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Đề cương ôn tập Tiếng Anh 7

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<b>ÔN TẬP TIẾNG ANH LỚP 7 NĂM HỌC 2019-2020</b>
<b>Question I. Give the correct form of the verbs.</b>

1.Nam often (go) ____________________ to school by bike every day.
2. A lot of people ( go) ____________________ to work by car.

3. John usually ( take ) ____________________ the bus to school.

4. He ( play ) ____________________ volleyball but he ( not enjoy ) __________________ it .
5. School children ( wear ) ____________________ uniform on Monday.

6. Mary often ( go) ____________________ to work on foot .
7. Bad students never ( work) ____________________ hard.
8. They ( not be ) __________ doctors

<b>9. He ( call ) __________ __________you tomorrow.</b>

10. Mr. Nam ( come ) __________ and ( help) __________ me tomorrow.
11. They ( work) __________with me.

12. Everything ( not be ) __________ ok if you don’t work hard.
13. She ( call ) __________me this weekend.

14. I ( give ) __________you that money today.

15. She ( not help ) __________you with that exercise.
16. My father ( be ) __________ here at 5 : 30 p.m.
17. He (go) __________ to school yesterday.

18. Mary ( go) __________ to work last night.

19. John ( take ) __________ the bus to school yesterday.
20. He ( play ) __________ volleyball yesterday .

21. She ( go ) __________ to school last Sunday.

22. Mary ( walk) __________ to work on foot yesterday .
23. My father ( watch ) __________ TV last night.

24. They ( not be ) __________ at home yesterday.
25. He (go) __________ to Ha Long Bay for 2 weeks.

26. Mary ( work) ________________________ here since last night.

27. Nam ( take ) ________________________ the bus to school since last night.
28. He ( play ) ________________________volleyball for 10 years .

29. She ( not go ) ________________________ to school since last Sunday.
30. Mary ( walk) ________________________ to work on foot since yesterday .
31. My father ( watch ) ________________________ TV for 3 days.

32. They ( not be ) ________________________ at home since yesterday.
33. __________ ever you (be ) __________ to the zoo yet ?

34.They ( live ) ________________________in ThanhHoa City since 2001

<b>Question II. Put the verbs in the correct form.</b>

1. I enjoy (fish) _______________________ because it (be) _________________relaxing.
2. Jane will play chess after she (finish) _______________________school.

3. What ______________________your mother often (do) __________________ at weekends?
4. I think, in the future people (not play) _______________________ individual games.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

6. I (not collect) ______________________dolls when I grow up.

7. We (go) ____________________to that village to do volunteer work last week
8. My uncle (move) ____________________to Da Lat in 2005.

9. My parents (buy) ____________________this house 20 years ago.
10. We (not take) ____________________photos when we came there .

III><b>Put the verbs in brackets in the correct verb tense: </b><i><b>The Present Perfect or PastSimple.</b></i>

1.I(visit) our form teacher in the hospitalalready.
2.John(read) the letter from Maryalready.

3.We(not begin) to learn for the testyet.

4.I(meet) Robert at the supermarket thismorning.
5.Nancy(be) to Vietnam severaltimes.

6.They(not start) the projectyet.
7.When (your father/giveup) smoking?
8.The motorbike looks clean.(you/wash) it?
9.Tom(call) his boss yesterday.

10.Myuncle (move) to Da Lat in2005.

11.TheGreens(be) to many countries in the world sofar.
12.We (go) to that village to do volunteer work severaltimes.

13.We(spend) our summer vacation in Ha Long Bay lastJuly.
14.Ourteacher(explain) to us how to use the printeralready.
15.My pen isn’t here any more.Someone (take) italready.
16.Thepostman(deliver) the letter half an hourago.
17.Mai(not finish) her homeworkyet.

18.They(not see) the film Titanicyet.

19.I(hear) the good news from Mary a few minutesago.
20.I(notsee) your brotheryet.

21.She(fly) to Da Nang many times but last yearshe(go)……there by

22.Youever (see) a real lion? No, butI(see) a real
elephant whenwe went to the zoo lastmonth

23.I thinkI(meet) himbefore.

24.She(write) three books. She is going to write anotherbook.
25.I(do) it when I was inVietn

<i><b>IV.Complete the sentences with “used to” or “didn’t useto”.</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

2..I be afraid of heights, but then I started climbinghills.

like putting my head in the water because I couldn’tswim.

4.I go skating until I met Anna in Switzerland, and then we have practised a lot sofar.

5 .I go to school on foot, but now I ride a bicycle toschool.

<b>UNIT 8. FILMS</b>

<b>I. Newwords</b>


picture (n) /ɑækȓ(ǩ)n


Phimhànhđộng Actor (n)

Actress (n) /ɑỉktǩ(r)//ɑỉktrǩs/



(n) /ɕỉnǺɑmeǺȓ(ǩ)n/ Phimhoạthình DirectDirector<i>(n)</i> <sub>/daǺɑrektǩ(r)/</sub>



Detective <sub>/dǺɑtektǺv/</sub> Phimtrinhthám Producer<i>(n)</i> /prǩɑdjuəsǩ(r)/ Nhàsảnxuất

film (n)
Dubbed film

(n) /dȜbd/ Phimcóphụđề Character (n) /ɑkærǺktǩ(r)/ Nhânvật

film (n) /rǩȚɑmæntǺk/ Phimlãngmạn Plot (n) /plǢt/ Cốttruyện

Thriller(n) /ɑθrǺlǩ(r)/ Phimrùngrợn Scene<i>(n)</i> /siən/ Cảnhvật,

Tragedy (n)

Bi kịch Subtitle<i>(n)</i> /ɑsȜbɕtaǺt(ǩ)l/


film(n) /ɕdǢkjȚɑment(ǩ)ri/ Phimtàiliêu Soundtrack (n) /ɑsaȚn(d)ɕtræk/

Fantasy film

(n) /ɑfæntǩsi/ Phimthầnthoại Lighting<i>(n)</i> /ɑlaǺtǺŋ/ Ánhsáng

movie (n) /ɑhǢrǩ(r)ɑmuəvi/

Phimkinhdị Terrify (v)
Terrified (adj)
Terrifying (adj)
/ɑterǩfaǺ/ làmkhiếpsợ,
fiction film

/ɑsaǺǩnsɑfǺkȓ(ǩ)n/ Phimkhoahọcviễntưởng Gripping

thúvị, lơicuốn

(n) (v) /ɑȓǺpɕrek/ Nạnđắmtàu, làmđắmtàu Critic (n) Critical(adj)

Nhà phêbình
Violent (adj)

Violence (n) /ɑvaǺǩlǩnt//ɑvaǺǩlǩns/

Bạolực Tínhác
liệt bạolực
Recommend (v)
<b>II. Grammar:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

<b>a) Tính từ tận cùng là -ed được dùng để mô tả trạng thái hoặc cảm xúc của một người (đối </b>
<b>với người, vật hoặc sự việc nào đó). Nó mang nghĩa thụ (bị) động (bị tác động).</b>

<b>Ex: bored (chán)</b>

<b>Lan is bored with her job.</b>

<b>Lan chán cơng việc của mình.</b>

<b>b) Tính từ tận cùng là -ing được dùng để mơ tả người, vật hoặc sự việc tạo ra cảm xúc. Nó </b>
<b>mang nghĩa chủ động.</b>

<b>Ex: boring (tẻ nhạt)</b>
<b>Lan’s job is boring.</b>

<b> *Interested (in) - interesting(in): thích, thú vị</b>
<b>- tired (of) - tiring (of): mệt mỏi</b>

<b>- frightened (of) - frightening (of): sợ/ đáng sợ</b>
<b>- surprised (at) - surprising (at): ngạc nhiên</b>
<b>- amused (at) - amusing (at): làm cho ai vui, vui</b>
<b>- excited (about/ at) - exciting (about/ at): thích thú</b>
<b>- amazed (at) - amazing (at): kinh ngạc</b>

<b>- exhausted (at) - exhausting (at): kiệt sức, mệt mỏi</b>
<b>- pleased (with) - pleasing (with): hài lòng</b>

<b>- bored (with) - boring (with): chán nản/ buồn chán</b>
<b>I.Put the words in the box into three groups.</b>

acted <i>walked </i> <i>washed</i> <i> waited</i> <i> lived</i>

watched <i>terrified </i> <i>needed </i> <i>bored </i> <i>departed </i>

<i>amazed </i> <i>brushed</i> <i>cleaned</i> <i>danced disappointed</i>

/t/ /d/ /Id/

<b>II. Choose the correct adjectives.</b>

1. Are you (interesting/ interested) in football?

2. The football match was quite (exciting/ excited). I enjoyed it.

3. It’s sometimes (embarrassing/ embarrassed) when you have to ask people for money
4. Do you usually get (embarrassing/ embarrassed)?

5. I had never expected to get the job. I was really (amazing/ amazed)when I was offer it.
6. She has really very fast. She has made (astonishing/ astonished) progress

7. I didn’t find the situation funny. I was not (amusing/ amused)

8. It was a really (terrifying/ terrified). Afterwards everybody was very (shocking/ shocked)
9. Why do you always look so (boring/ bored)? Is your life really so (boring/ bored)?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

11. At first I thought Jake was an interesting/ interested guy, but tonight I felt somewhat boring/
bored with his company.

12. She has really learnt very fast. She has made astonishing/ astonished
13. It was very disappointing/ disappointed not to get the job.

14. Philip was exceptionally annoying/ annoyed at Joanne's behaviour.

15. I thought the program on wildlife was fascinating/ fascinated. I was absolutely fascinating/

16. We were thrilling/ thrilled to hear your good news.

17. It was really terrifying/ terrified. Afterwards, everybody was very shocking/ shocked.
18. The journey took all day and night. They found it very tiring/ tired.

19. Did Tim feel frightening/ frightened when he saw the snake at his feet?
20. Why do you always look so boring/ bored. Is your life really

<i><b>III. Connectors: although, despite/ in spite of, however,nevertheless </b></i>
<i><b>IV. PRONUNCIATION: /</b></i><b>id</b><i><b>/, /</b></i><b>t</b><i><b>/and/</b></i><b>d</b><i><b>/</b></i>


<b>I. Choose the word having the underlined part pronounced differently in eachline.</b>

1. A.animation
2. A.sign

B. female
B. critic

C. pavement
C. illegal

D. safety
D. dislike

3. A. filled B. wanted C. played D. opened

4. A. recommend B. seatbelt C. vehicle D. investigate

5. A. cooked B. talked C. booked D. naked

6. A. delivered B. clicked C. promised D. picked

7. A. needed B. developed C. wanted D. included

8. A. liked B. washed C. loved D. jumped

9. A. acting B. actor C. address D. action

10. A. comedy B. boring C. shocked D. long

11. A. wished B. gripped C. loved D. liked

12. A. excited B. enjoyed C. bored D. amazed

13. A. laughed B. ended C. shocked D. missed

14. A. advertised B. murdered C. Performed D. approached

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<b>*Connectors: Although, dispite, in spite of, however, nevertheless</b>
<b>Ex 2: Ch n áp án úng: ọ đ</b> <b>đ</b>

<b>1. We went out ………….the rain ( in spite of/ however/ although)</b>
<b>2. We went out …………it rained (despite/ although/ however)</b>

<b>3. She went on working……….she was tired (although/ despite/ however)</b>

<b>4. She went on working…………the fact that she was tired (despite/ although/ however)</b>

<b>5. I didn’t like the film. ………., everybody else seemed to enjoy it (although/ However/ In spite of) </b>
<b>Ex3: i n Though/ although/ even though/ despite/ in spite of:Đ ề</b>

<b>1. ……..She is beautiful, everyone hates her</b>
<b>2. The children slept deeply ………….the noise</b>

<b>3. …………earning a low salary, sara helped her parents</b>

Jane rarely sees Alan…………..they are neighbors

<b>4. Kate didn’t do well in the exam…………. working very hard</b>
<b>5. ………..I was very hungry, I couldn’t eat</b>

<b>6. ……….the difficulty, they managedto solve the math problem</b>
<b>Ex 4 . Rewrite these sentences:</b>

1. Nam is very fond of music. He can’t play any musical instruments
-> Although ………
2. He is seriously ill, but he went to work yesterday

-> Though ………

3. He always studies hard though he encounters difficulties.

 Despite ...
4. Although it got dark, they continued to work.

 In spite of ...
5. Although he’s got an English name, he is in fact German.



<b>Question I.Choose the correct word marked A, B, or C fill each blank in the following</b>


There are many reasons (1)________ it is important to have a hobby. First of all, a hobby can be
a remedy for your (2)________. Because it is the activity you choose for yourself, it will always
give you pleasure and (3)________ you relax. Even if you just spend a little time enjoying your
hobby, you can see the difference (4)________ your spirit. Second, some hobbies can also
(5)________ you financially. Many old people enjoy gardening. They grow a lot of trees and
vegetables, so they can sell them for some money. In (6)________, a hobby can help you connect
with other people. If you like collecting stamps, you can (7)________ a stamp club to share your
albums with other collectors. If your hobby is carving eggshells, you can give your products to
your friends (8)________ gifts.

<b>1.A . forB. why C. because</b>

<b>2.A .happiness B. pain C.tiredness</b>
<b>3.A.helpB. have C. do</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>

<b>5.A. harm B. give C.benefit</b>
<b>6.A.additionB. general C. conclusion</b>
<b>7.A.take part B. go C.join</b>
<b>8. A. like B. as C. for</b>
<b>Question II.Complete the passage with the words given.</b>
<b> </b>

<b> bought </b> <b>competition singing </b> <b>there on </b> <b>English</b>

Mary’s hobby is singing. She enjoys (1) ……… very much. When her
brother (2) ……… a karaoke set last month, Mary was so glad that she sang
every day after dinner. She likes to sing only (3) ……… songs. In fact, she has
already sung all the songs found (4) ……… the karaoke discs. Minh is singing
in the karaoke(5) ……… organized by the RC Center this Saturday. Her family
is going (6) ……… to support her.

<b>Question III. Choose the best answer to complete the passage:</b>

<b>Headache is a very common disease. The symptoms (1) ________ a headache are various.</b>
<b>People may (2) ________ pains only one side of the head. Sometimes when the pain goes away,</b>
<b>the head is sore. People have a headache (3) _________ they work too hard or they are too</b>
<b>nervous about something. (4) ________ can help cure the disease but people usually have to do</b>
more than taking tablets. They can prevent headaches by changing their diets or their (5)

<b>_________or simply by going to bed.</b>

1. A. on B. in C. of D. at

2. A. be B. have C. happen D. take

3. A. when B. but C. so D. and

4. A. Medicine B. Doctor C. Sport D. Fruit

5. A. life B. lifestyles C. hobbies D. working

<b>Question IV. Read the passage and choose the correct answer.</b>

<b>(1)_________ January 17, 1995, a powerful earthquake hit the city of Kobe, Japan. Many</b>

<b>buildings (2)_________or collapsed.Soon after the earthquake was over, people in Kobe</b>
<b>(3)_________working together to save their city. Neighbors pulled each other out (4)_________</b>
<b>collapsed buildings. Ordinary people (5) _________ out fires even before the fire trucks arrived.</b>
<b>Volunteers in Kobe organized themselves into (6)_________. They worked out a system to</b>
<b>(7)_________ to people who needed. Some people (8)_________ food, water, clothes, and</b>
electric generators to different parts of the city. Other teams searched for belongings in damaged
<b>stores and homes. Some volunteers (9) took_________ of children who had lost their parents.</b>
Teams of volunteers from outside Japan helped, too.

Today, Kobe has been built.But people there still remember the outpouring of support they
<b>(10)_________ from all over the world back in 1995.</b>

1. A. inB. atC. on

2. A. burnB. burning C. burned
3. A. beginB. beganC. to begin

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>

6. A. teamsB. pairC. group
7. A. helpB. to helpC. helping

8. A. bringsB. broughtC. bring
9. A. partB. care C. note

10. A. have receivedB. receiveC. received

<b>Question V. Read the passage about Charlie Chaplin and choose the best answer.</b>

Charlie Chaplin was an English actor, director, producer, and composer. He is known as the
most creative person of the silent-film era. Charlie Chaplin's portrayal of the tramp won the
hearts of people all over the world.

Chaplin was born in London on the 16th of April, 1889. He spent his childhood in poverty
and hardship. In 1910 he began to perform pantomime in the United States. He first appeared on
screen in 1914. He created his world-famous character, the Tramp, and he played this classic role
in more than 70 films during his career. He also composed background music for most of his
films. In 1972 Chaplin received an Honorary Academy Award for 'the incalculable effect he has
had in making motion pictures the art form of this century'. Chaplin died on the 25th of

December, 1977, at his home in Switzerland.
1. When did he start appearing in films?

A. In 1910 B. In 1914 C.In1972
2. In about how many films did he play the Tramp?

A. Seventy B. Seventeen C. Twenty-five
3. Charlie Chaplin is very famous for __ __ _ _

A. his background music

B. his stage performance his character "the Tramp"
C. his background music

<b> 4. Which of the following is NOT true? </b>
A. Charlie Chaplin was an English artist.
B. He received an award in 1972.

<b>C. He played classical music.</b>

<b>Question VI. Read the following passage then decide if the statements are true or false:</b>

Vietnamese people of have three meals a day – breakfast , lunch and dinner. People in the
countryside usually have rice with meat or fish and vegetables for breakfast but people in the
cities often have light breakfast with a bowl of Pho or instant noodles or sticky rice before going
to work .for lunch , they often have rice, meat , fish and vegetables. People in the countryside
often have lunch at home but people in the cities often have lunch at the canteens or at the food
stalls. Most people prepare their dinner at home . They eat many kinds of meat , seafood ,fish,
fresh vegetables and rice. Many people say dinner is the main and the best meal of the day.

<b>Statements</b> <b>Tru</b>



1. Vietnamese people often have three meals a day.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>

3. People in the cities often have big breakfast before going to work.

4. People in the countryside often have lunch at the canteens or at the food stalls.
5. Most people cook their dinner at home

6. According some people , dinner is the best meal of the day

<b>Question VII. Read the following paragraph and choose the correct answer for each gap.</b>

Artists who(1)...pictures on the pavement which chalk used to be very common sight

in London, but there (2)...only a few left now. Sometimes the pictures are very good. This is
proved by the fact that one of the(3)...favourite tricks is to draw a five pound note and see a
lot of people trying to(4)...it up. The police usually trick pavement artists kindly and there is
nothing in the law against drawing on the pavement(5)...the artist is so good that he gets a
large(6)...around him and this prevents other people from passing freely along the street.
1. A. draw B. paint C. take D. print

2. A. is B. are C. was D. were
3. A. artist B. artist’s C. artists D. artists’
4. A. pick B. hold C. bring D. get
5. A. if B. although C. unless D. because
6. A. meeting B. collection C. gathering D. crowd

 <b>Các em phải học thuộc các cấu trúc và từ vựng theo chủ điểm từ unit 1 đến unit 8</b>

<b> </b>


<b>*Câu Bị động</b>

<b>Form: </b>Active: <b>S + V + O +…….</b>

<b>Passive: S + be + V3/ed + (by O) + ……</b>

<b>Ex:Active: She arranges the books on the shelves every weekend.</b>


Passive: The books are arranged on the shelves (by her) every weekend.

S be V3/ed byO

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=10>

<b>Ex: Activesentence:</b> Peter took this bookyesterday
Passivesentence: <i><b>This book was </b></i>

taken by Peter yesterday
Trong câu chủđộng:

<b>- Peter → Subj ; took → động từ chính (Pastsimple)</b>
<b>- this book → Obj; yesterday </b>

→ trạng từ chỉ thời gian Trong
câu biđộng:

<b>- Obj ( this book) → Subj ; Subj ( Peter) →byObj</b>

<i><b>- took (động từ chính) → taken (V</b><b>3</b><b>/ VoED - Past participle)</b></i>

<i><b>- thêm wasvì động từ chính (took) đang chia thì Pastsimple</b></i>

<b>A.</b> <b>Tổng quát: Cụ thể nhưsau:</b>

1.Xác định Subj, Obj, Verb của câu chủ động (trong động từ phải xác định cho được thì và
động từ chính của câu chủ động)

2.Chuyển: Obj --->Subj;Subj----> by Obj (Có thể bỏ by him/them/me/you/people/ someone : nếu
khơng cầnthiết).

-Nếu Subj của câu chủ động là danh từ chỉ vật liệu,dụng cụ > câu bị động thay by bằng with +Obj.

<i><b>Ex:Moss is coveringthiswall.----> This wall is being covered withmoss.</b></i>

-Nếu Subj của câu chủ động là: nothing, no one, nobody ---> câu bị động bỏ by Obj và ở thể phủđịnh.
<b>Ex:No one helps me ---> I am</b>


3.Chuyển động từ chính sang ---> V3 hoặc VoED.

(Động từ chính có chức năng như một tính từ mang nghĩa bị động-khơng chia thì)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=11>

<i>5.<b>Giữ lại động từ khiếm khuyết (Modal verb) trong câu bị động nếucó.</b></i>

<i>Will/ would, shall/ should, can/ could, may/might must, have to, be going to, used to, ...</i>

<i><b>Active:</b></i> <i>S+ will/would, shall/ should...+ Vo +object</i>

<i><b>→Passive: S + will/would, shall/should... + be + V3 / Vo ED (+ by object).</b></i>
<i><b>Ex:Police will </b> destroy<b> these drugs. → These drugs will </b> be destroyed by police.</i>
6.Đặt trạng từ chỉ thể cách (adj + ly) trước Past Participle (V3 / Vo ED) nếucó.
<i><b>Ex:People use English widely → English is widely used</b></i>

7.Giữ nguyên giới từ sau Past Participle (V3 / Vo ED) nếucó.

8.Đặt trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn trước BY, trạng từ chỉ thời gian sau BY nếu có. Place + by Obj +Time
<b>Ex: Mr Pike built this school in my village last year.</b>

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