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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Date of preparation: Date of teaching : Period: Unit 10: nature in danger Lesson 3: Listening A. Aims: 1.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: -Develop such listening micro-skills as intensive listening for specific information - Summarize the listening text while listening 2.Teaching aids: - blackboard, chalk - cassette, tape - textbook, lesson plan B. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Time Students’ activities 1 I. Organization: min - The monitor reports the number of - T checks the number of students and students in his/her class to the asks Ss to make some class arrangement. teacher. 5 II. Checking the old lesson: mins - interview each other about the - T calls 2 sts to interview each other negative impacts made by people on about the negative impacts made by the environment and possible people on the environment and possible measures for protecting it. measures for protecting it. - listen to T - T gives comments and marks III. New lesson: 4 1. Warm- up: mins - work in groups, look at the picture - T hangs the picture on the board and and answer all the questions. asks sts the questions:. 1. a national park 2. trees, plants and animals….. 3. to protect and save endangered animals and plants. - answer the questions. 1. What is the picture about? 2. What can you see in the picture? 3. Why do governments set up these places? - T calls on the representative of each group to answer the questions. - T leads sts to the lesson.. - get general information.. Lop11.com.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 2. Before you listen: *Work in pairs: - T asks Sts to discuss the question in pairs. - T calls on some Ss to present their ideas in front of the class.. 5 mins - discuss the question in pairs. - present in front of the class: Cuc Phuong national park, Cat Ba, Bach Ma, Phong Nha, Cat Tien, Ba Be…. - guess what?. - T asks sts to guess what they are going to listen to. * Lisen and repeat - listen to T - T reads words for the first time. - repeat chorally - T reads all the words twice again. - copy down and read - T explains the meaning and asks some sts to read again. - listen - T gives feedback 3. While you listen: 10 *Task 1: mins - open the textbook - T asks Ss to open the textbook. - read out the requirement - T asks a student to read out the requirement of task 1. - listen to the tape recording. - T asks Ss to listen to the tape recording and decide the statements are true or false according to the talk. - do the task while listening - T plays the tape recording several times if necessary. - compare their answers - T has Ss compare their answers with a friend and correct the false ones. - read aloud their answers - T calls on some Ss to read their answers aloud in front of the class. - copy down - T feedbacks and gives out the answers: 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. T 12 *Task 2: mins - T asks 1 student to read out the - read out the requirement requirement of task 2 - T asks Ss to read through all the - read through the questions and questions and have a guess of the answers have a guess of the answers needed. needed. - listen to the tape recording and - T asks Ss to listen to the tape recording note down again and note down the answers on the pieces of papers. - listen to the tape recording and - T plays the tapes recording more than note down. once if necessary. - compare their answers with a -- T has Ss compare their answers with a friend. friend.. Lop11.com.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> - T asks Ss to write the exact and - write on the board grammatically correct answers. - T calls on some Ss to explain their - explain their answers answers in front of the class. - T gives feedbacks and gives correct - copy down answers: 1. 52 2. Millions of people. 3. - rare animals are killed and hunted for fur, skin, food. - Trees are cut down for wood. - Large areas of national parks experience desvasting fires caused by careless people - The increasing number of visitors is harming the parks due to the pollution …… 4. - rare animals and trees should be protected - Fires caused by careless people should be limited. - Pollution from vehicles should be decreased ……………. 5 4. After you listen: mins - work in groups - T asks Ss to work in groups to summarise the passage. - ask for help if necessary - T goes around the class and provides help when necessary. - give their summary about the - T calls on some Ss to give their passage. summary about the passage. - T has comments on Sts’ performance - listen and has final thoughts on the topic. 2 IV. Consolidation: mins - tell what T asks sts to say what they have to remember after this lesson. 1 V. Homework: min Do the homework T asks Ss to write a passage of 50 words to tell about Mai’s birthday party. VI. Feedback: + Strong points: + Week points:. Lop11.com.
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