

<b>Interviewer: </b>That’s terrible. How did you escape?

<b>Christina:</b> I was terrified. Then I heard my mother’s voice calling my name. I
rushed to her. She carried me out. Luckily, I got away without even a minor burn

<b>Interviewer:</b> Not many people are so lucky. Did the fire affect you in any way ?

<b>Christina:</b> Oh,yes. Yes, very much, in fact. Although I lost many things in the
fire, the experience helped me grow up

<b>Interviewer: </b>What do you mean?

<b>Christina: </b>Well, before the fire I was selfish. I always complained to my
mother about how small my room was or how few clothes I had. Then the fire
came and destroyed everything owned. But I slowly began to realized that I didn’t
really need my old things. I just needed my family. After all, you can get new
clothes anytime, but a family can never be replaced

<b>Interviewer: </b>I see, so the fire took many things from you, but it gave you
something too.

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<b>Period 10</b>

<b>Unit 2:</b> <b>Personal experiences</b>
<b>Part E: Writing</b>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:

- Write a personal letter telling about a past experience, using the structures and
vocabulary that they have learnt in previous lessons.

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

- Textbook, handouts, …

<b>III. Anticipated problems:</b>

- Ss may not have enough vocabulary to write about the topic, so T should
be ready to help them.

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Teacher s activities</b>’ <b>Students activities</b>’

<b>1. Check the attendance </b>
<b>2. Warm up</b>

Brain - storming

- T asks Ss to tell about their unforgettable past
experiences and the others make questions to ask.
- Which team makes more questions is the winner

<b>A. Preparing to write </b>

- T gets Ss to read the task

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- Calls on a S to answer and elicits more ideas most
unforgettable experience.

+ What happened?
+ When it happened?
+ Where it happened?
+ How it happened?
+ Who was involved?
+ How it affected you?

- T gets Ss to plan their stories according to the

<b>Writing </b>

- T gets Ss to write their own letters in 10 minutes.
- Then T asks Ss to work in pairs, exchange their
letters and correct each other.

- T goes around the class to offer help

<b>Feed back on Ss writing </b>’

- T chooses one letter and reads it to the class

- T elicits corrective feedback from the class and
gives final comments afterwards.

<b>3. Homework </b>

- Do exercise in work book
- Prepare the next lesson

- I nearly drowned

- A year ago, my last summer

- A river near my grandparent’s

- When I was swimming, I
suddenly caught a cold, I felt dizzy
and I was too weak to swim.

- Some of my friends were also
swimming at that time, one tried to
save me.

- I learned that life is so important

- Individual work and pair work

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Period 11

<b>Unit 2:</b> <b>Personal experiences</b>
<b>Part D: Language focus</b>
<b>I. Objectives:</b>

By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:
- Distinguish the sounds /m /, /n / and / η /

- Pronounce the words and sentences containing these sound correctly

- Distinguish the uses of different verb tenses: present simple for indicating the
past, past simple, past continuous and past perfect.

- Use these verb tenses to solve communicate task

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

- Textbook, handouts, …

<b>III. Anticipated problems:</b>

- Ss might have difficulty distinguish and using different verb tenses correctly.
Therefore, T should be ready to assist them.

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Teacher s activities</b>’ <b>Students activities</b>’

<b>1. Check the attendance </b>
<b>2. Warm up </b>

Underline the most suitable verb form in each

a. While Tom watched/was watching TV, there was a
power cut.

b. Who drove/was driving the car at the time of the

c. By the time she got back, he had gone/went home.
d. David had eaten/ate Chinese food before, so he
knew what to order.

e. I did/ was doing some shopping yesterday when I
saw your friend.

f. Laura missed the party because no one was telling/
had told her about it.

<b>Pronunciation </b>

- /m / : close the lips when pronouncing

- /n / : Ss’ tongues touch the roof of their mouth

a. was watching
b. was driving

c. had gone
d. had eaten
e. was doing
f. had told

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=25>

- / η /: their tongues touch their soft palates

For all three sounds, the air goes through the nose
- T asks Ss to read the words in each column out loud
in chorus for a few more times. Then call on some Ss
to read the words out loud.

- In order to help Ss identify these sounds T writes
some sentences to check their understanding.

1. I’ll call them/then
2. He ran/rang twice

3. That bun/bum is delicious /di'li∫əs/
4. We got some/sun at the beach

- Practising sentences containing the target sounds
- Asks Ss to work in pairs and take turn to read aloud
the given sentences.

- T calls some Ss to read the sentences and provides
corrective feedback.

<b>Grammar </b>

<b>Exercie1 </b>Review some tenses:

<b>a. Presentation</b>
<b>- Present simple</b>

+ The use

+<b> Form</b>: (+) I, You, We, They + bare infinitive
He, She, It + V(s,es)

(-) S + don’t/doesn’t+ V-infinitive
(?) Do/does+ S + V-infi ?

<b>- Present continous</b>

+ The use

+ Form: (+) S + be + V-ing
(-) S + be + not + V-ing
(?) Be + S + V-ing?

<b>-Present perfect</b>

+ The use: we use present perfect to express an action
happened at unspecified time before now. The exact
time is not important. It is not used to describe a
specific event. So we can use the present perfect to
describle our experience

+ Form: (+) S + have/ has + Past participle

(-) S + have/ has + not + Past participle
(?) Have/ has + S + Past participle?

<b>b. Practice </b>

- T gets Ss to do exercise 1 individually and then find
a partner to check the answer with.

- T checks with the whole class and provides
corrective feedback.

<b>Exercise 2 </b>

<b>a. Presentation:</b> Review the past simple and past

<b>Past simple</b>

+ The use

+ Form: (+) S + V-ed or irregular verbs

- Whole class

- Practicing pronunciation

Take notes
- Give examples

- Give examples & take notes

- Give examples & take notes

- Individual work & pair work
1. invites 2. sets 3. gets
4. waves 5. promises 6.

7. contains 8. has baked 9. is
10. is shining

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=26>

(-) S + didn’t V-infi
(?) Did + S + V- infi?

<b>Past continous</b>

+ The use

+ Form: (+) S + was/ were + V- ing
(-) S + was/ were + not + V- ing
(?) Was/ were + S + V- ing?

<b>b. Practice</b>

- T gets Ss to do exercise 1 individually and then find
a partner to check the answer with.

- T checks with the whole class and provides
corrective feedback.

<b>Exercise 3 </b>

<b>a. Presentation: </b>Past perfect
+ The use:

- The past perfect expresses the idea that something
occurred before another action expressed in the past
simple. It can also show that something happened
before a specific time in the past.

- Past perfect also to show that something started in
the past and continued up until another action in the

+Form: : (+) S + had + Past participle
(-) S + hadn’t + Past participle
(?) Had + S + Past participle?

- T gets Ss to do exercise 3 individually then find a
partner to check their answer with.

- T checks the answers with whole class and provides
corrective feedback.

<b>3. Homework </b>

- Do the exercise

- Prepare Unit 3: Reading

- Whole class

- Take notes and give example

- Individual & pair work
1. broke/ was playing
2. wrote/ was

3. was working/broke
4. started/ were walking
5. told/ were having

6. didn’t listen/ was thinking

7. phoned/ didn’t answer/were

8. didn’t wear/ didn’t notice/ was

- Give example and take notes
Ex: I had never seen such a
beautiful beach before

Ex: I had used that car for ten
years before it broke out

Or After I had used ...years, It
broke down

- Give examples

1. had eaten/arrived 2. found/had

3. got/had closed 4. got/had

5. got/had arrived 6. paid/had

7. went/said/hadn’t arrived
8. had looked/asked/cost
Whole class


<b>Period 12</b>

<b>Review Unit 1 and Unit 2</b>

<b>Complete each of the sentences with the appropriate word from the box. </b>
<b>Make changes if necessary.</b>

embarrass personal idol excite imagine

memory embrace sneak fuss experience
1. A lot of teenagers make Bi Rain their ________.

2. The task needs the skills of a suitably ________ engineer.
3. She smiled to hide her slight ________.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=27>

5. The romantic evening cruise will be a ________ experience.
6. They left quietly, without ________.

7. I have a ________ suspicion that she knows more than she's telling us.
8. They were locked in a passionate ________ on the station platform.
9. Don't get the children too ________.

10.I haven't got a picture of this so you'll just have to use your ________.

<b>Complete the passage with thecorrect verb form.</b>

(1)_________ (you/ ever/ be) in a cable car? Well I have. Last February, I (2)
________ (go) on a ski strip to Switzerland. What a trip! The first morning, I (3)
________ (get) into a cable car. I (4) ________ (want) to go to the top of the
mountain and (5) ________(ski).The cable car (6) ________ (start) up the
mountain. I (7) ________ (look) down, and it was so beautiful. Then there (8)
_______(be) terrible noise. Suddenly the car (9) _______ (stop). It (10) ________
(not move), and there was quiet everywhere.

It was cold, and it (11) _______ (begin) to get dark and snow. I (12) ______
(be) alone for one hour, two hours. I thought, "They (13) ________ (forgot) me!"
At last the car started back down the mountain. It went very fast. "Sorry" a man
said when 1 (l4) ________ (climb) out of the car. "We (15) ________ (never/ have)
this problem before. Please, try again tomorrow." "He (16) ________ (joke)," I
thought. "I (17) ________ (have) enough of cable car for a lifetime."

<b>Cross out any improbable answers.</b>

1. <i>I ve u</i>’ <i> nderstood/ I understand </i>biology a lot better now that we've got a new

<i>2.</i> I <i>went/ had gone</i> to see a Formular One race last week, but I admit/ I’m
admitting that I don't know much about cars.

3. <i>Do you find/ Have you found </i>it difficult to concentrate on your work with this
music on?

4. <i>We ll do/ We do</i>’ <i> </i>our best to get the computer repaired by next week, but <i>we </i>
<i>won't guarantee/ we don't guarantee </i>it.

5. <i>I've just started/ I just started </i>to learn how to drive. Now <i>I'm knowing/ I k now</i>

how difficult it is.

6. She says that she wasn't in the kitchen when the bottle <i>was smashed smashed</i>/ <i> , </i>

but I <i>refuse/ I'm refusing </i>to believe her.

7. <i>I'm certainly agreeing/ I certainly agree </i>with you that people shouldn't drink
and drive.

8. I know the company <i>made/ has made </i>a loss this year, But <i>I won't apologize/ I </i>
<i>don't apologize </i>for that.

9. It's very difficult for us to get jobs here, so <i>we're considering/ we consider </i>

emigrating to Canada.

10.Since I <i>has won won</i>/ <i> </i>the lottery, my telephone <i>didn't stop/ hasn t stopped</i>’
ringing. People <i>phone </i>/ <i> are phoning </i>to ask how <i>I spend </i>/ <i> I'm going to spend </i>the

11. In tonight's World Cup match, France <i>currently beat </i>/ <i> are currently beating </i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=28>

<i>remained </i>the same it will be the first time Germany <i>lost/ have lost </i>to France
since 1998.

12.Beckham <i>passes/ is passing </i>to Giggs who <i>shoots/ is shooting </i>just over the bar.
Manchester United <i>attack/ are attacking </i>much more in this half...

13.<i>She goes She's going</i>/ <i> </i>up to this man and <i>looks</i>/ <i>looking </i>straight into his eyes.

<i>He's not wearing</i>/ <i> He doesn't wear </i>his glasses, and <i>he's not recognizing/ he </i>
<i>doesn't recognize </i>her...

14.I <i>have gone went</i>/ <i> </i>to a concert yesterday in the Town Hall. In the middle of it,
while the orchestra <i>played/ was playing </i>a man suddenly <i>was standing/ stood </i>on
his seat and <i>starting</i>/ <i> started </i> to conduct them...

15.This man <i>plays/ is playing </i>golf when a kangaroo <i>bounds</i>/ <i> is bounding </i>up to him,

<i>grabs</i>/ <i> grabing</i> his club and <i>hits </i>/ <i> hitting </i>his ball about half a mile...

<b>Complete the sentence using these pair of verbs. Use the past simple or </b>
<b>past progressive. </b>

<b>come - show; get - go; break - ski; live - spend; look- see; look - slip; start - </b>

<b>check in; add - taste; go off - light; not listen - explain; push - run; write - </b>
<b>drive; shut - start; come - put; take - place .</b>

1. The smoke alarm ________ when he________ a cigarette under neath it.
2. Just as I ________ into the bath all the light ________ off.

3. When I ________ in Paris, I ________ three hours a day traveling to and from

4. She ________ more salt to the soup, and then it ________ much better.
5. Helen ________ her leg while she ________ in Switzerland.

6. When the taxi ________ I ________ my suitcase on the back seat.

7. A friendly American couple________ chatting to him as he ________ at the
hotel reception.

8. I bumped into Mary last week. She ________ a lot better than when I last
________ her.

9. It was an amazing coincidence. Just as I ________ to Anne, she________ to my
house to come and see me

10.I ________ the windows as soon as it ________ to rain.

11. My boss _____ into the office just as I ______ everyone my holiday photos.
12.He _______ the cake out of the oven and ________ it carefully on the table
13.When his mother _______ in the other direction Steve ______ away quietly.
14.She________ open the door and________ into the room.

15.I can't remember how to answer this question. I must confess that I _______
while the teacher ________ it to us.

<b>Complete these sentences using the verb given. Use the past simple or the past </b>

1. As Geoff was introduced to Mrs Snape, he ________ (realize) that he ________
(meet) her before.

2. During the previous week, I ________ (go) to the gym every morning.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=29>

4. The boy told me that he ________ (lose) his train ticket and ________ (not/
know) how he would get home.

5. I was just about to leave when I ________ (remember) my briefcase.

6. She _______ (walk) into the station only to find that the train _____ (leave).
7. At the conference, scientists reported that they ________ (find) a cure for


8. On my last visit to Wixton I ________ (find) that the village ________ (not
change) much.

9. In a surprise move, the Prime Minister ________ (resign) last night.
10.Jane didn't want any dinner. She ________ (eat) already.

11. When she _______ (come) into the hall, everyone _______ (start) cheering.
12.After they ________ (eat) all the food, they ________ (pick) up their bags and


13.I thought I would get to the restaurant first, but Jim _____ (arrive) before me.
14.By the time I ________ (get) to the party, most people________ (go) home.
15.As soon as I _______ (turn) the ignition key, the engine ______ (catch) fire.

<b>Choose the correct answer.</b>

1. After Jessica ____ her degree, she intends to work in her father's company.
a. will finish b. finishes c. finished d. is finishing
2. As you ________ your car at the moment, can I borrow it?

a. don't use b. didn't use c. aren't using d. haven't

3. When she saw a snake at her feet, she ________.

a. screamed b. was screaming c. had screamed d. screams
4. When he realised that I ________ at him, he ________ away.

a. looked - was turning b. was looking - turned
c. was looking - was turning d. looked - turned

5. I ___ the new Harry Potter book now, so you can borrow my copy if you like.
a. finish b. am finishing c. have finished d. had finished
6. I was sure that I ________ him before.

a. met b. had met c. have met d. was meeting

7. Before I started the car, all of the passengers ________ their seat belts.

a. will buckle b. had buckled c. was buckling d. have buckled
8. The minute I got the news about Sue I ________ my parents.

a. phoned b. was phoning c. had phoned d. have phoned
9. A lot ________ since I last ________ you.

a. happened - saw b. happened - have seen

c. has happened - saw d. has happened - have seen
10.Your eyes are red - ________?

a. did you cry b. have you been crying

c. have you cried d. do you cry

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=30>

a. are appeared b. will appear

c. are appearing d. are going to appear

13.After she ________ hospital, she had a long holiday.

a. leaves b. is leaving c. left d. has left

14.________ for a long time before you got a job?

a. Were you looking b. Have you looked

c. Have youbeen looking d. Had youlooked
15.The film _______ by the time we ________ to the cinema.

a. already began - got b. have already begun - got
c. had already begun - got d. already began - had got

<b>Write a second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first. Use the </b>
<b>word or words in brackets.</b>

1. I started working in this hotel six months ago. (worked)

2. Sue has been in Italy for the last three weeks. (went)

3. I met her during my stay in Paris last summer. (while)

4. We haven't gone to the cinema forover a year. (It's)

5. Sam played tennis yesterday and it was his first game. (never)

6. How long is it since they went to Nairobi? (When)

7. Mac Kenzie wrote four best-sellers before he was twenty. (By the age)

8. She is still working on her homework. (stopped)

9. Could you deliver the goods to my house? (delivered)

10.In the middle of our dinner there was a knock at the door. (when)

<b>Complete each of these sentences with a suitable preposition.</b>

1. She had a quick glance ___ the newspaper as she gulped down her coffee.
2. She got ________ the bus and sit ________ next ________ an old man.
3. If you don't like the scarf, you can take it ________ to the shop.

4. She showed her new toy ________ her friends.
5. How much did you pay ________ your new car?

6. He pointed _______ the dog when it ran ________ them.
7. Are you interested ________ practicing speaking English?
8. You should have more confidence ________ your own abilities.

9. The fire started in the kitchen because she forgot to turn the light ________.
10.My parents gave me a bicycle ________ my birthday.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=31>

Dear Karen,

1. I/have/ a great time/ here/ England.


2. My university term/ not start/ until/ the autumn/ so/ I<i>1 </i>take/ opportunity/

improve my English

3. I/ stay/ some English friends/ own/ a farm.

4. On weekdays/ I catch/ a bus/ Torquay/ go/ language classes.

5. My friends/ say/ my pronunciation/ much better/ when/ I arrive.

6. At weekends/ I/ help/ the farm. It/ quite/ hard work/ but/ I/ like.

7. you/ come/ see/ me/ Christmas?

8. My friends/ want/ meet/ you/ and there/ plenty/ space.

9. Let/ me/ know/ as soon/ you/ decide.

10.I/ look forward/ hear/ you/ soon.

Love, Paul

<b>Period 13</b>

<b>Unit 3:</b> <b>A party</b>

<b>Part A: Reading</b>
<b>I. Objectives:</b>

By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:

- Develop such reading skills as scanning for specific ideas, and identifying and
correcting false statement.

- Use the information they have read to discuss celebrations in their culture.

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

- Textbook, handouts, cassette tapes …

<b>III. Anticipated problems:</b>

- Ss may need tobe provided vocabulary to celebrations and festivals so that they
can complete various learning task.

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Teacher s activities</b>’ <b>Students activities</b>’

<b>1. Check the attendance </b>
<b>2. Warm up </b>

Matching the celebrations with the correct images.

- Whole class

<b>Celebrations</b> <b>images</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=32>

Christmas Easter Graduation
Halloween Thanksgiving Mother’s Day
Wedding Valentine’s Day Birthday

a. b. c. d

h. i.

<b>3. New lesson</b>
<b>A. Before you read</b>

- Asks Ss to work in pairs and ask them to look the
pictures in text book and and answer the questions:
1. What is the relationship between the people in the

2. What are they celebrating?

<b>Pre- teaching vocabulary</b>

- Mark (v):

- Milestone: an important event or state in one’s life
- Lasting (a)

- Golden (a) made of gold

- Golden anniversary/jubilee /'dʒu:bili:/: celebration
of the 50th<sub> wedding anniversary /,æni'v</sub>ə<sub>:s</sub>ə<sub>ri /</sub>

- Silver anniversary: celebration of the 25th<sub> wedding</sub>


- Diamond anniversary: celebration of the 60th

wedding anniversary.

- T helps Ss to pronounce them correctly

<b>B. While reading</b>

You are going to read about how American people
celebrate birthdays and wedding anniversaries. Then
do the tasks below

<b>Task 1 (7m)</b>

- T gets Ss to read the passage silently and do the

- Call on some Ss to write the answer on the board
and ask them to explain their choices.

1. People sing a song

Halloween e

Wedding b

Easter i

Thanksgiving d

Valentine’s Day f

Graduation h

Mother’s Day g

Birthday c

- Pair work

1.The people in the 1st<sub> picture</sub>

might belong to a family. The
young man might be the parents
and three kids might be their

- In the 2nd<sub> picture : the people</sub>

might belong to a family, too. The
old lady & man might be parents.

The woman and the man who are
sitting in front might be their son
and daughter in law. The boy and
the girl might be their

2. The people in the 1st<sub> picture are</sub>

celebrating a birthday. In the 2nd

picture people are celebrating a
wedding anniversary.

- Whole class
đánh dấu

sù kiÖn quan träng, mèc lÞch sử,
giai đoạn quan trọng

bền vững, lâu dài

- Take notes and give examples
- Practice reading the new words

- Pay attention
- Individual work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=33>

2. People eat cakes

3. People receive cards and gifts from friends and


4. People joke about about their ages
5. People remember their wedding days
6. People go out to dinner

7. People blow out candles, one for each year

<b>Task 2 </b>

- T gets Ss to read through all the 7 sentences in
task2. Then ask them to read the text again and locate
these words

- Asks Ss to check their answer with a friend

- Calls on some Ss to present and explain their

- Gives feedback and correct answers

<b>C. After you read </b>

-Ask Ss work in small group of 3 or 4 and discuss the

- T goes around to check and offer help

- Calls on the groups to tell and explain their choice
- Gives the correct feedback

<b>4. Home work </b>

- Learn by heart new words and summarise the main
point of the lesson

- Write a paragraph about how Vietnamese people
celebrate their birthday or wedding anniversaries,
base on the text they read in class

<b> </b><b> </b>

<b> </b><b> </b>

<b> </b>
<b> </b>

<b> </b>

<b> </b>

<b> </b><b> </b>

<b> </b>
Pair work

1. eight  sevenths
2. makes  eats
3. foods  presents
4. aniversaries  ages

5. months  years
6. 5th<sub>  50</sub>th

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=34>

Period 14
Unit<b> 3:A party</b>
<b>Part B: Speaking</b>
<b>I. Objectives:</b>

By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:

- Use appropriate language to talk about parties and negotiate how to plan them
- Use appropriate language to invite people to come to parties

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

- Textbook, handouts, …

<b>III. Anticipated problems:</b>

- Ss may have little experience negotiating in English, so T should be ready to
provide them with appropriate language to do so.

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Teacher s activities</b>’ <b>Students activities</b>’

<b>1. Check the attendance </b>
<b>2. Warm up </b>

<b>Talking about the party</b>

Yesterday I went to a party. Please ask some
questions to gets as much information about the party
as you can.

- T teaches necessary language for talking about

+ A birthday/housewarming party
+ A family/social gathering

+ To have/throw/organize/hold/celebrate/give a party
+ To celebrate one’s birthday/ wedding anniversary/

+ To join oneself

+ To have fun/a good time

+ Gifts: flowers, souvenirs, a bottle of wine,

+ Decorations: balloons, flowers, lamps, pictures.
+ Food and drinks: starters, main courses, deserts,
cakes, ice-cream,sweets, soft drink,…

+ Music: pop music, jazz, classical music,…

<b>Task 1 </b>

- Gets Ss to do the task individually

- T encourages Ss to take notes while doing so
- Goes around the class to check and offer help

<b>Task 2 </b>

- Puts Ss in pairs and tell them to tell each other
about the party they have been to, base on the

- Whole class

Who gave the party?
What was it about?

Where /when did it take place?
How was it organized? How did it

What activities did you do there?
Did you have good time?

How were the people like?

What about music? What about
food and drinks?

- Take notes

- Individual work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=35>

outlines they have made in task1.

- Calls on some pair to perform their conversations in
front of the class.


- T gives suggestions by writing on the board

<b>Planning a party </b>

<b>-</b> Where (home or restaurant)
<b>-</b> When (date & time)

<b>-</b> Who to invite(family, relatives, classmates,
teacher, friends)

<b>-</b> dressing code (former, informer, costumes)
<b>-</b> entertainment (dance, music, games)

<b>-</b> decorations (colored light, bulbs, flowers)
<b>-</b> food and drink (cook our own or order)

<b>-</b> budget (how much to spend? how much to

- T asks Ss to give some expression for asking for and
giving opinions, expressing agreements and
disagreement, suggesting and starting preferences

- T gives some examples and gets Ss to do some
practice with these expressions

- Divides the class into small group of 3 or 4 and get
them to do task3.

- T goes around to check and offer help

<b>Task 4 </b>

- T elicits or teaches expressions for inviting and

Would you like to come……..?
We would love to have you………
Please do come….

It’s our pleasure to invite you………..

You don’t know what you’ll miss out on if you don’t

- T gets Ss do some practice with these structures
Ask some group to report about the parties that
they’ve planned.

<b>3. Homework </b>

- Ss write a paragraph about a party they have been to

- Disccuss in group

<b>Asking for opinions</b>

What do you think about….?
What’s your opinion about……?
How do you feel about…….?
Do you have any opinion

<b>Giving opinions</b>

I think we should…../ I feel…..
In my opinion,……..

I’m thinking about….(odering
some pizza)
I agree

I think so, too
That’s true,

That’s right,

Well, may be,

That might be
true, but…

Well, my

feeling is that..
Well, I don’t
think so..


May be we could… What

Perhaps we can … Should


Why don’t we..? It would be a
good idea if..

How about…..?
- Group work

- Decide which parties would be
the most attractive and they would

most love to come to.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=36>

Period 15

<b>Unit 3:A party</b>
<b>Part C: Listening</b>
<b>I. Objectives:</b>

By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:

- Develop such listening micro-skills as intensive listening for specific information

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

- Textbook, handouts, cassette tapes,…

<b>III. Anticipated problems:</b>

- Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to talk about the topic,so they should be
ready to assist them.

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Teacher s activities</b>’ <b>Students activities</b>’

<b>1. Check the attendance </b>
<b>2. Warm </b>

- T divides the class into group of 10 and introdures

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=37>

the game: The groups should generate as many word
related to birthdays and birthday parties as possible
- After finishing T calls on the representative of each
group to come to the board and write their list. Then
T gets the whole class to count. Each correct word
gets one point. Which group has more points with
the game

<b>A. Before you listen </b>

- T gets Ss in pairs to answer the questions and
explain their reasons

<b>Listen and repeat</b>

To gather restaurant prize
Birthdaycake to decorate icing
Slice to clap hands

- T helps Ss to pronounce the words on page 36

- T presents the meanings of these word from the

<b>B. While you listen</b>
<b>Task 1 </b>

- Gets Ss to read through the statements to
understand them and underline key words.

- Plays the tape once for Ss to listen and do the task.
- Checks the answer with the whole class.

- Plays the tapes one or two more times and pauses
at the answer for them to catch if Ss can’t answer the

<b>Task 2 </b>

- Asks Ss to read all questions in task2

- T plays the tape again for Ss to listen and answer
the questions.

- T gets Ss to check their answer with a partner.
Then T checks with whole class.

- Plays the tape again and pause at difficult points if
many Ss can not complete the task.

<b>C. After you listen </b>

- Puts Ss in pairs and do the task

- T distributes the following handout for Ss to do the
role play.

- After they’ve finished, T calls on some pairs to
perform the role play in front of the class.

- Group work
Suggested words:

Age, balloon, birthday, blow out,
cake, candle, cards, candy, cookies,
chocolate, confetti (hoa giấy),
decoration, gift/present, icing,
flower, fun, party, song.

- Pair work
Phần thởng

Kem phủ trên bánh ga tô
Lát, miếng

- Whole class
- Individual work

1. F (the party began at about 3 in
the afternoon)

2. F (over 20)

3. F (at 4:30 they cut the cake)
4. T (the party ended at about 6)
5. F (other kids left, only one
stayed to help)

- Individual work and pair work

- Listen and note down the answers
1. 16

2. Because it’s noisy and expensive
3. soft drink and biscuits

4. At about 4:30

5. It was beautiful and decorated
with white and pink icing and 16
colorful candles in the middle.
6. They clapped their hands eagerly
and sang” Happy birthday”.

7. at about 6
- Pair work

<b>Card A</b>

Ask your friend about Mai’Ss

<b>-</b> place where the party was held
<b>-</b> when it began and ended
<b>-</b> who came

<b>-</b> what you did there

<b>Card B</b>

Tell your friend about Mai’s
birthday party.

<b>-</b> It was held at Mai’s place
<b>-</b> It lasted about 3 hours(3-6pm)
<b>-</b> About 20 guests came

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=38>

<b>3. Home work </b>

- Write a paragraph about their own birthday parties.

- Whole class


Mai is my neighbour. She turned 16 recently and her parents held a birthday
party for her. I was one of those envited.

The party began at about 3 in the afternoon. There were about 20 of us
gathering in Mai’s house. She didn’t like having the party at a restaurant because it
is noisy and expensive.

We gave presents to Mai and she happily opened them. It must really be exciting to
receive all those presents. After that Mai’s mother served us soft drink and biscuits.
We then listened to music and played cards. The winners were given prizes. At
about 4:30 Mai’s mother brought out the birthday cake. It was beautifully
decorated with pink and white icing. 16 colorful candles sat in the middle of the
cake. We all clapped our hands eagerly and sang “ Happy birthday” as she blew out
the candles and cut the cake. We helped ourselves to slices of the delicious cake
and sang all the songs that we knew.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=39>

Period 16

<b>Unit 3:A party</b>
<b>Part D: Writing</b>
<b>I. Objectives:</b>

By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:

- Define the format and structure of an informal letter of invitation
- Write an informal letter of invitation

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

- Textbook, handouts,…

<b>III. Anticipated problems:</b>

- Ss may not have enough vocabulary to write a detailed letter of invitation
so T should be ready to help them.

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Teacher s activities</b>’ <b>Students activities</b>’

<b>1. Check the attendance </b>
<b>2. Warm up </b>

<b>Jumbled letter</b>

1. This is my address: 150A Au Co Road

2. It’s a beautiful house and it looks over the West
Lake and the Water Park

3. Dear Linda,

4. Guess what!I’ve just moved to a new house in Tay
Ho District.

5. Would you like to come?

6. Please let me know your answer as soon as

7. See you.

8. My parents are giving a house-warming party this
evening around 6:30 p.m.

9. Hoa

10. I think Chris and Kim are coming, too

11. We’ll have”Pho” and some other special dishes

<b>A. Before you write</b>
<b>Task1 </b>

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to answer the questions in

task 1

- Call on some Ss to answer the questions and elicits
more ideas from the class. T writes them on the

- Group work

Suggested answer:

3 – 4 – 2 – 8 – 11 – 5 – 10
– 1 – 6 – 7 – 9

- Pair work

1. Occasions for giving parties:
Birthday, graduation, wedding
anniversary, moving to a new

house, family gathering,

Christmas, New year
2. Dressing codes:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=40>

<b>Task 2 </b>

- T gets Ss to do the task individually and then
compare their answers with a partner.

- T calls on some Ss to give the answers and write

them on the board.

<b>B. While writing </b>

- Get Ss to read task 3 and work out the questions
- T gives some suggestions for Ss to write:

+ <b>Party</b>: birthday party, farewell party, house
warming party…..

+ <b>Where</b>: at home, in a restaurant, outdoor,……..
+ <b>When</b>: during the day, in the evening………
+ <b>Guests</b>: friends, classmates, relatives…….
+ <b>Activities</b>: singing, playing games……

+ <b>Foods and Drinks</b>: cakes, wine, beer, soft drinks,
fruits, fruits juice………..

- Get Ss to write their letters in 10 minutes, based on
the outlines they have produced.

- Ask Ss to get in pairs, exchange their letters and
correct each other.

- T goes around and offer help

<b>C. After you </b>

<b>Feedback on Ss writing</b>’

- T chooses one letter and reads it to the class

- Then T elicits correctives feedback from the class
and gives final comments afterwards.

<b>Home work </b>

- Ask Ss to write a letter to invite their friend to their
birthday party.

3. Presents to give: Books, CDs,
flowers, ties, pens, bags, hats….
- Individual work

1. at my house 2. to come
3. refreshments 4. to cook
5. winners 6. by Monday
- Whole class take notes

Ha Tay

Dear Lan,

As the school year is coming to an
end, I’m giving a farewell party
for people to meet up before going
away for holiday. Would you like
to come? It will be at my place at
7p.m next Sunday. I intend to invite

about 10 people, so it will be a
small gathering and hopefully,
people can socialize more easily. I
will be oder some pizzas and buy
snacks and fruit. However, you
might want to bring some drinks to
be shared. There will be dancing
and karaoke competion. So, there
will be a lot of fun

Please let me know if you are keen
by Saturday. Just leave me a
message on the phone if you can’t
catch me at home

See you
- Whole class

<b>Period 17</b>
<b> Unit 3:A party</b>
<b>Part E: Language focus</b>
<b>I. Objectives:</b>

By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:
- Distinguish the sounds / l /, / r / and / h /

- Pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly
- Distinguish the uses of infinitive and gerund in active and passive voices
- Use these structures to solve communicative task

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=41>

<b>III. Anticipated problems:</b>

- Ss might have difficulty distinguish and using infinitives and gerunds. Therefore,
T should be ready to assist them.

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Teacher s activities</b>’ <b>Students activities</b>’

<b>1. Pronunciation </b>

Distinguishing sounds

/ r /: Ss curl the tongues more backwark than when
they pronounce / l /

/ h /: Ss move their vocal folds from wide apart to
close together.

Practice sentences containing the target sounds

- Ask Ss to work in pairs and take turn to read aloud
the given sentences.

- Call on some Ss to read the sentences again and
provides corrective feedback.

<b>2. Grammar</b>
<b>Exercise 1 </b>
<b>a. Presentation</b>

- Review the verbs that are followed by an infinitive,
a gerund, and both.

+ infinitive

only + gerund only + both


Verbs +

<b>b. Practice </b>

- T gets Ss to do Exercice 1 individually then find a
partner to check their answers with.

<b>Exercise 2 </b>
<b>a. Presentation</b>

- Review the forms of passive infinitive and gerund.

<b>Form: Passive infinitive: to be + Past Participle</b>

- Whole class

- Pair work and individual work

- Whole class take notes
- Give some examples
- Individual work

1. having 2. getting 3. to tell
4. practicing 5. to see

Whole class take notes

Individual work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=42>

<b> Passive gerund : being + Past Participle</b>
<b>Use: </b>to emphasise the action/event rather than the

<b>b. Practice</b>

- T gets Ss to do exercise2 individually and then find
a partner to check their answer.

- T checks with the whole class and provides
corrective feedback.

<b>Exercise 3 </b>
<b>b. Practice</b>

- T gets Ss to do exercise2 individually and then find
a partner to check their answer

- T checks with the whole class and provides
corrective feedback.

<b>Wrapping up </b>

- Summarises the main points of the lesson

- For homework, ask Ss to review the uses of
different verbs tenses that have been covered in the

1. D 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. C

- Whole class

<b>Period: 18</b>

<b>Test yourself A</b>

<b>I. Objectives: </b>By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:
Ss can understand the content of the test

Ss can do the test well.

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

- Textbook, handouts,…

<b>II. Procedure</b>

<b>Teacher s activities</b>’ <b>Students activities</b>’

<b>1. Check the attendance </b>
<b>2. New lesson</b>

<b>A. Listening </b>

- Ask Ss to read the sentences before listening

- Ask Ss to complete the sentences after the 1st

listening & then check the answer again after the 2nd

& the 3rd<sub> listening </sub>

- Correct

<b>B. Reading </b>

- Ask Ss to read the passage and then answer the
questions in Reading

- Call some Ss to stand up and answer the questions
- Listen and give the feedback

<b>C. Pronunciation and Grammar </b>

- Ask Ss to listen and put a tick in the right box
- T reads the words for Ss to put a tick

1. A 2. D 3. B 4.D
5. C

1. B these people had been
childless for 10 years after they
were married and were so thrilled
to finally have a child

2. to take some photographs of the

3. The boy was dressed in a smart,
brand-new outfit and looked like a
little prince

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=43>


- Revise Ss the grammar about active infinitive and
gerund and passive infinitive and gerund

- Ask Ss do exercise then call some Ss to go to the

- Correct their mistakes

<b>D. Writing </b>

- Ask Ss to write about their birthday party (or one of
their friends’)

+ Whose birthday party was it?
+ Where and when was it held?
+ What did you do there?
+ How did you enjoy it?

- After they have finished T picks up some Ss’ writing
and find common mistakes then asks Ss to correct

<b>Extra exercises </b>

Complete the following sentences

a. He had a portrait painted as a birthday
present………his daughter

b. What do you want…………your next birthday?
c. They got married 50 years ago, and today is their

d. He will give her a diamond ring………..a present
after living together for 60 years.

e. It’s their silver anniversary. In other words,
they’ve been married………25 years.

f. She has just over 30, but she’s married ………..4

I’ll give a special gift………..my husband on his
next birthday.

<b>3. Homework </b>

- Ask Ss to revise and prepare a 45- minute written

- Pay attention to the pronunciation
of the underlined part of the word
1. nine 2. hour 3. matching

Individual work

1. to see 2. to be 3. to

4. pay 5. to be met
6. to be appointed

- Individual wok

- Whole class


<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=44>

<b>Period 19</b>
<b>REVIEW Unit 3</b>

<b>I. OBJECTIVES: </b>By the end of the lesson, students will:
- Review all of the knowledge

<b>II. TEACHING AIDS</b>: Textbook, pictures, exercises


Method: mainly communicative

<b>Teacher s activities</b>’ <b>Students activities</b>’

Greeting, introduce, get acquaintance with the

<b>A. Revision</b>

-Elicit all of the knowledge and language.

1.Verbs tenses ( present simple, past simple, past
progressive, past perfect, present perfect).

<b>I. HI Ệ N TẠ I ĐƠ N (Simple Present):</b>

Form; Subject + V(es,s)

Ex: - We come to school on time everyday.
- My mother always gets up early.

• rarely: ít khi • usually: thường


• sometimes: đôi khi • seldom: hiếm khi
• never: khơng bao giờ • always: ln ln
• often: thường •

occasionally: thỉnh thoảng

• hardly ever: hiếm khi • everyday:
hàng ngày

• every week: hàng tuần
• every month: hàng tháng

Ex: - The Sun rises in the East.

Ex: - Your sister speaks English


<b>II. HI Ệ N TẠ I TIẾ P DIỄ N (Present Continuous):</b>

Form; Subject + am / is / are + V-ing

Ex: - The farmers are working in the fields now.
- My mother is cooking in the kitchen at the

• now: bây giờ

• at the moment: vào lúc này
• at present: vào lúc này
• Look! Coi kìa

• Listen! Nghe kìa
• Hurry up! Nhanh lên

Ex: - Look! The boys are fighting.

<b>III. HIỆN TẠI HOÀN THÀNH (Present Perfect):</b>

Form; Subject + Has / Have + V. past participle

- Take notes

- Listen to the teacher

- Give some examples on the board
1/ I usually go to school in the

2/ Lan often gets up early in the

3/ The earth moves around the sun.
4/ I speak English very well.

- Write them on their notebooks

- Take notes

- Listen to the teacher

- Give some examples on the board
1/ I am looking for the latest
newspaper now.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=45>

Ex: - He has lived in England before
- We have gone to Dalat several times.

• already: rồi, đã rồi • several times: vài lần
• never: chưa bao giờ • never ... before:
• yet: chưa • ever: đã bao giờ
Ex: - So far he has had no trouble.

- He has lived here for five years.

• so far: cho đến nay • up to now: cho
đến nay

• up to the present: cho đến lúc này • since

• since: kể từ khi • for
• in / during the last + 1 khoảng thời gian
Ex: - He has smoked ten cigarettes today.
• this week: tuần này

• this month: tháng này
• this term: học kỳ này
• this year: năm nay

Ex: - I have seen him lately.

• just: vừa mới • recently

<b>IV. QUÁ KHỨ TIẾP DIỄN (Past continuous): </b>

+ Form : Subject + Was / were + V-ing
+ Use :

* Use the past Continuous to indicate that a longer
actoin in the past was interrupted. The interrupted is a
shorter action in the Simple Past or a specific time.

Remember this can be a real interruption or just an
interruption in time .

E. g : - I was watching TV when she called.
- Last at 6 PM , I was eating dinner.

* When you use the Past Continuous with two actions
in the same sentence, it expresses the idea that both
actions were happening in the same time. The actions
are parallel.

E.g: I <b>was studying</b> while he <b>was making</b> dinner.

<b>V. The Past perfect:</b> (Thì q khứ hồn thành)
a. Form:

Subject + had + V3,ed

<i> </i> :<i> </i> When he got up this morning, my mother <i>had</i>

already <i>left</i> .
before, after, when

<b>VI. Home work</b>:

- Summarize this lesson.

- Ask Ss to prepare the first test

- Write them on their notebooks

- Take notes

- Listen to the teacher

- Give some examples on the board
1/ We have learnt English for 5

2/ Have you seen this movie

3/ She has just gone out.

4/ I have <i><b>already</b></i> finished my

- Write them on their notebooks
- Take notes

- Listen to the teacher

- Give some examples on the board
1/ I was studying my lessons when
he came.

2/ We saw him while we were
walking along the street.

3/ They were playing chess at 4
o’clock yesterday.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=46>

<b>Period 20</b>
<b>45 MINUTES TEST</b>
<i><b>I/ Read the text and do the tasks below : (2.5 ms)</b></i>

Chantal's parents didn't have much money, so they sent her to a state primary
school when she was five. She enjoyed her reading and writing lessons, but there
were so many pupils in the class that the teacher found it difficult to control them.
When Chantal was eleven, her father got a better job, and decided to spend some
money on her education. He sent her to an expensive private school, where the girl
wore dark green uniforms and did two hours' homework every evening.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=47>

an excellent student. In the end she decided to become a teacher, and returned to
her old primary school to teach.

<i>Answer the questions</i>.

1. Why didn’t Chantal's parents send her to a state primary school?
2. What was an important event for Chantal when she was eleven?
3. What profession did she finally decide to choose?

<i>Choose true or false</i>

4. ………….. Chantal didn’t like her reading and writing lessons.

5. ………….. She passed all her exams, and went to university at eighteen.

<i><b>II/ Rearrange the following sentences to make a conversation: (2.0ms)</b></i>

A: What did yoy talk about?

B: Everything about the lake: its name, the great turtles in it, etc.
C: Have you ever spoken English to a native speaker?

D: How did the experience affect you?

E: Yes. I talked to an English girl last summer.
F: How did you meet her?

G: I was walking along Trang Tien Street when an English girl came up to me
and asked me the way to HoanKiem Lake. I told her, then we started talking about
the lake.

H: Well, it made me more interested in learning English

<i><b>III/ Use the correct form of the verbs in parentheses in the following sentences. </b></i>
<i><b>(3.0 ms)</b></i>

1. Every day Nam goes to school at 6 a.m. Yesterday he (go) to school at 6:30 a.m.
He was late. ………

2. He often (have) breakfast at 7.30 in the morning. ……….

3. They want (travel) by air because it is much faster than other means of
transport. ……….

4. Isaac Newton died on March 20, 1772 and (bury) in Westminster Abby.

5. I’d like (have) a look at your new car. ……….

6. I (try) to learn English for years, but I haven’t succeeded yet. ……….

<i><b>IV/ Make sentences based on given hints. (2.5 ms)</b></i>

1. Have / you / start / learn / English / yet?

2. We / already / study / the language / our school / since 1990.
3. Elementary school / students / learn / English / since 1980.
4. I / go / to England / 2000 / my parents.

5. I / go / Wales / but / didn’t go / Scotland.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=48>

<b>Period 21 and 22</b>
<b> Unit 4: Volunteer work</b>
<b> Part A: Reading</b>
<b>I. Objectives: </b>By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:

- Develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas and skimming
for general information.

- Use the information they have read to discuss the topic.

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

- Textbook, handouts, …

<b>III. Anticipated problems:</b>

- Ss may need help with the discussion task, so T should be ready to help them.

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Teacher s activities</b>’ <b>Students activities</b>’

<b>1. Check the attendance </b>
<b>2. Warm up </b>


- T prepares hangouts with network of the word

- Whole class

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=49>

Volunteer work

<b>A. Before you read </b>

- Ask Ss to look the picture on page 46 and ask them
some Qs

+ What is the old woman doing in the picture?

+ What does this mean by “Little Moments Big

+ What does the picture tell you?

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to read the short poem
- Ask some Ss to give their opinions

<b>Pre - teaching vocabulary</b>

Volunteer (n) [,vɔlən'tiə]
To volunteer to do st/for st
Voluntary (a) ['vɔləntri]

Voluntarily (adv) [vɔlənt(ə)rili]
The aged = the old

Orphanage (n) ['ɔ:fənidʒ]
To overcome

To participate in = to take part in
To suffer

Remote (a) = far away

Handicapped (a) ['hændikæpt]

Disadvantaged (a) [,disəd'vɑ:ntidʒd]

- Ask Ss to make sentences with above words to
check their understanding.

- Ask Ss to practice reading vocabulary.
- Listen and check their pronunciation.

Outline :
Help children
Help the old
Help the poor

Teach poor children

- Whole clas

- She is teaching the boy to read
- It means that your little
contribution and help may lead to
significant results/ may greatly
change a person’s life.

- It tells me that everybody, no
matter what they are young or old,
can do volunteer work.

+ The saying means that if you
help sbd by giving some money,
it’s just a temporary solution. It’s
better to instruct them how to make
money legally by teaching them
necessary working skills.

- Whole class

- Give examples

- He volunteers to teach the poor

- I want to participated in play the

- He overcame the bad habit of
smoking during the meals.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=50>

<b>B. While you read</b>
<b>Task 1 </b>

- T asks Ss to work individually to do the task and
exchange their answers with other Ss.

- T asks Ss for their answers and gives the correct.

<b>Task 2 </b>

- Ask Ss to read the statements to understand them.
- Ask Ss to work individually to do the task,then
discuss their answers with their partners.

- Call on some Ss to give their answers and asks other
Ss to say whether they agree or disagree.

<b>Task 3 </b>

- Ask Ss to read the questions before reading the
text carefully again to find the answers.

- Call on some Ss to write their answers on the board
and ask them to explain their choices.

<b>C. After you read </b>

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to discuss the questions in
the book

- Go around to help Ss when necessary

- When all pairs have finished. T asks every two pairs
to share ideas.

- Call on some Ss to report their ideas to the class

<b>3. Wrapping up </b>

- T sumarises the main points of the lesson
- Ask Ss to learn by heart all new words<b> </b>

- Individual work

1. voluntary 2. voluntarily
3. volunteers 4. volunteered
- Individual work

1. A (line 1-2, para 2)

2. D (line 3-4, para 2)
3. B (line 3-4, para4)
4. D (last paragraph)

5. B (A:too general, C & D do not
cover the whole text

Individual work and pair work
1. They read books to the people
there, play games with them or
listen to their problems

2. They give care and comfort to
them and help them to overcome
their difficulties

3. They volunteer to work in
remote or mountainous areas

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=51>

<b> Period 23</b>

<b>Unit 4: Volunteer work</b>
<b>Part B: Speaking</b>

<b>I. Objectives: </b>By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:

- Talk about different kinds of activities related to volunteer work

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

- Textbook, handouts, …

<b>III. Anticipated problems:</b>

- Ss may not have enough vocabulary to talk about the topic, so T should be ready
to help them.

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Teacher s activities</b>’ <b>Students activities</b>’

<b>1. Check the attendance </b>
<b>2. Warm up </b>

<b>Slap the board</b>

- Write words on the board:

Volunteer, voluntary, voluntarily, trại trẻ mồ côi, the
aged, vợt qua, chịu đựng, remote, tham gia,
indicapped, disadvataged

- Call on some 2 group Ss . T reads aloud the word on
the board. Which team slaps the right word fast in the

<b>Task 1 </b>

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to decide which of the
activities in the book are volunteer works.

- Call some Ss to give their answers and asks for
comments from other students.

<b>Task 2 </b>

- Before Ss do the task, T asks them to read the model
conversation on page 50. Then Ss read the list of
volunteer activities and the exact things related to

- T can elicit or explain some words quickly.

- T requires Ss to match each activities on the left
with corresponding activities on the right.

- Group work

Suggested answers:

1. The activities are not volunteer

Taking part in an excursion and
participating in an English
speaking club.

2. some volunteer activities: taking
part in environmental conservation
activities, donating blood, directing

traffic, guiding foreign sports
teams around when they go to Viet
Nam to compete.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=52>

Suggested answers:
Helping people in

mountainous areas - Teaching the children toread and write
- Giving them money

Helping old or sick


ged or


- Cleaning up their houses
- Doing their shopping
- Cooking meals

- Teaching the children to
read and write

- Listening to their problems
- Playing games with them
- Taking them to places of


Taking care of
invalids and the
families of martyrs

- Listening to their problems
- Clean up their houses
- Doing their shopping
- Cooking meals
Taking part in

directing the traffic - Directing vehicles at theintersection
- Helping old people and
young children to cross the

- Ask Ss to use the suggestions to make similar

- After they have finished T calls on some pairs to act
out their conversation.

- T elicits feedback from the class and give final

<b>Task 3</b>

- Ask Ss to work in group to talk about a kind of
volunteer work their friends and they usually do to

help people.

- Ask Ss to read through the example in the book
before practicing talking about one activity their
partner takes part in

- Call on some Ss to talk about the activities they take
part in

- T elicits feedback from the class and gives final

<b>3. Wrapping </b>

- T summarises the main points of the lesson
- Learn by heart the new words

- Prepare the next period “listening”

+ War invalid ['invəli:d]: th¬ng

+ Martyr(n) ['mɑ:tə] liÖt sü

+ Intersection: đờng giao nhau, ngã
ba, ngã t

+ direct the traffic:híng dÉn giao

+ vehicles ['viəkl; 'vi:hikl]: Xe cé

- Pair work
- Group work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=53>

<b>Period 24</b>
<b>Unit 4: Volunteer work</b>

<b>Part C: Listening</b>

<b>I. Objectives: </b>By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:

- Develop such listening micro-skills as intensive listening for specific information
and taking notes while listening.

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=54>

<b>III. Anticipated problems:</b>

- Ss may not be familiar with the note-taking task so T should provide them some
tips to deal with the task.

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Teacher s activities</b>’ <b>Students activities</b>’

<b>1. Check the attendance </b>
<b>2. Warm up</b>

<b>Competition game. Slap the board</b>

War invalid, martyr, intersection, the aged,
orphanage, remote, suffer

<b>Before you listen </b>

- Ask Ss to read through the questions and choices on
page 51 and makes sure Ss understand all them.
- Ask Ss to discuss the questions in pairs

- Call on some Ss to report on their partner’s answers
Vocabulary Pre- teaching

Fund-raising activities

Informal school

Organization for Educational Development
Co-operate (v)

Disadvantaged children
Co-ordinate (v) [kou'ɔ:dineit]
Sponsor (n)[ 'spɔnsə]

<b>While you listen</b>
<b>Task1 </b>

Set the scene: Now you are going to listen to a
passage about Spring School, a special school in

HCM City

- Ask Ss to read the sentences in task 1 then lisen and
fill the missing information

- Play the tape once for Ss to do the task

- Ask for Ss’ answers and write them on the board
- Play the tape the second time for Ss to check their

<b>Task 2 </b>

- Ask Ss to read the questions in task 2 before
listening to the tape again

- Play the tape again for Ss to do the task.

- Get Ss to work in pairs and check their answers
- Call on some Ss to give the answers and elicit
feedback from other Ss. If many Ss can’t complete
the task, T might want to let Ss listen one more time
and pause at the answers for them to catch.

<b>After you listen </b>

- T gets Ss to work in groups to summarise the story
about Spring School, using the suggestions. Each
group member has to take notes of the discussion.

- Whole class
- Group work

- Individual work
- Whole class

Các hoạt động gây quỹ

VËt quyên góp, tiền quyên góp
Trờng học không chính thống
Tổ choc phát triển Giáo dục
Hợp tác

trẻ em thiệt thòi
phối hợp

nhà tài trỵ

- individual work
1. informal

2. 30 street children
3. 250 children
4. 1998

5. volunteers …June
- Pair work

1. It provides classes to
disadvantaged children in HCM


2. Dance, theatre, singing and
circus classes were set up in 1999.
3. Because they need money to
continue their English and
Performance Art classes.

4. They dance, sing and play music
at one of the largest hotels in HCM

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=55>

- T goes around to offer help and collect Ss’ mistakes
- Call on some Ss to present their summary

- T elicits feedback from the class and gives final

<b>3. Wrapping up</b>

- Ask Ss to learn by heart all new words and prepare

- Group work
- Whole class

Sping School is an informal school. It provides classes to disadvantaged children in HCM City. Around 30
street children live and study at the school and about 250 children with special difficulties from District 1
regularly attend classes

The Organisation for Education Development co-operated with Sping School to set up English classes in
1998. Dance, theatre, singing and circus classes were set up a year later. Children from these classes
participate in fundraising perfomances. They raise money to continue their English and Performance Arts

Spring School requires volunteers to help organize their fundraising dinner held annually in June. This is
an exciting night in which children perform circus, theatre, dance, and singing at one of the largest hotels
in HCM City. They also need foreign volunteers to contact sponsors and help to expand the school
activities. Volunteers are required from February until July to help orgnise these events.

It is hoped that more schools like Sping School will soon be found in other cities in VN

<b> Period 25</b>

<b>Unit 4: Volunteer work</b>
<b>Period D: Writing</b>
<b>I. Objectives: </b>By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:

- Write a thank- you letter to a donor to acknowledge the donor’Ss contribution

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

- Textbook, handouts, …

<b>III. Anticipated problems:</b>

- Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to write about the topic, so T should be
ready to assist them.

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Teacher s activities</b>’ <b>Students activities</b>’

<b>1. Check the attendance </b>
<b>2. Warm up </b>

<b>Quiz: a formal letter</b>

1. You write your address in……..of the letter

2. The addresss of the receiver should be written
on…… .starting below our address

3. We can write…….on the right or the left on the
line after the address you are writing to

4. When the letter starts Dear Sir/Madam, you end it

5. When the letter starts Dear Dr Smith, you end it

- Group work

1. the top left- hand corner
2. the left

3. the date

4. Yours sincerely,
5. Yours sincerely,
6. contractions
- Pair work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=56>

6. It is not a good idea to use……such as I’m or

<b>Preparing Ss to write</b>
<b>Task 1 </b>

- Ask Ss to read the sample letter on page 52 and
discuss the purpose(s) of the letter in pairs.

- Call on some Ss to give the answers.

- Ask Ss to read the letter again and do task1

- T checks Ss’ answer by asking some Ss to read their
answer out loud.

- Elicit corrective feedback from other Ss and give
the correct answers when necessary.

<b>Writing </b>
<b>Task 2 </b>

- Before Ss write the letter, T asks them to read the
instruction carefully.

- T gets Ss to write the letter in 15 minutes.
- Go around to observe and offer help.

<b>Feedback on Ss writings </b>’

- Ask Ss to exchange their writing with another
student for peer correction.

- Go around and collect mistakes and errors
- Collect some writings for quick feedback

- Write Ss’ typical errors on the board and elicits self
and peer correction

- Finally, T provides general comments on the letter

<b>Wrapping up </b>

- T summarises the main point of the lesson

- Ask Ss to improve their writing, taking into
consideration their friends

thank a donor for donating money
donor /'dounə/: ngêi cho, ngêi tỈng
Individual work

- The opening of the letter:
sentence 1

- The donated amount: sentence 1
- The way the money is used:
sentence 2

The way the receipt is issued:
sentence 3

-The gratitude on the donor:
sentence 4

-The closing of the letter:yours

- Individual work

9 Chuong Duong

Hoan Kiem District
Hanoi 30 May,

Dear Sir,

On behalf of New Future School, I
would like to thank you for your
generous donation of VND 1

million. Your contribution will
make it possible for us to build our
school library. A good library can
help the students very much in
their studying. We will issue a
receipt as soon as possible.

Once again thank you very much
for your kindness. We hope to
receive more assistance and
cooperation from your company in
the future.

I look forward to hearing from you

Yours faithfully
Le Thi Hoa

Principal of New Future School
- Whole class

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=57>

<b>Period 26</b>
<b>Unit 4: Volunteer work</b>
<b>Part E: Language focus</b>
<b>I. Objectives: </b>By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:
- Distinguish the sound /w/ and /j /.

- Pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly.
- Use gerunds, present participle, perfect gerunds and perfect participles


<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

- Textbook, handouts,…

<b>III. Anticipated problems:</b>

- Ss may find it difficult to differentiate between gerunds and present participles, so
T should be ready to explain.

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Teacher s activities</b>’ <b>Students activities</b>’


<b>Pronouncing the two sounds separately</b>

-<b> /w/: </b>is a voiced labial-velar a pproximant. It is
articulated with the back part of the tongue raised
toward the <b>soft palate</b> and the lips rounded.

- <b>/j /: </b>is a voiced palatal approximant. It is articulated
with the middle or back part of the tongue raised
agaist the <b>hard palate.</b>

- T plays the tape(or reads) once for Ss to hear the
words containing these two sounds. Then T plays the
tape(or reads) again and this time asks Ss to repeat

after the tape (or T).

<b>Pronouncing words containing the sounds</b>

- T reads the words and asks Ss to repeat them

- T asks Ss to practice pronouncing the words in pairs
- T asks some Ss to pronounce the words and gives
correction if necessary.

<b>Practicing sentences containing the target sounds</b>

- T reads the sentences and asks Ss underline the
words with the sounds and write / <b>w</b>/ and / <b>j </b>/ under

- Ask Ss to practice the sentences in pairs

- Ask some Ss to read the sentences and give

<b>1. Gerund </b>

<b>A. Presentation</b>

- Review the form and uses of gerund. The gerund

- Whole class

- Individual work

- Pair work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=58>

can be used:

<b>a</b>. as a subject of the sentences:

<b>b.</b> as the complement of the verb ‘tobe’

<b>c</b>. after prepositions

<b>d.</b> after a number of “phrase verb” which are
composed of a verb + preposition/ adverb

to look forward to, to give up, to be for/against, to
take to, to put off, to keep on.

<b>e.</b> in compound nouns

a driving lesson, a swimming pool, bird- watching

<b>f. </b>after the expressions:

can’t stand/help, it’s no good/use, it’s worth.

<b>B. Practice</b>
<b>Exercise 1</b>

- T asks Ss to do exercise1 individually and then

compare their answers with another student.

- T calls on some Ss to read out their answers

- T elicits peer correction and gives correct answer if

<b>2. Present participle </b>
<b>A. Presentation</b>

- The present participle is used in the following ways:

<b>a.</b> as part of the continuous form of a verb

<b>b.</b> after verbs of movement/position in the pattern:
verb+present participle

<b>c.</b> verb + object+present participle

<b>d.</b> as an adject

<b>e</b>. verb + time/money expression+present participle
ex: I spend 2 hours doing this exercise

Don’t waste time playing computer games

<b>f.</b> Catch/find + object+ present participle

<b>g.</b> to replace a sentence or part of a sentence or part
of a sentence

ex: Singing to himself, he walked down the road

<b>B. Practice</b>
<b>Exercise 2</b>

- Ask Ss to do exercise 2 in pairs

- Ask them to compare answers with another pair
- Call on some Ss to go to the board to write their

- Ask the other Ss to feedback and give correct

<b>3.Perfect gerund and perfect participle </b>
<b>A. Presentation</b>

<b>a. Perfect gerund</b>
<i>Form: having + PII</i>

<i>Use:- it c</i>an be used instead of the present form of the
gerund when we are referring to a past action

<b>Ex</b>: He was accused of deserting his ship= he was
accused of <b>having deserted</b> his ship

Give examples

- <b>Reading</b> helps you learn English

- Her favorite hobby is <b>reading</b>

- She is good at <b>learning</b> English
- I look forward to <b>hearing</b> from
you soon.

- He kept on <b>asking</b> for a discount
(giam gia)

- I can’t stand being stuck in traffic

It’s no use/good trying to persuade

1. listening 2. bending 3.

4. meeting 5. spending 6. waiting
7. starting

- Whole class take note
- Give examples

- I am <b>working</b>/ She was <b>dancing</b>

- I go <b>shopping</b> everyday

- He came <b>running</b> towards me
- I heard someone <b>playing</b> the


I can smell something <b>burning</b>

- It was an <b>interesting</b> film

It’s a bit worrying when the
police stop you

- ex: If I catch you stealing my
apples again, I’ll tell your parents.
- We found our dog lying in the

- Pair work

1. burning/rising 2. reading 3.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=59>

It also is used to emphasize completion in both the
past and the future

<b>b. Perfect participle</b>
<b>- form: having+PII</b>

<b>- use:</b> + the Perfect participle can be used instead of
the present participle when one action is immediately
followed by another with the same subject

(<i>Phân từ hồn thành có thể đc dùng thay cho hiện tại</i>

<i>phân từ trong câu có 2 hành động xảy ra liên tiếp</i>
<i>nhau cùng một chủ ngữ)</i>

+ The Perfect participle emphasizes the the first
action is complete before the second one starts

(<i>Phân từ hoàn thành cịn nhấn mạnh hành động thứ</i>
<i>nhất hồn thành trớc khi hành động thứ hai bắt đầu)</i>

+ The Perfect participle is necessary when there is an
interval( kho¶ng t/g) of time between the two actions

<i>(Nhất thiết phải dùng phân từ hoàn thành khi có 1</i>
<i>khoảng t/g giữa 2 hành động)</i>

+ It is also used when the first action covered a
period of time

<i>(Nó đc dùng khi hành động đầu tiên kéo dài trong</i>
<i>một khoảng t/g) ex: Having been ill for a long time,</i>
<i>He appreciated his health more</i>

<b>B. Practice</b>
<b>Exercise 3 </b>

- T asks Ss t to do exercise 3 individually and then
compare their answers with another student.

- T calls on some Ss to read out their answers

- T elicits peer correction and gives correct answer if

<b>Wrapping up </b>

- Summarises the main point of the lesson

- Ask Ss to learn by heart all points that have been
covered in the lesson and give more examples.

Nó đc dùng để thay thế cho hình
thức hiện tại của danh đt khi chúng
ta đề cập đến một hành động trong

Nó cịn dùng để nhấn mạnh sự
hoàn thành of hành động ở cả qk
và TL

ex:the retired teacher recalled

<b>having taught</b>

Ex: Switching off the light, we
went to bed = Having switched off
the light, we went to bed

Ex: she bought a bike and cycled

Having bought a bike, she cycled

Ex: Having failed twice, he didn’t
want to try again

Ex: he had been living there for
such a long time that he didn’t
want to move to another town
Having lived there for such a long
time that he didn’t want to move to
another town

<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=60>

<b>Period 27</b>

<b>I</b>. <b>OBJECTIVE:</b>

I-Knowledge: Helping students to correct ONE PERIOD TEST 1
II-Skill: Reading, speaking, and writing skill


I-Settlement: Greeting the class and checking students’ attendance.
II-Checking: Sharing papers with Students

III- New lesson: Correcting ONE PERIOD TEST 1

<b>III. Teaching method:</b> Communicative approach

<b>Teacher s activities</b>’ <b>Students activities</b>’

<b>I/ READING:</b>

- Ask Ss to read the passage.
- Ask Ss to answer the questions.

1. Why didn’t Chantal's parents send her to a state
primary school?

2. What was an important event for Chantal when
she was eleven?

3. What profession did she finally decide to

<i>Choose true or false</i>

4. ………….. Chantal didn’t like her reading and

- Read the passage
- Answers:

1/ Because Chantal's parents didn't
have much money.

2/ When she was eleven he sent her to
an expensive private school.

3/ In the end she decided to become a


<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=61>

writing lessons.

5. ………….. She passed all her exams, and went
to university at eighteen.

- Corrects them.

<i><b>II/ Rearrange the following sentences to make a </b></i>
<i><b>conversation: (2.0ms)</b></i>

- Ask Ss to rearrange the following sentences to
make a conversation.

- Ask Ss to work in pairs.

A: What did yoy talk about?

B: Everything about the lake: its name, the
great turtles in it, etc.

C: Have you ever spoken English to a native

D: How did the experience affect you?

E: Yes. I talked to an English girl last summer.
F: How did you meet her?

G: I was walking along Trang Tien Street when
an English girl came up to me and asked me the
way to HoanKiem Lake. I told her, then we started
talking about the lake.

H: Well, it made me more interested in
learning English

- Correct mistakes.

<i><b>III/ Use the correct form of the verbs in </b></i>

<i><b>parentheses in the following sentences. (3.0 ms)</b></i>

- Ask Ss to do the exercise
- Ask Ss to work individually.

1. Every day Nam goes to school at 6 a.m.
Yesterday he (go) to school at 6:30 a.m. He was
late. ………

2. He often (have) breakfast at 7.30 in the
morning. ………

3. They want (travel) by air because it is much
faster than other means of transport. ……….
4. Isaac Newton died on March 20, 1772 and
(bury) in Westminster Abby. ……….

5. I’d like (have) a look at your new car.


6. I (try) to learn English for years, but I haven’t
succeeded yet.

- Correct mistakes.

<i><b>IV/ Make sentences based on given hints. (2.5 </b></i>

- Ask Ss to do the exercise
- Ask Ss to work individually.

1. Have / you / start / learn / English / yet?
2. We / already / study / the language / our
school / since 1990.

5. T

- Rearrange the following sentences to
make a conversation

- Write them on the board
1. C
2. E
3. F
4. G
5. A
6. B
7. D

8. H

- Work in pairs

- Work individually.
- Write them on the board
1. went

2. has
3. to travel
4. buried
5. to have
6. have tried

- Work individually.
- Write them on the board

1. Have you started to learn English

2. We have already studied of the
language our school since 1990.

3. Elementary school the students
have learned English since 1980.
4. I went to England in 2000 with my

<span class='text_page_counter'>(62)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=62>

3. Elementary school / students / learn / English /

since 1980.

4. I / go / to England / 2000 / my parents.
5. I / go / Wales / but / didn’t go / Scotland.
- Correct mistakes.

<b>V. Consolidation:</b> - What have you learnt inUnit
1,2 and 3

<b>VI. Homework:</b> - Ask Ss to review all
grammtical points and vocabularies.

- Review all grammtical points and

<b>Period 28</b>

<b>Unit 6:</b> <b>COMPETITIONS</b>

<b>A. Reading</b>

<b>I. Objectives: </b>By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:

- Develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas and identifying
meaning in text.

- Use the information they have read to discuss the related topic.

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<b>- </b>Textbook, handouts, pictures about competitions,…
<b>III. Anticipated problems:</b>

- Ss may need help with the discussion task, so T should be ready to help them.

<b>IV. Procedure</b>

<b>Teacher s activities</b>’ <b>Students activities</b>’

<b>Warm up</b>

- Get Ss to work in pairs, matching the 4
given competition with the correct
pictures on page 66.

- Check the answer with the whole class.
- Get Ss to tell which of these
competition they like most and why. T
gets Ss to name some other competitions
that they know or have ever participated
in and elicits their comments on the

<b>Before you read</b>

- Introduce the topic of the lesson and
get Ss to work in pairs and answer the
questions on page 67.

- Call on some Ss to answer the

questions. Ask Ss to give reasons for
their answers. T helps Ss to express their

<b>Vocabulary pre- teach</b>

Representative (n) [,repri'zentətiv]
Competition (n) [,kɔmpə'ti∫n]

to compete against / with somebody in /

Pair work

a. Quiz: Road to Mount Olympia
b. London Marathon

c. Sao Mai Television Singing contest
d. Olympic Games

pair work

1. Yes, Because I want to overcome

2. Yes, I do. I like to win in Quiz:”Road
to Mount Olympia”

3.No, it isn’t. Because I think the most
important thing is having a chance to
participate in a competition, learning

from other competitors and enjoy

<span class='text_page_counter'>(63)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=63>

for something

competitive (a) [kəm'petətiv]
competitor (n) [kəm'petitə]

to take part in st/doing st = to participate
in st/doing st

stimulate (v) ['stimjuleit]- stimulation (n)
annual(a) ['ænjuəl] = yearly

sponsor (v,n) ['spɔnsə]
announce(v) [ə'nauns]

Ask Ss to practice the new words and
make sentences from the new words
- Then ask Ss to guess what they are
going to read about

<b>While you read</b>

Set the scene: You are going to about a
school’s competition

<b>Task 1</b>

Get Ss to read the passage silently and

then do Task 1

- Check the answers with the whole class
- Check Ss’ understanding all these
words correctly by calling on some Ss to
tell the meaning of the words in

<b>Task 2</b>

<b>- </b>Ask Ss skim the 6 questions to
understand them

- Ask them to read carefully the passage

- Then T gets Ss to check their answer
with a partner

- Call on some Ss to read aloud their
answer and ask them to explain their

- Give the correct answers

<b>Task 3 </b>

- Ask Ss to read Para 5 again and
complete the sentences

- Call on some Ss to write their answers
on the board and ask them to explain
their choices

1. …to recite/complete the poem
because he could not remember the last

2. became the winner of the competition
3. 60 points

4. ” For me the important thing was our
participation in the competition and the

®ua tranh víi ai…
khuyến khích
đỡ đầu, bo tr
giám khảo
thụng bỏo

Individual work

1. d 2. f 3. e 4. c 5. b 6. a

Individual work and pair work

1. The representatives of 3 classes of the
speaker’Ss school

2. The aim was to stimulate the spirit of

learning English among Ss

3. The Ss’ Parents Society

4. They had to complete 5 activities in
all. On competition of each activity,
they had to answer the questions in the
worksheets within 2 mimutes

5. They had to observe and score the Ss’
performance. A maximum score for
each activity was 15. At the end of the
competition they would announce the
total score of each group. The group
that got the highest scores will be the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(64)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=64>

enjoyment we had from it”

<b>After you read</b>

- T reads the poem aloud once or twice
and get Ss to repeat each line after

- Let Ss practice reciting the poem in
their own groups

- Call on different groups to read the
poem and ask the class to decide who

the best performers are

- Ask them to translate the poem into

<b>Consolidation and homework</b>

- T summarises the main point of the

- Ask Ss to learn by heart the new words
and make sentences from them.

Group work

Patter ['pætə]: tiếng tí tách, tiếng lợp
đợp (mưa rơi)

Window –pane /'windou'pein/ ơ kính
cửa sơ

Whole class

<b>Period 29</b>

<b>Unit 6:</b> <b>COMPETITIONS</b>

<b>B. Speaking</b>

<b>I. Objectives: </b>By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:

- Ask for and give information about types of competitions
- Talk about a competition or contest

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(65)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=65>

<b>III. Anticipated problems:</b>

- Ss may need help with the discussion task, so T should be ready to help them.

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Teacher s activities</b>’ <b>Students activities</b>’

<b>Warm up</b>

Handouts: <b>General knowledge quiz</b>

- T delivers the handouts in which have the questions for Ss
to choose the correct answers.

1.Which language has the most native speaker?

a. Bengali b. English c. Mandarin Chinese d. Spainish
2. What is the largest country(by area) in the world that has
a land border with only one other country?

a. Australia b.Canada c. India d. United States
3. In which country will the 2008 Olympic Games held?
a. China b. Germany c. Greece d. United States
4. In which country is Mount Everest?

a. Tibet b. Nepal c. Findland d. Switzeland
5. Which continent has the biggest population?
a. Africa b. Europe c. America d. Asia

<b> answer</b>:

1. c 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. d
6. b 7. c 8.a 9. b 10. d

<b>Task 1</b>

-Introduce the task and gets Ss to do it individually
-Explain the meaning of the new words.

-Call on different pairs to report their answers. T should
encourage them to explain why they like or dislike a
game/constest and help them to express their ideas when

<b>Task 2</b>

<b>- </b>Introduce the task and call on one or two pairs of Ss to
read aloud the sample dialogue

- Ask Ss to read the useful expression on page 69 and
explain the new words

- Giving more structures:

<b>Asking for opinions:</b>

What do you think about..?

What’Ss your opinion about……/
How do you feel about…?

Do you like..?

<b>Giving opinions</b>

I think….is/aregood/fun/great/wonderful/perfect/interesting
I think in my opinion……….

From my point of view……..
As I see it…………

- Put Ss into pairs and get them to make similar dialogue,
using the structures they have learnt

- Go around to check and offer help

Group work

6.Which famous pop
musician sang at
Princess Diana’s

a. Mariah Carey

b. Elton John
c. Ricky Martin
d. Celine Dion
7. Which is the
nearest star?
a. The Moon
b. Jupiter
c. The Sun
d. Mars

8. Who discovered

a. Christopher

Columbus b. James

c. Great Khan
d. King Henry VIII
9. Who wrote the
song entitled
a. John
Lennon b. Paul

c. Yoko Ono
d. George Harrison
10. How many legs

does a butterfly

a. 3 b. 4 c. 5
d. 6

individual work and
pair work

compare with their


My partner

<span class='text_page_counter'>(66)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=66>

- After that T calls on some pairs to perform their dialogue

<b>Task 3 </b>

<b>- </b>Put Ss in groups of 3 or 4. T tells each group to choose a
famous TV game or competion and work out details about it
- Go around to check and offer help

- After Ss have finished, T call on each group to come the
front. The whole class will ask questions about the

game/contest and guess what game, constest it is.

<b>Consolidation and homework </b>

- Summarise the main point of the lesson

- Ask Ss to write a para about a game show they like


Both of us
Neither my partner
nor I like…..

Neither of us

Pair work
Group work
Whole class

<b>Period 30</b>

<b>Unit 6:</b> <b>COMPETITIONS</b>

<b>C. Listening</b>

<b>I. Objectives: </b>By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:
- Develop extensive listening skills

- Use the information they have listened to for other communicative tasks

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

Textbook, handouts, cassette tapes,…

<b>III. Procedure:</b>

<b>Teacher s activities</b>’ <b>Students activities</b>’

<b>Warm up</b>
<b>Jumbled words</b>

<b>- </b>T divides the class into groups of 3 or 4
- Give each group one card containing 10
words whose letters are jumbled and ask
Ss to rearrange the letter to make good
words. The group which finishes the task
first with the most correct words will be
the winner

<b>The card</b>

1. tohamarn 2. sifihn 3. renurn 4.

5. crae 6. conpahim 7. nurning 8.

Group work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(67)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=67>


9. storp 10. cirang

<b>Before you listen</b>

- T uses the picture in the textbook to
introduce the topic

+ What can you see in the picture?
+ What event is it?

+Where do you think the Boston
Marathon might take place?
- What is the Boston Marathon?

- Who do you think can take part in the
Boston race?

<b>While you listen</b>
<b>Task 1</b>

<b>Instruction:</b> You are going to listen
about the Boston Marathon. Listen and
answer T/F questions. Put a tick in the
appropriate box

- Before listening, ask Ss to read through
the statements to understand them and
underline keys words.

- Play the tape once for Ss to listen and do

the task

- Check the answer with the whole class.
If many Ss cannot answer the questions,
T plays the tape one or two more times
and pauses at the answer for them to

<b>Task 2</b>

- T asks Ss to read through the questions
in task 2

- Play the tape again for Ss to answer the

- Get Ss to check their answer with a
partner. Then T checks with whole class.
T should play the tape again and pause at
difficult points if many Ss cannot

complete the task

<b>After you listen(</b>

- Ask Ss to talk about a famous

Vietnamese runner or

sportman/sportwoman that they like

- Put Ss in small group of 3 or 4

- Ask each group will prepare a short
biography of a famous Vietnamese
runner(or sportman) and do not let other
group know who is this person is

- Go around the class to check and offer

- After finishing, T calls on the

Whole class

We can see two athletes
Boston Marathon


+ It is held in the USA

+ It began at the end of the 19th<sub> century</sub>

+ The Boston race is about 42 km
+ Runners have to go through 13 towns
during the race

<b>-</b> Atheles

Individual work


1. T 2. T 5. T

3. F (2 hours 50 minutes and 10

4. F (1967)

6. F (pass through 13 towns and ends
in centre of Boston)

Individual work/ pair work and whole

1. New York
2. In 1972
3. 8

4. 6164

Work in group

<span class='text_page_counter'>(68)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=68>

representative of each group to talk about
their favouite sportman/woman

- Listen and take notes of Ss’ errors. T
provides corrective feedback after that

<b>Consolidation and homework</b>

- Summarise the main point of the lesson
- Do exercises in workbook

<b>Period 31 </b>

<b>Unit 6:</b> <b>COMPETITIONS</b>

<b>D. Writing</b>

<b>I. Objectives: </b>By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:
- Write a letter to reply to the request of information

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

Textbook, handouts, …

<b>III. Procedure:</b>

<b>Teacher s activities</b>’ <b>Students activities</b>’

<b>Warm - up</b>
<b>Hang-man game</b>

- T revises the vocabulary Ss learned in last

<b>Before you write</b>
<b>Task 1</b>

<b>-</b>T asks Ss if they want to participate in a
competition, what information about the
competition they would like to know and
would look for. T writes the answers on the

- T gets Ss to read the letter in task 1

- Ask Ss to indentify who wrote the letter, for
what purpose, what information she
requested and compare their answers with
the ideas on the board

<b>While you write</b>

<b>- </b>T gets Ss to read the requirement of task 2
and work out with a peer what they need to
include in the reply letter and what kind of
language(formal or informal) they need to

- Get Ss to write their own letters in 10

- T then asks Ss to get in pairs, exchange
their letters and correct each other

- T goes around to offer help

28th<sub> October, 2007</sub>

Dear Thu Trang,

Thank for your letter and welcome to our

Group work

- Individual work

When?(the date and time)
Where?(the venue)

Who?(who can participate, who are the
hosts/judges, who to contact,ect)

How?(how to apply to participat, how the
contest proceeds, how the candidates’
performance is assesses,etc)

What?(what is expected of the candidates,
what the award is)

Individual work and pair work
English for the World

106 Tran Hung Dao St, Hoan Kiem District



Dear Thu Trang,

Thank you for your interest in our English
Speaking Competition. Here is the
information that you request.

Date and time: 8:30p.m, October 25, 2006
Venue: 106 Tran Hung Dao

Number of participant: 25

<span class='text_page_counter'>(69)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=69>

English Speaking Competion. Here are some
details about the competion:

The number of participants is limited- just
25. The competition is held on 25th

November 2007, at 106 Tran Hung Dao
Street, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi. It starts at
8:00p.m. Contestants should be present one
hour before the competition for registration
For more information please contact me on
the phone number(04) 9838188m, and

Best wishes,
Kate Johnson

<b>After you write</b>

<b>- </b>T chooses one or two letters and reads
it/them to the class

<b>- </b>Then T elicits corrective feedback from the
class and gives final comments afterwards. T
should draw Ss’ attention to the format of the
letter, the organization of ideas and language
use.<b> </b>

<b>Consolidation and homework</b>

<b>-</b> Summarise the main point of the lesson

<b>- </b>T asks Ss to revise their letters according to
their peer’s suggestions and submit for
making in the next lesson<b> </b>

We encourage you to apply to participate by
4p.m, October 20. Because this year we
limit the number of participants to only 25,
application submitted late will not be

For further information, please contact me
on 9838188 or email me at

We wish you good luck at the contest and
look forward to seeing you there.

Best regards
Kate Johnson
Whole class

Whole class

<b>Period 32</b>

<b>Unit 6:</b> <b>COMPETITIONS</b>

<b>E. Language focus</b>
<b>I. Objectives: </b>By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:

- Distinguish the clusters /tr/, /dr/, /tw/ and pronounce the words and sentences
containing them correctly.

- Understand reported speech with gerund and use these structures to solve
communicative tasks.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(70)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=70>

- Textbook, handouts, …

<b>III. Procedure</b>:

<b>Teacher s activities</b>’ <b>Students activities</b>’


Distinguish sounds

- T models the three clusters /tr/, /dr/,
/tw/ for few times and explains how to
pronounce them

- T gets Ss to read the words in each
column out loud in chorus for a few
more times. T listens and corrects if Ss
pronounce the words incorrectly

Practicing sentences containing the
target sounds

- Ask Ss to work in pairs and take turn to
read aloud the given sentences

- Go around to listen and take notes of
the typical errors

- Call on some Ss to read the sentences
again and provides corrective feedback

<b>a. Presentation</b>

<b>Reported speech with gerund</b>

<b>Form: V + (O) + Preposition + (not) +</b>


<b>Use: </b>We usually use a gerund structure
to report thanking, apologies,
accusations, and so on.

<b>Accuse (sb) of, apologise (sb) for, insist</b>
<b>on</b>(khăng khăng)<b>,</b> <b>congratulated (sb)</b>
<b>on, dream of, warn (sb) against </b>(dặn ai
để phịng cáI gì/ai)<b>, prevent (sb) from,</b>
<b>thank (sb) for, suspect (sb) of….</b>

Note: we don’t use<b>'say</b>” in this structure.
- Some verbs do not need a preposition:

<b>Stop, admit, suggest, deny, mention,</b>
<b>propose </b>(đề nghị)

<b>Exercise 1</b>

- T gets Ss to do the exercise 1
individually and then find a partner to
check their answers with

-T checks with whole class and provides
corrective feedback


- T gets Ss to do the exercise 1
individually and then find a partner to
check their answers with

-T checks with whole class and provides

Individual work and whole class

Pair work

Whole class take note and give

Ex: “Sorry, I’m late”

She apologized for being late
Ex:” I didn’t do that”

She denied doing that

“It was nice of you to help me. Thank
you very much”

Tom thanked me for helping him
“Shall we pick you up at school?”

They suggested picking me up at school
Individual work, pair work and whole

Exercise 1

1. John congratulated us on passing our

2. Mary apologized for not phoning me

3. Peter insisted on driving Linda to the

4. The teacher accused the boy of not
paying attention to what he had said
5. Bob has always dreamed of being

6. I warned Ann against staying at the
hotel near the airport

<span class='text_page_counter'>(71)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=71>

corrective feedback

1. Tom insisted on paying for the meal
2. Mr and Mrs Smith looked forward to
meeting their children soon

3. The boy denied breaking the window
of the woman’s house

4. The policeman stopped the customer
from leaving the shop

5. The thief admitted stealing Mrs
Brown’s car

6. Ann suggested having a party the next

7. John and his wife were thinking of
buying the house

<b> Consolidation and</b>

<b>-</b> T summarises the main points of the

<b>-</b> Ask Ss to revise reported speech with
gerund and do exercises in the

8. Miss White thanked Jack for visiting

<b>Period: 33</b>

<b>I. Objectives: </b>By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:
- Ss can understand the content of the test

- Ss can do the test well.

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

- Textbook, handouts,…

<b>III. Procedure:</b>

<b>Teacher s activities</b>’ <b>Students activities</b>’

<b>1. Check the attendance </b>
<b>2. New lesson</b>

<b>A. Listening </b>

- Ask Ss to read the sentences before listening

- Ask Ss to complete the sentences after the 1st

listening & then check the answer again after the 2nd

& the 3rd<sub> listening </sub>

- Ask Ss to choose the best answer.
- Correct

<b>B. Reading </b>

- Ask Ss to read the passage and then choose the best

- Call some Ss to stand up and answer the questions.
- Listen and give the feedback

<b>C. Pronunciation and Grammar </b>

- Read the sentences
- Listen to the tape

- Choose the best answer.

1. A (They had olive wreath placed
on their heads)

2. B 3. D 4. C 5. B
- Read the passage and then choose
the best answer.

- Stand up and answer the

- Listen and give the feedback
1. D 2. B 3. B
4. C 5. C

<span class='text_page_counter'>(72)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=72>


- Ask Ss to listen and put a tick in the right box
- T reads the words for Ss to put a tick


- Revise Ss the grammar

- Ask Ss do exercise then call some Ss to go to the

- Correct their mistakes

<b>D. Writing </b>

- Ask Ss to write about one of the competitions for
secondary school students on TV.

+ time and the channel on TV

+ length of the show, parts of the show
+ number of the competitors

+ content of the questions
+ the feeling you have for it

- After they have finished T picks up some Ss’ writing
and find common mistakes then asks Ss to correct

<b>3. Homework </b>

- Ask Ss to revise and prepare a 45- minute written

a. Pronunciation

1. Play 2. drive 3.

4. proud

- Individual work
b. Grammar

1. talking 2. to go 3.
smoking 4. saying 5.
do 6. going

- Individual wok

<b>Writing </b>

<b>Sample writing</b>

“ Road to Mount Olympia” is a
very popular competition for
secondary students in Vietnam. It
is a general knowledge quiz, which
debuted on VTV3 in 1999 and
since then has been shown at 10:30
a.m every Sunday on the same
channel. The show is sponsored by
LG Corp and hosted by several
popular speakers such as Ta Bich
Loan, Luu Minh Vu, and Tung Chi

The copetition last one year
and consists of 52 qualifying
sessions and a final. There are 4
competitors in each session. These
are the representatives of different
schools around the country. They
are asked questions about sciences
and arts. The winner of each
weekly session can go to monthly
session and compete with other
students to win a place at the
quarterly session. The winners a of
the quarterly session can go to the
final. The winner of the final will
receive a large cash prize.

I like the show very much
because I can learn a lot from the
questions asked in it.

- Whole class

<span class='text_page_counter'>(73)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=73>

The Greeks attached (gắn liền với) so much importance to these games that they calculated time in four
years cycles called” Olympiads” dating from 776 B.C

<b>Period 34 REVIEW UNIT 4 and 6</b>
<b>I. Objectives: </b>By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:
- Ss can understand the content of the test

- Ss can do the test well.

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

- Handouts,…

<b>I.</b> <b>Choose the word or phrase that best fits each gap of the passage.</b>

For many young people sport is a popular part of school life and...(1)..in one of
the school teams and playing in matches is very important. ...(2)... someone is in a
team it means a lot of extra practice and often spending a Saturday or Sunday
away...(3)..home,as many matches are played there. It..(4)...also involve travelling
to other towns to play against other school teams and then...(5)...on after the match
for meal or drink.Sometimes parents,friends or the students will travel with the
team to support...(6)..own side.

When a school team wins a match,it is the whole school which feels proud,...
(7)...only the players. It can also mean that a school...(8)..well-known for being
good at certain sports and pupils from that school may end its playing...
(9)...national and international teams so that the school has some really..(10)...
names associated with it.

1. A) having B) being C) taking D) putting

2. A) If B) As C) Then D) So

3. A) at B) on C) for D) from

4. A) ought B) is C) can D)has

5. A) being B) staying C) leaving D) spending

6. A) their B) its C) our D) whose

7. A) but B) however C) and D)not

8. A) turns B) makes C) comes D) becomes

9. A) up B) to C) for D) beside

10. A) old B) new C) common D) famous

<b>II.Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs</b>

1.While they were away at the beach,they allowed their neighbours use the food.

2.She wishes that we didn’t send her the cake yesterday because she’s on a diet.

<b> A B C</b> D
3.They are planning on attending the convention next month and so I am.
<b>A B C D</b>

4.He has less friends in his classes now than he had last year.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(74)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=74>

6.We thought he is planning to go on vacation after the first of the month.

7.One should avoid to eat a heavy meal late in the evening.

8.The class could not help to laugh when the teacher dropped all his papers.

9.We insist on you leaving the meeting before any further outbursts take place.

10.She does not know who did paint that beautiful painting.

<b>III.Choose the word with has the different pronounciation of the underlined </b>

1.A)parada B)apathetic C)companion D)marmalade

2.A)research B)resent C)resemble D)resist

3.A)breath B)feather C)heather D)leather

4.A)ache B)orchestra C)charity D)chorus

5.A)persuit B)suitable C)recruit D)guity

6.A)missed B)parted C)passed D)barked

7.A)believes B)pencils C)contents D)tables

8.A)surprise B)devise C)promise D)realise

9.A)question B)assure C)patient D)fresh

10.A)health B)heal C)meal D)steal

<b>IV. Choose the best answer.</b>

1.A...is a long running race of about 42kilometers or 26 miles.

A)long race B)mini-marathon C)marathon D)B&C are correct

2... is the sound that is made by something repeatedly hitting a surface quickly and

A)Hitting B)Part C)Parting D)Parter
3.I heard her feet... along the corrider.

A)putting B)pattering C)jumping D)knocking
4.The painting is not ....of his work of the period.

A)representative B)represented C)representing D)represent
5.He...10,09 seconds in the 100 meters final.

A)set B)clock C)clocked D)gained
6.They were bitterly...at the result of the game.

A)disappoint B)disappointing C)disappointed D)disapointedly
7.Her ...language is Korean.

A)native B)national C)international D)mother
8.We insisted...a refund of the full amount.

A)on B)at C)in D)to

9.The ...of a football team usually wears a colored arm band.

A) captain B)forward C)goalkeeper D)defender

10.We are ....competition...four other companies for the contract.

A) in/with B)in/of C)at/with D)at/of

11.We encourage students to ....fully in the running of the college.
A) participate B)emerge C)go D)enter

12.Go and apologize...her.

A) about B)to C)with D)at

13.We apologize... the late departure of this flight

A) about B)to C)of D)for

<span class='text_page_counter'>(75)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=75>

15.Which of these is one of the sports events in the Olypic Games?
A) hiking B)racing C)hunting D)fishing

16.Only thirty students graduated... Chinese last year.

A) in B)of C)for D)on

17.The boy denied...the window of her house.

A) breaking B)break C)broken D)to break

18. If you want to win in the competition,you must practise...

A) hardly B)hard C)enough D)seriously

19.Lan’s mother prevented her...going out for dinner.

A) about B)by C)for D)from

20. My sister is...person in our family.

A) shorter B)the shorter C)the shortest D)the most short

<b>Period 35</b>

<b>45 minutes test( No 02)</b>
<i><b>I/ Read the text and do the tasks below : (2.5 ms)</b></i>

Teachers’ Day falls on the twentieth of November each year. Generallly, on this
remarkable occasion, school-children show their appreciation to their teachers who
have painstakingly guided them in their study. It is a time to forget the bad
experiences students may have of their teachers scolding and punishing them.

Students give their teachers flowers and gifts. Such gestures are small in
comparison with the teachers’ dedication and hard work. Parties are held and there
is a lot of fun and amusement in the schools.

<i>Answer the questions</i>.

1) When is Teachers’ Day held?

2) What do students give their teachers?

3) What are held in the schools on Teachers’ Day?

<i>Choose true or false</i>

4) ………… School-children show their appreciation to their teachers on this
remarkable occasion.

5) ………… Gestures are not small in comparison with the teachers’ dedication
and hard work.

<i><b>II/ Write a letter to respond to Thu Trang, using the details below: (2.5 ms)</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(76)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=76>

- Venue: 79 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai street, Tan Binh district, Ho Chi Minh

- Date: 27th<sub> December.</sub>

- Arrival time: 6:00 p.m; starting time: 7:00 p.m.
- Phone number : 089838188.

- E-mail :

<i><b>III/ Change direct speech into reported speech: (3.5 ms)</b></i>

1) “I’m sorry I didn’t phone you earlier,” Mary said.

 Mary apologised for

2) “I hear you passed your exams. Congratulations!” John said to us.

 John congratulated ……… on

3) Linda: Let me pay for the meal.

Tom: Certainly not! I’ll pay.
 Tom insisted on


4) “We’ll come back again.”
 They promised

5) “You should join the football team, Eric,” said the teacher.

 The teacher encouraged

6) “You should not drink too much beer.”

 My parents advised me


7) “I’ve always wanted to be rich,” Bod said.

 Bod has always dreamed of


<i><b>IV/ Finish the following dialogue: (1.5 ms)</b></i>

A: What kind of volunteer work are you participating in?

B: ………
A: ………?
B: We are teaching the children to read and write.

A: ………?
B: Yes. I like helping people.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(77)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=77>

<b>Period: 36 & 37</b>

<b>A. Reading</b>

<b>I. Objectives: </b>By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:

- Develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas and guessing
meaning in context.

- Use the information they have read to discuss the topic.

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

- Textbook, handouts,…

<b>III. Anticipated problems:</b>

- Ss may not have enough vocabulary to talk about the topic, so T should be ready
to help them.

<b>IV. Procedure</b>

<b>Teacher s activities</b>’ <b>Students activities</b>’

<b>Warm </b>–<b> up</b>

<b>Lucky number</b>

1. Can you sing a song?
2. Lucky number

3. The noun of populate

4. Which continent has the biggest

5. the synonym of ‘country’ - nation

<b>Before you read</b>

Discussing the pictures

Ask Ss to look the pictures on page 80
then answer the questions:

<b>-</b> Who can you see in the first

<b>-</b> How many children does the man

<b>-</b> How is the house which his family
live in?

<b>-</b> What does the man do to earn his

<b>-</b> What do two pictures tell you?

<b>Pre - teaching vocabulary</b>

To double: tăng gấp đôi

Average(a) b×nh thêng, trung b×nh

Group work

Pair work

- A family with too many children
- 6 children

- They live in an old mud and draw

- He is unemployed so he has to do
manual work.

- The first picture tells us that if we have
a big family, we may not support our
children properly and give them a good
life and education.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(78)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=78>

Birth- control methods: các biện pháp
hạn chế sinh đẻ

Family planning: khh g®

<i><b>It is time sb did st:</b></i> đã đến lúc ai đó
phải làm gì

Ex: It is time he came back home

<i><b>To continue to do st</b></i>

Ex: It continued to rain heavily

<b>While you read</b>

Setting the scene

You are going to read a passage about

the world population. While you read,
doing the tasks in text book

<b>Task 1</b>

Ask Ss to read the words in the box
then complete each sentence with a
suitable word

Ask Ss to work individually to do the

Ask Ss to exchange their answers with
other Ss

Call some of them to answer and give
the feedback

<b>Task 2</b>

Ask Ss how to do this task and ask
them to read

the questions and underline key words
before anwering them

Ask Ss to work individually to do the
task, then discuss their answers with
their peers

Call on some Ss to give their answer
and ask them to explain their choices. T
elicits feedback from other Ss and give
the correct answers

<b>After you read</b>

T writes the name of ten countries on
the board and ask Ss to work in pairs to
order these countries according to their

Number 1 is the most populated
country. And which is the richest,
which is the poorest of them

Indonesia Russia
China  Japan
Pakistan  Nigeria
Brazil 


United States  India

Take notes and practice reading

Pay attention

Individual work and pair work
1. although 5. figures
2. method 6. limit
3. increases 7. international
4. resources 8. control

Individual work and pair work

1. The population of the world in 10.000
B.C was 10 million, in 1750 it was 650
million, in 1850 it was 1300 million, in
1950 it was 2510 million, in 1985 it was
4760 million, in 2000 it was 6.6 billion
2. By the year 2015, the population of the
world is expected to be over 7 billion
3. Some scientist say it can, but others
say it can’t

4. No, they don’t

5. Because they know of no safe way to
have fewer children

- Pair work

1. China 2. India 3. United States 4.

5. Brazil 6. Pakistan 7. Bangladest 8.
Russia 9. Nigeria 10. Japan

-Japan, China, Pakistan, Bangladesh,
India, Indonesia are in Asia

-The United States is in North America
-Brazil is in South America

-Russia is in Eroupe
-Nigeria is in Africa

<span class='text_page_counter'>(79)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=79>

<b>Consolidation and homework</b>

T summarises the main points
T asks Ss to learn by heart all new
words and do the exercises in

<b>Period 38</b>

<b>B. Speaking</b>

<b>I. Objectives: </b>By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:

-Talk about the causes of population explosion, problems of population booms and
solutions to these problems.

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

- Textbook, handouts, ….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(80)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=80>

- Ss may not have enough vocabulary to talk about the topic, so T should be ready
to provide help.

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Teacher s activities</b>’ <b>Students activities</b>’

<b>Warm up</b>

Picture description

T shows Ss the following picture and
ask them two questions:

+ What can you see in the picture?
+ What does the picture tell you?

<b>Task 1</b>

You are going to put the following
causes to overpopulation in order of
importace and explain

your decision.

Ask Ss to read through the causes
provided on page 83

Get Ss to work in pairs to order the

causes and remind them to explain
their order

Call on some pairs to present their
order and ask other pairs if they agree
or disagree with their friends’ answers

<b>Task 2</b>

Instruction: You are going to work in
pairs to list the problems facing poor
and overpopulated countries

T asks Ss to read the <i>useful language</i>

on page 83. T reminds Ss that they
should match the words / phrases on
the left with the words/ phrases on the

T may asks Ss to think of other
problems not mentioned in the book
T calls on some Ss to report their
answers and asks other Ss to feedback.
T comments and gives corrective

<b>Task 3</b>

Instruction: Now you in groups to find

out the solutions to the problems of

- T gets Ss to read Useful language. T
may elicit / pre-teach some words /

Whole class

A man is carring many children by

The picture tells us about overpopulation

Whole class and pair work

1. Many people believe that having many
children means happiness

2. People are not aware of the problem of

3. Many people believe that having a
large family is a form of insurance

4. People are not properly educated

5. Religion doesn’t encourage people to
have fewer children

6. Fewer children die at birth

Pair work

Suggested answers:
<b>-</b> poor living condition
<b>-</b> low living standard

<b>-</b> not enough / expensive food

<b>-</b> lack / shortage of schools / hospitals /
teachers / doctors and nurses

<b>-</b> unemployment
<b>-</b> social evils
<b>-</b> illiteracy
group work

Suggested answers:

<b>-</b> raise an awareness of the problems of

<span class='text_page_counter'>(81)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=81>


Reward and punishment policy: Chính
sách thởng phạt

To exercise /implement / 'implimnt/:
thực thi / áp dụng

To carry out: tiến hành

To raise: nêu lên, đưa ra; đề xuất

- T asks Ss to work in groups to do the
task. Ss may work out other solutions
- T goes around to offer help

- T calls on some Ss to present their
group’s ideas

- T elicits feedback from the class and
gives final comments

<b>Task 4</b>

Instruction: Now you are going to work
in groups to talk about the problems of
overpopulation and offer solutions,
using the results of Task 2 and Task 3
-Ask Ss to give a short presentation on
the problems of population explosion
and the solutions to them

- Encourage Ss to use transition signals
to make their presentation. T can elicit
the list of signals from Ss

+ first / firstly, second, next

+ also, besides, moreover, in addition,


+ the first problems is that……/ the
next solution is that….

+ on the one hand, on the other hand,
however, but………..

- Call on some group representatives to
present and asks others to comment.
Finally, T gives feedback on Ss’
presentations and corrects the mistakes
and errors

<b>Consolidation and homework</b>

T summarises the main points

T asks Ss to do exercises in workbook

<b>-</b> exercise / implement reward and
punishment policy

<b>-</b> carry out population education
program / family planning program
<b>-</b> use birth control methods

Whole class and group work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(82)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=82>

<b> Period 39</b>

<b>C. Listening</b>

<b>I. Objectives: </b>By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:

- Develop such listening micro-skills as listening for specific information and
listening for general infromation.

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

- Textbook, handouts, cassette tapes,…

<b>III. Anticipated problems:</b>

- Ss may not also be familiar with the note-taking task so T should provide them
some tip to deal with the task.

<b>IV. Procedure</b>

<b>Teacher s activities</b>’ <b>Students activities</b>’

<b>Warm up </b>

Competion game - Crossword puzzele


1. an area of publish land in a town or
a city where people go to walk, play

and relax

2. the noun of “poor”

3. attractive without being very

4. without a job although able to work
5. a group of students who are taught

6. (of men) attractive

7. feeling that you would like to sleep
or rest

8. not knowing how to read or write

Group work
1. park
2. poverty
3. pretty

4. unemployed
5. class

<span class='text_page_counter'>(83)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=83>

9. not young

10. the synonym of ‘country’

<b>Before you listen</b>

<b>Discussing the questions</b>

- Ask Ss to discuss the questions on
page 84 in pairs

- Call on some Ss to give their answers
and comments on the answers

- Get Ss to guess what they are going
to listen about

<b>Vocabulary Pre-teach</b>

- Before writing the new words on the
board, T helps Ss to pronounce the
words given in the book. T may read
aloud first or play the tape and ask Ss
to repeat in chorus and individually
- T teaches some of these words and
those taken from the listening passage:
Latin America

Rate of population growth
Developing countries
Rank (v,n)

Fall (n)


- T gets Ss to make sentences with the
words and gives corrective feedback

<b>While you listen</b>
<b>Task 1</b>

Instruction: You are going to listen to
Dr Brown talk about the world
population. While listening, choose the
best answer A,B,C or D to complete
the statements or answer the questions.
- Get Ss to read the statements and
questions carefully and work out what
information they need to concentrate
on while listening. Then check with
whole class

- Get Ss to read the options in each
question and underline the words that
make them different

- Get Ss to guess the answer to each

- Play the tape once or twice for Ss to
listen and do the task

- Check the answer with whole class

<b>Task 2</b>

Ask Ss to read the questions in task 2
to understand them

pair work

suggested answers

1. Yes, our world is overpopulated
because it has more than 6 billion people
2. Asia has the largest population with
China the most populated country in the
world and India the second

Whole class

Châu Mỹ La tinh
tỉ lệ tăng dân số
Các nớc phát triển
Xếp hạng, thứ hạng
Sự giảm

Thế hệ
Sự thiếu

Individual work, group work and whole

1. A
2. D
3. C
4. D
5. A
6. C

1. It will be over 7 billion

2. The population growth rates in some
part of the world are not the same

3. The reason is the improvement of
public health services and medical care
4. They are shortage of foods, lack of
hospitals and school, illiteracy, and poor
living conditions

5. The experts offered four solutions:
1. to educate people and make them

aware of the danger of having more

<span class='text_page_counter'>(84)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=84>

<b>-</b> Play the tape again for Ss to listen
and answer the questions

<b>-</b> T gets Ss to check their answers
with a partner. Then T checks with
whole class. T should play the tape

again and pause at difficult point if
many Ss cannot complete the task

<b>After you listen</b>

<b>-</b> T gets Ss to work in groups to orally
summarise the main ideas of the
listening passage. T might give Ss
some cues base their summary on:
+ world population today

+ world population by 2010

+ main cause of population explosion
+ problems caused by population

+ solutions to the problems

- Encourage Ss to use transition signals
to make their summary more coherent
(m ch l c, cha a ăt cḥ e)

- Go around to offer help and collect
Ss’ mistakes

- Call on some groups to present their

- T elicits feedback from the class and

gives final comments

<b>Consolidation and homework</b>

<b>-</b> T summarises the main point of the

3. to strictly implement a family
planning policy

4. to exercise strict and fair reward
and punishment policies

whole class and group work

Whole class

<b>Period: 40</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(85)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=85>

<b>I. Objectives: </b>By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:

- Write a descriptions of pie charts, using appropriate language.

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

- Textbook, handouts, …

<b>III. Anticipated problems:</b>

- Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to write about the topic, so T should be

ready to assist them.

<b>IV. Procedure</b>

<b>Teacher s activities</b>’ <b>Students activities</b>’

<b>Warm up</b>

Ask Ss some questions related to the lesson

<b>Preparing Ss to write</b>

- T prepares a handout with a description of a pie
chart and asks Ss to do exercise

<b>The chart below shows the distribution of world</b>
<b>population by region in 2001 </b>

Fill each blank with a word/phrase from the box to
complete the desription of this chart

<b>Almost comprise conclusion</b>
<b>majority making up Oceania s</b>’

<b>Overall parts quarter</b>
<b>respectively Second total</b>
<b>vary with</b>

The pie chart gives population data for different (1)
……of the world. (2)……, the (3)……of the

world’s people live in Asia and Africal

Asia has (4)……60% of the world’s people, (5)
……3712 million. The (6)……biggest area is
Africa. It (7)……813 million, less than one- (8)
……the size of Asia’s population.

Together, Europe, North and South America, and
Oceania (9)……just over quarter of the world’s
population. Erope has 726 million, while North and
South America account for 527 and 317 (10)…….
Finally, (11)……tiny population makes up less than
one percent of the world total. In (12)……
populations (13)……greatly by region, with Asia
and Africa (14)……the biggest proportion (sư cân
xứng, sư cân đối)


Before Ss describe the pie chart on page 86 T asks
them to work in pairs to analyse the chart, focusing
on the following questions:

+ What does the pie chart show?

+ What is the general trend of the chart?

+ Which region has the largest population? Which

Group work

Pair work
New words

+ To comprise: bao gåm
+ Majority(n) phÇn lín

+ To make up chiÕm (bao
nhiªu %....)

+ To total: tỉng sè

+ Respectively(adv) t¬ng øng
Answer key

1. parts 6.second

2. overall 7.totals
11. Oceania’s

3. majority 8. quarter
12. conclusion

4. almost 9. comprise
13. vary

5. with 10. respectively
14. making up

<span class='text_page_counter'>(86)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=86>

comes second?...

+ Which region has the smallest population?
+ Where does most of the world population live?
- T checks the answers with whole class

- Then Ss work individually to write the description
of the pie chart, using the sentence given in the
book to begin their description

- T goes around to observe and offer help.

<b>Feedback writing</b>

- T asks Ss to exchange their writing with another
student for peer correction

- T goes around and collects mistakes and errors
- T writes Ss’ typical errors on the board

- T provides correction only when Ss are not able to
correct the errors

<b>Consolidation and homework</b>

T summarises the main points

For homework, T asks Ss to improve their writing,
taking in consideration their friends’ and T’Ss

suggestions and correction and do the extra

individual work

<b>Sample writing:</b>

The pie chart shows the
distribution of the world
population by region.
Overall, more than half of
the world’s population. The
second largest area is East
Asia with 6% less than South
Asia. Europe ranks third
with 15%. Coming next is
Africa have 14% of the
world population. Finally,
Oceania is the least
populated region with the
smallest percentage of 2%
As can be seen, the greatest
concentration of the world’s
population is in Asia, with
Europ far behind.

Pair work and whole class
Whole class

<b>Period 41</b>

<b>D. Language focus</b>

<b>I. Objectives: </b>By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:
- Distinguish the clusters /kl/,/gl/,/kr/,/gr/, and /kw/.

- Pronounce the words and dialogue containing these clusters correctly.

- Use condition sentences (types 1,2 and 3) and conditional sentences in reported
speech appropriately.

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

- Textbook, handouts, …

<b>III. Anticipated problems:</b>

- Ss may find it difficult to pronounce the clusters, so T should prepare a lot of

<b>IV. Procedure</b>

<b>Teacher s activities</b>’ <b>Students activities</b>’


<i>Distinguish the sounds</i>

- T models the clusters /kl/, /gl/, /kr/, /gr/,

and /kw/ for few times and explains how to
produce them.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(87)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=87>

the words containing these cluster.

- Ask Ss to read the words in each column out
loud in chorus for a few more times. Then T
calls on some Ss to read the words out loud. T
listens and corrects it.

<i>Practicing the dialogue containing the target</i>

- T asks Ss to work in pairs and take turn to
read aloud the given dialogue on page 87

- T goes around to listen and takes notes of the
typical errors

- T calls on some Ss to read the dialogue again
and provides corrective feedback


<b>1. Revision of conditional sentences(type 1,2</b>
<b>and 3)</b>

<b>a. Presentation</b>

<b>Type If -clause</b> <b>Main clause</b>

<b>1</b> If + S +

S + will +

<b>2</b> If + V(simple


S + would/could +
V- infi

<b>3</b> If + had + PII S + would have+ PII

<b>b. Practice</b>

Exercise 1

<b>-</b> Ask Ss to do exercise 1 individually and
then compare their answer with another

<b>-</b> Call on some Ss to read out their answer
Exercise 2

<b>-</b> T asks Ss to do exercise 2 in pairs and then

compare answers with another pair

<b>-</b> T calls on some Ss to go to the board and to
write their answer

<b>2. Conditional sentences in reported speech</b>
<b>a. Presentation</b>

- T writes some conditional sentences in
reported speech on the board and asks Ss to
comment on the changes of the verbs,
pronouns and adverbs of time and places

+ “If I had a permit, I could get a job” he said
 He said that if he had a permit, he could get
a job

+ “If you had followed my advice, you would
have been the winner” said her mother

 Her mother said if she had followed her
advice, she would have been the winner

<b>-</b> T elecits the comments from Ss and make

Pay attention

Give form and examples

<b>-</b> If I run, I’ll get there in time

<b>-</b> If I were you, I wouldn’t go there
<b>-</b> If I had studied harder, I would have

passed the exam.
Individual work

1. would drive 4. will take
2. could 5. closed
3. is 6. will come
Pair work

1. had been told 4. wouldn’t
have bought

2. had realized 5. had studied
3. wouldn’t have been

Whole class, individual work and pair

Give comments and examples then take

1. The man said to her (that) he would
come to see her if he had time

2. He asked her what she would say if
someone stepped on her feet

3. They said to me that if it didn’t rain

they would go out with me

4. The man asked the woman what she
would do if she were a billionaire

<span class='text_page_counter'>(88)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=88>

clear that:

+ Conditinal type 1: we apply all the necessary
changes as usual (changes of verb tenses,
pronouns, adverbs of time and place

+ Conditional type 2 and 3: we do not change
the verb tenses, but we follow the rules to
change pronouns, adverbs of time and place.

<b>b. Practice</b>

Exercise 3

- Ask Ss to do exercise 3 individually, Ss have
to change the conditional sentences into
reported speech

- Ask Ss to compare answers with another

- Call on some Ss to go to the board to write
their sentences

- Ask other Ss to feedback and give correct


<b>Consolidation and homework</b>

<b>-</b> T summarises the main point of the lesson
<b>-</b> For homework, Ss review the point that

have been covered in the lesson and do
exercises in workbook

6. The man said to his daughter that they
would be very disappointed if she didn’t

7. The boy said to the girl he was sure
they would understand if she explained
the situation to them

<span class='text_page_counter'>(89)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=89>

<b>Period 42 REVIEW UNIT 7</b>
<b>I. Objectives: </b>By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:
- Ss can understand the content of the test

- Ss can do the test well.

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

- Handouts,…

<b>I. Choose the word which is stress differently from the rest:</b>

1. A.Figure B. Limit

C. Method D. Decrease.

2. A. Anniversary B. Refreshment

C. Decrease D. Increase

3. A. Campaign B. Effective

C. Double D. Performance.

4. A. Society B. Annual

C. Patter D. Marathon.

5. A. Represent B. Distribution

C. Anniversary D. Unselfishness.

<b>II. Choose A, B, C or D that best completes each sentence:</b>

6. Many governmants are trying to control population ...

A. grow B. growth C. grew D. grown.

7. In 2000, ... world's population is about 6.6 million.

A. a B. an C. the D. .

8. It is ... time to do something to control birthrate.

A. a B. an C. the D. .

9. The population of the world has been <b>increasing</b> faster and faster.

A. becoming greater in number B. getting smaller in amount

C. going limited D. raising uncontrollably.

10. We have to protect our country's natural ..., such as coal, oil, forests.

A. population B. Resources C. rates D. methods.

11. She uses a birth control ... so that she does not have children.

A. population B. Resources C. rates D. methods.

12. The price of petroleum has <b>decreased</b> since last week.

A. gone down B. given up C. let off D. put away.

13. If you had taken my advice, we ... our way.
A. will not lose B. would not lose
C. will not have lost D. would not have lost.

14. Although we are close friends, we have totally ... views.

A. differ B. different

C. differently D. difference.

15. We can not grow enough food to ... the increasing population.

A. support B. supporter

C. supportable D. supportive.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(90)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=90>

A. a B. an C. the D. .

17. It has been predicted that the world's population might ... the figure of about 7

A. take B. come C. reach D. start.

18. We need a(an)... and reliable birth control option to decrease population

A. limited B. safe C. available D. average.

19. If we had tried harder, he ...

A. will not be sacked B. will not sack

C. would not sack D. would not have been sacked.
20. We should do something to help them ... birth-control methods.

A. on B. with C. for D. in.

21. ... is limitation of the number of children born.

A. Population B. Resources

C. Birth rate D. Birth control.

22. If she asks for money, I ... her.

A. will give B. gave C. would give D. would have given.

23. Daisy told me .... she would leave for London to find a job.

A. that if she were me B. if that she were me

C. that if she had been me D. that she had been me.

24. The United Nations is a(an) ... organisation.

A. limit B. control C. international D. resources.

25. Does the Earth have enough resources to ... many people?

A. support B. increase C. decrease D. limit.

<b>III. Choose the word which has the underlineed part pronounced differently </b>
<b>from the rest:</b>

26.A. fi<b>g</b>ure B. <b>g</b>row C. or<b>g</b>anize D. avera<b>g</b>e.

27. A. <b>qu</b>estion B. discothe<b>qu</b>e C. techni<b>qu</b>e D. anti<b>qu</b>e.

28. A. in<b>c</b>rease B. expe<b>c</b>t C. resour<b>c</b>e D. <b>c</b>ontinue

29. A. <b>g</b>overnment B. <b>g</b>old C. <b>g</b>ive D. enou<b>gh</b>.

30. A. ear<b>th</b> B. grow<b>th</b> C. al<b>th</b>ough D. <b>th</b>ird

<b>IV. Error Identification</b>:

31. <b>The </b>world's <b>population </b>was higher <b>in</b> 1980s <b>more than</b> in 1960s.

32. Although they <b>do not want</b> to <b>have</b> children <b>any more</b>, <b>but</b> they donot know

of safe ways to use birth control methods.

33. <b>In the long run</b>, the future population <b>growth</b> of the world is <b>difficulty</b> to



34. <b>Overpopulation</b> is <b>a short way</b> to lead to <b>poor</b>, <b>illiteracy</b> and social evils.

35. In several <b>developed countries</b>, birth rates <b>are declining</b> slightly <b>on average</b>,

<b>although</b> vary greatly among them.


<span class='text_page_counter'>(91)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=91>

37. Religion is <b>one of the reasons</b> that <b>causes</b> population growth <b>because</b> many
religious people <b>do not use</b> birth control methods.

38. <b>The annual increase</b> in the <b>world's population</b> <b>has peaked</b> at <b>about 88 </b>
<b>million</b> in the late 1980s

39. The government stated <b>that if</b> we <b>did not control</b> the birth rate immediately we

<b>will have to</b> suffer a lot suffer a lot<b> from</b> overpopulation.

40. Those women said that <b>if </b>they <b>had known</b> how to use birth control <b>methods</b>

they <b>would have not</b> many children.

<b>V. Fill in each numbered blank with one siutable word or phrase:</b>

In some countries there is negative population growth, (41)... means
that the population (42) ..., especially in Central and Eastern Europe, mainly
due to low birth rates, and Southern Africa due to the high number of HIV -related
(43)... Within the next decade, Japan and Western Europe are also (44)... to
encounter negative population growth due to sub-replacement fertility rates.

Population growth which exceeds the carrying capacity os an area or
environment (45)... in overpopulation. Conversely, (46)... ares may be

considered "underpopulated" if the population is not large (47)... to maintain an
economic system. The future of world's population could be significantly (48)...
by the worldwide HIV/AIDS pandemic. In Africa, birth rates are already (49)...

highest in the world, especially in Sub-Sahara Africa. But if HIV/AIDS is controlled
or even eradicated, the world's population could increase (50)... faster than


41. A. which B. that C. this D. whose.

42. A. increase B. grows C. raises D. decreases.

43. A. die B. dead C. deaths D. deadly.

44. A. appeared B. represented C. expected D. shown.

45. A. leads B. results C. makes D. causes.

46. A. so B. such C. so as D. such as.

47. A. enough B. too C. very D. quite

48. A. infected B. affected C. indicated D. interfered.

49. A. a B. an C. the D. 

50. A. as B. mote C. many D. much.

<b>PERIOD 43</b>

<b>I</b>. <b>OBJECTIVE:</b>

I-Knowledge: Helping students to correct ONE PERIOD TEST 2
II-Skill: Reading, speaking, writing and language focus.


I-Settlement: Greeting the class and checking students’ attendance.
II-Checking: Sharing papers with Students

III- New lesson: Correcting ONE PERIOD TEST 2

<b>III. Teaching method:</b> Communicative approach

<b>Teacher s activities</b>’ <b>Students activities</b>’

<b>I/ Reading:</b>

- Ask Ss to read the passage.
- Ask Ss to answer the questions.
1) When is Teachers’ Day held?

- Read the passage
- Answers:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(92)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=92>

2) What do students give their teachers?

3) What are held in the schools on Teachers’ Day?

<i>Choose true or false</i>

4) ………… School - children show their

appreciation to their teachers on this remarkable

5) ………… Gestures are not small in comparison
with the teachers’ dedication and hard work.

- Corrects them.

<i><b>II/ Write a letter to respond to Thu Trang, using</b></i>
<i><b>the details below: </b></i>

- Ask Ss to write a letter on the board.
- Number of participants: 30

- Venue: 79 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai street,
Tan Binh district, Ho Chi Minh City.

- Date: 27th<sub> December.</sub>

- Arrival time: 6:00 p.m; starting time: 7:00

- Phone number : 089838188.
- E-mail :

- Correct mistakes.

<i><b>III/ Change direct speech into reported speech: </b></i>

- Ask Ss to do the exercises

1) “I’m sorry I didn’t phone you earlier,” Mary

 Mary apologised for

2) “I hear you passed your exams.
Congratulations!” John said to us.

 John congratulated ……… on

3) Linda: Let me pay for the meal. Tom: Certainly
not! I’ll pay.

 Tom insisted on
4) “We’ll come back again.”

 They promised

5) “You should join the football team, Eric,” said
the teacher.

 The teacher encouraged

6) “You should not drink too much beer.”
 My parents advised me

7) “I’ve always wanted to be rich,” Bod said.
 Bod has always dreamed of

- Correct mistakes.

<i><b>IV/ Finish the following dialogue: </b></i>

- Ask Ss to work in pairs.

A: What kind of volunteer work are you
participating in?

A: ?

B: We are teaching the children to read and

of November each year.

2/ Students give their teachers flowers
and gifts.

3/ On Teachers’ Day, parties are held
and there is a lot of fun and
amusement in the schools.

* Choose true or false
4. T

5. F

- Work individually.

- Write a letter on the board.
English for the World

106 Tran Hung Dao Street, Hoan
Kiem District


October 18,2007
Dear Thu Trang,

Thank you for your interest in our
English Speaking Competition. Here
is the information that you request.
Date and time: 8:30p.m, October 25,

Venue: 106 Tran Hung Dao
Number of participant: 25

Entry procedure: Candidates fill an
application form to participate

We encourage you to apply to
participate by 4p.m, October 20.
Because this year we limit the number
of participants to only 25, application
submitted late will not be considered.
For further information, please
contact me on 9838188 or email me at

We wish you good luck at the contest
and look forward to seeing you there.
Best regards
Kate Johnson
- Work individually.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(93)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=93>

A: ?

B: Yes. I like helping people- Correct mistakes.

<b>V. Consolidation:</b> - What have you learnt inUnit
1,2 and 3

<b>VI. Homework:</b> - Ask Ss to review all

grammtical points and vocabularies. - Prepare
Unit 7 lesson 1: READING

- Review all grammtical points and
vocabularies. - Prepare Unit 8 lesson

<b>Period 44</b>

<b>Unit 8: CELEBRATIONS</b>

<b>A. Reading</b>

<b>I. Objectives: </b>By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:

- Develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas and guessing
meaning in context.

- Use the information they have read to discuss the topic.

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

- Textbook, handouts, real objects and pictures concern to Tet holiday,…

<b>III. Anticipated problems:</b>

- Ss may not have enough vocabulary to talk about the topic, so T should be ready
to help them.

<b>IV. Procedure</b>

<b>Teacher s activities</b>’ <b>Students activities</b>’

<b>Warm - up</b>


- T shows some real objects and
pictures such as the pictures of Banh
Chung, peach blossom, kumquat
tree…., real objects as red envelops, a

box of candied fruits….

- T points the pictures and real objects
and ask questions:

+ What do you think of when you see

+ Why so?

+ What do you often do before Tet?

<b>Before you read</b>

<b>Discussing Tet holiday</b>

- Ask Ss to look at the picture on page
90 and discuss the 3 questions in pairs
- T goes around to offer help

- T calls on some Ss to present their
answer and elicits comments from other
Ss. T gives feedback if necessary

1. What time of the year is it?

2. What are the people in the picture

- Pair work

- I think of Tet holiday

- Because they are the symblols of Tet
- Clean and decorate the house, go
shopping to buy new clothes, candied
fruits, make Banh Chung…….

Pair work

It is Spring and it should be Tet holiday
because we can see peach blossom and
kumquat tree full of ripe fruits

<span class='text_page_counter'>(94)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=94>


3. What else do you see in the picture?
Pre - teaching vocabulary

Lunar New Year

To fall between…..and………
To spead:

To be full of
Candied fruit

Peach blossom /pi:t∫'blɔsəm/

Apricot blossom /'eiprikɔt 'blɔsəm/
Positive comments:

- Ask Ss to make sentences with the
above words to check their

<b>While you read</b>
<b>Setting the scene</b>

You are going to read a passage about
Tet holiday in Vietnam. While you are
reading, do the tasks in textbook

<b>Task 1</b>

Find the meanings of the words. You
can also use your dictionary

+ T writes these words on the board
+ Ask Ss to read the passage quickly
and stop at the lines that contain these
words to guess their meaning

1. grand: impressive and large

2. banner: along piece of cloth with a
message on it that is carried between
two poles or hung in a public place to
show support for st

3. sugared apples

4. agrarian: connected with farming and
the use of land for farming

5. pray: to speak to God especially to
give thanks or ask for help

6. excitement: the state of feeling

<b>Task 2 </b>

Ask Ss to work individually to do the
task and discuss their answers with their

Call on some Ss to give their answers
and ask them to explain their choices

<b>Task 3</b>

- Ask Ss to work individually to do the
task, then discuss their answer with their

- Call on some Ss to write their answers


In the picture we can see a five-fruit tray

on the ancestral altar and a dish of fruits,
a tray of candied fruits and a banh chung
on the table.

Tết âm lịch

Ri vo khong thi gian tn
kộo di

y nhiều
Hoa đào
Hoa mai

Những lời nói tốt đẹp

Whole class pay attention

Individual work

Trọng đại, hồnh tráng
Biểu ngữ, băng rơn
Táo tẩm đờng

Thc vỊ nông nghiệp
Cầu nguyện

sự háo hức, nhộn nhịp

individual work and pair work

1, 2, 4 - F

3, 5, 6 - T

Individual work and pair work

1. It falls sometime between 19th

January and 20th<sub> February</sub>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(95)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=95>

on the board and ask them to explain
their choices

5. It is made from sticky rice, green
beans and fatty pork

6. Mut is candied fruit

7. Visiting friends and other family
members, exchanging wishes, going to
the pagoda, playing games..

<b>After you read</b>

- Ask Ss to work in groups to tell
eachother about their last Tet holiday
- When all groups have finished, T calls
on some Ss to report their ideas to the

<b>Consolidation and homework</b>

- T summarises the main points

- Ask Ss to learn by heart all of the new
words and give examples

- Summarise the main ideas of the

3, They are decorated with coloured
lights and red banners

4. They buy gifts, clean and decorate
their houses and cook traditional foods

Group work
Whole class

<b>Period 45</b>

<b>Unit 8: CELEBRATIONS</b>
<b>B. Speaking</b>

<b>I. Objectives. </b>By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:

- Talk about the celebrations of Tet and other festivals’ activities.

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

- Textbook, handouts, …

<b>III. Anticipated problems:</b>

- Ss may have limited linguistic resources for discussion, so T should be ready to
assist them.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(96)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=96>

<b>Teacher s activities</b>’ <b>Students activities</b>’

<b>Warm up</b>

<b>Noughts and crosses</b>

- Ask Ss to make sentences from the words
in the table


blossom Kumquat tree Candiedfruits

money Exchangewishes chungBanh

and friends Special Tetfoods Pray

<b>Task 1 </b>

- Ask the whole class to read the dialogue
silently and ask them what points are

metioned in the dialogue

Then ask Ss to practice the dialogue in

- Call some pairs to act out the dialogue
and give comments

<b>Task 2</b>

- Ask Ss to look at the 3 pictures on page
93 and work out the name of each holiday.
- T checks with whole class and gives out
the correct answer

- Ask Ss to list the activities people usually
do in these holidays and write them
quickly on the board so that Ss can
compare these with the information they
will deal with

- Call on some Ss to give the answer and
ask other Ss to feedback.

<b>Task 3</b>

- Get Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer
about the holiday in task 2. T asks Ss to
add any information about holiday they
know to make the D more interesting

<b>Consolidation and homework</b>

- T summarises the main points of the

- Ask Ss to do exercises in workbook

Work in groups of 4 students

Pair work

Whole class

Pic1: Mid - Autumn festival
Pic 2: Thanks giving

Pic 3: Valentine’s Day
1. c C

2. a A
3. b B

<span class='text_page_counter'>(97)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=97>

<b>Period 46</b>

<b>Unit 8: CELEBRATIONS</b>
<b>C. Listening</b>

<b>I. Objectives: </b>By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:

- Develop the listening micro-skill of intensive listening for specific information.

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

- Textbook, cassette tapes , handouts, ………….

<b>III. Anticipated problems:</b>

- Ss may not have difficulty doing the first task, so T should be ready to give them
some strategies.

<b>IV. Procedure</b>

<b>Teacher s activities</b>’ <b>Students activities</b>’

<b>Warm up </b>

Competition game- Guessing game
- T divides Ss into 2 groups: A and B

- T tells Ss the rule of the game: One
member from each group will go and stand
in the front of the class with their back
facing the board. T will write the
word/phrase which was learnt from the
previous lesson on the board. Other Ss
from each group have to explain the word
without mentioning it or translating it into
Vietnamese so that their representative can
guess the word. The student with the

- Group work

The word / phrase T may write on the
board are:

Thanksgiving, Mid-Autumn festival,
grand, pray, agrarian, lucky money,
Peach blossom

<span class='text_page_counter'>(98)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=98>

quickest and correct answer will get 1 point
for their group. Ss take turn to be the
representative. After some turns, the group
with more points will be the winner.

<b>Before you listen</b>

- T introduces the listening passage

- T asks Ss to work in pairs to guess which
of the activities on page 94 the Japanese
often do on their New Year’s Day

- T calls on some Ss to give their answers
and write them on the boards. T also asks
Ss to add any other activities that they think
the Japanese do at the New Year

<b>Pre - teaching vocabulary:</b>

Shrine(n) /∫rain/

Longevity(n) [lɔn'dʒeviti]
Pine trees


To represent: to be symbol of sth

- T may get Ss to make sentences with the
words and gives corrective feedback

<b>While you listen</b>
<b>Task 1 </b>

- Ask Ss to read read through the

- T plays the tape once for Ss to do the task
- T asks for Ss’answers and write them on
the board

- T plays the tapes the second time for Ss to
check their answers.

- T asks Ss to work in groups of 4 to
compare their answers

- Call some Ss to stand up and answer

<b>Task 2</b>

- T asks Ss to read and answer the questions
with the things they remember from the
previous time of listening

- T plays the tape again for Ss to do the

After playing the tape, T gets Ss to work in
pairs and check their answers

- T calls on some Ss to give the answers
and elicits feedback from other Ss.

<b>After you listen</b>

- T gets Ss to work in pairs to compare the
aspects of the Vietnamese New Year with
those of the Japanese one

Before Ss take part in the activity, T elicits
of the transition signal / phrases to talk

Whole class pay attention
Pair work

iờn th, miu th
tuụi th

cây thông

s bn lũng, khụng thay đổi, trờng tồn)
Biểu trng cho, tợng trng cho

Correct answer

<b>-</b> They put on special clothes

<b>-</b> Housewives prepare special foods
<b>-</b> They go to a shrine

<b>-</b> They drind rice wine
<b>-</b> They watch television
<b>-</b> They eat a special meal
Individual work and pair work

1. B they want to get rid of the dirt of
the old year and welcome the new year
2. from the television and radio

3. Kimonos or special dress

4. No, New Year is mostly celebrated
among family only

Pair work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(99)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=99>

about the similarities and differences

between two things.

- Go around to offer help and collect Ss’

- Call some pairs to present their answers
Elicit feedback from the class and give
final comments

<b>Consolidation and homework.</b>

- T summarises the main points of the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(100)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=100>

<b>Period 47</b>

<b>Unit 8: CELEBRATIONS</b>
<b>D. Writing</b>

<b>I. Objectives: </b>By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:
- Write a description of a popular celebrarion.

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

- Textbook, handouts, ………….

<b>III. Anticipated problems:</b>

- Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to write about the topic, so T should be
ready to assist them.

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>Teacher s activities</b>’ <b>Students activities</b>’

<b>Warm up </b>

Competition game- Christmas Cloze

- T divides the class into small groups of 3 - 4
students. Then give handout for Ss to do in
their own groups. Ss have to fill each blank in
the passage with one suitable word from the
box. Which group finishes first and has all the
correct answers will be the winner.

Christmas is an annual holiday that (1)
…….the birthday of Jesus of Nazareth.
Christmas Day

falls on December 25. It is preceded by
Christmas Eve on December 24, and in some
countries it is (2)…..by Boxing Day on
December 26, <sub>when many people go shopping</sub>

for sales. It is a (3)……when people get
together with (4)……Peole give (5)…… to
each other or send (6)…..wishing each other a

At Christas, people (8)…carols to get into the
Christmas (9)….As well, people (10)
….Christmas trees and put up (11)…around
the house. A common Christmas dinner is
(12)….There are also lots of (13)…..goodies
for the kids. People love Christmas because it

- Group work


1. marks 6. cards 11. lights
2. followed 7. merry 12. turkey
3. holiday 8. sing 13. baked
4. family 9. spirit 14. peaceful
5. presents 10. decorate

Suggested answers:

The description includes 6 main points:
+ Name of the festival (sentence 1)
+ Purpose of the festival (sentence 1)
+ Time of the festival (sentence 2 - 3)
+ Main activities of the festival / what
people do in the festival (sentence 4 -7)

Followed marks cards lights
turkey marry holiday sing baked
spirit Family peaceful presents

<span class='text_page_counter'>(101)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=101>

is the time when they can share (14)
….moments with their family.

<b>Preparing Ss to write </b>

- To prepare Ss for the writing task, T uses the
passage in the Warm-up as a model

- T gets Ss to read the passage again and
discuss the main points included in the
passage in pair. At the same time, Ss should
write down which sentences belong to which
main point

- Now get Ss to work individually to writee an
outline for their description, using the main
points set in previous activities

<b>Writing </b>

- T gets Ss to describe the festival they have
chosen in 15 minutes

- T goes around to observe and offer help with
vocabulary or structures

<b>Feedback on Ss writings </b>’

- T asks Ss to exchange their writing with
another student for peer correction.

- T goes around and collects mistakes and

- Choose one or two descrition and read
it/them to the class.

- Then T elicits corrective feedback from the
class and gives final comments afterwards. T
should draw Ss’attention to the organization
of ideas and language use

<b>Consolidation and homework </b>

- T summarises the main points of the lesson
- For homework, T asks Ss to improve their
writing taking into consideration their
friends’ and T’Ss suggestions and correction

+ Foods eaten (sentence8 - 9)

+ Peope’s feeling about the festival (like /
dislike? Reason (s)?)(sentence 10)

Individual work

Mid-Autumn Festival is of my most
favourite festivals. It is held on the 15th

day of the 8th<sub> lunar month every year. It’Ss</sub>

the time when Vietnamese people
celebrate the largest full moon in the year.
The children have parties with special
cakes and grapefruits. They also parade in
the street with their beautiful lantern,
which come in all shapes and sizes. Adults
buy moon cakes for their relatives and
friends. It is a great time for not only
children but also adults

Whole class

<b>Period 48</b>

<b>Unit 8: CELEBRATIONS</b>
<b>D. Language focus</b>
<b>I. Objectives: </b>By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:
- Distinguish the clusters /fl/, /fr/, and /θr/

<span class='text_page_counter'>(102)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=102>

- Use one(s), someone, no one, anyone, and everyone appropriately.
- Use vocabulary about holidays and celebrations appropriately.

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

- Textbook, handouts, ………….

<b>III. Anticipated problems:</b>

- Ss may find it difficult to pronounce the three clusters, so T should prepare a lot of


<b>IV. Procedure</b>

<b>Teacher s activities</b>’ <b>Students activities</b>’


Distinguish sounds

- T models the clusters /fl/, /fr/, and /θr/ for a
few times

- T reads once for Ss to hear the words
containing these clusters. T reads again and
ask Ss to repeat after

- Ask Ss to read the words in each column out
loud in chorus for a few more times. Then T
call on some Ss to read the words out loud
Practicing the dialogue containing the target

- Ask Ss to work in pairs and take turn to read
aloud the given dialogue on page 97

- Go around to listen and takes notes of the
typical errors

- Call on some Ss to read the D again and

provide corrective feedback

<b>a. Presentation </b>

- T writes some sentences on the board and
asks Ss to comment on the of one(s),
someone, no one, anyone, and everyone

- T asks Ss to give similar examples and gives

<b>b. Practice</b>

Whole class, individual work and pair

Pay attention and give comments on these

+ I don’t like the red <b>shirt</b>, I prefer the
blue <b>one</b>

+ Don’t buy the sour <b>oranges.</b> Buy the
sweet <b>ones</b>

+ There’s <b>someone</b> waiting for the director
in the office

+ Did <b>someone</b> call me last night?

+Have you met <b>anyone</b> like him?
+ Don’t tell <b>anyone</b> my secret
+ <b>No one</b> likes her story
+<b> Everyone</b> laughs at him

+ Has <b>everyone</b> done your home work?

Individual work
<b>One and one (s)</b> are used to replace a previously

mentioned noun when we do not want to repeat that
noun. One replaces a singular N and ones replaces a
plural N

<b>Someone = somebody</b>. It used with a singular verb in
an affirmative statement or a question when speaker
expects the ‘yes’ answer

<b>Anyone = anybody</b>. It used with a singular verb in a
negative statement or a question

<b>No one</b> usually takes a singular affirmative verb

<span class='text_page_counter'>(103)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=103>

<b>Exercise 1 </b>

- Ask Ss to do exercise 1 individually and
then compare their answers with another
student. Then T calls on some Ss to read out
their answers

<b>Exercise 2 </b>

- T asks Ss to do exercise 2 in pairs. Ss have to
rewrite the sentences, using the pronoun

- Ask them to compare answer with another

- Call on some Ss to go to the board to write
their answers

- Ask other Ss to feedback and gives correct

<b>Exercise </b>

- Use the words from the box to complete the
following sentences

- Ask Ss to work individually to do exercise
Then T calls on some Ss to speak out loud
- T listens and correct it if necessary
Suggested answers:

1. traditional 2. grand 3. gifts 4.

5. polite 6. good luck 7. excitement

<b>Consolidation and homework </b>

- T summarises the main point of the lesson
- Ask Ss to learn by heart grammar they have

1. anyone 2. someone 3. anyone
4. someone 5. no one

6. everyone 7. no one

1. Of the 3 bags, I like the blue one

2. Mai is making a fruit cake. Huong is
making one, too

3. I like reading books, especially the ones
about the natural world

4. I don’t have a computer, and my father
doesn’t want me to have one

5. They let me choose a pencil, and I took
the red one

6. There are several national celebrations
in Vietnam but perhaps the most
meaningful one is Tet holiday

7. We told each other both happy stories

and sad ones about our lives

<span class='text_page_counter'>(104)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=104>

<b> Period 49 </b>

<b>REVIEW UNIT 8</b>

<b>I. Objectives: </b>By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:
- Ss can understand the content of the test

- Ss can do the test well.

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

- Handouts,…

I. <b>Pick out the word who underlined part is pronounced differently from that</b>
<b>of the other:</b>

1. A. flap B. flash C. flat D. flare

2. A. flop B. floral C. flog D. flock

3. A. flame B. flan C. flank D. flatter

4. A. frond B. front C. frost D. froth

5. A. thrash B. thread C. threat D. thresh

<b>II. Pick out the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the</b>

6. A. decorate B. pagoda C. relative D. calendar

7. A. celebration B. traditional C. entertainment D. preparation

8. A. occasion B. important C. excitement D. January

9. A. between B. banner C. colour D. special

10. A. however B. nowadaysC. popular D. influence

<b>III. Choose the best answer that best completes each sentence:</b>

11. ………… was the day before yesterday.
A. The France’s Independence day

B. The day of the French independence
C. French’s Independence Day

D. France’s Independence Day
12. No one likes snakes, ……….

A. do they B. don’t they C. do you D. don’t you

<span class='text_page_counter'>(105)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=105>

14. As long as they ………….. stay for more than a few days, they can sleep at my

A. don’t B. didn’t C. shan’t D. wouldn’t

15. Their flat is ………… in a tasteful combination of colours.

A. ornamented B. decorated C. embellished D. equipped

16. The news of Julia’s engagement caused great …….. .
A. excite B. excited C. exciting D. excitement
17. This sort of music was very …….. in the 1940s.
A. preferred B. liked C. favourite D. popular

18. The child was told to eat all his vegetables or ………… he would get no

A. in case B. else C. instead D. in fact

19. She wrapped the birthday present in paper and tied it with……….

A. wire B. string C. rope D. line

20. We need to do some shopping. There isn’t ……… in the fridge.

A. anything B. nothing C. something D. thing

21. On one …….. he rang me in the middle of the night.

A. time B. moment C. occasion D. chance

22. You can have ……. you like.

A. anything B. whatever C. A or B D. None is correct

23. She was busy ………… the letters.

A. type B. to type C. at typing D. typing

24. I’ve lost my bag and I can’t find it……….

A. anywhere B. somewhere C. nowhere D. everywhere

25. Banh Chung is made ……… sticky rice, green beans and patty pork.

A. of B. from C. with D. by

IV. <b>Choose the underlined part that needs correcting:</b>

26. Someone spoke to me, but I can’t remember its name.

27. There isn’t nobody waiting for me, isn’t there?

28. Anyone stole the money, but we don’t know who.

29. Someone is waiting for you. They’re been waiting for some time.
30. Noone helped John to cook the food.


V. <b>Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning with the given</b>

31. The box isn’t empty.

A. There is something in the box.
B. The box is something.

C. There isn’t anything in the box.
D. There is nothing in the box.
32. I know Mary better than anyone.

A. No one knows Mary who is better than me.
B. I don’t know anyone who is better than Mary.
C. No one knows Mary better than I do.

D. I know that Mary is better than anyone else.
33. No one replied when I phoned.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(106)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=106>

B. When I phoned, there was no reply.
C. When I phoned, there was nobody else.

D. When I answered the phoned, there was a reply.
34. You had a call this morning.

A. You were on the phone this morning.
B. You bought a telephone this morning.
C. You had a telephone this morning.
D. Someone called you this morning.
35. We haven’t got any food.

A. We’ve got nothing to eat.

B. There’re nothing to eat.

C. We haven’t got nothing to eat.
D. A & B.

VI. <b>Read the passage below and decide which answer that best fits each gap.</b>


My 15-year-old sister asked me to lend my CD player (36)……. her but I didn’t
want to as she never takes (37)….. of things she borrows. I thought I should (38)
. to her why I couldn’t let her have it. (39) .., I had made a promise to

…… ……

myself not to (40)……… with her and, seeing that her birthday was approaching, I
didn’t want to (41)……… her. And I also had to get her a present. Then a friend of
mine (42)……….. a great idea to me. I bought a CD player for her birthday. I went
to the Post Office and (43)……….. it to her. Some days later, as I wrote her an (44)
. Birthday card on the internet, I got a text (45) .. It read:”You’re the

……… ……

best sis in the world! Thank you! ”. She had got it.

36. A. to B. for C. with D. towards

37. A. notice B. notes C. care D. attention

38. A. show B. tell C. teach D. explain

39. A. Although B. However C. But D. Despite

40. A. argue B. debate C. talk D. chat

41. A. upset B. disturb C. bother D. annoy

42. A. required B. got C. suggested D. demanded

43. A. delivered B. transferred C. gave D. sent

44. A. electronic B. electrical C. electric D. electronics

45. A. memo B. message C. letter D. note

VII. <b>Read the passage below and choose the best answer to each question:</b>

Independence Day in the United States is observed annually on the Fourth of July.
For most communities throughout the nation, the traditional celebration includes
parades down the main street, picnics with hot dogs and lemonade, and, of course,
a fireworks display at night. In some town across the country, however, special
events are planned in honor of the occasion. In Bristol, Rhode Island, fire engine
team from communities throughout New England compete in a contest to squirt
water from their fire hoses. Flagstaff, Arizona hosts a huge three-day powwow,
including a rodeo, for twenty Native American tribes. The annual Eskimo games
with traditional Kayak races are held in Kotzebue, Alaska. Two auto races are
always scheduled for the Fourth, including a four-hundred-mile stock car event at
the Daytona International Speedway in Daytona, Florida, and an annual auto race
up the fourteen-thousand-foot precipipe at Pike’s Peak in Colorado.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(107)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=107>

Pennsylvania congregates sin the Litiz Spring Park to light thousands of candles
and arrange them in various shape and images.

In Ontario, California, the townpeople combine the traditional with the unusual by
setting up tables along Euclid Avenue for what they describe as “the biggest picnic
table in the world”. In this way, everyone in town has a front-row seat for the
two-mile parade.

46. With which of the following topics is the passage primarily concerned?
A. Traditional calebrations for the Fourth of july.

B. Holidays in the United States.
C. The origin of Independencce Day.
D. Small towns in America.

47. How is Independence Day observed in Ontario, California?
A. By hosting a powwow and rodeo.

B. By sposoring a stock car event.
C. By squirting water from fire hoses.

D. by setting up tables along the parade route.

48. The author mentions all of the following as ways for the Fourth of July is
celebrated except ……..

A. Parades B. Races C. Dances D. Fireworks

49. The word “huge” in line 8 could be best replaced by which of the following?
A. exciting B. amusing C. complicated D. large

50. The word “them” in line 19 refers to…….
A. shapes B. candles C. children D. images


<b>REVISION 1</b>

- Helping Ss revise the grammatical points from U1 to U8.

<b>II. Teaching method:</b> Communicative method

<b>III. Teaching aids: </b>Hand out, textbook,…
<b>IV. Proceduce:</b>

<b>Teacher s activities</b>‘ <b>Students activities </b>’

<b>I. The Present Simple Tense:</b>

<b>to be</b>

- Affirmative: S + V1…. S + am/is/are……
- Negative: S + do/does + not + V….S + am/is/are + not…..
- Interrogative: Do/Does + S + V….? Am/Is/Are + S ….?
Ex: I usually go to school in the afternoon.

Ex: The earth moves around the sun

<span class='text_page_counter'>(108)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=108>

<b> to be</b>

<b> </b>- Affirmative: S + V2/ed…. S + was/were……
- Negative: S + did + not + V….. S + was/were + not…..
- Interrogative: Did + S + V….? Was/Were + S ….?
Ex: - My father bought this house 10 years ago.

- Mr. Nam worked here in 1999.

- Last night, I had dinner, did my homework, watched TV and
went to bed.

- When she came here in 1990, she worked as a teacher.
<b>III. The Present Perfect Tense:</b>

<b> </b>- Affirmative: S + has/have +V3/ed….
- Negative: S + has/have + not + V3/ed…..

- Interrogative: Has/Have + S + V3/ed….?
Ex: We have learnt English for 5 years.

Ex: She has just gone out.

<b>IV. The Past Progressive Tense:</b>

<b> </b>- Affirmative: S + was/were + V-ing….
- Negative: S + was/were + not + V-ing…..
- Interrogative: Was/Were + S + V-ing….?
Ex: They were playing chess at 4 o’clock yesterday.
Ex: - I was studying my lessons when he came.

- We saw him while we were walking along the street.
<b>V. The Past Perfect Tense:</b>

- Affirmative: S + had + V3/ed….
- Negative: S + had + not + V3/ed…..
- Interrogative: Had + S + V3/ed….?
Ex: By the end of last month, she had made 4 skirts.


<b> Put the verbs in parentheses into the correct tense:</b>
1. He (practice)_______________ the piano every day.
2. I (believe)____________ you.

3. Maria (have)_____________ a cold now.
4. John (hate)____________ smoke.

5. Jill always (get up)____________ at 6.00 a.m.

6. John (write)________________ his report last night.
7. Tim (go)____________ to France last year.

8. When the teacher (enter)_____the room, the students were

9. Guillermo (call)_____________ his employer yesterday.
10. What you (do)______________ last weekend?

answer the T’s

- Look at, listen and
answer the T’s

<span class='text_page_counter'>(109)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=109>

11. Mr. and Mrs. Ba (take)__________ some beautiful photos a
few days ago.

12. I used to walk to school when I (be)_________ in primary

13. Lan (drink)_____________ two bottles of water every day.
14. Gene (eat)____________ dinner when his friend called.

15. At three o’clock this morning, Eleanor

16. John (write)________________ his report last night.

17. After John (wash)_____________ his clothes, he began to

18. Tim (go)____________ to France last year.

19. When the teacher (enter)_____the room, the students were

20. Guillermo (call)_____________ his employer yesterday.
21. Jane sent a letter to his university after she (receive)
___________ her scholarship check.

22. The car (flip)___________ ten times before it landed on its


<b>- </b>Summary the main content of the lesson.


- Review the English tenses.
- Do exercise

10.did you do
11. took
12. was
13. drinks
14. was eating
15. was studying
16. wrote

17. had washed
18. went

19. entered
20. called

<span class='text_page_counter'>(110)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=110>

<b>PERIOD 51</b>

<b> REVISION 2</b>

<b>I. Objective: </b>By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:

- Review reported speech with infinitive, gerund and conditional sentences.
- Ss will use these grammatical items in order to do exercises fluently.

<b>II. Teaching method:</b> Communicative method

<b>III. Teaching aids: </b>Hand out, textbook,…
<b>IV. Procedure</b>:

<b>Teacher s activities</b>’ <b>Students activities</b>’

- Ask Ss to make a list the grammatical items
that they have learn from unit 1 to unit 8

<b>I. Grammar:</b>

<b>1.</b> <b> Revision reported speech with</b>

Chúng ta sử dụng lời nói tờng thuật với
nguyên mẫu khi muốn tờng thuật lại lời yêu
cầu (told, asked, demanded…), một lời
khuyên (advised), lời hứa (promised), lời đề
nghị (offered), lời mời (invited), lời nhắc nhở
( reminded).

Eg: a) “You had better not tell lies to others”,
his mother said.

His mother advised him <b>not to tell</b>

lies to others.

b) “I’ll wake you up tomorrow” said he
to me.

He promised <b>to wake</b> me up the
following day.

List all grammatical items that they
have learnt

<span class='text_page_counter'>(111)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=111>

<b>2. Revision reported speech with gerund</b>

- Ask Ss to change the following sentences in
to reported speech.

Eg: a) Ba said that he broke the mobile

b) Lan said that they should go fishing
on Sunday.

Repeat the usage of reported speech with


Chúng ta sử dụng lời nói trực tiếp với danh
động từ khi muốn tờng thuật lại lời chuc
mừng, xin lỗi, cảm ơn….

- Các cấu thờng đợc dùng với câu trực tiếp

+ thank . . . for . . .:cảm ơn ai . . . vÒ….

+ congratulate . . . on . . . chóc mõng. . .
vÒ. . .

+ accuse . . . of . . . : buộc tội. . . về. . .
+ Blame . . . for . . . : đổ lỗi cho ai…..về…
+ warn . . . against . . . : cảnh báo. . . tránh
khỏi. . .

+ prevent . . . from . . . .:ngăn cản aikhỏi
làm gì.

+ stop . . . from . . . . :
+ apologize for . . . :xin lỗi vỊ
+ insist on . . . : kiªn qut.
+ dream of . . . . : m¬ vỊ

+ look forward to . . . : mong ngãng
+ think of . . . : nghÜ vÒ

+ admit : thõa nhËn// deny : chèi bá

<b>3.</b> <b> Revision reported speech with</b>
<b>conditional sentences:</b>

- Ask Ss to repeat the change the conditional
sentences in to reported speech

<b>B. Exercise: </b>Change the following sentences
in to reported speech:

1. 'If I had any money, I'd buy you a drink,'
she said to me.

 __________________

2. 'If I catch the plane, I'll be home by five,'
he said.

 _______________________

3. 'You should stay in bed if you feel unwell.'
my mother said.  _______________
4. 'What would you do if you were having a

Change the sentences in to reported

- Ba admitted breaking the mobile

- Lan suggested going fishing on

Repeat the way to change the
conditional sentences in to reported

a. Conditional type 1: Change in
to Conditional type 2.

b. Conditional type 2: unchanged
or can change in to Conditional
type 3

c. Conditional type 3: unchange
- work individually

1. She asked me if she had any money,
she'd buy me a drink.

2. He said that if he caught the plane,
he’d be home by five.

3. 'You should stay in bed if you feel
unwell.' my mother said. 

4. 'What would you do if you were
having a problem with grammar,


 Ann asked.


5. 'If I'd had my mobile yesterday, I
could have contacted you,' Matthew
said to Jane.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(112)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=112>

problem with grammar, Jane?'

 Ann asked.


5. 'If I'd had my mobile yesterday, I could
have contacted you,' Matthew said to Jane.
 _______________________________


<b>- </b>Summary the main content of the lesson.


- Review the English tenses.
- Do exercise in reported speech.

<b> PERIOD 52</b>

<b>REVISION 3</b>

<b>I. Objective: </b>By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
- Write a letter of reply.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(113)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=113>

<b>III.Teaching aids:</b> Textbook, handouts.

<b>IV. Procedure</b>:

<b>Contents</b> <b>Teacher and Students activities</b>’

Reordering (Group work)
- Card 1: Yours faithfully
- Card 2:

I am interested in practicing English with native
speakers and

- Card 3: Dear Sir/ Madam

- Card 4: I read the information about the English
Speaking Competition on your Language Centre ’s

- Card 5: 140 Kham Thien st, Dong Da District
Hanoi, Vietnam

17th<sub> October, 2006</sub>

- Card 6:

I want to get some information about the competition
- Card 7:

Please provide me with your phone number and

I look forward to hearing from you soon
- Card 8: Thu Trang

Card 9:

Could you please send me details of the competition,
the number of participants, entry procedures, venue,
date and time?

Writing a letter of reply

Activity 1: Discussion (Pair work)
1. What kind of letter is it?

2. In what case do we write this kind of letter?
3. Which expressions do we use when asking for


Activity 2: Read the letter and find out the information

required for the English Speaking Competition.

a. Where to get information of the competition:
 on language Centre ’s website

b. Why to take part in the competition

- Ss play the game in 2 teams.
- T divides the letter on the text
book into many parts and then
writes the content of its on 9

- T sticks the cards on the board
and asks Ss to reorder them in
right positions as a complete letter
on a blank poster.

- T plays a cassette player and the
game will end when the music

- The winner will be the one who
has more cards put in the right

- T asks Ss to look at the letter on
the board (book closed)

- T gives out some questions and

asks Ss to discuss them in pair

<span class='text_page_counter'>(114)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=114>

 to practice English with native speakers

 to get some information about the competition
c. What information the writer wants to know about

 number of participants
 entry procedures
 venue

 date
 time

 Vocabulary:

<b>-</b> participant: a person who participate in sth.
<b>-</b> Procedure: order or way of doing something
<b>-</b> Venue: place where people agree to meet
<b>-</b> Competition: contest

Activity 3:

Expressions used in writing a letter of reply

1. Thank you for …/ Thanks for…./ Thank you so
very much….

2. I’m very grateful to/ about……

3. I’m sorry …

4. It is with deep regret that…
5. I’m afraid….

6. I’m very happy to know that….
7. I really appreciate your …….
8. We would like to thank you for….

9. I/we receive your….. and feel that it is….
10.We would like to request that….

11.In response for your request for…

 Activity 4: Imagine you are Kate Johnson,
secretary of the English Speaking Competition. Write
a letter to respond to Thu Trang, using the details

- number of participants: 25

- Venue: 106 Tran Hung Dao Street, Hoan Kiem
District, Hanoi

- date: 25th<sub> November</sub>

- arrival time: 7: 00 p.m; starting time: 8: 00 p.m
- Phone number: (04) 9838188

- T explains some new words

- T asks Ss to write down some
expressions commonly used in
writing a letter of reply on posters
in group work.

- The winner will be the one has
more correct answers.

- T gives feedback

- T divides the class into 4 group
and gives them posters.

- T asks Ss to look at the details
given in the textbook to write a
letter of reply to Thu Trang.

- T gives instructions, Ss listen
and follow.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(115)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=115>

- e-mail:

Key: 28th<sub> October, 2007</sub>

Dear Thu Trang,

Thank you for your letter and welcome to our English
Speaking Competition. Here are some details about the

The number of participants is limited - just 25. The
competition is held on 25 November, 2007, at 106 Tran
Hung Dao Street, Hoan Kiem district, Hanoi. It starts at
8.00 pm. Contestants should be present one hour before
the competition for registration.

For more information please contact me on the phone

number: (04) 9838188 and e-mail:

Best wishes,

Kate Johnson

- Write a complete body of the letter with the words
given (handout)

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I/ten year/ student/ High Ridge School. I / involved/
Technology Project/ design/ make 3 D calendar/ I /be/
grateful/ if/ send/ me information/ samples/ concern/
3D calendars.

Thank you/ help/ attention
Yours faithfully,


- Ss write the letter.

- Ss. exchange their writings to
correct the mistakes.

- T. asks a student to go to the
board and write down his or her

- T. corrects mistakes and asks Ss.
to copy down in their notebook.

_ T gives handout to Ss and asks
them to do at home.

<b>PERIOD 53 </b>
<b>REVISION 4</b>

<b>I. Objectives: </b>By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:
- Ss can understand the content of the test

<span class='text_page_counter'>(116)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=116>

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

- Handouts,…

<b>I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of</b>
<b>the others.</b>

1. a. question b. mutual c. situation d. action

2. a. honest b. honour c. honey d. ghost

3. a. rumour b. humour c. mutual d. duty

<b>II. Choose the word whose main stress pattern is not the same as that of the others.</b>
4. a. understanding b. anniversary c. experience d. celebration

5. a. invite b. intimate c. divorce d. imagine

<b>III. Choose the word or phrase (a, b, c or d) that best fits the blank space in each</b>

6. He seemed ________ a friendship to Joe.

a. beginning b. being begun c. to be begun d. to have begun
7. ________ happened, I didn't want to lose Sarah's friendship.

a. However b. Wherever c. Whatever d. Whenever

8. He had a portrait ________ as a birthday present for his daughter.

a. paint b. painting c. painted d. to be painted
9. We ________ friends even after we grew up and left home.

a. became b. made c. struck up d. remained

10. At first I found it difficult ________ on the other side of the road.
a. to get used to drive b. to get used to driving

c. being used to drive d. in getting used to driving
11. The factory is said ________ in a fire two years ago.

a. being destroyed b. to have been destroyed

c. to destroy d. to have destroyed

12. The party starts at 8 o'clock so I'll ________ at 7.45.

a. look for you b. pick you up c. bring you along d. take you out
13. She wants to look ________ in her wedding reception.

a. nature b. natured c. natural d. naturally

14. When will you have the dress made?' 'I expect ________ by Friday.

a. to finish b. finishing c. to be finished d. being finished
15. A selfish person is incapable ________ true friendship.

a. of b. with c. in d. for

16. ________ it was a formal dinner party, James wore his blue jeans.

a. Since b. Even though c. Until d. Only if

17. No sooner ________ the phone rang.

a. had they arrived home that b. they had arrived home than
c. did they arrive home that d. had they arrived home than
18. A number of Vietnamese ________ to that city recently.

a. moved b. has moved c. have moved d. was moved

<span class='text_page_counter'>(117)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=117>

a. appreciating b. looking forward c. thinking about d. enjoyable
20. Mr. Lee was upset by ________ him the truth.

a. our not having told b. us not tell c. we didn't tell d. not to tell
21. Jean has a very easy-going ________, which is why she is so popular.

a. reputation b. personality c. characteristic d. sympathy

22. The examiner made us ___ our identification in order to be admitted to the test center.

a. show b. showing c. to show d. showed

23. As we entered the room, we saw a rat _______ towards a hole in the skirting board.
a. scamper b. to scamper c. scampering d. was scampering
24. I remember ________ to Paris when I was a very small child.

a. to be taken b. to take c. being taken d. taking

25. It was difficult to ________ a date which was convenient for everyone.

a. agree b. organize c. arrange d. provide

<b>IV. Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that needs correcting.</b>
26. If one is invited out to a dinner, it is perfect proper to go either with or without a gift


27. His teacher encouraged him taking part in the international piano competition
28. Jane has not rarely missed, a party since she was fifteen years old.


29. Tina is always understanding, patient, and sensitive when helping her friends to their

30. So far this term, the students in writing class have learned how to write

thesis statements, organize their material, and summarizing their conclusion

<b>V. Choose the word or phrase (a, b, c or d) that best fits the blank space in the</b>
<b>following passage.</b>

A few weeks ago, I had a (31) _______ unusual flight from London to Khartoum.
The flight was (32) _______ to leave at a quarter past two, so I checked in at half past
twelve, thinking that I had plenty of time to save. I was rather horrified to find that I had
to pay £50 (33) _______ baggage, but on the other hand, it was relief to see the back of
my suitcase, which was, I had to (34) _______ , extremely heavy.

Having visited the duty-free shop, I sat in the lounge waiting for my I flight to be
called. Two o'clock came, and (35) _______ there was no announcement, so I went over
to the information desk. The ground hostess (36) _______ me that the plane would be
leaving only a few minutes later than scheduled, and I sat down again.

Suddenly there was an announcement: 'Flight (37) _______ until 17.45'. There was a

collective groan from the waiting passengers, but the airline then announced that it was
offering us a free lunch, which (38) _______ us all a little.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(118)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=118>

board, a mouse had been discovered on the plane. As a result, the plane had had to be
(40) _______ from service.

31. a. somehow b. somewhat c. somewhere d. something

32. a. destined b. planned c. likely d. due

33. a. hand b. heavy c. excess d. loaded

34. a. admit b. expect c. confess d. confide

35. a. so b. only c. just d. still

36. a. warned b. assured c. insured d. assumed

37. a. diverted b. canceled c. delayed d. confirmed

38. a. pacified b. persuaded c. encouraged d. consoled

39. a. reason b. cause c. origin d. root

40. a. withdrawn b. deleted c. removed d. pulled

<b>VI. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.</b>

Your mind's ability to bring back experiences you have had is your memory. There
are two kinds of remembering, recall and recognition. For instance, you may not be able

to recall the poem you read yesterday in class, but if you see it again, you will know it
instantly because you recognize it.

Some few people have 'total recall,' often spoken of as photographic memory. A
person with total recall can recite a whole page of a book he has read only once, or playa
musical composition after hearing it once. This is very unusual, however, and most
people have difficulty in remembering even names they heard the day before. This is not
because most people lack the ability to remember, but because they had not paid much
attention to what they heard. They felt no personal reasons to remember. Having a
personal reason for remembering is one of the most important factors in a good memory.

When you have a strong reason for remembering, concentrate as you read or listen,
and try to connect the new information to things you I already know. A detail is easy to
remember when it fits into a whole that makes sense. If you understand the entire history
lesson before you try to remember any particular dates, your memory may surprise you.
41. While not directly stated, it may be inferred from the article that ________.

a. details are more easily remembered by fitting them into a whole
b. recall and recognition are the same thing

c. wanting to do a thing is very important to being able to do it

d. if he will try hard enough, one man can remember as well as Mother
42. This article as a whole tells us about ________.

a. people who can remember whole pages c. our memory and how to improve it
b. recognition and recall d. people who can't remember names
43. A person with photographic memory is ________.

a. can only remember things if he looks at a photograph

c. can be found in mental hospitals

b. brings his camera everywhere he goes

d. can remember every detail of what he sees or hears
44. One way to improve our memory is ________

<span class='text_page_counter'>(119)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=119>

b. to have a camera with you all the time
c. to concentrate on what you hear or read
d. to learn everything by heart

45. Which sentence is not true?

a. If you can't remember things, you have no memory.
b. Recognition and recall are the two kinds of memory.
c. Total recall is remembering something in its entirely.

d. A person can remember anything better if he has a strong reason for doing it.

<b>VII. Choose the answer (a, b, c or d) that is nearest in meaning to the printed</b>
<b>before it. </b>

46. It's no use trying to make friends with him.
a. You should try to make friends with him.

b There's no point in trying to make a friendship with him.
c. Making a friendship with him is worthless.

d. I find it difficult to make friends with him.

47. As soon as he arrived at the airport, he called home.
a. No sooner had he arrived at the airport, he called home.
b. He arrived at the airport sooner than he had expected.
c. Calling home, he said that he had arrived the airport.
d. Immediately after he called home, he arrived the airport.

48. We had our house decorated to celebrate our wedding anniversary.

a. We had to decorate our house. c. Our house needs to be decorated.

d. We helped my father decorate our house. b. We had someone decorate our house.
<b>VIII. Choose the best sentence (a, b, c, or d) made from the given cues.</b>

49. Thank/ invitation/ silver anniversary/ beginning/ September//

a. Thank you for your invitation to your silver anniversary at the beginning of September.
b. Thanks for your invitation of the silver anniversary at the beginning of September.
c. Thank you for your invitation to your silver anniversary in the beginning of September.
d. Thank you for your invitation to your silver anniversary at the beginning in September.
50. When! II arrive/ lecture/ already start/ professor/ write/ overhead projector//

a. When I arrived the lecture already started and the professor wrote the overhead

b. When I arrived lecture had already started 'and professor wrote the overhead projector.
c. When I arrived the lecture had already started and the professor was writing on the
overhead projector.

d. When I arrived the lecture had already started and the professor had writing on the
overhead projector.

<b>PERIOD 54</b>


<b>I.</b> <b>Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(120)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=120>

1. A. knowledge B. comfort C. popular D. college

2. A. orchestra B. scholarship C. chemistry D. charity

3. A. announced B. struggled C. observed D. repaired

<b>II.</b> <b>Choose the word whose main stress pattern is not the same as that of the others.</b>

4. A. competition B. illiteracy C. representative D. university

5. A. difficult B. relevant C. volunteer D. interesting

<b>III.Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best fits the blank space in each</b>


6. She was able to ... all the tasks assigned to her.

A. keep on B. set up C. put off D. carry out

7. We managed to ... over $4,000 through donations and other events.

A. deposit B. donate C. raise D. exchange

8. Laura reminded her roommate ... her alarm clock for 6:00.

A. to set B. setting C. to be set D. of setting

9. The boy found a wallet in the street, and then he ... to return it to the loser.

A. tried B. had tried C. was trying D. had been trying

10.The two children blamed each other ... the window.

A. to break B. breaking C. for breaking D. having broken

11.She swam strongly and ... cross the river easily, even though it was swollen by the

heavy rain.

A. used to B. was able to C. could D. was supposed to

12.The government has spent £1 million on an advertising ... to encourage energy


A. campaign B. promotion C. operation D. competition

13.No one could ever accuse this government ... about the poor.

A. not caring B. of not caring C. for not caring D. not to care

14.I heard the tyre ... and then the lorry skidded across the road.

A. burst B. bursting C. be burst D. being burst

15.I was ... to find that the film was quite ……

A. surprised - frightening B. surprised - frightened

C. surprising - frightening D. surprising - frightened

16.Police are reported ... illegal drugs in a secret hiding place in the star’s home. [<i>thuốc</i>
<i>tây lậu</i>]

A. they have B. having C. to have D. have had

17.Our education will help with the ... of knowledge for the young.

A. rich B. riches C. richness D. enrichment

18.I don't remember ... of the decision to change the company policy on vacations.

When was it decided?

A. telling B. being told C. to tell D. to be told

19.Ms. Jackson was assigned the fifth-grade science class ... she has the best
qualification among the available faculty. [giao bài tập / khoa đại học]

A. although B. whereas C. since D. if

<span class='text_page_counter'>(121)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=121>

A. Waiting B. Having waited C. Being waited D. Waited

21.Many firms are now struggling to survive in a highly ... marketplace.

A. competing B. competition C. competitive D. uncompetitive

22.The ... will observe and score your performance in the contest.

A. judges B. contestants C. sponsors D. winners

23... she went home early.

A. Feel not well B. Having felt not well

C. Feeling not well D. Not feeling well

24.He congratulated the team ... all their games.

A. to win B. winning C. for their winning D. on having won

25.I often ... of being famous when I was younger.

A. accused B. dreamed C. pretended D. assured

<b>IV.</b> <b>Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D)that needs correcting.</b>

26.Having suffered from depression him as a teenager, Keven could understand how his

son was feeling.


27.Peter acknowledged that his chances in winning the race to be slim.


28.Walking briskly for 30 minutes or to run for 15 minutes will burn an

approximately equal number of calories.

29.I asked the boys to move their bicycles off the football pitch but they flat refused

30.Health officials warn that anyone who look directly at the sun during an

eclipse may put their sight at risk.

<b>V.</b> <b>Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the</b>

<b>following passage.</b>

In the summer of 2000 the Vietnam Society of Learning Promotion (31) ... a campaign
for illiteracy eradication. In the campaign, six hundred (32) ... minority students from
the northern highlands were asked to provide reading and writing skills to 1,200 illiterate
people living in their (33) ... villages. In 2001, eight hundred volunteer. students took
(34) ... in the campaign. The number of people receiving reading and writing lessons
(35) ... 4,623. This was an effective way to help people in remote and mountainous

areas to read and write.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(122)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=122>

31.A. began B. had C. started D. managed

32.A. national B. ethnic C. racial D. religious

33.A. home B. own C. remote D. house

34.A. control B. care C. part D. interest

35.A. ranged B. grew C. rose D. reached

36.A. in B. against C. towards D. of

37.A. enlarge B. widen. C. expand D. expend

38.A. gradually B. constantly C. actually D. mainly

39.A. limited B. eradicated C. completed D. prevented


