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Giao an Tieng Anh 6

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<i>Date: Tuesday, August 19th<sub> 2009.</sub></i>

<i><b>Period 1: </b></i>

<b>Giới thiệu mÔn học</b>

<b>A- Aims:</b>

- To help ss to know importance of learning foreign language.
- To give ss some ways to learn English better.

- Anticipated problem: Ss may be afraid of learning English.
<b>B- Objectives:</b>

- Students know about importance of learnning English.

- By the and of the lesson ,Ss will be alble to know the way learning English.
<b>C- Teaching aids: Books and some pictures about English man and England. </b>
<b>D- Procedures:</b>

<i>1- Check - up (5') T check some books and notebooks of Ss.</i>
<i>2- Warm - up (2') T asks some questions in English or VNese.</i>
- How are you?

- How old are you?

- Did you learn English last year?
- Are you anxious to study English?

- Do you like to study English ? Why? Why not?
<i>3- Pre </i>–<i> teach vocabulary( 8')</i>

T uses some pictures about England to introduce people and country of England.
- There are many old cities, building in England.

- English people are friendly and lovely.

- Children in England are usually in good condition.
- The weather is warm in spring.

- The weather is cool in Autumn.

- The weather is hot in summer and there is snow in winter.
<i>4- Presentation (21')</i>

T introduce some ways to learn English.

* Vocabulary: Ss have to learn by heart (speaking, writing, doing Ex and

* Grammar: - Ss have to know structure accurancy.
- Learn by heart note grammar.

- Do exrcises and to make up sentence using structure.
* Reading: Ss have to read silently, carefully and to read lound fluently.

* Speaking: Ss should make full of chance to speak English with classmates, friends
and teachers.

- To make some conversations in real situation.
* Writing: - To do many exrcises by writing.

-To write a lot of dictation and to write some reports.
* Listening: - To listen to the teacher or radio carefully.

- To listen programs on T.V.

<i>5- Production (7 ) </i>’ - T Should listen to idea of Ss about learning English.
- T has to know about dificulties and convinient.

<i>7- Homework (2')</i>

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<i><b>- Tiếng Anh 6 là cuốn sách đầu tiên trong bộ sách tiếng Anh 4 năm cho </b></i>
các trường THCS. Nội dung gần gủi với cuộc sống, sát thực với mục đích , nhu cầu
và hứng thú của các em.

<i><b> - Tiếng Anh 6 giúp các em bước đầu làm quen với tiếng Anh đồng thời</b></i>
giúp các em có thể nghe, nói đọc và viết tiếng Anh ở mức độ đơn giản.

<i><b> - Tiếng Anh 6 có 16 đơn vị bài. Mỗi đơn vị bài gồm 2 đến 3 phần A, B </b></i>
hoặc C. Mỗi phần được học từ 1 đến 2 tiết học 45 phút, gồm các hoạt động sau:

<i><b>1. Mỗi bài là tranh hoặc các hoạt do giáo viên tiến hành nhằm </b></i>

gây hứng thú và hướng sự chú ý của cá em vào trọng tâm bài.

<i><b>2. Fgiới thiệu ngữ liệu mới gồm các mục như: Listen – Repeat / </b></i>

<i>Listen – Read nhằm giới thiệu những từ và cấu trúc mới trong bối cảnh ngôn ngữ </i>
trong đời sống.

<i><b>3. Kiểm tra mức độ hiểu ngữ liệu mới gồm các mục : Ask – </b></i>

<i>Answer / Practice with a partner / Match / True – False nhằm giúp các em hiểu </i>
thông tin trong bài đọc hoặc bài đối thoại.

<i><b>4. Thực hành có các loại bài tập khác nhau về nghe, nói, đọc để </b></i>

thực hành ngữ liệu mới.

<i><b>5. Ghi nhớ (Remember) là mục tóm tắt trọng tâm của bài giúp các</b></i>

em ghi nhớ những điểm chính của mỗi phấn học.

<i><b>6. Luyện tập ngữ pháp (Grammar practice) là tập hợp các bài tập </b></i>

thực hành nhằm giúp các em củng cố thêm các cấu trúc ngữ pháp sau mỗi 2 hoặc
3 đơn vị bài học.

<i><b>II. CẤU TRÚC CHƯƠNG TRÌNH: </b></i>

- Gồm có :105 tiết. Mỗi tuần có 3 tiết ( 35 tuần )
- Các loại kiểm tra : + Kiểm tra miệng ít nhất 1 lần.

+ Kiểm tra thường xuyên ít nhất 3 lần / HK.
+ Kiểm tra dịnh kì 2 lần / HK.

+ Kieåm tra HK : 2 lần / năm.


<i><b>- Nắm bắt ngữ liệu mới: + Từ vựng : Được giáo viên giới thiệu bằng tranh,</b></i>

ảnh hoặc các thủ thuật.Học sinh tiếp nhận và ghi nhớ. Để có thể đọc và viết được
từ học sinh cần học kỉ từ vựng ở nhà (Đọc và viết từ

nhiều lần).

<i><b>+ Cấu trúc mới : Được rút ra từ các tranh ảnh, mẫu</b></i>

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<i><b>+ Đọc hiểu : Nhằm rèn luyện kĩ năng đọc hiểu cho</b></i>

<i><b>học sinh qua các bước Trước khi đọc-Trong khi đọc- Sau khi đọc. Trong hoạt động</b></i>
trrước khi đọc, học sinh đọc và đoán nội dung của bài sắp đọc. Trong khi đọc học
sinh sẽ đọc bài đọc và kiểm tra lại ý đoán của mình. Sau đó đọc kỉ lại bài và hồn
thành các bài tập xoay quanh nội nôi dung bài. Sau khi đọc là bước kiểm tra lại
mức độ hiểu và áp dụng của học sinh sau khi hoàn thành bài đọc.

<i><b>+ Nghe : Rèn luyện kĩ năng nghe và cũng được thực</b></i>

hiện theo các bước như đọc hiểu. Ở lớp 6 học sinh chỉ nghe ở mức độ đơn giản như
nhận biết âm, từ hoặc những nội dung đơn giản.

<i><b>+ Viết : Rèn luyện kĩ năng viết ở mức độ đơn thuần</b></i>

như thay thế , miêu tả cảnh vật xung quanh.

Tóm lại để học tiếng Anh đạt hiệu quả học sinh cần chịu khó, tích cực
<i><b>tham gia các hoạt động do giáo viên yêu cầu. </b></i>


<b>Period 2: Unit one: </b>



<i><b>Lesson 1</b></i>

<i><b>: A 1-4</b></i><b> (P10-11)</b>



<i><b> :</b></i>

- To present some new vocabulary, numbers from 0 to 5.

- Main teaching points: To introduce one’s self: I’m... , My name’s....
- Main skills: speaking.

Sub. Skills: listening, reading & writing.
- Anticipated problems: pronunciation: / z /.
II- Objectives:

- Ss know the numbers.

- At the end of the lesson, ss are able to know how to introduce themselves.
III- Teaching aids:

- Pictures, cards.
IV- Procedures:

<i>1. Warm up (3’)</i> -What’s your name?
- How do you spell it?

<i>2. Pre-teach vocabulary (8’)</i>

- Hi /Hello <situation> xin chào, chào bạn

- a name <example> tên

- I (pro) <explaination> tôi, mình, ...
- my (ttsh) <translation> của tôi, của mình

- To be (is /am /are) <b>thì, là, ë</b>

* Checking: R. O. R

<i>3. Presentation(10’) *Dailogue build: Ba Nga </i> Mary Tom
Ba: Hi.I’m Ba.

Nga: Hi. I’m Nga.

Mary: Hi. My name’s Mary.
Tom: Hello. My name is TOm.
*Concept check:

- What’s it in Vietnamese?
- When we say this?

- Form: a, I am + tªn . <I’m..>

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<i>4. Practice(12’)</i> Pictures drill
Pic 1- Lan Pic. 3- Ba

2- Nga 4- Nam * Numbers from 0 – 5
<i>5. Production(10’)</i>

- Look at the picture. How many students are there? - <four>
- Let’s count: one,two,...

The next number is ‘five’
Before one is ‘oh’ (0)
- Guessing game:

S1: Hai-12
S2: one – two?
<i>6. Homework(2’)</i>

- Study by heart the new words,numbers.
- Exercises


<i><b>Period 3:</b></i> <b>Unit one: GREETINGS.</b>

<i><b>Lesson 2: A 5-7 (12,13)</b></i>
I- Aims:

- To prewsent some new vocabulary.

- Main teaching points: How are you? –I’m fine.Thanhs.
- Main skill: speaking.

Sub. Skills: listening, reading & writing.

- Anticipated problems: The class may be noisy in playing a game.
II- Objectives:

- Ss know the new words.

- At the end of the lesson, ss are able to know how to ask – answer about
people’s health.

III- Teaching aids:


IV- Procedures:

<i>1. Check up(5’)</i> What’s your name?


<i>2. Warm up(2’) *Picture: </i>

The Johns are gathering after the long time Mr John’s lived abroad.
<i>3. Pre-teach vocabulary (7’)</i>

- fine (adj) <translation> kh, tèt

- And you? <situation> Còn bạn

- (to) thank <mine> cảm ơn

- Mr <examples> ông, ngài

- Mrs <antonym> cô, bà

- Miss <explaination> c« (cha kÕt h«n)
* Checking: What & Where

<i>4. Presentation (7’)</i> * Dailogue build. LAN BA

Ba: How are you?

Lan: I’m fine. Thank you. And you?
Ba: Fine. Thanks.

* Concept check:

- Meaning: translation.

- Use: To ask about people’s


- Form:


4 School year: 2009 - 2010

+ How are you?/ How is he?
- I’m fine. Thanks.

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- check the stress.

<i>5. Practice(12’)</i> * Mapped dialogue

<b>Mr Hung</b> <b>Miss Hoa</b>
Hi. .... How ....?

I ..., ... .

Hi. ....
I’m ....

And you?
*Gapfill (A7- P 13)

<i>6. Production (10’)</i> * Revision: Matching (numbers)

six 9

seven 10

eight 6

nine 7

ten 8

* Dictation: Ss listen to the teacher & write down the
telephone numbers: 820 0365, 821 546, 853 987, ...

<i>7. Homework(2’) - Numbers from one to ten.</i>
- Be ready for the next.


<i><b>Period 4:</b></i> <b>Unit one (cont.)</b>- Lesson 3: B1-4 ( P14-16)
I- Aims:

- To present some greeting vocabulary.

- Main teaching points: greetings – numbers from 11 to 15.
- Main skill: speaking

Subskills: listening, reading & writing.

- Anticipated problems: The class may be noisy in playing a game.
II- Objectives:

- Ss know how to greet each other & say goodbye.

- At the end of the lesson, ss are able to greet each other & say goodbye in E.

III- Teaching aids: cards.

IV- Proceduces:

<i>1. Check up (5’)</i> How are you?

What’s your telephone numbres?
<i>2. Warm up (2’)</i> * Bingo (numbers from 1to 15)

<i>3. Pre- teach vocabulary (7)</i>

- good morning <situation> xin chào


- goodnight <explaination> chào tạm biệt- chúc ngủ ngon
- goodbye <translation> chào tạm biệt

- we (DTNX) <examples> chúng tôi, chúng ta,chúng mình,
<We are = We’re >

- a child / children < examples> đứa trẻ/trẻ em
* Checking: Matching

<i>4. Presentation(7’)</i>

Ss: Goodmorning. Teacher.

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* Concept check:

- Meaning: Translation
- Use: To geet

- Form: 6h- 12h Good morning.

12h -18h Goodafternoon.
18h -21h Goodevening.

21h-- Goodnight.

- Check the stress.
<i>5. Practice (12’)</i> * Cards

* Mapped dialogue
+ B4- P15

<i>6.Production (10’) * Numbers (11-15)</i>

- Matching: eleven 15

twelve 11

thirteen 13

fourteen 12

fifteen 14

<i>7. Homework (2’)</i>

- The words + the numbers
- Exercises: B1- 3.


<i><b>Period 5:</b></i> <b>Unit one (cont.)</b> – Lesson 4: C1-2 (P15-17)
I- Aims:

- To present the numbers from 16-20

- Main teaching points: What’s your number?.
- Main skill: speaking.

Sub. Skills: listening, reading, writing.

- Anticipated problems: The class maybe noisy in playing a game.
II- Objectives:

- Ss know how to count from 16 to 20.

- At the end of the lesson, ss are able to ask & answer about their telephone

III- Teaching aids: cards

IV- Procedures:

<i>1. Check up (5’)</i> -Words + Numbers.

<i>2. Warm up (2’)</i> - Pelmalism

16 17 18 19 20

eighteen nineteen tweenty sixteen seventeen
<i>3. Pre- teach vocabulary (7’)</i>

what <explanation> gì, cái gì

- your <situation> của bạn, của anh, ...

- his <translation> cđa anh Êy, cđa chÞ Êy

- her <antonym> của chị ấy, của cô ấy

- telephone number <examples> số điện thoại
* Checking: What & Where.

<i>4. Presentation (7’)</i> HOA MISS NGOC

* Dialogue build.

Hoa: What is your telephone number?

Hong: 0241 945 379. And what’s your number?
Hoa: It’s 853 468.

* concept check:

- Meaning: What’s this in VNese?

- Use: To ask & answer about our telephone numbers.

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- Form:

What is yours his

telephone number?

It is (SDT)

- Check the stress.

<i>5. Practice (12’) * Dictation & picture cue drill</i>
04 376 4315

091 35 43867
0241 645 657

033 82 7694 What’s your number?

0511 82 76 94 - [ oh-four-three-seven- six - .... ]
<i>6. Production (10’) </i>

* Survey:

* What’s your name?
- My name’s [Hoa].
What’s your number?

- [ oh – nine – four – five – six –

four – eight – nine – two – nine].
<i>7. Homework (2’)</i>

- The words.

- The exercises (Workbooks.)


<i><b>Perod 6: </b></i><b>Unit one (cont.)</b> -- <i><b>Lesson 5: C 3 </b></i>–<i><b>4</b></i> <P19>
I- Aims:

- To revise the numbers.

- Main teaching points: How old are you? And contrast with How are you?
- Main skill: speaking.

Sub. Skills: listening, writing& reading.

- Anticipated problems: The class may be noisy in playing a game.
II- Objectives:

- At the end of the lesson, ss are able to ask & answer about ages.

III- Teaching aids: cards

IV- Procedures:

<i>1. Check up(5’): * The words.</i>
<i>2. Warm up(3’):</i> * Jumblled words

- tgieh = eight - neelev = eleven
- trentehir = thirteen - ientenen = nineteen

- lewtev = twelve - wneeytt = tweenty
- eevsn = seven - oruf = four

<i>3. Pre </i>–<i> teach vocabulary</i> (6’)

- How old <situation> bao nhiªu ti
- year old <translation> ti

- age <explaination> sè ti

- he (DTNX) <examples> anh Êy,«ng Êy,...
- She (DTNX) <antonym> chị ấy, cô ấy,bà ấy,...
* Checking: R.O.R


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<i>4. Presentation (7’)</i>

Nga: Goodmorning, teacher.

Miss Ngoc: Goodmorning, Nga.How old are you?
Nga: I’m twelve years old.

* Concept check:

- Meaning: translation.

- Use: To ask about ages. Contrast with ‘How are you? ‘
- Form: How old are you?

is he?
- Check the stress.

Eg: How old is Ba?
He is 12.

<i>5. Practice (12’)</i> .

Nam // Ba /12 Mr Hoa // Miss / 35
Tom // Mary / 15 Miss Linda // Peter / 11
Hong / 20 Nga // Hien / 16

S1: How old are you, Ba?
S2: I’m twelve (years old).

* Write it up. - Ba’s twelve years old.
- Mary is fifteen.

<i>6. Prodution (10’) </i>
* Change game:
S1: I’m twelve.

S2: Ba is twelve, and I’m twelve, too.

S3: Ba is twelve, Nga is twelve and I’m thirteen…

* Write about your family members’ ages. (Extra board)
- My Dad is 40 years old.

- My Mom is ...

- And I’m ....
<i>7. Homework (2’)</i>

- Exercises (in the workbooks).
- Be ready for the next.


<i><b>Period 7: </b></i> <b>Unit two: AT SCHOOL</b>.

<i>Lesson1:A 1-3</i> <P20 -22>
I- Aims:

- To present some new vocabulary.

- Main teaching points: Classroom imperatives to understand the teacher’s

- Main skill: speaking.

Sub. Skills: reading, listening & writing.

- Anticipated problems: The class maybe noisy in playing a game.
II- Objectives:

- Ss know how to give commands.

- At the end of the lesson, ss are able to understand their teacher’s commands.
III- Teaching aids: Pictures & cards.

IV- Procedures:

<i>1. Revision (5’)</i> Answer given.

- My name’s Hoa.
- His name’s Hung.
- 12 years old.
- 0214 812 347.

<i>2. Pre </i>–<i> teach vocabulary</i> (8’)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>

- (to) come <translation> đến

come in: mêi vµo

- (to) open <mine> më

Open your book. Më s¸ch ra

- (to) close <antonym> đóng

- (to) stand <mine> đứng

Stand up đứng lên

- (to) sit <real situation> ngåi

Sit down ngåi xuèng

* Checking: Matching.

<i>3. Presentation (8’)* Set the scene</i> Matching A1

* Mime: T says: “Close your books.”
* Concept check:

- Meaning: Translation.

- Use: To request /order / give commands.
- Form:

V + ... .
Yes. (sir)
- Check the stress.

Eg: T: Open your books. – ss: Yes. Teacher.
<i>4. Practice (12’)* Pictures cue drill.</i>

- Matching A2

* Simon says (A3) T: Open your books.

Simon says: close your books. ...
<i>5. Prodution (10’)</i> * Mapped dailogue.

<b>Miss Hai</b>


... morning.

Fine, ... . Sit ....
Open ....

..., Miss Hai.

We’re ... And ....?
Yes, Miss.

Yes, Miss
<i>6. Homework (2’)</i>

- Write it up.

- Exercise A (workbooks)
- Be ready for the next.


<i><b>Period 8: Unit two (cont.) – </b></i>

<i><b>Lesson 2: B 1 </b></i>

<i><b> 3</b></i>

<P 23 – 24>

I- aims:

- To present some new vocabulary.

- Main teaching points: Where do you live?

- Main skill: speaking.

Sub. Skills: reading, listening & writing.

- Anticipated problems: The class may be noisy in playing a game.
II- Objectives:

- Ss know how to ask &answer “Where ...?”

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IV- Procedures:

<i>1. Check up (5’) T gives the actions.</i>

Ss give the correct commands.
<i>2. Pre </i>–<i> teach vocabulary</i> (8’)

- where <translation> ®©u, ë ®©u

- (to) live <situation> sèng

- a house <visual> ngôi nhà

- a street <examples> ph, ng ph

- a city <explanation> thành phố, thị trấn
- do / does (tdt)

* Checking: R.O.R

<i>3. Presentation (8’)</i> * Set the scene:


HOA: Good morning teacher.

T : Good morning, Hoa.Where do you live?
HOA: I live on Tien an street.

* Concept check:
- Translation.

- Use: To ask & answer where peole live.
- Form:

Where do

does youhe live?

I live
He lives


BN/ a city/ a house.
Le loi street.

127 Le loi.
- Check the stress.

Eg: Where does Ba live?

He lives in a flat in Hanoi.
<i>4. Practice (12’)</i> * Cards.

Where do you live?
I live in BN.

Bac Ninh

Nguyen Dang street
a house in HCM City
12 Nguyen Gia Thieu BN


* Chain game: S1: I live at 45 Nhu Nguyet street. ....
<i>5. Production (10’) Survey</i>



- Ss work in groups of four.

- Write it up: Hoa lives on HQV street. ...
<i>6. Homework (2’)</i>

- Exercises in the two workbooks.


<i><b>Period 9:</b></i> <b>Unit two (cont.)</b> –

<i><b>Lesson 3: B 4 </b></i>

<i><b> 5</b></i>

<P 24 -25>

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I- Aims:

- To present some new vocabulary.

- Main teaching points: The alphabet; What’s your name? How do you spell it?
- Main skill: speaking.

Sub. Skills: reading, listening, writing.

- Anticipated problems: The lesson may take a longer time.
II- Objectives:

- Ss know how to spell a word in English.

III- Teaching aids: Cards.

IV- Procedures:
<i>1. Check up (5’)</i>

* Use the survey in lesson two: Write it up.
Hoa lives on HQV street. ....

<i>2. Pre- teach vocabulary (7’)</i>

* Revision: The alphabet

- how <explanation> ra sao, nh thÕ nµo

- what gì, cái gì

- (to) spell <mime> ỏnh vn

* Checking: R.O.R

<i>3. Presentation (8’) * Rub out & remember dialogue (B 4)</i>
What’s your name?

How do you spell it?

L – A – N,

* Concept check:

- Meaning: Traslation

- Use: To take about people’s names.
- Form:

What is

are theiryour names?name?

How do you spell it?

- Check the stress.

Eg: What’s your sister’s name?
Her name’s Xuyen.
How do you spell it?

X – U – Y – E – N, Xuyen.
<i>4. Practice (13’)</i> Word cue cards

your Tuan

her xuan

his Khuong

their Tom & Susan
brother Nguyen
teacher John

Exchange: What’s your teacher’s name?
His name’s John.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=12>

How do you spell it?
J – O – H – N, John.
<i><b>* Answer given:</b></i>

a, Ngoc. - What’s your name?

b, N – G – O – C,Ngoc.

c, Fine,thanks.

d, 12 years old.

e, Hoang Quoc viet street.

<i>5. Production (10’) </i> Noughts & crosses.

*Write it up:

Where do you live?


live in Boson Vocuong.

How old are you?

13 years old.

<i>6. Homework (2’)</i>

- Wh – questions.

- Exercises in the two workbooks.


<i><b>Period 10:</b></i>

<b>Unit two( cont.) – </b>

<i><b>Lesson 4: C1 </b></i>

<P 26 – 27>
I- Aims:

- To present some new vocabulary.
- Main teaching points:

- Main skill: speaking.

Sub. Skills: reading, listening & writing.

- Anticipated problems: Tha class may be noisy in playing a game.
II- Objectives:

- At the end of the lesson, ss are able to know how to use possesive pronouns to
talk about things at school.

III- Teaching aids: Cards.

IV- Procedures:

<i>1. Check up (5’)</i> -Words.

- What’s your name? How do you spell it?
- Where do you live?

<i>2. Warm up (2’) This is my pen.</i>

That is your teacher. ...
<i>3. Pre- teach vocabulary (7’)</i>

- a student <examples> học sinh
- a teacher <situation> giáo viên

- a desk <realia> bµn häc sinh

- a class <examples> líp

- a school <translation> trêng

- his <explanation> cđa anh Êy, cđa chó ấy, ...
- her <antonym> của chị ấy, của cô ấy, ...
* Checking: R.O.R

<i>4. Presentation (9’)</i> Realia

T: Is this your book?
S1: Yes. This is my book.
* Concept check:

- Translation
- Use: This / That


12 School year: 2009 - 2010

Vo Cuong

Bo Son 13 years old Phuong

Hue - VN L – I – N –

D - A 346 Nguyen Dustreet

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=13>

- Form:

Is this

that your his

N(s)? Yes, it is.
No, it isn’t.
- Check the stress.

Eg: Is this her pen? - No, it isn’t. It is your pen.
<i>5. Practice (12’)</i>

* Word cues.

- This / (your) her teacher / x Is this your teacher?
- That / his desk / x - No. That’s her teacher.
- This / your book / Y

- That / their school / v

- This / her picture / x Write it up.
<i>6. Production (10’)</i>

- Chain game: Use the school things. – S1: This is my pen.

- S2: This is her pen. And this is my
pen. ...

<i>7. Homework (2’)</i>

- Exercises in the two workbooks.


<i><b>Period 11:</b></i>

<b>Unit two (cont.) </b>

<i><b>Lesson 5: C 2 </b></i>

<i><b> 4</b></i>

<P 28 – 29>
I- Aims:

- To present some new vocabulary.

- Main teaching points: What’s this? - It’s a / an ... To talk about things in the

- Main skill: speaking.

Sub. Skills: reading, listening & writing.

- Anticipated problems: The class may be noisy in playing a game.
II- Objectives:

- ss know how to make questions with “What / this / that.”

- At the end of the lesson, ss are able to know how to ask & answer about things
in the classroom.

III- Teaching aids:
IV- Procedures:

<i>1. Check up (5’)</i>

- What’s your name?
- How old are you?
- Where do you live?
<i>2. Warm up (2’)</i>

* Network: school things: pen – pencil – ruler –....
<i>3. Pre </i>–<i> teach vocabulary</i> (7’)

- a door <realia> cưa ra vµo - this these

- a window <realia cưa sỉ - that those

- a board <explain> cái bảng
- a clock <visual> đồng hồ

- a waste basket <situation> giá r¸c, thïng r¸c
- an eraser <realia> c¸i tÈy

* Checking: Matching.

<i>4. Presentation (7’)</i> *Dialogue build
T: What’s this?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=14>

* Concept check:

- Meaning: What’s this in vnese?
- Use: To ask and answer about things.
- Form:

What is this?


It is a /

an N.

- Check the stress.

Eg: What is that?
It’s my rular.
What are these?
They are books.
<i>5. Practice (12’) * word cues drill.</i>

This / eraser Exchange: What’s this?

That / window It’s an eraser.

This / school
That/ classroom
These / rulers
Those / desks

* write it up.

* Change into questions.
S 1: Is this your school?
S 2: No, it isn’t.


<i>6. Production (10’) Answer given.</i>

1, It is a window. - What’s this / that?

2, They are my books. - What are these / those?

3, D – E – S – K, desk. - How do you spell it?

4, I live in Bacninh. - ....

5, It’s his school.
6, It’s her eraser.
<i>7. Homework (2’) </i>

- Exercises in the two worbooks.
- Be ready for the unit three.



<b>Unit three: AT HOME.</b>

<i><b>Lesson1: A 1,2 </b></i>

<P 30 – 31>
I- Aims:

- To present some new vocabulary ( things in a house).

- Main teaching points: “ WH – questions with this / that / these / those “to talk
about things in a house.

- Main skill: speaking.

Sub. Skills: reading, listening & writing.

- Anticipated problems: The lesson may take a longer time.
II- Objectives:

- Ss know how to use These / those.

- At the end of the lesson, ss are able to talk about things in their house.
III- Teaching aids: Pictures.

IV- Procedures:
<i>1. Check up (5’)</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=15>

- What’s this / that?
<i>2. Warm up (2’)</i>

- What do you do at home?

- What do you have in your house?

<i>3. Pre </i>–<i> teach vocabulary</i> (7’) * Matching ( A 1)

- a lamp cái đèn

- a bookshelf gi¸ s¸ch

- a chair ghÕ tùa

- a couch ghÕ sa lông dài

- an armchair ghế bành

- a table cái bàn

- a stool ghế đẩu

- a stereo máy nghe nhạc

- a television < TV> v« tuyÕn, ti vi
* Checking: What & Where.

<i>4. Prsentation (7’) Picture + realia</i>
T: What’s this?

Ss: It’s a table.
T: What are those?
Ss: They are stools.
* Concept check:

- Meaning: Translation.

- Use: To ask & answer about one & many things.
- Form: a,

What is this?

It is

It’s a / an N.


What are these?


They are N (s).

-Check the stress.

* Note: single noun Plura noun.

a book books

a clock clocks

a class classes, ....

Eg: What are these?
They are pens.

<i>5. Practice (12’)</i> * Picture drill.
S 1: What is this? _ It’s a clock.

S1: What are those? - S2: They are armchairs.
* Picture retell

This is a livingroom.

There is a clock in the livingroom.
There are three stools. ....

Write it up.

<i>6. Production (10’)* Transformation writing: How about your livingroom?</i>
Give ss 5’ to wrie.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=16>

There is a television in my livingroom.
There are two chairs.

There is a couch.

<i>7. Homework (2’) Exercises in the two workbooks.</i>



<b>Unit three : AT HOME.</b>

<i><b>Lesson 2: A3 </b></i>

<i><b> 4</b></i>

<P 32 – 34>
I- Aims:

- To present some new vocabulary ( family vocabulary).

- Main teaching points: WH – questions to talk about family members.
- Main skill: speaking.

Sub. Skills: reading, listening & writing.

- Anticipated problems: The class may be noisy in playing a game.
II- Objectives:

- Ss know how to ask and answer with ‘ How many ....? – There is / are.
- At the end of the lesson, ss are able to tell about their family.

III- Teaching aids: Extra board + photos
IV- Procedures:

<i>1. Check up (5’) What’s your name?</i>

<i>2. Warm up (2’)</i>

<i>3. Pre </i>–<i> teach vocabulary</i> (7’) * Extra board: Ba’s family

Mr Phuong (40) Mrs thao (35)

Hoa (12) Suong (5)

- grandfather «ng

- a family gia đình

- grandmother bµ

- parents bè mĐ

- father bè

- a mother mĐ

- a sixter chị / em gái

- a brother anh / em trai

* Checking: Matching.

<i>4. Presentation + Practice 1 (7’)</i> A 3 – 4 Questions
Hoa: How many people are there in your family?

Ba: There are four people in my family?
* concept check:

- Meaning: Translation.

- use: To ask and answer about an amount of ...
- Form:

How many Ns are there (in) ...?

There is a/an N ...

are Ns ....
- Check the stress.

Eg: how many students are there in your class?
There are thirty ( students in my class).
* Practice: Word cues.

- three books

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=17>

- ten girls
- thirteen boys
- twenty desks

- a board in the class

- an eraser in my box Write it up.

<i>5. Presentation + Practice2 (12’)</i> * Grids (A 3 – P32)

Tªn quan hƯ nghỊ


Ha father teacher

Nga mother teacher

Lan sister student


Dialogue build: T: Who’s that?

Ss: It / That is his father.
T: What’s his name?
Ss: His name’s Ha.
* Concept chek:

- Meaning

- Use: To talk about a person.
- Form:

Who is


They areis
* Practice: Pictures drill.

S1: Who’s this?

S2: That’s her mother.
S1: What’s her name?
S2: Her name’s Nga. ...

* Retell: This is Lan’s family. This is her mother. Her name is Nga. ....
<i>6. Production (10’)</i>

How many people are there in your family?
Who are you? – My father, my mother, my ....
What’s your father’s name?

- Ss work in pairs: Using the photographs / their writings.
- S1: Who’s that? What’s his name?

<i>7. Homework (2’) </i>

Exercises in the two workbooks.



<b>Unit three : AT HOME.</b>

<i><b>Lesson 3: B 1 </b></i>

<i><b> 2</b></i>

<P 35 – 36>
I- Aims:

- To present the numbers ( Ss count from 21 to 100).

- Main teaching points: Count things in the classroom and pronunciation of plural
nouns /s/, /z/, /iz/.

- Main skill: speaking.

Sub. Skills: reading, listening & writing.

- Anticipated problems: The class may be noisy in playing a game.
II- Objectives:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=18>

III- Teaching aids: Pictures
IV- Procedures:

<i>1. Check up (5’) Write the questions.</i>
- That’s my father.

- They are my students.
<i>2. Warm up (2’) Board drill</i>

A = 1 b c d e f g h

i j k l m n o p

q r s t u v w x

y z = 26

T asks: What’s number 9 ? 10? 15? 23? 25? ...

S1: What’s number 9?

S2: “ I “ <i / ai/ >

<i>3. Pre </i>–<i> teach vocabulary</i> (7’)

- a table tables

- a bench benches

- a house houses

- a hundred
- a thousand

<i>* Checking: What & Where.</i>
<i>4. Presentation (7’) </i>

Thirty = 30
Forty = 40
Fifty = 50
Sixty = 60
Seventy = 70
Eighty = 80
Ninety = 90

One hundred = 100

One hundred and one = 10

<i>5. Practice (12’)* Snakes & ladders B1<P35></i>
* Realia drill B2 < P36 >

- a bench benches
There is / are

- there is a board.

- There are twenty – four desks. ....
* Ending sounds: / s / p, k, t, f,

/ iz / ss, ch, sh,
/ z /

<i>6. Production (10’)</i> * Dictation list
- T reads: desks, books, ...

- Ss listen & write in the right columns.

/ s / / z / / iz /

desks rulers benches

students tables couches

books doors houses

clocks windows

lamps pens

<i>7. Homework (2’)</i>

- Exercises in the two workbooks.



<b>Unit three: AT HOME.</b>

<i><b>Lesson 4: B 3 - 5 <P 37, 38 ></b></i>


18 School year: 2009 - 2010



6 3<sub>0</sub>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=19>

I- Aims:

- ss practice furtherly in WH - questions.

- Main teaching points: How many..? + Numbers.
- Main skill: speaking.

Sub. Skills: reading, listening & writing.

- Anticipated problems: The class may be noisy in playing a game.
II- Objectives:

- Ss know how to make a question for the underlined words.

- At the end of the lesson, ss are able to know how to talk about things in the
classroom, the livingroom & the family.

III- Teaching aids: Extra board.
IV- Procedures:

<i>1. Check up (5’)</i> Describe your classroom, using ‘there is / are’
( There’s a board.

There’re fifteen desks. .... )
<i>2. Warm up (3’) </i>

<i>* Network: </i>

lamps chair
windows doors

stools beds

fridge refregerator

<i>3. Presentation (10’)</i> B3 < P 37 >
+ How many doors are there?
- There’s one.

<i><b>* Concept check:</b></i>

- Meaning: Translation.
- Use: Question & answer
- Form:

<i>4. Practice (13’)* Picture drill < B2 – B5 ></i>
- Check the stress.

S1: How many desks are there?
S2: There are six.

- Kim’s game. < Picture – P 31. >
<i>5. Production (12’)</i> Survey



Name People chairs lamps tables TVs desks windows boards
Nga 3

Exchanges: S1: How many people are there in your family?

Armchairs house?

- Write it up.

<i>6. Homework (2’) </i> - Exercises.

---< Mau moi >

How many Ns are there?

There is

There are a/antwo Ns.N.
<b>Things </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=20>

Date: Tuesday, September 30th<sub> 2008.</sub>


<b>Unit three: AT HOME.</b>

<i><b>Lesson5: C1 - 2</b></i>


<b>The aims of the lesson</b>


- To help ss with reading a text about a family to understand the details and talk
about jobs.

* Skills: - Main skill: Reading.

- Other skills: Listening, speaking & writing.


<b>The objective of the lesson</b>


- By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to talk about their family.

<b>Teaching aids</b>





<i>1. Review (3’)</i> There is / are ...

There are three people in Ba’s family.

<i>3. Lead- in (2’)</i> Picture (C1 – P38): This is Lan’s family. ...
<i>2. Pre </i>–<i> teach vocabulary</i> (7’)

- a doctor < picture > b¸c sÜ
- a nurse < explanation > yt¸

- a worker < examples > công nhân
- a farmer < translation > nông dân
- an engineer < situation > kỹ s

- a housewife < explanation> ngời làm công viƯc néi trỵ
* Checking: What & Where.

<i>4. Pre </i>–<i> reading </i>(10’)
* Open prediction.




<i>5. White </i>–<i> reading</i> (12’)

- Ss read C1 & check their prediction.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=21>

* Wh – questions ( C1 ) Extra board.

a- How many people are there in her family? – There are four.
b- How old is her father? - He is forty.

c- What does he do? - He is an engineer.

d- How old is her mother? - She is thirty – five.
e- What does she do? - She is a teacher.

f- How old is her brother? - He is eight.
g- What does he do? - He is a student.

h- Where are they? - They are in their living room.
- Use lucky numbers to check.

<i>6. Post- reading (9’) *picture drill ( C2 – P39 ) * Transformation writing</i>

- Ss transform the sentences in C1 with the informationin C2 to write about

Song’s family.

This is Song’s family.There are four peoplein Song’s family. His father 7.
<i>Homework assignment (2’ )</i>

- Learn by heart the words.

- Exercises in the two workbooks.

---Date: Wednesday,October 1st<sub> 2008. </sub>

<i><b>Period17:</b></i> Unit three: AT HOME.

<i><b>Lesson 6: GRAMMAR PRACTICE.</b></i>


<b>The aims of the lesson</b>

: To help ss talk about someone’s name, job, age…

* Vocabulary: Furniture vocabulary:chair, couch,armchair, stool,..;Nouns of jobs:
student, teacher, engineer,.. ; Numbers

* Grammar: “ be”, imperatives, WH - questions, There is / are.
* Skills: - Main skill: speaking.

- Other skills: reading, listening & writing.

<b>The objective of the lesson</b>


- By the end of the lesson, ss are able to do the exercises using the above
grammar points.


<b>Teaching aids</b>

: Extra board



<i>1. Check up (5’)</i> How many people are there in your family?
<i>2. Warm up (3’) *Numbers from 1 to 100.</i>

- ss work in two groups. Each group write as much as possible the
numbers. Who write more are the winners.

<i>3.Revision 1 (9)</i>


*To be am thì, là, ở


Eg: He is a student.

He is not a student. ( isn’t )
Is he a student? - Yes, he is.

* Practice: Word cue drill.
They / teachers
We / students
He / a nurse

I am I’m



are You’re



<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=22>

She / an engineer
I / her friend
You / 12
We / brothers

<i>4. Revision 2 (8’) *Imperatives ( commands )</i>
V + ...., please.

- Gapfill < GP 4 – P 40 >
- Simon says.

<i>5. Revision 3 (9’) *Question words: What, Where, How, How old, How many.</i>

WH - be S?

WH - do/ does + S V..?

Eg: - What is his name?

- Where do you live?
- Gapfill < GP 6 – P 41 >
* Noughts & crosses:

<i>6. Revision 4 </i> (9’) *Furniture < GP

10 – P 43 >: crossword puzzle

- guessing game: Ss draw their own pictures of furniture on a scrap of paper.
S1: Is it a stool? S2: No, it isn’t.

S3: Is it a chair? ....

* Repetition drill: T: There are two boards. Ss: Silent.
There is a desk.

There is a board. Ss: Repeat. ....
<i>7. Homework assignment (2’) - Exercises.</i>

---Date: Friday, October 3th<sub> 2008.</sub>

Period 18: WRITTEN TEST< Time: 45’ >

<b>The aims of the lesson</b>


- To know how ss have learnt English.
- To check ss’ knowledge.


<b>The objective of the lesson</b>


- After the test, ss know how they’ve learnt English. And they themselves
improve their studying English.

<b>III- Preparation: </b>
- T: The test.

- Ss: Revision for the test.
<b>IV- The test:</b>

<I> Chọn từ có phần gạch chân đ

<i><b> ợc phát âm khác với các từ còn lại</b></i>

<i><b> :</b></i>

1- A. books B. stools C. doors D. erasers

2- A. lamps B. students C. teachers D. clocks

3- A. boxes B. benches C. tables D. bookcases

4- A. stereos B. cats C. televisions D. boards

5- A. windows B. chairs C. rulers D. desks

6- A. thanks B. this C. that D. the

<II> Chọn từ thích hợp điền vào chỗ trống:

1. ---- your name? A. Where B. What C. What’s


22 School year: 2009 - 2010

What / name How What / this

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=23>

2. I live ---- LeLoi street. A. in B. on C. at
3. ---- do you spell your name? A. How B. What C. Where
4. This is ---- eraser. A. a B. an C. it
5. ---- is that? – It’s a board. A. How B. What C. Where
6. ---- are televisions. A. This B. That C. These
7.This is my sister. --- name’s Nu. A. Her B. My C. His
8. How many ---- are there? A. bench B. benchs C. benches
<III> §iỊn in , on hoặc at vào chỗ trèng

” “


1. I live ---- Nguyen Du Street.
2. They live ---- Hanoi.

3. Are you ---- school?
4. He lives ---- a city.

5. Is Dong ---- the classroom?

6. Tom and his sister are ---- home now.
<IV> Hoµn thành bài hội thoại sau:

Hai: -- (1) is that?

Ba: That is – (2) – brother.
Hai: -- (3) – his name?
Ba: His –(4) – Hung.

Hai: -- (5) – old – (6)-- he ?

Ba: He –(7) – thirty – (8) – old.
Hai: Where – (9) – he live?

Ba: He – (10) in Hanoi.

<V> Viết câu hỏi cho các câu tr¶ lêi sau:
1. I’m fine.Thanks.

2. His name’s Nam.

3. I live in Ho Chi Minh City.
4. It’s a clock.

<b>V- Homework assignment:</b> - Redo the test at home.
Date: Tuesday, October 7th<sub> 2008.</sub>

Period 19: Correction of the test.

<b>The aims of the lesson</b>


- To help ss find out their mistakes they made when they did the test last period
and do the correction.

- To help ss know how to improve their next studying E.

<b>The objective of the lesson: </b>

- By the end of the lesson, T will be able to improve her teaching and ss will be
able to improve their learning.


<b>Teaching aids</b>


- The answer keys of the test. (Extra board)



<i>1. Warm up (3’)</i>
How are you?

How do you think about your test?
Did you do it well?

<i>2. Practice (10’)</i>

- Asks five ss to go to the board to write the answers down.
<i>3. Correction (20’)</i>

- Others remark the answers on the board.
- T corrects & give the marks.

- Ss compare with their paper tests.
- Asks ss to take note their mistakes.
<i>4. Production (10’)</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=24>

<i>5. Homework (2’)</i>

- Be ready for the unit 4.
<b>V- Answer keys:</b>

<I> (2pts)

1. A 1. C 3. C 4.B 5. D 6. A

<II> (2pts)

1. C 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. C
<III> (2pts)

1. on 2. in 3. at 4. in 5. in 6. at
<IV> (2pts)

1. Who 2. my 3. What’s 4. name’s 5. How 6. is
7.is 8. years 9. does 10. lives

<V> (2pts)

1. How are you?
2. What’s his name?
3. Where do you live?
4. What’s this / that?

< Two points for one exercise.>
Date: Wednesday, Octoberber 8th<sub> 2008. </sub>

<i><b>Period20:</b></i> Unit Four :BIG OR SMALL?

<i><b>Lesson 1: A 1, 2</b></i>

<P 44>


<b>The aims of the lesson</b>

: To help ss with the reading a description of a school and
practice in possessive “ s “ to talk about possessions.

* Skills: - Main skill: reading.

- Other skills: listening, speaking & writing.

<b> The objective of the lesson</b>


- By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to use adjectives to talk about people &


<b>Teaching aids:</b>




<i>1. Review (5’) </i>
<i>* Pelmanism</i>

I Thu He You She We

His our Thu’s her my your

<i>2. Warm up (2’)</i> The pictures.

< Phong’s school & Thu’s. >
<i>3. Pre </i>–<i> teach vocabulary</i> (7’)

- big < visual > to, to lín
- small < antonym > nhá, nhá bÐ
- new < explanation > míi

- old < antonym > cị, giµ
- bad < antonym > xÊu, tåi
- in the city < situation > ë thµnh phè
- in the coutry < antonym > ë n«ng th«n
* Checking: R. O. R

<i>4. Pre- reading (5’)</i>

*Prediction < matching >

in the country Big


24 School year: 2009 - 2010



<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=25>

in the city small
<i>5. While reading (12’)</i>

- Ss listen to the tape twice to check their predictions.
- Reading to check.

* Comprehention questions ( A2 – P44 )
a. Yes, it is.

b. No, it isn’t.
c. It’s in the city.

d. No, it isn’t. It’s in the city.
<i>6. Post reading (12’)</i>

* Retell:

- Retell about Thu’s school & Phong’s school.
Your school:Where is our school?

Is our school big?
 Grammar

Is Thu’s school small?

No, it isn’t. ( It’s big. / It’s a big school. )
- Form:( + )

S To be adj.

( ? )

To be S adj?

- Yes , s + be.

- No, S + be not. ( S + to be (+ a / an ) + adj + N (s).
* Practice: Word cues.

Phong / school / < big > / small
Nga / bag / new/ v

Mr Hai / house / < new > / old
Students / desks / < big > / small
Our school / in the city / v

Ba / teacher / good / v

+Open pairs

- Close pairs Write it up.
Phong’s school is small.
Nga’s bag is new.

<i>7. Homework assignment (2’) </i>
- The words.

- Exercises in the two workbooks.

---Date: Friday, October 10th<sub> 2008. </sub>

<i><b>Period 21: </b></i>

<b>Unit four :BIG OR SMALL?</b>

<i><b>Lesson 2: A 3 </b></i>

<i><b> 4</b></i>

<P 45 - 46>

<b>The aims of the lesson</b>


- To help ss know more about Thu’s school & Phong’s by reading the text.
* Skills: - Main skill: reading.

- Other skills: listening, speaking & writing.

<b>The objective of the lesson</b>


- By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to use school vocabulary and numbers
to talk about schools.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=26>

<i>1. Review (5’)</i> * Bingo

- T elicits & lists numbers on the board: 6, 8, 12, 20, 52, 100, 200, 32, 41,
400, 17, 25, 600, 900, 10.

- Ss choose 7 words from the boad & write down.
- T reads: 6, 25, 200, 12, 17, 400, 8, 900, ....

city / country
<i>2. Warm up (2’)</i> * Our school. big / small

+ How many classes are there in our school?
- There are 12.

<i>3. Pre </i>–<i> teach vocabulary</i> (7’)

- a class <examples> líp

- a classroom <explaination> líp häc, phßng häc
- school yard <realia> s©n trêng

- large <situation> réng, réng lín
- have / has <synonym> cã

* Checking: Slaps the board

<i>4. Pre-reading (7’) </i>
*Open prediction.

- Ss guess what thesenumbers are about / to do with their school.
400, 900, 8, 20,

( eg: students: 900. )
<i>5. While reading (10’)</i>

- Ss students the text A3 < P45 > to check their predictions.
* Keys:

<i><b>Phong s school:</b></i>’ <i><b>Thu s school:</b></i>’

- 400 students - 90 students

- 8 clasrooms - 20 classrooms

* Wh – questions:
a, There are 8.

b, 400.

c, 20.

d, 900.

- Where is Phong’s school? - Is it small?

Thu’s big

- Is our school small?

How many classes are there in our school?

<i>6. Post reading (12’)</i>

* Transformation writing A4 < P46 >

( - There is / are = have / has. --- There are 12 classes in our school. = Our
school has 12 classes. )


26 School year: 2009 - 2010

Have/ has classroo



ground School yard

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=27>

This is my school.It is in the city. My school is small. There are 12
classrooms. There are 400 students. The school yard is large. Our school has ...

<i>7. Homework (2’) </i>

- Exercises in the two workbooks.

Date: Tuesday, October 14th<sub> 2008. </sub>

<i><b>Period22:</b></i> Unit four :BIG OR SMALL?

<i><b>Lesson 3: B1, 2, 4</b></i>

<P 47, 48>

<b>The aims of the lesson</b>


-To help ss with listening to the dialogue about school to understand the details.
Practice cardinal numbers & ordinal numbers. + Wh questions to talk about schools.

* Skills: - Main skill: listening.

- Other skills: reading, speaking & writing.

<b>The objective of the lesson</b>


- By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to talk about schools.

<b>Teaching aids</b>




<i>1. Check up (5’)</i>

- Tell about your school.
<i>2. Warm up (2’) </i>

You are in grade 6. How old are you?
Hao is 12. Which grade is he in?
<i>3.Pre </i>–<i> teach vocabulary</i> (8’)

- which ( qw ) < situation > nào, cáo nào.
- a floor < translation > tầng, sàn nhà

< The first floor: tầng 1 >

- grade < examples > khèi, khèi líp
( the sixth grade = grade 6 )

- ( to ) have < synonym > cã
* B4 - the first = 1st

- the second = 2nd

- ... = 10th

* Checking: Slaps the board

<i>4. Pre- listening (8’)</i> * Prediction dialogue
Th: Which grade are you in?

Ph: I’m in grade – (a) -- .
Th: And what class are you in?
Ph: -- (b) -- . What about you?

Th: I’m in grade – (c) -- , class – (d) -- . How many floors does your
school have?

Ph: -- (e) -- . It’s a small school.

Th: My school has – (f) – floors and my classroom is on the – (g) –
floor. Where is your classroom?

Ph: It’s on the – (h) – floor.
<i>5. While listening (12’)</i> B1 <P47>

- Ss listen to the tape and correct their predictions.
* Grid: B2 <P48>


Thu 7 7c 2nd

Phong 6 6a 1st

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=28>

- Ss listen again to fill in the grid.

- Ss open the books, read the dialogue again to check.
<i>6. Post listening (10’)</i>


- T elicits the question and answer from ss.
Thu: Which grade are you in?

Phong: I’m in grade 6.
- Form:

Which grade




He amis in classgrade .... .
* board drill:

S1: Which grade is Thu in?

S2: She’s in grade 6.
Class 6A<sub>. </sub>

* Where is your classroom?
It’s on the second floor.

Where + be + S ?

S + Be + on the + stt + floor.
Eg: Where is the class 8a <sub>?</sub>

It’s on the second floor.
<i>7. Homework assignment (2’) </i>

- Write about you.

- Exercises in the two workbooks.

Date: Wednesday, October 15th<sub> 2008. </sub>

<i><b>Period23:</b></i> Unit four :BIG OR SMALL?

<i><b>Lesson 3: B3 </b></i>

<i><b> 5</b></i>

<P 47, 48>

I- <b>The aims of the lesson</b>: To help sswith their writing about their school and their

* Skills: - Main skill: Writing.

- Other skills: Reading, listening & speaking.

- By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to write about their school and their class.
III- <b>Teaching aids</b>: Picture.

IV- <b>Procedures</b>:
1. <i>Check up </i>(5’)

- The words.

- Retell about your school and your class.
2. <i>Warm up </i>(2’) * Brainstorming:

in the city small

12 classes two floors
Beautiful 2nd <sub>floor</sub>

34 students


28 School year: 2009 - 2010

<b>Your </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=29>

3. <i>Vocabulary revision </i>( 7’)
- a grade

- a teacher – a form teacher
- a student

- a classmate : b¹n häc cïng líp
- a friend : b¹n, b¹n bÌ

- a monitor : líp trëng
4. <i>Pre- writing </i>( 9’)

- Gapfill: B5 (P48)

a-isn’t e- am
b- does f- is
c- has g- on
d- are

* Questions:

a- How is Phong’s school?

b- Does Phong’s school have three floors?
c- Is his classroom on the first floor?
d- Where is your school?

e- Is your school big?

f- How many floors / classes does your school have?
g- Is your classroom on the second floor?

h- How many students are there in your class?
5. <i>While- writing (</i>10’)

- Asks ss to use the answers to write about their school and their class.
- Ss work in groups.

My school is in the city. It is small and beautiful. There are 12
classrooms in my school. I am in class 6a<sub>. My classroom is on the first floor. There are</sub>

tweenty – five students in my class. ….
6. <i>Post- writing </i>(10’)

- Correction: Ss give their opinions to their writings.
- T correct and marks.

7. <i>Homework assignment </i>(2’)

- Write about one of your friends.
- Do the exercises.

Date: Friday, October 17th<sub> 2008. </sub>

<i><b>Period24:</b></i> Unit four :BIG OR SMALL?

<i><b>Lesson 4: C 1 </b></i>

<i><b>3 </b></i>

<P 49>


<b>The aims of the lesson</b>

: To help ss talk about their routines.
* Vocabulary: Words about habitual actions.

* Grammar: Simple present tense, possitive statements to talk about habitual

*Skills: - Main skill: speaking.

- Sub. Skills: reading, listening & writing.

<b>The objective of the lesson</b>


- By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to talk about their habitual actions.

<b>Teaching aids</b>

: Word cues.


<b> Procedures</b>

<i>1. Check up (5’)</i>

+ Ss talk about themselves.

- I’m Hoa. I’m a student. I’m in grade 6.

<i>2. Warm up (2’)</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=30>

- (to) get up < situation > thøc dậy
- (to) get dressed < pic. > mặc quần áo

- (to) brush ( your ) teeth đánh răng


- (to)wash (your ) face < translation > rưa mỈt

- (to) have breakfast < picture > ăn sáng
- (to ) go to school < explaination > ®i häc

- ( to ) say hello to ( classmates ) chào tb các bạn cùng lớp

- every ( morning ) mỗi, mọi,các ( bi s¸ng )

* Checking: R. O. R

<i>4. Presentation (7’)</i> Teacher Ba

T: What do you do every morning?
Ba: I get up, brush my teeth, ...
* Concept check:

- Meaning: Translation

- Use: to talk about habitual actions.

- Form:

What do

does youhe do every morning?

* Verbs ending with: o, ch, sh, s (s), x, z + “ es “
( to ) study studies

- Check the stress.

Eg: What does Ba do everymorning?
He brushes his teeth.

goes to school.
has breakfast.

<i>5. Controlledpractice (12’)</i> C1 < P49 >
- One student is Ba, Others retell about Ba.

Ba: I get up. Ss: Ba gets up.

I get dressed. He gets dressed.

I brush my teeth. He brushes his teeth.
I wash my face. .... He washes his face. ....
* Word cues:

You / get up

Your father / go to work
Nga & Hai / have breakfast
Tom / wash his face

You / go to school
* Write it up.

<i>6. Production (10’)</i>
* Writing

- Each student write 5 sentences to tell about their habitual actions.
( What they do every morning.)

- Ss work in pairs: ask their parteners: What do you do every morning?
And make a stick to the same action.

Retell. Eg: Hong gets up. She brushes her teeth. ...
<i>7. Homework assignment (2’) </i>

-Write 10 sentences about your father’s,mother’s, brother’s habitual
actions, ...



30 School year: 2009 - 2010

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=31>

Date: Tuesday, October 21th<sub> 2008. </sub>

<i><b>Period25:</b></i> Unit four :BIG OR SMALL?

<i><b>Lesson 5: C4 -7 </b></i>

<P 50 – 51>

<b>The aims of the lesson</b>


- To help ss know how to talk about the time.

* Vocabulary: Words about time: o’clock, half (past), …

* Grammar: Questions and answers about the time: What time is it?
* Skills: - Main skill: speaking.

- Other skills: reading, listening & writing.

<b>The objective of the lesson</b>


- By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to know how to tell the time in English.

<b>Teaching aids</b>

: a clock



<i>1. Check up (5’) </i>

What do you do every morning?
<i>2. Warm up (2’)</i>

Do you get up early?

What time do you get up? Do you want to know how to tell
the time in E?

<i>3. Pre </i>–<i> teach vocabulary</i> (7’)

- time (n) < Translation > thêi gian, lÇn
- o’clock < examples > giê

( ten o’clock )

- half < explaination> 1/2, mét nöa
- half past < situation > ( giê) rìi

- (to) be late for bÞ trƠ, bÞ muén

* Checking: What & Where.

<i>4. Presentation (7’)</i> Pic.s < C4 – 5 >
T: What time is it?

Ss: It’s eight o’clock.
* Concept check:

- Translation.

- Use: to talk the time.

- Form: What time is it? = What’s the time?

<1> a, Giờ đúng: It’s + giờ + o’clock.
b, Giờ hơn: It’s + phút + past + giờ.
c, Giờ rỡi: It’s + half past + giờ.
d, Giờ kém: It’s + phút + to + giờ.

It’s giê phót.

Eg: It’s ten past two. = It’s two ten.
to = It’s one fifty.
It’s half past two. = It’s two thirty.
<i>5. Controlled practice (12’)</i>

*Realia drill

6.00 9.45 1.30 7.25 3.12

5.40 4.15 ...

* Word cue drill < C7 – P 51 >
- get up

- go to school
- go home

- do your homework

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=32>

<i>6. Production (10’)</i>

*Noughts and crosses.

6.10 5.30 10.45

7.00 8.32 12.30

3.17 7.28 6.00

<i>7. Homework assignment (2’) </i>

- Exercises in the two workbooks.

Date: Wednesday, October 22th<sub> 2008. </sub>

<b>Period 26: </b>

<b>Unit five: THINGS I DO.</b>

<b> </b>

<b> Lesson 1: </b>

A1- 2 .


<b>The aims of the lesson</b>

: To help ss know how to talk about daily routines.

* Vocabulary: Verbs about the actions they do every days: get up, have breakfast,
brush one’s teeth, wash one’s face / clothes, play games.

* Grammar: Simple present tense with I + V He / She + Vs
* Skills

- Main skill: speaking.

- Other skills: reading, listening & writing.

<b>The objective of the lesson</b>


- By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to know how to.

<b>Teaching aids</b>




1. <i>Review </i>(5’)

- What time is it?
- Is it eight o’clock?
2. <i>Warm up </i>(2’)


evening ( noon )

3. <i>Pre </i>–<i> teach vocabulary</i> (7’)

- (to) get up < explaination> ngủ dậy
- (to) brush my teeth < picture > đánh răng
- (to ) wash my face < situation > rửa mặt
- (to) have breakfast < situation > ăn sáng
- (to) play games < examples > chơi trò chơi
- (to ) do my homework < explaination > làm bài tập về nhà

She does her cô ấy làm bài tập về nhà
- everyday / everymorning

* Checking: R.O.R

4. <i>Presentation </i>(7’) * Open predictions:
What does Nga do everyday?
- gets up

- brush her teeth
- ….

- Ss read the text about Nga and check their predictions.


32 School year: 2009 - 2010

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=33>

T: What do you do everymorning?
S: I go to school.

T: What does your mother do everyevening?
S: She watches TV.

* Concept check:

- Meaning: translation.

- Use: To talk about daily routines.
- Form:

What do



do ...every- ?

He / She/ Ba V (s / es )V

+ Verbs ending with : o, ch, sh, ss, x + “ es”
Eg: Ba goes to school everyafternoon.
- Check the tress.

5. <i>Controlled practice </i>(12’) * Substitution Drill:

- T(Nga): Everyday, I get up at six. Ss: Everyday. Nga gets up at six.
I brush my teeth. She brushes her teeth.
I wash my face. She washes her face.
I get dressed. She gets dressed.
have breakfast. She has breakfast.
I go to school. She goes to school.
I play games. She plays games.

I do my homework. She does her homework.
6. <i>Production</i> (10’) * Survey:

S1: What time do you get up?
Hoa: I get up at 5.30.

* Write it up: Hoa gets up at 5.30.
8. <i>Homework assignment</i> (2’)

- the words.

- Do the exercises in the two workbooks.

---Date: Friday, October 24th<sub> 2008. </sub>

<b>Period 27: </b>

<b>Unit five: THINGS I DO. </b>

<b>Lesson 2: </b>

A3 - 4 .


<b>The aims of the lesson</b>

: To help ss with the new vocabulary to talk about their
daily routines.

* Vocabulary: Verbs of entertainments: watch TV, listen to music, do chores /
housework, read, ….

* Grammar: Simple present tense – WH- questions with he / she to talk about
others’ daily routines.

* Skills:

- Main skill: speaking.

- Other skills: reading, listening & writing.

<b>The objective of the lesson</b>


NAME <b>get up</b> <b>have</b>


<b>do your</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=34>

- By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to know how to talk about what other
people do after school.


<b>Teaching aids</b>

: Word cues.



1. <i>Review </i>(5’)

What do you do everymorning?
2. <i>Warm up </i>(2’)

3. <i>Pre </i>–<i> teach vocabulary</i> (7’)

- after school ( adv ) < situation > sau giờ học
- ( to ) watch TV < picture > xem TV
- ( to ) listen to music < visual > nghe nhạc
- ( to ) do the housework < examples > làm việc nhà
- ( to ) read < mime > đọc sách
* Checking: Odering:

a- listen to music b- do the housework c- watch TV d- read.

T reads: Every morning, Lan gets up and listens to music. Every afternoon,
she comes home and does the housework. Then she watches TV. Every evening, she
reads and does her homework.

4. <i>Presentation </i>(7’) * Open prediction:

- Ss predict what each of these student does after school.
Ba watches TV.


- Ss read A3 – P53 to check.
T: What does Ba do after school?
S1: He watches TV.

* Concept check:

- Meaning: translation.

- Use: To talk about what we do after school.
- Form:

What + do + S + do + after school ?
does he/ she / Ba

S + V + …..
He / She / Ba V (s / es )

- Check the tress.

5. <i>Controlled practice </i>(12’) Picture drill:

Watch TV What does Ba do after school?
Do the housework He watches TV.

Play games
Have lunch
Listen to music

6. <i>Production</i> (10’) * Noughts and Crosses:

He/play / games

She / brush / teeth

Nga / do / chores

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=35>

Ba/ get / dressed

Nam / go to school

Hai / do / hmework

She / wash / face

Tom / have breakfast

Ngoc/ listen to music

* Use: every morning / afternoon / evening.

What does he do every afternoon?
He plays games.

8. <i>Homework assignment</i> (2’)

- write sentences about your family members.

Date: Tuesday, October 28th<sub> 2008. </sub>

<b>Period 28: </b>

<b>Unit five: THINGS I DO. </b>

<b>Lesson 3: </b>

A5 - 6 .


<b>The aims of the lesson</b>

: To help ss tell about their daily routines.

* Vocabulary: Verbs describing daily actions: (to) play volleyball / soccer, (to)
play sport, .. .

* Grammar: Simple present tense – Y / N questions and short answers to talk
about daily routines.

* Skills:

- Main skill: speaking.

- Other skills: reading, listening & writing.

<b>The objective of the lesson</b>


- By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to know how to how to tell about their
daily routines.


<b>Teaching aids</b>

: Extra board.



1. <i>Review </i>(5’)

- The words.

- What do you often do every early morning?
2. <i>Warm up </i>(2’)

* Pelmanism:

<b>do</b> <b>go</b> <b>Listen to</b> <b>watch</b> <b>play</b>
<b>TV game homework school music</b>

3. <i>Pre </i>–<i> teach vocabulary</i> (7’)

- (to) play soccer < picture > chơi bóng đá
- (to) play volleyball < explaination> chơi bóng chuyền
- (to) play table tennis < translation> chơi cầu lông
- (to) play sport < examples> chơi thể thao
- (to) do the house work < examples > làm việc nhà
- a girl < ezamples> nữ, bạn nữ
- a boy <antonym > nam, bạn nam
* Checking: R.O.R

4. <i>Presentation </i>(7’)
* Read: Grids.






<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=36>


<b> Vui </b> +

<b>Girls </b> +

T: What do they do?

Ss: Nga plays volleyball.
Lan plays volleyball.
Thu plays soccer.
Vui plays soccer.
Girls play soccer.
- Dialogue build:

Ba: Do girls play soccer?
Lan: yes, they do.

Ba: Does Nga play soccer?
Lan: No, she doesn’t.
* Concept check:

- Meaning: translation.
- Use: To ask and answer.
- Form:

Do + you / they + V / play …?
Does + he / she / Ba + V / play..?
+ Yes, s + do / does.
No, s + don’t / doesn’t.
- Check the tress.

5. <i>Controlled practice </i>(12’)
* Use the grid for a drill.

S1: Does Nga play volleyball?
S2: Yes, she does.

6. <i>Production</i> (10’) * A6 <P55>


watches TV. Hoa

plays soccer.

does the housework.
plays volleyball.
listens to music.

S1: Do you watch TV?
S2: Yes, I do.

7. <i>Homework assignment</i> (2’)

- Do the exercises in the two workbooks.
- Be ready for the next.


<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=37>

<i>Date: Monday, November 2nd<sub> 2009. </sub></i>

<b>Period 29: </b>

<b>Unit five: THINGS I DO. </b>

<b>Lesson 4: </b>

B1 – 2 - 3 .


<b>The aims of the lesson</b>

: To help ss with reading a picture story about Ba’s daily
routines to practice simple present tense to talk about ss’ dialy routines.

<b> * Vocabulary: Words describing things we do every day: (to) take a shower, </b>
(to) eat, (to) start, (to) finish, ….

<b> * Grammar: the simple past tense.</b>

<b> * Skills: - Main skills: reading, speaking.</b>
- Other skills: listening & writing.

<b>The objective of the lesson</b>


- By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to know how to talk about their daily
routines and others’.


<b>Teaching aids</b>

: Picture.



1. <i><b>Review</b></i> <b>(5 )</b>’

What do you do every day?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=38>

-pyla = father

3. <i><b>Pre </b></i>–<i><b> teach vocabulary</b></i> <b>( 7 )</b>’

- ( to ) take a shower < picture> t¾m
- ( to ) eat < synonym > ăn
- ( to ) start < situation > bắt đầu

- ( to ) finish < antonym > hoµn thµnh, kÕt thóc
- ( to ) have lunch / dinner ăn tra, ăn tối

- ( to ) go to bed < translation > ®i ngđ
- a quater

<b> * Checking: R. O . R</b>

4. <i><b>Pre- reading</b></i> <b>( 7 )’ Predict Grid B2 - <P57></b>

- Set the scene: Ba is talking about his daily activities .
- Have students copy the table.

- Get students to guess about Ba’s daily activities by writing the time
in figures.

5. <i><b>While- reading (</b></i> <b>12 )</b>’

- Asks ss to read the text and check their predictions. and then fill in the
table the time they do those things everyday.

<b>action</b> <b>Time</b>

<b>Ba</b> <b>Me</b>

Get up <i>6.00</i>

Go to school <i>7.15</i>

Classes start <i>7.00</i>

Classes finish <i>11.15</i>

Have lunch <i>11.30</i>

Go home <i>5.00</i>

Go to bed <i>10</i>

<b> * Comprehension questions:</b>

<i> - He goes home</i>
<i>at 5.00</i>


38 School year: 2009 - 2010

<b> * Revision: Jumbled words.</b>

-Write numbers whose letters are in disorder.

- Divide the class into two teams. Ask students from each team to go
to the board and write the correct words .

- tislen = listen
- arde = read
- tchaw = watch

a- What time does Ba get up?
<i> - He gets up at 6.00</i>

<i> - What time does he go to school?</i>
<i> - He go to school at 6.45</i>

<i> - What time does he have classes?</i>
<i> - He has classes at 7.00</i>

<i> - What time does he have lunch?</i>
<i> - He has lunch at 11.30 </i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=39>

b- What time do you get up? / ….

- Ss ask and answer in pairs to fill in the third column.
6. <i><b>Post- reading</b></i> <b>(10 )</b>’

<b> * Retell: Retell about your friend.</b>
Eg: Every day Hoa gets up at….
7. <i><b>Homework assignment </b></i><b>(2 )</b>’

- Do the exercises in the two workbooks.
- Be ready for the next lesson – C1.

<i><b>---Date: Monday, November 2</b><b>nd</b><b><sub> 2009</sub></b></i><b><sub>. </sub></b>

<b>Period 30: </b>

<b>Unit five: THINGS I DO. </b>

<b>Lesson 5: </b>



<b>The aims of the lesson</b>

: To help ss with the new vocabulary and grammar.
<b> * Vocabulary: Subjects at school: English, Math, literature, history, </b>


<b> * Grammar: have / don’t have to talk about the school timetable.</b>
<b> * Skills: - Main skill: speaking.</b>

- Other skills: reading, listening & writing.

<b>The objective of the lesson</b>


- By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to know how to use the verb “ have” to
talk about the timetable..


<b>Teaching aids</b>




<b> 1. </b><i><b>Review</b></i> <b>(5 )</b>’
- The words.

- What do you do every day?
<b> 2. </b><i><b>Warm up</b></i> <b>(2 )</b>’

<i>homework,listen, do,play,read,watch...</i>
<b> 3. </b><i><b>Pre </b></i>–<i><b> teach vocabulary</b></i><b>(7 )</b>’

- a time table < realia> thêi kho¸ biĨu

<b> * Word square: Write the word of the square on the board.</b>

-Tell the students what the topic is and how many hidden words are there.
<b> - Get the students to come to the board and circle any words they can see.</b>

<b>H</b> <b>O</b> <b>M</b> <b>E</b> <b>W</b> <b>O</b> <b>R</b> <b>K</b>
<b>S</b> <b>L</b> <b>I</b> <b>S</b> <b>T</b> <b>E</b> <b>N</b> <b>T</b>
<b>T</b> <b>D</b> <b>O</b> <b>P</b> <b>L</b> <b>A</b> <b>Y</b> <b>A</b>
<b>A</b> <b>G</b> <b>W</b> <b>O</b> <b>R</b> <b>K</b> <b>O</b> <b>K</b>
<b>R</b> <b>O</b> <b>N</b> <b>R</b> <b>E</b> <b>A</b> <b>D</b> <b>E</b>
<b>T</b> <b>W</b> <b>A</b> <b>T</b> <b>C</b> <b>H</b> <b>T</b> <b>E</b>
<b>T</b> <b>M</b> <b>U</b> <b>S</b> <b>I</b> <b>C</b> <b>V</b> <b>A</b>
<b>O</b> <b>F</b> <b>I</b> <b>N</b> <b>I</b> <b>S</b> <b>H</b> <b>T</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=40>

- English (n) < translation> môn tiếng anh
- Math (n) < situation > mơn tốn
- literature (n) < situation> môn văn
- history (n) < translation> môn lịch sử

- geography (n) < explaination> môn địa
- Monday (n) thứ hai
- ( to ) start < situation > bắt đầu

- Read a short passage about a timetable on Monday.
3. English 4. Math

1. Literature 5. History
2 Geography 6. Monday

T reads: First we have Literature. Then we have Geography. At eight forty
we have English. And then we have Math. At ten fifteen we have History.
This is our timetable on Monday.

<b> 4. </b><i><b>Presentation </b></i><b>(7 )</b>’ Lan Nam

* Grid: Set the scene: They are talking about their timetable.
- asks ss to guess 5 subjects that Nam and Lan have on Monday.
- Listen to the dialogue to check. ( twice )

- Ss read the dialogue to check.

English, Math, Literature, history, Geography.

<b> * Concept check: Meaning: translation.</b>
- Use: To talk about school timetable.
- Form:

What do we have today?
does he

I / We / You / They / Ba and Na + have + N(m«n häc) .

<i> - S ( I, We ); Have ( ‘ve ) : Coù; Do not ( don’t ) have : Không có.</i>

- Check the tress.

Eg: What do we have today? We have Math.
What time does it start? It starts at 7. 50.
<b> 5. </b><i><b>Controlled practice </b></i><b>(12 )’ * Word cues.</b>

- Ss fill in the third column of the grid.

English / 7.00 S1: What do we have today?
Math / 7.50 S2: We have English.

Literature / 9,40 S1: What time does it start?
Geography / 10.30 S2: It starts at 7. 00.

Write it up: Today we have English at 7.00….


40 School year: 2009 - 2010

<b> *Checking: Ordering: Write the new words on the board in the wrong order.</b>
- Get students to copy the words in their books.

- Isolates the model sentences by underlining the model sentences and
asking students some questions: + What ‘s this?

<i> Nam: I <b> don’t have</b> my timetable .</i>
<i> What do we have today?</i>

<i> Lan: It’s Monday today. We<b> have</b> English .</i>

What time does it start?
It starts at + giê.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=41>

<b> 6. </b><i><b>Production</b></i><b> (10 )’ * Mapped dialogue: </b>

<i><b> Ba</b></i>

<i><b> Hoa</b></i>

What …. Today ?
What time … start?
Do we …Literature?

No. 8.40.


No. English.
What .. Monday?
Do we...Math…7.50?

<b> 7. </b><i><b>Homework assignment</b></i><b> (2 )</b>’
- Do the exercises.

- Prepare the next period.

<i><b>Date: Tuesday, November 3</b><b>rd</b><b><sub> 2009.</sub></b></i>

<b>Period 31: </b>

<b>Unit five: THINGS I DO. </b>

<b>Lesson 6: </b>

C2 - 3.

<b>The aims of the lesson</b>


- To help ss practise asking and answerinig about their subjects at sschool.

<b> * Vocabulary:To present some nouns : days of a week: from Monday to Sunday.</b>
<b> * Grammar: “ have / has / doesn’t have ” to talk about timetable at school.</b>
<b> * Skills: - Main skill: speaking.</b>

- Other skills: reading, listening & writing.

<b>The objective of the lesson</b>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=42>


<b>Teaching aids</b>

: A cassette.



<b> 1. </b><i><b>Review</b></i> <b>(5 ) </b>’
- The words.

- What do you have today?

<b> 2. </b><i><b>Warm up</b></i> <b>(2 ) </b>’

- Call out one
of the

<b>Vietnamese translation in loud voice. Two ss Slap</b>
<b> the right word quicklier is the winner.</b>

<b> 3. </b><i><b>Pre </b></i>–<i><b> teach vocabulary</b></i> <b>(7 )</b>’
- Tuesday (n) thø ba
- Wednseday (n) thø t
- Thursday (n) thứ năm
- Friday ( n) thø s¸u
- Saturday ( n) thø b¶y

- Sunday ( n ) chñ nhËt * Checking: R.O.R

<i><b> Nga: When do we have history?</b></i>

<i><b> Ba:We have it on tuesday and thursday</b></i>
<i><b> Nga: When do we have math?</b></i>

<i><b> Ba:We have it on Monday , Wenesday and Friday. </b></i>
<i><b> Nga: Does Lan have math on Friday?</b></i>

<i><b> Ba: No, she doesn’t have math on Friday. She has it on Saturday.</b></i>

- Asks ss to listen to the tape to check. Then ss read the dialogue to check.

- Isolate the model sentence by asking students some questions:

<b> + Does Lan have math on friday? </b>
<b> - Model sentences: </b>

Nga: When do we have history?

Ba: We have it on Tuesday and Thursday.
* Concept check: Meaning: translation.


42 School year: 2009 - 2010

<b> * Slaps the board: Put the English words of on the board.</b>
- Call two students of two teams to the front of the class.

<b> 4. </b><i><b>Presentation </b></i><b>(7 ) </b>’ Set the scene: Lan is talking to Nam about their timetable.
- Put the dialogue on the board. Some of the words are missing.

- Ask students to guess what the missing words are.







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English 6 Teacher: Ngo Thi Lien


- Use: To talk about weekly timetable.

- Form:

When + do/ does + we have + subject( m«n häc)?

We/ You/ They/ Ba & Na + have + subject( m«n häc) + on + thø.

He/ She/ It/ Ba + has
- Check the tress.

Eg: When does Nga have History?
She has it on Friday and Tuesday.
<b> 5. </b><i><b>Controlled practice </b></i><b>(12’) </b>

* Word cues drill:

- You / Math / Monday / Wednesday.

- Nam / English / Mon / Thursday / Saturday.
- They / Geography / Tuesday / Friday.

- Ngoc / History / Thursday / Friday.
<b> 6. </b><i><b>Production</b></i><b> (10 )</b>’

<b> * Survey: </b>
<b> </b>

<b> - Get students to fill in their real timetable (only the subjects they have</b>
learnt in English).

<i> - Get them to practice in pairs:+ When do you have math?</i>
We have Math on Monday,….
<b> 7. </b><i><b>Homework assignment</b></i><b> (2 )</b>’

- Finish all the exercises in the two workbooks ( Unit 5)
- Be ready for the next period – Language focus.

<i><b>Date: Saturday, November 7</b><b>th</b><b><sub> 2009.</sub></b></i>

<b>Period 32: </b>GRAMMAR PRACTICE.


<b>The aims of the lesson</b>

: To help ss revise the vocabulary and the grammar points
they’ve learn from the unit 4 to the unit 5.

* Vocabulary: Question words, shool subjects and the verbs describing daily
activities, Days of the week.

*Grammar: The present simple tense; Wh – questions; Telling the time

* Skills: - Main skill: speaking.

- Other skills: reading, listening & writing.

<b>The objective of the lesson</b>


- By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to use the present simple tense to talk
about the school timetable, daily activities...


<b>Teaching aids</b>

: Extra board.



<b> 1. </b><i><b>Review</b></i> <b>(5 )</b>’
<b> * Pelmanism:</b>

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Thø 2 Thø 3 Thø 4 Thø 5 Thø 6 Thø 7 Chñ nhËt

<b> 2. </b><i><b>Warm up</b></i> <b>(2 )</b>’
- What is today?


<i><b> Monday: Thursday:</b></i>

<i> ……… …………..</i>

<i><b> Tuesday: Friday:</b></i>

<i>………….... …………..</i>

<i><b> Wenesday: Saturday:</b></i>

<i> </i>

<i>………</i> <i>…………..</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=44>

English 6 Teacher: Ngo Thi Lien


- What do we have today?

- When does (English) start?
<b> 3. </b><i><b>Revision1</b></i> <b>(8 )</b>’

<b> * Telling the time:</b>
- Asks ss the forms?

<b> - Practice LF 2: Picture drill</b>
- Run through the pictures.

- Hold up the first picture and say the model sentences:
<i> +What time is it? </i>

<i> + It’s six o’clock. </i>

- Do the same for the seccond picture,....

<b> * Dictation: one forty – five, five thirty, eight fifty, eight fifteen, twelve</b>
o’clock, six twenty, half past three, eleven fifteen, ten twenty five,

three – oh – five, two firty, half past six, nine o’clock, four thirty five.
<b> 4. </b><i><b>Revision2</b></i><b>(8 ) ’ * Adjectives :</b>

- Reminds ss of the adjectives in English: big, small,…
- Form: S + be + adj .

S + be + not + adj .
Be + S + adj ?

<b> * Word cues drill: Run through the cues.</b>

- Hold up the first cue and say the model sentences:
Your house / big.

Phong’s school / ( big ) / small.
Our school / new.

Your city / beautiful.
<b> 5.</b><i><b>Revision3 </b></i><b>(10 )</b>’

<b> a- Simple present tense: Elicit the use and Form:</b>

( + ) I / We/ You/ They/ Ba & Mai + V + … .

He/ She / It / Ba + V(s/ es) + … .

( - ) I/ We/ You/ They/ Ba & Nga + do not + V + ...
He/ She / It / Ba + does not + V + …
( ? ) Do / Does + S + V + …. ?

- Yes, S + do / does.
- No, S + don’t/ doesn’t

<b> * Gapfill </b>–<b> LF1</b>: Have students read exercises 1, 7 on page 60, 61 and
fill in the blanks
with the correct form of the

<b> * Word cues drill:</b>
Get up / 5.00

Have breakfast / 6.00
Go to school / 6.30


44 School year: 2009 - 2010

<i><b> 1a) get/get, get/gets, get/get.</b></i>
<i><b> 1b) do/have/have, does/have/has.</b></i>
<i><b> 1c) do/go…, does/go/goes.</b></i>

<i><b> 1d) do/wash/../does/wash/washes.</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=45>

English 6 Teacher: Ngo Thi Lien


Have English / Monday

Classes finish / 11. 15
- Do you get up at five?
Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
- Does Ba get up at five?
Yes, he does. / …
b- Wh- questions:

Wh- + be + S ?

Wh- + do / does + S + V ?
<b> * Gapfill </b>–<b> LF4:</b>

a- Where d- How
b- How e- What

c- What f- What / Which
<b> 6. </b><i><b>Production</b></i><b> (10 )</b>’

<b> * LF 5-6: Questions.</b>
- Ss work in pairs.

- Use lucky games to check.

+ When do you have literature?

I have it on Monday, ….
<b> *Further practice:</b>

<i>time do</i>
<i>you do</i>

<i>your homework? </i>

<i> I do my home work in the evening.</i>
<b> 7. </b><i><b>Homework assignment</b></i><b> (2 )</b>’

- Redo all the above exercises.

- Have them prepare Unit 6-Lesson1:Understanding the details and
practising country vocabulary.


<i><b>English</b></i> <i><b>Go to bed</b></i>

<i><b>do your</b></i>
<i><b>Go to</b></i>

<i><b>school</b></i> <i><b>Father/ go</b><b>to work</b></i> <i><b>Classes</b><b>start</b></i>

<i><b>lunch</b></i> <i><b>Say “ good</b><b>morning”</b></i> <i><b>Mother /</b><b>go home</b></i>

- Put the grid on the board.

- Divide class into teams. One is noughts (O) and the other is Crosses (X).
- Two teams choose any verb phrases in the grid ask and answer about the time
these works done.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=46>

English 6 Teacher: Ngo Thi Lien


<i><b>Date: Monday, November 9</b><b>th</b><b><sub> 2009.</sub></b></i>

<i><b>Period 33</b></i>


<b>Unit six: </b>


<b>. </b>

<b>Lesson 1: A1-2</b>

I- <b>The aims of the lesson</b>: To help ss know how to describe their house and their
country or city.

* Skills: - Main skill: Reading.

- Other skills: Listening, speaking & writing.

- By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to know more about the country, they
themselves have the love to Vietnam country.

III- <b>Teaching aids</b>: Pictures
IV- <b>Procedures</b>:

<b> 1. </b><i><b>Review</b></i> <b>(5 )</b>’

- Tell me 5 thing there are in your city: Big housses, zoo, bookshop, ..
<b> 2. </b><i><b>Warm up </b></i><b>(2 ) Shark attack:</b>’

<b> </b> - Divide the class into two teams.

- Ask each team for a letter in the alphabet.
- Ask students from each team to guess the word.
- The game countinues until students find out the word.

<b>  </b>

- Where do you live?

- Is your city big or small?

We are going to read the text to know about Thuy.
<b> 3. </b><i><b>Pre </b></i>–<i><b> teach vocabulary</b></i> <b>( 7’)</b>

- a lake < picture > hå
- a river < visual > s«ng
- a tree < Picture > c©y
- a flower < visual > hoa

- a rice paddy < situation> cánh đồng lúa

- near (adj ) < translation > gần

* Checking: R. O . R
<b> 4. </b><i><b>Pre- reading</b></i> <b>( 7 ) </b>’

* Open prediction: Have ss guess: What are near Thuy’s house?
- Ss write three things in their notebooks.

+ a lake + a river + a hotell +…
<b> 5. </b><i><b>While- reading (</b></i> <b>12 )</b>’

- Ss read the text – A1 to check.
+ a lake

+ a river


46 School year: 2009 - 2010

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=47>

English 6 Teacher: Ngo Thi Lien


+ a hotel

+ a rice paddy
+ a park

+ trees
+ flowers

* Matching: Have ss read the text A1 again to do the matching.
1- near a. khách sạn

2- A yard b. công viên
3- beautiful c. gÇn
4- a park d. s©n

5- hotel e. đẹp, xinh đẹp
* Wh – questions:

- Ss read the text in pairs to ask and answer the questions.
- Use lucky game to check.

<b> 6. </b><i><b>Post- reading</b></i> <b>(10 ) </b>’

* Retell: Ss retell about Thuy.
* What’s there, near Thuy’s house.

There is a / an …… near the house.
What’s there near your house? / your school?
- Ss write.

<b> 7. </b><i><b>Homework assignment </b></i><b>(2 )</b>’
- Learn by heart the words.

- Do the exercises in the two workbooks.


<i><b>Date: Tuesday, November 10</b><b>th</b><b><sub> 2008.</sub></b></i>

<b>Period 34: Unit six: </b>PLACES

<b>. </b>

<b>Lesson 2: A3-4-5-6.</b>


<b>The aims of the lesson</b>

: To help ss to practise describing places where they live.
* Vocabulary: Words for describing town and country.

* Grammar: There is / are ; ( to ) have.
* Skills:

- Main skill: speaking.

- Other skills: reading, listening & writing.

<b>The objective of the lesson</b>


- By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to know how to describe their houses,
town or country.


<b>Teaching aids</b>

: Pictures.



<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=48>

English 6 Teacher: Ngo Thi Lien


<b> 1. </b><i><b>Review</b></i> <b>(5 )</b>’

- The words.

_ What are there near your house?

<b> 2. </b><i><b>Warm up</b></i> <b>(2 )</b>’

* Kim’s game:

- ss look at the pictures on the page 63 and try to remember the things there
are in the pictures. Then Two teams go to the board to write down:

Rice paddy, ….

<b> 3. </b><i><b>Pre </b></i>–<i><b> teach vocabulary</b></i><b>(7 )</b>’

- a town < explaination > phố , thị trấn
- a city < situation > thành phố
- a village < antonym > làng, làng mạc
- a country < translation > nông thôn; đất nớc
- ( to ) love < situation > yêu, thích

+ There is / are. = ( to ) have
* Checking: R.O.R
<b> 4. </b><i><b>Presentation </b></i><b>(9 )</b>’

T: What’s there near your house?

S1: There is a ( bookshop ) near my house.
* Concept check:

- Meaning: translation.

- Use: To say what there is / are near our house.

- Form:

There is + a / an + N + near + the house (N).
There are + Ns / es + near + N / the house.

- Check the tress.

There is a river near our shool.
<b> 5. </b><i><b>Controlled practice </b></i><b>(10 )</b>’

* A3 – P63. picture cues drill.
Our house has a yard.
There is …..

* A5 – P64.

Ss complete this strip of paper:

There is a …………..near my house.
S1: Is there a park near your house?

S2: No, there isn’t.

S3: Is there a school near your house?
S2: Yes, there is.

<b> 6. </b><i><b>Production</b></i><b> (10 )</b>’

* Listening A4 – P64:

Ss listen and write the answers:


* A6 – P64. Listen and repeat.
<b> 7. </b><i><b>Homework assignment</b></i><b> (2 )</b>’

- Learn by heart the words.

- Write a paragraph about 70 words about yours.



48 School year: 2009 - 2010

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=49>

English 6 Teacher: Ngo Thi Lien

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=50>

English 6 Teacher: Ngo Thi Lien



50 School year: 2009 - 2010

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English 6 Teacher: Ngo Thi Lien


<i><b>Date: Tuesday, November 10</b><b>th</b><b><sub> 2009.</sub></b></i>

<i><b>Period 35</b></i>


<b>Unit six: </b>


<b> . </b>

<b>Lesson 3: B1- 2 - 3.</b>

I- <b>The aims of the lesson</b>: To help ss with the new vocabulary and reading the text
about where Minh lives to understand town vocabulary and prepositions of place.
* Skills: - Main skill: Reading.

- Other skills: Listening, speaking & writing.

- By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to know how to use prepositions of place.
III- <b>Teaching aids</b>: A cassette, pictures.

IV- <b>Procedures</b>:

<b> 1. </b><i><b>Review</b></i> <b>(5 )</b>’ - The words.

- Describe your house: What are there near your house?
<b> 2. </b><i><b>Warm up </b></i><b>(2 )</b>’

<b> 3.</b>

<i><b>Pre –</b></i>

<i><b>vocabulary</b></i> <b>( 7 )</b>’

- a bookstore < expplaination > hiệu sách
- a restaurant < situation > nhà hàng
- a hospital < examples > bệnh viện
- a temple < picture > đền thờ
- a factory < translation > nhà máy
- a museum < explaination > viện bảo tàng
- a stadium < situation > sân vận động
* Checking: R. O . R

<b> 4. </b><i><b>Pre- reading</b></i> <b>( 7 ) ’ *T / F statement prediction:</b>

<b> e) Minh’s mother words in a factory.</b>

<b> f) Minh’s father works in a hospital. </b>
- Ask students to write True/ Fasle in their books.

<b> * Rub out & remember dialogue: Set the scene.</b>
- Put “ Play with words” on the board .

<i> Houses and parks,</i>
<i> Flowers and trees,</i>
<i> Lakes and rivers,</i>

<i> We love these. Rub out some of the words . </i>

- Set the scene: Lan is talking to Mai about Minh.

- Now, read the statements and guess they are true or fasle.
<b> a) Minh lives in the country.</b>

<b> b) There are four people in his family.</b>
<b> c) Their house is next to the bookstore.</b>
<b> d) There is a museum near their house.</b>

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<b> 5. </b><i><b>While- reading (</b></i> <b>12 )</b>’

- Asks ss to read to check their predictions.
a- F ( city ) d- T

b- T e- F ( Father )
c- T f- F ( Mother )

<i><b> 7a) …… and his family live in the city.</b></i>

<b> * Gapfill: B2 <P66 >. Ss read the text again to fill in the gaps:</b>

<b> 6. </b><i><b>Post- reading</b></i> <b>(10 )</b>’

<b> * Matching: on</b>

next to between in
<b> * Prepositions: Finding friends: Your house?</b>

in on Next to near

A village \


A city

A street \


A hospital

A lake \


A bookshop \


<b> * Practice: Words cues: Village/ city / town / stadium </b>

temple Where is your house?
lake It’s near a lake.

- Write it up:This is my house. My house is in the city. There is a lake near
<b> 7. </b><i><b>Homework assignment </b></i><b>(2 )</b>’

- Learn by heart the words.

- Do the exercise III in the workbooks.
<i><b>Date: Saturday, November 14</b><b>th</b><b><sub> 2009.</sub></b></i>

<b>Period 36: Unit six: </b>PLACES


<b>Lesson 4: </b>

C1 - 2.


<b>The aims of the lesson</b>

: To help ss practice more about repositions of place to


52 School year: 2009 - 2010

<b>* Comprehension questions:</b>
- Write the numbers on the board.

- Divide class into teams. The teams take turn to choose the numbers.
- Tell students that they have to answer the questions.

<i><b> 1d) Minh’s house is next to a store.</b></i>
<i><b> 2 Lucky number. </b></i>

<i><b> 3b) a restaurant , a bookstore, a temple </b></i>
<i><b> 4c) His mother works in a hospital.</b></i>

<i><b> 5 Lucky number. </b></i>

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describe the posotion of their houses: in front of, behind, to the left / right of.
<b> * Vocabulary: Revision of nouns / adverbs of place .</b>

<b> * Grammar: Preppositions of place.</b>
<b> * Skills: - Main skill: speaking.</b>

- Other skills: reading, listening & writing.

<b>The objective of the lesson</b>


- By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to know how to.

<b>Teaching aids</b>





1. <i><b>Review</b></i> <b>(5 ) *</b>’ <b> The words:</b>

- Where do you live? Is there a ………… near / next to ……
<b> * Supply the correct form of verb.</b>

a. We (live)……..in the coutry. - live
b. Lan (live)…….near a hotel. - lives

c. They (not play)…….soccer. – don’t play

d. he (listen)………….music? - Does…. Listen…?
<b> 2. </b><i><b>Warm up</b></i> <b>(2 )</b>’

<b> * Brainstorming: in</b>

next to

<b> 3. </b><i><b>Pre </b></i>–<i><b> teach vocabulary</b></i><b>(7 )</b>’

- in front of ( prep ) tríc
- behind ( prep ) sau
- to the left of ( prep ) bªn trái
- to the right of ( prep ) bªn phải
- a well: c¸i giếng
- a mountain: ngọn nói
<b> * Checking: Matching. </b>

- Put the Vietnamese translation and English words on the board.

-Ask students to match English words with the Vietnamese translation .
- next to treân

- in gaàn
- on trong
- near caïnh


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to the left of the house next to the house
to the left of the house behind the house
in front of the house

<b> 4. </b><i><b>Presentation </b></i><b>(7 )</b>’ C1 < P 68 >:

<b> - T sets the scene: Look at the pictures and answer my questions.</b>
? What is this ? ( a house ).

-> There are many things around the house. Listen to the text to
understand the description of the house.

- Ss liten to the tape twice.

- Read it again to answer the six questions.

<i><b> Look at the house.</b></i>

<i> In front of the house, there is a big yard.</i>
<i> Behind the house, there are tall trees.</i>
<i> Behind the tall trees, there are mountains.</i>
<i> To the left of the house, there is a well.</i>

Model sentence: Where is the well?

It is to the left of the house.
* Concept check: Meaning: translation.

- Use: To ask and answer the positions of things.
- Form: Where + is / are + N / S ?

S + is / are + prep ( next to / behind /.. ) + N.
- Check the tress. Eg: where is the board? It’s in front of us.

<b> 5. </b><i><b>Controlled practice </b></i><b>(12 )</b>’

<b> * Picture drill: Ss look at the pictures to ask and answer.</b>
Where are the mountains?

They are behind the house. ..
<b> * Grids:</b>

<b>Thuy s house (P</b>

<b>62 </b>

<b>) Minh s house(P</b>

<b>65, 66</b>


A lake \


A hotel \


A yard <sub> \/</sub>


54 School year: 2009 - 2010

Set the scene: We are talking about a house. Point to the things
and ask them to tell the names of the things around.

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A park

A river

A store \


A factory \


- Write it up: Near Thuy’s house, there is a lake. ..
Next to Minh’s house , there is a store.
<b> 6. </b><i><b>Production</b></i><b> (10 )</b>’

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures and think of the positions of things around
the house.

- Have Ss listen to the tape and find which houses are described.
- Ss look at the pictures and listen to the tape at the same time.
<b> - Call on Ss to give their ideas after listening</b>

a – c
<b> - T WC correct.</b>
<b> * Writing.</b>

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures again and write sentences describing those
houses(Ba’s, Lan’s and Tuan’s house).

<b> 7. </b><i><b>Homework assignment</b></i><b> (2 )</b>’
- Write about your house.

- Do exercise 3/p.34 ( exercise notebook)

- Be ready for the next.

<b> </b>

<i><b>Date: Monday, November 16</b><b>th</b><b><sub> 2009.</sub></b></i>

<b>Period 37: Unit six: </b>PLACES


<b>Lesson 5: </b>

C3 - 4.


<b>The aims of the lesson</b>

: To help ss to talk about preposition of places in town or
in the city.

* Vocabulary: Words describing town / city.
* Grammar: Prepositions of place.

* Skills:

- Main skill: speaking.

- Other skills: reading, listening & writing.

<b>The objective of the lesson</b>


- By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to ask and answer about prepositions of
place, know how to describe a street and the town where they live.


<b>Teaching aids</b>

: Pictures and radio.



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- Descibe your house.

<b> 2. </b><i><b>Warm up (2’) </b></i><b>*Net words: hotel</b>

Park store
Street restaurant

<b> 3. </b><i><b>Pre </b></i>–<i><b> teach vocabulary</b></i><b>(7 )</b>’ elicits the voc. (using the picture C3/P.70)

- a drugstore < situation > hiÖu thuèc

- a toystore < picture > cửa hàng đồ chơi
- a movie theater < picture > rạp chiếu phim
- a police station < explaination > đồn cảnh sát
- a bakery < explaination > tiệm bánh mỳ
- a photocopy store < picture > cửa hàng phô tô
- between < visual > giữa

- opposite <translation > đối diện
* Checking: R.O.R

<b> 4. </b><i><b>Presentation </b></i><b>(7 ) </b>’

<i> + It is next to the bakery. </i>
<b> * Concept check:</b>

- Meaning: translation.

- Use: To descibe the position of place.
- Form:

Where is / are the N / N(s / es ) ?

It’s /

They’re preposition N …

- Check the tress.
5. <i><b>Controlled practice </b></i><b>(12 )</b>’


56 School year: 2009 - 2010

<b> * Set the scene: T sets the sence: “ Look at the picture. There are many places</b>
on the street. To know more about them.Let’s listen to the tape”.

- Ask students to listen to the text about the town.

- Isolate the model sentences by answering the questions and:
<i><b> * Main target item: +Where is the photocopy store?</b></i>


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<i>+ It is next to</i>

<i> </i> <i> movie</i>
<i>theater. </i>
T . W . C; O . P; C . P …

- Get the rest of the class to guess what it is. The first student

guesses the place correctly comes up to the front and do the same
with another place in the picture and the game cotinues.

- Eg: S1: It’s opposite the movie theater. What is it?
S2: It’s the police station.

S1: Yes. That’s right.

1. It’s opposite the bakery.

2. It’s between the bakey and the drugstore.
3. It’s next to the bakey.

4. It’s opposite the bookstore.
5. It’s next to the movie theater.
<b> 6. </b><i><b>Production</b></i><b> (10 )</b>’

<b> * Networks : </b>

- Write a network on the board and put some more words below it.
- Get students to think of Town and Country.

- Give feedback.

factory village river

hospital bakery trees

photocopy museum mountain
drugstore Rice paddy

movie theater

<b>Chain </b>
<b>game : </b>
Ss work
S1: There is a bakery near my house.

S2: ………... and a bookstore near my house.
S3: ………...

<b> 7. </b><i><b>Homework assignment</b></i><b> (2 )</b>’

<b> * Picture drill: Run through the pictures.</b>

- Hold up the first picture and say the model sentences:
<i> +Where is the bakery? </i>

<b> * Play a guessing game: Ss look at the pic. And choose one place in it.</b>
- Get a student to come to the front with the pic. & describe one place
without saying its name & ask the others “ What is it?”.

<b> * Survey: Get students to think about their neighborhood.</b>

<i> - Get them to practice in pairs: + What’s in front of your house?</i>
<i> + A rice paddy. </i>
- Feedback.



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- Learn by heart the words and do Ex C in the exercise books.

- Be ready for the written test 45’.

<i><b> = = = = = = = = * * * * = = = = = = = = =</b></i>

<i><b>Date: Tuesday, November 17</b><b>th</b><b><sub> 2009.</sub></b></i>

<b>Period 38: Written test 45’.</b>


<b>The aims of the lesson:</b>

- To check ss’ understanding and their English knowledgement from unit 4 to
unit 6. To know about their writing and doing a test skill.

- Anticipated problems: May be difficult for weak ss.

<b>The objective of the lesson</b>


- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to do the test well and get good
marks.Then they themselves can improve their next studying.

<b> III- Teaching aids: The tests. </b>
<b> IV- Procedures:</b>

<i><b> Questions.</b></i>

<b> I. Choose the best options to complete the sentences:</b>

1. It’s __ school. A. small B. a small C. big
2. __ these bags big? A. Am B. Is C. Are
3. She __ breakfast at 6.30. A. have B. to have C. has
4.__ does he do every morning? A. What B. What time C. When
5. Hi. My name’s Lee. I live __ a

big city in Korea. A. at B. on C. in
6. There is a yard __ of my house. A. behind B. in front C. in
7. My classroom is __ first floor. A. on B. on the C. the

8. There are some stores __ my house. A. near B. between C. at
<b> II. Read and answer the questions.</b>

Nam is a student. He gets up at 5.30. He takes a shower and gets dressed.
He has breakfast and then he leaves the house at 6.30. The school is near his
house so he walks. Classes start at 7.00 and end at 11.30. He walks home and
has lunch at 12.00.

1. What time does Nam get up? ………..

2. How does he go to school? ………..
3. What time do classes start? ……….
4. Does he have lunch at 12.00? ……….

<b> III. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs.</b>
1. There (be) ………12 classrooms in my school.

2.We (have) ………English on Monday and Friday.
3. My mother often (get) ……… up at 6.00.
4. We (not live) ………. in the country.

5. Mr Nam often (watch) ………TV after dinner.
6. You (go) ……… to school at 6.30 ?

<b> IV. Write about Ba s daily activities, using the cues</b>’ .
1- get up 5.30

2- go to school 6.15
3- have lunch 12.00
4- play soccer 5.00


58 School year: 2009 - 2010

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5- do homework evening

6- go to bed 10.00 eg: Ba gets up at 5.30.
<b> V. Rewrite these sentences: </b>

1. His school has seven hundred students.


2. What time is it?

What ………
<b> VI. Listen and answer true (T) or false (F): </b>
1. Nam’s house is in the country.

2. It has three floors.

3. There is a museum near Nam’s house
<b> V- </b><i><b>Homework assignment</b></i><b> (2 )</b>’

- Redo the test at home.

<i><b> = = = = = = = = * * * * = = = = = = = = =</b></i>

<i><b>Date: Saturday, November 21</b><b>st</b><b><sub> 2009.</sub></b></i>

<b>Period 39: Correction of the test.</b>

I- <b>The aims of the lesson</b>:

- Help ss correct the mistakes that they made.
- Correct every sentence in the test.

- Main teaching point: Correct mistakes.

- By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to understand more about their
problem and can correct their mistakes by themselves. And they themselves
can improve their next studying.

III- <b>Teaching aids</b>:

- The students’ tests.
IV- <b>Procedures</b>:

<b> 1. </b><i><b>Review</b></i> <b>(5 )</b>’

- Present simple with the third singular pronouns.
He goes to school at 6.00.

Ba studies English well.
She gets up at 5.00.
<b> 2. </b><i><b>Warm up </b></i><b>(5 )</b>’

- Ss’ daily routines:
I get up at 5.30.

I have breakfast at 6.00.
I go to school at 6.30.

<b> 3. </b><i><b>Comments about the test </b></i><b>( 5 )</b>’

- Some ss are very good at grammar and phonetic but some are very bad , need
to work harder on English and use “present simple tense”.

<i><b> 4. Content (8 )</b></i>’

* Phonetic problem:

- /s/ /z/ /is/ : gets, goes, watches,plays ………
* Vocabulary: from unit 4 to unit 6

* Grammar:

<i> - He listen to music. listens</i>
<i> - My mother do the housework. does</i>
<i> - What do Nam do after school? does </i>
<b> 5. </b><i><b>Practice </b></i><b>(10 )</b>’

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<i><b> 6. Keys (10 )</b><b>’ </b></i>

I- (2 pts)

1.B 2.C 3.C 4.A
5.C 6.B 7.B 8.A

II- (2pts)

1. He gets up at 5.30.

2. He goes to school by walks. / He walks. / He walks to school.
3. They start at 7.00.

4. Yes, he does.
III - (2 pts)

1. are 4. don’t live
2. have 5. watches

3. gets 6. Do you go
IV- (2 pts)

- Ba gets up at 5.30. He has breakfast at 6.15. He goes to school at 6.45.

V- ( 1pt)

1. There are seven hundred students in his school.
2. What is the time?

VI- (1 pt)

* The listening text:

My house is in the city. It has three floors. There are six rooms in my
house. There isn’t a river near my house. There is a museum near my house.
To the left of my house there is a store.

<b> 7. </b><i><b>Homework assignment </b></i><b>(2 )</b>’
- Prepare Unit 7: Your house(A)

<i><b> = = = = = = = = * * * * = = = = = = = = =</b></i>

<i><b>Date: Monday, November 23</b><b>th</b><b><sub> 2009.</sub></b></i>

<b>Period 40: Unit seven: </b>YOUR HOUSE

<b>. </b>

<b>Lesson 1: </b>

A1 - 2.


<b>The aims of the lesson</b>

: To help ss with the listenng to the dialogue and reading
the letter about the house to understand the details.

<b> * Vocabulary: Words describing the house: garden, yard, well...</b>
<b> * Grammar: Is there / Are there..?</b>

<b> * Skills: - Main skill: speaking.</b>

- Other skills: reading, listening & writing.


<b>The objective of the lesson</b>


- By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to know how to use the structures
“ There is / are” to ask and answer about a house.


<b>Teaching aids</b>

: The pictures.



<b> 1. </b><i><b>Review</b></i> <b>(5 )’ * Brainstorming:</b>

<b> </b> - Ask students to think of the words used to describe a house.
- Get them to go to the board and write down their idea.
- Give feedback.


60 School year: 2009 - 2010

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big small

well yard

flowers trees

<b> 2. </b><i><b>Warm up</b></i> <b>(2 )</b>’

- Do you live in a house?
- Is your house small?
- Where is your house?

- What are there near your house?
<b> 3. </b><i><b>Listening </b></i><b>(12 )</b>’ A1

<b> * Set the sense: Use the picture. T show the picture on page 72 and say: </b>
They are Minh and Hoa. Minh is asking about Hoa’s House. Before
listening, I have a grid with some information. You should stick in colums
“ Yes ” if it is right, and stick in column “ No ” if it is wrong by predicting.
- Check understanding: (?) Who are they? ( Minh and Hoa)

(?)What do you have to do now? (Predict and stick).
- Ss predict- T collects Ss’s ideas

<b> * True / False predictions: Listen and complete the table.</b>

<i><b>Minh s house</b></i>’ Yes No

…… big? \


……small? \


…… a yard? \


…… a well? \/

…… flowers? \


…… trees? \


- Ss listen to the dialogue and check.
- Ss read the dialogue to check again .
<b> - Use the grid to talk about Hoa’s house.</b>

<b> * Model sentences: Hoa: Is your house big?</b>
Minh: No, it isn’t. It’s small.
* Concept check:

- Meaning: translation.

- Use: To ask and answer about the house.
- Form:


Are S N / adj?


No, S isn’t/ aren’tis / are.
- Check the tress.

Eg: - Is your house small?

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Yes, it is.

- Are the trees tall?
No, they aren’t

- Ss work in pairs: Ask and answer about their house.
<b> 4. </b><i><b>Reading </b></i><b>(14 ):</b>’

<b> *Pre- teach vocabulary</b> T uses pictures on page 73 to teach vocabulary.

- a garden < picture > vên
- vegetable ( unc) < examples > rau
- a photo < realia > ¶nh
- a letter < realia > l¸ th
- with ( prep ) < situation > víi

- any ( adv ) < trasnslation > nµo / nµo kh«ng.
* Checking: R.O.R

<b> * T / F prediction: T sets the scene: You are going to read Nga’s letter </b>
<b> which she writes to Lan. In the letter she writes about her house. Before </b>
reading the letter, you read the statements and tell me which sentence is
true and which one is false.

- Ss read and predict T or F. T gets Ss’ predictions.
a. The house is in the country.

b. There is a river near the house.

c. There are trees to the left of the house.
d. There are two gardens.

- Ss read the letter to check: a.T b.F ( lake ) c.F ( right ) d.T
<b> * Matching: Let some students read the letter aloud.</b>

- Ask
them to copy the
letter and do the
exercise in the

a.D b.A c.E d.B e.C
<b> 5. </b><i><b>Production</b></i><b> (10 )</b>’

- Ss retell Thanh’s house.

<b> * Transformation writing: Ask students to change the underlined</b>

information to descride their own house and then draw a picture of it as a
photo from the main text of the letter.

My house.


62 School year: 2009 - 2010

(?) How many questions are there? (5)

How many answers are there?(5)

( ?) Do the answers suitable with the question ? (No)
( ? ) What do you have to do now? ( Match)

-Ask students to match the questions and answers .<i><b>a) Is there a flower garden in front …?</b><b><sub>b) Is the house beautiful?</sub></b></i>

<i><b>c) Is there a flower garden behind …? </b></i>
<i><b>d) Is the lake to the right of the house?</b></i>
<i><b>e) Is Nga in the city?</b></i>

<i><b>A) Yes, it is. </b></i>
<i><b>B) No, it isn’t. </b></i>
<i><b>C) No, she isn’t.</b></i>
<i><b>D) Yes, there is.</b></i>
<i><b>E) No, there isn’t.</b></i>

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<b> My house is in the city. There is a bookstore near my hoouse... There is a</b>
flower garden in front of the house. There’s a vegetable garden behind
the house. To the left of the house, there’s a lake. To right of the house,
there are tall trees. Here is a photo.

<b> 6. </b><i><b>Homework assignment</b></i><b> (2 )</b>’
- Learn by heart the words.

- Do the exercise A in the workbooks.
<i><b>Date: Tuesday, November 24</b><b>th</b><b><sub> 2009.</sub></b></i>

<b>Period 41: </b>

<b>Unit seven: </b>

<b>YOUR HOUSE. </b>

<b>Lesson 2: </b>

A3 - 5.


<b>The aims of the lesson</b>

: To help ss practice describe a town.

* Vocabulary: Facilities vocabulary: a bank, a clinic, a post office, a shop.
* Grammar: Is there a / Are there any …?

* Skills: - Main skill: speaking.

- Other skills: reading, listening & writing.

<b>The objective of the lesson</b>


- By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to know how to use “Is there a / Are there
any ..” to ask and answer to describe a town.


<b>Teaching aids</b>

: Pictures.



<b> 1. </b><i><b>Review</b></i> <b>(5 )</b>’ Describe your house. Where do you live?
Is your house old?
<b> Is it beautiful ?</b>
<b> 2. </b><i><b>Warm up</b></i> <b>(2 )</b>’ - Guessing word: T O W N

* Chain games:S1: In my town, there is a bookstore.
S2: In my town, there is a bookstore and a toystore.

<b> 3. </b><i><b>Pre </b></i>–<i><b> teach vocabulary</b></i><b>(7 )</b>’ T uses the pics p.74 for eliciting the new words.

- a bank < situation > ng©n hµng

- a clinic < explaination > phòng khám
- a post office < picture > bu ®iƯn
- a spermarket < translation > siêu thị
- a shop < synonym > cưa hµng
<b> - any < compare with some > nào cả.</b>
* Checking: Slaps the board.

<b> 4. </b><i><b>Presentation </b></i><b>(7 )</b>’ * Dialogue build.
Nam: What is this?

Ss : It’s a park.
Nam: What are those?
Ss : They are flowers.
* Concept check:

- Meaning: translation.

- Use: To ask for the name / names of a thing or things..
- Form: What is this / that? - It’s a / an + ….
What are these / those? - They are + …

- Check the tress . Eg: What are these? They are desks.
* Practice: Asks ss to work in pairs: Pictures drill( a – P74 )
=>model sentences:

* T: Is there a hotel near your house?
-Yes, there is.

T : Is it behind the house?
- No, it isn’t.

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English 6 Teacher: Ngo Thi Lien


+ Form: 1. Is there + a / an + N{singular} ?

-Yes,there is . /No,there isn't .
2. Are there + any +N (plural)?
- Yes,there are . / No,there aren't .

<b> 5. </b><i><b>Controlled practice </b></i><b>(12 )</b>’ *Picture drill: (A3 - P74):8 pictures.

1) What is this ? It is a bank.

2) What are those? They are flowers.
3) What is this? It is a supermarket.

- Is there a bank near your house?
- No, there isn’t

- Is there a supermarketnear your school? Yes,there is .
- Are there any flowers near your house? Yes, there are.
<b> ………..</b>

<b> Exercise 4/ p.74.Look at the pictures . Choose one of the houses. Don’t </b>

your partner which house. Ask questions to find which house your partner
<b> chooses.</b>

Example: S1: Are there any trees? S2: Yes, there are.
S3: Are they behind the house? S2: Yes, there are
S3: Is this yhe picture 2?

S2: Yes, It is. ( T - Ss Ss – T Ss – Ss )
<b> 6. </b><i><b>Production</b></i><b> (10 )</b>’

* A5 ( P75 ) : Ss liten to the text and draw - choose the right house. Key: c

The text: there are some mountains behind the house. There are some
trees to the right of the huse. There’s a lake to the left.

<b> * Survey:</b>

<b> 7. </b><i><b>Homework assignment</b></i><b> (2 )</b>’
- Learn by heart the words.

-Do Exercises B in the workbooks.
<i><b>Date: Saturday, November 28</b><b>th</b><b><sub> 2009.</sub></b></i>

<b>Period 42: </b>

<b>Unit seven: YOUR HOUSE. </b>

<b>Lesson 3: </b>

B1, 2, 3, 4.


<b>The aims of the lesson</b>

: To help ss read the text for details about Ba and Chi’s

houses to know the differences between town and country and then describle
the place where they live.


64 School year: 2009 - 2010


Hoa,’s house

Nga’s house a lakeflowers behind

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English 6 Teacher: Ngo Thi Lien


* Vocabulary: Words describing town and country: noisy, quiet, ...

* Grammar: Do / Does …? – Yes, / No, ….
* Skills: - Main skill: speaking& reading.
- Other skills: listening & writing.

<b>The objective of the lesson</b>


- By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to know how to describe the differences
between city and country.


<b>Teaching aids</b>

: Pictures and radio.



<b> 1. </b><i><b>Review</b></i> <b>(5 ) </b>’ - Where do you live?

- Do you live in the city or in the country?
<b> 2. </b><i><b>Warm up</b></i> <b>(2 )</b>’

<b> * Jumbled words: </b>

-K A N B = bank -S O U H E = house

-S R E T O = store -N I C L I C = clinic

- N O W T = town -P O S H = shop

<b> 3. </b><i><b>Pre </b></i>–<i><b> teach vocabulary</b></i><b>(7 )</b>’

Checking: R.O.R

<b> 4. </b><i><b>Presentation </b></i><b>(7 )</b>’

* Reading A1 – P76: T sets the scene: You are going to read the texts about
Ba’s apartment and Chi’s house. Before reading the texts, I want you to
read the passage about Ba and Chi and fill in the gaps with suitable words
( using the pictures)

- Ss look at the pictures and fill in the gaps.

<b> -Write numbers whose letters are in disorder.</b>
- Divide the class into two teams.

- Ask ss from each team to go to the board and write the correct words .

- a market: chỵ (examples)

- an apartment: căn hộ (situation)

- paddy fields: = rice pady ( synonym)

- noisy(adj): ån ào (explaination)

- quiet (adj):
- a zoo

yªn tÜnh

vên b¸ch thó

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English 6 Teacher: Ngo Thi Lien


Nam lives in an (1)………… in town. Near his apartment, there is a
supermarket, a post-office, ( 2)…………,a clinic, a market and a
(3)………… . It is very (4)………here .

Chi lives in a (5)…………in the country . There aren’t any stores here.
There are not any (6)…here.There are trees and (7)………….., a river ,

a lake and ( 8)………. It is very (9)………in the country.

<b> Keys: 1. apartment 4. noisy</b>
2. a bank 5. house
3. zoo 6. stores
7. flowers. 8.quiet
 T. collects students’s ideas.
+ T / F prediction:

a. Ba lives in a house in town.

b. Near his apartment, there is a market and a zoo.
c. Chi lives in the country.

d. There are stores naer her house.
e. it’s very quiet.

- Ss read the text and check. a.F b.T c.T d.F e.T
+ Questions – P 76.

- Ss work in pairs to read and answer the questions.

- Lucky game to check. (?) How many number are there?
(?) How many questions/ LK numbers are there?

(?) What happen if you choose a lucky N0<sub>? Ss play in groups.</sub>

1. Does Ba live in town? ( Yes, he is)
2. Does he live in a house? ( No, he doesn’t)
3. Is the country noisy? ( No, it isn’t)

4. LK 5. LK 9. LK


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6. Does Chi live in town? 9 No, she doesn’t)

7. Are there any flowers?( Yes, there are)
10. Is the country quiet?( Yes, it is)

* Asks Ss to read again a text then gives a model:
- Does Chi live in the country? Yes, she does.
- Do you live in the country? No, I don’t.
* Concept check: Meaning: translation.
- Use: To ask and answer.

- Form:

Does S V…. ?


No, S don’t/doesn’t.do /does.
- Check the tress.

<b> 5. </b><i><b>Controlled practice </b></i><b>(12 )</b>’

<b> * Word cues: - you / live / city.</b>
- He / live / town.

- Ba / house / apartment.
- They / town / country.
- They / live / an apartment.

- Runs thought the cues, hold up the first cue to give a model.
Do you live in a city? Yes, I do.

<b> 6. </b><i><b>Production</b></i><b> (10 )</b>’

* Find someone who….


in town Mai
in the country

near a lake
next to a market
opposite a paddy field
near a post office
<b> 7. </b><i><b>Homework assignment</b></i><b> (2 )</b>’

- Learn by heart the words.

- Do the exercise B in the workbook.
<i><b>Date: Monday, November 30</b><b>th</b><b><sub> 2009</sub></b></i>

<b>Period 43: </b>

<b>Unit seven: </b>


<b>. </b>

<b>Lesson 4: </b>

C1, 2, 3.


<b>The aims of the lesson</b>

: To help ss practicing asking and answering about

* Vocabulary: Introduce vocabulary about transformation.

* Grammar: Simple pressent with “ How ” questions and answers “ by …”
to talk about transformation.

* Skills: - Main skill: speaking.

- Other skills: reading, listening & writing.

<b>The objective of the lesson</b>


- By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to know how to ask and answer
about transfortation.


<b>Teaching aids</b>

: Picture and radio.



<b> 1. </b><i><b>Review</b></i> <b>(5 )</b>’ - The words.

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<b> 2. </b><i><b>Warm up</b></i> <b>(2 )’ Guessing Game:</b>

- Ss choose a place in town (Factory, museum, post office,
stadium………and complete the sentence strip.

- I live near the……….
<b> Example Exchange</b>

S1: Do you live near the bank?
S2: No, I don’t.

S1: Do you live near the clinic?
S2: No, I don’t.

S1: Do you live near the factory?
S2: Yes, I do.

<b> 3. </b><i><b>Pre </b></i>–<i><b> teach vocabulary</b></i><b>(7 )</b>’

- a bike < picture> xe đạp
- a motobike < Picture> xe máy
- a bus < siuation > xe buýt
- a car < picture > ô tô
- a train < explaination > tầu hoả
- a plane < tranlation > máy bay
- (to) go = (to) travel đi

- (to) walk < mime > ®i bé
* Checking: R.O.R

<b> 4. </b><i><b>Presentation </b></i><b>(7 )</b>’

<b> * Set the scene: </b>
<b> * Diologue build:</b>

<i><b> Lan: How do you go to school?</b></i>
<i><b> Nam: I go to school by bike.</b></i>
<i><b> Lan: How</b><b> does Ba go to school?</b></i>

<i><b> Nam: He goes to school by bus</b><b> . </b></i>

* Concept check:

- Meaning: translation.

- Use: To ask and answer about tranformation.
- Form:

- Check the tress.

<b> 5. </b><i><b>Controlled practice </b></i><b>(12 )’ Using picture drills.</b>


68 School year: 2009 - 2010

<b>How + do / does + go / travel…?</b>

<b>S + go / goes // travel / travels …+ by + p tien .</b>


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English 6 Teacher: Ngo Thi Lien


Lien Thu

<b> S1: How does Lien go to work? S2” She goes by bike.</b>

Tuan Hoa


a. You are the person in the picture.
S1: How do you go to school?
S2: I go to school by bike.

b. Now we ask and answer about these people.
S1: How does Thu go to school?

S2: She goes to school by bike.

- T - Ss Ss – T Close pairs Open pairs
- Write it up.

* C3: Listen and write the short answers: How do they travel?

- Elecit the transformations from the ss: bike, motobike,car,…
- Asks ss to listen to the tape and write the answers:

a, By motobike. e, By bus.
b, By plane. f, By car.

c, By bus. g, By train.
d, By bike. h, By walks.

- Retell: Ba goes to work by motobike. …
<b> 6. </b><i><b>Production</b></i><b> (10 )</b>’

* Survey: Set the scene: Every day, you go to school. Your father goes
to work. Your mother goes to work, …

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S1: How does your father go to work every day?

Na: My father / He goes to work by motobike.


Na’s father go to work motobike

- Write it up.

Every day Na’s father goes to work by motobike.
Her mother goes to …

<b> 7. </b><i><b>Homework assignment</b></i><b> (2 )</b>’

- Learn by heart the vocabulary and do the exercises C1-2 < workbook >
- Prepare Unit 7(C)-cont.

<b> = = = = = = = =* * * * == = = = = = = = = ==</b>
<i><b>Date: Tuesday, December 1</b><b>st</b><b><sub> 2009.</sub></b></i>

<b>Period 44: </b>

<b>Unit seven: YOUR HOUSE. </b>

<b>Lesson 5: C</b>

3 – 4

I- <b>The aims of the lesson</b>: Reading the text about Hoang’s daily routine for further
practice in “ Present simple tense ” talking about daily rountines and habitual actions.
* Skills: - Main skill: Reading.

- Other skills: Listening, speaking & writing.

- By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to talk about a daily rountine
and habitual actions.

III- <b>Teaching aids</b>:

- An extra board and a cassette.
IV- <b>Procedures</b>:

<b> 1. </b><i><b>Review</b></i> <b>(5 )</b>’
- The words.

- How does your teacher go to work?

<b> 2. </b><i><b>Warm up </b></i><b>(6 )</b>’ Ss ask & answer about means of transport of their friends.
<b> </b>


gets up at five. Hoa

gets up at 5.30.
walks to school.
go to school by bike.

<b> 3. </b><i><b>Pre- reading</b></i> <b>( 8 ) ’ Vocabulary: Matching.</b>

Bike Tàu hỏa

Motorbike Đi bộ


70 School year: 2009 - 2010

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Plane Xe đạp

Train Xe máy

Bus Đi lại
Car Ơtơ

Walk Máy bay

Travel Xe buýt
* set the scene: Hoang is a student.
* Open predition.

- Ss predict What time Hoang does the folowing things.

HOANG <b>What time ?</b>

gets up… <i>at 5.30</i>

leaves the house… <i>6.30</i>

School starts… <i>7.00</i>

School ends… <i>11.30</i>

has lunch… <i>12.00</i>

<b> 4. </b><i><b>While- reading (</b></i> <b>12 )</b>’

- Ss listen to the tape to check their predictions.
- Ask ss to read the text to check once more.

* Comprehention questions:

a. What time does Hoang get up? (at 5.30)
b. What time does he go to school? (at 6.30)
c. What time do you get up? (at 5.45)
d. How do you go to school? (by bike)
e. Does Hoang go to school? (by walk)
f. What time do your classes start? (at 7.00)
g. What time do you have lunch? (at 12.00)
- Ss work in pairs: open pairs, close pairs.

* Check by game “lucky numbers”
<b> 5. </b><i><b>Post- reading</b></i> <b>(12 ) </b>’
* Survey: Ss work in groups.

S1: What time do you get up?
Nam: I get up at 6.00.

Name get up go to school classes start classes

go home

Nam <i>6.00</i> <i>6.25</i> <i>7.00</i> <i>11.15</i> <i>11.30</i>

- Write it up: Every day, Nam get up at six. He goes to school at 6.25.
<b> 6. </b><i><b>Homework assignment </b></i><b>(2 )</b>’

- Learn by heart the words. Do C4(71).
- Prepare Unit 8.

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<b> = = = = = = = = = * * * * = = = = = = = = = </b>

<i><b>Date: Saturday, December 5</b><b>th</b><b><sub> 2009.</sub></b></i>

<b>Period 45: </b>

<b>Unit eight: OUT AND ABOUT. </b>

<b>Lesson 1: A</b>



<b>The aims of the lesson</b>

: To help ss with practice talking about actions happening.
* Vocabulary: Verbs: play games, ride a bike, ....

* Grammar: The present progressive tense.
* Skills: - Main skill: speaking.

- Other skills: reading, listening & writing.

<b>The objective of the lesson</b>


- By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to know how to talk about the actions
which are happening now ( know the use and form of the present progressive).

<b>Teaching aids</b>


- Pictures, posters and a cassette.



<b> 1. </b><i><b>Review</b></i> <b>(5 )</b>’ - What do you do every day?

- What do you often do after school?
<b> 2. </b><i><b>Warm up</b></i> <b>(2 )’ * Wordsquare: </b>

 up, travel, go, drive, wait
 watch, ride, play, get
 walk, go


<b> 3. </b><i><b>Pre </b></i>–<i><b> teach vocabulary</b></i><b>(7 )</b>’

- (to) play video games <i>chơi điện tử</i> (picture)

- (to) ride ( a bike ) <i>đi xe đạp</i> ( mime )

- (to) driver <i>l¸i xe</i> ( picture )

- (to) wait for

- ( to ) walk = (to) go on foot
- is playing

<i>đi b</i>

<i><b>đang</b> chơi</i>

( situation)
( synonym)
( picture )

* Check: R . O . R.

<b> 4. </b><i><b>Presentation </b></i><b>(7 )</b>’ A1 : Use the six pictures.

- play video games. - walk

- ride a bike - travel by bus
- drive a car - wait for a train
T: Are these actions happening now? - Yes.
- Ss listen to the tape and repeat.

- one is the person / people in the books , other retell:
S1: I am playing video games.

S2: He is playing video games.

<b> * Set the scene: It’s 8 o’clock in the evening. Ba is staying at home.</b>
<b> * Dialogue build: Lan: What ____ you ____, Ba?</b>

Ba: I’m ____ video ____.


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Lan: ____ is Nam ____?

Ba: He ____ ____ video games.

* Concept check: - Meaning: translation.

- Use: Present Progressive is expressed the actions happaing now.
Ask and answer about the action which is happening now.
<b> - Form: What + Be + S + doing?</b>

<b> S + to be + V-ing + N.</b>
- Check the stress. Eg: What are you doing?

- I'm waiting for my teacher.
<b>5. </b><i><b>Controlled practice </b></i><b>(12 ) ’ - Using picture cues.</b>

I am playing video games. I am riding my bike.I am driving my car.

a, He is playing video games. b, She is riding her bike. c,He is..
We’re walking to school.

They are walking to school. T . W . C; O . P; C . P ………
<b>6. </b><i><b>Production</b></i><b> (10 ) ’ Noughts and crosses. </b>

S1: I'm walking to school.

(1) walk to school (2) drive a bus (3) travel by bus
(4) wait for a train (5) ride a bike (6) play a game
(7) go by plane (8) drive a car (9) ride a motor bike
<b>7. </b><i><b>Homework assignment</b></i><b> (2 )</b>’

- Learn by heart the words and do the exercise A1 in the workbooks.
<b> - Learn Present progressive tense by heart.</b>

- Prepare Unit 8(A 4-6).

<i><b>Date: Saturday, December 26 </b><b>th</b><b><sub> 2009.</sub></b></i>

<b>Period 52: REVISION.</b>


<b>The aims of the lesson</b>

: To help ss know the differences between
the present simple tense and the present progressive tense

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English 6 Teacher: Ngo Thi Lien


* Skills:

- Main skill: speaking.

- Other skills: reading, listening & writing.

<b>The objective of the lesson</b>


- By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to understand , remember the
grammar structures again and do the exercises correctly.


<b>Teaching aids</b>

: extra boards.



<b> 1. </b><i><b>Warm up</b></i> <b>(2 ) </b>’

- What do you do in the early morning?

- What does your father do in the early morning?
<b> 2. </b><i><b>Revision1</b></i> <b>(8 )’ * The present simple tense.</b>
- Elecits the use, form from the ss.


I / We / You / They / Ba & Mai + V + … .
He / She / It / Ba + V / V(s/es) + .. .

Use : To express actions which happen every day; the true ; habbits
in present.

* Practice: Use the correct verbs forms.
1. You (be) ……….. in class 7B ?

2. Every evening my father (watch)………… TV .

3. My sister (have)….. breakfast and (go)…. to school at 6.30
every morning

4. We (not read) books after lunch .

5. Tom (be) my friend . He (play) sport everyday .

1.Are you 2.watches 3.has , goes
4. don’t 5.is , plays

<b> 3. </b><i><b>Revision2</b></i><b>(8 ) *</b>’ The present progressive tense.
- Elecits the use, form from the ss.


S + is / am / are + V-ing + … .

S + is / am / are + not + V-ing + … .

Use : To express an action which is happening at present.
* Practice: Word cue drill.

1. Mr Truong / Mrs Thu / travel / work / car / everyday .
2. Nam / friends / go / school / now.

3. How / Mr Minh / travel / Nha Trang / ?
4. Who / wait / Tuan / moment ?

5. Mai / walk / ride / school.
<b> 4.</b><i><b>Revision3 </b></i><b>(10 )</b>’

* The differences between the present simple tense and the
present progressive tense?

* Exercise:

1. My brother ((do) his homework in his room now . He (do) it everyday.
2. James and his brother (play) soccer now . They (play) it every afternoon .
3. You can use my pen . I (use) it everyday but now I (not use) it .

4. Where is the old man living now ? – He (live) with her on holiday .


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5. Minh often (listen) to the teacher in the class , but she (not listen) now,
she (read) story .

6. Where is your father ? – He (be) in the bathroom .
He (brush) his teeth in the morning and evening .
7. Your children (go) to school by bus today ?
8. There (be) many flowers in the garden .

9. Everyday Mr Hung (not drive) to work . He (travel) by taxi

10. I (have) math on Thursday, Friday and Saturday . Now we (have) it .
1. is doing 6. is , brushes

2. are playing , play 7. Are your children going
3. use , am not using 8. are

4. is living 9. doesn’t, travels
5. listens , is not listening , is reading 10. have ,are having
<b> 5. </b><i><b>Production</b></i><b> (10 )</b>’

* Exercise: Find and correct the mistakes.
1. Trung’s clasroom are on the second floor .

2. She is have classes on Tuesday and Saturday .
3. Her sister go to school at 6.30 o’clock every day.
4. Do your brother play sport every afternoon ?
5. He gets up and brush his teeth in the morning .
6. They traveling to Ha Noi by train.

<b> 6. </b><i><b>Homework assignment</b></i><b> (2 )</b>’

- Revise you lessons to be ready for the tests.
<i><b>Date: Tuesday, December 29 </b><b>th</b><b><sub> 2009.</sub></b></i>

<b>Period 53: REVISION.</b>


<b>The aims of the lesson</b>

: To help ss revise all other grammar points such

as: adjectives, prepositions , question words (WH- ), model verbs ( can, must) .
* Grammar: WH- questions.

* Skills:

- Main skill: speaking.

- Other skills: reading, listening & writing.

<b>The objective of the lesson</b>


- By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to understand , remember the
grammar points again and do the exercises correctly.


<b>Teaching aids</b>

: extra boards.




<b> 1. </b><i><b>Review</b></i> <b>(5 )</b>’

- The uses of the present simple tense and the present progressive tense?
<b> 2. </b><i><b>Warm up</b></i> <b>(2 )</b>’

<b> * T / F repetition drill.</b>
- can , can’t ; must, mustn’t.
<b> 3. </b><i><b>Grammar</b></i> <b>(8 )</b>’

a. Adjectives:

new ¹ old tall ¹ short
cold ¹

<b> </b>

warm big ¹ small.
noisy ¹

<b> </b>

quiet short ¹ long

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c. WH – questions:

WH - + be + S ?

WH - + do / does + S + V.. ?
Wh - + be + S + Ving ... ?

WH – words: What , where , when, How , How many, What time, …
<b> 4. </b><i><b>Practice</b></i><b>(8 )</b>’

<i> Ex 1 : Em h·y t×m mé t tõ có cách phát âm khác với các từ còn lại.</i>

1. a. game b. geography c. vegetable d. change

2. a. read b. teacher c. eat d. ahead

3. a. tenth b. math c. brother d. theater

4. a. engineer b. between c. teeth d. greeting

5. a. supermarket b. eraser c. bookstore d. history
<i> Ex 2 : T×m tõ không cùng nhóm với các từ còn l ¹i.</i>

1- a. month b.seventh c.nineth d.eighth
2- a.geography b.housework c.math d.English
3- a.read b.watch c.book d.write
4- a.listening b.working c.playing d.morning
5- a.farmer b.driver c.flower d.worker
<i> Ex 3 : Đặt câu hỏi cho các câu trả lời sau . </i>

1. My father works in a factory .

2. There are 3 bookstores near Lan’s house .
3. Thanh’s house is in the country .

4. My brother’s name is Quang .
5. That is a rice paddy .

6. Mary is in class 8C .
7. I live in the city .

8. He goes to school at 6.45 .

9. We have English on Monday and Saturday .
<i> Ex4: Listen and complete the passage.</i>

I have two (1) …. Their (2) ….are Ba and Bac. Ba (3) ... English but

Bac likes (4) …. Ba is (5) …. than Bac and he is the (6) .... boy in my (7) …
<i> Ex5: Listen and tick T or F:</i>

1. Mr Quang lives in a small house.

2. In front of the house, there is a small yard.
3. He grows vegetables in the garden.

<i> Ex 6: Listen and write T or F: Ex 7: Listen & complete the sentences:</i>
1.Mai has breakfast at home. 2. He teaches in classes ………

2.She goes to school by bike. 3. He goes to school by ………
<i> Ex 8: Viế t lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi . </i>

<i> 1. My sister walks to the surpermarket . My sister goes ……</i>
2. There are many flowers in our garden . Our garden …….
3. The mountains are behind the house . The house ……
4. Cuong drives to work everyday . Cuong travels ……
5. There are 4 people in her family . Her family ………
<b> 5. </b><i><b>Production</b></i><b> (10 )</b>’

* Corection.


76 School year: 2009 - 2010

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English 6 Teacher: Ngo Thi Lien


<b> 6. </b><i><b>Homework assignment</b></i><b> (2 )</b>’

- Be ready for the test.

<b> Period 54: THI HäC K× I.</b>



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