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Phân tích ảnh hưởng của công nghệ tới hoạt động marketing hiện nay

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Phân tích ảnh hưởng của cơng nghệ tới hoạt động marketing hiện nay
I. Openning
The 21st century is the digital century. How do you see digital
development? Those of us who are not watched TV? Those of us who don’t
listened radio, those of us who do not know the internet, mobile phone,
tablet, laptop...? And how have the strong development of digital technology,
information technology impacted us? What are the brands of toothpaste,
shampoo, soap we wake up and use every day? We watch Samsung or Sony
TV? We use phones of Nokia, Samsung, Apple or Blackberry...? Even when
we eat, we also choose food, drink that we see as the most trusted such as
coca cola, Pepsi, KFC, McDonald....... All of these are the impact of
technology on us particular it is marketing technology.
II. Analysis
Marketing: Concept, role and position of marketing in business.
At first, Marketing appeared through discrete behaviors associated with the
exchange of certain situations. Thus it can be said Marketing appearance
associated with the exchange of goods. But that does not mean that
marketing appears simultaneously with the appearance of exchange.
Marketing only appeared when exchange in a state or in certain situations:
either the seller must try to sell the goods, or the buyer must try to buy
goods. This means that exchange situations makes marketing occur is when
people have to compete to sell or buy. Thus, the underlying causes that do
appear Marketing are competition.
In practical, Marketing behavior appeared clearly from the background of
industrial development, promoting increased production and supply of goods
exceeds demand trends. Then traders are forced to find better ways to
consume goods. The process of searching for better solutions promotes the

consumption of goods to make marketing activities grow and is the basis for
forming a complete science - Marketing.
Marketing term was first launched in the U.S. in the early twentieth century.
It is spread to Europe, Asia, and in Vietnam in the 1980s. Marketing derived
from the word "market" means in English is that fair or market. "Ing" form
means approach, so marketing is often misunderstood as marketing. To avoid
confusion, the marketing term generally doesn’t change, doesn’t translated.
Traditional Marketing
Used to indicate the Marketing skills applied in the early stages.
Characteristics of the market during this period:
- Undeveloped production, limitation of market range, the number of
suppliers, market controlled by sellers;
- Scope of Marketing is only confined in commercial areas to search markets
for consuming available goods or services;
- Sales philosophy: sell what manufacturers have targeted maximum profit
for the seller.
Modern Marketing:
- Characteristics of the market after World War 2:
- The economy growth at a high speed
- Scientific and technological progress is rapid
- Fierce competition
- Volatile commodity prices
- Consecutive surplus occurred continuously
- Many business risks
- The role of buyers became more important (result).
The scope of activities of modern Marketing is wider.
Marketing modern market is considered the most important stage of the
process of reproduction goods. Needs and tastes of consumers are the
decisive factor of business production processes. Philosophy of Modern
Marketing is "selling what the customer needs."

The goal of modern marketing is profitable for the sellers, the manufacturers
through to satisfy the highest demands of buyers and consumers.
Role of Marketing in Business.
Marketing decides and coordinates the activities connected business
production activities of enterprises to business market. Ensure that business
activities of enterprises are in market direction; get to know the market, the

needs and desires of the customers as the firmest prop for all business
The impact of information technology & communication to modern
Whereas before, businesses mainly used traditional marketing methods such
as mass media advertising, brochures ... to promote their products, but now,
before the development trend of the technology, there are many unique ways
applied. Recently, in a number of "drinking places" in Hanoi, there are many
beautiful girls involved in marketing new beers in Vietnam market. It seems
that customers will ignore with beer marketing in beer halls that were too
boring, but on the contrary, they were very excited to welcome. The reason is
simple, these girls introduce beer in tablets, not paper and catalogs as before.
Coming in front of guests, marketing staff just glides onto the tablet is
information and photos of products appeared. Some customers like it
because they prefer modern and so unique marketing.
Meanwhile, in some large restaurants, traditional menu has been replaced
by tablet computers. Accordingly, the staff will bring a tablet with currently
available food and drink menus, prices, and images to the customers. The
language of the menu is translated into many languages such as English,
French, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese ... Customers select any
item, simply click the OK button, "command" will run straight to the kitchen

and blend desk, cashier. Waiters do not have to wait for customers to read
items recorded as before, that makes the two sides feel very comfortable.
Or as in a number of showrooms of BMW products recently it has added
and put a mirror cleverly to replace the front BMW windshield. When
standing in front of a mirror and reflect themselves in advertisements BMW
3 Series, viewers will feel like sitting behind the wheel and being a true
master of one of the BMW luxury cars.


Strategy and creativity of unique marketing form has helped businesses
obtain quite satisfactory results in attracting the attention and interest of
customers to their products.
How about consumers? Thanks to information technology and
communications (marketing technology) we do not have to spend time and
effort to find and reference items that we need to buy, we just need a
computer and internet is enough. Or today, we only need to use smart phones
with 3G technology that we have learned all of the activities taking place the
Information technology and communication has been applying,
developing, utilizing its features by marketing administrators to create
changes and reform for Marketing Technology from the traditional to
modern Marketing – digital Marketing.
What is digital Marketing?
Digital Marketing - a new concept of Marketing was born and marked a
turning point for this concept in Marketing. With this concept, many
economists when analyzing the perfusion of the media trends in the field of
Marketing have assessed that this is a really fifth power. The big change
began to be built on a thinking foundation of customer in modern times.

Today, customers are no longer the targets or passive audience of
communication. They tend increasingly involved in the media rather than
just watching from far away. Through the website, postcard, blog and face
book ..., customers expressed their views actively. While some marketers are
still trying to map out digital plans, customers are actively using a digital
channel to compare, comment and sometimes criticize products and services
of those marketers. Using communication of people does not simply choose
a new set of tools. Currently new media channels allow customers more
control and hence enhance the connection to customer. In addition, the
portability of the device allows customers to participate from anywhere.

There are several key points that marketers have to capture. Need to start
restructuring the opinion of considering customers as active participants. To
actually convert your marketing, you need to expand the planning process to
incorporate the current understanding of how customers are changing,
especially in relation to the digital media channel.
- The first principle: Consumers and customers must be involved in a positive
way as the creators, contributors and comments not as audiences or passive
- The second principle: Marketers must overcome traditional marketing
principles about the scope and frequency. The successful digital Marketing
encourages people to participate on a sustainable basis. This requires better
planning and a clear endorsement - "5th power"
Due to two principles, and with the explosion of new media, it has made
the world media shift from "4th power" - the power of newspapers to “5th
power” - the power of public. This power is increasingly showing clearly. In
Vietnam, more than 16 million people use social networks, with more than
130,000 domain names are registered growth of 170% / year, the number of

internet users had reached more than 23 million users, and nearly 140
million mobile subscribers (1.5 times the population) .... This is a very good
platform for digital media development in Vietnam. This is shown by the
aggressive advertising campaigns in the last year of the big companies such
as PepsiCo with the "I can" campaign, Close up with "Fresh city" campaign,
campaign “Clothes make the man” of Samsung Vina corporate;
"7days2love" of Ponds, Lifecantwaitvn.com of Sun silk; Campaign "Real
men" of X-men, the campaign "Being girl is so great" of Diana ...
By these strategies, the companies have attracted hundreds of thousands of
members of both famous and normal people; they come from all professions,
with all age…

Businesses can directly impact and often to potential customers. There is a
close interaction relationship between businesses and consumers through
digital technologies.
Mobile Marketing is "the use of wireless media as tools to convey
contents and receive direct feedback to the program in the Mixed Media
Marketing". Understanding in a simpler way, it is to use mobile
communication channels as a means for marketing activities.
As part of digital Marketing, Mobile Marketing, or Portable Marketing, is
growing rapidly thanks to technological advances. Not only passively inherit
the results of innovative mobile technology, on the contrary, mobile industry
has been trying to create new tools for traders to execute marketing programs
themselves effectively. Mobile Marketing is an extended form of SMS
Marketing, except SMS accounts up to 95%, advanced forms such as MMS,
PSMS, WAP, Mobile App will help increase the value of the information
when being sent. According to the Mobile Marketing Association, "the use of
wireless media is tool to convey content and receive feedback directly to the

program in the mix mobile marketing program." Understanding in a simpler
way, it is to use mobile communication channels as a means for marketing
Mobile marketing system
To implement a mobile marketing program, it requires a lot of units
involved, because this is an area that should have the effect of both
techniques. However, it can be divided into four major components:

Products and Services: Including companies (all brands), the advertising
agencies, the content providers.

Mobile application providers: are the units providing applications and
technologies to implement a mobile marketing program.

Connectivity: Including the network service providers.

The media: including newspapers, television, internet, email ...; retailers,
direct marketing programs ... In fact this is the environment of a mobile
marketing system.
Major application in Mobile marketing
Means for Mobile app marketing is growing as:

SMS – Text Messaging: This is the simplest and most popular form. Your
company can use SMS to send customers information about new products,
new promotions, or a birthday wish ... This content can grow a lot of
different forms, depending on the creativity of the company. However, a
limitation is the number of characters allowed by the current SMS is 160
characters. So you will have to consider very carefully the content of sent
information. On the other hand, the message should also be agreed by
customer first, if not, the message of the company will be classified as "junk"
and making counteraction of marketing program.
PSMS: This is a more developed form of SMS, has higher rates of regular
text message and is often used to call customers for participating in
prediction game, or to sell services such as ring tones, wallpapers for cell
MMS: Multimedia messaging, including text, images and sound to
accompany the message. This form has been used only few years for the
marketing programs of several large firms in the world. The understandable
reason is because the cost for MMS message is larger and not all your clients
are also able to send / receive MMS messages on the phone. However, the
effect it can bring quite unexpected.
WAP: It can understand simply they are sites on mobile phones. Similar to
websites are viewed on the internet, you can put information about the
company or the products and services of your company on this WAP sites, or
more commonly the customer support information.

GPS Positioning: Location-based services (LBS) are deployed as service
providers send promotional information to subscribers through their
positioning. In this approach, global positioning system (GPS) will be
integrated into the phone to the subscriber location can be detected when

they moved into the coverage radius of the LBS stations. This mobile
advertising approach is often proved very effectively because of the highly
customization. For example, you do pizza business on the street. Anyone
goes into the street or in nearby locations can receive notification messages
about the presence of your shop.
Mobile App & Game: Mobile App & Game: the software applications and
most games are designed for smart phones, including more ads. The impact
of advertising depends heavily on software applications, games which it
Video viewing on mobile phones: Same as MMS, video's impact on
customers can be quite unexpected, but this method is difficult to apply
because of the limitations of the technology infrastructure in many countries
are not allowed, as well as number of devices can also see mobile video
growing thanks to the development of broadband technology for mobile
Moreover, in a mixed media show, the mobile media will provide effective
support for media such as newspapers, television, radio, particularly the
ability to communicate directly, maintaining close relationships with clients.
Among the media, direct mail or phone calls to customers can also do this
but with cost more than the use of mobile phones today.
Effect and potential:
Mobile marketing is a suitable tool in the following objectives of

First, increase the level of brand awareness for customers.

- Second, create a database on the client's concerns.

- Third, draw the attention of customers to the event or purchasing activities,
increase sales.
- Fourth, increase customer loyalty for the brand.
The effectiveness of mobile marketing, first it can be seem even in the
increasingly number of customers using mobile devices as today. The
explosion in the number of mobile subscribers is potential for development
of Mobile Marketing. A study has been carried out recently by the World
Bank World Bank titled "Information and Communications for Development
2012" indicated that about three quarters of the world population currently
use the mobile devices. The number of mobile subscribers worldwide has
increased from less than 1 billion in 2000 to over 6 billion in 2012. Only in
2012, more than 800 million mobile phones and tablets have been distributed
to consumers, more than 1 billion active accounts and 680 million people use
Face book through the phone, more than 200 million accounts active on
Twitter and 200 million accounts on LinkedIn. These figures show the trend
of using mobile devices and social networks on the spread, making the
utilization of digital media tools and available technology platforms have
become a marketing strategy of many enterprises. As in Vietnam, the number
of mobile subscribers in mid 2012 is approximately 140 million subscribers,
and this number will increase. More importantly, mobile phones are (almost
only) means on the side of users 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Is there any
means of newspapers, television, radio, internet... which customers "own" so
long time? In addition, based on a database of customers that network
providers have been communicating with customers via mobile phone can be
Viral marketing
Currently, with the increasingly development of powerful information
technologies, the form of online marketing through media such as the
internet, forum, mobile, social media, social networking, iTV... has become a


choice of many businesses. For small and medium businesses Vital
marketing is the most appropriate and effective selection.
"Viral marketing" was born a long time and has gradually become one of the
important marketing strategies of many companies as well as multinational
The famous companies such as Pepsi, Procter & Gamble, and GM ... most of
the big names in the world are using the internet as a tool to promote their
products to consumers. They have opened doors of opportunity and
mitigated the potential risks of traditional marketing campaigns.
Advice for managers to implement viral marketing campaigns:
- Simple: Build catchy, simple and attractive marketing messages to make
communication easier for avoiding misleading. Make customers understand
the main idea of the message.
- Understand psychology, motives of customers: Most people think that the
fiercest competition is price of the product, because everyone thinks
customers are often coordinated and strongest impacted by price. But it
doesn’t mean that all customers are buying because the price is cheaper,
many customers are willing to pay the price that is not cheap because they
think "You get what you pay for". So you should do a survey on the actuall
issue before implementing your campaign.
- Let customers try to use valuable products and services: Most viral
marketing programs are free to use products and services in order to attract
attention. This method does not have a right profit but it is very effective for
attracting attention from free stuff and the profits will come soon after.

Using the available network: People belong to society, use social network,

so if we want to join this network, we need a deep understanding of the
power of social networks, from loose relationship until the group of close
ties. From then, use these networks to transmit your message to the
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- Take advantage of resources from the others: To make viral marketing more
effective, we need to use the resources of others to impart, such as the
programs related to each other we should link with pictures or text on
another website, reciprocal linking.

Ensure viral easily: There are many ways to convey your message for
example via mail, website, social networking, social media…. The most
effective viral marketing is still internet because communication on it is very
easy and economical.
The positive and negative of marketing technology brings for Marketing
area in near and medium term future.
The popularity of social media and the rapid development of science and
technology have completely changed the traditional marketing. Only in
2012, more than 800 million mobile phones and tablets are distributed to
consumers, more than 1 billion active accounts and 680 million people use
Facebook through the phone, more than 200 million active accounts active
on Twitter, and 200 million accounts on LinkedIn. Trends in the use of
mobile devices and social networks are more pervasive, making advantage
of digital media tools and available technology platforms have become the
marketing strategy of the companies even in the Fortune 500 list.
The rapid development of science and technology and trend to use social

networks are changing the face of marketing. Hence, those who work in
marketing industry need to change their approach and their ways. The
speakers of the CMO World Forum seminar will join the guests and
participants of the forum discuss the change from traditional marketing to
modern marketing, new marketing trends such as mobile marketing, and
social network marketing and marketing prospects in Vietnam until 2018.

- Using digital Marketing is cheaper, faster viral and wider coverage.
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1. Basic Marketing– Philip Kotler
2. www.tailieu.vn/kythuatmarketing.
3. www.brandon.com/mobillmarketing
4. www.moore.vn/marketingonline

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