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<b>Week 1</b>

Planning: 10 / 09 / 2010.

Teaching: 13 / 09 / 2010.
Period : 01.

<b>I - Objectives:</b>

<b> By the end of the lesson students will be able to:</b>

- Know something about English spoken countries.

<b> </b>- Introduce the book “ Let’s learn English” with 4 themes: You and me, My
school, My family, The world around us.

<b>II. language content</b>

<b>III. Teaching aids</b> Books.

<b>III. Procedure</b>

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

- All class sing a Vietnamese song.

- Asking and answering some questions
about Student’s learning habits.

- T introduces, Ss listen.

+ English is popular in the world

+ Many countries use it to be their mother

+ It’s not too difficult to learn

+ United Kingdom. America, Australia,
Newzeland, Singapore...

- T lectures, ss listen & observe the books.

<b>Student book</b>:

- Beautiful and colourful

- Make acquaintance with some
characters in the book: Alan,
LiLi, Linda, Peter Nam, Mai

<b>Work book</b>:

- Many kind of interesting
exercises .

- T gives some remarks and make carefull
recommendations to the next lesson.

- T may let ss play a game.

<b>1. Warm up </b><i> ( 5mins)</i>
Sing a song

<b>2</b><i><b>. </b></i><b>Introduction </b><i> ( 20 mins)</i>

<i>a. Introduce something about English</i>

<i>b. Introduce some English spoken</i>
<i>countries in the world</i>

<i> c. Present books</i>

Student book
Work book

<b>3. Production </b><i> (10 mins)</i>

Believe in yourself and never be shy

Theme1 -

You and Me

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

<b> Unit 1: hello</b>

<b>section A : A1 </b>–<b>a2 </b>–<b>a3 </b><i>(page 10 - 11)</i>

Preparing: 10 / 09 / 2010.
Teaching: 13 / 09 / 2010.
Period: 02.

<b>I- Objectives</b>

<b> - </b>Competences<b>: </b>- Ss can greet and introduce about their name.
- Language: * Vocabulary: Hello/ Hi , I , you .

* Form: I am + name
- Skills: Reading, listening and speaking.
<b> II- Teaching aids </b>

- Some pictures in the book.
<b>III- Procedure</b>

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

- Ss sing.

* Ss listen and acquaintance with greetings,
introduce name.

- T encourages Ss observe pictures & say the
names of 4 people.

Nam, Mai, Alan & Lili.

- T plays tape, ss look, listen & repeat.

+ Ss play role to read bubble again ( 8 ss), T
checks pronunciation.

- T presents the vocabularies & use.

- T reads Ss listen & repeat. Ss practise to
read across. T checks some Ss.

- T gives the situations & presents form.
- T reads Ss listen & repeat.

- Ss point in to personage in pictures & read
the dialoge.

- Ss read in pairs. T corrects.

* Ss acquaintance with four friends who
introduce their names to each other.

- Encourage Ss speak about the pictures’s

- T does a model, ss continue…

<b>1. Warm up ( </b><i> 5mins)</i>

- Sing a song

<b>2 </b>–<b> Presentation </b><i>( 10 mins)</i>

A1. Look listen and repeat <i>(page 10)</i>

* Vocabulary:

-Hello -Hi -You -I
* Form:

- I am Alan =I’m Alan

3- <b> Practice </b><i> ( 15 mins)</i>

<b> A2. Look and say</b><i><b>(</b>10ms)</i>


Hi , I’m Nam <sub>Hello , I</sub><sub>’</sub><sub>m Mai</sub>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

Feed beck, comment & correct

* Ss practise to speak the greeting &
introduce name themself.

- T plays role with a St to make a model.
- Ss work in pairs to continue…

- Devide class into 4 groups & let ss play
game. ( Use WB)

- Let’s match: T guides ss to do.

- T gives the task & guide.
-Ss write the lesson.

-Ss do at home:Practise speaking and
writing,do the excersices in Word book.

A3. Let’s talk.

A: Hello. I’m _________ .
B: Hi, __________ .

I’m _____________ .
4 <b>- Production </b><i>( 5 mins)</i>

Exercise 1 ( 6) Circle the odd one out
1. Hello Hi Mai

2. Mai Hello Lili
3. Nam Alan I
4. Mai Hi Lili
Exercise 2 ( 7) Let’s match

* Homework:

* Ended ex periences: ……… ………... ...

……… ... ...
* Kí duyệt của chuyên môn:

<b> Week 2 </b>

<b> Unit 1: hello.</b>

<b>Section a: a4 </b>–<b> a5 </b>–<b> a6 </b>–<b> a7 </b><i>(page 12 - 13)</i>

Preparing: 16 / 09 / 2010
Teaching: 20 / 09 / 2010
Period: 03.

<b>I. Objectives</b>

<b> - By the end of the lesson students will be able to: </b>
- Use in communication

- Help Ss to greet and introduce names

- Practice and improve skills: speaking , listening, reading and writing.

<b>II. Language contents</b>

<b> 1. Vocabs: </b>Hello, Hi, I.

<b>2. Sentenses: </b><sub>I</sub>’<sub>m Alan I</sub>’<sub>m LiLi</sub>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

I<b>II. Teaching aids:</b> Student’s book and work book.

<b>VI. Procedure</b>

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

- T teaches Ss sing “Hello” song 2 times.
“ Hello, hello, hello, hello

Goodmorning, goodmorning
We are good friends, We are good friends.

You and me, you and me”.

_ T introduces her name, then asks ss to

Feedback, comment, correct & give marks.
- T says hello to ss then introduces, ss do

T: Hello, I’m Thao.
S1: Hi, Thao. I’m ____.
S2: ________

-Asks Ss to talk about the content of the

+ Who are in the pictures ?

Mai, Alan, Nam , Lili, Linda

+ What are they doing ? They are greeting.
( Ss may give answer by VietNamese)

- Listen and choose the pictures
- Plays the tape (2 times)

+ Now ask ss to wrap their answers, then
show the answers to the whole class.

- Plays the tape again

- Listen again and give keys.
- The others comment

- T reads modelly & gives Ex on a

- Listen again and repeat.

- Read loudly Chorus -> individual

- T guides, ss say aloud first, then Write
down in ss’s notebook.

+ Read loudly to the whole class.

- Draw faces on 2 fingers then & guide ss
the way to play.

<b>1. Warm up </b><i>(5 mins)</i>

- Sing the song

<b>* </b>Check the old lesson.
Ex: Hi, I’m Thao.

- Hello, Thao. I’m…………
- Hi, I’m……….

<b>2 </b>–<b> Presentation </b><i>(5 mins)</i>

<b>3- Practice </b><i>(20 mins)</i>

A4. Listen and check

* Pre …..

1a: Lili and Mai

1b: Alan and Mai

2a: Nam

<b> 2b:</b> Alan

* While ………

Tape: Listen and check<b>.</b>

1. Hello, I’m Alan.
Hi, Alan. I’m Mai.
2. Hi, I’m Nam.


1 - b 2 - a

A5. Say it right

Hi I

Hello Hi

<b>A6. Let s write. </b>’

1. I am……….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

- Sing the Hello song again <b>A7 Let s play</b>’

Draw and say
* Homework

- Gives task & guide Ss to do at home
* Ended experiences: ………...


<b> Unit 1: hello.</b>

<b>Section b: b1 </b>–<b> b2 </b>–<b> b3 </b><i>(page 14 - 15)</i>

Preparing: 17 / 09 / 2010
Teaching: 20 / 09 / 2010
Period: 04.

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

By the end of the lesson Students will be able to:
+ Great .

+ Introduce oneself.

+ Develop 4 skills: Listening – Reading – Speaking - Writing.

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

<b>1. Vocabs</b>:<i> - </i>nice: tốt , đẹp - meet<i> : </i>gặp<i> </i> - Too: cũng

<b>2. Structure</b>: Nice to meet you

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b> - Flashcards, books.

<b>III. Procedure: </b>

<b>Teacher & students’s activities</b> <b>Content</b>

- Say greeetings: T & whole class.

- 2 groups read & complete sentences T
gives ( cards)

+ Show the answer, comment & correct.
* Ss listen & acquaintance the first time

- T plays tape 1st<sub> time.</sub>

+ Ss listen & repeat ( 2 times)

- T read the dialogue and let ss read in
chorus 3 times. What are they doing ?
Where are they? Are they first meeting?
How do they say?

- Ss read the dialogue , give new words &

- T explains the use.
- Write down.

- Ss read the dialoge in pairs. Others
comment. T corrects ss’s pronunciation.

<b> 1. Warm up (5mins )</b>
Hi, I’m Thao.

Hello, I’m…………..
1. __ e llo. __’m Mai.
2. __ i, Mai. __’m Alan.
<b>2. Presentation (10mins) </b>
<b>B1.Listen and repeat ( page 14) </b>

* Vocabulary: <i>- </i>nice: tốt , đẹp
- meet<i> :</i>gặp

* Sentence:<i> </i>

<sub>Nice to meet you</sub>


Nice to meet you, Lili.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=6>

* Ss introduce themselves and greet

- T guides then do model with a good
student then ask ss to practice in pairs.
After that, show their result to the whole
class. Remark and correct.

- T guides ss do exercise 5 in page 9 in

* Ss listen, understand & tick ordiral

number in to pictures have speaked.
- T asks ss to identify persons in the pitures
in part B3.

- T reads the tape 3 times, ss number.
<b>Tape:</b> Listen and number.

1. Hello, I am Nam.
2. Hi, I’m Alan.
Hi, Alan. I’m Lili.
3. Hi, I’m Mai.
Hello, I’m Alan.

Nice to meet you, Alan.
Nice to meet you, Mai.

- Wrap their answers, then exhibition on

- T gives the keys.

- Asks ss to play role & retell.
Ex: Hello, I’m Nam.

- T gives the task and guides.
- Ss write the lesson.

<b>3. Practice (15 mins)</b>
<b> B2.Let s talk (page 15) </b>’

Anh : Hello, I’m Anh.
Binh : Hi, Anh. I’m Binh.
Anh: Nice to meet you.

Binh: Nice to meet you, too.
( Too: còng)

Exercise5 (page9)
<b>4.Production</b> <i>(5ms)</i>

<b> B3. Listen and number (page 15) </b>
* Pre …

a. Mai and Alan
b. Nam.

c. Alan and Lili.
* While ….


1 – b, 2 - c, 3 – a.
* Post ….

*<b> Homework</b>:

- To learn by heart vocabs & struc.
- write newwords.

* Ended ex periences: ...


* Kí duyệt của chuyên môn:

. ..

. ..


<b>Week 3 Unit 1: hello</b>

<b>Section b: 4 </b>–<b> 5 </b>–<b> 6 - 7 </b><i>(page 16 - 17)</i>

Preparing: 24 / 09 / 2010
Teaching: 27 / 09 / 2010
Period: 05.

<b>I- Objectives. </b>

<b> - Competences : Students will be able to great each other and introduce self.</b>
- Skills: Reading, writing and speaking.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>

- Hello, I’m Alan
- Nice to meet you.

<b>III - Teaching aids: - Flashcards, books.</b>
<b>IV- Procedure : </b>

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

- Ss do ( 2 ss come to write on board and
others say to the whole class)

- T corrects and marks.

- T elicits the task: Who are in the pictures?
What are they doing?

<b>* Now read and match</b>

- T asks 4 ss to read and then Ss read in pairs
and match .

- Ss give the answers to the whole class.
- Others comment.

- T corrects and give the right answers.
(- Ss read in pairs.

T corrects.
- Ss translate.
T corrects.

- T guides Ss do. T corrects.)
- Ss speak the aims to do.

* Ss write to complete the sentences

+ In pairs Ss discuss to find words/ group
words to complete the sentences.

- Individually, Ss write words/group words
into blanks to complete the sentences.

- T asks 2 Ss write on the board, others
comment. T corrects.

- T guides Ss do. T checks.

- Encourage Ss speak situations.
- T guides Ss play.

- T guides Ss do. T checks.

* Ss review, understand the competence the
basic forms in all lesson.- Ss look at the
board <b>Summary</b> and give comment.

- Encourage Ss discuss the content of
columns in board.

- T guides Ss do (T gives the situations Ss
speak) , ss work in pairs.

Feedback, comment & correct
- T gives the task & guides.
- Ss write lesson.

<b>1) Warm up (5ms) </b>
Ex: H __ ll __ H __

<b> </b>I am _______
<b>2) Presentation ( 10ms)</b>
B 4. Read and match
Picture a: Mai and Lili.
Picture b: Mai and Alan.

* Answers: 1 –b, 2 – a.
3) Practice (10ms)

<b>Exercise: 6 </b><i>(pg 9)</i>

B5. Let’s write.
<i><b> </b></i><sub>1 Hello. I</sub>’m Alan.
2. Nice to meet you.

<b> Exercise 7(10)</b>

<b> </b>1. am I Lili . I am Lili.
2. to you nice meet .

Nice to meet you.
B 6. Let’s play.

* Ss review the form what they have
learnt by game.

<b>4) Production (5ms)</b>
B7. Summary.

Hello / Hi

I’m Mai. = I am Mai
Nice to meet you.

<b>* Homework: </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>

Hello, hello, hello
Nice to meet you2
Hello, hello, hello

Nice to meet you. Hello.

* Ended ex periences: ………...

<b>Revision and exercises</b>
Preparing: 24 / 09 / 2010

Teaching: 27 / 09 / 2010
Period: 06

<b>I/ Objectives: </b>

<b>- </b>Competences : Students will be able to greeting & introducing oneself.

- Develop 4 Skills.

<b>II/ Language content.</b>

<b>* </b>Vocabulary:<b> Hello / Hi</b>

* Form: <b>I m Mai ( I m = I am)</b>’ ’

<b>Nice to meet you.</b>

<b>III/ Teaching aids: </b>

- Pictures, books

<b>IV/ Procedure: </b>

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

- T & ss sing a song.
+ T : How are you today?
How’s the weather today?
Where are you from ?
+ Ss answer

- Groups work. Use cards on board.

- T & ss remind by greeting & introducing

- Use cards, asks ss to match on board. T guides,

monitors & helps.

Cooment & correct

<b>1. Warm up</b> <i>(5ms)</i>

+ Hello song

+ Chatting

Exercise 1 ( pg 6)Cicle the odd one out
Exercise 2 ( pg 7) Let’s match

<b>2. Presentation</b> <i> ( 10ms)</i>

- Hi / Hello

- I’m Mai. = I am Mai.
- Nice to meet you.

<b>3. Practice</b> <i>( 15 ms)</i>

Exercise 3 ( pg 8) Read and match
1. Hello, I’m Lili

2. Hi, I’m Mai.



<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>

- T guides.

- Pairs work, feed back. Comment & correct.

- T guides.

- Pairs work, feed back. Comment & correct.

- T guides.

- Pairs work, say loudly to the whole class.
Comment & correct.

- T guides.

- work individually, wrap the answers. feed back.
Comment & correct.

- Now can you draw your own picture ?

+ Show your picture and introduce yourself.

Cooment & correct

- Ss train writing

- All class sing a song:: Hello.
- T & Ss

- T reminds and gives tasks.

3. Hi, I’m Alan.
4. Hello, I’m Nam.

Exercise 4 ( pg 8) Complete the sentences and
read aloud

1. H ello, I’m Mai.
2. H i, Mai. I’m Alan

Exercise 5 ( pg 9) Complete the dialogue

(1) Nam (2) Hi (3) You (4) Nice (5) meet

Exercise 6 ( pg 9) Reoder the sentences to make
a dialogue

4 Nice to meet you too.
1 Hi. I am Mai.

3 Nice to meet you.
2 Hello, Mai. I am Nam.

Exercise 7 ( pg 10) Reoder the words to make

1. I am Lili. 2. Nice to meet you.

<b>4. Production</b> <i>( 5ms)</i>

Exercise 8 ( pg 10) Draw a picture of yourself
and write your name.

Exercise 9 ( pg 11) Look and write

* Summary: Greeting & introducing oneself
* Ended ex periences: ...
* Kí duyệt của chuyên môn:




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<b>Week 4 Unit 2 : thank you</b>

<b>Section a: 1 </b>–<b> 2 </b>–<b> 3 </b><i>(page 18 - 19)</i>

Preparing: 01 / 10 / 2010
Teaching: 04 / 10 / 2010
Period: 07.

<b>I/ Objectives: </b>

<b>- </b>Competences : Students will be able to greeting (ask & answer about health).
- Skills: Listening, reading and speaking.

<b>II/ Language content.</b>

<b>* </b>Vocabulary: - How : Nh thÕ nµo
- fine : Kh

- thanks = thank you: C¶m ¬n
- and : vµ
* Form: A: How are you?

B: I’m fine, thanks. And you?
A: Fine, thanks.

<b>III/ Teaching aids: </b>

- Pictures, books

<b>IV/ Procedure: </b>

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

- 3Ss introduce themselves. Others comment.
- 2 pairs say greetings to the whole class.
- Others comment and T corrects.

<i><b>* Greeting.</b></i>

+ Who are in the pictures? Mai and Nam.
+ Where are they? At school.

+ Are they coming to school? Yes.

+ What are they doing? They are greeting.
- Ss listen to their teacher and then repeat 2
times. After that 2 pairs read to the whole
class, T checks pronunciation.

- T give the new words & forms.
-T explains the competences .
- T reads Ss listen & repeat.
- Ss read in pairs. T helps Ss.
- T checks some pairs.
-Others comment.

- T guides Ss translate the dialoge.
<i><b>* Control practice..</b></i>

- T guides & does a model with a good
student, ss work in pairs, t goes round and

- Some pairs tell to the whole class, others
comment, T corrects

- T guides Ss do & checks.

<i><b>* freepractice.</b></i>

<b>1. Warm up</b><i>. ( 5ms)</i>

A: Hello, I’m ………..
B: Hi,…….. I’m………
A: Nice to meet you.

B: …….to meet …………., too.

<b>2. Presentation</b><i> . (10ms)</i>

<i><b> A1. Look, listen and repeat.</b></i>

* Vocabulary: - How:
- Fine:

- Thank you = Thanks:
- And:

* Form:

- How are you ?

- I’m fine, thankyou. (= Fine, thanks)

<b>3. practice </b><i>(15ms)</i>

<b> A</b><i><b>2. Look and say.</b></i>

1. How are you? I’m fine, thank you.
2. How are you? Fine, thanks

* Note: I’m fine = Fine
Thanks = Thank you

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=11>

- T gives the task & guides. Some pairs tell to
the whole class.

- T guides ss do.
- Ss write lesson.

<b>A</b><i><b>3. Let s talk</b></i>’

A: Hello,………..
B: Hi,………
I’m………... , ………..

<b>4. Production </b><i>(10ms)</i>

* Exercise 2(13)<b> Look and match</b>

*<b> Homework: </b>

-To learn by heart vocabularies& form.
* Ended ex periences: ………...

<b> Unit 2: thank you</b>

<b>Section a: 4 </b>–<b> 5 </b>–<b> 6 - 7 </b><i>(page 20 - 21)</i>

Preparing: 01 / 10 / 2010
Teaching: 04 / 10 / 2010
Period: 08

<b>I - Objectives: </b>

<i><b>* Competences: Students will be able to greeting. </b></i>
<i><b>* Skills: Listening, speaking and reading.</b></i>

<b>II -Language content .</b>

* Vocabulary: see

* Form: A: How are you?

B: I’m fine, thanks. And you?
A: Fine, thanks.

<b>III - Teaching aids: </b>

- Pictures, flash cards, books, EB.

<b>IV - Procedure: </b>

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

- T guides ss do this exercise then ask them
to read loudly.( using EB)

- T sets a sense and introduce the way
English says when they meet:

+ Some ss do models with T.

(?) Who are in the pictures ?

<b>1. Warm up </b>(5ms)

* Exercise 3(14) let’s match
1. I a. You
2. How b. am Mai
3. Thank c. are you?
4. Nice d. to meet you.

<b>2. Presentation </b><i>( 7 ms)</i>

- How are you?

Fine, thank you.
Or: Fine, thanks.

<b>3. Practice </b><i>(18 ms)</i>

A4. Listen and check.
* Pre ….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=12>

1a: Alan & Lili 1b: Nam & Alan
2a: Lili & Mai 2b: Nam & Mai
(?) How do they say when they first meet?

- Now listen & check. T reads the dialouges
2 times, ss listen & check in their books.
 Tape:

1. Hello, Alan. How are you today?
Hi Nam. I’m fine, thank you.
2. Hi, Lili. How are you?

I am fine, thank you. And you?
Thanks Lili, I’m fine.

- Ss wrap the keys and say to the whole
class . Others comment.

- Ss listen again & T gives correct answers.
+ Play tape in a short and asks ss to recall
the sentences.

* T defines the letters <b>ee</b>, <b>ea</b>, <b>l</b> in words
defferent colour.

- Ss practise reading the sounds by letters <b>l</b>,

<b>ee</b> and <b>ea</b> in words have learned in lesson.
- T reads, Ss listen & repeat.

- In pairs Ss read the pairs of words.
- T checks some Ss, others comment.
T corrects.

- T gives the aim of part.

+ In small groups, Ss read the dialoge,
discuss, say then write.

- Ss write informations in blank.

- T checks some pairs. Others comment.
- Ss read in pairs. T helps Ss.

- Let ss read in chorus 3 times.

- T & ss.

- T gives the task & guides.
- Ss write lesson.

* While …

1. b 2. a

* Post…..

A5. Say it right.

<b> </b>

<b> ee: / i / see</b>

<b> ea / i: , i / read</b>
<b> l / l / Alan, Lili </b>

A 6. Let’s write.
A: How ____ ____ ?
B: I’m ___ , ______ you.

<b>4. Production</b><i>( 5 ms)</i>

A7. Read aloud.
* Summary: greeting

* Homework: Reread the lesson.

* Ended ex periences:

.. ...

* Kí duyệt của chuyên môn:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=13>


<b>Week 5 Unit 2: thank you</b>

<b>Section B: 1 </b>– <b> 2 </b>– <b> 3 </b><i>(page 22 - 23)</i>

Preparing: 08 / 10 / 2010.
Teaching: 11 / 10 / 2010.
Period: 09.

<b>I </b>– <b> Objectives. </b>

<i><b>* Competences : Students will be able to greet “ Good bye’’ & repeat.</b></i>
<i><b>* Skills: Listening and speaking.</b></i>

<b>II </b>– <b> Language content.</b>

* Vocabulary:<b> </b>Good bye / bye: Chào tạm biệt
see : Gặp, nhìn thấy.

later : Sau, thêi gian sau.
* Form: Good bye. / Bye.

See you later.
<b>III - Teaching aids. </b>

- Pictures, books.
<b>IV </b>– <b> Procedure.</b>

<b>activities</b> <b>Content</b>

- T gives cue – words on board, ss
work in groups of 4 to find out the

right words, show on board.

- T & Ss comment, then give the right
words, chorus.

* Saying Goodbye.

+ Who are in the pictures?
- Mai & Nam.

+ Where are they? - at the bus stop.
- T reads , Ss listen & repeat.

- Some Ss read, others comment.

- Ss comment the picture 2’s content.
Ss read & give the vocabularies, form.
- T explains. T reads Ss listen &

- In pairs Ss read, T helps Ss.
- Some pairs read.

-Others pairs comment.

<b>1. Warm up</b> <i>(5ms) </i>

Reoder the letters to make words.
h w o = How

e n f i = fine
n k h a s t = thanks
h o l e l = hello
<b>2. Presentation (10ms).</b>
<i><b> B1. Listen and repeat.</b></i>

* Vocabulary:

Good bye / bye: Chào tạm biệt
see : Gặp, nhìn thÊy.
later : Sau, thêi gian sau.
* Form:

( Note: <i>And you? = How are you ?</i>)
- Goodbye, Nam.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=14>

- Now the classtime is finished,
T : goodbye

Ss: Goodbye, see you later.

- Ss stand in 2 big Grs, now say hello
& goodbye with your friends.

( 4 bạn đang đứng thì bạn A chạy vào, bạn A
nói: Hello, how are you? các bạn khác đáp
lại: Hello, Fine thanks. And you? Bạn A nói
Fine thanks. Rồi bạn B trong nhóm muốn ra
về bạnB nói Good bye, see you later. Các

bạn còn lại nói: Good bye.)

- Asks ss to say the names of the
people in the pictures a, b, c .

- Now listen what they are saying.
Play tape 2 times

 Tape:

1. Hello, I’m Mai.
2. Good bye Alan.

- See you later.
3. How are you Lili?

- I’m fine, thank you, and you?
- Fine, thanks.

- T checks some pairs, others
comment. Gives keys.

- Saying goodbye to your friends.
- Now complete the cue words in

- Praise win – teams.

- T gives the situations. Ss speak.

-T gives the task & guides.

- Ss write lesson

- Bye, see you later.
<b>3. Practice (10ms) </b>
<i><b> B2. Let’s talk.</b></i>

A: ………
B: …………, See you later.

B3. Listen and number
* Pre ….

* While …

Keys 1 b, 2 a, 3c.
* Post …..

<b>4. Production (10 ms)</b>

Cue - words

<b> </b>

* Ended ex periences:

<b>Unit 2: thank you</b>

<b>Section b: 4 </b>– <b> 5 </b>– <b> 6 - 7 </b><i>(page 24 - 25)</i>

Preparing: 08 / 10 / 2010.
Teaching: 11 / 10 / 2010.
Period: 10.

<b>I - Objectives. </b>

<i><b>*Competences : + Greeting </b></i>

+ Saying goodbye.
<i><b>*Skills: Reading and writing.</b></i>

<b>II </b>– <b> Language content.</b>

* A: How are you? * A: Good bye.

A g s f L Y

S h e l L O

T O r W h U


Y h i D M P

j l C a I R

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=15>

B: I’m fine, thank you. And you? B: Bye. See you later.
A: Fine, thanks.

* The English Alphabet.
<b>III - Teaching aids. </b>

- Small board, books.
<b>IV - Procedure.</b>

<b>activities</b> <b>Content</b>

- Sing a song.

- Ss play. ( T gives cards to each student,
now find your pairs to make a full

Ex: A has: HOW
B has : ARE
C has ; YOU ?
 How are you ?

- T chats with ss: Greeting & saying

- Read the sentences loudly.

+ Now T gives another cards & asks ss
to find their partners again to match the
sentences in left column with right


- Ss give the results, others comment.
- Ss read sentences. T checks.

- Asks ss to look at the merg dialogue
and fill with your partners. Say aloud to
the whole class.( may write on board)
- T monitors and helps.

- Now write down your notebook.

- Ss look at the alphabet & comment the
different between letters. T reads Ss

<b>1. Warm up (5ms) </b>
Song: “Hello teacher”

- Find partners

Cards: you are find thanks thankyou
goodbye hello I’m Nam Nice to meet
you ….

<b>2. Presentation ( 7 ms)</b>
A: How are you?
B: I’m fine, thank you. And you?
A: Fine, thanks. Good bye.

B: Bye. See you later.

3. Practice<i>(10ms) </i>
B4. Read and match

1. How are you ? a. Bye. See you

2. Hello b. Hello. I’m Mai.
3. Nice to meet you c. Fine, thanks.
4. Goodbye. d. Hi.

5. Hi. I’m Lili e. Nice to meet you

Keys: 1 c, 2 d, 3 e, 4 a, 5 b.
B5. Let’s write

1. A: How are you ?
B: I’m fine, thank you.
2. A: Goodbye.

B: Bye. See you later.
<b>4) Production.</b><i>(5 ms) </i><b> </b>

B6. Let’s play

The English Aphabet

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=16>

listen & repeat. (3 times)

- Let’s sing the alphabet song along with

- T gives the situations. Ss speak in pairs
to practise speaking.( When greeting
and when saying goodbye)

- T gives the task & guides.
- Ss write lesson.

B7. Summary

- How are you ? I’m fine, thank you.
Fine, thanks.

- Goodbye / bye
- See you later.

* Ended ex periences:...
* Kí duyệt của chuyên môn: ……….

<b>Week 6 Revision + exercises</b>

Period: 11

<b>I Objectives</b>– .

By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:

- Revise the the greeting & saying goodbye ways.
- Practice doing exercises.

- Develop 4 skills.

<b>II Language content</b>– .

1. Greeting: + How are you ?  I’m fine, thank you.
Fine, thanks.

2. Saying goodbye: + Goodbye. / Bye.
+ See you later.

<b>III Teaching aids</b>– : WB, Pictures, .…

<b>IV Procedure</b>– .

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

- All class sing a song.
- T say greeting to ss .

Hello, How are you ?
+ Ss answer. ( 5 ss)

- T asks ss to open book ( pg 25) tell what we have
in Unit 2.

+ Ss answer.

- T consolidates by asking and asnwering some

- T uses cards & pictures, asks ss come & match

<b>1. Warm up</b> <i>( 5 ms)</i>

- Song: “Hello” & “ Hello teacher”
- Chatting.

Exercise 1 ( 12 WB) Circle the odd one out
1. mai 2. thanks 3. how 4. and

<b>2</b>. <b>Presentation</b> <i>( 7 ms)</i>

a. <i>Greeting</i>:

+ How are you ?  I’m fine, thank you.
Fine, thanks.
b. <i>Saying goodbye</i>: + Goodbye. / Bye.

+ See you later.

<b>3. Pratice</b> <i>( 18 ms)</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=17>

on board. Comment & correct.

- Ss work invidually, wrap the answers, show to the
whole class. Comment and correcct.

- T guides, ss work in pairs or groups.
Feed back, comment & correct

- T guides, ss work in pairs or groups.
Feed back, comment & correct

- T guides, ss work in pairs or groups.
Feed back, comment & correct

- T guides, ss work in pairs or groups.
Feed back, comment & correct

- T guides, ss work in pairs or groups.
Feed back, comment & correct

- Let ss play a game.

- T & whole class.

- T gives task. Ss complete exercises in WB by

Exercise 3 ( 14 WB) Let’s match

1 – b : I am Mai 2 – c: How are you?
3 – a: Thank you 4 – d: Nice to meet

Exercise 4 ( 14 WB) Complete sentences….
1. H i , I’m L i l i.

2. He l l o, Mai. I’m A l an.
3. N i ce to m e e t you.
Exercise 5 ( 15 WB) Reoder the letters …
1. How 2. fine 3.thanks 4. Hello
Exercise 6 ( 15 WB) Complete the dialogue …
1. How 2. Hi 3. fine 4. you . thanks.
Exercise 7 ( 16 WB) Reoder the sentences …

Exercise 8 ( 17 WB) Read and macth.
1 - c 2 - a 3 - b
Exercise 9 ( 18 WB) Write the responses.

1. Hi

2. I’m fine, thank you.
3. Nice to meet you too.
4. Bye.

<b>4. Production </b><i>( 5ms)</i>

- Play a game: Point & say

( Greeting & saying goodbye)
- Summary:

- Homework: reread the unit, prepare unit 3.
End experiended: ……….

<b>Unit 3 : our names</b>

<b> Section a: 1 </b>– <b> 2 </b>– <b> 3 </b><i>(page 26 - 27)</i>

Period: 12.


I’m fine. thanks
Hi, Alan

I’m fine. Thank you. And you
Hello, Nam. How are you ?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=18>

<b>I </b>–<b> Objectives.</b>

<b> *</b>Competences: - Ask and answer about name.

<b>*</b>Skills:<b> </b> Listening, speaking.

<b>II - Language content.</b>

1. Vocabulary: - What: Cái gì - your: Cđa b¹n
- my: Cđa t«i. - name: tªn.

2. Form: A: What’s your name?

<b> </b> B:<b> </b>My name’s + tên của mình<b>.</b>

<b>III - Teaching aids. </b>

- Pictures, Flash cards, books.

<b>IV </b>–<b> Procedure. </b>

<b>Teacher & students s activities</b>’ <b>Content</b>

- Sing the song “Hello teacher”

- Asking and answering some questions.
+ How are you? – I’m fine, thank you.
- Fine, thanks.

- T asks ss to stick the names of the persons
to the right pictures.

<b> </b>Mai - Peter - Linda

- Let ss listen and repeat 3 times.
- Chorus 3 times.

T: What your name ?
S1: My name’s Peter.

(Replace Peter by another names)
S..: My name’s _______
T: What’s your name?

S..: My name’s Alan/ Mai/ Lili…

- T uses 2 pictures, play roles to asks &

Linda: What’s your name?
Peter: My name’s Peter
Peter: What’s your name?
Linda: My name’s Linda

- Pairs work, Feed back, comment &

<b>1) Warm up ( 5ms) </b>

Song: “Hello teacher”

- Chatting

<b>2) Presentation (10ms) </b>

A1.Look, listen and repeat.

<b> </b> * Vocabulary:

- What: C¸i g×
- your: Cđa b¹n
- my: Cđa t«i.
- name: tªn.

*Form: A: What’s your name?

<b> </b>B:<b> My names</b> + <i>tên của mình</i><b>.</b>

*Note: What’s = What is

My name’s = My name is.
<b>3 ) Practice (10ms)</b>

A2.Look and Say.

<b> </b> <b> </b>

What your name ?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=19>

- Now work in pairs and tell to the whole
class your names.

- Asks ss to work in pairs, T monitors, then
tell to the whole class.

- Others comment, T corrects.

<i>(Note: Pronunciation)</i>

- Let’s sing the alphabet song.
- Play a game: Point and say.

- T points and says: What’s your name?
+ Ss answer: My name’s __________
- T gives the task & guides.

- Ss write lesson.

A3. Let’s talk.

A: What your name ?

B: My name’s………

<b>4) Production (5ms) </b>

Point and say

* Homework:

- To practise speaking.

- To learn by heart newwords and form.
Ended ex periences: . ...
Kí duyệt của chuyên môn: ………


<b>Week 7 Unit 3 : OUR name .</b>

<b> Section A : 4 </b>–<b> 5 </b>–<b> 6 </b>–<b> 7. </b><i>(page 28 - 29)</i>

Period: 13.

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

<b> *</b>Competences:<b> </b>- Ask and answer about name.

<b> </b>- Spell alphabet Fluently.

<b> *</b>Skills: Listening, Writing, Reading.

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

<i><b>1. Vocabs: </b></i><b> </b>:<b> - </b>The alphabet

<i><b>2. Structure</b></i><b>: </b> A: What’s your name?
B: My name’s …….

<b>IIi. Teaching aids:</b>

- Student’s book and work book. - Small board, Flash cards.

<b>IV. Procedure</b>:

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

- Let ss sing the song “ hello teacher”
- T: hello, how are you?

Ss: I am fine, thank you.
Or: Fine, thanks.
What’s your name?
My name’s _______

- 4 to 5 pairs speak loudly to the whole

<b> 1. Warm up </b><i>(5ms)</i>

<i><b>* Check the old lesson.</b></i>
T; Hello, how are you ?
Ss: I’m fine, thanks.
- fine, thanks.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=20>

class, others give comments, t corrects.

- Now sing “ Alphabet” song ,repeat the
alphabet. (T & whole class)

- T reads Ss listen & repeat. Note sounds

+ Ss practice.

- T checks some Ss.

Look at the pictures and comment

Ss listen and know the alphabet’ve heart.
<b> Tape: </b>

<b>1. a</b>
<b>2. b, c.</b>
<b>3. p, t.</b>
<b>4. l, m.</b>
<b>5. s, x.</b>
<b>6. I, y.</b>

- ss read the letters again.

- Ss define the letters in words by the
differences of colour. note the sounds.
- T reads Ss listen & repeat.

- In groups, Ss read. T helps Ss.
- T checks some Ss, others comment.

- T guides Ss work in pairs.

Comment and corrects.

- Now asks ss say the letters and others
write on board.

+ Spell your name ex: T - H - A - O
- T gives the task & guides.

- Ss write the lesson.

<b>2 . Presentation </b><i>( 10ms)</i><b> . </b>

A7. Read aloud.

<b>The alphabet</b>

<b> Sounds Letters</b>
<b>/ei/</b> A, H, J, K

<b>/ i /</b> B, C, D, E, G, P, T, V

<b>/e /</b> F, L , M, N , S, , X, Z.

<b>/ ai/</b> I, Y

<b>/ou/</b> O

<b>/u:/</b> Q, U, W

<b>/a:/</b> R
<b>3. Practice</b> <i>( 15ms)</i>

A4. Listen and check .
*<i>Pre- l</i>istening

* While -listening

<b>* </b>Post - listening
A5. Say it right
er: / Ə /

n: / n /
t: / t /

A6. Let’s write

A: What’s your………..?

B: My name’s……….

<b>4- Production </b>.<i>(10ms)</i>


- To review all lesson.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=21>

<b>Week 7 Unit 3 : OUR name </b>

<b> Section B : 1 </b>–<b> 2 </b>–<b> 3. </b><i>(page 30 - 31)</i>

Period: 14 .

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

<b> </b> *Competences: - Ask and answer about name.

<b> </b> - Spell name.
*Skills:<b> </b> Listening, Reading.

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

<b> 1. Vocabs: </b>:<b> - </b>The alphabet

<b>2. Structure: </b>A: What’s your name?

B: My name’s Lan. That’s L - A - N

<b>IIi. Teaching aids:</b> Student’s book and work book, Small board, Flash cards.

<b>IV. Procedure: </b>

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

- Asks some questions to arouse ss’s

+ How are you today?
+ What your name?

- Ss answer , then ask them to read &
sing the alphabet loudly again.

- T asks for the name of two person in the

picture. who are they? Nam & Linda.
- Now look at the dialogue, what are they
talking ? – asking for the name.

- Let ss listen 2 times then repeat 3 times.
+ Ss read the dialogue in pairs then 3
pairs tell to the whole class.

- T explaints the way Linda spelt her
name ( using the letters in the alphabet)
+ Now: Can you spelt your name?
- ss spell their names.( 4ss)

- Ss work in pairs, T monitors and helps.
Feed back

Comment and corrects
- Ask ss to identify the pictures:
Who are in picture a?
– Mai & Linda.
Who are in picture b?
– Nam & Alan.
Who are in picture c?
– Alan & Linda.

- Listen and number the pictures that you

 Tape:

<b>1. Warm up</b>. <i>(5ms)</i>

- Chatting
- Sing a song.

<b>2. Presentation</b><i>. (10ms)</i>

B1 – Listen and repeat.

Nam: What’s your name?
Linda: My name’s Linda.

That’s L – I – N – D – A.

3. <b>Practice.</b><i>(10ms)</i>

B2. Let<b>’</b>s talk

A: What’s your name ?

B: My name’s _______ . That’s ______ .
B3. Listen and number

* Pre ….

- That: đó, đấy

* While …..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=22>

1. - What’s your name?

+ My name’s Nam. That’s N – A – M.
and what’s your name?

- My name’<sub>s Peter. That</sub>’<sub>s P -E-T- E-R</sub>
2. - Hello, I’m Mai. That’s M-A-I.

+ Hello, My name’s Linda. L-I-N-D-A
3. - Hello, I’m Alan. That’s A-L-A-N.
What’s your name?

+ My name’<sub>s Linda. That</sub>’<sub>s L-I-N-D-A</sub>
- Nice to meet you, Linda.

- Nice to meet you, Nam.

- T plays tape 3 times, ss listen and then
exhibition their answers on board.

+ Play roles to ask & answer again.

+ Devide class into 2 teams, say the
letters & write on board ( may be the

- T & whole class.

- Ss copy the lesson on their note book.

Answer key:

1 –b, 2 – a, 3 – c
* Post …….

<b>4. Production</b>. <i>(5 ms)</i>

- Summary: ask, answer & spell your

- Home work: practice asking and
answering about the name.

Ended experiences:...
KÝ duyệt của chuyên môn:


<b>Week 8 Unit 3 : OUR name .</b>

<b> Section B : 4 </b>–<b> 5 </b>–<b> 6 - 7 </b><i>(page 32 - 33)</i>

Period: 15 .

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

* Competences: - Ask and answer about name.
- Spell name.

*Skills:<b> </b> Listening, Reading & writing.

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

<b> 1. Vocabs: </b>:<b> - </b>The alphabet

<b>2. Structure: </b> A: What’s your name?

B: My name’s Nam. That’s N- A-M.
And what’s your name?

A: My name’s Lan. That’s L- A – N.

<b>IIi. Teaching aids:</b>

- Student’s book and work book.
- Small board, Flash cards.

<b>IV. Procedure: </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=23>

- Ss sing freely

- Now ask & answer with your partners.

- Let ss ask & answer in 3 minutes then
tell to the whole class. Note the way to

Comment and corrects

- Identify the pictures: a – Nam & Alan
b: Linda & Alan.

- Now read the 2 dialogues and match.
+ Ss read the dialogue in pairs and then
tell to the whole class.

Comment and corrects
* Note correct pronunciation.

- T guides, ss write on their notebook, 3 ss
come to write on board.

Compare, comment and corrects

- T guides s do excercises in work book.
+ Use flash cards to fill( T prepares
flashcards and EB), ss write directly on

<b>1. Warm up</b><i>(5ms).</i>

B6. Let’s sing.

<b>The alphabet song</b>
<b>A B C D E F G</b>
<b>H I J K L M N O P</b>

<b>Q R S and T U V</b>
<b>W and X Y Z</b>

Nµo cïng nhau hát ABC, có nhớ cha hát
theo tôi nào.

Ive just sung my ABC, now it your turn
follow me.

Now you know my ABC, will you sing
along with me?

Happy happy all of we. Now we learn our

<b>2. Presentation</b> (7 ms).
- What’s your name?

+ My name’s ____ . that’s ____
+ I’m ____. That’s ______ .

EX; My name’s Lan. That’s L-A-N

<b>3. Practice </b>(10ms).

<b>B4. read and match.</b>

1 – b
2 - a

<b>B5. Let’s write.</b>

A: What’s <i><b>your name</b></i> ?

B: My name’s <i><b>Thao</b></i> . That’s <i><b>T-H-A-O</b></i>.

<b>4. Production</b> (12ms).

Exercise 8 (23)

Reoder the words to make sentences.
1. My name is Phong.

2. What is your name ?
Exercise 9 (23) Find the names
* Home work:

review 3 units: content & language.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=24>

Feed back

Comment and corrects

- Ss copy the lesson on their note book.

Ended experiences:...
<b>Revision 1 + Exercies</b>

Planing :
Teaching :
Period: 16

<b> </b>

<b>I - Objectives. </b>

<i>*Competences: -</i> Greetings

– Introduce name.

- Ask and answer aboat health.

- Speak and respond the word “ Thank you’’
- Greet and respond the word “ Good bye’’
- Ask and answer about name.

– Spell name.
- Spell alphabet.

<i><b>* Skills: Listening, reading, speaking & writing.</b></i>

<b> II </b>–<b> Language content.</b>

<b> * Sounds. </b>

Hi I see LiLi see Later name meet
Hello Hi meet Alan read Peter Nam repeat
<b>* Vocabulary: </b>

- Geetings: Hello, Hi.
- Presonal pronoun: I, you

- Tobe: are, am, is /’re, ‘m, ‘s/
- Possessive adjectives: my, your

- Adjective: fine, nice.
- Verbs: see, meet.
- Question words: How, What
- Name<b>: </b>Nam, Mai, - Vietnam
LiLi, Alan - Singapore
Linda - Enghand
Peter - America.
<b>* Grammar: </b>

<b>We say</b> <b>We say</b> <b>We respond</b>

Hello/ Hi Nice to meet you Nice to meet you too.

I’m Mai Good bye See you later./ bye.

That’s M-A-I.

<b> We ask</b> <b>We answer</b>

How are you ? I’m fine, thank you./ Finr thanks.

What’s your name? My name’s Alan.

<b> </b>

<b>We ask</b> <b>we answer</b> <b>We write</b>

What’s your name? My name’s Lili What’s = what is

I’m Lili name’s = name is

That’s P-E-T-E-R That’s = that is

<b> </b>

<b>III - Teaching aids.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=25>

<b>IV - Procedure.</b>

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

- Let’s sing.

* Ss practise the basic sounds’ve learned
in theme

* Review the words’ ve learned, combine
to read that words loudly.

+ Play game: slap the board.

(devide class in to 2 team and ask them to
play game as T’sguides)

Comment & corrects.

- In groups, Ss read the forms’ve learned.

- Ss ask & answer in pairs. T helps Ss.
- T checks some pairs, others comment.
- T gives jumbles words, ss reoder to make
complete words.( about 10 words)

* Review the use of basic grammar
- T asks, some good ss answer:

- Let’s talk: Ss practice saying with their

- T makes clearly form, meaning in a
quick and pronunciation of the Qs &

- T & Ss complete all exercises in WB.
( in pairs, groups…)

- Give correct answers. Comment &

- Ss play in groups of 4.
- T gives the task & guides.
- Ss write lesson.

<b>1. Warm up ( 5ms)</b>

- Sing a song.

<b>2. presentation</b> ( 10ms)
<i><b>* Sound (5ms)</b></i>

/ i:/ / /n/ /t/ /a:/ / wai/, /ei/ / i / /e / / ai/
/ou/ /u:/

<i><b>* Vocabulary.</b></i>

<i><b>* Grammar.</b></i>
- How are you ?

+ I’m fine, thank you. (fine, thanks)
- Nice to meet you.

+ Nice to meet you, too.
- What’s your name ?

+ My name’s Alan

(- What is your name ?
+ I’m Alan. = + I am Alan.
+ My name is Alan)

<b>3. Practice (</b>10ms).

Doing exercises in WB

<b>4. Production</b> (5ms).

Game: Jumble words. ( 5 words)

- To review all lesson.

Ended experiences:...
Kí duyệt của chuyên môn: ……….


<b>Week 9 Self check one</b>
Planing :

Teaching :
Period: 17

<b> </b>

<b>I - Objectives</b>.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=26>

- Consolidate the content of three units: Greeting, introducing oneself,
saying goodbye, asking someone name, spelling.

* Skill: develope 4 skills.

<b>II </b>–<b> Language content.</b>

1. Greeting: - Hello / Hi

- Nice to meet you.

- How are you? + I’m fine, thank you / Fine, thanks.
2. Introducing one self:

- I am ______ = I’m ________
3. Saying goodbye: - Goodbye, see you later.
4. Asking some one name: - What’s your name?

My name’s Alan.

<b>III - Teaching aids : </b>Books, pictures…
<b>IV - Procedure.</b>

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

- Let’s sing

- T guides ss to do a test.
- Ss do Self check one.

<b> Tape: </b>

1. Hi 2. fine 3. meet 4. your 5. later

<i><b> </b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>1. What’s your name ?
2. My name ‘s Alan
3. Nice to meet you

4 . How are you ?
5. I’ m fine.

- T guides ss do , then ss prepare in 5 mins
then wrap their answer.


Comment and corrects

<b>* Warm up.</b>

- Sing a song.

Self chek one

<b>Check the words you hear.</b>

1. I


2. fine


3. see


4. you


5. later


<b> Listen and number.</b>

I’m fine
How are you ?

Nice to meet you.
My name’s Alan.
What’s your name ?

<b> Complete the sentences.</b>

1. My name is Peter.
2. H ow are you ?
3. Nice to meet you.
4. Thank you.

5. Goodbye<b>.</b>

<b> Write the name in the blanks.</b>

1. Linda, 2. Alan, 3. Nam, 4. Lili
5. Peter, 6. Mai.

<b>Select an d tick the letter A, B or C.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=27>

- T & whole class.

* <b>Home work:</b> To review all lesson

<b>Write the answers.</b>

1. What’s your name ?

My name’s…………..

2. How are you ?

I’m fine, thank you
(Fine, thanks)
* Summary:

Ended experiences: ………

<b>Dong Lai Primary School</b> <b><sub> test 1 - </sub>first semester</b>

<i><b>Full name</b></i>:...

<i><b> School year: 2010 </b></i>–<i><b> 2011</b></i>.
<i><b> Grade </b></i>–<i><b> 3</b></i>

<i><b> Time: 40 minutes </b></i>

Period: 18.

<b>I </b>–<b> Objectives.</b>

- Testing the content of Unit 1, 2, 3. Greeting, introducing oneself, saying goodbye,

asking someone name, spelling.

- Check the knowledge of ss after 3 units.

- Develop listening – reading – writing skills.
II – Matrix.

<b>Chủ đề</b> <b>Nhận biết</b> <b>Thông hiểu</b> <b>Vận dụng</b> <b>Tổng</b>


1. Listening 5<sub> 2</sub> 5<sub> 2</sub>

2. Reading 2

1 4 2 6<sub> 3</sub>
3. Language focus 5

1,5 5 1,5 5<sub> 3</sub>

4. Writing 2 <sub> 2</sub> 2<sub> </sub> <sub>2</sub>

Tæng 12 4,5 9 3,5 2 2 18 10

<b>III </b>–<b> Questions.</b>

<b>A. Listening. </b><i>(2 points)</i>

1. Check the words you hear.

a. fine Hi

b. thank thanks

c. name later

d. meet see

e. bye Good bye

<b>B. Reading </b><i>(3 points)</i>

2. Read and fill in the gaps
Peter: Hello, Mai.
Mai: Hi, ______


<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=28>

Peter: How _____ _____ ?

Mai: I’m fine, thank you. And you?
Peter: __________, thanks.

3. Read and match

 Alan: Hello, I’m Alan. That’s A – L – A – N.
Lili: Hi, Alan. I’m Lili. That’s L –I – L – I.
 Nam: Good morning!

Linda: Good morning!

Nam: My name’s Nam. What’s your name?
Linda: My name’s Linda. Nice to meet you, Nam.
Nam: Nice to meet you, Linda.

<b>C. Language. </b><i>(3 points)</i>

4. Circle the odd one out.

a. nice hello Hi

b. meet fine read

c. you are am

d. Nam your Lili

e. thanks Good bye bye.

5. Circle the corrects respond.

a. Hi, I am Mai.

I<sub> am fine, thank you. </sub>

Good bye.

Hello. I<sub> am Thu. </sub>
b. What your name?

My name is Nga.

Nice to meet you?

See you later.
c. How are you?

Fine, thanks.

See you later.

My name is Alan.

d. Nice to meet you.

I<sub> am Lan. </sub>

Nice to meet you, too.

See you later.
e. Good Bye.

See you later .

Nice to meet you.

Hi, I<sub> am Nam. </sub>

<b>D. Writing. </b><i>(2 points)</i>



Total: 10 points

<b>key for test 1 - first semester </b>

<i><b>School year: 2010 </b></i>–<i><b> 2011</b></i>.
<i><b>Grade </b></i>–<i><b> 3 Time: 35 minutes</b></i>

<b>A. Listening. </b><i>(2 points)</i>

1. Check the words you hear.

a. fine b. thanks c. name d. see e. Good bye

<b>B. Reading </b><i>(3 points)</i>




How are you ?

How are you ?

What’s your
name ?

What’s your
name ?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=29>

2. Read and fill in the gaps
Peter: Hello, Mai.
Mai: Hi, Peter

Peter: How are you ?

Mai: I’m fine, thank you. And you?
Peter: Fine , thanks.

3. Read and match

<sub> </sub>

<b>C. Language. </b><i>(3 points)</i>

4. Circle the odd one out.
a. nice

b. fine

c. you

d. your
e. thanks

5. Circle the corrects respond.

a. Hi, I am Mai.

I<sub> am fine, thank you. </sub>

<sub> Good bye.</sub> <sub> </sub>

<sub> Hello. </sub>I<sub> am Thu. </sub>
b. What your name?

My name is Nga.

Nice to meet you?

See you later.
c. How are you?

Fine, thanks.

See you later.

My name is Alan.
d. Nice to meet you.

I<sub> am Lan. </sub>

Nice to meet you, too.

See you later.

e. Good Bye.

See you later .

Nice to meet you.

Hi, I<sub> am Nam. </sub>

<b>D. Writing. </b><i>(2 points)</i>

1. My name’s Thao
2. I’m fine, thank you.

Theme Two

Mẹ của em ở trờng, là cô giáo mến thơng..

<b>Unit 4: My Friends.</b>

<b>Section A : 1 </b>–<b> 2 </b>–<b> 3 </b><i><b>(page 38 - 39)</b></i>

Preparing: 13 / 11 / 2009.
Teaching: 16 / 11/ 2009.
Period: 18 .

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

*Competences:<b> </b>Introduce other person.
*Skills: Listening, speaking.

<b>II. Language contents:</b>



<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=30>

<b>1. Vocabs: </b>:<b> </b>Who:

<b>2. Structure: </b>

- Who is she/ He ?

+ She/ He is my friend.

( He’s = He is, She’s = She is )

<b>IIi. Teaching aids:</b>

- Student’s book and work book.
- Small board, Flash cards.

<b>IV. Procedure: </b>

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

- T remarks and correct ss’s tests, before
that lets ss check all the questions in the
test as they know.

- Sing a song.

- T Øntoduces the name of the unit: School.
- Let ss identify persons in the pictures:
Mai & Nam are at school.

- T introduces words, ss chorus.

- Ss repeat the short dialogue.

- T gives a short explain and do model
with a good student.

T: Who is she? ss: She is Mai.
T: Who is he ? ss: He is Minh.
+ Do the concept check.

- T asks ss work with their partner to find
out the words to fill.


comment and correct.
- Ss continue to talk about their other
friends in their class.

- T goes round monitors and helps.

comment and correct.

- T prepares this exercise on A3, asks ss to
work in groups of 4.

- After 3 mins, asks them to show their

<b>1. Warm up </b>(5ms)

<i><b>* Checking the test.</b></i>
- Give remarks.
- Show the marks.

<i><b>* Sing the alphabet song.</b></i>

<b>2. Presentation</b> ( 10ms).

<b>A1. Look, listen and repeat.</b>

<i><b>* Vocabs:</b></i>

- School: Trêng học

- She: Nó, bạn ấy, chị Êy (n÷)
- He: Nã, anh Êy, b¹n Êy (nam)
- Who: Ai

- Friend: B¹n
<i><b>* Struc:</b></i>

- Who is she, Nam ?

+ She is Lan. She is my friend.
( is = ’s)

( B¹n Êy là Lan. Ban ấy là bạn của tôi.)

<b>3. Practice</b> ( 10ms)

<b>A2. Look and say.</b>

She’s Lili . She’s ………..
He’s………….. . He’s <i><b>my friend.</b></i>

<b>A3. Let’s talk.</b>

She’s……… . She’s………
He’s……… . He’s………
ex: She’s Mai Anh. She ‘s my friend.


<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=31>

answer on board.

comment and correct.

- Uses ps and cards, asks ss to match on
board then in WB.


comment and correct.
- Ss write the lesson .

1. My 2. goodbye 3.too 4. friends

<i><b>Exercise 2 (27)</b></i>Let’s match.
1 c: He’s Alan. 3 d: She’s Lili
2 a: He’s Peter 4. b: She’s Linda

<b>* Home work:</b> write the new words.

<b>Ended experienced:</b>





<b>Unit 4: My Friends.</b>

<b>Section A : 4 </b>–<b> 5 </b>–<b> 6 - 7 </b><i><b>(page 40 - 41)</b></i>

Preparing: 14 / 11 / 2009.
Teaching: 17/ 11 / 2009.
Period: 19 .

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

*Competences:Students will be able to write the sentences introduce others
*Skills: Listening, speaking & writing.

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

<b>1. Vocabs: </b>- Friend: B¹n.

<b>2. Structure: </b>

- She’s Mai. She’s my friend.

- He’s Nam. He’s my friend too.
( She’s = She is, He’s = He is )

<b>IIi. Teaching aids:</b>

- Student’s book and work book.
- Small board, Flash cards.

<b>IV. Procedure: </b>

<i><b> * Sing the alphabet song.</b></i>

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

* asking and answering about the name.

- Groups work: write on G’s board.

commenr and correct

<b>- </b>T asks for the names of some students in
the class: What’s your name ?

- Ss asnwer: + My name’s………..
- T asks ss to remember the names.

- T helps Ss distinguish the differences
between letters & reading.

- T reads, Ss listen & repeat.
- Ss read in pairs. T helps Ss.

- T checks some Ss, others comment.

<b>1. Warm up </b>(5ms)

<i><b>* Checking the old lesson.</b></i>

- Reoder the letters to make words.
m n a e = name

r u o y = your
e d n i f r = friend
h t w a = what
- What’s your name ?

+ My name’s………..

<b>2. Presentation</b> ( 10ms).

<b>A5. Say it right.</b>

<i><b>* Vocabs: - Friend: B¹n. </b></i>
<i><b>* Sound: /e/ - e, ie</b></i>

/ i:/ - e, ie

<b> / </b>ai<b>/ </b>- y, i
<i><b>* Struc:</b></i>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=32>

- T guides Ss practice with the name that
they have remembered.

T: She’s Mai Anh. She’s my friend.
He’s Minh. He’s my friend.

- Classwork: Student points and introduce
their friends.

<i><b>This is</b><b>………</b><b>She s/ He s my</b><b>’</b></i> <i><b>’</b></i>


comment and correct.

T: Who are in the pictures? Are there any
new ? How does Nam/ Linda/ Alan/ Peter
introduce their friend to other?

Ss: Answer, play role to introduce the
person in the pictures 1a, 1b.

- Listen and check the right pictures.

- Ss listen 3 times, wrap and show answers
to the whole class.

comment and correct.
- T guides ss do A6: say then write

comment and correct.
- Now write on your notebook.

- T guides ss do pairs, then a presentative
tell to the whole class.

comment and correct.

- Use EB, asks ss to match in 4 groups:
G1 G2 G3 G4
1 c … .. . …

- T guides ss to play the game

- Ss retell the content of the lesson,
- T sumaries

- Ss write the lesson .

- She s <i><b>’</b></i> Mai. She’s my friend.
- He s <i><b>’</b></i> Nam. He’s my friend too.

( She’s = She is, He’s = He is )
ex: This is Nam. He is my friend.

<b>3. Practice</b> ( 10ms)

<b>A4. Listen and check.</b>
<b> Tape: </b>

1. Hi, Alan. This is Linda. She is my

2. – Hello. my name’s Lili.

- Hi, Lili. I’m Alan. Nice to meet you.
* Answer keys: 1 a, 2 b.

<b>A6. Let’s write.</b>

1. He’s……….

2. She’s………


<i><b>Exercise (28) </b></i> Complete the sentences
and read aloud.

4. He is Peter.
5. She is my friend.
6. She is Mai.
<i><b>Exercise 4 (28)</b></i>Let’s match.
1 c: Hi. My name is Alan.
2 d: This is my friend, Lili.
3 b: How are you, Lili?
4 a: I’m fine, thank you.

<b>A7. Let’s play.</b>

Pass the words

<b>* Home work:</b> write the new words.

<b>Ended experienced:</b>
<b> ……….</b>

<b>Unit 4: My Friends.</b>

<b>Section B : 1 </b>–<b> 2 </b>–<b> 3 </b><i><b>(page 42 - 43)</b></i>

Preparing: 21 / 11 / 2009.
Teaching: 23/ 11/ 2009.
Period: 20 .

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

*Competences:Students will be able to listen the understand the proposition words
use in class everyday.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=33>

*Skills: Listening, speaking,

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

<b>1. Vocabs: - </b> Stand up : đúng lên >< - Sit down: ngồi xuống.
- Miss : cô, bà

- Good morning: Lêi chµo ( Dùng khi gặp nhau vào buổi sáng )
- Please: vui lòng, làm ¬n

- Everyone : mäi ngêi.

<b>2. Imperatives : </b>

- Stand up, please.

- Sit dowwn, please<b>.</b>

<b>IIi. Teaching aids:</b>

- Student’s book and work book.
- Small board, Flash cards.

<b>IV. Procedure: </b>

<b> </b><i><b>* Sing a song to stabilize cl</b>ass.</i>

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

- T asks, ss answer.
- T: Who’s She/ He?
+ Ss: She’s / He’s …….

- let ss play game to check the words have

- Ss look at the picture & comments.
- T presents newwords.

- T reads Ss listen and repeat.

- Let ss play game: “Simon says”

- Now T reads B1, Ss repeat. Then T & Ss
practice with the real situation: “Beginning
class …”

- Asks ss to use imperatives to practice
with their partners.

- Asks ss to identify the person in the
pictures. What will we listen?

<b>1. Warm up </b>(5ms)

<i><b>* Checking the old lesson.</b></i>
_ She s<i><b>’</b></i> Lan. She’s my friend.
- He s<i><b>’</b></i> Nam. He’s my friend.
* Game: Slap the board.

<b>2. Presentation</b> ( 10ms).

<b>B1. Listen and repeat.</b>

<i><b>* Vocabs:</b></i>

<b>- </b> Stand up : đúng lên

- Sit down: ngåi xuèng.
- Miss : cô, bà

- Good morning: Lêi chµo

( Dùng khi gặp nhau vào buổi sáng )
- Please: vui lòng, làm ơn
- Everyone : mäi ngêi.
<i><b>* Imperatives: </b></i>

<i><b> - Stand up, please.</b></i>

- Sit dowwn, please<b>.</b>
* Greeting:

- Good morning, Miss Chi.
+ Good morning, everyone.
Sit down, please.

<b>3. Practice</b> ( 10ms)

<b>B2. Let’s talk.</b>

Stand up, please.
Sit down, please.

<b>B3. Listen and number.</b>
<b> Tape: </b>

1. Sit down, Alan.
2. Sit down, Peter.

What How Who



<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=34>

Who are in the picture a, b , c ?
- Let ss listen 3 times and tell the answers
to the whole class.


comment and correct.

- T guides ss work in pairs and then tell to
the whole class.


comment and correct.

- T guides ss work in pairs and then tell to
the whole class.


comment and correct.

- T guides ss work in pairs and then tell to
the whole class.


comment and correct.

- Ss retell the content of the lesson, T

- Ss write the lesson .

3. Stand up, Linda


<i><b>Exercise 5 (29) </b></i>Read and match.
1 _ c: He’s Peter. Sitdown, Peter.
2 – b: She’s Linda. Stand up, Linda.
3 – a: She’s Lili. Sitdown, Lili.

<i><b>Exercise 6 (29)</b></i> <sub>Reoder the sentences to</sub>
make a dialogue.

1. Goodmorning, Miss Chi.
2. Goodmorning, Nam.

3. Miss Chi, this is Lili. She’s my friend.
4. Nice to meet you, Lili.

5. Nice to meet you, too.

<i><b>Exercise 9 (31)</b></i>Trace to write the names.
1. He’s Alan.

2. She’s Lili.
3. He’s Peter.

4. She’s Linda.

<b>* Home work:</b> write the new words.

<b>Ended experienced:</b>





<b>Unit 4: My Friends.</b>

<b>Section B : 4 </b>–<b> 5 </b>–<b> 6 - 7 </b><i><b>(page 44 - 45)</b></i>

Preparing: / / 2009.
Teaching: / / 2009.
Period: 21 .

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

*Competences: Students will be able to read to understand the sentences introduce
others .

*Skills: Reading , writing .

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

<b>1. Vocabs: </b>Please : Vui lòng, này đây.<b> </b>
<b>2. Structure: </b>

- She’s Mai. She’s my friend.
- He 's Nam . He 's my friend
+ Sit down , please .

+ Stand up , please.

<b>IIi. Teaching aids:</b>

- Student’s book and work book.
- Small board, Flash cards.

<b>IV. Procedure: </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=35>

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

* Sing the alphabet song.

- T uses EB to show the exercise, Ss work
in pairs and show the answers on pairs’s

comment and correct.

- T asks: + How are you ?

+ What’s your name?
- ss answer freely.

- T: She’s Quynh. She’s my friend.
- Asks ss to play “chain game”
+ Now Quynh continues, please.

5 ss feedback.
comment and correct.
- T: That’s Quynh. She’s my friend.

+ Now Quynh continues with others,

5 ss feedback.
comment and correct.

- Ss chorus the new word and sentences.
- Now asks ss to read B4 individually and
then to the whole class. T checks ss’s

+ Ss match on board: cards and pictures.
Comment & Correct

+ Uses cards, Ss come to arrange on

Comment & Correct

+ Uses cards and EB, Ss come to complete
on board.( May let ss work in 2 Groups)

- Let’s play game in pairs.

- T summaries and let ss chorus.

- Ss write the lesson .

<b>1. Warm up </b>(5ms)

<i><b>* Checking the old lesson.</b></i>
Circle the odd one out.
1. That This is
2. am That are
3. She is am
4. He She How
5. my What How
<i><b>* Chatting.</b></i>

<b>2. Presentation</b> ( 10ms).
<i><b>* Vocabs: </b></i>

<i><b> - Please : Vui lòng, này đây.</b></i><b> </b>

<i><b>* Struc: </b></i>

- She’s Mai. She’s my friend.
- He 's Nam . He 's my friend

+ Sit down , please .

+ Stand up , please.

<b>3. Practice</b> ( 10ms)

<b>B4. Read and match.</b>

1 – c, 2 – a, , 3 – b

<i><b>Exercise 8 (30) </b></i>Reoder the words to make

1. She is Mai.
2. He is my friend.
3. Lili is my friend.

4. Linda is my friend, too.

<i><b>Exercise 7 (30)</b></i>Complete the dialogue.
1. My 2. What’s 3. name’s
4. friend 5. hello 6. hi

<b>B6. Let’s play.</b>

Crossword Puzzle
1. Linda 2. Lili 3. Mai
4. Nam 5. Alan


<b>B7. Summary.</b>
<b>B5. Let’s write.</b>

Write about your friend.

She/ he is…………She/ He is my friend.

<b>* Home work:</b> write the new words
& do exercise 10 (31)

<b>Ended experienced:</b>



<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=36>



<b>Unit 5: My school.</b>

<b>Section A : 1 </b>–<b> 2 </b>–<b> 3 </b><i><b>(page 46 - 47)</b></i>

Preparing: / / 2009.
Teaching: / / 2009.
Period: 22.

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

*Competences:<b> </b>Students will be able to introduce some places in their school:
classroom and library

*Skills: Listening, reading, speaking, writing.

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

<b>1. Vocabs: </b> - This: này, đây.
- School: Trờng học<b> .</b>

- Classroom: Lớp häc, Phßng häc.
- Library: Th viÖn.

<b>2. Structure: </b>

- This is my school.

( + This is = Thiss: Đây là..)

<b>IIi. Teaching aids:</b>

- Students book and work book.
- Small board, Flash cards, EB.

<b>IV. Procedure: </b>

<b> </b>* Sing “ LonDon bridge” song to stabilize class.

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Game: Slap the board

- Asks ss to introduce their friends.
- T: That’s Mai Anh. She’s my friend.
+ 5 Ss continue

- Ss look at the pictures and say what they

- T introduces vocabs and guides the way
to introduce places in the school.

- T: This is my <i><b>school</b></i>

+ Ss continue to replace the italic word by
another word. ( 6 Ss)

comment and correct.

- T reads, ss listen & repeat, then read

- T checks ss’s pronuciation.

- Ss chorus the name of the pictures. then

<b>1. Warm up </b>(5ms)
* Game: Slap the board.

<i><b>* Checking the old lesson.</b></i>

She’s/ He’s ………She’s/ He’s my friend.

<b>2. Presentation</b> ( 10ms).
<i><b>* Vocabs:</b></i>

- This:nµy, ®©y.
- School: Trêng häc<b> .</b>

- Classroom: Líp häc, Phßng häc.
- Library: Th viÖn.

<i><b>* Struc:</b></i>

<b> </b>- This is my school.
( + This is = Thiss: Đây lµ…..)

<b>3. Practice</b> ( 10ms)

<b>A1. Look, listen and repeat.</b>


She He What

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=37>

introduce those pictures. (6Ss)

This is my



Comment & Correct

- Ss work in pairs to introduce their
school’s places.

- T guides ss work in groups of 4 , then
show the answers on board.

comment and correct.

- Asks ss to match directly in their WB,
feedback. Comment & Correct.

- Ss tell the sentences to the whole class, T
corrects, then ss write on their WB.

- Ss write the lesson .

<b>A2. Look and say.</b>

This is my school.
This is my <i>classroom</i>

This is my <i>school library.</i>

<b>A3. Let’s talk.</b>

This is………..


<i><b>Exercise 1 (32) </b></i>Circle th odd one out.
1. Friend 2. it 3. school 4. how

<i><b>Exercise 2 (33)</b></i>Let’s match.
1. a, 2 c , 3 d, 4b.

<i><b>Exercise 3 (34)</b></i>Write the sentences.
1. This is my school.

2. This is my classroom.
3. This is my school library.

<b>* Home work:</b> Reread the lesson & write
the new words.

<b>Ended experienced:</b>





<b>Unit 5: My school.</b>

<b>Section A : 4 </b>–<b>5 </b>–<b> 6 </b>–<b> 7 </b><i><b>(page 48 - 49)</b></i>

Preparing: / / 2009.
Teaching: / / 2009.
Period: 23 .

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

*Competences: Asking the name of the school. Naming and identifying school

*Skills: listening, speaking, writing.

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

<b>* Structure: </b>- This is my school.
+ Sit down, please.
+ Stand up, please.

<b>IIi. Teaching aids:</b>

- Student’s book and work book.
- Small board, Flash cards.

<b>IV. Procedure: </b>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=38>

* Sing “ Hello teacher” song to stabilize class.

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

- T shows Ps and asks, ss asnwer.
( Ps: School, library, classroom)
- T guides ss play “Simmon says”

( You will have a light punishment if you
do wrong)

- T riminds ss this sentence, and some ss
continue to introduce the school’s places.

- Who are in the Ps? Where are they?
- T plays tape 3 times, ss listen & check.

Comment & Correct

- Train pronuciation.

- T asks ss to say the sentences loudly to
the whole class then write on their note

- Ss play game.

- Ss write the lesson .

<b>1. Warm up </b>(5ms)

<i><b>* Checking the old lesson.</b></i>
- This is my………..
<i><b>*Game: </b></i>“Simmon says”

+ Sit down, please.
+ Stand up, please.

<b>2. Presentation</b> ( 10ms).

<b>* Structure: </b>

<b> </b>- This is my school.

<b>3. Practice</b> ( 10ms)

<b>A4. Listen and check.</b>
<b> Tape: </b>

1. Hi, my name is Nam. I’m from
Thang Long school. This is my

2. Note, this is Alan & this is Lili.
They are from my school. They are

my friends.

<i><b>Key: 1 b 2 a</b></i>

<b>A5. Say it right.</b>

/ u:/ /m/ /i:/

<b>A6. Let’s write.</b>

1. Stand up / sit down, please.

2. This is my school/ classroom/ library.

A7. Let’s play.

<b>Stand up when you hear…</b>

<b>* Home work:</b> Reread the lesson and pre
– read B1-2-3 (50 – 51)

<b>Ended experienced:</b>





<b>Unit 5: My school.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=39>

<b>Section B : 1 </b>–<b> 2 </b>–<b> 3 </b><i><b>(page 50 - 51)</b></i>
Preparing: / / 2009.

Teaching: / / 2009.
Period: 24 .

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

*Competences: Asking the name of the school. Naming and identifying school

*Skills: listening, speaking, writing.

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

<b>1. Vocabs: </b>- it: nó ( đồ vật, con vật).

<b>- </b>its: cña nã.
- big:<b> </b>to, lín.
- small: nhá, bÐ.

<b>2. Structure: </b>

- What’s its name ?

+ It’s Thang Long school.
+ It’s big.

<b>IIi. Teaching aids:</b>

- Student’s book and work book.

- Small board, Flash cards, pictures and EB.

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

* Sing a song to stabilize class.<b> </b>

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

- Let ss play game: Matching.

( T prepares this exercise on A4, gives to
groups to match, then show the keys on

-T: + Who are in the picture?

Nam. Lili, Alan and their friends.
+ Where are they? - at school.

- Ss answer.

- Ss listen and repeat the dialogue 2 times

+ 4 pairs read loudly to the whole class. T
corrects pronunciation.

- T spreads the vocabs & struc.

- Asks ss to replace to ask and answer.
+ Thang Long school / big
+ Dong Lai school / small

<b>1. Warm up </b>(5ms)

<i><b>* Checking the old lesson.</b></i>

Stand my friend.
Sit my school
Thank you

This is your name?
She is down
What’s up

<b>2. Presentation</b> ( 10ms).

<i><b>* Vocabs:</b></i><b> </b>- it: nó ( đồ vật, con vật).

<b> - </b>its: cña nã.
- big:<b> </b>to, lín.
- small: nhá, bÐ.

<b>B1. Listen and repeat.</b>

<i><b>* Struc:</b></i>

- What’s its name ?

+ It s’ Thang Long school.
+ It s’ big.

<b>3. Practice</b> ( 10ms)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=40>

+ Kim Dong school / big
+ Tu Ne school / small
- 4 pairs tell to the whole class, comment
& correct.

- Now talk about your school. ( 3 ss)
comment and correct.
- T giudes ss do this part.

- Ss listen 3 times and number. Compare &
exhibite your answer .

comment and correct.

- Ss do this exercise in pairs, feedback.
comment and correct.

- Ss do this exercise in pairs, feedback.
comment and correct.

- Ss do this exercise in pairs, feedback.
comment and correct.

- Ss repeat the content of the lesson. T

- Ss write the lesson .

<b>B2. Let’s talk.</b>

This is <i>my school.</i>

It’s <i>Dong Lai school.</i>

It’s <i>smal / bigl.</i>

<b>B3. Listen and number.</b>
<b> Tape: </b>

1. This is my school. It’s big.
2. That’s my classroom. It’s small.
3. This is my friend, Mai.

<b>Key:</b> 1 c, 2 a, 3 b.


<i><b>Exercise 4 (35) </b></i>Compete the sentences
and read aloud..

1. This is my school.
It’s Sao Mai school.
2. It’s my school library.
It’s small.

<i><b>Exercise 5 (35)</b></i> Reoder the words to
make sentences.

1. This is Nam.
2. He is my friend.
3. This is my school.
4. It is small.

<i><b>Exercise 6 (36)</b></i><sub>Complete the dialogue.</sub>
1. My 2. school
3. name 4. big

<b>* Home work:</b> Read the lesson
again,write the new words. Pre – read B 4
-> B7

<b>Ended experienced:</b>





<b>Unit 5: My school.</b>

<b>Section B : 4 </b>–<b> 5 </b>–<b> 6 - 7 </b><i><b>(page 52 - 53)</b></i>

Preparing: / / 2009.
Teaching: / / 2009.
Period: 25.

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

*Competences: Ss will be able to speak about their school, identifying school objects.<b> </b>

*Skills: 4 skills.

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

<b>1. Vocabs: </b> - way: con đờng, đờng đi.
- go: đi

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=41>

<b>2. Structure: </b> - This is my school. It’s Dong Lai school. It’s small.

<b>IIi. Teaching aids:</b>

- Student’s book and work book.

- Small board, Flash cards, picture, EB.

<b>IV. Procedure: </b>

* Sing a song to stabilize class.

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

- T guides ss play “letter cards”
+ 2 teams play game.

- Let ss read B4.

? What is it about? school, they are talking
about their school.

- Read again and match.
comment and correct.

- Asks ss to talk about their school in

comment and correct.
- Now write on your notebook.

- T guides ss do, ss speak & others give
comments, T corrects then ss complete in
their WB.

- Give vocabs, guides ss sing the song.

- Ss repeat the content of the lesson. T
summarises the content of Unit 5.

- Ss write the lesson .

<b>1. Warm up </b>(5ms)

<i><b>* Checking the old lesson.</b></i>


: This, that, thank you, thanks.


: Mai, my, meet.


: She, stand up, sit down, see, school,


: hello, hi, how, he.

<b>2. Presentation</b> ( 10ms).

<b>B4. Read and match.</b>

1 – c, 2 – a , 3 – b.

<b>3. Practice</b> ( 10ms)

<b>B5. Let’s write</b>.

<b>Write about your school.</b>

This is my school. It’s Dong Lai school.
It’s small.

<i><b>Exercise 7 (36) </b></i>Reoder the sentences to
make a dialogue.

A: 1. This is my school.
B: 2. What’s its name?

A: 3. It’s Thang Long school.
B: 4. Oh, it’s big.

<i><b>Exercise 8 (37)</b></i>Read and match.
1 – d, 2 –c, 3 – b, 4 – a.

<b>B6. Let’s sing.</b>

<b>The way to school.</b>

<i><b>* Vocabs:</b></i>

- way: con đờng, đờng đi.
- go: đi


<b>A7. Summary.</b>

<b>* Home work:</b> Read the lesson again,
- write the new words.
- Do exercise 9, 10 (38)
- Pre – read B 4 -> B7

<b>Ended experienced:</b>



<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=42>



<b>Unit 6: My classroom.</b>

<b>Section A : 1 </b>–<b> 2 </b>–<b> 3 </b><i><b>(page 38 - 39)</b></i>

Preparing: / / 2009.
Teaching: / / 2009.
Period: 26 .

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

*Competences: Ss will be able to describe school subjects.
*Skills: 4 skills.

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

<b>1. Vocabs: </b>

- Book: qun s¸ch.
- Pen: bót mùc.
- Ruler: thơc kẻ.
- Eraser: cục tẩy.

<b>2. Structure: </b>

- Is it big ?
+ Yes, it is.

+ No, it is not ( isn’t).

<b>IIi. Teaching aids:</b>

- Student’s book and work book.
- Small board, Flash cards, visual aids.

<b>IV. Procedure: </b>

* Sing a song to stabilize class.

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

- Let ss play game: Matching.

( T prepares this exercise on A4, gives to
groups to match, then show the keys on

- Who are in the picture? Listen what they
are saying ?

- T reads, ss repeat 3 times.

+ Ss answer: They are talking about their

- T: Is it big ? + Yes, it is.
(So Lili’s new school is big.)

- T: Is it small? & guides ss answer.
+ No, it is not ( isn’t)

and then give more explaination.

<b>1. Warm up </b>(5ms)

<i><b>* Checking the old lesson.</b></i>
This is its name?
It’s my school
What’s my friend.
That’s big

She is Dong Lai school

<b>2. Presentation</b> ( 10ms).

<b>A1. Look, listen and repeat.</b>

<i><b>* Struc:</b></i>
ex: It is big.

- Is it big ? + Yes, it is.

- Is it small? + No, it is not (isn’t)

<i><b>* Vocabs:</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=43>

- T gives, ss chorus and then individually.
- T checks ss’s pronunciation.

- T does amodel with a good student, then
asks ss to replace book by another words.

Pairs work, feedback.
Comment and correct.

- T guides ss talk, ss work in pairs to ask
and answer. feed back. Comment and

- T asks ss to do this exercise in 4 groups,
reading the answer loudly to the whole

class. Comment and correct.

- T asks ss to work in pairs in 3 mins, then
read the answer loudly to the whole class.

Comment and correct.

- Ss repeat the content of the lesson. T
summarises the content of the lesson.
- Ss write the lesson .

- Book: quyển sách.
- Pen: bút mực.
- Ruler: thơc kẻ.
- Eraser: côc tÈy.

<b>3. Practice</b> ( 10ms)

<b>A2. Look and say.</b>

- Is your book big? + Yes, it is.

+ No,it isn’t. It’s small.

<b>A3. Let’s talk.</b>

A: Is your……….?
B: ………… ……….,
ex: A: Is your ruler small?
B: yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.


<i><b>Exercise 1 (26) </b></i>Circle the odd one out.
1. name.

2. it’s.
3. that.
4. ruler.

<i><b>Exercise 2 (27)</b></i>Let’s match.
A: 1. Is this your school ?

B: 2. Yes, it is. And that is my classroom.
A:3. Is it big ?

B: 4. No, it isn’t. It small.
A: 5. Your school is big.

Your classroom is small.

<b>* Home work:</b> Read the lesson again,
- write the new words.
- Pre – read A 4 -> A7

<b>Ended experienced:</b>






<b>Unit 6: My classroom.</b>

<b>Section A : 4 </b>–<b> 5 </b>–<b> 6 - 7 </b><i><b>(page 56 - 57)</b></i>

Preparing: / / 2009.
Teaching: / / 2009.
Period: 27 .

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

*Competences: Ss will be able to describe school subjects.
*Skills: 4 skills.

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

<b>1. Structure: </b>

- Is your book big ? + Yes, it is.

+ No, it is not ( isn’t).

<b>IIi. Teaching aids:</b>

- Student’s book and work book. Small board, Flash cards, cassette.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=44>

<b>IV. Procedure: </b>

* Sing a song to stabilize class.

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

- Let ss play slap the board game.

- T elicites ss to say about their school

- Ss say to the whole class, comment and

+ Using the words that they have learnt in
the last lesson to practice.

- T: What is it? – 1a: book, 1b: pen.
- 2a: eraser, 2b: ruler.
- T plays tape 3 times, ss listen and
compare the answer.

Feed back, comment & correct.

- Ask ss to describe the thing in the
pictures using: This is my……… ( 4 ss)

- Ss train pronunciation with T.

- Ss say to the whole class then write

- T uses cards & ask ss to reoder on board.
Comment and correct.

<b>1. Warm up </b>(5ms)

<i><b>* Checking the old lesson.</b></i>

<b>2. Presentation</b> ( 10ms).

* Cách mô tả một số đồ vật ở trờng.

Ex: This is my school. It is big.
A: Is your book big ?

B: Yes, It is. ( No, It isn’t)

<b>3. Practice</b> ( 10ms)

<b>A4. Listen and check.</b>
<b> Tape: </b>

1. A: Look, this is my pen.

B: Is it big?

A: No, it isn’t. It’s small.
2. A: Look, this is my ruler.
B: Is it big?

A: Yes, it is.
* Keys: 1b, 2b.

<b>A5. Say it right.</b>

Consonant: / l / , / b /, / δ/

<b>A6. Let’s write.</b>

1. This is my………..It is………….
2. A: Is your book………..?

B: ………., It is.


<i><b>Exercise 3 (40) </b></i> Reoder the letters to
make words.

1. Class.
2. eraser.
3. school.

<i><b>Exercise 4 (41)</b></i> Complete the sentences

stand sit your

pen book ruler

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=45>

- T shows this Ex on EB, ss come to fill.

comment and correct.

- T shows this Ex on EB, ss come to fill.

comment and correct.
+ Ask ss to read loudly in pairs.

- Ss chorus 3 times.

<i>( What is it about?)</i>

comment and correct.

- Ss repeat the content of the lesson. T
summarises the content of Unit 5.

- Ss write the lesson .

and read aloud.
1. This is my school.

2. That is my book.
3. My book is small.

<i><b>Exercise 5 (41)</b></i>Complete the dialogue.
A: Hi, Linda. This is my school.

B: What’s its name?

A: It’s Thang Long school.
B: Is it big?

A: No, It isn’t. My school is small.

<b>A7. Read aloud.</b>

<b>* Home work:</b> Read the lesson again,
- write the new words.
- Pre – read B 1 -> B3

<b>Ended experienced:</b>





<b>Unit 6: My classroom.</b>

<b>Section B : 1 </b>–<b> 2 </b>–<b> 3 </b><i><b>(page 58 - 59)</b></i>

Preparing: 18 / 12 / 2009.
Teaching: 21 / 12 / 2009.
Period: 28 .

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

*Competences: Ss will be able to express classroom commands & permissions.
*Skills: 4 skills.

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

<b>1. Vocabs: </b>

+ Open: Më.

+ Close: đóng lại, gấp lại.
+ Come in: đi vào.

+ Go out: ®i ra.

+ May: có thể ( dùng để xin phép)

<b>2. Structure: </b>

- Comands: + Open your book, please.

+ Close your book, please.
+ Sit down, please.

+ Stand up, please.
- Permissions: + May I go out ?

+ May I come in? - Sure.

<b>IIi. Teaching aids:</b>

- Student’s book and work book. Small board, Flash cards, cassette..

<b>IV. Procedure: </b>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=46>

* Sing a song to stabilize class.

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

- Ask ss to circle in 4 groups. Feed back.
Comment and correct.

- T: Is your school big?

- Ss Yes, It is. No, It isn’t.

- T intros anf let ss chorus.
- T reads, Ss repeat

- Now practice in pairs, say the commands
to your friends: Sit down…….

- Then practice in the real situation.

- Asks ss to talk to the whole class the
complete sentences.

Command and correct.

- Who are in the pictures ? Whatshould
commands be in Pa, Pb…?

- Let ss listen and wrap their answers

comment and correct.

- Asks ss to read the sentences loudly and
then match, others comment then corrects.
- Asks ss to say before writing.

+ Now write in your Note book.
comment and correct.

- T & Ss repeat the content of the lesson.
- Ss write the lesson .

<b>1. Warm up </b>(5ms)

<i><b>* Checking the old lesson.</b></i>
Circle the odd one out.

1. name classroom library.
2 you sit stand
3. my I your
4. book pen That
5. no big small

<b>2. Presentation</b> ( 10ms).

<b>B1. Listen and repeat.</b>

<i><b>* Vocabs:</b></i>

+ Open: Më.

+ Close: đóng lại, gấp lại.
+ Come in: đi vào.

+ Go out: ®i ra.

+ May: có thể ( dùng để xin phép)
<i><b>* Struc:</b></i>

- Comands: + Open your book, please.
+ Close your book, please.
+ Sit down, please.

+ Stand up, please.

- Permissions: + May I go out ?

+ May I come in? - Sure.

<b>3. Practice</b> ( 10ms)

<b>B2. Let talk.</b>

- Sit <b>down</b>, please.

- Open <b>your book</b>, please.
- Close <b>your book</b>, please.
- May I <b>go out</b> ?

<b>B3. Listen and number.</b>
<b> Tape: </b>

1. Open your book.
2. Close your book.
3. Stand up.

4. Sit down.
* Key:

1b , 2a, 3c, 4d.


<i><b>Exercise 6 (42) </b></i>Let<b>’</b>s match.

1 – c, 2 – d, 3 – a, 4 – b.
<i><b>Exercise 7 (42)</b></i>Write the sentences.
1. Sit down, please.

2. May I come in ?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=47>

- Pre – read B 4 -> B7

<b>Ended experienced:</b>





<b>Unit 6: My classroom.</b>

<b>Section B : 4 </b>–<b> 5 </b>–<b> 6 </b>–<b> 7 </b><i><b>(page 60 - 61)</b></i>

Preparing: 19 / 12 / 2009.
Teaching: 22 / 12 / 2009.
Period: 29 .

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

*Competences: Ss will be able to express classroom commands & permissions and use
in real situations.

*Skills: 4 skills.

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

<b>1. Vocabs: </b>( in the last lesson)

<b>2. Structure: </b> Commands and permissions.<b> </b>

<b>IIi. Teaching aids:</b>

- Student’s book and work book.
- Small board, Flash cards.

<b>IV. Procedure: </b>

* Sing a song to stabilize class.

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

T: Is it a book?
Ss: No, It’s a pen.

( Do similarly with anothers objects)
- Let ss play game.

- Asks ss to repeat the words that they
have learn in the last lesson. and the

commands, permissions they have

- Ss read B4 in pairs and match.
Comment and correct.

- Asks ss to read in pairs, tell the answers
to the whole class, comment & correct

- Ss work in groups. Feedback.
Comment and correct.

<b>1. Warm up </b>(5ms)

<i><b>* Checking the old lesson.</b></i>
Pen, boog, bag, ruler, eraser.
* Game: “Simon says”

<b>2. Presentation</b> ( 10ms).

<b>3. Practice</b> ( 10ms)

<b>B4. Read and match.</b>

1 – c, 2 - a, 3 - b

<i><b>Exercise 8 (43)</b></i>Read and match.
1 – c, 2 – b, 3 – a.

<b>B6. Let’s play.</b>

Crossword Puzzle

<b>b</b> <b>o</b> <b>o</b> <b>k</b>


<b>b</b> <b>a</b> <b>g</b>


<b>c</b> <b>l</b> <b>a</b> <b>s</b> <b>s</b> <b>r</b> <b>o</b> <b>o</b> <b>m</b>


<b>l</b> <b>i</b> <b>b</b> <b>r</b> <b>a</b> <b>r</b> <b>y</b>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=48>

- Ss say before write.

- Ss say loudly to the whole class,
comment and correct.

- Ss repeat the content of the lesson. T
summarises the content of Unit 6.

- Ss write the lesson .


<b>S</b> <b>C</b> <b>h</b> <b>o</b> <b>o</b> <b>l</b>

<b>B5. Let’s write</b>.

<b>Write about your school objects.</b>
- <i>This</i> is my <i>bag</i>. It’s <i>big</i>.

- <i>That</i> is my <i>pen</i>. It’s <i>small</i>.


<i><b>Exercise 9 (44) </b></i>Look at the pictures and
complete the sentences.
This is my school. His name is DongLai.
It is big.

This is my book. It is small.
My bag is big. My book is small.

*<b> Home work:</b> Read the lesson again,
- write the new words.
- Do exercise 10 (44)
- Pre – read Self check

<b>Ended experienced:</b>





<i> </i>

<b>Self-check two.</b>

Preparing: 25 / 12 / 2009.

Teaching: 28 / 12 / 2009.
Period: 30 .

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

*Competences: Ss will be able to summary the content of three units ( Unit 4,5 &6).
Using those languages to do the self check two.

*Skills: 4 skills.

<b>Ii. Teaching aids:</b>

- Books, cassette.

<b>III. Procedure: </b>

* Sing a song to stabilize class.

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

- Using the cards. T asks ss to write the
similar words in English or ViteNamese.

Ex: School <i>Tr êng häc</i>

<i>Líp häc</i> Classroom

<b>1. Warm up </b>(5ms)

<i><b>* Checking the old lesson.</b></i>
- School Trêng häc
- Classroom Líp häc

- School library Th viƯn cđa trêng
- This Đây

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=49>

- Chorus.

Gives some words on a small board then
ask ss to practise

- Look at & practise reading
- Others comment

- Remind & tell to the class

- Listen& remember

- Give kinds of words to the class
- give examples.

- Remind the sentences, then give to the

- Practise speaking in pairs
- Others comment

- T: How do we do a test ?

- Ss answer and take out their pencil, do
directly in the book.

+ T plays tape 3 times, ss listen & wrap
their answers.

Feed back.
Comment & correct

+ T plays tape 3 times, ss listen & wrap
their answers.

Feed back.
Comment & correct

+ Ss work individually, T goes round,

- Sit down ngồi xuống
- Stand up đứng lên

<b>2. Presentation </b>

(7 ms)

Languague focus

<b>a. Pronunciation</b>

- Gives some words on a small
board then ask ss to practise
Hello he my
Friend she nice
School my please
Classroom Mai meet
School big this
Small book that

<b>b. Vocabs</b>:

- Introduces (Asks ss to remind)
- Personal pronoun: He, she it
- This – that

eg: This is my school

- Adjective: Big, small
Eg: It’s big

- Verbs: open, close, stand (up), sit
(down), go(out), come(in)

- Nouns: friend, school, library, classroom,
book, bag, pen, ruler, eraser

<b>c. Structure</b>:

- We say: She’s Mai
She’s my friend
Sit down, please
This is my school
It’s big

May I go out?

- We ask We answer

- What’s its name? It’s Q.Trg school
- Is it big ? Yes, it is/ No, it

<b>3. Practice</b> ( 20 ms)

<b>Self check two </b>

1. Check the words you hear.

<b> Tape: </b>

1. He
2. Nice
3. School
4. Big
5. Small

2. Listen and check.

<b> Tape: </b>

1. She’s Mai.

2. This is my school.
3. May I come in ?

4 . Open your book, please.
5. It isn’t small.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=50>

monitors and helps.

Feed back.
Comment & correct

+ Ss prepare with their partners, then tell
to the whole class. Comment & correct.

+ Ss work in pairs, feedback. Comment &

+ Let ss say before write.

- Now complete the test on your book
(using pencils)

- Ss write the lesson .

1. She is Mai.
2. He is my friend.

3. This is my school library
4. Is it big ?

5. No, it isn’t. It’s small.

4. Write the words in the blanks.
1. This is my book.

2. This is Linda.

3. This is my classroom.

4. That is my school.

5. This is my school library.

5. Select and tick the letter A,B or C.
1. B. He 2. C. too. 3. C. its
4. A. sit 5. B. No.

6. Write the answers.

1. Its name is Sao Mai. (It)
2. Yes, it is. (No, it isn’t)


<b>* Home work:</b> Read the lesson again,
- Complete the S C 2.

<b>Ended experienced:</b>





<b>Revision 1.</b>

Preparing: 26 / 12 / 2009.

Teaching: 29 / 12 / 2009.
Period: 31 .

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

*Competences: Ss will be able to summary the languages that they have leanrt in the
first semester.

*Skills: 4 skills.

<b>Ii. Teaching aids:</b>

- Books, cassette, 8 photos.( Exercises )

<b>III. Procedure: </b>

* Sing a song to stabilize class.

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

- Revise the songs that they have learnt.

+ Ss sing.

<b>1. Warm up </b>(7ms)

<b>* Songs:</b>

1. Hello.

2. Hello teacher.
3. Goodbye teacher.
4. The alphabet song.
5. LonDon Bridge
6. The way to school.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=51>

- Gives some words on a small board then

ask ss to practise

- Look at & practise reading
- Others comment

- Remind & tell to the class

- Listen& remember

- Give kinds of words to the class
- give examples.

- Remind the sentences, then give to the

- Practise speaking in pairs
- Others comment

1. Hi
2. What
4. Nice
5. Bye
1. Hello
2. Hi

3. How are you?
4. I’m fine, thanks
5. Nice to meet you

6. I’m fine, thanks
1. o, a, u

2. o, y
3. I, e, e,t
4. y, a,e,e,r
5. w,s,r,m

1. C- hi. My name’s Anlan

2. C- Bye see you later

<b>2. Presentation </b>

(10 ms)

Languague focus

<b>a. Pronunciation</b>

- Gives some words on a small
board then ask ss to practise
Hello he my
Friend she nice
School my please
Classroom Mai meet
School big this
Small book that

<b>b. Vocabs</b>:

- Introduces (Asks ss to remind)

- Personal pronoun: He, she it
- This – that

eg: This is my school

- Adjective: Big, small
Eg: It’s big

- Verbs: open, close, stand (up), sit
(down), go(out), come(in)

- Nouns: friend, school, library, classroom,
book, bag, pen, ruler, eraser

<b>c. Structure</b>:

- We say: She’s Mai
She’s my friend
Sit down, please
This is my school
It’s big

May I go out?

- We ask We answer

- What’s its name? It’s Q.Trg school
- Is it big ? Yes, it is/ No, it

<b>3. Practice</b> ( 20 ms)

Exercise 1. Listen & choose.

1.  Hi  I  Mai
2.  What  that
3.  Nice  fine
4.  Hi  Nice
5.  Nice  Bye

Exercise 2. Listen & number.

 How are you?.
 Nice to meet you.
 Hello.

 Hi.

 Nice to meet you, too.
 I’m fine, thanks.

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences.

1. H-w –re yo-?.
2. Go-db-e.

3. N-c- to me_ _ you.
4. M_ n_m_ is Pet_ _.
5. _hat’_ you_ na_e?.

Exercise 4. Select & tick one right.

1.Hi. What’s your name?
 A. Goodbye.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=52>

3. A- Nice to meet you

4. B- Fine, thanks

5. B- Hi. I’m Linda

1. My name’s ____

2.I’m fine, thank you (fine, thanks)
3. Nice to meet you.

4. Goodbye.

- Now repeat the way to a test (kinds of

- Ss write the lesson .

2. Goodbye.

 A. Hello.

 B. Good morning.
 C. Bye. See you later.
3. Nice to meet you.

 A. Nice to meet you, too.
 B. See you later.

 C. Hi. I’m Linda.
4. How are you?

 A. My name’s Peter.
 B. Fine, thanks.
 C. My name’s LiLi.
5. Hello. My name’s Nga.

 A. See you later.
 B. Hi. I’m Linda.
 C.Goodbye.

Exercise 5. Write the responses

1. What’s you name?
2. How are you?
3. Nice to meet you.
4. Bye. See you later.


<b>* Home work:</b> Read the lesson again,
- Complete the S C 2.

<b>Ended experienced:</b>





<b>Revision 2.</b>

Preparing: 01 / 01 / 2010.

Teaching: 04, 05 / 01 / 2010.
Period: 32,33 .

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

*Competences: Ss will be able to do exercises in their workbook
*Skills: 4 skills.

<b>Ii. Teaching aids:</b>

- Books, cassette, workbook

<b>III. Procedure: </b>

* Sing a song to stabilize class.

<b>1. Warm up.</b>

Let ss play games.

<b>2. Do all the exercises in workbook.</b>

Ss do, T helps.

<b>3. Answer ss questions.</b>’

<b>4. Rimind all the languages in a short.</b>
<b>Ended experienced:</b>





<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=53>


<b>Test 2</b>

<b>- first semester</b>

<i><b> School year: 2009 </b></i>–<i><b> 2010</b></i>.
<i><b> Time: 35 minutes</b></i>

Preparing: 06 / 01 / 2010.
Testing: 11 / 01 / 2010.
Period: 34.

<b>I </b>–<b> Objectives.</b>

- Testing the languages that ss have leanrt in the first semester.
- Check the knowledge of ss after the first semester.

- Develop listening – reading – writing.

<b>II </b>–<b> Matrix.</b>

<i> </i>
<i> </i><b> </b>

<b> </b>

<i> </i>

<b>I. Listening. (Nghe)</b>

<b>Check the words you hear </b><i><b>( Đánh dấu  vào từ nghe đợc)</b></i>

1. She

<sub>s my friend </sub>

<sub> </sub>


<sub>s Mai</sub>

<sub> </sub>

2. This is my school

<sub>This is my library </sub>

<sub> </sub>

3. May I go out ?

May I come in ?

4. Close your book, please.

Open your book, please.

5. It is small.

<sub>It isn</sub>

t small.

<b>II </b>– <b>Reading. (§äc)</b>

<b>Match A with B to complete sentences.</b>

<i><b>( Nối câu ở cột A với câu ở cột B để hoàn thành các câu sau).</b></i>

<b> A B</b>


<b>Chủ đề</b> <b>Nhận biết</b><sub>TN</sub> <sub>TL TN</sub><b>Thông hiểu</b><sub>TL</sub> <sub>TN</sub><b>Vận dụng</b><sub>TL</sub> <b>Tổng</b>

1. Listening 5<sub> 2</sub> <b>5</b><sub> 2</sub>

2. Reading 5

2 <b>5</b> 2
3. Language focus 5

2,5 5 2 <b>10</b> 4.5

4. Writing 3 <sub> 1.5</sub> <b>3</b><sub> 1.5</sub>

<b> Tæng</b> 10 4.5 10 4 3 1.5 <b>23</b> 10

<b>2 </b>


<b>2 </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=54>

1. What


s your name? A. Fine, thanks.

2. How are you? B. My name is Mai.

3. What


s it name? C. Nice to meet you, too.

4. Nice to meet you. D. It


s Thang Long school.

5. Good bye. E. Bye, see you later.

1____ 2_____ 3_____ 4______ 5______

<b>III - Languge focus. ( Ngôn ngữ)</b>

<b>Write the words in the blanks </b><i><b>( Viết từ còn thiếu vào chỗ trống)</b></i>

1. This is my

<sub>2. </sub>

…………your book, please.

3. That is my


<sub>4. Her name is</sub>


5. His name is


<b>Select and tick the letter A, B, C </b><i><b>( Đánh dấu  vào đáp án đúng A, B hoặc C)</b></i>

1. Sit ___ , please.

<sub> A. down </sub>

<sub> B. up </sub>

<sub> C. out </sub>

2. ______ I go out ?

A. My

B. May

C. Mai

3. What



A. you

B. he

C. your

4. Open your _____, please.

<sub> A. book </sub>

<sub> B. eraser </sub>

<sub> C. ruler </sub>

5. That


s LiLi._____ is my friend.

A. he

B. she

C. it

<b>IV </b>–<b>Writing. ( Viết) </b>

<b>Write the responses. </b><i><b>( Viết câu trả lời)</b></i>

1. What is your name ? ...

2. Is your school big ?


3. How

are you ?











<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=55>

Preparing: 03/01/2010

<b><sub>Checking Test 2</sub></b>

<b><sub>- </sub><sub>first semester </sub></b>

Teaching: 07/01/2010

TiÕt 35.

<i><b> School year: 2009 </b></i>–<i><b> 2010</b></i>.
<i><b> Time: 35 minutes </b></i>

<b>I </b>–<b> Objectives.</b>

- Checking the Test 2

- Develop listening – reading – writing.


<b>I. Listening. Check the words you hear </b><i><b>( Đánh dấu  vào từ nghe đợc)</b></i><b> </b>

1. She

s my friend

2. This is my library

3. May I come in ?

4. Close your book, please.

5. It is small.

<i><b>(2 điểm </b></i>–<i><b> 0.4 điểm / câu đúng)</b></i>

<b>II </b>–<b> Reading. </b>

<b>Match A with B to complete sentences.</b>

<i><b>( Nối câu ở cột A với câu ở cột B để hoàn thành các câu sau).</b></i>

<b> </b>

<sub>1. B 2. A </sub>

<sub>3. D</sub>

<sub>4. C 5. E</sub>

<i><b>(2 điểm </b></i>–<i><b> 0.4 điểm / câu đúng)</b></i>

<b>III Languge focus.</b>

<b>Write the words in the blanks </b><i><b>( Viết từ còn thiếu vào chỗ trống)</b></i>

1. Book

2. Close

3. Ruler

4. Lili


<i><b>(2.5 điểm </b></i>–<i><b> 0.5 điểm / câu đúng)</b></i>

<b>Select and tick the letter A, B, C </b><i><b>( Đánh dấu  vào đáp án đúng A, B hoặc C)</b></i>

1. A. down 2. B. May

3 C. your.

4. A. book

5. B. she

<i><b>(2 điểm </b></i>–<i><b> 0.4 điểm / câu đúng)</b></i>

<b>IV </b>–<b> Writing. </b><i><b>(1.5 điểm </b></i>–<i><b> 0.5 điểm / câu đúng)</b></i>

<b> Write the responses. </b><i><b>( Viết câu trả lời)</b></i>

1. My name is


2. Yes, it is . ( No, it isn


3. I am fine, thank you. ( Fine, thanks)

TuÇn 21

<b> Unit 7: </b>

Family members


<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=56>

<b> Section A : 1 </b>–<b> 2 </b>–<b> 3 </b><i><b>(page 66 - 67)</b></i>
Preparing: 08 / 01 / 2010.

Teaching: 11 / 01 / 2010.
Period: 36 .

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

*Competences: Ss will be able to identify family members.
*Skills: 4 skills.

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

<b>1. Vocabs: </b>

<b> </b>+ father:
+ mother:
+ brother:
+ sister:

<b>2. Structure: </b>

- Who’s that?

+ That’s my brother.

<b>IIi. Teaching aids:</b>

- Student’s book and work book.
- Small board, Flash cards, cassette.

<b>IV. Procedure: </b>

* Sing a song to stabilize class.

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Let ss play letter cards game.

4 Groups say the words loudly to the
whole class.

Comment and correct.

- T introduce the Unit 7 & the content of
today lesson: My Family( Family
members, rooms in a house, objects…)

- Who are in the picture? – Mai & Lili.
- Where are they? – In a room.

- Who’s this? - ………..
+ Listen and repeat.(3 times)
- 4 pairs read the dialogue again.

(T checks pronunciation)
- T introduces the newwords.
+ Ss chorus.

- T: That’s my brother.

- T points the picture of mother and asks:
+ Who’s that?

- One student answers:

+ That’s my mother.
- T writes on board.

+ Now one asks, one answers usinh the
pictures in A2 (pg67).

- Who’s that?

- That’s my___________

<b>1. Warm up </b>(5ms)

Cards: B – C - G - H – L…

Theme 3: My Family.

<b>2. Presentation</b> ( 10ms).

<b>A1. Look, listen and repeat.</b>

<i><b>* Vocabs:</b></i>

+ Mother: MĐ, m¸
+ Father: Cha, bè.

+ Sister: Chị gáI, em gái.
+ Brother: anh trai, em trai
<i><b>* Struc:</b></i>

- Who<b>’</b>s that?

+ That<b>’</b>s my brother.

<b>3. Practice</b> ( 10ms)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=57>

( Mother, father, sister, brother)

<i>(Feedback,comment & correct)</i>

+ now continue to point the picture & ask.
A: Who’s that?

B: That’s________________

<i>(Feedback,comment & correct)</i>

- T guides ss work in pairs, then tell the
answers to the whole class. Comment &

- Asks ss to read loudly and match.

<i>(Comment & correct)</i>

+ Now introduce your family.
This is my______________

<i>(comment and correct.)</i>

- T & Ss repeat the content of the lesson.
- Ss write the lesson .

<b>A3. Let’s talk.</b>


<i><b>Exercise 1 (46) </b></i>Circle the odd one out.
1. Family 2. This

3. Yes 4. That

<i><b>Exercise 2 (47)</b></i>Let’s match.
1 d, 2 a, 3 b, 4 c.

+ Me : t«i

<b>* Home work:</b> Read the lesson again,
- write the new words.
- Pre – read A 4 -> A7

<b>Ended experienced:</b>





<b>Unit 7: family members.</b>

<b>Section A : 4 </b>–<b> 5 </b>–<b> 6 - 7 </b><i><b>(page 68 - 69)</b></i>

Preparing: 08 / 01 / 2010.
Teaching: 12 / 01 / 2010.
Period: 37 .

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

* Competences: Ss will be able to identify family members
* Skills: 4 skills.

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

<b>1. Sounds: </b>/ f / / ^ / / əυ /
<b>2. Structure: </b>

+ This is………..
+ That is ……….

<b>IIi. Teaching aids:</b>

- Student’s book and work book. Small board, Flash cards, pictures and cassette..

<b>IV. Procedure: </b>

* Sing a song to stabilize class.

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

- T shows ps and asks:
<i><b>Who s that ?</b><b>’</b></i>

- Ss answer then continue with another Ps.
<i><b> That s</b><b>’ …………</b><b>.( my father)</b></i>

+ Ss answer & T gives marks to encourage
students. (5 – 7 ss)

- T & Ss rimind the words about family
members: <i><b>Father, Mother, Sister,</b></i>
<i><b>Brother. </b></i>(If having time, let ss write those
words on their board)

<b>1. Warm up </b>(5ms)

<i><b>* Checking the old lesson.</b></i>

+ asking and answering about family

<b>2. Presentation</b> ( 10ms).

a. This is



b. That is



<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=58>

+ Now introduce your family members:
<i><b> This is ………</b></i>
<i><b> That is ………</b></i>

T: <i>- Who are in the picture 1a, 1b,2a, 2b?</i>

Listen & check the right pictures you hear.
- T play tape 3 times, Ss listen,wrap the
answers then feedback.Comment and correct.
<b> Tape: </b>

<i> 1. Who s that? - That s my father.</i>’ ’

<i>2. Who s that? - That s my sister.</i>’ ’

- Ss train the way to pronunciate and differ
the sounds: / f / / ^ / / əυ /

- Ss say the sentences before writing.

- T guides ss do in pairs then say the
answers loudly to the whole class.

Comment and correct, then Ss complete
directly in their workbooks.

- Chorus 3 times.

-T: How many family members are there
in the passage?

+Ss: Father, mother, sister, brother.

- Ss repeat the content of the lesson. T
summarises the content of Section A.
- Ss write the lesson .

<b>3. Practice</b> ( 10ms)

<b>A4. Listen and check.</b>

<b>Key</b>: 1b 2b

<b>A5. Say it right.</b>

* Sounds:

/ f /: <i><b>F</b></i>amily, <i><b>F</b></i>ather.
/ ^ /:Mother, Brother.
/əυ/: Open, close

<b>A6. Let’s write.</b>

1. This is……….
2. That is………..

<b>4.Production</b>.( 10ms)

<i><b>Exercise 3 (47</b></i>) Reoder the letters to
make words.

<i><b>Exercise 4 (48)</b></i> <sub>Complete the sentences</sub>
and read aloud.

<i><b>Exercise 5 (48)</b></i> Reoder the words to
make sentences

<b>A7.Read aloud.</b>

<b>* Home work:</b> Read the lesson again,
- write the new words.
- Pre – read B 1 -> B4.

<b>Ended experienced:</b>





<b>Kí duyệt của chuyên môn</b>




<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=59>

TuÇn 22

<b>Unit 7: Family members.</b>

<b>Section B : 1 </b>–<b> 2 </b>–<b> 3 </b><i><b>(page 70 -71)</b></i>

Preparing: 15 / 01 / 2010.
Teaching: 18 / 01 / 2010.
Period: 38 .

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

*Competences: Ss will be able to ask the name of family members.
*Skills: 4 skills.

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

<b>1. Vocabs: + </b>His:
+ Her:

<b>2. Structure: </b>

- What’s his name: + His name is………
- What’s her name? + Her name is ……….

<b>IIi. Teaching aids:</b>

- Student’s book and work book.
- Small board, Flash cards, cassette.

<b>IV. Procedure: </b>

* Sing a song to stabilize class.

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

- Let ss play “Jumble words” game
t t h a = that. I t t h s = this.
w a t h = what. e h = he
e s h = she s I = is.
- then check the meaning of those words,
let ss chorus.

- Tt intros and let ss give remarks after
observing the picture and the dialogue.
- T plays tape, Ss listen & repeat 3 times.
Then practices in pairs. Feedback &


- T intros newwords, Ss repear and chorus.
+ T points Mr Hung in the picture and ask
<i><b>What s his name?</b><b>’</b></i>

<i><b> - His name is Hung.</b></i>
<i><b> What s her name?</b><b>’</b></i>
<i><b> - Her name is Lan. </b></i>

+ T guides ss ask and answer with their

- <i>What s his name? His name s’</i> <i>’ …….</i>

- <i>What s her name? Her name s’</i> <i>’ ……</i>

(Feedback, comment & correct)
<i>(Note: Name of 6 ss)</i>

<b>1. Warm up </b>(5ms)

<i><b>* Checking the old lesson.</b></i>

<b>2. Presentation</b> ( 10ms).

<b>B1. Listen and repeat.</b>

<i><b>* Vocabs:</b></i>

<sub>His </sub>




<i><b>* Struc:</b></i>

- What

s his name?

+ His name is


- What

s her name?

+ Her name is



<b>3. Practice</b> ( 10ms)

<b>B2. Let’s talk.</b>

<b>B3. Listen and number.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=60>

- asks ss to name the pictures. Let ss listen
3 times.

<b> Tape: </b>

<i>1. This is my mother. Her name is Huong.</i>
<i>2. This is my father. His name is Son.</i>
<i>3. - Who s that? ’</i>

<i> + That s my sister. Her name s Nga.’</i> <i>’</i>
- Wrap the answers then tell to the whole
class. Comment & correct

- T guides ss do in pairs then say the
answers loudly to the whole class.

Comment and correct, then Ss complete
directly in their workbooks.

- Ss repeat the content of the lesson. T
summarises the content of B1 -2 - 3.

- Ss write the lesson .

<b>Key</b>: 1b, 2a, 3c.


<i><b>Exercise 6 (49)</b></i>Reoder the sentences to
make a dialogue.

1. Who is that?
2. That is my sister.
3. What is her name?
4. Her name is Lili.

<i><b>Exercise 7 (49)</b></i><sub>Complete the sentences.</sub>
1. My 2. mother 3. is

4. this 5. name 6. her

<b>* Home work:</b> Read the lesson again,
- write the new words.
- Pre – read B 4 -> B7

<b>Ended experienced:</b>





<b>Unit 7: fAMILY MEMBERS.</b>

<b>Section B: 4 </b>–<b> 5 </b>–<b>6 - 7 </b><i><b>(page 72 -73)</b></i>

Preparing: 15 / 01 / 2010.
Teaching: 19 / 01 / 2010.
Period: 39.

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

*Competences: Ss will be able to ask the name of family members, write about family

*Skills: 4 skills.

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

<b>1. Words: </b> Family members.

- This / That is my……….His/ Her name is………..

<b>IIi. Teaching aids:</b>

- Student’s book and work book. Small board, Flash cards.

<b>IV. Procedure: </b>

* Sing a song to stabilize class.

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

<b> Play a game- Network</b>

<b> Team A Team B</b>

<b>1. Warm up </b>(5ms)

<i><b>* Checking the old lesson.</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=61>

- T: <i><b>What s your name?</b></i>’
<i><b> How are you? </b></i>
<i><b> Who s that? </b></i>’

<i><b> What s her/his name?</b></i>’
- Ss answer orally.

- Now retell:

<i>My name s ’</i> <i>…… ’I m fine, thank you.</i>
<i>That s’ …………..His/ Her </i> <i> name</i>

- Asks ss to read and match in pairs.

comment and correct.
- T lets ss chorus 2 times.

- T guides ss do this ex in pairs. Comment
and correct. Write in your WB.

- Let ss say before writing.

- T guides ss do this ex in pairs. Comment
and correct. Write in your WB.

<i>1. My name is ………..</i>
<i>2. His name is ………</i>
<i>3. Her name is ……….</i>

- Ss play in 4 groups.( T prepares this part
in A4, gives to groups)

- T summaries the content of Unit 7.
- Ss repeat the content of the lesson.

- Ss write the lesson .

<b>2. Presentation</b> ( 10ms).

<b>3. Practice</b> ( 10ms)

<b>B4. Read and match</b>

1b 2a

<i><b>Exercise 8 (50) </b></i><sub>Read and match.</sub>
1b – 2 a – 3c – 4d

<b>B5. Let’s write. </b>

Write about your family members.

<i><b>Exercise 9 (51 ) </b></i><sub>Write the responses.</sub>


<b>B6. Let’s play.</b>

<b>Crossword Puzzle</b>


<b>1></b> <b>M</b> <b>O</b> <b>T</b> <b>H</b> <b>E</b> <b>R</b>

<b>Y</b> <b>H</b>

<b>F</b> <b>E</b>

<b>A</b> <b>R</b> <b>4</b>

<b>M</b> <b>B</b>

<b>2></b> <b>S</b> <b>I</b> <b>S</b> <b>T</b> <b>E</b> <b>R</b>

<b>L</b> <b>O</b>

<b>Y</b> <b>T</b>


<b>* B7. Summary</b>

<b>* Home work:</b> Read the lesson again,
- write the new words.
- Pre – read B 4 -> B7

<span class='text_page_counter'>(62)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=62>

<b>Ended experienced:</b>





<b>Kí duyệt của chuyên môn</b>




tuần 23

<b> Unit 8: Ages</b>

<b>Section A : 1 </b>–<b> 2 </b>–<b> 3 </b><i><b>(page 74- 75)</b></i>

Preparing: 22 / 01 / 2010.
Teaching: 25 / 01 / 2010.
Period: 40.

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

*Competences: - Ss will be able to ask for anf telling the age.
- Counting 1 to 10.

*Skills: 4 skills.

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

<b>1. Vocabs: </b>- Age: Tuæi
- Old: giµ, cị.
- Numbers: 1 – 10.

<b>2. Structure: </b>

- How old are you? + I’m eight

<b>IIi. Teaching aids:</b>

- Student’s book and work book. Small board, Flash cards, cassette.

<b>IV. Procedure: </b>

* Sing a song to stabilize class.

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

T asks, ss answer then gives marks.

<i>T: Who s that?’</i>
<i>Ss: That s’ ……….</i>

<i>T: What s his / her name?’</i>
<i>Ss: His / her name is……….</i>

Then T asks a student to point his/ her
photo’s family to introduce his/ her family
members.<i>( Using this / that/ and name)</i>

T uses numbers’ cards to introduce
numbers. Ss observe, listen and rrepeat.
T wraps the numbers and their cards, ss
read then match to the right position.

Let ss read individually.
- <i>Who are in the picture?</i>

<i>- What is the meaning of </i>“ <i>I m eight’</i> ”<i>?</i>

( That’s telling about the age of Lili)

<b>1. Warm up </b>(5ms)

<i><b>* Checking the old lesson.</b></i>

<b>2. Presentation</b> ( 10ms).

<b>A2. Look and say.</b>

<b>A1 .Look, listen and repeat.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(63)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=63>

<i>- How does Mai s mother know the age of’</i>

<i>+ She asks How old are you ?</i>

- T asks ss: How old are you?
+ Ss: I’m …………...( Tuæi)

- Now one asks one answers. ( ss work in

A: How old are you?
B: I’m ____________

Feedback, comment and correct.
- T guides ss work in groups of 4, showing
the answers on A4, then read loudly to the
whole class. comment and correct.

- Ss continue to work in groups: fill the
missing letters to complete the sentences.


comment and correct.
- T teaches ss sing a song.

- Ss repeat the content of the lesson. T
summarises the content again.

- Ss write the lesson .

- How old are you?
+ I’m eight.( Tuæi)

<b>3. Practice</b> ( 10ms)

<b>A3. Let’s talk.</b>

<i><b>Exercise 2 (55) </b></i>Let<b>’</b>s match.

<i><b>Exercise 3 (56)</b></i>Complete the sentences
and read aloud.

<i>Missing letters are</i>: a, th , a , th , ow , i ,
i ,o


Song:  Ten litte Indians
One litte two litte three litte Indians.

Four litte five litte six litte Indians.
Seven litte eight litte nine litte Indians.
Ten litte Indian boys

<b>* Home work:</b> Read the lesson again,
- write the new words.
- Pre – read A4 -> A7

<b>Ended experienced:</b>





Unit 8: ages

<b>Section A : 4 </b>–<b>5 </b>–<b>6 - 7 </b><i><b>(page 76 -77)</b></i>

Preparing: 23 / 01 / 2010.
Teaching: 26 / 01 / 2010.
Period: 41.

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

*Competences: Ss will be able to count the numbers and wtite about their name & age.
*Skills: 4 skills.

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

1. My name is ………
2. I am………

<b>IIi. Teaching aids:</b>

- Student’s book and work book.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(64)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=64>

- Small board, Flash cards, cassette.

<b>IV. Procedure: </b>

* Sing a song to stabilize class.  Ten litte Indians

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

- T writes this exercise on A4. gives to
groups & asks them to circle. Show the
asnwers on board. Comment & correct.
- If having time T let ss play “ Slap the
board” game ( about the numbers)

- T: How old are you?
+ Ss: I’m ________

- Let’s count the bees & flowers in the

pictures: <i>1a: 7 bees 1b: 8 bees</i>
<i> 2a: 9 flowers 2b: 10</i>

- Now listen and check the correct

<b> Tape: </b><i><b>1. eight 2. nine</b></i>

- T lets ss say before writing.


- T uses cards and ask ss to reoder the
words on board. comment & correct.

- Let ss remind the meaning of the
sentences then asks them to complete.

<i>(Note: question, then answer)</i>

Feedback. comment and correct.

- T guides ss read and sing the song.

- Ss repeat the content of the lesson. T
summarises the content of Section A.
- Ss write the lesson .

<b>1. Warm up </b>(5ms)

<i><b>* Checking the old lesson.</b></i>

<i><b>Exercise 1 (54) </b></i>Circle the odd one out.
1. you 2. nice 3. his 4. too.

* Game: slap the board

<b>2. Presentation</b> ( 10ms).

<b>A4. Listen and check.</b>

* Answers: 1b 2a

<b>3. Practice</b> ( 10ms)

<b>A5. Say it right.</b>

/əυ/ Down, how, down, about


/ Brother, mother.

<b>A6. Let’s write.</b>

1. My name is ___________
2. I am ________

<i><b>Exercise 4 (56) Reoder the words</b><b>……</b></i><sub>.</sub>


<b>A7 . Read aloud.</b>

<b>* Home work:</b> Read the lesson again,
- write the new words.
- Pre – read B 1 -> B3

<b>Ended experienced:</b>



<b>KÝ dut cđa chuyªn môn</b>




<span class='text_page_counter'>(65)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=65>

tuần 24

<b> Unit 8: ages </b>

<b>Section B : 1 </b>–<b> 2 </b>–<b> 3 </b><i><b>(page 78 -79)</b></i>

Preparing: 29 / 01 / 2010.
Teaching: 01 / 02 / 2009.
Period: 42.

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

*Competences: Ss will be able to ask for and telling the age of family members.
*Skills: 4 skills.

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

<b>* Questions:</b> + How old is he / she?
+ He / She is __________

<b>IIi. Teaching aids:</b>

- Student’s book and work book.
- Small board, Flash cards, cassette.

<b>IV. Procedure: </b>

* Sing a song to stabilize class.  Ten litte Indians

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

- T gives a merg dialogue and then asks ss
to complete it with their partners. Now tel
to the whole class.

<i>Comment and correct, give marks.</i>

<i>+ But how do you ask if you want to know</i>
<i>the age of your father or mother? Ss</i>
<i>answer. Today I ll introduce the way to</i>’

<i>ask for the age in English. Look at B1 (78)</i>
<i>Listen and repeat.</i>

- Ss listen and repeat 3 times, then in pairs.

<i>+ How does Lili ask when she want to</i>
<i>know the age of Nam sister. </i>’

Lili asks: <b>How old is </b><i><b>she</b></i><b>?</b>

Nam answers: She<b> is three.</b>

- Let ss practice to ask the age of girls in
their class (check 5 pairs )

- Do the same with <b>He</b>

- Now in pairs to ask and answer about the
age of the third person.

- T goes round class to monitor & help.

<i>Feedback. Comment and correct.</i>

- T lets ss name the pictures before

<b>1. Warm up </b>(5ms)

<i><b>* Checking the old lesson.</b></i>
A merg dialogue
A: What your name?

B: My name is Alan.
A: How old are you ?
B: I am nine.

<b>2. Presentation</b> ( 10ms).

<b>A1. Look, listen and repeat.</b>

<i><b>* Struc:</b></i>

A: How old is








A: How old is








<b>3. Practice</b> ( 10ms)

<b>B2. Let’s talk.</b>

A: How old is she?
B: ______________
A: How old is he?
B: ______________

<b>B3. Listen and number.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(66)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=66>


<sub>1. How old are you Peter ?</sub>

+ I am ten & how old are you Linda?
- I am ten.

2. How old is Lili?
+ She’s nine
- How old is Alan?
+ He’<sub>s ten.</sub>

3. This is Nam. He’<sub>s ten.</sub>
- This is Mai. She’<sub>s nine.</sub>
+ Show the keys to the whole class.

<i>Feedback. Comment and correct.</i>

- Asks ss for the meaning of the sentences
and then reoder in pairs.

<i>Feedback( pairs read)</i>
<i> Comment and correct.</i>

- Ss repeat the content of the lesson. T
summarises the content of Unit 8 – part

- Ss write the lesson .

<b>Keys</b>: 1 b 2c 3a


<i><b>Exercise 5 (57) </b></i>Reoder the sentences to
make a dialogue.

<b>* Home work:</b> Read the lesson again,
- write the new words.
- Pre – read B 4 -> B7

<b>Ended experienced:</b>



<b>Unit 8 : ages</b>

<b>Section B : 4 </b>–<b> 5 </b>–<b> 6 - 7 </b><i><b>(page 80 - 81)</b></i>

Preparing: 29/ 01 / 2010.
Teaching: 02 / 02 / 2010.
Period: 43 .

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

*Competences: Ss will be able to ask for and telling the age of family members.
- Write short sentences about their friends (his/ her name, age)
*Skills: 4 skills.

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

<b>1. Vocabs: - </b>numbers

<b>2. Structure: </b>

- What is his / her name? - How old is he / she?
+ His/ her name is …….. + He / She is …….

<b>IIi. Teaching aids:</b>

- Student’s book and work book.
- Small board, Flash cards.

<b>IV. Procedure: </b>

* Sing a song to stabilize class.  Ten litte Indians

<span class='text_page_counter'>(67)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=67>

- Let ss complete the <b>Crossword</b>

to revise the numbers. in groups ( using
A4, then stick on board)

- T gives questions to asks for the name
and age of some ss & their friends.

- Ss read loudly to the whole class and
match, T & others comment and correct.

- Let ss do in pairs.

- T lets ss say before writing.( or may give
question to guide.)

Ex: What’s his / her name? How old is
he / she?

- Ss answer and write.

- Asks ss to say loudly the result then
write on board.

<i>Keys: 1. two, 2 four, 3 five, 4 ten, 5seven,</i>
<i>6six, 7 nine, 8 eight.</i>

- Ss repeat the content of the lesson. T
summarises the content of Unit 8.

- Ss write the lesson .

<b>1. Warm up </b>(5ms)

<b>B6 . Let’s play.</b>

Crossword Puzzle

3 t h r e e

e 8

9 n <sub>i</sub> <sub>n</sub> <sub>e</sub>

u <sub>i</sub>

m <sub>g</sub>

6 b <sub>h</sub> <sub>1</sub>

7 s e v e <sub>n 2</sub> <sub>t</sub> <sub>w o</sub>

i r <sub>4</sub> <sub>n</sub>

x s <sub>5 f</sub> <sub>i</sub> <sub>v</sub> <sub>e</sub>


<b>2. Presentation</b> ( 10ms).

<b>B4. Read and match.</b>

<i><b>Keys: 1b 2a.</b></i>

<i><b>Exercise 6 (58) </b></i>Read and match.
1b 2a 3d 4c

<b>3. Practice</b> ( 10ms)

<b>B5. Let’s write.</b>

Write about your friend
( his / her name, age)
- His name is <i>Nam</i>. He is <i>nine</i>.
- Her name is <i>Lan</i>. She is <i>ten</i>.


<i><b>Exercise 8 (59) </b></i>Write the sentences.

B7. Summary

<b>* Home work:</b> Read the lesson again,
- write the new words.

- Do exercise 9, 10 (38)
- Pre – read B 4 -> B7

<b>Ended experienced:</b>



<b>KÝ duyÖt của chuyên môn</b>




<span class='text_page_counter'>(68)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=68>

tuần 25

<b>Unit 9: My house</b>

<b>Section A : 1 </b>–<b> 2 </b>–<b> 3 </b><i><b>(page 82 - 83 )</b></i>

Preparing: 19 / 02 / 2010
Teaching: 22 / 02 / 2010
Period: 44

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

*Competences: Ss will be able to name & describe the rooms in the house.
*Skills: 4 skills.

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

<b>1. Vocabs: </b> + Living room:

House + Bedroom:

+ Kitchen:
+ Bathroom:

<b>2. Structure: </b>

- This is the livingroom
-<b> </b>That ismy bedroom

<b>IIi. Teaching aids:</b>

- Student’s book and work book.
- Small board, Flash cards, cassette.

<b>IV. Procedure: </b>

* Sing a song to stabilize class. the way to school.

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Let ss answer T’s questions.
- How are you?

What’s your name?
How old are you?

Then change persons: She, He to ask &
give marks.

- T introduces the Unit 9: My house.
Today we’ll know the rooms in the house
in English. Look, listen & repeat.

- T gives vocabs & lets ss chorus.

- How does Nam introduce his livingroom
& bedroom.

+ Ss say loudly the sentences. T writes on

- Now look & say. ( T does a model and
then asks ss to continue…)

+ Ss point the picture and say to the whole
class ( 8 ss)

- T elicits ss point the picture and say the
sentences to the whole class.

Comment & correct

<b>1. Warm up </b>(5ms)

<i><b>* Checking the old lesson.</b></i>

<b>2. Presentation</b> ( 10ms).

<b>A1 . Look, listen & repeat. </b>

<i><b>* Vocabs:</b></i>
+ House

+ Livingroom:
+ Bedroom:
+ Kitchen:
+ Bathroom:
<i><b>* Struc:</b></i>

- This is the livingroom.
- That is my bedroom.

<b>3. Practice</b> ( 10ms)

<b>A2. Look and say</b>

- This is the livingroom.

<b>A3. Let’s talk</b>

This is______________


<span class='text_page_counter'>(69)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=69>

- T prepares this exercise on EB & asks ss
to circle. Comment & correct.

- T prepares pictures & cards on board, Ss
come to match. Comment & correct.

- Ss repeat the content of the lesson, T
summaries and gives task.

<i><b>Exercise 2 (62 )</b></i>Let<b>’</b>s match.

<b>* Home work:</b> - Read the lesson again,
- write the new words.
- Pre - read A4 -> A7

<b>Ended experienced:</b>



<b>Unit 9 : my house </b>

<b>Section A : 4 </b>–<b> 5 </b>–<b> 6 - 7 </b><i><b>(page 84 - 85)</b></i>

Preparing: 20 / 02 / 2010
Teaching: 23/ 02 / 2010
Period: 45

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

*Competences: Ss will be able to
*Skills: 4 skills.

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

<b>1. Vocabs: + </b>Living room<b>, </b>Bedroom, Bathroom, Kitchen

<b>2. Structure: </b>

- <b>This</b> is my <i>bedroom</i>. It is <i>small</i>.
- <b>That</b>’s my <i>livingroom</i>. It’s <i>big</i>.

<b>IIi. Teaching aids:</b>

- Student’s book and work book. Small board, Flash cards, cassette.

<b>IV. Procedure: </b>

* Sing a song to stabilize class. ( 2ms) The way to school

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content </b>

T introduces the lesson and asks ss to
come & write the wods under each

- Chorus the words.

- Note the words with their colors.
+ Chorus in class then individually.
( T corrects the way to pronunciate)

- T asks ss to match the words with

<i><b>1a</b>. livingroom/ big <b>1b</b>. bedroom/small</i>

<i><b>2a</b>. Kitchen/ big <b>2b.</b> bathroom/ big</i>

<b>1. Warm up </b>(5ms)

<i><b>* Checking the old lesson.</b></i>

<b>2. Presentation</b> ( 10ms).

<b>A5. Say it right </b>

<i><b>* Sounds: /i/ /</b></i>θ<i><b>/ </b><b>/pl</b><b>/</b></i>

<b>3. Practice</b> ( 10ms)

<b>A4. Listen and check</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(70)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=70>

Let ss listen 3 times & check. Give the
keys to the whole class. Comment and

- T points a picture to say and write on

- T explains then asks a good student to
do the same. T corrects.

- Ss works in pairs: point picture and say.
Then tell to the whole class. Comment &
correct. ( 7 – 8 ss)

- Now write down in your notebook.
- T goes round, monitors and helps.

- T guides ss play and let them play three

- T guides ss do Exercise 4 (63) by
preparing 2 sheets on board, ss come to
fill. Others & T comment and correct.

- Ss repeat the content of the lesson, T
summaries and gives task.

Keys: 1b 2a

<i><b>* Struc:</b></i>

Ex: This is my <i>bedroom. It is small. </i>

That is my <i>livingroom</i>. It s’ <i>big</i>.

<b>A6. Let’s write</b>

1. This is my _________ . It is _____ .
2. That is ____________ . It is _____ .

<b>4.Production</b>.( 8ms)

<b>A7. Let’s play</b>


<i><b>Exercise 4 (63)</b></i>

1. This is the bathroom.
2. This is the kitchen.

<b>* Home work:</b> Read the lesson again,
- write the new words.
- Pre – read B1 -> B3

<b>Ended experienced:</b>



<b>Kí duyệt của chuyên môn</b>




tuần 26

<b>Unit 9 : My house</b>

<b>Section B : 1 </b>–<b> 2 </b>–<b> 3 </b><i><b>(page 86 - 87)</b></i>

Preparing: 26 / 02 / 2010
Teaching: 01 / 03 / 2010
Period: 46

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(71)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=71>

*Skills: 4 skills.

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

<b>1. Vocabs: + </b>large

<b> +</b> chair

<b> + </b>table

<b> + </b>TV

<b>2. Structure: </b>- There is a bed in the room.

- There are two chairs in the room. They are small.

<b>IIi. Teaching aids:</b>

- Student’s book and work book. Small board, Flash cards, cassette.

<b>IV. Procedure: </b>

* Sing a song to stabilize class.Ten little Indians

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content </b>

- T introduces the lesson and asks ss to
complete the crossword puzzle in exercise
3 ( 63) WB.


- Look at Mai’s bedroom there are a lot of
objects, what they are.

- Ss tell the objects in Mai’s bedroom.
T introduces the words in English.


- Now listen & repeat.

+ How does mai introduce her room?

- T explains the way to introduce objects
in the house and does a model, ss continue
to describe the picture in part 2 (page 87)

- Ss come to the board, point the objects in
the picture and talk loudly, others
comment, T corrects

- Asks ss to relize the pictures and
describe them before listening.

- Let ss listen 3 times and number.
<b> Tape: </b>

1. This is my house. It’s not large.
2. There is one livingroom. It is small.
3. This is my bedroom. It is large.

+ Tell the keys to the whole class.
Comment and correct

<b>1. Warm up </b>(5ms)

<i><b>* Checking the old lesson.</b></i>

1. bathroom
2. kitchen
3. bedroom
4. livingroom

<b>2. Presentation</b> ( 10ms).
<i><b>* Vocabs:</b></i>

<b>+ </b>large

<b> +</b> chair

<b> + </b>table

<b> + </b>TV

<b>B1. Listen and repeat </b>

<i><b>* Struc:</b></i>

- <b>There is a</b> <i><b>bed</b></i> in the room

- <b>There are two</b><i><b>chairs</b></i> in the room.
They are <i><b>small</b></i>.

<b>3. Practice</b> ( 10ms)

<b>B2. Let’s talk</b>

- There is _______________
- There are _______________

<b>B3. Listen and number</b>

Keys: 1b 2a 3c

<span class='text_page_counter'>(72)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=72>

- Can you descibe the picture as you hear?
( 1 – 2 s retell with T’s help)

- T shows the picture in Exercise 6 (64),
asks ss to points the picture and describe.
T may do a model, then good students and
others. Complete the exercise.

- Ss repeat the content of the lesson, T
summaries and gives task.


<b>* Home work:</b> Read the lesson again,
- write the new words.
- Pre – read B4 -> B7

<b>Ended experienced:</b>



<i> </i>

<i> </i>

<b>Unit 9 : My house </b>

<b>Section B : 4 </b>–<b> 5 </b>–<b> 6 </b>–<b> 7 </b><i><b>(page 88 - 89)</b></i>

Preparing: 27 / 02 / 2010
Teaching: 02/ 03 / 2010
Period: 47

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

*Competences: Ss will be able to describe rooms and objects in the house.
+ Talking & writing about the location of objects in the house.
*Skills: 4 skills.

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

<b>1. Vocabs: </b>large, chair, table, TV, desk

<b>2. Structure: </b>

- There is / are________________ .

- This / that is______________ . It is ______ .

<b>IIi. Teaching aids:</b>

- Student’s book and work book. Small board, Flash cards, cassette.

<b>IV. Procedure: </b>

* Sing a song to stabilize class.

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content </b>

T introduces the lesson and give 4
sentences on board then asks ss to read
and re-arrange.


- Asks ss to name the picture, read and

- T gives notes on board:

<i>1. bedroom / small</i>

<i> a desk / a chair / a bed in the room.</i>

<b>1. Warm up </b>(5ms)

<i><b>* Checking the old lesson.</b></i>
 it is large

 This is my house.

 it is large too.
 This is my room.

<b>2. Presentation</b> ( 10ms).

<b>B4. Read and match </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(73)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=73>

<i>2. Bedroom. a table / a bed / two chairs.</i>

- Asks ss to retell the objects in the rooms.
( 3 - 4 ss) T & others comment & correct.
Ex: This is my <i>bedroom</i>. It is <i>small</i>.

There is <i>a</i> <i>desk</i> and <i>a chair</i> in the

- This is my <i>bedroom</i>.

There is a <i>table</i>. There are <i>two chairs</i>.
- Now write about your house. T goes
round, monitors and helps.

+ Exhibition ss’ writing.

- T guides ss count & write the numbers.
Exhibition the result.


- T emphasizes the way we say and write.

- T guides ss do exercise 7,8 (page 65,66)
in WB.

- Ss repeat the content of the lesson, T
summaries and gives task.

* Do exercise 9, 10 (page 67,68)

- There is / are________________ .
- This / that is______________ .
It is ______ .

<b>3. Practice</b> ( 10ms)

<b>B5 . Let’s write</b>

Write about your house


<b>A6. Lets’ play</b>

Count the rooms in your house
and write the numbers

Rooms in your house Number


<b>A7. Summary</b>

<b>* Home work:</b> Read the lesson again,
- write the new words.
- Pre – read Self check

<b>Ended experienced:</b>



<b>KÝ dut cđa chuyên môn</b>











tuÇn 27

<b><sub>revision </sub></b>

Preparing: 05 / 03/ 2010
Teaching: 08 / 03 / 2010
Period: 48

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(74)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=74>

*Competences: Ss will be able to revise all the content that they have learnt in the
theme FAMILY.

*Skills: 4 skills.

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

<b>1. Vocabs: + </b>about FAMILY

<b>2. Structure: </b>

- Describe the members in the Family.
- Telling the Ages.

- Describe Rooms in the house and Objects in the rooms.

<b>IIi. Teaching aids:</b>

- Student’s book and work book. Small board, Flash cards.

<b>IV. Procedure: </b>

* Sing a song to stabilize class.Ten little Indians.

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

- Let ss play game: 2 groups, G1 says: <b>2</b>

G2 says <b>two</b>

- T elicits ss describe the members in their
family by chorusing the words: Mother,
father, sister, brother…. then asks ss to
continue…( May encourage ss use their
family’s photos)

- T elicits ss describe the ages of the

members in their family by chorusing the
numbers 1 to 10, then asks ss to
continue…( May encourage ss use their
family’s photos)

<i>+ Note: number 11=> …</i>

- T elicites ss the words about rooms in the
house, chorus. Asks two ss to tell about
their house o the whole class.

Comment and correct

- In groups: telling about your family.
- T goes round, monitors and helps.

Feedback, comment and correct

- T guides ss complete the exercises in WB

- Ss repeat the content of the lesson, T
summaries and gives task.

<b>1. Warm up </b>(5ms)

<i><b>* Checking the old lesson.</b></i>
- Count from 1 to 10.

<b>2. Presentation</b> ( 10ms).

* Describe the members in your

Ex: This is my family. My name is


This is my father. His name is ……….
This is my mother. Her name is ……..
This is my brother. His name is


This is my sister. Her name is ……….
* Telling the ages

Ex: Hello, My name is Lan.
I am 10(years old)

This is my mother. She is 40 years old.

* Describe rooms in the house

Ex: This is my house. That is my

<i>bedroom</i>. It is <i>big</i>.
+ Note: is = ‘s

<b>3. Practice</b> ( 10ms)

* Write about your family.


<span class='text_page_counter'>(75)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=75>

- Preparation for the Test

<b>Ended experienced:</b>



<b>Self check three</b>
Preparing: 06 / 03 / 2010

Teaching: 09 / 03 / 2010
Period: 49

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

*Competences: Ss will be able to revise the content of theme “ Family” that they have
learnt in three units.

*Skills: doing the test.

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

- Student’s book and cassette.

<b>IV. Procedure: </b>

* Sing a song to stabilize class. Hello teacher

<b> V </b>–<b> Matrix.</b>


I – Listening: 2 points

Question 1: Listen and number.



<sub> how</sub>

<sub> down</sub>

<sub> three</sub>

Question 2: Listen and check.



s that?


s Thu


How old is she?

How old is he?



<sub>s a bedroom. </sub>

<sub> There</sub>

<sub>s a bed in the room. </sub>


<b>Chủ đề</b> <b>Nhận biết</b> <b>Thông hiểu</b> <b>Vận dụng</b> <b>Tổng</b>


1. Listening 10 3<sub> </sub> <b>10 </b>2

2. Reading <sub> </sub> 10 3 <b>10 3</b>

3. Language focus 5 3 <b>5 3</b>

4. Writing 5 2 <b>5 2</b>

<b> Tæng</b> 15 6 10 3 5 2 <b>30 10</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(76)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=76>



re two kitchens.


re two chairs.



re big.


re big beds.

II – reading: 3 points

Question 3: Complete the sentences.










1. Wh__

s that?

2. This is my __amily.

3. H__ __ old is she?

4. They

<sub>re in __ __ e kitchen.</sub>

5. There are two ba__ __ __ooms in my house.

Question 4: Write the words in the blanks.

1. My name is Nam. That is my mother. Her name is(1) ______________.

That is my (2) ______________ . His name is Son. That is my sister.

Her name is Nga.

2. Hi, my name is Mai. This is my father. His name is (3) _____________

. This is my (4) ______________ . Her name is Lan. This is my (5)


III – language focus: 3 points

Question 5: Select and tick the lette A, B, or C.

1. Who is that?

2. How old is Lan?

A. That

s my mother.

A. I

m eight.

B. It

s my family.

B. She

s eight.

C. It

s my house.

C. He

s eight.

3. How old are you ?

4. How old is Lili ?

A. She

s nine years old.

A. She

s nine years old.

B. I

m nine years old.

B. I

m nine years old.

C. He

s nine years old.

C. He

s nine years old.

5. What

s your name?

<sub> A. Her name is Lili.</sub>

<sub> B. My name </sub>

s Mai.

<sub> C. His name </sub>

<sub>s Nam.</sub>

IV – Writing: 2 points

Question 6: Complete the sentences.

This is my house. It is

large. There are (1)


rooms in the house.

<b>Rooms in the house</b> <b>Number</b>

Livingroom 1

bedrooms 3

bathrooms 2

kitchen 1

Total: 7


<span class='text_page_counter'>(77)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=77>

There is (2)________________livingroom and (3) ________________

kitchen in the house. There are (4) ________________ bedrooms and (5)

________________ bathrooms in the house.

Total: 10 points


<b>I </b>–<b> Listening. 2 points</b>

Question 1: Listen and number ( 5 points)

1. father 2 how 3 three 4 down 5 mother

Question 2: Listen and check ( 5 points)

1. That

s Thu

2. How old is she?

3. There

s a bed in the room.

4. There

re two chairs.

5. They

re big.

<b>II </b>–<b> Reading. 3 points</b>

Question 3: Complete the sentences ( 5 points)











Question 4: Write the words in the blanks ( 5 points)


) Huong.









<b>III </b>–<b> Language focus. 3 points</b>

Question 5: Select and tick the lette A, B, or C ( 5 points)

1. A

2. B

3. B


5. B

<b>IV </b>–<b> Writing. 2 points</b>

Question 6: Complete the sentences ( 5 points)

1. seven

2. one

3. one

4. three

5. two

_________The end<sub>__________</sub>

<b>Ended experienced:</b>




<i> </i>

<b>Kí duyệt của chuyên môn</b>














<span class='text_page_counter'>(78)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=78>

tuÇn 28

<b>Unit 10 : The weather </b>

<b>Section A: 1 </b>–<b> 2 </b>–<b> 3 </b><i><b>(page 94 - 95)</b></i>

Preparing: 12 / 03 / 2010
Teaching: 15 / 03 / 2010
Period: 50

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

*Competences: Ss will be able to talk about the weather.
*Skills: 4 skills.

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

<b>1. Vocabs: </b>- weather, sunny, rainy, cloudy, windy, today.

<b>2. Structure: </b>- How’s the weather today?
+ It’s sunny in HaNoi

<b>IIi. Teaching aids:</b>

- Student’s book and work book. Small board, Flash cards, cassette.

<b>IV. Procedure: </b>

* Sing a song to stabilize class.Ten little Indians

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

- T elicits and asks some ss to talk about
their family.

Comment and correct, give marks.

- T shows the four pictures of weather and

- Ss identify & chorus, then individually.

<i>( Note: pronunciation)</i>

- T introduces the situation and read

(?) What’s this? - a weather map
(?) Where is it? ………..

- Ss look, listen and repeat.

- T makes clearly the way to talk about the

- Now point the pictures and say.

<i>( Ss come to the board, points the pictures</i>
<i>and say loudly to the whole class)</i>

Comment and correct

<b>1. Warm up </b>(5ms)

<i><b>* Checking the old lesson.</b></i>
- Talking about your family.

<b>2. Presentation</b> ( 10ms).
<i><b>* Vocabs:</b></i>

- weather:
- sunny:
- rainy:
- cloudy:
- windy:
- today:

<b>A 1. Look, listen and repeat.</b>

<i><b>* Struc:</b></i>

- How

s the weather today ?

+ It






+ It





HoChiMinh city


<b>3. Practice</b> ( 10ms)

<b>A2. Look and say</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(79)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=79>

- Now let’s talk about our real weather

Pairs work
( T may gives words to help)

- T goes round classroom and give help if

- T shows the picture in Exercise 2 (71),
asks ss to point the picture and describe. T
may do a model, then good students and
others. Complete the exercise.

- Asks ss to do exercise 1 (70)

- Ss repeat the content of the lesson, T
summaries and gives task.

Ex: It





<b>A3. Let’s talk</b>

- How

s the weather today ?

+ It


s ___________ .


- Do exercise 1, 2 in WB

<b>* Home work:</b> Read the lesson again.
- write the new words.
- Pre – read A4 -> A7

<b>Ended experienced:</b>

<b> ……… ……….</b> <i> </i>

<b>Unit 10: The weather</b>

<b>Section A : 4 </b>–<b> 5 </b>–<b> 6 </b>–<b> 7 </b><i><b>(page 96 - 97)</b></i>

Preparing: 13 / 03 / 2010
Teaching: 16 / 03 / 2010
Period: 51

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

*Competences: Ss will be able to talk about the weather.
*Skills: 4 skills.

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

<b>1. Vocabs: </b>Sunny, windy, cloudy, rainy<b> </b>
<b>2. Structure: </b> - How’s the weather today?

+ It’s _______________

<b>IIi. Teaching aids:</b>

- Student’s book and work book. Small board, Flash cards, cassette.

<b>IV. Procedure: </b>

* Sing a song to stabilize class.The way to school

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

- T shows a weather map on board, asks ss
to read & match.

- Others comment and correct.

<b>1. Warm up </b>(5ms)

<i><b>* Checking the old lesson.</b></i>
Exercise 3 ( 72) WB

1d 2c 3a 4b

<span class='text_page_counter'>(80)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=80>

- T reads modelly, ss listen and repeat,
then practice by themselves, say to the
whole class. T corrects.

- T uses cards and pictures, asks ss to

<i>C </i>–<i> sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy.</i>

<i>P </i> – <i> HoChiMinh city, Hue, HaNoi,</i>

<b> Tape: </b>

1. Goodevening and listen to the weather
today. It’s sunny in HaNoi.

2. How’s the weather today in
HoChiMinh city?

- It’s rainy.

- Asks ss to retell the weather in the two

- Now one should be A, one should be Mai
to answer A’s question about the weather.
+ Ss work in pairs, T monitors & helps.

Feedback , correct.
- Now write down….

- Asks ss to draw the symbols.

- T guides ss do exercise 4,5 (page 73) in

- Ss repeat the content of the lesson, T
summaries and gives task.

<b>A5. Say it right</b>

Sound: Cl, ^, eə

<b>A4: Listen and check.</b>

Key: 1a 2b

<b>3. Practice</b> ( 10ms)

<b>A6. Let’s write</b>

A: Hi, Mai. How’s the __________ today?
B: It’s ____________


<b>A7. Let’s play</b>

Draw the picture

cloudy rainy

windy sunny

<b>Home work:</b> Read the lesson again,
- write the new words.
- Pre – read B1 => B3

<b>Ended experienced:</b>



<b>Kí duyệt của chuyên môn</b>








<span class='text_page_counter'>(81)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=81>





tuÇn 29

<b><sub>Unit 10 : The weather </sub></b>

<b>Section B : 1 </b>–<b> 2 </b>–<b> 3 </b><i><b>(page 98 - 99)</b></i>

Preparing: 20 / 03 / 2010
Teaching: 22 / 03 / 2010
Period: 52

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

*Competences: Ss will be able talk about the weather, ask for and give numbers.
*Skills: 4 skills.

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

<b>1. Vocabs: </b>+ count:
+ cloud:
+ over there:

<b>2. Structure: </b>- Let’s play.

- How namy clouds are there ? + There are seven.

+ There’s a small cloud over there.

<b>IIi. Teaching aids:</b>

- Student’s book and work book. Small board, Flash cards, cassette.

<b>IV. Procedure: </b>

* Sing a song to stabilize class.Hello & Ten little Indians.

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

- Use the exercise 4,5 in WB (73) to check
the old lesson. T prepares this lesson on
EB and asks ss to come and complete.

Correct and marks

- T introduces the lesson and let ss observe
the picture in page 98, give remarks.
+ Who are they ?, What are they showing?
- T shows the clouds: points and say

+ Ss repeat.

- T: Let’s count the clouds

<i><b>How many clouds are there ?</b></i>

- T lets ss listen and repeat 3 times.
+ Ss gives the answers:

<i><b>There are seven ( eight)</b></i>

* Note: T differs there is / there are

- T asks ss to practice with their partners.
Count the clouds, bag, book…. in the

<b>1. Warm up </b>(5ms)

<i><b>* Checking the old lesson.</b></i>
Exercise 4 & 5 in page 73 WB.

<b>2. Presentation</b> ( 10ms).
<i><b>* Vocabs:</b></i>

- Cloud:
- count:
- Over there:

<b>B1. Listen and repeat </b>

<i><b>* Struc:</b></i>

- Let

s play.

- Let

s count the clouds.

- How many clouds are there?

+ There are seven

+ There is


small cloud over there.

<b>3. Practice</b> ( 10ms)

<b>B2. Let’s talk</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(82)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=82>

picture.<i>( may be pen, ruler, eraser…)</i>

- Ss work in pairs, T monitors and helps.
Feedback, comment and correct.
- Asks ss to observe and name the picture
in part B3.

- T notes the word NOT in negative

Ex: It is not rainy.

<i> ( Is it rainy? No)</i>

 Tape:

<i>1. It s not rainy in HCM city. It s sunny.</i>’ ’

<i>2. It s not sunny in HN. It s rainy.</i>’ ’

<i>3. It s not sunny in Hue. It s cloudy.</i>’ ’

- T lets ss listen three times, then wrap the

answers, tell to the whole class.

comment and correct

- T shows the picture in Exercise 6 (74),
asks ss to read the descriptions and match.
T may do a model, then good students and
others. Complete the exercise. Continue
with Exercise 7 (75).

- Ss repeat the content of the lesson, T
summaries and gives task.

+There are_________________
+There is _________________

<b>B3. listen and number</b>

Keys: 1c 2b 3a


<b>* Home work:</b> Read the lesson again,
- write the new words.
- Pre – read B4 -> B7

<b>Ended experienced:</b>



<i> </i>

<b>Unit 10: the weather</b>

<b>Section B : 4 </b>–<b> 5 </b>–<b> 6 </b>–<b> 7 </b><i><b>(page 100 - 101)</b></i>

Preparing: 21 / 03 / 2010
Teaching: 23 / 03 / 2010
Period: 53

<b>I. Objectives</b>

*Competences: Ss will be able to write about the weather and count some items.
*Skills: 4 skills.

<b>II. Language contents </b>
<b>2. Structure. </b>

- It’s sunny in HoChiMinh city. There are no cloud.

<b>IIi. Teaching aids:</b>

- Student’s book and work book. Small board, Flash cards, cassette.

<b>IV. Procedure: </b>

* Sing a song to stabilize class.

<b>Activities</b> <b>content</b>

T introduces the lesson and give 4
sentences on board then asks ss to read

<b>1. Warm up </b>(5ms)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(83)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=83>

and re-arrange ( words and pictures)

- T prepares this circle on A4 then hands to
groups, asks them to circle in 2 minutes,
then show the answers on board.

Comment and correct.

- Asks ss to match the cards with the right
places in the map.

+ reading comrehension the symbols A
=> D.

+ Read the sentences 1 to 4 then match
with A to D.

- Asks ss to read & match in pairs
Feedback, comment and correct

- Let ss say before writing.

- T emphasizes the way we say and write.

- T guides ss do exercise 8,9 (page 76,77)
in WB.

- Ss repeat the content of the lesson, T
summaries and gives task.

* Do exercise 10 (page77)

windy sunny cloudy rainy

<b>2. Presentation</b> ( 10ms).

<b>B6. Let’s play</b>

Circle the weather words
city rainy today weather
cloudy how is there windy are

it clouds no in

<b>3. Practice</b> ( 10ms)

<b>B4. Read and match</b>

The weather
1C 2D 3B 4A

<b>B5. Let’s write</b>

Write about the weather today
It’s __________in HoaBinh today.
It’s ___________ in TanLac today.


<b>B7. Summary</b>

<b>* Home work:</b> Read the lesson again,
- write the new words.
- Pre – read Self check

<b>Ended experienced:</b>



<b>KÝ dut cđa chuyªn m«n</b>













<span class='text_page_counter'>(84)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=84>

tuÇn 30

<b><sub>Unit 11: Our pets </sub></b>

<b> Section A: 1 </b>–<b> 2 </b>–<b> 3 </b><i><b>(page 102 - 103)</b></i>

Preparing: 25 / 03 / 2010
Teaching: 29 / 03 / 2010
Period: 54

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

*Competences: + naming and identifying pets.
+ asking about the possesion.
*Skills: 4 skills.

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

<b>1. Vocabs: </b>dog cat bird fish pet

<b>2. Structure: </b>- Do you have pets ?
- Yes, I have a cat.

<b>IIi. Teaching aids:</b>

- Student’s book and work book. Small board, Flash cards, cassette.

<b>IV. Procedure: </b>

* Listen & Sing a song to stabilize class. 5 little ducks

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content </b>

T: What is this? ( T shows a picture and
asks ss to say its word)

cloudy rainy

windy sunny
- Ss work in pairs to ask and answer.

Comment and correct

- T uses the pictures in page 103 to
introduce the pets.

Chorus then individually

- T lets ss listen & repeat three times, then
asks them to play role to read the dialouge

<b>1. Warm up </b>(5ms)

<i><b>* Checking the old lesson.</b></i>
- How’s the weather today?
+ It’<sub>s____________(sunny)</sub>

<b>2. Presentation</b> ( 10ms).
<i><b>* Vocabs:</b></i>

dog cat bird fish pet

<b>A1. Look, listen and repeat </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(85)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=85>


+ T introduces the verb: HAVE

( T uses pictures of animals and pictures of
Mai & Lili, asks ss to match)

+ Now look at the pictures on board point
and say:


<sub>I have a dog.</sub>

- All ss say loudly to the whole class, note
the pronunciation.

+ Now T gives questions, ss answer.

- T gives merg dialogue B3 guides & asks
ss to continue.

+ T goes round class, monitors – helps
and corrects.

Feed back, comment and correct

- T shows the EB with content in Exercise
<i><b>1 (78), asks ss to circle the odd one outin</b></i>
groups of 4, feedback, comment, correct
& Complete the exercise. Then continue
with Exercise 2 (79) Let’s match – do
the same

- Ss repeat the content of the lesson, T
summaries and gives task.

<b>A2. Look and say</b>

<i><b>* Struc:</b></i>

Ex: I have

a dog

T: Do you have

a dog


Ss: Yes, I have

a dog


T: Do you have

a cat



Yes, I have a cat. What about you?

T: I have

a bird


<b>3. Practice</b> ( 10ms)

<b>A3. Let’s talk</b>


<sub>Do you</sub>

__________________ ?

<sub>Yes, I have a</sub>


<sub>What about you?</sub>


<sub>I have a</sub>

_____________ .


<b>* Home work:</b> Read the lesson again,
- write the new words.
- Pre – read A4 -> A7

<b>Ended experienced:</b>



<i> </i>

<b>Unit 11: Our pets </b>

<b>Section A : 4 </b>–<b> 5 </b>–<b> 6 </b>–<b> 7 </b><i><b>(page 104 - 105)</b></i>

Preparing: 26 / 03 / 2010
Teaching: 30 / 03 / 2010
Period: 55

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

*Competences: + Listening to identify the pets.
+ Training pronunciation / „ /, /t /.

+ Speaking and writing about the possesion .
*Skills: 4 skills.

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

<b>1. Vocabs: </b>dog cat bird fish pet

<b>2. Structure: </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(86)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=86>

- I have two dogs and a cat.
* The plural nouns: Two dogs …

<b>IIi. Teaching aids:</b>

- Student’s book and work book. Small board, Flash cards, cassette.

<b>IV. Procedure: </b>

* Sing a song to stabilize class. 5 little ducks

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

T checks the old lesson. Ss read and match

1. I have a cat

2. You have a fish

3. they have two dogs

4. We have two birds


- T asks some questions to confirm that ss
know all the person and animals in the chat
Ex: What’s it? - a cat

Whos’s that? - Mai

- Now listen for the pet that 4 persons have.
<b> </b>

- Hi , my name’s Mai. I have a cat. It’s a

- My name’s Lili. I have no cat. I have a fish.
What about you Nam?

- Well, I have no fish. I have a bird. And you,

- I have no bird. I have a dog.

- Aks ss to play roles and say the pets that
Nam, Mai, Lili and Alan has…

+ I have a cat

- T lets ss listen before practicing. Note the

- Ss chorus, then practice individually.

- T: How many dogs do you have?

<b>1. Warm up </b>(5ms)

<i><b>* Checking the old lesson.</b></i>

<b>2. Presentation</b> ( 10ms).

<b>A4. listen and check</b>

<b>3. Practice</b> ( 10ms)

<b>A5. Say it right</b>



en p





able y



/ „ / /t / / e /

<b>A6. Let’s write</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(87)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=87>

St: I have a dog. / two dogs.

- T riminds the way to answer for this

- Ss practice to tell to the whole class
before writing.

- Now complete the exercise 3 (80)

- T reads a model, ss chorus. Then asks
some ss to read loudly to the whole class.

- T emphasizes the way we say and write.
- Ss repeat the content of the lesson, T
summaries and gives task.


<b>A7. Read aloud</b>

<b>* Home work:</b> Read the lesson again,
- write the new words.
- Pre – read B1 => B3

<b>Ended experienced:</b>



<b>Kí duyệt của chuyên môn</b>













tuÇn 31

<b><sub>Unit 11: Our pets</sub></b>

<b>Section B : 1 </b>–<b> 2 </b>–<b> 3 </b><i><b>(page 106 - 107)</b></i>

Preparing: 02/ 04 / 2010
Teaching: 05 / 04 / 2010
Period: 56.

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

*Competences: + Naming and identifying pets.
+ Talking about possession
*Skills: 4 skills.

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

<b>1. Vocabs: </b>dog cat bird fish pet

<b>2. Structure: </b>- How many cats do you have ?
- I have a cat.

<b>IIi. Teaching aids:</b>

- Student’s book and work book. Small board, Flash cards, cassette.

<b>IV. Procedure: </b>

* Sing a song to stabilize class.Ten little Indians

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

- T asks, ss answer.

Ex: How many pets do you have ?

+ I have ______________
- How many cats do you have ?

<b>1. Warm up </b>(5ms)

<i><b>* Checking the old lesson.</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(88)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=88>

+ I have ______________

- T introduces the lesson( picture and
dialogue) Today we continue to talk about
our pets.( T asks, ss answer)

- Now listen and repeat, read in pairs, T
checks ss’s pronunciation

- T intros the picture (107) and guide.
- Now asks and answer about your pets.
+ Ss work in pairs, T goes round –
monitor and correct.

- T lets ss name the pets in the picture.
Repeat the picture.

- Let guess, then listen 3 times.Compare &
show the answers to the whole class.

Comment and correct
<b> </b>

1. How many pets do you have, Lili?
- I have two dogs and a cat.

2. Hi, I’<sub>m Mai. I have a dog and a cat.</sub>

3. I’m Nam. I have two cats and a bird.

- T guides ss do Exercise 4,5,6 (81, 82)
then asks them to do in groups. Show the
answer loudly to the whole class.

Comment and correct

- Ss repeat the content of the lesson, T
summaries and gives task.

<b>2. Presentation</b> ( 10ms).

<b>B1. Listen and repeat </b>

<i><b>* Struc:</b></i>

- How many cats do you have ?
+ I have a cat.

<b>3. Practice</b> ( 10ms)

<b>B2. Let’s talk</b>

A: How many _______ do you have?

B: I have _________ . What about you ?
A: I have ____________

<b>B3. Listen and number</b>

Keys: 1 c, 2 b, 3 a.


<b>* Home work:</b> Read the lesson again,
- write the new words.
- Pre – read B4 -> B7

<b>Ended experienced:</b>



<i> </i>

<b>Unit 11: our pets</b>

<b>Section B : 4 </b>–<b> 5 </b>–<b> 6 </b>–<b> 7 </b><i><b>(page 108 - 109)</b></i>

Preparing: 03 / 04 / 2010
Teaching: 06 / 04 / 2010
Period: 57

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

*Competences: + Naming and identifying pets.
+ Talking about possession.

*Skills: 4 skills.

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

<b>1. Vocabs: </b>dog cat fish bird

<b>2. Structure: </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(89)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=89>

- Yes, I have a cat.

<b>IIi. Teaching aids:</b>

- Student’s book and work book. Small board, Flash cards, cassette.

<b>IV. Procedure: </b>

* Sing a song to stabilize class.

<sub>the way to school</sub>

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

- T shows pictures and says:

I have two dogs and a cat. How many cats
do you have? Do you have a dog?

- Ss answer, t may give a help.

- T shows the pictures in page 108.
+ How many dogs / cats are there ?
a) a dog and two cats

b) a dog and a cat

- T asks two good ss read, then others.
- Now read silently again and match.

Feedback and check

- Now T asks a st to tell about his / her pets
like persons in 1,2.

- Let’s write about our pets. T goes round,
monitors and helps. Ss write. Then read
loudly to the whole class.

Cooment and correct

- Let ss play in groups, using colour pencils
( T prepares this part on A4)

Comment and correct. Chorus.

- T guides ss do exercise 7,8 ( 83) in WB
- Ss do exercise 7,8 ( 83) in WB

- T emphasizes the way we say, ask and

- T guides ss do exercise 7,8 (page 65,66)
in WB.

- Ss repeat the content of the lesson, T
summaries and gives task.

* Do exercise 10 (85) WB

<b>1. Warm up </b>(5ms)

<i><b>* Checking the old lesson.</b></i>

<b>2. Presentation</b> ( 10ms).

<b>B4. Read and match</b>

2 a 1b

<b>3. Practice</b> ( 10ms)

<b>B5. Let’s write</b>

Write about your pets

Ex: I have a bird. It is small.

I have two fishes. They are small, too.
I have no cats or dog.

<b>4. Production</b>.

<b>B6. Let’s play</b>

Colour to find the pets

a dog a cat a bird a fish

<b>B7. Summary </b>

<b>* Home work:</b> Read the lesson again,
- write the new words.
- Pre – read Unit 12

<b>Ended experienced:</b>




<span class='text_page_counter'>(90)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=90>

<b>Kí duyệt của chuyên môn</b>












tuÇn 32

<b><sub>Unit 12 : our toys</sub></b>

<b>Section A: 1 </b>–<b> 2 </b>–<b> 3 </b><i><b>(page 110 -111 )</b></i>

Preparing: 10 / 04 / 2010
Teaching: 12/ 04 / 2010
Period: 58

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

*Competences: + Talking about quantity of pets and toys.
*Skills: 4 skills.

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

<b>1. Vocabs: </b>ships robots balls dolls

<b>2. Structure: </b>- He / She has two dolls.

- I / We / You/ They have a robot

<b>IIi. Teaching aids:</b>

- Student’s book and work book. Small board, Flash cards, cassette.

<b>IV. Procedure: </b>

* Sing a song to stabilize class.Ten little Indians

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

- Using exercise 9 ( 84) to check the old


+ Mai: a dog and a cat

+ Nam: two birds and a fish

+ Lili: <sub>two cats</sub>
+ Alan: five birds

- T may retell all the sentences.

- Today we learn how to say the pets that
she / he has, We / They / You have. Let’s

- T lays tape, ss listen & repeat.
- T gives words.

- Ss chorus, then individually.

- Two pairs read the dialogue again, then T
replaces the words in the sentences to make
clearly the way to use of <b>Has </b>and <b>Have</b>

- T shows the pictures on board, asks ss to
point and say:

<sub>Alan has five balls</sub>

<b>1. Warm up </b>(5ms)

<i><b>* Checking the old lesson.</b></i>

<b>2. Presentation</b> ( 10ms).

<i><b>* Vocabs:</b></i>

ships robots balls dolls

<b>A1. Look, listen and repeat </b>

<i><b>* Struc:</b></i>

- I / You / We / They have three balls
- She has two new dolls

- He has a robot

<b>3. Practice</b> ( 10ms)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(91)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=91>

Lili has three dolls

- Now talk about your pets and toys woth
your partner, then retell to the whole class.
- T goes round, monitors and helps.

Feedback, correct

- Do Exercise 1,2 (86, 87), asks ss to read
then do in groups, feedback & correct.
- Ss repeat the content of the lesson, T
summaries and gives task.

<b>A3. Let’s talk</b>


<b>* Home work:</b> Read the lesson again,
- write the new words.
- Pre – read A4 -> A7

<b>Ended experienced:</b>


<b>………</b> <i> </i>

<b>Unit 12: our toys</b>

<b>Section A : 4 </b>–<b> 5 </b>–<b> 6 </b>–<b> 7 </b><i><b>(page 112 - 113)</b></i>

Preparing: 10 / 04 / 2010
Teaching: 13 / 04/ 2010
Period: 59

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

*Competences: + Talking about quantity of pets and toys.
*Skills: 4 skills.

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

<b>1. Vocabs: </b>ships robots balls dolls

<b>2. Structure: </b>- He / She has two dolls.

- I / We / You/ They have a robot

<b>IIi. Teaching aids:</b>

- Student’s book and work book. Small board, Flash cards, cassette.

<b>IV. Procedure: </b>

* Sing a song to stabilize class.Ten little Indians

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

- T shows pictures and say, then asks ss to

do the same.

I have a doll, Mai has two ships, Alan
has five balls.

- T introduces the lesson and give 4

<b>1. Warm up </b>(5ms)

<i><b>* Checking the old lesson.</b></i>

<b>2. Presentation</b> ( 10ms).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(92)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=92>

pictures on board then asks ss to read
loudly the words:

ships, robots, balls, dolls

- Let ss guess before listening.
<b> </b>

A. Do you have toys Mai?
Yes, I have two robots.

B. What about Lili? – She has a doll.
C. And Nam, He has five balls.

D. What about Alan? – He has three

- T & ss train the way to pronunciation.

- Let ss say before writing.

- T guides ss do exercise 3, 4, 5 (page 88,
89) in WB. Ss do in pairs, tell to the whole
class, comment and correct.

- Ss repeat the content of the lesson, T
summaries and gives task.

<b>A4. Listen and check</b>

<b>3. Practice</b> ( 10ms)

<b>A5. Say it right</b>

Balls pets she
Dolls robots ship
/ z / / s / /  /

<b>A6. Let’s write</b>

1. I have _________________
2. She has ________________
3. He has _________________


<b>* Home work:</b> Read the lesson again,
- write the new words.
- Pre – read B1 => B3

<b>Ended experienced:</b>



<b>Kí duyệt của chuyên môn</b>












tuÇn 33

<b>Unit 12: our toys</b>

<b>Section B : 1 </b>–<b> 2 </b>–<b> 3 </b><i><b>(page 114 - 115)</b></i>

Preparing: 15 / 04 / 2010
Teaching: 19 / 04/ 2010
Period: 60

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

*Competences: + Talking about quantity of pets and toys.

*Skills: 4 skills.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(93)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=93>

<b>1. Vocabs: </b>ships robots balls dolls

<b>2. Structure: </b>- He / She has two dolls.

- I / We / You/ They have a robot

- Where are the balls? - They’re over there.

<b>IIi. Teaching aids:</b>

- Student’s book and work book. Small board, Flash cards, cassette.

<b>IV. Procedure: </b>

* Sing a song to stabilize class.5 little ducks

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

- T shows pictures on board and say:
Ex: <sub>There are </sub><sub>three</sub> <sub>ships</sub>

- Now ss point the pictures and continue
Comment and marks

- Ss observe the picture, point the toys and
say: <sub>There are ____</sub>

- Let ss listen and repeat.

T: Where are the balls ?

Ss: Here they are.

- T does a model, then ss continue. T goes
round, monitors and helps.

- Ss work in pairs, feedback.

- Ss observe the pictures & say:
a) two robots

b) three dolls and two ships
c) three robots & four balls
<sub>1. Do you have toys Alan?</sub>

Yes, I have four balls and three robots

2. How many robots do you have ?


3. Lili has three dolls and two ships

- T shows the picture in Exercise 6, 7 (90,
<i><b>91) in WB, asks ss to points the picture</b></i>
and describe: There is / are ____ then read
and match, fill. Complete the exercise.
- Ss repeat the content of the lesson, T
summaries and gives task.

<b>1. Warm up </b>(5ms)

<i><b>* Checking the old lesson.</b></i>

<b>2. Presentation</b> ( 10ms).

<b>B1. Listen and repeat </b>

<i><b>* Struc:</b></i>

- Where are the balls?

+ They’re over there. (§»ng kia, chỗ kia)

+ Here they are ( ở đây)

<b>3. Practice</b> ( 10ms)

<b>B2. Let’s talk</b>


Where are the balls?


re over there


Where is the robot?



s here.

<b>B3. Listen and number</b>

Keys: a _ 2 , b __ 3, c __ 1.


<span class='text_page_counter'>(94)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=94>

- write the new words.
- Pre – read B4 -> B7

<b>Ended experienced:</b>



<i> </i>

<b>Unit 12: our toys</b>

<b>Section B : 1 </b>–<b> 2 </b>–<b> 3 </b><i><b>(page 114 - 115)</b></i>

Preparing: 15 / 04 / 2010
Teaching: 20 / 04/ 2010
Period: 61

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

*Competences: + Talking about quantity of pets and toys.

+ Specifying location of pets and toys.
*Skills: 4 skills.

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

<b>1. Vocabs: </b>ships robots balls dolls

<b>2. Structure: </b>- He / She has two dolls.

- I / We / You/ They have a robot

- Where are the balls? - They’re over there.

<b>IIi. Teaching aids:</b>

- Student’s book and work book. Small board, Flash cards, cassette.

<b>IV. Procedure: </b>

* Sing a song to stabilize class.5 little ducks

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

- T asks ss to remind the words in the unit.
ships robots balls dolls

- I have two balls, She has three dogs, He
has five robots.

- Others continue ….

T introduces the lesson and give 2 pictures
on board then asks ss to read .

- Ss read, then match.( pictures)

+ Do you have a toy/ any balls / …?

- Let ss say before writing.

- T emphasizes the way we say and write.
- T guides ss do exercise 8,9 (page 92 , 93)

<b>1. Warm up </b>(5ms)

<i><b>* Checking the old lesson.</b></i>

<b>2. Presentation</b> ( 10ms).

<b>B4. Read and match</b>

1 __b, 2 __ a.

<b>3. Practice</b> ( 10ms)

<b>B5. Let’s write</b>

Write about your toys

I have many toys, I have two dolls, I have
a ship, it<b>’</b>s big.


<b>B6. Let’s play</b>

Count the pets and toys

There are ________ pets
There are _________ toys

<b>B7. Summary</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(95)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=95>

in WB.

- Ss repeat the content of the lesson, T
summaries and gives task.

* Do exercise 10 (page 94)

- write the new words.
- Pre – read Self check four

<b>Ended experienced:</b>



<b>Kí duyệt của chuyên môn</b>














Preparing: 23 / 04 / 2010

Teaching: 26 / 04 / 2010
Period: 62

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

*Competences: revise the content in three units: the weather, pets and toys.
*Skills: 4 skills.

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

<b>1. Vocabs: </b>

cloudy rainy windy sunny ships robots balls dolls

dog cat bird fish

<b>2. Structures: </b>

Unit 10<b> </b>- How’s the weather today? + It’s rainy

- How many clouds are there ? + There are seven
Unit 11 - How many dogs do you have ? + I have a dog / two dogs
- Do you have cats ? + Yes, I have a cat.

Unit 12 - He / She has two dolls.

- I / We / You / They have a robot.

- Where are the balls ? + They’re over there.

<b>IIi. Teaching aids:</b>

- Student’s book and work book. Small board, Flash cards, cassette.

<b>IV. Procedure: </b>

* Sing a song to stabilize class.Ten little Indians

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

- Let ss play matching game: pictures and

<b>1. Warm up </b>(5ms)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(96)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=96>


cloudy rainy windy sunny ships
dog cat bird fish robots balls dolls

- Let’s say: It’s sunny

- T does a model, ss continue…, then T
asks, ss answer about the weather &

- Then continue with pets and toys.

- T uses the repetition to remind this

- Asks ss to show the pictures and work in
pairs, feedback, comment and correct.

- T may ask ss to do all the exercises in WB


- Ss repeat the content of the lesson, T
summaries and gives task.

<b>2. Presentation</b> ( 10ms).

Unit 10<b> </b>- How’s the weather today?
+ It’s rainy

- How many clouds are there ?
+ There are seven.
Unit 11 - How many dogs do you have ?
+ I have a dog / two dogs
- Do you have cats ?

+ Yes, I have a cat.
Unit 12 - He / She has two dolls.

- I / We / You / They have a robot.
- Where are the balls ?

+ They’re over there.

<b>3. Practice</b> ( 10ms)

Let’s talk


doing the exercises

<b>* Home work:</b>

- Read the lesson again,

- learn by heart all new words.
- Pre – read self check four

<b>Ended experienced:</b>



<i> </i>

<b>self check four</b>

Preparing: / / 20
Teaching: / / 20
Period : 63

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

*Competences: + Doing a test.

+ Consolidating the content in three units: 10 – 11 – 12.
+ Opening a oral – test to give ss their selves confidence.
*Skills: 4 skills.

<b>II. Self check four</b>
<b>IIi. Teaching aids:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(97)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=97>

<b>IV. Procedure: </b>

* Sing a song to stabilize class. 

<sub>the way to school</sub>

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

- T asks, ss answer

1. How are you today?
2. How’s the weather today?

3. Do you have a cat / a dog…?
4. How many toys do you have?
- T asks ss to read all the self check four.
- Ss give their requirements.

- Then T lets ss do the listening part

- Asks ss to do in groups.

- Ss come to write on Extra - board

- Ss give their choices to the whole class.

<b>* </b><i><b>Checking the old lesson.</b></i> (5ms)

<b>Self check four</b>
<b>Check the words you hear.</b>

1. cloud  close 

2. sunny  rainy 

3. has  cat 

4. balls <sub> dolls </sub>

5. pets  beds 
 Listen and number.

<sub> It s windy today.</sub>’

 It s cloudy today.’

 I have five beds.

<sub> I have five pets.</sub>
 I have no pets.

 Complete the sentences
<b>t u s e a o i h r y</b>

1. It is wind__ t __day.

2. How m__ny p __ts do you have?
3. I have f __ve dog __ .

4. W __ere are __he balls?
5. The__e are fo__r dolls.

 Write the words in the blanks.

1. It is ___________ .

2. How many _____ are there ?
3. I have _______________ .

4. She has ____________ .

5. They have ______ .

 Select and tick the letter A, B or C

1. ________ the weather today?
 A. What s’

 A. Where s ’
<sub> A. How s</sub>’

2.How ______dogs do you have?
 A. no

<span class='text_page_counter'>(98)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=98>

- Ss say the questions before writing

- Ss repeat the content of the lesson, T
summaries and gives task.

 A. many
 A. two

3. _______has one dog and no cat.
 A. I

 A. She
<sub> A. We</sub>

4. There _____many clouds in the sky
 A. am

<sub> A. is</sub>

 A. are

5. My pet is a _______________.
<sub> A. ship</sub>

 A. bird
<sub> A. robot </sub>

 write the questions

1. A: ________________________?
B: It’s rainy today.

2. A: ________________________?
B: I have many toys.


- Prepare for the test 2 second semester
<b>Ended experienced:</b>



<b>Kí duyệt của chuyên môn</b>












tuÇn 35

Test 2

–<b><sub> second semester</sub></b>
Preparing: 01 / 05 / 2010

Teaching: 03 / 05/ 2010
Period : 64

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

*Competences: Ss will be able to do a test.

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

- photos.<b> </b>

* Sing a song to stabilize class.catching fishes.


 <b>Check the words you hear. ( 1pt )</b>

1. cloudy  close 

2. sunny <sub> city </sub>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(99)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=99>

4. she  ship 

5. pets <sub> yes </sub>

 Read the dialouge and complete the table. ( 2pts)

Nam: Hi ! My name is Nam. I have three pets: two dogs and a bird. My friend Alan
has two dogs and a bird, too. How many pets do you have Lan?

Lan: Oh, I have no dogs or bird. I have a cat and a fish.
Nam: What about you, Quan?

Quan: Well, I have a bird and two cats. They are beautiful.

Name Pets

Nam two dogs and a bird


 Write the words in the blanks. ( 2pts)

1. It is ________________ today. 2. It is ________________ today.

3. It is ________________ today. 4. It is ________________ today.

 Circle the odd one out . ( 2pts)

<b> </b>1 cloudy rainy weather
2. large six two
3. toy bird fish
4. have are am
5. cat dog ship

 Select and tick the letter A, B or C ( 2pts)

1. ________ the weather today?
 A. What’s

<sub> A. Where</sub>’<sub>s </sub>

<sub> A. How</sub>’<sub>s</sub>

2.How ______dogs do you have?
<sub> A. no</sub>

 A. many
<sub> A. two</sub>

3. _______has one dog and no cat.
 A. I

<sub> A. She </sub>

 A. We

<span class='text_page_counter'>(100)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=100>

4. There _____many clouds in the sky.
 A. am

<sub> A. is</sub>

 A. are

5. My toy is a _______________.
<sub> A. ship</sub>

 A. bird
<sub> A. dog </sub>

 write the questions (1 pt)

1. A: ________________________?
B: It’s rainy today.

2. A: ________________________?
B: I have three toys.

<b>Total: 10 points</b>


 <b>Check the words you hear. </b><i>( 1 point )</i>

1. cloudy 2. city 3. cat 4. ship 5. pets

<b> Read the dialouge and complete the table. ( 2 points)</b>

Name Pets

Nam two dogs and a bird
Alan two dogs and a bird
Lan a cat and a fish
Quan a bird and two cats

 Write the words in the blanks. <i>( 2 points)</i>

1. sunny 2. cloudy 3. rainy 4. windy

 Circle the odd one out . <i>( 2 points)</i>

<b> </b>1 weather 2. large 3. toy 4. have 5. ship

 Select and tick the letter A, B or C <i>( 2 points)</i>

1. A 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. A

 write the questions <i>( 1 point )</i>

1. A: How’s the weather today ?
2. A: How many toys do you have ?

<b>total: 10 points</b>

<i> </i>
<i> </i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(101)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=101>













tuÇn 35

<b><sub>checking the test & revion</sub></b>
Preparing: / / 2010

Teaching: / / 2010
Period: 65

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

*Competences: + Introduce them selves: Name, age.

+ Describe their house ( rooms in the house)

+ Talking about weather , quantity of pets and toys.

*Skills: 4 skills.

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

Using all the words and sentences that they have learnt

<b>IIi. Teaching aids:</b>

- Student’s book and work book.

<b>IV. Procedure: </b>

* Sing a song to stabilize class.The way to school.

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

T gives the tests, asks ss to complete the
test by them selves to the whole class,
Others comment and correct.

- Now T tells about herself anf then asks ss
to continue…

- Others listen, comment and correct.

- Ss retell the way to say about the
weather, toys, pets and introduce

<b>1. Checking the test.</b>

<b>2. Free talking.</b>

Ex: Hello, My name’s______. I’m ____
years old. It’s _____ today. This is my
house. It’s big. There are four room in my
house. My livingroom is big, my bedroom is
big, too. My bathroom and kitchen are

small. I have a dog, It’s big. I have a cat.
It’s small. I have no birds or fish. I have five
robots. They are small, too.

<b>3. Consolidation.</b>

<b>Ended experienced:</b>


<b>……… ………</b>

<i> </i>

<b>checking the test & revion</b>
Preparing: / / 2010

Teaching: / / 2010
Period: 66

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

*Competences: + Introduce them selves: Name, age.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(102)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=102>

+ Talking about weather , quantity of pets and toys.
+ Revise the songs.

*Skills: 4 skills.

<b>II. Language contents:</b>

Using all the words and sentences that they have learnt

<b>IIi. Teaching aids:</b>

- Student’s book and work book.

<b>IV. Procedure: </b>

* Sing a song to stabilize class.The way to school.

<b>Activities</b> <b>Content</b>

T gives the tests, asks ss to complete the
test by them selves to the whole class,
Others comment and correct.

- Now T tells about herself anf then asks ss
to continue…

- Others listen, comment and correct.

- Let ss sing all the songs.

- Ss retell the way to say about the
weather, toys, pets and introduce

<b>1. Checking the test.</b>

<b>2. Free talking.</b>

Ex: Hello, My name’s______. I’m ____
years old. It’s _____ today. This is ______

<b>3. Revise all the songs that they have</b>

The way to school, Hello, Hello teacher,
Goodbye teacher, catching fishes, London
bridge, Ten little Indian, Jingle bells.. ..

<b>4. Consolidation.</b>

<b>Ended experienced:</b>


<b> </b>

<b>Kí duyệt của chuyên môn</b>












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