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Giao an ANH8 Week 11

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Tổ trưởng ký duyệt

<i><b>Week 11</b></i>

Pre: 28/10/2010 Unit 6 :


T : 1/11/2010

<sub>Period 31- Lesson 1 : </sub>

<sub>Getting started- Listen & Read</sub>

<i><b>I. Objectives</b></i>

- To intrduce the activities of Y&Y
- Talk about enrolling for the Y&Y

- Focus on listening, speaking, reading and writing skills
- Develop writing skill.

<i><b>II. Preparation</b>: </i>

Material<i>:</i> Textbook, Ex book

Equipment<i>:</i> Model letter / extra-board, cassette player (no)

<i><b>III. Teaching process :</b></i>
<i>1. Class organization:</i>

8A: / 8B: /
<i>2. Oral test </i>:

- Homework correction
<i>3. New lesson: </i>

<i>A. Warm up ( Getting started)</i>

- T asks Ss to tell the activities of the HCM young Pioneer and youth
Organization that they know or take part in.

- Ss can say by Vietnamese.

- Ss read the activities in “ Getting stared” and stick the boxes or add more

+ Check () the boxes

 helping blind people.

 helping elderly people

 helping handicapped children

 cleaning up beaches

 caring for animals

<i>B. Newlesson :</i>
<i>*. Presentation</i>

- T. introduced the situations of the dialogue and ask some questions.
- T. elicits some new words

- T. reads model

- Ss. listen to the tape (one)
And find out the answers.

- Ss. guess and give the meaning.
- Ss. repeat

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1.Who’s talking with whom?
2.What does Nga want to do?

3.What does the secretary ask Nga to do?

to enroll (v) đăng ký

application (n) mẫu đăng ký
to fill out (v) điền vào

hobby = interest (n) sở thích

outdoor activities (n)hoạt động ngồi trời
acting (n) hoạt động

to sign (v) ký
- T reads

- Ss read after

- Ss read in the whole class

+ Rub out and remember
True (F) or False (F)

1. Nga doesn't want to do anything this summer.
2. She must fill out an application form.

3. She has a phone at home.

4. She likes drawing but she doesn't like outdoor activities
5. She enjoys acting.

*. Practice

- Ss. listen to the tape

- Ss. Work in pairs to practice.
- Ss. practice (Role play)
- Ss. reread the dialogue.
- Ss correct T or F

1F 2T 3F 4F 5T

- Ss. answer the questions to fill in the form
- T. gives feed back

• <i>Name </i>: Pham Mai Nga • <i>Date of birth</i> : April 22, 1989
<i>• Home address</i> : 5 Tran Phu Street • <i>Sex </i>: female

• <i>Phone number</i> : No • <i>Interests</i> : drawing, acting

+. Further practice:
- Ss ask and anser

-What’s her full name?
-Where does she live?
-What’s her birthday?
-What are her hobbies?
<i>4. Consolidation</i>

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• <i>Name </i>: ... • <i>Date of birth</i> : ...
<i>• Home address</i> : ... • <i>Sex </i>: ...
• <i>Phone number</i> : ... • <i>Interests</i> : ...
<i>5. Homework</i>

- Ss. do ex on Ex book

- Ss. prepare Unit6 “ speak and listen"


Pre: 28/10/2010 Unit 6 :


T : 3/11/2010

<sub>Period 32 - Lesson 2 : </sub>

Speak and Listen

<i><b>I. Objectives</b></i>

- to teach Ss the way asking for favors and offering assistance
- Listening and filling in the missing words

- Develop speaking ang listening skill.

<i><b>II. Preparation</b>: </i>

Material<i>:</i> Textbook, Ex book

Equipment<i>:</i> Model letter / extra-board, cassette player (no)

<i><b>III. Teaching process :</b></i>
<i>1. Class organization:</i>

8A: / 8B: /
<i>2. Oral test </i>:

- Homework correction
<i>3. New lesson: </i>

<i>A. Warm up ( Getting started)</i>

- Ask Ss to fill the application ( about them)

• <i>Name </i>: ... • <i>Date of birth</i> : ...
<i>• Home address</i> : ... • <i>Sex </i>: ...
• <i>Phone number</i> : ... • <i>Interests</i> : ...
- Ss ask and answer

<i> B. Newlesson :</i>

<i>*.Pre- speaking</i>

- T. introduces the situations by examples.
- T. sticks extra board on the board .

- T. explains how to ask for favors and offer favors.
- Ss. take notes

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<i>* Whlile- speaking</i>

- T. asks Ss to make up similar dialogue as the situations .
- T. gives feedback

- Ss. work in pairs to practice dialogue
- Ss. role play<i>*The dialogue</i>

<i>Students’ dialogues</i>

<i>(base on situations on page 56)</i>
<i>*. Post- speaking</i>

- Ss. play role (real situation)

<i>* Pre-listening</i>

- T. presents the song

- Ss. guess words before listening
<i>*. While- listening</i>

- Ss. listen to the tape(3times)
- Ss. fill in the missing words
- Ss. exchange their answers

- Ss. write the complete words on the extra boards.
- Ss. listen to the tape again to check

- T. gives feed back
<i>Fill in the missing words</i>


11- out
<i>*. Post- writing</i>

- Ss. listen to the song again
<i>4. Consolidation</i>

- Ask Ss to repaet all the knowledge of lesson

<i>5. Homework</i>

- Ss. write the answers into their notebooks.
- Ss. do ex on Ex book

- Ss. prepare Unit6 “read"

Pre: 28/10/2010 Unit 6 :


T : 5/11/2010

<sub>Period 33 - Lesson 3 : </sub>


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- Talk about the organizations and activities of America.
- Focus on reading comprehension skill.

<i><b>II. Preparation</b>: </i>

Material<i>:</i> Textbook, Ex book

Equipment<i>:</i> Model letter / extra-board, cassette player (no)

<i><b>III. Teaching process :</b></i>
<i>1. Class organization:</i>

8A: / 8B: /
<i>2. Oral test </i>:

- Homework correction
<i>3. New lesson: </i>

<i>A. Warm up ( Getting started)</i>

- T. asks Ss to list the activities that Y&Y often do in Vietnam
- Ss. read the activities again

Ex: - helping blind people.
- helping elderly people
<i>B. New lesson</i>

<i>*. Pre- reading</i>

- T. asks Ss some questions
- Ss. guess and answer

1. Do you know any organizations similar to the Y&Y in other countries
2. Do you know anything about the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides in the USA?
*<i>Guess what they do</i>

- T. elicits and explains the new words
- Ss. listen to the tape

- Ss. give the meaning of words
- Ss. read loudly

- encourage
- citizenship
- fitness
- get lost
- Association

- Atlantic

- co-educational
- vocabulary

<i>*. While- reading :</i>

- Ss. listen to the tape again.

- Ss. read the passage and chess Ss’ guess .
- Ss . work in pairs to find out the answers
- T. gives feed back

<i>1)Fill in the missing dates </i>

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a. Scouting began in England in 1907.

b. The meeting between a boy scout and Mr William Boyce Led to the Scouts
Association Crossing the Atlantic in 1910.

c. Girls can join in the Girl Guides Association and Camp Fire Boys and Girls.
d. The three aims are building character, good citizenship and personal fitness.
- Ss. give their answers (one asks, one answer

<i>*.Post- reading</i>

- Ss talk about their your Y&Y school activities
<i>4. Consolidation</i>

- Ask Ss to repeat all the knowledge of lesson
<i>5. Homework</i>

- Ss. learn the lesson by heart
- Ss. copy the answers



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