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Giao an Anh 6

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Week 01 – Period 01 Date: 15 - 08 - 2010

Lesson 1:


<b>I / Aims: Help students : </b>

- use the book “English 6”

- greet the teacher and greet each other

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:</b>
- Know how to learn with the book “English 6”.

- Use the workbook, exercise book.
- Greet the teacher ; greet each other.

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, posters, tape,

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’</sub></b>

<b>1. Warm up.</b>


- What’s today?

- What’s the date today?
- How are you today?
<b>2. Presentation</b>

a. Introduce the text book
- What’s the title of the book?
- How many units are there?
- What are they about?

b. How to learn
- Give directions:

+ How to use the workbook, exercise book
+ Learn by heart new words

+ Use the structures and make sentences
with them

+ Use the notebook.
c. Greeting

- Give directions: how to greet the teacher
and greet each other:

+ Hello!

Answer the


<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

+ Hi!

+ Good morning/ afternoon/ evening!
+ Goodbye!

+ Good night!
<b>3. Practice</b>

- Practice greeting the teacher/ each other
<b>4. Homework</b>

Prepare lesson 1 (Unit 1)

- T – whole class
- Work in pairs

Week 01 – Period 02 Date: 16 – 08 - 2010

Unit 1: Greeting

Lesson 1: A 1 -> 4

<b>I / Aims: Help students : </b>
- introduce themselves

- greet the teacher and greet each other
- practice listening, speaking skills

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

- Greet the teacher ; greet each other.
- Number : 0 -> 5

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, posters, tape,

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up.</b>


0 oh
1 four
2 one
3 two
4 five

5 three
<b>2. Presentation</b>

a. Pre - teach

- Hi = Hello ( synonym)
- a name (eg)

- my (eg)

b. Dialogue build
Dialogue 1:

<i>Lan : Hi, I’m Lan.</i>
<i>Nga : Hi, I’m Nga.</i>
Dialogue 2:

<i>Ba : hello, my name ‘s Ba.</i>
<i>Nam : Hello, my name’s Nam</i>
<i><b>c. Model sentences:</b></i>

- I am Lan. (I’m Lan)

- My name is Nam. ( My name’s Nam)
<i><b>* Check concept:</b></i>

- In Vietnamese?

- When do you use these sentences?
- What do “am” and “is” mean?

- Do we say “I am” or “I is”?

- Do we say “ My name am” or “ My name is”?
- Listen and notice the intonation.

<b>3. Practice</b>

- Tell about Ss’ names


- Guess the meaning,
listen, read, write

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

<b>4. Production</b>
Phone numbers

- Read the rest of numbers:
+ 012541 + 032510
+ 425103 + 314215
+ 142350

<b>4. Homework</b>

Do exercise 1,2 (workbook)

- Work in groups of 4:
Introduce themselves
to others.


5 Ss from each team:

take turn writes the
numbers on the

Week 01 – Period 03 Date: 16 – 08 - 2010
Unit 1: Greeting

Lesson 2


A 5 -> 8

<b>I / Aims: Help students : </b>

- ask about health

- practice listening, speaking skills

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:</b>
- Ask about health

- Number : 6 -> 10

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, posters, tape,

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up.</b>

Jumbled words

- wto = two - ho = oh
- etrhe = three - rofu = four
- ifev = five - eno = one
<b>2. Presentation</b>

a. Pre - teach
- Mr (eg)

- Mrs (eg)
- Miss (eg)

- fine (situation)
- to thank (situation)

b. Rub out and remember the dialogue
<i>Ba: Hi, Lan.</i>

<i>Lan : Hello, Ba.</i>
<i>Ba : How are you?</i>

<i>Lan : I’m fine.Thank you. And you?</i>
<i>Ba : Fine, thanks.</i>

<i><b>c. Model sentences</b></i>
- How are you?

- I’m fine. Thank you.

<b>* check concept:</b>
- In Vietnamese.

- When do you use this question?
- How to answer this question?

- “How you are” or “How are you” ?
- Listen and notice the intonation.
<b>3. Practice</b>

- Do a 6,7

<b>4. Production</b>

- Complete the dialogue:
<i>Linh: Hello, Huong.</i>

<i>Huong: …………., ………….. . How are you?</i>
<i>Linh :…… ………, ……… . And you?</i>
<i>Huong: ………….., ………</i>

- Matching



- Guess the meaning,
listen, read, write


- Remember the
dialogue and write

-Answer the concept
checking questions.

- Work in pairs
- Write down

- Work in pairs

- Make similar

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=6>

<b>4. Homework</b>

Do exercise 3,4 (workbook)


Match the words with
the meaning.

Week 02 – Period 04 Date: 17 – 08 - 2010

Unit 1: Greeting

Lesson 3


B 1,2,3

<b>I / Aims: Help students : </b>

- know how to use “Good morning/ afternoon…” to greet each

- use “to be” with the personal pronoun “we”
- practice 4 skills

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:</b>
- greet each other using “Good morning/ afternoon…”

- Use “we’re” to talk about us.

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, posters, tape,

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up.</b>


f i v e g t o

s n t w o f n

e i g h t o e

o n x o e u v

t e n o n r e

t h r e e x s

* Key:

-> Five, two, eight, ten, three
Nine, ten, four, one

Six seven one
<b>2. Presentation</b>

a. Pre - teach
- Good morning

- Good afternoon pictures
- Good evening

- Good night
- Goodbye (eg)
- children (eg)
b. Presentation

# Rebuilt the dialogue (use a picture):
- Miss Hoa: Good morning, children.
- Children: Good morning, Miss Hoa.
- Miss Hoa: How are you?

- Children: We’re fine, thank you. How are

- Miss Hoa: fine, thanks. Goodbye.
- Children : Bye.

# Check Ss’ guessing
<b>3. Practice</b>

Picture drill


- Guess the meaning,
listen, read, write

- Listen to the tape,
fill in the blanks.

- Speak out sentence
by sentence

- Work in pairs
- Write down

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>

<b>4. Production</b>

Make similar dialogues
<b>5 . Homework</b>

Do exercise 5,6 (workbook)

- Work in pairs

- Make similar

Week 02 – Period 05 Date: 20 – 08 - 2010
Unit 1: Greeting

Lesson 4



<b>I / Aims: Help students : </b>

- revise the greetings
- practice 4 skills

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:</b>
- revise how to greet one another

- number : 11-> 15

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, posters, tape,

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up.</b>


- Read 5 numbers(from 0 -> 10)

<b>2. Presentation</b>
a. Pre - teach
- eleven : 11
- twelve : 12
- thirteen : 13
- fourteen : 14
- fifteen : 15

<b>* Check vocab: Slap the board</b>
b. Presentation B4

Nga and Lan are greeting each other
<i>- Complete the dialogue:</i>

<i> Lan : Good afternoon, Nga.</i>
<i>Nga : ……. ……….., Lan.</i>
<i>Lan : How are you?</i>

<i>Nga : ….. ….. …….., ………….. . ……..</i>

<i>Lan : Fine, thanks.</i>
<i>Nga :Googbye.</i>
<i>Lan : ………… .</i>
<b>3. Practice</b>
Picture drill

Eg : - S1 : seven and eight
- S2 : fifteen

<b>4. Production</b>

<i>Ordering vocabulary</i>

Work individually:
- Write numbers from

-> ten

- Listen to the teacher,
find out 5 numbers
- Guess the meaning,
listen, read, write

- Teamwork:
- Work in pairs
- Write down

- Work in pairs
7+8 10 +

2 5 + 6 7 + 5

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=10>

- Read: six, twelve, two, five, thirteen, eight,
eleven, four, fourteen, seven, ten, fifteen, one,
three, oh, nine

<b>5. Homework</b>

Do exercise 7,8 (workbook)

Write numbers 0 ->
15 in their notebook
then order

Week 02 – Period 06 Date: 22 – 08 - 2010
Unit 1: Greeting

Lesson 5



<b>I / Aims: Help students : </b>

- ask and answer about ages
- introduce someone

- practice 4 skills

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:</b>
- ask and answer about ages

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=11>

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, posters, tape,

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up.</b>

Shark attack

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (fourteen)
<b>2. Presentation</b>

a. Pre - teach
- sixteen : 16
- seventeen : 17
- eighteen : 18
- nineteen : 19
- twenty: 20

- telephone numbers (eg)
<b>* Check vocab: Matching</b>

b. Presentation dialogue A3 (P18)
- Listen to the tape

# What does Miss Miss Hoa ask Lan
<i><b>c. Model sentences</b></i>

1. - How old are you?
- I’m twelve years old.
<b>* Concept check:</b>

- In Vietnamese?

- When do you use this question?

- “ How are you? ” or “How old are you?”
2.- What’s your telephone number?

- 38613091.
<b>* Concept check:</b>

- In Vietnamese?

- When do you use this question?
- “What ” or “What’s”?

<b>3. Practice</b>

<i>a. Word - cue drill</i>

- Play the game
“Shark attack”

- Guess the meaning,
listen, read, write

- listen to the tape.
- Speak out the model

- Answer the concept
checking questions

Answer the concept
checking questions
- Work in pairs: ask
and answer about the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=12>

<i>b. Telephone numbers</i>

- Give some telephone numbers.

+ 38553467 + 36890513
+ 0912830214 + 0904651493
+ 3 6868934 + o123683026
<b>4. Production</b>


<b>Name</b> <b>Age</b> <b>Telephone numbers</b>
Phong 12 36892135

Nga 11 38611651

……….. ….. ………

<b>5. Homework</b>

Do exercise 9,10 (workbook)

- Work in pairs: ask
and answer about the
telephone numbers.

Work in groups of 4 to
make a survey

Week 03 – Period 07 Date: 30– 08 - 2010
Unit 2 : at school

Lesson 1


A1 -> 4

<b>I / Aims: Help students : </b>

- understand the classroom imperatives and the teacher’s

- practice 4 skills

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=13>

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, posters, tape,

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up.</b>

Noughts and crosses
9 - 5 20 - 7 10 +

17 +

1 6 + 5 8 : 4
3 - 3 6 x 3 5 + 3

<b>2. Presentation</b>
a. Pre - teach

- to come in
- to sit down

- to stand up actions
- to open

- to close

<b>* Check vocab: Slap the board</b>
- đi vào - đứng lên

- mởra - đóng vào
- ngồi xuống

b. Presentation A1 (P20)
- Look at the pictures

<b>3. Practice</b>

- A2 (P 21) : Matching
- Teacher mimes:

+ open the book
+ …………

- Play the game “Simon says” (A3 – P22)
<b>4. Production</b>

<i>Mapped dialogue</i>

- Teamwork : play the

- Guess the meaning,
listen, read, write

- Teamwork

- Listen and repeat
- Work in groups:
Match the pictures
with the commands
- Ss speak out:

+ Open the book

- One S says

- Others do

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=14>

<b>Miss Hoa</b> <b>Children</b>
... morning !

…….morning, Miss


Fine, ………..Sit

Yes, Miss
And open

Yes Miss
<b>5. Homework</b>

Do exercise 1,2 (workbook)

Make the full dialogue

Week 03 – Period 08 Date: 30– 08 - 2010
Unit 2 : at school

Lesson 2


B1, 2

<b>I / Aims: Help students : </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=15>

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use</b>
the question “Where” in the simple present to ask and answer about
where they live.

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, posters, tape,


<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up.</b>


1 C O S

2 I

3 E Y

4 P N

<b>2. Presentation</b>
a. Pre - teach

- to live (eg + translation)
- a street (picture)

- a house (drawing)
- a city (picture)

- a village (picture)

<b>* Check vocab: Matching</b>
b. Set the scene:

- Look at the pictures (P23)

- Build the dialogue and write on the board.
- Rub out and remember the dialogue

c. Model sentences:
- Where do you live ?

<i>- I live on Tran Phu Street.</i>
<i> in a house.</i>

<i> in the city.</i>
<i> in the village.</i>
<b>* Concept check:</b>
- In Vietnamese?

- Is “where” a question word ?

- What does “do” mean in this question?

- Teamwork : play the

- Guess the meaning,
listen, read, write

- Teamwork; Match
the pictures with the

- Listen

- Listen and repeat
- Speak out the model

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=16>

- “ Where you live ?” or “Where do you live ?”
<b># Notice: on Tran Phu Street</b>

in the city/ village
<b>3. Practice</b>

Word – cue drill

a/ Ba Trieu Street b/ a village
c/ Ho Chi Minh City d/ Hang Dao

e/ a house

<b>4. Production</b>

<b>Name …old…?</b> <b>……. Live ….</b>
Phong 12 Dai Ang Village

Nga 11 Tan Phu Street
……….. ….. ………
<b>5. Homework</b>

Do exercise 3,4 (workbook)

-Work in pairs :ask
and answer about
where they live.

Week 03 – Period 09 Date: 01 – 09 - 2010
Unit 2 : at school

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=17>

<b>I / Aims: Help students : </b>

- talk about their names and how to spell them
- practice 4 skills

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: </b>
- ask and answer about their names

- use the alphabet to spell their names

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, posters, tape,

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up.</b>

Shark attack

1. _ _ _ _ _ (HOUSE) 4. _ _ _ _ _ (CLOSE)
2. _ _ _ _ _ _ ( STREET) 5. _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3. _ _ _ _ (OPEN)


<b>2. Presentation</b>
a. Pre - teach

- to spell (translation)

- the alphabet (eg: a,b,c)
b. Presentation

- Rub out and remember dialogue B4 (P 24)
<i><b>c. Model sentences:</b></i>

- What’s your name?
<i>- My name is Hoa.</i>
<i>- How do you spell it?</i>
<i>- H - O - A.</i>

<b>* Concept check:</b>
- In Vietnamese?

- When do we use this question ?

- “ How are…. ?” or “How do you….. ?”
<b>3. Practice</b>

B5 – P25

<b>4. Production</b>

<i>Make similar dialogues.</i>
<b>5. Homework</b>

Do exercise 5,6(workbook)

- Teamwork : Guess
the words

- Guess the meaning,
listen, read, write

- Speak out the model

- Answer the cocept
checking questions.

- Work in pairs.
- Write down.

-Work in pairs :ask
and answer about
their real names .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=18>

Unit 2 : at school

Lesson 4



<b>I / Aims: Help students : </b>

- talk about people and things at school using : This/ That…
- practice 4 skills

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: </b>
- use “This / That” in positive statements

- use Yes/ No question to talk about people and things at school.

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, posters, tape,

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up& revision</b>

Lucky numbers
1. How old are you?
2. Where do you live?
3. What’s your name?

4. How do you spell your name?
5. What’s your village’s name?
<b>2. Presentation</b>

a. Pre - teach
- a student (eg)
- a teacher (eg)
- a school (visual)
- a class (visual)
- a desk (realia)

b. Presentation text C1’
# Rebuild sentences:

- I’m a student.
- This is my school.
- That’s my class.
<i><b>c. Model sentences:</b></i>
# This is my school.
<i> That’s my desk.</i>
<b>* Concept check:</b>
- In Vietnamese?

- When do we use “This” ? “That” ?
<i># Is this your desk? – Yes, it is.</i>
<i> Is that your school? - No, it isn’t</i>

- Teamwork

- Guess the meaning,
listen, read, write

- Listen to the tape.
- Listen and repeat.
- Speak out the model

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=19>

<b>* Concept check:</b>
- In Vietnamese?

- Is there a question word in this question ?
- Is it the “Yes – No ” question?

- How to answer this question?
<b>3. Practice</b>

Ask and answer about real things in the

<b>4. Production</b>

Make questions and answer about real things
in and aroud the classroom.

<b>5. Homework</b>

Do exercise 7,8(workbook)

- Work in pairs.

- Is this your

- Yes, it is. / No, it

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=20>

Week 04 – Period 11 Date: 02 – 09 - 2010
Unit 2 : at school

Lesson 5



<b>I / Aims: Help students : </b>

- use the question “What’s this/ that?”
- practice 4 skills

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use</b>
the question “What’s this/ that?” and the answer “ It’s a/ an…”to talk
about things at school.

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, posters, tape,

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up& revision</b>

Shark attack

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( CLASSROOM)
<b>2. Presentation</b>

a. Pre - teach

- a door - a school bag

- a window - a pencil

- a board - a ruler
- a clock - an eraser
- a waste basket

<b>* Check vocab : Matching </b>

b. Presentation

# Dialogue build
- What is this?
- It’s a door.

<i><b>c. Model sentences:</b></i>
<i>- What’s this?</i>

<i> that?</i>
<i>- It’s a door.</i>
<i> an eraser.</i>
<b>* Concept check:</b>
- In Vietnamese?

- Guess the word.

- Guess the meaning,
listen, read, write

-Teamwork : Match
the words with the

- Build the dialogue.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=21>

- When do we use this question?
- “What ” or “What’s”

- How to answer this question?
<i>- “a door” or “ an door” ?</i>

<b>3. Practice</b>

- Picture – drill C2 – P29.

- Write down C3 – P 29
<b>4. Production</b>

Noughts & crosses

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9


<i>S1 : Number 5</i>

<i>S2 : What’s that? (T reveals real object)</i>
<i>S1 :It’s an eraser.</i>

<i>S2 :How do you spell it?</i>
<i>S1 : E - R – A – S –E – R </i>
<b>5. Homework</b>

Do exercise 9,10(workbook)

checking questions.

- Work in pairs.

- What’s this/ that?.
- It’s a/ an….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=22>

Week 04 – Period 12 Date: 04 – 09 - 2010
Unit 3 : at home

Lesson 1



<b>I / Aims: Help students : </b>

- use the question “What are these/ those?”
- practice 4 skills

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use</b>
the question “What are these/ those?” to talk about things at in the
living room, in the house.

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, posters, tape,

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up& revision</b>







w l r u l e r b

* Key: pen, ruler window, board
pencil, pen, desk, door, school, clock,

<b>2. Presentation</b>
a. Pre - teach

- a lamp (picture)

- a bookshelf (picture)

- a chair (realia)

- a couch (picture)
- an armchair (picture)

- a table (realia)

- Teamwork : pick out
the words they’ve

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=23>

- a clock (realia)
<b>* Check vocab : Matching </b>
b. Presentation

# Revise: How to ask about the names of

# Set the scene : Look at the pictures. How to
ask the names of them?

<i><b>c. Model sentences:</b></i>

<i>- What are these? - They are tables.</i>
<i> those ?</i>

<b>* Concept check:</b>
- In Vietnamese?

- When do we use this question?

- Are there many things there?
- “ What are…” os “What is …”?
<i>- “this” or “ these” ?</i>

<b>3. Practice</b>

- Give a picture of a living room.

<b>4. Production</b>
A2 – P31

Make example exchange:

- What’s this? - It’s a/ an ………

- What are these/ those ? – They are…………
<b>5. Homework</b>

Do exercise A1,2(workbook)

-Teamwork : Match
the words with the

- What’s this/ that?
- It’s a/ an….

- Speak out the model

- Answer the concept
checking questions.

- Work in pairs: Ask
and answer about
things in the living


- What’s these/ those?.
- They are chairs.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=24>

Week 05 – Period 13 Date: 04 – 09 - 2010
Unit 3 : at home

Lesson 2



<b>I / Aims: Help students : </b>

- use the possessive adjectives
- talk about their family members
- practice 4 skills

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk</b>
about family members using:

- the question “Who’s this/ that?”
- the possessive adjectives

- family

<b>vocab-III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, posters, tape,

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up& revision</b>

Noughts & crosses

<b>2. Presentation</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=25>

a. Pre - teach

- my - mother = mom/ mum
our - father = dad

your - sister
her - brother



<b>* Check vocab : Write family membess under</b>
the pictures of the family.

b. Presentation
# Grid : Ba’s family

<b>Tªn</b> <b>Quan hƯ</b> <b>Ti</b> <b>NghỊ nghiƯp</b>

Ba 11 a student

Ha Father a teacher

Nga Mother a teacher

Lan Sister 15 a student
<i><b># Dialogue build:</b></i>

- Who is that?

- That is his mother.
- What’s her name?
- Her name’s Nga.

- How many people are there in your family?
- There are four people in my family.

<b>3. Practice</b>

- Word – cue drill
a. Nga / 35

b. Ha / 40
c. Lan / 15

<b>4. Production</b>

Draw family tree then ask and answer about
names, ages…

<b>5. Homework</b>

Do exercise A3, 4 (workbook)

- Guess the meaning,
listen, read, write

- Write in groups of 4.

- Listen and repeat
- Fill in the grid.

- Look at the pictures:
Guess the use of the
questions and

- Work in groups of 4:

. Who is that?

. That is her mother
. What’s her name?
. Her name’s Nga.
.How old is she/
. She is 35

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=26>

Week 05 – Period 14 Date: 20 – 09 - 2010
Unit 3 : at home

Lesson 3



<b>I / Aims: Help students : </b>

- use numbers 21 -> 100

- ask and answer about number of things
- practice 4 skills

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk</b>
about family members using:

- use numbers 21 -> 100

- ask and answer about number of things in the classroom, living
room, house… using the question “How many ?” and the
answer “There is / are…”

- pronounce plural nouns: /s/ ; /z/ ; /iz /

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, posters, tape,

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up& revision</b>

Board drill
A, B, C, D….Z

- T asks: What’s number 2?
<b>2. Presentation</b>

a. Pre - teach
- number 21 -> 100

- a bench -> benches (realia)

- a bookcase = a bookshelf (synonym)
- how many (translation)

- there is/ are

- Teamwork :

-> answer : B

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=27>

b. Presentation

# Listen and repeat B3-P27
<i><b>c. Model sentences:</b></i>

- How many desks are there in the classroom?
- There is one.

- There are ten.
<i><b>* Concept check:</b></i>
- In Vietnamese?

- When do you use this question?
- “How many door” or “doors”?
- “are there ” or “there are”?
<b>3. Practice</b>

- Ask and answer about the items:
- in the classroom. (B2)
- in the living room (B5)

<b>4. Production</b>

- Give numbers of things in their house to
make survey.

- The pronunciation of “s”

/s/ /z/ /iz/

desks rulers benches
students tables couches

books doors houses

lamps windows
<b>5. Homework</b>

Do exercise B 1,2,3 (workbook)

- Listen to the tape
and repeat.

- Give out the model

- Answer the concept
checking questions.

- Work in pairs:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=28>

Week 05 – Period 15 Date: 20 – 09 - 2010
Unit 3 : at home

Lesson 4



<b>I / Aims: Help students : </b>

- talk about other’s jobs
- practice 4 skills

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to </b>
- ask and answer about other’s jobs

- use question “What does she/ he do ?”

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, posters, tape,

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up& revision</b>


- Give a picture of a family

- Ask the SS to ask about the people in the

<b>2. Presentation</b>
a. Pre - teach

- Work in groups of 4:
Ask and answer

+ Who is this?
+ It’s my father.
+ What’s his name?
+ His name’s……….
+ How old is he?

+ He is……….. year

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=29>

- a doctor (picture)

- a nurse (picture & explanation)
<i><b>c. Model sentences:</b></i>

Give a picture and ask:
- What does he do ?
- He is a doctor.

- What does she do ?
- She is a nurse.
<i><b>* Concept check:</b></i>
- In Vietnamese?

- What do you use this question for?
- What “is he do” or “does he do”?

- What is the main verb in this question?
<b>3. Practice</b>

- C2 – P39

<b>4. Production</b>

Ask and answer about each person:
- Name

- Age
- Jobs

<b>5. Homework</b>

Do exercise C1,2 (workbook)

listen, read, write

- Give out the model

- Answer the concept
checking questions.

- Work in pairs:

Ask and answer about

these people’s jobs:
+ What does he /she

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=30>

Week 05 – Period 16 Date: 20 – 09 - 2010
Unit 3 : at home

Lesson 5



<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- understand the text about family
- write about family

- practice 4 skills, mainly reading skill.

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk</b>
about family members using:

- read the text about the family
- write about family

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, posters, tape,

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up & revision</b>

Jumbled word

1. ATFHRE (father) 2. OEBTRHR

3. EISSTR (sister) 4. OETMRH

5. MAYLIFI (family)

-> What are these words about ?
<b>2. Pre - reading</b>

a. Pre - teach

- an engineer (example)

- Teamwork : write
meaningful words.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=31>

<i><b> b. Open prediction</b></i>

Member How old… ? Job



3. While – reading

- Read the text and check their prediction
- Answer the questions:

Lucky numbers
4. Production

- How many people……….?
- Name

- Age
- Job

<b>5. Homework</b>

- Write about their family

- Do exercise C3,4 (workbook)

- Teamwork: Play the

- Work in groups of

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=32>

Week 06 – Period 17 Date: 26 – 09 - 2010

Grammar practice

<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- revise how to use “ to be ” ; imperatives; question words; there
is/ are…

- practice 4 skills

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to :</b>
- practice “to be”

- use question words
- revise numbers

- use “There is/ are” to talk about furniture vocab.

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, posters, tape,

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’</sub></b>


<b>1. Warm up& revision</b>






<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=33>



<b>2. Practice</b>
a. To be

- Exercise 1,2,3 (P40) : Gap – fill
- Noughts & crosses

I …………. a

My mother
and father
She …………
my friend.
There ………

four people in
my family.

They ………

sisters. Mr Ha ………an engineer.
We ……….. in

the yard. This …… Nga. She ……….. my friend.
<i><b>b. Imperatives</b></i>

- Exercise 4 (P40)
- Exercise 5 (P41)
<i><b>C. Question words</b></i>

- Exercise 6 (P41) : Gap -fill

- Give a reading text and answer given:

<i>“ Lan is a student. She is twelve years old.</i>
<i>There are four people in her family. Her</i>
<i>father, her mother, her brother and her…”</i>

+ student + four

+ twelve + Lan
<i><b>d. Numbers</b></i>

- Read some numbers
- Exercise 7,8,9 (P42)
e. Furniture

Guessing game : Example exchange
- Is it a television?

- Yes, it is.
- Is it a chair ?
- No, it isn’t.

- Teamwork: Play
the game

- Write on the board
and check with the
whole class.

- Work in pairs.

- Do exercise 6
(P41) individually.
- Some SS speak out
before the class.
- Work in groups of


Make questions for
the answer given.

- Write down

- Do Exercise 7,8,9

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=34>

<b>5. Homework</b>

- Prepare for the test 1
- Do test yourselves

Week 06 – Period 18 Date: 01 – 10 - 2010
Written test 1

<b>I / Aims: Check students’ : </b>

- vocabulary : greeting, school, home
- skills : listening, writing, reading

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>
finish the test using: - the verbs in correct form

- question words
- vocab.

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Paper test

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’</sub></b>

<b>Content of the test</b>

1. Listen to the text, fill in the missing

2. Give the correct form of “to be” in the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=35>

complete the sentences.

4. Make questions for the underlined words
5. Read the text, answer the questions

6. (For class 6A) Write a paragraph to
introduce your family (about 5 – 10

Week 07 – Period 19 Date: 05 – 10 - 2009
Check the test

<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- find out and check their mistakes

- practice more about the forms of the verb “to be”.

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to </b>
- find out and check their mistakes themselves

- practice using “ to be”

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, posters, …
<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’</sub></b>

<b>1. Warm up </b>

Chatting: - greeting

- talk about health

- ask how they did their test

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=36>

<b>2. Check the test</b>

- Write on the board some typical mistakes SS
made in their test:

+ Exercise 2:

2. There is two desks….
3. She is my teacher?
+ Exercise 3:

1. I live in Le Loi Street.
2. He ten years old.

5. How many tables there are in the room?
- Elicit the correction from the SS

3. Revision

- Revise some model sentences:

a. - How many students are in your class ?
- There is one.

- There are thirty – two.
b.- what does she/ he do?
- She/ He is a doctor.

4. Practice

Make questions for the underlined words:
1. There are four chairs in the room.

2. Lan is twelve years old.
3. Mr Binh is an engineer.
4. Her name’s Nga.

5. They live in a village.
<b>5. Homework</b>

Prepare : Unit 4- A1,2

- Read each
sentence carefully.
- Find out and
correct their

- Rewrite the model

- Write the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=37>

Week 07 – Period 20 Date: 05 – 10 - 2010
Unit 4 : big or small

Lesson 1



<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- talk about their school

- practice 4 skills, mainly listening skill.

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>
- describe their school

- Practice in possessive (‘s)

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, posters, tape,

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’</sub></b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=38>


I you she he Thu

My your her his Thu’s

<b>2. Pre - listening</b>

a. Pre - teach

- big(adj)>< small (adj)

- in the city >< in the country
b. Prediction



Thu’s school
Phong’s school

in the country in the

3. While – listening

<i><b>a. Listen to the tape : A1</b></i>

<i><b>b. Comprehension questions: A2</b></i>
<i><b>c. Model sentences:</b></i>

- Is Phong’s school small?
- Yes, it is

- Is Thu’s school small?
- No, it isn’t.

<i><b>* Concept check:</b></i>
- In Vietnamese?
- Is this a question?

- Is there a question word in this sentence?
- How to answer this question?

4. Post- listening
<i><b>a. Word – cue drill</b></i>
1. Phong’s school/ big?
2. Thu’s school / small?
3. Your school/ city?
4. Your house/ country?
<i><b>b. Hold something up</b></i>

- Teamwork :

- Guess the
meaning, listen,
read, write down

- Predict and match

- Listen and check
their prediction.
- Ask and answer
the questions in

- Answer the
concept checking

- Work in groups of
4: Make questions
and answer.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=39>

<b>5. Homework</b>

- Do exercise A1,2 (workbook)
- Prepare A3,4,5

Week 07 – Period 21 Date: 05 – 10 - 2010
Unit 4 : big or small

Lesson 2



<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- use school vocab

- practice 4 skills, mainly reading skill.

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read</b>
comprehension to understand details and get futher practice in
number and school vocabulary.

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, posters, tape,

cassette, cards.

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=40>

<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’</sub></b>

<b>1. Warm up </b>


- Elicit and list numbers:
6, 8, 12, 28, 100, …

- Read 5 numbers
<b>2. Pre - reading</b>
<i><b>Open - prediction</b></i>

400 (students of Phong’s school)
900 (students of Thu’s school)

8 (classrooms of Phong’s school)
20 (classrooms of Thu’s school)
3. While – reading

<i><b>a. Reading A3</b></i>
<i><b>b. Answer given</b></i>

1. in the city (Where is Phong’s school?)

<i>2. 8 (How many classes are there in Phong’s</i>

3.400 (How many students are there in


4. in the country (Where is Thu’s school?)
5. No, it isn’t. It is big. (Is it small?)

6. 20 (How many classes are there in Thu’s

7. 900 (How many students are there in Thu’s

4. Post- reading

<i><b>a. Do exercise A4 (P46)</b></i>

<i><b>b. Write about your own school</b></i>
<b>5. Homework</b>

- Do exercise A3,4,5(workbook)
- Prepare B

- Find out 5

numbers they hear

- Guess what the
numbers are

To do with school:
students, teachers,
desks, classes,…
- Read the text and
check their

- Work in pairs :
Make questions to
the answer given

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=41>

Week 08 – Period 22 Date: 10 – 10 -

Unit 4 : big or small

Lesson 3



<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- use cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers

- ask and answer the question “which grade/ class…?”
- practice 4 skills, mainly reading skill.

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>
- listen to a dialogue about school to understand the details
- practice cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=42>

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, posters, tape,
cassette, cards

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’</sub></b>

<b>1. Warm up </b>


- Is your school in the city or in the country?
- Is your school big or small?

- How many classrooms are there in your

- How many classes are there in your school?
- How many students are there in your


- How many teachers are there in your

<b>2. Pre - listening</b>
a. Pre - teach
- a floor ( picture)

the first floor
the second floor
the third floor

- a grade (eg: 6A, 6B, 6C, 6D )

- 1st<sub> : the first 6</sub>th<sub> : the sixth </sub>
2nd<sub> : the second 7</sub>th<sub> : the seventh</sub>
3rd<sub> : the third 8</sub>th<sub> : the eighth</sub>
4th<sub> : the fourth 9</sub>th<sub> : the ninth</sub>
5th<sub> : the fifth 10</sub>th<sub> : the tenth</sub>
* Check vocab: Matching

b. Predict the dialogue

<i>Thu: Hello, which grade are you in?</i>
<i>Phong: I’m in grade………..</i>

<i>Thu: And which class are you in?</i>
<i>Phong: ……….. What about you?</i>

<i>Thu: I’m in grade……… class……... . How</i>
many floors does your school have?

<i>Phong: ………. . It’s a small school.</i>

<i>Thu: My school has ………… floors and my</i>

- Talk with the
teacher and the
whole class

- Guess the
meaning, listen,
read, write down

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=43>

classroom is on the …………. Floor. Where’s
your classroom?

<i>Phong: It’s on the ……….. floor.</i>
3. While – listening

<i><b>a. Listen to the tape : B1</b></i>

<i><b>b. Complete the dialogue : B5</b></i>

<i><b>c. Model sentences:</b></i>

<i>1. - Which grade are you in?</i>
<i> - I’m in grade 6.</i>

<i>- Which class are you in?</i>
<i>- I’m in class 6A.</i>

<i>2. - How many floors does your school have?</i>
<i> - It has two floors.</i>

<i><b>* Concept check:</b></i>
1. - In Vietnamese?

- When do we use this question?
- “which grade” or “what grade”?
- How to answer this question?
2. – In Vietnamese?

- When do we use this question?

- What does “have” mean in this question?
- It “have” or “has” ?

4. Post- listening
<i><b> Word – cue drill</b></i>
1. Huy/ 6/ 6C/ 4 floors
2. Thu / 7/ 7A / 3 floors
3. Lan 8/ 8B / 2 floors
4. Mai /9/ 9D / 3 floors
<b>5. Homework</b>

- Do exercise B (workbook)
- Prepare C1,2,3

- Listen and check
their prediction.
- Fill in the missing

- Practice the
dialogue in pairs

- Answer the
concept checking

- Work in groups of
4: Make questions
and answer.

Week 08 – Period 23 Date: 10 – 10 -

Unit 4 : big or small

Lesson 4



<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=44>

- talk about habitual actions
- practice 4 skills

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>
- understand the Simple Present tense

- use positive statements with “I, She, He” to talk about habitual

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, posters, tape,
cassette, cards

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’</sub></b>

<b>1. Warm up </b>

Ordering picture

- Give 6 pictures (P49) in wrong order
<b>2. Presentation</b>

a. Pre - teach

- to get up (picture + ex)
- to get dressed (picture)

- to brush your teeth (picture)
- to wash your face (picture)

- to have breakfast (picture + ex)
- to go to school (picture + ex)
<i>* Check vocab: Matching</i>

b. Presentation

<i>- What do you do every morning?</i>
<i>- I get up. – ba gets up.</i>
<i>- I get dressed. – Ba gets dressed.</i>
<i>- I brush my teeth. – Ba brushes his teeth.</i>
<i>* Tell the way to use the verbs with “I / He ”</i>
<b>3. Practice</b>

<i><b>Word – cue drill</b></i>

- ……… up - …………. teeth

-……….. face - ………..

- Teamwork:
rearrange the
pictures in correct

- Guess the
meaning, listen,
read, write down

- Match the
pictures with the

- Tell the
differences in the
verbs with “I / He ”

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=45>


4. Production
-Write it up

<b>5. Homework</b>

- Do exercise C1,2,3 (workbook)
- Prepare C4-> 7

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=46>

Week 08 – Period 24 Date: 10 – 10 -

Unit 4 : big or small

Lesson 5


C4 -> 7

<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- talk about the time
- practice 4 skills

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>

- ask and answer about the time using the questions “What

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, posters, tape,
cassette, cards

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’</sub></b>

<b>1. Warm up </b>

Number dictation

- one ten - four thirty
- six fifteen - five twenty
- eleven forty – five - eight ten
<b>2. Presentation</b>

a. Pre - teach
- the time (eg)

- ten o’clock (visual)
- half past ten (visual)

- to be late for school (situation)
“we’re late for school”

* Check vocab: What & Where
b. Model sentences

* Use the pictures:
<i>- What time is it ?</i>
<i>- It’s eight o’clock.</i>
<i> ten fifteen</i>
<i> half past ten</i>
<i><b>* Concept check:</b></i>
- In Vietnamese?

- What is this question used for?

- Write down:

- 1.10 - 4.40
- 6.15 - 5.20
- 11.45 - 8.10
- Guess the
meaning, listen,
read, write down

- Speak out the
model sentences

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=47>

- What is the question- word?
- “is it” or “it is”?

- Listen and notice the intonation.
<b>3. Practice</b>

<b>Picture - drill</b>

6.45 3.00 5.15
<b>Make example exchange</b>

- get up

- brush your teeth
- wash your face
- have breakfast
- go to school
4. Production
Noughts & crosses

6.10 6.30 6.45

7.00 11.00 11.30

3.15 4.20 5.30

<b>5. Homework</b>

- Do exercise C4,5,6(workbook)

- Prepare Unit 5 – A1,2,3

- Ask and answer
about the time in

- Work in pairs:

<i>- What time do you</i>
<i>get up?</i>

<i>- I get up at six</i>

- Teamwork: ask
and answer about
the time

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=48>

Unit 5 : things I do

Lesson 1



<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- talk about their daily routines
- practice 4 skills

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>

- use WH – Questions with “I/ She / He” and answer with “I/
She ?He”

- talk about daily routines

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, posters, tape,
cassette, cards

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>


<i>-What do you do every morning?</i>
<i>+ get up</i>

<i>+ get dressed</i>

<b>2. Presentation</b>
a. Pre - teach

<i><b>- to play games (picture)</b></i>
- to do your homework (eg)
- to listen to music (picture)

- to watch TV (picture)

- to do the housework (picture)
- to read (mime)

* Check vocab: Slap the board
b. Presentation

* Use the pictures:

<i>- Everyday, I get up at six.</i>

<i> Nga gets up at six.</i>

<i>* Answer the questions :A2 - P53 </i>
<b>3. Practice</b>

<b>a. Substitution drill : </b>

- Teamwork: write
the activities on the

- Guess the meaning,
listen, read, write

- Teamwork

- Listen and read

:A1- P5

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=49>

<b>* Using the pictures of Ba:</b>
- Every day, I get up at six.

I brush my teeth.
I wash my face.
I get dressed.
<b>b. Picture – drill : A3</b>

- What does Ba/ Lan/ Nam ….. do after school?
- She/ He does the housework.

4. Production

Names Activities

Lan Watch television, listen to

<b>5. Homework</b>

- Do exercise A1,2,3 (workbook)
- Prepare Unit 5 – A5,6

- Do the exercise in

S1: I get up.
S2: Ba gets up

- Work in pairs: ask
and answer about
what they do

- Work in groups of

+ What do you do
after school?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=50>

Week 09 – Period 26 Date: 24 – 10 -

Unit 5 : things I do

Lesson 2



<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- use “Yes - No” question to talk about their daily routines
- practice 4 skills

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>
- use “Yes - No” question and short answer

- talk about daily routines

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, posters, tape,
cassette, cards

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>


<i>go do listen</i>

<i>to school homework music</i>

<b>2. Presentation</b>
a. Pre - teach

<i><b>- to play voleyball (picture)</b></i>

- to play soccer / football (picture)
- to play sports (ex)

- a girl (reality)

b. Presentation dialogue
- Listen to the tape.

<i><b>c. Model sentences</b></i>
<i>- Do you play volleyball ?</i>
<i> They</i>

<i>- Yes, I/ they do.</i>
<i>- No, I/ they don’t.</i>

<i>- Does she/ he play volleyball?</i>

- Teamwork:

- Guess the meaning,
listen, read, write

- Listen and
complete the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=51>

<i>- Yes, she/ he does.</i>
<i>- No, she/ he doesn’t.</i>
* Concept check:
- In Vietnamese.

- Is there a question word in this question?
- What kind of question is it?

- How can we answer this question?
<b>3. Practice</b>

- Read the dialogue and fill in the table
Volleyball Soccer

Lan v


- Yes- No question/ answer drill : A6 – P55

4. Production

Find someone who……….
Names Activities

Lan Watches television
listens to music
Plays volleyball

<b>5. Homework</b>

- Do exercise A4,5 (workbook)

- Prepare Unit 5 – B1,2

- Do the exercise
individually then
pairs compare.

- Work in pairs : ask
and answer

- Ask and answer :
+ Do you watch TV?
+ Yes, I do.

+ What’s your

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=52>

Week 09 – Period 27 Date: 24 – 10 -

Unit 5 : things I do

Lesson 3



<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- understand the text about Ba’s daily routine
- practice the simple present tense

- practice 4 skills, mainly reading skill.

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>

- read the text about Ba’s daily routine

- practice the simple present tense

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, posters, cards
<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>

Jumbled words

- OKHUOWSRE (housework)
- CTHAW (watch)

- TISLEN (listen)
- YPLA (play)

- ADER (read)

<b>2. Pre- reading</b>
a. Pre - teach

<i><b>- to take a shower (picture)</b></i>
- to eat (picture)

- to start >< to finish (ex)
- to have lunch (ex)

- to go to bed (eg : What do you do at 10

* Check vocab : what & where

- Teamwork:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=53>

b. Open prediction(P57)
<b>3. While - reading</b>

- Read the text

<b>4. Production</b>

- Ask and answer about Ba’s daily routine:
+ What time does Ba get up?

+ He gets up at six o’clock.
+ ……….

- Interview:

+ What time do you get up?

+ I get up………..

<b>5. Homework</b>

- Do exercise B1,2 (workbook)
- Prepare Unit 5 – B3,4

- Fill in the table
with the time

- Read the text and
check the prediction.
- Work in pairs:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=54>

Week 10 – Period 28 Date: 24 – 10 -

Unit 5 : things I do

Lesson 4



<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- talk about daily routine

- practice the question “What time….? ”
- practice 4 skills.

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>
- practice the question “What time…..?”

- talk about daily routine

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, cards
<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>

Nought & crosses

Get up/ 6.00 Brush… teeth Wash …face
Get dressed Have


Go to school
Have lunch Come home Do…


<b>2. Presentation</b>

<i>- What time does Ba get up?</i>

<i>- He gets up at six o’clock.</i>

- Teamwork:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=55>

<i>- What time do you get up?</i>
<i>- I get up at six o’clock.</i>
3. Practice

- Do B3 – P57

<b>4. Production</b>

- Give some prompts
+ Lan/ get up / 6.30

+ Hoa / go to school/ 6.45
+ You/ have breakfast/ 6.40
+ They/ have lunch/ 11.30

+ Hung and Ba/ play games / 4.30
+ Mai / watch television/ 9.00
+ you/ go to bed/ 10.30

<b>5. Homework</b>

- Do exercise B3,4,5 (workbook)
- Prepare Unit 5 – C1

- Work in pairs: Ask

and answer & write
in groups.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=56>

Week 10 – Period 29 Date: 01 – 11 - 2009
Unit 5 : things I do

Lesson 5


C 1

<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- know about some school subjects
- talk about the school timetable
- practice 4 skills

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>
- use some school subjects with “have/ don’t have

- talk about talk about the school timetable

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, posters, tape,
cassette, cards

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>


h o m e w o R k

s l i s t e N T

T D O P l a Y A




T M u S i c v A

o f i n i s h t

<b>2. Presentation</b>
a. Pre - teach

- Teamwork:
Answer key:

Start, to, old,
sports, take, eat

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=57>

- a timetable (realia)
- Math : (real book)

- Literature (real book)
- History (real book)
- Geography (real book)
- Monday (calendar)

<b>* Check vocab: Rub out and remember</b>
b. Presentation dialogue

<b>- Set the scene : </b>

<i>Use the picture of Ba and Nga : Ba doesn’t</i>
<i>have a timetable, he doesn’t know what they</i>
<i>have today. How can he ask Nga?</i>

- Listen to the tape.
<i><b>c. Model sentences</b></i>
<i>- What do we have today?</i>
<i>- We have English.</i>

<i>- I don’t have my timetable.</i>
<b>* Concept check:</b>

- In Vietnamese.

- When do we use this question?
- “do we have” or “does we have” ?
- How can we answer this question?
<b>3. Practice</b>

- Word cue drill

a. English / 7.00
b. Math / 7.30

c. Literature / 8.40
d. Geography / 10.15
e. History / 9.35

4. Production

Complete the dialogue:

- What ………... today?
- History.

- What time ……… start?
- 7.45.

- Do we ……… Literature………….. 8.40?
- No………English.

- What………. at 9.35 ?
- Geography.

- Do we ………….. Math?
- Yes, ………….10.45
<b>5. Homework</b>

- Guess the meaning,
listen, read, write

- Listen to the

- Answer the concept
checking questions.

- Work in pairs:

<i>+ What do we have</i>

<i>+ We have English.</i>
<i>+ What time does</i>
<i>start? + It starts at</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=58>

- Do exercise C1 (workbook)
- Prepare Unit 5 – C2,3

Week 10 – Period 30 Date: 01 – 11 - 2009
Unit 5 : things I do

Lesson 6



<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- know the days of the week
- talk about weekly timetable
- practice 4 skills.

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>
- know the days of the week

- use “has/ doesn’t have” to talk about weekly timetable

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, cards, tape, cassette,

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>

Slap the board

- timetable - English
- Math - Geography
- Literature - History
<b>2. Presentation</b>

a. Pre teach

- Monday (calendar)
- Tuesday

- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday

- Teamwork:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=59>

- Sunday

* Check vocab : Matching
<b>b. Predict the dialogue:</b>

<i>Nga : When do we have………. ?</i>

<i>Ba : We have it on……….. and</i>

<i>Nga : When do we have……….?</i>

<i>Ba </i> : We have it on ……….

<i>Nga : Does Lan have Math on……….?</i>
<i>Ba : ………….</i>

- Listen to the dialogue
- Practice the dialogue
3. Practice

Board drill (timetable)
Example exchange:

<i>- When does Lan have Math?</i>

<i>- On Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. </i>
<b>4. Production</b>

- Fill in their own timetable (5 subjects)
- Ask about the subjects they have on…

<b>5. Homework</b>

- Do exercise C2,3 (workbook)
- Prepare Grammar practice

- Match the words
with the meaning.
- Fill in the blanks

- Listen and check
their prediction.

- Practice in pairs.
- Work in pairs: Ask
and answer & write
in groups.

- Fill in their

<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=60>

Week 11 – Period 31 Date: 01 – 11 - 2009
Grammar practice

<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- practice the Present Simple Tense
- practice 4 skills.

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>
- use the Present Simple Tense

- tell the time, adj with “be”
- question words

- school subjects/ days of the week

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, posters
<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>

- Telling the time (Exercise 2 – P60)
- Dictation : one forty – five; five thirty…

<b>2. Practice</b>

a. Question words
- Exercise 4 – P61
Noughts and crosses

- Teamwork: Speak
out the time as fast
as possible

- Write down

- Teamwork :

<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=61>

Leloi Street Two floors N –G – A
Literature 5.30 Grade 6
Thursday and

Saturday 7.30 I play soccer
<b>b. Adjectives with “be”</b>

- Exercise 3 – (P61
Word – cue drill

- house - city
- street - country
- school - family
- living room

<b>c. The Present Simple </b>

- Exercises 1,5,6,7 – P 61

<b>3. Production</b>

- Make dialogues to talk about the school

- Free interview
<b>4. Homework</b>

- Write all the exercises
- Prepare unit 6 A1,2,3

give questions

- Make example:
+ Is your house big?
+ Yes, it is/ No, it

- Revise the use,
forms of the Present
Simple Tense.

+ affirmative,

interrogative forms
- Do the exercises

individually then
pairs compare

- Work in pairs.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(62)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=62>

Week 11 – Period 32 Date: 01 – 11 - 2009
Unit 6 : places

Lesson 1


A 1,2,3

<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- know the country vocab.

- practice 4 skills, mainly reading skill

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>
- understand the text about the place where Thuy lives
- practice the country vocab

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, cards, tape, cassette,

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>

<b>1. Warm up </b>

Chatting about other’s & introduce

- name
- age
- family

- places they live
<b>2. Pre- reading</b>
a. Pre teach

- a lake (picture)

- Work in groups of

+ What ‘s your

+ How old are you?
+ Where do you live?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(63)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=63>

- a river (picture)
- a tree (drawing)

- a flower (realia)
- a rice paddy (realia)

- a park (eg: LeNin, Thu Le…
* Check vocab : What & where
<i><b>b. Open prediction</b></i>

What are near Thuy’s house?
3. While – reading

<b>a. Read the text</b>
<b>b. Ordering vocab</b>

Flowers, a lake, trees, a river, a hotel…
<b>c. Matching</b>

near s©n

a yard khách sạn
beautiful gần

a hotel đẹp

<b>d. Comprehension questions – P62</b>
Lucky numbers

<b>4. Post - reading</b>

- Picture – drill P 62,63

<b>5. Homework</b>

- Do exercise A1,2,3 (workbook)
- Prepare A4,5

listen, read, write

- Write 3 things near
Thuy’s house

- Read the text and

check their


- Arrange the words
into the correct
order as in the

- Guess the

meaningof the words
throught the text.

- Teamwork : ask and
answer & write
down the answers
- Work in pairs:
make example:

<i>+ What’s that?</i>
<i>+ It’s a river</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(64)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=64>

Week 11 – Period 33 Date: 09 – 11 - 2009
Unit 6 : places

Lesson 2


A 4,5

<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- know about the places where they live
- practice 4 skills

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use</b>
town and country vocab. to describe places where they live.

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, tape, cassette,

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>

Read some words about places (A4 – P 64)

<b>2. Presentation</b>

a. Pre teach

- a town (ex)

- Listen and writte

<span class='text_page_counter'>(65)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=65>

<i><b>b. Revision</b></i>

Read the words:

A house, a town, a city, a lake, a river…
3. Practice

- Picture – drill (A5 – P64)

+ There’s a hotel near our house.
+ There are trees near our house.
<b>4. Production</b>

- Give some prompts
Eg: a rice paddy/ school

- <i>Is there a rice paddy near your</i>

- <i>Yes, there is/ No, there isn’t</i>
a. a river/ house

b. a lake/ house

c. flowers/ classroom
d. a park/ school
e. trees/ house
f. hotels/ school
<b>5. Homework</b>

- Do exercise A4,5(workbook)
- Prepare B


- List all the words
they’ve learned in
unit 6

- Do exercise A5 in
groups and exhibite
their answers

<span class='text_page_counter'>(66)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=66>

Week 12 – Period 34 Date: 09 – 11 - 2009
Unit 6 : places

Lesson 3



<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- know the town vocab, prepositions of places

- practice 4 skills, mainly reading skill

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>
- understand the text about the place where Thuy lives
- practice the country vocab

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, posters
<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>

Jumbled words

- OESRLFW (flowers) - VREIR (river)
- EERTS (trees) - OUCRYTN

<span class='text_page_counter'>(67)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=67>

- RPKA (park) - AEKL (lake)
<b>2. Pre- reading</b>

a. Pre teach

- a restaurant (picture)
- a bookstore (picture)

- a temple (eg: Ngoc Son, Hung…)
- a hospital (eg: Bach Mai, Viet Duc…)
- a factory (picture)

- a museum (ex + picture)

- a stadium (picture + eg : Mi Dinh, …)
<b>* Check vocab : Slap the board</b>

<i><b>b. Prediction : True or false</b></i>
1. There’s a restaurant.

2. There’s a lake.
3.There’s a hospital
3. While – reading
<b>a. Read the text</b>

<b>b. Answer true or false (B1- P66)</b>
<i>* Answer key: </i>

a – F b- T c- T d- T e- F

<b>c. Complete the sentences (B2 -66)</b>

<b>4. Post - reading</b>
- Dictation (B3 – P67)

<b>5. Homework</b>

- Learn by heart new words
- Do exercise B1,2,3 (workbook)
- Prepare C1,2

- Guess the meaning,
listen, read, write

- Teamwork
- Predict : T/ F

- Read the text and

check their


- Do the exercise
individually then
pairs compare.

- Work in groups:
Write the full
sentences on the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(68)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=68>

Week 12 – Period 35 Date: 09 – 11 - 2009
Unit 6 : places

Lesson 4



<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- use the prepositions of places to describe their houses’ position
- practice 4 skills

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>
- describe the position of their houses

- learn more preposition of places

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, posters, tape,

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(69)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=69>

<b>2. Pre- reading</b>
a. Pre teach

- in front of (prep) (reality)

- behind (prep) (antonym : in front of)
- to the left of (prep) (reality)

- to the right of (prep) (antonym : to the left

- a well (picture)
- a mountain (picture)

<b>* Check vocab : Rub out and remember</b>
<i><b>b. Presentation</b></i>

Draw a house with the tree

next to the house

to the right of the

<b>c. Present the text C1 – P67</b>
3. Practice

<b>- Ask and answer the questions P 68</b>

<b>4. </b>

<b> Do exercise C2 – P69</b>

<b>5. Homework</b>

+ Team 1: describe
their house(This is
<i>my house. There is a</i>
<i>lake near the house,</i>
<i>there are trees…)</i>
+ Team 2 : draw as
they describe

- Guess the meaning,
listen, read, write

- Work in pairs:

+ Where’s the tree?
+ It’s next to the

- Read the text
- Work in pairs

- Write down the

- Listen and choose
the right pictures of
Ba’s, Tuan’s and
Lan’s house.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(70)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=70>

- Learn by heart new words

- Describe their houses

- Do exercise C1,2 (workbook)
- Prepare C3,4,5

- Listen to the tape
- Write down

Week 12 – Period 36 Date: 09 – 11 - 2009
Unit 6 : places

Lesson 5



<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- get further practice in the question “Where”
- practice 4 skills

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>
- ask and answer the question “Where is/ are”

- use town vocab.

- use preposition of places to describe a street

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, tape, cassette
<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(71)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=71>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>

List all the words of places

Eg: a bookstore, a temple, a factory….
<b>2. Presentation</b>

a. Pre teach

- a drugstore (ex)
- a toystore (picture)

- a movie theater (eg: Kim Dong, …)
- a police station(ex)

- a bakery (picture)

- between (prep) (real position)
- opposite (prep) (real position)
<b>* Check vocab : What and where</b>
<i><b>b. Presentation</b></i>

- Describe the street in the picture

- Read the text

<b>3. Practice</b>

<b>- Picture drill: C4- P 70</b>

+ It’s opposite the bakery. What is it?
+ It’s the bookstore

+ That’s right.
<b>- Guessing game:</b>

+ Where is the toystore?
+ It’s next to the restaurant.
<b>4. </b>

Production-- Make a survey
<b>Name Behin</b>

<b>d</b> <b>In front of To the leftof</b>
Nam Rice paddy

- Teamwork:

Write the words of

- Guess the meaning,
listen, read, write

- Speak out:

<i>There is a photocopy</i>
<i>store next to the</i>


- Read the text
- Work in groups

- Work in groups and
speak out:

<i>+ What’s in front of</i>
<i>the house?</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(72)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=72>

<b>5. Homework</b>

- Learn by heart new words
- Describe their houses

- Do exercise C3,4,5 (workbook)
- Prepare for the written test

Week 13 – Period 37 Date: 15 – 11 - 2009
Written test 2

<b>I / Aims: Check students’ : </b>

- Grammar : tense of the verbs

- vocabulary : school, everyday activities, school subjects, places
- skills : listening, writing, reading

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>

finish the test using: - the verbs in correct form

- question words

- prepositions of places
- vocab.

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Paper test

<span class='text_page_counter'>(73)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=73>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>Content of the test</b>

1. Listen to the text, choose the correct

2. Supply the correct form of the verbs
3. Choose the best words or phrases to

complete the sentences.
4. Do as directed:

a. Make questions for the underlined

b. Rearrange the words into
meaningful sentences.

5. Read the text, answer the questions

6. (For class 6A) Find out and correct the

Week 13 – Period 38 Date: 22 – 11 - 2009
Check the test

<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- find out and check their mistakes

- practice more about the tense of the verbs

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to </b>
- find out and check their mistakes themselves

- practice using the verbs in the Present Simple Tense

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, posters, …
<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(74)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=74>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>

Chatting: - greeting

- talk about health

- ask how they did their test
<b>2. Check the test</b>

- Write on the board some typical mistakes SS
made in their test:

+ Exercise 2:

2. There is tall trees….
3. She brushes my teeth…?
+ Exercise 3:

1. When you have literature ?
4. I don’t soccer….

+ Exercise 4

Make question for….

2. The movie theater is to the left of the

What is to the left of the house?
- Elicit the correction from the SS
3. Revision

- Revise some model sentences:
a. - When do you have Math?
- We have it on Monday.
b.- Where is the lake?

- It is to the left of the house.

4. Practice

Supply correct tense/ form of the verbs
1. There (be) four chairs in the room.
2. What we (have) on Friday?

3. Ba (brush) his teeth at 6.40.

4. Where the yard (be)? – It (be) to the right of
my house

5. What time your school (start)?
<b>5. Homework</b>

Prepare : Unit 4- A1,2

-Talk with the teacher
and the whole class.

- Read each sentence

- Find out and correct
their mistakes.

- Rewrite the model


<span class='text_page_counter'>(75)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=75>

Week 13 – Period 39 Date: 25 – 11 - 2009
Unit 7 : your house

Lesson 1



<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- understand the details of the text

- practice 4 skills, mainly listening and reading

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>
- listen to the dialogue

- read the letter about the house to understand the details
- practice describe a house

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(76)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=76>

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>

Noughts & crosses

big a yard flowers

a well trees a lake
mountains r river old
<b>2. Pre- listening</b>

Prediction : True or false

<b>Hoa’s house</b> <b>Yes</b> <b>No</b>

a yard
a well

<b>3. While - listening</b>
- Listen to the tape
- Describe Hoa’s house
<b>4. Pre – reading</b>

<b>a. Pre – teach</b>
- a garden (picture)
- a vegetable (visual)
- a photo (visual)

<b>b. Prediction : True or false</b>
1. The house is in the country.
2. There’s a river near the house.

3. There are trees to the left of the house
4. There are two gardens.

<b>5. While - reading</b>
- Read the letter

- Comprehension questions

- Teamwork:

Make example

+ Is your house big?
+ Yes, it is.

- Guess about Hoa’s

- Listen and check
their prediction

- Work in groups of 4
- Guess the meaning,
listen, read and
write down

- Predict: T/ F

- Read and check
their prediction

<span class='text_page_counter'>(77)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=77>

<b>6. Post – listening/ reading</b>
- Describe their houses

<b>7. Homework</b>

- Write about your house

- Do exercise A1,2 (workbook)
- Prepare A3,4,5

- Work individually
the tell each other
about their house

Week 14 – Period 40 Date: 25 – 11 - 2009
Unit 7 : your house

Lesson 2


A 3,4,5

<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- get further practice in the questions “ Is there../ Are there…?”
- practice 4 skills

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>
- know facilities vocabulary

- use question “Is there a…?/Are there any…?” and short answer

about the city.

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(78)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=78>

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>


What are there in the country?
<b>2. Presentation</b>

a. Pre teach

- a bank (ex)

- a clinic (picture)
- a post ofice (picture)
- a supermarket (picture)
- a shop (= a store)

<b>* Check vocab : What and where</b>
<i><b>b. Model sentences</b></i>

<i>- Is there a yard?</i>

<i>- Yes, there is/ No, there isn’t.</i>
<i>- Are there any flowers?</i>

<i>- Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.</i>
* Concept check:

- Translate the whole sentences into VN- ese
- What kind of question is this?

- When do we use this question?

- Do we say “Are there any…” or “ Are there

- Notice the syllable stress.

<b>3. Practice</b>

<b>- Picture drill: A3 - P 74</b>

+ It’s opposite the bakery. What is it?
+ It’s the bookstore

+ That’s right.
<b>- Guessing game:</b>

+ Where is the toystore?
+ It’s next to the restaurant.
<b>4. </b>

Production-- Matching :A5 – P 75

- Groupwork:
Describe the

- Guess the meaning,
listen, read, write

- Speak out the
model sentences.
- Answer the concept
checking questions.

- Work in pairs:

<i>+ Is there a hotel</i>
<i>near your house?</i>
<i>+ Are there any</i>
<i>shops near your</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(79)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=79>

- Describe the house :A4 – P 74
<b>5. Homework</b>

- Learn by heart new words
- Do exercise A3,4,5 (workbook)
- Prepare Unit 7 - B

+ Describe each

+ Listen and choose
the right picture

- Describe each

- Listen and draw.

Week 14 – Period 41 Date: 25 – 11 - 2009
Unit 7 : your house

Lesson 3



<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- understand the details of the text
- practice 4 skills, mainly reading skill

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>
- read the text about Ba’s and Chi’s houses

- understand the differences between town and country

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(80)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=80>

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>

Slap the board

- store - a rice paddy
- post office - clinic

- bank - flowers
- supermarket - country
<b>2. Pre- reading</b>

a. Pre teach

- an apartment (ex)
- a clinic (picture)

- a market (eg: Dong Xuan, Ben Thanh…)
- a zoo (eg: Thu Le)

- a paddy field = a rice paddy
- noisy (adj) >< quiet (adj)

<b>* Check vocab : What and where</b>
<i><b>b. Describe:</b></i>

- The picture P 76

- The picture P 77

<b>3. While - reading</b>
- Read the text

- Comprehension questions

<b>4. Post - reading</b>

- Read about Ba’s house: B2 – P77
- Write about Chi’s house

- Talk about the differences between town and

- Listen and check : B3 – P77
<b>5. Homework</b>

- Learn by heart new words
- Do exercise B (workbook)
- Prepare Unit 7 – c1,2,3

- Groupwork:
Describe the

- Guess the meaning,
listen, read, write

-Work in groups of 4:

+ There is a zoo, a
post office…

+ There’s a lake, a

- Read the text

- Work in pairs:

+ Read the


+ Choose the correct

<span class='text_page_counter'>(81)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=81>

Week 14 – Period 42 Date: 01 – 12 - 2009
Unit 7 : your house

Lesson 4


C 1,2,3

<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- ask and answer about means of transport
- practice 4 skills

<span class='text_page_counter'>(82)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=82>

- practice the question “How…?” and the answer “by bike/ car…”

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, tape, cassette
<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>

Guessing game:
I go to………….

<b>2. Presentation</b>
a. Pre teach

- a bike (visual)

- a motorbike (visual)
- a bus (picture)

- a train (picture)
- a plane (drawing)

<b>* Check vocab : What and where</b>
<i><b>b. Model sentences</b></i>

<i>- How do you go to school?</i>
<i> How does he travel to work?</i>
<i>- I go to school by bike.</i>

<i> He travels to work by bus.</i>
* Concept check:

- Translate the whole sentences into VN- ese
- What do this question use for?

-Do we say “What do you go…” or “ How do
you go…?

- “ on bus” or “by bus”?
<b>3. Practice</b>

<b>- Picture – word cue drill: CX1,2 - P 78,79</b>

+ How does Lien go to school?
+ She go to school by bike.

- Ask and answer:
+ Do you go to the

+ No, I don’t.

+ Do you go to….?
+ Yes, …

+ Where do you go?
- Guess the meaning,
listen, read, write

- Speak out the
model sentences.

- Answer the concept
checking questions.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(83)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=83>

+ How does Mr Hai travel Ha Noi?
+ He travels to Ha Noi by plane
<b>- Guessing game:</b>

+ Where is the toystore?
+ It’s next to the restaurant.
<b>4. </b>

Production-Noughts & crosses

Mr Hung Mrs Lan Mr Hai

Lien Thu Tuan

Mr Ba Mr Kim Miss Hoa

- Listen and write short answers : C3 –P80
<b>5. Homework</b>

- Learn by heart new words
- Do exercise C1,2,3(workbook)
- Prepare Unit 7 – C4,5

- Teamwork:
+ How does…?
+ …… by bus

Week 15 – Period 43 Date: 07 – 12 - 2009
Unit 7 : your house

Lesson 4


C 4,5

<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(84)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=84>

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read</b>
the text about Hoang’s daily routine for habitual actions

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, tape, cassette,

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>

Find someone who……

Activities Name
- gets up at 5.30

- gets up at 6.00
- walks to school

- goes to school by

- …..

<b>2. Pre- reading</b>
<i><b> Open prediction</b></i>

Activities What time
- He gets up

- He leaves the house
- School starts

- School ends
- He has lunch

<b>3. While - reading</b>

<b>- Picture – word cue drill: CX1,2 - P 78,79</b>

- Read the text about Hoang’s daily routine
- Answer the questions:

Lucky numbers
<b>4. Post - reading</b>

<b>Activities</b> <b>What time</b>

<b>Time</b> <b>Name</b>

- Ask and answer:
+ Do you get up at

+ Yes, I do/No, I

+ …..

- Predict what time
Hoang does these

- Teamwork:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(85)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=85>

- get up

- go to school
- classes start

- classes end
- have lunch
- ………..

<b>5. Homework</b>

- Do exercise C4,5(workbook)
- Prepare Unit 8: A1

Week 17 – Period 50 Date: 07 – 12 - 2009
Revision 1 : tenses of the verbs

<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(86)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=86>

- practice the tenses

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>

- revise the use, forms of the present simple and present
progressive tenses

- use the verbs in correct tenses

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, posters
<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>


What do you do everyday?

- get up - get dressed
- brush … teeth - wash… face
- have breakfast - go to school
- ………….

<b>2. Revision</b>

<b>Tense</b> <b>Use</b> <b>Adv of</b>

<b>time</b> <b>Form</b>

<b>Every-day</b> <b>(+) S + V/ V+s/es(-) S + don’t + V</b>
<b> doesn’t</b>

<b>(?) Do + S + V?</b>
<b> Does</b>

<b>(?)WH+ do+S+ V?</b>
<b> does</b>
<b>g at the</b>

<b>- Now</b>
<b>- At the</b>


<b>(+) S + be + V-ing.</b>
<b>(-) S+be +not + </b>

<b>(?) Be + S + V-ing?</b>

<b>3. Practice</b>

<i><b>- Exercise 1: Supply correct tense of the</b></i>

1.What you (do) after school? I (do) the

2.Where your father (work) now? He (work) in
the garden .

- Teamwork: Write
the activities on the

- Revise the use,
form of the verbs in:
+ The Present

+ The present

<span class='text_page_counter'>(87)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=87>

3. Thu (get) up at 5.o0? – No. She (not get) up
at 5.00. She (get) up at 5.30

4.There (be) a mountain behind my house.
5.Your house (be) small? No, it (not be) small.

It (be) big.

6.How Mr Hai (travel) to work? He (travel) by

7. Nam (do) his homework now?

8.The children (play) soccer at the moment.
9.There (be) many flowers and trees in the

10.Every day, Tuan (get) up at 6 o’clock. He
(have) breakfast at 6.30.

<i><b>Exercise 2: write full sentences using the</b></i>
<i><b>words given</b></i>

1.You / go / school / bus / everyday?
2.Lan / listen / music / at the moment.

3.There / be / two stores / clinic / post office /
near / house.

4.her father / work/ hospital / and / mother /
work / bank.

5.Mai / do / homework / now
- Elicit the correction from SS
<b>4. Production</b>

Rewrite the form of the tenses:
- Present simple

- Present progressive
<b>5. Homework</b>

- Do exercise 1,2,3 (Revision plan- 1st<sub> term)</sub>

- Work in groups of

Write the full
sentences on the

- Exhibit their

<span class='text_page_counter'>(88)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=88>

Week 17 – Period 51 Date: 07 – 12 - 2009
Revision 2 : modal verbs / prepositions

<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- revise the modal verbs/ prepositions
- practice the form of verbs

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>

- revise the use of the modal verbs and preposition of time and

- use the verbs in correct tense/ form

- Complete the sentences with suitable prepositions

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, posters
<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>

Net word


next to
<b>2. Revision 1</b>

<i><b>a. prepositions of time:</b></i>

- on: We have Math on Monday.

- in: Ba goes to school in the morning.
- at: He gets up at 6 o’clock.

- after: What do you do after school?
a. prepositions of places :

- on - in
- in front of - behind

- to the left of - to the right of
- near - next to

- opposite - between
<b>3. Practice 1</b>

<i><b>- Exercise 1: fill in the gaps with suitable</b></i>

- Teamwork: Write
the prepositions on
the board

- Revise the
prepositions of time/

<span class='text_page_counter'>(89)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=89>

1.What do you do……… after school?
2. He is playing…….. the garden .
3. Thu gets up……….. 5.o0

4.There is a mountain ………….. my house.
5.My house is ………… the country.

6. He travels to work ………… train.
7. Nam has history ………. Wednesday .
8.My classroom is ……. the second floor.

9.The bakery is……… the bookstore and the

10.There is a well…… the right ………. my

<b>4. Revision 2</b>
Modal verbs

- can / can not = can’t + V

- must / must not = mustn’t + V

<b>5. Practice 2</b>

<i><b>Exercise 2: Supply the correct tense/</b></i>
<i><b>form of the verbs</b></i>

1.You can (stop) here.

2. You mustn’t (go) into this street.

3.Here you can (turn) left but you mustn’t
(turn) right.

4.Every day, Tuan (get) up at 6 o’clock. He
must (go) to school on time.

5. My classes (start) at 7 o’clock and (finish)
at 11 o’clock.

6. Nga (go) home after school? – No, she
(play) soccer with her friends.

7. How many classroom there (be) in your

– There (be) 16.
<b>4. Production</b>

- The modal verbs:
- Prepositions

<b>5. Homework</b>

- Do exercise 4,5,6 (Revision plan- 1st<sub> term)</sub>

individually the pairs

- Revise the use of
the modal verbs

- After the modal

verbs, the verbs are
used in bare
infinitive form

- Work in groups of

Write the sentences
on the posters.

- Exhibit their

<span class='text_page_counter'>(90)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=90>

Week 18 – Period 52 Date: 07 – 12 - 2009
Revision 3 : question words

<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- revise the question words

- practice with the question words

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>
- revise the question words they’ve learned

- make questions for the underlined words

- Complete the sentences with suitable question words

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, posters
<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>

Net word


<b>2. Revision </b>

<i><b>The question words </b></i>
- what

- when
- where

- how (old/many/…)
- which

<b>3. Practice </b>

<i><b>- Exercise 1: fill in the gaps with suitable</b></i>

<i><b>question words</b></i>

- Teamwork: Write
the question words
on the board

- Work in groups:
+ Revise all the
questions words
they’ve learned.

+ Make examples
with them.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(91)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=91>

1…………. do you do after school? – I watch

2. - ……….. is your classroom?
– It’s on the second floor.

3. …………. does Thu get up? – At 5.30

4. - …………... people are there in your family?
- There are 4.

5. ………. do you travel to work? – By bus.
6. ………. old is his sister?

7. ……….. does Nam have English? – On

8………. Class are you in? – 6A.

<i><b>Exercise 2:Make question for the</b></i>
<i><b>underlined words:</b></i>

1.There is a well to the left of my house.
2. Mr Vinh travels to Ha Noi by train.
3.The children are playing in the garden.
4.Every day, Tuan gets up at 6 o’clock.
5. Nam’s father is an engineer.

6. They go to the zoo after school.
7. My house has four rooms.

8. We have literature on Monday and

9. Classes start 7.15.

10. Ba’ father is 40 years old.
<b>4. Production</b>


- The use of the question words
<b>5. Homework</b>

- Do exercise 7,8 (Revision plan- 1st<sub> term)</sub>

-Do the exercise
individually the pairs

- Work in groups of

Write the sentences
on the posters.

- Exhibit their

<span class='text_page_counter'>(92)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=92>

Week 18 – Period 53 Date: 07 – 12 - 2009
Revision 4 : vocabulary & structures

<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- revise the vocabulary in personal information, school, school
subjects… topics

- practice reading skill

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>

- revise the the vocabulary in personal information, school,
school subjects… topics.

- Complete the sentences with suitable words & phrases

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, posters
<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>

List of words:

- Group 1: family members/ jobs
- Group 2: school

- Group 3 : places

- Group 4 : everyday activities
<b>2. Revision </b>

- Check the lists of words
<b>3. Practice </b>

<i><b>- Exercise 1: Choose the correct answers:</b></i>
1. My classroom is on the second ……… .
(school/ floor/ class/ student)

2. Nam does ………….. homework in the

- Groupwork:

Work in four groups
to make lists of
words in the topics

<span class='text_page_counter'>(93)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=93>

(my/ your/ her/ his)

3. There is a ………. in front of the

( flowers/ flower garden/ vegetables/ houses)
4. We have …………. on Tuesday.

(math/ school/ floor/ classroom )
5. My father is an ……….

(doctor/ farmer/ driver/ engineer)

6. There is a bakery, a bookstore, a drugstore
on the ………….. (village/ city/ street/ temple)
7. Is your house ... ? No, it isn’t. It’s

(small/ big / in the city / country)

8.What’s your ... ?( father’s
name/father name /fathers name/name


9.I ... a shower every morning.
( take / wash/ do/ get)

10. My ... is in the country.
(class / grade/ yard/ school)

Exercise 2: Read the passage, answer the

Phong is twelve years old. He is in grade 6.
He lives in a house with his father, mother
and two sisters. Their house is next to a
bookstore. On the street, there is a hotel, a
temple. Phong’s father works in the factory.
His mother works in the hospital ...

1. How old is Phong?
2. Who does he live with?

3. Is their house next to the drugstore ?
4. What is there on the street?

5. Where does Phong’s father work?
6. Does his mother work in the museum?
<b>4. Homework</b>

- Do exercise 4,5,6 (Revision plan- 1st<sub> term)</sub>

- Work in pairs:

Read the passage,

answer the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(94)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=94>

Week 18 – Period 54 Date: 12 – 12 - 2009

1st<sub> semester test </sub>

<b>I / Aims: Check students’ : </b>

- Grammar : tense of the verbs

- vocabulary : school, everyday activities, school subjects, places
- skills : listening, writing, reading

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>
finish the test using: - the verbs in correct form

- question words

- prepositions of places
- vocab.

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Paper test

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>Content of the test</b>

1. Listen to the text, check if these
statements are true or false (1,5pts)

2. Circle the word which has the underlined
part pronounced differently from others

<span class='text_page_counter'>(95)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=95>

complete the sentences.(2,5pts)

4. Supply correct tense/ form of the verbs
(1,5 pts)

5.Rearrange the words into meaningful

6.Read the text, answer the questions

Week 15 – Period 44 Date: 07 – 12 - 2009
Unit 8 : out and about

Lesson 1



<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- use the present progressive tense

- practice 4 skills

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>

- use the present progressive tense, positive statements to talk
about what are happening now

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, tape, cassette
<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>

Crosswords - Teamwork: Find

<span class='text_page_counter'>(96)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=96>

* Key: 1- do 2 – school 3 –

4 – end 5 – go
<b>2. Presentation</b>

a. Pre teach

- to play video games (picture)
- to ride a bike (picture)

- to drive (picture)
- to wait for (situation)
<i><b>b. Presentation text</b></i>

Present what are happening – Picture Pm82
<i><b>c. Model sentences</b></i>

<i>- I am playing video games.</i>
<i>- He is riding a bike.</i>

<i>- We are walking to school.</i>
<i>- They are traveling to school.</i>
* Concept check:

- Translate the whole sentences into VN- ese
- What does “ ing ” mean?

- When do we use this form of verbs?

- Do we say “I am playing…” or “ I playing…”
- Notice the use of “be” in the sentences.

<b>3. Practice</b>
<b>- Picture drill</b>
Give some pictures

Eg: I am walking to school.
She is waiting for the bus.

- Guess the meaning,
listen, read, write

- Speak out the
model sentences.

- Answer the concept
checking questions.

- Work individually:
Make sentences


is + V-ing




<span class='text_page_counter'>(97)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=97>

<b>4. Production</b>

- Noughts & crosses

Walk to

school Drive a car Travel by bus
Wait for a


Ride a bike Play a game
Go by train Walk to

school Ridemotorbike a
<b>5. Homework</b>

- Learn by heart new words
- Do exercise A1 (workbook)
- Prepare Unit8: A2 ->6

- Teamwork:

Tell what the people

Week 15 – Period 45 Date: 16 – 12 - 2009
Unit 8 : out and about

Lesson 2


A2-> 6

<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- use the present progressive tense with “WH - question”

- practice 4 skills

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>

- use the present progressive tense with “WH - question” to talk
about what are happening now

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, tape, cassette,

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(98)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=98>

<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>

Slap the board

- He is walking to school.
- He is riding a bike.

- ……..

<b>2. Presentation</b>

<i><b>a. Presentation pictures A2,3</b></i>
Present what are happening.

<i><b>c. Model sentences</b></i>

<i>- What are you doing ?</i>
<i> are they</i>

<i> is she/ he</i>

<i>- I am playing video games.</i>
<i>- They are traveling to school.</i>
<i>- She/He is…</i>

* Concept check:

- Translate the whole sentences into VN- ese
- What do they ask about?

- Do we say “ are you doing” or “ do you
doing” ?

- Notice the use of “be” in the sentences.

<b>3. Practice</b>

- Picture drill: A3 – P83

- Listen and number the pictures you hear :
A4 –P83

- Word – cue drill

a. He/ wait for/ bus

b. They/ drive/ motorbike
c. Lan/walk/ school

d. She/drive/ car
e. He/ ride/ a bike
<b>4. Production</b>
- Answer given

<i>- Who’s that? – That is Lan.</i>
<i>- What does she do? – She is a student.</i>
<i>- Where is she going now? – She is going to</i>

- Teamwork:

- Speak out the
model sentences.

- Answer the concept
checking questions.

- Work in pairs: Ask
and answer about
what they are doing
- Listen and number
the pictures they

- Do the exercise
individually, then
pairs compare

<span class='text_page_counter'>(99)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=99>


<i>- How is she traveling? – She is traveling</i>
<i>by bike.</i>

<b>5. Homework</b>

- Do exercise A2,3,4 (workbook)
- Prepare Unit8: B1

Week 16 – Period 46 Date: 16 – 12 - 2009
Unit 8 : out and about

Lesson 3



<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- understand the story about a truck driver
- practice 4 skills, mainly reading skill

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read</b>
a picture – story about a truck driver to understand the main details

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(100)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=100>

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>

Describe pictures

- Give SS some pictures:
+ driving a car

+ having breakfast
+ waiting for a bus
+ riding a bike
+ playing sports
<b>2. Pre - reading</b>
a. Pre teach

- a truck driver (picture)
- a farmer (picture)
- to load (ex)

- to unload>< to load
- to arrive (at) (ex)

- a foodstall (picture + ex)
<i><b>b. Ordering statements</b></i>
- going to Ha Noi

- meeting the farmers
- going to a farm

- having breakfast

- loading vegetables in the truck
- unloading the truck

<b>3. While – reading</b>

- Listen and read the text
- Answer the questions
<b>4. Post - reading</b>
- Retell the story
<b>5. Homework</b>

- Learn by heart new words
- Do exercise B1 (workbook)
- Prepare Unit8: B2,3

- Teamwork:

describe what they
are doing

- Guess the meaning,
listen, read, write

- Rearrange the

statements in the
right order

- Listen and read the
text. Check their

- Ask and answer the
questions in pairs
- Work in groups of

<span class='text_page_counter'>(101)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=101>

Week 16 – Period 47 Date: 18 – 12 - 2009
Unit 8 : out and about

Lesson 4



<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- use the present progressive tense with interrogative form
- practice 4 skills, mainly listening skill

<span class='text_page_counter'>(102)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=102>

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, tape, cassette,

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.

<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>


- What is Huy doing?
- What are you doing?
- Are you reading a book?
<b>2. Pre- listening</b>

a. Pre teach

- to copy (ex)
- to correct (eg)
<i><b>b. Predict the dialogue</b></i>

Activities Name
a. doing math

b. copying Nam’s

c. working

d. playing soccer

<b>3. While – listening</b>

<i><b>a. Listen to the tape</b></i>
<i><b>b. Answer the questions</b></i>
<i><b>c. Model sentences</b></i>

<i>- Are you doing math?</i>
<i>- Yes, I am/ No, I am not.</i>
<i>- Is Tuan working?</i>

<i>- Yes, he is./ No, he isn’t.</i>
* Concept check:

- Translate the whole sentences into VN- ese
- What kind of question is this?

- Do we say “you are doing…” or “ are you

- How to answer this question?

- Answer the

- Guess the meaning,
listen, read, write

- Predict name of
person who is doing

- Listen to the tape
and correct their

- Ask and answer the
questions in pairs
- Speak out the
model sentences.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(103)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=103>

<b>4. Post – listening</b>

- Noughts & crosses

Walk to


Mr Vinh

Drive a car TheyTravel by bus
The students

Wait for a


Ride a bike BaPlay a game

Thu and Nga

Go by train YouWalk to

Your father

Ride a

<b>5. Homework</b>

- Learn by heart new words
- Do exercise B2,3 (workbook)
- Prepare Unit8: C

- Teamwork: Ask and

+ Are you walking to

+ Yes, I am/ No. I am

- Teamwork:

Tell what the people


Week 16 – Period 48 Date: 18 – 12 - 2009
Unit 8 : out and about

<span class='text_page_counter'>(104)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=104>

- use the modal verbs “can/ must” and traffic
vocab-- practice 4 skills

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>
- use the modal verbs “can/ must” and traffic

vocab-- talk about what you are allow or not allow to do on the road

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, tape, cassette,

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>

- Give six pictures:

+ driving a car + riding a


+ having breakfast + playing

+ waiting for a bus + walking to

<b>2. Presentation</b>
a. Pre teach

- a policeman (picture)
- difficult (adj) (ex)

- a sign (realia)

- one way (n) (a traffic sign)
- to park (eg)

- to turn left >< to turn right (drawing)
- to go straight (ex)

<i><b>a. Presentation text: C1 – P 89</b></i>
- Listen and read C1 – P89

- Comprehension questions
<i><b>c. Model sentences</b></i>

Give some road signs:

- What does this sign mean?
<i>- You can park here.</i>

<i>- You can not go into that street.</i>
<i> can’t</i>

* Concept check:

- Teamwork:

+ look at all the
pictures carefully (in

+ Write about what
are happening in
each picture

-- Guess the
meaning, listen,
read, write down

- Listen and read
- Ask and answer the
questions in pairs
- Speak out the
model sentences.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(105)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=105>

- Translate the whole sentences into VN- ese
- When do we use “can / can’t ”?

- Do we say “ can go” or “ can to go” ?

<b>3. Practice</b>

- Picture drill: C2 – P89

+ What do these road signs mean?
<b>4. Pre - reading</b>

<b>a. Pre – teach</b>

- dangerous (adj) (ex)
- an accident (picture)
- intersection (drawing)
- to slow down (ex)
- to go fast (eg)
- warn (tran-)
- to help (ex)

b. Open prediction

What do these road signs tell us?
<b>5. While – reading</b>

<i><b>a. Read the text C3 – P90</b></i>
<i><b>b. Model sentences</b></i>

<i>- We must slow down.</i>

<i>- We must not turn right.</i>
<i> mustn’t</i>

<b>* Concept check:</b>

- Translate the whole sentences into VN- ese
- When do we use “must / mustn’t ”?

- Do we say “ must slow down” or “ must to
slow down” ?

<b>6. Post – reading</b>

- Picture – drill : C4 – P90,91
+ Talk about the road signs
+ Write down

<b>7. Homework</b>

- Do exercise C 1 -> 4 (workbook)
- Prepare Grammar practice

checking questions.

- Guess the meaning,
listen, read, write

- Look at the road
signs and tell what

they mean.

- Read the text

- Answer the concept
checking questions.

- Work in groups of

+ what does this
sign mean?

+ You must/

<span class='text_page_counter'>(106)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=106>

Week 17 – Period 49 Date: 24 – 12 - 2009
Grammar practice

<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- revise the tenses of verbs/ question – words/ prepositions
- practice 4 skills

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use:</b>
- use the verbs in correct tenses/ forms

- use the question - words

- Fill in the gaps with suitable prepositions

<b>-III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, posters
<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>

- Sing a song “I’m a policeman”
- Do you want to be a policeman?
- Do exercise 6 – P 94,95

<b>2. Revision</b>

- Simple present tense
<i>- Present progressive tense</i>
<i>- question – words</i>

<i>- prepositions</i>

<b>3. Practice</b>

<i><b>a. Tense of verbs</b></i>
- Exercise 1 – P92
- Exercise 2 – P92

- Exercise 5 – P 94
<i><b>b. Prepositions</b></i>

- Sing the song

- Work in groups: fill
in the gaps with “
<i>can/ can’t/ must/</i>

- Work in 4 groups :
Rewrite on the

+ Simple present

<i>+</i> <i>Present</i>

<i>progressive tense</i>
<i>+ question – words</i>
<i>+ prepositions</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(107)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=107>

- Exercise 3 – P93

<i><b>c. Question – words</b></i>
- Exercise 4 – P93
<b>4. Homework</b>

- Do exercises: Test for unit 8 (workbook)

- Work in pairs:

+ Look at the

+ Fill in the suitable

- Do the exercise
individually, then
pairs compare.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(108)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=108>

Week 19 – Period 55 Date: 04 – 01 - 2010
Unit 9 : the body

Lesson 1


A 1,2

<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- use the body vocab-/ ask and answer about the parts of body
- practice 4 skills

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>
- ask and answer about the parts of the body

- revise the questions “What’s this/ that?”

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, tape, cassette
<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up & revision</b>

Revise the question “What’s this/ that?” to ask
about the names of things

<b>2. Presentation</b>

a. Pre teach : Part of the body
- a head (visual)

- a shoulder (visual)
- an arm (visual)
- a hand (visual)
- a finger (visual)
- a chest (visual)
- a leg (visual)

- a foot -> feet (visual)
- a toe (visual)

<b>* Check vocab : What and where</b>
<i><b> b. Model sentences</b></i>

<i>- What’s that ?</i>
<i>- It’s his head.</i>

- Work in pairs: Ask
and answer:

+ What’s this?
+ It’s a door.

+ What are these?
+ They are windows.

- Guess the meaning,
listen, read, write

<span class='text_page_counter'>(109)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=109>

<i>- What are th0se?</i>

<i>- They are his shoulders.</i>
* Concept check:

- Translate the whole sentences into VN- ese
- When do we use this question?

- Do we say “… is that” or “ …are that” ?
- Do we say “… is those” or “ …are those” ?
<b>3. Practice</b>

<b>- Picture – drill: P96</b>

<i>- What’s that ?</i>
<i>- It’s his chest.</i>
<i>- What are those?</i>
<i>- They are his arms.</i>
<b>- Guessing game:</b>

+ Where is the toystore?
+ It’s next to the restaurant.
<b>4. </b>

Production-Noughts & crosses

A head Arms Legs

A chest A hand Fingers
Toes Feet Shoulders
<b>5. Homework</b>

- Learn by heart new words
- Do exercise A1,2(workbook)
- Prepare Unit 9 – A 3->6

model sentences.

- Answer the concept
checking questions.

- Work in groups::
ask and answer

about the parts of
the body.

- Teamwork:
+ What’s that?
+ It’s his….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(110)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=110>

Week 19 – Period 56 Date: 04 – 01 - 2010
Unit 9 : the body

Lesson 2


A 3->6

<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- use the adjectives to describe people

- practice 4 skills, mainly listening, reading skills

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>
- use the adjectives to describe people

- read a description of a person

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, tape, cassette
<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>

Chatting : Ask about a person
- what does your father do?
- Is he big?

- Is he tall?
- …..

<b>-2. Pre - listening</b>

a. Pre teach : - a head (visual)
- tall (adj) >< short (adj) (real people)
- thin (adj) >< fat (adj) (picture)

- heavy(adj)>< light (adj) (realia)
- weak (adj) >< strong (adj) (ex)
- a gymnast (eg)

- a weight lifter (picture)

<b>* Check vocab : Slap the board</b>
<i><b> b. Model sentences</b></i>

<i>- He is tall.</i>
<i>- She is short.</i>

* Concept check:

- Translate the whole sentences into VN- ese
- What is this sentence used for?

- Work in pairs: Ask
and answer about on
of the people in their

- Guess the meaning,
listen, read, write

<span class='text_page_counter'>(111)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=111>

- Do we say “He is a short ” or “ He is short” ?
<b>3. While – listening</b>

- Listen and find who is in the class like that
+ T : He is fat.

+ SS : Oh, Ba is fat.

- Listen and choose the right pictures: A4 –

<b>4. Pre- reading</b>
Presentation text

- Look at the pictures and describe the person

<b>5. While – reading</b>

- Read the text about Chi

- Read the text about Tuan and make similar

<b>6. Post – listening & reading</b>
- Interview:

+ name
+ job

+ body build

<b>7. Homework</b>

- Learn by heart new words

- Do exercise A3,4,5,6(workbook)
- Prepare Unit 9 – B1

checking questions.

- Listen and find out
who is like that

- Listen and choose
the right pictures
- Work in groups:

speak out sentence
by sentence

- Read the text and
the dialogue A6 –

- Work in pairs.

- Interview each
other about some SS
in the class

+ Who’s that?
+ It’s ……..

+ What does she/he

+ She/ He is

<span class='text_page_counter'>(112)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=112>

Week 19 – Period 57 Date: 04 – 01 - 2010
Unit 9 : the body

Lesson 3


B 1

<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- describe people’s faces
- practice 4 skills

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>

- use some adjectives and nouns of faces to describe people’s

- practice describing people

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, tape, cassette
<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>


fat tall heavy big

thin short light small

<b>2. Presentation</b>
a. Pre teach

- a face (visual)

- oval (adj) (drawing)
- round (drawing)
- full (adj) (picture)
<i><b> b. Model sentences</b></i>

<i>- He has a round face. = His face is round.</i>
<i>- She has long hair.= Her hair is long.</i>

* Concept check:

- Translate the whole sentences into VN- ese
- What do these sentences use for ?

- Teamwork

- Guess the meaning,
listen, read, write

<span class='text_page_counter'>(113)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=113>

- Do we say “a round face” or “ a face round
” ?

- Do we say “long hair” or “ hair long ” ?
<b>3. Practice</b>

- Picture – drill: P 100

<i>- He has a round face.</i>
- Rewrite the sentences

Ex: She has a big nose. -> Her nose is big
a. He has short hair. -> His

b. Lan has full lips. -> Her

c. Her eyes are big. -> She

d. Nga’s face is oval. -> Nga

e. She has long hair. -> Her

<b>4. Production</b>

Describe the person you like.
<b>5. Homework</b>

- Learn by heart new words
- Do exercise B1(workbook)
- Prepare Unit 9 – B2,3

- Work in groups:
describe the people

<span class='text_page_counter'>(114)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=114>

Week 20 – Period 58 Date: 04 – 01 - 2010
Unit 9 : the body

Lesson 4



<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- use the adjectives of colors to describe people
- practice 4 skills

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>
- use some adjectives of colors to describe people

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, tape, cassette,
colorful things

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>

Jumbled words

- EYSE (eyes) - SNOE (nose)

- CEFA (face) - SPIL (lips)


<b>2. Presentation</b>
a. Pre teach

- Teamwork

<span class='text_page_counter'>(115)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=115>

- black (adj) (realia)
- white (adj) (realia)
- green (adj) (realia)
- blue (adj) (realia)
- gray (adj) (realia)
- red (adj) (realia)
- brown (adj) (realia)
- orange (adj) (realia)
- purple (adj) (realia)
- yellow (adj) (realia)

<b>* Check vocab: Matching </b>
<b>b. Dialogue build</b>

<b>Hoa</b> <b>Mai</b>

- I have a new

- It’s black.

- They are brown.

- What color is her

- What color are her

<i><b> b. Model sentences</b></i>
<i>- What color is her hair?</i>
<i>- It’s black.</i>

<i>- What color are her eyes?</i>
<i>- They are brown.</i>

* Concept check:

- Translate the whole sentences into VN- ese
- When do we use these questions ?

- Do we say “what color” or “ what is color ” ?
- Do we say “are her hair” or “ is her hair ” ?
<b>3. Practice</b>

Example exchange

S1: What color is her hair?

S2: It’s black. She has black hair.

S1 : What color are her eyes?

S2 : They’re brown. She has brown eyes.
- Rewrite the sentences

<b>4. Production</b>

Find someone who…..
- has blue eyes

- has short hair
- …………..


- Match the words
with the pieces of
color paper

- Speak out the
model sentences.

- Answer the concept
checking questions.

- Work in pairs:
describe the people

<span class='text_page_counter'>(116)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=116>

<b>5. Homework</b>

- Learn by heart new words
- Do exercise B2,3(workbook)
- Prepare Unit 9 – B4,5

Week 20 – Period 59 Date: 08 – 01 - 2010
Unit 9 : the body

Lesson 5



<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- practice describing people/ question with “or”
- practice 4 skills

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>
- continue to describe people

- make questions with “or” and answer them

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, tape, cassette
<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>

a. Net word

- Teamwork

<span class='text_page_counter'>(117)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=117>



b. Listening: B5 –P102
<b>2. Presentation</b>

a. Presentation text B4 – P101
- Look at the picture of Miss Chi
- Describe Miss Chi

- Listen and read: B4 –P101
<i><b> b. Model sentences</b></i>

<i>- Is Miss Chi’s face oval or round?</i>
<i>- It’s round.</i>

* Concept check:

- Translate the whole sentences into VN- ese.
- What does “or” mean in Vietnamese ?

- Is this a “Yes – No” question ?

- Can we answer “”Yes/ No” to this question?

- How can we answer it?

<b>3. Practice</b>

- Answer the questions : P 102
<b>4. Production</b>

Describe one of their friends
<b>5. Homework</b>

- Learn by heart new words
- Do exercise B2,3(workbook)
- Prepare Unit 9 – B4,5

- Listen and choose
the picture they

- Speak out the
model sentences.
- Answer the concept
checking questions.

- Work in pairs: Ask
and answer the
question about Miss

<span class='text_page_counter'>(118)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=118>

Week 20 – Period 60 Date: 15 – 01 - 2010
Unit 10 : staying healthy

Lesson 1



<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- use the adjectives of colors to describe people
- practice 4 skills

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>
- use some adjectives of colors to describe people

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, tape, cassette,
colorful things

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(119)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=119>

Jumbled words

- EYSE (eyes) - SNOE (nose)
- CEFA (face) - SPIL (lips)


<b>2. Presentation</b>

a. Pre teach
- black (adj) (realia)
- white (adj) (realia)
- green (adj) (realia)
- blue (adj) (realia)
- gray (adj) (realia)
- red (adj) (realia)
- brown (adj) (realia)
- orange (adj) (realia)
- purple (adj) (realia)
- yellow (adj) (realia)

<b>* Check vocab: Matching </b>
<b>b. Dialogue build</b>

<b>Hoa</b> <b>Mai</b>

- I have a new

- It’s black.

- They are brown.

- What color is her

- What color are her

<i><b> b. Model sentences</b></i>
<i>- What color is her hair?</i>
<i>- It’s black.</i>

<i>- What color are her eyes?</i>
<i>- They are brown.</i>

* Concept check:

- Translate the whole sentences into VN- ese
- When do we use these questions ?

- Do we say “what color” or “ what is color ” ?
- Do we say “are her hair” or “ is her hair ” ?
<b>3. Practice</b>

Example exchange

S1: What color is her hair?

S2: It’s black. She has black hair.
S1 : What color are her eyes?

- Teamwork

- Guess the meaning,
listen, read, write

- Match the words

with the pieces of
color paper

- Speak out the
model sentences.

- Answer the concept
checking questions.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(120)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=120>

S2 : They’re brown. She has brown eyes.
- Rewrite the sentences

<b>4. Production</b>

Find someone who…..
- has blue eyes

- has short hair
- …………..

<b>5. Homework</b>

- Learn by heart new words
- Do exercise B2,3(workbook)
- Prepare Unit 9 – B4,5

Work in groups :

Week 21 – Period 61 Date: 15 – 01 - 2010
Unit 10 : staying healthy

Lesson 2



<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- use the adjectives of colors to describe people
- practice 4 skills

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>
- use some adjectives of colors to describe people

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, tape, cassette,
colorful things

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(121)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=121>

<b>V / Procedure:</b>

Week 21 – Period 62 Date: 15 – 01 - 2010
Unit 10 : staying healthy

Lesson 3



<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- use the adjectives of colors to describe people
- practice 4 skills

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>

- use some adjectives of colors to describe people

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, tape, cassette,
colorful things

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(122)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=122>

Jumbled words

- EYSE (eyes) - SNOE (nose)
- CEFA (face) - SPIL (lips)


<b>2. Presentation</b>
a. Pre teach
- black (adj) (realia)
- white (adj) (realia)
- green (adj) (realia)
- blue (adj) (realia)
- gray (adj) (realia)
- red (adj) (realia)
- brown (adj) (realia)
- orange (adj) (realia)

- purple (adj) (realia)
- yellow (adj) (realia)

<b>* Check vocab: Matching </b>
<b>b. Dialogue build</b>

<b>Hoa</b> <b>Mai</b>

- I have a new

- It’s black.

- They are brown.

- What color is her

- What color are her

<i><b> b. Model sentences</b></i>
<i>- What color is her hair?</i>
<i>- It’s black.</i>

<i>- What color are her eyes?</i>
<i>- They are brown.</i>

* Concept check:

- Translate the whole sentences into VN- ese
- When do we use these questions ?

- Do we say “what color” or “ what is color ” ?
- Do we say “are her hair” or “ is her hair ” ?
<b>3. Practice</b>

Example exchange

S1: What color is her hair?

S2: It’s black. She has black hair.
S1 : What color are her eyes?

- Teamwork

- Guess the meaning,
listen, read, write

- Match the words
with the pieces of
color paper

- Speak out the
model sentences.

- Answer the concept
checking questions.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(123)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=123>

S2 : They’re brown. She has brown eyes.
- Rewrite the sentences

<b>4. Production</b>

Find someone who…..
- has blue eyes

- has short hair
- …………..

<b>5. Homework</b>

- Learn by heart new words
- Do exercise B2,3(workbook)
- Prepare Unit 9 – B4,5

Work in groups :

Week 21 – Period 63 Date: 15 – 01 - 2010
Unit 10 : staying healthy

Lesson 4



<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- use the adjectives of colors to describe people
- practice 4 skills

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>
- use some adjectives of colors to describe people

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, tape, cassette,
colorful things

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>

Jumbled words

- EYSE (eyes) - SNOE (nose)
- CEFA (face) - SPIL (lips)


<b>2. Presentation</b>
a. Pre teach
- black (adj) (realia)

- Teamwork

<span class='text_page_counter'>(124)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=124>

- white (adj) (realia)
- green (adj) (realia)

- blue (adj) (realia)
- gray (adj) (realia)
- red (adj) (realia)
- brown (adj) (realia)
- orange (adj) (realia)
- purple (adj) (realia)
- yellow (adj) (realia)

<b>* Check vocab: Matching </b>
<b>b. Dialogue build</b>

<b>Hoa</b> <b>Mai</b>

- I have a new

- It’s black.

- They are brown.

- What color is her

- What color are her

<i><b> b. Model sentences</b></i>
<i>- What color is her hair?</i>
<i>- It’s black.</i>

<i>- What color are her eyes?</i>
<i>- They are brown.</i>

* Concept check:

- Translate the whole sentences into VN- ese
- When do we use these questions ?

- Do we say “what color” or “ what is color ” ?
- Do we say “are her hair” or “ is her hair ” ?
<b>3. Practice</b>

Example exchange

S1: What color is her hair?

S2: It’s black. She has black hair.
S1 : What color are her eyes?

S2 : They’re brown. She has brown eyes.
- Rewrite the sentences

<b>4. Production</b>

Find someone who…..
- has blue eyes

- has short hair
- …………..

- Match the words
with the pieces of
color paper

- Speak out the
model sentences.

- Answer the concept
checking questions.

- Work in pairs:
describe the people

<span class='text_page_counter'>(125)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=125>

<b>5. Homework</b>

- Learn by heart new words
- Do exercise B2,3(workbook)
- Prepare Unit 9 – B4,5

Week 22 – Period 64 Date: 22 – 01 - 2010
Unit 10 : staying healthy

Lesson 5



<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- use the adjectives of colors to describe people
- practice 4 skills

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>

- use some adjectives of colors to describe people

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, tape, cassette,
colorful things

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>

Jumbled words

- EYSE (eyes) - SNOE (nose)
- CEFA (face) - SPIL (lips)


<b>2. Presentation</b>
a. Pre teach
- black (adj) (realia)
- white (adj) (realia)
- green (adj) (realia)
- blue (adj) (realia)
- gray (adj) (realia)

- red (adj) (realia)
- brown (adj) (realia)
- orange (adj) (realia)
- purple (adj) (realia)
- yellow (adj) (realia)

<b>* Check vocab: Matching </b>

- Teamwork

- Guess the meaning,
listen, read, write

<span class='text_page_counter'>(126)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=126>

<b>b. Dialogue build</b>

<b>Hoa</b> <b>Mai</b>

- I have a new

- It’s black.

- They are brown.

- What color is her

- What color are her

<i><b> b. Model sentences</b></i>
<i>- What color is her hair?</i>
<i>- It’s black.</i>

<i>- What color are her eyes?</i>
<i>- They are brown.</i>

* Concept check:

- Translate the whole sentences into VN- ese
- When do we use these questions ?

- Do we say “what color” or “ what is color ” ?
- Do we say “are her hair” or “ is her hair ” ?
<b>3. Practice</b>

Example exchange

S1: What color is her hair?

S2: It’s black. She has black hair.
S1 : What color are her eyes?

S2 : They’re brown. She has brown eyes.
- Rewrite the sentences

<b>4. Production</b>

Find someone who…..

- has blue eyes

- has short hair
- …………..

<b>5. Homework</b>

- Learn by heart new words
- Do exercise B2,3(workbook)
- Prepare Unit 9 – B4,5

with the pieces of
color paper

- Speak out the
model sentences.

- Answer the concept
checking questions.

- Work in pairs:
describe the people

<span class='text_page_counter'>(127)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=127>

Week 24 – Period 70 Date: 29 – 01 - 2010
Grammar practice

<b>I / Aims: Help students revise</b>

- revise the Present Simple & Present Progressive tenses
- question words

- quanlifies

- practice 4 skills

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to get</b>
further practice in

- like/ dislike
- countability
- adjectives

- question words

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, poster
<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up & revision</b>

Noughts & crosses

You/noodles Your sister/

The students/

She/ bread Your teacher/

Your mother/

Nam /iced

-tea Lan/ chicken Mai/ milk
<b>3. Practice</b>

<i><b>a. Present Simple/ Present progressive</b></i>

Find someone who………. Names
- likes fish

- doesn’t like chicken
- likes bread

- doesn’t like rice

- Teamwork

Ask about food they
like or dislike:

+ Do you like

+ Yes, I do/ No, I

<span class='text_page_counter'>(128)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=128>

- Exercise 5 – P123
<i><b>b. a/an/some</b></i>

Complete the table

a an some

A sandwich
A banana

An orange
An ice- cream

Some noodles
Some fish
<i><b>c. Adjectives</b></i>


tall long weak hot fat

short short strong cold thin

<i><b>d. Question words</b></i>

<i><b>- Exercise 4 – P123</b></i>

1. a bottle
2. a packet
3. a bar
4. a kilo
5. a gram
6. a tube
7. a can
8. a glass
9. a box

a. chocolates
b. rice

c. milk
d. soda

e. cooking oil
f. toothpaste
g. soap

h. beef
i. tea
<b>3. Homework</b>

Prepare fot the written test 3

- Speak out the
model sentences.

- Teamwork : Find
out pairs of adj

- Work in groups of

+ Write down the
question words and
make examples.

- Speak out the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(129)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=129>

Week 24 – Period 71 Date: 20 – 02 - 2010
Written test 3

<b>I / Aims: Check students’ : </b>

- Grammar : Present Simple & Present Progressive tenses
- vocabulary : body; food & drinks

- skills : listening, writing, reading

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>
finish the test using: - the verbs in correct tenses

- question words
- adjectives

- vocab.

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Paper test

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>Content of the test</b>

1. Listen to the text, choose the correct

7. Supply the correct form of the verbs
8. Choose the best words or phrases to

complete the sentences.
9. Do as directed:

c. Make questions for the underlined


d. Rearrange the words into
meaningful sentences.

10. Read the text, answer the questions
11. (For class 6A) Find out and correct

<span class='text_page_counter'>(130)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=130>

Week 24 – Period 72 Date: 22 – 02 - 2010
Check the test

<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- find out and check their mistakes

- practice more about the tense of the verbs

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to </b>
- find out and check their mistakes themselves

- practice using the verbs in correct tenses

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, posters, …
<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>

Chatting: - greeting

- talk about health

- ask how they did their test
<b>2. Check the test</b>

- Write on the board some typical mistakes SS
made in their test:

+ Exercise 2:

2. Is there some milk?

4. How much eggs do you want?

7. How many is a sandwich? – 1,500 dong
+ Exercise 3:

1. What is color your hair ?
4. Her sister want not…
+ Exercise 4

Make question for….

2. A sandwich is 5,000 dong
-> How many is a sandwich?

- Elicit the correction from the SS
3. Revision

-Talk with the teacher
and the whole class.

- Read each sentence

- Find out and correct
their mistakes.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(131)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=131>

- Revise the question:

+ How many oranges do you want?
+ A dozen.

+ How much beef does he want?
+ 300 grams

+ How much is a sandwich?
+ 5,000 dong.

4. Practice

Supply correct tense/ form of the verbs

1. Her hair (be) long and black. She (have)
long black hair.

2. How much rice you (want)?
3. Ba (brush) his teeth now.

4. How much this cake (be)? – It (be) 1,500

5. What Mrs Ha (need)?
<b>5. Homework</b>

Prepare : Unit 12- A1,2

<span class='text_page_counter'>(132)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=132>

Week 25 – Period 73 Date: 22 – 02 - 2010
Unit 12 : sports and pastimes

Lesson 1



<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- revise the Present Progressive
- introduce sports vocabulary
- practice 4 skills

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>

- use the present progressive and sports vocabulary to talk about
what they are doing now

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, tape, cassette,

posters, cards

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>

Net words



<b>2. Presentation</b>
a. Pre teach
- to swim (picture)
- to skip (picture)
- to jog (picture)

- to do aerobics (picture)

- Teamwork

- Guess the meaning,
listen, read, write

<span class='text_page_counter'>(133)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=133>

- tennis (n) (picture)
- table tennis (picture)

<b>* Check vocab: rub out & remember </b>
<i><b> b. Model sentences</b></i>

<i>- What is he doing ?</i>
<i>- He is swimming</i>

<i>- What are they doing ?</i>
<i>- They are playing soccer.</i>
* Concept check:

- Translate the whole sentences into VN- ese
- What tense is used in these sentences ?

- Do we say “what is he…” or “ what he is…
” ?

- Do we say “He is swimming ” or “ He
swimming ” ?

<b>3. Practice</b>

Picture drill: A1 – P124
<b>4. Further practice</b>
Noughts & crosses

He/ soccer Mai/ jog Hoa/do

She/ skip Minh / table




tennis Yourmother /

He/ swim

<b>5. Homework</b>

- Learn by heart new words
- Do exercise A1,2(workbook)
- Prepare Unit 12 – A3,4,5

- Speak out the
model sentences.
- Answer the concept
checking questions.

- Work in pairs: Ask
and answer

<span class='text_page_counter'>(134)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=134>

Week 25 – Period 74 Date: 22 – 02 - 2010

Unit 12 : sports and pastimes

Lesson 2



<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- ask about the sports they like

- practice 4 skills, mainly reading skill

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>

- use the present progressive and sports vocabulary to talk about
what they are doing now

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, tape, cassette,
posters, cards

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>

Slap the board

- table tennis - aerobics

- soccer - swim
- skip - jog
<b>2. Pre- reading</b>

a. Set the scene

There are activities and sports. Do you know
which sports I do.

<i><b> b. Model sentences</b></i>
<i>- Which sports do you do ?</i>

- Teamwork

<span class='text_page_counter'>(135)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=135>

<i>- I play soccer and swim.</i>
* Concept check:

- Translate the whole sentences into VN- ese
- What do this question use for ?

- Do we say “what sports…” or “ which
sports… ” ?

- Do we say “do you do ” or “ do you play ” ?
<i><b>c. Practice</b></i>

Picture drill: A3 – P125

<i><b>d. Prediction the text A4 – P126</b></i>
- Which sports do Nam and Lan do?

Nam Lan


<b>3. While - reading</b>

- Read the text

- Answer the questions
<b>4. Post – reading</b>
Make a survey

Name Sports


swim, badminton

<b>5. Homework</b>

- Do exercise A3,4,5(workbook)

- Prepare Unit 12 – B1,2,3

model sentences.
- Answer the concept
checking questions.

- Work in pairs: Ask
and answer

<i>+ Which sport do</i>
<i>you do?</i>

<i>+ I………</i>

- Predict the text

- Read A4 – P 126
- Ask and answer the
questions in pairs
- Groupwork:

+ Which sports do
you do?

+ I swim.
+ What else?

+ I play badminton.
+ Do you play

<span class='text_page_counter'>(136)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=136>

Week 25 – Period 75 Date: 22 – 02 - 2010
Unit 12 : sports and pastimes

Lesson 3



<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- write a short text about what they do in their free time
- practice 4 skills, mainly writing skill

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>
write a short text about what they do in their free time.

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, tape, cassette,
posters, cards

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>

- Free time activities
Give some pictures

<b>2. Pre- reading</b>

a. Pre – teach
- free time (ex)
- to go fishing

- Teamwork: write
the activities in each

+ watch TV

+ listen to music
+ ………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(137)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=137>

- to go to the movies
<i><b> b. Practice</b></i>

<i>- What do these people do in their free time ?</i>
<i>Eg:- What does Phuong do in his free time?</i>
<i> - He goes to the movies.</i>

<b>3. While - writing</b>

- Write about what you and your folks do in
your free times

<b>4. Post – writing</b>
Make a survey

Name In………. free time


Play video games

<b>5. Homework</b>

- Do exercise B1,2,3(workbook)
- Prepare Unit 12 – B4,5

- Look at the
pictures: B1 – P127
- Work in pairs.

- Write down the

- Write individually
then pairs compare.
- Work in groups:
Ask and answer:

+ What do you do in
your free time?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(138)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=138>

Week 26 – Period 76 Date: 28 – 02 - 2010
Unit 12 : sports and pastimes

Lesson 4



<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- ask and answer about frequency
- practice 4 skills

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>
use the question “How often” and answer “once/ twice/ three times…”
to talk about frequency.

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, tape, cassette,
posters, cards

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>

Matching: B4 – P128
- Listen to the tape
<b>2. Presentation</b>
a. Pre – teach
- How often (ex)
- once (eg)

- Match the pictures
with the names

<span class='text_page_counter'>(139)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=139>

- twice (eg)

- three times (eg)

* Check vocab : Matching
<i><b> b. Presentation dialogue</b></i>
<i>- Listen and read B5 – P128</i>
c. Model sentences

<i>- How often does she go jogging?</i>

<i> listen to music?</i>
<i> read?</i>

<i>- She goes jogging once a week</i>
<i> twice a week.</i>

<i> three times a week.</i>
* Concept check:

- In Vietnamese.

- What do we use the question “How often”

- How to answer to this question?

- Do we say “How often does Ly…?” or “How
does Ly often…?”

<b>3. Practice</b>

- Picture – drill: A5 – P129
<b>4. Production</b>

Find someone who………….

Find someone who…. Names
- plays soccer twice a


- goes to the movies
once a week

- watches TV three
times a week

- ………….


<b>5. Homework</b>

- Do exercise B3,4(workbook)
- Prepare Unit 12 – C

- Listen and repeat
- Read in pairs.

- Speak out the
model sentences.

- Answer the concept
checking questions.

- Ask and answer
about Ly’s diary in

- Write down the

- Work in groups:
Ask and answer:

+ How often do you
play soccer?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(140)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=140>

Week 26 – Period 77 Date: 28 – 02 - 2010
Unit 12 : sports and pastimes

Lesson 5: C

<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- use the adverbs of frequency

- practice 4 skills

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>
- read a picture story to understand the details

- use the adverbs of frequency with simple present tense for
regular activities

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, tape, cassette,
posters, cards

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>

Noughts & crosses

Read books swim Play tennis

- Teamwork: Ask and

<span class='text_page_counter'>(141)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=141>

Go to school Play soccer Do …

Watch TV Listen to



<b>2. Pre- reading</b>

<i><b> a. Pre – teach </b></i>

n Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun


v v v v


v v v

often v v

Some-times v

never x x x x x x x

- to fly a kite (picture)
- a tent (picture)

- to go camping (situation)
- to go for a picnic (tran-)
<i><b> b. Prediction</b></i>

<i>How often do Ba and Lan do these things?</i>
How often do

they…? <i>Alw-ays</i> <i>Usually</i> <i>often Sometim</i>

<i>Go to the</i>

<i>zoo</i> v

<i>Go to the</i>

<i>park</i> v

<i>Have</i> <i>a</i>



<i>Play sports</i> v

<i>Fly kites</i> v

<i>Go camping</i> v

<i>Walk</i> <i>to</i>

<i>school</i> v

<b>3. While - reading</b>
- Read C2 – P130
- Ask and answer:

<i>-How often do Ba and Lan go to the zoo?</i>

+ Twice a week.

- Guess the meaning,
listen, read and
write down

- Listen and repeat
- Read in pairs.

- Speak out the
model sentences.

Predict the text

- Read and check
their prediction

- Ask and answer
- Write down the

- Listen and answer
the questions

<span class='text_page_counter'>(142)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=142>

<i>- They sometimes go to the zoo.</i>
<i>- Matching: C5 –P132</i>

+ How often do Nga and Lan do these things?
+ Listen and match with the pictures

<b>4. Post - reading</b>

- Read the text C6 – P132
- Answer the questions
<b>5. Homework</b>

- Do exercise C4- P131
- Prepare Unit 13 – A1,2

- Ask and answer the
questions in pairs.

Week 26 – Period 78 Date: 01 – 03 - 2010
Unit 13 : activities and seasons

Lesson 1: A1,2

<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- talk about the weather and seasons
- practice 4 skills

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>
talk about the weather and seasons

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, tape, cassette,
posters, cards

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(143)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=143>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>


- What’s today?
- What’s the date?
- How do you feel?
- Why?

<b>2. Presentation</b>
a. Pre – teach
- a season (ex)
- the weather (ex)

- spring (picture) -> warm (adj) (ex)
- summer (picture)

- fall (picture) -> cool (adj) (ex)
- winter (picture)

<b>* Check vocab: Matching</b>

Cold spring June, July, August

Cool summer September, October,

Warm fall March, April, May

Hot winter December, January,

<i><b> b. Set the scene</b></i>

<i>Peter is from England. He will come to Ha</i>
<i>Noi, he wants to know…</i>

<i><b>c. Model sentences</b></i>

<i>- What’s the weather like in the summer?</i>
<i>- It is hot</i>

<b>* Concept check:</b>
- In Vietnamese.

- What do we use this question for?
- “What is” or “What does”

- What does “like” mean in this question?
- How to answer to this question?

<b>3. Practice</b>

<i> a. Picture – drill A1 – P134</i>

<i>b. Word – cue drill</i>
1. Ha Noi / today/ hot
2. Hue / fall/ cool

3. HCM City/ winter/ not cold
4. Nha Trang/ spring/ warm

- Groupwork

- Guess the meaning,
listen, read and
write down

- Do the matching

- Speak out the
model sentences.

Answer the concept
checking questions

- Work in pairs:

+What’s the weather
like in the….?

+ It’s……

<span class='text_page_counter'>(144)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=144>

5. SaPa/ winter/ cold
<b>4. Production</b>

Write about the weather in Viet Nam four

<b>5. Homework</b>

- Do exercise A1,2 (workbook)
- Prepare Unit 13 – A3

- Write in groups of 4

Week 27 – Period 79 Date: 06 – 03 - 2010
Unit 13 : activities and seasons

Lesson 2: A3

<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- talk about the weather they like
- practice 4 skills

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>
talk about the weather they like

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, tape, cassette,
posters, cards

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(145)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=145>

<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>




- What’s the weather like today?
- Do you like hot weather?

<b>2. Presentation</b>
<i><b> Model sentences</b></i>

<i>- What weather do you like??</i>
<i>- I like hot weather.</i>

<i>- What weather does she like?</i>
<i>- She like cool weather.</i>

<b>* Concept check:</b>
- In Vietnamese.

- What do we use this question for?

- “What weather” or “What’s weather” ?
- What does “like” mean in this question?
- How to answer to this question?

<b>3. Practice</b>

<i> a. Picture – drill 21 – P135</i>

<i>b. Mapped dialogue</i>

<b>You</b> <b>Your partner</b>

- What……….like
in the………..?

- No, I don’t.

- It’s……….... Do

you like


- Groupwork

- Guess the meaning,
listen, read and
write down

- Speak out the
model sentences.

Answer the concept
checking questions

- Work in pairs:

+What weather do
you like?

+ I like….

+ What weather
does she/ he like?
+ She/ He like…

- Work in pairs :
complete the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(146)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=146>

- I like……… - What
<b>4. Production</b>

Write about the weather you like and the
reason why.

<b>5. Homework</b>

- Do exercise A3 (workbook)
- Prepare Unit 13 – A4

- Write in groups of 4

Week 27 – Period 80 Date: 06 – 03 - 2010
Unit 13 : activities and seasons

Lesson 3: A4

<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- use “when” clause in positive statement
- practice 4 skills

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>

use “when” clause in positive statement and WH - Question

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, tape, cassette,
posters, cards

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(147)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=147>

<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>


Listen to

<b>2. Presentation</b>

a. Predict the text

- What does Ba do when it’s hot ?

cold ?
cool ?
warm ?
- He goes swimming.

<i><b> b. Reading</b></i>
- Read A4 – P136

- Answer the questions – P136
<i><b> c. Model sentense</b></i>

<i>When it’s hot, Ba goes swimming</i>
<b>* Concept check:</b>

- In Vietnamese.

- Is “When” a question word?

- What does “when” mean in this question?
- “When it is…” or “When is it…”

<b>3. Practice</b>

<i> a. word – cue drill</i>
1. cold/ go jogging
2. cool/ do earobics
3. hot/ go swimming
4. warm/ go to the park

<i>b. Make a survey</i>


hot cold cool warm

<i>Lan</i> <i>Go to</i>

- Teamwork:

Write free time
activities on the

- Predict

- Read the text and

check their


- Speak out the
model sentences.
Answer the concept
checking questions

- Make example:
<i>+ Do you go jogging</i>
<i>when it’s cold?</i>

<i>+ Yes, I do/ No, I</i>

- Work in pairs:

+What’s the weather
like in the….?

+ It’s……

- Work in groups of

<span class='text_page_counter'>(148)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=148>



<b>4. Production</b>

- Speak out and write about themshelves
<b>5. Homework</b>

- Do exercise A4 (workbook)
- Prepare Unit 13 – B1

+ What do you do
when the weather is

+ I………

- Write individually:
<i>When it’s hot, I…</i>

Week 27 – Period 81 Date: 06 – 03 - 2010
Unit 13 : activities and seasons

Lesson 4: B1

<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- use the adverbs of frequency to practice sport vocab- and

- practice 4 skills

<span class='text_page_counter'>(149)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=149>

- use the adverbs of frequency, the present present
- practice sport vocab- and seasons

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, tape, cassette,
posters, cards

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>


- vv always
- vvvvv usually
- x often

- vvv sometimes
- vvvv never
<b>2. Presentation</b>

a. Pre - teach

- to play basketbal (picture)
- to go sailing (picture)

<i><b> b. Ask and answer</b></i>

- What do you do in the summer?
- I often play volleyball.

<b>3. Practice</b>
<i> . Answer given</i>

1. We often play volleyball.
2. They sometimes go sailing
3. I often go swimming

4. She usually plays bad

5. We always play basketball.
<b>4. Production</b>

Lucky numbers

1. What’s the weather like in the summer?
2. What do you do in the fall?

3. What do you eat in the witer?
4. L.N

5. What’s the weather like in the spring?

- Teamwork:

- Guess the meaning,
listen, read and
write down

- Look at the picture
– P138.

- Ask and answer in

<span class='text_page_counter'>(150)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=150>

6. LN

7. Where do you usually go in the spring?
8. L.N

<b>5. Homework</b>

- Do exercise B1 (workbook)
- Prepare Unit 13 – B2

Week 28 – Period 82 Date: 15 – 03 - 2010
Unit 13 : activities and seasons

Lesson 5: B2

<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(151)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=151>

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write</b>
about activities they do in different seasons.

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, tape, cassette,
posters, cards

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>


Write about activities in different seasons.
spring summer fall winter




<b>2. Pre- writing</b>
a. board drill
- spring

- summer
- fall

- winter

<i><b> b. Make a survey</b></i>

Name Seasons Activities

……… Summer…………. Play soccer…………..
<b>3. While- writing</b>

Write about the friends activities they’ve
interview using singular personal pronouns
(she/ he)

<b>4. Post - writing</b>
- Correct SS’ writing

+ Write on the board some typical mistakes
+ Elicit SS’ correction

- Groupwork

- Ask and answer in

+ What do you do in
the spring?

+ I go jogging
- Work in groups:
+ What do you do in
the summer?

+ I play soccer.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(152)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=152>

<b>5. Homework</b>

- Do exercise B2 (workbook)
- Prepare Unit 14 – A1,2,3

Week 28 – Period 83 Date: 18 – 03 - 2010
Unit 14 : Making plans

<span class='text_page_counter'>(153)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=153>

<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- use “be going to” to make future plans
- practice 4 skills

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to </b>
- use “be going to” to make future plans

- use WH – Question to talk about vacations

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, tape, cassette,
posters, cards

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>




- I see what you often do in the summer
- How about this summer?

- do you go to school in the summer? Why?
<b>2. Presentation</b>

a. Pre - teach
- a vacation (ex)

- the citadel (picture)

- to stay (ex) -> stay with…
stay for….
- to visit (ex)

- an uncle (eg:How do you call your father’s

- an aunt (eg: How do you call your father’s

<i><b> b. Set the scene</b></i>
Show a picture:

- Teamwork


- Guess the meaning,
listen, read and

write down

- Listen to the tape
What can you do

<span class='text_page_counter'>(154)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=154>

- What is it? Where?

- Lan is going to visit it this summer.
<i><b> c. Listen and read</b></i>

- Listen to the tape
- Read the dialogue
<i><b>d. Model sentences</b></i>

<i>- What are you going to do this summer</i>

<i>- I’m going to visit Hue.</i>
<b>* Concept check:</b>

- In Vietnamese.

- When do we use this question? For furure
plans or usual activities?

- Is it the near future tense?

- “What are you going to do”or “What are you

- “I’m going to Hue” or “I’m going to visit

- Listen and notice the intonation.
<b>3. Practice</b>

<i>Picture – drill</i>
- Halong Bay
- play volleyball
- go swimming
- play soccer
- go sailing
<b>4. Production</b>

Show a picture of Ha Long Bay
Complete the dialogue
<i>- What……… this summer?</i>
<i>- I’m………</i>
<i>- Where ………stay?</i>
<i>- ……… a hotel.</i>
<i>- How long………?</i>

<i>- I’m……… three days.</i>
<i>- What ………..do there?</i>
<i>-………. ……….</i>
<b>5. Homework</b>

- Do exercise A1,2,3 (workbook)

- Write about your plan for this summer


- Prepare Unit 14 – A4,5

- Read in pairs

- Answer the concept
checking questions.

- Look at the

- Work in pairs:

+ What are you
going to do this

<span class='text_page_counter'>(155)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=155>

Week 28 – Period 84 Date: 18 – 03 - 2010
Unit 14 : Making plans

Lesson2 : A4,5

<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>
- understand the text
- use sequencing words

- practice 4 skills, mainly reading skill

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to </b>

- read the text about vacation plans to understand the details
- practice “going to”

- use sequencing words “first, then, next, after that, finally”

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, tape, cassette,
posters, cards

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>


- What’s today?
- What’s the date?

- What’s the weather like today?
- How do you feel?

- Where do you want to go this summer

<b>2. Pre- reading</b>

a. Pre - teach
- a beach (picture)
<i><b> b. Matching</b></i>

Ben Thanh Market Nha Trang
The beach HCM City
The citadel Ha Noi

- Groupwork

- Guess the meaning,
listen, read and
write down

<span class='text_page_counter'>(156)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=156>

Ngoc Son Temple Quang Ninh
Ha Long Bay Hue

<i><b>c. Guessing game</b></i>

- Order 5 place where Phuong and Mai are
going to visit:

1 2 3 4

Ha Noi …….. ……… ………

<b>3. While - reading</b>
- Read

- Fill in the table

to visit Whereto stay Howlong Whatto do
First HL Bay

Then …


- Answer the questions

<i>+ Which place are Phuong and Mai going to</i>
<i>visit first?</i>

<i>+ ……..</i>

<i>+ Where are they going to stay?</i>
<i>+ ……….</i>

<i>+ How long are they going to stay?</i>
<i>+ ………</i>

<i>+ What are they going to do there?</i>
<i>+ ……….</i>

<b>4. Post - reading</b>
Make a survey

Name Places

to visit Whereto stay Howlong Whatto do
Nam HL Bay

Lan ……

- Order the places
- Listen to the tape
- Read the text
individually, fill in
the table then pairs

- Work in pairs: ask
and answer the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(157)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=157>

<b>5. Homework</b>

- Do exercise A4,5 (workbook)
- Prepare Unit 14 – B1->4

Week 29 – Period 85 Date: 25 – 03 - 2010
Unit 14 : Making plans

Lesson3: B1-> 4

<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- talk about their plans for near future using “going to”
- practice 4 skills, mainly speaking skill

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>
practice speaking using “going to” to talk about their future plans for
near future

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, tape, cassette,
posters, cards

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>


- What are you going to do tomorrow?
<b>2. Presentation</b>

a. Guessing

What are Tuan and Lan going to do tonight
and tomorrow?

<i><b>Tuan: What are you going to do tonight?</b></i>

<i><b>Lan: </b></i> <i>I’m</i>


<i><b>Tuan: What are you going to do tomorrow ?</b></i>
<i><b>Lan : It’s Sunday.</b></i>

- Teamwork

- Work in pairs.

- Guess the missing

<span class='text_page_counter'>(158)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=158>

<i> I’m going</i>

<i> Then we’ve going to……... What</i>
<i>about you? </i>

<i><b>Tuan: Tonight, Im………</b></i>
<i> Tomorrow, I’m……….</i>
<i><b> b. Listen and read</b></i>

- Listen to the tape
- Read the dialogue
<b>3. Practice</b>

a. make similar dialogue: B2 – P144
b. Listen and read : B3 – P144

- Listen to the tape
- Answer the questions:

+ What is Ba going to do on the weekend?
+ What about you?

- Correct SS’ writing
<b>4. Production</b>


5. Homework

- Do exercise B1,2,3,4 (workbook)
- Prepare Unit 14 – B5,6

- Listen to the tape,

check their

- Read in pairs
- Work in pairs

- Listen to the tape
- Read in pairs

-> Write about their
future plans for the

+ On Saturday
morning, I’m going

+ On Saturday
afternoon, I’m …..
+ ………..

- Work in groups of

Ask about their
future plans:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(159)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=159>

Week 29 – Period 86 Date: 25 – 03 - 2010
Unit 14 : Making plans

Lesson3: B5,6

<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- practice the near future with “going to”

- practice 4 skills, mainly listening, reading skills

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to</b>
practice “going to” to talk about their future plans

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, tape, cassette,
posters, cards

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>

Make a survey

tonight On

Saturday OnSunday In tnevacatio


- Work in groups of


<span class='text_page_counter'>(160)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=160>

<b>2. Pre- reading</b>
a. Pre – teach
- to bring (ex)

- a camera (picture)

- to take a photo (picture)
<i><b> b. Pre - questions</b></i>

Minh and his friends are going to have a

1. What are they going to do?

2. What three things are they going to bring?
3. What are they going to do there?

<b>3.While - reading</b>
- Read the text

- Answer the questions
<b>4. Pre - listening</b>
<i>a. Brainstorming</i>

A camera
<i>b. Prediction: Matching</i>

Vui a ball

Ly a camera
Lan some food
Mai some drinks
Nga a tent

<b>5. While – listening</b>
- Listen to the tape

6. Post reading& listening
- Write sentences

<i>Eg: Vui is going to bring………</i>
<b>7. Homework</b>

- Do exercise B5,6 (workbook)
- Prepare Unit 14 – C

- Guess the meaning,
listen, read and
write down.

- Predict the answers

- Read the text

- Answer the
questions in pairs.

- Match the names

with things they

- Listen to the tape,

check their


- Write individually
then pairs compare
Things to bring for a

<span class='text_page_counter'>(161)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=161>

Week 29 – Period 87 Date: 03 – 04 - 2010
Unit 14 : Making plans

Lesson3: C

<b>I / Aims: Help students </b>

- make suggestions and respond to them
- practice 4 skills

<b>II / Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to </b>

- make suggestion with “Let’s….”/ “What about…” / “Why don’t
we…” and responds to suggestions

- practice with “want to”

<b>III / Teaching aids:</b>

Text book, teacher’s book, workbook, pictures, tape, cassette,
posters, cards

<b>IV / Teaching ways:</b>

Teamwork, groupwork, pairwork, individual work, T – whole class.
<b>V / Procedure:</b>

<b>Time</b> <b><sub>Teacher’s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(162)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=162>

go to the zoo ….

<b>2. Presentation</b>
a. Pre – teach
- a pagoda (picture)
- a minibus (picture)
- too = very (synonym)
- far >< near (antonym)

<i>* Set the scene : Lan and her friends are</i>
<i>going to do something this vacation</i>

<i><b> b. Pre - questions</b></i>

1. Where are they going to go?
2. How are they going to travel?

3. What are they going to do there?
<i><b> c. Listen and read</b></i>

- Listen to the tape

<i><b>d. Answer the questions</b></i>
<i><b>e. Model sentences</b></i>

<i>- Let’s go camping.</i>

<i>- What about going to Hue?</i>

<i>- Why don’t we go to Huong pagoda.</i>
<i> - That’s a good idea.</i>

<i> - I don’t want to go to Hue.</i>
<b>* Concept check:</b>

- In Vietnamese.

- When do we use these sentences?
- “Let’s to go” or “Let’s go”

- “What about” or “What’s about”?

- “What about to go” or “What about going”?
- “Why don’t we going ” or “Why don’t we

- How to respond to these suggestions?

- Listen and notice the intonation.

- Read the text

- Answer the questions

- Guess the meaning,
listen, read and
write down.

- Predict the answers

- Listen to the tape
- Read in pairs

- Answer the
questions in pairs.
- Speak out the
model sentences

- Answer the concept
checking questions

- Listen to the tape,

check their


- Write individually
We are going to… ...in

<span class='text_page_counter'>(163)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=163>

<b>4. Pre - listening</b>
<i>a. Brainstorming</i>

A camera
<i>b. Prediction: Matching</i>

Vui a ball
Ly a camera
Lan some food
Mai some drinks
Nga a tent

<b>5. While – listening</b>
- Listen to the tape

6. Post reading& listening
- Write sentences

<i>Eg: Vui is going to bring………</i>
<b>7. Homework</b>

- Do exercise B5,6 (workbook)
- Prepare Unit 14 – C

then pairs compare



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