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S +V / Vs(es) + O ----------->

Hiện tại

People grow tea in Moc Chau. ----->

Tea is grown in Moc Chau.


My mother cleans the house twice a day.
S +Ved / V2 + O ---------->

The house is cleaned twice a day.
So + was/were+Ved /V3 + (BY+ Os)

Quá khứ

They cleaned that window yesterday.-->

That window was cleaned yesterday.


To Ngoc Van drew those pictures. ------->
S + am/is/ are + Ving + O --------->

Hiện tại

They are building a new school. -------->

A new school is being built.

tiếp diễn
Quá khứ

I am opening a letter. --------------------->
S + was/were +Ving + O --------->

A letter is opening (by me).
So +was/were+ being +Ved /3rd +(BY+ Os)

tiếp diễn

The secretary was opening the mail at 8p.m

Hiện tại

S + have/has +Ved / V3 + O ->

hoàn thành

Someone has cleaned the window.

The window has been cleaned.

Tương lai

The students haven't done exercises.
S + will/ shall + V1 + O ->

Exercises haven't been done (by the students).
So + will/shall + be+ Ved /V3+(BY+ Os)

They will build a new bridge next month.
S +am/is/ are +going to +V1 + O ->

A new bridge will be built next month.
So+am/is/are+going to +be + Ved/V3 +(BY+


So+ am/is/ are +Ved /V3 +(BY+ Os)


Tương lai

Those pictures were drawm by To Ngoc Van.
So + am/is/ are + being +Ved / 3rd + (BY+ Os)

The mail was being opened at 8p.m yesterday.
So + have/has+been +Ved / V3 + (BY+ Os)



She is going to type the report.

The report is going to be typed by her.


The students are going to hold the meeting.

The meeting is going to be held by the students.


S + had

So + had + to +be + Ved/V3 + (BY+ Os)


+ to


+ to + V1 + O



I have to write a report.


A report has to be written ( by me).

He has to wash the car.


The car has to be washed (by him).

Động từ

My brother had to do a lot of exercises. -->
can/ could

A lot of exercises had to do by my brother.
can/ could


S + may

So + may


+ V1 + O





You can't wash this desk.


We should clean our classroom every day.

+ be+ Ved /V3 +
(BY+ Os)

This desk can,t be washed.
Our classroom should be cleaned every day.

You must leave your raincoat outside the

Your raincoat must be left outside the room.

They may use this room for the classroom.

This room may be used for the classroom

I/ Put verbs in the correct tense forms.
1. Up to now, the teacher ( give ). . . . . . . . .. . . . our class 5 tests.
2. Long ago, my younger brother often ( cry ). . . . . . . . .. . . .
3. David ( be ) . . . . . . . . .. . . . born after his father ( die ). . . . . . . . .. . . .
4. When I ( be ) . . . . . . . . .. . . . a child, I ( want ). . . . . . . . .. . . . to be a doctor
5. Please be quiet! I ( work ) . . . . . . . . .. . . .
6. Mary ( come ) . . . . . . . . .. . . . from London
7. Sometimes I ( get ) . . . . . . . . .. . . . up before the sun ( rise )………..
8. I’m preparing to support anything he ( say ) . . . . . . . . .. . . . tomorrow
9. At 4 p.m yesterday? Well, I ( work ) . . . . . . . . .. . . . in my office at that time
10. The audience ( listen ) . . . . . . . . .. . . . to everything he said last night
1/ has given 2/ cried
3/ was – had died
4/ was – wanted
5/ am working
7/ get – rises 8/ will say
9/ was working
10/ listened

6/ comes

11. She ( ask ) . . . . . . . . .. . . . me to tell about him several times
12. Mr Jackson ( paint ) . . . . . . .. . his house since last month
13. When I came in, they all ( sit ) . . . . round the fire. Mr Pike ( do ) . .. crossword puzzle.
14. Yesterday thieves ( break ) . . . . . .. into the house and ( steal ) . . . . . a lot of fur coats while the guests

( dance ) . . . . . . . . .. . . .
15. He ( do ) . . . . . . . . .. . . . his homework before he went to the cinema
16. How long you ( wait ) . . . . . . . . .. . . . for me? – Just a few minutes.
17. What you ( do ) . . . . . . . . .. . . . after you ( go ) . . . . . . . . .. . . . home yesterday?
18. He often ( say ) . . . . . . . . .. . . . OK when he ( talk ) . . . . . . . . .. . . . with the guests
19. Tom ( not come ) . . . . . . . . .. . . . here tomorrow
20. Trees ( plant ) . . . . . . . . .. . . . since it ( stop ) . . . . . . . . .. . . . raining
11/ has asked
12/ has painted
13/ were sitting – was doing 14/ broke – stole – were dancing
15/ had done
16/ have you waited 17/ did you do – had gone
18/ says – is talking
19/ won’t come
20/ have been planted - stopped
21. Listen! The bird ( sing ) . . . . . . . . .. . . .
22. The house ( build ) . . . . . . . . .. . . .2 years ago
23. Someone ( cut ) . . . . . . . . .. . . . down all the trees in the garden
24. Mr Pike ( live ) . . . . . . . . .. . . . here since last October
25. John ( watch ) . . . . . . . . .. . . . TV at 8 last evening
26. Some animals ( not eat ) . . . . . . . . .. . . . during winter
27. Why didn’t you listen while I ( speak ) . . . . . . . . .. . . . to you?
28. Be quiet! The teacher ( be ) . . . . . . . . .. . . . angry
29. Hurry up! The train ( come ). . . . . . . . .. . . .
30. I ( speak ) . . . . . . . . .. . . . to you about that matter after the meeting tonight
21/ is singing
22/ was built
23/ cut
24/ has lived
25/ was watching

26/ don’t eat
27/ was speaking
28/ is
29/ is coming
30/ will speak
31. Where are you ? – I’m upstairs. I ( have ) . . . . . . . . .. . . . a bath
32. We ( not receive ) . . . . . . . . .. . . . any letters from him since he ( leave ) . . . . . . . . .. . . . four months ago
33. How long you ( study ) . . . . . . . . .. . . . in this school?
34. Dick ( start ) . . . . . . . . .. . . . school before he ( be ) . . . . . . . . .. . . . seven
35. He’ll leave as soon as he ( hear ) . . . . . . . . .. . . . the news

36. It ( rain ) . . . . . . . . .. . . . when we arrived
37. We ( not see ) . . . . . . . . .. . . . them for a long time
38. He felt asleep while he ( do ) . . . . . . . . .. . . . his homework
39. When your father ( die ). . . . . . . . .. . . . ? I ( not know ) . . . . . . . . .. . . . when he ( die ) ………
40. Up to then I never ( see ) . . . . . . . . .. . . . such a fat man.
31/ am having
32/ haven’t received – left
33/ have you studied 34/ had started – was
35/ hears
36/ was raining
37/ haven’t seen
38/ was doing
39/ did your father die – don’t know - died
40/ have seen
1. The thieves have stolen the most valuable painting in the museum.
2. Some people will interview the new president on T.V

3. I am going to repair those shoes ?
4. He has broken the nose in the football match.
5. Have you finished the above sentences ?
6. He lends his friend his new shoes.
7. She left her relatives five million pounds.
8. The shop assistant handed these boxes to the customer
9. The board awarded the first prize to the reporter.
10. Have you sent the Christmas cards yet ?
11. The committee appointed Alice secretary for the meeting.
12. He hides the broken cup in the drawer.
13. They keep this room tidy all the time.
14. They all voted the party a great success.
15. We gave Ann some bananas and some flowers.
16. They moved the fridge into the living room
17. She brought some cups of tea to the visitors in the next room .
18. My mother waters this flower every morning.
19. John invited Fiona to his birthday party last night.
20. Her mother is preparing the dinner in the kitchen.
21. We should clean our teeth twice a day.
22. Our teachers have explained the English grammar.
23. Some drunk drivers caused the accident in this city .
24. Tom will visit his parents next month.
25. The manager didn’t phone the secretary this morning.
26. Did Mary buy this beautiful dress ?
27. My sister cleans the room everyday.
28. The local sports center hold several volleyball tournaments in this season.
29. Someone attacked the boy the boy in the street last night.
30. The workers have finished the project people grow rice in Viet Nam.
1. Lối nói trực tiếp và gián tiếp (direct/ indirect speech)

• Trong câu trực tiếp thông tin đi thẳng từ người thứ nhất sang người thứ hai (người thứ nhất nói trực tiếp
với người thứ hai). Trong lời nói trực tiếp chúng ta ghi lại chính xác những từ, ngữ mà người nói dùng.
Lới nói trực tiếp phải được đặt trong dấu ngoặc kép.
He said “I bought a new motorbike for myself yesterday”.
“I love you”, she said.
• Trong câu gián tiếp, thơng tin đi từ người thứ nhất qua người thứ hai đến người thứ ba. Khi đó câu có
biến đổi về mặt ngữ pháp.

He said he had bought a new motorbike for himself the day before.
2. Quy tắc chuyển từ trực tiếp sang gián tiếp
2.1. Quy tắc chuyển từ lối nói trực tiếp sang gián tiếp: lùi một thời
Simple present –> simple past
Present progressive –> past progressive
Present perfect –> past perfect
Simple past –> past perfect
Past progressive –> past perfect progressive Simple future –> would + V
Can/may/must –> could /might/had to
2.2. Các chuyển đổi khác:
– Đại từ nhân xưng:
I –> he/she We –> they You –> I/ we
(tân ngữ và tính từ sở hữu chuyển theo nhân xưng chủ ngữ)
– Trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn:
Here –> there
This –> that
These –> those
– Trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian:
Today –> that day
Tomorrow –> the next day/ the following day

Yesterday –> the day before/ the previous day
Last week –> the week before/ the previous week
The day after tomorrow –> in 2 days’ time
The day before yesterday –> two days before.
Now –> then
Ago –> before
2.3. Các trường hợp không đổi thời
– Sự thật, sự việc luôn luôn đúng:
“The earth moves round the sun” he said.
–> He said that the earth moves round the sun.
I/ Turn into reported speech: Statements:
1. “ I have nothing to show you,” I said to her.
2. “ Nothing grows in my garden. It never gets any sun,” She said
3. Jack Lumber said, “ Olga Ivanov won the gold medal yesterday.”
4. Johnny’s mother said, “ The English Government put him in prison the day before yesterday.”
5. Father said, “ I am coming back next week.”
6. Jennifer said,” We are having champagne tonight.”
7. ‘’ I’m going away tomorrow , mother,” he said.
8. “ I’ve been in London for a month but sofar I haven’t had time to visit the Tower,” said Rupert.
9. “ It isn’t so foggy today as it was yesterday,” I remarked.
10. “ The new underpass is being officially opened the day after tomorrow,” said the BBC announcer.
11. “ We must move to our new flat. We don’t like it nearly so much as our last one.” Said my aunt
12. “ We have a lift but very often it doesn’t work,” they said.
13. “ From one of the windows of my flat I can see the Eiffel Tower,” he said.
14. “ I have no idea what the time is but I’ll dial 8081 and find out,” said his daughter.
15. He said, “ My wife has just been made a judge.”
16. “ I’ll come with you as soon as I’m ready,” she replied
17. “ I have a German lesson this afternoon and haven’t done my homework yet,” said the small boy.
18. “ If you let the iron too hot you will scorch your clothes,” I warned her.
19. “ You haven’t given me quite enough. The bill is for $ 14 and you’ve paid me only $ 13,” he pointed out.

20. Anna said “ Englishmen make good husband because they are nearly always willing to help in the

II/ Turn into reported speech: Wh-Questions
1. “ What happened to Mr Budd?” said one of the men.
2. “ Which of his son inherited his estate?’’ asked another.
3. “ Who is going to live in the big house?” enquired a third.
4. “ What will happen to his racehorses?” asked someone else.
5. “Which team has won?” asked Ann.
6. “ Which team won the previous match?” said Bill.
7. “ Who is playing next week?” he asked.
8. “ Where is the ticket office?” asked Mr Jones.
9. “ What platform does the train leave from? “ asked Bill.
10. “ When does it arrive in NewYork?” he asked.
IV/ Turn into reported speech: Commands , requests, advice
1. He said to the boy,” Get out of my way.”
2. “ Climb in through the window,” he ordered.
3. “ Please pay at the desk,” said the assistant.
4. The store detective said to Mary,” Open your bag, please.”
5. “ Don’t worry about anything, MrsPitt,” said her.
6. “ Don’t use bent coin in the slot machine,” I warned him.
7. “ Wash it in the lukewarm water,” the assistant recommended me.
8. “Don’t eat too much starch,” I adviced her,” and avoid fried food.”
9. “ Don’t say anything to make her angry,” said my father.
10. “ Take me up to the 33rd floor,” he said to the lift man.
IV/ Turn into reported speech: Commands , requests, advice,invitation.
1. “ Would you like to have lunch with me on Sunday?” he said to me.
2. “ Would you like a cigarette?” One of the guests said to me.

3. “ If I were you I’d try to get a room on the top floor” He said to his friend.
4. “ Will you help, please?’’ The mother said to her son.
5. “ Take the letter to the post, will you.? And shut the door as you go out,” said the boss to his secretary.
1/ He invited me to have lunch with him on Sunday.
2/ One of the guests invited me a cigarette.
3/ He advised his friend to try to get a room on the top floor.
4/ The mother asked her son to help her.
5/ The boss told his secretary to take the letter to the post and to shut the door as she went out.
When : trạng từ quan hệ đứng sau từ chỉ thời gian :
Ex. I’ll never forget the day when I met her. (note: Sau when / where phải có S + V …)
Where : Đứng sau từ chỉ nơi chốn : Dalat is the place where I like to come.
WHICH: Thay thế cho N chỉ vật
Eg: I have got a computer programme which does the job for me.
We don't like the stories which have unhappy endings.
I liked the dress which she was wearing.
WHO : Thay thế cho N chỉ người
Eg: I don't know all the guests who were in the party.
WHOM : Thay cho N chỉ người, sau là một chủ ngữ
Eg: The doctor whom she visited is famous.
THAT : Eg: These are the books that I use in class.
She is the swimmer that has won the gold medal.
- That được dùng sau danh từ có tính từ so sánh nhất (the best, the most…, everybody, anybody, nobody,
somebody, everything, something …)
Ex. He’s the best teacher that I have ever known.


I can see a girl and her dog that are running in the park.
- Dïng trong cÊu tróc c©u nhÊn m¹nh.
It is / was + S + that + V
Eg: It is Mrs Lan that makes decisions in the family, not her husband.
NOTE: + Không dùng THAT trong mệnh đề liên hệ không giới hạn.
+ Không dùng THAT sau giới từ.
WHOSE: Thay thế cho tính từ sở hữu và sở hữu cách của ngời.
Eg: We saw some people whose car was stolen.
WHERE = IN WHICH/ AT WHICH: Thay thÕ cho danh tõ chØ n¬i chèn
Eg: The house where he lives is very old.
* Vị trí của which, who, whom, whose,where trong mệnh đề tính từ:
Chúng ta có thể nhận biết các từ which, who, whom, whose,where khi chúng có thể điền vào chỗ trống trong
mệnh đề tính từ. Ta chỉ cần để ý đến từ trước và sau chỗ trống nếu:
- Trước chỗ trống là danh từ chỉ vật thì từ cần điền có thể là which hc where.
(note: Sau where phải có S + V …)
Để xác định được vị trí của từ cần điền là which hoặc where ta cần phải đọc và hiểu được ý của cả câu. Nếu
danh từ chỉ vật đứng trước chỗ trống diễn tả nơi chốn thì chọn where.
- Trước chỗ trống là danh từ chỉ người thì từ cần điền có thể là who, whom hoặc whose
Để xác định được vị trí của từ cần điền là who, whom hoặc whose ta chỉ cần lưu ý từ đứng sau chỗ trống. Nếu:
+ Từ đứng sau chỗ trống là động từ đã chia thì chọn who. ( who + V + O …)
+ Từ đứng sau chỗ trống là đại từ nh©n xng chđ ng÷ ta chän whom.(whom+S+V+O..)
+ Từ đứng sau chỗ trống là danh từ thuộc quyền sở hữu của từ đứng trước chỗ trống ta chọn whose. ( whose
+ N + …)
- Ta không thể chọn THAT nếu trước chỗ trống có dấu phẩy (,) hoặc giới từ
1. A woman answered the phone . She told me you was busy .
2. The bus is always crowded . I take it to school every morning .
3. They are singing a song. I don’t know the song .
4. A man spoke to me . He was very helpful .
5. A midwife is a woman. She assists other women in childbirth .

6. They are the children . Their team won the match .
7. The house is for sale . It has the green shutters .
8. My farther bought a motor bike . The motorbike costs 2 thousand dollars
9. They are the postcards . I sent them from Australia .
10. The house has been built in the forest . It doesn’t have electricity
11. The girl chatted with him yesterday . She arrived here at 6 : 30
1/ A woman who answered the phone told me you was busy.
2/ The bus which I take to school every morning is always crowded.
3/ They are singing the song which I don’t know.
4/ A man who spoke to me was very helpful.
5/ A midwife is a woman who assists other women in childbirth.
6/ They are the children whose team won the match .
7. The house which has the green shutters is for sale.
8. My farther bought a motor bike which costs 2 thousand dollars
9. They are the postcards which I sent from Australia .
10. The house which has been built in the forest doesn’t have electricity
11. The girl who chatted with him yesterday arrived here at 6 : 30
Fill relative clauses in the blank
1. Let me see all the letters _______ you have written.

2. Is there any one ________ can help me do this?
3. Mr. Brown, _________ is only 34, is the director of this company.
4. I know a place __________ roses grow in abundance.
5. It was the nurse ________ told me to come in.
6. The teacher with ________, we studied last year no longer teaches in our school.
7. They showed me the hospital ________ buildings had been destroyed by US bombings.
8. We saw many soldiers and tanks ______ were moving to the front.
9. Dr. Fleming, _______ discovered penicillin, was awarded the Nobel Prize for medicine in 1945.

10. He joined the political party _______ was in power.
11. Love, ________ is a wonderful feeling, comes to everyone at some time in his life.
12. Freedom is something for _______ millions have given their lives.
13. It is easy to find faults in people ________ we dislike.
14. The really happy people are those _______ enjoy their daily work.
15. We must find a time _______ we can meet and a place _______ we can talk.
1/ which
2/ that
3/ who
4/ where
5/ who
6/ whom
7/ whose
8/ that
9/ who
10/ which
11/ which
12/ which
13/ whom
14/ who
15/ when - where
I/Give the correct form of verbs in brackets.
1. The teacher permits us ( go ) ……………out in a minute.
2. You should avoid ( meet)…………..him.
3. Do you remember ( leave )………………your hat anywhere?
4. Tell him ( come)……………to see me at once.
5. He’s tired. He stops ( work)……………for a while.
6. He allows ( ask)……………him questions.
7. He advises us ( be)……………..more studious.

8. I remember ( write )……………to you soon.
9. We can’t help ( consider)………………..his opinion.
10. We’ll continue ( discuss)………………it.
11. I hope ( not do)……………..that tiring work again.
12. They postponed ( build)…………….an elementary school for lack of finance.
13. It’s no use ( advise)……..him. He never allows anybody (give)………advice.
14. Are his ideas worth ( listen)………….to ?
15. He always avoids ( meet)………………..me in the streets,
16. My parents decided ( take)……………..a taxi because it was late,
17. Do you agree ( lend)……………me some money?
18. Tom refused ( give)……………….me his adress.
19. The passenger asked her how ( get )……………to the station.
20. My friends arranged ( get)…………..to the airport in time.
1/ to go
2/ meeting
3/ leaving
4/ to come
5/ working
6/ asking
7/ to be
8/ to write
9/ considering
10/ to discuss
11/ not to do
12/ building
13/ advising 14/ listening
15/ meeting
16/ to take
17/ to lend
18/ to give

19/ to get
20/ to get
Time: 60 minutes

1. A. box
2. A. determination
3. A. important
4. A. allow
5. A. entertainment

B. told
B. required

C. boss
C. enclose

D. job
D. demonstration

B. amazing
B. harrow
B. awareness

C. passenger
C. tidy
C. individual

D. expensive
D. fasten
D. contribution

Grammar – Vocabulary - Structure
6. Our lifestyle ------------- since running water came to our village.
A. change
B. changed
C. has changed
D. is changed
7. If we raise and resurface the roads, they ----------- muddy and flooded.
A. aren’t
B. weren’t
C. will be
D. won’t be
8. Last night I couldn’t concentrate on my work ------------- the loud noise outside.
A. because of
B. because
C. in spite of
D. although
9. There was a water -------------- during the summer in this city.
A. shortage
B. lack
C. store
D. deficiency
10. I ----------Lan, my best friend, ------------- more than ten years.

A. have known – since
C. have known – for
B. knew – since
D. knew – for
11. There are five new programs on this -------------.
A. film
B. channel
C. cartoon
D. comedy
12. He passed the exam, ------------------- seemed a surprise to everyone in our class.
A. when
B. which
C. it
D. who
13. They tried to find a way of bettering their lives.
A. achieving
B. changing
C. improving
D. moving
14. ------------- did the train leave? Five minutes ago.
A. How much time
B. How long
C. How often
D. When
15. The physical part of the computer system is the -------------A. hardware
B. software
C. keyboard
D. floppy disk
16. Look at the black clouds. It ------------- soon.
A. will rain

B. rains
C. is going to rain
D. is raining
17. When she was a child, she often ------------------ the summer evenings in the garden.
A. enjoys
B. enjoyed
C. enjoy
D. was enjoying
18. Jackson asked the waiter -------------- him some more mineral water.
A. bring
B. brought
C. brings
D. to bring
19. My brother stopped to smoke because it is very harmful to his health.
20. It took me two days getting to my home village last week.
21. My grandmother hid her money under the floor and then she forgot where she hid it.
D had hidden
22. After the police had tried unsuccessfully to determine to which the car belonged,

C whom
they towed it into the station.
23. By the time we arrived, they --------------- their performance.
A. had finished
B. have finished
C. were finishing
D. finished
24. A: “Have a nice day”.
B: – “Thank you, -------------------“
A. And yours!
B. The same to you C. As much to you
D. The same!

25. “I have passed all my examinations!” - “----------------------------“
A. Well done!
B. My dear!
C. Best wishes!
D. That’s very well
26. “What’s your phone number?” – “(99040) ------------------------“
A. double nines zero four zero
C. two nines nought four nought
B. nine nine nil four nil
D. double nine oh four oh
27. My wife has her hair ---------------- at the hairdresser’s every other month.
A. doing
B. do

C. done
D. to do
28. In my country, all the --------------- in the war have been taken care of.
A. injure
B. injures
C. injuring
D. injured
29. It’s better to avoid -------------- during the rush hour.
A. traveling
B. to travel
C. travel
D. to traveling
30. My alarm often goes ----------- at 5 a.m
A. on
B. off
C. up
D. by
Read the passage and choose the best options to complete the gaps
The country and the city have advantages and ------(31)---------------. People in the country live in more
beautiful surroundings. They enjoy ----(32)------------and quietness, and can do their work at their own pace
because no one is in a hurry. They live in large, more comfortable houses, and their neighbors are more friendly,
and ready to help them when they need it. Their life, however, can be ----(33)----------- and they may be
isolated, which is a serious problem if they are ill or want to take their children to school.
The city has all the services that the country lacks, but it also has a lot of disadvantages. Cities are often
polluted. They not -----(34)------- have polluted air but also have noisy streets. Everyone is always in a hurry
and this -----(35)--------- that people have no time to get to know each other and make friends.
31. A. joy
32. A. quiet
33. A. boring
34. A. never

35. A. aims

B. enjoyment
B. peace
B. bore
B. ever
B. asks

C. happiness
C. peaceful
C. bored
C. hardly
C. means

D. disadvantages
D. quietly
D. bores
D. only
D. said

In the last few weeks I have spent every Saturday in my flat and have done nothing more exciting than
work at home, read the newspapers, and watch television. I had begun feeling bored with this and so, last
weekend I thought I would do something different. I phoned several of my friends and we decided to go to
London for the day. I was really excited as I hadn’t been to London since I was ten. We decided to go by coach
as this was the cheapest means of transport. In London we decided to take a sightseeing tour as we wanted to
see some of the famous buildings. After the tour, we bought some sandwiches and ate them in the small park. In
the afternoon some of us went shopping and the others went to the theater. We met up again at 6.30 p.m and
went to a small restaurant in Sotho. The meal was really good, but, unfortunately, it took much longer than we
had expected. We had to get a taxi back to the coach station. Luckily, we got there just two minutes before our

coach left.
36. According to the passage, the writer -----------------------A. has lived in London for ten years
B. usually spends his weekend in London
C. went to London with some of his friends
D. felt bored with his tour
37. He felt so excited about going to London because --------------------A. he went there ten years ago
B. he hadn’t been there before
C. he hadn’t been there for ten years
D. he hadn’t been there for a long time

38. Why did they decide to go by coach?
A. Because they wanted to start early
B. Because other means of transport were more expensive
C. Because it was expensive
D. Because they were excited about taking it to London
39. Which of the following is true?
A. They all went shopping before going to the theater
B. They had lunch in a small restaurant.
C. They made a sightseeing tour and then had lunch
D. They left the city at 6.60 p.m
40. Why did they have to catch a taxi?
A. Because they didn’t have enough time to walk to the coach station
B. Because they were too tired to walk.
C. Because the coach station was very far from the restaurant.
D. Because it was raining heavily then
A. Transformation
41. They have built a new bridge across the river. (Turn into passive form)

42. He started working as an engineer 7 years ago. (Rewrite the sentence)
43. Despite his intelligence, he doesn’t do well at school. (Although)
44. My father began to work in this company 15 years ago. (Make question)
45. She said “I visited my grandfather last week” (Turn into Reported speech)
46. When/ he/ student/ used/ write/ home/ twice/ month. (Write complete sentence)
41/ A new bridge has been built across the river.
42/ He has worked as an engineer for 7 years.
43/ Although he is intelligent, he doesn’t do well at school.
44/ When did your father begin to work in this company?
45/ She said that she had visited her grandfather the week before.
46/ When he was a student, he used to write home twice a month.
B. Put the verbs in the correct form
47. Don’t forget (wait) ------------------------- for me tomorrow.
48. After he had had his breakfast, he (drive) ----------------------- to the airport.
49. If you do more work, you (pass) ------------------------ your exams.
50. The house looks very tidy. It (just clean) -------------------------------.
47/ to wait
48/ drove
49/ will pass
50/ has just been cleaned

