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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 - Period 1: Revision

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Grade 7. Page 1. REVISION. Period: 1. Time 5 15. WEEK 1 Aim: To review present simple tense, and present progressive tense. Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to master these grammar points. Teaching aids: posters. Procedure: CONTENT. T&S’activities. I/REVISION Kim’s game Individual II/PRESENTATION Example Tam is astudent. He goes to school in the afternoon. Now, he is doing his homework.. Personal Pronouns I He She It You We. 1. Present simple tense The verb BE (+) S + am/ is/ are (-) S + am/ is / are (?) Am/ Is/ Are + S +. . . ? Yes, S + am/ is/ are. No, I’m not. he/ she/ it + isn’t. we/ you/ they + aren’t. I am = I’m He/ She/ It is = He’s/ She’s/ It’s We/ You/ They are = We’re/ You’re/ They’re is not = isn’t are not = aren’t The verb HAVE (+) S + has/ have (-) S + doesn’t/ don’t + have . . . (?) Does/ Do + S + have + . . . ? Yes, S + does/ do. No, S + doesn’t/ don’t. He/ She/ It + has We/ You/ They + have does not = doesn’t do not = don’t The other verbs (+) S + V-s / V-es (-) S + don’t /doesn’t + Vo + …. (?) Do /Does + S + Vo ….? Yes , S + do /does . No , S + don’t / doesn’t .. Ask st to write out the structures. Lop6.net. They. Give example. T And stu work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Grade 7. Page 2. Time Expressions Always Usually Often Sometimes Ever Never Every . . . On Mondays 2.Present Progressive Tense (+) S + am/ is/ are + V-ing (+) S+ am/ is/ are + not + V-ing (?) Am/ Is/ Are + S + V-ing ? Yes, S + am/ is/ are. No, I’m not. he/ she/ it + isn’t. we/ you/ they + aren’t. Time Expressions Now Right now At the moment At present The present simple tense describe habits, rountines, or events that happen regulary. It can also express opinions or make general statements of fact. The present progressive tense can describe activities that are happening at the moment of speaking, activities that are currently in progress, or plan for the future. BE + V-ing: ñang I’m He’s She’s You’re We’re They’re isn’t aren’t doesn’t don’t II/PRACTICE I live in Thu Duc. I (1) ( work ) in a travel company in the Give the task for stu to work center of HCM city. I (2) (enjoy) my job because I (3) (meet) lots of different people. I (4) (live) in a very nice house but I (5) (want) to move. “I like my job, I say but I (6) (travel) a long way to work. It(7) (take) a long time, and it (8) (cost) a lot of money. Now, I (9) (look) for a house near my office. The houses in the center of the city (10) ( be) very expensive. There(11) (be) some comfortable houses but I (12) (want) to buy a smaller and cheaper one. 1.work 2.enjoy 3.meet 4.lve 5.want 6.travel 7.takes 8.costs 9.am looking 10. is 11.are 12.want Change the subject “I” to “He / She” He lives in Thu Duc .He works…………. Lop6.net.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Grade 7. Page 3. III/PRODUCTION Correction IV/HOMEWORK Revision:Grammar Preparation :Vocabulary Unit 3 A1+3 , p 10+11. Lop6.net.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> Grade 7. Page 4. UNIT 1. Time 5. Lesson 1 A 1+2 FRIENDS Week 1 Period 2 Aim: To introduce and greet and farewell. Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use some expressions to introduce, greet, and farewell themselves fluently. Teaching aids: pictures, posters. Proceduce: CONTENTS T& ST’ACTIVITIES Groups I/ WARMER Class 7A Slap the board Yes, I am. goodbye. 15. 15. BACK TO SCHOOL. My name’s Hoa.. Fine, thanks II/PRESENTATION ** Vocabularies Nice to see you again: rất vui khi được gặp lại bạn Nice to meet you: raát vui khi gaëp baïn Nice to meet you,too: tôi cũng rất vui khi được gặp bạn So am I : toâi cuõng vaäy Still (adv) : vaãn coøn Different (adj) : khaùc Miss (v): nhớ ** Listen and repeat III/PRACTICE Matching 1. Nice to meet you. 2/Are you a new student? 3/How are you? 4/See you later. 5/What’ your name? a. My name’s Hoa. b/Yes, I am. c/Fine, thanks. dNice to meet you again. e/See you later. Answers: 1d 2b 3c 4e 5a T/ F statement 1/ Hoa is form Hue 2/ She lives with her parents in HN 3/ She has a lot of friends in HN 4/ She misses her friends in Hue 5/ She is happy now Answer key : 1 T/ 2 F / 3 F/ 4 T/ 5 F IV/PRODUCTION Transformation : change “ Hoa “ to “I “ V/HOMEWORK Vocabulary+Expressions: Learn by heart Lop6.net. Set the scence -> introduce new structures. Translations. Group work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> Grade 7. Page 5. Practice: revision. UNIT 1. BACK TO SCHOOL Period3:. :. A3,4. Aim: helps Ss to know more some strucrures of introduction and greetings “Nice to meet you”, “This is ………”, “Just fine”, “Not bad”, “Pretty good” … Ojectives: By the end of the lesson, ss can greet pp, identify oneself and introduce others. Techniques: text book, BB, flashcards, cassette player, poster Procedures: Contents. Time 5’. I/. WARM-UP: Matching Nice to meet you How are you? Are you a new pupil? What’s your name? Who is this?. 7’. II/. PRE-LISTENING: - Some structures: (Poster) Just fine: bình thường thôi Not bad: khoâng toát laém Pretty good: khaù toát Me too: toâi cuõng vaäy III/. WHILE-LISTENING:. Activities of teacher and students. - Divides the class into 2 groups - match the answers with the suitable My name is Lan questions one by one in 1’  Controls the Nice to meet you, too This is our new teacher game  Decides the winner. Yes, I am Not bad. - Introduces some structures:. * Task 1: (A3 p12) Listen and practice with partner: 21’. * Task 2: (A4 p12) Listen & complete these dialogs: Answer keys: (Gap-filling) a) 1. How are you? 2. Pretty good 3. How about you 4. Not bad 5. Me, too b) 1. How is everything? 2. Ok 3. How are you today? 4. Just fine 5. So am I IV/. POST-LISTENING: (Speaking) Make a conversation about introducing+ greetings pp. (Prompts: Greetings, How are you? What’s your name?…) V/. HOMEWORK:. Lop6.net. - Asks Ss to listen to a conversation between Nga & Mr Tan carefully. - Ss practice in pairs and present  T gives feedbacks. - Asks Ss to listen to + complete 2 dialogues individually  Ss share with their partners + listen again  checks. - Asks Ss to practice about introducing+ greetings pp in pairs  Monitors the class. - Calls some pairs  gives feedbacks..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> Grade 7. Page 6. Learn by heart (new words and structures) Preparation: A 5 /. UNIT 1. BACK TO SCHOOL. A5. Time 5. 10. 15. . 15. FRIENDS. Lesson 3 Period 4 Aim: Listening for greetings. Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use some expressions for greetings fluently. Teaching aids: pictures, posters, cassette Proceduce: CONTENTS T& Stu’activities I/ warm up Matching individual Questions Answers 1. Just fine. a. How are you? 2.What’s your name ? b. So am,I 3. How about you? c. Hoa. II/PRE-LISTENING Ordering (5p13) In dividual III/WHILE-LISTENING Correction Answer key: 1.c 2.b 3.d 4.a Listen 2 times *** Listen and fill in the blank T gives the correct answer   Setting the scene Mr Tan Miss Lien Gap- fill (4p12) Mr Tan: Hello, Lien, . . . ? (listen two times) Miss Lien: . . . ,thank you, . . . Tan? Individual Mr Tan: . . . , but I’m very busy. Miss Lien: . . . Nam Nam: Good afternoon, Nga. Nga: . . . thanks, . . . Nam? Nam: . . . thanks. Nga: I’m going to the lunch room. Nam: Yes, . . . IV/POST-LISTENING Role-play Pairs.  Nga. Lop6.net.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> Grade 7. Page 7 Family name , middle name , address. V/HOMEWORK Vocabulary: learn by heart Dialogue: review Preparation: Vocabulary Unit 1, B1+2, 3, p15+16. UNIT 1 BACK TO SCHOOL. B 1,2,3. Time 5. 15. NAMES & ADDRESSES. Lesson 4 Period 5 Week 2 Aim: Asking for and giving personal information (name, age, address). Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to ask for and give personal information. Teaching aids: pictures, posters, Proceduce: ACTIVITIES CONTENT I/ Warm up Noughts & Crosses Group work You 13 54 Hoa Quang Trung st Her mother Your mother Le Loi st Linh 41 19 Nam Grandmother Hung Vuong 60 II/PRESENTATION Pre-teach vocabulary A family name A middle name An address Setting the scene Dialogue build. . Example Example Example. hoï teân loùt ñòa chæ. Set the scene and fill in the blank Practice dialogue. . Hoa Miss Lien Miss Lien: What’s your (1) family name, Hoa? Hoa: It’s Pham. My (2) middle name’s Thi. Miss Lien: How (3) old are you? Hoa: I’m 13. Miss Lien: Where do you (4) live? Hoa: (5) 12 Tran Hung Dao street. Miss Lien: Thank you, Hoa. T gives question S answer T correct the answer. III/PRACTICE Comprehension Questions Lop6.net.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> Grade 7. Page 8. Questions 1. Who is Hoa talking to? 2. What’s Hoa family name? 3. What is her middle name? 4. Where does she live? Answers 1. She is talking to Miss Lien. 2. It’s Pham. 3. It’s Thi. 4. She lives at 12 Tran Hung Dao street. Word cue drill Full Name Nguyen Nam Bui Thuy Nga Pham Hoa Ly Tran Minh Dao Phan Dang Tam. Age 15 14 12 13 16. Address 32 Nguyen Du st 37 Le Hong Phong st 12 Nguyen Trai st 40 Tran Hung Dao st 64 Nguyen Nghiem st. T introduces the new task T asks st work in pair T asks st to demonstrate their work T corrects. IV/PRODUCTION Form Pairs Name: Age: Address Grade: School:. Far , how far , distance , kilometer. V/ HOMEWORK Vocabulary: learn by heart Q&A: review Preparation: Vocabulary Unit 1 B 456, p16+17+18. Lop6.net.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> Grade 7. B 4+5+6. Time 5. 15. Page 9. NAMES & ADDRESSES. Lesson 5 Period 6 Week 2 Aim: Using “How far” questions and answers with “kilometers/ meters” to talk about distance. Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about distance fluently. Teaching aids: pictures, posters, Proceduce: ACTIVITIES CONTENT I/ Warm up W W W H Y Word square Why Individual When H W H E N What E B A O N R Y T O W E B R O M II/PRESENTATION Pre-teach vocabulary Far (adj) Distance (unc) Meter Kilometer Setting the scene Dialogue build Rub out & remember. . xa How far : bao xa khoảng cách met km. . Nam Hoa Nam: Where (1) do you (2) live ,Hoa? Hoa: I (3) live at 12 Tran Hung Dao street. Nam: How far(4) is it (5) from your huose (6)to school? Hoa: It’s not far (7) about one kilometer. Nam: (8) How do you go to school? Hoa: I go to school (9) by bike. Form HOW FAR + IS IT + FROM + . . . +TO . . . ? IT IS + . . . + meters/ kilometers Lop6.net. Picture Picture Checking vocabulary Rub out & remember. Set the scene S do the task T Introduces the new From (explain and give structure).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> Grade 7. Page. 10 Ask about distance. How far . . . :bao xa . . . ? How far is it from your house to school? It is about 5 km. III/ PRACTICE Picture Drill Movie theater 6 km. 5km. Bus stop. 2 km. Supermarket. House Post office. 3 km. Ex: How far is it from your house to the movie theater? It is about 6 km. Survey. Name: ---------------------------------------------------Address: ------------------------------------------------Means of transport: -----------------------------------Distance: ------------------------------------------------. To call , a telephone number , soon , will V/ HOMEWORK Vocabulary: learn by heart Grammar+Practice: review Workbook: 3+4+5, p6+7 Preparation: Vocabulary Unit 2, A 1+2+3, p19+20. Lop6.net. T gives the task Stu Do the task in pair T correct S copy down.

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