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Teaching plan- English 8
Preparing date:
Teaching date: Class 8A: Class 8C:
Period 59
Unit 10 : recycling
Lesson 1 : Listen and read( P. 89-90)
I/ Objectives : - By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to
1. Knowledge:
- Vocabulary: fertilizer, representative, reduce, reuse, recycle, overpackaged
- Language: - Adj followed by an infinitive, a noun clause
2. Skills: Target skill: reading
- Develop reading skill about recycling.
- Read and answer the questions.
3. Attitude: Students care about recycling.
II/ Preparations
- Teacher: Textbook, disc, poster
- Ss: textbook, school things
III Anticipated problems:
Some words may be difficult to pronounce.
IV/ Procedure :
Teacher’s & students’
Board display

I. Warm up: ( 4’)Group work
Brainstorm: Elicit
from ss
Ways to reduce the amounts of the
- reuse plastic bags.
- use cloth bags.

- use tree leaves to wrap things.
- make garbage into fertilizer.
- make garbage matter into animal
Unit 10 : recycling
Lesson 1 :Listen and read(P.
Prepared by Ha Thi Anh Thu
Teaching plan- English 8
II. New lesson: (34’) Pair
1 Presentation: (18’)
- Preteach vocabulary
+ Techniques: translation, situation,
example, situation, translation
+ T elicits words from ss, asks ss to
read in chorus, individually and give
+ Check understanding: Ro + R
- Set the sence: Ask ss to look at the
picture and elicit situations from
ss.Who is this? It’s Mr Black. Who
are they? They are her students.What
are they talking about? ..........
-Present the dialogue:
Ask s to close their books & listen to
the tape carefully.
Ask ss to open their books, listen to
the tape twice, find out the

pronunciation & the content of the
Ask ss to read the dialogue in pairs
- Comprehension qs: Ask ss to read
the dialogue silently & practice
asking and answering the qs (p 90)
in pairs
- Monitor, take notes & give the
correct answers
- Present new target item: Elicit
sentence from ss
+ What are these sentence into
- What comes after “difficult ”? to V
What comes after “ are”? PII
+ Elicit form & use from ss
I. Vocabulary:
- presentative :
-protect : (to) keep something/ somebody
safe from sb/ sth
- the natural resources :
- recycle : to use again.
- overpackage :
II. Dialogue:
*Answer key: (p90)
a.Reduce means not buying products
which are overpackaged.
b.We can reuse things like envelopes, old
plasticand glass bottltes
c.Recycle means not to throw things away.

Try and find another use for them.
d.We can look for information on recyling
things by contacting with an organization
like Friends of the Earth, going to the local,
or asking our family and friends.
e.Because plastic bags are difficult to be
destroyed, so the amount of garbage
*New target iterm
Prepared by Ha Thi Anh Thu
Teaching plan- English 8
2 Practice: (10’)
Ask ss to complete sentences
- Monitor, take notes & give the
correct answers
3 Prodution: ( 8’)
Ask ss to write full sentences
ASk ss to make up sentences in pairs
( active to passive)
- Monitor, take notes & give
the correct answers
III. Wrapping up: (5’)
IV. Homework( 2’)
Do exercise 1 ( Workbook)
- It is not difficult to remember because all
the three words begin with the letter R.
-Products are overpackaged
Form: * It is (not) + adj + to V.........

* S + is / are/ am + PII ...+ ( by obj)
III. Practice
a. using word cues drill
+ easy / understand this lesson
+ hard/ believe her
+ dangerous/ go out at night
+ important/ wait for him
+ difficult/ follow this instruction
Ex: It’s dangerous to go out at night.
+ She cleans the floor every day.
+ Mai waters the flowers every morning
C. I’m sure D. ok
1: We should use cloth bags
instead……….plastic bags.
A.at B. in
C. of D. for
2: Recycling is easy. Remember: reduce,
reuse and ……………
A.redoing B.remade
C.recycle D. rebuy
3: It is not difficult ………………….those.
A. remember B. to remember
C. remembers D. remembered
4: I m pleased’ …………to know more.
A.you that B.you want that
C. you that want D. that you want
5: Compost is a wonderful
A.fertilize B. fertilizing C.fertilizer D.

Preparing date:
Prepared by Ha Thi Anh Thu
Teaching plan- English 8
Teaching date:
Period 60
Unit 10 : recycling
Lesson 2 : Listen + Speak( P. 90-91)
I/ Objectives : - By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to
1. Knowledge:
- Vocabulary: plastic, vegetable matter, fabric, leather, compost, compost hea
2. Skills: Target skill: Speaking, listening
- Develop speaking skill : Decide which group each item belongs to. -
Develop listening skill: Listen and check (v) the correct answer.
3. Attitude: Students take an active part in speaking.
II/ Preparations
- Teacher: Textbook, disc, pictures
- Ss: textbook, school things
III Anticipated problems:
It may be difficult to listen.
IV/ Procedure :
Teacher’s & students’
Board display

I. Warm up: ( 4’)Group
Memory games. ( Kimg Games .)
- Stick the picture in page 91 and

then put it away.
- Divide class into two teams at
the same time go to the board to
write as many show things in the
picture as possible
Unit 10 :recycling
Lesson 2 : Listen + Speak(P. 90-91)
Prepared by Ha Thi Anh Thu
Teaching plan- English 8
- Which team has more right
words is the winner
♦Answer keys:
used paper, old new paper, books,
card board, boxes, bottles,glasses,
jars, plastic bags, food cans,
drinking tins, vegetable matter,
clothes, school bags . . .
II. New lesson:
I. Speak: (17’) Pair work
- Pre-teach vocabulary:
+ Techniques: translation,
explanation, synonym, example
+ T elicits words from ss, asks ss
to read in chorus, individually and
give meaning.
+ Check understanding: Ro + R
- Set the sence: What do they do
with the garbage?
-> We recycle them.

2. What do they do next before
they recycle ?
-> We should them into group.
-T asks SS to practice the
-SS work in pairs.
-Some pairs of SS practice aloud
in front of the class.
- Monitor, take notes & give the
correct answers.
2. While – speaking activities:
-T guides: Now you work in pairs.
Use the structures you have
learned and the situations in the
I. Speak:
- fertilizer (n) : -> fertilize(v)
-compose (n) :
-fabric (n) = clothes
-leather (n) :
-Which group do clothes belong to ?-> put them in
-What can we do with those clothes?-> We can
recycle them and make them into paper or shopping
♦ Drill Use the items in the box p 91 and dicide
which group each item belong to.

Group Items
Prepared by Ha Thi Anh Thu
Teaching plan- English 8
book to make up new
-SS practice in pairs.
-Each pair practices one situation.
-SS change the rolls.
-Some pairs of SS practice aloud
before class.
–T monitors, takes notes &
corrects the mistakes if necessary.
3. Post – speaking activities:
Now you work in pairs, think of a
situation and make up a new
dialogue - Elicit the exchanges
from students.
- Model the exchanges.
-SS practice in pairs.
- T monitors, takes notes &
corrects the mistakes if necessary.
4. Pre- listening activities: (4’)
Prediction: - Have ss read the
multiple choice questions on page
91 and predict the correct answers
Listen to the tape carefully for the
first time.
5. While – listening activities:

- Ask ss to listen to the tape
carefully & get general idea
Then check their predictions.(Ss
listen to the tape for three times)
T plays the tape the last time to
- T monitors, takes notes & give
the correct answers.
6. Post – listening activities:
-T devises the SS in group of six.
- Ask ss to express their
Used paper (old newspaper, books,
cardboard boxes).
Glass Bottles, glasses, jars.
Plastic Plastic bags, plastic bottles.
Metal Food cans, drinking tins.
Clothes (cloth bags, material)
(shoes, sandals, schoolbags)
Fruit peels (vegetables,...)
2. Mapped Dialogue:
- Which group
Belong to?
Put ...... in
- What can we do

- We can ....
- Are .......?
What shall we do
With (....)
That's right
- We make
III. Listening
Prepared by Ha Thi Anh Thu

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