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date mar 22 06 teaching plan nguyen son ha period 80 unit 13 festivals date 1032010 getting started listen and read 1 objectives by the end of the lesson ss ‘ll be able to see the festivals and

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<b>Period 80 UNIT 13 FESTIVALS </b>

<b>Date: 10/3/2010 </b>


<b> </b>

<b>1.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss ‘ll be able to see the festivals and beautiful places</b>
in Vieät Nam.

<b>2 . Language contents: </b>

<i><b>* Vocabulary</b></i> : rice-cooking festival, comptitionwater-ftching, fire-making, ……
<i><b>* Grammar</b></i> : Compound word

<b>3. Techniques: Group / pair work , Questions and answers</b>
<b>4. Teaching aids: Pictures and cassette player</b>

<b>5. Procedures : </b>

<b>Stages/Time</b> <b>Contents</b> <b>Notes</b>

<b>Check up</b>
<b> 15’</b>

<b> </b>

* 15’Test

<i><b>Complete these sentences, using the Past</b></i>
<i><b>progressive or Simple past tense.</b></i>

1. when he (do)………… his homework, his father
(read) ………… a book.

2. Lan (play) ………… skip rope while Nga and Mai
(talk) ………… .

3. My grandmother (tell) ………… us stories at 7
o’clock last night.

4. What you (do) ………… at 4pm yesterday ?

5. Your sister (cook) …………dinner while you
(clean) ………… the floor ?


Work with the partner . Say where should these
people go on there visits to Viet Nam ? – Why ?
EX: 1.He should go to Nha trang.

2.He should go to Hoi An.
3.He should go to Sapa

4.Oliver should go to Bat Trang.
5.He should go to HCM city.

<i><b>* New words</b></i>:
- festival (n)
- compitition (n)

- water-fetching (n)

T: give a 15’test on the
board and ask Ss to do it.
Ss: do the test on their

T: collect Ss’answwers

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<b> </b>


<b> 15’</b>

<b> 3’</b>

<b> 2’</b>

- upset (a)
-yell (v)
-urge (v)

-pieces of bamboo
-rub (v)

-separate (v)
-husk (n)

Notes : Compound noun used as adjective
Form : Noun + V-ING

Example : rice-cooking / bull-fighting
Questions :

1. Who are talking in the dialodue ?
2. Where are they now ?

3. What is the festival’s name ?
<i><b>1. Practice the dialogue</b></i>

<i><b>2. True or false ?</b></i>
<i><b>*Answer key</b></i> :

a – F : Four team members take part in the

b – F : One person must collect one water bottle .
c – T

d – F : Pieces of bamboo are used to make the

e – F : The judges taste the rice .
f – T

- Do you like festivals ? Why ?

(If possiple , Students can talk about their village

- Learn new words by heart
- Practice te dialogue at home
- Prepare : SPEAK

- explain
- explain
- explain

T: Explain and give

Ss: listen and answer

Ss: pair work

T: correct Ss’ spelling
mistakes (if nessarry)
T: hang an extra board for

Ss: look at the sentences
and read the dial and
decide which one is true


group work

Each group writes its
answers on the board

T: correct and give the keys
Ss see the dialogue again

Ss listen and pratice the
dialogue again

Ss: take notes

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<b>Period 81 UNIT 13 SPEAK AND LISTEN </b>
<b>Date: 17/3/10 </b>

<b>1. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss ‘ll be able to talk about festivals. </b>
2. Language contents:

<i><b>* Vocabulary</b></i> : beach blossom,marigold,candies,dried watermelon seeds
<i><b>* Grammar</b></i> : Present simple

<b>3. Techniques: Group / pair works, extra board</b>
<b>4. Teaching aids: Pictures and cassette player</b>
<b>5. Procedures </b>

<b>Stages/Time</b> <b>Contents</b> <b>Notes</b>

<b>Check up </b>
<b> 3’</b>

<b> 5’</b>

<b> 10’</b>

<b>Post-speaking </b>
<b> 5’</b>

<b>SPEAK </b>
<i><b>* Questions</b></i> :

- What do you do for your Tet ?

- Did you tidy your house / make cakes … ?
- What did you prepare for your house /
yourself ?

<i><b>1. Work with the partner . Mrs Quyen is</b></i>
<i><b>talking to Lan about their prepareation for</b></i>
<i><b>Tet . Put the sentences in the correct answer . </b></i>

<i><b>* Correct order</b></i>: A-F-C-H-D-J-B-G-H-I
Practice speaking the dialogue

<i><b>* Modal</b></i>:

A: Is your school festival tomorrow ?
B: Yes, that’s right.

A: What do you often do before the festival ?
B: We send some letters of invitation to our
old friends, repaint the doors and

windows. Would you like to take part in
the festival with us ?

A: Yes, I’d love to. But I’m very busy now.

B: Goodbye.

<i><b>* English speaking </b></i>

Ss: read the dialogue
answer some questions
about this dialogue .

Ss: listen and answer the

Individual work

Ss: work in pairs to put the
sentences in the correct order

T and class correct, if

- pair work

Ss choose the festival they like
in 2 ( page 123) to speak

Ss: Pair works

Ss: Look at pictures about some
festivals in Viet Nam . Ss work
in groups to talk what the people

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<b> 5’</b>


<b> 7’</b>

<b> 5’</b>


<b> 3’ </b>

<b>LISTEN </b>

<i><b>* New words</b></i>:
-beach blossom (n)
-marigold (n)
-candies (n)

-dried watermelon seeds

<i><b>1.Listen to the conversation and fill in the</b></i>

<i><b>* Answers</b></i>:

(1): John (2): flower market

(3): traditional (4): dried watermelon seeds
(5): make

<i><b>2. Complete the notes</b></i>.

- Mr. Robinson: <i>buy some peach blossoms and</i>
<i>a bunch of marigolds</i>.

- Liz: <i>buy a pack of dried watermelon seeds</i>.
- Mrs. Robinson: <i>ask Mrs. Nga how to make </i>

<i>spring rolls.</i>

<i><b>* Enlish speaking</b></i> :

talk about what you prepare for Tet and what
you buy for Tet.

-Write a paragragh about one of the festivals
in exercise 2

-Prepare : READ “-What do you know about
Chritmas ?”

Ss: guess what the Robinsons
prepare for Tet.

Ss write what they guess on a
large paper.

Ss: say what they guess.
T: give new words


Ss: listen to the tape ( three
times) and fill in the gaps
T: have a look at Ss’papers to

see what they heard.

Some Ss fill in the gaps on the

Ss: listen to the tape (sentence
by sentence) and check

T: correct (if necessary)

Ss: work in groups to complete
the notes

Share their answers


Ss: talk about what they prepare
for Tet and what they buy for

Ss: individual work

Ss: take notes

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<b>Period 82 UNIT 13 READ</b>
<b>Date:21/3/ 10 </b>

<b>1.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss ‘ll be able to see the history of Christmas. </b>
<b>2 . Language contents: Present simple , Passive form</b>

<b>3. Techniques: Group / pair works </b>

Prediction, Questions and answers
<b>4. Teaching aids: Pictures, extra board </b>

<b>5. Procedures </b>

<b>Stages/ Time</b> <b>Contents</b> <b>Notes</b>

<b>Warm up </b>
<b> 5’</b>


<b> 10’</b>


<b> 20’</b>

<i><b>* Questions</b></i>:

- What do you often do at Christmas?
- Do you celebrate Christmas ?

<i><b>* New words:</b></i>

-decorate (v)
-custom (n)
-spead (v)
-design (v)
-patron saint (n)
-jolly (a) = funny
-Santa Claus (n)
-description (n)
-base (v)

<i><b>* Questions</b></i>:

- What’s the text about ?

- What and who are talked about in the text?
<i><b>1. Complete the table </b></i>

<i><b>* Answers</b></i>:

<i><b>Christmas </b></i>

<i><b>specials</b></i> <i><b>Place </b><b>of </b></i>

<i><b> year</b></i>

<i>The Christmas </i>


<i>Early 1500s</i>
<i>The Christmas </i>

<i>card</i> <i>England</i>



<b>Christmas </b> <i>No </i> <i>800 years ago</i>

Ss: Talk about what they
often do for Tet

Ss: look at the pictures and
guess what they are about.
Ss: read 4 passages quickly




Ss: Practice reading new

Ss: read the text silently and
answer these questions.
T: Explains how to complete
the table 1/ page 126.

Ss: work in group to complete
the table.

Two groups write their
answers on the board for

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<b>Post reading</b>
<b> 7’</b>
<b>Homework </b>
<b> 3’</b>

<i><b>2. Answer the questions : ( 2. page 126 )</b></i>
<i><b>* Answers</b></i>:

a. More than a century ago

b. Because he wanted to send it to his friends
c. 800 years ago. d. Professor Moore did.
e. On the description of Saint Nicolas in
Professor Moore’s poem.

<i><b>* Speaking about Christmas</b></i>
Ss’ conversation

- Read the text and study the information about
Christmas .

- Prepare : WRITE

Ss: pair work

Some Ss write their
sentences on the board. Other
Ss and teacher correct them,
if necessary.

Ss: Group works
Ss: Pair works
Ss: take notes

<b>Period 83 UNIT 13 WRITE</b>
<b>Date: 21/3/10 </b>

<b>1.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss ‘ll be able to write a report. </b>
<b>2 . Language contents:</b>

<i><b>* Vocabulary</b></i> : communal, husk

<i><b> * Grammar</b></i> :Compound words , Passive form

<b>3. Techniques: Group / pair works / Prediction </b>
<b>4. Teaching aids: Pictures </b>

<b>5. Procedures </b>

<b>Stages/ Time</b> <b>Contents</b> <b>Notes</b>

<b>Check up </b>
<b> 5’</b>


<b> 10’</b>

Ss: answer the questions about

- How long ago did the Christmas
tree come to the USA ?

- What is Santa Claus based on ?
- What do you do at Christmas ?
T: stick the picture/126 on the
board and ask Ss to look at the
picture of a contest and guess the
name of the festival.

Ss: feedback

T: hang an extra board for


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<b> 20’</b>

<b> 7’</b>

<b>Homework </b>
<b> 3’</b>

<i><b>* New words</b></i>:
- communal (a) :
- husk (n) :

<i><b>1. Fill in the gaps in this report :</b></i>
* A<i><b>nswers:</b></i>

(1): rice-cooking (2): one/a
(3): water-fetching (4): run

(5): water (6): traditional
(7): bamboo (8): six

(9): separate (10): added
<b>* Notes:</b>

1. Name of the festival

2. place of the festival

3. How long the festival lasted
4. Activities

5. organization of the activities
6. people taking part in the activities
7. Your thought of the festival

<i><b>2. Writing a report on a festival…… </b></i>
<b>* Modal: The “Caàu Ngư” Festival</b>
This report shows how the “Cầu Ngư”
festival was held.

The festivalwas held on the beach in the
OÂNG temple’s yard. It took one day. The
strong boys in the village fenced. The
oldest man prayed for his villagers’

The festival was wonderful.
<i><b>* English speaking </b></i>

EX: - What festival do you like ?
- I love the Cầu Ngư festival.
- Where was it held?

- It was held in the OÂNG temple’s


- Write a report on festival you like


Ss: work in group to complete the

Each group gives its words.
T and other group correct the
mistakes,if necessary.

Ss: read the report and find out
the way of writing a report.

Ss: read the sentence in the
report that goes with each

- The Rice-Cooking Festival
- In the communal house yard
- ……

- Wonderful

Ss: read the questions ( 2. p127).
And then write a report on the

festival they like.

Ss: groupwork

Share their writing

T: take Ss’writing and correct
Ss: discuss about the reports on
the board.

Ss: ask their friends about the
festival they like.


Ss: take notes

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<b>Date: 21/3 /10 </b>

<b>1.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss ‘ll be able to see passive form. </b>
<b>2. Language contents: Compound words, Reported speech , Passive form</b>

<b>3. Techniques: Group / pair work</b>
Questions and answers
<b>4. Teaching aids: Pictures, extra board </b>
<b>5. Procedures </b>

<b>Stages/ Time</b> <b>Contents</b> <b>Notes</b>

<b>Check up</b>

<b> 5’</b>
<b>Activity 1</b>

<b> 15’</b>

<b> </b>

<i><b>* Change in to passive</b></i>

1. They play soccer every afternoon.
2. Will she buy a car?

3. He doesn’t drink coffee.
<b>I. Passive form</b>

<i><b>1. Past simple</b></i>:

A- I saw her yesterday.

S + V + O

S + was/ were + P. P + ( by + O )
P- She was seen ( by me ) yesterday.
2. Present perfect:

A- They have bought a car.

S + HAS/HAVE + P.P + O

S + HAS/HAVE +BEEN + P.P + ( by + O )
P- A car has been bought ( by them )

Notes: Correct verb form
1. I (see ) him yesterday.


2. He ( see ) by me yesterday.
<i><b>was seen</b></i>

3. A bike ( buy ) recently
<i><b> has been bought</b></i>

4. She ( buy ) a bike recently
<i><b> has bought</b></i>

<i><b>1. Use the passive form of the verbs in the box</b></i>
<i><b>(page 128) </b></i>

<i><b>* Answers</b></i>:

a. were performed b. was decorated / put
c. is made d. will be held

e. was awarded f. was written

Ss: do the check up

T: ask Ss to retell the form of
the passive form. (S.Past)
One st write the form on
the board.

T: correct (if necessary)
Ss: copy down

Ss: copy down

Ss: see the active and passive
form .

T: “When do we use the verb
in passive or active?”

T: give exercises on the

Ss: individual

T: hang an extra board for

Ss: work in group to complete
the sentences.

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<b>Activity 2 </b>

<b> 10’</b>

<b>Activity 3 </b>

<b> 8’</b>

<b> 4’ </b>
<b> 3’</b>

<i><b>2. Use the P.P of the verbs in the box to </b></i>
<i><b> Complete the dialogue. (2. p. 128 )</b></i>

<b>Ex: Hanh and her her mother have just got home</b>
from the market

<i><b>* Answers</b></i>:

1. jumled 2. broken

3. broken 4. scattered 5. pulled
<i><b>3. Compound adjectives</b></i>

EX: It’s a rice cooking contest.
<i><b>Noun+ v-ing</b></i>

<i><b>* Answers</b></i>:

a. A fire-making contest
b. A bull-fighting festival
c. A car- making industry
d. A flower-arranging festival
e. A rice exporting country
f.A clothes-washing machine

<i><b>4. Indirect speech </b></i>

Note<i><b>: Direct</b></i> Indirect
Present simple Past simple
Must had to
Now then
b. He said he could fix the faucets.
c. He said the pipes were broken.

d. He said new pipes were very expensive.
e. He said she had to pay him then.

- Learn by heart the rules.

- Do the exercises in the exercise book ( 1. p76,
4. p79 )

- Prepare U14 “GETTING STARTED, L & R”

T: stick a picture/129 and ask
ss to look at the picture and
complete the dial (on the

extra board)

Ss: do the exercise and the
compare their doing with the
partner .

Ss: work in pairs
Ss: remind the form of
compound words

T: hang an extra board for

Ss: red the sentences and find
out the name of each event

Ss: pairwork

Ss: say the name of the
festival in each sentences
then rewrite these sentenses
on the board

T: Correction

Ss: see the notes then turn
the sentences into indirect

Ss: look the above gram and
retell the notes again

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