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Lesson Plan - English 6 School year
2007 - 2008
The 1
Period 1:
Teach :
_6a: ....../....../2007.

_6b: ....../....../2007.

_6c: ....../....../2007.
1. Knowledge:
Students know how to learn English 6 and the order of a
unit in this grade.
2. Skills:
Students will be able to get good skills on preparing the lesson in the text-book before
going in the class.
3. Attitude:
Students must have good attitude and to study seriously.
1. Language contents:
- 16 units.
- 6 subjects:
+ You and me. + Health.
+ Education. + Recreation.
+ Community. + The world around us.
2. Teaching aids:
- Teacher : Students' book; lesson plan; tape; cassette player; black board.

- Students : Students' book; note book; workbook.
3. Teaching methodologies:
- Demonstration.
1. Organization: Who is absent today? (1 minute)
- 6a : ......................................................
- 6b : ......................................................
- 6c : ......................................................
2. Check up: No checking up.
3. New lesson: (39 minutes)
Teacher and students’ activities Time Content
Action 1:
 Teacher: Introduces the aims of this period.
 Students: Listen to teacher and write down
on their notebooks.
15' 1. The aim of the subject:
a. Cơ sở:
Do Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo quy
định. Tiếng Anh có vai trò quan trọng
đối với sự phát triển chung của toàn xã
hội, có tính hệ thống hoá của các bậc
học. Điều kiện dạy và học Ngoại ngữ ở
bậc THCS là có tính khả thi.
b. Mục tiêu chung:
Vuong Hung_092007_Trung Mon Secondary School_Yen Son district_Tuyen Quang province
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Lesson Plan - English 6 School year
2007 - 2008
Hình thành và phát triển ở học sinh
những kiến thức, kỹ năng cơ bản về

Tiếng Anh.
c. Mục tiêu cụ thể:
- Học sinh nắm được kiến thức cơ
bản, tối thiểu về hệ thống Tiếng Anh
thực hành.
- Học sinh phát triển được 4 kỹ năng
: Nghe, Nói , Đọc, Viết.
- Học sinh biết được một số nét văn
hóa ở một số nước nói Tiếng Anh.
- Có kỹ năng tư duy, suy luận logic.
Action 2:
 Teacher: Asks students to open the students'
book and look at Unit 1.
 Students: Open the book, look at Unit 1
then listen to teacher.
 Teacher: Presents structure of a unit in the
students' book.
 Students: Open the students' book, the
exercise book page by page follow the teacher’s
15' 2. The programms in English 6:
 Presentation: Show parts in the
students' book include the presentation
of the topic and its content.
Ex: Unit 1: Greetings - Show the
way to greet people and identify
 Controlled practice: Give some
ways to practice.
Ex:  Teacher: Mai.

 Students: My name is Mai.
 Free practice: Show the way to
practice freely.
Ex:  Student 1: My name is
 Student 2: My name is Lan.
 Student 2: My name is Ba.
 Remember: Consolidate all
grammar structures in the unit.
Ex: I am ................................
My name is ..................
 Homework: Give the way to
use exercise book after each part in a
Action 3:
 Teacher: Gives the objective of English.
Asks students listen and remember.
 Students: Listen to teacher and write down
on their notebooks.
9' 3. The objective of English:
- SGK, SBT, vở ghi, vở bài tập, sổ
từ ........
- Thái độ học tập bộ môn : Tham gia
tích cực các hoạt động , làm bài tập đầy
đủ, học và biết cách sử dụng các cấu
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Lesson Plan - English 6 School year
2007 - 2008
trúc, các từ mới.

4. Consolidation: (3 minutes)
Repeats the main contents one time again then ask students to listen.
5. Homework: (2 minutes)
Lets students prepare the next lesson - Unit 1: Greetings _ Section A: Hello! 1 - 4 _ (Page
10 - Students' book).
The 2
Period 2:
Teach :
_6a: ....../....../2007.

_6b: ....../....../2007.

_6c: ....../....../2007.
Unit 1: Greetings
Topic A:

(A1; 2; 3; 4)
1. Knowledge:
- At the end of the lesson, students will be able to know the
way to greet people and identify oneself.
- Understand the way of using structures to introduce name:
"I am ................. / My name is ..................".
2. Skills:
- Get good skills on greeting people and introducing name.
- Counting cardinal numbers from 0 to 5.

3. Attitude:
Students must have good attitude and to study seriously.
1. Language contents:
- Vocabulary: Hello Hi I You Name
Am is are Oh one
Two three four five
- Structures: My name is ...
I am ...
2. Teaching aids:
- Teacher : Students' book; lesson plan; tape; cassette player; black board.
- Students : Students' book; note book; workbook.
3. Teaching methodologies:
- Demonstration and guided practice.
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Lesson Plan - English 6 School year
2007 - 2008
1. Organization: Who is absent today? (1 minute)
- 6a : ......................................................
- 6b : ......................................................
- 6c : ......................................................
2. Check up: No checking up.
3. New lesson: (39 minutes)
Teacher and students’ activities Time Content
Warm up:
 Teacher: Requires students to look at the
picture in page 10 then ask to guess what the
people doing.

 Students: Look at the picture, guess then
make comments about that.
 Teacher: Asks students to cite some
greeting words in Vietnamese.
 Students: Put forward some greeting
Action 1:
* Greeting:
 Teacher: Turns on the tape at section A1
(page 10) twice and ask students repeat.
 Students: Listen and read after.
 Teacher: Requires some students to read
again the greeting words “Hi” and “Hello”.
 Students: Read as teacher’s requirement.
 Teacher: Tells the difference between “Hi”
and “Hello”.
 Students: Listen and write down on the
note book.
5' A1. Listen and repeat: Greeting others
with "Hello / Hi".
Greeting words:
- Hi
- Hello
Action 2:
 Teacher: Devices class into groups of 2
tables for each, give the situation then ask students
to practice.
 Students: Practice in groups, then performs
before class.

5' A2. Practice: Practice greeting others
with "Hello / Hi".
a. Say "Hello" to your classmates.
b. Say "Hi" to your classmates.
Action 3:
 Teacher: Asks students how to introduce
our name in the first meeting with other, ask them
to listen to the tape at section A3 (page 11) twice
then repeat again.
 Students: Answer with the name, age,
address, then listens to the tape and repeat again.
5' A3. Listen and repeat: Introduce name
to others.
 Student 1: I am Lan.
 Student 2: I am Nga.
 Student 3: My name is Ba.
 Student 4: My name is Nam.
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Lesson Plan - English 6 School year
2007 - 2008
 Teacher: Calls some students to play the
parts of Lan, Nga, Ba and Nam and require them
to repeat what they heard.
 Students: Do as teacher’s requirement.
Action 4:
 Teacher: Gives structures. Then asks
students practice the structures in pairs, then
performs before class.
 Students: Do as teacher’s requirement.

7' A4. Practice with a group: Practice
introduce name to others with
structures "I am .../ My name is ...".
- Structures:
+ I am + name.
+ My name is + name.
=> I am = I’m.
=> My name is = My name’s.
Action 5: Review and drill the cardinal
number from 0 to 5:
 Teacher: Writes down on the black board
the cardinal number from 0 to 5. Read these
numbers one by one then ask students repeat after
in chorus.
 Students: Listen and repeat after teacher
then write down on the note book.
 Teacher: Calls some students to read again.
 Students: Read the cardinal number again.
5' Review and drill the Cardinal number
0: Oh
1: One
2: Two
3: Three
4: Four
5: Five
Action 6:
 Teacher: Guides students to play the game
“Lucky number”.
 Students: Play the game follow teacher’s

10' Practice: Play game “Lucky number”
0 1 2 3 4 5
- The lucky number is 3 = 2 marks.
- The rests are equal to the below
0: Read the cardinal numbers that
teacher writes on the board.
1: Introduce about the name with
2: Shake hands with the monitor and
greet him/ her.
4: Count down the number from 5 to 0.
5: Greeting your 5 best friends.
4. Consolidation: (3 minutes)
 Teacher: Repeats the ways to greet people, the way of introducing name and then read
again the cardinal number from 0 to 5.
 Students: Listen and memorize.
5. Homework: (1 minutes)
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Lesson Plan - English 6 School year
2007 - 2008
- Greeting and introducing the name with other member in the family.
- Count some objects in their family (around 5 things).
- Prepare the next lesson - Unit 1: Greetings _ Section A: Hello! 5 - 8 _ (Page 12; 13 -
Students' book).
The 2
Period 3:

Teach :
_6a: ....../....../2007.

_6b: ....../....../2007.

_6c: ....../....../2007.
Unit 1: Greetings
Topic A:

(A5; 6; 7; 8)
1. Knowledge:
- After finishing this lesson, students will be able to know the
way of asking how people are, how to say thank to others.
- Understand the way of using structure: How are you?
2. Skills:
Students will be able to get communicative competence with:
- Asking how people are;
- Saying thank to others;
- Counting cardinal numbers from 6 to 10.
3. Attitude:
- Students must have good attitude and to study seriously.
- To be fond of English study subject.
1. Language contents:
- Vocabulary: How Fine And Mr. Miss
Six Seven Eight Nine Ten

- Structures: How are you?
I’m fine, thanks.
And you?
2. Teaching aids:
- Teacher : Students' book; lesson plan; tape; cassette player; black board.
- Students : Students' book; note book; workbook.
3. Teaching methodologies:
- Demonstration and guided practice.
- Brainstorming.
1. Organization: Who is absent today? (1 minute)
- 6a : ......................................................
- 6b : ......................................................
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Lesson Plan - English 6 School year
2007 - 2008
- 6c : ......................................................
2. Check up: (4 minutes)
- Ask students to greet others and introduce their name.
3. New lesson: (32 minutes)
Teacher and students’ activities Time Content
Warm up:
- How are you today, class?
- Hi. My name is Hung. How about you?
(Show a student).
Action 1:
Introduce the aims of this period, practice
asking how people are and the way of answering.

 Teacher: Requires students to look at the
picture in page 12, section A5, introduce the
situation between Lan and Ba (meet each other on
the way to school) then ask them to guess what
Lan and Ba saying.
 Students: Look at the picture, guess then
make comments about that.
 Teacher: Divides class in to 6 groups and
give each with a disorder dialogue between Lan
and Ba. Ask students to close the book then right
order the content of the dialogue given.
 Students: Read content of the disorder
dialogue, close the Students' book then right
orders the dialogue as requirement.
 Teacher: Turns on the tape at section A5
(page 12) twice, ask students listen to the tape,
check the result that have been done with the
 Students: Listen to the tape and check
 Teacher: Gives the correct answer. Present
structures of asking how people are and the way
of answering.
 Students: Listen and write down.
 Teacher: Requires students to practice in
pair with the dialogue of section A5 (page 12).
Then call some pairs to perform before class.
 Students: Practice in pair and perform
before class as requirement.

Asking how people are and the way of
- Correct the disorder dialogue between
Lan and Ba:
(1) Ba: How are you?
(2) Lan: Hello, Ba.
(3) Lan: I’m fine, thanks. And you?
(4) Ba: Fine, thanks.
(5) Ba: Hi, Lan.
- The correct answer:
(5) - (2) - (1) - (3) - (4)
- The structure of asking how people
are and the way of answering:
How are you?
I’m fine, thanks. And you?
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Lesson Plan - English 6 School year
2007 - 2008
Action 2:
 Teacher: Writes down on the black board
the cardinal number from 6 to 10:
6: Six
8: Eight
9: Nine
10: Ten
Read these numbers one
by one then ask students

repeat after in chorus.
 Students: Listen and repeat after teacher
then write down on the note book.
 Teacher: Calls some students to read again.
 Students: Read the cardinal number again.
 Teacher: Guides students to play the game
“Matching” with the cardinal numbers above.
 Students: Play the game follow teacher’s
Introduce new linguistic data:
Cardinal number from 6 to 10.
6: Six
7: Seven
8: Eight
9: Nine
10: Ten
The game “Matching”
Ten 6
Seven 8
Six 10
Nine 7
Eight 9
Action 3:
 Teacher: Requires students to look at the
picture in page 12, section A6, and read out the
name of people in this picture.
 Students: Do as teacher’s requirement.
 Teacher: Requires students to practice in
pair of greeting and asking how people are (acting

as people in the picture). Ask some pairs to
practice before class.
 Students: Do as requirement.
 Teacher: Calls students to make comments,
give teacher’s remarks.
Practice in pair of greeting and asking
how people are.
 Student 1: Hello, Mr Hung.
 Student 2: Hello, Miss Hoa.
How are you?
 Student 1: I’m fine, thanks.
And you?
 Student 2: Fine, thanks.
4. Consolidation: (5 minutes)
 Teacher: Repeats the way of asking how people are and the way of answering. Then
read again the cardinal number from 6 to 10.
 Students: Listen and memorize.
5. Homework: (3 minutes)
- Asking how the other members in the family are.
- Count the members in the family and some objects in their house.
- Exercise A3;4 (Page 5 - Work book).
- Prepare the next lesson_Section B. Good morning (B1-6)
The 2
Period 4:
Teach :
_6a: ....../....../2007.

Unit 1: Greetings
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Lesson Plan - English 6 School year
2007 - 2008
Topic B:

good morning
(B1 - 6)
1. Knowledge:
- After finishing this lesson, students will be able to know the
way of saying good bye.
- Understand the way of using greeting words: Good
morning; Good afternoon; Good evening; Good night and Good
2. Skills:
Students will be able to get communicative competence with:
- Greeting people;
- Saying good bye;
3. Attitude:
- Students must have good attitude and to study seriously.
- To be fond of English study subject.
1. Language contents:
- Vocabulary: morning afternoon evening night children
eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen

- Structures: Good morning Good afternoon Good evevning
Good night Good bye
2. Teaching aids:
- Teacher : Students' book; lesson plan; tape; cassette player; black board.
- Students : Students' book; note book; workbook.
3. Teaching methodologies:
- Communicative method.
- Demonstration and guided practice.
1. Organization: Who is absent today? (1 minute)
- 6a : ......................................................
- 6b : ......................................................
- 6c : ......................................................
2. Check up: (4 minutes)
- Call students to make dialogue base on A5.
3. New lesson: (35 minutes)
Teacher and students’ activities Time Content
Warm up:
- How are you today, class?
Action 1:
Listen and repeat
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Lesson Plan - English 6 School year
2007 - 2008
 Teacher: Shows the pictures to present the
 Students: Look at the pictures and listen to

 Teacher: Gives new vocabulary.
 Students: Listen and repeat.
 Teacher: Lets students look at the pictures
to guess the meaning.
 Students: Guess the meaning and give out.
 Teacher: Lets students listen to the tape and
repeat. Notice the stress and intonation.
 Students: Listen and memorize.
 Teacher: Explains quickly the different
between “Hello/ Hi” with “Good morning/ good
afternoon/ good evening”.
 Students: Listen and memorize.
 Teacher: Calls students one by one to
repeat, corrects mistakes if necessary.
- Good morning.
- Good afternoon.
- Good evening.
- Good night.
- Good bye.
- Bye.
Action 2:
 Teacher: Lets students see the sentence
below each picture then give the difference of
these sentences.
 Students: See the sentences then give the
- 1
picture : In the morning.

- 2
picture: In the afternoon.
- 3
picture: In the evening.
- 4
picture: At night.
 Teacher: Lets students practice greeting
each other in pairs or groups base on the pictures
 Students: Work in pairs/ groups.
 Teacher: Gives the different situations to let
students work then calls students to work and
corrects mistakes.
Practice with a partner:
Good morning Good afternoon
Good evening Good night
Action 3:
 Teacher: Shows the picture to present the
situation and the character in this dialogue.
 Students: Look at the picture and listen.
 Teacher: Gives new vocabulary of this
dialogue. Lets students look at the picture to guess
the meaning.
 Teacher: Lets students listen to the dialogue

Listen and repeat:
a. Dialogue 1:
- Miss Hoa: ................................
- Children: ...................................
- Children.
- We.
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