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Unit 01 Leisure Activities Lesson 2 A Closer Look 1

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<b>A. Aim: </b>

Present and practise the vocabulary and

pronunciation of the unit.

<b>B. Objectives: </b>

- Use the lexical items related to the topic" leisure


- Use verbs of liking that are followed by gerunds/

to –infinitives

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<b>Playing </b>

<b>computer games</b>

<b>Visiting </b>


<b>beach games</b>

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<b>1. How much leisure time did people in the US </b>
<b>have on an average day in 2012?</b>

<b>2. What did they do in their leisure time?</b>

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<b>1. How much leisure time did people in the US </b>
<b>have on an average day in 2012?</b>

- <b>In 2012, people in the US spent 5.1 hours a day </b>

<b>on sports and leisure activities</b>


<b>2. What did they do in their leisure time?</b>

- <b><sub>The main activities they did include watching </sub></b>

<b>TV, socialising and communicating, reading, </b>
<b>participating in sports and exercise, using </b>
<b>computers for leisure, relaxing and thinking. </b>

<b>3. </b>

<b>What were the three most common activities? </b>
<b>- The three most common activities were </b>

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>

<b>1. skateboarding, football, badminton</b>
<b>2. a novel, poetry, a magazine</b>

<b>3. the news, a reality show, a comedy</b>
<b>4. a new language, a skill</b>

<b>5. collecting stamps, making origami</b>

<b>6. going to local performances, visiting museums</b>
<b>7. visiting relatives, going shopping, doing DIY</b>

<b>8. texting, going to the cinema, hanging out </b>

<b>a. Learning something interesting</b>

<b>b. Reading </b> <b>c. Spending time with family </b>
<b>d. Having hobbies </b> <b>e. Playing sports </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>

<b>1. skateboarding, football, badminton</b>
<b>2. a novel, poetry, a magazine</b>

<b>3. the news, a reality show, a comedy</b>
<b>4. a new language, a skill</b>

<b>5. collecting stamps, making origami</b>

<b>6. going to local performances, visiting museums</b>
<b>7. visiting relatives, going shopping, doing DIY</b>

<b>8. texting, going to the cinema, hanging out </b>
<b>e. Playing sports </b>

<b>b. Reading </b>

<b>f. Watching TV </b>

<b>a. Learning something interesting</b>
<b>d. Having hobbies </b>

<b>h. Going to cultural events/ places </b>
<b>c. Spending time with family </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=10>

<b>1. Playing sports: skateboarding, football, </b>
<b>badminton, volleyball, basketball, tennis, </b>
<b>surfing… </b>

<b>2. </b> <b>Reading: a novel, poetry, a magazine, a </b>

<b>newspaper, a comic, a history book…</b>

<b>3. </b> <b>Watching TV: the news, a reality show, a comedy, </b>
<b>a cultural show, a movie, a contest….</b>

<b>4. </b> <b>Learning something interesting: a new language, </b>
<b>a skill, a new sport, planing, photography ….</b>

<b>5. </b> <b>Having hobbies: collecting stamps, making </b>
<b>origami, making models, reading books, </b>


<b>6. </b> <b>Going to cultural events / places: going to local </b>
<b>performances, visiting museums, exhibitions, </b>

<b>7. </b> <b>Spending time with family: visiting relatives, </b>

<b>going shopping, doing DIY, going picknicking…</b>
<b>8. </b> <b>Socialising with friends: texting, going to the </b>

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<b>Model 1: I usually spend 3 hours a day for </b>
<b>leisure activities. I often watch TV, play </b>
<b>badminton and read book most. I also play </b>
<b>computer games, play piano, relax...</b>

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<b>6. Listen and repeat. </b>

<b>1. She loves making a</b>


<b>icot jam.</b>

<b>2. My dad likes making </b>


<b>ead in his free time.</b>

<b>3. Hien is our club </b>



<b>4. Mai keeps all her </b>


<b>acelets in a beautiful </b>


<b>5. You will need a </b>


<b>ush if you want to paint </b>

<b>your room.</b>

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<b>- Learn the new words by heart.</b>

<b>- Practice pronunciation “</b>


<b>”, “</b>



<b> </b>


<b>- Do exercises A 1, 2, 3 in workbook </b>

<b>(page 3).</b>

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