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Thời gian: 45 phút
Họ tên học sinh : ………………………………………….
Lớp: 12CB Đề -01
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is
pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following questions.
1. A. stars B. signs C. books D. plays
2. A. secret B. theme C. journey D. event
3. A. dune B. hummock C. vulnerable D. overhunt
Choose the word whose stress is pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following
4. A. expedition B. urbanization C. centenarian D. renovation
5. A. desert B. colony C. gorilla D. panda
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
6. The day ……I went fishing was the hottest of the year.
A. what B. which C. when D. how
7. The door was………heavy that the child couldn’t push it open.
A. such B. too C. so D. ∅
8. What is the name of the man……?
A. you borrowed his car B. which car you borrowed
C. whose car you borrowed D. his car you borrow
9. The room is being………at the moment.
A. clean B. cleaning C. was cleaned D. cleaned
10. If I…..you, I would have said hello.
A. saw B. see C. had seen D. would see
11. Last Sunday was ________ that we took a drive in the country.
A. so beautiful day B. such a beautiful a day
C. such a beautiful weather D. so beautiful a day
12. We avoid_______ out environment.
A. polluting B. to pollute C. pollute D polluted

13. - Kevin: "How far is it from here to the nearest post office?" - Lan: "______."
A. Turn left and then turn right B. Yes, it's quite near here
C. Two kilometers at least D. No, it's rather far
14. Pat: "Would you like something to eat?"
Kathy: "______. I'm not hungry now."
A. No, thanks B. No, no problem C. Yes, I would D. Yes, it is
15. If you inherited a million pounds, what______ with the money?
A. do you do B. you would do C. would you do D. are you going to do
16. They are not ______ to take part in this program of the World Health Organization.
A. so old B. old enough C. enough old D. as old
17. Mark went to the party _____ he wasn't invited.
A. because B. in spite of C. however D. although
18. He studies very hard ……………………………………
A. in order to fail the examination B. so that to get knowledge
C. so as to pass examination D. in order that he could be illiterate
19. After he ________ his English course, he went to England to continue his study.
A. has finished B. had finished C. was finished D. would finish
Page 1
20. A scientist who studies living things is a ______.
A. biology B. biologically C. biologist D. biological
21. The football match was postponed ______ the bad weather.
A. despite B. in spite C. because D. because of
22. Ann _________ and left.
A. said goodbye to me B. says me goodbye C. tell me goodbye D. told me goodbye
23. Yesterday I met your brother, ______ had taken us to the Headquarters of the United Nations in New York
A. whose B. that C. whom D. who
24. ______ students attended the meeting that there weren't enough chairs for all of them.
A. So many B. Too many C. So few D. So much
25. It’s a beautiful house, and I.....................it if I..................... the money, but I can’t afford it

A. bought / would have B. will buy / have C. would have bought/had had D. would buy / had
26. Endangered species ______ by the World Wildlife Fund.
A. are protected B. would protect C. be protected D. will protect
27. - Kim: "What ______ this weekend?" - Sally: "Oh, we're going windsurfing. It's fantastic!"
A. do you go B. are you going C. would you do D. are you doing
28. I moved to the front of the room _______ I could see better.
A. so as to B. in order to C. to D. so that
29. He went back to work in his country after he ______ his course on Advanced Engineering in London.
A. has finished B. was finishing C. finishes D. had finished
30. We are talking about the writer ______ latest book is one of the best-sellers this year.
A. who B. whom C. which D. whose
31. - Tom: “You’ve got a lovely singing voice, Mary!” - Mary: “______”
A. Don’t mention it. B. Congratulations! C. It’s all right. D. Thank you.
32. Robert ______ in three important water polo games so far.
A. had played B. is playing C. has played D. played
33. Governments have …. laws to protect wildlife from over hunting.
A. enforced B. enacted C. observed D. required
34. If I _______ you $10, when _______ me?
A. lend/ would you repay B. lend/ will you repay C. lent/ will you repay D. had lent/ would you repay
35. By cutting down trees, we........ the natural habitat of birds and animals.
A. damage B. harm C. hurt D. injure
36. Books in the home are a wonderful ....... of knowledge and pleasure.
A. source B. resource C. list D. sum
37. A _______fiction book is a type of book that is based on imagined scientific discoveries of the future.
A. novel B. science C. biography D. comic
Choose the sentence A, B, C or D, which is closest in meaning to the printed one
38. Nam worked hard, so he felt ill
A. If he had worked hard, he would fall ill.
B. If he had worked hard, he would have fallen ill.
C. If he hadn’t worked hard, he wouldn’t have fallen ill.

D. Unless he had worked hard, he would have fallen ill.
39. He used to borrow my pen.
A. My pen used to borrow by him. B. My pen was used to borrow by him.
C. My pen used to be borrowed by him. D. My pen was used to be borrowed by him.
40. Because there was a traffic accident, I went to school late.
A. Because a traffic accident, I went to school late.
B. Because of there being a traffic accident, I went to school late.
C. Because of a traffic accident, I went to school late.
D. Because of the accident, I went to school late.
Page 2
41. “I spoke slowly. The foreigner could understandme”. Means
A. I spoke slowly so that the foreigner could understand me
B. I spoke slowly in order to the foreigner could understand me.
C. I spoke slowly that the foreigner could understand me
D. I spoke slowly to make the foreigner could understand me
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction
42. I will visit you when I will have time.
43. Although the bad traffic, I managed to arrive at the airport on yime.
45. Before went abroad, he had finished his English course at the English –speaking Centre.
45. What are the differences between women in old times with women in modern times?
QUESTIONS 45-50: Read the following passage carefully and then answer the questions below
Will people still read books 100 years from now? A few years ago, many people would have said no. It
seemed likely that computers and the Internet would replace books. Now, however, most experts think that
books are here to stay.
There are a number of reasons why computers will not replace books entirely. One reason is that books on
paper are much cheaper than computers. And books do not need a power source. You can read a book for as

long as you want and wherever you want. You never have to worry about losing power. Also, many people feel
more comfortable reading words in a book than reading words on a computer screen because it is less tiring to
the eyes.
Will books in the future be exactly the same as the books you can buy today? The answer to that question is
no. In the future, you may only need to buy one book. With this one book, you will be able to read novels, plays,
and newspapers. It will look like today's books, but it will be electronic.
One of the people working on the book of the future is Professor Joseph Jacobson from Massachusetts
Institute of Technology. Professor Jacobson's electronic book will have a small button on the side. When you
press the button, words will instantly appear on the page. When you want to read a different story, you can push
the button again and a new story will quickly appear.
Question 46: The phrase “are here to stay” in the first paragraph mostly means ______.
A. “won’t come” B. “are nearby” C. “won't disappear” D. “are useless”
Question 47: Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. Reading today’s books needs a power source.
B. Reading words on computer screens is tiring to the eyes.
C. In the future, computers will replace paper books completely.
D. Books will disappear completely sooner or later.
Question 48: What will the book of the future look like?
A. It will look like a book you buy today. B. It will look like a computer.
C. It will look different from today's books. D. We don't know what it will look like.
Question 49: The button on the side of the electronic book is used ______.
A. to turn a light on and off B. to change what you read
C. to turn the power on and off D. to make the book more beautiful
Question 50: What is the main topic of the passage?
A. The decline of today's books. B. How to use an electronic book.
C. The book of the future. D. Why a power source is important.
The end 01
Page 3
Thời gian: 45 phút

Họ tên học sinh : ………………………………………….
Lớp: 12CB Đề -02
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is
pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following questions.
1. A. overhunt B. hummock C. vulnerable D. dune
2. A. secret B. event C. journey D. theme
3. A. books B. signs C. stars D. plays
Choose the word whose stress is pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following
4. A. crocodile B. enormous C. contribute D. endanger
5. A. habitat B. sociable C. vulnerable D. commercial
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
6. We moved to the front of the room _______ we could see better.
A. so as to B. so that C. to D. in order to
7. Before she went back to work in her country ,she ______ her course on Advanced Engineering in London.
A. had finished B. was finishing C. finishes D. has finished
8. Mary ______ in three important water polo games so far.
A. had played B. is playing C. has played D. played
9. By cutting down trees, we........ the natural habitat of birds and animals.
A. damage B. harm C. hurt D. injure
10. - Tom: "What ______ this weekend?" - Mary: "Oh, we're going windsurfing. It's fantastic!"
A. do you go B. are you going C. would you do D. are you doing
11. He avoid_______ out environment.
A. polluted B. to pollute C. pollute D polluting
12. Governments have …. laws to protect wildlife from over hunting.
A. enforced B. enacted C. observed D. required
13. If I _______ you $10, when _______ me?
A. lend/ would you repay B. lent/ will you repay C. lend/ will you repay D. had lent/ would you repay
14. - John: "How far is it from here to the nearest post office?" - Ann: "______."

A. Turn left and then turn right B. Yes, it's quite near here
C. Two kilometers at least D. No, it's rather far
15. Yesterday I met your brother, ______ had taken us to the Headquarters of the United Nations in New York
A. whose B. that C. whom D. who
16. Books in the home are a wonderful ....... of knowledge and pleasure.
A. source B. resource C. list D. sum
17. ______ students attended the meeting that there weren't enough chairs for all of them.
A. So many B. Too many C. So few D. So much
18. A _______fiction book is a type of book that is based on imagined scientific discoveries of the future.
A. novel B. science C. biography D. comic
19. Keven: "Would you like something to eat?"
Lan: "______. I'm not hungry now."
A. No, thanks B. No, no problem C. Yes, I would D. Yes, it is
20. It’s a beautiful house, and I.....................it if I..................... the money, but I can’t afford it
A. bought / would have B. would buy / had C. would have bought/had had D. will buy / have
Page 4
21. They are talking about the writer ______ latest book is one of the best-sellers this year.
A. whose B. whom C. which D. who
22. - Sally: “You’ve got a lovely singing voice, Mary!” - Ken: “______”
A. Don’t mention it. B. Thank you C. It’s all right. D. Congratulations!
23. Endangered species ______ by the World Wildlife Fund.
A. is protected B. would protect C. are protected D. will protect
QUESTIONS 24-28: Read the following passage carefully and then answer the questions below
Will people still read books 100 years from now? A few years ago, many people would have said no. It
seemed likely that computers and the Internet would replace books. Now, however, most experts think that
books are here to stay.
There are a number of reasons why computers will not replace books entirely. One reason is that books on
paper are much cheaper than computers. And books do not need a power source. You can read a book for as
long as you want and wherever you want. You never have to worry about losing power. Also, many people feel

more comfortable reading words in a book than reading words on a computer screen because it is less tiring to
the eyes.
Will books in the future be exactly the same as the books you can buy today? The answer to that question is
no. In the future, you may only need to buy one book. With this one book, you will be able to read novels, plays,
and newspapers. It will look like today's books, but it will be electronic.
One of the people working on the book of the future is Professor Joseph Jacobson from Massachusetts
Institute of Technology. Professor Jacobson's electronic book will have a small button on the side. When you
press the button, words will instantly appear on the page. When you want to read a different story, you can push
the button again and a new story will quickly appear.
Question 24: The phrase “are here to stay” in the first paragraph mostly means ______.
A. “won’t come” B. “are nearby” C. “won't disappear” D. “are useless”
Question 25: Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. Reading today’s books needs a power source.
B. Reading words on computer screens is tiring to the eyes.
C. In the future, computers will replace paper books completely.
D. Books will disappear completely sooner or later.
Question 26: What will the book of the future look like?
A. It will look like a book you buy today. B. It will look like a computer.
C. It will look different from today's books. D. We don't know what it will look like.
Question 27: The button on the side of the electronic book is used ______.
A. to turn a light on and off B. to change what you read
C. to turn the power on and off D. to make the book more beautiful
Question 28: What is the main topic of the passage?
A. The decline of today's books. B. How to use an electronic book.
C. The book of the future. D. Why a power source is important.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
29. The time ……I went fishing was the hottest of the year.
A. what B. when C. which D. how
30. We are not ______ to take part in this program of the World Health Organization.

A. so old B. as old C. enough old D. old enough
31. The bag was………heavy that the child couldn’t bring it open.
A. such B. too C. so D. ∅
32. If he…..you, he would have said hello.
A. had seen B. see C. saw D. would see
Page 5

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