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Gián án giaoan7 tiet 68

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Class:7 Date of planning : ..... / ..... / ..........
Period: 68 Date of teaching : ..... / ...... / .........
Unit 11: Keep fit Stay healthy–
Lesson 2: A

A. The aims and objectives .
1. The aims:
- By the end of the lesson, Ss will listen for details to complete the
dialogue and practice asking and answering about the personal
2. Objectives:
a. Language focus:
The simple present tense.
Structure: How + adj + to be + S ?
What + to be + N ?
b. Skills: listening, speaking, writing
B. Preparation.
1. Teacher’s: lesson plan, cassette, CD.
2. Students’: textbooks, workbooks and other tools.
C. Procedures.
I. Organization (2’) Greeting + checking member.
II. Checking the old lesson + warm up. (5’)
- T. calls ss to write new words
- 2 ss do
- T. remarks and gives marks for ss
III. New lesson (35’)
Teacher’s activities Time Students’ activities
1. Pre – listening
- asks ss to tell about names of age, height,

- Who are they?
- What is Hoa doing?
2. While – listening A2.
- asks ss to listen to the tape 2times or 3
D: ask/ how
- Listen and answer.
- Listen and write
D: your / 50
H: shorter/ me
D: tall
H: meter 45 centimeters
D: will/ nurse/ height
H: think
D: No, from
- Review structure
+ How tall is she?
She is 1m tall
+ how heavy are you?
I am 40 kilos
3 Post – listening A3
- Fore name: tªn ®Öm vµ tªn chÝnh
Ex:Van Kieu
- Surname: hä
- Male - female: Nam - n÷
A. Which class is he in?

- What is his surname?
- Where does he live?
- What is his weight?
- What is his height?
B. Which school does he go to?
- What are his fore name?
- How old is he?
- How old is Hoa?
- How tall is she when the nurse measured
- Does she think she is taller or shorter?
- How tall is she?
- Listen to the teacher
and check.
- answer
- Listen and fill in the
IV. Consolidation (2’) Retell main points.
V. Home work (1’)
-Learn by heart vocabulary and some structure grammar
Do exercise 3,4 at page 67 in workbook .
Prepare part B1 .

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