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Bài giảng GA Let''''s Go 1A

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Lesson Plan –Book1A
Week:1 Monday, August 23
Lesson 1
A/ Aim: - Introduce the Let's Go book 1A.
-Help Ss know the icons in the book 1A
B Preparation :
C/ Procedure :
Teacher's activities Students' activities
A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Checking attendance
B/ Check-up : Nothing
C/ New lesson
I/ Presentation
I, Present the Let's Go book 1A
Every unit in let’s Go student book 1A is
devided into six lessons, with a review
section after every two units.
Each lesson is identified by a colorful icon.
II, Present the icons in Let's Go Book 1A.
1. Let's Talk: Functional dialogue.
2. Let's sing: Interactive song
based on the dialogue.
3. Let's learn: New grammatical
4. Let's learn some more: Related
grammatical structure.

II/ Practice
T asks ss read name’s pictures.
A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Ss report students’ absent (with
permision and without permission).
B/ Check up : Nothing
C/ New lesson
-Ss listen to the teacher and write
the new words.
I/ Vocabulary
Let's Talk: Chúng ta hãy nói.
Let's sing: Chúng ta hãy hát.
Let's learn: Chúng ta hãy học.
Let's learn some more: Chúng ta
hãy học nhiều hơn.
-Ss listen to the teacher and repeat.
-Ss read indiviual, group
II/ Practice
Ss read name’s pictures.
III/ Homework:
-Learn and write vocabulary 3lines.
-Prepare lesson2.
Lesson Plan –Book 1A
Week:1 Friday, August 27
Lesson 2

A/ Aim : -Continue Introduce the Let's Go book 1A.
-Continue help Ss know read and write name’s the icons in the book 1A
Skill : Writing, Listening
B/ Preparation :
C/ Procedure :

Teacher's activities Students' activities
A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Checking attendance
B/ Check-up :
Matching :
Let’s sing Picture 1
Let’s move Picture 2
Let’s talk Picture 3
C/ New lesson
I/ Presentation
Present the icons in Let's Go Book
5. Let's move : Classroom
command and action verbs
6. Let's listen: Listening
test and unit review.
Let's Review: Further
review after every two units.
II/ Practice
T asks ss read name’s pictures.
A/ Stabilization

1, Greeting
2, Ss report students’ absent (with permision
and without permission).
B/ Check up :
Ss look at the picture and match.
C/ New lesson
I/ Vocabulary:
-Ss listen to the teacher and write the new
Let's move: Chúng ta hãy hoạt động
Let's listen: Chúng ta hãy nghe.
Let's Review: Chúng ta hãy ôn tập.
-Ss listen to the teacher and repeat.
-Ss read indiviual, group
II/ Practice
Ss read name’s pictures.
II/ Homework:
-Learn and write the vocabulary heart.
-Prepare part “Let’s talk”

Lesson Plan –Book1A
Week:2 Monday, September 01
Period:1 Unit:1 LET'S TALK
Lesson 3
A/ Aim: Help ss know how to greet and introduce yourself
Skill : Speaking
B/Preparation: - Picture : Andy and Kate
- Tape and cassette player

C/ Procedure
Teacher's activities Students' activities
A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Checking attendance
B/ Check-up : Nothing
C/ New lesson
I/ Presentation
T elicits to teach these words
Teacher reads and asks ss repeat
Rub out and remember

Teacher gives example and ask
ss to build the structure
Teacher turns on the tape _Ss
listen and repeat

II/ Practice:
Teacher asks ss to read the
dialogue in the book ( chorus –
group- individual)
Ss work in pairs (real names)
Teacher asks ss to do the test A
in workbook
III/ Production:
Teacher ask ss to greet and

introduce their name
A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Ss report students’ absent (with permision
and without permission).
B/ Check up : Nothing
C/ New lesson
I | Vocabulary:
-Hello = Hi : Xin chào
-I : Tôi ( ĐTNX)
-My : Của tôi
-Name : Tên
-Andy : tên riêng (bạn Andy)
-Kate: tên riêng (bạn Kate)
II/ Grammar :
Chào và tự giới thiệu tên mình :

Note: am='m ; is='s
Ex :
Andy : Hello. I am Andy .
(Xin chào. Mình là Andy)
Kate : Hi .My name is Kate .
(Xin chào. Tên của mình là Kate)
III/ Practice:
Ss work in pairs
Ex: Lan: Hi. I am Lan .
Hoa : Hello. My name is Hoa
A/ Write
Hello. I am John.

Hi .My name is Andy .
IV/ Homework:
-Write vocabulary 5 lines.
-Learn vocabulary and grammar by heart.
-Prepare new lesson.
Cách 1 : Hello. I am+ tên
Cách 2 : Hi . My name is + tên
Lesson plan-Book 1A
Week:2 Friday, September 7
Period:2 Unit :1 LET'S TALK
Lesson 4
A/ Aim: Help ss know how to ask and answer one's name :
Skill : Speaking and writing
B/Preparation: - Picture : Andy and Kate
- Tape and cassette player
C/ Procedure
Teacher's activities Students' activities
A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Checking attendance
B/ Check-up :
Vocabulary : Hello, hi, my, name,
Grammar : to greet and introduce
C/ New lesson
I/ Presentation
T elicits to teach this word

Teacher reads and asks ss repeat
Rub out and remember
Teacher gives example and ask ss
to build the structure
T uses the puppets to roleplay the

II/ Practice:
Teacher asks ss to read the dialogue
in the book ( chorus – group-
Ss work in pairs (real names)
Teacher asks ss to do the test B in
III/ Production:
Teacher ask ss to greet ask and
answer their name
A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Ss report students’ absent (with permision
and without permission).
B/ Check up :
Ss write the vocabulary on the board and
Ss greet and introduce theirself
C/ New lesson

I | Vocabulary:
-What: gì , cái gì
-Your : của bạn
-John: tên riêng (bạn John)
II/ Grammar :
Hỏi và trả lời về tên :

A: What is your name ?
B: My name is + tên
Ex :
Andy : Hello. What's your name?
(Xin chào. Tên của bạn là gì ?)
John : Hi .My name is John .
(Chào bạn. Tên của mình là John.)
III/ Practice: Ss work in pairs
Ex: Lan : What's your name?
Hoa : My name is Hoa.
What's your name?
Lan : My name is Lan
Tape : Andy: Hello I am Andy.
Kate : Hi, My name is Kate.
What's your name?
John: My name is John
IV/ Homework: -Write vocabulary 5 lines.
-Learn vocabulary and grammar by heart
-Do exercise B in workbook page 2
Lesson Plan –Book 1A
Week : 3 Monday, September 6

Period :1 Unit:1 LET'S SING
Lesson 5
A/ Aim: -Sing the Hello Song.
Skill : Listening ,singing.
B/Preparation: - Picture
-Tape and cassette player
C/ Procedure
Teacher's activities Students' activities
A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Checking attendance
B/ Check-up :
Vocabulary : what, your, is,
Grammar : Ask and answer
one’s name.
C/ New lesson
I/ Presentation
Teacher reads and asks ss repeat
Rub out and remember

Teacher sing the song 1 time
Teacher helps ss sing sentence
by sentence
Teacher turns on the tape _Ss
listen and repeat
Replace the name John to
Jenny, Andy…
II/ Practice:

Teacher asks ss to sing the song
in the book ( chorus – group-
Ss work in pairs (real names)
Teacher asks ss to do the test A
in workbook
III/ Production:
Teacher ask ss to sing a song
with real name
A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Ss report students’ absent (with permision
and without permission).
B/ Check up :
Ss write the vocabulary on the board and read.
S1 asks, S2 answers
C/ New lesson
I | Vocabulary:
-Jenny : tên riêng (bạn Jenny)
-Lisa : tên riêng (bạn Lisa)
- Scott : tên riêng (bạn Scott)
II/ Grammar :
The Hello song.
Hello, hello, hello!
What's your name?
Hello, hello, hello!
My name is John.
My name is John.
Hello, John!

Hello, John!
Hello !
Ss listen to the tape and repeat
Ss sing the song with all people in the picture
III/ Practice:.
Ss sing the song
Ss work in pairs
IV/ Homework:
-Learn the hello song by heart
-Prepare new lesson

Lesson Plan –Book 1A
Week:3 Friday, September 10
Period:2 Unit:1 LET'S SING
Lesson 6
A/ Aim: -Sing the Hello Song.
Skill : Listening , singing.
B/Preparation: - Picture
-Tape and cassette player
C/ Procedure
Teacher's activities Students' activities
A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Checking attendance
B/ Check-up :
The song : Sing the Hello song
C/ New lesson
I/ Presentation

Teacher reads and asks ss repeat
Rub out and remember

Teacher sing the song 1 time
Teacher helps ss sing sentence
by sentence
Teacher turns on the tape _Ss
listen and repeat
Replace the name John to
Jenny, Andy…
Tcalls student by student to sing
the song
II/ Practice:
Teacher asks ss to sing the song
in the book ( chorus – group-
Ss work in pairs (real names)
Teacher asks ss to do the test in
III/ Production:
Teacher ask ss to sing a song
with real name
A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Ss report students’ absent (with permision
and without permission).
B/ Check up :
Ss sing the Hello song

C/ New lesson
I | Vocabulary:
Kate : tên riêng (bạn Kate)
Andy : tên riêng ( bạn Andy)
John : tên riêng ( bạn John)
II/ Grammar :
The Hello song.
What's your name?
Hello, hello, hello!
My name is John.
My name is John.
Ss listen to the tape and repeat
Ss sing the song with all people in the picture
III/ Practice:.
1. Ss sing the song
Ss work in pairs
2. Ss do exercise in workbook page 3.
IV/ Homework:
- Review the Hello song.
- Prepare new lesson

Lesson Plan –Book 1A
Week:4 Monday, September 13
Period:1 Unit:1 LET'S LEARN

Lesson 7
A/ Aim: - Asking about the objects in singular
Skill : Listening ,Speaking ,Reading,Writing
B/Preparation: - Picture
-Tape and cassette player.
C/ Procedure
Teacher's activities Students' activities
A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Checking attendance
B/ Check-up :
Grammar : Sing the Hello song
C/ New lesson
I/ Presentation
Teacher reads and asks ss repeat
Rub out and remember

Teacher turns on the tape _Ss
listen and repeat
Replace the name John to
Jenny, Andy…
II/ Practice:
Teacher asks ss to pictures in the
book ( chorus – group-
Ss work in pairs .
Teacher asks ss to do the test A
in workbook

III/ Production:
Teacher ask ss to somethings in
A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Ss report students’ absent (with permision
and without permission).
B/ Check up :
Ss sing the Hello song
C/ New lesson
I | Vocabulary:
−This: đây
−A / an : một
−It : nó
−What : gì
−Ruler: thước
−Cat : con mèo
−Meow : tiếng kêu của mèo
II/ Grammar :
Hỏi về đồ vật ở số ít
A: What is this ?
B: It's a/an + tên đồ vật ở số ít
's= is
Ex : A : What's this ?
B : It's a ruler
A : What’s this ?
B : It's an eraser
III/ Practice:.
Ss work in pairs

IV/ Homework:
-Write vocabulary 3 lines
-Learn vocabulary and grammar by heart
-Prepare new lesson
Lesson Plan –Book 1A
Week:4 Tuesday, September 14
Period:2 Unit:1 LET'S LEARN
Lesson 8
A/ Aim: -Review the structure to ask the object in singular.
Skill : Listening ,speaking, reading, writing.
B/Preparation: - Picture
-Tape and cassette player
C/ Procedure
Teacher's activities Students' activities
A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Checking attendance
B/ Check-up :
Vocabulary : this, cat, ruler
Grammar : What’s this?
It’s a ruler.
C/ New lesson
I/ Presentation
Teacher uses teacher cards to
present these words.
T reads –Ss listen and repeak.
T turns on the tape_ Ss listen

II/ Practice:
Tguides-ssmake the sentences
T asks ss to compare their keys
T asks ss to read these sentences
in pairs
III/ Production:
T asks ss to use the realias to
ask and answer.
A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Ss report students’ absent (with permision
and without permission).
B/ Check up :
Ss write the vocabulary on the board and read.
S1 asks , s2 answers.
C/ New lesson
I | Vocabulary:
−Book : quyển sách
−Desk :cái bàn
−Chair : cái ghế
- Pencil : bút chì
−Bag : cái cặp
−Pen : cây viết
−Eraser : cái tẩy
II/ Grammar :
Ôn hỏi và trả lời về đồ vật ở số ít
Ex: A: What’s this ?
B: It's an eraser.

III/ Practice:.
Ss work in pairs
1,A: What's this ?
B: It's a book.
2,A: What's this ?
B: It's a desk.
3,A: What's this ?
B: It's a chair .
4,A: What's this ?
B: It's a ruler .
IV/ Homework:
-Write vocabulary 3 lines
-Learn vocabulary and grammar by heart
-Prepare new lesson

A:What's this?
B: It's a/ an + tên đồ vật ở số ít .
5,A: What's this?
B: It's a pencil.
6,A: What's this ?
B: It's a bag
7,A:What's this ?
B: It's a pen.
8,A: What's this?
B: It's an eraser.
Lesson Plan –Book 1A
Week:5 Monday, September 20
Period:1 Unit:1 LET'S LEARN

Lesson 9
A/ Aim: - Revision asking about the objects in singular
Skill : Speaking, Reading,Writing
B/Preparation: - Picture
- Workbook
C/ Procedure
Teacher's activities Students' activities
A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Checking attendance
B/ Check-up :
Vocabulary : book, desk, eraser
Grammar : What’s this?
It’s an eraser.
C/ New lesson
I/ Presentation
II/ Practice:
Teacher asks ss to look at the
picture, read the words and
Teacher asks ss to read these
words ( chorus – group-
Teacher asks ss to do the test B,
C in workbook
T guides-ss make the sentences
T asks ss to compare their keys
T asks ss to read these sentences
in pairs.

III/ Production:
Teacher asks ss to use real
things to do
A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Ss report students’ absent (with permision
and without permission).
B/ Check up :
Ss write the vocabulary on the board and read.
S1 asks , s2 answers.
C/ New lesson
I | Vocabulary:
II/ Grammar :
III/ Practice:.
A/ Connect
Ss work in pairs
Ss do the test A
1 a pen
2 a book
3 a ruler
4 a pencil
Ss compare their keys
B/ Write
Ss use the words in the box to fill the gaps
1, a bag 2, a chair
3, a desk 4, an eraser
C/ Write

Ss look at the picture and answer the
1, What's this ? It's a pencil.
2, What's this ? It's a book.
3, What's this ? It's a bag .
4, What's this ? It's an eraser.
IV/ Homework:
- Do exercise part D page 5.
- Review vocabulary and grammar.
Lesson Plan –Book 1A
Week:5 Tuesday, September 21
Period:2 Unit:1 LET'S LEARN
Lesson 10
A/ Aim: -Review the structure to ask the object in singular.
Skill : Listening ,speaking, reading, writing.
B/Preparation: - Picture
C/ Procedure
Teacher's activities Students' activities
A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Checking attendance
B/ Check up :
C/ New lesson
I/ Presentation
Teacher uses teacher cards to
review the words.
II/ Practice:

T gives the exercise.
II/ Production:
T asks ss to use the realias to
ask and answer.
A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Ss report students’ absent (with permision
and without permission).
B/ Check up :
C/ New lesson
I | Vocabulary:
II/ Grammar :
III/ Practice:.
Ss work individual
Twenty minutes test
1. Unscramble the sentences :
a. I, John, am
b. Name, my, is, Kate.
c. It, a, is, pencil.
d. What, this, is , ?
2. Answer the question :
What is your name ?
IV/ Homework:
-Review vocabulary and grammar.
-Prepare new lesson
Lesson Plan –Book 1A
Week:6 Monday, September 27

Lesson 11
A/ Aim : Help ss know how to use yes /no question about something in singular
Skill : Listening ,Speaking ,Reading,Writing
B/Preparation: - Picture
-Tape and cassette player.
C/ Procedure

Teacher's activities Students' activities
A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Checking attendance
B/ Check-up :
Vocabulary : ruler, pen, chair
Grammar : What’s this?
It’s an eraser.
C/ New lesson
I/ Presentation
II/ Practice:
Teacher asks ss to look at the
picture, read the words and
Teacher asks ss to read these
words ( chorus – group-
Teacher asks ss to do the test B

in workbook
III/ Production:
Teacher asks ss to use real
things to do
A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Ss report students’ absent (with permision
and without permission).
B/ Check up :
Ss write the vocabulary on the board and
S1 asks , s2 answers.
C/ New lesson
I | Vocabulary:
-Yes: vâng, dạ
- No: không
-Not : không
II/ Grammar :
Yes /no question ( Hỏi đoán đồ vật ở số ít)
Isn't= is not
Ex: A: Is this a book?
B: Yes, It is.
A: Is this a desk?
B: No, it isn't.It's a chair.
III/ Practice:.
Ss compare their keys
IV/ Homework:
- Do exercise in workbook page 6.
-Prepare new lesson.

A: Is this a/an…?
B: -Yes, it is.
-No, it isn't.
Lesson Plan –Book 1A
Week:6 Tuesday, September 28
, 2010
Lesson 12
A/ Aim: -Review the structure to ask the object in singular.
Skill : Listening ,speaking, reading, writing.
B/Preparation: - Picture
C/ Procedure
Teacher's activities Students' activities
A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Checking attendance
B/ Check-up :
Vocabulary : pencil, bag, desk
Grammar : Is this a bag?
Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.
C/ New lesson
I/ Presentation
Teacher uses teacher cards to
review the words.
II/ Practice:
Tguides-ss make the yes/ no

T asks ss to compare their keys
T asks ss to read these sentences
in pairs.
III/ Production:
T asks ss to use the realias to
ask and answer.
A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Ss report students’ absent (with permision
and without permission).
B/ Check up :
Ss write the vocabulary on the board and read.
S1 asks , s2 answers.
C/ New lesson
I | Vocabulary:
1, pencil 2, bag 3, book, 4, chair
5, ruler 6, pen 7, eraser
II/ Grammar :
Revision (Identifying objects in singular)
III/ Practice:.
1) S1 : Is this a pen ?
S2 : No, It isn't. It's a pencil.
2) S1 : Is this a bag ?
S2 : Yes, It is.
3) S1 : Is this a ruler ?
S2 : No, It isn't. It's a book.
4) S1 : Is this a chair ?
S2 : Yes, It is.

5) S1 : Is this a notebook ?
S2 : No, It isn't. It's a ruler.
6) S1 : Is this a pen ?
S2 : Yes, It is.
7) S1 : Is this a desk ?
S2 : No, It isn't. It's an eraser.
8) S1 : Is this a desk ?
S2 : Yes, It is.
IV/ Homework:
-Write vocabulary 3 lines
-Learn vocabulary and grammar by heart
-Prepare new lesson
Lesson Plan –Book 1A
Week:7 Monday, October 04
Lesson 13
A/ Aim : Help ss to learn the alphabet
Skill : Listening ,Speaking .
B/Preparation: - Board of Alphabet
-Tape and cassette player.
C/ Procedure
Teacher's activities Student's activities
A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Checking attendance
B/ Check-up :
Vocabulary : pen, book, chair
Grammar : Is this a pencil?

Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.
C/ New lesson
I/ Presentation
T elicits to present these letters
T reads and writes on the board
T asks ss to read, t corrects the
II/ Practice:
Teacher writes the song on the
T turns on the tape and ask ss to
listen and repeat (3 times)
T asks ss to sing the song
(chorus – group- individual)
III/ Production:
Teacher asks ss to sing the song
by heart
A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Ss report students’ absent (with permision
and without permission).
B/ Check up :
Ss write the vocabulary on the board and
S1 asks , s2 answers.
C/ New lesson
I | Vocabulary:
Like : thích ; English : Tiếng Anh
Ss listen and repeat

/ei/ /bi :/ /si :/ /di :/ /i:/ /ef/ /dzi:/
/eit∫/ /ai/ /dzei/ /kei/ /el/ /em/ /en/
/ou/ /pi :/ /kju:/ /a:/ /es/ /ti :/ /ju:/
/vi :/ /d^blju:/ /eks/ /wai/ /zed/
II/ Play "The alphabet song"
A B C D E F G H I Like English !
L M N O I Like English!
P Q R S T Wow !
I Like English !
I Like English !
W X Y Z I Like English !
Lesson Plan –Book 1A
Week:7 Tuesday, October 05

, 2010
Lesson 14
A/ Aim: -Review the structure to ask the object in singular.
Skill : Listening ,speaking, reading, writing.
B/Preparation: - Picture
C/ Procedure
Teacher's activities Students' activities
A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Checking attendance
B/ Check-up :
Vocabulary : eraser, bag, ruler
Grammar : What’s this?
It’s an eraser.
C/ New lesson
I/ Presentation
Teacher uses teacher cards to
review the words.
II/ Practice:
T guides-ss circle the correct
T asks ss to compare their keys
T asks ss to read these sentences
in pairs.
T asks ss to look at the picture
and write the answers
T asks ss to compare their keys
T asks ss to read these sentences

in pairs.
T asks ss to connect the letters
from A to Z
III/ Production:
T asks ss to use the realias to
ask and answer.
A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Ss report students’ absent (with permision
and without permission).
B/ Check up :
Ss write the vocabulary on the board and read.
S1 asks , s2 answers.
C/ New lesson
I | Vocabulary:
II/ Grammar :
III/ Practice:.
A/ Circle the answer.
1) S1 : Is this a pencil ?
S2 : -Yes, it is.
-No, It is not
2) S1 : Is this a book?
S2 : -Yes, it is.
-No, It is not
3) S1 : Is this a desk ?
S2 : -Yes, it is.
-No, It is not

4) S1 : Is this a ruler ?
S2 : -Yes, it is.
-No, It is not
B/ Write
1.Is this a desk ? - Yes, it is
2. Is this a chair ?- No, it is not
C/ Trace, Connect the letter
IV/ Homework:
-Prepare new lesson.
Lesson Plan –Book 1A
Week:8 Monday, October 11
, 2010
Period:1 Unit:1 LET'S MOVE
Lesson 15
A/ Aim : Help ss use the classroom commands
Skill : Listening ,Speaking .
B/Preparation: - Teacher's cards
-Tape and cassette.
C/ Procedure

Teacher's activities Students' activities
A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Checking attendance
B/ Check-up :
Vocabulary : book, chair, desk
Grammar : Is this a pen?

No, it isn’t. It’s a ruler.
C/ New lesson
I/ Presentation
T uses Teacher's cards to
present the vocabulary and
classroom commands
T asks ss to read, t corrects the
T mimes to present these
T reads – Ss listen and repeat
T reads- Ss do.
II/ Practice:
T turns on the tape and ask ss to
listen and repeat (3 times)
T asks ss to say – t corrects
III/ Production:
A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Ss report students’ absent (with permision
and without permission).
B/ Check up :
Ss write the vocabulary on the board and
S1 asks , s2 answers.
C/ New lesson
I | Vocabulary:
SS look at the cards and repeat.

- stand up : đứng lên
- sit down : ngồi xuống
- open : mở
- close : đóng, khép
II/ Grammar
Câu mệnh lệnh :
1. Stand up : Đứng lên
2. Sit down : ngồi xuống
3. Open your book : mở sách ra
4. Close your book : Khép sách lại
III/ Practice :
* SS work in pairs
S1 : read .S2 : do
A. Connect and write
Ss fill the gaps and match.
1. Open your book.
2. Close your book.
3. Stand up
4. Sit down.
IV/ Homework:
- Write vocabulary 5 lines
- Learn vocabulary and classroom commands
by heart.

Lesson Plan –Book 1A
Week:8 Tuesday, October 12
, 2010
Period:2 Unit:1 LET'S MOVE
Lesson 16

A/ Aim: -Help ss use the classroom commands
Skill : Reading, writing.
B/Preparation: - Teacher's cards
-Tape and cassette.
C/ Procedure
Teacher's activities Students' activities
A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Checking attendance
B/ Check-up :
Classrom commands
C/ New lesson
I/ Presentation
T uses Teacher's cards to
present the vocabulary and
classroom commands
T asks ss to read, t corrects
the mistakes
T mimes to present these
T reads – Ss listen and
T reads- Ss do.
II/ Practice:
T turns on the tape and ask
ss to listen and repeat (3
T asks ss to say – t corrects
III/ Production:

A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Ss report students’ absent (with permision and
without permission).
B/ Check up :
Ss write the classrom commands on the board and
read. S1 read , s2 do
C/ New lesson
I | Vocabulary:
- point to : chỉ vào
- touch : chạm
- be quiet : giữ yên lặng
- listen : nghe
- carefully : cẩn thận
- please : vui lòng, hãy
- teacher : giáo viên
- the : (mạo từ xác định)
SS write on their notebook
II/ Grammar :
1. Point to the teacher : Chỉ vào giáo viên
2. Touch your desk : Chạm tay vào bàn
3. Please be quiet : Giữ yên lặng
4. Listen carefully : Hãy lắng nghe.
III/ Practice:.
* SS work in pairs : S1 : read .S2 : do
B/ Match : SS look at the picture and match them
and sentences .
Keys :
1. Please be quiet

2. Point to the teacher
3. Touch your desk
4. Listen carefully
Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3
Picture 4
- IV/ Homework: Write vocabulary 5 lines
- Learn vocabulary and classroom commands by
Lesson Plan –Book 1A
Week:9 Monday, October 18
Period:1 Unit:1 LET'S LISTEN
Lesson 17
A/ Aim : Help ss practise the listening skill.
Skill : Listening , Speaking .
B/Preparation: - Puppets
-Tape and cassette.
C/ Procedure
Teacher's activities Students' activities
A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Checking attendance
B/ Check-up :
Vocabulary : touch, listen, quiet
Grammar :T asks ss to write the
classroom commands
C/ New lesson

T ask ss to look at the picture
and say their content
T turns on the tape and ask SS to
listen to the tape and tick.
Tape :
1,It’s a pencil.
2,It’s a desk.
3,What’s this ? It’s an eraser.
4,What’s this ? It’s a bag.
5.Is this a ruler ? Yes, it is.
6,Is this a chair ? No, it isn’t.
7,It’s a desk.
8,Point to the book.
Please be quiet.
T corrects
III/ Post-listening
T asks ss to compare the keys
T turn on the tape
T gives the keys
A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Ss report students’ absent (with permision
and without permission).
B/ Check up :
Ss write the classrom commands on the board
and read. S1 read , s2 do
C/ New lesson

I/ Pre-listening
SS look at the cards and say their contents.
1,a/ It's a pencil. b/ It's a pen.
2,a, It’s a cat. b/It’s a desk.
3,a/ It's an eraser. b/ It's a book.
4,a/ It's a bag. b/ It's a book.
5,a/ It's an eraser . b/ It's a ruler.
6,a/ It's a chair. b/ It's a desk.
7, a, Point to the book. b / Touch the book.
8, a, Please be queit.b / Listen carefully.
II/ While –listening:
SS open their book
SS listen to tape and then circle the letter a or
b that they've listened.
III/ Post-listening:
Ss compare their keys:
Ss listen last time to correct the key
Ss write the sentences that they've listened
IV/ Homework :
- Do the exercise in workbook page 9.
-Prepare new lesson
Lesson Plan –Book 1A

Week:9 Tuesday, October 19
, 2010
Period:2 Unit:2 LET'S TALK
Lesson 18
A/ Aim: -Help ss know how to ask and answer about the heath.
Skill : Reading, writing.
B/Preparation: - picture, puppets , - tape and cassette.
C/ Procedure
Teacher's activities Students' activities
A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Checking attendance
B/ Check-up :
T asks ss to write the classroom
C/ New lesson
I/ Presentation
T elicits to teach these
T uses puppets to present the
T ask ss to give the example.
II/ Practice:
T asks ss to open their book,
look at the picture and repeat the
SS work in pairs.
III/ Production:
T asks ss ask and answer in

pairs. .
A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Ss report students’ absent (with permision
and without permission).
B/ Check up :
Ss write the classrom commands on the board
and read. S1 read , s2 do
C/ New lesson
I | Vocabulary:
- how : như thế nào (nghi vấn từ)
- are : là, thì (động từ TOBE)
- you : bạn (ĐTNX)
- fine : khoẻ, tốt
- thank you :cảm ơn bạn.
II/ Grammar :
Hỏi thăm sức khoẻ. (Bạn khoẻ không?)
Ex : Lisa : How are you ?
Scott : I’m fine. Thank you.
III/ Practice:.
SS read the dialogue
Kate: Hi, Andy.How are you?
Andy:I'm fine.How are you?
Kate: I'm fine, thank you.
Ss roleplay in front of class.
IV/ Homework:
- Write vocabulary 5 lines
-Do the exercise in workbook page 10
A : How are you ?

B : I’m fine. Thank you .
Lesson Plan –Book 1A
Week:10 Monday, October 25
, 2010
Period:1 Unit:2 LET'S SING
Lesson 19
A/ Aim : Help ss review the question about heath by the song.
Skill : Listening , Singing .
B/Preparation: - Puppets
-Tape and cassette.
C/ Procedure
Teacher's activities Students' activities
A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Checking attendance
B/ Check-up :
Vocabulary : fine, thank you
Grammar : S1 : How are you ?
S2 : I’m fine. Thank you.
C/ New lesson
I/ Presentation
T uses puppets to review the
vocabulary and structure
II/ Practice :
T turns on the tape and ask ss to
listen to the tape 3 times.
T calls
Some ss to sing the song infont
of class.

III/ Production:
T asks ss to to sing the song
without tape.
A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Ss report students’ absent (with permision
and without permission).
B/ Check up :
Ss write the vocabularies on the board and
S1 asks , s2 answers.
C/ New lesson
I/ Vocabulary :
- Revision
II/ Grammar :
A : Hi, How are you ?
B : I’m fine. Thank you.
III/ Practice : Sing a song
Ss listen.
Ss repeat after tape.
Other ss give ideas and corrects
Hi, How are you ?
Hi, How are you ?
I’m fine.
Hi, How are you ?
I’m fine.
Hi, How are you ?
I’m fine. How are you ?

I’m fine. I’m fine. I’m fine.
Hi, How are you ?
I’m fine. How are you ?
Hi, How are you ?
I’m fine.
Hi, How are you ?
I’m fine. How are you ?
I’m fine. I’m fine. I’m fine.
IV/ Homework:
- Sing the song by heart.
Lesson Plan –Book 1A
Week:10 Tuesday, October 26
Period:2 Unit:2 LET'S LEARN
Lesson 20
A/ Aim : Help ss ask and answer about colors.
Skill : Listening , Singing .
B/Preparation: - Puppets
-Tape and cassette.
C/ Procedure
Teacher's activities Students' activities
A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Checking attendance
B/ Check-up :
Sing the song
C/ New lesson
I/ Presentation
T uses colors to each these

T uses puppets to present the
structure .
II/ Practice : (open book)
T asks ss to open the book and
work in pairs.
T asks ss to ask and answer with
8 colors that they’ve learnt.
III/ Production:
T asks ss to ask and answer with
real color around them.
A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Ss report students’ absent (with permision
and without permission).
B/ Check up :
SS sing the song
C/ New lesson
I/ Vocabulary :
- color : màu sắc
- yellow : màu vàng
- blue : màu xanh da trời
- white : màu trắng
- pink : màu hồng
- gray : màu xám
- red : màu đỏ
II/ Grammar :
*Hỏi và trả lời về màu sắc :

A : What color is this ?
B : It is + tính từ chỉ màu sắc.
Note : It is = It’s
Ex :
A : What color is this ? (Đây là màu gì?)
B : It’s white. (Nó màu trắng)
III/ Practice :
- Ss read the dialogue in pairs.
- Ss listen to the tape and repeat.
- Ss work in pairs.
S1 : What color is this ?
S2 : It’s yellow.
S1 : What color is this ?
S2 : It’s blue.
S1 : What color is this ?
S2 : It’s white.
Ss do
IV/ Homework:
- Write vocabulary 5 lines
Lesson Plan –Book 1A
Week:11 Monday, November 01
, 2010
Period:1 Unit : 2 LET'S LEARN
Lesson 21
A/ Aim: Continue asking and answering about colors.
Learn adjectives of colors.
Skill : Listening, speaking, writing.
B/ Preparation: - colors
- tape and cassette.

C/ Procedure
Teacher's activities Students' activities
A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Checking attendance
B/ Check-up :
Vocabulary : yellow, blue, white
Grammar : What color is this?
C/ New lesson
I/ Presentation
T uses colors to teach these
T helps ss to review the
structure to ask about colors.
II/ Practice:
T monitors and corrects
T asks ss to do the exercise A
III/ Production:
T asks ss to use realias to ask
about colors
A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Ss report students’ absent (with permision
and without permission).
B/ Check up :
Ss write the vocabulary on the board and read.

S1 asks , s2 answers.
C/ New lesson
I | Vocabulary:
- black : đen
- green : xanh lá cây
- purple : tím, đỏ tía
- orange : cam
- brown : nâu, đà
II/ Practice
Ss work in pair S1 asks, S2 answers
S1 : What color is this ?
S 2 : It’s black.
S1 : What color is this?
S2: It’s green.
Ss do individuals
A/ Unscramble
Key :
1. black
2. brown
3. pink
4. red
5. orange
6. yellow
7. blue
8. purple
9. green
III/ Homework:
- Write vocabulary 5 lines
-Prepare new lesson

Lesson Plan –Book 1A
Week:11 Tuesday, November 02
, 2010
Period:2 Unit:2 LET'S LEARN
Lesson 22
A/ Aim : Help ss review the color by the song.
Skill : Listening, singing
B/Preparation : - Tape and cassette.
C/ Procedure
Teacher's activities Students' activities
A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Checking attendance
B/ Check-up :
Vocabulary : pink, gray, red..
Grammar : What color is this?
It’s black
C/ New lesson
I/ Presentation
T uses picture, realia or mime to
present these vocabularies.
II/ Practice:
T reads the song one time.
T turns on the tape ( 3 times)
T calls some ss to sing the song.
T asks ss to work in groups.

III/ Production:
T asks ss to use realias to ask
about colors
A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Ss report students’ absent (with permision
and without permission).
B/ Check up :
Ss write the vocabulary on the board and read.
S1 asks , s2 answers.
C/ New lesson
I | Vocabulary:
- cat : con mèo
- grass : cỏ
- sky : bầu trời (skies)
- eyes : đôi mắt
- cloud : đám mây
II/ Grammar
The black cat song
Ss listen and repeat.
Ss listen to the tape and sing.
Other ss give ideas
III/ Practice
Ss sing in groups.
IV/ Homework:
- Write vocabulary 5 lines.
- Sing the song by heart
-Prepare new lesson
Lesson Plan –Book 1A

Week:12 Monday, November 08
, 2010
Period:1 Unit:2 LET'S LEARN
Lesson 23
A/ Aim: Consolidation the colors
Skill : Writing.
B/Preparation: - color pencils or crayons.
C/ Procedure

Teacher's activities Students' activities
A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Checking attendance
B/ Check-up :
Vocabulary: black, green,
Grammar : What color is this?
It’s orange.
C/ New lesson
I/ Presentation
T uses colors to review the
vocabularies about colors
II/ Practice :
T asks complete the words and
color them
T asks ss to color the color
types. Then write the answer.
T ask ss to look at the picture
and color them.

T monitors and corrects.
III/ Production:
T asks ss to use realias to ask
about colors
A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Ss report students’ absent (with permision
and without permission).
B/ Check up :
Ss write the vocabulary on the board and read.
S1 asks , s2 answers.
C/ New lesson
I | Vocabulary:
II/ Practice
B/ Complete the words and color :
Ss complete the words
Ss make color
Ss compare their key
C/ Color and write :
Keys :
1, What color is this ?
It is red.
2. What color is this ?
It is blue.
D/ Color :
Ss color the picture .
III/ Homework:

-Prepare new lesson
Lesson Plan –Book 1A
Week:12 Tuesday, November 09
, 2010
Period:2 Unit : 2 LET'S LEARN
Lesson 24
A/ Aim : Help ss review whole the let's learn part.
Skill : Reading, writing
B/ Preparation: - Tape and cassette.
C/ Procedure
Teacher's activities Students' activities
A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Checking attendance
B/ Check-up :
C/ New lesson
I/ Revision
T turns on the tape.
T gives a test and ask ss do them .
T monitors.
checks and gives marks
A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Ss report students’ absent (with permision
and without permission).

B/ Check up :
C/ New lesson
I | Revision
Ss listen to the tape and rapeat.
Ss read whole the let's learn parts.
II/ Test
I/ Unscramble the words
1. npki 3. kboo
2. heoll 4. yarg
II/ Answer the questions:
1.A :What's your name?
B : …………………..
2.A : How are you ?
3. A : What color is it ? (blue)
III/ Homework:
-Prepare new lesson

Lesson Plan –Book 1A
Week:13 Monday, November 15
Period:1 Unit : 2 LET'S LEARN SOME MORE
Lesson 25
A/ Aim : Help ss know how to use adjectives.
Skill : Listening, speaking.
B/ Preparation : - Realia, Puppets
C/ Procedure :

Teacher's activities Students' activities
A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Checking attendance
B/ Check-up :
Vocabukary : orange, brown,
Grammar :
A : What color is this ?
B: It’s gray.
C/ New lesson
I/ Presentation
T helps ss review the adjectives.
T uses realia (blue book) to
present the fuction and place of
T asks ss to read.
II/ Practice :
T asks ss to open their books
and look at the picture.
T turns on the tape.
III/ Production:
T asks ss to use the red pen to
A/ Stabilization
1, Greeting
2, Ss report students’ absent (with permision
and without permission).

B/ Check up :
Ss write the vocabulary on the board and read.
S1 asks , s2 answers.
C/ New lesson
I | Vocabulary:
- blue : màu xanh
- red : màu đỏ
- yellow : màu vàng
II/ Grammar
*Vị trí của tính từ :
1) Đứng sau động từ TOBE :
Ex : It is blue.
2) Đứng trước danh từ mà nó bổ nghĩa :
Ex : This is a blue book.
III/ Practice :
Look at the picture and read.
Ss listen to the tape and repeat (3 times)
III/ Homework:
-Prepare new lesson

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