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Đề Tuyển Sinh vào lop 10 Số 1 - Tieng Anh

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Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently:

1. A. busy B. thus C. must D. bus

2. A. passion B. pleasure C. decision D. measure

3. A. easy B. ear C. learn D. eat

4. A. student B. Stupid C. Study D. studio

5. A. park B. yard C. card D. carry

B/ Grammar: Verb Tenses:
1. I . . . QuiNhon University.

A. am attending B. attend C. was attending D. attended
2. He has been selling motorcycles . . .

A. ten years ago B. since ten years C. for ten years ago D. for ten years
3. Columbus . . . . .America more than 400 years ago.

A. discovered B. has discovered C. had discovered D. he has gone
4. We . . . .there when our father died.

A, still lived B. lived still C. was still D. were still living
5. I . . . . to New York three times this year.

A. have been B. was C. were D. had been

6. I ll come and see you before I . . . for America.<b>’</b>

A. leave B. will leave C. have left D. shall leave
7. John . . .a book when I saw him.

A. is reading B. read C. was reading D. reading

8. He said he . . . . return later.

A. will B. would C. can D. would be

9. I have been waiting for you . . .

A. since early morning B. since 9 a.m C. for two hours D. all are correct
10. My sister . . . . for you since yesterday.

A. is looking B. was looking C. has been lookingD. looked
11. The train . . .half an hour ago.

A. has been leaving B. left C. has left D. had left
12. Jack . . . .the door.

A. has just opened B. open C. will opened D. opening
13. When I last saw him, he . . . in London.

A. has lived B. is living C. was living D. has been living
14. We . . . Mr. Dong since Sunday.

A. don t see<b>’</b> B. haven t seen<b>’</b> C. didn t see<b>’</b> D. hadn t seen<b>’</b>

15. He will take the dog out for a walk as soon as he____ his work.

A. finish B. finishes C. will finish D. shall have finished.
16. I ______ any difficult so far.

A. don t have <b>’</b> B. aren t having<b>’</b> C. haven t had<b>’</b> D. didn t have<b>’</b>
17. People ______ English and French in Canada.

A. speak B. have spoken C. had spoken D. are speaking

18. Last week. My professor promised that he ____ today.

A. would come B. will come C. comes D. coming

19. The population of the world ____ very fast.

A. rise B. rises C. is rising D. are rising

20. He __ his job last month and since then he __out of work.

A. has lost \ is B. had lost\was C. lost\ has been D. lost\had been


Choose one word whose stress pattern is different:

1. A. money B. army C. afraid D. people

2. A. paper B. tonight C. lecture D. story

3. A. applicant B. uniform C. yesterday D. employment
4. A. interesting B. surprising C. amusing D. successful
5. A. understand B. engineer C. benefit D. Vietnamese
<b>B. Tenses:</b>

1. Ask her come and see me when she . . . .her work.

A. finish B. has finished C. finished D. finishing
2. Oil . . . .if you pour it on water.

A. float B. floats C. will be float D. floated
3. Since . . . , I have heard nothing from him.

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“ I ve been feeling better since . . . .<b>’</b> <b>”</b>

A. The doctor has come B. The doctor will come C. the doctor had come D. the doctor came
5. What did you do last night?<b>“</b> <b>”</b>

I watched TV, practised the violin, and . . . . my homework?<b>“</b> <b>”</b>

A. made B. do C. done D. did

6. Did you say that you . . . . . .here only three days ago.?

A. came B. have come C. had come D. come

7. I haven t heard from Maria . . . <b>’</b>

A. since many months before B. for many months

C. For many months ago D. since a long time
8. This book is so long that I . . .

A. haven t finished yet<b>’</b> B. haven t finished it already<b>’</b>
C. still haven finished it D. still haven t finished it already<b>’</b>
9. I enjoy . . . . to the park on summer evenings.

A. to go B. going C. being gone D. go

10. Jane should seriously consider . . . an actress.
She is a very talented performer.

A. to become B. become C. becoming D. will become

11... television to the exclusion of all other activities is not a healthy habit for a growing child.
A. to be watch B. being watched C. watching D. watch

12. He fell down when he . . . towards the church.

A. Run B. runs C. was running D. had run

13. Every student . . . .to finish this test in 45 .<b>’</b>

A. having B. had C. have D. has

14. I think you d rather . . . to the mountain for your holiday.<b>’</b>

A. to go B. going C. go D. have gone

15. She stopped him . . . home by hiding the car key.

A. not drive B. not to drive C. to drive D. from driving

<b>A. Phonetics:</b>

<b>Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently:</b>

1. A. pretty B. get C. sent D. well

2. A. house B. hour C. heat D. hand

3. A. feat B. great C. seat D. beat

4. A child B. chin C. check D. chemist
5. A. different B. element C. enrich D. taken
B. Verb form:

1. Mr. Ba is a worker but he has a large family . . .

A. to support B. for supporting C. support D. to be supporting
2. Do you know our town at all?

No, this is the first time I . . . . here.

A. was B. have been C. came D. am coming

3. What happened in that new area? New houses . . . recently over there.
A. are built B. build C. have built D. have been built
4. The teacher told us that Watt . . . the steam engine.

A. invented B. has invented C. Had invented D. has been inventing
5. The police . . . .for the thief everywhere when he suddenly appeared in a theatre.
A. search B. have searched C. were searching D. are searching

6. Are there going to be many people at your party today?
We hope that . . . ..

A. there will be B. there are going C. there are D. there going to be
7. The red river . . . . very fast today-much faster than yesterday.

A. flows B. is flowing C. will flow D. is going to flow
8. Michael, is it true that you . . . . married next week?

A. get B. are getting C. got D. have got

9. We . . . our examination next month.

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A. is going to rain B. will rain C. would rain D. can rain
11. That computer . . . . . . .It broke down this morning

A. doesn t work<b>’</b> B. isn t working<b>’</b> C. didn t work<b>’</b> D. hasn t worked<b>’</b>
12. I . . . .T. V at 8.30 last night.

A. watched B. was watching C. has watched D. had watched
13. Mai . . . . .HCM for five years now.

A. lives B. has lived C. is living D. was living
14. Nora says she s 17 but I ... her.<b>’</b>

A. don t believe<b>’</b> B. didn t believe<b>’</b> C. won t believe<b>’</b> D. wouldn t believe<b>’</b>
15. I . . . my key. Can you help me look for it?

A. lose B. lost C. had lost D. have lost

16. I m sure Bill . . . . the job. He has a lot of experience.<b>’</b>

A. was getting B. is getting C. had got D. will get
17. An exhibition of paintings . . . .at the museum next week

A. are to be held B. is to be held C. are holding D. will be held
18. It is four years since I . . . school.

A. leave B. left C. have left D. had left

<b>A Phonetics : </b>

Choose one word whose stress pattern is different:

1. A. abroad B. noisy C. hundred D. quiet

2. A. passion B. aspect C. medium D. success

3. A. capital B. tradition C. different D. opera
4. A. writer B. baker C. builder D. career
5. A. encourage B. consider C. constitute D. inhabit
<b> B. Grammar : INFINITIVE AND GERUND</b>

1. I. enjoy . . . . .alone.

A. be B. being C. to be D. to have been

2. Would you like . . . to the party?

A. to come B. come C. coming D. to have come
3. My brother is old enough . . . .out by himself.

A. going B. Go C. to go D. to have gone

4.We came . . . .her.

A. help B. to help C. have helped D. helping
5. I m very glad . .. . . . you.<b>’</b>

A. to meet B. meet C. meeting D. to be meeting

6. He can t live without . . . . her.<b>’</b> A. being loved B. love C. to love D. loving
7. I will go with you when I ve finished . . . . . . .my homework.<b>’</b>

A. To have done B. do C. doing D. to do
8. Don t keep . . . .. . me while I m talking<b>’</b> <b>’</b>

A. Interrupt B. to interrupt C. interrupting D. interrupted
9. My parents don t let me . . . .out alone.<b>’</b>

A. go B. to go C. going D. to be going

10. The bus driver was so tired of . . . the same route.

A. to drive B. being driven C. driving D. drive

11. Would you mind not . . . . the radio until I ve finished with this phone call?<b>’</b>
A. turning on B. being turned on C. to turn on D. to be turned on
12. I was enjoying my book, but I stopped . . . . a program on T.V.

A. reading to watch B. to read to watch C. to read for watching D. being chosen
13. Jack made me . . . . him next week.

A. to promise to call B. to promise calling C. promise to call D. promise

14 . . . a foreign language takes a long time.

A. learning B. learn C. learnt D. to learn

15. His parents advised him . . . hard for the exams.

A. study B. to study C. studied D. studying

16. He spent two hours . . . .that letter

A. to write B. writes C. writing D. wrote

17. He is too stupid . . . this problem.

A. solve B. solves C. to solve D. solving

18. It takes her an hour a week . . . .the garden.

A. to take care of B. take care of C. taking care D. taken care of
19. It is not easy . .. .. . . English fluently.

A. speak B. to speak C. speaking D. spoken

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A. be B. being C. am D. was

A. Phonetics:

<b>Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently:</b>

1. A. could B. should C. bound D. would

2. A. agreed B. borrowed C. listened D. practised

3. A. show B. blow C. cow D. bowl

4. A. call B. fall C. shall D. wall

5. A. thank B. that C. think D. thing

<b>B. Grammar</b>

<b>I. From the four underlined words or phrase, identify the one that is not correct:</b>
1. something (A) is seeming (B) different – are (C) you wearing (D) a new perfume?
2. This hotel has been (A) already (B) in business for (C) fifty years<b> (D).</b>

3. Jane finished (A) school by (B) next summer, so we are going (C) to visit (D)her.
4. As soon as (A) alarm clock rang (B), she woke up (C) and was getting (D) out bed.

5. Lan and Hoa were (A) driving (B) to work when (C) they were seeing (D) the accident.
6. I ve <b>’</b> <b>been worrying (A) about you because you haven’t (B) been seeming (C) well lately (D).</b>
7. We are going (A) to study (B) tonight until (C) we will finish (D) this chapter.

8. It’s (A) already (B) 10.00, but Teri hasn’t finished (C) her homework already (D).
9. How did (A) you do (B) in your exam? I think (C) you wasn’t making (D) many mistakes.

10. When (A) I got (B) home from working (C) last night, my sister was making (D) her new dress.
<b>II. Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the given one:</b>

1. They last visited me five years ago.
A. They haven t visited me for a long time.<b>’</b>
B. They haven t known me for 5 years.<b>’</b>
C. They haven t been visited for a long time.<b>’</b>
D. They haven t visited me for 5 years.<b>’</b>

2. She started learning English ten years ago.
A. She has not learned English before.

B. She has learned English 10 years.

C. She has not learned English 10 years ago.
D. She has not learned English for ten years.
3. She has never eaten this food before.
A. It s the first time she has eaten this food.<b>’</b>
B. It s the most tasty food she has ever eaten.<b>’</b>
C. She has never eaten such a good food before

D. The food is so good that she has never eaten before.
4. Getting a good job doesn’t interest him.

A. He isn t good at getting a good job.<b>’</b>
B. He isn t interested in getting a good job.<b>’</b>
C. He is good at getting a good job.

D. He is only interested in getting a good job.
5. He lost his job three months ago.

A. It s been 3 months since he s lost his job.<b>’</b> <b>’</b>
B. It s 3 months since he lost his job.<b>’</b>

C. They are 3 months since he lost his job.
D. It s 3 months ago since he lost his job.<b>’</b>

A. Phonetics:


1. A. too B. food C. blood D. soon

2. A. get B. gentle C. give D. game

3. A. wind B. wine C. behind D. night

2/ Stress

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<b>B. Grammar: NOUNS</b>

1. A shoe of leather is a . . .

A. leather shoe B. shoed leather C. shoe leather D. skinned leather
2. A horse which runs races is called a . . . . .. . .

A. horse race B. race horse C. racing horse D. races


3. A table used for writing is called . . .

A. table writing B. a writing table C. a written table D. a writting table
4. That man has two . . . .

A. brother-in law B. brothers – in – law C. brother – ins – law D. brother-in-laws
5. Did you hear about the fire down the street?<b>’</b> <b>’</b>

There . . . . a lot of news about It on TV last night<b>‘</b> <b>’</b>

A. was B. is C. had D. were

6. Every . . . .enjoyed the lesson.

A. students B. students C. student D. of students

7. A meting held during the night is a . . .

A. meeting night B. night meeting C. night-meeting D. nighty meeting
8. The . . . . . . .toys are cheap.

A. Childs’ B. children s<b>’</b> C. childrens’ D. childrens

9. Not even one of the hundred students . . . . passed the test.

A. have B. has C. to have D. having

10. People . . . . worried about the high rate of unemployment.

A. be B. is C. are D. being

11. I like watching . . . . on television.

A. football match B. footballs C. football D. a football
12. Michael is going to study . . . next year.

A. a French B. the French C. French D. France

13. Did you do your . . . . . . . .?

A. home work B. homeworks C. homework D. the homework

14. Don t forget to put the . . . . outside.<b>’</b>

A. milk bottle B. bottles milk C. bottle milk D. milks bottle
15. Whose book is this? I don t know, but I think . . . <b>‘</b> <b>’ ‘</b> <b>’</b> <b>‘</b>

A. It s Jon s brother s B. It s John s brother<b>’</b> <b>’</b> <b>’</b> <b>’</b> <b>’</b> C. John s brother book D. that John s <b>’</b> <b>’</b>
brother s<b>’</b>

16. How much . . . . do you want? A. eggs<b>‘</b> <b>’</b> B. vegetables C. sugar
D. bananas

17. She made . . . mistakes on her examination. A. a little B. few C. little D.

18. There . . . . . . . some bread on the plate. A. is B. are C. were D. has
19. How many . . . are there in your class? <b>‘</b> A. students B. teacher C. table D. furniture
20 There . . .. . a dozen oranges in the basket. A. is B. are C. be D.
has been

21. If anyone . . . . , tell him I ll be back later. A. was calling B. called C. call <b>’</b> D. calls
22. Some planets are so small that _______ with naked eyes.

A. it is impossible seeing them B. they are impossible to be seen
C. it is possible to see them D. they are possible to seeing

A. Phonetics:

<b>I. Pronunciation: 1.A. smells</b> B. cuts C. opens D. plays
2. A. count B. should C. sound D. found

3. A. design B. preserve C. basic D. physical
<b>II. Stress:</b> 4.A. expect B. public C. smoker D. football

5. A. music B. physics C. science D. compare
<b>B. Grammar: PRONOUNS</b>

1. He looks at the man and the woman angrily. He looks at . . . angrily.

A. them B. their C. they D. us

2. Mr. Scott has a garage. The garage is . . . .. . . .

A. to him B. of him C. of his D. his
3. . . . .is our favorite sport? Fishing

A. who B. which C. whom D. whose

4. He could do nothing. He couldn t do . . . . .. ..<b>’</b>

A. something B. nothing C. anything D. everything
5. The porter and I looked at each other; . . . both smiled

A. I B. he C. we D. they

6. One is never too old to learn; . . . are never too old to learn.

A. you B. we C. they D. everyone

7. They sent some books to my sister and . . . .

A. I B. me C. myself D. mine

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A. me B. my C. self D. I
9. John, what is that noise? Is there . . . on the street?

A. something B. nothing C. anything D. none
10. if you want to pass your exams, you had better study very hard for . . . . ..

A. they B. its C. It D. them

11. It is . . . .who says that you do not love her.

A. her B. hers C. she D. herself

12. My friend asked to borrow my car because . . . . .was in the garage.
A. their B. theirs C. their s<b>’</b> D. they
13. Let . . . .go for a walk.

A. we B. us C. you D. they

14. . . . book is this, yours or mine?

A. what B. whose C. which D. whom

15. He asked . . .

A. questions me B. me some questions C. to me question D. some questions me
16. Sudan told . . . the whole story.

A. to me B. me C. I D. mine

17. . . . are they? Oh, the president s daughters<b>“</b> <b>” “</b> <b>’</b> <b>”</b>

A. who B. whom C. which D. whose

18. Jane likes watching TV , . . . . does Lara.

A. so B. too C. either D. neither

19. . . .. . . .. . for the invitation.

A. Thank you B. Thanks you C. Thanking you D. Thanks
20. Why was bob so angry with her wife? Because of . . . late<b>“</b> <b>” “</b> <b>”</b>

A. her to be B. her being C. she is D. she be

A. Phonetics:

<b>I. pronunciation: 1. A. rather</b> B. month C. neither D. them

2. A. bands B. coats C. maps D. hooks

3. A. university B. unique C. unit D. undo
<b>II. Stress:</b> 4.A. banana B. afternoon C. umbrella D. tomorrow

5. A. pneumonia B. activity C. psychiatrist D.

<b>B. Grammar: DETERMINERS ( từ hạn định)</b>

 A lot of + plural or uncountable nouns
Eg: -There are a lot of bananas in the fridge.

- Learning a foreign language needs lots of time.
Note: A lot of = lots of

 Many + plural nouns

 Much + uncountable nouns

Eg: - I do not have many English books.

- She put too much salt in the soup.
2. A few, few, a little and a little
Few / a few + plural nouns

Little / a little + uncountable nouns
 a few and a little <sub></sub> a small quality
Eg: There are a few students in the room.
There is a little sugar in the jar.

 Few and little- <sub></sub> the negative meaning (almost no . . . . .)
Eg: -I feel sorry for her. She has few friends. (She has almost no friends)

-I have little money. I don t even have enough to buy food for dinner.(I have almost no <b>’</b>

3. some and any
1. Some<sub></sub> in positive sentence

-in questions when we offer/ ask for things
2. Any <sub></sub> - in negative sentence

- In questions.

-We bought some flowers. -We didn t buy any flowers<b>’</b>

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-Can I have some sugar, please? -Have you got any language?
<b>C. Practice:</b>

1. . . . .do you need for the winter?

A. How many woods B. How many wood C. How much of wood D. How much

2. There is . . . .. . . . ink in the pot.

A. few B. small C. little D. a lot

3. You don t hear . . . near about Mr. Allen these days.<b>’</b>

A. Many B. much C. a lot D. much of

4. Do you have . . ... books?

A. any B. little C. some D. much

5. We still have . . . money.

A. many B. few C. some D. much

6. There was . . . milk left in the refrigerator so we had to go to the store.

A. few B. a few C. little D. a little

<b>A. Phonetics : </b>

<b>I. pronunciation: 1.A. country</b> B. cover C. economical D. ceiling
2. A. mean B. weather C. bread D. ready

3. A. her B. person C. were D. where
<b>II. Stress: 4. A. sentence B. suggest</b> C. species D. system

5. A. interesting B. important C. increasing D. implying

1. ______________ do you go out? Once a week

A. How much B. How long C. How many D. How often

2. How ______________? Nobody knows

A. happened the accident B. did happen the accident

C. did the accident happen D. did the accident happens
3. Do you know where __________? No, he didn t say.<b>’</b>

A. Tom has gone B. has Tom gone C. has gone Tom D. tom have gone
4. The police officer stopped us and asked us where _____________

A. were we going B. are we going C. we are going D. we were going
5. Do you think it s going to rain? _________________ <b>’</b>

A. I hope not B. I don t hope <b>’</b> C. I don t hope so<b>’</b> D. so I hope
6. You don t know where Karen is, ________? Sorry, I ve no ideas<b>’</b> <b>’</b>

A. don t you<b>’</b> B. do you C. is she D. isn t she<b>’</b>
7. How . . . staying? For five days.

A. long they will be B. they will be C. long will they be D. long they be
8. . . .him a few words of French? The writer

A. who taught B. what did he taught C. who did teach D. whom did he

9. They never came to class late, and__________

A. neither did we B. so did we C. we did either D. neither we did
10. They are studying pronunciation with Mr. Brown,________?

A. are they B. aren t they<b>’</b> C. do they D. don t they<b>’</b>
11. You have a ticket to the game, _______?

A. do you B. haven t you<b>’</b> C. don t you <b>’</b> D. have you
12. Would you like to come to a dance?

A. Yes, I would B. Yes, please C. yes, I like D. yes, I d like to<b>’</b>
13. ________ has Perrier been living here?

A. How much B. How long C. How far D. How many

14 .____________ were you born?

A. What month B. Which month C. on what month D. in what month
15. How _____ people took part in the conference last night?

A. many B. little C. few D. many of

16. Did you visit her last week?

A. No, I didn t<b>’</b> B. No, I haven t<b>’</b> C. No, I hadn t<b>’</b> D. No, I did
17. They must do as they are told, ____________

A. so must I B. I must either C. I do too D. So am I
18. Would you like some coffee now?

A. yes, I would B. Yes, please C. Yes, I like D. Yes, I d like<b>’</b>
19. Hung: Thank you very much for a lovely party. <b>“</b> <b>”</b>

Hoa: _______.<b>“</b>

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A. Phonetics:

<b>I. pronunciation: 1. A. nature</b> B. change C. gravity D. basic
2. A. houses B. villages C. cakes D. places

3. A. drive B. into C. find D. outside
<b>II. Stress:</b> 4. A. borrow B. agree C. await D. prepare

5. A. appoint B. gather C. threaten D. vanish
<b>B. grammar</b>

<b>I. From the four underlined words or phrase, identify the one that is not correct:</b>

1. Everyday student (A) who are absent (B) from class too often will not be allowed (C) to take
(D) the exam.

2. One of the reason (A) why Binh can not catch up with (B) his classmates is (C) that he is very

<b>lazy (D)</b>

3. Many (A) important information (B) will be broadcasted (C) on TV tonight about the
<b>resignation (D) of the president.</b>

4. Many people (A) can not get rid of (B) smoking though (C) they are aware of their effect (D)
5. No one knows (A) exactly how many (B) species of animal(C) live (D) on earth.

<b>C. ARTICLES : </b> <b>a, an \ the</b>
1. She works at a big hospital. She s . . . .. . <b>’</b>

A. nurse B. a nurse C. the nurses D. an nurse
2. Do you need . . . .. . . umbrella?

A. a B. x C. the D. an

3. London is . .. . . . capital of England.

A. an B. a C. the D.

4. My mother goes to church in. . . .. . . .morning.

A. the B. every C. a D. no

5. We haven t been to . . . . cinema for years.<b>’</b>

A. the B. any C. a D. some

6. . .. . .. . . si a star.

A. sun B. a sun C. the sun D. suns

7. Toshi speaks . .. . . . . at home.

A. the Japanese B. Japan C. a Japanese D. Japanese
8. What did you have for . . . breakfast this morning?

A. a B. the C. an D. X

9. Listen carefully, I m going to give you. .. . . . .advice.<b>’</b>

A. a few B. some `C. few D. little

10. The village is not an interesting place to visit, so . .. .. .. .tourists come here.

A. a few B. few C. many D. much

11. They have . .. .. .

A. a four – month – old baby
B. a four – months – old baby
C. four – month – old baby
D. four – months – old baby

A. Phonetics:

<b>I. pronunciation: 1.A. Would</b> B. about C. round D. out
2. A. clear B. car C. heard D. near

3. A. cost B. most C. post D. cold
<b>II. Stress: 4. A. garden</b> B. ago C. youngest D. standard

5. A. happy B. allow C. career D. employment
<b>B. Grammar: ADJECTIVE and ADVERB</b>

1. Being a teacher is . .. . . work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>

2. <b>………</b>. when you drive.

A. Do careful B. Do be careful C. Be careful D. Do be carefully
3. They all laughed because the film was very . . . .

A. amuse B. amusing C. amused D. amusement
4. If you keep . . . .. . that dog won t hurt you.<b>’</b>

A. slowly a work B. a slow walk C. walking slowly D. to walking slow
5. It is . . . . to get there on time.

A. difficult B. difficultly C. difficulty D. difficulties
6. He looked very _____when I told him the news.

A. happily B. happy C. happiness D. was happy
7. The train arrived . . . this morning.

A. late B. lately C. latter D. less

Smoking is a great ______ to our health.

A. harm B. harmful C. harmness D. harmless

9. Mary is a . . . .

A. good student B. well student C. student good D. student well
10. Many rare animals has become _____ and many hundreds are now in danger.
A. extinction B. extinct C. extinctions D. existing
11.It is seven years since we ______.

A. last talked to Daisy B. have talked to Daisy
C. last talked Daisy D. talked to last Daisy
12. Lucy answered the questions ______ than Sarah.

A. more intelligent B. most intelligent C. more intelligently D. intelligent
13. If you work hard, you will eventually ________.

A. successfully B. successful C. succeed D. success
14. She speaks Chinese as ________ as I do.

A. well B. good C. very good D. better
15. English (A) is (B) the most wide used (C) language in (D) the world.
16. Don t <b>’ be (A) afraid of (B) the dog (C). It s ’ completely harm (D).</b>

17. I (A) couldn t <b>’ get to sleep (B) because (C) the bed was very comfortable (D).</b>
18. Smoking cigarettes(A) is(B) a great harmful(C) to (D)your health.

19. Have (A) your breakfast quick (B) or (C) you ll be <b>’</b> <b>late (D) for interview.</b>
20. It’s (A) very danger (B) to drive on a wet (C) road in the heavy (D) rain.

21. Everyone (A) at the meeting was surprise (B) at the little (C) Child s <b>’ intelligence.(D)</b>
22. Reading in poor (A) light is (B) harm (C) to your eyes (D).

Note :

1. Một số trạng từ mang nghÜa phủ ®ịnh

Never , rarely , hardly, scarcely , barely ,seldom ( hầu như kh«ng<b>…</b>)
For example

1. He is a very ______ driver. He rarely causes accidents.

A. carefully B. careless C. bad D. careful
<i><b>2. * vị trí của tính từ và trạng từ:</b></i>

<b>VÞ trÝ của tính từ:</b> <b>Vị trí của trạng từ:</b>

<b>+ Thng ng sau động từ to</b>“ <b> be”</b>
Eg: - She is beautiful
- This shirt is small

+ Bổ nghĩa cho danh từ.
He is a good pupil

Adj <sub></sub> N

<b>+ Đi sau hoặc trước động từ </b>

<b>thường và bổ nghĩa cho động</b>
<b>từ đó:</b>

Eg: Mary can speak Vietnames fluently
verb adv

<b>+Tr ư ớc t ính t ừ.</b>

Eg:The weather was extremely cold

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=10>

<b> Grammar : WORD - BUILDING</b>

1. Write your answers more . . . or you won t get good marks.<b>’</b>
A. care B. careless C. careful D. carefully

2. A. Can you tell me the . . .. . . . between a French man and an Englishman?
A. differ B. different C. difference D. differences
3. Doctor says smoking cigarettes is . . . to your health.

A. harm B. harmless C. harmful D. harmfully
4. The film isn t as . . . as the one we saw on TV last night.<b>’</b>

A. interesting B. interested C. interest D. interests
5. She spends a lot of time . . . after the children every day.

A. look B. to look C. looking D. looks
6. I think . . . .. .. this book is very interesting

A. to read B. reading C. read D. being reading
7. Bob always drives . . . .This is his third accident this year.

A. care B. careful C. carefully D. carelessly
8. She was so . . . .. . . . . . by my appearance that she dropped the cup.<b>…</b>
A. amaze B. amusing C. amused D. amazingly
9. She s fed up with queuing for her . . . benefit every Thursday.<b>’</b>

A. employ B. employed C. employment D. unemployment
10. Bill has been here for a year, but he still speaks Vietnamese . . .. . . . .. . .

A. bad B. badly C. worst D. worse

11. He came into the room so . . . .that he woke everybody up.
A. noisy B. noise C. noisily D. noiseless
12. Each park in London has its own . . . .

A. attraction B. attractive C. attract D. attracting
13. English is an . . . medium of international communication.

A. effective B. effect C. effectively D. effectiveness
14. Marie Cure was a great <b>………</b>. who won the Nobel Prize two times.
A. scientist B. science C. scientific D. scientifically
15. The advertisement says people must write their . . . in English.

A. apply B. applicant C. application D. applied
16. She left the party in a hurry without .. . . goodbye to everyone.

A. saying B. to say C. said D. had said

17. The surgeons tried their best to save his life, but unfortunately the operation was . . . ..
A. success B. successful C. unsuccessful D. successfully

18.__________ is better than cure, as it is said.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=11>

A. Physicist B. biologist C. inventor D. linguist
20. In England there are . . . differences.

A. region B. regional C. regions D. regionally
21. Wild life has been . . . endangered by human deforestation.

A. Serious B. seriousness C. seriously D. more serious
22. He s been working in Spain for many years but he can t speak . . . . well.<b>’</b> <b>’</b>

A. Spain B. Spanish C. the Spain D. a Spanish

A. Phonetics:

<b>I. Pronunciation: 1.A. potatoes B. lazy</b> C. comfortable D. cake
2. A. book B. food C. room D. flood

3. A. off B. of C. cafeù D. knife
<b>II. Stress:</b> 4. A. habitat B. timber C. climb D. able

5. A. methods B. invention C. effective D. ability
<b>B. Grammar:</b>


1. ________ he is tired, he still carries on with his work.

A. Although B. because C. unless D. if

2. Many people have visited Sentara . . . .. . . it was opened many years ago.

A. until B. because C. since D. while

3. We cannot help you ______ you tell us what is troubling you.

A. if B. before C. unless D. if

4. I couldn t go for the lesson .. . . .I am sick.<b>’</b>

A. although B. because of C. but D. because

5. He has enjoyed watching cartoon film . . . . .he was 6.

A. from B. since C. for D. so

6. H e bought the present to my home . . . left immediately.

A. so B. yet C. and D. though

7. We would go camping _____ the weather were fine.

A. although B. because C if D. but

8.______ you pay more attention to your work, you ll probably get poor marks in the final exam.<b>’</b>

A. If B. Unless C. Because D. However

9. He passed the examination ______ he hadn t been studying seriously.<b>’</b>

A. because B. however C. unless D. although

10. She s been studying Italian for 5 years, . . . . . . . .She doesn t speak it very well.<b>’</b> <b>’</b>

A. but B. because C. and D. or


11. The students are listening . . .... their teacher s explanation.<b>’</b>

12. She doesn t enjoy staying . . . . .home looking . . . . .the children.<b>’</b>
13. Why were you angry . . .... me yesterday?

14. Who will take care . . . your garden when you are away?
15. The bus was crowded . . . passengers.

16. Hue is famous . . . . its royal tombs.
17. She is bad . . . cooking

18. Fewer people are suffering . . . tuberculosis nowadays.
19. Emma was married . . . a friend of her brother s.<b>’</b>
20. Can you finish the work . . . your own?

21. More people are dying . . . AIDS.

22. Their house is not very for . . . . . the city centre

23. The government has been trying to prevent people . . . destroying the forest.
24. I like listening to music . . . the radio.

25. They gave a talk . . . .the value of forest yesterday.

26. Lack of attention would lead to the rapid advance . . . . the process of extinction.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=12>


<b>I. pronunciation: 1.A.shall </b> B. hall C. ball D. tall
2. A. wind B. wine C. behind D. night

3. A. one B. box C. got D. colleague
<b>II. Stress:</b> 4. A. gravity B. professor C. pyramid D. remedy

5. A. brilliant B. daily C. extreme D. protein

1. Your career should focus on a field in . . . you re interested.<b>’</b>

A. which B. that C. whom D. who

2. Do you know any restaurant _______________?

A. have a really good meal B. where we can have a really good meal
C. has a really good meal D. that we can have a really good meal

3. Do you remember the day ____________ we first met?

A. where B. whom C. which D. when

4. The picture ____ Lara painted is being shown in an exhibition.

A. that B. which C. why D. A and B

5. Melanie was looking after a dog _____ leg had been broken in an accident.

A. who B. whose C. that D. what

6. One of the students _______ was given a Scolding by the teacher yesterday is absent.

A. who B. which C. whom D. that

7. The pen with . . . . . . I usually write is lost.<b>…</b>

A. whom B. that C. which D. whose

8. What was the name of the girl . . . ..phoned you last night?

A. who B. whom C. which D. whose

9. That was the reason . . . he didn t marry her.<b>’</b>

A. when B. where C. why D. which

10. It is the English language. .. . . . .is used as an official language in 44 countries.

A. which B. where C. why D. that

11. Lan s marriage has been arranged by her family. She is marrying a man _________________ <b>’</b>
A. That she hardy knows him B. Whom she hardly knows him

C. She hardly knows D. She hardly knows him
12. The scientist __________ invention was a success became famous.

A. who B. whose C. which D. that

13. I knew some people ___________

A. who could help you B. whom could help you
C. whose help could you D. could help you.
14. John is the only one ______ I had invited.

A. which B. that

C. whom

D. who

THAT : B<b> ắ t bu ộ c dùng trong nh ữ ng tr ườ ng h ợ p sau :</b>
1. all, every, no, none, much, little, everybody, nothing,
something . . . .. . .

2. The first, the last, the same, the only…<sub></sub> You are the first person that
I want to see

3. So sánh nhất : This is the most interesting book that I ve ever <b>’</b>

4. It s . . . .. . . .that. ..<b>’</b>

5. Tiền trí từ  chỉ cả người lẫn vật .

That man and the house that fall into the river were drowned


A. Phonetics:

<b>I. Pronunciation: 1.A. manage B. sat</b> C. add D. black
2. A. gentle B. get C. game D. gift
3. A. teacher B. clear C. reason D. mean
<b>II. Stress:</b> 4.A. village B. begin C. column D. pity

5. A. benefit B. official C. periodical D. ordinary
<b>B. Grammar: PASSIVE FORM </b>

1. Today, many serious childhood diseases . . . by early immunization.

A. are preventing B. can prevent C. prevent D. can be prevented
2. In some rural areas, health care . . . . by a small number of doctors and nurses.

A. is providing B. is being provided C. provides D. provided
3. Gold . . . in California in the nineteenth century.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=13>

Passive: The floor . . .. . . . by my servant.

A. Is cleaned B. was cleaned C. is clean D. was clean
5. L: the waitress has bought the coffee.

D: The coffee . . . .by the waitress.

A: was bought B. had been bought C. bought D. has been bought
6. L: the manager will sign the contract tomorrow.

D: The contract . .. . . . by the manager tomorrow.

A. is signed B. shall be signed C. will be signed D. will sign
7. L: My friend is singing the old song.

D: That old song . . . by my friend.

A. is sung B. is being sung C. sang D. is being sang

8. Active: Nobody could solve this problem
Passive: This question . . . .. . .

A. could not be answered B. was not answered

C. could be not answered D. could be answered by nobody.
9. Active: The letter that I received yesterday is from my sister.

A. I was received that letter is from my sister

B. The letter that was recovered yesterday is from my sister.
C. The letter yesterday that is from my sister is received by me.
D. I received yesterday that the letter is from my sister.

10. A lot of crops can’t (A) be grew (B) in the mountains because it (C) gets too cold (D).
11. Was (A) your (B) exercises done (C) last week (D)?

A. Phonetics:

<b>I. Pronunciation: </b>

1. A. helped B. looked C. lifted D. missed
2. A. smells B. cuts C. opens D. plays

3. A. how B. town C. power D. slow

<b>II. Stress:</b>

4. A. family B. across C. product D. temperature
5. A. standard B. beauty C. fashion D. invent

1. If the sun . .. . . rise in the west, my love for you would be changed one day.
A. will B. were C. were to D. shall

2. If I.. . . a wish, I d wish for happiness for you.<b>’</b>

A. have B. been having C. had D. was having
3. We couldn t understand the teacher if she . . . .too fast.<b>’</b>

A. spoke B. has spoken C. doesn t speak <b>’</b> D. didn t speak<b>’</b>
4. Unless you . . . all of my questions, I can t do anything to help you.<b>’</b>
A. answered B. answer C. would answer D. are answering
5. You won t pass the exam . . . .you work hard.<b>’</b>

A. if B. if not C. unless D. or

<b>Hãy xác định MỘT lỗi trong các từ hoặc cụm từ có gạch chân của các </b>
<b>câu sau:</b>

6. What would (A) you do (B) if you will (C) won (D) the lottery?

7. We ate (A) outside tomorrow (B) unless (C) it rains (D).

8. It’s (A) hot, so you will fell (B) better, (C) if you drink (D) more water.
9. Lan wishes (A) she had (B) a bigger apartment and can (C) buy (D) a car.

10. If (A) I could speak Spanish (B) , I will spend (C) next year studying (D) in Mexico.
<b>Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the given one:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=14>

B. If didn t eat much chocolate, she would be overweight.<b>’</b>
C. If she ate less chocolate, she would not be overweight.

D. if she had eaten much chocolate, she would not be overweight.
12. You won’t pass the examination unless you try to study harder.
A. If you try to study harder, you won t pass the examination.<b>’</b>

B. If you not try to study harder, you won t pass the examination.<b>’</b>
C. If you don t try to study harder, you won t pass the examination.<b>’</b> <b>’</b>
D. If you don t try to study harder, you will pass the examination<b>’</b>


<b>I/ Pronunciation: 1. A. sew</b> B. new C. knew D. few

2. A. put B. but C. cut D. shut

3. A. population B. popular C. pollution D. proper

<b>II/ Stress:</b> 4. A. carry B. radio C. even D. supply

5. A. poison B. preserve C. pollute D. prevent
1. David is the ______student in the class, based on her high grades.

A. smartest B. more smarter C. smarter D. smart
2. David is . . . than John.

A. well B. good C. better D. best

3. The building is . . . than that one.

A. beautiful B. beautifully C. more beautiful D. the most beautiful
4. In my opinion, Dalat is the. . . . .. . . . City in Vietnam.<b>…</b>

A. most loveliest B. more lovelier C. loveliest D. most lovely
5. Who is ... . , Jim or Alan?

A. more tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest

6. My father is . . . . as yours.

A. old B. as old C. older D. so old

7. A supermarket is . . . a shopping centre.

A. less convenient as B. less convenient than C. not so convenient than D. the most
convenient as

8. . . . .. . . we start, the sooner we will be back.

A. the early B. the earliest C. the earlier D. the more early

9. Watching T.V isn t so interesting . . . ... . . .reading books.<b>’</b>

A. as B. like C. for D. to

10. They . . . .go shopping than stay at home.

A. more B. had better C. would rather D. used to
11. The new soap is not much . . . the others that I have tried.

A. different B. different from C. different than D. different that.

<b>Hãy xác định MỘT lỗi trong các từ hoặc cụm từ có gạch chân của các câu </b>

12. Russian is spoken fast (A). Italian is spoken faster than (B) Russian.
Spanish is spoken the most fastly (C) of all (D).

13. Lan and nga (A) both did well (B) on the writing test, but (C) Lan got the highest (D) score.
14. I will return (A) your notes as soon as (B) I will finish (C) copying (D) them.

<b>Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the given one:</b>
15. It is cheaper to go by train than by air.

A. Going by air is cheaper than going by train.
B. Going by air is as cheap as going by train.
C. Going by train is cheaper than going by air.
D. Going by train is not cheap.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=15>

D. B and C are correct.

<b>A. GRAMMAR : </b>

<b> So / such . . . .. . . . that</b>
<b> Too / enough . . .. . to V</b>
1. so + Adj /adv + that

Such (a, an) + Adj + N + that

Eg: - The test was so difficult that students couldn t do it well.<b>’</b>
- It was such a difficult test that students couldn t do it well.<b>’</b>
2. Too + Adj + ( for sb) + to V (infinitive)

Adj + enough + (for sb) + to V(infinitive)

Eg: - The test was too difficult for students to do (it) well.
- The test was not easy for students to do (it) well.
Note: so + much / many + N + that

<b>B.PRACTICE : </b>

1. Nam is . . . to do this exercise.

A. no intelligence enough B. not intelligent enough
C. not enough intelligent D. so intelligent enough

2. It is . . .. . . .. . that I have read it twice.

A. such an interesting book B. so interesting book
C. too interesting a book D. A and B

3. It s . . . .. . . . .. home from here.<b>’</b>

A. too far walking B. too far for walking
C. far to work, too D. too far to walk
4. We don t . . .. . . .. . to go there now.<b>’</b>

A. have time enough B. enough time
C. have too time D. have enough time
5. The girl was _____ friendly that everybody liked her.

A. so B. such C. too d. enough

6. The table was too(A) heavy (B) for anyone (C) moving (D).

7. The woman was so beauty (A) that I couldn’t help (B)looking (C) at her (D)
8. Mr. Harrison (A) is such rich man (B) that (C) he owns many places (D).
9. I think (A) you (B) are not enough old (C) to understand (D) this matter.

10. They were such (A) an interesting stories (B) that my friend has read (C) them (D) many of

11. This flat is too small for my family.
A. This flat is not big enough for my family.
B. This flat is not rather big for my family.
C. This flat is not enough big for my family.
D. This flat is not very big for my family.

12. We couldn’t go out because the weather was so bad.
A. It was so bad a weather that we couldn t go out.<b>’</b>

B. It was such a bad weather that we couldn t go out.<b>’</b>
C. It was so bad weather that we couldn t go out.<b>’</b>
D. It was such bad weather that we couldn t go out.<b>’</b>

A. Phonetics:

<b>I. Pronunciation: 1.A. reason</b> B. great C. easy D. means

2. A. official B. both C. most D. hold

3. A. student B. understand C. mum D. brush
<b>II. Stress:</b> 4. A. perfect B. crowed C. confused D. harmful

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=16>

<b>Gerund (V-ing)... .+ be + complement</b>
It’s + ADJ + (for sb) . . .. . . + to V . . . . ..
1. Studying English is the most difficult for me.

A. I think English is the most difficult subject to study.
B. It s difficult for me to studying English.<b>’</b>

C. It s difficult to study English for me.<b>’</b>
D. It s difficult for me to study English.<b>’</b>
2. Walking a mile a day is good exercise.
A. It is good exercise to walk a mile a day.
B. It is good exercise for walking a mile a day.
C. It is good exercise walking a mile a day.

D. It is good exercise in order to walk a mile a day.

3. To have a good job is important.

A. I think having a good job important.
B. I think it is important to have a good job.
C. I think it important having a good job.
D. I think it is important have a good job.

4. Getting (A) a good (B) job don’t (C) interest (D) him.

5. It (A) is necessary (B) for we (C) to pass (D) the final exam.
6. Swim (A) is (B) good (C) for

(D) our health.

<b>S + be + Adj -ful . . .+ (preposition ).. . . .</b>
7. Bad habits can do harm to our health.

A. Bad habits cannot be harmful to out health.
B. Bad habits can be harmful to our health.
C. Bad habits can be harmless to our health.
D. bad habits can be harmful with our health.

8. The scientists have been (A) successfully (B) in finding (C) a vaccine for (D) that disease.
9. It is difficult______ there on time. A. get B. to get C. in getting D. for getting

10. My father is used . . . tea in the morning. A. drink B. to drink C. drinks D. to drinking
11. Your grandfather. ... .. . . a pipe , didn t he?<b>’</b>

A. used smoke B. used to smoke C. used smoking D. used to smoking
12. We. .... ... . that game when we were younger.

A. are used to play B. are used to playing C. used to play D. used to playing

13.I didn t . .. . . .. A. used to like her<b>’</b> B. used to liking her C. use to like her D. use to liking her
14. He. ... .. . to go to the theatre when he lived in the city.

A. not used B. wasn t used<b>’</b> C. didn t use<b>’</b> D. hasn t used<b>’</b>

A. Phonetics:

<b>I. Pronunciation: 1.A. farm</b> B. warm C. far D. park

2. A. think B. that C. them D. their
3. A. temperature B. nuclear C. reduce D. produce

<b>II. Stress:</b> 4. A. discovery B. gravity C. suggestion D. inventor
5. A. particular B. occupation C. satisfactory D.

<b>B. Grammar: </b>

Would you please + V(infinitive)
Would you mind + V-ing

Would you like + to V(infinitive)
<b> 1. Would you please give me a hand?</b>

A. Would you mind giving me a hand? B. I am very happy to help you

C. Would you please to help me D. I am please if you give me a hand
2. Would you mind not . . .. . . .?

A. smoke B. smoking C. to smoke D. smoked
3. Would you like . . . . .to the party?

A. come B. to come C. to have come D. coming
4. Could you please turn off the radio?

A. Would you feel please to use this radio? B. There will be pleasing news on the radio.
C. Would you mind turning on the radio. D. Please turn off the radio.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=17>

5. . . .. . . to have dinner with me to night?

A. Do you like B. Would you like C. Would you please D. Would you mind

6. She spends half an hour doing her homework everyday.
A. It takes her half an hours to do her homework every day.
B. It takes half an hour for her to do her homework every day.
C. It takes her half an hours doing her homework everyday.
D. It takes her homework half an hour to do everyday.

7. It ll take us a lot of time ______all the mistakes in this book.<b>’</b>

A. correcting B. correct C. to correct D. for correcting
8. How long<b> (A) does it take (B) you (C) to go to school (D)?</b>

9 It takes (A) me (B) fifteen minutes (C) going (D) to school.

10. She spent (A) two hours (B) complete (C) the article last night (D).

<b>Advise Sb (not) to do st</b>
<b>Had better (not) do st</b>

11. His parents advised him . . . .. . for the exams.

A. study hard B. to hard study C. studying hard D. to study hard
12. My uncle advises me . . . .

A. to being a teacher B. being a teacher C. be a teacher D. not to be a

13. You . . . . . . leave here night now.

A. had better B. would rather C. used to D. would like
14. You had better . . . anything.

A. say B. not say C. saying D. to say



<b>Would rather + V(inf) than . . . V(inf)</b>
1. Listening to music would be better than watching T.V.

A. I d rather to listen to music than watch T.V.<b>’</b> B. I d rather listen to music better than watch TV.<b>’</b>
B. I d rather listen to music than watch TV.<b>’</b> D. I d rather listening to music than watching TV.<b>’</b>
2. I would rather die (A) than (B) to apologize (C) to you (D).

<b>Unless = if . . . . .not</b>
<b>VP + or + S + V + C</b>
3. Unless you water the flowers, they will die.
A. If you watered the flowers, they wouldn t die.<b>’</b>

B. If you had watered the flowers, they wouldn t have died.<b>’</b>
C. if you don t water the flowers, they will die.<b>’</b>

D. All are correct

4. If you don’t rest, you really will be ill.
A. Unless you rested, you really will be ill.

B. Unless you had rested, you would really have been ill.
C. Unless you rest, you really will be ill.

D. Unless you rest, you really won t be ill.<b>’</b>

5. Work hard or you won’t pass the final exam.

A. Unless you work hard, you won t pass the final exam.<b>’</b>
B. If you don t work hard, you won t pass the final exam. <b>’</b> <b>’</b>
C. If you work hard, you will pass the final exam.

D. All are correct

6. If the weather is good, we will go swimming.
A. If the weather is bad, we won t go swimming.<b>’</b>

B. Unless the weather is good, we won t go swimming.<b>’</b>

C. If the weather isn t bad, we will go swimming.<b>’</b>

D. Unless the weather is good, we will go swimming.
7. You don’t try to work hard; you will fail in the exam.
A. Unless you don t try to work hard, you will fail in the exam.<b>’</b>
B. Unless you try to work hard, you won t fail in the exam.<b>’</b>
C. Unless you try to work hard, you will fail in the exam.
D. Unless do you try to work hard, you will fail in the exam.

<b>Transformation </b>

8 They last visited me five years ago. They haven’t_____
A. visit to me in five years B. visited me for five years.

It takes Sb time<b> to do st</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=18>

C. met me since 5 years D. come with me 5 years ago.
9. He lost his job 2 months ago.

A. It has been 2 months since he has lost his job B. It is two months since he lost his job.
C. It was 2 months ago since he lost his job. D. They are 2 months since he lost his job.
10. I began to learn English a long time ago.

A.I haven learned English for a long time. B. I learned English for a long time ago.
C. I had learned English for a long time ago. D. I learn English for a long time.

11. She hasn’t driven a car before.

A. It s the first time she has driven a car.<b>’</b> B. A car hasn t been driven before.<b>’</b>

C. It s the first time for her to drive a car.<b>’</b> D. she began to drive a car.

<b>I/Tìm một từ mà phần gạch chân có cách phát âm khác với những từ </b>
<b>cịn lại.</b>

1. A. forest B. open C. fond D. popular

2. A. each B. chemistry C. cheap D. catch

3. A. biology B. discovery C. philosophy D. clockmaker

4. A. listen B. tea C. sent D. ten

5. A. Thank B. think C. healthy D. weather

<b>II/Chọn từ có trọng âm chính nhấn vào âm tiết có vị trí khác với từ cịn </b>

6. A. become B. carry C. appoint D. invent

7. A. begin B. pastime C. finish D. summer

8. A. doctor B. modern C. corner D. Chinese

9. A. passion B. aspect C. medium D. success

10. A. beautiful B. effective C. favourite D. popular

<b>III/Hoàn thành những câu sau bằng cách chọn từ hoặc cụm từ đúng nhất :</b>
11. My brother began <b>…………</b>. last year.

A. works B. to work C. working D. B and C are correct
12. The population of the world <b>…</b>..very fast.

A. rises B. is rising C. will be rising D. had risen
13. Her father <b>………</b>there since 1992.

A. is working B. worked C. works D. has worked
14. He <b>……</b>.in BinhDinh for 10 years, but now he <b>……</b>..in HCM city.

A. has lived_ is living B. lived_ is living

C. was living_ lives D. has lived_ has been living
15. Please don t make noise! I ..<b>’</b> <b>…</b>

A. study B. am studying C. studied D. was studying
16. It is<b>………</b>.to drive when you have been drunk .

A. dangerous B. danger C. dangerously D. in danger
17. Halong is one of the most tourist <b>……</b>in Vietnam.

A. attract B. attracted C. attracting D. attractions
18. Romeo and Juliet is a<b>“</b> <b>“</b> <b>………</b>..play written by Shakespeare.

A. fame B. famous C. infamous D. famously

19. I couldn t understand his<b>’</b> <b>…</b>.

A. refuse B. refusing C. refusal D. to refuse
20. Isaac Newton is not only a <b>……</b>but also a<b>……</b>..

A. physics -mathematics B. physicist- mathematician

C. physical – mathematical D. physically – mathematically
21. A force of attraction that causes objects to move towards each other is called ………

A. electricity B. evolution C. gravitation D. relativity
22. Prevention is better than even the most expensive method of <b>…………</b>.

A. treatment B. remedy C. medicine D. disease
23. Television and film characters on TV have a great <b>………</b>.on children.

A. function B. influence C. strength D. result

24. It is the written English , which is not systematically phonetic, that causes <b>…………</b>.
to foreigners.

A. simplicity B. changes C. difficulties D. assimilation
25. If you want to get a job , you will look through Situation .<b>“</b> <b>… ”</b>

A. Vacancy B. Vacant C. Vacation D. Vocation
26. Do you know the woman ..lives next door?<b>…</b>

A. she B. who C. whom D. whose

27. Is that the girl to ..you spoke ?<b>…</b>

A. that B. who C. whom D. which

28. Nhatrang is the city in ..I was born .<b>…</b>

A. where B. which C. that D. there

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=19>

A. that B. which C. where D. who

30. Darwin, <b>……</b> theory of evolution is well-known throughout the world, was an English scientist.

A. who B. whose C. whom D. that

31. How long does it take to get downtown?
It depends <b>…</b>..the time of day.

A. of B. at C. about D. on

32. We are thankful .him .his help.<b>…</b> <b>…</b>

A. for- for B. to- for C. to- to D. for- to
33. Let s go home.<b>’</b>

OK. I m getting tired .shopping.<b>’</b> <b>…</b>

A. with B. at C. about D. of

34. She hates asking her parents<b>………</b>..money.

A. about B for C. from D. to

35. We are all surprised .his winning the race.<b>…</b>

A. in B. at C. about D. with

36. Were you successful .Mr. Green?<b>…</b>

A. to see B. in seeing C. of seeing D. at seeing
37. The boy is only five years old, but he is quite used ..the telephone.<b>…</b>

A. to answer B. to answering C. of answering D. by answering
37. Anything special in the newspaper? There is nothing worth <b>……</b>..

A. reading B. of being read C. to be read D. to read
38. She spent two hours <b>………</b>..the homework yesterday night.

A. did B. doing C. to do D. does

39. I .rather stay at home than go to the cinema with you.<b>…</b>

A. should B. might C. would D. had better

40. Will you go to the market with us today?
I don t think so. I m<b>’</b> <b>‘ …………</b>tired to go.

A. enough B. too C. such D. so

41. What would you do if you a million dollars?<b>…</b>

A. win B. won C. will win D. have won

42. If everything is all right, we...our work on time.

A. complete B. are completing C. have completed D. will complete

43. You ll be able to speak English well if you <b>’</b> <b>…………</b>..hard.

A. study B. studied C. would study D. had studied
44. You won t pass the graduation examination <b>’</b> <b>…………</b>you work hard for the time.

A. if B. when C. unless D. or

45.If I were you, I ..tell them the truth.<b>…</b>

A. will B .won t<b>’</b> C. would D. can
46. Behave yourself<b>………</b>..your parents will be very unhappy.

A. if B. or C. if not D. unless

47. I am <b>………</b>in reading stories than scientific books.

A. interesting B interested C. more interested D. more interesting
48. We felt asleep because the film was <b>………</b>..

A. surprising B. boring C. amusing D. interesting
49. She is <b>………</b>..listening to your complaints.

A. bored in B. tired of C. uninterested with D. amused for
50. Have you heard the news? It s <b>’ ………</b>.

A. excited B. exciting C. excites D. excitingly

<b>IV/Hoàn thành những câu sau bằng cách chọn từ hoặc cụm từ đúng nhất.</b>
51. I m afraid you re not <b>’</b> <b>’</b> <b>………</b>.. to take your driving test.

You ll have to wait until you re 18.<b>’</b> <b>‘</b>

A. old enough B. very old C. too old D. enough old
51. He is<b>…………</b>..

A. lazy enough not to work. B. not lazy enough to work.
C. too lazy to work. D. rather lazy for work.

52. This is ...for you to carry.<b>…</b>

A. heavy too a bag B. a too heavy bag C. a bag too heavy D. too heavy a bag
53. Margaret will leave for Boston tonight.

I think he will <b>…………</b>..to see her.

A. enough early arrive B. early enough arrive
C. arrive enough early D. arrive early enough
54. Now I<b>…………</b>..at night.

A. am used to meet B. used to work C. used to working D. am used to

55. <b>………</b>Marry yet? Now is your chance to do so.

A. Haven t you met<b>’</b> B. Hadn t you met C. Don t you meet <b>’</b> <b>’</b> D. Didn t you meet<b>’</b>
56. She told me I would have an accident if <b>………</b>..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=20>

A. He has been collecting B. He is collecting C. He collects D. He collected
58. Can you tell me<b>………</b>the railway station?

A. how I can get B. how can I get C. where I can get D. where can I get
59. <b>………</b>., Alexander Graham Bell was a still a young man.

A. He invented the telephone B. Inventing the telephone

C. The telephone was invented D. When he invented the telephone
60. Sarah is better <b>………</b>..

A. in chemistry than Susan B. on chemistry than Susan
C. at chemistry than Susan D. at chemistry to Susan
61. It isn t necessary <b>’</b> <b>………</b>.

A. finish the work today B. in finishing the work today
C. for finishing the work today D. to finish the work today
62. Do it carefully<b>………</b>.

A. or you will feel sorry afterwards B. or you might feel sorry afterwards
C. if you will feel sorry afterwards D. if you might not feel sorry afterwards
63. It is over 10 years now<b>………</b>..

A. since he has last been to Paris B. since he has been to Paris
C. since he last went to Paris D. since he last go to Paris
64. It s so <b>’</b> <b>………</b>..that I don t think I can go.<b>’</b>

A. expensive a holiday C. a holiday expensive
C. an expensive holiday D. expensive an holiday
65.It is <b>………</b>..that I d like to go on a picnic.<b>’</b>

A. a lovely day such B. too lovely a day C. so lovely day D. such a lovely day
66.It is difficult for you <b>………</b>.if you cannot speak his native language.

A. getting acquainted to a foreigner B. to get acquainted with a foreigner
C. getting acquainted with a foreigner D. to get acquainted to a foreigner

67. She told me <b>………</b>..

A. to shut the door but not to lock it B. shut the door but not to lock it
C. shut the door but don t to lock it<b>’</b> D. to shut the door but not lock it
68. <b>“</b>Whose book is it? I don t know but I think <b>” “</b> <b>’</b> <b>…………”</b>

A. It s John s brother<b>’</b> <b>’</b> B. It s John s brother s<b>’</b> <b>’</b> <b>’</b>
C. John s brother<b>’</b> book D. That John s brother<b>’</b>

69. <b>………</b>..does the no.1 bus run ?

A. how soon B. how fast C. how often D. how long

70. How shall we go to town?

A. let s go to the cinema B. let s go by bus <b>’</b> <b>’</b> C. let s start at 5.30 <b>’</b> D. to go shopping
<b>V/Hãy xác định MỘT lỗi trong các từ hoặc cụm từ có gạch chân của các </b>
<b>câu sau:</b>

71. “How long do you have an English test? Once <b>” “</b> a week”

72. The differences between British and American English are comparative small.

73. When a boy, Faraday did not have many schooling and he had to work very hard.


74. Can you name the American president who was assassinating in 1963?
75. He is more a careful driver than his friend is.


76. There are a lot of regional difference in England.

77.The film was so bored that she felt asleep in the middle.

78. You had better working harder because the exam is coming
79. Tom and Jerry <b>”</b> <b>”</b>is one of the more exciting films.

80. She feels happy because of hers coming birthday.

81. All students in the class are enough good to pass the final exam.

82. If tomorrow the weather will be bad, the match will be postponed.
83. He was late because of his car was broken.


84. After say good buy to my parents, I went to school with my sister.

85. Tom often drives much carelessly than Jack does .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=21>

86. To have a good job is important.

A. I think having a good job important.
B. I think it is important to have a good job.
C. I think it important having a good job.
D. I think it is important having a good job.

87. She is overweight because she eats so much chocolate.

A. If she doesn t eat so much chocolate, she won t be overweight.<b>’</b> <b>’</b>
B. If she ate less chocolate, she wouldn t be overweight.<b>’</b>

C. If she didn t eat so much chocolate, she wouldn t be overweight.<b>’</b> <b>’</b>
D. B and C are correct.

88. They have built a factory in this area since 2005.
A. This area have been built a factory in 2005.
B. This area has built a factory since 2005.
C. A factory has built in this area since 2005.
D. A factory has been built in this area since 2005.
89. Bad habits can do harm to our health.

A. Bad habits cannot be harmful to our health.

B. Bad habits can be harmful to our health.
C. Bad habits can be harmless to our health.
D. Bad habits can be harmful with our health.
90. I haven t stayed in that house for years.<b>’</b>

A. It s years when I stayed in that house.<b>’</b>
B. It s years since I stay in that house.<b>’</b>
C. It s years since I stayed in that house.<b>’</b>
D. I haven t stayed in that house years ago.<b>’</b>
91. I last time I saw her was 2002.

A. I haven t seen her for 2002.<b>’</b> B. I haven t seen her since 2002.<b>’</b>

C. I saw her since 2002. D. I have usually seen him since 2002.
92. They spent a lot of money on food and clothes.

A. money was sent a lot of food and clothes.
B. A lot of money were spent on food and clothes.
C. A lot of money on food and clothes were spent.
D. A lot of money was spent on food and clothes.
93. He is such a slow speaker that his students get bored.

A. He speaks very slowly that his students get bored.
B. He speaks so slowly that his students get bored.
C. He speaks too slowly that his students get bored.
D. He speaks slowly enough that his students get bored.
94. He could not drive because of the fog.

A. The fog prevented him from driving.
B. The fog prevented him drove.

C. The fog prevented him to drive.
D. The fog prevented him driving.
95. I haven t seen that engineer here before.<b>’</b>

A. It s the first time I have seen that engineer here.<b>’</b>
B. It s the first time I saw that engineer here.<b>’</b>

C. It s the first time I see that engineer here.<b>’</b>

D. It s the first time I haven t seen that engineer here.<b>’</b> <b>’</b>
96. Ken is the best tennis –player in the club.

A. No one in the club is good at tennis as Ken.
B. No one in the club is better at tennis than Ken.
C. No one in the club is the best at tennis.

D. No one in the club plays tennis well as Ken.
97. You can t visit the United States unless you get a visa.<b>’</b>

A. If you don t get a visa, you can t visit the United States.<b>’</b> <b>’</b>
B. If you get a visa, you can t visit the United States.<b>’</b>
C. If you don t have a visa, you can visit the United States.<b>’</b>
D. B and C are correct.

98. Roses can t possibly grow in such poor ground.<b>’</b>

A. It is impossible to grow roses in such poor ground.
B. It is impossible for roses to grow in such poor ground.
C. It is impossible for roses to be grown in such poor ground.
D. all are correct.

99. The keepers feed the lions at 3p.m every day.
A. The lions are fed at 3p.m every day.
B. The lions are being fed at 3p.m every day.
C. The lions have been fed at 3p.m every day.
D. The lions must be fed at 3p.m every day.
100. We spent five hours getting to London.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=22>

B. It took us five hours to get to London.
C. It takes us five hours to get to London.
D. It took us five hours getting to London.

101. Isaac Newton died in 1727 _____ the age of eighty-five.
A. with B. in C. at D. on
102. I haven't had any news of John _____ 2003.

A. in B. before C. on D. since
103. Her daughter is _____ of collecting coins.

A. fond B. amused C. interested D. bored
104. The house is _____ small for us to live in.

A. very B. too C. such D. so
105. Do you mind _____ on your own?

A. live B. to live C. living D. lived
106. It s the English phrasal verbs _____ puzzle me most. <b>’</b>

A. which B. that C. it D. they
107. This is the factory _____ my father used to work.

A. where B. what C. when D. which
108. You must leave now _____ you will be late for school.

A. unless B. if C. because D. or
109. Boys and girls may behave _____ in this situation.

A. differ B. difference C. different D. differently
101. All of us were _____ at her success.

A. surprise B. surprised C. surprising D. surprisingly
111. He was the greatest _____ of the time.

A. scientific B. scientifically C. science D. scientist
112. Radium was _____ by Marie Curie.

A. discover B. discovered C. discoverer D. discovery
113. We should stop _____ our environment.

A. polluting B. polluted C. pollution D. pollutant
114. I don't think that film is _____.

A. bore B. bored C. boring D. boringly
115. Thong Nhat bicycles ____________ produced in Vietnam.

A. are B. have been C. were D. will be
116. Your father doesn t work in that bank, ________ he? <b>’</b>

A. is B. does C. doesn t <b>’</b> D. isn t <b>’</b>
117. If he __________ soon, we might miss the last bus.

A. doesn t come <b>’</b> B. isn t coming <b>’</b> C. didn t come <b>’</b> D. won t come <b>’</b>
upload.123doc.net. The interviewer asked me why I ___________ learning English.

A. like B. will like C. liked D. would like
119. He asked me ______________________________ .

A. what is my phone number B. what my phone number is
C. what was my phone number D. what my phone number was
120. He was sick yesterday, ________ he didn t go to school. <b>’</b>

A. since B. because C. so D. but

I/ Chọn phương án (A hoặc B, C, D) ứng với pha n gạch chân được đọc khác với à

phầ n gạch chân của ba từ còn lại trong mỗi câu.

1. A. heat B. bean C. dead D. gleam

2. A. forks B. tables C. beds D. windows

3. A. handed B. booked C. translated D. visited

II/Ch ọ n ph ươ ng án (A,B,C ho ặ c D) ứ ng v ớ i t ừ có tr ọ ng âm chính nh ấ n vào âm ti ế t có vi trí khác v ớ i
ba t ừ còn l ạ i trong m ỗ i câu sau

4. A. occupy B. reside C. inhabit D. alive

5. A. sentence B. dangerous C. species D. suggest


Ch n t /c m t thích h p ( ng v i A ho c B, C, D) ọ ừ ụ ừ ợ ứ ớ ặ hoàn thành câuđể

6. Would you like to have lunch now, or would you prefer...

A. waiting B. waited C. wait D. to wait

7. I don't know what s... with me today. I keep breaking things.<b>’</b>
A. wrongly B. wrong C. problem D. trouble
8. They went to a restaurant... Five Star last night.

A. called B. calling C. calls D. caller

9. She ... the car to work tomorrow morning.

A. is driving B. shall drive C. will be driving D. drive
10. I usually spend Saturday evening... Premier League on TV.
A. to watch B. watch C. watching D. watched
11. They visit China every year and buy a ... of tea.

A. lot B. lots C. great D. many

12. It's no good trying to ring Julia. She has gone away ... the weekend.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=23>

13. Yesterday, a friend and I went to a restaurant ... lunch.

A. for B. with C. eat D. have

14. I have slept on every bed in this house and I don't like ... of them.

A. a B. one C. some D. any

15. There are too ____ motorbikes in big cities like Hanoi and HoChiMinh

A. much B. few C. many D. lots

16. The house... I'm living was built in 1890.

A. where B. in which C. which D. in where
17. Many people ... rather have a dog than a goldfish.

A. would B. will C. should D. could

18. What are you going to have ... dinner this morning? "Bread and butter"

A. at B. for C. in D. during

19. I'm sorry but I didn't have ... to post the letter.

A. time enough B. enough time C. much time D. time much
20. He's so shy. He hasn't spoken anything ... he came here.

A. since B. for C. when D. while

21. Please stay here and instruct me ... to use the micro-soft of the computer.

A. what B. which C. how D. when

22. Shall we meet tomorrow ... half past ten ... the morning?

A. on/in B. at/on C. on/at D. at/in

23. We were on the way to the cinema when it began to rain...
A. greatly B. heavily C. severely D. very big.
24. We're going to the cinema tonight. Would you like to ... ?

A, stay B. be C. come D. watch

25. Someone left... umbrella behind yesterday.

A. his B. her C. my D. their

26. There must be a(n) ... window somewhere - I can feel cold air coming in.

A. opened B. open C. closed D. close

27. I don't believe she's at home. But I'll go and...

A. see B. seeing C. look D. looking

28. Tom promised to buy be a computer, and he will do... as soon as possible.

A. one B. it C. so D. this

29. I think you ought to go and... a dentist.

A. see B. talk C. speak D. visit

30. You'd better... on some warm clothes. It's very cold outside.

A. dress B. put C. wear D. make

31. She is ... the bus to work tomorrow morning.

A. taking B. getting C. going D. moving

32. Tom said he would be back soon, but it has been three hours ... he left.

A. since B. for C. ago D. earlier

33. I'm going to the library after school, ... you want to come with me?

A. would B. do C. will D. have

34. Every one of us ____ not want to visit him in the hospital..

A. do B. does C. doing D. done

35. John went to the mountains last weekend, and ______.

A. we do, too. B. so we did C. so are we D. so did we
36. The exam was ______ we expected.

A. more easy that B. easier as C. easier than D. more easy than
37. I won t go to bed ______ I finish my homework.<b>’</b>

A. until B. when C. while D. since

38. You look happier than ______ yesterday.

A. you do B. you are C. you were D. you did
39. They ______ haven t replied to the letter we sent two months ago.<b>’</b>

A. already B. yet C. still D. ever

40. Could you stop ______ so much noise? I m doing my homework.<b>’</b>

A. making B. to make C. make D. made

41. He was very ______ and confident before the match.

A. relax B. relaxed C. relaxing D. relaxation

42. I had ______ sleep last night, so I feel very sleepy now.

A. a few B. a little C. little D. few

43. I was told _____ noise in class.

A. don t make <b>’</b> B. not making C. not to make D. never make
44. I am looking ______ my neighbour s cat while she s ______ holiday.<b>’</b> <b>’</b>

A. after / on B. for / in C. at / on D. into / at
45. Did you see any foreigner present at the party?<b>“</b> <b>”</b>

He was the only foreigner _______ I saw at the party.<b>“</b> <b>”</b>

A. whomeverB. whose C. that D. which

46. His parents never allowed him ______.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=24>

47. Would you mind ______ these bags upstairs for me, please?

A. carry B. carrying C. to carry D. carried
48. Those buildings _______ in 1946.

A. built B. was built C. were built D. were being built
49. Let s go to a restaurant for dinner this evening, ______?<b>’</b>

A. do we B. are we C. will you D. shall we
50. I can t remember ______. <b>’</b>

A. what language did he speak B. what language he did speak
C. what he spoke language D. what language he spoke


Ch n tọ ừ /c ụ m t thích hừ ợ p ( ứ ng v i A hoớ ặ c B, C, D) để hoàn thành câu :

51. <b>………</b>.. but he also wants to marry her.

A. Not only he loves her, C. Not he only loves her,
B. He not only loves her, D. Not only does he love her,
52. I asked him how far ……

A. was it to the nearest bank. C. it was to the nearest bank.
B. was to the nearest bank. D. to the nearest bank was
53. <b>……</b>... we stayed at home.

A. Because the bad weather. C. Because of the bad weather.
B. Because of the weather was bad. D. So was bad weather.

54. I think you <b>……</b>.

A. would better do it again. C. should better do it again.
B. had better do it again. D. would do it again.

55. It was such a boring film .<b>…</b>

A. so I fell asleep. C. that I felt asleep.
B. so I fell asleep. D. that I fell asleep


Đọ c k ỹ đ o ạ n v ă n sau và chọ n phươ ng án đ úng (A hoặ c B, C, D) cho mỗ i câu từ 56 đế n 60:

<i>Dear Nam,</i>

<i> How are you? I am still working on the farm, but unfortunately I am going to leave here at the</i>
<i>end of winter. Let me tell you why.</i>

<i> We had a terrible time a month ago. Thousands of insects came and ate many of the crops in the</i>
<i>fields. The farmer is very worried because he thinks the insects will come again and destroy all</i>
<i>the crops. He became so worried that he sold the farm last week, and that is why I have to leave</i>

<i> Soon, I will have to look for another job. Do you think you could help me find one? I like working</i>
<i>on farms, so if you know anyone who needs a hard worker, please recommend me to them. I know</i>
<i>that you are very busy at the moment and that you don't have much free time. But I really hope</i>

<i>you can find time to help me. I don't know what else to do.</i>

<i> If I can't find a job, I'll have to go back home and stay with my parents. I know they will be upset</i>
<i>if I did that. They are old and they don't have very much money. They couldn't support me as well</i>
<i>as themselves.</i>

<i> I hope to hear from you soon.</i>
<i> Your friend,</i>

<i> Thuy.</i>

56. At the end of the month, Thuy is going to

A. work on the farm C. leave the farm.
B. start a new job D. buy a farm

57. What did the farmer do last week?

A. He destroyed his crops C. He sold his farm

B. He killed many insects D. He became very worried
58. At the moment, Nam is ...

A. working on a farm C. helping Thuy
B. very busy D. living with her parents
59. If Thuy can't find a new job, she will go home and ....

A. support her parents. C. live with her parents
B. work on her parents' farm. D. make her parents rich.
60. How does Thuy feel at the moment?

A. Happy C. Ill

B. Angry D. Sad

VI/Ch ọ n ph ươ ng án (A ho ặ c B, C, D) ứ ng v ớ i t ừ /c ụ m t ừ có g ạ ch chân c ầ n ph ả i s ử a trong các câu sau :
61. Although Nam studied hard, but he did not pass the test.


62. Michael Faraday was a good – known scientist of England.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=25>


65. It s <b>’</b> the more beautiful painting that I ve ever seen<b>’</b> .

66. Tom used to gong to the parties when he was a student.

67. Did the painter say when he will finish the work?
68. Can you play the tennis? Yes, I can.


69.Tomorrow I ll <b>’</b> go to the air port to meet my fiends , that come to stay with us during Christmas.

70. How much books do you ask for?

71. It was surprised that she passed the exam.

72. You don t <b>’</b> have a cigarette, will you?

73. Unless I were not ill , I wouldn t be<b>’</b> absent from school.

74. We re <b>’</b> afraid that we can t<b>’</b> coming.

75. Which hat is the most expensive, that one or that one?

76. These dictionaries are all too expensive for we to buy at this time.


77. Nam and Hoa plays badminton with An and me every afternoon.


78.I d like <b>‘</b> buying a new book but I don t<b>’</b> have enough money.


79. John didn t write<b>’</b> to me since he came back to his country


80.The camera which you bought is very different than mine.


81. Nga and her sister studied French last year, and so does Lan.


82. The bridge was hitting by the large ship during a sudden storm last week.


83. She is looking forward to go to Europe after she finishes her studies at the university.


84.Ha is not enough intelligent to pass this economics class without help.


85.I don t know<b>’</b> where can he go so early in the morning.


VII/Ch ọ n ph ươ ng án (A ho ặ c B, C, D) ứ ng v ớ i câu có nghĩa g ầ n nh ấ t v ớ i m ỗ i câu cho s ẵ n sau đ ây.
86. Ken doesn t play football as well as he used to.<b>’</b>

A. Ken used to play football better than he does.
B. Ken used to play football as well as he does.
C. Ken used to play football more well than he does.
D. Ken used to play football worse than he does.
87. I would like you to help me to carry this bag.

A. Do you mind to help me carry this bag?
B. Do you mind help me to carry this bag?
C. Do you mind helping me to carry this bag?
D. Do you mind helping me carrying this bag?
88. Tom is the best tennis-player in the club.

A. No one in the club is good at tennis as Tom.
B. No one in the club is better at tennis as Tom.
C. No one in the club is better at tennis than Tom.
D. No one in the club plays tennis well as Tom.

89. The building is very expensive so we don t have enough money to buy it.<b>’</b>
A. The building is expensive enough for us to buy.

B. The building is too expensive for us to buy.
C. The building is very expensive for us to buy.
D. The building is expensive enough for us to buy it.
90. The garden is too small for children to play in.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=26>

C. It is such a small garden that the children couldn t play in it.<b>’</b>
D. A & B are correct.

91.I don t have a map , so I can t show you the way.<b>’</b> <b>’</b>

A. If you showed me the way , I d have a map<b>‘</b>
B. I f I have a map, I will show you the way.
C. I d show you the way if I had a map.<b>‘</b>
D. I d have a map if I showed you the way.<b>’</b>
92. Sue lives in a house. The house is opposite my house.

A. Sue lives in the house which is opposite my house.
B. Sue lives in the house who is opposite my house
C. Sue lives in the house where is opposite my house
D. Sue lives in the house and which is opposite my house
93. Last Sunday I met the woman. I went to school with her son.

A. Last Sunday I met the woman whose son I went to school with.
B. Last Sunday I met the woman who I went to school with son.
C. Last Sunday I met the woman whose I went to school with.

D. Last Sunday I met the woman with whom I went to school her son.
94. Young pupils must wear school uniforms every day.

A. School uniforms must wear by young pupils every day.
B. School uniforms must be worn by young pupils every day.
C. School uniforms must to be worn by young pupils every day.
D. School uniforms must have been worn by young pupils every day.
95. Learning English grammar is important for us to pass English tests.

A. It is important to learn English grammar for us to pass English tests.
B. It is important for us to pass English tests to learning English grammar.
C. It is important for us to pass English tests to learn English grammar.
D. It is important for us learning English grammar to pass English tests.

Đọ c k ỹ đ o ạ n v ă n sau và ch ọ n ph ươ ng án đ úng (A ho ặ c B, C, D) cho m ỗ i ch ỗ tr ố ng t ừ câu 96 đế n
câu 100

Well, together with smoking and drinking , (96)_________ is today one of the causes of ill <b>‘</b>

health .you all know that the best and I think the most effective treatment for many of our problems
will not come from a doctor but(97) _________ you. Prevention is better than cure, as it is said.
But just ask how many of you give enough thought to this so as to make an effort to take, let s say, <b>’</b>
just haft an hour of hard physical exercise every day? And just think how (98) ____________ you
have been trying to cut down on drink or cigarettes. Many of you who (99)____________ from
depression turn to the doctor for medicine, but if you look at your way of living and consider,
perhaps a change of job or even a change of environment will be good for your


96. A / flu B/ accidents C/ pneumonia D/ inactivity

97. A/ with B/ by C/ from D/ to

98. A/ successfully B/ succeed C/ success D/ successful
99. A/ prevent B/ suffer C/ offer D/ improve
100. A/ work B/ life C/ health D/ family


