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lesson plan 1 - week 10

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Date of preparing: 5/11/2017 WEEK 10
<b> Period 19</b>

<b>REVISION 1</b>

<b>I. Aims: </b>

<b>1. Knowledge:To consolidate the sound of the letters Aa, Bb, Cc and Dd and the </b>
corresponding words

Learn and practice reading skills
<b>Vocabulary : Revision</b>

Ant, apple, alligator, acrobat
Ball, bed, bee, bear

Cat, carrot, clock, car
Dog, drum, dragon, doll

<b>2. Skills: Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing</b>

<b>3.Attitude: Recognize and pronounce the letter A, B, C, D and its sound </b>
*(Requirements: students with disability can see and say right words)
<b>II. Teaching aids</b>

1. Teacher’s:i-Learn My Phonics Grade 1 , lesson plan, CD Phonics cards .
2. Students’: Pupil’s Book –p.9 i-Learn My Phonics Grade 1,

 Activity book – p.10 & 11
<b>III.Teaching methods</b>

 -Communicative approach.

 -Techniques:+ Ask and answer (say individually)
 + Work in pairs/ groups. Discuss

<b>IV. Procedures:Time: 35’-40’ </b>
<b>1 . Organization: (2’ )</b>

- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.

<b>Class</b> <b>Date of teaching</b> <b>Absent Student</b>

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<b>How’s your memory? </b>

Write the words the students have learnt so far on the board. Give the students 3
minutes to remember the words. Erase them.

Divide the class into small teams

<b>Teacher’s and Students’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>
<b>Activity 1</b>

Click Review 1 and part 1

Click on the apple picture and have
students repeat and circle the correct

Repeat for all pictures.

Have students come and click on the
correct letters to check answers

<i>Answer key: </i> <i>1 - a</i> <i>2 – c </i>

<i>3 – d </i>

<i>4 - a</i> <i>5 - c</i> <i>6 - b</i>

<i>7 - b</i> <i>8 - d</i> <i>9 - b</i>

Requirements: students with disability can
see and 3 correct letter.

<b>Activity 2</b>

Click on part 2

Read the letters in the first question and
elicit what comes next

The students read the letters and write the
correct letter in their boxes

Go around and provide any necessary

Have students come and click on the letter

and the white circle to check answers

<i>Answer key: </i> <i>1 – B</i> <i>2 – C</i>

<i>3 - D</i>

Requirements: students with disability can
see and write 2 letter

<b>1.Say the words. Circle the </b>
<b>beginning sound. (7mins)</b>

<b>2.What’s next? Write. (7mins)</b>

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<b>Activity 3</b>
Click on part 3

Ask the students to name the items, the
letters and the sounds

Ask them to write the beginning letter
<i>(upper case)</i> that corresponds to each

Go around and provide any necessary

Click on the letters to show the answers
<i>Answer key: 1 - B 3 - C</i>

<i>2 - D</i> <i>4 - A</i>

Requirements: students with disability
can see and write 2 letters

<b>Activity 4</b>

Explain the activity

Say the names of the items
Play the CD

The students listen and circle the correct

<i>Answer key: </i> <i>1 – apple</i> <i>2 – bee</i>
<i>3 – clock</i> <i>4 - drum</i>

Requirements: students with disability
can see and correct 3 pictures

<b>4. Draw. (5mins)</b>

<b>V.Consolidation: 2ms</b>

<b>-</b> In this lesson, pupils have learnt:

recognize and say the Aa, Bb, Cc and Dd words
<b>VI- Homework: 1m </b>

<b>- Prepare next lesson</b>
<b>VII. Evaluation</b>


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=---Date of preparing: 5/11/2017 WEEK 10
<b> Period 20</b>


<b>I. Aims: </b>

<b>1. Knowledge:To consolidate the sound of the letters Aa, Bb, Cc and Dd and the </b>
corresponding words

Learn and practice reading skills
<b>Vocabulary : Revision</b>

Ant, apple, alligator, acrobat
Ball, bed, bee, bear

Cat, carrot, clock, car
Dog, drum, dragon, doll

<b>2. Skills: Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing</b>

<b>3.Attitude: Recognize and pronounce the letter A, B, C, D and its sound </b>
*(Requirements: students with disability can see and say right words)
<b>II. Teaching aids</b>

1. Teacher’s:i-Learn My Phonics Grade 1 , lesson plan, CD Phonics cards .
2. Students’: Pupil’s Book –p.9 i-Learn My Phonics Grade 1,

 Activity book – p.10 & 11
<b>III.Teaching methods</b>

 -Communicative approach.

 -Techniques:+ Ask and answer (say individually)
 + Work in pairs/ groups. Discuss

<b>IV. Procedures:Time: 35’-40’ </b>
<b>1 . Organization: (2’ )</b>

- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.

<b>Class</b> <b>Date of teaching</b> <b>Absent Student</b>

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<b>2.Warm up: 5ms</b>

<b>Activity: What’s the picture? </b>

Invite a student to come to the front of the class and whisper the name of a vocab


<b>Teacher’s and Students’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>
<b>Activity 1</b>

Elicit the letters and their sounds
<i>e.g. letter A says /æ/</i>

Show the students how to write the letter
stroke by stroke and have them do it in
their book.

Point to each picture and elicit the letter,
the sound and the name of the item

<i>e.g. A - /æ/ - ant</i>

Ask the students to colour the pictures
Ask students to write the names of the 4

vocab items

Requirements: students with disability can
see and say the 3 letters.

<b>Activity 2</b>

Elicit the letters and their sounds
<i>e.g. letter B says /b/</i>

Show the students how to write the letter
stroke by stroke and have them do it in

their book.

Point to each picture and elicit the letter,
the sound and the name of the item

<i>e.g. B - /b/ - ball</i>

Ask the students to colour the pictures

. Revision & Practice
<b>1.Colouring the pictures that </b>
<b>start with the letter Aa. – </b>
<b>Activity book- page 37 (7mins)</b>

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Ask students to write the names of the 4
coloured items

Requirements: students with disability can
see and find the sound and the name of the
letters : A-, B, C

<b>Activity 3</b>

Elicit the letters and their sounds
<i>e.g. letter C says /k/</i>

Show the students how to write the letter
stroke by stroke and have them do it in
their book.

Point to each picture and elicit the letter,
the sound and the name of the item

<i>e.g. C - /k/ - cat</i>

Ask the students to colour the pictures
Ask students to write the names of the 4

vocab items

Requirements: students with disability
can see and to colour 2 pictures

<b>Activity 4</b>

Elicit the letters and their sounds
<i>e.g. letter D says /d/</i>

Show the students how to write the letter
stroke by stroke and have them do it in
their book.

Point to each picture and elicit the letter,
the sound and the name of the item

<i>e.g. D - /d/ - dog</i>

Ask the students to colour the pictures
Ask students to write the names of the 4

vocab items

<b>3. Colouring the pictures that </b>
<b>start with the letter Cc. – </b>
<b>Activity book- page 41 (7mins)</b>

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Requirements: students with disability
can see and to colour 3 pictures

<b>V.Consolidation: 2ms</b>

<b>-</b> In this lesson, pupils have learnt:

recognize and say the Aa, Bb, Cc and Dd words
<b>VI- Homework: 1m </b>

<b>- Prepare next lesson</b>
<b>VII. Evaluation</b>




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