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Tài liệu Exercises for unit 6 -special (G9)

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I. Adjective or adverb? Choose the correct form.
1. A: I heard Daniel isn’t very _____ (good/ well).
B: Well, he fell and hurt himself quite _____ (bad/ badly).
2. A: There was a _____ (terrible/ terribly) accident on this road two days ago, wasn’t there?
B: Yes. Two people were killed and the driver of the car was _____ (serious/seriously) injured.
3. A: The weather was so _____ (awful/ awfully) yesterday.
B: Yes, it was raining quite _____ (heavy/ heavily) so we stayed at home all day.
4. A: You haven’t cleaned the floor _____ (proper/ properly. It’s still _____ (dirty/ dirtily).
5. A: Can you remember what happened?
B: I can’t remember _____ (clear/ clearly). It all happened so _____ (sudden/ suddenly).
6. A: You didn’t look very _____ (happy/ happily) last night.
Well, I was disappointed that I did so _____ (bad/ badly) in the exam.
7. A: Don’t go up that ladder. It doesn’t look _____ (safe/ safely).
B: Don’t worry. I’ll climb _____ (careful/ carefully).
8. A: Did you go to Sally’s birthday party?
B: Yes. It was really a __(cheerful/ cheerfully) party. Everybody at the party was __(colorful/ colorfully) dressed.
9. A: Why do you look so _____ (nervous/ nervously)?
B: Oh, my! I’ve just got a mistake. I interrupted my boss while he was on the phone, and he looked at me _____
(angry/ angrily) when I interrupted him.
10. A: Have you seen Richard _____ (recent/ recently)?
B: Yes, I just met him at Rose's party two days ago. He seemed very _____ (unhappy/ unhappily). He smiled _____
(sad/ sadly) at me when he saw me.
