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E 12Unit 1

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Date of teaching: 12C3: 12C4:

Date of teaching : 12C6 : 26/8 12C7 : 26/8 12C8:26/8
Period :2

<b>Unit 1:Home life</b>

<b> </b>



<b>1,Educational aim: Students should learn how to live and work scientifically</b>

2,Knowledge: Students can read and understand about the familylife and they can understand and use the
new words throught the speaking and answering activities.

-Vocabulary : Words or phrases related to the family life.Close knit,join hands,caring,frankly,
willing to do,obedient , mischievious,household chore,biologist....

-Grammar : Adjectives to describe the mother ,the father,the daughter,

and the boys:busy,caring,supportive,responsible,mischivious,obedient…..
-The present simple tense is used in this lesson

3,Skill :Read for gist and for specific information.
<b>II,Teaching method :Integrated,mainlycommunicative</b>
<b>III,Preparation of teacher and students</b>

<b> 1,Teacher: Textbook,chalk,lesson plan, extra board,hand out</b>
2,Students: Textbook,workbook,pen..

<b> IV,Procedure :</b>

<b>Teacher s activities</b>’ <b>Students activities</b>’

<b>+Warm up:(4)</b>

T.writes the sentences by filling the gaps with the

*………….build the house and………make it home.T.calls

some sts to give out the correct answer.
* T.leads in the new lesson:Family life
+New lesson:


: Task 1(15’)

T.leads in the lesson with some questions.

Ask students to work in pairs looking at the pictures to ask and
answer them.

- Introduce the situation of the context
- Read the context once to the class
* Do you agree with this saying?

- Why do men not women build the house? And why do
women not men make it home?

+ Is it true in your own family? If you don’t understand this
saying,choose the best option to help you understand it better.
-T.delivers each st. a hand out:

<b>* Activity 1: Choose the best option from A,B or C “ Men </b>
build the house and woman make it home”.This sentence

means .

A,Both men and women are good at building houses .B,Men
and women have to live separately.

C,Men’s responsibility is to work and support the family and
women’s job is to look after the family

-T.asks Ss to look at the picture in the book and answer the

_T.Is this a happy family?
-Where are they?

What is each member of the family doing?
-Is the family happy?Why?.

-Make sentence with “join hands to do some thing”
<b>* Activity 2: Learning the new words</b>

<b>+ New words</b>


-Caring (adj ) quan tâm đến ngời khỏc
-take the responsibility for (v)

-rush (v) chaỵ ào ra.

-study pressure (n) ¸p lùc häc tËp
-The house hold chores (n)

-frankly (adj) 1 cách ngay thẳng,thành thật

-The whole class work to find out the
suitable words to fill in the gaps.
-S1 : answer: men……….women

Yes,I do

-Discuss in group to give out the best
answer and report the result in the class
-Key: Answer is “C”

Answer freely:
-at home

-The father is playing with the son and the
mother is helping her daughter with her

_yes,it is .Because the wife and the
husband join hands to housework.
S2: ……..to earn money

-listen and repeat ,ten stand up and read
the words individually.

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-Obedient (adj) vâng lời,phục tùng
Secure (adj) đảm bảo,chắc chắn

+T.writes the words on the b.b and asks Ss to listen and repeat

after the teacher.

+Calls some Ss to read the words individually

<b>2,While you read: (12 )</b>

-T.asks Ss to read the text in silence for 5 ms.If they meet some
words or phrases they don’t understand ,read the previous
sentence to guest the words through the context

<b>+ Task 1:Choose the sentence A,B,C that is nearest in meaning</b>
to the sentence given.T.guides Ss to do this exercise.

_T.ask Ss to report the correct answers in the class

<b>+ Task 2: Look through the reading text and find out adjectives</b>
used to describe: a, The mother

b,The father
c,The daughter
d, The boys
e,The family

<b>Task 3:Read the passage again and find out details which </b>
prove that: a,The mother is a caring person

b,The father is a helpful man
c,The daughter is a good child
d,This is a close knit family

<b>III, Post reading: (13 )</b>

<b>* Activity 3: Discussion in the group</b>

-T.asks Ss to work in groups to discuss th following qs

.Compare the family in the reading text with your own famlily.
- T.goes round to help if necessary

<b>IV,Homework(1 )</b>


-Read the texts page 4,5,6 in Ss’workbook

Read the text in silenc

Work individually to read the text quickly
and do the exercise

-Work in pairs to discuss the answer.
+answer:1,b 2,c 3,a 4,b 5,a
b,busy,willing to help,supportive

d,mischivious and supportive
e,close knit

Work in dividually and exchange in pairs
S1:She is the first one to get up…..dinner
is always ready by the time her husband
comes back home.

S2:although she is under a lot of study
presure ,she spends a lot of time doing
house work.

S4:All members are supportive of one
another.They often share feelings and
helps each other solve problems

- Base on the reading text to talk about
your family

- Do this task at home

Date of teaching: 12C3: 12C4:

Date of teaching : 12C6 : 12C7 : 12C8:

Period : <b>3 </b>

<b>Unit 1 : Home life</b>


<b> </b>


<b>1,Educational aims</b> : Students should know their responsibility with their family

<b>2,Knowledge</b> : Ss should learn how to make dialogues to talk about their

house work and their family

Life.They can ask and answer about house hold chores and
family life

-Vocabulary :words/phrases related to the house hold chores.
-To tidy the kitchen,to iron the clothes

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<b>3,Skill</b> : Asking and answering the given information,talking about daily
activities in the family life

<b>II,Teaching method</b> : communicative approach
<b>III,Preparation of teacher and students</b>

<b> 1,Teacher: Textbook,chalk,lesson plan, extra board,hand out</b>
2,Students: Textbook,workbook,pen..

<b>IV, Procedure</b> :

<b>1,Checking the old lesson:(7’) *T calls on a student to write the new words they</b>
have learned on the b.b

then make some sentences with them

*Another student stands up and translate the 1st

paragraph in to Vietnamese

<b> 2,New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher s activities</b>

<b>Students s activities</b>

*Warm up :5ms

T. asks Ss to write down on a piece of paper a list
of things considered as house hold chores: Who has
more words will be the winner .T.calls some Ss to write
their result on the b.b

T.asks Ss to use the words to make sentences.

Eg: My main responsibility is to clean the house ,wash
dishes and take care of the baby

<b>I,Pre-speaking: (10ms).</b>

<b>+ Task 1:</b>

-T.asks Ss to do Task 1 :Read the following sentences
and tick (v) the ones that apply to you and your family.
- T.goes round to check and help them how to read and
understand the meaning of the new words.


Share sth with sb:

Eg: I often share secrets with my parents.

+ Task 2: Prepare a list of qs to ask anther student to
find out whether his/her family life is like yours. You
want to know .

-T.gives some expressions to Ss .
+ Could you tell me who……….?

+By the way who in your family often share the
household chores ?

+ What about your brother/sister?

+What is your pesonsibility in your family?
+What exactly do you have to do?

+ How do you share ………..?

+ What interests do your family members often share

-T,chects and corrects the mistakes.

<b>II,While </b>

<b>speaking(12 )</b>

<b>Task 3:Work with a different partner.</b>

- Ask students to use the questions they have form to
ask about her/his family.

- Listen to the students and give remarks.

work in dividually and report the results.
- Answers: to clean the house
- to cook meals

- To do the washing up
- To wash clothes
- To iron clothes

- To mend /repaire things
- To take care of the baby
- To take out of the garbage
When my mother is out on business,my father
often cooks for the whole family and sometimes
he mends things around the house .

My mother usually washes clothes and iron them


Keep books close
- Listen to the teacher

- Work in groups to talk about family

In my family both my father and mother go to
work. Almost all members of my family share
the household chores. Washing the dishes and
cleaning the house are what I often do help my
parents. We all like watching films on TV when
we have free time at weekends. The person I
often share my secrets with is my sister. I always
ask my parents for advice before making an
important decision.

-Work in groups and give their ideas why they

-Each student stands up and talks about their

A: In my family ,my parents both go to

<b>B: In my family, ...</b>

-Practice speaking out their ideas about their
family. A: Who works in your family ?

B : Both my father and mother.
A: Who often does the household chores ?
B : My mother mainly does it and sometimes
my father help my mother.

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<b>III, Post-speaking : (8 )</b>

<b>Task 4</b>

- Let the students practise speaking freely about their

-Go around to listen and give remarks .

- Ask some students to stand up and tell loudly
- Listen and correct mistakes

<b>IV,Homework: (3 )</b>

Ask students to write a passage about their family (80

- Ask students to prepare Part C- Listening and do

when I finish my studying.

A : How do the family members
share the interest ?

B :We often watch television each other in the

A : Who do you often share your secrets with ?
B : I often share with my mother.

A: Who do you talk to before making an
important decision?

B: I often talk to my parents.

- All students write some sentences about their
family and then stand up to talk.

-Work in groups and each group has a
representative to talk about her/his family.

P1 : I talked to Tuan . Both his parents go to
work. But only his mother does the household


P2 : In Loan’s family ,only her father goes to
work and her mother is at home ...

-Work in groups and then speak out their

PS : I think a happy family should have...
P : Yes it is . Because every member in the family
often share the feelings with each other...

- Listen to the teacher
- Write down the homework
Date of teaching: 12C3: 12C4:

Date of teaching : 12C6 : 12C7 : 12C8:
Period : 4

<b>Unit 1 Home life</b>

<b> C,Listening</b>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

1. Educational aim: Students can listen to get information to decide True or False statements
+ Students can improve their ability of listening to write down the main ideals of the lesson.
2. Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Students learn more about a happy family
- New words: Words related to family

3. Skills: - Listening and comprehension questions

- Listening and deciding on True or False statements or no information
<b>II. Teaching method: Intergrated, mainly communicative</b>

<b>III,Preparation of teacher and students</b>

<b> 1,Teacher: Textbook,chalk,lesson plan, extra board,CD player</b>
2,Students: Studentbook,workbook,pen..

<b>III. Teaching aids: Student’s book, sub board, tape, cassetteplayer, chalks.</b>
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>1,Checking the old lesson(5’)</b>: A student reads a pasage about their family
*Another student stands up and translate the 1st

paragraph in to Vietnamese

<b> 2,New lesson:</b>

<i><b>Teacher s activities</b></i>’ <i><b>Students activities</b></i>’
<b>*Warm-up: (5 )</b>’

- T.aks Ss to close the book

T.says the requirement of the lesson and give
the jumbled words:RINENOU

+ T.leads into the lesson:

- Close the books

- Work individually to rearrange the letters
to make a meaning word

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-The family reunion
<b>*New lesson</b>

<b>I,Pre-listening: (7 )</b>’

T.asks Ss to look at the pictures and discuss what
is happening in it.

T.does the model and obserbs the pairs
working,then checks and corrects the mistakes
- Listen and repeat

T.giudes Ss to read and pronounce the words in

Flight(n) chuyến bay
<i><b> - leftover(n) thức ăn thừa</b></i>
<i> - spread out( V)tản mạn </i>
<i>Close knit(a) khăng khít</i>

<b>II,While-listening: (15 )</b>’
<b>Task 1</b>

- You are going to listen to Paul and Andrea talk
about their family Ask students to read the
sentences carefully first to make sure that they

can understand the meaning of them

- play the tape the first time

T.checks if Ss can answer,plays the second time
and checks the result

T.Plays the tape the 3rd<sub> time and stop the tape at</sub>

the answer to help Ss to get correct information
<b>Task 2</b>

- Ask students to look through the sentences in
task 2

- Ask students to listen again and note down two
things that are different about Paul’s and
Andrea’s families.

<b>III,After-listening: (12 )</b>’
- Ask students to open the books

- Ask them to discuss the importance of family in
a person’s life

- Let them work in pairs,then asks Ss some qs on
the sub board:

T: Is familyimportant to you? Why?
T: Is your family big or small?

T: How many sisters and brothers do you have?
T: Are they married? How many children does
each person have?

_ Where do you they work?

On what occations do they often come home?
Who is always busy cooking meals for the whole

-How does she fell?
-Do you love your family?
- Walk round and help students

- Ask some students to stand up and go to board
and write

- Listen and correct mistakes
<b>IV,Homework: ( 1 )</b>’

- Ask students to write a passage about
the importance of family in a person’s life
-Remember them to prepare Part- Writing at

- Listen to the teacher and open textbooks
Work in pairs:

S1:What do you see in this picture?
S2: I can see a big family

S1:Do you think they all live in the same

S2:Yes,they are

S1:What are they doing?
S2:They are eating a big meal

S1:Is this an unsual or special meal?How
do you know?

S2:On What occations do people come
home to have a reunion?

S1: birthday,Christmas,new year
S2: How do they come home?
S1: by plane,train,bus

-Listen to the tape carefully

- Listen to the tape the first time
- Listen to the tape the second time
And checks their results

Listen to the tape the 3rd<sub> time and give</sub>

out the answers:

1,T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.T

Ss reads through the requirement to
understand how to do ,the listen again and
checks ,the write the results on the b.b
Paul: His family members are not close.
-The family often eat the meals the mother

Andrea: Her family is very close knit
The family often go out to eat when they
get together

- Keep book open

- Listen to the teacher and answer:Yes,it
is.Because it is a place where we can share
our secrets and help each other to find
solutions when we have some problems in

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Write the task to do at home

Date of teaching: 12C3: 12C4:

Date of teaching : 12C6 : 12C7 : 12C8:
Period : 5

<b>Unit 1 : Home life</b>

<b> D,Writing</b>

<b>I, Objectives:</b>

1. Educational aim: Students can write a paragraph about family rules depending the given prompts
2. General knowledge: Students learn how to write a description of the family rules

, stages of a description
- Language:

- New words: Words related to the topic
3. Skills: Writing a narrative

<b>II. Teaching method: Intergrated, mainly communicative</b>
<b>III,Preparation of teacher and students</b>

<b> 1,Teacher: Textbook,chalk,lesson plan, extra board</b>
2,Students: Studentbook,workbook,pen..

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>1,Checking the old lesson(5’)</b>: A student reads a little about his/her family
*Another student stands up and translate the 2st

paragraph in to Vietnamese

- If Ss can do this task well T. will give mark

<b> 2,New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher s activities</b>’ <b>Students activities</b>’

<b>*Warm-up: (5 minutes)</b>

T.asks Ss to work in groups to make

sentences with the words on the sub board .
My parents/not let sb /come home late
My mother/not permit/use the family

My father/not allow sb/talk on the phone.
I (not) have to /do the household chores.
T.calls some Ss from each group to report
their results in the class

T.corrects the mistakes
<b>I,Pre-writing: (10 )</b>’

- - Ask students to use the following verbs
and expressions on the sub board

Give and read some words aloud :

_ <i>Let ,allow, be allowed to, have to, permit,</i>
<i>etc. </i>

+ Some expressions :
- doing household chores
- coming home late
- preparing meals
- watching TV

- talking on the phone
<i><b> - using the family motorbike</b></i>

- Listen to the pairs and help them if they

- Keep book close and work in groups of 3 to
make as many sentences as possible

- Listen to the teacher and work in pairs
S1: My parents don’t let me come home late.
S2: My mother doesn’t allow me to talk on the
phone with friends

S3:My mother doesn’t permit me to use the…
S4: I don’t have to do the household chores

- Listen to the teacher
and open the books

- Read all words and expressions and work in
pairs .

A : Do you have to do the household chores ?
B : Yes, after my studying or my free time.
A : Are you allowed to come home late ?
B: No, because my parents are strict..
A : Do you often prepare the meals ? etc
Each representative of a group stand up and say
about the family.

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get some difficulties in speaking.

- Ask students to stand up and say a
paragraph about his/her family,using some
expressions above to help them.

T.guides Ss to do the task,then T.goes round
to help them if necessary

<b>II,While-writing: (15 )</b>’
<b>Task 2</b>

Ask students to use the ideas they ‘ve
dicussed to write a leter to a pepal about their
family.They can answer this question: What
rules do you have in your family?

-Give some out line : first, second ,further
more, and...finally...etc.

- Call two good students present their outline
in front of the class

- Ask the others comment

- Feedback and give some correction to help
students to have a better outline to write.
<b>III,Post-writing: (8 )</b>’

- Give suggestions and corrections

- Ask students to read another’s description
- Ask some students to read loudly their

- Correct mistakes and mark
<b>IV,Consolidation(1 )</b>’

T summarises the main contain of the lesson.

<b>V,Homework: (2 )</b>’

- Asks Ss to rewrite this letter at home

household chores. I’m not allowed to come
home late, I only can watch TV when I finish
my homework...

+ Write the letter individually.

- <i>Every family has its own rules. Mine has a </i>
<i>few. First,I have to do household chores, </i>

because my mother is very busy with her work
such as I have to cook meals,clean the house, I
only go out or watch TV when I finish all
homework. My mother aso lets me talk on the
phone with friends provided that I don’t use it
too long.As a girl ,I am not permitted to come

home late except for some special

Reasons.My parents don’t allow me to use the
family motorbike for fear that I may have
accident.Despite the rules,we all feel

comfortable and safe because we know that our
parents want the best things for us.

- Some students read loudly their products in
front of the class<i>...</i>

-Ss must understand words/phrases
related to the house hold chores and
apply them to their describtion of
their family rules

- Listen to the teacher and write down

<b> </b>

Ký duyệt

<b> Ngày tháng năm 2010</b>

<b> </b>

<b>Nguyễn Thị Hợp</b>

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Time :45ms

<b>Unit 1:Home life</b>

<b> </b>

<b>E: Language</b>


<b>I. Objectives:</b>

1. Educational aim: Pupils can pronounce the endings /s/ ,/z/
2. Knowledge:

- General knowledge:+ Students have to remind of tense :past simple, past progressive and present perfect.
+ Students have to do some exercises of tense

- New words: Words related to topic
3. Skills: Intonation and phrasal verbs

<b>II. Teaching method: Intergrated, mainly communicative</b>
<b>III,Teaching aids:</b>

<b> 1,Teacher: Textbook,chalk,lesson plan, extra board</b>
2,Students: Studentbook,workbook,pen..

<b>IV. Procedure</b>

<b> 1,Checking the old lesson (5 ) :</b>’ <b> A student read his/her wring about the family rules</b>
-T can give mark if she or he does this task well
<b> 2,New lesson(40 )</b>’

<b>Teacher s activities</b>’ <b>Students activities</b>’
<b>*Warm up(5 )</b>’

Correcting the mistakes.T.writes some
sentences on the sub board, in which each
sentence contains the wrong sentence

1,When I was a little girl I often help my
parents with household chores

2,Unlike most men my father enjoyed

3,My brothers never worked long hours like
this before. T.explains the way to realize a
tense through the sentence

T.asks Ss to read them aloud,then,leads into
the new lesson

<b>I,Pronunciation: (8 minutes)</b>

- Guide students to pronounce the endings
/s/,/z/ : bats /s/ . bags /z/

- Ask students to read the up the words and
the sentences

- Ask students to read up in chorus twice
- Call some students to read up in front of the

<b>. IIGrammar:(15’)</b>
<i><b> *Tense of verbs:</b></i>

* Ask students to repeat the they’ve leant.
+ The past simple.

+ The past progressive.

+ The present perfect.

- Ask students to give some sentences.
- Let students compare the differences
ebtween past simple and present perfect
Listen and give remarks

<b>III,Practice:(15 )</b>’
<b>Exercise 1:</b>

- Ask students to work in groups to do the
exercise 1.

Listen to the teacher.

Work in pairs to discuss and find the mistakes


3,never worked –have never worked

-Read the sentence loudly and comment on the
pronunciation of “s”

- Read up in chorus twice

- Some students read up in front of the class
- Listen to the teacher and speak out .
P1: - past simple

P2: - past progressive
P3 : present perfect

- Some students give more examples.
* Example :

- He left the room last week.

- They were having dinner at 8 o’clock last

-She has learnt English since she was in grade

- Work in pairs and give the differences.

* past simple : happened and finished with the
definite time in the past ,not related to

-Ex : He bought a car yesterday.

* present perfect : started in the past but related
to present or future and give the result at

-Ex : She has learnt English since she was in
the grade 5.

- Work in groups to do the exercise
1<i>. Have you seen</i>

<i>2. Did you enjoyed it?.</i>
<i>3. has been.</i>

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- Ask students to choose their suitable verbs
in the sentences.

- Call the leader of each group present their
answers on the board

- Ask the whole class to comment
<b>Exercise 2:</b>

- Ask students to work in groups to do the
exercise 2.

- Ask students to decide which answer ( A,
B,or C)

- Call the leader of each group present their
answers on the board( Sentence 10 -> 15 Ss
can do at home)

- Ask the whole class to comment

<b>IV,Consolidation(1 )</b>’

T summarises the main contain of the lesson.

<b> V,Homework : (1 )</b>’

Ask students to do Part Language Focus and
prepare part Reading of Unit 2 at home

<i>5. didn t listen</i>’

<i>6. Have you two met before ?</i>

7,<i>Have you met ?</i>

- Discuss the answers and give comment on the

- Listen to the teacher and work in groups
to do the exercise.

1, B : haven’t written
2, C : have been
3, A : had

4, A : haven’t done
5, B : have stopped
6, B : am waiting
7, B : have changed
8, C : live

9, A : decided

10,B : becomes
11,B : told
12,C :moved
13,C : come
14, C : stay
15, B : am going
- Redo the exercises

- Do the exercises in the workbook
-Ss can pronounce the endings /s/ ,/z/

-Revise the tenses in English you have learned
in this lesson

- Prepare for the next lesson
<b> </b>


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