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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=1>

Week: Date of preparation : April,11th<sub> 2006</sub>
Period: 87 Date of teaching:

Class: 7A1,2

<b>Period: 87</b>

<b>Lesson: A (1 ) TIME FOR TV</b>
<b>I. Aims and Objectives:</b>

<b> * Language content: </b>

- To introduce some new words relating to freetime activities especially in

- To help them review the review the structures about preferences.
<b> * Language function:</b>

- To help the students to ask and answer about relax activities in free time.
- To help them use “like-prefer” to talk about preferences.

<b> * Educational aim: </b>

- To educate the students to know how to use freetime usefully for minds and

<b> 1. Language:</b>

<i>a.</i> Vocabulary: news in English, series, sound
<i>b.</i> Structures: <i>Would you like …………to inf ?</i>

<i> Like/ prefer + (to inf) / Ving</i><b>..</b>
<b> 2. Skills : Integrated skills.</b>

3.Education factor: Knowing it’s not good for children to watch TV all day.
<b>II. Teacher and students’ preparation:</b>

<b> 1. Method: Communicative approach </b>

2. Techniques: Repetition, Explanation, Using picture, Pair work.
3. Materials needed: Text - book , pictures, cassette player

4. Students’ preparation: picture, new lesson

5. Previous exercises: reread and prepare vocabulary.
<b>III. Procedure in class:</b>

1. Stabilization: <i>(2 ms)</i>
a. Warm – up: Greeting

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

<b>-</b> Has the students read the reading task and then close his book and answer
the questions:

<i>1: What is most of the word’s surface?</i>

<i>2: Did man can swim freely underwater before the invention of special</i>
<i>breathing equipment?</i>

3. Presentation of the new materials:

time Teacher’s activities Students’activities The content of the new




<b>I ./Lead_in </b>

- Asks them some

<i>. What do most people</i>
<i>usually do in their</i>
<i>freetime? </i>

<i>. What time do you often</i>
<i>watch TV?</i>

<i>. What is your favorite</i>
<i>program? </i>

-Says and introduces the
situation .

<b>II./Pre-pratice </b>

1 Writes and teaches
<b>the words </b>

-news in English: (n.
phr) (explain)

- series (n) :

- The adventure of the
cricket: (example)
Children like to watch “
the adventure of the
cricket” of To Hoai
writer. .

<b>2 Checks the meanings</b>
<b>of the words by asking</b>
the sts to make sentences
and translate.

<b>3 Grammar </b>

-Answer the Q

-Listen and know the
title and aims of the
lesson .Write the title of
the lesson

-Listen ,repeat, guess
the meaning and then
copy down

- Make sentences.

<b>UNIT: 14</b>

<b>Period: 87</b>
<b>Lesson: A (1 )</b>
<b>TIME FOR TV</b>

<b>1 * Writes and teaches </b>
<b>the words</b>

-news in English: (n.
phr) (explain)

- series (n) :

- The adventure of the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>




- Reminds of the
structures of polite

<i><b>Would you like to……</b></i>
<i><b>V-ing ?</b></i>

* responses:
<i>. I’d love to </i>

<i>. Great. That would be a</i>
<i>lot of fun </i>

<i>. That sounds boring. </i>
<i><b>. Prefer ……to do st to st</b></i>
<i><b>. Prefer doing st………else. </b></i>
<b>III/ Controlled-practice</b>
<b>-Asks the sts to listen to</b>
the tape twice.

- Has them practice the
dialogue with their

- Calls two pairs to

-Asks them to read the
text in silently and
choose the right answers.
- Calls some to answer.
- Corrects their mistakes.
<b>IV/Free- practice:</b>

-Asks the sts to make
questions and then gives
the answers about Lan’s
and Hoa’s family.

<b>V./ Consolidation</b>

-Asks the sts to tell the
differences between
Hoa’s family and Lan’s

- Listens and gives more

- Take notes.

-Listen to the tape
-Read and takes roles
and practice in pairs

- Choose the best

- Practice in pairs , ask
and answer about Lan
and Hoa’s family.

- Tell the differences.

<b>2 *Structure</b>
* polite requests:

<i><b>Would you like to……</b></i>
<i><b>V-ing ?</b></i>

* responses:
<i>. I’d love to </i>

<i>. Great. That would be a</i>
<i>lot of fun </i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

4/ Homework: <i>3ms </i>

Asks the sts to write down on their notebooks
-Learn the lesson well

- Do exercises 1 in workbook.

5/ Preparation for the next lesson(2<i>mins</i> )

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

Week: Date of preparation : April,11th<sub> 2006</sub>
Period: 88 Date of teaching:

Class: 7A1,2

<b>Period: 88</b>

<b>Lesson: A (2 ) TIME FOR TV</b>
<b>I. Aims and Objectives:</b>

<b> * Language content: </b>

- To introduce some new words relating to entertainments.

- To help them review the review the structures “ Would you like………?”.
<b> * Language function:</b>

- To help the students to ask and answer about relax activities in free time.
- To enable them to make suggestions/ invitation and then give responses.
<b> * Educational aim: </b>

- To educate the students to know how to use freetime usefully for their mind and

<b> 1. Language:</b>

a. Vocabulary: pop concert, classical concert, detective, cowboy, except, drama

b. Structures: <i>Would you like …………to inf ?</i>
<i> How about………? </i>
<b> 2. Skills : Integrated skills.</b>

3.Education factor: Knowing to arrange a timetable suitably for study and for

<b>II. Teacher and students’ preparation:</b>
<b> 1. Method: Communicative approach </b>

2. Techniques: Repetition, Explanation, blank fill, building dialogue.
3. Materials needed: Text - book , flash cards, cassette player

4. Students’ preparation: picture, new lesson

5. Previous exercises: reread and prepare vocabulary.
<b>III. Procedure in class:</b>

1. Stabilization: <i>(2 ms)</i>
a. Warm – up: Greeting

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=6>

<b> *Questions: </b>

Has the students tell some differences between Hoa and Lan’s family.
3. Presentation of the new materials:

time Teacher’s activities Students’activities The content of the new



<b>I ./Lead_in </b>

- Asks them to complete
the sentences with the
suggested words:

<i>a.Would/ like/ go/ movie/</i>
<i>me? Yes</i>

<i>b.Would/ like/ see/ a good</i>
<i>film/ TV/ last night?/ No</i>
-Says and introduces the
situation <i>:” Hoa want to</i>
<i>go to the movie with</i>

<b>II./Pre-pratice </b>

- Asks the sts to listen to
the tape once.

1 Writes and teaches
<b>the words </b>

- pop concer: (n. phr)

- classical (a) :
classical concert:

- detective (a) :

- cow boy(n) : (translate)
- except (prep) :
- drama: (n):

<b>2 Checks the meanings</b>
<b>of the words by fill</b>
gaps and matching.

a.Most young people like
seeing………..concert and
old people like

-Answer the Q

-Listen and know the
title and aims of the
lesson .Write the title of
the lesson

-Listen ,repeat, guess
the meaning and then
copy down

- Fill in gaps and match.

<b>UNIT: 14</b>

<b>Period: 88</b>

<b>Lesson: A (2 )</b>
<b>TIME FOR TV</b>

<b>1 * Writes and teaches </b>
<b>the words</b>

-news in English: (n.
phr) (explain)

- series (n) :

- The adventure of the

ex: <i>Children like to watch</i>
<i>“ the adventure of the </i>
<i>cricket” of To Hoai </i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>




<b>3 Grammar </b>

- Reminds of the
structures of polite


<i><b>Would you like to……</b></i>
<i><b>V-ing ?</b></i>

<i><b>How about………?</b></i>
<i><b>What about……….?</b></i>
<i><b>Why don’t you………?</b></i>
* responses:

<i>. I’d love to </i>

<i>. Great. That would be a</i>
<i>lot of fun </i>

<i>. No, I’m sorry.</i>

<i>. That sounds boring. </i>
<b>III/ Controlled-practice</b>
<b>-Asks the sts to take</b>

- Has them work in pairs,
make other dialogues
similar to the model.
- Calls some pairs to

- Corrects their mistakes.
<b>IV/Free- practice:</b>

-Asks the sts to make a

timetable for

entertainment next week
then make another
conversation to ask and
answer about that plan.
<b>V./ Consolidation</b>

-Asks the sts to make

a: Would/ like/ go/ pop
concert/ Hanoi youth?.
- Listens and gives more

- Take notes.

-Take roles
- Practice in pairs

- Listen.

- Make and talk about
that plan.

- Make invitations.

<i><b>Would you like to……</b></i>
<i><b>V-ing ?</b></i>

* responses:
<i>. I’d love to </i>

<i>. Great. That would be a</i>
<i>lot of fun </i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>


4/ Homework: <i>3ms </i>

Asks the sts to write down on their notebooks
-Learn the lesson well

- Do exercises 2 in workbook.

5/ Preparation for the next lesson(2<i>mins</i> )

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>

Week: Date of preparation : April,11th<sub> 2006</sub>
Period: 89 Date of teaching:

Class: 7A1,2

<b>Period: 89</b>

<b>Lesson: A (3 ) TIME FOR TV</b>

<b>I. Aims and Objectives:</b>

<b> * Language content: </b>

- To introduce some new words about TV and TV in 1960s in VN in general.
- To enable the sts to know about TV in VN in 1960s.
<b> * Language function:</b>

- To help the students to broaden their knowledge about VN in the past in 1960s
and how it is different today.

<b> * Educational aim: </b>

- To educate the students to know how to relax their mind and broaden their
knowledge about scientific advances and how they affect our life.

<b> 1. Language:</b>

a. Vocabulary: TV set, owner, gather, black and white program, change, anymore.
b. Structures: Comparison, the simple past tense and the present tense.

<b> 2. Skills : Integrated skills.</b>

3.Education factor: Knowing to arrange a timetable suitably for entertainment.
<b>II. Teacher and students’ preparation:</b>

<b> 1. Method: Communicative approach </b>

2. Techniques: Repetition, Explanation, blank fill, True/ False.
3. Materials needed: Text - book , flash cards, cassette player

4. Students’ preparation: picture, new lesson

5. Previous exercises: reread and prepare vocabulary.
<b>III. Procedure in class:</b>

1. Stabilization: <i>(2 ms)</i>
a. Warm – up: Greeting

b. Checking absence: Who’s absent today?
2. Checking up the previous knowledge: (<i>5 ms</i>)
<b> *Questions: </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=10>

<i>2. Do you usually watch films on TV?</i>
3. <i>Does your mother often watch TV?</i>
3. Presentation of the new materials:

time Teacher’s activities Students’activities The content of the new



<b>I ./Lead_in </b>

- Asks them some

<i>. Do you like to watch</i>
<i>TV? </i>

<i>. Do you have a TV set at</i>
<i>home? </i>

<i>. What about your</i>

<i>. Did your family have a</i>
<i>TV set 20 years ago?</i>
<i>. Were there TV in the</i>
<i>countryside of VN 30</i>
<i>years ago? </i>

-Says and introduces the
situation .

<b>II./Pre-pratice </b>

- Asks the sts to listen to
the tape once.

1 Writes and teaches
<b>the words </b>

- owner: (n.) (explain)
- gather (v) :


- black and while
program: (n.phr) :

- change (v) : (translate)
Ex: Time has changed.
<b>2 Checks the meanings</b>
<b>of the words by fill</b>

a. My father has a new

-Answer the Q

-Listen and know the
title and aims of the
lesson .Write the title of
the lesson

-Listen ,repeat, guess
the meaning and then
copy down

- Fill in gaps
a. owner

<b>UNIT: 14</b>

<b>Period: 89</b>
<b>Lesson: A (3 )</b>
<b>TIME FOR TV</b>

<b>1 * Writes and teaches </b>
<b>the words</b>

- owner: (n.)
- gather (v) :

- black and while
program: :

- change (v) :

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=11>


house. He is the ………of
the house.

b. It is some thing
strange. Everyone………
to look at it curiously.
c. People watch ………
about 20 years ago.

d. He wants to…………this

<b>3 Grammar </b>

- Reminds of the
<i><b>structures of comparison:</b></i>
Ex: <i>Life is more</i>
<i>comfortable now.</i>

- <i><b>The simple past tense </b></i>
<i>Ex: Thirty years ago in</i>
<i>VN, very few people had a</i>
<i>TV set. </i>

<i><b>- The simple present tense.</b></i>
<i>Ex: Today, many people</i>
<i>have a TV set. </i>

<b>III/ Controlled-practice</b>
<b>-Asks the sts to read the</b>
text quickly and answer
the questions:

<i>a. What is the text about? </i>
<i>b. Did many people in VN</i>
<i>have a TV set tin their</i>
<i>home thirty years ago? </i>
<i>c. What did they always</i>
<i>do after dinner? </i>

<i>d. What color were the TV</i>
<i>programs thirty years</i>
<i>ago? </i>

<i>e. Where do people watch</i>
<i>TV today?</i>

- Asks them to read again
and complete the

b. gather

c. black and while

- Take notes.
- Take notes.

- Read and answer the

- Read and complete

<b>2 *Structure</b>

- Reminds of the
<i><b>structures of comparison:</b></i>
Ex: <i>Life is more</i>
<i>comfortable now.</i>

- <i><b>The simple past tense </b></i>
<i>Ex: Thirty years ago in VN,</i>
<i>very few people had a TV</i>

<i>set. </i>

<i><b>- The simple present tense.</b></i>
<i>Ex: Today, many people</i>
<i>have a TV set. </i>

<b>3. Complete the </b>
<b>summary. </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=12>




- Asks them to give their

- Has then read aloud.
- Corrects their mistakes.
<b>IV/Free- practice:</b>

-Asks the sts to discuss
the content of the lesson
in pairs, one asks and the
other answer that

V./ Consolidation

-Asks the sts to say T/F.
( and correct).

a: Most people in VN had
a TV set 30 years ago.
b. TV owner were not
popular at that time.

the summary.

- Listen.

- Make and talk about
that plan.

- Do T/ F exercise.

<i><b>(3): TV </b></i>
<i><b>(4): popular</b></i>
<i><b>(5): evening</b></i>
<i><b>(6): gather</b></i>
<i><b>(7): They </b></i>
<i><b>(8): now</b></i>
<i><b>(9): have</b></i>
<i><b>(10): spend</b></i>

4/ Homework: <i>3ms </i>

Asks the sts to write down on their notebooks

-Learn the lesson well

- Do exercises 3 in workbook.

5/ Preparation for the next lesson(2<i>mins</i> )

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=13>

Week: Date of preparation : April,11th<sub> 2006</sub>
Period: 90 Date of teaching:

Class: 7A1,2

<b>Period: 90</b>

<b>Lesson: B (1,2 ) WHAT’S ON?</b>
<b>I. Aims and Objectives:</b>

<b> * Language content: </b>

- To introduce some new words about TV and TV program.

- To enable the sts to know use the structures “prefer” and “like” to talk about

<b> * Language function:</b>

- To help the students to talk about common programs on TV today

- To enable them to ask and answer about preferences of TV programs or shows.
<b> * Educational aim: </b>

- To educate the students aware of the necessary of entertainment, especially TV

<b> 1. Language:</b>

a. Vocabulary: sport show, cartoon, programs for teenagers, early news, weather
forecast, the word today.

b. Structures: like/ prefer + to-inf/ V-ing.
<b> 2. Skills : Integrated skills.</b>

3.Education factor: Knowing to arrange a timetable suitably for entertainment.
<b>II. Teacher and students’ preparation:</b>

<b> 1. Method: Communicative approach </b>

2. Techniques: Repetition, Explanation, listening for information.
3. Materials needed: Text - book , flash cards, cassette player
4. Students’ preparation: picture, new lesson

5. Previous exercises: reread and prepare vocabulary.
<b>III. Procedure in class:</b>

1. Stabilization: <i>(2 ms)</i>
a. Warm – up: Greeting

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=14>

<b> *Questions: </b>

Has the student blank fill:

<i>a. Thirty years ago, People gathered to their houses to………….TV. </i>
<i>b. Today, People…………in their own living rooms to watch TV. </i>
3. Presentation of the new materials:

time Teacher’s activities Students’activities The content of the new



<b>I ./Lead_in </b>

- Asks them to look at the
picture and answer:
<i>. What program is on TV</i>

<i>. Do you like to watch</i>
<i>cartoons on TV? </i>

<i>. Which character do you</i>
<i>like best? </i>

-Says and introduces the
situation .

<b>II./Pre-pratice </b>

- Asks the sts to listen to
the tape once.

1 Writes and teaches
<b>the words </b>

- sport show: (n.)

- cartoon (n) :

- program for teenagers:
(n.phr) : (translate)

- Early News: (n) :

- Weather forecast (n):

- The World today.
<b>2 Checks the meanings</b>
<b>of the words : (What</b>

-Answer the Q

-Listen and know the

title and aims of the
lesson .Write the title of
the lesson

-Listen ,repeat, guess
the meaning and then
copy down

- Play game: what and

<b>UNIT: 14</b>

<b>Period: 90</b>
<b>Lesson: B (1,2 )</b>

<b>WHAT’S ON?</b>

<b>1 * Writes and teaches </b>
<b>the words</b>

- sport show: (n.)
cartoon (n) :

- program for teenagers:
(n.phr) :

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=15>



and where)
- Reviews:

. What kinds of program
do you like?

- I like program about…….
Teenagers like to listen
the latest pop music.
<b>3 Grammar </b>

- Reminds:

<i><b>* like/ prefer + to-inf/ </b></i>
<i><b>V-ing. </b></i>

<i><b>* What’s on TV today? </b></i>
- <i>It’s + (name) </i>

<i><b>There is a(an)……… </b></i>
<b>III/ Controlled-practice</b>
<b>-Asks the sts to listen one</b>
more and answer:

<i>. What is the dialogue</i>
<i>about? </i>

- Lets them work in pairs,

ask and answer the

read the text quickly and
answer the questions.
- Calls some pairs to ask
and answer.

- Lets some write on the

- Corrects and gives

- * Asks the sts to read
the programs and guess
the time of them.

- Asks them to listen and
checks their guesses.
<b>IV/Free- practice:</b>

-Asks the sts to discuss
and tell “ what kinds of

- Take notes.

- Listen and answer.

- Practice in pairs.

- Ask and answer the

- Listen and take notes.
- Read and guess

- Listen and check.

- Answer themselves.

<b>2 *Structure</b>

<i><b>* like/ prefer + to-inf/ </b></i>
<i><b>V-ing. </b></i>

<i><b>* What’s on TV today? </b></i>

- <i>It’s + (name) </i>

There is a(an)………

<b>3. Answer the questions:</b>
<i><b>a. No, she doesn’t. </b></i>

<i><b>Because there aren’t </b></i>
<i><b>many good programs for </b></i>
<i><b>teenagers. </b></i>

<i><b> b. Ba likes to watch sport</b></i>

<i><b>shows, cartoons and </b></i>
<i><b>movies. </b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=16>


programs do you like? /
Why? “.

<b>V./ Consolidation</b>

-Asks them to play:
“running dictation”.
(answer of the six
questions. )

- Play

4/ Homework: <i>3ms </i>

Asks the sts to write down on their notebooks
-Learn the lesson well

- Do exercises in workbook.

5/ Preparation for the next lesson(2<i>mins</i> )

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=17>

Week: Date of preparation : April,11th<sub> 2006</sub>
Period: 91 Date of teaching:

Class: 7A1,2

<b>Period: 91</b>

<b>Lesson: B (3,4 ) WHAT’S ON?</b>
<b>I. Aims and Objectives:</b>

<b> * Language content: </b>

- To introduce some new words relating to the popular TV programs.
- To enable the sts to talk about TV programs they like to see.

<b> * Language function:</b>

- To help the students to talk about common programs on TV today
<b> * Educational aim: </b>

- To educate the students aware of the important roles of TV and know how to
choose suitable programs for them.

<b> 1. Language:</b>

a. Vocabulary: contest, contestant, audience, show, perform, satellite TV, cable
TV, import.

b. Structures: <i>What kinds of programs do you like?</i>
<i> I like programs about…………</i>

<i> Teenagers like to listen to the latest pop music.</i><b> </b>
<b> 2. Skills : Integrated skills.</b>

3.Education factor: Knowing to arrange a timetable suitably for entertainment.
<b>II. Teacher and students’ preparation:</b>

<b> 1. Method: Communicative approach </b>

2. Techniques: Repetition, Explanation ,pair work.
3. Materials needed: Text - book , flash cards,
4. Students’ preparation: picture, new lesson

5. Previous exercises: reread and prepare vocabulary.
<b>III. Procedure in class:</b>

1. Stabilization: <i>(2 ms)</i>
a. Warm – up: Greeting

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=18>

<b> *Questions: </b>

Has the student answer the questions:
<i>a. What is on TV tonight? </i>

<i>b. What kinds of programs do you like? </i>
<i>c. Are they interesting? </i>

3. Presentation of the new materials:

time Teacher’s activities Students’activities The content of the new



<b>I ./Lead_in </b>

- Shows 3 pictures of
music bands and asks:
<i>. Who are they? </i>

<i>. What are their names? </i>
<i>. What kinds of music do</i>
<i>they perform? </i>

- Explains the picture of “
<i>To the peak of the</i>

-Says and introduces the
situation .

<b>II./Pre-pratice </b>

1 Writes and teaches
<b>the words </b>

- contest (n.) (picture)
- contestant (n) :

-audience: (n.) : (picture)
- shows: (n) : (explain)
- import (n) (explain)
- include (v) :


- satellite TVT

- cable TV :

<b>2 Checks the meanings</b>
<b>of the words : </b>

-Answer the Q

-Listen and know the
title and aims of the
lesson .Write the title of
the lesson

-Listen ,repeat, guess
the meaning and then
copy down

<b>UNIT: 14</b>

<b>Period: 91</b>
<b>Lesson: B (3,4 )</b>

<b>WHAT’S ON?</b>

<b>1 * Writes and teaches </b>
<b>the words</b>

- contest (n.) (picture)
- contestant (n) :

-audience: (n.) : (picture)
- shows: (n) : (explain)
- import (n) (explain)
- include (v)

- satellite TVT

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=19>


- Using picture,
definition, family words.

<b>3 Grammar </b>
- Reminds:

*: What kinds of programs

<i><b>do you like?</b></i>

<i>- I like programs</i>

<i><b>* Teenagers like to listen to</b></i>
<i><b>the latest pop music. </b></i>
<b>III/ Controlled-practice</b>
<b>-Asks the sts to read the</b>
text and answer some

<i>. What do teenagers like</i>
<i>to hear and show? </i>

<i>. Who are the contestant</i>
<i>in contest programs? </i>
<i>. What do imports usually</i>
<i>include? </i>

- Asks them to practice
with their partner, ask
and answer the questions.
* Asks them to look at
the exercise 4, read and
complete the passage.
Use the words in the box.
- Has them practice with
their partner and then
complete the passage.
- Calls some to read the


- Corrects and gives

- Look at the picture,
listen to the definition
or give the words basing
on their relating


- Take notes.

- Read and answer the

- Practice in pairs.

- Read and complete
the passage.

- Practice with their

- Listen and take notes.

- cable TV :

<b>2 Grammar </b>

*: What kinds of programs

<i><b>do you like?</b></i>

<i>- I like programs</i>

<i><b>* Teenagers like to listen to</b></i>
<i><b>the latest pop music. </b></i>

<b>3. Answer the questions:</b>
<i><b>a. They like to hear and </b></i>
<i><b>see the latest pop music </b></i>
<i><b>and see the shows of their</b></i>
<i><b>favorites artists. </b></i>

<i><b>b. They are students, </b></i>
<i><b>workers and family </b></i>
<i><b>members. </b></i>

<i><b>c. Imports usually include</b></i>
<i><b>police and hospital series</b></i>
<i><b>4. Complete the passage: </b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=20>



<b>IV/Free- practice:</b>

-Asks the sts to tell some
advantages of some TV
programs in your country.
Ex: <i>They help us get more</i>
<i>information in the whole</i>
<i>world……… or know a lot</i>
<i>of …………</i>

<b>V./ Consolidation</b>

-Asks them to
summarize the content of
the lesson and then give
the following family
words: contest, imports,
pop music.

- Tell some advantages
of TV programs.

- Summarize and give
words relating to them.

<i><b>(10) possible</b></i>

4/ Homework: <i>3ms </i>

Asks the sts to write down on their notebooks
-Learn the lesson well

- Review Unit 13, 14.



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