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Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh 11 - Period 3 đến period 41

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Grade 11. Nguyễn Thành Viễn. Unit one : FRIENDSHIP Period : 3 (READING) Time : 45 minutes * OBJECTIVES 1. Educational aim : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to - Develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas and identifying meaning in context, - Use the information they have read to express their own ideas about friendship. 2. Knowledge Grammar : - Pronunciation : / dჳ / - / t∫ / - Infinitive with to and Infinitive without to Vocabulary : see infra 3. Skills : Reading for gist and for specific information * METHOD : Integrated, mainly communicative * TEACHING AIDS : Textbook, pictures, realia, handouts, CD player … * PROCEDURE Teacher’s activities Warm-up (5 min) Game: Guessing pictures - Get Ss to look at the picture on page 12 and answer the following questions: - Who are they? - Where are they? - What are they doing? Lead-in: - Do you have a lot of friends? - How many close friends do you have? - What do you think are the qualities of friendship?. The qualities of friendship. Each group comes to the BB and writes down a quality of friendship. To check your ideas, let’s begin unit one. * Pre-reading : (9 min). Lop11.com. Students’activities Ss work individually and then compare the result with a partner. Optionable answers: - Classmates / friends - In the forest / in the garden - They are singing Optionable answers Some Ss write a qualily of friendship on the board.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Pre-teach vocab lasting (a) – selfish (a)  unselfish  unselfishness (n) – constant (a)  constancy – with enthusiasm (exp) – loyal (a)  loyalty – suspicion (n)  suspicious (a) – rumour (n) * Checking : rub out and remember * While-reading : (18 min) Get Ss to read the passage and do the tasks that follow.  Task 1. (p.14) Gap-filling - Ask Ss to fill each blank with a suitable word or phrase - Ask some Ss write their answers on the BB. - T checks the answers with the whole class.  Task 3. (p. 15) Answer the questions - T gets Ss to read the questions carefully and underline the key words to find the answers in the text. - Call on some Ss to read out the answers and write them on the board. - T checks the answers with the whole class.. Eliciting some new words from Ss Practise reading and copy down - T reads the Engish words and has Ss say the Vietnamese meaning. - T says the Vietnamese meaning of the words and has Ss speak out the English words. Ss work individually, and then compare with a partner. Some Ss go to the board and write their answers Expected answers : 1. mutual 2. incapable of 3. unselfish 4. acquaintance – friend 5. give-and-take 6. loyal to 7. suspicious -Ss work individually, and then compare with a partner. - Call on some Ss to read out the answers and write them on the board. Expected answers : 1. (paragraph 2, lines 1-2) 2. Because (pargraph 3, lines 2-3) 3. (paragraph 4, lines 1-3) 4. (Lines 1- 2, paragraph 5) 5. Talkative people cannot keep a secret. 6. (the last paragraph ). * Post-reading : (12 min) : Work in pairs  Task 2. (p. 14) - Ask Ss to work in pairs to decide whether A, B, C or D sums up the main idea of the whole passge. - Ask Ss to close their books and rewrite the qualities of true friendship on the board. Expected answer : B - T checks the answers with the whole class. HOMEWORK *Teacher assigns homework “Pratise reciting the poem on page 13 and translate it into Vietnamese”. Comment : (2 min). Lop11.com. Homework : - Pratise reciting the poem on page 13 and translate it into Vietnamese - Sts memorize new words and prepare the new lesson..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Grade 11. Nguyễn Thành Viễn. Unit one : FRIENDSHIP Period : 4 (SPEAKING) Time : 45 minutes * OBJECTIVES 1. Educational aim : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to - describe physical characteristics, - talk about a close friend. Grammar : - Pronunciation : / dჳ / - / t∫ / - Infinitive with to and Infinitive without to Vocabulary : see infra 3. Skills : Reading for gist and for specific information * METHOD : Integrated, mainly communicative * TEACHING AIDS : Textbook, pictures, realia, handouts, CD player … * PROCEDURE Teacher’s activities Warm-up (4min) Game : Sketching - Sketch a face on the board and ask some Ss to name and write parts of a body’s face. - Ask the other Ss to say the Vietnamese meaning. - T checks the answers with the whole class. Lead-in : - Today we will learn how to describe physical characteristics. * Pre-speaking (7 min) Pre-teach vocab caring (a) – hospitable (a) – modest (a) – sincere (a) – honest (a) – generous (a) – handsome (a) – good-looking (a) –square (a) * Checking: Rub out and remember * While-speaking : (20 min)  Task 1. (p. 15): Work in pairs Work in pairs. - Put Ss into pairs to look at the people below and describe their physical characteristics.. Lop11.com. Students’activities Elicting from Ss Some others say the Vietnamese meaning. Face – hair – forehead – eyes – nose – mouth – ear – eyebrows – chin …. Eliciting some new words from Ss Practise reading and copy down - T reads the Engish words and has Ss say the Vietnamese meaning. - T says the Vietnamese meaning of the words and has Ss speak out the English words. - Ss work in pairs. Ex. A. Can you describe a person in the picture? B. Yes. This person has a crooked nose and a square face. He / She is goodlooking, too..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> - Run through the Useful language - Ask one student to try to describe one of the four people in the pictures on p.15 and the oher has to guess which person his partner is talking about. - Give feedback.  Task 2. Work in groups (p.16) - Get Ss to discuss and number the following personalities in order of importance in friendship. - Go around to control and give help if necessary. - Note down some mistakes Ss have made for later correction. - Call on some Ss to say out their ideas. - Give feedback and comments T can use a poster like this : * Post-speaking.  Task 3. (p.17): Role-play : a journalist and an interviewee - Ask Ss to work in pairs, ask and answer the following questions  What’s his name?  When and where was he born?  What is he/she like?  What does he/she look like?  What are his/her hobbies?  What made hi/her successful in maths?  What do you often do with your friend?  Which characters do you share in common? - Call on some pairs to practise talking in front of the class. - Give feedback and make comments Homework  Teacher assigns homework. Ask Ss to write a short paragraph about a game show Ss have seen recently. Comment : (2). Lop11.com. A. Oh, he must be the third person from the left. B. You ‘re absolutely right. A. Thank you. B. You’re welcome. - Ss work individually and then compare the answers with a partner’s. Optional answers. Ss ask and answer how they feel about each type of the competitions/contests in Task 1 : Example: A. What do you think of the General Knowledge Quiz? B. Oh, it’s great. It’s an opportunity to test my general knowledge.. His name’s Phong He was born in 1992 in Tra Long He is rather handsome He is sincere and helpful He likes reading very much He always work hard We often play badminton together in the afternoon after school. Both of us like reading and playing badminton Some Ss write their ideas on the board. - Some pairs practise talking in front of the class. Homework : - Write a short paragraph about one of your best friends. - Revise what you have learnt and prepare for the new lesson.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> Grade 11. Nguyễn Thành Viễn. Unit one : FRIENDSHIP Period : 5 (LISTENING) Time : 45 minutes * OBJECTIVES 1. Educational aim : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to - listen for general ideas and understand the dialogue, - listen for specific details. 2. Knowledge Grammar : - Pronunciation : / dჳ / - / t∫ / - Infinitive with to and Infinitive without to Vocabulary : see infra 3. Skills : Reading for gist and for specific information * METHOD : Integrated, mainly communicative * TEACHING AIDS : Textbook, pictures, realia, handouts, CD player … * PROCEDURE Teacher’s Activities Students’Activities Warm-up (6 min) Ss from each group take turn to write the Game : Jumbled words right words on the board. -Hang on a poster on the board : ceresin, souregen, tablepihos, ringca, estdom, phelluf ceresin = sincere - Divide the class into 2 groups. souregen = generous - Ss from each group take turn to rearrange tablepihos = hospitable ringca = caring the letters to make meaningful words. = modest - The group with more points is the winner of estdom the game. phelluf = helpful Lead-in : Work in pair. Ask and answer the following questions. 1. Who is your best friend? Some Ss answer 2. How did you happen to meet him or her? Optionable answers 3. How long have you known each other? 4. What qualities do you admire in your best friend? Today you will hear Lan and Long talk about their best friends. Listen to their talks and then do the tasks that follow. Elicit new words from Ss Pre-listening (8 min) Pre-teach vocabulary : Practise reading and copy down Apartment (n) apartment building (n) – sense of humour – favourite (a) – residential area Some Ss rewrite the English words.. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> (n) – in common * Checking : Rub out and remember. While-listening (20 min)  Task 1: You will listen to Lan and Long’s talk and decide whether the statements are true or false. - Play the CD 2 times and gets Ss to work in pairs. Listen to the dialogue and put a tick in the boxes. - Invite some Ss to give their answers. - Play the CD one more time if necessary for Ss to check. - Check the answers with the whole class.. Ss work in pairs Ss listen and put a tick in the box Ss listen for the second time Some Ss call out their answers and T writes them on the board. Expected answers : Lan’s talk 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. F Long’s talk 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T. 5. T.  Task 2 : Listen again and note down the ideas in the table (p. 18) - Let Ss read the sentences for about 1 or 2 minutes. - Play the CD player again. - Call on some Ss to give their answers. - Have the others listen and make corrections if necessary. - Give feecback.. - Ss work individually and then compare with a partner. - Some Ss give their answers. Expected answers : Cf. Task 2 on p. 18. Post-listening (12 min) : Summarizing - Ask Ss to work in pairs to summarize the qualities of a best friend - Call some Ss to report to the class. - Let Ss make peer correction. - Make comments.. Ss work in pairs to summarize the qualities of a best friend on the board - Some Ss report to the class. - Ss make peer correction.. Homework  Ask Ss to rewrite the medal table of Sea Games 22 in Vietnam.. Homework : rewrite the medal table of Sea Games 22 in Vietnam Sts memorize new words and prepare new lesson. Comments (2mn). Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> Grade 11. Nguyễn Thành Viễn. Unit one : FRIENDSHIP Period : 6 (WRITING) Time : 45 minutes * OBJECTIVES 1. Educational aim : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to - write a letter to reply to the request of information. 2. Knowledge Grammar : - Pronunciation : / dჳ / - / t∫ / - Infinitive with to and Infinitive without to Vocabulary : see infra 3. Skills : Reading for gist and for specific information * METHOD : Integrated, mainly communicative * TEACHING AIDS : Textbook, pictures, realia, handouts, CD player … * PROCEDURE Teacher’s Activities Students’Activities Warm-up (4 min) Game : Brainstorming (descriptive adjectives about a person) Ss work individually, in pairs and then in groups. - Tell Ss to work in pairs, in groups to write down descriptive adjectives about The representatives of 4 groups write the results a person on a piece of paper. on the board. - Two pairs who write most words the T and Ss check The group with more words will be the winner. fastest will get points. Lead-in : Today, we will learn how to write about Eliciting from Ss a friend, describe his/her physical characteristics(height, hair, eyes, face, Practise reading and copy down if necessary clothes,…) and his/her personalities (helpful, sincere, …) Pre-writing (7min) Hang a poster with descriptive adjectives on the board: Tall short dark long round blue flat fair smooth thin pointed openhearted sincere large slim sociable fat oval helpful intelligent talented active nice kind generous thin. Ss work in groups of four or five to put the adjectives under the following headings: Build: slim, fat, thin Face : round, oval, thin Hair : short, long, thick, black Eyes : round, blue, dark, large Nose : high, flat, pointed Personalities : fair, open-hearted, sincere, kind, sociable, helpful, talented, intelligent, generous. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> Practise reading and copy down if necessary While-writing (20 min)  Task 1: Work in pairs. Ask Ss to write a short passage about a friend of theirs. - T goes around to control and gives help if necessary.. * Practise reading and copy down if necessary. Ss write a short passage about a friend of theirs. Of all my classmates, I like to play with Hoa, who is also my good neighbour. If you first meet her, you’ll be impressed by her short hair, high nose and big brown eyes, which always shine. I can read in them her most intimate feelings and intelligent. Hoa has a strong tendency to be sociable. She is willing to help me overcome difficulties in my study and my daily work as well. I hope our friendship will last forever. Some Ss write their essays on the board. - Ask some Ss to write their results on the board. - peer correction - Feedback and give comments. Suggested description I have a best friend. His name’s ______ . He’s __________ years old. He’s taller than me. He has straight, black hair, large eyes, a square chin and big ears. He is rather handsome. He’s very good at English. He often helps me with my English. He is very kind to everybody. He lives not far from my house, so we often play tabletennis together in the afternoon after work. His weak point is that he is easy to become angry. However, he’s so kind that everybody likes him. - peer correction. - Make correction with the whole class. Homework * Ask Ss to prepare for the next lesson. Comments (2min). Homework : Sts memorize new words and prepare the new lesson. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> Grade 11. Nguyễn Thành Viễn. Unit one : FRIENDSHIP Period : 7 (LANGUAGE FOCUS) Time : 45 minutes * OBJECTIVES 1. Educational aim : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to - distinguish the clusters / dჳ / - / t∫ / and pronounce the words and sentences containing them correctly, - use the verbs followed by infinitive without To. 2. Knowledge Grammar : - Pronunciation : / d / - / t∫ / - Infinitive with to and Infinitive without to Vocabulary : see infra 3. Skills : Reading for gist and for specific information * METHOD : Integrated, mainly communicative * TEACHING AIDS : Textbook, pictures, realia, handouts, CD player … * PROCEDURE Teacher’s activities Warm-up (4 min) : Game : What and Where / Worstorm (New words in the unit 1) * Pronunciation : (5 min) - Listen and repeat (p. 19) -T models the three clusters / dჳ / - / t∫ / for a few times and explains how to produce them. - Ask Ss to read the words in each column out loud in chorus for a few times. Then call on some Ss to read the words out loud. * Practise reading these sentences (p. 19) - Ask Ss to practise reading the sentences. - Call on some Ss to read aloud the sentences. - Make corrections if necessary Grammar : Exercise 1. (7 min) : - Ask Ss to work in pairs to put the words in the correct order to make meaningful sentences, writing the main verb in the present simple and making the other an. Lop11.com. Students’activities Eliciting from Ss. Ss listen and repeat. - Ss work individually and then compare with a partner. * Expected answers : 1. Who wants something to eat? 2. I have some letters to write. 3. I am delighted to hear the news. 4. My mother has some shopping to do. 5. You always have too much to talk about. 6. It’s lovely to see you again. 7. It’s too cold to go out..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> infinitive with to - Call on some pairs to read their answers - Check the answers with the class. * Exercise 2 : (15 min) : Get Ss to do Exercise 2 individually and then find a partner to check their answers with. - Ask Ss to observe the example carefully to know the two ways to be done. Rewrite the sentences, using the words given in brackets. - Go around to give help if necessary - Ask some Ss to write the answers on the board. - Give feedback. 8. I am happy to know that you have passed the exam.. - Ss do the exercise 2 (p. 21) individually and then compare with a partner. * Expected answers : 1. The police watched them get out of the car. 2. They let him write a letter to his wife. 3. I heard them talk in the next room. 4. The customs officer made him open the briefcase. 5. The boy saw the cat jump through the window. 6. Do you think the company will make him pay some extra money? 7. I felt the animal move towards me. 8. Do you think her parents will let her go for a picnic?. *Ask Ss make similar sentences by themselves Optionable sentences.. Homework *Teacher assigns homework Comment : (2). Homework : Ss memorize new words and prepare for the next lesson. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> Grade 11. Nguyễn Thành Viễn. Unit two : PERSONAL EXPERIENCES Period : 8 (READING) Time : 45 minutes * OBJECTIVES 1. Educational aim : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to - Develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas and identifying meaning in context, - understand the text and express their own ideas about past experiences. 2. Knowledge Grammar : - Pronunciation : / m / - / n / - / ŋ / - 1. Present simple indicating past time 2. Tense revision : the past simple, past progressive and past perfect Vocabulary : see infra 3. Skills : Reading for gist and for specific information * METHOD : Integrated, mainly communicative * TEACHING AIDS : Textbook, pictures, realia, handouts, CD player … * PROCEDURE Teacher’s activities Warm-up (5 min) Game: Guessing pictures - Get Ss to look at the picture on page 22 and guess what is happening in each of them.. Students’activities Ss work in pair and try to guess what is happening in each picture. - Number the pictures from 1 to 6. Lead-in: - Have you ever been in an embarrassing situation? - What did you do then? Today, our reading lesson is about the embarrassing experience of a girl on the bus. * Pre-reading : (9 min) Pre-teach vocab idol (n) – glance at (v) – turn away (v) – a sneaky look (n) – a wad of dollar notes (exp) – thief (n)– steal, stole, stolen (v) – make a fuss (exp) – point to (v) * Checking : rub out and remember. Lop11.com. Eliciting some new words from Ss Practise reading and copy down - T reads the Engish words and has Ss say the Vietnamese meaning. - T says the Vietnamese meaning of the words and has Ss speak out the English words..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> * While-reading : (18 min) Get Ss to read the passage and do the tasks that follow.  Task 1. (p.24) Gap-filling - Ask Ss to fill each blank with a suitable word or phrase in the box. - Ask some Ss write their answers on the BB. - T checks the answers with the whole class.  Task 2. (p. 24) Work in pairs - Ask Ss to put the pictures on p.22 in order they happened in the story. - Call on some Ss to read out the answers and write them on the board. - T checks the answers with the whole class..  Task 3. (p. 24) Answer the questions - T gets Ss to read the questions carefully and underline the key words to find the answers in the text. - Call on some Ss to read out the answers and write them on the board. - T checks the answers with the whole class. * Post-reading : (12 min) : Work in groups. - Ask Ss to work in groups to discuss the question: What do you think the girl had to do after she discovered that the money she had taken from the boy’s bag was not hers?How did she feel? - T checks the answers with the whole class. HOMEWORK *Teacher assigns homework “Pratise reciting the poem on page 13 and translate it into Vietnamese”. Comment : (2 min). Lop11.com. Ss work individually, and then compare with a partner. Some Ss go to the board and write their answers Expected answers : 1. glanced 2. making a fuss 3. embarrassing 4. idols 5. sneaky -Ss work individually, and then compare with a partner. - Call on some Ss to read out the answers and write them on the board. Expected answers : 1. picture d 2. picture b 3. picture f 4. picture e 5. picture a 6. picture c -Ss work individually, and then compare with a partner. - Call on some Ss to read out the answers and write them on the board. Expected answer : 1. A red hat – a floppy cotton hat 2. To buy a floppy cotton hat 3. A wad of dollar notes 4. Because she didn’t want to make a fuss 5. She bought the pretty hat of her dream. Homework : - Sts memorize new words and prepare the new lesson..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> Grade 11. Nguyễn Thành Viễn. Unit two : PERSONAL EXPERIENCES Period : 9 (SPEAKING) Time : 45 minutes * OBJECTIVES 1. Educational aim : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to - describe physical characteristics, - talk about a close friend. Grammar : - Pronunciation : / m / - / n / - / ŋ / - 1. Present simple indicating past time 2. Tense revision : the past simple, past progressive and past perfect Vocabulary : see infra 3. Skills : Reading for gist and for specific information * METHOD : Integrated, mainly communicative * TEACHING AIDS : Textbook, pictures, realia, handouts, CD player … * PROCEDURE Teacher’s activities Warm-up (4min) Game : Sketching - Sketch a face on the board and ask some Ss to name and write parts of a body’s face. - Ask the other Ss to say the Vietnamese meaning. - T checks the answers with the whole class.. Students’activities Elicting from Ss Some others say the Vietnamese meaning. Face – hair – forehead – eyes – nose – mouth – ear – eyebrows – chin …. Lead-in : - Today we will learn how to talk about past experiences. * Pre-speaking (7 min) Pre-teach vocab Eliciting some new words from Ss Native English speaker (n) – seriously ill – Practise reading and copy down appreciate (v) – health (n) – interested in (a) – - T reads the Engish words and has Ss attitude (n say the Vietnamese meaning. - T says the Vietnamese meaning of the words and has Ss speak out the * Checking: Rub out and remember English words. * While-speaking : (20 min)  Task 1. (p. 25): Work in pairs. - Ss work in pairs.. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> - Put Ss into pairs to match the things you might have done or experienced in box A with how the experience might have affected you in box B - Ask some students to say out their answers - Give feedback.  Task 2. Work in pairs (p.25) - Get Ss to put the jumbled conversation in the correct order, then practise it. - Go around to control and give help if necessary. - Note down some mistakes Ss have made for later correction. - Call on some Ss to say out their answers. - Give feedback and comments T can use a poster * Post-speaking.  Task 3. (p.26): Work in pairs - Ask Ss to work in pairs, ask and answer the following questions  Have you ever seen an motorbike accident?  How did it happen?  When did it happen?  How did the experience affect you? - Call on some pairs to practise talking in front of the class. - Give feedback and make comments Homework  Teacher assigns homework. Ask Ss to write about their past experiences. Comment : (2). Lop11.com. - Ss work individually and then compare the answers with a partner’s. Expected answers. 1–d 2–c 3–a. 4–b. 5–e. - Ss work individually and then compare the answers with a partner’s. Expected answers. 1–b 2–d 3–h 4–a 5–e 6–g 7–c 8–f Some Ss write their ideas on the board. -. Some pairs practise talking in front of the class. * Yes, I have. * Two motorbikes hit one another * A year ago * It made me afraid. I don’t dare to ride a motorbike too fast.. Homework : - Write about one of your past experiences. - Revise what you have learnt and prepare the new lesson.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> Grade 11. Nguyễn Thành Viễn. Unit two : PERSONAL EXPERIENCES Period : 10 (LISTENING) Time : 45 minutes * OBJECTIVES 1. Educational aim : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to - listen for general ideas and understand the dialogue, - listen for specific details. 2. Knowledge Grammar - Pronunciation : / m / - / n / - / ŋ / - 1. Present simple indicating past time 2. Tense revision : the past simple, past progressive and past perfect Vocabulary : see infra 3. Skills : Reading for gist and for specific information * METHOD : Integrated, mainly communicative * TEACHING AIDS : Textbook, pictures, realia, handouts, CD player … * PROCEDURE Teacher’s Activities Students’Activities Warm-up (6 min) Game : Guessing things: “What is it?” -Divide the class into two groups A and B and ask Ss to guess what it is. Ss listen and guess what it is - Read aloud some facts about the thing one by one: + It can destroy buildings, houses and forests. Expected answer: A fire + It can kill people and animals. + It gives out a lot of smoke. + You need water to put it out. - The group giving the correct answer first will win the game. Lead-in : 1. Have you ever seen a fire? Optionable answers 2. What will you do if there’s a fire? The listening lesson today is about the fire happening to Christina’s family 13 years ago. Pre-listening (8 min) Pre-teach vocabulary : Elicit new words from Ss memorable (a) = unforgettable – scream (v) – Practise reading and copy down gas stove (n) – escape (v) – terrified (a) – replace (v) - embrace * Checking : Rub out and remember. Some Ss rewrite the English words.. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> While-listening (20 min)  Task 1: Christina is being interviewed about the most unforgettable experience in her life. Listen to the interview and decide whether the statements are true or false.(p.27) - Play the CD 2 times and gets Ss to work in pairs. Listen to the interview and put a tick in the boxes. - Invite some Ss to give their answers. - Play the CD one more time if necessary for Ss to check. - Check the answers with the whole class.. Ss work in pairs Ss listen and put a tick in the box Ss listen for the second time Some Ss call out their answers and T writes them on the board. Expected answers : 1. T 2. F 4. F 5. T. 3. F.  Task 2 : Listen to the second part of the dialogue and fill in the gaps in the summary of Christina’s story below (p. 28) - Let Ss read the sentences for about 1 or 2 minutes. - Play the CD player again. - Call on some Ss to give their answers. - Have the others listen and make corrections if necessary. - Give feecback.. - Ss work individually and then compare with a partner. - Some Ss give their answers. Expected answers : (1) small (2) everything (3) family (4) replaced (5) took (6) appreciate. Post-listening (12 min) : Summarizing - Ask Ss to work in pairs to answer the questions : 1. What is Christina’s job? 2. When did her most unforgettable experience happen? 3. What was she doing then? 4. Did the fire many things from her? 5. What did she realize after the fire?. Ss work in pairs to summarize the qualities of a best friend on the board - Some Ss report to the class. - Ss make peer correction. Expected answers : 1. She is a businesswoman 2. It happened 13 years ago 3. She was sleeping 4. Yes, it did. 5. She realized that family was more important than things.. - Call some Ss to answer the questions. - Let Ss make peer correction. - Make comments. Homework  Ask Ss to retell the story. Homework : Retell the story Ss memorize new words and prepare for the new lesson. Comments (2mn). Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> Grade 11. Nguyễn Thành Viễn. Unit two : PERSONAL EXPERIENCES Period : 11 (WRITING) Time : 45 minutes * OBJECTIVES 1. Educational aim : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to - write a personal letter, - tell their memorable past experiences. 2. Knowledge Grammar : - Pronunciation : / m / - / n / - / ŋ / - 1. Present simple indicating past time 2. Tense revision : the past simple, past progressive and past perfect Vocabulary : see infra 3. Skills : Reading for gist and for specific information * METHOD : Integrated, mainly communicative * TEACHING AIDS : Textbook, pictures, realia, handouts, CD player … * PROCEDURE Teacher’s Activities Students’Activities Warm-up (4 min) Game : Summarizing - Tell Ss an embarrassing experience: It was a very hot day. The man stopped at a small deserted beach. He didn’t have swimming-trunks with him but it was early in the morning, there were no people in sight. The man took off all his clothes and swam out to the sea and relaxed in the water. When he looked back at the beach, a coach had arrived and there were a lot of people standing on the sand to have a picnic … Lead-in : - Have you ever been in such a situation? - What did you do then? - Do you want to share it with your classmates? Today, we will learn how to write a personal letter telling about a past experience.. Ss listen to the story T note down some key words on the board Such as : hot day stopped deserted beach took off all clothes … Some Ss retell the story in Vietnamese. Optionable answers. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> Pre-writing (7min) Elicit the steps of a personal letter from Ss : 1. Greeting 2. Date (when it happened) 3. The story (the experience) 4. Closing 5. Signature While-writing (20 min)  Task 1: Work in pairs. Ask Ss to talk and write about their past experiences or the most embarrassing moment of theirs based on the main points: +when did it happen? +where did it happen? +how did it affect you? - Call on some Ss to tell their stories. - T goes around to control and gives help if necessary.  Task 2. Writing a letter - Ask some Ss to write a letter to a friend of theirs, telling him / her about one of their most memorable. - peer correction - Feedback and give comments -. Make correction with the whole class.. Eliciting from Ss Practise reading and copy down if necessary. –Two years ago / when I was in grade 10 / when I was 12 … – In my house / at school / in the street … – It changed my outlook on life / it made me more careful about …/ it made me appreciate …/ it taught me a lesson … Example: An embarrassing experience One morning I got up late. It was six fortyfive and school began at seven. I quickly brushed my teeth, washed my face and got dressed and jumped on my motorbike and rode to school. I went straight into the class and greeted the students. After two or three minutes, the students began laughing. I couldn’t understand why. Suddenly, I looked down and realized I had put on one brown shoe and one black shoe. Some Ss write their essays on the board. Peer correction Teacher and Ss check. Homework * Ask Ss to prepare for the next lesson.. Homework : Sts memorize new words and prepare for the new lesson. Comments (2min). Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> Grade 11. Nguyễn Thành Viễn. Unit two : PERSONAL EXPERIENCES Period : 12 (LANGUAGE FOCUS) Time : 45 minutes * OBJECTIVES 1. Educational aim : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to - distinguish the sound / m / - / n / - / ŋ / and pronounce the words and sentences containing them correctly, - use some basic tenses correctly. 2. Knowledge Grammar : - Pronunciation : / m / - / n / - / ŋ / - 1. Present simple indicating past time 2. Tense revision : the past simple, past progressive and past perfect Vocabulary : see infra 3. Skills : Reading for gist and for specific information * METHOD : Integrated, mainly communicative * TEACHING AIDS : Textbook, pictures, realia, handouts, CD player … * PROCEDURE Teacher’s activities Warm-up (4 min) : Game : What and Where / Worstorm (New words in the unit 2) * Pronunciation : (5 min) - Listen and repeat (p. 29) -T models the three clusters / m / - / n / - / ŋ / for a few times and explains how to produce them. - Ask Ss to read the words in each column out loud in chorus for a few times. Then call on some Ss to read the words out loud. * Practise reading these sentences (p. 29) - Ask Ss to practise reading the sentences. - Call on some Ss to read aloud the sentences. - Make corrections if necessary Grammar : Exercise 1. (7 min) : - Ask Ss to work in pairs to use the correct present tense forms of the verbs in brackets in the story at p.30. Lop11.com. Students’activities Eliciting from Ss. Ss listen and repeat Ss read the words in each column out loud in chorus for a few times. Some Ss read the words out loud individually. Ss listen and repeat - Ss work individually and then compare with a partner. * Expected answers : 1. invites 2. sets 3. gets 4. waves 5. promises 6. carries 7. contains 8. has baked.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> - Call on some pairs to read their answers - Check the answers with the class.. 9. is 11. are singing. 10. is shining 12. is. * Exercise 2 : (15 min) : Get Ss to do Exercise 2 individually and then find a partner to check their answers with. - Ask Ss to observe the example carefully to know the two ways to be done. Rewrite the sentences, using the words given in brackets. - Go around to give help if necessary - Ask some Ss to write the answers on the board. - Give feedback. - Ss do the exercise 2 (p. 30) individually and then compare with a partner. * Expected answers : 1. broke was playing 2. wrote was 3. was working broke 4. started were walking 5. told were having 6. didn’t listen was thinking 7. phoned didn’t answer 8. wasn’t wearing didn’t notice was driving. - Ss do the exercise 3 (p. 31) individually * Exercise 3. Write the sentences, putting the and then compare with a partner. verbs in each sentence into the past simple or the past perfect on page 31 * Expected answers : - Ask Ss to observe the example carefully to 1. had eaten arrived 2. found had closed know the two ways to be done. Rewrite the had closed sentences, using the words given in brackets. 3. got - Go around to give help if necessary 4. got had left - Ask some Ss to write the answers on 5. got had arrived the board. 6. paid had phoned - Give feedback 7. went said hadn’t arrived 8. had looked asked Make / let / see / watch / hear / feel + sb + V0 Ex. The film made her cry *Ask Ss make similar sentences by themselves Homework : Homework *Teacher assigns homework. Ss memorize new words and prepare the next lesson. Comment : (2). Lop11.com.

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