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Giao an ANH7 week 11

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Tổ trưởng ký duyệt

Pre: 30/10/2010 Unit 6: AFTER SCHOOL
Teach : 3/11/2010

<sub>Period 31 - Lesson 1 : A1</sub>

<i><b>I. Objectives:</b></i>

By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to use the language to express
Suggestions / Invitations (Les’s / should)

- Develop : reading, speaking, writing, listening.
<i><b>II. Preparation:</b></i>

- Material: text book, exercise
- Equipment: extra board
<i><b>III. Teaching process</b></i>
<i>1. Class organization</i>

7A: 7B:

<i>2. Oral test:</i>

<i>A. Warm up and check up:</i>

- T displays 6 pictures on the board.

- Ss write the sentences, using the Present progressive tense.

Group A Group B

... ...
T : What do you usually do at the recess?

Ss answer and write on the board.

<i>B. Newlesson :</i>

- T introduces the topic: (Books closed)
- T : What do you do after school?

- T displays 3 pictures P.60 on the board.
- T asks : What do they do in each picture?

When do they take part in these activities?
- Ss look at the books and listen to the tape.

- Ss work in pairs to practise the dialogue.
- Ss answer the questions:

- Ss work in pairs to ask and answer the questions (a – f/ P.61)
- T give key :

a) She is doing her homework.

b) They are going to go to the cafeteria and get cold drink.
c) He is in music room.

d) He is learning to play the guitar.
e) He usually meet his friends
f) She likes playing volleyball.

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Comprehension questions: (a – f)
- Play a game : Lucky number
- T asks Ss some questions:

T: What are you doing?
S : I’m studying English.

T : What do you usually /often do after school?
S : I often play soccer.

T : Let’s play soccer in the afternoon.

- T uses flipchart for Ss do a game: <i>Noughts and Crosses</i>

Listen to music Go swimming Play badminton

Go to the movie Play computer games Read books

Watch T.V Do homework Go shopping.

<i>*. Production:</i>

- T asks Ss about themselves.
+ What are you doing now?

+ What do you usually do after school?
+ What sports do you like playing?

<i>4. Consolidation</i>

- Ask Ss to repeat all the knowledge of lesson


- Write the answer to the questions from a) – f).
- Ss do exsercises on Ex book

- Prepare lesson 2: A2

Pre: 30 /10/2010 <sub>Unit 6 : </sub>

<sub>AFTER SCHOOL</sub>

Teach : 4/11/2010

<sub>Period 32 - Lesson 2 : A2</sub>

<i><b>I. Objectives:</b></i>

By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to ask and answer about activities after

- Practice 4 skills for Ss.
<i><b>II. Preparation:</b></i>

- Material: text book, exercise, posters
- Equipment: cassette (no)

<i><b>III. Teaching process</b></i>
<i>1. Class organization</i>

7A: 7B:

<i>2. Oral test:</i>

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<i>3. New lesson :</i>
<i>A.Warm up</i>


doing the homework

listening to music playing soccer

swimming in the pool

watching T.V
playing computer games

<i> B. Presentation</i>

<i><b>A2. Practice with a partner</b></i>

a) Look at these activities. Label the pictures

- T asks Ss to look at the pictures in their books and write the names of activity.
- T displays 6 pictures on the board, prepare 6 cardboards

- Ss stick cardboards to each picture.

- T asks: What do they do after school ? (T points at the pictures.)

b) Ask and answer



often always


- T asks Ss to use these adverbs of frequency to make sentences. Then write on
the board.

- T corrects the mistakes.

- Write sentences (using A2) about Nam, Ba, Lan, Kien.

<i>4. Consolidation</i>

- Ask Ss to repeat all the knowledge of lesson


- Write paragraph about what they do after school, using adverbs of frequency.
- Do exercise A1, A2 / P.33-34 (E.B)

- Prepare A3- 4.

Pre: 30/10/2010 <sub>Unit 6 : </sub>

<sub>AFTER SCHOOL</sub>

<i><b>After school activities</b></i>

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Teach : 6/11/2010

<sub>Period 33- Lesson 3 : A3-4</sub>

<i><b>I. Objectives:</b></i>

- Reading about after school activities of class 7A

By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to talk and write about their friends after
school activities.

- Main skill: reading and listening.
- Sub skills: writing, speaking
<i><b>II. Preparation:</b></i>

- Material: text book, exercise, posters
- Equipment: cassette (no)

<i><b>III. Teaching process</b></i>
<i>1. Class organization</i>

7A: 7B:

<i>2. Oral test:</i>

- Write the sentences as many as possible, using adverbs of frequency.
- Ss work in 2 groups.

<i>3. Presentation:</i>
<i> A. Warm up</i>
<i>B. Presentation</i>

<i><b>A3. Read. Then answer. </b></i>

<i> *. Pre – reading</i>: (Books closed)

Vocabulary: T gives action or realia.
+ pastime (n) trò tiêu khiển

+ anniversary (n,a) ngày/ lễ kỷ niệm
+ celebrate (v) – celebration (n)
+ comic (n) truyện tranh

+ collect (v) sưu tập

+ collect (v) – collector (n) – collection (n)

+ President (n) <i>Ex:</i> Tran Duc Luong is a President of our country.
Introduce the topic:

- T uses 3 pictures of A3 to introduce the text.

- T displays the pictures on the board.then asks Ss some questions:
+ What are they doing?


- Ss predict and match, then compare with a partner.

Nga reads books or comic after school.
Nam collects stamps after school.

<i>*. While – reading:</i> (Books opened)

- Ss read the text and check their prediction.
Comprehension questions: (on a flipchart)

1. What is Nga’s theater group doing?

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4. Where does the stamp collector’s club meet?
5. What does Nam often do after school hours?
6. How often does Nam often play games?

<i>*. Post – reading</i>: (Books closed)

The students of class 7A <b>enjoy</b> different activities after school hours.
Nga’s favourite pastime is <b>acting</b> . At present, her group is <b>rehearsing</b> a play
for the school <b>anniversary</b> celebration.

<i><b>A4. Listen. Match each name to an activities</b></i>
* Vocabulary:

+ circus (n) rạp xiếc
+ rehearse (v) diễn tập

+ play (n) – to rehearse a play : tập kịch

- T asks Ss to look at the books, then listen to the tape.

- Ss listen and match.

* Matching:

Mai go to the circus

Nam go to the school cafeteria

Ba watch a movie

Lan tidy the room.

Kien rehearse a play

<i>4. Consolidation</i>

- Ask Ss to repeat all the knowledge of lesson


- Ss write about Nga/ Ba/ Nam. Using the cue words.
1. Nga/ 7A/ favourite pastime/ acting. Now/ rehearsing.

2. Ba/ 7A/ favourite pastime/ collecting stamps./He/ president/ Now he/ label/ stamps
3. Nam/7A/ He/ not/ sporty/ favourite pastime/ watching videos/Now/ he/ like/ watch

- Prepare B1



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