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lesson plan lesson plans of english 9 bïi xu©n kýnh tr­êng thcs §µo x¸ prepering date 25 8 2008 teaching dates 9a 9b 9c 9d 9e period 1 ¤n tëp kióm tra i objectives to review ss’ knowledge of learn

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=1>

<i>Prepering date:25.8.2008</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
<i><b>Period: 1- Ôn tập / Kiểm tra.</b></i>

<b>I -Objectives:</b>

- To review ss’ knowledge of learning English book 8.
- To check ss’ knowledge of learning English.

- To introduce E. Book 9 and the ways to work with E. book 9.

<b>II </b>–<b> Teaching aids:</b>

<b>-</b> English book 8 and English book 9.

<b>-</b> Sub – board.

<b>III </b>–<b> Process of teaching:</b>
<i>1- Class organization:</i>

<i>9A: ... 9B: ...9C:... 9D: ...9E: ...</i>
<i>2 </i>–<i> Oral test</i>: ( During the lesson).

<b>3- New lesson:</b>

<i><b>3.1 </b></i>–<i><b> Warm </b></i>–<i><b> up:</b></i>

- T. moves round class and asks ss. questions:
+ Where did you spend your holiday summer.
+ Where did you visit?

+ Can you name some of famous places in Viet Nam?
( King Hung’s temple; Hoan Kiem lake …).

+ Did you work hard?

+ Were you work hard? …..

<i><b>3.2 </b></i>–<i><b> Presentation:</b></i>

A – Review main points in E. book 9 about grammar and vocabulary.

<i>* Past simple</i>:

- Form: S + V– ed / S + V- pII
Eg: I watched T.V last night.

I went to school yeaterday.

- T. asks ss. to give some more examples.
- Int: Did + S + V- inf?

eg: Did you watch T.V last night?
-Neg: S + did not + V – inf.
eg: I didn’t watch T.V last night.

<i>* Passive forms:</i>

- We form the passive form by adding ‘tobe” + past participles.
eg: I burn the meal. - > The meal is burnt.

I bought the book. - > The book was bought.

<i>* Reported speech:</i>

eg: - Can you give Nam this book.

- > He asked me to give Nam that book.
- I am a student. - > He said he was a student.

<i>* Other tenses:</i>

- Future; Present simple; past progressive.
- Prepositions of time…

<i>* Vocabulary</i>: Words to talk about study habits; country and city life; first aid

<i>* Exercise:</i>

<i><b>1- Put in correct form verbs:</b></i>

a. I (buy) ………. a new bag yesterday.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

<i><b>2- Change these sentences in to passive.</b></i>

a. They give some cakes for children.

- Some cakes ………

b. He buys a new bike.

- A new bike ………..

c. Nam did his home work.

- His home work ………

d. They built a new school in our village.

- A new school ………..

<i><b>3 </b></i>–<i><b> Reported these sentences:</b></i>

a. He is a student. - He said ……….

b. I like coffee. – He said ………

c. I don’t like to stay alone. - She said ……….
d. “ Can you buy me some stamps?”

- Mr. Lam asks me ………

B – T. introduces for ss. about E. book 9 and the ways to work with .
- There are ten units: Include 70 periods.

We have six written tests, six test corrections….
- T. asks ss. about E. book 9:

+ How many Units are there in E. book 9?

+ What unit will we study about the past simple?
+ What unit we study about the environment? …
- T. checks ss. answers.

* How to work with E. Book 9:

- Study hard: Learn by heart new words, do exercises at home.
- Speak E. as much as possible.

- Pay attention to your teacher during the teachng process …

<b>C- Consolidation:</b>

- T. reminds main points for ss. to remember

<b>D </b>–<b> Home work:</b>

- Prepare the next lesson.

<i>Prepering date: 26/8/2008</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
Unit 1 : A visit from a pen pal

<i><b>Period: 2- Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and read.</b></i>
<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

- By the end of the lesson ss. will be able to introduce some faous places in Viet

Skills: Reading the text for details

Grammar: The past simple and the past simple with “wish”
- They understand the text and do the exercises correctly.

<i><b>II. Teaching aids:</b></i>

- A cassette and the tape.
- English book 9.

- Some pictures of places of interest in Vietnam.

<i><b>III. process of teaching:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:</b></i>

<i>9A: ... 9B: ...9C:... 9D: ...9E: ...</i>
<i><b> 2. Oral work:</b></i> T. asks ss. about grammar points in E. book 8.

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

- Chatting: T- Ss; S-S

- Do you have any pen pals?
- Where does he/ she live?

- Has he/ she ever visited your city?

- What activities would you do during the visit?

- Pair works: s. imagine about a visit of a foreign friend in a week. tell him or her
about the places you’ll take him/her to.

eg: S1- I think I will take him to the history Museum to show him about our

- S2: I think I’ll take my friend to DoSon Beach where we can swim and biuld
sand castles. And the we will visit Dong Xuan Market. We can do shopping.
- T: Lan has a pen pal from Malaysia. Let's listen and read a text about her friend.

<i><b>B. Presentation: </b></i>( Listen and read. P. 6)

<i><b>* Pre- listening and reading.</b></i>

a, Vocabulary teaching.

- correspond (v): ( explanation) - pray (v): ( mime)

- be impressed by (v): ( explanation) - mosque (n): (explanation)

<i>Checking vocabulary</i>: Rub out and remember.
b, Prediction:

- Where did they go?
- Where did they visit?

<i><b>* While- listening and reading.</b></i>

- Ss listen to the tape twice.

- Ss check their prediction. ( They can write the places on the board.)

- Ss read the text to choose the correct option to complete the sentences on page
*(Work in pairs.)

- Some Ss give their answers in front of the class.

T makes any necessary corrections and gives the keys: ( <i>1- c, 2-b, 3-d, 4-b)</i>
<i><b>* Post- reading.</b></i>

- T . asks Ss to recommend places of interest in Viet tri city and ask them to
discuss where they should take their friends to and what activities they should do.

<i>* Grammar points:</i>

<i><b>Used to:</b></i> to talk about a past habit.

T. writes: Lan used to walk past the mosque on her way to the primary school.

<i>Concepts check:</i>

<i> + Does Lan walk past the mosque now/</i>
<i>+ Did she walk in the past?</i>

<i>+ When did she walk past the mosque?</i>

<i>+ Was it a habit? In the past? But it s finish now?</i>’

<i>+ So, when it s a habit, in the past, but it s finish now, what do we use? </i>’ ’
- Ss. give more examples

<i><b>Past simple with wish .</b></i>“ ”

eg: I wish I had a longer vacation
- Wish + (that) + simple past clause.
- Ss. give more examples.

<i><b>4. Consolidation:</b></i>

- Repeat the new words.

- Repeat the use of " used to.."

<i><b>5. Homework:</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

<i>Prepering date:27/8/2008</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
nit 1 : A visit from a pen pal

<i><b>Period 3: Lesson 2: Speak & Listen</b></i>
<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

- Ss practice speaking to make and respond to introductions.

- Ss practice listening for specific information to select the correct pictures about
Carlo's visit in the USA.

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

- A cassette and the tape.
- Ten word cards.

- Keys to part 3 and 4 ( p. 8,9)

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:</b></i>

<i>9A</i> <i>9B</i> <i>9C</i> <i>9D</i> <i>9E</i>

<i><b>2. Oral work:</b></i>

- The new words and ex. 5,6 ( p. 8,9. WB)

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<i><b>A. Warm up: Pelmanism</b></i>

-T. sticks 10 cards on the board( on one side with numbers from 1 to 10, on the other
side: names of five cities or capitals and five countries: Tokyo, Perth, Liverpool,
Bombay, Hoi an, Japan, Australia, England, India, Viet nam)

- Ss: are divided into two teams and choose numbers-- Turn over the card and see if
they match correctly. If not, turn the card face down again and ask the other team to
choose. Continue until the cards are turned over.

<i><b>B. Presentation:(A.3 speak)</b></i>
<i><b>* Pre- speaking:</b></i>

- T. introduces the situation: Nga is talking to Maryam. They are waiting for Lan

outside her school.

- Ss: work in pairs to put the sentences into the correct order to make a complete
dialogue. ( p. 8).

Some ss give their answers. T: make any necessary corrections and give the
keys: ( 1-c, 5-b, 4-d, 2-e, 3-a)

- T. checks Ss' understanding:

- Have Nga and Maryam met each other before?
- Is Maryam enjoying her stay in Vietnam?
- What does she like in Vietnam?

<i><b> * While- speaking: </b></i> Role- play:

- T: set the scene: You are talking to Maryam's friends. Introduce yourself.
- Ss: take turn to be one of Maryam's friends and practice:


<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

<i>Lan: Are you enjoying your stay in Hue?</i>

<i>Yoko: Oh, yes. Very much. I like Vietnamese people and I love old cities in </i>

<i>Lan: Do you live in the city , too?</i>

<i>Yoko: Yes, I live in Tokyo. Have you been there?</i>
<i>Lan: No. What's it like?</i>

<i>Yoko: It's a busy big capital city. It's very different from Hue.</i>
<i>Lan: I see.</i>

<i><b>* Post- speaking:</b></i>

- Ss make own dialogues and practice them.

<i><b>B. Presentation: ( 4. Listen, p. 9)</b></i>
<i><b>* Pre- listening:</b></i>

- Set the scene: Carlo is Tim Jones' Mexico pen pal. He is visiting the USA.
- T. asks Ss to look at the pictures and tell the class what there is in each one,
where the place is, what the people are doing.

<i>Possible answers:</i>

P1: Keep off the grass. <i>( You can see in the park)</i>

P2: Don't pick up Flowers. <i>( You can see in the park)</i>

P3: This is a bus, its number is 103.
P4: It's a bus number 130.

P5: This is a mexican restaurant.

P6: This is a restaurant called Hamburgers.
- Open predictions:

Ask Ss to think of three things that Tim and Carlo are doing.

<i>Possible answers</i>:

* They are going to the park.
* They are taking a bus.

* They are going to the restaurant.

<i><b>* While- listening:</b></i>

- Ask Ss to listen to the tape and check their guesses.
- Give feedback.

- Ask Ss to listen to the tape the second time to choose the correct pictures.
- Give feedback.

- Some Ss give their answers in front of the class.

- T makes corrections if necessary and give the keys: ( a-1, b-2, c-2)

<i><b>* Post- listening:</b></i>

- Ss talking about what Carlo did during his visit in the USA.

<i><b>4. Consolidation:</b></i>

- Repeat how to make and respond to introductions.
- Ask and answer: What did Carlo do in the USA?

<i><b>5. Homework:</b></i>

- Write about what Carlo did in the USA .
- Do ex. 2, p. 6 ( W. B)

- Copy one dialogue they like into their notebooks.

<i>Prepering date:03/9/2008</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
Unit 1 : A visit from a pen pal

<i><b>Period 4: Lesson 3: Read.</b></i>
<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

- Ss practice reading a text about Malaysia. They understand the text, have some
knowledge about Malaysia

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=6>

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

- A map of Southeast Asia.

- Some pictures and information about Malaysia.
- Keys to exercises P. 10

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:</b></i>

<i>9A:</i> <i>9B;</i> <i>9C;</i> <i>9D;</i> <i>9E;</i>

<i><b>2. Oral work:</b></i>

- The ss' dialogues and exercise 2 P. 6

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<i><b>A. Warm up: (T- whole class)</b></i>

- T shows the map of Southeast Asia and ask:

- How many countries are there in the ASEAN?

- Where is Republic of Indonesia? Name its capital city?

- Do you know any things about Malaysia? What is it famous for?

<i><b>B. Presentation: ( Read. P.9)</b></i>
<i><b>* Pre-reading:</b></i>

+ Vocabulary teaching:

( n): region, unit of currency, ringgit, religion, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism,
the language of instruction, compulsory.

( v): separate, comprise, consist

+ Checking vocabulary: Rub out and remember.
+ Guided questions: Malaysia: Where?



Language spoken?

<i><b>* While- reading:</b></i>

- Ask Ss to read the text to find out the answers to the guided questions.
- Give feedback to the class.

- Work in pairs: Read and fill in the chart on page 10.
- Some ss give their answers in front of the class.

- T. makes any necessary corrections and give the keys:

<i>Keys:</i> <i>1. 329758 km2</i> <i>5. Kuala Lumpur</i>
<i>2. over 22 million</i> <i>6. Islam</i>

<i>3. Tropical climate</i> <i>7. Bahasa Malaysia</i>

<i>4. the ringgit</i> <i>8. English</i>

<i><b>* Post- reading:</b></i>

- T. sets the scene: You are going to visit Malaysia. Prepare some questions to ask
Maryam about her country ( refer to the chart on page 10)

- Ss using the cues on page 10 to ask and answer.

<i>Example: </i> <i>Anh: Is Malaysia a member country of ASEAN?</i>
<i>Maryam: Yes, it is.</i>

<i>Anh: Are there two religions in Malaysia?</i>

<i>Maryam: No. There are three religions: Islam, Buddhism and </i>

<i>Anh: What is its area?</i>
<i>Maryam: 329758 km2</i>
<i>Anh: …..?</i>

<i><b>4. Consolidation:</b></i>

- Talking about they've known about Malaysia.

<i><b>5. Homework:</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>

<i>Prepering date: 6/9/2008</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
Unit 1 : A visit from a pen pal

<i><b>Period 5: Lesson 4: Write</b></i>
<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

- Ss practice writing a personal letter about their trip to other part of Vietnam or
other country.

- They write letters in good English using the cues on page 11.

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

- English book 9.
- A sample letters.

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:</b></i>

<i>9A: ... 9B: ...9C:... 9D: ...9E: ...</i>
<i><b> 2. Oral work:</b></i>

- The new words.

- Talk about Malaysia? <i>( The capital city; population; official religion…)</i>
<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<i><b>A. Warm up: ( Chatting)</b></i>

- Have you ever visited any other places in Vietnam or in the world?
- When did you go?

- How did you get there?

- How long did you stay there?
- What did you visit?

-Did you buy anything there?

<i><b>B. Presentation: ( Write, p. 11)</b></i>
<i><b>* Pre-writing:</b></i>

- T. sets the scene: Imagine you are visiting your relatives or friends in another
part of Vietnam or a different country . Think about what you will write to your

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>

* Who did you meet?
* What have you done?

+ What places have you visited?
+ Who have you met?

+ What kind of food have you tried?
+ What souvernirs have you bought? ….
* How do you feel now?

* What do you think interest you most?
* When are you going home?

- T. reminds the SS about the format of a personal letter: ( Heading, Opening,
Body, Closing)

<i><b>* While- writing:</b></i>

- Ss write their letters individually based on the outline on page 11.
- Swap their letters, compare with their partners'

- T. limits the time and checks ss’ letters.

- T. hangs a prompt for a letter and asks ss. to comlete the letter in oral:


<i>I arrived at ……….. at ……….. on ………</i>

<i>My friend met me at ………...</i>

<i>I ve visited ’</i> <i>………..</i>

<i>I ve tried different foods: ’</i> <i>……….</i>

<i>I ll visit ’</i> <i>……… on ………</i>

<i>I feel ………. and ……….</i>

<i>I will leave ……….at ………. next ………</i>
<i>See you soon.</i>

<i><b>* Post- writing:</b></i>

- Ss. talk about their trips using their letters.
- T corrects mistakes if necessary.

<i><b>4. Consolidation:</b></i>

- Repeat the parts of a letter.

<i><b>5. Homework:</b></i>

- Write a letter to your friend telling about your visit.
- Do ex. 4,5. P. 7,8 ( WB)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
<i> </i>Unit 1 : A visit from a pen pal

<i><b>Period 6: Lesson 5: Language focus</b></i>
<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

- Ss do further practice in the past simple tense and the past simple tense with

<i>wish .</i>

“ ”

- They can do all the exercises in work English ( unit 1).

<i><b>II. Teaching aids:</b></i>

- Sub - board.
- English book 9.

- Grammar builder book 1.

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:</b></i>

<i>9A: ... 9B: ...9C:... 9D: ...9E: ...</i>
<i><b> 2. Oral work:</b></i>

- Ss' letters and ex. 4,5 p. 7,8.

<i><b>3. New lesson: </b></i>( Language focus, p. 11, 12)

<i><b>A. Warm up:</b></i>

- Eliciting the past simple of irregular verbs.
Eg: <i>to eat -> ate</i>

<i>to buy - > bought</i>
<i>to go - > went …</i>
<i><b>B. Presentation:</b></i>

<i><b>B.1, The past simple tense.</b></i>

<b> Note: </b> The simple past form of each irregular verbs must be learnt by heart.
* Past simple tense with “<i>wish</i>”.

- <i>Form:</i> Wish + (that) + simple past clause.
- <i>Use:</i> to talk about unreal situation.

Eg: I wish (that) I had a car. <i>( In fact, I don t have a car.).’</i>
<b>* Exercise 1 ( p. 11):</b>

- Ss read the conversation between Tan and Phong. Then they ask and answer
questions about what each person did on the weekend.

- Pay more attention on: <i>the concert performed by….</i>
<i>the camp held by…..</i>

- T. makes any necessary corrections.

<b>* Exercise 2 ( p. 12):</b>

- Ss read the task then do matching using the words in the box.

(<i>Keys</i>: <i> buy flowers, make a cake, hang colorful lamps, paint a picture of </i>
<i>Hanoi, go shopping.</i>)

- Ss take turn to change the given verbs into the past form.
( <i>Keys: bought, made, hung, painted, went.)</i>

- Ss work in pairs: use the phrases they've made and the pictures to write

- Some Ss read their sentences in front of the class.
- T corrects if necessary.

<i>Keys: 1, Hoa made a cake.</i>

<i>2, Nam hung colorful lamps on the wall.</i>
<i>3, Hanh bought some flowers.</i>

<i>4, Tan painted a picture of Hanoi.</i>
<i>5, Nga and Mai went shopping.</i>
<i><b>B.2, The past simple tense with wish.</b></i>

- Ss make remarks and tell about what tense used in the clause after WISH.
- Ss practice in pairs using the situations given on page 12.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=10>

<i>Keys: b, I wish I were in the swimming pool now.</i>
<i>c,I wish I had a computer.</i>

<i>d, I wish I lived close to school.</i>

- Ss change the subject of those sentences to make new sentences. <i>For example: </i>
<i>b, Minh wishes he were in the swimming pool now</i>

<i>* Folow- up activities: Game: Lucky numbers: (1, 9)</i>

<i>1*</i> 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 <i>9*</i>

<i>Ss. change statements in to Yes </i>–<i> No questions.</i>

(2) She met Lan at five. (6) I walked to the office yesterday.
(3) You ate too much. (7) My friends understood me.
(4) We arrived at 10. p.m (8) He bought a new car last week.
(5) Tom was sick.

<i><b>4. Consolidation:</b></i>

- Ss. repeat the use of the verbs after WISH.

<i><b>5. Homework: </b></i>- Write 5 sentences with WISH and do ex. 8, P. 11 (WB).


<i>Prepering date:12/9/2008</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
<i> </i>Unit 2: clothing

<i><b>Period 7: Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and read</b></i>
<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

<b>-</b> To introduce the dress of some coutries in the World.

- Ss practice reading and listening the text about Ao dai, the traditional dress of
Vietnamese women.

-They understand the text and do comprehension questions correctly.

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

- A cassette and the tape.

- Some pictures of women wearing Aodai.
- Keys to ex. a,b P. 14.

<i><b>III. Process of teaching:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:</b></i>

<i>9A: ... 9B: ...9C:... 9D: ...9E: ...</i>
<i><b> 2. Oral work:</b></i>

- Put in correct form verbs:

+ S1: a. I wish I (have) …………. a computer.

b. He ( buy) ……… a new pen yesterday.
+ S2: a. We wish we (pass) …………. the exam.

b. He (make) ………. a cake last week.

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=11>

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures on page 13. They work in pairs to find out where
each person comes from.

<i>Example:</i> <i>A: Where does the woman in picture 1 come from?</i>
<i>B: She comes from Japan.</i>

<i>A: Why do you know that?</i>

<i>B: Because she is wearing a kimono.</i>

- T's cues: <i>P2- aodai, P3- a kilt, P4- a sari, P5- jeans, P6- veil</i>
<i><b>B. Presentation</b></i> :<i><b> ( Listen and read, P. 13) </b></i>
<i><b>* Pre-listening and reading.</b></i>

T: What do you know about “ao dai”?
What material is “ Ao dai” made from?
Who often wear “ ao dai”?

+ Vocabulary teaching:

( n): a poet-> a poem -> poetry. <i>( example</i>: To Huu- Bam oi)
a long silk tunic <i>( picture</i>)

inspiration  take inspiration from sth.( <i>translation)</i>

Pattern <i>( picture</i>)

Ethnic minority/ ties. <i>( Thai, Muong, Ede…)</i>

( adj.): fashionable, unique. ( <i>example.)</i>

( v) : slit <i>( explanation)</i>

+ Checking vocabulary: Rub out and remember.

<i><b>* While- listening and reading.</b></i>

- Ss listen to the tape once.

- Ss read the ex a, P. 14 then read the text to find out the answers.
- Give feedback.


<i>1……..poems, novels and songs.</i>

<i>2. ……a long silk tunic with slits up the sides worn over loose pants.</i>
<i>3. ……to wear modern clothing at work.</i>

<i>4. ……printing lines of poetry on it.</i>

<i>5. ….. symbols such as suns, stars, crosses and stripes.</i>

- Ask Ss to read the text the second time to answer the questions ( ex. b, p. 14)
- Ask and answer in pairs in front of the class.

<i>Answers: </i>

<i>1. Traditional men and women used to wear the ao dai.</i>
<i>2. Because it is more convinient.</i>

<i>3. They have printed lines of poetry on it or have added symbols such as sun, </i>
<i>stars, crosses and stripes to the ao dai.</i>

<i><b>* Post- reading:</b></i> Speaking

-T. asks Ss. to use their words to tell the group what they have known about the

<i><b>4. Consolidation:</b></i>

- Repeat the new words.

<i><b>5. Homework:</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=12>

<i>Prepering date:12/9/2008</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
<i> </i>Unit 2: clothing

<i><b>Period 8: Lesson 2: Speak</b></i>
<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

- Provide the students with some words of clothing.

- They practice asking and responding to questions on pesonal references using
the words given.

- They practice speaking in good English.

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

- Pictures of some kinds of clothes.
- Keys to ex. a,b P. 14, 15

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:</b></i>

<i>9A: ... 9B: ...9C:... 9D: ...9E: ...</i>
<i><b> 2. Oral work:</b></i>

- The ss' writing and ex. 1 p. 12 ( WB)

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>
<i><b>A. Warm up:</b></i>

- Whole class: Talk about what they like to wear and why they like to wear those

<i><b>B. Presentation:</b></i>
<i><b>A - Pre </b></i>–<i><b> speaking</b></i>

<b> Match the phrases to the pictures: ( ex. a, p. 14)</b>

+ Vocabulary: ( adj.) Plaid, plain, long/ short- sleeved, baggy, faded.
- Ss work in pairs to match the phrases to the pictures.

- Give feedback in front of the class.

Answer keys: b-5, c-6, d-3, e-8, f-4, g-7, h-2, i-9.
+ Checking vocabulary: Group work.

- Class is divided into 4 groups. From each group Ss take turn to go to the board
write as many words as they can  Group with the most words wins the game.

<i><b>B.While </b></i>–<i><b> speaking:</b></i>

<b>Make a survey about Ss' wear.( ex. b, p. 15)</b>

- T asks Ss to work in group of 8. They will read and write two more questions for
the last section of the survey about Ss' wear following this form:

<i>Questions</i> <i>Name</i> <i>Items of clothes</i> <i>Notes</i>

1. What do you usually wear
on the weekend?

2. Why do you wear those

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=13>

of clothing? Why?
4. Do you like to wear
uniform? Why?

5. What do you usually wear
on Tet holiday?

<i><b>B.Post - speaking:</b></i>

<b> Report the results of the survey:</b>

- Ss in each group report the results of their survey.
- Example: * Thu said she loved baggy pants.

*Three students said they liked their uniforms.

- T makes any necessary corrections.

<i><b>4. Consolidation:</b></i>

- Ss: Make an interview about Ss' wear using the questions they've known.

<i><b>5. Homework:</b></i>

- Learn by heart the new words.
- Do ex. 2, p. 13 – 14 (WB)

<i>Prepering date: 14/9/2008</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
<i> </i>Unit 2: clothing

<i><b> Period 9: Lesson 3: Listen</b></i>
<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

_ Ss listen to a public announcement to find out what a lost girl Mary is wearing.
- They practice listening for specific information to find out the right pictures.

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

- A cassette and the tape.

- Pictures on page 16 and keys to the exercise, p. 16.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=14>

<i><b>1. Class organization:</b></i>

<i>9A: ... 9B: ...9C:... 9D: ...9E: ...</i>
<i><b> 2. Oral work:</b></i>

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<i><b>A. Warm up: </b></i>Ss find nouns and adj. About clothing in the square



-A R L O N G R H R L S









<i><b>B. Presentation: </b></i>( Listen, p. 16)

<i><b>* Pre-listening:</b></i>

- Ss look at the pictures ( p. 16) and names the things in English.
- Talk about their color.

<i>Example: a-A: These are flower baggy pants.</i>
<i>a- B: These are blue shorts.</i>


- T. gives the meaning of some new words:

<i> an announcement, an entrance, a fair.</i>

Give guided questions:

<i>- What's her name?</i>
<i>- How old is she?</i>

<i>- Where was she last seen?</i>
<i>- What's she like?</i>

<i><b>* While- listening:</b></i>

- T. plays the tape.

- Ss listen and answer the guided questions.

- Listen and check the letter of the correct picture to show what Mary is wearing.
- Compare their answers with their partners.

- Some Ss. tell their answers in front of the class.
- T makes necessary corrections.

<i>Keys: a-B: She's wearing blue shots.</i>

<i>b-A: She's wearing a long- sleeved blouse.</i>
<i>c-C: She's wearing brown shoes.</i>

<i><b>* Post- listening:</b></i>

- Speaking: Ss tell the class about what Mary is wearing.

<i><b>4. Consolidation:</b></i>

- S1 : Describe one of his/ her classmates.
- The last: Tell his or her name.

<i><b>5. Homework:</b></i>

- Do ex. 3,4. P. 14, 15.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=15>

<i>Prepering date:14/9/2008</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
<i> </i> <i> Unit 2: clothing</i>

<i><b>Period 10: Lesson 4: Read</b></i>
<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

- Ss practice reading the text about Jeans. They understand the text for details and
do the comprehension questions below the text correctly.

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

- English book 9; Sub –board.

- Some information about history of jeans.
- Keys to ex. 1,2 P. 17.

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:</b></i>

<i>9A: ... 9B: ...9C:... 9D: ...9E: ...</i>

<i><b> 2. Oral work:</b></i>

- Ex. 3, 4 p. 14, 15.

- Ss' description of close friends.

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<i><b>A. Warm up: </b><b> </b></i>Chatting. ( T- whole class)
- Who loves wearing jeans? Why?

- What was jean cloth made from?

- Do you know when jeans appeared for the first time? And where?

<i><b>B. Presentation: </b></i>Read, p. 17

<i><b>* Pre- reading.</b></i>

+ Vocabulary teaching:

(n): cotton (relia), (v): wear out. ( example)

style ( explanation), embroider. ( picture or relia)
label ( relia),

generation (translation).

+ Checking vocabulary: What and where.
+ Guided questions:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=16>

- When did jeans become popular?
- Where were jeans made?

- What were jeans made of?

<i><b>* While- reading:</b></i>

+ Ss read the text silently to find out the answers to the guided questions.
- Some Ss ask and answer in front of the class.

- T. corrects if necessary.

+ Ss read the text and complete exercise 1 ( p. 17). Then compare their answers
with their partners.

- Some Ss give their answers in front of the class.

- T makes any necessary corrections and gives the keys:

<i>1. 18th century……… jean cloth.</i>
<i>2. 1960s………students.</i>
<i>3. 1970s………cheaper.</i>
<i>4. 1980s………fashion.</i>
<i>5. 1990s………..sale.</i>

+ Ss work in pairs to find out the answers to the questions in ex. 2, P. 17.
- Some pairs ask and answer in front of the class.

- T makes any necessary corrections and gives the keys:

<i>1. The word JEANS comes from a kind of material that was made in </i>

<i>2. The 1960s' fashions were embroidered jeans, painted jeans and so on.</i>
<i>3. Because jeans became cheaper.</i>

<i>4. Jeans at last became high fashion clothing in the 1980s.</i>

<i>5. The sale of jeans stopped growing because the worldwide economic </i>
<i>situation got worse in 1990s.</i>

<i><b>* Post- reading: </b></i> Discussion

- Have Ss work in group to discuss these questions:
1. Do you like wearing jeans? Why or why not?
2. What type of jeans do you love wearing?
3. Do you think jeans are in fashion now?

<i><b>4. Consolidation:</b></i>

- Ss talk about what they know about jeans.

<i><b>5. Homework:</b></i>

- Write about what they know about jeans.

<i>Prepering date:15/9/2008</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=17>

<i> </i>Unit 2: clothing

<i><b>Period 11: Lesson 5: Write</b></i>
<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

-Ss practice writing an exposition about wearing casual clothes, presenting one
side of an argument.

- They write an exposition in good English

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

- English book 9 & sub – board.
- A sample exposition.

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:</b></i>

<i>9A: ... 9B: ...9C:... 9D: ...9E: ...</i>
<i><b> 2. Oral work:</b></i>

- Talk about Jeans?

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<i><b>A. Warm up:</b></i> Chatting ( Ask and answer).
1. How often do you wear uniform?

2. How do you feel when wearing uniform?

3. If you have a choice, what type of clothing do you want to wear when
going to school? Why?

<i><b>B. Presentation:</b></i> Write ( P. 18)

<i><b>* Pre-writing:</b></i>

+ Vocabulary teaching:

( adj.): equal, practical, self- confident, freedom of choice.
( v.): encourage, bare one's name.

+ Checking vocabulary: <i>Rub out and remember</i>.

+T: explains how to present argument in a logical way ( Table 1) And asks Ss to
read the topic and the out line A and B.

- T. makes sure ss. understood the task in writing an agument by asking some

+ What do they think?

+ What’s the first/ the second argument?
+ How about the conclusion?

+ Ss make an argument: Why should ss wear casual clothes?

<i><b>* While- writing:</b></i>

- T. hangs sub – board with form of the paragraph given for ss. to follow.
+ In my opinion, ( T. elicits ss) secondary school ss. should wear casual
clothes …..

+ Firstly, ( T. elicits ss) casual clothes make ss. feel comfortable…
+ Secondly, …….

+ Thirdly, ………..
+ Finally, ………..

- Ss write their expositions based on the argument they've made.
-T helps Ss with their writing if necessary.

<i><b>* Post-writing:</b></i>

- Some Ss read their writing in front of the class.
- T corrects if necessary.

<i>Sample exposition:</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=18>

<i>In conclusion, secondary school Ss should wear casual clothes because </i>
<i>they are convinient, comfortable and fun.</i>

<i><b>4. Consolidation:</b></i>

- Repeat how to write an exposition and the language used in it.

<i><b>5. Homework:</b></i>

- Do ex. 6,7 p.17,18 ( W. B)

<i>Prepering date: 20/9/2008</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
<i> Unit 2: clothing</i>

<i><b>Period 12: Lesson 6: Language focus</b></i>
<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

- Ss do further practice with “<i> already, yet"</i> in the present perfect tense. They can
distinguish the difference in using the past simple and the present perfect tense.
- They review the passive form of the tenses they've learnt and do practice passive
modal auxilaries.

- They can finish all the ex. correctly.

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

- Keys to all the ex. on pages 19, 20, 21.

<i><b>III. Process of teaching:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:</b></i>

<i>9A: ... 9B: ...9C:... 9D: ...9E: ...</i>
<i><b> 2. Oral work:</b></i>

- During the lesson.

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<i><b>a, The present perfect tense:</b></i>

<i>* Exercise 1. P. 19. ( Review the present perfect tense with since and for )</i>

Ss: - Read the dialogue in pairs.

- Read the information in the table on page 20.
- Make similar dialogues the practice in pairs.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=19>

<i>A: Come and see my photo album.</i>
<i>B: Lovely! Who's this boy?</i>

<i>A: Ah!, It's Quang, my brother's friend.</i>
<i>B: How long have you known him?</i>
<i>A: I 've known him for seven months.</i>
<i>B: Have you seen him recently?</i>

<i>A: No. I haven't seen him since January.</i>

T: makes any necessary corrections.

<i>* Notes</i>: <i>Since </i>to show a point of time; <i>for</i> to show a period of time; <i>already </i>: to
talk about completed actions; <i>Yet: </i> to talk about incompleted actions.

<i>* Exercise 2. P. 20. ( Review the present perfect tense with already and yet)</i>

- Ss read the information on page 20.

- Ss work in pairs. ( ask and answer using the information)


<i>- Have you visited Reunification Palace yet?</i>

<i>- No, I haven't.</i>

<i>- Have you eaten vegetarian food yet?</i>
<i>- Yes, I've already tried it.</i>

- Some ss repeat the use of <i><b>already, yet.</b></i>

<i>* Exercise 3. P. 20. ( Review the present perfect tense with ever )</i>

- Ss read the given words in the box.
- Ss read the dialogue.

- Ss practice in pairs.( ask and answer)

<i><b>b, The passive voice:</b></i>

<i>* Exercise 4, P. 21( Change sentences into passive ones.)</i>

- Ss look at the example and then repeat the form of passive voice they've learnt.
- Ss do ex. individually then compare their answers with their partners.

- Ss take turn to read their answers in front of the class.


<i>1. Jean cloth was made completely from cotton in the 18th century.</i>
<i>2. Rice is grown in tropical countries.</i>

<i>3. Five million bottles of champagne will be produced in France next year.</i>
<i>4. A new style of jeans has just been introduced in the USA.</i>

<i>5. Two department stores have been built this year.</i>
<i>* Ex. 5, P. 21. ( Modal verbs in the passive voice)</i>

- Ss look at the example then repeat the passive form of modal verbs.
( modal + be + Vp.p)

- Ss take turn to do the ex. in front of the class.


<i>1. The problem can be solved.</i>

<i>2. Experiments on animals should be stopped.</i>
<i>3. Life on another planet might be found.</i>

<i>4. All the schools in the city have to be improved.</i>
<i>5. A new bridge is going to be built in the area.</i>
<i><b>4. Consolidation:</b></i>

Repeat the use of the present perfect tense and the passive voice.

<i><b>5. Homework:</b></i>

- Revise Unit 1 and Unit 2 for written test 1

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=20>

<i>Prepering date:5/10/2008</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
Period 13: Written test 1

<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

- To check ss knowledge of learning English book 9 ( from unit 1 – unit 3)
- To find better ways for teaching and learning.


+ past simple tense.

+ Past simple tense with ‘wish”
+ present perfect tense.

+ Passive voice.

<i>Vocabulary: </i>Words to talk about clothes, countries in ASEAN,….

<i>Skills:</i> Writing; reading….

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

- A test and its keys.

Chđ dỊ <b>NhËn biÕt</b> <b>Th«ng hiĨu</b> <b>VËn dơng</b> <b>Tỉng</b>

TNKQ Tù ln TNKQ Tù ln TNKQ Tù ln












Writing <sub> </sub> 6 3 6 3


2 18

5 6 3

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:</b></i>

<i>9A: ... 9B: ...9C:... 9D: ...9E: </i>
<i><b>2. Oral work:</b></i>

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=21></div>
<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=22></div>
<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=23>

<i>Prepering date:9/10/2008</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>

Unit 3: A trip to the countryside

<i><b>Period 14: Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and read</b></i>
<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

- Introduce students the life and activities in the countryside.

- Ss read a text about Ba's countryside. They can talk about the countryside's life
and do the ex. bellow the text correctly.

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

- A cassette and the tape.

- Pictures of the countryside's life.
- Keys to ex. 1, 2 P. 23.

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:</b></i>

<i>9A: ... 9B: ...9C:... 9D: ...9E: ...</i>
<i><b> 2. Oral work:</b></i>

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<i><b>A. Warm up: ( Getting started)</b></i>

- SS complete the network.



Feeding animals


- Ss talk about what the people are doing in the pictures. ( P. 23)

P1: She is watering the vegetables.

P2: The children are swimming in the river.
P3: Mrs. Lan is collecting eggs…….

<i><b>B. Presentation: ( Listen and Read.)</b></i>
<i><b>* Pre- listening and reading:</b></i>

+ Vocabulary teaching.

- have a chance + to V ( translation)

- banyan tree. ( picture)

- shrine ( picture)

+ Guided questions:

- Where is Ba's home village?

- What did they do on the journey to Ba's village?
- What did Liz think of the trip?


<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=24>

<i><b>* While- listening and reading.</b></i>

- Ss listen to the tape.

- Read the text individually to find out the answers to the guided questions.

- Give feedback.

- Ss take turn to read the text.
- Ss do exercises:

+ Exercise 1: Do True or false ( pair work)

<i>Answer keys: 1-F, 2-T, 3- F, 4- F, 5- T, 6-F, 7- T, 8- F, 9- T</i>

+ Exercise 2: Answer questions. ( pair work)

<i>Answer keys:</i>

<i>1. It's about 60 km to the north of Hanoi.</i>
<i>2. They got there by bus.</i>

<i>3. It's at the entrance to the village.</i>

<i>4. They saw a shrine of a Vietnamese hero.</i>
<i>5. They had a picnic on the river bank.</i>

<i>6. She took a lot of photos to show her parents.</i>
<i>7. She wishes she could visit Ba's village again.</i>
<i><b>4. Consolidation:</b></i>

<i><b>* Post- reading.</b></i>

- Ss talk about Ba's village and their village.

<i><b>5. Homework:</b></i>

- Write about your village.
- Do ex. 1,2 P. 20.

<i>Prepering date:</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
<i> </i>

Unit 3: A trip to the countryside
<i><b>Period 15 - Lesson 2: Speak & Listen</b></i>
<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

- Ss practice asking for and giving information about their home villages.
- They speak fluently using the learnt words from the previous lesson.

- Ss practice listening to the trip to Ba's village.They can match the places on the
bus route with the letters on the map.

- By the end of the lesson they can talk about the bus route to Ba's village.

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

<b>-</b> A list of questions. ( P. 24)
- Nine wordcards and a map.
- A cassette and the tape.
- Keys to the ex. P. 25.

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=25>

- Ss talk about their village.
- Ex. 1, 2. P. 20 ( WB)

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>
<i><b>A. Warm up:</b></i>

- <i>Group work</i>: Ss do Noughts and crosses.


Make up questions using the following words:

( What, where, when, who, how far, how, is, are, which)

<i><b>B. Presentation: ( Speaking. P. 24)</b></i>
<i>B.1. Role play: ( P. 24)</i>

- Ss read the questions

- Play the role of A and B ( Ask and answer using the information in the box)
- Ss cover the role that they don't play.


<i>A: Where is your home village?</i>
<i>B: It's to the northwest of the city.</i>
<i>A: How far is it from the city?</i>
<i>B: It's about 15 km.</i>

<i>A: How can you get there?</i>

<i>B: We can get there by motorbike.</i>
<i>A: How long does it take to get there?</i>
<i>B: About 30 minutes.</i>

<i>A: What do people do for a living in your village?</i>
<i>B: They plant rice and raise cattle</i>

<i>A: Does your village have a river?</i>

<i>B: No, it doesn't but there is a big lake in my village.</i>
<i>B.2. Ask and answer about your real home village.</i>

- Ss work in pairs using the questions from B. 1.
- Some pairs practice in front of the class.

<i><b>B. Presentation: ( Listen. P. 25)</b></i>
<i><b>* Pre-listening:</b></i>

- T sets the scene: Ba and his family went to his home village by bus. You will
listen to the trip then match the places on the bus route with the letters on the

- Ss look at the map and read the words given.
- T hangs the map on the board.

- Ss make prediction of Ba's trip. Then compare with their partners.
- T writes Bas' guesses on the board.

<i><b>* While- listening:</b></i>

- Ss listen to the tape and check their prediction.

- Ss listen and match. ( one student comes to the board and sticks wordcards on
the route)

- Give feedback. Check the student's work on the board.

<i>Anser keys:</i>

<i>C- highway <b></b> D- Dragon brigde<b></b> E- gas station <b></b> F- store </i>
<i><b></b> B- airport <b></b> G- pond.</i>

<i> H- bamboo forest <b></b>I- parking lot <b></b> A- banyan tree.</i>
<i><b>* Post- listening:</b></i>

- Ss show each other the bus route they've just listened to.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=26>

- Ss take turn to talk about their home village, beginning with:

My home village is to the south of Viet tri city. It's not very far from here,
about 15 km. We can get there by…..

<i><b>5. Homework:</b></i>

- Do ex. 3, 4 P. 21 ( WB)

- Write about your home village.

- Ss draw a simple map of their neighborhood to show their partner the way to
their home.

<i>Prepering date:</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
Unit 3: A trip to the countryside

<i><b>Period 16: Lesson 3: Read</b></i>
<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

- To help ss have more information about life in the USA through the text.
SSsread the text and do all the exercises correctly.

- Develop reading skill and other skills.

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

- English book 9.
- Keys to the ex. P. 26

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:</b></i>

<i> 9A: ... 9B: ...9C:... 9D: ...9E: ...</i>
<i><b> 2. Oral work:</b></i>

- S1: Tell about the way to his/ her home and the last: draw a map of his/ her way.
- Ex. 3. ( WB)

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>
<i><b>A. Warm up:</b></i>

- T: What does " <i>exchange student" </i>mean?

- T: explains it to the class and introduce the text about Van- an exchange student
from HCM city. Now he's studying in the USA. He's living with the Paker family
on a farm outside Columbus, Ohio.

<i><b>B. Presentation: ( Read, p. 25, 26.)</b></i>
<i><b>* Pre-reading:</b></i>

- Ss: Talk about what they know about the life on a farm, what people do there
and how they relax.

- T. presents some new words:
+ (to) grow maize.

+ (to) work past – time. Rub out and remmember.

+ hot dog. (n)

- T: gives guided questions:
+ Where are the Pakers?

+ How many people are there in the family?
+ What do they do every day?

+ How does Van feel?

<i><b>* While- reading.</b></i>

- Ss read the text then work in pair to ask and answer the guided questions.
- Ss read the text and do matching. ( Ex. 1- P. 26)

Ss take turn to give their answers in front of the class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=27>

<i>- feed= give food to eat.</i>

<i>- grocery store= where people buy……</i>
<i>- part time= shorter or less than…….</i>
<i>- collect= bring things together. </i>

- Ss complete the summary. ( Ex. 2. P. 26)

Ss read the summary and find the information from the text to complete it.
Ss compare their summary with their partners.

Ss take turn to read each sentence in front of the class.

<i>Keys: 1. Ohio</i> <i>6. after</i>

<i>2. farmer</i> <i>7. farm</i>

<i>3. works part time…. Store</i> <i>8. they watch</i>

<i>4. Peter</i> <i>9. baseball</i>

<i>5. Sam</i> <i>10. member</i>

<i><b>* Post- reading:</b></i>


Van is going to live with Peter's famiky. He wants to know what he should
bring there, what he should do, where he could stay.

Ss make an interview. ( S1: Van; S2: Peter.)

<i><b>4. Consolidation:</b></i>

- Talk about Paker family in brief.

<i><b>5. Homework:</b></i>

- Copy the summary into their notebooks. Do ex. 5, 6. P. 22 ( WB)

<i>Prepering date:</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>

Period 17: Test correction
<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

- Students can explain how they did the test and know their mistakes they've

- They can correct their mistakes with clear explanation.
- Written test in 15’

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=28>

- Keys to the test.

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:</b></i>

<i>9A: ... 9B: ...9C:... 9D: ...9E: ...</i>
<i><b> 2. Oral work:</b></i>

- During the lesson.

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

- T shows the test.

- Ss explain how they did the test.

- T makes remarks about students' tests and give the keys.
- Ss. check their test with teacher.

<i><b>I. Chọn câu trả lời đúng nht hon</b></i>

<i><b> thành các câu sau và viết câu trả lời tơng ứng vào khung answers</b></i>
1 - They

used to
by bike
to school



c. travel
2 - In

, English
is a


3 - It's

very cold
days. I
wish the



c. were
4 - It's

Black. I
a long


b. for
5- The


<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=29>

_ is


6- Many

_ at


7- They

ly from
cotton in


d. 18th
8 - The



a. Islam
9 - Viet

Nam is
one of
of the
_ of


10 -

will not
______ a

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=30>


a. in

<b>II - Cho </b>
<b>dạng </b>
<b>đúng </b>
<b>của </b>
<b>động từ </b>
<b>trong </b>
<b>ngoặc </b>

1 - Lan

<i>went </i>to

2 - She


3 - He

<i>has </i>

as a
4 - I
wish I (

<i>had </i>

time to

5 - She
see<i>) </i>
<i>didn t ’</i>
<i>see</i> that
6 - She

<i>hasn t ’</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=31>

<i>Have </i>
<i>you </i>
<i>seen </i>

8 - He
he (do)

<i>did </i>his

<b>III. </b>
<b>Đọc </b>
<b>đoạn </b>
<b>văn </b>
<b>sau và </b>
<b>trả lời </b>
<b>câu </b>


Brazil, the largest country in South America and the fifth largest coutry in the world, is located in
the eastern half of South American. The people of Brazil are famous for their outgoing,

friendly… Brazilian women are considered to be among the best dressed in the world.
The capital city is Brasilia, Portuguese is the official language. Brazil has a population of over
one hundred and thirty - eight million. A number of industrial products are produced in Brazil,
including cars, chemicals, ships and machines. Agriculture is another important industry.

<i>1 - </i>
<i>What is</i>
<i>the </i>
<i>capital </i>
<i>city of </i>

- The capital city is Brasilia.
<i>2- </i>

<i>What </i>
<i>are the </i>
<i>people </i>
<i>of </i>
<i>Brazil </i>

- The people of Brazil are famous for their outgoing, friendly<i>.</i>
<i>3- Is </i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=32>

<i>ge in </i>
<i>Yes, it is.</i>
<i>4 - </i>
<i>Does it </i>
<i>have a </i>
<i>ion of </i>
<i>over </i>
<i>138 </i>

<i> - Yes, it does.</i>
<i>5- </i>

<i>What is</i>

<i>the </i>
<i>ant </i>
<i>y in </i>

- Agriculture is another important industry in Brazil.
<b>IV. </b>

<b>Viết lại</b>
<b>các câu</b>
<b>sau sao</b>
<b>cho </b>
<b>không </b>
<b>thay </b>
<b>đổi về </b>

1 -
in 1973

<i> - That house was bought in 1973.</i>

2 - We

for our

<i> - Some new chairs have been bought for uor school..</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=33>


- Our homework can be done by us.
4 - My

buy me
a new

<i> - I wish my motherbought me a new bike.</i>

5 - I
can't do

<i> - I wish I could do this exercise.</i>

6 - When I was a school boy, I went swimming after school every afternoon.

<i> - I used to go swimming after school every afternoon..</i>
<i><b>4. Consolidation:</b></i>

- T sums up the ss' work.
- Written test: time 15’

T. givesA4 papers for ss to do the test; T limits time and collects the papers.

<i><b>5. Homework:</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=34>

Written test

<i>Time: 15’</i>

Name: ……….

Class: 9 …


<i><b>I </b></i>–<i><b> Put in correct form verbs (4 marks)</b></i>

1. Lan (write) ……… to her friends for three years.
2. I wish I (know) ……… her address.

3. He ( talk) ………….. on the phoen now.
4. New houses ( build) ……… now.

<i><b>II- Rewrite these sentences: (3 marks)</b></i>

1. I don’t have time to help you.

<b>-</b> I wish ………

2. They bought this car last week.

<b>-</b> This car ………..

<i><b>III- Answer these questions( (3 marks)</b></i>

1. How far is it from your village to Viet tri city?

<b>-</b> ……….

2. What do people in your village do for a living?

- ………..

<i><b>Answer keys:</b></i>

<i>I </i>– 1- wrote; 2 – knew; 3 – is talking; 4- are being built<i>.</i>
<i>II - </i> 1- I wish I had time to help you.

2- This car was bought last week.
III- 1. It’s about ……….

2. They plant rice …………. for a living.

<i>Prepering date:</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
Unit 3: A trip to the countryside

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=35>

- Ss practice writing a passage describing a story happened in the past: a picnic to
the countryside.

- They write a passage in good English based on the given words and pictures on
pages 26, 27.

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

- Pictures on pages 26, 27.
- A sample passage.

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:</b></i>

<i>9A: ... 9B: ...9C:... 9D: ...9E: ...</i>
<i><b> 2. Oral work:</b></i>

- Ask about Van and the Pakers.
- Ex. 5. P. 22

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<i><b>A. Warm up: T- whole claas.</b></i>

- Ask and answer about going on a picnic:
+ Have you ever gone on a picnic?
+ When did you go?

+ Where did you go?
+ How did you get there?

+ What did you do during the picnic?
+ When did you come back home?
+ Did you enjoy it?

<i><b>B. Presentation:</b></i>
<i><b>* Pre-writing:</b></i>

- Ss read the task.

- T explains some new words:
+ picnic site,

+ blanket,
+ put down,
+ lay out

- T shows the pictures on the board and ask Ss to describe the pictures:
What the Ss do in each picture.

<i><b>* While- writing:</b></i>

- Ss read the cues on pages 26, 27 then write a passage entitled: " A country
picnic" beginning with: <i>It was a beautiful day so my friends and me decided to </i>
<i>go on a picnic…..</i>

- T moves round class and helps ss in writing.

<i><b>* Post- writing:</b></i>

- Ask Ss to wrap their writing and compare with their partners and correct if they

- T chooses some writing to correct in front of the class.

<i>A sample writing:</i>

<i>It was a very beautiful day so my friends and me decided to go on a picnic </i>
<i>to the countryside. We took a bus to the countryside then walked about 20 </i>

<i>minutes to the picnic site next to the river. We put down our blankets and laid </i>
<i>our food. After the meal we played 2 games called " What song is it?" and " </i>
<i>Blind man's bluff". Late in the afternoon we went fishing. We enjoyed our picnic </i>
<i>very much. When we looked at the time, it was nearly 6.30 p.m. We hurriedly </i>
<i>gathered our things and ran to the bus stop. We were lucky to catch the last bus </i>
<i>and we arrived home late in the evening.</i>

<i><b>4. Consolidation:</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=36>

- T. limits time and checks some ss.

<i><b>5. Homework:</b></i>

- Rewrite the passage after correction.
- Do ex. P 24, 25 ( WB).

<i>Prepering date: 25/10/2008</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
Unit 3: A trip to the countryside

<i><b>Period 19: Lesson 5: Language focus</b></i>
<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

- To review for ss about modal verbs: could, would with wish” , Preposisions of
time; Adverb clause os result.

- They can do all the ex. correctly.

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

- Pictures on pages 28, 29.
- Keys to all the ex. p. 28, 29.

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:</b></i>

<i>9A: ... 9B: ...9C:... 9D: ...9E: ...</i>
<i><b> 2. Old lesson:</b></i>

- Talk about a countryside picnic?

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<i><b>A. Warm up: </b></i>-elicting words about the countryside:
eg: a pond, a lake, a tree, a bamboo…..

<i><b>B. Presentation:</b></i>

<i>B1. The simple past tense and modal COULD, would with WISH</i>
<i> - </i>To talk about present wanting that can’t now happen.

Eg: Ba wishes he could have a car. (<i>This is Ba s wish because he doesn t have a ’</i> <i>’</i>
<i>new car now.)</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=37>

+Ss: No, she can’t) - > Because she is in Ha Noi and her parents is in Hue. - > So,
She wishes she could visit her parents.

- <i>T. asks ss to give more examples:</i>
<i>I wish I could fly a plane.</i>
<i>She wishes she had a new car.</i>
<i>They wish they were rich.</i>

- Ss read the ex. 1. P. 28 and do it in turn

- T make any necessary corrections and give the keys:

<i>Keys: b, Hoa wishes she could visit her parents.</i>
<i>c, I wish I could pass the exam.</i>

<i>d, We wish it didn't rain.</i>
<i>e, He wishes he could fly.</i>

<i>f, They wish they stayed in Hue.</i>
<i>B2. Prepositions of time ( Ex. 2, 3. P. 29, 30).</i>

- Ss name the positions of time they've learnt. ( in, on, at, till, until, before, after,
up to, between….and) and give examples.

- Get Ss read Mr. Thanh itinerary for his trip to Singapore.

- Ss do ex. 2 p. 29 then some of them give their answers in front of the class.

<i>Keys: b- on, c- between, d- till, e- after, f- up to</i>

- Ss do ex. 3 p. 30 then some Ss give their answers in front of the class.

<i> Keys: a- on, b- at/ in, c- in, d- for, e- in, f- at</i>
<i>B3. Adverb clauses of result.( Ex. 4, P. 31.)</i>

<i>- Use: SO is used to express the result of the statement that comes before it.</i>

- Ss read the half- sentences. => work in pairs.
- Ss take turn to say the sentences they've matched.

<i>Example: 1-e: Hoa worked hard so she passed the exam.</i>
<i>( 2-so-a, 3-so- d, 4-so- b, 5-so -c)</i>

<i><b>4. Consolidation:</b></i>

- Ss make own sentences with WISH and SO
- T reminds grammar points for ss to remember.

<i><b>5. Homework:</b></i>

- Do ex. 8,9, 10. P. 25 ( WB).

- Make up 5 sentences with WISH and 5 sentences with SO.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=38>

<i>Prepering date:26/10/2008</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
Unit 4: Learning a foreign language
<i><b>Period 20: Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and read</b></i>
<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

<i> -</i>Ss disscus and share the best ways in learning English.

- Ss listen and read the dialogue about questions in an oral exam. They
understand the dialogue for details.

- They can produce questions for an oral exam.

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

- A cassette and the tape.
- English book 9.

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:</b></i>

<i>9A: ... 9B: ...9C:... 9D: ...9E: ...</i>

<i><b> 2. Oral work:</b></i>

- Ex. 9, 10, P. 25

- The Ss' sentences with WISH and SO.

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<i><b>3.1. Warm up: Lucky number: 1, 8</b></i>

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

T uses questions P.33 to asks ss.

<i><b>3.2. Presentation:</b></i>
<b>A- Getting started:</b>

* How do you leanr English?

- Sss read the list (p.32) about the ways of learning English then add more
things or ways they do to learn E. better. Then ss compare the list with a partner

- T. gves more information and more ways of learning:
+ Talk E. with your E. teacher.

+ Write new words around your house.
+ Listen to music and E. songs.

- Ss make at least five sentenses about their ways of learning E. using adverbs of

Eg: I often do my homework.
I sometimes read E. books.

<b>B - ( Listen and read. P. 32)</b>
<i><b>* Pre-listening and reading.</b></i>

+ Vocabulary teaching:

( n): aspect ( translation)
candidate ( explanation)

examiner >< examinee. ( example)
oral exam >< written exam.

- Checking vocabulary: What and where.

+ T sets the scene: Lan is talking to Paola about the oral exam she has just taken.
Then give guided questions:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=39>

<i><b>* While- listening and reading.</b></i>

- Ss listen to the tape then answer the questions.

<i>Keys: 1- They are difficult- according to Lan</i>

<i>2- 7 questions. Besides she was asked to read a passage.</i>

- Ss read the dialogue in pairs.

- Ss look at the list of questions ( P33) then reread the dialogue and check the
boxes to find what questions the examiner asked Lan.

- Ss take turn to give their answers in front of the class.

<i>Keys: Questions 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14.</i>
<i><b>* Post- reading. ( Role- play: S1- Paola, S2- Lan)</b></i>
<i>Example: Paola: What question did she ask you first?</i>

<i>Lan: She asked me what my name was.</i>
<i>Paola: What was the second question?</i>
<i>Lan: She asked me where I came from……</i>
<i><b>4. Consolidation:</b></i>

- Repeat how to change questions into reported questions.

<i><b>5. Homework:</b></i>

- Learn the new words by heart.
- Do ex. 1, P. 27.

- Change 14 questions and statements on page 33 into reported speech.

<i>Prepering date:27/10/2008</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
Unit 4: Learning a foreign language

<i><b>Period 21: Lesson 2: Speak</b></i>
<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

- Ss will be able to express opinions; talk about an English language summer
course abroad; persuade s.one to do s.thing.

- They use the expressions they've learnt to make sentences in good English.

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

- A list of expressions/ suggestions, P. 34.
- Sub - board.

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:</b></i>

<i>9A: ... 9B: ...9C:... 9D: ...9E: ...</i>
<i><b> 2. Oral work:</b></i>

- Ex. 1, P. 27 ( W B)
- The new words.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=40>

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<i><b>3.1. Warm up: Chatting:</b></i>

- T asks ss some questions:
+ Where are you studying?

+ How long have you been learning English?

+ How far is it from your house to school?
+ Why don’t you go to Thanh Thuy school?
+ What do you think about school in the city?

<i><b>3.2. Presentation: ( Speak, P. 35)</b></i>
<i><b>A- Pre-speaking.</b></i>

+ Vocabulary teaching.

( n): scholarship >< fee : ( explanation)
dormitory: ( picture)

on campus: ( translation)
reputation: ( translation)

scenery: ( picture)

native speaker: ( example).
- Checking vocabulary: <i>Slap the board</i>.

+ Repeat some expressions that they can use to persuade someone to do
something. <i>( I think……, What do you think…….)</i>


- Ss read three advertisements on page 34

- Ss play the roles of Thu, Tam, and Kim. Each person tries to persuade her/ his
friends to attend the school she/ he likes to go to.

Eg: S1:I think we should go to the Seattle school of English in the USA. … you
can stay with Viet namese friends.

S2: I desagree because we can’t practice ….

S3: Why don’t we go to the Brighton Language Center in the UK. If we go
there, we can live in a dormitory on campus. ….

- Ss working groups, practice persuading their partner.
- Some Ss demonstrate in front of the class.

<i><b>C-post - speaking.</b></i>

- Ss work in group of 3 discussing about this topic: What will you do on Tet

- Some Ss want to go to Spring Fair.

- Others want to spend their holiday in the countryside

Persuade others to do that he/ she prefers.

<i><b>4. Consolidation:</b></i>

- Repeat the expressions using to persuade sbd to do sth.

<i><b>5. Homework:</b></i>

- Do ex. 2, P. 27; Learn by heart the new words.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=41>

<i>Prepering date:28/10/2008</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
Unit 4: Learning a foreign language

<i><b>Period 22: Lesson 3: Listen</b></i>
<i><b>I. Aims and objectives: </b></i>

- Ss practice listening to the conversation between Nga and Kate. They are able to
identify the correct information to do the ex. ( p 35) correctly.

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

- A cassette and the tape.
- Key to the ex. , p 35.

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:</b></i>

<i>9A: ... 9B: ...9C:... 9D: ...9E: ...</i>
<i><b> 2. Oral work:</b></i>

- The new words and ex. 2, p. 25.
- The Ss' writing.

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<i><b>3.1- Warm up: Lucky number: 1,2</b></i>

<i>-Ss.change teacher s queations into’</i>

<i>reported questions.</i>
<i>eg; T; What is this?</i>

<i> - Ss: He asked me what that was.</i>

<i><b>3.2 - Presentation: ( Listen. P. 35)</b></i>
<i><b>A- Pre- listening:</b></i>

- T set the scene: Nga is talking to Kate about her studying English.
- Ss read the statements. ( P. 35)

- Work in pairs to predict which statement is true and which is false.
- Give feedback.

- New words: + National Bank.
+ International bank.
+ (to) improve.

- T. asks ss to do translation in some sentences in p. 35 to make sure ss
understand the task.

<i><b>B- While- listening:</b></i>
<i>a, Listen and check:</i>

- Ss listen to the tape twice and check their predictions.
- Ss listen to the tape and do true or false.

<i>1</i> <i>2</i> <i>3</i> <i>4</i> <i>5</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=42>

- Some Ss give their answers in front of the class.

<i>Keys: a- T, b-T, c- F, d- T, e- F, f- T.</i>
<i>b, Listen and correct the false sentences.</i>

- Ss listen to the tape again and correct the false sentences
- Two Ss correct sentences in front of the class:

<i>c, She works for an international bank in Hanoi.</i>
<i>E, Her listening is terrible.</i>

- Ss copy statemens into their notebooks.

<i><b>C-Post- listening.</b></i>

- Ss work in pairs: Ask and answer about Nga then talk about her work and study.

<i>Example:</i> <i>S1: Where is Nga studying now?</i>
<i>S2: She's studying in England.</i>
<i>S1: Why is she studying English?</i>
<i>S2: Because it needs for her work.</i>
<i>S1: ……..</i>

<i><b>4. Consolidation:</b></i>

Discuss: What aspect of learning English do you find difficult? Why?

<i><b>5. Homework:</b></i>

- Do ex. 3, P. 29.

- Learn by heart sentences about Nga?

<i>Prepering date:30/10/2008</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
Unit 4: Learning a foreign language

<i><b>Period 23: Lesson 4: Read</b></i>
<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

-Ss read the advertisements to get information about the English classes. They
can give Mr. Lan an advice for his study based on his notes. ( P. 36)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=43>

- A cassette and the tape.

- A sample advice for Mr. Lan. A poster of 4 statements. ( Look: Pre-reading)

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:</b></i>

<i>9A: ... 9B: ...9C:... 9D: ...9E: ...</i>
<i><b> 2. Oral work:</b></i>

- Ex. 2, P. 29.

- The Ss' paragraphs about their English skills.

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<i><b>3.1 - Warm up: T- whole class.</b></i>

- Do you learn English after school?

- Which class do you go to ( evening or afternoon)?

- Have you read any advertisements about English courses? Where?

T: Let's read 3 advertisements about English classes and then give Mr. Lan an
advice for his study.

<i><b>3.2 - Presentation: ( Read, P. 36.)</b></i>
<i><b>A- Pre-reading.</b></i>

<i>+ Vocabulary teaching:</i>

( n): beginner/ intermediate/ advanced course. ( explanation)
well- qualified teacher :( example)

tuition; academy; council. ( translation)
- Checking vocabulary: Rub out and remember.
+ <i>True- false statement prediction:</i>

- T show the poster of 4 statements.

- Ss close their books, read the statements and guess which is true and
which is false:

<i>a, Mr. Lan needs to learn English.</i>

<i>b, Mr. Lan needs the beginner level class.</i>
<i>c, He wants to learn English in the morning.</i>
<i>d, He wants the course to begin late November.</i>
<i>B- </i>

<i><b> While- reading.</b></i>

<i>+ Read and check predictions:</i>

- Ss read Mr. Lan's notes and check their predictions.
- Correct if the statements are false.

<i>Key: a- T, b- F, c- F, d- F.</i>

<i>+Read the advertisements and fill in the table:</i>

- Ss read the ad.

- Ss work in pairs to fill in the table.

- Some Ss give their answers in front of the class.

<b>School</b> <b>Class time</b> <b>Language level</b> <b>Time to start</b>
<i>Academy of </i>

<i>language</i> <i>Morning, afternoon, evening</i> <i>Advanced</i> <i>1st week of November.</i>
<i>Foreign </i>

<i>Language </i>

<i>Morning, evening</i> <i>Beginner, </i>

<i>intermediate</i> <i>3rd November.</i>
<i>New English </i>

<i>institute</i> <i>Morning, afternoon, evening</i> <i>Beginner</i> <i>Today</i>
<i>+ Read and choose a suitable language for Mr. Lan:</i>

- Ss work in pairs, give their answers and explain why.
- Ss take turn to give advice.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=44>

<i>Mr. Lan should take an English course in Foreign Language Council </i>
<i>because he needs the intermediate level class, he can learn in the evening and </i>
<i>the course starts on 3rd November so it's suitable for him.</i>

<i><b>* Post- reading.</b></i>

- T: Your friend knows much of English, but her/ his speaking and listening are
not good. Advice her/ him to go to an English course to improve her/ his skills.
- Ss: look at the ad. and give reasons of their advice.

<i><b>4. Consolidation:</b></i>

- Retell about the 3 ad.

<i><b>5. Homework:</b></i>

- Learn the new words by heart.
- Do ex. 4. P. 30.

<i>Prepering date:</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
Unit 4: Learning a foreign language

<i><b>Period 24: Lesson 5: Write</b></i>
<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

- Ss practice writing a letter of inquiry to the institution requesting for more
information about the courses and fees.

- They can write letters in good English based on the outline on page 37.

<i><b>II. Teaching aids:</b></i>
<b>-</b> A sample letter.

<b>-</b> English book 9.

<i><b>III. Process of teaching.</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization: 2</b></i>’

<i>9A: ... 9B: ...9C:... 9D: ...9E: ...</i>
<i><b> 2. Oral work: 5</b></i>’

- Ex. 4, P. 30 ( WB).

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<i><b>A. Warm up: 3</b></i>’

<b>- </b> Chatting.

<i><b>B. Presentation: ( Write. P. 37) 25</b></i>’

<i><b>* Pre-writing:</b></i>

+ Vocabulary teaching:

( n): detail: ( explanation)
edition: ( translation)
( v): inquiry: ( explanation)

express: ( example).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=45>

+ Reading comprehension:

- Ss read Mr. Robinson's letter ( P. 37).
- Ss work in pairs to answer the questions:

<i>A, When did he see the advertisement?( In today's edition of Vietnam </i>

<i>B, What language does he want to learn?( He wants to learn Vietnamese.)</i>
<i>C, What aspect of Vietnamese does he want to improve?( He wants to </i>
<i>improve reading and writing skills)</i>

<i>D, What does he want to know? ( He wants to know the details of courses</i>
<i><b>and fees).</b></i>

+ Ss repeat parts of a letter.

<i><b>* While- writing:</b></i>

+ Ss read the 3 ad. on page 36 then choose one of them to write a letter.
+ Ss write a letter.

+ Ss compare their letters with their partners and make correction if necessary.

<i><b>* Post- writing:</b></i>

+ Some Ss read their letters in front of the class.

+ T: correct if necessary and make remarks about the Ss' writing. Then show a
sample letter.

<i><b>4. Consolidation: 5</b></i>’

- Repeat how to write a letter.

<i><b>5. Homework: 5</b></i>’

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=46>

<i>Prepering date:</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
Unit 4: Learning a foreign language

<i><b>Period 25: Lesson 6: Language focus</b></i>
<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

- To revise the conditional sentences type 1 with modal verbs in main clauses and
do further practice in direct and reported speech.

- Ss can do all the exercises correctly.

<i><b>II. Teaching aids:</b></i>

- Keys to all the ex. P. 38, 39.
- The table on page 38.

- English book 9.

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:</b></i>

<i>9A: ... 9B: ...9C:... 9D: ...9E: ...</i>
<i><b> 2. Oral work:</b></i>

- The Ss' letters.
- Ex. 5,6 P. 30 ( WB).

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>
<i><b>A. Warm up:</b></i>

- Elicitting modal verbs:

<i><b> </b></i>Must

- The last: Make up sentences
using modal verbs.

<i><b>B. Presentation:</b></i>

<i><b>B1. Modal verbs with if.</b></i>

- T gives an example:

<i>If you want to get good grades, you must study hard.</i>

- Ss make remarks about the verb in each part of the sentence:

<i>If clause: simple present tense.</i>
<i>Main clause: modal verb.</i>

- Practice: ( Ex. 1, P. 38).

Ss read the ex. and then do it in turn.

<i>Keys: c, should do exercise regularly.</i>
<i>d, might miss the train.</i>

<i>e, ought to stay in bed.</i>
<i>f, must do your homework.</i>

- T makes any necessary corrections.

<i><b>B2. Direct and reported speech.</b></i>

- T: shows the table ( p. 38)
- Ss: complete the table.

<i>Keys: V/ Vs, Ves……… Ved</i>

<i>Am/ is/ are + Ving………was/ were + Ving</i>

<i>Will+ V………would+ V</i>

<i>Must/ have to………had to</i>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=47>


<i>Today……….that day</i>

+ Practice: Ss do ex. 3,4 P 39.

- <i>Ex 3</i>: Ss change the sentences into reported speech. ( pair work)

<i>Example: " I'm happy to see you "……….( Aunt Xuan)</i>
<i>Aunt Xuan said she was happy to see you.</i>

- T makes any necessary correction and give the keys:

<i>a, Uncle Hung said that birthday cake was delicious.</i>

<i>b, Mrs. Nga said she loved those roses.</i>

<i>c, Cousin Mai said she was having a wonderful time there.</i>
<i>d, Mr. Chi said he would go to Hue the following day.</i>
<i>e, Mrs. Hoa said she might have a new job.</i>

<i>f, Mr. Quang said he had to leave then.</i>

<i>- Ex 4:</i> Ss change the questions into reported speech.. ( pair work)

<i>Example: - Do you like pop music?</i>

<i> She asked me if I liked pop music.</i>
<i>- Where do you live?</i>

<i>She asked me where I lived.</i>

- T makes any necessary corrections and give the keys.


<i>a, She asked me how old I was.</i>

<i>b, She asked me if my school was near there.</i>
<i>c, She asked me what the name of my school was.</i>
<i>d, She asked me if I went to school by bike.</i>

<i>e, She asked me which grade I was in.</i>
<i>f, She asked me if I could use a computer.</i>
<i>g, She asked me why I wanted that job.</i>

<i>h, She asked me when my school vacation started.</i>
<i><b>4. Consolidation:</b></i>

- Repeat how to change statements and questions into reported speech.

<i><b>5. Homework:</b></i>

- Revise Unit 3, 4 for the next test; - Do ex. 7, P. 31. ( WB)

<i>Prepering date: 15/11/2008</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
Period 26: Written test 2

<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

- To check ss knowledge of learning English book 9 ( from unit 3 – unit 4)
- To find better ways for teaching and learning.


+ Past simple tense with ‘wish”
+ Prepositions of time.

+ Adverb clauses of result.

+ Direct and reported sentences. …

<i>Vocabulary: </i>Words to talk about countryside and leraning a foreign language,….

<i>Skills:</i> Writing; reading….

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

Chđ dỊ <b>NhËn biÕt</b> <b>Th«ng hiĨu</b> <b>VËn dơng</b> <b>Tỉng</b>

TNKQ Tù ln TNKQ Tù ln TNKQ Tù ln

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=48>

Vocabulary 2 2




5 6<sub> 3</sub>

Writing <sub> </sub> 6

3 6 3








<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:</b></i>

<i>9A: ... 9B: ...9C:... 9D: ...9E: </i>
<i><b>2. Rules: Ss work alone without using any book.</b></i>

<i><b>3. Questions:</b></i>

Thanh thuû education service
Hoàng Xá secondary school

<b>Đề kiểm tra anh 9 (Bài sè 2)</b>

Time: 45 minutes




<b>Class: 9…</b>

<b>I. Vocabulary- Grammar</b>

<b>Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d to complete the following </b>

1, A ……… is plowing with his buffalo.

a, teacher b, little girl c, doctor d, farmer
2, He wishes he ………….. a lot of money.

a, will have b, did c, could d, had
3, My grandparents wish they could ………. Ho Chi Minh city but they don’t have time.

a, visited b, visiting c, visit d, to visit

4, After picking everyone up ………….. 5 o’clock, the bus continued north on highway No 5.
a, in b, up to c, at d, on

5, She didn’t work hard ……….. she fell the exam.

a, so b, since c, because d, for

6, If it doen’t rain I ……….. visit my homevillage.

a, will b, want to c, would d, must
7, People often go to …………. to pray.

a, Church b, hotel c, school d, market
8, Hoa worked hard, so she ………. the exam.

a. didn’t pass b. will pass c. passed d, passes
9, This school has ……… reputation.

a, excellent b, beautyful c, interesting d, attractive
10, I usually have English class ………. the morning.

a, in b, at c, on d, to
11*, Nga’s listening is terrible. She needs to improve her …………. .

a. writing b. listening c. reading d. speaking
12*, One of my friends said that she ……… learning English with you.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=49>

13*, She asked Jane if ………. Speak Vietnamese.

a, he could b. she could c. I could d. could
14*, I am looking forward to ………. . Ha Noi.

a, visit b, to visit c, visiting d, visited
15*, Na is studying English ……… her work.

a, in b, at c, for d, on
<b>II. </b>Matching.

1- Ha was tired after the trip
2- If you want to get good marks,
3- It you want to go out,

4- Hoa work hard,
5- She asked me

a. you must study hard.
b. you must ask your parents.
c. if I spoke other language.
d. so she went to bed early.
e. so she passed her exam.


<b>III. Rewrite these sentnces.</b>

1, “I go to school every morning” Ha said

2, John lives in a small flat and he doesn’t like it.

<i>- John </i>




3, “Do your parents still live in Nha Trang now ? ” Nam asked me

<i>- Nam asked me</i> ……….

4, “How do you learn English?”

<i>- My teacher asked </i>


5, “Why are you learning English ? ” Examiner asked Lan

<i>- Examiner asked Lan </i>


6. “Do you like this song?” He saked me

<i>- He saked </i>

<b>IV, Reading</b>

Nga is studying English in London. She learns English for her work. She learnt
English at school and University in Viet Nam. She wants to improve her writing
and speaking skills. Sometimes she has to write letters in English and talks to

people from all over the world. Her listening is excellent so she can understand
the words of her favorite English songs.

<i><b>Answer these questions:</b></i>

1- What is Nga doing in London?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=50>

3- What does she want to improve?

<i><b>Answer true(T) or false (F) and correct mistakes.</b></i>

1- Her listening is terrible.

2- She can listen to her faverite English songs.

3- Nga is studying English for her work.



<i>end-Prepering date:</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>

Unit 5: the media

<i><b>Period 27: Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and read</b></i>
<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

- Provide the Ss with some new words about the media.

- They practice listening and reading a text for details about the media. They
understand the text and do all the ex. below it.

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

- A cassette and the tape.

- Pictures of many kinds of the media.
- Keys to ex. a, b on pages 41, 42. ( SB)

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:</b></i>

<i>9A: ... 9B: ...9C:... 9D: ...9E: ...</i>
<i><b>2. Oral work:</b></i> During the lesson.

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<i><b>A. Warm up:</b></i> <b>( Getting started. P. 40)</b>

T - and whole class.

T: What do you usually do in your free time?

Name the activities you can do after school?
Ask and answer: Ss use the pictures on page 40.

<i>Example: S1: What is your favorite activity in your free time?</i>
<i> S2: Watching TV.</i>

Ss show their pictures of many kinds of the media and talk about them.

<i><b>B. Presentation:</b></i> <b>( Listen and read. P. 40, 41.)</b>
<i><b>* Pre-listening and reading.</b></i>

<i><b>+Vocabulary teaching:</b></i>

( n): medium/ media; crier; stage; channel; benefit
( adj.): interactive; remote.

( v): control

- <i><b> Checking vocabulary: </b></i> Slap the board.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=51>

- SS guess and put the sentences into the right order:
1. TV is a cheap and convinient entertainment.

2. Vietnamese enjoy reading the magazine" Kien thuc ngay nay".
3. Long time ago, criers had to shout the latest news when they were

walking in the street.

4. Interactive is the development of TV.

<i><b>* While- listening and reading.</b></i>
<i><b>+ Listening and checking.</b></i>

- Ss listen to the tape and check their guess. ( 3- 2- 1- 4)

<i><b>+ Reading and completing the table.</b></i>

- Ss read the text in turn.

- Ss complete the table ( P 41. Ex. a) individually then share with their partners.
- Some Ss give their answers in front of the class.

<i>Keys: 1-D, 2-B, 3-B, 4- C, 5- A, 6- D</i>
<i><b>* Post- reading.</b></i>

- Ss read the text again.

- Ss work in pairs to answer the questions. ( Ex. b. P. 42)
- Some Ss give their answers in front of the class.


<i>1. A town crier was a person whose job was to go through city streets ringing</i>
<i>a bell……. Walking.</i>

<i>2. It is widely read by both teenagers and adults.</i>

<i>3. It brings the latest information and people enjoy interesting programs in </i>
<i>an inexpensive and convinient way.</i>

<i>4. ,5. ( Ss' answers)</i>
<i><b>4. Consolidation:</b></i>

- What are the kinds of the media?
- What can the media bring to your life?

<i><b>5. Homework:</b></i>

- Learn the new words by heart.
- Do ex. 1, 2. ( P. 35, 37. WB.)

<i>Prepering date:</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=52>

Unit 5: the media

<i><b>Period 28: Lesson 2: Speak & Listen</b></i>
<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

- Ss practice speaking about the programs on TV they like or dislike.
-They revise the question tags in their dialogues.

- Ss practice listening to a conversation between Chau and her father to get some
information to complete the table.

- They can complete the table with the right information they've heard.

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

- A cassette and the tape.
- The table P. 43.

- Keys to the ex. p. 43.
- Some TV programs.

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:</b></i>

<i>9A: ... 9B: ...9C:... 9D: ...9E: ...</i>
<i><b> 2. Oral work:</b></i>

- The new words and ex. 1, 2. P. 35, 37 ( WB)

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<i><b>A. Warm up:</b></i> + Complete these question tags:
1. You like watching TV, …….?

2. Nga doesn't like playing computer games, ………..?
3. My sister can speak English, ……….?

4. Yesterday you bought a new hat, ……..?
+ Make own question tags.

+ Listen to the conversation between Lien and Trung and find out all the question
tags there.

<i><b>B. Presentation: ( Speak. P. 42)</b></i>
<i><b>* Pre-speaking:</b></i>

<i><b>+ Vocabulary teaching:</b></i>

 ( n): documentary/ ries. Folk music

 ( adj.): violent, informative

<i><b>+ Checking vocabulary:</b></i> Rub out and remember.

<i><b>+ Revision of tag questions.</b></i>

 Ss close their books.

 T reads the dialogue.

 Ss listen to the dialogue and find out the tag questions in the dialogue.

 T corrects if necessary.

 <i>Keys: - You like watching sports, don't you?</i>
<i> </i> <i>- You watch the news, don't you?</i>

<i>- You don't like foreign film, do you?</i>
<i><b>* While- speaking.</b></i>

+ Ss read the dialogue in pairs.

+ Some pairs read it in front of the class.

+ Ss pick out statements showing agreement and disagreement

<i><b>Agreement</b></i> <i><b>Disagreement</b></i>

- I prefer documentaries. - Not really.

- I love watching sports. - I don't like watching sports.

- I enjoy it , too. - I'm the opposite.

- Documentaries seem quite boring.
+ T shows some TV programs and the program ( P. 42).

+ Ss make similar dialogues talking about the programs they like or dislike
watching. ( pair work)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=53>

- Ss write down the dialogues they've made in their notebooks.

<i><b>B. Presentation:( Listen)</b></i>
<i><b>* Pre- listening:</b></i>

+ Vocabulary teaching:

( n): newsreel, force, journalism, telegraph.
+ Checking vocabulary: slap the board.

+ Guess and complete the table.

Listen to the conversation between Chau and her father about some inventions
and then complete the table with the information you've heard.

<i><b>* While- listening:</b></i>

- Ss listen to the tape twice and check their prediction.
- Ss listen and fill in the table.

- Compare their work with their partners and answers to the class.

<i>Keys: a, the late 19th century ; b, radio and newsreel;</i>
<i> c, in the 1950s; d, the internet</i>

<i><b>* Post- listening:</b></i>

- Ask and answer about the inventions using the information in the table (P. 43).


<i>- What was happened in China in the 7th and 8th century?</i>
<i>- The first printed newspaper appeared.</i>

<i><b>4. Consolidation:</b></i>

- Ss repeat about the tag questions.
- Retell about those inventions

<i><b>5. Homework:</b></i>

- Make up 5 question tags.
- Do ex. 3,4 P. 38. ( WB).

- Write 5 sentences about the inventions from the table P. 43.

<i>Prepering date:25/11/2008</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
Unit 5: the media

<i><b>Period 29: Lesson 3: Read</b></i>
<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

- Provide the students with some new words about internet. They practice reading
a text about internet to get some knowledge about it.

- Ss can do the comprehension questions correctly.

<i><b>II. Teaching aids:</b></i>

- Ss' knowledge and experiences about internet.
- Keys to the ex. P. 44 ( SB).

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:2</b></i>’

<i> 9A: ... 9B: ...9C:... 9D: ...9E: ...</i>

- Ss' sentences about the inventions ( P. 43)
- Ex. 4, P. 38 ( WB)

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<i><b>A. Warm up:5 Chatting </b></i>’ (T and whole class)

- Who uses the internet?

- What do you use internet for?
- How often do you use internet?

Let's read a text about advantages and disadvantages of using internet.

<i><b>B. Presentation: Read ( P. 43, 44) 30</b></i>’

<i><b>* Pre-reading:</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=54>

( n): forum,

personal information leaking. Matching the words with their
( v): deny meanings

be alert.

+ Making prediction: ( True or false statements)

<i><b>1.</b></i> <i>Internet is a wonderful invention of modern life.</i>

<i><b>2.</b></i> <i>The internet is available in the cities and in the countries.</i>

<i><b>3.</b></i> <i>People use internet for 2 purposes: education and entertainment.</i>
<i><b>4.</b></i> <i>Bad program is one of the limitations of the internet.</i>

<i><b>5.</b></i> <i>You should be alert when using the internet.</i>
<i><b>* While- reading:</b></i>

<i>+ Reading and checking prediction:</i>

- Ss read the text and check their prediction.
- Ss correct the false statements.

<i>Keys: 1- T, 2- F, 3- F, 4- T, 5- T</i>

<i>2. The internet is available only in the cities.</i>

<i>3. People use the internet for many purposes such as: </i>

<i>communication, getting information, education, entertainment and commerce.</i>
<i>+ Reading and doing comprehension questions ( P. 44)</i>

- Ss read the text in turn.

- Do pair work: Ask and answer.

- Some Ss give their answers in front of the class.


<i>1. She uses the internet to get information and communicate with friends and </i>


<i>2. Because she lives in the countryside where the internet is unavailable.</i>
<i>3. They use the internet for education, communication, entertainment and </i>


<i>4. The benefits are:</i>

<i>- Fast and convenient way to get information.</i>

<i>- Communication, education, entertainment and commerce.</i>
<i> 5. There are some disadvantages:</i>

<i>- time consuming, costly, dangerous because of viruses and bad program, </i>
<i>spam and electronic junk mail, personal information leaking.</i>

<i><b>* Post- reading:</b></i>

Discuss: Do you agree or disagree with the responses?
What is your response to this forum?

<i><b>4. Consolidation:3</b></i>’

- Repeat the advantages and disadvantages of using the internet.

<i><b>5. Homework:5</b></i>’

- Write their responses into their notebooks.
- Do ex. 5, P. 39 ( WB)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=55>

<i>Prepering date:27/11/2008</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
Period 30: test correction

<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

Ss can explain how they did the test and they can correct the mistakes they
have made.

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

Keys to the test.

Possible Ss' mistakes and their corrections.

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization: 3</b></i>’

<i> 9A: ... 9B: ...9C:... 9D: ...9E: ...9A</i>
<i><b>2. Oral test: </b></i> During the lesson.

<i><b>3. New lesson:32</b></i>’

- T shows the test.

- Ss explain how they did the test.

- T makes remarks and give the keys and marks for each part.

<b>I. Vocabulary- Grammar</b>

<b>Choose the correct answer 3 marks </b><i>( 0,2 points for each correct answer)</i>
1, d; 2d; 3.c; 4.c; 5.a; 6.a; 7a; 8c; 9.a; 10.a; 11.b; 12.c; 13.b; 14.c; 15.c.
<b>II. Matching. 1 marks ( 0,2 points for each correct answer)</b>
<i>1.d; 2.a; 3.b; 4.e; 5.c</i>

<b>III. Rewrite these sentnces. 3 marks ( 0,5 mark for each correct answer)</b>

<i>1. Ha said h/she went to school every morning.</i>

<i>2- John wishes he lived in a big flat./ he didn t live in a small flat.</i>’
<i>3- Nam asked me</i> if my parents still lived in Nha Trang then.
<i>4- My teacher asked me how I learnt English.</i>

<i>5- Examiner asked Lan why I was learning English.</i>
<i>6- He saked me if I liked that song.</i>

<b>IV, Reading3 marks ( 0,5 mark for each correct answer)</b>
<i><b>Answer these questions:</b></i>

1- Nga is studying English in London.
2- Yes, she did.

3- She wants to improve her writing and speaking skills.
<i><b>Answer true(T) or false (F) and correct mistakes.</b></i>

1- Her listening is terrible. F: her listening is excellent; 2T; 3.T
<i>4. Consolidation: 5</i>’

- Mains points in the written test?

<i>5. Home work</i>: Prepare the next lesson.5’

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=56>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
Unit 5: the media

<i><b>Period 31: Lesson 4: Write</b></i>
<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

-Ss practice writing a passage about the benefits of the internet using the words
they've learned and basing on their experiences.

- Ss write the passage in good English.

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

- A sample passage.

- A list of the internet benefits.

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:2</b></i>’

<i>9A: ... 9B: ...9C:... 9D: ...9E: ...</i>
<i><b>2. Oral work:5</b></i>’

- Ex. 5, P. 39 ( WB).

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<i><b>A. Warm up:</b></i> Ss do net words: 5’

<i>have lots of information.</i>

lose the time

<i><b>B. Presentation: Write. P. 44 </b></i>–<i><b> 28</b></i>’

<i><b>* Pre- writing:</b></i>

+ Reading: Ss read the text P. 44 again.
+ Discussing:

- Ss discuss the benefits of the internet using the information from
the text and from the cues , P. 44.

- Ss add more benefits of the internet they've known.

<i><b>* While- writing:</b></i>

+ Ss use the ideas they've just discussed to write a passage about the benefits of
the internet.

+ T monitor and help Ss with words and structures while they are writing.
+ Some Ss read their passages aloud in front of the class.

+ T make any necessary corrections.

<i>Suggested ideas:</i>

<i>The internet has increaringly developed and becomes an important part of </i>
<i>our modern life . And no one can deny the benefits of the internet.</i>

<i>Firstly, the internet is a source of information. It's a very fast and </i>

<i>convenient way to get information. You can get the latest local and global news </i>
<i>easily. If you want to go somewhere for your holidays, you can check weather </i>
<i>conditions, find a timetable and maps of the buses you want to take, you can </i>
<i>book your tickets and hotels ect….</i>

<i>Secondly, the internet is a very fast and cheap way to communicate with </i>
<i>your friends and relatives by means of email, chatting, webcam….</i>

Advantages of the

internet <sub>Disadvantages </sub>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=57>

<i>Next, the internet is a source of entertainment, you can listen to all kinds </i>
<i>of music, the radio, watch videos. We use it to play games, read novels or do </i>

<i>Finally, the internet is also a rich source of educational materials. We can </i>
<i>learn English through many interesting programs, take a training or learning </i>
<i>courses on the internet.</i>

<i>In conclusion, the internet is a wonderful invention of modern life, it </i>
<i>makes our world a small village.</i>

<i><b>* Post-writing:</b></i>

-Group work: Discussion: The disadvantages of the internet.

<i><b>4. Consolidation:3</b></i>’

- Repeat the advantages and disadvantages of the internet.

<i><b>5. Homework:2</b></i>’

- Rewrite about the disadvantages of the internet.
- Do ex. 6, P. 40 ( WB)

<i>Prepering date:10/12/2008</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
Unit 5: the media

<i><b>Period 32: Lesson 5: Language focus</b></i>
<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

- Ss do further practice on using gerunds after some verbs and making tag

- Ss can do all the exercises correctly.

- They can talk to each other about their likes or dislikes.

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

- Keys to all the exercises. P. 45, 46.

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:2</b></i>’

<i> 9A: ... 9B: ...9C:... 9D: ...9E: ...</i>
<i><b>2. Oral work:5</b></i>’

- The Ss' writing about the disadvantages of the internet..
- Ex. 6, P. 40 ( WB).

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<i><b>A. Warm up:5 Play a game: Noughts and crosses</b></i>’

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=58>

Hate Love enjoy

Dislike Practice finish

Suggest Begin deny

<i><b>B. Presentation:25</b></i>’

<i>B1. Tag questions: </i> Ss repeat 2 forms of tag questions

<b>* notes for tag questions</b>

- I am aren't I?

Sau câu mệnh lệnh xác định, chúng ta dùng câu hỏi đuôi là will/ would/ can/ could you?

Sau câu mệnh lệnh phủ định, chúng ta dùng câu hỏi đuôi là will you?

Sau Let's lµ: shall we?

Chúng ta dùng đại từ They ở câu hỏi đuôi sau: someone/ somebody/ everyone/ everybody/ no one/ nobody.
Sau Nothing chúng ta dùng đại từ IT.

eg: let's go for a coffee, ……….
Close the door , . ………?
Don't do that again, ………?
Do me a favour, ………..?

# Ex. 1, P. 45: Ss do the ex. in turn in front of the class
T correct if necessary.

<i>Keys: b, didn't he?</i>
<i>c, wasn't it?</i>
<i>d, do you?</i>
<i>e, aren't we?</i>
<i>B2. Gerunds after some verbs:</i>

# Ex. 2, P. 45: Ss do pair work: Ask and answer about their likes and dislikes
- Ss look at the table and the examples, P. 45 and do the same:

<i>S1: Tuan likes news, doesn't he?</i>
<i>S2: Yes, he does.</i>

<i>S1: Mai and Anh don't like news, do they?</i>

S2: No, they don't.

<b>* notes for Gerunds </b>–<b> T asks ss to complete the meaning of the verbs given.</b>
<b>V + v -ing</b>

Finish -
Practise -
Mind -
Dislike -

-Delay/ postpone -

-Risk -

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=59>

Go - doing s. th :

# Ex. 3. P. 46: Ask and answer ( Do the same as ex. 2)
# Ex. 4, P. 46: Write sentences about likes and dislikes.

- Ss read the given words.

- Ss make sentences in turn then write them down in their notebooks.

<i>Example: My father likes watching sports but my mother doesn't. She loves</i>
<i>listening to music.</i>

<i><b>4. Consolidation:3</b></i>’

- Repeat the verbs + V-ing

<i><b>5. Homework:</b></i> 5’ - Revise U1 U5.

<i>Prepering date:12/12/2008</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
<i><b>Period 33: Revision</b></i>

<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

- Ss revise all the learnt words and structures from U1 to U5. They can make
sentences using them.

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

- A list of grammar and structures from unit 1 to unit 5.
- Some ex. and their keys.

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization: 2</b></i>’

<i>9A: ... 9B: ... 9C: ... 9D: ...9E: ...</i>
<i><b>2. Oral work:</b></i> During the lesson

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<b>3.1 Warm up: 5 - </b>’ Eleciting vocabulary.

<b>3.2. Presentation:</b>
<b>A. Vocabulary:</b>

Ss write more words they've learnt about these topics:
- Clothing: pants, ……

- Countryside: banyan tree, ……

- Learning English: doing exercises, …..
- Kinds of the media: internet, ……

<b>B. Grammar review:</b>

Ss repeat the learnt grammar and give examples.
B1. Verb tenses:

- Past simple tense.

- Past simple tense with WISH.
- Present perfect tense.

B2. Direct and reported speech.
- Statements.

- Questions: Yes/ No questions and WH- questions.
- Commands.

B3. Passive voice.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=60>

<i>C1, Insert the right verb forms.</i>

<i>1. I ( lose)….. my pen. I can't find it anywhere.</i>

<i>2. We ( see)…… an accident near the shopping center this morning.</i>
<i>3. His hair is very short. He ( have)…. a haircut.</i>

<i>4. Last night, my mother ( arrive)…… home at 10.30. She ( have)….. a bath </i>
<i>then ( go)… to bed.</i>

<i>C2. Change these sentences into passive voice.</i>
<i>1. People don't use this room very often.</i>
<i>2. They have found oil in Thai binh province.</i>
<i>3. Peter gave Mary this present an hour ago.</i>
<i>4. They will buy a new house next month.</i>
<i>C3. Repot these sentences.</i>

<i>1. " Nam is a new student", said Quang.</i>
<i>2. " Her mother isn't a nurse", said Minh.</i>

<i>3. " Do you have a birthday party?", Mr. Long asked Van.</i>
<i>4. " Where are they going now?", Mrs. Lan asked me.</i>
<i>C4. Make up 5 sentences with WISH.</i>

<i><b>4. Consolidation:</b></i>

- Correct the ex. if necessary.

<i><b>5. Homework:</b></i>

- Revise unit 1 to unit 5 for a test of the first term.

<i>Prepering date:13/12/2008</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
<i><b>Period 34: Revision</b></i>

<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

- Ss revise all the learnt words and structures from U1 to U5. They can make
sentences using them.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=61>

- A list of grammar and structures from unit 1 to unit 5.
- Some ex. and their keys.

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization: 2</b></i>’

<i>9A: ... 9B: ... 9C: ... 9D: ...9E: ...</i>
<i><b>2. Oral work:</b></i> During the lesson

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<b>3.1 Warm up: 5 - </b>’ Game: Lucky numbers. 1,2.3

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

- SS change t’s questions in reported questions:
+ What is your name?

+ Where do you live?

+ What do people in your village do for a living?
+ How do you go to school?

+ How do you learn English?
+ Do you like coffee?

+ Are you a good dancer?

<b>3.2. Presentation: 30</b>’

<b>A. Vocabulary:</b>

E.1: Complete these sentenses:

1. I wanted to tell you about the good news but you didn’t give me a ……

A. chance B. second C. word D. time

2. She needs a pair of …….. shose.

A. skin B. feather C. leather D. complexion

3. Ba wants to be a soldier, but he dislikes wearing ……….. .

A. clothes B. a unform C. a suit D. a custom

4. People in this place often go to ……….. to pray.

A. Church B. school C. market D. factory

5. The capital of ________ is Kualalumpur.

A. Thailand B. Singapore C. Malaysia D. Laos
6. The official religion in Malaysia is _______.

A. Islam B. Buddhism C. Hinduism D. Kito

<b>B. Grammar review:</b>

EX.2: Complete these sentensces:
1. My sister is very ……….. of music.

a. like b. enjoyed c. interested d. fond

2. She ………… English for three years.

a. studied b. have studied c. has studied d. was studying.
3. His exercise ……… by him every morning.

a. is done b. are done c. was done d. were done

4 - Ba wishes he ………….. a lot of money.

a, will have b, did c, could d, had
5 - Nam enjoys ……….. T.V in her free time.

a. watch b. watching c. watches d. watched
6 - If it doesn’t rain, I ……….. visit my homevillage.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(62)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=62>

a. is he b. isn’t he c. was she d. wasn’t he
8- Hoa worked hard, so she ………. the exam.

a. didn’t pass b. will pass c. passed d, passes
Ex.3 – Re write these sentences:

1. “I don’t like coffee”

<b>-</b> He said ……….

2. What do you do for a living?

<b>-</b> He asked me ……….

3. What are you doing now?

<b>-</b> He asked me ………

4. They built this new road in 1990.

<b>-</b> This new ………..

5. They began to learn English two years ago.

- They have ………

<i>C4. Make up 5 sentences with WISH.</i>
<i><b>4. Consolidation:</b></i>

- Correct the ex. if necessary.

<i><b>5. Homework:</b></i>

- Revise unit 1 to unit 5 for a test of the first term.

<i>Prepering date:</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
Period 35: Written test for the first term

<b>( Đề của Phòng GD ĐT Thanh Thuy)</b>

<b>Phòng giáo dục và đào tạo thanh thủy</b>

<b>đề kiểm tra học kỳ I - Năm học: 2008 - 2009</b>
<b>Môn Tiếng Anh lớp 9</b>

<i>(Thời gian làm bài 45 phút </i>–<i> Không kể thời gian giao đề - đề bài gồm 2 trang)</i>

<b>I. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d to complete the following sentences:</b>

1 - They used to ______ by bike to school when they were young.
a. traveling b. traveled c. travel d. have traveled
2 – They went to school yesterday, ………..?

a. did they b. don’t they c. didn’t they d. do they

3- The capital of ________ is Kualalumpur.

a. Thailand b. Singapore c. Malaysia d. Laos
4 - The official religion in Malaysia is _______.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(63)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=63>

5 - Jeans have never been out ……. fashion.

a. in b. on c. at d. of

6 - She ………… a new car yet.

a. didn’t buy b. hasn’t bought c. doesn’t buy d. bought
7 - He wishes he ………….. a lot of money.

a, will have b, did c, could d, had
8 - She enjoys ……….. T.V in her free time.

a. watch b. watching c. watches d. watched
9 - If it doesn’t rain, I ……….. visit my homevillage.

a, will b, want to c, would d, must
10 - Hai is a good student, ………?

a. is he b. isn’t he c. was she d. wasn’t he
11- Hoa worked hard, so she ………. the exam.

a. didn’t pass b. will pass c. passed d, passes

12- Many Vietnamese women today often wear ________ at work.
a. the "ao dai" b. jeans c. modern clothing d. skirts

13 - Lam’s listening is terrible. She needs to improve her …………. .

a. writing b. listening c. reading d. speaking
14 - I am interested in ………. . English.

a, learn b, to learn c, learning d, learnt

<i><b>II. Matching. </b></i>(match a half snetence in A with a half sentence in B to make a

meaningful sentence)

<b>A</b> <b>B</b> <b>A</b> <b>B</b>

1- Ha was tired after the trip,
2- If you want to get good marks,
3- If you want to go out,

4- Hoa worked hard,
5- She asked me

a. you must study hard.
b. you must ask your parents.
c. if I spoke any other languages.
d. so she went to bed early.
e. so she passed her exam.



<b>III. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the</b>
<b>same as the sentence printed before it.</b>

1 - They bought that house in 1973

<i> - That house </i>


2 - I can't do this exercise.<i> </i>

<i> - I wish ……….</i>

3, “I go to school every morning” Nam said

<i> - Nam said </i>


4, “Do your parents like this song ? ” Nam asked me

<span class='text_page_counter'>(64)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=64>

5. It’s six months since we met him.

<i>- We haven t </i>’

<b>IV, Reading</b>

Nga is studying English in London. She learns English for her work. She learnt English
at school and University in Viet Nam. She wants to improve her writing and speaking
skills. Sometimes she has to write letters in English and talks to people from all over the
world. Her listening is excellent so she can understand the words of her favorite English

<i><b>Answer these questions:</b></i>

1- What is Nga doing in London?

2- Did she learn English at school and university?

3- What does she want to improve?


<i><b>Answer true(T) or false (F) then correct the false sentences.</b></i>

1- Her listening is terrible. -> ………

2- She can listen to her faverite English songs. ->………

<i>end-Prepering date:</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
<b>Period 36: Test Correction.</b>

<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

- To correct ss’ mistakes in their writing test.

- To remind ss some main points in learning English book 9.
- to make ss more aware of doing the written test.

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

<b>-</b> Questions of the first written test.
1. English book 9.

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization: 2</b></i>’

<i>9A: ... 9B: ... 9C: ... 9D: ...9E: ...</i>
<i><b>2. Oral work:</b></i> During the lesson

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<b>3.1 Warm up: 5 </b>’ Ss listen to an English song: “Happy new year”

<b>3.2 </b>–<b> Presentation</b>:

- T asks ss to give the answer for each question then asks ss the reasons for their

<span class='text_page_counter'>(65)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=65>

<b>I. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d to complete the following sentences:</b>

<b>3,5 điểm ( 0,25 điểm cho mỗi câu trả lời đúng)</b>

1. c; 2. c; 3. c; 4. a; 5.d; 6 . b; 7. d;
8. b; 9. a; 10. b; 11. c; 12. c; 13. b; 14.c

<b>II. Matching. 1,5 điểm ( 0,3 điểm cho mỗi câu trả lời đúng)</b>
<i> 1 </i>–<i> d; 2 </i>–<i> a; 3 </i>–<i> b; 4 </i>–<i> e; 5 - c</i>

<b>III. Rewrite these sentnces. 2,5 điểm ( 0,5 điểm cho mỗi câu trả lời đúng)</b>

1 - That house was bought in 1973 (by them).
2 - I wish I could do this exercise.

3 - Nam said he went to school every morning.

4 - Nam asked me if / whether my parents liked that song.
5- We haven’t met him for six months.

<b>IV, Reading: 2,5 điểm ( 0,5 điểm cho mỗi câu trả lời đúng)</b>
<i><b>Answer these questions:</b></i>

1 - Nga / She is studying English in London.
2 - Yes, she did.

3 - She wants to improve her writing and speaking skills.

<i><b>Answer true(T) or false (F) then correct the false sentences.</b></i>

1- F -> Her listening is excellent.
2- T

<b>4. Consolidation</b>:

- T. remind all main points for ss to remember about the test.

<b>5. Home work:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(66)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=66>

<i>Prepering date:</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
Unit 6: The environment

<i><b>Period 37 - Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and read</b></i>

<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

Provide the students with some new words about the environment. They
practice reading about the work of a group of conservationists and listening for
details to complete the notes.

By the end of the lesson, students will know more about the environment
problems and the solutions.

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

A cassette and the tape, some pictures about the environmental problems.

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:2</b></i>’

<i> 9A:……… 9B:………..9C ……….. 9D: ………9E: </i>


<i><b>2. Oral work: </b></i>during the lesson

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<i><b>A. Warm up:</b></i> Getting started ( P. 47)

<i>Brainstorming </i> : ( T- whole class)

T: Names the environmental problems in Phu Tho province?

Ss: ( possible answers): air, water and ground pollutions; smoke from cars
and motorbikes; waste from factories; rubbish; trash; dirty street.


<i>Matching</i> :

T - asks Ss to look at the six pictures on P. 47 and match the words in the
box with the correct pictures.

- use the pictures to explain the new words if Ss can't guess the
meaning: <i>dynamite fishing, spraying pesticides, deforestation.</i>

Ss: work in pairs then give their answers in front of the class.
T makes any necessary corrections and give the keys:

<i>a, air pollution</i> <i>b, spraying pesticides</i> <i>c, garbage dump</i>

<i>d, water pollution e, deforestation</i> <i>f, dynamite fishing</i>
<i><b>B. Presentation:</b></i> Listen and read ( P.47)


<i>Pre-listening and reading: </i>

a- <i>Teaching vocabulary</i>:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(67)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=67>

- shore (n): picture.

- disappointed (adj.): antonym.

- spoil (v): in context: We throw trash everywhere so we spoil our land.

<i>b- Checking vocabulary</i>: Do what and where.
c- <i>Prediction</i>:

T sets the scene: Mr. Brown is talking to some volunteer conservationists.
Guess the place where they are going to work.

- Give Ss 1 minute to guess.
- Give feedback.

-Ask Ss to listen to the tape to check their prediction.

<i>* While- listening and reading.</i>

- T: plays the tape twice.

- Ss listen to the tape and check their prediction.
Answer key<i>: They are going to clean the beach.</i>

- Ss read the text in turn.

A, Matching: ( ex. P. 48) - Ss work in pairs to match.
Answer key<i>:</i>

<i> Group 1-f; </i> <i>Group 2-e; </i> <i> Group 3-b; </i>
<i>Mr. Jones-a; </i> <i>Mrs. Smith-c;</i> <i> Mr. Brown-d.</i>

B, Answer questions:( P. 48)

- Ss read the text again then work in pairs to answer the questions.
- Some Ss ask and answer in front of the class.

- T: corrects if necessary.

<i>Answer key:</i>

<i>1. The speaker is Mr. Brown.</i>

<i>2. The listeners are the volunteer conservationists.</i>
<i>3. They are on the beach.</i>

<i>4. They are going to clean the beach.</i>

<i>5. If they work hard, they will make the beach clean and beautiful place </i>

<i>6.7. ( The Ss answers)</i>
<i>* Post- listening and reading</i>

Ask Ss to complete the notes about why the beach is polluted

<i><b>4. Consolidation:</b></i>

Ss repeat the environmental problems and our solution to protect the

<i><b>5. Homework:</b></i>

- Learn the new words by heart.
- Do ex. 1( P. 41- WB).

<i>Prepering date:</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
Unit 6 : The environment

<span class='text_page_counter'>(68)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=68>

- Practice speaking to persuade their friends to protect the environment
using some suggestions they've learned.

- Ss listen and find the reasons for the oceans’ pollution.

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

Posters, pictures about protecting the environment.

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>

<i><b>1. Class organization:2</b></i>’

<i> 9A:……… 9B:………..9C ……….. 9D: ………9E: </i>

<i><b>2. Oral work:</b></i>

- The new words and ex. 1, P.41 (W. B.)

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>
<i><b>A. Warm up:</b></i>

- T and whole class: What should we do to protect our environment?
<i>- Possible answers: - Don't throw trash.</i>

<i>- Reuse and recycle bottles, cans and waste papers.</i>
<i>- Don't use plastic bags.</i>

<i>- Plant some more trees...</i>

<i><b>3.1. Presentation: </b></i>
<i>A - * Speak</i>:

a- <i>Pre-teach vocabulary</i>:<i> </i>

- prevent (v): <i>translation</i>

- dissolve (v): <i>translation</i>

- avoid (v): <i>in context.</i>

- exhaust (v): <i>picture</i>

- <i>Checking vocabulary</i>: What and where.
b- <i>Matching</i>:<i> </i> individual and pair work.

- Ask Ss to complete the expressions in column A by using one of
the lines in column B (p49) then compare with their partners.

- Have Ss match the lines in column B with an expression in
column A so that they have sentences of persuasion:

- <i><b>Form</b></i>: - I think you should...
- Won't you...

- It would be better if you...

- I can persuade you to... + infinitive.
- Why don't you...

<i>* Practice:</i>

<i>c- Practice speaking: </i>individual work.

- Each student calls out one of their sentences until all the sentences are finished.


S1: I think you should use banana leaves to wrap food.
S2: Won't you use banana leaves to wrap food?

S3: Why don't you turn off the lights before going to bed?
S4: It would be better if you go to school or go to work by bike
S5: What about...?

d- Q <i>uestionnaire:</i> Pair work

- Let Ss work in pairs to the questions in the questionnaire.
- Give feedback, T writes some possible answers on the board.
- Ask Ss to practice asking and answering.

<i>Possible answers:</i>

1. How can we save paper?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(69)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=69>

2. How can we use fewer plastic bags?
How about cleaning and reusing them?

Why not use paper bags instead of plastic bag?...

<i>* Production</i>: Group work

- Divide the class into 4 groups, each group has a secretary. Ask them to discuss
the question: " What should we do to protect our environment?"

- The Ss have their opinions, the secretary writes down.
- The Ss stick the 4 posters on the wall for reading.
- Give feedback.

<i><b>B. Listen:</b></i>

<i>* Pre- listening:</i>

- Ask Ss to complete the notes about the reasons why ocean is polluted.
- Some ss give their predictions in front of the class.

<i>*While- listening:</i>

- Ss listen to the tape and check their predictions.
- Ss listen to the tape and complete the notes.
- Ss listen to the tape and check.

- Ss compare their answers with their partners then give their answers .
- T: Corrects if it’s necessary & gives the answer keys:

<i>1. Garbage is dropped into the ocean.</i>
<i>2. Oil spills come from ships at sea.</i>
<i>3. Waste materials come from factories..</i>
<i>4. Oil is washed from land.</i>

<i><b>4. Consolidation:</b></i>
<i>* Post- listening:</i>

Ss retell about the reasons why the ocean is polluted.

<i><b>Homework: </b><b> </b><b> </b></i>Do ex. 6,7. P.43 ( wb)

<i>Prepering date:</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>

Unit 6 : The environment

<i><b>Period 39 - Lesson 3: Read</b></i>

<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

SS practice reading a poem about the environment. They understand the
poem and can answer all the questions correctly.

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

A cassette and the tape. Keys to ex. 1 & 2 P. 51 (S. B.)

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:2</b></i>’

<i> 9A:……… 9B:………..9C ……….. 9D: ………9E: </i>

<i><b>2. Oral work:5</b></i>’

Ex. 6,7. P. 43 ( W.B.)

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<i><b>A. Warm up:3</b></i>’
Chatting: T- whole class:

- Which poet do you like best?

- Name some poems that you enjoy reading?

- Do you think it is easily to understand a poem?

- Have you ever read an English poem? Do you like it?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(70)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=70>

<b>* Pre- reading:</b>

- Vocabulary teaching:

junk yard (n): <i>( explanation</i>)
treasure (n): ( <i>translation)</i>

hedge (n): ( <i>drawing)</i>

nonsense (n): ( <i>translati</i>on)
foam (n): ( <i>picture)</i>

folk (n) = man.

- Checking vocabulary: Rub out and remember.
- Guided questions:

1- Who are the people in the poem?
2- Where are they?

3- What are they talking about?

<b>* While- reading:</b>

- Reading and checking:

Ss read the poem and check their answers.
T correct if necessary and give the keys

<i>Answer key: 1. The mother and her son.</i>

<i>2. They are in the park or in the wood.</i>

<i>3. They are talking about the environmental pollution.</i>

- Matching: ( ex. A P. 51)

Ss practice guessing the meaning of the words by matching each word in
column A with an appropriate explanation in column B.

Ss compare their answers with a partner. Some Ss give their answers in
front of the class

T: gives any necessary corrections and gives the keys

<i>Answer keys: 1-c; 2-g; 3-f; 4-e; 5-d; 6-a; 7-b.</i>

- Comprehension questions: ( ex. B. P. 51)
SS work in pairs to answer the questions.
Some ss give the answers in front of the class.
T: makes any necessary corrections.

<i>Answer keys:</i>

<i>1- If the pollution goes on, the world will end up like a second hand junk yard.</i>
<i>2- She thinks the folk pollute the environment but not she or her son.</i>

<i>3- His mother will take him home right away.</i>

<i>4- No. Because he is right. If he throws the bottles that will be polluting the </i>

<i>5- She/ He wants us to learn that everyone is responsible for keeping the </i>
<i>environment from pollution.</i>

<b>* Post-reading: Discussion.</b>

- Divide the class into four groups.

- Have Ss discuss the question 6. ( p. 51- S.B.):

" What could you do in your school to minimize the environmental

<i><b>4. Consolidation:5</b></i>’

- How can you protect the envronment?

- T. reminds all main point in the poem for ss to remember.

<i><b>5. Homework:5</b></i>’

<span class='text_page_counter'>(71)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=71>

<i>Prepering date:</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
Unit 6 : The environment

<i><b>Period 40- Lesson 4: Write</b></i>

<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

Ss practice writing a letter of complaint about the way of catching fish in
the lake behind their house. They can write the letter in good English, using the
words they've learnt in this unit.

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

- A Sample letter.
- Sub – board.

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:2</b></i>’

<i> 9A:……… 9B:………..9C ……….. 9D: ………9E: </i>

<i><b>2. Oral work:5</b></i>’

- How do you protect our environment?

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<i><b>A. Warm up: 5 T- whole class</b></i>’

- Have you ever written any complaint letters?
- Why do people write complaint letters?
- What do people complain about?

T: Do you know how many sections there are in a complaint letter? Let's read the
letter on page 52 and find out what they complain about.

<i><b>B. Presentation:25</b></i>’

<i><b>*Pre- writing:</b></i>

<i>a, Pre-teach vocabulary.</i>

- complication (n) : (<i>translation)</i>

- toad (n): <i>( picture</i>)

- resolution (n): ( <i>translation)</i>

- frog (n): ( <i>explain)</i>

- float (v): ( <i>picture)</i>

- prohibit (v): <i>( translation)</i>

Checking vocabulary: <i>Rub out and remember</i>
<i>b, Ordering: ( pair work)</i>

- Ask Ss to close their books, T provides them with 5 sections of a

complaint letter ( page 52) in random order. Get them to put the sections in the
right order.

- Ss do in pair then two of them come to the board to write the answers.
- The last correct if necessary.

<i>Answer keys: 1-b; 2-d; 3-e; 4-a; 5-c.</i>
<i>c, Reading and matching</i>

- Ask Ss to read the letter on page 52 in turn.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(72)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=72>

S, C, R, A P.

- Some Ss give their answers in front of the class. T corrects if it’s

<i>Answer keys: R- S- A- C- P.</i>

* <i><b>While- writing</b></i>:

- Let Ss read the production 6b on page 53.

- T asks some questions to make sure the Ss know what they have to write.
+ What do people do in the lake behind your house these days?

+ What make you worried?

+ To whom do you write the letter?
+ What suggestion do you want to make?
+ Any future plan do you want to make?

- Ask Ss to write the letter individually

- Get Ss to share with their partners and correct if it’s necessary.
T: shows a sample letter:

<i>Dear Mr. President,</i>

<i>I am writing to you about the catching of fish of many people in the lake behind </i>
<i>my house.</i>

<i>I am very worried because they used electricity to catch fish. After a short time, </i>
<i>they leave the lake, a lot of small fish die and float on the water surface.</i>

<i>Other animals such as frogs, toads, and even birds have also died from electric </i>
<i>shock waves.</i>

<i>I would suggest the local authorities should prohibit and fine heavily anyone </i>
<i>using this way to catch fish.</i>

<i>I look forward to hearing from you and seeing the protection of environment </i>
<i>from the local authorities.</i>

<i>Yours sincerely. </i>
<i>Nguyen Hai Long.</i>
<b>*Post- writing:</b>

- Some Ss read aloud their letters.
-T corrects Ss' mistakes.

<i><b>4. Consolidation:5</b></i>’

- T reminds main points in a letter of complain.

<i><b>5. Homework:2</b></i>’

- Ss rewrite their letter at home.
- Do ex. 8, P. 45

<i>Prepering date:</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
Unit 6 : The environment

<i><b>Period 41 - Lesson 5: Language focus</b></i>

<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

-Ss revise some adjectives and adverbs, adjective + that clause. They do
further practice in conditional sentences type 1 and adverb clause of reason
beginning with because / since/ as.

By the end of the lesson they can make own sentences using the mentioned

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(73)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=73>

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:2</b></i>’

<i> 9A:……… 9B:………..9C ……….. 9D: ………9E: </i>

<i><b>2. Oral work:</b></i>’

- During the lesson.

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<i><b>A. Warm up:5 Ss play a game: "Who is the fastest?" </b></i>’ ( Part 1 P. 53)

<i><b> Ss divide these words into two groups and give the name to each topic</b></i>

Extreme, well, happy, slow, fast, extremely, sadly, happily, good, fast,
slowly, sad.

<i>Answer key</i>:<i>- Adjectives: extreme, happy, slow, fast, good, sad.</i>
<i>- Adverbs: extremely, happily, slowly, fast, well, sadly</i>.

<i><b>B. Presentation:30</b></i>’

a, Revision of adjectives and adverbs:

- Ss repeat the use of adjectives and adverbs:

* Adjectives can come in two places in a sentence: before a noun or after
the verbs <i>be, look, appear, seem, feel, taste, sound, smell....</i>

<i>Example: a nice girl; new shoes; she is tall; That food tastes delicious.</i>

* Adverbs normally go after the direct object or after the verb

<i>Example: I read the text carefully; She drives fast.</i>

- Ss do ex. 1 ( P.54) individually using the adjectives and adverbs they've known
in the warm-up. Then 4 of them give their answers to the class.

<i>Answer keys: b- slowly; c- sadly, d-happily, e- well.</i>

b, Adverb clause of reason ( because, as, since):

- T: shows the example and explain how to make sentences:

Example: Ba is tired <i>because/ as/ since he stayed up late watching TV.</i>

- Ss look at the pictures ( P. 54) and practice in pairs. Then 5 Ss give their
sentences in front of the class.

- T makes any necessary corrections.

<i>Answer keys:</i>

<i>b, I have a broken leg because I fell over while I was playing basketball.</i>
<i>c, I'm going to be late for school as the bus is late.</i>

<i>d, I broke the cup since I was careless.</i>
<i>e, I want to go home because I feel sick.</i>
<i>f, I'm hungry as I haven't eaten all day.</i>

c, Adjective+ that clause:

- T shows the example and explains how to make sentences.

<i>Example: That's wonderful. I'm pleased that you are working hard.</i>

- Ss practice ex.3 (P. 55) in pairs.
- T makes corrections if necessary.

<i>Answer keys:</i>

<i>b, I'm excited that I can go to Dalat this time.</i>
<i>c, I'm sorry that I broke your bicycle.</i>

<i>d, I'm disappointed that you didn't phone me about it.</i>
<i>e, I'm amazed that I could win the first prize.</i>

d, Conditional sentences type 1:

- Ss repeat the form of conditional sentences type 1.

- Ss do matching: Ex.4 ( P. 56). Then T correct if necessary.
<i>Answer keys: 1- e; 2-a; 3-c; 4-d; 5-b.</i>

- Ss make conditional sentences type 1 using the given words. Ex. 5 ( P. 56)
<i>Answer keys:</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(74)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=74>

<i>c, If we plant more trees along the streets, we'll have more shades and </i>
<i>fresh air.</i>

<i>d, If we use much pesticides on vegetables, the vegetables will become </i>
<i>poisonous and inedible.</i>

<i>e, If we keep our environment clear and clean, we'll live a happier and </i>
<i>healthier life</i>

<i><b>4. Consolidation:5</b></i>’

T reminds how to make adjective with that clauses and adverb clauses of

<i><b>5. Homework:3</b></i>’

- Make sentences with the structures in this unit.
- Do ex. P. 46

<i>Prepering date:</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
Unit 7: Saving energy

<i><b>Period 42 - Lesson 1: Getting started+ Listen and read</b></i>

<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

Ss practice listening and reading a dialogue for details about saving water.
They understand the dialogue and about the ways to save energy. They do true or
false correctly.

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

- A cassette and the tape.

- Some pictures of saving energy
- Some posters.

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:2</b></i>’

<i> 9A:……… 9B:………..9C ……….. 9D: ………9E: </i>

<i><b>2. Oral work:5</b></i>’

- Ss sentences and ex. P. 46

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<i><b>A. Warm up: 5 ( T- whole class)</b></i>’

<i>Chatting:</i> Have ss look at the pictures P. 57 and ask some questions so that
they can understand the pictures.

- Is the TV on?

- Who is watching TV?
- Is the light still burning?
- What happens to the faucet?
- Is anybody using the water?
- Should we turn the TV off?

- Must we pay for water and electricity we use in our home?
- What should we do to save energy?

<i><b>B. Presentation:25</b></i>’
* <i><b>Pre- listening and reading:</b></i>

<i> a, Vocabulary.</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(75)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=75>

- enormous ( adj.)= great/ very big.
- reduce (v) (translation)

- crack (n) ( visual)

C<i>hecking vocabulary: Rub out and remember.</i>
<i> b, T/ F statements prediction.</i>

Set the scene: Mrs. Ha is talking to Mrs. Mi. She looks very worried. Work
in pairs and guess about the conversation between them.

T. hangs the poster of statements on the board and ask the Ss to guess
which statements are true and which are false.

1. Mrs. Ha is worried about her water bill.

2. Mrs. Mi gives Mrs. Ha advice on how to save water.

3. Mrs. Ha has checked the pipes in her house and found no cracks.
4. A plumper is a person who repairs electric appliances.

5. Mrs. Mi suggests taking showers to save water.

<i><b>* While- listening and reading:</b></i>
<i> a, Listening and checking.</i>

- Ss listen to the tape and check their prediction
- Ss correct false statements:

<i>1- T; 2-T; 5-T.</i>

<i>3- F: Mrs. Ha hasn't checked the pipes in her house. </i>
<i>4-F: A plumper is a person who repairs water pipes</i>.

<i> b, Reading and doing comprehension questions.</i>

- Ss practice the dialogue in pairs.

- Ss read the dialogue individually to find out answers to these questions:
1. Why is Mrs. Ha worried?

2. How much money does she pay for her water bill?
3. What does Mrs. Mi advise her to do?

4. How much water can be wasted a month by a dripping faucet?
- Give feedback. Call on some Ss to answer the questions. T correct if

<i>Answer keys: 1. Because her recent water bill is enormous.</i>
<i> 2. She pays 200.000 dong.</i>

<i> 3. She advises Mrs. Ha to get a plumper to check her water pipes </i>
<i>and to reduce the amount of water by taking shower and turn off faucets after </i>
<i>using them.</i>

<i> 4. It can wastes 500 liters of water a month.</i>
<i> c. Doing true or false. ( P. 58)</i>

- Ss do true or false then give the answers in front of the class
- <i>Keys: 1-T; 2-T; 3-F; 4- F; 5-T.</i>

<i><b>4. Consolidation:5</b></i>’

<i><b>* Post- listening and reading: Discussion: " What do you do to save water </b></i>
<b>and electricity at home and at school?"</b>

<i><b>5. Homework:3</b></i>’

- Write 5 things you should do to save energy at school and at home.
- Do ex. 1 P. 46 and learn the new words by heart.

<i>Prepering date:</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
Unit 7: Saving energy

<span class='text_page_counter'>(76)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=76>

- Ss practice making and responding to suggestions about how to save energy.
- They use all the suggestions they've learned

- Ss practice listening to a text about solar energy for details and further practice
in making suggestions.

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

<b>-</b> Pictures ( P. 59); A list of suggestions and responses ( P. 58)
- Some Ss read their writings, T corrects if necessary.

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>

<i><b>1. Class organization:2’</b></i>

<i> 9A:……… 9B:………..9C ……….. 9D: ………9E: ……</i>

<i><b>2. Oral work:2’</b></i>

The new words
<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<i><b>A. Warm up:3 - </b></i>’ <b> Chatting.</b>

<i><b>B. Presentation:32’</b></i>
<i><b>* Presentation:</b></i>

( a, Look at the expresions and the pictures and make suggestions about how to
save energy.)

T: Hangs the list of suggestions and responses

- I suggest+ Ving
- I think weshould...
- Shall we...?

- Why don't we...?

- How/ What about+ Ving...?
- Let's...


- OK

- That's a good idea.
- All right.

- No, I don't want to.
- I prefer to....
- Yes, let's.


Ss look at the list and picture A ,make suggestions and responses.
<i>S1: I think we should turn off the faucet.</i>

<i>S2: OK. I'll do that.</i>

<i>S3: I suggest fixing the faucet.</i>
<i>S4: That's a good idea……</i>
<i><b>* Practice:</b></i>

Ss: Use the list and use the pictures on page 59 to make sentences. ( Work in pairs)
<i>Possible suggestions:</i> <i>Possible responses:</i>
<i>B: I think we should turn off the fire. </i> <i> -All right.</i>
<i>C: Why don't we turn off the electricity before we go out? - OK.</i>

<i>D: Let's turn off the airconditioner. </i> <i> - Yes. Let's.</i>

<i>E: How about turning off the lights?</i> <i> - That's a good idea.</i>
<i>F: I suggest turning off the faucet before going out. - OK.</i>

<i>G: Shall we use bikes instead of using motorbikes? - Yes, I think so.</i>
<i>H: What about going to school by bus?</i> <i> - That's a good idea.</i>
<i><b>* Production: </b></i>

(b, Work in group of four. Work out an action plan to save energy for your class. P.59)


<i>S1: I think we should turn off all the lights when the sun is shining.</i>
<i>S2: That's a good idea.</i>

<i>S3: How about opening all the windows instead of turning on the lights?</i>
<i>S4: Great. Let do that...</i>

<i><b>B. Presentation 2: Listen</b></i>
<i><b>* Pre-listening.</b></i>

<i>a. Pre- teach vocabulary.</i>

- solar ( adj.): ( explanation) - solar panels (n): - nuclear power (n): ( explanation)
- install (v): ( translation)

<i>Checking vocabulary: Slap the board.</i>
<i>b. True- false statements prediction</i>

- Ask Ss to look at the statements on page 60 ( 4a).

- Have they work in pairs and guess which statements are true and which are false.
1. Solar energy can be cheap and clean.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(77)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=77>

3. The solar energy that gets to the Earth cannot provide enough power for the
world's population.

4. Solar energy can be used on cloudy days.

5. All buildings in Sweden will be heated by solar energy in 2050.
- Give feedback.

<i><b>* While- listening.</b></i>

<i>a<b>. </b>Listening and checking</i>

- Ss listen to the tape twice and check their prediction.
- Get Ss to correct the false statements.

<i>Keys: 1-T; 2- F: Most of our electricity now comes from the use of coal, gas, oil or nuclear </i>

<i>3.-F : 1 % the solar energy that gets to the Earth cannot provide enough power for the </i>
<i>world's population.</i>

<i>4- T.; 5- F: All buildings in Sweden will be heated by solar energy in 2015</i>
<i>b. Gap- filling</i>

- Have Ss look at the ex. 4b on page 60 and work in pairs to guess the words in the

- Give feedback.

- Have Ss listen to the tape again and fill in the gaps.

- Ss give their answers in front of the class.

<i>Keys: 1- effective; 2- pollution; 3- countries; 4- store; 5- roof; 6- instead.</i>
<i><b>* Post- listening.</b></i>

- Have Ss write a passage ( 100 words) about solar energy, using the information in the
two ex. 4a and 4b on page 60.

<i><b>4. Consolidation:3’</b></i>

- T reminds all main points for ss to remember.
<i><b>5. Homework:3’</b></i>

- Write 7 suggestions about how to save energy.

- Do ex. 2.3 P. 47 - 48 and learn the new words by heart.
<i>Prepering date:</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
Unit 7: Saving energy


<i><b> 44 - Lesson 3: Read</b></i>

<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

- Ss practice reading a text about how North American and European
countries save money and natural resources for details. They understand the text
and do all the comprehension questions correctly.

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

- A cassette and the tape.
- Keys to the ex. a, b P. 61.

- Some electricity bills and water bills.

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:2</b></i>’

<i> 9A:……… 9B:………..9C ……….. 9D: ………9E: </i>

<i>2. Oral test5</i>’

- The new words, ex. 3 P. 48.

- Suggestions about how to save energy.

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<i><b>A. Warm up:5</b></i>’
Chatting: (T- whole class)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(78)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=78>

- How much is your family's electricity bill?
- Are your parents worried about that?

- Do you want to reduce the amount of electricity and water
your family use?

- What should you do to save water and electricity?

- Do you want to know how the people in other countries save

<i><b>B. Presentation:28</b></i>’

<i><b>* Pre- reading:</b></i>

<i>a, Pre- teach vocabulary:</i>

- consumer (n) <i>( synonym)</i> - scheme (n) = plan.

- necessity ( n) ( <i>translation)</i> - efficiency (n) ( <i>translation)</i>

- category (n) <i>example </i> - innovation (n) = renew
- luxury (n) ( <i>explanation)</i>

- ultimately ( n) = finally
- conserve ( n) ( <i>translation</i>)

<i>Checking vocabulary: What and where.</i>
<i>b, Pre- questions:( pair work)</i>

- T gives Ss two questions and ask them to discuss with their partners to predict
the answers.

1. Do people in Western countries think electricity, gas and water are

2. Do they want to save electricity? What do they do to spend less on


<i><b>* While- reading:</b></i>

<i>a, Reading and checking:( individual work)</i>

-Ss read the text on page 60- 61 to check their prediction.
- Some Ss give their answers in front of the class.

- T make any necessary corrections and give the keys:

<i>1. No, they don't. They think electricity, gas, water are not luxuries but </i>

<i>2. Yes, they do. They use energy saving bulbs instead of ordinary bulbs and</i>
<i>there is a labeling scheme helping them use household appliances efficiently.</i>
<i>b, Reading for main ideas:( pair work)</i>

- Ss read the text again and do ex. 5a.
- Ss give their opinions.

-T corrects if it’s necessary.

<i> Answer key: 3. North American and European countries are interested in </i>
<i>saving money and natural resources.</i>

<i>c, Comprehension questions: ( pair work)</i>

- Ss work in pairs to find out the answers to these questions.
- Some Ss answer the questions.

- T checks their answers .

<i>Answer keys:</i>

<i>1. They are interested in products that will not only work effectively but </i>
<i>also save money.</i>

<i>2. They can use energy bulbs instead of ordinary 100watts ones to spend </i>
<i>less on lighting.</i>

<i>3. She will pay US$2, because these bulbs use a quarter of the electricity </i>
<i>of standard bulbs.</i>

<i>4. The labeling scheme helps them know how energy efficient the </i>
<i>household appliances are.</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(79)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=79>

<i><b>* Post- reading: </b></i>Writing: "The way to spend less on lighting".

<i><b>4. Consolidation:3</b></i>’

- T reminds all main points for ss to remember.

<i><b>5. Homework2 :</b></i>’ Write down ideas on how to save money. Do ex. 4,5 P. 49

<i>Prepering date:</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
Unit 7 : Saving energy


<i><b> 45 - Lesson 4:Write</b></i>

<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

Ss practice writing a speech about saving energy.

Ss write it including three parts ( Introduction, Body, Conclusion) in good
English then present it in front of the class.

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

- A sample speech.
- Some posters.

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:2</b></i>’

<i> 9A:……… 9B:………..9C ……….. 9D: ………9E: </i>

<i><b>2. Oral work:5</b></i>’

- The ss' writing and ex. 4,5 P. 49

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<i><b>A. Warm up 5</b></i>’<i><b>:</b></i>

T- whole class: (Chatting) " How do your family save gas/ electricity?"

<i><b>B. Presentation:28</b></i>’

<i><b>* Pre-Writing:</b></i>

- Vocabulary teaching:

- attention (n): - pay attention to...( in context)

<b>- </b>solid (adj.) > < soft

- draft (n/v) : (explanation)

- Checking vocabulary: What and where.

- Matching: (<i>Exercise a . P. 61):</i> Ss read three parts of a speech in A then
match to suitable functions in B .

<i>* Introduction</i>- B: getting people's attention and telling them what you are
going to talk about

<i>* Body</i>- C: giving details in easy-to-understand language.

<i>* Conclusion</i>-A: summing up what you have said.

<i><b>* While- writing:</b></i>

- Ordering: <i>( Exercise b. P. 61)</i>

- Ss work in pairs to put the sections in 6b on page 61 in the correct order
to form a speech.

- Some ss give their answers in front of the class.
- T: checks their answers and give the keys:

<i>3, Good evening, ladies and gentlemen...</i>
<i>2, Most of us use...</i>

<i>3, If you follow these simple rules...</i>

- Call on some Ss to read aloud the speech.

- T helps Ss to present the speech before the class naturally.
- Writing speeches- Exhibition

<span class='text_page_counter'>(80)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=80>

- Possible speeches:

<i>Reduce garbage</i> <i>Reusing paper</i> <i>Saving energy in the kitchen</i>

Good morning, ladies
and gentlemen. My
name is.... I'm going to
tell you how to reduce

Good morning, ladies
and gentlemen. My name
is.... I'm going to tell you
how to reuse paper.

Good morning, ladies and

gentlemen. My name is....
I'm going to tell you how to
save energy in the kitchen.
Most of us produce too

much garbage every
day. You can reduce
garbage by:

- collecting plastic

- not keeping solid
waste with food waste.
-putting different kinds
of waste in different

Most of us use too much
paper every day. You can
reuse paper by:

- having separate
wastebasket for waste

- keeping sheets with
single printed page for

Most of us produce too
much electricity every day,
especially in the kitchen.
You can reduce this amount

- turning off the lights before
leaving the kitchen.

- preparing food carefully
before turning off the stove.
- keeping the refrigerator
door closed.

If you follow those
simple rules, you'll not
only reduce garbage,
but also keep the
environment clean.

If you follow those
simple rules, you'll not
only reduce garbage, but
also keep the

environment clean

If you follow those simple
rules, you'll not only save
money, but also conserve the


<i><b>* Post- writing:</b></i>

- Have one S from each group present his/ her group's speech in front of the

- T corrects mistakes if necessary.

<i><b>4. Consolidation:2 </b></i>’ - Ss repeat three parts of a speech and how to write it.

<i><b>5. Homework:3</b></i>’

- Ss copy down one of those speeches in their notebooks.
- Do ex. 6 P. 50 (WB).

<i>Prepering date:</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
Unit 7: saving energy


<i><b> 46- Lesson 5: Language focus</b></i>

<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

- Ss do further practice in connectives and phrasal verbs.
- They practice making suggestions with the learnt structures:

<i>suggest + V-ing; suggest( that)+ S + should...</i>
<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

- Pictures ( P 63).

- Keys to all the ex. P. 62, 63, 64.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(81)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=81>

<i> 9A:……… 9B:………..9C ……….. 9D: ………9E: </i>

<i><b>2. Oral work:</b></i>

- During the lesson.

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<i><b>A. Warm up:5 </b></i>’

- Ss play a game: Bingo

- T's list of phrasal verbs they've learnt for this game:

<i>look for; look after; turn on; turn off; wait for; </i>

<i>depend on; belong to; go on; keep on; put on; take off</i>.

- T hangs the pictures on the board and ask Ss to find the suitable verbs for
those pictures.

<i> Keys: 1-look after. 2- go on. </i>

<i> 3- look for. 4- turn on. 5- turn off</i>

<i><b>B. Practice:28</b></i>’

<i>B1, Connectives:</i>

- Ask Ss to think of connectives they've learnt.

( <i>and, but, because, or, so, therefore, however</i>)

- Ask them to tell in which sentences those connectives are used.
- Ss do ex. 1 P. 62 individually then give the answers in turn.
- T makes correction if necessary.

<i> Keys: a- and, b- but, c- because, d- however,</i>
<i> e- or, f- so, g- and, h- therefore.</i>

<i>B2, Phrasal verbs:</i>

- Ask Ss to do the ex. 2P. 63 individually.
- Ss give the answers in turn.

- T makes correction if necessary.

<i>Keys: a- look after, b- go on, c- turn on, d- looked for, e- turn off.</i>

<i>B3, Making suggestions:</i>

- Ss repeat two structures they've learnt<i>:</i>

<i><b> suggest+ V-ing and suggest (that) + S + should.</b></i>

- T asks ss to give examples.

- Ss work in groups to make suggestions ( ex. 3. P.64)
- Ss give their suggestions in front of the class.

- Possisible suggestions:

a- I suggest collecting unused clothes.

- I suggest organizing a show to save money...

b- I suggest that you should write sentences with new words.
- I suggest that you should speak English more often in class...

<i><b>4. Consolidation:5</b></i>’

- Repeat the grammar and the structures they've learnt and give examples.

<i><b>5. Homework:5</b></i>’

- Make 5 sentences using suggest?

<b>- </b>Do ex. 7 P. 51 (WB) and revise Unit 6 and Unit 7 for a test.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(82)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=82>

<b>I - </b>

<i>Prepering date:</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
Period 47: Written test 3

<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

- To check ss knowledge of learning English book 9 ( from unit 6 – unit 7)
- To find better ways for teaching and learning.


+ Adjective and adverbs.
+ Adjectives + that clause.
+ Conditional type I

+ Adverb clause off reason.
+ Connectives and phrasal verbs.
+ Making suggestions…

<i>Vocabulary: </i>Words to talk about saving energy, the environment….

<i>Skills:</i> Writing; reading….

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

Chđ dỊ <b>NhËn biÕt</b> <b>Th«ng hiĨu</b> <b>VËn dơng</b> <b>Tỉng</b>

TNKQ Tù ln TNKQ Tù luËn TNKQ Tù luËn













Writing <sub> </sub> 6

3 6 3









<span class='text_page_counter'>(83)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=83>

<i>9A: ... 9B: ...9C:... 9D: ...9E: </i>


<i><b>2. Rules: Ss work alone without using any book.</b></i>
<i><b>3. Questions:</b></i>


<i><b> 47: Written test 3</b></i>

<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

Test the students' knowledge after Units 6 and 7 to find out their weak
points and strong points so teacher will have suitable method of teaching.

Ss do the test correctly by themselves.

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:2</b></i>’

<i> 9A:……… 9B:………..9C ……….. 9D: ………9E: </i>

<i><b>2. Do the test.</b></i>
<b>I. Dictation:</b>

1. ...

<b>II. Insert the right connectives into the gaps.</b>

(<i>and, but, because, or, so, therefore, however, if)</i>

1. I want to go to the cinema with you... I have to help my mother.
2. Minh is absent today ... he is sick.

3. She will buy a new bike ... she has enough money.
4. Mai is learning hard ... her parents are very pleased.
5. Would you like a cup of tea ... a glass of milk?

6. Hoa failed her English test. ..., she has to do the test again.
7. It's raining ... we go out for a walk.

8. The environment is polluted. ..., we have to do many things to
protect it.

<b>III. Make sentences using the given cues.</b>

1. Adjective + that clause...
2. Because...
3. Suggest +Ving...
4. Turn off...

<b>IV. Complete the sentences with the right form of the words given.</b>

1. Solar energy doesn't cause ... <i>( pollute).</i>

2. Mr. Jones is an environment ... ( <i>conserve</i>).

3. Each year people drop about 6 tons of garbage ... into the sea.
( <i>direct</i>).

4. We're very ... about our holiday. ( <i>excite</i>)

<b>V. Read the passage then answer the questions.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(84)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=84>

more economic uses of electricity, because electricity can be produced from any
sources of energy. If we didn't waste so much energy, our resources would last
longer. We can save more energy by conservation than we can produce for the
same money. Unless we do research on solar energy, wind power, tidal power,
hydroelectric plants... our fossil fuels will run out and we'll all freeze or starve
to death.


1. What can electricity be produced from?

... 2.
What would happen if we didn't waste so much energy?

The end.

<i>Prepering date:</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
Unit 8 : celebrations

<i><b>Period 48 - Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and Read</b></i>

<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(85)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=85>

Provide them with some relative pronouns ( which, who). They know their
uses and use the relative pronouns to make sentences.

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

- A cassette and the tape.

- Some pictures about celebrations in the world.

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:2</b></i>’

<i> 9A:……… 9B:………..9C ……….. 9D: ………9E: </i>

<i><b>2. Oral work:</b></i> During the lesson.

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<i><b>A. Warm up: T- whole class.</b></i>

* Name the celebrations all over the world they've known.

Lunar New Year , Teacher's Day, Mid Autumn Festival in Vietnam.
Valentine Day, Christmas Day, May Day in Western countries...
* Matching: ( Getting started- P. 65)

Ss look at the icons on page 65 and match them with the suitable
name of the celebration.

<i>Keys: 1- Easter. 2- Wedding. 3- Birthday. 4- Christmas.</i>

<i> 5- Mid Autumn Festival. 6- Lunar New Year.</i>
<i><b>B. Presentation:</b></i>

<i><b>* Pre-listening and reading:</b></i>

* Pre-teach vocabulary:
- freedom (n): ( translation)
- slavery (n): ( picture)
- jewish (n): ( translation)
- parade (n):( picture)

- passover (n): a festival of Jewish people.
- occur ( v) = happen/ take place

* Checking vocabulary: Rub out and remember.
* Guided questions:

1. When does the Lunar New Year occur in Vietnam?
2. What do people often do during Tet holidays?
3. Who celebrate Passover and when?

4. What do people do on Passover? On Easter Day?

<i><b>* While- listening and reading.</b></i>

- Ss listen to the tape and answer the guided questions in front of the class.
- T correct if necessary and give the right answers:

1. It occurs in late January or early February.

2. They clean and decorate their homes and enjoy special food.
3. Jewish people celebrate it in late March or early April.

4. On Passover they eat a special meal called the Seder. On Easter young
children receive chocolate or sugar-eggs if they are good, and in some countries
people crowd the streets to watch parades.

- Ss read the text silently.

- Ss work in pairs to complete the table on page 66.
Answer keys:

Celebration When Activities Food Country

Tet Late January

<span class='text_page_counter'>(86)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=86>


- wearing new

special food.

Passover Late March or

early April - eating special food Seder Israel

Easter Around the

same time as



sugar- eggs Many countries.

<i><b>4. Consolidation:</b></i>

<i><b>* Post- reading: </b></i> Get three ss to look at the grids and introduce the name of
celebrations: Tet, Passover, Easter.

<i><b>5. Homework:</b></i>

- Ss write about one of the three celebrations that they like best.
- Learn by heart the new words and do ex. 5 P. 57 ( WB)

<i>Prepering date:</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
Unit 8 : celebrations

<i><b>Period 49 - Lesson 2: Speak & Listen</b></i>

<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

Ss practice giving and responding to compliment using then adjectives and

the structures they've learnt.

- Ss practice listening to a song then filling in the missing words they've heard.
- Ss can sing this song.

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

- A list of expressions for giving and responding to compliment( P. 66)
- A cassette and the tape.

- Answer keys to this song.

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:2</b></i>’

<i> 9A:……… 9B:………..9C ……….. 9D: ………9E: </i>

<b>2. Oral work:</b>
<b>3. New lesson:</b>

<b>A. Warm up:5</b>’

T- whole class: - Revision of adjectives of qualities:

- Have Ss review adjectives.( beginning with letter A to letter Y)
- Get Ss to make sentences: <i><b>I have + a/ an adjective + friend</b></i>.
* Example: I have an <i>active </i>friend.

I have a <i>beautiful</i> friend.

<i><b>B. Presentation 1:15</b></i>’

<i><b>* Presentation:</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(87)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=87>

- nominate ( v) : ( translation)--> nomination ( n).
- Checking vocabulary: What and where.

* Model sentences:

- Set the scene: Trang has just won the first prize in the English speaking contest.
What does Mai say to pay Trang a compliment? And what does Mai respond?

Mai: Well done, Trang.
Trang: Thanks.

- Ask Ss how to give and respond to a compliment.

Give a compliment Respond to a compliment
- Well done

- That's a great/ an excellent...
- Let me congratulate you on...
- Congratulations.

- Thanks.

- It's nice of you to say so.
- That's very kind of you.

- T: give some cues . Ss work in pairs ( giving and responding to compliments)
1. well done/ Thanks.

2. Congratulations/ Thanks a lot.

3. Let/ congratulate/ on passing the exam/ kind.
4. great report/ nice of you.

<i><b>* Further practice:</b></i>

- Ss read the situations on page 66, 67 then give and respond to compliments.
- Call on some pairs of Ss to act out.

- Answer keys:

b, Mother: Well done, Huyen.
Huyen: Thanks, mom.

c, Friends: Congratulations on your nomination, Tuan.
Tuan: It's very nice of you to say so.

d, You: That's an excellent drawing, Hoa.
Hoa: That's very kind of you to say so.
<i><b>B. Presentation 2:15</b></i>’

<i><b>* Pre- listening:</b></i>

* Pre- teach vocabulary:

- Auld Lang Syne ( n): The Good Old Days.
- Due to ( adj.) = caused by.

- Bureau( n)= a business office/ department.
- acquaintance ( n): a person you've known.
- Trusty ( adj.): ( translation)

* Checking vocabulary: Slap the board
<i><b>* While listening:</b></i>

- Have Ss listen to the song Auld Lang Syne and work in pairs to guess the words in the blanks.
- Give feedback.

- Let Ss listen to the song twice and check their guess.
- Give feedback

<i>Answer keys: a- days; b-take; c- mind; d- hand; e- kindness.</i>
- Ss read the song many times.

<i><b>* Post listening: </b></i>

Ss sing this song after the tape

<b>4. Consolidation:</b>
<b>* Production:</b>

- Divide the class into 4 teams: A, B, C, D.

- Have Ss work in groups to think of a situations in which they can give compliments.
- Ask team A to give the situation, the last teams make up dialogue.

- Have the teams take turns giving the situations.
<i>Suggested situations</i>:

1. Hoa made a good speech on how to reduce garbage.
2. Ba has just won the school running championship.
3. Mai has got many good marks on English.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(88)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=88>

- T reminds all main points for ss to remmeber.
<i><b>5. Homework:3</b></i>’

- Ss write 3 situations with the compliments, the response to the compliments into their

- Learn by heart the song.
<i>Prepering date:</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
Unit 8 : celebrations

<i><b>Period 50 - Lesson 3: Read.</b></i>

<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

Ss practice reading for details about children's emotion, opinions, feelings,
and memories on Father's Day in the USA and in Australia.

Ss can answer all the comprehension questions correctly.

<i><b>II. teaching aids:</b></i>

A cassette and the tape.

Answer to the questions on page 69.

<i><b>III. Prosess of teaching:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:2</b></i>’

<i> 9A:……… 9B:………..9C ……….. 9D: ………9E: </i>

<i><b>2. Oral work:5</b></i>’

- The song : Auld Lang Syne.
- Ex. 3 P. 53 ( WB)

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<i><b>A. Warm up:5</b></i>’
T- whole class:

- What do you know about Father's Day?
- Where does it occur? When?

- What do people usually do on this day?

<i><b>B. Presentation:28</b></i>’

<i><b>* Pre-reading:</b></i>

a, Pre-teach vocabulary:

- hug ( n): ( mime). - terrific ( adj.) = excellent >< terrible.
- priority ( n): ( explanation). - considerate ( adj.): ( translation)
-distinguish ( v): ( translation) - generous ( adj.)>< mean.

- sense of humor (v): ( translation).

* Checking vocabulary: Rub out and remember.
b, Prediction:

<i>* Set the scene:</i> On Father's Day in Australia and in the USA, children show their
love to their fathers by giving their fathers presents, cards.

- Ask Ss to think of the adjectives that children use to talk about their

- Give feedback.

<i>* Possible answers: strong, generous, considerate, handsome, humorous, </i>
<i>healthy, great, kind, the best, terrific</i>

<i><b>* While reading:</b></i>

<i> * Reading and checking:</i>

- Have Ss read the opinions, feelings and memories of children about their
fathers on Father's Day.

- Ask them to compare the adjectives they guess with the adjectives Rita,

Bob and Jane use to describe their fathers.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(89)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=89>

- Have Ss work in pairs to answer the questions on page 69.
- Give feedback.

- Have ss practice asking and answering the questions in open pairs and
then closed pairs.


<i>a, Rita sends this card to her dad.</i>

<i>b, He is possibly dead. ( ... how much you are missed...., I now have </i>
<i>children, Dad...).</i>

<i>c, His sense of humor.</i>

<i>d, The best person in the world, a teacher, a care taker, a friend...</i>
<i><b>* Post reading: </b></i>

Writing: Have Ss write their opinions, feelings, memories about their

<i><b>4. Consolidation:3</b></i>’

Some Ss read their writing in front of the class. T give any necessary

<i><b>5. Homework:2</b></i>’

- Learn the new words by heart.
- Do ex. 2 P. 52. ( WB).

<i>Prepering date: 02/03/2009</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
<b>Period 51: Test Correction.</b>

<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

- To correct ss’ mistakes in their writing test.

- To remind ss some main points in learning English book 9.
- to make ss more aware of doing the written test.

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

<b>-</b> Questions of the first written test.

<b>-</b> English book 9.

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization: 2</b></i>’

<i>9A: ... 9B: ... 9C: ... 9D: ...9E: ...</i>
<i><b>2. Oral work:</b></i> During the lesson

<span class='text_page_counter'>(90)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=90>

<b>3.1 Warm up: 5 </b>’ Ss listen to an English song: “Touch by touch”

<b>3.2 </b>–<b> Presentation</b>:

- T asks ss to give the answer for each question then asks ss the reasons for their

- T. writes the answer on board and gives comment if it’s necessary.
Answer key:

<i><b>I. Chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất để hoàn thành các câu sau </b></i>
1- a. will

increase 1

2. b. but 2

3. a.

turned off 3

4. d.

talking 4

5. d. don't

see 5

6. a.

garbage 6

7. a. plant

trees 7

8. c.

because 8

9. d. good 9

10. a.

well 10

<b>II - Nèi </b>
<b>mét c©u </b>
<b>ë cét A </b>
<b>víi mét </b>
<b>c©u ë cét </b>
<b>B sao cho</b>
<b>hoµn </b>
<b>chØnh vỊ </b>
<b> 1 </b>

<b> a; 2 </b>

– –

<b>e; 3 </b>–

<b>d; 4 </b>–<b> c;</b>
<b>5 </b><b> b.</b>


<b>III. Đọc </b>
<b>đoạn văn</b>
<b>sau và </b>
<b>trả lời </b>
<b>câu hái.</b>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(91)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=91>


- At present, most of our electricity comes from the use of coal, gas oil or nuclear power.
<i>2- Are </i>

<i>there any </i>
<i>countries </i>
<i>using </i>
<i>solar </i>

<i>energy?</i> <i>………</i>
<i>- Yes, there are.</i>

<i><b>True or</b></i>

1- One
percent of
power for
n T
2- We can
use solar
energy to

water. T

3- On
days you
can't use

energy. F

<b>IV. Viết </b>
<b>lại các </b>
<b>câu sau </b>

<b>sao cho </b>
<b>không </b>
<b>thay đổi </b>
<b>về nghĩa.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(92)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=92>

ted.<i> ( that</i>

<i> - </i>I am
ted<i> that </i>
you didn't
3 - The
water is
swim in
this lake.
<i>( because</i>

<i> - </i>We
swim in
this lake
<i>because </i>
the water


4 - Hai is
tired. He
didn't go
to school.
( so)
<i> - </i>Hai is
tire, so he
didn't go
to school.
5- Would
you mind
off the
radio, I
am doing
my home

<i> - I suggest that you should turn off the radio…..</i>
6. "Shall

we go out
for a
said Ann

<i>_ Ann suggests going out for a walk.</i>

<b>4. Consolidation: </b>

- T reminds all main points in the written test for ss to remember.

<b>5. Home work:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(93)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=93>

<i>Prepering date: 3/3/2009</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
Unit 8 : celebrations

<i><b>Period 52 - Lesson 5: Write</b></i>

<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

Ss practice writing a letter to a friend sharing him an idea of a day to
celebrate for their mom and dad.

Ss write a letter in good English.

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

- A sample letter.

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:2</b></i>’

<i> 9A:……… 9B:………..9C ……….. 9D: ………9E: </i>

<i><b>2. Oral work:5</b></i>’

- The new words and the ex. 2 P. 52

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<i><b>A. Warm up:5 </b></i>’

- Eliciting about celebrations in Viet Nam and in the world.

King Hung’s Temple festival.
Teacher’s Day

<i><b>B. Presentation:25</b></i>’

<i><b>* Pre-writing:</b></i>

<i>a, Pre- teach vocabulary: </i>

- enhance ( v): ( explanation: add to the value/ size/ beauty of ....)
- support ( v) = give strength to = stand by.

- nationwide (adj.) = throughout the country.
# Checking vocabulary: What and where.

<i>b, Ordering:( pair work)</i>

- Ask Ss to keep their books closed, show the outline on the board.
- Get ss to put the parts in the correct order.

<i>Keys: 1. Tell your friend the reason for celebrating this day</i>

<i>2. State whether or not you think your idea will be supported and you hope</i>
<i>the day will be celebrated nationwide.</i>

<i>3. Give details about... </i>
<i><b>* While- writing:</b></i>

- Have ss write individually to a friend to tell him/ her about why they want
to celebrate Mother's Day or Father's Day in Vietnam and how to celebrate it.
The outline on page 70 will help Ss to write easily.

<i>Suggested ideas:</i>

<i>In my opinion, it is essential to have a day to celebrate for our parents.</i>
<i>On these occasions, children will have a special day to express their </i>
<i>feelings, memories and love for their parents. We have an opportunity to </i>
<i>enhance family traditions. Members of families can have a chance to get </i>
<i>together, to know one another and to help one another.</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(94)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=94>

<i>I think first Sunday of April is suitable. Sunday is a day off so everybody is </i>
<i>free from work or study. April is late Spring or early summer, and the weather is </i>
<i>generally fine at this time of the year, many activities can happen outdoors.</i>

<i>It is not necessary to have parties but it's a good idea to have lunch or </i>
<i>dinner with all members of the family. Children should give their parents </i>

<i>flowers, send them cards, or make them special cake. Moreover, children should </i>
<i>serve their parents the food that they like best.</i>

<i>I believe the idea will be supported and the day will be celebrated </i>

<i>nationwide because everybody loves their parents and want their parents to be </i>

<i><b>* Post- writing:</b></i>

- Have Ss share their writing with their partners and correct their partners'

- Ask some ss to read aloud their writing in front of the class.
- Get Ss to give their opinions.

<i><b>4. Consolidation:5</b></i>’

- T reminds for ss about the form of the letter and asks ss to repeat the main
ideas in their letter.

<i><b>5. Homework:3</b></i>’

- Have Ss write on their notebooks.
- Do ex. 1 P. 52.

<i>Prepering date: 4/3/2009</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
Unit 8 : celebrations

<i><b>Period 53 - Lesson 5: Language focus</b></i>

<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

- Ss practice in relative clauses ( who, which) and adverb clauses of
concession ( although, though, even though).

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use relative pronouns
( who, which) and adverbs ( although, though, even though ) to make up own

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

- Keys to all the ex. P. 70--> 73. The Ss' family photos.

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:2</b></i>’

<i> 9A:……… 9B:………..9C ……….. 9D: ………9E: </i>

<i><b>2. Oral work:5</b></i>’

<span class='text_page_counter'>(95)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=95>

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<i><b>A. Warm up:5</b></i>’

- Ss show their families' photos and introduce each member of their

<i>For examples: I am the boy who is wearing a white shirt.</i>

<i> My mother is the woman who is standing behind me....</i>

<i><b>B. Presentation:25</b></i>’

<i><b>a, Relative clauses:</b></i>

- T shows models and the use of relative clauses:

+ Tet is a festival which occurs in late January or early February.
+ Family members who live apart try to be together at Tet.

- Ss do ex. 1 P. 70 in pairs.

- Some Ss practice in front of the class.

<i>Keys to ex. 1:</i>

<i>A, Auld Lang Syne is a song which is sung on New Year's Eve.</i>
<i>B, This watch is a gift which was given to me on...</i>

<i>C, My friend Tom who sings Western folk songs very well can compose </i>

<i>D, We often go to the town cultural house which always open...</i>
<i>E, I like reading books which tell about...</i>

<i>F, On my mom's birthday my dad gave her roses which were...</i>

<i>G, Judy likes the full- moon festival which is celebrated in mid- fall very </i>

<i>H, Tomorrow I'll go to the airport to meet my friends who come to stay...</i>

- Ss do ex. 2 P. 71 in pairs using the pictures P. 71 then practice in front of
the class.


<i>A, My mom is the woman who is wearing a green flower dress.</i>
<i>B, Linda is a girl who is giving my mom a gift...</i>

<i>b</i>. <i><b>Adverb clauses of concession:</b></i>

- T shows models and the use of the adverb clauses:

Although it's raining heavily , I have to go to school on time.
I can't sing English song though I can speak English fluently.
Even though she is a hard student, she failed the last English test.
- Ss do ex. 4, 5 P. 72, 73.

- Some Ss practice in front of the class.
- T make any necessary corrections.

<i>Keys to ex. 3:</i>

<i>B, Although we don't have..., Dad and I have...</i>
<i>C, We went to Hanoi... even though we live....</i>

<i>D, Many tourists enjoy... though they don't understand....</i>
<i>E, Even though in Australia...., the Australians enjoy....</i>
<i>F, Jim could see...although he came to the show....</i>
<i>Keys to ex. 4:</i>

<i>B, ... she stays up late watching TV.</i>

<i>C, .... the weather forecast predicted it would be fine.</i>
<i>D, Ba ate a lot of food....</i>

<i>E, ... my sister managed to finish her letter.</i>
<i><b>4. Consolidation:5</b></i>’

- Repeat the use of <i>which, who, although, though, even though</i>.

<i><b>5. Homework:3</b></i>’

<span class='text_page_counter'>(96)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=96>

<i>Prepering date:</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
Unit 9 : natural disasters

<i><b>Period 54 - Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and read.</b></i>

<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

- Ss practice reading a dialogue for details about the weather forecast.
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to get the information about the
weather from the weather forecast to complete the sentences following the

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

- A cassette and the tape.

- Some pictures on natural disasters.

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:2</b></i>’

<i> 9A:……… 9B:………..9C ……….. 9D: ………9E: ………</i>
<i><b>2. Oral work:5</b></i>’

- The Ss' sentences with <i>who, which, although, though, even though</i>.

<i><b>3. New lesson:8</b></i>’

<i><b>A. Warm up:</b></i> ( Getting started. P. 74)
* Chatting: T- whole class

T shows the pictures ( p. 74) then ask Ss some questions about disasters:
- Where does snowstorm often occur? ( in many countries in Europe)
- Do you know anything about the typhoon in Australia shown on TV on
20th March? ( Its speed was 290 km per hour).

- In which country in Asia where earthquake often occurs? ( in Japan)
- Have you heard about the volcano in the Philippines? ( Thousands of
people died )

* Matching: Ss match the pictures to the correct words.

<i>Answer keys: 1- snowstorm, 2- earthquake, 3- volcano, 4- typhoon.</i>
<i><b>B. Presentation:20</b></i>’

<i><b>* Pre- listening and reading:</b></i>

a, Pre-teach vocabulary:

-typhoon (n): ( picture) - Turn up (v): ( mime)

- thunderstorm (n): ( picture) - expect (v) = Look forward.
- delta (n): ( in context: The Red river delta)

- just in case (n): ( translation)
* Checking vocabulary: What and where.
b, Pre- questions:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(97)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=97>

- Are there any differences between the weather in the North and the weather in
the South of Vietnam?

<i><b>* While- listening and reading:</b></i>

- Ss listen to the tape twice then answer the questions.

<i>Answer keys: </i>

<i>- They are watching the weather forecast on TV.</i>

<i>- There are some differences between the weather in the North and the </i>
<i>weather in the South of Vietnam ( temperature in the South is higher than it is in </i>
<i>the North, the winter in the North is colder than it is in the South).</i>

- Ss read the dialogue silently and do ex. 2b on page 75.
- Get them to share their answer with their partners.

<i>Answer keys:( Gap filling)</i>

<i>1- turn up/ weather forecast; 2- raining; 3- central highland</i>
<i>4- have temperature; 5- weather forecast/ watching them.</i>

- Ss read the dialogue and answer comprehension questions: ( pair work)
1. Why does Thuy's grandmother ask her to turn up the volume?
2. Which city is the hottest today?

3. Where is Thuy going?

4. What does Thuy's grandmother want her to do?
- T corrects if necessary.

<i> Answer keys:</i>

<i>1. Because she wants to listen to the weather forecast.</i>
<i>2. HoChiMinh city is the hottest.</i>

<i>3. She's going on a picnic with her friends.</i>
<i>4. She wants Thuy to bring along a raincoat.</i>
<i><b>4. Consolidation:7</b></i>’

<i><b>* Post- reading</b><b> : </b><b> Speaking: Ask Ss to look at the map and play the role of the </b></i>
<i>weatherman to present the weather forecast, based on the information given</i>
<i><b>5. Homework:3</b></i>’

- Ask Ss to write a weather forecast listening it on TV.
- Do ex. 1,2 P. 58/ 59.

<i>Prepering date:…./03/2009</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
Unit 9 : natural disasters

<i><b>Period 55 - Lesson 2: Speak & Listen</b></i>

<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(98)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=98>

- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to talk about what they want to
buy and do for a typhoon.

- Ss practice listening to the passage about what you should do when you
live in an earthquake zone.

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

- A list of preparing things ( P. 76). Some pictures of typhoons.
- A cassette and the tape. Keys to the table P. 77.

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:2</b></i>’

<i> 9A:……… 9B:………..9C ……….. 9D: ………9E: </i>

<i><b>2. Oral work:2</b></i>’

- The Ss' weather forecast.

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<i><b>A. Warm up:2</b></i>’Chatting: ( T- whole class)
Ask Ss some questions about the earthquakes:

<i><b>B. Presentation:15</b></i>’

<i><b>* Presentation:</b></i>

a, Pre- teach vocabulary:

- bucket ( n): ( drawing) - latch (n): ( real thing)
- ladder ( n): ( drawing) - peg ( n): ( real thing)
* Checking vocabulary: Slap the board.

b, Revision: ( T- whole class)

<b>May/ must + infinitive</b>.

<i>Question: What happens if there is a typhoon?</i>

- Get Ss to answer this question.

<i>Possible answers: </i>

<i>- There may be a power cut. - There must be heavy rain.</i>

<i>- Big trees may fall down.</i> <i>- The market may be closed.</i>
<i>- There may be a flood...</i>

<i><b>* Practice: </b></i>

- Ss do ex. 3a on page 76. They have to check what preparations they think
should be done for a typhoon.

<i>Answer keys:</i>

<i>- Buying some canned food.</i> <i>- Buying candles.</i>

<i>- Buying matches.</i> <i>- Filling all buckets withwater.</i>
<i>- Buying a ladder.</i> <i>- Fixing the leak in the roof.</i>
<i>- Tying the roof to the ground with pegs and ropes.</i>

<i>- Checking all the window and door latches.</i>

- Elicit some questions and get Ss to ask and answer in pairs.

<i>a, Why do people need to buy food? ( Because the markets will be closed).</i>
<i>b, What food do we need to buy? ( Rice, oil, canned food, flour, instant..</i>
<i>c, Why do we need to buy candles? ( Bcause there may be power cut)...</i>
- Ask Ss to use the expressions on page 77 when talking to one another.

<i> I think...</i>

<i>I think you should...</i>

<i><b>B. Presentation:2 </b></i>–<i><b> 15</b></i>’( Listen. P. 77)

<i><b>* Pre-listening:</b></i>

a, Pre-teach vocabulary:

- block ( v): ( translation) - Strike / struck/ struck(v)= hit

- roller (n): ( picture) - prevent ( v): ( in context): The heavy rain prevents us
from going on a picnic.

* Checking vocabulary: Slap the board.
B, Prediction: (pair work)

- Set the scene: An expert is giving a talk on how to live with earthquakes

<span class='text_page_counter'>(99)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=99>

- Give feedback.
<i><b>* While- listening:</b></i>

- Have Ss listen to the tape twice and check their prediction.
- Share their answers with their partners.

<i>Answer keys:</i>

<i>1. bottom shelf of the bookshelf.</i> <i>2. fridge.</i>
<i>3. washing machine</i> <i> 4. mirrors</i>
<i>5. a window</i> <i>6. inside.</i>
<i>7. under the strong table</i> <i>8. doorway</i>
<i>9. corner of the room.</i>

<i><b>* Post- listening:</b></i> ( Talking: whole class)

- What should we do if we lived in an earthquake zone?
<i>Possible answer: If we lived in an earthquake zone, we should</i>
<i>- place heavy book on the bottom shelf of the bookshelf.</i>

<i>- block the rollers on the fridge and the washing machine to prevent them from moving.</i>
<i>- check the mirrors in the bathroom …… to make sure they can't move..</i>

<i>- not put our beds next to the windows.</i>

<i>- plan where we are going to be during an earthquake.</i>
<i>- stay inside.</i>

<i>- sit under a strong table or doorway or stand in the corner of a room</i>

<i><b>4. Consolidation:7</b></i>’

<i><b>* Production:</b></i> (group work)

- Divide the Ss into the group of four.

- Have the Ss talk about what they think they want to buy and do to prepare
for a typhoon; explain why.

- T makes any necessary corrections.

<i><b>5. Homework:2</b></i>’

- Write something about what they have to do to prepare for a typhoon.
- Write about what you should do if you lived in an earthquake zone.
- Do ex. 3,4 P. 60 - 61.

<i>Prepering date:20/3/2009</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
Unit 9 : natural disasters

<i><b>Period 56- Lesson 4: Read.</b></i>

<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

- Ss practice reading a text about natural disasters for details.

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to get more information about the
natural disasters in the world. They can do all the ex. P. 79 correctly.

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

- A cassette and the tape. Some pictures of natural disasters.

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:2</b></i>’

<i> 9A:……… 9B:………..9C ……….. 9D: ………9E: </i>

<i><b>2. Oral work:5</b></i>’

- The ss' writing and ex. 4 P. 61

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<i><b>A. Warm up:</b></i> 5’ <i><b> </b></i>( T- whole class)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(100)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=100>

<i><b>B. Presentation:25</b></i>’

<i><b>* Pre-reading:</b></i>

a, Pre- teach vocabulary:

- tidal wave (n): ( picture) - Shift ( n)= movement

- tornado (n): ( picture) - majority (n): ( explanation)
- abrupt ( adj.)= sudden. - funnel- shaped ( adj.): ( visual)
- suck up ( v): ( translation)

* Checking vocabulary: Rub out and remember.
b, True- False statement predictions.

Set the scene: There are 6 statements about the information of some natural
disasters. All of you have to read then guess whether they are true of false:

1. Most of the earthquakes in the world occur in the Ring of fire.
2. The earthquake in Kobe in 1995 caused severe damage.

3. A huge tidal wave travel from California to Alaska and hit Anchorage in
the 1960s.

4. Typhoon, hurricane and tropical storm are different words for the same

5. The eruption of Mount Pinatubo is the world's largest ever volcanic

6.A Tornado looks like a funnel.

Ss work in pairs to guess which statements are true and which are false.
Give feedback.

<i><b>* While reading:</b></i>

a, Reading and checking:

- Have Ss read the text on page 78 and check their prediction.
- Get Ss to correct false statements.

<i>Keys: 1-T, 2- T, 3- F, 4- T, 5- F, 6-T.</i>

<i>3. A huge tidal wave travel from Alaska to California and hit Anchorage </i>
<i>in the 1960s.</i>

<i>5. The eruption of Mount Pinatubo is the world's largest volcanic </i>
<i>eruption more than 50 years.</i>

b, Complete the sentences:

- Have Ss work in pairs and complete the sentences in exercise 5b on page 79.
- Get Ss practice aloud in front of the class.

Answer keys:

1...occur around the Pacific Rim.

2...people were killed when homes, office blocks and highways

3...there is an abrupt shift in the underwater movement of the earth.
4...a cyclone.

5...the word " typhoon".

6...passes overland below a thunderstorm and sucks up anything that is
in its path.

<i><b>* Post reading:</b></i>

- Asking and answering: ( Group work)
- Divide the class into four groups.
- Have Ss read the text again.

- One group asks a question and the others answer it. ( in turn)
- Questions:

1. Why do people call the Pacific Rim " Ring of fire"?

2. What will happen when there is an abrupt shift in the underwater
movement of the earth?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(101)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=101>

4. Can we predict a volcano?

<i><b>4. Consolidation:3</b></i>’

<i><b>5. Homework:5</b></i>’

Have Ss write the ex. 5b into their notebooks using their ideas.

Do ex. 5 P. 61 ( WB)

<i>Prepering date:21/3/2009</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
Unit 9 : natural disasters

<i><b>Period 57- Lesson 4: Write.</b></i>

<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

- Ss practice writing a story about a typhoon using the pictures and the
given words.

- By the end of the lesson they will be able to write a story in good English.

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

Pictures and a sample story.

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:2</b></i>’

<i> 9A:……… 9B:………..9C ……….. 9D: ………9E: </i>

<i><b>2. Oral work:5</b></i>’

- The students' writing and ex. 5 P. 61.

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<i><b>A. Warm up:5 (T- whole class)</b></i>’

<i>* Jumble words</i>:

- Write the words whose letters are in random order on the board.

- Divide the class into two teams. Ss from two teams go to the board and
write the correct words.

- The team which writes more correct words first wins the game.
1. otnophy--- typhoon. 3. laconov--- volcano.

2. damotro--- tornado. 4. ormst --- storm.

<i><b>B. Presentation:25</b></i>’

<i><b>* Pre-writing:</b></i>

a, Pre teach vocabulary: ( T- whole class).
- all of sudden= suddenly= abrupt.
- in circle : ( drawing)

- shelter ( n): a place of safety.

- behave (v)--->behavior (n): ( translation)
- Checking vocabulary: What and where.

b, Telling the story.

- Show 6 pictures on the board.

- Set the scene: This is Lan's family, they are at home.
- Ask some questions to elicit the story

P1: - Who is this? ( It's Lan.)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(102)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=102>

- What's she doing? ( She's doing with her dog.)

<b>---> Lan is outside playing with her dog.</b>

P2: - How is the dog? ( It looks strange. Perhaps it is scared.)

<b>----> All of sudden, the dog behaves strangely.</b>

P3, P4, P5, P6: Do the same.

P3:<b>---->Lan ran home and her mother tells her that there is a typhoon </b>

P4<b>: ----> Mrs. Quyen gathers her family and asks them to find shelter in the </b>

P5<b>: ----> Suddenly, it becomes dark. The storm comes with strong wind and </b>
<b>heavy rain.</b>

P6<b>: ----> The storm finishes soon and every one is glad.</b>
<i><b>* While writing:</b></i>

- Ask some Ss to look at the pictures and retell the story.

- Have Ss write the story individually using the past tense.
T moves around the class and helps Ss to write.

* <i>Sample story:</i>

<i>It was a beautiful day. The sun was shiny, the sky was blue and the weather</i>
<i>was perfect. Lan was outside with her dog, Skippy. All of a sudden, the dog began</i>
<i>behaving strangely. She kept running around in circles. Lan run home with her </i>
<i>dog to tell her mother what Skippy was doing. Lan's mother, Mrs. Quyen told </i>
<i>Lan that she heard on TV that there was a typhoon coming. She gathered her </i>
<i>family and told them to find shelter in the home.</i>

<i>Suddenly , the sky became very dark. The storm came with strong wind </i>
<i>and heavy rain. Mrs. Quyen and her family were scared, but soon the storm </i>
<i>finished and every one was glad. What a clever dog Skippy is. She saved Lan </i>
<i>from being caught in the typhoon.</i>

- Get Ss to share with their partners and correct mistakes.

<i><b>* Post writing:</b></i>

- Take some writings to correct in front of the class.

<i><b>4. Consolidation:5</b></i>’

- T makes remark about ss' writing.

<i><b>5. Homework:3</b></i>’

<b>-</b> Get ss to write another story.

- Do ex. 6 P. 62 ( WB)

<i>Prepering date:22/3/2009</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
Unit 9 : natural disasters

<i><b>Period 58 - Lesson 5: Language focus.</b></i>

<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

-Ss do further practice in relative pronouns: who, which , that.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(103)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=103>

- By the end of the lesson they can distinguish between defining and non-
defining clauses.

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

-Keys to all the ex. P. 80, 81.

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:2</b></i>’

<i> 9A:……… 9B:………..9C ……….. 9D: ………9E: </i>

<i><b>2. Oral work:</b></i>

- The ss' writing and ex. 6. P.62

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<i><b>A. Warm up Quiz ( T- whole class)</b></i>

1. Which country won the 1998 Tiger cup? ( Singapore)
2. Which animal has 1 or 2 horns on his snout? ( Rhinoceros)
3. Which planet is closest to the earth? ( Venus)

4. Which ASEAN country is divided into two regions by the sea?
( Malaysia)

5. Which animal was chosen to be the logo of Sea games 22th in Vietnam?
( Buffalo)

<i><b>B. Presentation:</b></i>

<i>B.1, Defining relative clauses .( Ex.1, P. 81)</i>

-T explains the task
-Ss look at the example:

<i>Example:</i> <i>Which city in Japan was struck by a huge earthquake in 1995?</i>
<i>---> The city which was struck by a huge earthquake in 1995 in Japan is Kobe.</i>

(a defining relative clause: It is used to define the preceded noun and
without it we can't understand what the writer mean to talk about.)

-Ss work in pairs then practice in front of the class.
-T makes any necessary corrections and give the keys:

<i>b, The country which won the 1998 Tiger cup is Singapore.</i>

<i>c, The animal which has one or two horns on its snout is rhinoceros.</i>
<i>d, The explorer who discovered America is Christopher Columbus.</i>
<i>e, The planet which is closest to the earth is Venus.</i>

<i>f, The animal which was chosen to be the logo of SEA Games 2003 in </i>
<i>Vietnam is the buffalo.</i>

<i>g, The ASEAN country which is divided into regions by the sea is </i>

<i>h, The food which you can swallow but you cannot chew is water.</i>
<i>B.2, Non- defining relative clauses. </i>

<i>* Ex. 2, P.81</i>

<i>Example: Andrew is flying to Sacramento, which is the capital city of California.</i>

( a non- defining relative clause: It adds some more information to its preceded
noun and goes after a comma or between two commas).

- Have Ss read all the sentences then combine them.
- Ss compare their answers with their partners.
- Some Ss read their sentences in front of the class.
- T makes any necessary corrections.

<i>Answer keys:</i>

1-e. 2- g. 3- f. 4- a. 5- c. 6- d. 7- b.

<i>*Ex. 3, P. 82.</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(104)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=104>

- Get Ss give their answers in front of the class.

<i>Answer keys:</i>

<i>B, ..., which come from Australia, ...</i>
<i>c. ..., who lives on Trang Tien Street, ....</i>
<i>d, ( defining)</i>

<i>e, ..., who first walked on the moon, ...</i>
<i>f, ( defining)</i>

<i>g, ...., who sings very well, ...</i>
<i><b>4. Consolidation:</b></i>

<i>* Ex. 4, P. 82: </i> SS do it using ex. 3 and their own words.

<i><b>5. Homework:</b></i>

- Ss revise Units 8,9 for a written test and do all the ex. in U8,9.

<i>Prepering date: 02/04/2009</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
Period 59: Written test 4

<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

- To check ss knowledge of learning English book 9 ( from unit 8 – unit 9)

- To find better ways for teaching and learning.


+ Relative clauses/ Relative pronouns.
+ Adverb clauses of concession…..

<i>Vocabulary: </i>Words to talk about celebration, natural disasters….

<i>Skills:</i> Writing; reading….

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

Chđ dỊ <b>NhËn biÕt</b> <b>Th«ng hiĨu</b> <b>VËn dơng</b> <b>Tæng</b>

TNKQ Tù luËn TNKQ Tù luËn TNKQ Tù luËn
Grammar &

















Writing <sub> </sub> 5 2,


<span class='text_page_counter'>(105)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=105>










<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>

<i><b>1. Class organization:</b></i>

<i>9A: ... 9B: ...9C:... 9D: ...9E: </i>


<i><b>2. Rules: Ss work alone without using any book.</b></i>
<i><b>3. Questions:</b></i>

<i><b>IV. Consolidation: </b></i>

- Ss hand in their tests. T make remarks.

<i><b>V. Homework: </b></i>

- Collect documents about life in the other planets

<i>Prepering date:</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>

Unit 10: Life on other planets

<i><b>Period 60- Lesson 1: Getting started+ Listen and read.</b></i>

<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

- Ss talk and read a text about UFOs for details to complete the notes.
- By the end of the lesson they will be able to know more about UFOs.

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

- A cassette and the tape;
- Some pictures of UFOs.

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:2</b></i>’

<i> 9A:……… 9B:………..9C ……….. 9D: ………9E: </i>

<i><b>2. Oral work:3</b></i>’

- Check the SS' collections about life on other planets.

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<i><b>A. Warm up:7 ( Getting started. P. 83)</b></i>’’
Chatting: (T- whole class)

- Ss show their pictures and talk about them.

- T shows the pictures on page 83; explain what UFOs mean ( Unidentified
Flying Objects ) and ask Ss some questions:

* Have you ever heard about UFOs? Do you think they really exist?
* Have you ever seen any films on UFOs? Tell us about them.

* What do you want to know about UFOs?

*If you saw a UFO, what would you do?

<b>B. Presentation:25</b>’<i><b> ( Listen and read. P. 83, 84)</b></i>
<i><b>* Pre-listening and reading.</b></i>

a, Pre teach vocabulary.

- spacecraft ( n): ( picture) - aircraft ( n) = plane.
- meteor. ( n): ( picture) - evidence ( n)= proof.
- alien ( n): (a person on other planet) - capture ( v) = arrest/ catch

<i>* Checking vocabulary</i>: What and where.
b, Guessing meaning of the words.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(106)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=106>

<i><b> * While- listening and reading:</b></i>

- Ss listen to the tape and find out the answers.

- Compare their answers with their partners. Then they give feedback.

<i>Answer keys: ( Ex. a, P. 84):</i>

<i>1- evidence ,</i> <i>2- meteor, </i> <i>3- aliens,</i>

<i>4-collecting,</i> <i>5- captured,</i> <i>6- disappeared.</i>

c, Complete the notes.

- Ss read the text again and complete the notes individually.
- Compare their answers with their partners.

- Some Ss read the completed sentences aloud.

<i>Answer keys:</i>

<i>a, An aircraft, a weather balloon or a meteor...</i>

<i>b, ... nine large round objects traveling at about 2,800 m an hour.</i>
<i>c, ... 1,500 UFO...</i>

<i>d, ... a UFO above their house.</i>

<i>e, ....an egg- shaped object in one of his fields and also aliens </i>

<i>f, ...claimed they were captured by aliens and taken abroad a spacecraft.</i>
<i>g, ... and his plane disappeared after sighting a UFO....</i>

<i>h, .... that he saw a plate- like device at a treetop 30 m away...</i>
<i><b>* Post- reading: </b></i> Discussion.

- Have the whole class discuss the topic: " UFOs".
- Choose a good student to be a leader.

- Get the leader to make a summary of the evidence of the existence of UFOs and
then discuss with his or her friends.

<i>Sample questions for the leader:</i>

<i>- Do you believe in Kenneth Arnold or the woman who saw a UFO above </i>

<i>her house?</i>

<i>- Have you ever seen a picture of an alien? What is the alien like?</i>
<i><b>4. Consolidation:5</b></i>’

- Retell about UFOs sightings from the text.

<i><b>5. Homework:3</b></i>’

- Learn by heart the new words.
- Do ex. 1,2 P. 65.

<i>Prepering date:</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
Unit 10: Life on other planets

<i><b>Period 61- Lesson 2: Speak & Listen.</b></i>

<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(107)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=107>

- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to talk to one another about what they think there
might be on Mars, on the moon and on other planets.

- Ss practice listening for details to complete a table

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know more about the moon by listening.
<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

- A picture on page 85.
- A sample dialogue.

- A cassette and the tape and keys to the ex. P. 86.

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:2</b></i>’

<i> 9A:……… 9B:………..9C ……….. 9D: ………9E: </i>

<i><b>2. Oral work:</b></i>

- The new words and ex. 1,2 P. 65.

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<i><b>3.1. Warm up:</b></i>

T- whole class: Tell us what you've known about the moon.

<i><b>3.2. Presentation:</b></i>
<b>A- Speak</b>

<i><b>* Pre-speaking:</b></i>

a, Pre teach vocabulary:

- microorganism ( n): ( translation) - gemstone ( n): ( realia)
- creature ( n): ( translation) - trace (n): ( visual)

- mineral ( n): ( example) - sparkling ( adj.): ( realia)

<i>Checking vocabulary: Rub out and remember.</i>

b, Revision of modal verbs: <b>May/ Might+ infinitive</b>

* Use: We use may/ might to talk about present or future possibility. ( <b>Might </b>is
normally a little less sure than <b>May</b>)

<i><b>* Practice:</b></i>

a, Matching:

- <i>Set the scene: A space tourist traveled to Mars, he saw many things there and </i>
<i>noted them down. These are drawings of things. Try to guess and match the </i>
<i>drawings with their names.</i>

- Number from 1 to 7 from left to right.

- Ss work in pairs to find the answers. Then give their answers in front of the

<i>* Answer keys: 1- mineral, 2- water, 3- mountains, 4- plants, </i>
<i> 5- little creatures, 6- gas, 7- gemstone.</i>

<i>b, Drill:</i>

Ss use the drawing to drill.

<i>* Exchange:</i>

1. What is this? - This may be water on Mars.

2. What are they? - They may be minerals on Mars...
c, Practice the dialogue: ( P. 85)

- Call on some pairs of Ss to practice the dialogue.

<b>B. Listen:</b>
<i><b>* Pre- listening:</b></i>

- <i>Set the scene: You are going to listen to description of the moon. But before listening you </i>
<i>should read the statements on page 86 and guess which is correct and which is incorrect.</i>
<i>- Have Ss work in pairs to tick the statements that they think they are correct.</i>

<i>- Give feedback.</i>

<i><b>* While - listening:</b></i>

a, Listening and checking:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(108)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=108>

<i>Answer keys: The true statements are: a, c, d, f, I, j.</i>

b, Comprehension questions:

- Give Ss some questions and ask them to work in pairs to answer them.
- Give feedback.


<i>1, Why are there no sounds on the moon? ( Because there is no air on the moon.)</i>

<i>2, How many craters are there on the moon? ( about 30,000).</i>

<i>3, How much will you weigh on the moon if you weigh 50 kilos on the earth? ( a little more </i>
<i>than 8 kilos)</i>

<i>4, Will you sleep well on the moon? Why/ Why not? ( No, we won't because one day lasts for </i>
<i>two weeks on the moon.)</i>

<i><b>* Production:</b></i>

d. Making dialogue.

- Have Ss make similar dialogues about the drawings, using the cues in 3a

<i><b>4. Consolidation:</b></i>

- Ss discuss: What may there be on the Moon? On Mercury?

<i><b>* Post- listening:</b></i>

<i>- Have Ss retell about the moon using the cues:</i>
<i>- no air, no water, no rivers or lakes.</i>
<i>- temperatures: night: - 151</i><i>C, day: 100</i><i>C.</i>
<i>- craters: 30,000</i>

<i>- mountains: 8,000 meters high.</i>
<i>- weight: one sixth on the earth.</i>
<i>- day: two weeks. </i>

<i><b>5. Homework:</b></i>

- Write about the moon using the cues.
- Write the dialogue in their notebooks.
- Do ex. 3,4,5 P. 68 - 69.

<i>Prepering date:</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
Unit 10: Life on other planets

<i><b>Period </b></i>

<i><b> 62: Lesson 3: Read</b></i>

<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

- Ss practice reading a text about a space trip. They understand the text and can
do all the ex. bellow the text.

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

- Some pictures on space trips.

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:2</b></i>’

<i> 9A:……… 9B:………..9C ……….. 9D: ………9E: </i>

<i><b>2. Oral work:5</b></i>’

- The Ss' writing and ex. 4,5 P. 69.

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<i><b>A. Warm up:</b></i> 5’ T- whole class.

- Show some pictures on space trips and ask Ss some questions to involve Ss in
the topic of the lesson:

* Do you know the name of the man who first landed on the moon?
* How many people made a trip into space? Who were they?

* Have you dreamt of a trip into space?

* Do you think traveling into space takes a lot of money?

<i><b>B. Presentation:</b></i> 25’ Read P. 86, 87

<span class='text_page_counter'>(109)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=109>

a, Pre teach vocabulary:

- Push- up (n): ( mime) - orbit ( n/ v): ( visual)

- totally ( adv) = completely - marvelous ( adj.) = wonderful.
- Physical condition ( n): ( translation).

* Checking vocabulary: Slap the board.
b, Ordering statements:

- Show the poster of 5 statements on the board.

- Have Ss work in pairs to put the statements in order to show what they need and
get in joining a trip into space.

<i><b>* While reading:</b></i>

- Have Ss read the text and check their guess.
- Ss give feedback.

Answer keys: a-4, b-1, c-5, d-2, e-3.

- Have Ss read the text again and work in pairs to answer the questions on page

- Call on some Ss to answer the questions loudly.

- Get Ss to practice asking and answering the questions.
Answer keys:

1. If you decide to take a space trip, you'll have to run a lot, swim every
day, and do aerobics and push- ups to have an excellent physical condition.

2. If you want to show you are in perfect health, you must get a letter from
the doctor.

3. You can see picture of the earth; your country, interesting places, the
oceans, the big rivers, the tall mountains.

4. We can see those scenes 16 times a day.
5. We can walk on the wall or on the ceiling.

<i><b>* Post- reading:</b></i>

* Discussion:

- Give Ss the topic of the discussion <i>" If you were able to take a space trip, what </i>
<i>would you do to prepare for the trip? What would you like to bring along?"</i>

- Divide the class into 4 groups. The Ss discuss in groups.

- Ask each group to choose one leader who will present his/ her group's opinions.
- T helps ss to show their ideas.

<i><b>4. Consolidation:5</b></i>’

- T reminds all main points for ss to remember.

<i><b>5. Homework:3</b></i>’

<span class='text_page_counter'>(110)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=110>

<i>Prepering date:10/04/2009</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>

<i><b>Period - 63: Test correction</b></i>

<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

- Ss practice reading a text about a space trip. They understand the text and can
do all the ex. bellow the text.

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

- Some pictures on space trips.

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:2</b></i>’

<i> 9A:……… 9B:………..9C ……….. 9D: ………9E: </i>

<i><b>2. Oral work:</b></i>

- The Ss' writing and ex. 6 P.70.

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<i><b>A. Warm up:</b></i> T- whole class.

<b>3.2 </b>–<b> Presentation</b>:

- T asks ss to give the answer for each question then asks ss the reasons for their

- T. writes the answer on board and gives comment if it’s necessary.
Answer key:

<b>I - Chọn một từ trong mỗi nhóm có phần gạch chân đợc phát âm khác với các từ còn lại.</b>

1. C 1

2. A 2

3. B 3

4. C 4

<i><b>I. Chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất để hoàn thành các câu sau và viết câu trả lời tơng ứng vào khung answers</b></i>
1. It's






a. that
2. Ben

is the



<span class='text_page_counter'>(111)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=111>

that big

b. who
3. Hide

seek is
a game


I like

to play
as a


4. This

is the


son I


5. I



.. me

when I
play the


c. at
6. The






b was
7. I




before a

<span class='text_page_counter'>(112)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=112>


8. In

Asia, a
storm is
as a
__ .



9. A

like a




. .


10. The



my car



d. b and

<b>Ex. 1 </b>
<b>Find </b>
<b>and </b>
<b>correct </b>

1 It was this woman which caused the trouble. -> ………
2- The man that live next door is very friendly. - > ………

3 - The explorer whose discovered America was Columbus. - > ………
4- Ann is flying to Sacramento, that is the capital city of California. - > ………

5 - Nick is the man which owns that big dog. - > ..

<b>III. Đọc</b>
<b>đoạn </b>
<b>văn sau</b>
<b>và trả </b>
<b>lời câu </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(113)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=113>


of South
<i>2- Yes, </i>
<i>they </i>

<i>True or</i>
1- T; 2

T; 3. F <i>1</i>

<b>IV. </b>
<b>Viết lại </b>
<b>các câu</b>
<b>sau: </b>
<b>( sử </b>
<b>dụng </b>
<b>các </b>
<b>mệnh </b>
<b>đề đã </b>
<b>học </b>
<b>hoặc </b>
<b>các từ </b>
<b>gợi ý </b>

<b>cho </b>

<i>1. In spite of the fact that the weather was bad, we still went out.</i>
<i> 2 - </i>

<i>This is </i>
<i>the man</i>
<i>who </i>
<i>has </i>
<i>asked </i>
<i>me to </i>
<i>marry </i>
3 - I
h I was

4. Tet is a festival which occurs in late January or early Februaly.

<i> 5 </i>–<i> This is the story of a man whose wife suddenly lose her memory.</i>
<b>4- Consolidation: </b>

<b>-</b> T reminds all main points in the written test forss to remember.
5. Home work.

- Prepare the nextlesson

<span class='text_page_counter'>(114)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=114>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
Unit 10: Life on other planets

<i><b>Period </b></i>

<i><b> 64: Lesson 4: Write.</b></i>

<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

- Ss practice writing an exposition about the existence of UFOs based on the
dialogue between An and Ba.

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write an exposition about the
existence of UFOs in good English.

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

- A sample exposition about the existence of UFOs.

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:2</b></i>’

<i> 9A:……… 9B:………..9C ……….. 9D: ………9E: </i>

<i><b>2. Oral work:</b></i>

- During the lesson.

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<i><b>A. Warm up:</b></i> 5’ T- whole class:

<i>* Jumble words: </i>

- Ss are divided into 2 groups. Ss of 2 groups go to the board and write the correct
words. The group which write more correct words first wins the game.

1. ucinionttrord => introduction.

2. oybd => body.

3. nculcoonsi => conclusion.
4. taimnenterent => entertainment.

5. caret => trace.

6. peapaceran => appearance.

<i><b>B. Presentation:25</b></i>’

<i><b>* Pre- writing</b></i>

a, <i>Pre teach vocabulary</i>:

- exposition ( n): ( translation) - imagination ( n): ( translation)
- trick ( n): ( definition: a cunning action) - flying saucer ( n) = UFO
- man- like creature ( n): ( translation)

- mysterious ( adj.): ( definition).

* <i>Checking vocabulary</i>: What and where.

b<i>, Matching: ( Ex. 6a P. 88)</i>

- Have Ss read the outline of an exposition in column A and put the paragraphs in
column B in order to match the sections in A.

- Ss compare their answers with their partners.
- Some Ss give their answers in front of the class.

<i>Answer keys: Introduction: ( ii) ; Body- (iii) ; Conclusion- ( i).</i>

c, <i>Reading the dialogue:</i>

- Have Ss read the dialogue ( P. 88).

- Get them to answer some comprehension questions:
1. Does An believe there are UFOs?

2. Does Ba believe in UFOs

3. What does An think about UFOs?
4. Why does Ba think UFOs exist?

5. What evidence makes Ba believe in UFOs?

<i><b>* While writing:</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(115)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=115>

- Share their writings with their partners and correct mistakes by themselves.
Suggested writing:

<i>I believe UFOs exist because articles and reports in newspapers talked a </i>

<i>lot about their appearance.</i>

<i>First, many people from different countries reported that once saw flying </i>
<i>saucers. Second, there are many photos of flying saucers and some of </i>

<i>photographers said they saw man- like creatures get out of the saucers. </i>
<i>Moreover, people are discussing the mysterious circles on the fields in the </i>
<i>countryside of Great Britain.</i>

<i>So I think UFOs are not human's imagination. They are real and we </i>
<i>should be ready to welcome their visits.</i>

<i><b>4. Consolidation:10</b></i>’

<i><b>* Post writing:</b></i>

- Collect some writings to correct mistakes in front of the class.
- Call on some Ss to read aloud their writings.

<i><b>5. Homework:3</b></i>’

- Get Ss to write an exposition based on An's opinion.
- Do ex. 7 P. 71.

<i>Prepering date:15/04/2009</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>
Unit 10: Life on other planets

<i><b>Period - 65 Lesson 5: Language focus</b></i>

<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

- Ss do further practice in modal verbs: may, might and conditional sentences
type 1 and type 2.

- By the end of the lesson they will be able to know more about the use of May
and Might and make up conditional sentences type 1 and type 2.

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

- Keys to all the ex. on page 89, 90, 91.

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:2</b></i>’

<i> 9A:……… 9B:………..9C ……….. 9D: ………9E: </i>

<i><b>2. Oral work:5</b></i>’

- The Ss' writings and ex. 7, P. 71.

<i><b>3. New lesson:30</b></i>’

<span class='text_page_counter'>(116)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=116>

<i>* Revision of modal verbs:</i>

- Form: May/ Might + infinitive.
- Use:

* May/ Might is used to talk about present or future possibility.

* Might is normally a little less sure than May.

<i>* Drill</i>: - Ss look at the ex. 1 ( p. 89) and work in pairs to do the ex.
- They have to practice asking and answering:

<i>Example: S1: What may it be?</i>

<i> S2: It may be a book or it might be a game.</i>
<i>b, Conditional sentences type 1:</i>

- Ss repeat the form and the use of con. sentences type 1.
- Drill: ( ex. 2, P. 90)

- Ss work in pairs to do the ex. 2

- Call some Ss to read their sentences in front of the class.
- Give feedback and correct if necessary.

<i>Answer keys:</i>

<i>A, If Ba forgets his lunch, he'll be hungry at lunch time.</i>
<i>B, Lan 'will miss the bus if she does not hurry.</i>

<i>C, If Ha is not careful, he'll drop the cup.</i>

<i>D, Mrs. Nga will join us if she finishes her work early.</i>

<i>E, If Mrs. Binh writes a shopping list, she won't forget what to buy.</i>
<i>c, Conditional sentences type 2:</i>

- Ss repeat the form and the use of con. sentences type 2.
- Drill: ( ex. 3, P. 90)

- Ss work in pairs to do the ex. 3

- Call some Ss to read their sentences in front of the class.
- Give feedback and correct if necessary.

<i>Answer keys:</i>

<i>B, If Mr. Loc had a car, he would drive to work.</i>

<i>C, If Lan lived in HCM city, she would visit Saigon Water Park.</i>
<i>D, If Nam had an alarm clock, he would arrive at school on time.</i>
<i>E, If Hoa lived in Hue, she would see her parents every day.</i>
<i>F, If Nga owned a piano, she would play it very well.</i>

<i>G, If Tuan studied harder, he would get better grades.</i>

<i>H, If Na had enough money, she would buy a new computer.</i>
<i>d, Writing:</i> " What would you do if you met an alien from outer space?"
- Ss discuss in groups before writing.

- T give an example first: If I met an alien from outer space, I would invite him to
my home and talk to him.

- Have Ss write 3 things they would do and share their sentences with their

- Some Ss call out their sentences before the class.

<i><b>4. Consolidation:5</b></i>’

- Repeat the use of May, Might and the conditional sentences type 1 and type 2.

<i><b>5. Homework:3</b></i>’
- Do ex. 8 P. 71.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(117)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=117>

<i>Prepering date:20/04/2009</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>

<i><b>Period - 66: Revision.</b></i>

<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

- Ss can do all the exercises using the learned words and grammar strutures in
Unit 6 and 7.

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

- Exercices and their keys.

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:2</b></i>’

<i> 9A:……… 9B:………..9C ……….. 9D: ………9E: ………</i>
<i><b>2. Oral work:</b></i>

- During the lesson.

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<b>3. 1- Warm up:5 </b>’ Noughts and crosses.

so beccause that is

as but and suggest

- Ss use the words given to make meaningful sentences.

<b>3.2: Presentation:30</b>’

<b>Unit 6:</b>

I - Adjectives and adverbs:

- Most advebs add “ly” after adjectives to form adverbs.
eg: happy -> happily; sad - > sadly; slow – slowly …
But: good -> well; hard - > hard ..

<b>II - Adverb </b>
<b>clauses of </b>
<b>reason: </b>
<b>SINCE/ </b>
<b>S + clause</b>

* We decided
to leave early



. the


party was

* She didn't go



./ as she

<span class='text_page_counter'>(118)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=118>

didn't want to.

<b>Notes: </b>
<b>Because of + </b>
<b>noun/ noun </b>

* We cancelled
our flight

because the
weather was

* We cancelled
our flight
because of the
bad weather.

<b>III. </b>

<b>Conditional </b>
<b>sentences </b>
<b>Type I</b>

<b>If clause ( V - simple present), S + will + V- infinitive</b>

Eg; If more
trees (die)

.., the


( change)


. .

<b>IV - Adjective + that clause ( đợc dùng với các tính từ chỉ cảm xúc …..) : afraid; angry; bad; good;</b>
<b>happy; pleased; lucky; sorry; glad; disappointed; sure, sad …</b>

Eg: I' m
that you failed
the exam.

- You are working hard. I'm very pleased. ……….
- Mai was unhappy. She heard the news. -

Unit 7:

<i><b>I . Making suggestions.</b></i>

1. suggest +V- ing: ………
2. Suggest + that + S + should + V- infinitive. : ………
3. Suggest + that + S + V - infinitive. -> ………
4. Why don't we/ you ………..?

5. Let's ………

6. What about/ How about ………..?

<b>II. Connectives:</b>

1. and, but, or

a. and (và) : là từ để nối các từ, các cụm từ hay các mệnh đề.
They bought rice, carots and fish.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(119)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=119>

c. Or: ( ………… ………., ) dùng để dẫn ra một sự lựa chọn. eg: Are you a doctor or a farmer?
2- So, because

a- So : v× vËy, v× thÕ, do vËy. > So + result ( kÕt qu¶, hËu qu¶)

b- Because: .. > Because + reason ( nguyên nhân, lý do).
Eg; - She studied hard,<b> so</b> she passed the exam.

_ She passed the exam because she studied hard.

<b>III. However, = nonetheless, = nevertheless. ( tuy nhiên), thờng đứng ở đầu câu tiếp sau </b>
<b>và sau nó có dấu</b>

phẩy, đợc dùng để diễn đạt một ý trái với ý trớc đó.

Eg: She is rich. However/ ……… ………../ , she is not happy.
<b>4. Consolidation: 5</b>’

<b>-</b> T reminds all main points for ss to remember.


<b>-5. Home work:3</b>’

- Learn by heart all structures in Unit 6,7. – Do ex. in work book?

<i>Prepering date:20/04/2009</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>

<i><b>Period - 67:Revision.</b></i>

<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

- Ss can do all the exercises using the learned words and grammar strutures in
Unit 8 and 9.

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

- Exercices and their keys.

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:2</b></i>’

<i> 9A:……… 9B:………..9C ……….. 9D: ………9E: </i>

<i><b>2. Oral work:</b></i>

- During the lesson.

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

3.1 – Warm – up: - Sing an E. song.
3.2 – Presentation:

I - Relative clauses:

There are three kinds of relative clauses: Defining; non - defining; and connective

<b> 1 - Difining relative clause: ( Mệnh đề quan hệ đại từ xác định): Who, whom, ……….</b>

eg 2: The car which/ that I drived broke down.

<b>* Relative pronouns used in defining relative clauses;</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(120)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=120>

<i><b>Subject</b></i> <i><b>Object</b></i> <i><b>possessive</b></i>

<b>For persons</b> who whom/who whose
that that

<b>For things</b> which which <sub>ofwhich</sub>whose/

that that

<b>1.1 - Defining relative clause: persons ( Mệnh đề quan hệ chỉ ngời)</b>

<i><b>A. Subject: who or that ( who is normally used).</b></i>

eg. The man who robbed you has been arrested. ……….

- The girl who is standing over there is my sister……….

But <b>that</b> có thể đợc sử dụng thay thế cho <b>who</b> sau<b>: all, everyone, everybody, no one, nobody </b>and<b> those</b>

eg; Everyone who/ that knew him liked him.

- Nobody that/ ……… watched the match will ever forget it.
<i><b>B; Object of a verb: whom, who, that.</b></i>

eg; The man whom/ ……… ………./ . I saw told me to come back today.
<i><b>C; Possessive: Whose</b></i>

eg; He is the boy whose father is the drector orf this company.
- This is the girl whose car has been stolen.

<b>1.2 - Defining relative clauses: Things (……….)</b>

<i><b>A. Subject; which or that, which is more formal.</b></i>
eg; The bike <i>which / that my father bought</i> broke down.

- Chóng ta thêng sư dơng <b>that</b> thay v× which sau: all, everything, little, much, none, no.
eg; All the apples that fall are eaten by pigs.

<i><b>B. Possessive: whose</b></i>

eg; A house whose walls were made of glass = A house with glass walls.
* Notes:

<i> - Relative adverbs: when; where; why</i>
+ when: ( used of time) = in which

eg; The year when I was born. - The day when I arrived.
+ where ( used of ……….)

- The hotel where we were staying. ……….

<b>2- Non - defining relative clauses:</b>

eg; Mr. Dung, <i>who I saw on T.V yesterday</i>, is Viet Nam 's President.
<i><b>* Notes: - Trong mệnh đề không xác định chúng ta không sử dụng </b><b>That</b></i>

eg; Peter, who/ that had been driving all day, suggested stopping at the next town.
<i><b>* All of; most of; both of; none of, </b><b>…</b><b>. + Whom/ Which.</b></i>

eg: - She has three children, all of ………... are studying abroad.
- My sister gave me two shirts, both of ………….. fit me very well.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(121)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=121>

<i>The form are as follows:</i>

<i><b>Subject</b></i> <i><b>Object</b></i> <i><b>possessive</b></i>

<b>For persons</b> who whom/who whose

<b>For things</b> which which <sub>ofwhich</sub>whose/

<b>Ex. 1: Put in: which, who, whom, whose, that ( there may be more than one choice)</b>

1 - What's the name of the man ……… hair is red.
2 - I met the man ……….. knows you.

3 - Your mother, ……… answered the phone, told me you were away.

4 - They are at the Noi Bai Airport, ……… is one of the biggest airports in ViÖt Nam
5 - We walked down the street ……… led to the park.

<b>4. Consolidation: 5</b>’

<b>-</b> T reminds all main points for ss to remember.

<b>5. Home work:3</b>’

- Learn by heart all structures in Unit 6,7. – Do ex. in work book?

<i>Prepering date:20/04/2009</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>

<i><b>Period - 68: Revision.</b></i>

<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

- Ss can do all the exercises using the learned words and grammar strutures in
Unit 9 and 10 and exsercises.

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

- Exercices and their keys.

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:2</b></i>’

<i> 9A:……… 9B:………..9C ……….. 9D: ………9E: </i>

<i><b>2. Oral work:</b></i>

- Ex. 8 P. 71.

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<i><b>A. Warm up:</b><b> </b></i> T- whole class.

Write the words you've known from Unit 9 and 10 following these topics:

- Natural disasters: storm, tidal waves, ………

- Weather: hot, sunny, ……….

- Space: meteor, micro organism,……….

<i><b>B. Presentation</b></i>:

<i><b>I- Adverb clauses of concession. ( Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ sự nhợng bộ)</b></i>
<i><b>A - although/ even though/ though + Clause, </b><b>………</b><b>.. ( mặc dầu/ dẫu cho/ cho dù</b><b>………</b><b>.)</b></i>

<b>1 . Although.</b>

eg; We continued working although we were tired.

= Although we were tired, ………..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(122)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=122>

eg: I didn't get the job even though I had all the necessary qualifications.

= Even though I had all the necessary qualifications, ………...

<b>3. Chóng ta vÉn cã thĨ cã dïng Though thay cho although.</b>

eg: I couldn't sleep though I was very tired.

<b>B - In spite of/ Despite + noun/ noun phrase ( mỈc dï/ bÊt chÊp/ dï..)</b>

Eg; Although the traffic was bad, I arrived on the time.

= In spite of/ Despite the traffic, ………....
- Although it rained heavily, we enjoyed our vacation.

= In spite of/ Despite the heavy rain, ………

<b>C. In spite of / Despite the fact that + clause.</b>

Eg: Inspite of/ ……….. the fact that he is rich, he is not happy.
* notes; Trong câu có <b>although </b> thì không dùng <b> but.</b>

eg: Although she is young, but she has achieved a lot in life.

<b>Ex. 1 Rewite these sentences;</b>

1 Although he's got a French name, he is in fact American.

Despite ………..
2. I decided to accept the job, although the salary was low.

3. Despite of the fact that we were the better team, we lost the match.

- Even though ………..
4 . The weather was good, but we stayed in doors.

- Despite ………..
5 - In spite of her illness, my mother never complained.

- Although ………..
6. Cars cause pollution, but people still want them.

- Although ………..

<b>Ex. 3 - Combine the sentences:</b>

1 - I met Mai. She asked me to give you this.
2 - This is my neighbor. Her children are lovely.

3 - The car crashed into a group of students. Four of them were injured.
4 - This morning I miss the train. I usually catch this train.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(123)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=123>

- Give any necessary corrections.

<i><b>5. Homework:</b></i>

- Revise Grammar points for the last written test.

<i>Prepering date:… …./</i> <i>../2009</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>

<i><b>Period - 69: Test for the second term</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(124)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=124>

<i>Prepering date:… …./</i> <i>../2009</i>

<i>Teaching dates: 9A;... 9B: ... 9C; ... 9D: ... 9E: ...</i>

<i><b>Period - 70: Test correction</b></i>

<i><b>I. Aims and objectives:</b></i>

- Ss practice reading a text about a space trip. They understand the text and can
do all the ex. bellow the text.

<i><b>II. Preparations:</b></i>

- Some pictures on space trips.

<i><b>III. Teaching procedure:</b></i>
<i><b>1. Class organization:2</b></i>’

<i> 9A:……… 9B:………..9C ……….. 9D: ………9E: </i>

<i><b>2. Oral work:</b></i>
<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<i><b>A. Warm up:</b></i> T- whole class.

<b>3.2 </b>–<b> Presentation</b>:

- T asks ss to give the answer for each question then asks ss the reasons for their


