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Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 13 Lesson: writing - Period 100: Preparation

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Lesson Plan. (grade 11 – advanced) Period 100 : Preparation date : 6 /3/2008 Unit 12 : Lesson : writing I. Aims : - By the end of the lesson, the students are able to write about hobbies . - By the end of the lesson, the students are able to express themselves in writing. II. Lexical items : -pen pal -issue -give out -exchange III. Structures : - My stamp collection began when I was an 11 – year – old boy. - What a pleasant thing to look at my beautiful stamps! IV- Teaching aids: - textbook - handouts - Sheets of paper - chalk and board VTechniques : - writing-based VIProcedures : State/time Teacher’s and students’ activities Blackboard 1. warm-up (7’). 2. Prewriting (7’). Games: Jigsaw reading - Prepare cards of parts of a writing about a person’s hobby ( textbook, p.168- Appendix) - Put SS into groups of five -Hand the cards out to the groups. ( Ask SS to close all their textbooks before carrying out this task. ) -Within groups ,SS read out the text on their cards to the group and then match piece of information to make a complete paragraph. -The first group to finish with the correct paragraph wins. -Ask SS what the paragraph is about a person’s hobby – collecting stamps ) Transition: This is a paragraph about a person’s hobby .In today’s lesson, we’ve going to learn more about how to write about hobbies. - write down on the board:. Activity 1: Teaching new words: - elicit and explain the meanings of the following words - read the words one by one and ask SS to repeat.. Lop6.net. Mater ials -s. Hotels, high, surprisingly, tourists, stadiums, audience, busy, big, prices, tickets, shout, enter, fight, welcoming, spectators, attend, lines, venues, crowed, whisper, and clap; Unit12: Writing about hobbies. New words: +pen pal = pen friend = a person that you make friends with by writing letters , often sb you have never met +issue = a number or set of things that are supplied and made. Chalk and board.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 3. whilewriting (20’). Presenting an outline Chart completion ( task a, textbook, p.168) - put SS into pairs - Ask SS to read the paragraphs and complete the chart - assign SS to give the answers. -Check the answers with the whole class. - draw SS’ attention to the tenses used in the report. Providing useful language Introduction +My hobby is collecting stamps/ Stamp collecting is one of my hobbies. + I design fashions as a pastime / hobby. When your hobby started + I began collecting stamps when I was eleven years old. / when I was at primary school… + I took it up when I was an 11 year – old boy. How your hobby has been built up +To add more stamps / shells /coins… to my collection, I exchange… +My large collection has been built up by my exchanging originals or duplicates. Why you had this hobby +As a pastime, reading detective books thrills me with unexpected endings. +I watch documentaries because / since /as/ for they are both educational and informative +As a pastime , collecting stamps provides hours of pleasure. Your feelings about the hobby + What a pleasant thing to look at my beautiful stamps! +How interesting it is to look at shells of various types! Writing it up. 4. Postwriting (10’). reading: Cloze test (handouts) -Arrange SS into groups of three. -Give each group a copy of the task.. 5.Homewor k. Writing Some people take up hobbies as a *fad. What do you think? Write a short essay of 250 words expressing you points of view. *fad: something that people are interested in for only a short period of time. Lop6.net. available at the same time +give out sth = give sth to a lot of people Guidelines: - give your report clear, factual heading - divide the report into paragraphs or sections to deal with separate aspects of the subject. - start by saying what the report is about and / or how you gather the information. - end with a conclusion which gives a summary of the situation ( and a recommendation if necessary). Small board,. +this report aims to ….. + in order to prepare this report, I …….. + It seems / appears that …. + it is interesting that …….. + in general …….. textbo ok.

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