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Ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh khối 11 - Unit 7, 8

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Unit 7- English 11 CONDITIONAL SENTENCES Conditionals sentences: type 1 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. 1. I'll look for you notebook and if I (find) ……………… it I (give) ……………… you a ring. 2. If you (smoke) ……………… in a non-smoking compartment the other passengers (object) ……………… . 3. I'll wash the glasses in this nice hot water. No, don’t. If you (put) ……………… them into very hot water they (crack) ……………… . 4. If you (see) ……………… Tom ,tell him I have a message for him. 5. If he (win) ………… he (get) ……… 1.000$; if he (come) ………… in second he (get) …………… 500 6. If you (feel) ……………… too hot during the night, turn down the central heating. 7. Tom: Jack is a translator; he translates 1.000 words a day and gets 100$ a week, which he says isn’t enough to live on. Bill: Well, if he (want) ……………… more money he (have) ……………… to do more work. Advise him to translate 2.000 words a day. 8. If you (finish) ……………… with your dictionary, I'd like to borrow it. 9. The lift wasn’t working when I was here last. If it still (not work) ……… we (have) ……… to use the stairs. 10. I shan’t wake if the alarm clock (not go) ……………… off. 11. I shan’t wake unless I (hear) ……………… the alarm. 12. If you’d like some ice, I (get) ……………… some from the bridge. 13. He's only sixteen but he wants to leave school at the end of the term. If he (leave) ……………… now he (be) ……………… sorry afterwards. 14. I expect it will freeze tonight. If it (freeze) ……………… tonight the roads (be) ……………… very slippery tomorrow. 15. That book is overdue. If you (not take) ……… it back to the library tomorrow you (have) …… to pay a fine. 16. Unless Tom (take) ……………… his library back tomorrow he (have) ……………… to pay a fine. 17. You’d better take the day off if you (not feel) ……………… well tomorrow. 18. If a driver (brake) ……………… suddenly on a wet road he (skid). 19. If you (like) ……………… I (get) ……………… you a job in this company. 20. My dog never starts a fight. He never growls unless the other dog (growl) ……………… first. 21. You can use my phone if yours (not work) ……………… . 22. If you (not know) the meaning of a word you may use a dictionary. 23. If Jack (refuse) ……………… to help we’ll have to manage without him. 24. Tom: I hate my job. Peter: If you (hate) ……………… it why you (not change) ……………… it? 25. You can ask for a continental breakfast if you (not want) ……………… a full breakfast. 26. If you (hear) ……………… from Tom could you please let me know?. Conditional sentences: type 2. I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct from. 1. 2.. Of course I'm not going to give her a diamond ring. If I (give) ……… her a diamond ring she (sell) ……… it. Tom: I wake up t find the room full of smoke; but I knew exactly what to do. Ann: IF I (wake) …………… up to find the room full of smoke I (have) ………………no idea what to do. 3. Ann: I couldn’t live without Tom. If he (go) ……………… off with another girl I (pine) ……………… away and die. But I have complete confidence in Tom. 4. Husband: But I'm not going on a diet. Why should I go on a diet? Wife: If I (go) ……………… on a diet you (lose) ……………… weight. 5. If someone (say) ……………… , ‘I'll give you 500$ to go into court and swear that this statement is true,’ what you (do) ……………… ? 6. If we (work) ……………… all night we finish in time; but we have to no intention of working all night. 7. You must never blow out a gas light. Do you know what (happen) ……………… if you (blow) ……………… out a gas light? 8. If I (see) ……………… a tiger walking across Hyde Park ,I (climb) ……………… a tree. 9. If I (come) ……………… across two men fighting with knives I (call) ……………… the police. 10. Ann: If you (ask) ……………… him for 1.000$ what he (say) ……………… ? 11. Ann: All your clothes are years out of dates. Why don’t you throw them away? Mary: Don’t be ridiculous! If I (throw) ……………… my clothes away I (have) ……………… to ask my husband for 1.000$ to buy new ones. 12. If someone (ring) …………… my doorbell at 3 a.m. I (be) ……………… very unwilling to open the door. 13. We train the children to file out of the classroom quietly, because if a whole class (rush) ……………… at the door someone (get……………… ) hurt. 14. Why you don’t buy a season ticket? Because I lose everything. If I (buy) ……………… a season ticket I (lose) ……………… it. 15. Why don’t you bring your car to work? If I (have) ……………… a car I (bring) ……………… it to work. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 16. Jack: They get 150$ a week. Tom: They can't get 150$ a week. If they (do) …………… they (not be………………) striking for 120$. 17. Ann: George is fourteen. Tom: He must be order than that. He’s a full time job. If he (be) …… only fourteen he still (be) ………… at school. 18. If I (have) ……………… heaps of money I (drink) ……………… champagne every meal. 19. If you (drink) ……………… champagne every meal you soon (get) ……………… tired of it. 20. Prime Minister on golf course: I'm not at all worried about the situation. If I (be) ……………… worried I (not play) ……………… golf at this moment. 21. But I don’t want to buy an elephant! I know that. But where you (go) ……………… if you (do)……………… want to buy one? 22. I (be) ………… very grateful if you kindly (sign) ……………… this document and let me have it back as soon as possible. 23. If the earth suddenly (stop) ……………… spinning we all (fly) ……………… off it. 24. Why are you so late? We got stuck in a snowdrift! Luckily a lorry-driver saw us a towed us out. But for him we still (be) ………… there! 25. I have no particular desire to win the Football Pools. If I (win) ……………… an enormous sum everybody (write) ……………… to me asking for money. II. Rewrite these following sentences using if construction. 1. She is very shy; that why she doesn’t enjoy parties.…………………………………………………………………... 2. He doesn’t take any exercise; that why he is so unhealthy.…………………………………………………………… 3. I haven’t the right change, so we can't get tickets from the machine.…………………………………………………. 4. They speak French to her, not English, so her English doesn’t improve.……………………………………………... 5. He doesn’t work overtime, so he doesn’t earn as much as I do.……………………………………………………… 6. My number isn’t in the directory ,so people don’t ring me up.……………………………………………………….. 7. The police are not armed ,so we don’t have gun battles in the streets.……………………………………………….. 8. The shops don’t deliver now, which make life difficult.……………………………………………………………… 9. He’s very thin, perhaps that why he feels the cold so much.………………………………………………………… 10. We haven’t any matches, so we can't light the fire.…………………………………………………………………. 11. I'm fat; that why I can't get through the bathroom window.………………………………………………………… 12. He doesn’t help me, possible I never ask him for help.…………………………………………………………….. 13. I can't drive so we can't take the car.………………………………………………………………………………... 14. We have no ladder so we can't get over the wall.……………………………………………………………………. 15. I advised you to sell it. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 16. I haven’t much time, so I read very little……………………………………………………………………………. 17. They don’t clean the window, so the room looks rather dark……………………………………………………….. 18. He never polishes his shoes, so he never looks smart……………………………………………………………….. 19. We haven’t got central heating, so the house rather cold……………………………………………………………. 20. I haven’t got a vacuum cleaner; that’s why I'm so slow…………………………………………………………….. 21. I don’t know his address; so I can't write to him……………………………………………………………………. 22. He never shaves; that’s the only reason he looks unattractive………………………………………………………. 23. You work too fast; that’s why you make so many mistakes…………………………………………………………. 24. I can't park near my office, that’s why I don’t come by car…………………………………………………………. 25. I live a long way from the centre; that’s why I'm late for work……………………………………………………… 26. I haven’t a map so I can't direct you……………………………………………………………………………….... 27. People drive very fast. That’s why there are so many accidents…………………………………………………….. Conditional sentence: type 3. I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses. 1. If he (not take) ……………….. his gloves off he (not get) ……………….. frost bitten. 2. She was sent to prison only because she refused to pay the fine; if she (pay) ……………….. the fine she (not be) ……………….. sent to prison. 3. He didn’t tell me that he was a vegetarian till halfway through the meal. If he (tell) ……………….. me earlier I (cook) ……………….. him something suitable. 4. I had no map; that’s why I got lost. If I (have) ……………….. a map I (be) ……………….. all right. 5. Why didn’t you say that you were short of money? If I (know) …………….. I (lend) ……………….. you some. 6. It’s lucky he had his torch with him. If he (not have) ………….. it he (fall) ……………….. down the cellar steps. 7. The job is much worse than I expected. If I (realize) ……………….. how awful it was going to be I (not accept) ……………….. it. 8. It was the drug, not the disease that killed him. He would still be alive today if he (not take) ………….. that drug. 9. This room’s freezing because the fire has only just been lit. If it (be lit) ……………….. this morning, as I suggested, the room would be warm enough to sit in now. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> 10. I overslept; that’s why I have an hour late; and if my phone (not ring) ……………….. at nine o’clock, I might still be in bed. 11. It was rather a dull game so I left before the end; if I (wait………………..) another five minutes I (see) ……………….. Chelsea scoring a really exciting goal. 12. The paraffin heater was perfectly safe. There (not be) ……………….. a fire if the children (not knock) ……………….. it over. 13. It’s a pity he never patented his invention. If he (patent) ………….. it he (make) ……………….. a lot of money. 14. The fog came down suddenly and I suppose they didn’t know which way to turn; if only they (have) ……………….. a map and compass with them they (not be) ……………….. drowned. 15. He asked his parents for a loan but he didn’t say what he wanted the money for, so they refused. I think if he (tell) ……………….. them that he wanted to open a restaurant they (agree) ………………... 16. The accident was mainly Tom’s fault. He was driving much too close to the car in front. If he (be) ……………….. further away he (be) ……………….. able to stop in time. 17. The lunching of the rocket was delay half an hour by bad weather. If the weather (be) ……………….. good they (launch) ……………….. it at 8.30 instead of at 9.00. 18. Why did you throw away those newspapers? I hadn’t finished with them. I'm sorry. If I (know) ……………….. you were still reading them I (not throw) ……………….. them away. 19. I'm sorry you didn’t tell me that dogs were allowed in the hotel; if I (know) ……………….. I (bring) ……………….. my dog. He (enjoy) ……………….. the walk. 20. Most people (attend) ……………….. the union meeting if they had had longer notice of it. 21. He says he refused the job, but that this was nothing to do with the salary. He (refuse) ……………….. even if they (offer) ……………….. him twice as much. 22. The club secretary is useless. He never tells anybody anything. We (not know) ……………….. about this meeting if the chairman (not tell) ……………….. us. 23. When the director asked her to play the lead she agreed though she didn’t know anything about the play. I think that if she (read) ……………….. the play first she (refuse) ……………….. the part. 24. The burglar made quite a lot of noise getting into the house; but fortunately for him the family was watching a noisy TV play. If they (play) ……………….. cards they certainly (hear) ……………….. him. 25. IF you had been there what you (do) ………………..? 26. It rained, which spoiled our picnic, but if it (not rain) ……………….. it (be) ……………….. a great success. 27. You knew that horse was going to win? Don’t be ridiculous! If I (know) ……………….. I (back) ……………….. him myself. 28. Why didn’t you phone the village? Because there was no phone in the village. If there (be) ………….. of course we (phone) ……………….. from there. 29. When the weather got bad the climbing party turned back, all except Tom and his brothers, who decided to go on. If only they (turn) ……………….. back with the others they would be alive today. 30. We were traveling with false passports. That was the trouble. If our passports (be) ……………….. all right we (not be) ……………….. arrested. II. Rewrite these sentences using an if construction. 1. I didn’t see the signal, so I didn’t stop………………………………………………………………………………. 2. I didn’t know your number, so I didn’t ring…………………………………………………………………………. 3. She didn’t know you were in hospital, so she didn’t visit you………………………………………………………. 4. We only came by bus because there were no taxis…………………………………………………………………... 5. She didn’t speak to him, possible because she was so shy………………………………………………………….. 6. We didn’t visit the museum because we hadn’t time………………………………………………………………… 7. I only came up the stairs because the lift wasn’t working…………………………………………………………… 8. We didn’t listen carefully; perhaps that’s why we made this mistake………………………………………………. 9. We got a lift, so we reached the station in time……………………………………………………………………… 10. We missed the train because we were using an out-of-date timetable. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 11. His own men deserted him; that’s the only reason why he failed. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 12. They were driving very quickly. That’s why the accident was so terrible. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 13. It was raining. That’s the only reason I didn’t take the children to the beach. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 14. Tom’s father was on the Board. That’s the only reason he got the job. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 15. He wasn’t looking where he was going. That’s why he was run over. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 16. I don’t like country life, perhaps because I wasn’t brought up in the country. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 17. I didn’t know he was so quarrelsome. I'm sorry now that I invited him. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 18. It rained all the time. Perhaps that’s why he didn’t enjoy his visit. 19. I didn’t work hard at school so I didn’t get a good job when I left. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 20. They asked him to leave the dining-room because he wasn’t wearing a shirt. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 21. It took us a long time to find his house because the streets were not clearly marked. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 22. We didn’t go by air only because we hadn’t enough money. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 23. The bus didn’t stop because you didn’t put your hand up. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 24. I didn’t know how thin the ice was, so I was walking on it quite confidently. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 25. The examiner read the passage very quickly, so the candidates didn’t understand it. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Conditional sentences: mixed types I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms. 1. I’ve hung out the clothes. It’s lovely and sunny; if it (stay)………….. like this they (be)……… dry in two hours. 2. French is essential in this job. All the telephonists speak it. If they (not know)…………… French they (not understand)……………. half the callers. 3. How did you do in the car rally? We came in the last actually; but only because we got lost. If we (not got)…………….. lost we (come)…………….. in somewhere in the middle. We certainly (not be) ……………………late. 4. This flat would be all right if the people above us (not be)………………… noisy. 5. If the pain (return) …………………you’d better take another pill. 6. Tell him to bring his bicycle inside. If I (leave) ………………..it outside someone (steal) …………………it. 7. She must have loved him very much because she waited for him for fifteen years. If she (not love)………….. him she (not wait………………. so long. 8. He looked so small and weak that nobody asked him to do anything. If he (look)…………… strong he (be)……………. expected to dig all day like everyone else. 9. The government is talking of pulling the village down to make room for an airport. If they (start) ………………doing it the village people (resist)…………………... 10. IF you are catching an early train tomorrow you (like)……………… to have breakfast at 7.00. 11. But he says that if he (have)……………….. his life again he (make)…………………….. the same choice. 12. No one bathes here. The water is heavily polluted. If you (bathe)…………….. in it, you (be)…………… ill for a fortnight. 13. I can hear the speaker all right but I wish I could see him too. If he (stand)……………. on a barrel we all (see)……………… him and that (be) ………………much better. 14. Look at poor Tom trying to start his car by hand again! If I (be) ………….Tom I (get)……………. a new battery. 15. I expect you’ll see Jack at the lecture tonight. If you (do) ……………., please (remind)……………… him about tomorrow’s meeting? 16. The only thing I haven’t got is a balcony. If I (have) ……………..a balcony I (grow)…………. plant in pots. Then my flat (be)…………. perfect! 17. Jack rang while you were out. Oh dear! If I (know)…………… he was going to ring I (stay)………………. at home. 18. My unmarried friends are always telling me how to bring up my children. I sometimes think that if they (have) ……………children they (make)………………. just as many mistakes I do. 19. Be careful about the time. If you (spend)……………. too long on the first question you (not have) …………………..enough time to do the others property. 20. We had a lot of trouble putting the tent up. If it (not be)…………… so windy perhaps it (not be) …………….. quite so difficult. II. Finish these following sentences. 1. If you had a carpet on the stairs … 2. If you should see a snake … 3. If I live in the country … 4. If you want to get to the station in time to catch the 8.30 train … 5. The milk wouldn’t have turned sour if… 6. I could have walked more quickly if my suitcase…. 7. My room would be all right if it … 8. We’ll test your voice and if it is good enough … 9. If buses and trains were free … Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> 10. If children were allowed to do exactly as they liked in school … 11. I'd have taken a photograph if … 12. Your job sounds awful. If I were you …. .Exercise : Choose the best answer 1. “Would you mind if we ___you by your first name?” “Not at all. Please call me Tom.” A. called B. call C. calling D. want to call ’ 2. She can t get home ___ she has no money. A. unless B. if C. until D. without 3. If I had known your new address, we ___to see you. A. came B. will come C. would come D. would have come 4. If we took the 10:30 train, ___. A. we would arrive too earlyB. we should arrive too early C. we will arrive too early D. we may arrive too early ’ 5. It s very crowded here. I wish there ___ so many people. A. aren’t B. weren’t C. haven’t been D. isn’t ’ 6. I wouldn t go there at night if I ___ you. A. am B. was C. were D. had been 7. If I ___ get a pole, I’ll go fishing. A. can B. could C. may D. might 8. If they had enough time, they ___ head south. A. will B. can C. must D. might 9. If you ___ a choice, which country would you visit? A. have B. had C. have had D. will have 10. Trees won’t grow ___ there is enough water. A. if B. when C. unless D. as 11. ___ she agreed, you would have done it. A. If B. Had C. Should D. Would 12. If you ___ to be chosen for the job, you’ll have to be experienced in the field. A. want B. wanted C. had wanted D. wants 13. If the doctor had arrived sooner, the boy ___. A. might be saved B. have been saved C. was saved D. might have been saved 14. If there ___, the rice fields could have been more productive. A. had been enough water B. were enough water C. would be enough water D. are enough water 15. The patient could not recover unless he ___ an operation. A. had undergone B. would undergo C. underwent D. was undergoing 16. If she ___ him, she would be very happy. A. would meet B. will meet C. is meeting D. met 17. If he ___ a thorough knowledge of English, he could have applied for this post. A. had had B. had C. has D. has had 18. If I had enough money, I ___ abroad to improve my English. A. will go B. would go C. should go D. should have to go 19. If it ___ convenient, let’s go out for a drink tonight. A. be B. is C. was D. were 20. If you ___ time, please write to me. A. have B. had C. have had D. has 21. If it ___ tomorrow, we may postpone going on a picnic. A. rains B. will rain C. shall rain D. raining 22. If you hadn’t watched that late movie last night, you ___ sleepy now. A. wouldn’t have been B. wouldn’t be C. might have not been D. wouldn’t have been being 23. If you ___ as I told you, you ___ sorry now. A. did- would not be B. had done- had not been C. do – would not be D. had done – would not be 24. If only I ___ him now. A. see B. saw C. have seen D. seen 25. If I ___, I’ll let you know. A. am staying B. will stay C. stay D. would stay 26. If only I ___ you wanted to invest money in business. A. had known B. knew C. have known D. know 27. Linda wishes she ___her car. A. hasn’t sold B. hadn’t sold C. doesn’t sell D. won’t sell 28. He looked frightened as if he___ a ghost. A. had seen B. saw C. would see D. was seeing 29. I wish it ___ a holiday today. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> A. were B. will be C. is D. had been 30. “My car broke down when I was leaving Detroit and I had to take the bus.” “___, we would have picked you up.” A. Had we known B. If we have known C. We had known D. If we did know 31. If I ___ as young as you are, I ___ in a boat round the world. A. were- would sail B. would be – would sail C. were- will sail D. would- would sail 32. If he___ tickets yesterday, he ___ on the beach now. A. had booked- would be lying B. had booked- would have lied C. booked – would lie D. books- will lie 33. If you ___ less last night, you ___ so bad today. A. had drunk- would not have felt B. drank- would not feel C. had drunk- would not feel D. would have drunk- would not feel 34. It seemed as if he ___ of it before. A. would never hear B. has never heard C. never heard D. had never heard 35. ___ today, she would get home by Friday. A. Would she leave B. Was she leaving C. Were she to leave D. If she leaves 36. “He’s a very brave man.” “Yes, I wish I ___ his courage.” A. have B. had C. will have D. would have 37. ___he___ hard last year, he would have lost the first prize. A. Hadn’t – studied B. Had- studied C. Didn’t study D. If – had studied 38. We’re going to be late if ___. A. we not leave right now B. we didn’t leave right now C. we won’t leave right now D. we don’t leave right now 39. “I wish this city___ so noisy.” “I know. I wish we ___ in the countryside.” A. isn’t – live B. wasn’t – live C. weren’t- live D. weren’t – lived 40. He acted as though he___ for days. A. not eat B. hasn’t eaten C. hadn’t eaten D. didn’t eat ’ 41. We ___ the game if we d had a few more minutes. A. might have won B. won C. had won D. will win ’ 42. I ___ William with me if I had known you and he didn t get along with each other. A. hadn’t brought B. didn’t bring C. wouldn’t have brought D. won’t bring ’ 43. If you ___ to my advice in the first place, you wouldn t be in this mess right now. A. listen B. will listen C. had listened D. listened 44. ___ interested in that subject, I would try to learn more about it. A. Were I B. Should I C. I was D. If I am 45. I ___ you if someone had told me you were in the hospital. A. would have visited B. visited C. had visited D. visit 46. ___ then what I know today, I would have saved myself a lot of time and trouble over the years. A. Had I known B. Did I know C. If I know D. If I would know 47. Do you think there would be less conflict in the world if all people ___ the same language? A. spoke B. speak C. had spoken D. will speak ’ 48. Unless you ___ all of my questions, I can t do anything to help you. A. answered B. answer C. would answer D. are answering 49. Had you told me that this was going to happen, I ___ it. A. would never have believed B. don’t believe C. hadn’t believed D. can’t believe 50. If Jake ___ to go on the trip, would you have gone? A. doesn’t agree B. didn’t agree C. hadn’t agreed D. wouldn’t agree 51. If we got an umbrella with us, we …………… wet. A. won’t get B. wouldn’t get C. would get D. didn’t get 52. If she …………you, she would sing a song. A. isn’t B. was C. were D. weren’t 53. If it …………, we would have gone on the trip. A. hadn’t rained B. didn’t C. isn’t D. wouldn’t have rained 54. If we travel abroad, we………… a lot of money. A. would spend B. will spend C. spent D. would have spent 55. If Mary …………… ill, she would have gone to the meeting. A. hadn’t been B. weren’t C. wouldn’t been D. had been 56. If there ………… no sunshine, we all ………… soon. A. were / died B. were / would die C. is / will die D. is / died 57. If people cut down so many trees in the forest, …………… the earth ………………destroyed A. would be B. will be C. were D. weren’t 58. Because I don’t know your address, I can’t visit you. If I ………… her address, I ………. you. A. knew/ would have visited B. knew / would visit C. know /will visit D. know / won’t visit 59. What a pity I didn’t meet you yesterday. A. If only I met you yesterday. B. If only I meet you yesterday. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> C. If only I had met you yesterday. D. If only I hadn’t met you yesterday. 60. I think you should stop smoking. A. if I am you, I will stop smoking. B. if I were you, I will stop smoking. C. if I were you, I would stop smoking. D. if I had been you, I would stop smoking. CONDITIONAL SENTENCES IN REPORTED SPEECH Put the sentences into reported speech. 1. “If the weather is fine, I will go on a picnic with my friends,” she said. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. “What would you do if you had three days off ?” I asked him. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. “I would have come to see you if I had known your address, Jim” she said. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. “I’m sure she will help you if you ask her.” , he told me. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. “If Today were Sunday, we wouldn’t go to school.” They said to me. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 6. She said to me, “If I were you, I wouldn’t tell her about this.” ………………………………………………………………………………………… 7. “There would not be enough seats if a lot of guests came.” ………………………………………………………………………………………… 8. “You will be surprised if you meet him.” , Peter said to Linda. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 9. The boy said : “I won’t be strong if I don’t swim everyday.” ………………………………………………………………………………………… 10. “What would you do if you saw a snake ?” Nam asked Nga. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 11. “We’ll have lunch outside in the garden if it’s not cold.” ,Mr John said. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 12. “Tom would win more races if he trained hard.” , The man said. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 13. “If you feel like a chat, phone me tonight.” David said to me. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 14. “If you isn’t so much junk food, you would be a lot fitter.” Mother said. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 15. “I will be surprised if Mary doesn’t pass the exam.” , our teacher said. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 16. “If I knew her hobbies, I could let you know.” He said to me. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 17. “If I won the lottery, I would buy a new car.” , the man said. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 18. “If you had listened to my advice, you wouldn’t have made such a big mistakes.” Julia said to LiLi. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 19. “If we had had time, we would have visited the museum” they said …………………………………………………………………………………………. 20. “If I were you, I would work harder” Tom said to me. …………………………………………………………………………………………. 21. “If I had enough money, I would go on holiday” Mary said. …………………………………………………………………………………………. 22. “If I had had an umbrella, I wouldn’t have got wet” said the woman. …………………………………………………………………………………………. 23. “If Mike didn’t eat much ice- cream, he wouldn’t have a headache” She said to me. …………………………………………………………………………………………. 24. “You’ll remember the words if you write them down in your notebook” the teacher said to us. …………………………………………………………………………………………. 25. “If he had come to the station earlier, he would not have missed the train”, they said. …………………………………………………………………………………………. 26. “If I hadn’t watch television, I would have heard the burglar alarm go off”, the man said. …………………………………………………………………………………………. 27. “If we had time, we would pay you a visit” Lan said. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 28. “If I had studied more, I would have been able to pass the exam” He said. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 29. The boy said : “If Mr. Hai were still a teacher, he wouldn’t permit such a bad behavior” Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> ………………………………………………………………………………………… 30. “ If you had told me you needed money, I would have lent you some”, said the woman. …………………………………………………………………………………………. UNIT 7: WORLD POPULATION I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words. 1) A. probably. B. population. C. gold. D. hospital. 2) A. smallest. B. best. C. longest. D. biggest. 3) A. mountain B. ground C. blouse D. soup II. Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words. 4) A. instead B. interesting C. expected D. resources 5) A. figure B. double C. different D. support 6) A. research B. decrease C. available D. government III. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence. 7) The teaching of history shouldn’t be ...................... to date and figures. A. limiting B. limitation C. limit D. limited 8) We don’t have the......................... to update our computer software. A. sources B. resources C. funds D. origins 9) One third of the world’s ........................... consumes two thirds of the world resources. A. people B. men C. population D. human 10) The practice of controlling the number of children a person has, using various methods of contraception is called.... A. family planning B. birth control C. population D. A & B 11) When a person has an infectious disease, he is..........from other people. A. isolated B. limited C. separated D. confined 12) Since the early 1990s Viet Nam has experienced ................... growth but the differences between the lives of the rich and the poor have been greater. A. population B. economic C. educational D. financial 13) A person who has moved from one place to another especially to find work. A. emigrant B. immigrant C. migrant D. A & C 14) What’s the .......................... of your country? A. populate B. population C. populous D. popular 15) If the ball .......... the line, that would have been the end of the game. A. would cross B. will cross C. had crossed D. crossed 16) If someone knocked a candle over, it ...................... a fire. A. will start B. started C. would start D. would have started 17) If you ......................... told us about the bad service, we would have eaten there. A. hadn’t B. don’t C. didn’t D. wouldn’t have 18) What would Tom do if he ............................... the truth? A. would know B. knows C. had known D. knew 19) If I ........................ you were sick. I would have called sooner. A. knew B. had known C. know D. would have known 20) If there ......................... a row, I’m going to keep out of it. A. will be B. is C. were D. had been 21) If I ........................... you, I’d call and apologise. A. am B. were C. would be D. was 22) Jack will win the election if he ......................... harder. A. will campaign B. would campaign C. campaigned D. campaigns IV. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting. 23) If you were here yesterday, you would have seen Jean. A B C D 24) We should visit that part of the country if it will be spring. A B C D 25) If I will make a difficult decision, I always discuss it with my friends. A B C D 26) We could had done more if we had had more time A B C D 27) He said that if he has more time, he would come to see us. A B C D V. Put the verbs in parentheses into the correct form. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> 28) If someone (walk).................................. in here with a gun, I would be very frightened. 29) I’m sure he (understand) .................................... if you explain the situation to her. 30) If she hadn’t walked to the meeting, she (not be)................................... late. 31) He always (complain) .................................... if I’m late. 32) If he spoke more clearly, we (understand) ................................... him. 33) If the woman (say) ................................ what she wanted, I wouldn’t have put the phone down. 34) If they arrived in time, they (see) ................................. the ceremony. 35) If you (ask).................................... me, I would explain it to you. VI. Read the passage and choose one correct answer for each question. The nuclear family, consisting of a mother, father, and their children may be more an American ideal than an American reality. Of course, the so-called traditional American family was always more varied than we had been led to believe, reflecting the very different racial, ethnic, class, and religious customs among different American groups. The most recent government statistics reveal that only about one third of all current American families fit the traditional mold and another third consists of married couples who either have no children or have none still living at home. Of the final one third, about 20 percent of the total number of American households is single people, usually women over sixty-five years of age. A small percentage, about 3 percent of the total, consists of unmarried people who choose to live together; and the rest, about 7 percent, are single, usually divorced parents, with at least one child. 1) With what topic is the passage mainly concerned? A. the traditional American family C. The ideal family.. B. The nuclear family. D. The current American family.. 2) The writer implies that ........................ . A. there has always been a wide variety of family arrangements in the U.S B. racial, ethnic, and religious groups have preserved the traditional family structure. C. the ideal American is the best structure. D. fewer married couples are having children. 3) Who generally constitutes a one-person household? A. A single man in his twenties. B. A single woman in her late sixties. C. An elderly man. D. A divorced woman.. 4) According to the passage, married couples whose children have grown or who have no children represent............... A. 7 percent of households C. 33,3 percent of households. B. 20 percent of households D. 3 percent of household. 5) The word current in line 7 is closest in meaning to ................... A. present B. contemporary C. now VII. Arrange these words or groups of words in the correct order. 41) phone number/ call/ her/ I/ if/ you/ me/ her/ give/ will ....................................................................................................................... 42) had/ money/ I/ If/ had/ the/ ,/ bought/ new/ would/ suit/ I/ have/ a ....................................................................................................................... 43) population/of/ has/the/modern/ increased/ times/more/The/ in/ world ......................................................................................................................... 44) of/ limits/are/ also/ the/ resources/ amounts/ There/ to/ natural ....................................................................................................................... 45) methods/for/Safe/are/available/them/to/birth-control/family planning ......................................................................................................................... Lop11.com. D. modern.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> Giaùo vieân. Unit 7- English 11 CONDITIONAL SENTENCES. Conditionals sentences: type 1 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. 27. I'll look for you notebook and if I (find) ……………… it I (give) ……………… you a ring. 28. If you (smoke) ……………… in a non-smoking compartment the other passengers (object) ……………… . 29. I'll wash the glasses in this nice hot water. No, don’t. If you (put) ……………… them into very hot water they (crack) ……………… . 30. If you (see) ……………… Tom ,tell him I have a message for him. 31. If he (win) ………… he (get) ……… 1.000$; if he (come) ………… in second he (get) …………… 500 32. If you (feel) ……………… too hot during the night, turn down the central heating. 33. Tom: Jack is a translator; he translates 1.000 words a day and gets 100$ a week, which he says isn’t enough to live on. Bill: Well, if he (want) ……………… more money he (have) ……………… to do more work. Advise him to translate 2.000 words a day. 34. If you (finish) ……………… with your dictionary, I'd like to borrow it. 35. The lift wasn’t working when I was here last. If it still (not work) ……… we (have) ……… to use the stairs. 36. I shan’t wake if the alarm clock (not go) ……………… off. 37. I shan’t wake unless I (hear) ……………… the alarm. 38. If you’d like some ice, I (get) ……………… some from the bridge. 39. He's only sixteen but he wants to leave school at the end of the term. If he (leave) ……………… now he (be) ……………… sorry afterwards. 40. I expect it will freeze tonight. If it (freeze) ……………… tonight the roads (be) ……………… very slippery tomorrow. 41. That book is overdue. If you (not take) ……… it back to the library tomorrow you (have) …… to pay a fine. 42. Unless Tom (take) ……………… his library back tomorrow he (have) ……………… to pay a fine. 43. You’d better take the day off if you (not feel) ……………… well tomorrow. 44. If a driver (brake) ……………… suddenly on a wet road he (skid). 45. If you (like) ……………… I (get) ……………… you a job in this company. 46. My dog never starts a fight. He never growls unless the other dog (growl) ……………… first. 47. You can use my phone if yours (not work) ……………… . 48. If you (not know) the meaning of a word you may use a dictionary. 49. If Jack (refuse) ……………… to help we’ll have to manage without him. 50. Tom: I hate my job. Peter: If you (hate) ……………… it why you (not change) ……………… it? 51. You can ask for a continental breakfast if you (not want) ……………… a full breakfast. 52. If you (hear) ……………… from Tom could you please let me know?. Conditional sentences: type 2. I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct from. 26. Of course I'm not going to give her a diamond ring. If I (give) ……… her a diamond ring she (sell) ……… it. 27. Tom: I wake up t find the room full of smoke; but I knew exactly what to do. Ann: IF I (wake) …………… up to find the room full of smoke I (have) ………………no idea what to do. 28. Ann: I couldn’t live without Tom. If he (go) ……………… off with another girl I (pine) ……………… away and die. But I have complete confidence in Tom. 29. Husband: But I'm not going on a diet. Why should I go on a diet? Wife: If I (go) ……………… on a diet you (lose) ……………… weight. 30. If someone (say) ……………… , ‘I'll give you 500$ to go into court and swear that this statement is true,’ what you (do) ……………… ? 31. If we (work) ……………… all night we finish in time; but we have to no intention of working all night. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> 32. You must never blow out a gas light. Do you know what (happen) ……………… if you (blow) ……………… out a gas light? 33. If I (see) ……………… a tiger walking across Hyde Park ,I (climb) ……………… a tree. 34. If I (come) ……………… across two men fighting with knives I (call) ……………… the police. 35. Ann: If you (ask) ……………… him for 1.000$ what he (say) ……………… ? 36. Ann: All your clothes are years out of dates. Why don’t you throw them away? Mary: Don’t be ridiculous! If I (throw) ……………… my clothes away I (have) ……………… to ask my husband for 1.000$ to buy new ones. 37. If someone (ring) …………… my doorbell at 3 a.m. I (be) ……………… very unwilling to open the door. 38. We train the children to file out of the classroom quietly, because if a whole class (rush) ……………… at the door someone (get……………… ) hurt. 39. Why you don’t buy a season ticket? Because I lose everything. If I (buy) ……………… a season ticket I (lose) ……………… it. 40. Why don’t you bring your car to work? If I (have) ……………… a car I (bring) ……………… it to work. 41. Jack: They get 150$ a week. Tom: They can't get 150$ a week. If they (do) …………… they (not be………………) striking for 120$. 42. Ann: George is fourteen. Tom: He must be order than that. He’s a full time job. If he (be) …… only fourteen he still (be) ………… at school. 43. If I (have) ……………… heaps of money I (drink) ……………… champagne every meal. 44. If you (drink) ……………… champagne every meal you soon (get) ……………… tired of it. 45. Prime Minister on golf course: I'm not at all worried about the situation. If I (be) ……………… worried I (not play) ……………… golf at this moment. 46. But I don’t want to buy an elephant! I know that. But where you (go) ……………… if you (do)……………… want to buy one? 47. I (be) ………… very grateful if you kindly (sign) ……………… this document and let me have it back as soon as possible. 48. If the earth suddenly (stop) ……………… spinning we all (fly) ……………… off it. 49. Why are you so late? We got stuck in a snowdrift! Luckily a lorry-driver saw us a towed us out. But for him we still (be) ………… there! 50. I have no particular desire to win the Football Pools. If I (win) ……………… an enormous sum everybody (write) ……………… to me asking for money. II. Rewrite these following sentences using if construction. 28. She is very shy; that why she doesn’t enjoy parties.…………………………………………………………………... 29. He doesn’t take any exercise; that why he is so unhealthy.…………………………………………………………… 30. I haven’t the right change, so we can't get tickets from the machine.…………………………………………………. 31. They speak French to her, not English, so her English doesn’t improve.……………………………………………... 32. He doesn’t work overtime, so he doesn’t earn as much as I do.……………………………………………………… 33. My number isn’t in the directory ,so people don’t ring me up.……………………………………………………….. 34. The police are not armed ,so we don’t have gun battles in the streets.……………………………………………….. 35. The shops don’t deliver now, which make life difficult.……………………………………………………………… 36. He’s very thin, perhaps that why he feels the cold so much.………………………………………………………… 37. We haven’t any matches, so we can't light the fire.…………………………………………………………………. 38. I'm fat; that why I can't get through the bathroom window.………………………………………………………… 39. He doesn’t help me, possible I never ask him for help.…………………………………………………………….. 40. I can't drive so we can't take the car.………………………………………………………………………………... 41. We have no ladder so we can't get over the wall.……………………………………………………………………. 42. I advised you to sell it. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 43. I haven’t much time, so I read very little……………………………………………………………………………. 44. They don’t clean the window, so the room looks rather dark……………………………………………………….. 45. He never polishes his shoes, so he never looks smart……………………………………………………………….. 46. We haven’t got central heating, so the house rather cold……………………………………………………………. 47. I haven’t got a vacuum cleaner; that’s why I'm so slow…………………………………………………………….. 48. I don’t know his address; so I can't write to him……………………………………………………………………. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> 49. He never shaves; that’s the only reason he looks unattractive………………………………………………………. 50. You work too fast; that’s why you make so many mistakes…………………………………………………………. 51. I can't park near my office, that’s why I don’t come by car…………………………………………………………. 52. I live a long way from the centre; that’s why I'm late for work……………………………………………………… 53. I haven’t a map so I can't direct you……………………………………………………………………………….... 54. People drive very fast. That’s why there are so many accidents…………………………………………………….. Conditional sentence: type 3. I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses. 31. If he (not take) ……………….. his gloves off he (not get) ……………….. frost bitten. 32. She was sent to prison only because she refused to pay the fine; if she (pay) ……………….. the fine she (not be) ……………….. sent to prison. 33. He didn’t tell me that he was a vegetarian till halfway through the meal. If he (tell) ……………….. me earlier I (cook) ……………….. him something suitable. 34. I had no map; that’s why I got lost. If I (have) ……………….. a map I (be) ……………….. all right. 35. Why didn’t you say that you were short of money? If I (know) …………….. I (lend) ……………….. you some. 36. It’s lucky he had his torch with him. If he (not have) ………….. it he (fall) ……………….. down the cellar steps. 37. The job is much worse than I expected. If I (realize) ……………….. how awful it was going to be I (not accept) ……………….. it. 38. It was the drug, not the disease that killed him. He would still be alive today if he (not take) ………….. that drug. 39. This room’s freezing because the fire has only just been lit. If it (be lit) ……………….. this morning, as I suggested, the room would be warm enough to sit in now. 40. I overslept; that’s why I have an hour late; and if my phone (not ring) ……………….. at nine o’clock, I might still be in bed. 41. It was rather a dull game so I left before the end; if I (wait………………..) another five minutes I (see) ……………….. Chelsea scoring a really exciting goal. 42. The paraffin heater was perfectly safe. There (not be) ……………….. a fire if the children (not knock) ……………….. it over. 43. It’s a pity he never patented his invention. If he (patent) ………….. it he (make) ……………….. a lot of money. 44. The fog came down suddenly and I suppose they didn’t know which way to turn; if only they (have) ……………….. a map and compass with them they (not be) ……………….. drowned. 45. He asked his parents for a loan but he didn’t say what he wanted the money for, so they refused. I think if he (tell) ……………….. them that he wanted to open a restaurant they (agree) ………………... 46. The accident was mainly Tom’s fault. He was driving much too close to the car in front. If he (be) ……………….. further away he (be) ……………….. able to stop in time. 47. The lunching of the rocket was delay half an hour by bad weather. If the weather (be) ……………….. good they (launch) ……………….. it at 8.30 instead of at 9.00. 48. Why did you throw away those newspapers? I hadn’t finished with them. I'm sorry. If I (know) ……………….. you were still reading them I (not throw) ……………….. them away. 49. I'm sorry you didn’t tell me that dogs were allowed in the hotel; if I (know) ……………….. I (bring) ……………….. my dog. He (enjoy) ……………….. the walk. 50. Most people (attend) ……………….. the union meeting if they had had longer notice of it. 51. He says he refused the job, but that this was nothing to do with the salary. He (refuse) ……………….. even if they (offer) ……………….. him twice as much. 52. The club secretary is useless. He never tells anybody anything. We (not know) ……………….. about this meeting if the chairman (not tell) ……………….. us. 53. When the director asked her to play the lead she agreed though she didn’t know anything about the play. I think that if she (read) ……………….. the play first she (refuse) ……………….. the part. 54. The burglar made quite a lot of noise getting into the house; but fortunately for him the family was watching a noisy TV play. If they (play) ……………….. cards they certainly (hear) ……………….. him. 55. IF you had been there what you (do) ………………..? 56. It rained, which spoiled our picnic, but if it (not rain) ……………….. it (be) ……………….. a great success. 57. You knew that horse was going to win? Don’t be ridiculous! If I (know) ……………….. I (back) ……………….. him myself. 58. Why didn’t you phone the village? Because there was no phone in the village. If there (be) ………….. of course we (phone) ……………….. from there. 59. When the weather got bad the climbing party turned back, all except Tom and his brothers, who decided to go on. If only they (turn) ……………….. back with the others they would be alive today. 60. We were traveling with false passports. That was the trouble. If our passports (be) ……………….. all right we (not be) ……………….. arrested. II. Rewrite these sentences using an if construction. 26. I didn’t see the signal, so I didn’t stop………………………………………………………………………………. 27. I didn’t know your number, so I didn’t ring…………………………………………………………………………. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.. She didn’t know you were in hospital, so she didn’t visit you………………………………………………………. We only came by bus because there were no taxis…………………………………………………………………... She didn’t speak to him, possible because she was so shy………………………………………………………….. We didn’t visit the museum because we hadn’t time………………………………………………………………… I only came up the stairs because the lift wasn’t working…………………………………………………………… We didn’t listen carefully; perhaps that’s why we made this mistake………………………………………………. We got a lift, so we reached the station in time……………………………………………………………………… We missed the train because we were using an out-of-date timetable. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 36. His own men deserted him; that’s the only reason why he failed. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 37. They were driving very quickly. That’s why the accident was so terrible. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 38. It was raining. That’s the only reason I didn’t take the children to the beach. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 39. Tom’s father was on the Board. That’s the only reason he got the job. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 40. He wasn’t looking where he was going. That’s why he was run over. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 41. I don’t like country life, perhaps because I wasn’t brought up in the country. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 42. I didn’t know he was so quarrelsome. I'm sorry now that I invited him. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 43. It rained all the time. Perhaps that’s why he didn’t enjoy his visit. 44. I didn’t work hard at school so I didn’t get a good job when I left. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 45. They asked him to leave the dining-room because he wasn’t wearing a shirt. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 46. It took us a long time to find his house because the streets were not clearly marked. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 47. We didn’t go by air only because we hadn’t enough money. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 48. The bus didn’t stop because you didn’t put your hand up. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 49. I didn’t know how thin the ice was, so I was walking on it quite confidently. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 50. The examiner read the passage very quickly, so the candidates didn’t understand it. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Conditional sentences: mixed types I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms. 21. I’ve hung out the clothes. It’s lovely and sunny; if it (stay)………….. like this they (be)……… dry in two hours. 22. French is essential in this job. All the telephonists speak it. If they (not know)…………… French they (not understand)……………. half the callers. 23. How did you do in the car rally? We came in the last actually; but only because we got lost. If we (not got)…………….. lost we (come)…………….. in somewhere in the middle. We certainly (not be) ……………………late. 24. This flat would be all right if the people above us (not be)………………… noisy. 25. If the pain (return) …………………you’d better take another pill. 26. Tell him to bring his bicycle inside. If I (leave) ………………..it outside someone (steal) …………………it. 27. She must have loved him very much because she waited for him for fifteen years. If she (not love)………….. him she (not wait………………. so long. 28. He looked so small and weak that nobody asked him to do anything. If he (look)…………… strong he (be)……………. expected to dig all day like everyone else. 29. The government is talking of pulling the village down to make room for an airport. If they (start) ………………doing it the village people (resist)…………………... 30. IF you are catching an early train tomorrow you (like)……………… to have breakfast at 7.00. 31. But he says that if he (have)……………….. his life again he (make)…………………….. the same choice. 32. No one bathes here. The water is heavily polluted. If you (bathe)…………….. in it, you (be)…………… ill for a fortnight. 33. I can hear the speaker all right but I wish I could see him too. If he (stand)……………. on a barrel we all (see)……………… him and that (be) ………………much better. 34. Look at poor Tom trying to start his car by hand again! If I (be) ………….Tom I (get)……………. a new battery. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> 35. I expect you’ll see Jack at the lecture tonight. If you (do) ……………., please (remind)……………… him about tomorrow’s meeting? 36. The only thing I haven’t got is a balcony. If I (have) ……………..a balcony I (grow)…………. plant in pots. Then my flat (be)…………. perfect! 37. Jack rang while you were out. Oh dear! If I (know)…………… he was going to ring I (stay)………………. at home. 38. My unmarried friends are always telling me how to bring up my children. I sometimes think that if they (have) ……………children they (make)………………. just as many mistakes I do. 39. Be careful about the time. If you (spend)……………. too long on the first question you (not have) …………………..enough time to do the others property. 40. We had a lot of trouble putting the tent up. If it (not be)…………… so windy perhaps it (not be) …………….. quite so difficult. II. Finish these following sentences. 13. If you had a carpet on the stairs … 14. If you should see a snake … 15. If I live in the country … 16. If you want to get to the station in time to catch the 8.30 train … 17. The milk wouldn’t have turned sour if… 18. I could have walked more quickly if my suitcase…. 19. My room would be all right if it … 20. We’ll test your voice and if it is good enough … 21. If buses and trains were free … 22. If children were allowed to do exactly as they liked in school … 23. I'd have taken a photograph if … 24. Your job sounds awful. If I were you …. .Exercise : Choose the best answer 1. “Would you mind if we ___you by your first name?” “Not at all. Please call me Tom.” A. called B. call C. calling D. want to call 2. She can’t get home ___ she has no money. A. unless B. if C. until D. without 3. If I had known your new address, we ___to see you. A. came B. will come C. would come D. would have come 4. If we took the 10:30 train, ___. A. we would arrive too earlyB. we should arrive too early C. we will arrive too early . we may arrive too early 5. It’s very crowded here. I wish there ___ so many people. A. aren’t B. weren’t C. haven’t been D. isn’t ’ 6. I wouldn t go there at night if I ___ you. A. am B. was C. were D. had been 7. If I ___ get a pole, I’ll go fishing. A. can B. could C. may D. might 8. If they had enough time, they ___ head south. A. will B. can C. must D. might 9. If you ___ a choice, which country would you visit? A. have B. had C. have had D. will have 10. Trees won’t grow ___ there is enough water. A. if B. when C. unless D. as 11. ___ she agreed, you would have done it. A. If B. Had C. Should D. Would 12. If you ___ to be chosen for the job, you’ll have to be experienced in the field. A. want B. wanted C. had wanted D. wants 13. If the doctor had arrived sooner, the boy ___. A. might be saved B. have been saved C. was saved D. might have been saved 14. If there ___, the rice fields could have been more productive. A. had been enough water B. were enough water C. would be enough water D. are enough water 15. The patient could not recover unless he ___ an operation. A. had undergone B. would undergo C. underwent D. was undergoing 16. If she ___ him, she would be very happy. A. would meet B. will meet C. is meeting D. met 17. If he ___ a thorough knowledge of English, he could have applied for this post. A. had had B. had C. has D. has had 18. If I had enough money, I ___ abroad to improve my English. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> A. will go B. would go C. should go D. should have to go 19. If it ___ convenient, let’s go out for a drink tonight. A. be B. is C. was D. were 20. If you ___ time, please write to me. A. have B. had C. have had D. has 21. If it ___ tomorrow, we may postpone going on a picnic. A. rains B. will rain C. shall rain D. raining 22. If you hadn’t watched that late mivie last night, you ___ sleepy now. A. wouldn’t have been B. wouldn’t be C. might have not been D. wouldn’t have been being 23. If you ___ as I told you, you ___ sorry now. A. did- would not be B. had done- had not been C. do – would not be D. had done – would not be 24. If only I ___ him now. A. see B. saw C. have seen D. seen 25. If I ___, I’ll let you know. A. am staying B. will stay C. stay D. would stay 26. If only I ___ you wanted to invest money in business. A. had known B. knew C. have known D. know 27. Linda wishes she ___her car. A. hasn’t sold B. hadn’t sold C. doesn’t sell D. won’t sell 28. He looked frightened as if he___ a ghost. A. had seen B. saw C. would see D. was seeing 29. I wish it ___ a holiday today. A. were B. will be C. is D. had been 30. “My car broke down when I was leaving Detroit and I had to take the bus.” “___, we would have picked you up.” A. Had we known B. If we have known C. We had known D. If we did know 31. If I ___ as young as you are, I ___ in a boat round the world. A. were- would sail B. would be – would sail C. were- will sail D. would- would sail 32. If he___tickets yesterday, he ___ on the beach now. A. had booked- would be lying B. had booked- would have lied C. booked – would lie D. books- will lie 33. If you ___ less last night, you ___ so bad today. A. had drunk- would not have felt B. drank- would not feel C. had drunk- would not feel D. would have drunk- would not feel 34. It seemed as if he ___ of it before. A. would never hear B. has never heard C. never heard D. had never heard 35. ___ today, she would get home by Friday. A. Would she leave B. Was she leaving C. Were she to leave D. If she leaves 36. “He’s a very brave man.” “Yes, I wish I ___ his courage.” A. have B. had C. will have D. would have 37. ___he___ hard last year, he would have lost the first prize. A. Hadn’t – studied B. Had- studied C. Didn’t study D. If – had studied ’ 38. We re going to be late if ___. A. we not leave right now B. we didn’t leave right now C. we won’t leave right now D. we don’t leave right now 39. “I wish this city___ so noisy.” “I know. I wish we ___ in the countryside.” A. isn’t – live B. wasn’t – live C. weren’t- live D. weren’t – lived 40. He acted as though he___ for days. A. not eat B. hasn’t eaten C. hadn’t eaten D. didn’t eat ’ 41. We ___ the game if we d had a few more minutes. A. might have won B. won C. had won D. will win 42. I ___ William with me if I had known you and he didn’t get along with each other. A. hadn’t brought B. didn’t bring C. wouldn’t have brought D. won’t bring ’ 43. If you ___ to my advice in the first place, you wouldn t be in this mess right now. A. listen B. will listen C. had listened D. listened 44. ___ interested in that subject, I would try to learn more about it. A. Were I B. Should I C. I was D. If I am 45. I ___ you if someone had told me you were in the hospital. A. would have visited B. visited C. had visited D. visit 46. ___ then what I know today, I would have saved myself a lot of time and trouble over the years. A. Had I known B. Did I know C. If I know D. If I would know 47. Do you think there would be less conflict in the world if all people ___ the same language? A. spoke B. speak C. had spoken D. will speak 48. Unless you ___ all of my questions, I can’t do anything to help you. A. answered B. answer C. would answer D. are answering Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> 49. Had you told me that this was going to happen, I ___ it. A. would never have believed B. don’t believe C. hadn’t believed D. can’t believe 50. If Jake ___ to go on the trip, would you have gone? A. doesn’t agree B. didn’t agree C. hadn’t agreed D. wouldn’t agree 59. If we got an umbrella with us, we …………… wet. A. won’t get B. wouldn’t get C. would get D. didn’t get 60. If she …………you, she would sing a song. A. isn’t B. was C. were D. weren’t 61. If it …………, we would have gone on the trip. A. hadn’t rained B. didn’t C. isn’t D. wouldn’t have rained 62. If we travel abroad, we………… a lot of money. A. would spend B. will spend C. spent D. would have spent 63. If Mary …………… ill, she would have gone to the meeting. A. hadn’t been B. weren’t C. wouldn’t been D. had been 64. If there ………… no sunshine, we all ………… soon. A. were / died B. were / would die C. is / will die D. is / died 65. If people cut down so many trees in the forest, …………… the earth ………………destroyed A. would be B. will be C. were D. weren’t 66. Because I don’t know your address, I can’t visit you. If I ………… her address, I ………. you. A. knew/ would have visited B. knew / would visit C. know /will visit D. know / won’t visit ’ 59. What a pity I didn t meet you yesterday. A. If only I met you yesterday. B. If only I meet you yesterday. C. If only I had met you yesterday. D. If only I hadn’t met you yesterday. 60. I think you should stop smoking. A. if I am you, I will stop smoking. B. if I were you, I will stop smoking. C. if I were you, I would stop smoking. D. if I had been you, I would stop smoking. CONDITIONAL SENTENCES IN REPORTED SPEECH Put the sentences into reported speech. 1. “If the weather is fine, I will go on a picnic with my friends,” she said. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. “What would you do if you had three days off ?” I asked him. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. “I would have come to see you if I had known your address, Jim” she said. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. “I’m sure she will help you if you ask her.” , he told me. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. “If Today were Sunday, we wouldn’t go to school.” They said to me. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 6. She said to me, “If I were you, I wouldn’t tell her about this.” ………………………………………………………………………………………… 7. “There would not be enough seats if a lot of guests came.” ………………………………………………………………………………………… 8. “You will be surprised if you meet him.” , Peter said to Linda. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 9. The boy said : “I won’t be strong if I don’t swim everyday.” ………………………………………………………………………………………… 10. “What would you do if you saw a snake ?” Nam asked Nga. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 11. “We’ll have lunch outside in the garden if it’s not cold.” ,Mr John said. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 12. “Tom would win more races if he trained hard.” , The man said. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 13. “If you feel like a chat, phone me tonight.” David said to me. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 14. “If you isn’t so much junk food, you would be a lot fitter.” Mother said. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 15. “I will be surprised if Mary doesn’t pass the exam.” , our teacher said. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 16. “If I knew her hobbies, I could let you know.” He said to me. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 17. “If I won the lottery, I would buy a new car.” , the man said. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 18. “If you had listened to my advice, you wouldn’t have made such a big mistakes.” Julia said to LiLi. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> ………………………………………………………………………………………… 19. “If we had had time, we would have visited the museum” they said …………………………………………………………………………………………. 20. “If I were you, I would work harder” Tom said to me. …………………………………………………………………………………………. 21. “If I had enough money, I would go on holiday” Mary said. …………………………………………………………………………………………. 22. “If I had had an umbrella, I wouldn’t have got wet” said the woman. …………………………………………………………………………………………. 23. “If Mike didn’t eat much ice- cream, he wouldn’t have a headache” She said to me. …………………………………………………………………………………………. 24. “You’ll remember the words if you write them down in your notebook” the teacher said to us. …………………………………………………………………………………………. 25. “If he had come to the station earlier, he would not have missed the train”, they said. …………………………………………………………………………………………. 26. “If I hadn’t watch television, I would have heard the burglar alarm go off”, the man said. …………………………………………………………………………………………. 27. “If we had time, we would pay you a visit” Lan said. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 28. “If I had studied more, I would have been able to pass the exam” He said. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 29. The boy said : “If Mr. Hai were still a teacher, he wouldn’t permit such a bad behavior” ………………………………………………………………………………………… 30. “ If you had told me you needed money, I would have lent you some”, said the woman. …………………………………………………………………………………………. UNIT 7: WORLD POPULATION I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words. 1) A. probably. B. population. C. gold. D. hospital. 2) A. smallest. B. best. C. longest. D. biggest. 3) A. mountain B. ground C. blouse D. soup II. Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words. 4) A. instead B. interesting C. expected D. resources 5) A. figure B. double C. different D. support 6) A. research B. decrease C. available D. government III. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence. 7) The teaching of history shouldn’t be ...................... to date and figures. A. limiting B. limitation C. limit D. limited 8) We don’t have the......................... to update our computer software. A. sources B. resources C. funds D. origins 9) One third of the world’s ........................... consumes two thirds of the world resources. A. people B. men C. population D. human 10) The practice of controlling the number of children a person has, using various methods of contraception is called.... A. family planning B. birth control C. population D. A & B 11) When a person has an infectious disease, he is..........from other people. A. isolated B. limited C. separated D. confined 12) Since the early 1990s Viet Nam has experienced ................... growth but the differences between the lives of the rich and the poor have been greater. A. population B. economic C. educational D. financial 13) A person who has moved from one place to another especially to find work. A. emigrant B. immigrant C. migrant D. A & C 14) What’s the .......................... of your country? A. populate B. population C. populous D. popular 15) If the ball .......... the line, that would have been the end of the game. A. would cross B. will cross C. had crossed D. crossed 16) If someone knocked a candle over, it ...................... a fire. A. will start B. started C. would start D. would have started 17) If you ......................... told us about the bad service, we would have eaten there. A. hadn’t B. don’t C. didn’t D. wouldn’t have 18) What would Tom do if he ............................... the truth? Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> A. would know B. knows C. had known D. knew 19) If I ........................ you were sick. I would have called sooner. A. knew B. had known C. know D. would have known 20) If there ......................... a row, I’m going to keep out of it. A. will be B. is C. were D. had been 21) If I ........................... you, I’d call and apologise. A. am B. were C. would be D. was 22) Jack will win the election if he ......................... harder. A. will campaign B. would campaign C. campaigned D. campaigns IV. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting. 23) If you were here yesterday, you would have seen Jean. A B C D 24) We should visit that part of the country if it will be spring. A B C D 25) If I will make a difficult decision, I always discuss it with my friends. A B C D 26) We could had done more if we had had more time A B C D 27) He said that if he has more time, he would come to see us. A B C D V. Put the verbs in parentheses into the correct form. 28) If someone (walk).................................. in here with a gun, I would be very frightened. 29) I’m sure he (understand) .................................... if you explain the situation to her. 30) If she hadn’t walked to the meeting, she (not be)................................... late. 31) He always (complain) .................................... if I’m late. 32) If he spoke more clearly, we (understand) ................................... him. 33) If the woman (say) ................................ what she wanted, I wouldn’t have put the phone down. 34) If they arrived in time, they (see) ................................. the ceremony. 35) If you (ask).................................... me, I would explain it to you. VI. Read the passage and choose one correct answer for each question. The nuclear family, consisting of a mother, father, and their children may be more an American ideal than an American reality. Of course, the so-called traditional American family was always more varied than we had been led to believe, reflecting the very different racial, ethnic, class, and religious customs among different American groups. The most recent government statistics reveal that only about one third of all current American families fit the traditional mold and another third consists of married couples who either have no children or have none still living at home. Of the final one third, about 20 percent of the total number of American households is single people, usually women over sixty-five years of age. A small percentage, about 3 percent of the total, consists of unmarried people who choose to live together; and the rest, about 7 percent, are single, usually divorced parents, with at least one child. 1) With what topic is the passage mainly concerned? A. the traditional American family C. The ideal family.. B. The nuclear family. D. The current American family.. 2) The writer implies that ........................ . A. there has always been a wide variety of family arrangements in the U.S B. racial, ethnic, and religious groups have preserved the traditional family structure. C. the ideal American is the best structure. D. fewer married couples are having children. 3) Who generally constitutes a one-person household? A. A single man in his twenties. B. A single woman in her late sixties. C. An elderly man. D. A divorced woman.. 4) According to the passage, married couples whose children have grown or who have no children represent............... A. 7 percent of households C. 33,3 percent of households. B. 20 percent of households D. 3 percent of household. 5) The word current in line 7 is closest in meaning to ................... Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> A. present B. contemporary C. now VII. Arrange these words or groups of words in the correct order. 41) phone number/ call/ her/ I/ if/ you/ me/ her/ give/ will ....................................................................................................................... 42) had/ money/ I/ If/ had/ the/ ,/ bought/ new/ would/ suit/ I/ have/ a ....................................................................................................................... 43) population/of/ has/the/modern/ increased/ times/more/The/ in/ world ......................................................................................................................... 44) of/ limits/are/ also/ the/ resources/ amounts/ There/ to/ natural ....................................................................................................................... 45) methods/for/Safe/are/available/them/to/birth-control/family planning ......................................................................................................................... D. modern. UNIT 7: WORLD POPULATION I. 1) C. gold 2) B. best 3) D. soup 4) B. interesting 5) D. support 6) D. government I. 7) D. limited8) C. funds 9) C. population10) D. A & B 11) A. isolated 12) B. economic 13) D. A & C 14) B. population 15) C. had crossed 16) C. would start 17) A. hadn’t 18) D. knew 19) B. had known 20) B. is 21) B. were 22) D. campaigns II. 23) B. had been 24) D. were 25) A. make 26) A. could have 27) B. had III. 28) walked 29) will understand 30) wouldn’t have been 31) will complain 32) would understand 33) had said 34) would see 35) asked 41) I will call her if you give me her phone number. 42) If I had had the money, I would have bought a new suit. 43) The population of the world had increased in modern times. 44) There are also limits of the amounts of natural recourse. 45) Safe birth-control methods for family planning are available to them.. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> UNIT 8: CELEBRATIONS I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words. 1) A. stage B. page C. cake D. tablet 2) A. elephant B. event C. engineer D. let 3) A. listened B. liked C. watched D. stopped II. Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words. 4) A. decorate B. pagoda C. relative D. calendar 5) A. celebration B. traditional C. entertainment D. preparation 6) A. between B. banner C. colour D. special IIII. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence. 7) A particular time when something happens. A. occasion B. event C. happening D. holiday 8) To give something to someone and at the same time to receive the same type of thing from them. A. change B. hand in C. exchange D. return 9) To make something look more attractive by putting things on it. A. adorn B. decorate C. to be placed on something to make it more beautiful D. all are correct 10) Thinking about what is good in a situation or good or useful. A. negative B. affirmative C. positive D. indefinite 11) A special event that people organize to memorize something. A. birthday B. wedding C. house warning D. celebration 12) ......................... was the day before yesterday. A. The France’s Independence day B. The day of the French independence C. French’s Independence D. France’s Independence Day 13) Banh Chung is made ............. sticky rice, green beans and fatty pork. A. of B. from C. with D. by 14) Many people go to the pagoda to ............................ for a happy year for themselves and their family. A. pray B. long C. desire D. ask 15) Were there any calls for me? – Yes, .......................... rang while you were out. A. someone B. anyone C. no one D. A & B 16) I threw my old trainers and bought some new ......................... . A. ones B. one C. some D. any 17) There’s ...... waiting outside to see you. She didn’t tell me her name. A. no one B. anyone C. someone D. everyone 18) There are two films on TV this evening. Which ........................ would you prefer to see? A. one B. ones C. someone D. anyone 19) Do you need thick paper or thin ...........................? A. anyone B. everyone C. one D. ones 20) We all know the man is a thief, don’t we? – Yes, ................... knows, but .......................... dares to say so publicly. A. someone/ no one B. everyone/ no one C. anyone/ no one D. anyone/ someone 21) Can you please check that .............................. has got a ticket? A. someone B. anyone C. no one D. everyone 22) I would like to offer a small reward to ........................ who finds my missing dog. A. someone B. anyone C. no one D. one IV. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting. 23) There isn’t no one waiting for me, isn’t there? A B C D 24) Someone spoke to me, but I can’t remember its name. A B C D 25) Anyone stole the money, but we don’t know who. A B C D 26) Someone would tell me the answer, so I guessed. A B C D 27) There are someone wanting to see you outside. A B C D V. Fill in the blanks with the pronouns: one(s), someone, anyone, no one, or every one. 28) Nearly .......................... on the Internet uses e-mail to communicate with each other. 29) ............................ has left their bag behind. 30) I’ve got some stamps here. Which is the ............................ you like? 31) Was there ............................ you knew at the meeting? Lop11.com.

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