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<b>TUẦN 24 </b>


<b> Period70, 71, 72 : WRITE + LANGUAGE FOCUS</b>

1. camoe (n) Ca nô

2. adventure (n) Cuộc phiêu lưu

3. cloud (n) Chỗ ở

 cloudy/ cloudless (a) Có mây/ khơng có mây

4. paddle (v,n) Chèo, mái chèo

5. appear/ disappear (v) Xuất hiện/ biến mất

 appearance/ disappearance (n)

6. move up and down (v) Nhấp nhô

7. rescue (v) Cứu

8. overturn (v) Lật úp

9. drop (v) Rơi, ngã

9. fall into (v) Rơi vào

10. stumble over (a) Vấp phải

11. rock (n) Hòn đá

12. alarm clock (n) Đồng hồ báo thức

13. go off (v) reo

14. pool (n) Vũng nước

15. wet (a) Ướt

16. wrap in (v) Gói, bọc trong

17. air conditioner (n) Máy điều hòa

<b>I/ WRITE</b>

1. Đọc đoạn văn( Sách giáo khoa trang 105-106 )

2. Sắp xếp các câu theo thứ tự diễn ra
<b>d -> b -> e -> h -> a -> f -> c -> g</b>

3. Sắp xếp các câu và viết lại thành một đoạn văn

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<i>bag went into a pool of water and everything got wet . Strangely , the rain stopped as she got to her </i>
<i>classroom . Luckily , Uyen had enough time to finish her exam . </i>

Model sentences :

The man <b>walking</b> up the stairs is Mr Quang

( present participle phrase )

<b>Form : Verb + ing -> Present participle </b>

<b>Use: A present participle( phrase) can be used as an adjective to qualify a noun with active meaning</b>

* <b>Matching </b>

- Ask Ss to look at the words in the box and the picture / 109 to do the matching

<b>A</b> <b>B</b> <b>Key</b>

1. box
2. truck
3. lamp
4. doll
5. flowers
6. toys

a. wrap in
b. dress in
c. recycled from
d. keep in
e. made in
f. paint

1. f
2. c
3. e

4. b
5. a
6. d
<i><b>1. Where is the lamp made in? (china)</b></i>

<i><b>2. what color is the box painted? (green)</b></i>
<i><b>3. What is the truck recycle from?</b></i> <i><b>(cans)</b></i>
<i><b>4. What color is the doll dressed in?</b></i> <i><b>(red)</b></i>

<i><b>5. What are the flowers wrapped in?</b></i> <i><b>( yelow paper)</b></i>
<i><b>6. Where are the toys kept? ( in a cardboard box)</b></i>

<i><b>Model Sentences:</b></i>

<i><b>The old lampmade in China is five dollars</b></i> ( past participle phrase)

Concept check:

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<b>Use:</b> A past participle( phrase) can be used as an adjective to qualify a noun with passive meaning
<b> Language focus 3 : (page 109)</b>

Would you mind if + Verb ( in Past simple tense …) ?
Do you mind if + Verb ( in present simple tense …) ?
Do you mind / would you mind + verb – ing …?
Agreement :

No , I do not mind . / No , of course not . / Not at all . / Please do . / Please go ahead .
Disagreement :

I,<sub>d prefer you did not . / I</sub>,<sub>d rather you did not . </sub>

=> Meaning : Xin ban cam phien …
<b>Language focus 4 (page 110)</b>
<b>turned off – explain – telling – ask</b>

1. Would you mind ………. me something about it ?
2. Do you mind if I …… ………..you a question ?

3. Would you please …. ……….this new word to me ?
4. Would you mind if I ….. ……….the television ?


<b>I. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence. </b>

1. Donna has a flower shop in Los Angeles. She is a _______________.
A. tourist B. grocer C. librarian D. florist
2. There is a large _________ institute in Nha Trang.

A. sea B. sea water C. ocean D. oceanic
3. Can we travel across the river in this ______________?

A. railway B. canoe C. minibus D. paddle
4. John wants to __________the place where he once lived in VN.

A. visit B. meet C. stay D. live

5. I’m looking forward _________ seeing you in June.

A. in B. with C. to D. on

6. Would you mind if I smoked?-_____________

A. I’d rather you didn’t. B.Yes, please.

C. No, I wouldn’t . D. I’d rather you don’t.
7. Do you mind if I take a photo ? - ______

A. Please go ahead B. Yes, I do . C. Yes, please D. Yes, I mind
8. Would you mind _____________in the front seat of the taxi?

A. seat B. sit C. sitting D. sits

9. It’s about _______________drive from the city center.

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10. Ha Long Bay is recognized by UNESCO as a _______________________
A. World Heritage Site B. World Health Organization

C. Wonder of the World D. Friend of the Earth
11. The Browns decided__________aroundXuanHuong Lake.

A. to paddle B. paddling C. paddle D. paddles

12. Andrew studies_________around the world, so he goes to Sapa.

A. oceanic institute B. hotels C. islands D. tribes.
13. My family is living in a house______________in 2004.

A. build B. building C. built D. builds

14. Would you mind if I _____________you some questions?

A. asked B. asks C. asking D. to ask

15. The book _____________on the table is mine.

A. lie B. lying C. to lie D. lies

16. She realized her alarm clock didn’t ________________.

A. go off B. go C. get off D. stop

17. Could I help you ______________ your luggage?

A. with B. of C. on D. to

18. It is difficult to find_______________at busy time in Da Lat.

A. accommodation B. hotels C. guest houses D. All are correct
19. Are you a _______________ or are you living there ?

A. touring B. tour C. tourists D. tourist
20. Do you mind closing the door?-________________________

A. No, of course not B. Please do C. Please go ahead D. I’d prefer you didn’t
<b>II. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence. </b>

1. My family lives in a northern________________area. (mountain)
2. The next__________________for New York will be at 11 a.m. (depart)

3. _________________, dark clouds soon appeared and it began to rain heavily. (Fortunate)
4. Every day, there are three _______________from HCM city to NhaTrang. (fly)

5. It’s _______________(difficulty) to find______________at busy times in Da Lat. (accommodate)
6. Ha Long Bay was ___________________ by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.

( recognition )

7. There are many ____________________villages in VN . (tribe)
8. She cried __________________ when she heard the news. (excite)
9. We are having a __________________ time in Hanoi. (wonder)
10. There was a ____________________ sunset that evening. ( magnificence)

<b>III.Read the following passage. Decide if the statements from 1 to 4 are True or False and choose the correct</b>
<b>answer (A, B, C or D) for the questions 5 and 6. </b>

<b>Nha Trang</b>, a beautiful city 442 km from HCM City is becoming more popular with tourists in recent years.
However, with a population of 300,000, Nha Trang still remains its small town atmosphere. The resort town is
well-known for its miles of beach and the friendliness of its people. The city is especially famous for its ten
kilometers of sand beach where the water is clear all year round. Nha Trang has several offshore islands. The
most remarkable ones are Hon Tre, Hon Yen, Hon Chong. The average temprature is 26 degree Centigrade.
Nha trang is among the top of all beaches in Vietnam.

1. It is 442 km from Ho Chi Minh City to Nha Trang. ____________________
2. Nha Trang is a city which beautiful but unfriendly. _____________________

3. Tourists are impressed by the beauty of the beaches and by the friendliness of its people.

4. The most wonderful islands are Hon Tre, Hon Yen, Hon chong. _____________________
5. Nha Trang has _______________________ offshore islands.

A.several B. many C. lots of D. All are correct

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<b>IV. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the same as thesentence </b>
<b>printed before it. </b>

<b>1.</b> Traveling around Viet Nam is very interesting.

 It’s _____________________________________________________________________

1. I would like you to help me move this table.

 Do you mind __________________________________________________________

2. Is it all right if I take a photograph?

Would you mind ______________________________________________________

3. Please turn the music down.

Do you mind___________________________________________________________?

4. May I use your phone?

 Would you mind_______________________________________________________?

5. The woman is my mother. She understands me best.

The woman ____________________________________________________________

6. The girls who are playing chess are Nga and Hoa.

The girls _______________________________________________________________

7. The man is Mr Quang. He is walking up the stairs.

The man _______________________________________________________________

8. The toy animals are 20 dollars. They are kept in a cardboard.

The toy _________________________________________________________________

9. The old lamp is five dollars. It’s made in Japan.


