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Date of preparation: 30/12/09

Date of teaching : 5/1/10 Week: 1
Period 1: REVISION

<b> </b>
I. Aim:

- By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to remember the old knowledge
II. Knowledge:

- Grammar: Tenses
- Vocabulary:

III. Skills & Teaching aids:

- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing skills

- Teaching aids: Lesson plan, chalks, color chalks, ruler, etc.
IV. Teaching steps:

<i> 1. Greeting and checking attendance</i>
<i>2. The previous lesson: </i>

<i>3. The new lesson:</i>

<b>Steps</b> <b>Teacher’s and sts’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Warm up


- Ask sts some questions

- T. asks Ss to tell about the uses and
formation of each tense

- Ss work in groups
- T. collects the answer

* Chatting:
1. How are you?

2. What did you do in your last summer?
3. Do you usually review your lesson?
4. What tenses did you learn in English?

a. Simple present tense:
(+) S + V1(s/es) + O

(-) S + do/does + not + bare V
(?) Do/Does + S + bare V?
Yes, S + do/does

No, S + don’t /doesn’t

b. Simple past tense

(+) S + Ved / irregular verbs
(-) S + didn’t + bare V
(?) Did + S + bare V?
Yes, S + did

No, S + didn’t
c. Simple future:

(+) S + will /shall +Bare V
(-) S + will /shall not +Bare V
(?) Will /Shall+ S + bare V?
Yes, will / shall

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T: asks Ss to tell about comparatives
and superlatives, adverbs and


- Ss do as teacher’s requirement
- T. collects the answer . then ask ss
copy them in their notebook

- Students listen and copy them in their

- Teacher gives the exercises on the

board and asks students complete them.
- Students listen and copy them in their

- Teacher goes round the class and
helps students to do the exercises when
it is necessary.

- Asking students to remind all the

No, S + will/shall + not

d. Simple future with “ be going to”:
(+) S + be + going to + inf.

(-) S + be + not + going to + inf.
(?) Be + S going to + inf.?

e. Comparative and superlative of long

S1+ be + more adj + than + S2

S + be+ the most + adj
f. Adverbs of manner

S + V (tense) + ( very) + adv of manner
g. Exclamations:

What + (a /an) + adj + N/s / un. count!
<b>Exercise: Give the correct form of the verbs in </b>

1. She enjoys ( learn)………. English.

2. I am interested in ( listen)……… to music.
3. Don’t worry! We ( wait)……. for you.

4. Minh (not go)…. to school yesterday because
he ( catch) ………….a cold .

5. How often you ( play ) ……….soccer?
6. When I (be)………. a child, I often (go)……….

7. At the moment Thoa (sit)…….. in Dr. Khoa’s
surgery. He (check)……….. her teeth.

8. My father (take) ……. me to the zoo tomorrow.
9. Mr. Nam always (go)….. to work by bus.
10. You (find)……. my book yesterday?
11. You (stay) …… at home tonight ?
12. He(buy) ………this pen last month.


- Learn structures by heart and re- practice the exercise again
- Prepare the lesson: “Getting started” + “ Listen and read” + LF1

---Date of preparation: 30/8/10

Date of teaching : 5/9/10 Week: 1

Period 2 – Lesson 1: G.S + Listen and read + LF1
<b> </b>

I. Aim:

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II. Knowledge:

- Grammar: Present simple to talk about general truths (review)
Simple past tense (review)

What ( a/an) + adj. + noun ! (review)

S + be( not ) + adj. + enough + to V( inf. )...
- Vocabulary:

III. Skills & Teaching aids:

- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing skills

- Teaching aids: Lesson plan, chalks, color chalks, ruler, cassette, etc.
IV. Teaching steps:

<i> 1. Greeting and checking attendance</i>
<i>2. The previous lesson: </i>

<i>3. The new lesson:</i>

<b>Steps</b> <b>Teacher’s and sts’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Warm up

Pre –

- Guide Ss how to play the game.
- Ss match words

- T asks sts some questions about
their activities after school.

- T shows the pictures (a, b, c and d)
for sts to observe and ask them to
discribe the pictures

- T does the model of picture (a) and
then sts work in pairs.

- Ss look at the pictures . T asks ss
some questions before describing
these groups of friends and their
favorite activities

- T shows Sts the photo of Hoa and
Nien and then asks Sts some

T. shows pictures(Hoa, Lan, photo of
Hoa and Nien) and elicit questions &
answer from ss .

- T introduces the brief content of the

- T explains vocabulary (A person
who lives next to your house).
- T reads vocab.  Sts repeat

(Chorus and individual).

* Pelmanism.

meet come live think send thought

receive met lived received came sent
<b>I. Getting started:</b>

<b> What do you often do after school?</b>
Who do you often play it with ?

a): What are these boys doing?
They are playing soccer

* Answer key :

<b>a) The boys are playing soccer . </b>
<b>b) The girls are studying. </b>

<b>c) The boys are playing chess . .</b>
<b> d) The girls are playing volleyball </b>
<b>II. Listen and read: </b>

Who is this? It’s Hoa.
Who is this? It’s Lan.

What are they talking about? They are talking about
Hoa’s photograph

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Post reading

* Checking vocab. :Rub out and

- Sts listen to the tape once.
- Sts listen and read after the T
- Sts practice the conversation in
pairs. One or two pairs do it in front
of the class.

- Pair work - students ask & answer

questions (p. 11)

- T monitors take notes and give the
correct answers.

- T asks to look at the Hoa’s picture
and answer some questions about
Hoa and Nien.

- T guides Sts how to change a
statement into an exclamation

- Elicits form from ss

- Elicits use from ss: To express
<i>someone has enough ability to do </i>

-Ask some ss to practice in front of
the class.

- T monitors takes notes & correct

T: asks Ss to pick out a sentence from
the text with simple past tense

- Ask ss to use the simple present and
simple past tense to complete the
paragraph on the board.

1. Practice the dialogue with a partner:

2. Answer the following questions:

a) She lives in Hue.

b) No. Lan doesn’t know her .

c) “She wasn’t old enough to be in my class”.
d) She is going to visit Hoa at Christmas.
- Who are they in the picture?- Hoa and Nien.
- Is Nien beautiful?

- Was she Hoa’s classmate or next- door neighbor in

- How is her smile? – Her smile is lovely
- How do you write it into exclamation?
- What a lovely smile !

<b> What + a/an + N! </b>

- Was Nien in Hoa’s class ? Why?

No, she wasn’t. Because She wasn’t old enough to
be in Hoa’s class.

<b> (not) + adj + enough + to-inf</b>
<i>Complete the sentences</i>

1. Nga/not/old /enough/ go to class.

2. They/clever/ enough /answer that question.
3. Mai /tall/ enough /reach the bookshelf
4. She / not /strong / enough/ carry this box
<b>III. Language notes: </b>

* Review :

* The past simple tense

Ex: I received a letter from my friend , Nien today
Form : S + Ved/ V2 ( be = was / were )

Gap-filling: (live-sent-be-come)

"Hoa (1) in Hue last year, but now she (2) in
Hanoi. Yesterday, Hoa's friend Nien (3) Hoa a
letter. Nien (4) Hoa's friend neighbor when Hoa
lived in Hue. She (5) yourger than Hoa. She (6)
to Hanoi in December


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- Ask students to do exercise 1(a) ; 1(b) (page 16) on their notebooks.

- Prepare for speaking and LF2
Date of preparation: 30/810

Date of teaching : /9/10 Week:


Period 3 – Lesson 2: Speaking + LF2
<b> </b>

I. Aim:


By the end of the lesson SS will be able to practice in describing someone and review simple present
II. Knowledge:

- Grammar: Present simple to talk about general truths (review)
<i> S + have / has + Adjective + hair </i>

<i> S + be + Adjective </i>
- Vocabulary:

III. Skills & Teaching aids:

- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing skills

- Teaching aids: Lesson plan, chalks, color chalks, ruler, cassette, etc.
IV. Teaching steps:

<i> 1. Greeting and checking attendance</i>
<i>2. The previous lesson: </i>

<i>3. The new lesson:</i>

<b>Steps</b> <b>Teacher’s and sts’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Warm up


- T. asks Ss to think about the adjectives
used to describe body build and hair .
- T. divides the class into 2 groups . One
group writes vocabulary about “ body
build ” . other one writes words about “
hair ” .

-T shows Ss a picture of Mary and ask
them to describe her hair, her body

- Ss describe Mary

- T explains the structure.
- Ss listen and copy

* Brainstorming:

* Vocabulary :
- Curly (adj ) :
- Blond ( adj ) : = fair
- Bald ( adj ) : ( picture )
- Slim ( adj ) :

- Straight (adj ) : ( realia )

- overweight : ( adj ) ( realia )

<b>Ex: - She has long blond hair.</b>
- She is short and thin.
<b>----> Form:</b>

* Practice:

<b>Body build</b>

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- T. shows 3 or 4 pictures of famous
people. Some pairs of Ss practice the
dialogue with these pictures.

OR: T. asks Ss to show the photos they
brought to class (homework of lesson 1)
- Ss practice describing people in the

- T. calls one student to describe
another student in class; other Ss guess
who that person is.

-T monitors, takes notes and corrects
- Ss work individually to give correct
forms of verbs, and then share answer
with partners.

- Teacher collects, corrects mistakes
and gives keys.

1. Word one drill:
a. He / tall / thin.
b. She / short / shin.
c. He / short / fat.
d. long / black.
e. curly / blond.
f. straight / brown.
2. Practice speaking:

S1: This person is short and thin. She has long

blond hair.
S2: Is this Mary?

S1: Yes.

Example: This person is very short and fat. She
has short black hair. She is a teacher. She
teaches English. Who is she?

 She is Bich Thuan

<i><b>LF 2 : </b></i>Revision of Present Simple tense
<i>Answer keys:</i>

1- sets 2-moves 3-goes
4- is 5-is 6-moves

- Learn structures by heart.

- Practicing describe everyone around you.

- Prepare for Listening and LF4

---Date of preparation: 30/8/10

Date of teaching : /9 /10 Week:

Period 4 – Lesson 3: Listening + LF4

I. Aim:


By the end of the lesson SS will be able to complete the dialogue by listening and write some sentences
using the structure” Be (not) + adj + enough + to-infinitive”

II. Knowledge:

- Grammar: “ Be (not) + adj + enough + to-infinitive”
- Vocabulary:

III. Skills & Teaching aids:

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- Teaching aids: Lesson plan, chalks, color chalks, ruler, cassette, etc.
IV. Teaching steps:

<i> 1. Greeting and checking attendance</i>
<i>2. The previous lesson: </i>

<i>3. The new lesson:</i>

<b>Stages</b> <b>Teacher’s and students’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Warm up


While –


- Ask Ss to find out the adjectives that they
begin with the letters that the teacher gives.
- Divide the class into 2 groups.

- Give four letters at the same time, Ss are to
find out four nouns beginning with the four

letters given (t- whole class)

- Teacher introduces the content that they are
going to study today.

- T. reviews the expressions for greetings-
explaining when to use them.

- Ss read these expressions (p. 12)

- Ss read the 4 conversations (pp. 12-13) and
try to guess and complete four dialogues,
using the given expressions.

- T. asks Ss to get ready to listen to the tape
and check if their answers(words in the
blanks) are correct.

- Ss listen to the tape (all 4 conversations).

- Ss listen again with a pause after each

- Ask ss to work in pairs to compare with
their predictions

- T gives the correct answer.

- Call on some ss to play the roles of Nam-

Hoa - Thu, Khai -Mrs. Lien, Mrs. Vi, Ba,
grandmother, Mr. LAm- Mrs. Linh, Mr.
Thanh and practice the dialogues

- Ss work in groups of 3 or 4 and practice
introducing to people.

- T monitors takes notes and correct their
pronunciation and grammar mistakes

* Categories:

T: a b c d
S: awful big clever dirty
<b>I. Listen:</b>

Listen and complete the conversations. Use
the expressions in the box:


1, how do you do
2, nice to meet you
3, come and meet

4, It’s pleasure to meet you
5,come and meet

6, nice to meet you


1, I’d like to meet you
2, nice to meet you
3, I’d like to meet you
4, It’s pleasure to meet you
5,come and meet

6, how do you do

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Practice - T sets the scene to draw the structure: “be (not)+ adj + enough + to-infinitive”.
Teacher is to ask students to hang the picture
on the board.” How do I say and how do you
answer? Complete the exchange.”

- T models two cues, the whole class repeats,
then ask some ss to repeat individually.
- Make sure ss remember the exchange, then
ask a new ss/ give a new cue.

- T lets all ss works in pairs, one ask, the
other answers.

- Ask ss to do exercise 4 on page 17 in pairs.
- Teacher collects, corrects mistakes and
gives keys.

Can you (1)<sub> … This </sub>(2)<sub> … over there?</sub>

No I(3)<sub>….not </sub>(4)<sub>... </sub>(5)<sub>...to </sub>(6)<sub>… the</sub>(7)<sub>… over there.</sub>

* Answer:

T: Can you hang this picture over there?
S: No, I am not tall enough to hang the
picture over there.


<b>Be (not)+ adj + enough + to-inf.</b>
Meaning: Chưa/ khơng đủ…..để làm gì

<b>Word Cue Drill </b>
<b>Model sentences</b>

a. read English books / good

Can you read English book?

<i> Yes. My English is good enough to read </i>
<i>English books. </i>

b. drive a car / x old
Can you drive a car ?

No, I’m not old enough to drive a car
c, carry this bag / strong

d, solve this problem / x clever
<i>Answer keys:</i>

a, not big enough
b, not old enough
c, not strong enough
d, good enough

- Learn structures and expressions by heart.

- Prepare for Listening and LF4

---Date of preparation: 30/8/10

Date of teaching : /9 /10 Week:

Period 5 – Lesson 4: Read
I. Aim:


By the end of the lesson SS will be able to know more about Ba’s friends.
II. Knowledge:

- Grammar:

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III. Skills & Teaching aids:

- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing skills

- Teaching aids: Lesson plan, chalks, color chalks, ruler, cassette, etc.
IV. Teaching steps:

<i> 1. Greeting and checking attendance</i>
<i>2. The previous lesson: </i>

<i>3. The new lesson:</i>

<b>Stages</b> <b>Teacher’s and students’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Warm up

Pre –



- Have ps write adjectives about characters
of a person. ( 2 groups)

- Elicits vocabularies from ss


Checks understanding of new words “ rub
out and remember” .

-Asks the students to look at the picture and
answer the questions:

-T says: “Let’s read the text to know more
about his friends”

- Gives T/F statements prediction.

- Gets the Ss work in pairs to guess which are
true, which are false.

- Ss try to guess
- Gets feedback.

- Asks them to practice reading the text.
-Let them check their prediction.

- Gives the keys

- Asks the Ss to read the text again & make
the right choice.

- Gets some to give their ideas
- Gives correction

- Has them play “lucky number” to answer

* Brainstorming:

* New words:

- A character (situation ) ,

- An orphanage ( Vietnamese )(a place
where children without parents live )
- A sense of humor ( example

- Sociable (adj) ( translation )
- (to) tell jokes ( explanation ) ( tell a
story which makes people laugh )

- reserved (adj) ( mime )
1.What is Ba talking?

2. How many friends does Ba have?

3. Do they have the same or different


a. Ba only has 3 friends: Bao, Song, Khai.
b. Ba and his friends have the same

c. Bao, Song, Khai are quiet reserved in

d.They all enjoy school and study hard.


a.F, b.F, c.F, d.T.

I. Choose the best answer and write it:

<i>Keys: a. A, b. C, c. B, d. D</i>
II. Now answer the questions:

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reading comprehension questions (Exercise 2).

-Gives feedback. a. He feels lucky having a lot of friends.b. Bao is the most sociable.
c. Khai likes reading.

d. His jokes sometimes annoy his friends.
e. Bao spends his free time at the local


- Learn vocabularies by heart.
- Repractice this lesson.

- Prepare lesson: Write and LF3

---Date of preparation: 30/8/10

Date of teaching : /9 /10 Week:

Period 6 – Lesson 5: Write + LF3
I. Aim:


By the end of the lesson SS will be able to know more about Ba’s friends.
II. Knowledge:

- Grammar:
- Vocabulary:

III. Skills & Teaching aids:

- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing skills

- Teaching aids: Lesson plan, chalks, color chalks, ruler, cassette, etc.
IV. Teaching steps:

<i> 1. Greeting and checking attendance</i>
<i>2. The previous lesson: </i>

<i>3. The new lesson:</i>

<b>Stages</b> <b>Teacher’s and students’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Warm up

- Ask ss to look at the picture on page 17
quickly. Then let them keep their books

- Divide the class into four groups.

- Give ss two questions, the group which
answers correctly the fastest wins the game.

* LF3/17. Look at the picture. Ask and answer the

1. How many people are there in the picture?
- Four.

2. What is each person wearing?

- The woman is wearing a red shirt and a green

- The man who is standing beside the car is
wearing brown trousers and a yellow shirt.
- The man who is standing on the pavement is
wearing a pink shirt and blue trousers.

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Pre –



T . asks Ss to look at the information about

Tam and read silent .And then answer some

- T: gives Ss the forms and asks Ss to fill in
the information about the friends sitting
next to you.

T: Like Tam’s teacher , I also want you to
fill in this form but with the information
sitting next to you . You can use questions
in exercise 2 P15 to ask. Notice to change
his / her into your.

*Ex: What is your name ?

- T asks Ss to swap their forms to check the
information together

-T asks Ss to use the information checked to
write a passage similar to the passage in
Exercise 1

“ Correction”

- T asks Ss to swap their writing and correct
mistakes for each other.

- T may collect some writings to mark or

asks - Ss to read their writing in front of the


<b>I. Read the information about Tam:</b>
1.What is his name ? - Le Van Tam
2. How old is he ? - 14

3. Where does he live? - He lives at 26 Tran Phu
Street, Hanoi .

4. Who does he live with ? - He lives with his
mother, father and an elder brother .

5. What does he look like ? . He is tall and
thin .He has short black hair.

6. What is he like ?- He is sociable , humorous
and helpful.

7. Who are his friends ? - Ba and Bao .

<b>II. Fill in a similar form for your partner. Use the</b>
following questions as prompts:

<b>III. Now write a paragraph about your partner.</b>

His name is Nguyen Van A and he is 14 years



<b> - Write a paragraph about one of your family members.</b>
- Prepare unit two- part: G.S + Listen and read.

---Date of preparation: 30/8/10

Date of teaching : /9 /10 Week:

Period 7 – Lesson 1: G.S + Listen and read
I. Aim:


By the end of the lesson SS will be able to use the telephone to make and confirm arrangements.
Name: Nguyen Van A Age : 14

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II. Knowledge:

- Grammar: S + be +going to + V( inf. ) + ….

- Vocabulary: a bit far , to hold on , a fax machine, …
III. Skills & Teaching aids:

- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing skills

- Teaching aids: Lesson plan, chalks, color chalks, ruler, cassette, etc.
IV. Teaching steps:

<i> 1. Greeting and checking attendance</i>
<i>2. The previous lesson: </i>

<i>3. The new lesson:</i>

<b>Stages</b> <b>Teacher’s and students’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Warm up

Pre –

- T asks sts to match each object ( pictures on
page 18) with its name.

- Ss work in groups

- T calls sts to go to the board to match
- T reads vocab.

- Sts repeat ( chorus and individual )

- T gives the definitions of these objects on a
poster and ask sts to match the object with its

<b>Set the scene : T asks Ss some questions </b>
T : How many girls are there in the
pictures ?

Ss : two girls
T: Who are they ?
Ss : Hoa and Nga

T : What would Hoa say when she picks
up the phone to answer it ?

Ss : say “ 3874236 ”

T: What would Nga say when she is a
caller ?

Ss : she says “ can I speak to Hoa ,

<b>I. Getting stared:</b>

Match each object with its name:

a. an answering machine
b. a mobile phone

c. a fax machine

d. a telephone directory
e. a public telephone
f. an address book

1. to send fax

2. to find someone’s telephone number
3. to write address and telephone

4. to make a phone call in a street
telephone box .

5. to leave and take messages .

6. to make phone call anywhere you like .

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please ? ”

Today we learn about the way to receive
and answer on the phone and give an
intention .

- Teacher gives some new words on the

- T. asks ss to open the books and listen
to the tape and check pronunciation .
- Ss practice the dialogue in pairs
- Ss read the dialogue a loudly
- T checks pronunciation .

- T. sets the situation to draw the structure

<b>5. Read and do exercises : </b>

- T. asks Ss to read the text silently , then
answer the questions .

- Ss work individually, then share their
answers with their partners

- T. corrects them

<b>New words:</b>

a bit far : ( Vietnamese ) hơi xa

to hold on : ( picture ) giữ maùy


Practice the dialogue with a partner:

T:Hoa and Nga talks about film . they

want to see . Ok ! Which movies are they
going to see ?

Ss : they are going to see the movie
Dream city ?

Form :

S + be +going to + V( inf ) + ….
Usage : Express the intentions in the future .
<b>2. Read the dialogue again. Decide who </b>
did and said each of the following things.
Then ask a partner these questions to
check your answers:

Answer keys :

a. Nga made the call.
b. Nga introduced herself.

c. Nga invited Hoa to the movies.
d. Nga arranged a meeting place
e. Hoa arranged the times.
f. Nga agreed to the time.

<b> - Learn the structure and vocabularies by heart.</b>
- Re-practice this lesson again.

- Prepare unit two- Lesson : Speak + LF1,2.

---Date of preparation: /9/10

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Period 8 – Lesson 2: Speak + LF1,2
I. Aim:


By the end of the lesson SS will be able to talk on the phone about intensions with “going to”.
II. Knowledge:

- Grammar: Be + going to + inf.
- Vocabulary:

III. Skills & Teaching aids:

- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing skills

- Teaching aids: Lesson plan, chalks, color chalks, ruler, etc.
IV. Teaching steps:

<i> 1. Greeting and checking attendance</i>
<i>2. The previous lesson: </i>

<i>3. The new lesson:</i>

Stages <b>Teacher’s and students’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Warm up

Pre –


- Asks ss answer some questions .

- T introduces the content this lesson that they
are going to study today.

- T introduces the dialogue and then ask ss to
correct order to make a complete conversation.
- Ss do as requirement.

- T gives answer

- Ask some question to check Ss’ understanding
and focus on the structure.

- Listen and answer the questions.


- Hi ! How are you?

- What is the weather like today? - hot.
- When It’s hot. What are you going to

do if your house is near swimming
pool? – go swimming.

- Who do you go swimming with? –
alone or with your friends? – my


- If your friends ‘ house is big far and
your house has a telephone in the
house. What are you going to do? –
Call to my friends.

- What would you say if you are the

- What would you say when you pick up
the phone to answer it?


<b>1. Put the sentences below in the correct order</b>
to make a complete conversation:

Answer :

1b, 2f , 3j , 4a, 5i, 6c, 7e , 8k ,9g , 10h

- Are they talking on the phone?
- What do they intend to do?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=15>

While –

Post –


-T models two cues then ask Ss to repeat
chorally  individually.

- Ss do as requirement.

- T asks ss to practice asking and answering in
pairs ( whole class)

- T calls some pairs to demonstrate before the
class. ( Let ss speak freely)

- Do exercise language focus 1 on phage 25.
- T gives situation and ask ss to answer it.
- Ss answer.

- T asks Ss to do exercise in pairs.

- Calls on some ss to give answer on the board.
- T corrects .

- Ask ss to do the exercise 2 on page 20.

- Ss work in groups , they complete the dialogue
( practice open )

- T . calls Ss to play role again in pairs

about intent?

Form: S + be + going to + infinitive.
Use: Express an intension or plan
Word cue drill.

Model sentences:

<b>-</b> Are you going to see a movie?
<b>-</b> Yes, I am / no, I’m not.

a. See a movie.
b. Play sport.

c. Meet your friends.
d. Help your mother.
e. Do your homework.
f. Watch TV.


T: Nga has a movie ticket. What is she going
to do?

S: She going to see a movie.

a. They are going fishing.

b. She’s going to read a new novel.
c. She’s going to do her homework.
d. He’s going to watch an action movie

on TV tonight.

e. She’s going to give him a birthday

<b>2. Complete the dialogue. Ba and Bao are </b>
making arrangements to play chess. Practice
the dialogue with a partner. Then make
similar arrangements:


<b> - Write five things that they intend to do next week.</b>

- Do exercise 1,2 on page 25 in your student’s book into your notebooks.
- Prepare unit two- Lesson : Listen + LF3

---Date of preparation: /9/10

Date of teaching : /9 /10 Week:

Period 9 – Lesson 3: Listen + LF3
I. Aim:


By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to complete telephone message by listening and further practice
in adverbs of place

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=16>

- Grammar:
- Vocabulary:

III. Skills & Teaching aids:

- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing skills

- Teaching aids: Lesson plan, chalks, color chalks, ruler, etc.
IV. Teaching steps:

<i> 1. Greeting and checking attendance</i>
<i>2. The previous lesson: </i>

<i>3. The new lesson:</i>

<b>Stages</b> <b>Teacher’s and students’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Warm up

Pre –

While –

- Ask ss to look at the picture and guess. Then
answer some teacher’s questions

T: Set the scene: “Ba is playing hide and seek
with his cousin, Mr. Tuan. Use the adverbs of
place to complete the speech bubbles”

- Ss listen

- T asks ss to give meaning of the adverbs of
place in the box. And then ask to do it.

- Ss do as requirements.
- Correcting.

- T ask Ss to look at the form of the telephone
message on page 21 and set the scene “ a
<i>woman phoned the principal of Kingston </i>
<i>junior high school, but he was out”</i>
- T has Ss guess the message.
- Ss work in pair.

- T gives feedback.
- Ss do the task

- T asks Ss to listen to the tape to fill the

Ss: compare the information they have just

- T asks Ss to listen to the tape the second or

third times to correct the information for

<b>LF3. Complete the speech bubbles. Use each </b>
adverb in the box once:

- Who is he?

- What is he doing ?

- Who does he play hide and seek with?


a. Where is Tuan? I think he is

b. No, he isn’t here
c. He isn’t downstairs and he isn’t

d. Perhaps he’s outside
e. No, he isn’t there

f. I’m not outside. I’m inside, Ba.

Listen to the telephone conversation. Fill in the
missing information:

FOR:_________THE PRINCIPAL_________

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=17>

Post -

T: gives feedback

- Ask ss to answer some questions about the
information that they have just hear.

- Ss answer .


DATE: Tuesday TIME: 9.45
FOR: The Principal

<b>MESSEGE: Mrs. Mary Nguyen wanted to</b>
see you at 9.45 on Tuesday morning.


a. Who called the principal ?

b. When will the principal and the woman meet ?

what time ?

c. What is the woman’s telephone number ?
d. Who received the information of the woman ?

a. the woman called the principal

b. they will meet at 9.45 on Tuesday morning
c. her telephone number is 64683720942

d. the secretary received the information of the
woman .

<b>Tape transcript:</b>

Secretary: Kingston Junior High School. Good

Woman: Good afternoon. Could I talk to
principal, please?

Secretary: I’m afraid. Mr. Kelvin is out at the
moment. Would you like to leave a

Woman: Um, no. But I’d like to make an
appointment to see him.

Secretary: I think he will available on Tuesday.

Woman: Tuesday’s OK. Can I see him in the


Secretary: Sure, you can. What time would you
like to come?

Woman: Is 10.30 OK?

Secretary: I’m sorry. The principal will have a
school visit at 10.30 What about

Woman: 9.45? Let’s me see. Yes, it’s alright.
Secretary: What’s your name, please?

Woman: My name’s Mary Nguyen
Secretary: Is that N-G-U-Y-E-N?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=18>

Secretary: Thank you, Mrs. Nguyen.

Women Thank you very much. Good bye.
Secretary: Goodbye.


<b> - Learn the adverbs of place by heart.. </b>
- Prepare unit 2 ( cont.)- Lesson : Read

---Date of preparation: /9/10

Date of teaching : /9 /10 Week:

Period 10 – Lesson 4: Read
I. Aim:


By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to<b> know more about Alexander Graham Bell.</b>

II. Knowledge:
- Grammar:
- Vocabulary:

III. Skills & Teaching aids:

- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing skills

- Teaching aids: Lesson plan, chalks, color chalks, ruler, etc.
IV. Teaching steps:

<i> 1. Greeting and checking attendance</i>
<i>2. The previous lesson: </i>

<i>3. The new lesson:</i>

<b>Stages</b> <b>Teacher’s and students’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Warm up

Pre –

- Ask ss to answer the question ( 2 teams)

- T gives instructions

- T uses the picture in the text book and
asks Ss some questions about Alexander
Graham Bell . Then teacher introduce:
“Today we learn about the invention of
<i>Alexander Graham Bell”</i>

T uses the steps of teaching vocabulary


<b>Possible answers : </b>

<b>-</b> to have a message

<b>-</b> to make arrangements

- to talk to a person who lives far from.
<b>-</b> to call some one

- to get the information at the airport or
railway station quickly.

Who is this ? ( Alexander Graham Bell )

Where is he from ? ( from Scotland )
What did he invent ? ( telephone )
<b>Vocabularies: </b>

- (to) emigrate ( translation ) a person goes to
<b>What is the telephone</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=19>


Post reading

- T uses statements on page 22.

- T hangs the poster of T/F statements on
the board and ask Ss to work in pairs an d
guess which statements are true and which
are false

T: collects Ss’ guessing

- Ss read the text on page 22 and check
their prediction.

- T has Ss correct false statements.

<b>- Ss do the exercise in Read 2 P. 22 . Ss </b>
read the events of Bell’s life and put then
in the correct orders then compare with

their partners.

<b>* Write it up</b>

- Ss use their own words to write about

another country to live : di cư ,xuất cảnh

- (to) transmit ( example) truyền phát tín hiệu

- (to) conduct (Vietnames) thực hiện , tiến hành

- (to) demonstrate ( explanation ) biểu diễn

- a device ( example ) dụng cụ máy móc

- a deaf - mute (n) ( explanation ) vừa câm

vừa điếc

<b>1. T /F statements prediction </b>
Guess Answer Statements

a) Alexander Graham Bell was born
in the USA.

b) He worked with deaf-mute
patients in a hospital in Boston.
c) Thomas Watson was Bell’s

d) Bell and Watson introduced the
telephone in 1877.

e) Bell experimented with ways of
transmitting speech between
deaf-mutes over a long distance

f) Bell demonstrated his invention at
a lot of exhibitions

Guess Answer Correction


a) Alexander Graham Bell was born

<b>in Edinburgh in Scotland</b>

b) He worked with deaf-mute
patients <b>at Boston University</b>.
c) Thomas Watson was Bell’s

d) Bell and Watson introduced the

telephone in <b>1876.</b>

e) Bell experimented with ways of
transmitting <b>speech</b> over a long

f) Bell demonstrated his invention at
a lot of exhibitions

<b>2. Put the events in the correct order:</b>

Answer key:

1.d , 2.e , 3.a , 4.g , 5.c , 6.b , 7.f

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=20>

Alexander Graham Bell Alexander Graham Bell was born on March 3rd

, 1847 in Scotland. He went to live in Canada
and then to the USA in 1870s He worked with
deaf-mutes at Boston University and did
experiments with ways of transmitting speech
over a long distance. In 1876 he and his

assistant- Thomas Watson introduced the
telephone successfully and in 1877 the first
telephone was in commercial use .


- Read the text and do the exercises again

- Prepare for : Unit 2: (cont.) – Lesson: Write

---Date of preparation: /9/10

Date of teaching : /9 /10 Week:

Period 11 – Lesson 5: Write
I. Aim:


By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to write a telephone message.

II. Knowledge:
- Grammar:

- Vocabulary: delivery, stationery, pick someone up....
III. Skills & Teaching aids:

- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing skills

- Teaching aids: Lesson plan, chalks, color chalks, ruler, etc.
IV. Teaching steps:

<i> 1. Greeting and checking attendance</i>
<i>2. The previous lesson: </i>

<i>3. The new lesson:</i>

<b>Stages</b> <b>Teacher’s and students’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Warm up

Pre –

- T asks sts some questions
- Ss answer

- T explains (A person who comes to buy
something at a shop)(Translation)
Ex: papers, pens, rulers, envelopes )
- T reads new vocab.

- Ss repeat ( chorus and individual)

Questions :

1. Have you got a phone?

2. What’s your telephone number?
3. Who do you often phone?

4. Have you ever taken a telephone message?
5. When you take a message, what should be
mentioned in the message?


customer (n) Khách hàng

delivery (n) phân phaùt

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=21>

While –

Post -

- T checks vocab.

(rub out and remember)

- T asks sts to read the message and fill in the
gaps in the passage.

- Sts work in groups

- T calls some sts from groups to give answers
- Ss go to the board and write their answers
- T corrects

- T asks sts to read the message and fill in the
gaps in the passage on page 23

- Let sts to work in pairs

- T asks sts to complete the message
- Ss check other sts’ message

- T checks and corrects

- T asks sts to read the message on page 23

- Ask sts to write another message

<i>Set the scene: “ Tom phoned Nancy, but she </i>
was out. Lisa, Nancy’s sister took a message
for Nancy. Help Lisa to write a message”
Asks sts to read the dialogue between Lisa
and Tom then write the message.

Let sts work in pairs

T moves around the class and help sts

<b>1. Read the message. Then fill in the gaps in </b>
the passage that follows with information.

* Answers:

1- phoned 2- May12 3- Speak
4- took 5- name 6- deliver
7- Mr. Ha 8- at

<b>2. Read the message below. Write the </b>
telephone message in your exercise book.

* Answers:

Thanh Cong Delivery Service
Date: June 16

Time: after midday
For: Mr. Van.

Message: Mr. Nam called about his
stationery order. He wanted you to call him at

Taken by: Mr. Toan.

<b>3. Read the message on page 23 again. Then </b>
help Lisa write a message for Nancy. Use the
information from the dialogue.

Date: (...)
For: Nancy

Message: Tom called about playing tennis this
afternoon. He will come over to pick you up at

Taken by: Lisa
<i><b>Homework</b></i>: - Learn “Vocab.” by heart

- Asks sts to write the message on their notebooks

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=22>

-Date of preparation: /9/10

Date of teaching : /9 /10 Week:
Unit 2: AT HOME

Period 12 – Lesson 1: G.S + Listen and read + LF1
I. Aim:


By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to understand the dialogue and use modal verds to talk about the


II. Knowledge:

- Grammar: have / has to + inf. = must + inf.

- Vocabulary: the chore, a cupboard, a steamer, a sink, a sauce pan, (to) feed the chicken, a rice cooker
III. Skills & Teaching aids:

- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing skills

- Teaching aids: Lesson plan, chalks, color chalks, ruler, etc.
IV. Teaching steps:

<i> 1. Greeting and checking attendance</i>
<i>2. The previous lesson: </i>

<i>3. The new lesson:</i>

<b>Stages</b> <b>Teacher’s and students’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Warm up

Pre –

- Teacher asks, Ss answer.

- Ask ss to look at: Getting started & write the
chores they often do at home.

- Techniques: explanation, example, picture,
realia, translation.

- T elicits words from ss, asks ss to read in
chorus, individually and give meaning

Checking vocabulary: Rub out and remember

- Ask ss to look at the picture & elicit sentences
from ss.

<b>I. Getting started:</b>

Do you often help your mother? - Yes
What do you often do? - do the chores.
Words given:

a) wash up the dishes / do the washing - up.

b) make the bed.

c) sweep the floor
d) cook

e) tidy up.
f) feed the chicken

- a steamer: nồi hấp, nồi đun hơi
- the chore: công việc nhà, việc vặt
- a cup board : tủ chén, tủ chạn.
- a sink: bồn rửa bát

- a sauce pan : caùi

- (to) feed the chicken: cho gà ăn
- a rice cooker: nồi cơm điện

<b>II. Listen and read:</b>
Who is this? -It’s Nam.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=23>

While –



- T says: Now close your book & listen to the
tape carefully, get the detail of the dialogue &
how to pronounce new words.

- Ask ss to read in pairs loudly.

- Ask ss to read the dialogue again & complete
the list of things Nam has to do.

- Monitor, take notes & give the correct answer.

- Elicit sentences from ss

- Elicit form & use from ss

- Ask ss to look at the picture and practice
speaking in pairs.

- Ask ss to look at the pictures and complete the
dialogue between Nga and lan, Using must or
<i>have to together with the verbs given.</i>

-T corrects and gives answer keys.

What are they talking about?...

<b>1. Practice the dialogue with a partner:</b>
<b>2. Read the dialogue again. Complete the </b>
list of things Nam has to do.

Answer keys:
- cook dinner

- go to the market to buy fish and vegetables
- call his aunt, Mrs. Chi and ask her to meet
his mother at grandma’s house.

<b>Modal verbs:</b>

Nam has to cook dinner.

(+) S + have / has to + inf.= must + inf.
Meaning: Phải ( làm gì)

(-) S + don’t / doesn’t + have to + bare V...
Do / Does + S + have to + bare V...?


What do you have to do?
I must do the washing up
Use the pictures cues drill:
<b>a. do the washing up</b>
b. make the bed
c. sweep the floor.
d. cook dinner
e. tidymy room
f. feed the chickens

<b>LF1. Look at the pictures. Complete the </b>
dialogue. Use must or have to and verbs in

the box.


<b>-</b> Write the things you have to do on Sundays
Ex: On Sunday morning, I have to tidy my room …
I have to help my parents do the house work.
On Sunday afternoon, I have to …

And on Sunday evening, I have to …….
- Prepare the next lesson: Speak.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=24>

Date of teaching : 15 /9 /10 Week: 5
Unit 3: AT HOME

Period 13 – Lesson 2: Speak
I. Aim:


By the end of the lesson Ss will be ableto talk about the position of items at home
II. Knowledge:

- Grammar:
- Vocabulary: ....

III. Skills & Teaching aids:

- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing skills

- Teaching aids: Lesson plan, chalks, color chalks, ruler, etc.
IV. Teaching steps:

<i> 1. Greeting and checking attendance</i>
<i>2. The previous lesson: </i>

<i>3. The new lesson:</i>

<b>Stages</b> <b>Teacher’s and students’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Warm up

Pre –


Teacher shows some real objects in the
classroom and asks:

Ss answer:

T: introduces the new lesson : Today, we are
going to talk about the position of furniture in
the kitchen and in the living-room.

T supplies some new words to ss.
Ss listen and copy down

(T ues the steps of teaching vocabulary )

<b>Checking vocabulary: What and Where</b>
- Teacher reminds some prepositions: in, at,
on, next to , above, under

- Ask ss to look at the picture page 28 and
then answer some questions.

- Teacher asks Ss to work in pairs and talk
about the position of each item

- Teacher checks and corrects

T: Where is the board ?
Ss: It’s on the wall

T: Where is Uncle Ho’s picture ?
Ss: It’s on the wall above the board

<b>Vocabulary :</b>

- a bowl (n) (realia ) Cái tô
- a calendar(n) (picture) lịch

- a plate (n) (realia) cái dóa
- a knife (n) ( realia ) con dao

- a rug (n) (picture) tấm thảm trải saøn


- a dish rack (n) (picture) giá để chén bát
- a cushion (n) (picture) gối tựa

- a counter : ( picture ) quầy hàng
- a folder : ( picture ) bìa kẹp hồ sơ

- a wardrobe : ( picture ) Tủ quần áo

<b>I. Look at the picture. Work with a partner. </b>
Talk about the position of each iteam:
T : where is the clock ?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=25>


T: Set the scene: Teacher shows the picture
and asks:

<b>* Set the scene : </b>

- Mrs. Vui bought new furniture for her living
room, but she can not decide where to put it.
You should help her to arrange the furniture

- Describe your living room / bedroom .

Answer keys:

1/The calendar is on the wall, under the
clock and above the refrigerator

2/ The sink is next to the stove

3/ The cupboard is on the wall, above the

4/ The knives are on the wall, under the

5/ The bowl of fruit is between the rice
cooker and the dish rack

6/ The clock is on the wall , above the

7/ The flowers are on the table...
<b>II. Mrs. Vui bought new furniture for her </b>
living-room, but she can’t decide where to put
it. Work with a partner and arrange the
furniture. You must reach an agreement:

-Where is it ? - It’s in the living room

-Is it tidy ? - No , it isn’t

Example :

S1 : Let’s put the armchair opposite the couch

S2 : Ok , and I think we ought to put the rug
between the armchair and the couch .
<b>* Notes : </b>

- If you agree , you may say : Ok / you are
right .

- If you disagree , you may say : No , I think ,
we ...

<i><b>Homework</b></i>: - Learn “Vocab.” by heart

- Finish your writing about the description of your room / bed room

- Prepare the new lesson : Unit 3 – Part: Listen + LF2

---Date of preparation: 10 /9/10

Date of teaching : 16 /9 /10 Week: 5
Unit 3: AT HOME

Period 14 – Lesson 3: Listen + LF2.
I. Aim:


By the end of the lesson Ss will be ableto identify the right item by listening and further practice in
modal verb: ought to.

II. Knowledge:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=26>

- Vocabulary:

III. Skills & Teaching aids:

- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing skills

- Teaching aids: Lesson plan, chalks, color chalks, ruler, etc.
IV. Teaching steps:

<i> 1. Greeting and checking attendance</i>
<i>2. The previous lesson: </i>

<i>3. The new lesson:</i>

<b>Stages</b> <b>Teacher’s and students’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Warm up

Pre –




- Ask ss to write down on their notebooks 5
things you can eat.

- Prepare a list of food. Then call out each
word in a loud voice.

- Ss listen to the teacher carefully. If anyone
has the same things, they cross them out.
The first person crossing out all 5 things
shouts “ Bingo” and wins the game.

- Get ss to look at page 30 and guess 4 things
they use to cook the “ Special Chinese Fried

- Give feedback.

- Ss listen to the tape and check their

- Give feedback

- Set the scene: “ Hoa is very sad because
she failed her English test. What do you say
to advise her?”

- Elicit form & use from ss

- Ask ss to give advice to people in the
pictures on page 35. ( pair work)


Suggested list of food: Chickens, beef, cake,
candy, garlic, noodles, bread, rice, ham, peas


Look at the pictures. Check the right item:


a. Fried Rice b. Pan
c. Garlic and green peppers.
d. Ham and peas.


<b>T: Hoa is very sad because she failed her </b>
English test. What do you say to advise her?
<b>Ss: You should study hard</b>

<b>T: Can you tell me another word fro” should”?</b>
<b>Ss: Ought to</b>

Use: “ ought to” as well as “ should” is used
to give advice to someone.

Form: ought to + inf.

Meaning: neân

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=27>


- Ss practice in pairs.

- Ask ss to give advice with the cue words in

- Ss do as teacher’s requirement.

- Call on some pairs to present before the
class .

- Correct for them.


a. I failed my English test.
You ought to study hard.
b. I’m late

You ought to get up late.
c. I’m fat.

You ought to eat more fruit and vegetables.
d. My tooth aches.

You ought to see a dentist.
1. His tooth / aches

2. Hoa / late
3. The floor / dirty
4. She / thin
<i><b>Homework</b></i>: - Learn the structure by heart

- Write the exercise2/35 into notebook.

- Prepare the new lesson : Unit 3 ( cont.) – Lesson : Read + LF4

<b>---Phần phê duyệt của tổ chuyên môn</b>


<b>Phạm Thị Haïnh</b>

---Date of preparation: 10 /9/10

Date of teaching : 21 /9 /10 Week: 6
Unit 3: AT HOME

Period 15 – Lesson: Read+ LF4.
I. Aim:


Comprehension to get information about care things when we use the things in the house to avoid

dangerous for children and use Why – because.
II. Knowledge:

- Grammar: Why – because.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=28>

III. Skills & Teaching aids:

- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing skills

- Teaching aids: Lesson plan, chalks, color chalks, ruler, etc.
IV. Teaching steps:

<i> 1. Greeting and checking attendance</i>
<i>2. The previous lesson: </i>

<i>3. The new lesson:</i>

<b>Stages</b> <b>Teacher’s and ss.’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Warm up

Pre –


- Divide the class into two team (A&B).
- Ask ss. to list out the things in the house
that they are dangerous for children.

- Which team give more answer will win the

- Introduce the topic of the passage reading
and some new words to Ss

- Ask ss to read in chorus, individually and
give meaning

Checking: Slap the board.

- Ask Ss to read the statement and guess
which is true, which is false.

- Call on Ss to read their predictions and
write them on the board .

- Ask ss to open the text book, read silently
and check their predictions, T gives the
correct answers.


Possible answer:

- Boiling water, gas, drug, electricity, knife,
fire, ……

New words:

- Precaution (n) : (translation)
- A socket : ổ cắm điện

- A match : que diêm
- An object : Vật
- Safety (a) :an tồn

- (to) destroy : tiêu hủy, hủy diệt
- (to) injure : tổn thương

<b>I. T/ F?. Check the boxes. Correct the false </b>


<b>Statements</b> <b>Guess</b> <b>Key</b>

1. It is safe to leave
medicine around the house

2. Drugs can look like
candy .

3. A kitchen is a suitable
place to play .

4. Playing with one match
can not start a fife .
5. Putting a knife into an
electrical socket is



Danger in home for

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=29>


- T asks Sts to read the text carefully and
then answer the questions (group work).
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to find out the
answers of these questions .

- Call on some pairs to practice asking and
answering the questions .

- Give feedback

- Practice in why question with because
answer by doing the exercise language
focus 4.

- Have ss. work in pairs to practice asking
and answering about each person in the

-Monitor, take notes & correct

dangerous .

6. Young children do not
understand that many
house hold objects are
dangerous .


a. F( It is safe to keep medicine in the
looked cupboard)

b. T

c. F ( A kitchen is a dangerous place)
d. F ( Play with match can start a fire)
e. T

f. T

II. Ask and answer:


a. Because children often try to eat and
drink them.

b. Because the kitchen is a dangerous place.
c. Because playing with the match can
cause the fire.

d. Because children often try to put
something into electrical sockets and
electricity can kill.

e. Because the dangerous object can injure
or kill children.


b) S1: Why did Nam have to cook dinner?
S2: Because his mother was home late.

c) S1: Why was Mrs. Vui, Nam’s mother home

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=30>

d) S1: Why did Ha fail her English exam?
S2: Because she didn’t learn for her exam. She
played the computer games.

e) S1: Why didn’t Nga go to the movies?
S2: Because she had to do her chores. She had
to clean the kitchen and sweep the living room.
<i><b>Homework</b></i>: - Learn the structure by heart

- Write the exercise 3/35 into notebook.

- Prepare the new lesson : Unit 3 ( cont.) – Lesson : Write

-Date of preparation: 10 /9/10

Date of teaching : 22 /9 /10 Week: 6
Unit 3: AT HOME

Period 16 – Lesson: Write
I. Aim:

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a description of rooms in their house. Use the simple
sentences and prepositions of place.

II. Knowledge:


Grammar: Review

- Vocab. : Dish rack, counter, sink, flour, towel rack, lighting fixture
III. Skills & Teaching aids:

- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing skills

- Teaching aids: Lesson plan, chalks, color chalks, ruler, etc.
IV. Teaching steps:

<i> 1. Greeting and checking attendance</i>
<i>2. The previous lesson: </i>

<i>3. The new lesson:</i>

<b>Steps</b> <b>Teacher’s and ss.’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Warm up


- Divide the class into two team

- Ask ss. to list out the prepositions of
place that they learned.

- Which team give more answer will
win the game.

- T explain some new words.

* Checking vocabulary ( Rub out and


New words:

- folder (n)

- beneath (n)

- towel rack (n)
- disk rack (n)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=31>



- T ask Sts to look at the picture ( page
32) and answer the questions on poster

- Let Sts read the passage describing
Hoa’s room.

- Ask Sts to match.

- Asks Sts to look at the pictures of
Hoa’s kitchen and elicit some new

- Sts work in groups to write a

description of Hoa’s kitchen ( base on
passage 1)

- T ask them compare with their
partner’s and correct if they can.
- T corrects

- T ask Sts to talk about a room in their

- lighting fixture (n)

I. Read the description of Hoa's room:

a. What is there on the left of the room?
b. Where is the bookshelf?

c. a. What is there on the right side of the room?
d. Where is the wardrobe?

Possible answers:

a. There is a desk on the left of the room.
b. The bookshelf is above the desk.

c. There is a window on the right side of the room
d. The wardrobe is beside the window and
opposite the desk


There are..
There is ...
There is ...

A wardrobe beside the windows.
Many folders on the desk.

A bookshelf above the desk.
II. Now write a description of this kitchen:


 This is Hoa’s kitchen.

 There is a refrigerator in the right corner

of the room.

 Next to the refrigerator is the stove and


 On the other side of the oven, there is a

sink and next to the sink is a towel rack.

 The dish rack is on the counter, on the

right of the window and beneath the
window, there are jars of sugar, flour and

 In the middle of the kitchen, there is a

table and four chairs.

 The lighting fixture is above the table, and

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=32>

house by basing on the passage 1 the
write down.

- Chose some writing to correct in


- Rewrite the writing 2 and 3 on the notebook.
- Prepare the lesson "Language focus 3".

---Date of preparation: 10 /9/10

Date of teaching : 23 /9 /10 Week: 6
Unit 3: AT HOME

Period 17 – Lesson: Language focus 3
I. Aim:

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use the reflexive pronouns
II. Knowledge:


Grammar: reflexive pronouns
- Vocab. :

III. Skills & Teaching aids:

- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing skills

- Teaching aids: Lesson plan, chalks, color chalks, ruler, etc.
IV. Teaching steps:

<i> 1. Greeting and checking attendance</i>
<i>2. The previous lesson: </i>

<i> 3. The new lesson:</i>

<b>Stages</b> <b>Teacher’s and ss’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Warm up


- Divide the class into two team (A&B).
- Ask ss to write things that they do at

- Which team give more answer will win

the game.

- T sets the scene to introduce the

Set the scene: “you do your home work
and no one help you what do you say? ”
- Explain the reflexive pronouns

- Ss copy down.

Brains storming:

tidy up do our homework

clean the floor
repair the machine

fix the TV set

Ss: I do my home work myself.

 <b>Form: we use I with myself</b>

You yourself
He himself
She herself
We ourselves
Things you can


<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=33>



- Run through the vocabulary

- Model and then ask Ss to repeat in chorus

- Ss practice the question and then the

- Give a exercise Then guide ss to do.
- Ss read the open dialogue and fill in the
blank with suitable reflexive pronouns .
- Practice speaking in pairs.

- T listens and gives the correct answer

They themselves
It itself

Word cue drill:

a. You / do / homework
Did you do your homework?
Yes. I did it myself

b. He / fix / washing machine
c. Mary / cook / dinner

d. These student / paint / the picture
e. You / do / your chores

Complete the dialogues, using the reflexive

a. Miss Lien: Did S.O help Ba draw that

Bao: No, he did it himself

b. Nga the repairman can’t fix the washing
machine until tomorrow

Mrs. Linh: Come on. We’ll have to try
and do it (1)

c. Aunt Thanh: What’s the matter?
Hoa: I cut (2) …..


- Write 3 sentences with reflexive pronouns and 3 sentences with emphasis pronouns.

- Review from Unit 1 to unit 3.

--Date of preparation: 10 /9/10

Date of teaching : 28 /9 /10 Week: 7
Period 18

I. Aim:

- By the end of the lesson SS will be able to review grammar and vocabulary from unit 1 to unit 3.
II. Knowledge:


Grammar: - The simple present tense ( used to express a truth )

- Structure : ADJ + ENOUGH +( for + O ) to +V(inf. )
- Modal verbs : Must = have to / ought to = should

- Reflexive pronouns
- The simple past tense.

- The near or intention future tense.
- Prepositions of place

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=34>

- Teaching aids: Lesson plan, chalks, color chalks, ruler, etc.
IV. Teaching steps:

<i> 1. Greeting and checking attendance</i>
<i>2. The previous lesson: </i>

<i> 3. The new lesson:</i>

<b>Stages</b> <b>Teacher’s and ss.’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Warm up




- Ask ss. to list out tenses that they learnt
from unit1 to unit 3. ( 2 groups)

- Elicit from ss.

- T shows them on the board and ask ss. to
give examples about each structure if they

- Teacher gives some exercises to ss. Then
ask ss. to use the structure to do them.
- Ss work individually then ask them to
compare answers together.

- Call on some ss. to give answer on the
board. Other give comment.

- Teacher corrects for them.

<b>1.Form: </b>

S + ( often)bare V / Vs / V-es / Vies ...
S + don’t / doesn’t ( often)+ bare V...
Do /Does + S (often)+ bare-V....?

Yes, S + do /does (No, S + don’t / doesn’t)
<b>2.Form: S + to be + going to + bare V...</b>
S + to be not + going to + bare-V...
To be + S + going to + bare V...?
yes, S + to be / No, S + to be not
<b>3.</b>itself, herself, himself, themselves, ourselves,
yourself, yourselves, myself

<b>4.Form: S + must (not) + bare V...</b>
Must + S + bare V .... ? Yes, S + must
No, S + must not
S + have to / has to + bare V...

S + don’t / doesn’t + have to + bare V...
Do /Does + S + have to + bare-V....?

Yes, S + do /does (No, S + don’t / doesn’t)
S + ought ( not) to + bare V...
<b>5. Form :</b>

<b>S + to be ( not) + adj + enough + to V...</b>

I. Use the correct form of the words.

1. It ( be )... often hot in summer.
2. Most rivers ( flow ) ...into the sea.
3. What ( you / do ) ...every morning ?
4. Alexander Graham Bell

( introduce )... the telephone in
1876 .

5. Yesterday I ( be ) ...very busy, so I ( not /
have) ...time to phone you.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=35>

6. She did it ... ( her )

7. This river is very ... for
swimmers . ( danger )

II. Do as directed.

<i>1.</i> She / hair / black / has / long / straight .
<i>( rearrange the sentence)</i>

2. My sister is old . She can drive a car .
<i>( usage enough )</i>

3. He is tall . He can play volleyball .
<i>(usage enough )</i>

<i>4.</i> We ... do the exercises . (myself /
ourselves / ourself ) ( choose the suitable
<i>word to fill in the blank )</i>

5. He ought to ... hard . ( learn ) (
<i>complete the verb in the bracket ) </i>

<i>6.</i> The table is ... the left corner
of the room . ( fill in the blank with the
<i>preposition ))</i>

<i>7.</i> Nga has a movie ticket .

She ... a movie.
( see ) ( complete the verb in bracket )
8. Hien’s friend invited her to his birthday
party . She ... him a birthday
present. ( give ) ( complete the verb in
<i>bracket )</i>

9. There is a desk in the left of the room . (

<i>correct the mistake</i> )

<b>Homework : - Do exercises again</b>
- Prepare: TEST 1 “45’”

---Date of preparation: 10 /9/10

Date of teaching : 29 /9 /10 Week: 7
Period 19

TEST 1 “45’”


- Listen : Listen to the text describe the things in the room and write T ( for TRUE) and F ( for FALSE)

- Language focus: Choose the best word / phrase A,B,C or D to fill in the gap. Use the vocabularies and
grammar that they learned in the topics.

- Read: Read comprehension the passage. Then answer the questions about Alexander.
- Write: Write a paragraph about Lan , using the information in the table.


<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=36>

- Structure : ADJ + ENOUGH + to +V(inf. )
- Modal verbs : Must = have to / ought to = should
- Reflexive pronouns

- The simple past tense.

- The near or intention future tense.
- Prepositions of place

- Vocabulary: review.

- Skills: Listen – read – write
- Teaching aids :Testing papers.

1. Greeting and checking attendance.
2. The previous lesson:

3. The new lesson:
A. Matrix


<b>Topics</b> <b>Recognize</b> <b>Understand</b> <b>Use</b>


Objective foreword Objective foreword Objective foreword

I. Listening 4


<b>4 </b>

<b><sub> 2.0</sub></b>

II. Reading 5



<b><sub> 2.5</sub></b>

III. Language focus 10



<b><sub> 2.5</sub></b>

IV. Writing 6



<b><sub> 3.0</sub></b>

Total <b>10</b>

<b> 2,5</b>

<b> 4.5</b>

<b> 3.0</b>


<b><sub> 10</sub></b>

<b>B. Content</b>


<b>I. Listen .</b>

<b>Listen to the text carefully and then check T / F statements.(2ps)</b>

<b>T</b> <b>F</b>

<b>1.</b> There is a window in Ba’s bedroom.
<b>2.</b> Ba can see a park from his window.
<b>3.</b> There is a bookshelf in the room.
<b>4.</b> The room is always clean and tidy.
<b>II. Read. </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=37>

In America, he worked with deaf-mutes at Boston University. Soon, Bell started experimenting with ways
of transmitting speech over a long distance. This led to the invention of the telephone.

Bell and his assistant, Thomas Watson, conducted many experiments and finally came up with a device
which they first introduced in 1876. Bell said on the telephone: ' Mr. Watson, come here. I want you.' This

was the first telephone message.

Traveling all over America, Bell demonstrated his invention to the public at countless exhibitions, and by
1877 the first telephone was in commercial use.

<b> Answer the following the questions: ( 2,5 ms)</b>
<b>5. Where was Alexander Graham Bell born ?</b>
6. Who did he work at Boston University with?
7. Was Thomas Watson Bell's assistant?

8. When did Bell and Watson introduce the telephone ?
9. Did Bell demonstrate his invention at a lot of exhibitions?
<b>III. Circle the best option A,B,C or D. :( 2,5 ms)</b>

<b>11. Jack can’t reach the top shelf. He isn’t ... to reach it.</b>

A. tall B. tall enough C. enough tall D. too tall
<b>12. I ………. a letter from my old friend last week.</b>

A. sent B. gave C. received D. took
<b>13. Would you like ……… a message?</b>

A. to leave B. leave C. leaving D. left
<b>14. What does your father look ... ? – He is short and fat.</b>

A. at B. in C. for D. like.
<b>15. She arrived ... two o’clock ... the morning.</b>

A. at/ in B. in/ at C. at / on D. at / of

<b>16. Are you looking for Ba? - I think he ………. hide and seek with his cousin Tam in the garden.</b>
A. play B. is playing C. plays D. to play.

<b>17. She often ………..dresses herself .</b>

A. makes B. make C. is making D. making
<b>18. Peter doesn't talk much in public. He's rather ………</b>

A. kind B. reserved C. sociable D. humorous
<b>19. John bought some writing paper, stamps and envelopes. He ……… some letters</b>
A. will write B. is going to write C. wrote D. writes.
<b>20. The children are old enough to look after………..</b>

A. ourselves B. themselves C. themself D. them

<b>IV. Write a paragraph about Lan , using the information in the table : ( 3,0 ms) </b>
Name : Nguyen Huong Lan

Appearance : thin , tall , short black hair
Characters : friendly , humorous , helpful
Address : 25 Quang Trung Street , Loc Ninh
Family : mother , father , younger sister –Huong
Friends : Mai and Ba

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=38>

- Prepare to the next lesson.

---Date of preparation: 10 /9/10

Date of teaching : 30 /9 /10 Week: 7

Period 20


<b>TEST 45’</b>


Help students to know their mistakes and correct them at the same time. Moreover they can remember
the vocabularies and grammar learned.


<b> - Structure</b>


- The simple present tense ( used to express a truth )
- Structure : ADJ + ENOUGH + to +V(inf. )

- Modal verbs : Must = have to / ought to = should
- Reflexive pronouns

- The simple past tense.

- The near or intention future tense.


Prepositions of place

- Vocabulary: review.

- Skill: write

- Teaching aids :Testing papers.

1. Greeting and checking attendance.
2. The previous lesson:

3. The new lesson:

<b>Stages</b> <b>Teacher’s and students’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Warm up



- Ask ss. to remind the form of the
structures and tenses that they learnt
- Elicit from ss.

- T shows ss. the mistakes which most
ss. make in the test.


- Common mistakes: tenses
- Mixed pronouns: Answer the

questions - Mixed form of using enough
- T gives ss. some extra exercises
- T calls some ss. to write on board and
then correct them.

- Divide the texting papers to ss. then
correct the test for them.

- Ss listen and copy down

Answer keys:

<b>I. Mỗi ý đúng được 0.5 điểm:</b>

1.T 2.F 3. T 4.T
Baøi nghe:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=39>


- T asks ss. to say what mistakes they
need to remember so that they never

beautiful picture on the wall. On the desk
there are some cartoons. There is a
bookshelf opposite the picture. Ba’s bed is
near the window. From the window, you
can see a lake. Near a lake, there is a tall
building. Ba loves his room a lot. He
always keeps the bedroom clean and tidy.
<b>II. Mỗi ý đúng được 0.5 điểm:</b>

5. Alexander Graham Bell was born in

6. He worked with deaf-mutes at Boston

7. Yes, he was ./ Yes, he was Bell's

8. They introduced the telephone in 1876.
9. Yes, he did. / Yes, he demonstrated his
invention at a lot of exhibitions.

<b>III. Mỗi ý đúng được 0.25 điểm:</b>

10. B 11. C 12. A 13. D 14. A
15. B 16.A 17. B 18. B 19.B
<b>IV. Mỗi ý đúng được 0.5 điểm:</b>

- Her name’s Nguyen Huong Lan.
- She lives at 25 Quang Trung street,

Loc Ninh.

- She lives with her mother, father,
younger sister – Huong.

- She is thin and tall. And (she) has short
black hair.

- She is friendly, humorous and helpful.
- Her best friends are Mai and Ba.


Her name’s Nguyen Huong Lan. She lives
at 25 Quang Trung street, Loc Ninh with
her mother, father, younger sister –
Huong. She is thin and tall and has short
black hair. She is friendly, humorous and
helpful. Her best friends are Mai and Ba.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=40>

<b>-</b> Re-practice this lesson.

<b>-</b> Prepare Unit 4- lesson :G.S + listen and read.

<b>---Phần phê duyệt của tổ</b>


<i><b>Phạm Thị Hạnh</b></i>

<b>Phần phê duyệt của chuyên môn</b>









<i><b>Phạm Ngọc Trâm</b></i>

---Date of preparation: 10 /9/10

Date of teaching : 6 /10 /10 Week: 8

Unit 4: OUR PAST

Period 21 – Lesson: G.S + Listen and read
I. Aim:

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to tell about the fact in the past and distinguish between fact and

II. Knowledge:


Grammar: Simple past tense (review)
Used to + V1

- Vocab. : words relative to the folktale.
III. Skills & Teaching aids:

- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=41>

<i> 1. Greeting and checking attendance</i>
<i>2. The previous lesson: </i>

<i>3. The new lesson:</i>

<b>Steps</b> <b>Teacher’s and ss.’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Warm up

Pre –


- Ask Ss to look at the picture on p.38
and write the names of the things that
do not belong to the past.

- T uses the dialogue to set the scene .
“Nga listens to her grandma to tell the
story in the past time”

- Present some new words and

introduce the structure. And then guide
ss. to read them.

- Ss listen and repeat in chorus.
individually. And then copy down.
- Check Ss’ memory by technique
“what and where”: Write each word
on the black board inside a circle. Rub
out the words one - by - one.

Get Sts to repeat the words including
the rubbed world: Sts try to remember
all the words.

- Teacher plays the tape. And ask ss. to
listen at the first. The whole class
listen and repeat follow the tape 2


- Ss do as teacher’s requirement.
- Call on some ss. play the part of
“Grandma” and “ Nga” before the

- Teacher notes their pronunciation
and corrects for them if possible.
- Let ss. read silent the dialogue
again . And then ask and answer the

<b>I. Getting stared:</b>

Look at the picture and write the names of the
things that do not belong to the past.

<b>Answer :</b>
- The TV

- The radio
- The mobile phone
- The light fixture
- Modern clothing
- school uniforms.
<b>II. Listen and read:</b>

- (to) look after (v) : Chăm sóc
- Equipment (n): thiết bị

- folk tale (n) : câu chuyện dân gian
- Traditional(adj) : Truyền thống
- great grandma(n): bà cố


Used to + infinitive: đã từng ( diễn tả một thói
quen trong quá khứ)


<i> I used to cook the meal and clean the house.</i>

1. Practice the dialogue with a partner:

2. Work with a partner. Ask and answer the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=42>


questions in pairs.

- Call on some pairs to practice voicing
first then ask them write their answer
on the board. The others comment.
- Teacher corrects for them. And gives
answer keys.

Have Sts read the statements part 3 on
page 39 and decide which is a FACT
and which is OPINION

T explain the meaning of Fact and

+ Fact : True

+ Opinion: Personal ideas.
Give example

- T ask ss. work in group
- T corrects

- Ask Sts speak about the things that
they used to do in the past

She used to live on a farm
<b>b.</b> Why didn’t she go to school?

Because she had to stay at home and help
her Mom to look after her younger brother and

<b>c.</b> What did Nga’s great-grandmother use to

She used to cook the meal, clean the house
and wash the clothes.

<b>d.</b> What did Nga grandmother and
great-grandfather do after the dinner?

Her great-grandmother used to lit the lamp
and her great-grandfather used to tell the story.
<b>e.</b> What did Nga ask her grandmother to do at
the end of the conversation?

She asked her grandmother to tell her the
tale “ The Lost Shoes”

3. Fact or opinion? Check (V) the boxes:

Fact : I learn English.

Opinion: English is very difficult.
a. Fact

b. Fact
c. Fact

d. Fact
e. Opinion
f. Opinion

(get up late; go to school late; eat too much candy;
forget to do homework.)

 <i>Homework:</i>

- Learning vocabulary

- Read the dialogue again then do exercise2 & 3 on page 39 in the textbook again.
- Prepare: Unit 4 – lesson : Speak + LF3,4.

-Date of preparation: 10 /9/10

Date of teaching : 7/10 /10 Week: 8
Unit 4: OUR PAST

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=43>

I. Aim:

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use “ used to” to tell about the difference between the now
life and the life in the past.



Grammar: Used to + V1

- Vocab. :

III. Skills & Teaching aids:

- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing

- Teaching aids: Lesson plan, chalks, color chalks, ruler, picture, etc.

IV. Teaching steps:

<i> 1. Greeting and checking attendance</i>
<i>2. The previous lesson: </i>

<i>3. The new lesson:</i>

<b>Steps</b> <b>Teacher’s and ss.’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Warm up




- T. presents the words whose letters
are on disorder

- Ss rewrite the words in the correct

- T. recalls the conversation, then
asks: “Where did Nga’s grandma use
to live?” . And show the Structure
- Ss answer the questions. Then copy

- T. gives some exercises then ask ss

- Ss practice asking and answering the
questions, using the given cues

- Correct Ss’ pronunciation

- Guides Ss practice speaking by
asking Ss to look at the 2 pictures on
page 40, use “Used to” to talk the
action in the past.

- Sts work in pairs or groups.

- Elicit some ideas so that Sts can talk

Jumbled words:

- Electricity - rieletcicty
- Entertainment - menttaenterin
- Market - rkmaret
- Supermarket - permasuekt

She used to live in a farm

 Form:

 Use: used to express a past habit, or an

action usually happened in the past

 Meaning: đã từng, đã thường làm gì

Word cue drill:

a. Live / Hue / Hanoi
- Did you use to live in hue?
- No, I used to live in Hanoi
b. Have / long hairs / short hairs
c. Get up / late / early

d. Walk to school / bicycle

e. Study / evening / early morning

a. Where did they live in the past? And now?
- People used to live in small house. Now they
live in big house and building.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=44>

about them.

- Ask students to do exercise 3 on page
44 individually then compare with
their partners.

- Give feedback

- People used to walk. Now, they can go by

cars or motorbikes.

c. What’s about the electricity?

- Now, there are electricity everywhere.
d. What’s about their life / work?

- People used to work hard all the time. Now
they have a lot of time for entertainment.
e. Did children use to stay at home. Now they

all go to school.

What’s about their entertainment?

- Children used to play traditional games such
as hide and seek, skip rope... outdoors. Now,
they have a lot of modern games.


a, I’ll see you on Wednesday
b, I’m going to Laos in January

c, We must be there between 8.30 and 9.15
d, The bank closes at 3 p.m . if you arrive after
3p.m , the bank will be closed.

e, I’ll be home before seven because I want to see
the seven o’clock news.


- Write about the things you used to do last year.
“Last year, I used to get up late. Now, I get up early”
- Prepare: Unit4- lesson: Listen + LF1-2

---Date of preparation: 10 /9/10

Date of teaching : 8 /10 /10 Week: 8
Unit 4: OUR PAST

Period 23 – Lesson: Listen + LF1-2
I. Aim:

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the main idea of a story by listening. And further
practice in the simple past.

II. Knowledge:


Grammar: simple past tense. ( review)
- Vocab. :

III. Skills & Teaching aids:

- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing

- Teaching aids: Lesson plan, chalks, color chalks, ruler, picture, etc.
IV. Teaching steps:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=45>

<i>3. The new lesson:</i>

<b>Steps</b> <b>Teacher’s and ss.’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Warm up

Pre –


- T gives instructions
- Ss play game

- T introduces some new words on the

- Ss listen and copy down.

- Teacher guides ss. to read new words
in chorus.

- T. lets Ss to predict the moral lesson
of the story by Asking Ss to look at
four titles and guess which is the most
suitable to the story.

- Ask Ss to listen to the tape and check

their predictions.

- Ss listen to the tape two or three
times and check their predictions.

- Give feedback

- Ask ss. to answer some questions.

- Ask Ss to do exercise 2 (p. 44)
- Ss complete the dialogues and then
practice in pairs

Run - ran
fly - flew
ride - rode
eat - ate
Sit - sat
Come - came .

- foolish (adj.) : ngu ngoác
- greedy (adj.) : tham lam

- gold (n) : Vaøng

- lay - laid – laid (v) : đẻ (trứng)
- amazement (n) : ngạc nhiên.
Predict the moral lesson of the story:

a. Don’t kill chickens

b. Don’t be foolish and greedy
c. Be happy with what you have
d. It is difficult to find gold
<b>Tape transcript</b>

<i>Once a farmer lived a comfortable life with his </i>
<i>family. His chicken laid many eggs which the </i>
<i>farmer used to buy foods and clothes for his family.</i>
<i>One day, he went to collect the eggs and discovered</i>
<i>one of the chickens laid a gold egg. He shouted </i>
<i>excitedly to his wife: “We’re rich! “. His wife ran to</i>
<i>him and the booth looked at the egg in amazement. </i>
<i>The wife wanted more, so her husband decided to </i>
<i>cut open all the chickens and find more eggs. </i>
<i>Unfortunately, he couldn’t find any eggs. When he </i>
<i>finished, all the chicken were dead.</i>

<i>There were no more eggs of any kind for the foolish</i>

Don’t be foolish and greedy
Answer the questions:

a. How did the farmer live?
b. What did he discover?
c. What did he decide to do?
<i>Language focus 2:</i>

Complete the dialogues below. Use the past

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=46>

b. S1: How did you get to school?

c. S1: I was at home

d. S1: Which subject did you have


- Write twenty irregular verbs on the notebooks
- Retell the story based in the answers

- Prepare: Unit4- lesson: Read.

---Phần phê duyệt của chuyên môn



<i><b>Phạm Ngọc Trâm</b></i>

---Date of preparation: 10 /9/10

Date of teaching : 13 /10 /10 Week: 9
Unit 4: OUR PAST

Period 24 – Lesson: Read
I. Aim:

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand a folktale.
II. Knowledge:



- Vocab. : cruel; upset; fairy; magical; immediately; rag;
III. Skills & Teaching aids:

- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing

- Teaching aids: Lesson plan, chalks, color chalks, ruler, picture, etc.
IV. Teaching steps:

<i> 1. Greeting and checking attendance</i>
<i>2. The previous lesson: </i>

<i>3. The new lesson:</i>

<b>Steps</b> <b>Teacher’s and ss.’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=47>

Pre- reading

While –

- Ask ss. to tell the names of the folk
tales that they have read

- Divide the class into two team

- Which team give more answer will
win the game.

- Introduce the topic of the passage
reading and then supply some new
words to Ss.

- Ss listen and copy down.
- T. guides ss. to read them
- Ss repeat them in chorus then

- Checking vocabularies: rub out and

- Ask students to read the statements
and guess which is true, which is false,
and then share with their partners.
- Call on some ss. to read their
predictions and write them on the

- Turn on the tape 2 times and ask
them to look at their text books to
check their predictions and correct the
false ones .

- Call on 2 Ss to read the story

- Correct their mistakes if necessary.

- Ask Ss to work in pairs answering the

- Call on some pairs to practice asking
and answering before the class.
- Listen and give feedback

Name some folk tales that you have read

Possible answers:

- One hundred-section bamboo
- Seven-mile shoes

- Snow white and 7 dwarfs
- The frog prince


- cruel (a) = độc ác, ác nghiệt

- upset (a) = worried, sad: buồn phiền, lo lắng
- fairy (n) = tiên

- magical (a) : o thuật, có phép kì diệu
-> magically (adv): kì diệu, thần diệu

- rag (n) ( realize ): giẻ, giẻ rách, quần áo rách
- to fall in love with = phải lòng với, yêu.
- immediately (adv ) = ngay lập tức.

1. T / F statements predictions :

Statements Guess Key

1. Little Pea’s father is poor

2. Her father got married again
after his wife died .

3. Her new mother was
beautiful and nice to her .

4. She worked hard all day .
5. She did not have new
clothes to take part in the
festival .

3. F: Her new mother was cruel to her

5. F: A fairy gave her beautiful clothes
2. Comprehension questions.

a. Who was Little Pea?

She was a poor farmer’s daughter.

b. What did Stout Nut’s mother make Little
Pea do all day?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=48>

Post reading - Ask Ss to work in pairs , filling the
blanks with suitable words from the
story .

- Call on some Ss to read their
complete sentences aloud .
- Give feedback

c. How did Little Pea get her new clothes?
Before the festival stared, a fairy appeared
and magically changed her rags into

beautiful clothes.

d. Who did the Prince decided to marry?
He decided to marry Little Pea.
e. Is it a true story? How do you know?
3. Complete the sentences with words from the

a. Little Pea’s father was a farmer.
b. Little Pea’s mother died when she
was young

c. Little Pea had/ used to do

housework all day after her father got married

d. The Prince wanted to marry/ choose
a girl from Little Pea’s village.

e. Stout Nut’s mother did not make
new clothes for Little Pea.

f. The prince found Little Pea’s lost


- Learn the new words by heart.
- Retell the story

- Prepare: Lesson: Write of the unit 4

---Date of preparation: 10 /9/10

Date of teaching : 14 /10 /10 Week: 9
Unit 4: OUR PAST

Period 25 – Lesson: Write
I. Aim:

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a folktale story base on cue words.
II. Knowledge:


Grammar: simple past.
- Vocab. :

III. Skills & Teaching aids:

- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing

- Teaching aids: Lesson plan, chalks, color chalks, ruler, picture, etc.
IV. Teaching steps:

<i> 1. Greeting and checking attendance</i>

<i>2. The previous lesson: </i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=49>

Warm up

Pre –

- Ask Sts some questions about
imaginary stories.

- Listen and answer the questions

- Introduce the aims of the writing and
some new words.

Checking vocabulary : Matching:
- Write the new words in the list on
the left hand side of the blackboard.
- Write the translations on the right
hand side of the blackboard.

- Ask Sts to come to the black board
to match item on the left with those
on the right by drawing a line
connecting them

- Ask ss. to read and complete the

- Call on some ss. to say the meaning

of the verbs in the box.

- Have them work in pairs using
suitable verbs to fill in the blanks.
- Call on them to read their answers
aloud .

- Give feedback.

- Ask students to work in groups of 4
(one table), answering the questions :
- Call on some pairs to practice asking
and answering the questions .

- T. corrects and gives answer keys


- Do you want to read imaginary stories?
- Name of some them

- Which story do you like best?

- Have you ever read the story “ how the tigers got
his stripes?”


- wisdom (n) trí khôn

- stripe (n) sọc, vằn, viền (con hổ)

- straw (n) rơm, cọng rơm

- servant (n) người phục vụ, đầy tớ
- escape (v) trốn thoát, tẩu thoát.
- graze (v) ăn cỏ, gặm cỏ.

I. Complete the story. Use the verbs in the box:

1. appear
2. as
3. said
4. left
5. went

6. tied
7. lit
8. burned
9. escaped

Comprehension questions :
a, Where was the man ?

b, What did the buffalo do when the tiger
appeared ?

c, What did the tiger to know ?

d, What did he do before going home ? Why ?
e, What did he do when he turned ?

<b>* Answer key </b>
a, He was in his field.
b, It grazed nearby.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=50>


Post writing

- Get Ss to do exercise 2 . ( Ss have to
imagine to be a man in order to write
the story )

- T. reminds ss. about the change of

- Ask Ss to work individually , then
share with their partners and correct
mistakes .

- Take some writings to correct in front
of the class.

- Give suggested answers


d, He tied the tiger to a tree with rope because he
didn’t want it to eat buffalo.

e, When he turned, he lit the straw to burn the

II. Now imagine you are the man. Use the words to
write the story:

Notice : Change

<b> The man -> I / His -> My </b>

Suggested answer:

One day, as I was in the field and my buffalo
grazed nearby, a tiger came. It ask why a strong
buffalo was my servant and I was its master. I told
the tiger that I had something called wisdom. The
tiger wanted to see it but I said that I left it at
home that day. Then I tied the tiger to a tree with a
rope because I didn’t want it to eat my buffalo. I
went to get some straw and I burned the tiger. The
tiger escaped, but today it still has black stripes
from the burned.


- Learn the new words by heart.
- Retell the story

- Prepare: Lesson: “G.S + Listen and read” of the unit 5

---Date of preparation: 10 /9/10

Date of teaching : 15 /10 /10 Week: 9

<b>Unit 5: STUDY HABITS</b>

<b>Period 26 – Lesson: G.S + Listen and read + LF4.</b>
I. Aim:

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the dialogue and how to use the advice in reported

II. Knowledge:


Grammar: advice in reported speech.
- Vocab. :

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=51>

- Teaching aids: Lesson plan, chalks, color chalks, ruler, picture, etc.
IV. Teaching steps:

<i> 1. Greeting and checking attendance</i>
<i>2. The previous lesson: </i>

<i>3. The new lesson:</i>

<b>Steps</b> <b>Teacher’s and ss.’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Warm up

Pre- reading


- Ask ss. to write subjects that they
have studied at school.

- Divide the class into two team

- Which team give more answer will
win the game.

- After the game finishes. Teacher
leads in the content by asking the

- Ss listen and answer.

- T. gives some new words and their
meaning to ss.

- Ss listen and copy.

- Then teacher teaches ss. to read in
chorus, individually.

- Checking vocabularies: rub out and


Ask Sts to read the statements ( on
poster) and predict they are true or

- Ask them to share with their partner

- Play the tape twice. Then call on
some pairs to play the part of Tim and

I. Getting started:
Brain storming:

Possible answers:

- English, Geography, Biology, Math, Music,
History, Physics, physical Education, Art,
Chemistry, literature, civics, etc.


<b>-</b> What subjects are you good at ? / bad at ?
<b>-</b> What subject do you like best ? / Why ?
<b>-</b> How often do you have math ? /

II. Listen and read:

<b>-</b> Who is Tim? – Tim is a student.
<b>-</b> Is Tim a good student? – Yes, he is.
<b>-</b> What were Tim and his mother talking


- report card (n): Phiếu liên lạc
- pronunciation: (n) sự phát âm
- improve (v) cải thiện, cải tiến
- be proud of tự hào về

- Poor  rich (adj. ) Nghèo 


- (to) try one’s best (v) cố hết sức

T / F. sentences prediction:

a. Tim was out when his mother called him
b. Tim’ mother meet his teacher at school
c. Tim’s report is poor

d. Tim’s mother wants him to improve one thing
e. Tim needs to improve his Spanish grammar.
f. Tim promised to try his best in learning Spanish
1. Practice the dialogue with a partner:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=52>

Post reading

his mother.

- Ss do as requirement. and then check
their prediction.

- Give feedback.

- Ask Sts to correct the false
statements if the teacher has time.
- Ask ss. to read the dialogue again &
practice asking & answering the Qs in


T monitors, takes notes & give the
correct answers

- Present new target item: Elicit
sentence from ss.

+ What is this sentence into

- Did Tim’s mother give him advice?
Who told him this advice? ...
This is advice in reported speech.
- What comes after “ Said ”? S2

- What comes after “ Should ”? bare V
+ Elicit form & use from ss.

2. T rue or false? Check ( ) the boxes:


a. F b. T c. F d. T e. F f. T
3. Answer the questions:


a/ Miss Jackson is Tim’s mother

b/ Miss Jackson gave Tim’s mother his report card
c/ Tim studied very well this semester

d/ Miss Jackson said Tim should work harder on
his Spanish
e/ She gave him a dictionary pronunciation .

* Grammar points:

Miss Jackson said you should work hard on your
Spanish pronunciation.

Advice in reported speech:

<b>Said / told (that) + S + should + V1</b>

Từ câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp có những thay

đổi sau:

+Bỏ dấu phẩy hoặc hai chấm sau động từ said, bỏ
ngoặc kép.

+Đổi ngôi của đại từ (I-he...).


Miss Jackson said: “ Tim should work harder on his
<i>Spanish pronunciation”</i>

Tim’s mother reported it to Tim:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=53>

- Ask ss. to do exercise 4 on page 53:
- Monitor, take notes & give the
correct answers

<i>Spanish pronunciation.</i>

Or: Miss Thuan said Trong:" you should turn off
<i>the light and close the door before going out"</i>

 Miss Thuan said Trong/ he should turn off the

light and close the door before going out


a. Miss Jackson said you should spend more time
on Spanish pronunciation

b. Miss Jackson said you should practice speaking
Spanish every day.

c. Miss Jackson said you should listen to Spanish
conversations on TV

d. Miss Jackson said you should practice reading
aloud passages in Spanish.

e. Miss Jackson said you should use this dictionary
to find out how to pronounce Spanish words.


- Learn the new words by heart.

- Write the answer keys of exercise 4 /53 into the notebook.
- Prepare: Lesson: “ Speak + LF1” of the unit 5

---Date of planning: 10/10/10 Week: 10
Date of teaching: 20/10/10

<b>UNIT 5: study habits</b>
<b>Period 27 - Lesson 3: Speak + Lf1</b>
I. Aim:

- Ask and answer some subjects at school.
II. Knowledge:


- Vocab. :

III. Skills & Teaching aids:

- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing

- Teaching aids: Lesson plan, chalks, color chalks, ruler, picture, etc.
IV. Teaching steps:

<i> 1. Greeting and checking attendance</i>
<i>2. The previous lesson: </i>

<i>3. The new lesson:</i>

<b>Steps</b> <b>Teacher’s and ss.’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Warm up

- Ask ss. to tell the names of the folk
tales that they have read

- Divide the class into two team

Brain storming:

Speak English to friends in

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=54>

Pre –




- Which team give more answer will
win the game.

- T gives meanings of some words or

- Let Ss. discuss the questions with
their friends .

<b>- Ask Sts to work in pairs, asking their </b>
partner questions and taking notes of
the answer.

- Ask Sts to work in group of 4 or 5 to
report what they have known about
their partners’ study. Ss. can use this

structure to talk.

- Write something about your partners’
study habits.

- Set the scene: “ use any word from
the game Pelmanism to complete the
following sentences”

Questions You Your

1. When do you do your


2. Who helps you with your

3. How much time do you
spend on:


4. Which subject do you
need to improve?

5. What do you do to
improve your English?

 Nam said he did his homework after


 Hoa said his father helped her with

her homework.

 Lan said she spent 2 hours studying


Mai said she should do more
grammar exercise

<b>Lf1/ 52.</b>

* Lan has a (1) voice and she usually speaks (2)
* Answer: (1) soft (adj)

(2) softly (adv)

<b>How to improve English</b> Listen to <sub>the English</sub>


Read Englishstories


<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=55>

T explains how to form, to use and
helps Sts distinguish the use of
adjective and adverbs.

- Give some examples.

- Ask ss. to use the structure to do

- Call on some ss. And ask them to
give answers.

- Teacher correct them.

<b>Forms: S + V + a/an + adjective + noun.</b>
<i><b> S + be + Adjective</b></i>

<i><b>S + V + Adverb</b></i>
<i><b>Use: </b></i>

 Adjective modifies noun after it the


 Adverb modifies the verb of the


Complete the dialogue.

a. Hoa: Does Mrs. Nga speak English?
Lan: Oh, yes. She speaks English (0) <i><b>well</b></i>

. Hoa: Ba always get excellent grades.
Lan: That’s because he studies (1) <i><b>hard.</b></i>

c. Hoa: That’s our bus.

Lan: Run (2) <i><b>fast </b></i>and we can might catch


Hoa: I’m very sorry. I know i behaved (3)

Lan: It’s all right.

. Hoa: I can’t hear you, Lan.

Lan: Sorry, but I’m speaking (4) <i><b>softly </b></i>
because I have

<i> Homework:</i>

- Learn the grammar by heart.
- Re –practice this lesson.

<i><b> - Prepare: Lesson: “ Listen + LF2” of the unit 5</b></i>

Date of planning: 10/10/10 Week: 10
Date of teaching: 21/10/10

<b>UNIT 5: study habits</b>
<b>Period 28 - Lesson 4: Listen + Lf2</b>
I. Aim:

- Helping ss. listen and fill information in the report card.
II. Knowledge:



- Vocab. : behavior, the participation, the comment, satisfactory (adj.), the co-orperation, (to) appreciate,
the attendance

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=56>

- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing

- Teaching aids: Lesson plan, chalks, color chalks, ruler, picture, etc.
IV. Teaching steps:

<i> 1. Greeting and checking attendance</i>
<i>2. The previous lesson: </i>

<i>3. The new lesson:</i>

<b>Steps</b> <b>Teacher’s and ss.’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Warm up

Pre- reading


Lead in:

Have you received the report card?
Who often gives you a report card?
Is it a good report? Today we’ll
listen to the dialogue about the
report card.

Teach vocabulary:

+ Techniques: explanation, situation,
translation, example, explanation
situation, example

+ T elicits words from ss., asks ss. to
read in chorus, individually and give

+ Check understanding: Ro + R
- Set the scene:

Ask ss. to look at the picture & elicit
sentences from ss.

Whose report card is it?
It is Sarah Chen’s

Which subject was reported?
For what term?

What are the comments?

What does S stand for?
What about F,U,A,B,C,D?

- Open prediction:

I’d like you to think & guess the
missing information

Then compare with your partners
- Listen for the first time.

- Ask ss. to listen to the tape carefully
& check their predictions.(Ss listen to
the tape for three times)

- T plays the tape the last time to check

and correct the answer:

- Comprehension Qs:

I. Vocabulary:

- behavior (n) c xử, hành vi
- a participation: sự tham gia
- satisfactory(adj.): thoả mãn
- the cooperation: sự hợp tác
- the attendance: Sự tham dự
- (to) appreciate: đánh giá

- the comment: nhận xÐt

II. Listening:

Name: Class:

Marking period ; Day present:
Day absent ; Behavior

participation: Cooperation:
Listening: Speaking:
Reading: Writing:
A= excellent: B= good: giỏi, tốt
C= Fair: khá D= Poor: yếu

F= fail :trượt

S= satisfactory: hài lòng

U= unsatisfactory: ko hài lòng

Comments: nhận xét, đánh giá

Teacher’s signature: chữ kí của gv

Parent’s signature: chữ kí của PH.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=57>

Post reading

Ask ss. to practice in pairs

- T monitors, takes notes & give the
correct answers.

<b>-</b> Ask ss. to write a report card
about themselves, use the
information they have learnt

<b>-</b> Ask some ss. to retell the

<b>-</b> T monitors, takes notes & give
the correct answers

- Students look at the pictures the
teacher asks some questions:

- Teacher and students correct the

- Students make sentences, using
“should + V”

- Ask ss. To work in pairs to ask and
answer about Mr. Hao’s house

1. 87 days present
2. 5 days absent

3. Participation S
4. Listening C
5. Speaking: A.
6. Reading: A.
7. Writing B.


1.Whose report is it?
2. Which class is she in?

3. Which subject was reported?

4. What about reading, writing, listening,

What are the comments?

<b>LF2. Work with a partner . Look at the pictures</b>
<b>of Mr. Hoa’s house. Use the words in the box. </b>
<b>Say what he should do:</b>

( in the textbook)

Do you think the house is new?
Is Mr. Hao’s house beautiful?
Should Mr. Hao repair the roof?
- Yes, he should repair the roof
Form: should + V1

Say: “ What should he do ?”
* Answers:

a. Mr. Hao should repair the roof
b. Mr. Hao should paint the house
c. Mr. Hao should cut the grass.
d. Mr. Hao should replant the tree

e. Mr. Hao should mend the door

- Learn vocabulary by heart
- Prepare Unit 5: Read

---Date of preparation: 10 /9/10 Week: 10
Date of teaching : 15 /10 /10

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=58>

- Comprehension about how to study vocabulary.
II. Knowledge:



- Vocab. : highlight, mother tongue, underline
III. Skills & Teaching aids:

- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing

- Teaching aids: Lesson plan, chalks, color chalks, ruler, picture, etc.
IV. Teaching steps:

<i> 1. Greeting and checking attendance</i>
<i>2. The previous lesson: </i>

<i>3. The new lesson:</i>

<b>Steps</b> <b>Teacher’s and ss.’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Warm up



- Ask ss. to work in groups ( A & B) to
make a list of the ways how a

language learner can learn new words.

- T. pre-teaches some new words:
- Ss. Listen and copy down carefully.
- Ask ss. Repeat new words after

- Ss listen and repeat in chorus then

- Checking: What and where
- Ask ss. to read the statements on
page 50 then read the text and decide
which is true and which is false

- Give feedback.

- Have ss. work in pairs to answer the
questions on page 50

- Give feedback

* Brainstorming:

Learn by Write each word on one
heart piece of paper and put
it into the pocket to
learn whenever

Learn through Translate it

example sentence into mother tongue
* New words:

Mother tongue (n)
Come across (v)
Stick (v)

<b>1. T / F statements:</b>
( in the textbook)
* Answers:

a. F , b. T, c. F, d. T
<b>2. Answer the questions:</b>

( in the textbook)
* Answers:

a. No. They learn words in different ways

b. Because they help them to remember the use of
new words

c. They write examples, put the words and their
meanings on stickers, underline or highlight them.
d. They may think they can't do so. Instead, they

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=59>


- Ask ss. to write the ways of learning
words that they think are the best for

- Setting the scene: Ask ss. to look at
the teacher's activities and teacher's
voice then teacher writes her speech
on the board and ask ss.: " How will
we report this sentence ?"

- Ask ss. to do some sentences to check
their understanding

- Let students do the exercise in their
notebooks ( group work)

- The teacher asks the students read
the answers

- The teacher gives the correct

e. Revision is necessary in learning words
f. Learners should try different ways of learning
words to find out what is the best

<b>Lf3/ 53. ( textbook)</b>

<b>1). Grammar: Reported speech:</b>
Miss Thuan said:

" Please stand up!"
" Can you help me?"
Student reported them to other:

" Miss Thuan asked me to stand up"
" She told me to help her"


<b>S + tell/ ask + O + to V1</b>

Meaning: yêu cầu/ nhờ bảo ai đó làm điều gì.

* Put the following commands and requests into
reported speech:

a. Lan said to Tuan:" Please turn of the light and
close the door before going out"

b. Minh said to me " Can you swim with me?"
* Answer:

a. Lan asked/ told Tuan to turn of the light and

close the door before going out.

b. Minh asked/ told me to swim with him
<b>2). Work with a partner. Suppose you are Tim's </b>
mother. Report Miss Jackson's commands and
requests in her conversation with Tim's mother:
( in the textbook)

* Answers:

a. Miss Jackson asked/told me to wait for her
outside her office

b. Miss Jackson asked/told me to give you your
report card for this semester

c. Miss Jackson asked/told me to help you with
your Spanish pronunciation.

d. Miss Jackson asked/told me to meet her next

<b>Homework: </b>

<b>-</b> Re-practice this lesson
<b>-</b> Prepare the lesson “ write”.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=60>

Date of planning: 10/10/10 Week: 11
Date of teaching: 26/10/10

<b>UNIT 5: study habits</b>
<b>Period 30 - Lesson 5: Write</b>
I. Aim:

- Writing letter to friends

- Base on model letter and cue words to write a letter
II. Knowledge:



- Vocab. : Lunar New Year Festival, Enjoyable (adj.), Celebrate (v)
III. Skills & Teaching aids:

- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing

- Teaching aids: Lesson plan, chalks, color chalks, ruler, picture, etc.
IV. Teaching steps:

<i> 1. Greeting and checking attendance</i>
<i> </i> <i>2. The previous lesson: </i>

<i>3. The new lesson:</i>

<b>Steps</b> <b>Teacher’s and ss.’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Warm up


- Ask ss. some questions dealing
with writing letters.

- Introduce then teach vocabulary.

- Checking: Rub out and

- Ask ss. to put the parts of the
letter in the correct order.( pair

- Give feedback.

- Ask ss. to label each section with
the correct letter.

* Chatting:

- Have you ever written to someone?
- To whom do you usually write?
- What do you often write about?

<b>I. Look at Hoa's letter to Tim. She wrote it at the </b>
<b>end of term. Identify the sections. Label them </b>
<b>with correct letter:</b>

* New words:

- Lunar New Year Festival,
- Enjoyable (adj.),

- Celebrate (v)
* Ordering:

Heading - writer’s address,
and date

Opening -Dear....,
(Dear Ms. Lien,...)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=61>


- Ask ss. to work in pairs and
answer some questions
- Give feedback.

- Ask ss. to practice asking and
answering questions.

- Ask ss. to do exercise 2 on page
51, ss. have to imagine that they
are Lan and write a letter to her
pen pal Donna in Sans Francisco,
using the given information.

Questions and answers:

a. Who wrote the letter? To whom?
Hoa wrote a letter to Tim, her pen pal.
b. What are there in the heading?

There are the writer's name and the date.
c. What is the main part of the letter?
The body of the letter is the main part.
d. What did Hoa receive a few days ago?
She received her first semester report.
e. Is Hoa good at Math?

No. She isn't.

f. What subject is Hoa good at?
Science, English and History.

g. Where is she going to celebrate the Lunar New
Year festival ?

She is going to Hue to celebrate the festival with
her grandmother.

<b>II. Now help Lan write a letter to her pen pal </b>
<b>Donna in San Francisco. Use the information in </b>
<b>the box:</b>

* Answers:

15 Thanh Giong Street,
Ha Noi, June 10 , 2004

Dear Dona,

Thanks for your letter. I'm glad to hear you had an
interesting / enjoyable mother's Day.

We received our second semester report last month.
I got good grades for Geography, Physics and Math
but my English and History results were poor. My
teacher advises me to improve English and History.
I think I have to study harder next school year.
In a few weeks, we're going to celebrate the mid
Autumn festival. That is an Autumn moon festival in
Vietnam. This afternoon, I'm going to Ha Long Bay
with my aunt and uncle by bus and I'm going to stay
there with them until the festival comes. I'll send
you a postcard from there.


<span class='text_page_counter'>(62)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=62>


-writing - Call on some ss. to read aloud <sub>their letters. And then correct </sub>
their mistakes.


* Correction:

<b> Homework: </b>

- Write a letter to your friend to tell him/ her about your second semester report and about your
Summer holiday.

- Prepare: Unit 6 – GS. + Listen and read + Lf2

Date of planning: 10/10/10 Week: 11
Date of teaching: 26/10/10

<b>Period 31- Lesson 1: GS. + listen and read & LF2</b>
I. Aim:

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand the activities of the Y & Y organization
and practice in gerunds used after some verbs: love, live, hate, enjoy.

II. Knowledge:


Grammar: gerund (V- ing)

- Vocab. :

III. Skills & Teaching aids:

- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing

- Teaching aids: Lesson plan, chalks, color chalks, ruler, picture, etc.
IV. Teaching steps:

<i> 1. Greeting and checking attendance</i>
<i> </i> <i>2. The previous lesson: </i>

<i>3. The new lesson:</i>

<b>Steps</b> <b>Teacher’s and ss.’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Warm up T: Gives instructions
Ss: work in teams :

Ss : write the activities that the Ho
Chi Minh Young Pioneer and
Youth Organization participate in .

<b>Getting started :</b> <b>Brainstorming</b>
collect waste paper

help blind people

 Possible answers:

<b>-</b> Clean up the street
<b>-</b> take part in sports
- collect and empty garbage
<b>-</b> help elderly people

<span class='text_page_counter'>(63)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=63>

Pre –



Teach vocabulary

Checking vocabulary : Rub out
and Remember.

T : set the scene : Nga is a student
in grade eight. She wants to enroll
in the activities for the summer.

ask students to listen to the
tape twice

notice pronunciation ,

T: asks Ss to pick out from the
dialogue one sentence with “
gerund ”:

Ss: I like drawing and outdoor

T: - When do we use “gerund” ?
Ss: (after some verbs: like, love,

enjoy, hate, mind)

T: - What is the form of “gerunds”
? (V- ING)

Ss: read the dialogue silently

T: asks Ss some questions to check
their understanding

Ask ss to make up sentences

- Monitor, take notes & give the
correct answers.

T: collect the answers and then
correct the mistakes

Ss: complete Nga’s details

- help handicapped / street children
- plant trees and flowers

- water trees and flowers
- support cultural activities

- (to) enroll : ( translation ) đăng ký

- application form : ( mime ) mẫu đơn

- Out door activities (example : Games that you
play in the open air such as : football, tennis,
swimming...) hoạt đợng ngồi trời

- fill out : ( mime ) điền vào

- (to) sign : ( mime ) ký
II. Listen and read:

 Review :
 Form :

<b> Like, love, enjoy, hate + gerund (V- </b>

<i>Practice: (word cue drill)</i>

a. They / love / play soccer
b. She / like / watch TV
c. He / enjoy / do homework
d. Nam / hate / do the housework
e. Hoa / like / cook meals
Eg: They love playing soccer.

 What’s her name ? - Pham Mai Nga
 Where does she live ? - 5 Tran Phu Street.
 When was she born ? - April 22, 1989

 What are her hobbies ? - Drawing, outdoor

activities , acting
Answers :

* Name : Pham Mai Nga * Home

<span class='text_page_counter'>(64)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=64>

* Phone number : Not available. * Date of birth :
April 22, 1989

* Sex : Female

* Interest : drawing, outdoor activities , acting

<b>-</b> Learn the above parts

<b>-</b> Do exercises Lf2/ 61. in workbooks

<b>-</b> Be ready lesson 2 “ Speak – Language focus 3 ”

---Date of planning: 10/10/10 Week: 11
Date of teaching: 29/10/10

<b>Period 32- Lesson 2: Speak & LF1</b>
I. Aim:

- By the end of the lesson SS will be able to ask for favors and respond to favors.

II. Knowledge:


Grammar: gerund (V- ing)

- Vocab. :

III. Skills & Teaching aids:

- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing

- Teaching aids: Lesson plan, chalks, color chalks, ruler, picture, etc.
IV. Teaching steps:

<i> 1. Greeting and checking attendance</i>
<i> </i> <i>2. The previous lesson: </i>

<i>3. The new lesson:</i>

<b>Steps</b> <b>Teacher’s and ss.’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Warm up

Pre –

- Draw 5 gaps for the word-

- Get students into teams (or ask

them as a whole class) for a letter
in the alphabet. They have to try
to guess the word. If their guess is
wrong, the girl / boy has to step
down. If their guess is right, they
will get one mark. The game
continues until students find out
the word - favor and the shark
can’t eat the girl / boy.

T : Ask students the meaning of
the word FAVOR

<b>Shark 's attack :</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(65)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=65>


* What do you say to ask for a
favor ?

* When do you ask for favor ?
+ Can / could you help me ?

* Need someone help.
+ Could you do me a favor ?
+ Can / could you...?

* How do you say to respond to
favor ?  Certainly / Of course /

Sure / No problem.

T : Ask students to copy down the
following phrases :

T : Ask students to work in pairs to
do exercise 3a (page 61- 62). They
have to use the expressions in the
box (to ask for a favor) to fill in
blanks in the dialogues.

Ss : practice speaking in pairs.
T : Set the scene then ask students
to make a dialogue between Mrs.
Ngoc and Hoa.

Mrs. Ngoc is carrying a heavy
bag, but she’s hurt her arm so she
needs some help.

T: Ask students to practice the
dialogue in pairs .

Ss : make similar dialogues about
some of the following situations

T : Ask students to make a similar
dialogue and then practice in pairs
T : Ask students to make another

dialogue and then practice in

Asking for favor Responding for favor
- Can/could you help

me ,please ?

- Could do you me a favor

- I need a favor
- Can / Could you...

- Certainly/of
- No problem.

- What can I do for you ?
- How can I help you ?
- I’m sorry. I’m really

A. Could you help me,
please ?

Yes, certainly.
Can you buy a ticket
for me ?

B. Could you do me a

favor ?

What can I do for you

Can you take me
across the road ?

C. I need a favor.
How can I help ?
Could you help me
with math problem ?
D. Can you help me
please ?

Yes. of course.
Can you water the
flowers in the garden ?

<b>Dialogue : </b>

Mrs. Ngoc : Could you do me a favor, please ? .
Hoa : Sure, what can I do for you ? :
Mrs. Ngoc : Can you help me to carry my bag. I’ve
hurt my arm.

Hoa : Certainly . I’ll help you.
Mrs. Ngoc : Thank you very much. That’s very
kind of you.


<b>Answer : </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(66)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=66>


speaking - Ask Ss to look at the chart on page 60 to talk about the Y&Y
organization activity program
- Get each pair to ask and answer 3
questions about the place/ date/

- Ask Ss to work in open pairs then
closed pairs.

Your neighbor : Could you help me, please ?
You : Of course. How can I help
you ?

Your neighbor : Can you help me to tidy the
yard ?

You : Sure . I’ll help you

Your neighbor : Thank you very much. That’s
very kind of you.



<b>-</b> Learn the above parts

<b>-</b> Do exercises Lf2/ 61. in workbooks

<b>-</b> Be ready lesson 2 “ Speak – Language focus 1 ”

---Date of planning: 10/10/10 Week: 12
Date of teaching: 3/11/10

<b>Period 33- Lesson 3: Listen & LF3</b>
I. Aim:

- Listen and fill in the missing words and more practice about the near future tense.

II. Knowledge:


Grammar: be+ going to
- Vocab. :

III. Skills & Teaching aids:

- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing

- Teaching aids: Lesson plan, chalks, color chalks, ruler, picture, etc.
IV. Teaching steps:

<i> 1. Greeting and checking attendance</i>

<i> </i> <i>2. The previous lesson: </i>

<i>3. The new lesson:</i>

<b>Steps</b> <b>Teacher’s and ss.’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Warm up - Let ss. to listen to the song for fun
- Ask students to complete the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(67)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=67>

Pre –



T : Ask students to practice three
dialogues in pairs

Give another situation : You
want to help a tourist who needs to
find the nearest police station
because he has lost money.
Ss : work in pairs to make a
similar dialogue then practice with
their partners.

T : Move around the class and

help students.

- Introduce vocabulary

- T uses the steps of teaching

- Ask sts to guess the words to fill
in the gaps in the song (page 56)
- Ask them to share with their

- Give feedback.

- Ask ss. to listen to the song and
fill in the missing words then share
with their partners.

- Ss. to listen to the tape carefully
& get general idea of the song
Then check their predictions.(Ss
listen to the tape for three times)

T plays the tape the last time to

- T monitors, takes notes & give
the correct answers

- Ss practice singing the song in

front of class.

<b>* Answer key </b>
A: May I help you ?

B: Yes. Thank you. Could you fill in this form for
me ?

A: Do you need any help ?

B: No, thank you. I’m fine..
A: Oh, this bag is heavy
B: Let me help you

A: Yes. That’s very kind of you.
A: Yes. That’s very kind of you.



- (to) unite (translation) đoàn kết

- peace (n) (antonym) - give a word with the
opposite meaning. hồbình

- (to ) hold hand ( mime ) nắm tay nhau

- right ( translation ) chân lý

- ( to ) make a stand : ( Viet Nameses ) sẵn sàng
chiến đấu

 Fill in the missing words:


“Children of our land unite.
Let’s sing for peace

Let’s sing for right

Let’s sing for love between North and South.
Oh children of our land unite.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(68)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=68>

Let’s show our love from place to place.
Let’s show out loud.

Let’s make a stand

Oh children of the world, hold hands.

<b>-</b> Learn the above parts

<b>-</b> Do exercises Lf3/ 61. in workbooks
<b>-</b> Be ready lesson 4 “ Read”

---Date of planning: 10/10/10 Week: 12

Date of teaching: 4/11/10

<b>Period 34- Lesson 4: Read</b>

I. Aim:

- Comprehension to get information

II. Knowledge:


Grammar: Review present simple with future meaning & gerunds
- Vocab. :

III. Skills & Teaching aids:

- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing

- Teaching aids: Lesson plan, chalks, color chalks, ruler, picture, etc.
IV. Teaching steps:

<i> 1. Greeting and checking attendance</i>
<i> </i> <i>2. The previous lesson: </i>

<i>3. The new lesson:</i>

<b>Steps</b> <b>Teacher’s and ss.’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Warm up

Pre –

- Ask ss to look at the picture and
then answer some questions

- T. gives some new words and
their meaning to ss.

- Ss listen and copy.

* Chatting:

- Do you join the young pioneers clubs?

- Are you a member of the young pioneers club?
- Do you like to join the young pioneers club why?
- Do you know any organozations similar to the Y
& Y in other countries?

- What social activities do the Y & Y in Vietnam

- Do you know anything about the boy scouts and
girl guides in the USA?

- What the Boy scouts and girl guides do?
- What do you want to know about them?
* New words:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(69)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=69>



- Then teacher teaches ss. to read
in chorus, individually.

- Checking vocabularies: rub out
and remember.

T : Stick the poster with the
statements on the blackboard and
guess which is true (T), which is
false (F).

- Ask students to read the passage
on page 57 and check if their
prediction is correct or not.

- Give feedback. Ask them to
correct false statements.

- Ask students to work in pairs to
do exercise 1 (Page 57)

_ Ss do the exercise 2 (Page 57)
Comprehension Qs: Ask ss to work
in pairs to ask & answer the qs

T monitors, takes notes & give the
correct answers.

<b>- Ask ss to work in group of five &</b>
to use information above to write a
short paragraph

<b>- Ask the tutor to report about their </b>

- T monitors, takes notes & give
the correct answers.


T / F statements prediction:

1. The Boy Scout of America is a youth

2. Scouting began in America

3. William Boyce is a businessman in London
4. Boys and girls can join BSA.


The Scouting Association is the biggest
voluntary youth organization in the world.

- Answer :

1 T 2 F 3 F 4 F 5 T
EX1. Fill in the missing dates:

a. 1907 b. 1909 c. 1910 d. 1994
EX2. Answer:

a.Scouting began in England in 1907

b.The meeting between a boy Scout and Mr Milliam
Boyce let to the Scouts Association crossing the
Atlantic in 1910

c.Girls can join in the Girls Guides Association and
Camp Fire Boys and Girls

d.They are building characters, good citizenship &
personal fitness.


<b>-</b> Learn the lesson

<b>-</b> Be ready lesson 5 “ Write”

---Date of planning: 10/10/10 Week: 12
Date of teaching: 5/11/10

<span class='text_page_counter'>(70)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=70>

<b>Period 35- Lesson 5: Write</b>

I. Aim:

- Write the simple letter about the intention and plan base on given words.

II. Knowledge:


- Vocab. :

III. Skills & Teaching aids:

- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing

- Teaching aids: Lesson plan, chalks, color chalks, ruler, picture, etc.
IV. Teaching steps:

<i> 1. Greeting and checking attendance</i>
<i> </i> <i>2. The previous lesson: </i>

<i>3. The new lesson:</i>

<b>Steps</b> <b>Teacher’s and ss.’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Warm up

Pre –

-Elicits form of writing a letter from ss.
: Opening- Dear, heading- writer’s
address & the date, Closing – your

friend/ regards love, Body of the letter.
Today I’ll introduce to you how to
write a letter about future plan.
Let’s come to our lesson today
- Ss read the notice. Then teacher
explains some new words (Teacher
can plays the role of the secretary to
read the notice).

- Set the sence: Ask ss to look at the
picture & elicit sentences from ss
Who is this? It’s Nga

Which club has she just taken part in?
The young pioneers club. Do you know
who she has just written a letter to?

Ask ss some qs to check their

-Get ss to work in pairs to answer qs
- Gap fill: Now I’d like you to read the
notice carefully and fill the missing
words in the gap.(p 58 ). Ask ss to go to
the board and write the aswers

<b>I. Read the passage and complete the letter:</b>
* New words:

Recycle (v)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(71)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=71>


Post writing


T monitors, takes notes & give the
correct answers.

Hoa talks to her aunt about the Y & Y
Green group about the activities that
she is going to do.

<b>- Ask ss to read the dialogue between </b>
Hoa & her aunt.

- Ask ss some qs to check their

Ask ss to help Hoa to write a letter to
her parents

Ask ss to work in group of five to write
a letter

- T moves around, helps weak ss &
takes notes

- Ask some tutors to write the letters on
the board. the others observe and give
their remarks.

T monitors, takes notes & give the
correct answers

* Answers:

1. community 6. save
2. recycling 7. earn

3. collect 8. participating
4. send 9. planing
5. recycling 10. helping

<b>II. Read the dialogue between Hoa and her </b>
<b>aunt. Then write Hoa's Letter to her parents</b>
<b>telling what she is going to do:</b>

* Questions:

a. What do members of the Y and Y have to
do in the recycling program?

b. What is the purpose of the recycling

c. What other programs can members of the Y
and Y participate in?

- Why does Hoa look happy?

- What is she going to do in the environment

- What are they doing to earn money for their
school Y & Y?

* Suggested letter:
Dear Mom and Dad,

I'm very happy to tell you that I'm able to join
in the Y & Y Green Group of my shool.
The Green Group is holding an environmemt
month plan. We are going to clean the lakes
banks on weekends. We are also going to plant
trees and flowers in the park and water them
every afternoon after class. We are planting
young trees and plants to sell to other shools. I
hope that we can bring more green to the city
and earn some money for the shool Y & Y. The
program is very interesting and useful, isn't it?
I'm still in a very good health. I will tell you
more about the group activities later.

With love,

<b>Homework : Re. practice this lesson & Prepare for the lesson : Revision</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(72)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=72>


<i><b>Phạm Thị Hạnh</b></i>








<i><b>Phạm Ngọc Trâm</b></i>

Date of teaching : 10/11 /10
Week: 13 Period 36

I. Aim:

- By the end of the lesson SS will be able to review grammar and vocabulary from unit 4 to unit 6.
II. Knowledge:


Grammar: - The simple past tense.

- Used to + inf.
- Modal Verb.
- Gerund

- Reproted speech

- Vocab. : Vocabulary from Unit 4 to Unit 6
III. Skills & Teaching aids:

- Skills: practice

- Teaching aids: Lesson plan, chalks, color chalks, ruler, etc.
IV. Teaching steps:

<i> 1. Greeting and checking attendance</i>
<i>2. The previous lesson: </i>

<i> 3. The new lesson:</i>

<b>Stages</b> <b>Teacher’s and ss.’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Warm up



- Teacher helps student remind the

structures that they learned from the unit 4
to unit 6

- Elicit from ss.

- T shows them on the board and ask ss. to
give examples about each structure if they

- Teacher gives some exercises to ss. Then
ask ss. to use the structure to do them.


<b>-</b> Used to + V1

<b>-</b> Modal verbs + V1

<b>-</b> V2 (-ed)

<b>-</b> (Like/ enjoy/ hate/ love) + Ving

<b>-</b> S1+ said + S2 + should + V1

<b>-</b> S + asked /told + (not) + to + V1


<span class='text_page_counter'>(73)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=73>

Production compare answers together. - Call on some ss. to give answer on the
board. Other give comment.

- Teacher corrects for them.


2. He always ( do) his homework in the

3. She sometimes ( watch) T.V,( do) her
homework and (wash) her clothes in the

4. We (study) English last week.

5. They (see) us this early morning.
6. I (meet) Mo yesterday.

7. I (phone) Mo last night.

8. My mother (buy) this car ten years ago.
9. Tom (write) this book a year ago.
Ex2: Give the correct form of the words in

1. Nam is a …driver. He always drives very …..

2. She is a ………….driver. She drives very …..,so I
don’t like her. (careful)

3. Tom can run so …. ..He is a …….runner. (quick)
4. My mother can cook very … .She is a

……….cook. (good)

5. Maria is a ………cyclist. She cycles very ……….

6. Mr. Tom ……..provided the lunch for us. (kind)
7. We tried our best but …….we failed (fortunate)
8. Mr. Ba is a ……swimmer. He swims so ………..

9. Nam is the ……..student. He can do every

things very …… (good)

10. Mo is a …. …singer. She sings very…… (bad)
Ex 3:

1. We practice( speak) English every day.
2. He never minds ( help) the poor.

3. I asked him ( turn) on the light.
4. She told us ( not cut) flowers.

5. She hates ( answer) the phone so often lets it

6.. We are looking forward to ( hear) from you.
7. They want ( buy) some fish.

8. My father decided ( repair) his old car
9. He made us ( feel) sad.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(74)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=74>

---Date of teaching : 11 /11 /10
Week: 13 Period 37

TEST 2 “45’”


- Listen : Listen to the passage. Then fill in the missing words

- Language focus: Choose the best word / phrase A,B,C or D to fill in the gap. Use the vocabularies and
grammar that they learned in the topics.

- Read: Read comprehension the passage. Then answer the questions
- Write: Rewrite the following sentences as directed.


<b> - Structure</b>


- The simple past tense.
- Used to + inf.

- Modal Verb.
- Gerund

- Reproted speech

- Vocabulary: review.

- Skills: Listen – read – write
- Teaching aids :Testing papers.

1. Greeting and checking attendance.
2. The previous lesson:

3. The new lesson:
A. Matrix


<b>Topics</b> <b>Recognize</b> <b>Understand</b> <b>Use</b>


Objective foreword Objective foreword Objective foreword

I. Listening 5


<b>5 </b>

<b><sub> 2.5</sub></b>

II. Reading 5



<b><sub> 2.5</sub></b>

III. Language focus 12



<b><sub> 3</sub></b>

IV. Writing 4



<b><sub> 2</sub></b>

Total <b>12</b>

<b> 3</b>


<b> 5</b>

<b> 2</b>


<b><sub> 10</sub></b>

<b>B. Content</b>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(75)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=75>

Language learners (<b>1</b>)<sub> ……… words in different ways. Some learners make a list and put into</sub>

it the meanings of (<b>2</b>)<sub> ……… words in their mother tongue, and try to learn </sub>(<b>3</b>)

………. heart. However, others do not. Instead, they (<b>4</b>)<sub> ……… one or two</sub>

example sentences with each new word in order to remember (<b>5</b>)<sub> ……….. to use the word</sub>

in the right way.

<b>II. Read the notice. Then answer the questions. </b>

<b>Answer the following the questions: ( 2,5 ms)</b>
<b>6. Who is this notice send to ?</b>

<b>7. What is the Y & Y planning to help the community?</b>
<b>8. What do all they have to do for recycling?</b>

<b>9. What can they do for the organization? </b>

<b>10. Except the Y&Y, which activities can they join in?</b>
<b>III. Circle the best option A,B,C or D. :( 3 ms)</b>

<b>11. She has to do the cooking, clean the house, wash the clothes.etc. She has to do the .………</b>
A. housework B. household chores C. homework D. both A and B

<b>12. Without electricity we can’t use any modern ……… for doing housework..</b>

A. things B. equipment C. machinery D. robots
<b>13. Language ……… learn works in different ways.</b>

A. students B. learners C. workers D. writers
<b>14. Some people do not try to learn all new words they………</b>

A. come into B. get into C. get across D. come across
<b>15.What school activities would you like to ……… in.</b>

A. participate B. take part C. join D. all are correct
<b>16. The Boy Scouts of America is a youth……….</b>

A. company B. factory C. firm D. organization.
<b>17. When I lived in my hometown, I ……… to the beach every weekend, but now I don’t .</b>
A. used to go B. am used to go C. didn’t use to D. used to going
<b>18. I finished my work ……… </b>

A. two hours ago B. before two hours C. since two hours D. for two hours
<b>19. You ………. practice speaking English every day.</b>

A. ought B. have C. should D. has to.
<b>20. The dentist told me ……….. more careful when I brush my teeth</b>

A. be B. to be C. being D. to have been
<b>21. ……….you open the windows, please?</b>

A. May B. Should C. Must D. all are correct.
<b>22. Do you enjoy ……… to pop music</b>

A. to listen B. listen C. listening D. listened

November 4th <sub>, 2010</sub>

<i><b>To: All Y & Y members of the school</b></i>.

The Y & Y is planning to help the community by encouraging all members to participate in a recycling
program. All you have to do is to collect used glass, paper and cans, and send them for recycling. By doing this,
we can help save natural resources and earn some money for the organization.

If possible, you can participate in other programs such as raising funds for the poor, helping street children
and planning trees and flowers along the sidewalks or in the parks.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(76)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=76>

<b>IV. Rewrite the following sentences as directed: (2 ms)</b>

23. We plan to collect used glass, paper, cans, and send them recycling. ( Use “ Be going to”)

24. On Sundays I like to sleep late. ( Use “ enjoy” instead of “like”)

25. The doctor said: “ You ought to keep your body warm” . ( Use “ reported speech”)
26. The policeman said, “ Don’t touch anything in the room”. ( Use “ reported speech”)
<b>Homework : </b>

- Review the things that you forgot.
- Prepare: the correcting test

---Date of teaching : 12 /11 /10
Week: 13 Period 38


<b>TEST 45’</b>


Help students to know their mistakes and correct them at the same time. Moreover they can remember
the vocabularies and grammar learned.


<b> - Structure</b>


- The simple past tense.
- Used to + inf.

- Modal Verb.
- Gerund

- Reproted speech

- Vocabulary: review.

- Skill: write

- Teaching aids :Testing papers.

1. Greeting and checking attendance.
2. The previous lesson:

3. The new lesson:

<b>Stages</b> <b>Teacher’s and students’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Warm up


- Ask ss. to remind the form of the
structures and tenses that they learnt
- Elicit from ss.

- T shows ss. the mistakes which most
ss. make in the test.


- Common mistakes: tenses
- Mixed pronouns: Answer the

questions - Mixed form of using enough

Answer keys:

<b>I. Mỗi ý đúng được 0.5 điểm:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(77)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=77>


- T calls some ss. to write on board and
then correct them.

- Divide the texting papers to ss. then

correct the test for them.

- Ss listen and copy down

- T asks ss. to say what mistakes they
need to remember so that they never

Baøi nghe:

Language learners learn words in
different ways. Some learners make a
list and put into it the meanings of new
words in their mother tongue, and try to
learn by heart. However, others do not.
Instead, they write one or two example
sentences with each new word in order
to remember how to use the word in the
right way.

<b>II. Mỗi ý đúng được 0.5 điểm:</b>

<b>6. This notice is send to all Y&T members</b>
of the school.

<b>7. The Y & Y is planning to help the</b>
community by encouraging all members to
participate in a recycling program.

<b>8. They have to do is to collect used glass,</b>

paper and cans, and send them for

<b> Or: They have to collect used glass,</b>
paper and cans, and send them for

<b>9. They can save natural resources and</b>
earn some money for the organization.
<b>10. They can join in other programs such as</b>
raising funds for the poor, helping street
children and planning trees and flowers
along the sidewalks or in the parks.

<b>III. Mỗi ý đúng được 0.25 điểm:</b>

11. D 12. B 13. B 14. D 15. D
16. D 17.A 18. A 19. C 20.B 21.
D 22. C

<b>IV. Mỗi ý đúng được 0.5 điểm:</b>

23. We are going to collect used glass,
paper, cans, and send them recycling

24. On Sundays I enjoy sleeping late.

25. The doctor said I ought to keep my
body warm” .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(78)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=78>

<b>Homework :</b>

<b>-</b> Re. practice this lesson

<b>-</b> Prepare : Unit 7 – G.S + Listen and read.

---Date of teaching : 17 /11 /10
Week: 14 Unit 7 : MY NEIGHBORHOOD

Period 39 – Lesson: * Getting started
* Listen and read
I. Aim:

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know more about Na's new neighbor

- Grammar: The present perfect tense with Since and For
- Vocabulary: neighbourhood, corner, pancake, serve, tasty
III.Skills &Teaching aids:

- Develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills
- Pictures, textbook, Cassette, etc.

IV. Teaching steps:
1. Procedure
- Greeting

- Checking attendance

2. Review the previous lesson
3. New lesson

<b>Steps</b> <b>Teacher’s and sts’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Warm up


- T. shows some pictures(p. 63) to students
Sts and ask them to read words in the

- Ask students to match the names of
place with the suitable pictures in
individual work

- Call on some students to give answers.
- Teacher corrects for them

- Ask for their meanings to make sure
students know exactly what they mean.
- T. shows a picture(of Nam, Na and a

<b>I. Getting started:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(79)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=79>


restaurant) and introduces the dialogue:
“Na is new to the neighborhood. Na asks
Nam to inform a restaurant and requests
Nam to give directions.” And then ask:

 What does Na want to buy at a

restaurant ? - ( pancake)

 Why does she buy it? - ( because her

mother is too tired to cook tonight)
- Sts. Listen to the tape (book closed)
- Sts. Listen to the tape and repeat (book

 T. lets Sts. practice the dialog in pairs.
 Some pairs perform before class.

- T. explains new words:

- Checking vocabulary: Rub out and

 Rub out the new words one at a time.
 Each time teacher rubs out an English

word, point to the Vietnamese translation
and ask " what's this in English?"

 When all the English word are rubbed

out, go through the Vietnamese list and
get students to call the English words.

 If there's time, get students to come the

board and write the English words again.
- Ask students to practice the dialogue in

- Call on some pairs of students to practice
the dialogue before the class.

- Teacher corrects their pronunciation.
- Ask students to do the exercises 2 on
page 64.

- Students reread dialogue silently and
use the words from the dialogue to
complete the sentences (part 2).

* New words:

- pancake (n) ( picture)

- tasty (adj) ( what means the same as "

- close by (adv) ( real example)

- corner (n) ( real example)

<b>1. Practice the dialogue with a partner:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(80)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=80>


- T. calls on some students to check their
answers then gives the correct answer.

- T. gives sentence pattern on the board
about asking and answering between Na
and Nam.

- Teacher introduces and explains the
new structure

- Give some questions on the board. Then
ask students to use the structure to answer

- Students do exercise in pairs.

- Call on some pairs of students to give
their answers.

- Teacher corrects for them.

* Answers:

a. new b. last week
c. tired d. restaurant
e. Hue f. pancakes
Na: How long have you lived here?

Nam: We've lived here for about 10 years.

<b> Present perfect tense:</b>


<b>I, we, they, you,</b>


<b>+ V3 (ed) …</b>
<b>She , he, it, ….</b> <b>has</b>


<b>- Diển tả hành động bắt đầu xẩy ra trong quá </b>
khứ tiếp tục đến hiện tại hoặc kéo dài đến
tương lai. Và thường không xác định rõ thời

 <b>For: a period of time</b>
 <b>Since: a point of time</b>

a. Na has been there since last week.
b. Nam has lived there for 10 years

* Strucure: The present perfect tense
<b> S + have /has + V3 (ed) + O</b>

 Since : a point of time.
 For : a period of time.

* Questions:

a. How long has Na been here?
b. How long has Nam lived here?
c. How long have you studied English?
* Answers:

a. Na has been here since last week.
b. Nam has lived here for 10 years.

c. We / I have studied English for ( 2 years) /
since (2007)


a. How long have you lived in your neighborhood?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(81)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=81>

Date of teaching :18 /11/09

<b>Unit 7 : MY NEIGHBORHOOD</b>

Week: 14 Period 40 – Lesson: Speak & listen

I. Aim:

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to

 talk about how to send parcels or letters.

 Know what Na is going to do on the weekend by listening.

- Grammar:

- Vocabulary: surface mail, airmail, item, charge.
III.Skills &Teaching aids:

- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing skills
- Pictures, textbook, Cassette, etc.

IV. Teaching steps:
1. Procedure
- Greeting

- Checking attendance

2. Review the previous lesson
3. New lesson

<b>Steps</b> <b>Teacher’s and sts’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Warm up


- Show a letter and ask students some

- Ss listen and answer the teacher's

- Introduce the new lesson.

- Give some new words to students
* Checking vocabulary: Rub out and

- Set the scene: Mrs. Kim wants to send
a parcel to Qui Nhon, so she has to go
the post office.

- Give ss some questions:

- Ask Ss to read the dialogue and find
out the answers.

* Chatting:

- What is this? (a letter)

- Where can I post it to my friend? ( at the
post office )

- How can I post it? (- stick stamp on it)
- How much? ( 800 VN dong)

- Is it more expensive when I send a parcel?
<b>I. Speak:</b>

* New words:
- surface mai (n)
- airmail (n)
- item (n)
- charge. (v,n)

* Questions:

a. Does Mrs. Kim send the parcel air mail
or surface mail? Why?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(82)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=82>





- Get Ss to word in pairs to compare
their answers.

- Call on some ss to ask and answer the

- Call on a student to play the role of
Mrs. Kim and practice the dialogue with
teacher (clerk)

- Ask Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs.
- Set the scene: " Na is new in the
neighborbood. She is talking to Nam
about what she 's going to do on the

- Ask ss to listen to the tape and fill in
the blanks in each advertisement.

- Let ss listen to the tape twice and give
the answers.

- Give deedback.

- Ask ss to read the statements in the
exercises 2 page 66.

- Get Ss to guess which is true, which is
false and which is has no infromation
- Ask them to share their ideas with their

- Give feedback.

- Let ss listen to the conversation again
and stick in the correct boxes: T/ F or No

* Answers:

a. Mrs. Kim send the parcel surface mail
because it is much cheaper.

b. Her parcel is five kilograms.
c. She pays 19,200 dongs.

<b>II. Listen:</b>

<b>1. Listen to the conversation. Then fill the </b>
blank in each of the advertisement with one
phrase from the box:

* Answers:
a. the new comer
b. Town Ground

c. English speaking Contest

d. Culture House

<b>2. Listen to the converstion again and check </b>
(  ) the correct box for True, False or No


* Answers:
a. T

<span class='text_page_counter'>(83)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=83>

e. T

f. No infromation

- Do exercise 2 on page 65 in the textbook.
- Prepare the lesson read

---Date of teaching :19 /11/09

<b>Unit 7 : MY NEIGHBORHOOD</b>

Week: 14 Period 41 – Lesson: Read

I. Aim:

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand passage about a new shopping Mall.

- Grammar:

- Vocabulary: a roof (n), convenient (adj), a selection (n), Available (adj), a mall (n),
a resident (n).

III.Skills &teaching aids:

- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing skills
- Teaching aids: Pictures, textbook, Cassette, etc.
V. Teaching steps:

1. Procedure
- Greeting

- Checking attendance

2. Review the previous lesson
3. New lesson

<b>Steps</b> <b>Teacher’s and sts’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Warm up


- Give the definitions and get ss to find
out the words as quickly as possible.

- Give ss good marks if they have correct

- Introduce the new lesson .

T. gives some new words and their
meaning to ss.

* Guessing the words (Revision):

1. A place where you can buy everything. (-

2. A place where you can buy vegetables and
fruit .( - Grocery store)

3. A place where you can buy books. (-

4. A place where you can come to eat. (-

5. A place where you can come to see the
movies. (- Movie Theater).

6. A person who comes to the store and buys
something. ( - customer)

* New words:
- a roof (n)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(84)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=84>




- Ss listen and copy.

- Then teacher teaches ss. to read in
chorus, individually.

- Checking vocabulary: What and where
- Set the scene: In Nam's neighborhood,
there is a new shopping mall.

- Ask ss to think about the convenience
of the mall. ( wide selection of goods,
lower prices, buy many things at the
same time, have fun or relax while

- Ask ss to read the text silently and
compare their ideas or get more

- Give feedback.

- Have ss look at the statements in the
exercise 1 page 68.

- Make sure they understand the


- Get them to read the text again and
decide which statements are true, which
are false.

- Have ss correct false staments.
- Ask ss to work in pairs to answer the
questions in the exercise 2 on page 68.
- Ask some ss to ask and answer the

- Get all ss to work in pairs.

- Give a situation and ask ss to discuss it.

- a selection (n)
- Available (adj)
- a mall (n)
- a resident (n).

<b>1. True or false ? Check (</b> ) the boxes. Then

correct the false sentences and write them in
your exercise book:

* Answers:

a. F : The mall is open daily ( seven days a

b. F : There are 50 stores in the mall.

c. F : Not everyone is pleased about the new

d. T
e. T

<b>2. Answer:</b>

<b>a. It is different from the present shopping </b>
area. All the shops are under one roof. That
will be very convenient, especially during the
hot and humid summer months. Customers will
shop in comfort and won't notice the weather.
<b>b. In the shopping mall, there are 50 air- </b>
conditioned specialty stores, 4 movie theaters
and 10 restaurants; there is also a children's
play area.

<b>c. They think the new shopping mall will take </b>
their business.

<b>d. The stores in the mall will offer a wider </b>
selection of products, some kinds of goods are
at cheaper prices.

* Discussion:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(85)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=85>

happen to the residents?"

<b> - Learn by heart the new words & Re-practice this lesson.</b>
- Prepare to the next lesson.

---Phần phê duyệt của tổ






<b>Phạm Thị Hạnh</b>

Date of Teaching : 24/11/10

<b>Unit 7 : MY NEIGHBORHOOD</b>

Week: 15 Period 42 – Lesson: Write

I. Aim:

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a simple notice about the activities of class.

- Grammar:

- Vocabulary: surface mail, airmail, item, charge.
III.Skills & Teaching aids:

- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing skills
- Teaching aids: Pictures, textbook, etc.

IV. Teaching steps:
1. Procedure
- Greeting

- Checking attendance

2. Review the previous lesson
3. New lesson

<b>Steps</b> <b>Teacher’s and sts’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Warm up


<b>-</b> Ask Sts some questions about new
mall at last period.

<b>-</b> T set the scene “ The residents and
store owners on Tran Phu Street are
going to hold a meeting to discuss the
effect of the new mall”

<b>-</b> Explain some new words before
asking Sts to read the stories.


What do you remember about the shopping
mall we learned last period?

Beside its positive effect, does it bring about
any negative ones?

What are they?


<span class='text_page_counter'>(86)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=86>



* Checking vocabulary : Matching

<b>-</b> Get Sts to read the notice and answer
some questions to check their


<b>-</b> Let Sts know the way to write a
notice not write full sentences.

<b>-</b> Ask Sts to read the passage 2 on page


- Get Sts to write individually then share
with their partners and correct mistake.
- Take some writings to correct in front
of the class.

- T ask them to swap their notice

compare with their partner’s and correct
if they can.

<b>-</b> Share the notice with partner.
<b>-</b> Write the model notice about their
class meeting of Sport Club meeting on
page 68.

- store owners (n) (translation)

- effect (v) (translation)

- hardware stores (n) (translation)
a. Why are the residents and store owners on
Tran Phu Street going to hold a meeting?
To discuss the effects of the new mall.
b. When will they hold a meeting? What

They will hold the meeting on May 20 at 8

c. Where will they hold the meeting?
They will hold the meeting at 12 Hang Dao
Street, Binh’s hardware store.

<b>* Suggested answer:</b>

<b>The School English Speaking Club</b>

Date: November 15

Time: 7.30 pm to 10.00 p.m.
Place: Hall 204, Building G

Please contact Tran Thi Thu Hang of class 8H
at the above address for more information.
<b>Suggested answer:</b>

<b>Y & Y of 8A</b>


Date: October, 10.

Time: 6.30 am.

Place to starts : School Gate.

Please contact: the monitor Nguyen Tuan Anh
at 853962 for further information.


- Repractice this lesson.

- Prepare the lesson language focus

---Date of Teaching : 25/11/10

<b>Unit 7 : MY NEIGHBORHOOD</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(87)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=87>

I. Aim:

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use the present perfect tense and comparison by using
adjectives: like, the same as, different form.

II. Knowledge:

- Grammar: The present perfect tense and comparison by using adjectives: like, the same as, different

- Vocabulary:

III. Skills & Teaching aids:

- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing skills
- Teaching aids: Pictures, textbook, etc.

IV. Teaching steps:

<i> 1. Greeting and checking attendance</i>
<i>2. The previous lesson: (Oral test)</i>
<i>3. The new lesson:</i>

<b>Steps</b> <b>Teacher’s and ss.’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Warm up



- Stick a poster of infinitives and past
participles on the board.

- Divide the class into 2 teams.

- Get ss. from 2 teams go to the board
and write each pair of infinitive - past

ex: be -been

- The team which writes more pairs win
the game

- Get ss. to repeat in chorus and

remember the past participles of
irregular verbs.

- Introduce the content that they are
going to do.

- Ask ss. to recall the form and usage of
the present perfect tense that they

- Ask Ss to look at the LF2 and decide
which is since and which is for.

- T read out the phrase, ss. add Since or

- Go on until ss. can remember how to
use For / Since

* Matching:

<b>LF1. Match each verb to its past </b>

* Review: the present perfect tense:

<b>have / has + pp</b>

- Preposition: Since , for

- Adv: already , recently. not... yet ,...
<b>LF2. Complete the expressions: </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(88)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=88>




- Give the cues written on board and ask
ss. to make full sentences.

- T corrects their pronunciation

- Ask ss. to do LF4 on page 70 in pairs.
- Give feedback.

- Get ss. to work in pairs to practice the
conversation between Ba and Tom

- Show ss. 3 books, a red book and a
yellow one which have the same size and
a bigger brown dictionary then ask ss. to
make comparisons

- Write the form on the board.

- Ask ss. to do exercise 5 on page 70 -71
- Ss work in pairs.

- Call on some ss. to give their answers.
- The class comments

- Teacher correct for them.
- Repeat:

present perfect form of the verbs in the


I / live / here / last week

- I have lived here since last week
<b>LF4. Complete the conversation. Use </b>
the correct form of the verbs in the box:

<b>LF5. Look at the pictures. Complete </b>
the sentences. Use the words in the
box. You will have to some words more
than once:

* Possible answers:

 The red book is the same as the

yellow one.

 The red book is as big as the

yellow book.

 The red book is different from

the brown dictionary.

 The yellow is not as/ so big as

the brown dictionary.
the same as ...
( not) as...as
different from

1. The present perfect tense:

<b>have / has + pp</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(89)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=89>

- Adv: already , recently. not... yet ,...
2. Comparison:

the same as ...
( not) as...as
different from


- Learn grammar by the heart
- Do LF3 in your notebook.

- Prepare: Unit 8 - lesson: Getting stared & Listen and read.

Teach :25/11/10 Unit 8 : COUNTRY LIFE AND CITY LIFE

Week: 15 Period 44 – Lesson: - Getting started
<b> - Listen and read</b>
I. Aim:

- After finishing the lesson students will be able to know about the different between country life and city

II. Knowledge:

- Grammar: * Present progressive.

* Comparative and superlative adjectives.
- Vocabulary:

III. Skills & Teaching aids:

- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing skills
- Teaching aids: Pictures, textbook, Cassette, etc.
IV. Teaching steps:

<i> 1. Greeting and checking attendance</i>

<i>2. The previous lesson: (Oral test)</i>
<i>3. The new lesson:</i>

<b>Steps</b> <b>Teacher’s and sts’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Warm up

<b>Pre--</b> Let students look at the pictures
( First: in the countryside, then in the

<b>-</b> Introduce the topic by some

? Is this picture in the countryside or in
the city.

? Life in the countryside. What does it
look like? And life in the city. What
does it look like? We will study this

<span class='text_page_counter'>(90)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=90>




-Hang 2 pictures: 1 in the country ,
1 in the city and let Sts make a list
of the differences between the
countryside and the city.The
words in the box may help them.
- Ask Students to give meanings of the
vocabularies to make sure students know
exactly what they mean.

- Lead in the part II.

T. shows a picture (a village in the
country – Kim Lien Village. It is
Uncle Ho’s native village. And Na. )
Then introduces some new words.
- Ss listen and copy down.

- T. guides ss. to read them
- Ss repeat them in chorus then

* Checking vocabulary : Rub out and

- Introduces the dialogue “Hoa and Na
are talking about the life in the country.
And how is the country life ?. Now ,
we’ll listen.

- Ask ss. to close their books & listen to
the tape carefully.

- Ask ss. to open their books, listen to
the tape twice. Then ask ss. to read the
dialogue in pairs

- T corrects their pronunciation

- Get Ss to work in pairs to answer the

Country: friendly, beautiful view, fresh
foods, peaceful, fresh air

City: tall building , entertainments, kinds of
goods, traffic jam, noisy,

<b>II. Listen and read:</b>

* New words:

- Be away (v): ñi xa
- a relative (n): baø con

- remote area (n): vùng sâu, vùng xa

- Peaceful (a) = quiet , calm(adj):thanh bình.
- accessible (adj): có thể tiếp cận được

- medical facility (n) Thiết bị y tế.
- Permanently (adv) vĩnh viễn, mãi mãi.
* New structure:

<i><b>Present progressive tense:</b></i>

S + am/ is/ are + V- ing + ...

S + Be getting/becoming + Adj.-ER/more Adj.
E.g1: The buildings are getting more beautiful
E.g 2: The town is getting noisier

1. Practice the dialogue with a partner.

2. Answer the questions:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(91)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=91>


questions in exercise 2 / 73

- Call on some pairs to practice asking
answering the questions in front of class .
- Give feedback

- Ask Ss to work in closed pairs


- Divide the class into 4 groups . Two

groups include Ss who prefer the city life
and the others include Ss who prefer the
country life .

- Ask Ss to work in groups to answer the

“ Do you prefer the city or the country
life ?Why ? “

- Call on 4 pioneers from 4 groups to
show their ideas before class .

a. Na has been to Kin Lien village
b. She was there for the weekend
Or: She was there for one day.

c. (To her ,) She thinks the countryside is
peaceful and quiet and there is nothing to do
d. There are no libraries , no movies , no
supermarket , no zoos …

e. Country life is becoming better . Many
remote area are getting electricity . People
can now have things like refrigerators and
TV , medical facilities are more accessible .
f. Do you prefer the city or the countryside?


 Learn vocabularies by heart.

 Rewrite the answers in your notebook.

 Write a short paragraph about why you prefer the city life or the country life
 Prepare for the next lesson.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(92)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=92>

---Write: 20/11/ 10

Teach :27/11/10 Unit 8 : COUNTRY LIFE AND CITY LIFE
Week: 16 Period 45 – Lesson: - Listen

<b> - Speak</b>
I. Aim:

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to practice speaking about the changes of a place and complete
the dialogue by listening

II. Knowledge:

- Grammar: Present progressive.
- Vocabulary:

III. Skills & Teaching aids:

- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing skills
- Teaching aids: Pictures, textbook, Cassette, etc.
IV. Teaching steps:

<i> 1. Greeting and checking attendance</i>
<i>2. The previous lesson: (Oral test)</i>
<i>3. The new lesson:</i>

<b>Steps</b> <b>Teacher’s and sts’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Warm up


- T shows pictures of two books (one
bought last year, the other now), of two
boys (one taken ten years ago, the other

- T calls some Ss to give their opinions
about them.

- Introduce the content that they are
going to study.

new older

thin fatter

<span class='text_page_counter'>(93)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=93>






- T asks Ss to look at two large size
pictures (p. 73)

- T has one Ss to describe picture A,
another one B.

- T can write some descriptions on the

- Pair work: Speak about the changes of
the town, following the pictures.

- T goes around and observes, makes any
correction if necessary

- T has some pairs talk in front of the

- T asks Ss “Tell me some changes in
your town/ school/ house?”

- T has Ss work in groups of 4 to express

their opinions

- T asks Ss to look at the pictures and
then introduces the conversation between
Lan and her aunt, Hang.


<i>Question: What is the main idea of the </i>

Listen to the tape (1st<sub> time) to draw out </sub>

the main idea of the conversation.

- Ss listen.

- T asks some students for the

answer and corrects (if necessary)
TASK 2: Listen to the tape (2nd<sub> time) and</sub>

fill the missing words.

- Ss listen and fill in the blanks.


Listen to the tape again (3rd<sub> time) and </sub>

<b>I. Speak:</b>

1. Work with apartner. Look at the 2
pictures and talk about the change of
the town. The word prompts in the box
may help you:


Traffic Quiet Busy

House Small Tall

Vehicles Bicycles Motorcycles
and cars

Sight Not

beautiful Beautiful

Trees Fewer


More green

 The traffic was quiet
The traffic is getting busier

The houses were small

The houses are getting more morden

2. Work with a partner. Talk about
changes in your hometown:

<b>II. Listen:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(94)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=94>


check the answers in pairs.

- Ss listen and check the answers.

- T corrects.

- T asks Ss to practice the

conversation in pairs.

- Ss work in pairs (closed, adjacent,

 <i>Questions- Answers.</i>

1. Who does Lan speak to?

 Aunt Hang

2. Where is Lan phoning from?

 Hue

3. What is Lan doing next week?

 Visit Lan’s aunt, Hang.

4. When is Lan arriving?

 Thursday

5. Do you intend to visit your aunt/

 Yes/ No

6. When are you visiting her/ him?

 Tomorrow/ next week/ next year …

<i>* Answer keys:</i>

1. that 6. coming 11. afternoon
2. this 7. week 12. speak
3. It’s 8. arriving 13. my




14. get
5. from 10. late


- Write some sentences about changes in your hometown.
- Prepare the lesson :Read.

Write: 23/11/ 09

Teach :30/11/09 Unit 8 : COUNTRY LIFE AND CITY LIFE
Week: 16 Period 46 – Lesson: Read

I. Aim:

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the text about one of the social problem.
II. Knowledge:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(95)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=95>

III. Skills & Teaching aids:

- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing skills
- Teaching aids: Pictures, textbook, Cassette, etc.
IV. Teaching steps:

<i> 1. Greeting and checking attendance</i>

<i>2. The previous lesson: (Oral test)</i>
<i>3. The new lesson:</i>

<b>Steps</b> <b>Teacher’s and sts’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Warm up

Pre reading


- Ask ss to answer some questions.
T: Do you think many people move to
live in the city?

S1: Yes. (expected)

T: Why do they want to go to the city?
S2: Good job, get more money, …


T: What will happen when so many
people move to the city?

S3: overcrowded, increased population, …


(If students can express in English, they
can answer in Vietnamese)

- Teaching new words based on the
students’ answers:

- Introducing the new reading text: The
life in rural area and urban area.

TASK 1: Listen and answer

What are the problems of country life
and city life?

- Silent reading: Ss read the text and

do Task 1:


<b>* Chatting:</b>

<b>* Read:</b>
* New words:
- rural ≠ urban

<span class='text_page_counter'>(96)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=96>




 Country life: Struggle with nature

(typhoon, flood, drought)

 City life: - increased population

- put a strain our schools
and hospitals.

TASK 2: Complete the summary.

<b>-</b> Asking Ss to look at the summary (1/
p. 75), then use the information in the
reading text to complete the summary.

<b>-</b> Having some Ss read the text aloud
and compare their answers in pairs.
<b>-</b> Hanging another card board with 7

phrase cards then having the Ss to do
Task 3

TASK 3: Find the word in the passage
that means: (2/ p. 75)

<b>-</b> Asking Ss to look at exercise 2/ p. 75
and pick out the suitable words:
<b>-</b> Correcting the Ss’ answers by using

word cards.

<b>-</b> <b>Group works: Discussion </b>

<b>-</b> Having Ss discuss the problems of
city life in groups.

 Instruction: Work in groups of 4 or 5.

You are citizens living in Ho Chi Minh
city and are talking about the

problems in the city:

 The increase in population.
 A strain on schools and hospitals.
 Increased population.

- Then get ready to share your ideas with
the whole class.

<b>1. Complete the summary. Use </b>
<b>information the passage:</b>


1. leaving 4. rural 7. school

2. home 5. city 8. hospital
3. city 6.


9. problem
10. world

<b>2. Find the word in the passge that </b>

* Answers :

a. rural c. increase e. tragedy
b. plentiful d. strain f. urban

<span class='text_page_counter'>(97)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=97></div>
<span class='text_page_counter'>(98)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=98>

Write: 17/11/ 09

Teach :2/12/09 Unit 8 : COUNTRY LIFE AND CITY LIFE
Week: 16 Period 47 – Lesson: Write

I. Aim:

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write letter to their friends about their neiborhood
II. Knowledge:

- Grammar:
- Vocabulary

III. Skills & Teaching aids:

- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing skills
- Teaching aids: Pictures, textbook, etc.

IV. Teaching steps:

<i> 1. Greeting and checking attendance</i>
<i>2. The previous lesson: </i>

<i>3. The new lesson:</i>

<b>Steps</b> <b>Teacher’s and sts’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Warm up

- Ask Ss to put the outline for an informal
letter in the correct order.

- Prepare 6 cards with 6 outlines on

- Call six ss to hold them and stand in a
random order.

- Ask some other ss to rerrange them in
the correct order.

- Write the answer on the board so that ss
can remember the outline of a letter.

* Revison:

<b>I. Put the outline for an informal letter </b>
in the correct order.

* Answers:
1. Heading

<span class='text_page_counter'>(99)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=99>



Post writing

- Ask ss to work in pairs to answer the
questions in exercise 2.

- Give feedback.

- Ask ss to write letters to friends about
their neighborhood.

- Let them write individually.

- Ask them to compare with their friends
and correct if they can

- Choose some letter to correct before


- Ss to copy down the completed letter.

 Date

2. Opening
3. Body of letter
4. Closing

<b>II. Write a letter to a friend about your </b>
neighborhood. These question may
help you:

* Correction:


- Write your letter ( after correction) on their notebooks.
- Prepare the lesson: Language focus.

---Write: 26/11/ 09

Teach :4/12/09 Unit 8 : COUNTRY LIFE AND CITY LIFE
Week: 16 Period 49 – Lesson: Language focus

I. Aim:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(100)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=100>

1. to talk about the future

2. to show changes with get and become.
II. Knowledge:

- Grammar: The present progressive

Comparative and superlative adjectives.
- Vocabulary

III. Skills & Teaching aids:

- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing skills
- Teaching aids: Pictures, textbook, etc.

IV. Teaching steps:

<i> 1. Greeting and checking attendance</i>
<i>2. The previous lesson: </i>

<i>3. The new lesson:</i>

<b>Steps</b> <b>Teacher’s and sts’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>

Warm up



- Teacher asks two questions, students
answer (free answer)

- Introduce the content that they are
going to study today.

- Teacher introduces the situation of the

- Students see the “Shipping
information” (page 77)

- Teacher asks students to make similar
dialogues in pairs and perform before

* Chatting:

1. Are you going to the country this
summer? (If no, so …?).

2. What are you doing there?

<b>LF1. Read the dialogues:</b>


S1:Is the boat to Qui Nhon leaving at


S2:Is that Good Fortune?

S1: That right.

S2:I’m sorry, but It’s been delayed.


<span class='text_page_counter'>(101)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=101>

- Teacher asks students to use the verbs
in the present progressive tense to
complete the dialogue then practice with
their partners. Teacher asks some pairs
to speaking the dialogue before the class.

- Teacher reviews the use of linking
verbs then asks students to use the verbs
and adjectives in the boxes to complete
the sentences.

- Teacher goes round, correcting their

- Some students read their works in front
of the class.

- Teacher asks students to use the
adjectives in the box to make

comparisons between the country and the

city: food, traffic, …

- Students make sentences then read
aloud (2 or 3 students)

- Teacher corrects their errors

verbs in the present progressive tense:


Mrs. Thoa: Are you free on Sunday

Na : No, Mom and I (4) are
cleaning the house.

<b>LF3. Complete the sentences.</b>


a/ The boy are getting taller
b/ The old man are getting fat.

<b>LF4. Make comparisons between the </b>
city and the country about these things.
The adjectives in the box will help you:


The food in the city is more expensive
than in the country.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(102)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=102>


- Teacher shows three advertisements
then asks students to compare the house,
the villa and the apartment.

- Teacher remind the structure of
comparative (long and short Adj)

- Students work in groups of three or four
then perform in front of the class. (Using
comparative and superlative)

- Teacher corrects their mistakes.
- Students practice with their partners
about their future plans, (3- 5 sentences)

apartment. Use the adjectives in the


1. The apartment is smaller than a

2. The villa is more expensive than
the house.


S1:I am going to the theatre tonight.

How about you?
S2:I am watching TV.


- Write 5 sentences, using comparative and superlative.
- Rewrite the exercise 5.

- Learn by heart the structure of present progressive, comparative.
- Prepare the lesson : review

---Phần phê duyệt của tở:





<span class='text_page_counter'>(103)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=103>


<i>---Phạm Thị Hạnh</i>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(104)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=104></div>


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