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<b> Date of preparing: 04/04/2020 WEEK 20 Period 39+40 </b>

<b>Story Time</b>

<b>I. Objectives</b>

<b> - To consolidate the sound of the letters Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh and the </b>
corresponding words

- Learn and practice reading skills
<b>II. Language focus: </b>

*Vocabulary: Revision:egg, elf, elephant, elbow, fox, fish, frog, fork,
glass, goat, garden, gorrila

*Intergrate skills: Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing.
<b>III. Resources:</b>

- I-learn my phonics Grade 1, Pupil’s book - Page 38,39
<b>IV. Materials : CD, Phonics cards</b>

<b>V. Organization:</b>

<b>Class</b> <b>Date of teaching</b> <b>Absent Student</b>

1C 09/04/2020

VI. Procedures

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>
<b>1.Warm - up: </b>

Review some letter and words
<b>2. Revision & Practice</b>

<b>Act 1. Listen. Read along </b>

- (book closed) Tell the students that it’s story time.
- Ask them if they like reading stories and what their
favourite storybook character is.

- Prepare phonics cards of these word: hippo, elf,
<i>garden, fish and frog</i>

- Ask the students to read out the words

- Invite students to guess what they think the story is

- Ask the students to open and look at the book.
- Ask them questions about what they can see in the

<i>E.g: Teacher: (pointing to the elf in picture 1) Look! </i>
<i>What’s this?</i>

<i> Class: (It’s an) elf!</i>

<i> Teacher: (pointing to the hat in picture 1) A happy </i>
<i>hippo with a ….</i>

<i> Class: hat! etc</i>

- Play the CD and ask the students to listen and follow
the story in their books, pointing to the pictures of the
key words.

- Play the CD again pausing for the students to repeat.

- Play

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- Ask individual students to read the story aloud.

* Extension (optional)

- Ask students to close their book

- Read out a few sentences from the story and ask the
students to complete them

<i>e.g. Teacher: look at my…</i>
Class: garden! etc

<b>Act 2. What is in the hippo’s garden? Draw lines </b>
- Explain the activity

- Ask the students to draw lines from the items to the
hipp’s garden

- Ask individuals to name the items.
* Act Out

- Read the sentences in the story, pause at the key words.
- Invite the students to mime them (the hippo, the elf, the
<i>garden, the fish, the frog).</i>

- Have the students come to the front of the classroom
and act out the story.

- Encourage them to have fun as they perform.
* Drawing

- Students choose their favourite animals or objects from
the story, then draw and decorate it following their


<b>3. Production </b>

- Point to an item in the story

- Ask individual student to correct teacher’s statements.
- Ask the students act out the story.

- Point and say
- Mime

- Do

- Colour

<i><b>4. Consolidation: (3’)</b></i>

<i><b>5. Homelink:</b><b>(3’)</b></i>

Review the new words, model sentences.

<i><b>6. Comments:</b></i>


<b> Revision 2 (Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh) </b>

Period 41+42

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<i><b>1. Knowledge</b></i><b>: : To consolidate the sound of the letters Ee Ff, Gg and Hh and the </b>
corresponding words

Learn and practice reading skill
<b>Vocabulary Revision</b>

Egg, elf,elephant, elbow
Fox, fish, frog, fork

Glass, goat, garden,gorilla
Hat, hen, hippo, horse

<i><b>2. Skills</b></i><b>: </b>

- Develop Ss reading, writing and listening skills

<i><b>3. Attitude</b></i>: Educate Sts to love their lesson.

Work hard

<i>1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.</i>
<i>2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.</i>


- Work in pairs , individual, in groups ….

<i><b>1. Class organization</b></i><b>:</b>

- Greeting: Good morning/ Good afternoon. How are you?
- Checking for the students’ attendence:

Class Date of teaching Absent students

1C 09/04/2020 ………

<i><b>2. Warm up :5’</b></i>

Choose some phonics cards from Units 5-8
Divide the class into 2 groups, A and B

Pass one card in each group (from the first row to the last row)

Say: Stop! The 2 students holding the cards must say the name of the item.
Keep passing the first card and pass the second card to each group.

Say: Stop! The 4 students holding the cards must say the name of the item.
Continue with other cards.

3. New lesson

Teacher’s and students’ activities
<b>* Activity 1: – apply information technology</b>

 (book closed) Tell the students that it’s story time.

Ask them if they remember the previous story. If not, the

teacher can spend some time going through it. (use 1st<sub> language </sub>

if necessary)

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Prepare phonics cards of these word: snake, sun, tiger, tree,


Ask the students to read out the words

Invite students to guess what they think the story is about.
Ask the students to look at the book.

Ask them questions about what they can see in the pictures

<i>e.g. Teacher: (pointing to the tiger in picture 1) Look! What’s </i>

<i> Class: (It’s a) tiger!</i>

<i> Teacher: (pointing to the tiger again) The tiger is under </i>
<i>the ….</i>

<i> Class: tree! etc</i>

Play the CD and ask the students to listen and follow the story

in their books, pointing to the pictures of the key words.

Play the CD again pausing for the students to repeat.
Ask individual students to read the story aloud.

<b>Extension (optinal)</b>

Say incomplete sentences from the story and ask individual
students complete them

<i>e.g. Teacher: The snake is in the ….</i>
<i> Student 1: sun. etc</i>

<b>* Listen. Read</b>

<b>Activity 2 </b>

Explain the activity

Point to the umbrella and the animals and name them.

Ask the students to say which animal is missing
Ask them to draw and color it.

<b>Who’s missing?</b>
<b>Draw and color</b>

<b>Activity 3 </b>

Read the sentences in the story, pause at the key words and

invite the students to mime them (the snake, the sun, the tiger,
the tree, the umbrella).

Have the students come to the front of the classroom and act

out the story

Encourage them to have fun as they perform

<b> Act Out</b>

<b>Activity 4 </b>

Point to an item in the story

Ask individual student to correct teacher’s statements.

<i>e.g. Teacher: (pointing to the tiger in picture 1) Look! It is a </i>

<i> Student 1: No! It is a tiger!etc</i>

<b>Correct teacher</b>

<i><b>4. Consolidation: (3’)</b></i>

What’s the content of the lesson? Or What have you learnt today?

<i><b>5. Homelink:</b><b>(3’)</b></i>

Do exercises in the workbook. Review the new words.



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